Petition to support Covax-19, Australian traditional low risk vaccine

Say it ain’t so. The Australian government appears to putting roadblocks in the way of an Australian vaccine. Does Scott Morrison and the TGA serve Australians or Pfizer?

” COVAX-19 is the first recombinant protein COVID-19 vaccine to be authorised anywhere in the world, beating Novavax to this key milestone. * “

Sign this Australian petition to support Covax-19

The TGA should be abolished if it serves foreign corporate interests. That’s Scott Morrison’s call.

Even if you don’t want a vaccine at all, it’s in all our interests to develop local medical suppliers, real competition, and to give free citizens a free choice.

* * *

We call on the Australian Federal Government to provide all necessary support to Vaxine Pty Ltd to allow them to bring their Australian developed protein-based vaccine, COVAX-19, back to Australia. We draw your attention to the reasons why the Australian Government should support COVAX-19 vaccine: * COVAX-19 is the first recombinant protein COVID-19 vaccine to be authorised anywhere in the world, beating Novavax to this key milestone. * COVAX-19 has been developed on a more familiar, well-characterised platform – this addresses community apprehension regarding the unknown long-term safety of the mRNA and adenovirus vector vaccines. * COVAX-19 vaccine was developed by Australians, for the benefit of Australians – Australians should be entitled to now have access to it. * COVAX-19 has the potential to draw international attention to the capabilities of Australian science and to generate significant export revenues, provided Vaxine Pty Ltd is not forced by the Government’s actions to move overseas. * COVAX-19 is the only completely new vaccine successfully developed in Australia in the last 40 years – a landmark achievement that the government needs to applaud rather than ignore. * COVAX-19 is the first COVID-19 vaccine developed in the Southern hemisphere to achieve market authorisation.

We therefore ask the House to act in the interests of Australians and provide the necessary financial support and advance purchase commitments to Vaxine Pty Ltd to ensure the availability of COVAX-19 in Australia.

Signature count at time of posting: 9596

9.5 out of 10 based on 103 ratings

173 comments to Petition to support Covax-19, Australian traditional low risk vaccine

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    Maybe, just maybe,

    We are all having our minds Raped………except it ain’t rape when you consent.


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      It is rape. We are being forced to let them do to us what they want with our bodies, with a sort of knife pushed against our throats, threatening us that we will be socially and culturally cancelled if we don’t let them thrust their thing inside our body.


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        Reasonable comment!


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        You consent to them thrusting that into your body, “socially and culturally”, go to the pub and watch the footy?
        I have a great deal of sympathy for those whom have had to do it to keep their families housed and fed, and a great deal of hate for those that forced them.

        Beer and footy don’t cut it.


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      When someone says that you must comply or they will ruin your life it’s rape.


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        They told me that if I don’t comply they will ruin my life, I figured to let them have a crack, see how they go!


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          A solicitor told me that in a court of law rape is classified as having something put inside your body without consent, and in regards to injections yes it definitely is rape if you do not consent either through force, blackmail or coercion.


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            They signed a consent form.


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              “They signed a consent form.”

              under duress MP, no Jab no Job

              some people are not as lucky as me but if l were in a position where l had to have the Jab to feed the family l would, luckily l am not
              l look at these people who have got the Jab for the family although they did not want too as hero’s for their family’s


              • #

                Seems you can’t follow a thread.
                You consent to them thrusting that into your body, “socially and culturally”, go to the pub and watch the footy?
                I have a great deal of sympathy for those whom have had to do it to keep their families housed and fed, and a great deal of hate for those that forced them.


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                LOL l apologise MP
                l have followed the thread but l was not able to follow what you were saying 😉


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    robert rosicka

    Not vaxxed yet but I would get this one if it was an option , if it works and is safe which appears to be the case the only problem left is does Pfizer approve of local competition?


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    Simon Thompson

    I signed- It exposes the “tall poppy syndrome”.
    TGA is not fit for purpose- remember Pan Pharama they allowed to go on.
    AHPRA is also not fit for purpose- they do not represent professional interests-
    they are just LARPing at regulating whilst ignoring gross medical negligence!


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      Agree about the TGA. They do not allow the full range of treatment for covid and many other things. Years ago an old style nurse/ qualified sister told me about the use of Condy’s crystals (potassium permanganate) for treatment of fungus between the toes. It worked well but early this year I needed some. The TGA had banned the use and stopped availablity at pharmacies and even banned it from school laboratories. The TGA is being bribed by the large pharma companies.


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        Fast Bowler

        Try a vet’s supply, I use CC to stop bleeding if I cut the dog’s nails too close to the quick resulting in a bleed. Stops it quick!


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    Peter C

    TGA is slow walking all alternative vaccines, including Novovax.


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      Please be aware that the Novovax may not contain the mRNA or spike proteins, but it still contains nano-particles

      [ Reference for nano particles claim? – LVA]


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      Its more I suspect its because not an mRNA ” hers one we prepared earlier 5 years earlier” vax.

      Maybe worth musing over why.


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        Yes, it has crossed my mind but it’s more likely as they were conducting gain of function research with the virus they were also preparing vaccines just in case. It’s prudent to do so obviously. Then the pandemic happened, either accidentally or deliberately – we might never know which.


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        If quite a number of harmaceutical companies are working independently on a vaccine for a novel virus, and manage to develop, test and market a vaccine in less than 12 months, claiming very high ‘efficacies’, I would say this is too good to be true. And how Big Harma was able flood the market with this new product so quickly, also seems incredible, purely from a manufacturing and logistical perspective.
        Maybe the Wuhan lab started working under contract to develop a suitable virus for testing the mRNA technology sometime in 2015 once gain of function research was curtailed in the USA. It is not the first time that these companies have discovered a new disease to provide an outlet for a newly developed drug.


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    I wish I could sign the petition and support you but alas I am too far north of the equator. I hope it is successful in allowing Covax-19 to progress as it is of international importance that we have a proper safe vaccine.


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      I understand your frustration.
      There’s a petition underway where you are that we can’t add our signature to. It’s one to the UK Govt and Parliament on whether to keep the 2050 “Net Zero” target. It is posted by Niall Warren. At the moment it has 20,469 signatures. The petition passed the first milestone of 10,000 so it did get mentioned in parliament and it received a wish-washy response, but it needs 100,000 before it actually gets debated. If we could I’m sure there’s plenty of us Aussies would like to bolster the numbers.
      Signatures are only dribbling in at a rate that I doubt the target will be reached before the petition is closed on 27 April 27 2022.
      On the other hand that is a fair bit of time to turn it around.



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    Ian Hill

    Glad to see this. I’ve signed it.


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    Happy to sign,

    However can any one please tell me what happened to wattsupwiththat ??????????


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    David Maddison

    If you are on a clinical trial for Covax-19 or the other Australian vaccine InGeneIC, the government regards you as unvaxxed. Under Australia’s compulsory vaccination laws you will be unable to work, trade, participate in life and as an unvaxxed untermensch in Vicdanistan, you will not even be able to get a haircut.


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      We once lived in a country. Now, it’s just a bunch of fiefdoms run by ‘health’ bureaucrats for their own self-aggrandizement, not for the people.


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        “We once lived in a country. Now, it’s just a bunch of fiefdoms run by ‘health’ bureaucrats for their own self-aggrandizement, not for the people.”

        You got that right.


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        David Maddison

        Australia is in serious decline, well on the way to Second World status* such as Venuzuala, Brazil or Agentina.

        It all happened because conservatives and other rational thinkers remained silent while the Left took their “long march through the institutions” (ref. Rudi Dutschke).

        *I am using the modern definition of Second World, not the Cold War definition.


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          Where LNP is the government, people who keep voting for them will continue to hope things will change for the better but they won’t because modern day conservatives are clueless, and where ALP is in government people will continue to vote for them hoping things don’t change because modern day leftists are clueless too. We lose either way. Even if the government switches from LNP/ALP to ALP/LNP things will continue to decline as they have been. Again, we lose. Everyone got the picture or do they need actual pictures?


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        I don’t know about other states, but I suspect in Vic, Sutton is just rubber stamping whatever the ccps Vic representative andrews is telling him.
        How on earth could you possibly justify the huge increase in suicides and depression, police bashing grannies, arresting pregnant women in their homes, shooting protesters with projectiles that can dent cars, etc, etc All done under the guise of ‘Health’ orders lol.


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      Hi David,

      I’m in the Covax-19 trial, and actually managed to get my Doctor to sign an exemption certificate for the existing clot shots !

      No one was more surprised than me. I believe that the Sth Australian Govt has removed the exemption from its health directives, but Queensland still allows the exemption ( today…could change at any moment depending on how the premier and new CHO feel on waking ).

      My exemption allows me to go where others fear ( unvaxxed that is ), but not hospitals or aged care facilities.

      If you look up the Queensland health directives for Covid, they list the possible exemptions that exist and at present, you can get an exemption on medical contraindication grounds or if you are in a Covid vaccine trial. How long the exemption remains probably depends on the number who apply for it.

      The Sth Australian Govt used that as the excuse to remove their exemption. ” Too many applying for exemption ” from what I understand. It does beg the question of course, if you prevent people from being in a trial, how do you trial new and possibly very effective and safe vaccines ? Which is exactly what they want to achieve in my opinion…Big Pharma or nothing !

      Which brings me back to the secret contracts signed by our idiot politicians that has seen antiviral drugs that work banned and now vaccine trials are being looked at long and hard…they apparently don’t want anything better to come along that actually works !!!


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        David Maddison

        Thanks Glenn. I was aware SA has removed the clinical trial exemption and I have a friend on the InGeneIC trial, the professor of which is struggling to get exemptions for the trial participants (In Vicdanistan). Like Covax-19, InGeneIC is Australian and designed with patient safety as the utmost concern.

        It is disturbing but not surprising that Australia has restricted both its vaccine options plus its other treatment options. Its science by decree, not through an open and honest exchange of ideas and fully consistent with the ideas of the Leftists embedded in the Government and professions who are terrified of new or alternative ideas.


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        I think its simpler than they…they just want everyone jabbed with the mRNA jabs.

        Why? We know about what its doing to people, but yet…..

        Its not about choice or freedoms, its about whatever agenda the globalist lackies ( health fiefdom enforcers ) have been told to carry out.

        There appears to be a hard timetable, and when you see them almost literally going into every nook and cranny of australia with a religious-like zeal, imposing crushing fines to force compliance, you have to seriously wonder what its *really* all about.


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          Exactly Steve…what is really going on. I think you are very close to the truth !


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          Rudolph the red-eyed reindeer,
          got a biometric code.

          Now when you go and scan him,
          you can see his retinas glow.


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          You hit the nail right on the head. Excellent post.


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          Personally I believe that the only people attracted to those type of jobs would be people who enjoy power over others. There is this type of personality who likes to kiss up and punch down, and they fit rigidly into any type of social hierarchy … which does often manifest as a bully, or else one of those “holier than thou” religious folk.

          Lack of compliance enrages those people … they simply hate the idea that ordinary individuals can think for themselves … it may well also be that some central force is harnessing this for even worse ends, but if you pick up a history book, people have been getting dominance over each other since the dawn of time. Expecting more of the same would be completely logical. Price of freedom, eternal vigilance, you know the deal.

          As for the hard timetable, the UN released Agenda 2021 and then later Agenda 2030 … I tried reading those and could only make sense of less than half of it. Either they enjoy filling these documents with committee-talk gibberish or else there’s a cunning hidden text in there somewhere but you can imagine a lot of things if you try hard. I presume those documents were produced for a reason, therefore those two dates 2021 and 2030 must me important to someone.


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      Mantaray Yunupingu

      David. The comparisons between Adolf’s Germany and the Covid19 vax sutuation is not apt. Thus the use of the term “Untermensch” (subhumans) is also incorrect.

      Facts are that any unvaxed Aussie can join the “privileged” masses by getting vaxed, whereas the Jews and gypsies etc could NOT escape the label untermensch no matter what they did.

      The aim in Germany was to eradicate a smallish % of people who’d been scapegoated as the cause of Germany’s problems. In Australia, however, the aim is the eradication of THE VAST MAJORITY of the population. The currently vaxed are already on the trains to Auschwitz, Buchenwald etc, while the currently unvaxed are bei9ng co-erced to join them, rather than to be excluded (permanently)from them. Always keep this clearly in mind.

      Why this matters is that by adopting the attitude that the “unvaxed are being treated badly” it’s easy to forget that everyone else is being treated badly too. It is NOT us and them at all.


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        Video Of Swedish Company’s Covid Passport Microchips, Implanted In Hands, Goes Viral

        Swedish Company Implants Covid Passport Microchips in Hands

        A Swedish company is making headlines by calling to mind a nightmarish image for Christians around the world.

        A video from the South China Post went viral Friday for showing the microchip technology recently introduced by the Stockholm-based startup, Epicenter. The company’s “chief disruptor” Hannes Sjoblad demonstrated how their product, the size of a grain of rice, has been adapted as a Covid passport, implanted under the skin in the arm or hand.

        Sjoblad said the company developed the tech for other purposes, but quickly realized it had potential for use as a kind of Covid passport, storing data about vaccine status that can then be read by any device using the near-field communication (NFC) protocol.

        “Implants are a very versatile technology that can be used for many different things,” he said, adding, “Right now it’s very convenient to have Covid passports always accessible on your implant.”

        According to the U.K. outlet Metro, his chip is already being used by about 6000 people in Sweden, who also use them to store their financial information, enabling them to buy goods with the swipe of a hand.

        For Christians, the description of the microchip immediately called to mind the Apostle John’s prophecies in Revelation 13:15-17:


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      David it is my understanding that you can get an exemption in WA and Qld from being vaxed if you were in a trial. This was also the case in SA until very recently when they changed the criteria, because too many people were signing up for the trial to escape vaccination. As to Victoria and NSW the situation is unclear.


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    Just signed. After reading Jo’s previous post is anyone surprised that OUR government is not supporting this Australian development? Is the deal with Pfizer so strong that the Government’s hands are tied? I for one would be much happier with a traditional vaccine of this type rather than the mRNA vaccines that we have been forced to use and which are now showing such poor results agains re-infection by the omicron variant.

    Thanks again, Jo, for advising us of this petition.


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    Signed to help highlight how our health authorities are fully captured by big Pharma.

    But I still won’t get the shot even if it is approved

    Omicron,? Bring it on!


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      David Maddison

      The Left, Government and Big Pharma are TERRIFIED that the Omoronic strain, essentially a self-spreading vaccine, might be the end of pandemic.

      That removes their excuse for further lockups or other totalitarian controls.

      Then the question is what excuse will they use next? Climate lock ups have already been suggested. Stay at home so you don’t use fuel traveling.

      As a recent Nature journal piece notes, COVID-19 lockdowns have prepared people for “personal carbon allowances.” Restrictions on individual freedoms “that were unthinkable only one year before” have us “more prepared to accept the tracking and limitations” to “achieve a safer climate,” the piece notes.


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        Nah…they have so far created a huge amount of theatre convincing enough people to get the sheeple lined up to have a metre long cotton bud shoved up thier nose, and dob in people who refuse to wear face nappies.

        They regularly use the MSM to create mass delusion and manipulate the population. Its theatre worthy of a permanent jail cell after a covid nuremberg trial.

        My guess is that they will release an all new bug. G**tes has already suggested smallpox released at 10 airports at once. Smallpox itself is more a skin disease, but looks scary, which is what they want. It will be this as the excuse to administer the 48hr knockdown to ensure the job us done.

        Ive read thier writings….


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          They regularly use the MSM to create mass delusion and manipulate the population. Its theatre worthy of a permanent jail cell after a covid nuremberg trial.

          Usual suspects in media revert to type with emergence of Omicron

          Chris Mitchell

          Covid-19 has been a blessing for much of the media, coming after global tech giants took most of the ad revenue that used to sustain the expensive business of journalism.

          Here was a story that almost covered itself, and which readers and viewers lapped up, boosting paid online subscriptions. With newsrooms largely closed during lockdowns, journalists could cover big slabs of the story from home. The politicisation of the pandemic lent itself to lots of culture war opinion writing to drive traffic to websites.

          Admittedly at its height during the first wave last year and during last winter’s Delta wave in Sydney and Melbourne, daily press briefings by Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and then NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian were well attended by real reporters rather than Zoom callers. What easy content those daily briefings were for news television.

          Now, just as it seemed newsrooms were opening up and news consumers could expect a bit more variety in their news diets, along comes the Omicron variant. The usual suspects wasted no time ramping up the virus threat.

          Last Wednesday, as NSW case numbers blew out to 1360, the electronic media and newspaper websites threw caution and experience to the wind to pump up modelling released by NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard showing NSW could have 25,000 cases a day by the end of January.

          Never mind all the overblown modelling that had fallen flat over the previous 20 months. Modern media consumers no longer punish news sources that publish material that turns out to be hopelessly wrong. Remember 2020s predictions of 100,000 deaths in Australia by The Australian Financial Review (March 5, 2020) and up to 150,000 deaths by The Sydney Morning Herald (March 16, 2020). The actual number two years in is 2072, fewer than two bad flu seasons.

          Worst – as usual – with the Omicron scare last week was ABC radio, the news equivalent of the old afternoon tabloids that used to beat police and courts stories to within an inch of their lives. The World Today on Wednesday devoted its entire 25 minutes and 11 seconds to Omicron, vaccination research, easing of Covid border restrictions and increasing UK restrictions as Omicron hit London. To be fair to Aunty, at least health editor Norman Swan was more cautious on 7.30 the previous night, accepting Omicron is likely to be less severe than previous variants.


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        Graeme No.3

        My impression is that many people would be happy for “life to return to normal” although I fear that various bureaucrats have other ideas.
        Perhaps I move in the wrong areas but I think that the “climate emergency” isn’t a viable excuse as too many people have lived with the predictions of doom without them happening, and even most some of our politicians know that it is a minority belief.


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          Mantaray Yunupingu

          Graeme No3. It’s very difficult to divine the “opinion of the masses”.

          In Sydney the panic-stricken hysterics are supposed to be over-running very testing centre for miles around. Meanwhile in that same Sydney, up at the local huge shopping centre, I see about 60% not wearing masks = are NOt worried.

          Could it be that the media is lying about the masses of paranoid hypochondriacs lining u to get 2 weeks home detention? Yeap.


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        How Omicron and delayed test results mean Christmas will be CANCELLED for thousands of Australian families – as health chiefs admit they have NO IDEA how many cases of new variant are in the community

        . Thousands of families across Australia will be spending Christmas in isolation
        . Record daily Covid case numbers are being fuelled the spread Omicron strain
        . Long waits are being seen for testing results, ruining holidays plans for many
        . While hospital admissions are steady, Australia is experiencing record cases
        . NSW Health has admitted it has no clue how many Omicron cases there are
        . A new report from UK scientists has claimed the variant is ‘no milder’ than Delta
        . It is thought to be up to five times more likely to re-infect and is more contagious

        Health officials in NSW have even admitted they have no clue how many cases of the highly-infectious mutant strain are active in the state because it’s too expensive and time consuming to test for – but that there are likely thousands.

        But the amount of Omicron seeping throughout NSW in particularly looks likely to become a mystery after a controversial announcement was buried by health officials.

        In a series of daily tweets, NSW Health revealed it is now longer testing Covid patients for the Omicron variant unless ‘clinically relevant’ – and it’s left officials with no idea how many cases of the strain are now in the state.

        In a series of Tweets on Sunday, NSW Health said while Omicron likely accounts for ‘the majority’ of the state’s recent record Covid cases, they don’t have the resources to test every case for the strain.

        Only 313 Omicron cases have been recorded in the state – an official figure that’s now seemingly meaningless.

        Despite the rise in cases NSW’s high vaccination rate, above 95 per cent, has seen the state’s hospital system cope well with the growing outbreak.

        There are 227 Covid patients in NSW hospitals, 28 of which are in ICU and ten require ventilation.

        Mr Perrottet is confident no more restrictions are needed as long as admissions to ICU remain low.


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          I predicted a new wave of infections in Jan, as its 4 months after we got to 50% vaxxed in Spet 2021.

          Once the booster get going, it will be 4 months after the boosters start we will see the following infections wave.

          Interstingly, if you look at Israel currently, its numbers appear to be about to trend up again. Its last major booster push was mid Auguest, which means its due for the next wave by end of December.

          UK had its booster push early November, which means next big wave due on March 2022.
          I notice the UK cases are going vertical again….


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            Apologies – my date for the UK boosters start was incorrect – the start of covid boosters ( i.e. covid booster No. #1) in the UK was approx 15/09/2021.

            So this puts the expected start of the next wave of vaccine-driven infections at 15/12/2021 – 15/01/2021, so we are potentially within the 3-4 month window. i.e. next wave start date = booster date + 3-4 months.

            This potentially means if they time the boosters right, at best people will have is a 2 month moment of “freedom”.

            One wonders if its timed to wear people down…..?


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          Mr Perrottet is confident no more restrictions are needed as long as admissions to ICU remain low.

          It’s only thanks to NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet that we’re still able to look forward to a decent Christmas, writes Tony Abbott.

          Tony Abbott: If hospitals cope, there is no need to worry about Covid

          But for Perrottet, all overseas arrivals would still be stuck in two weeks quarantine; but for him, we’d still be forced to wear masks at all indoor venues; and but for him, we’d still dutifully be checking-in everywhere we went.

          In other words, but for the new premier’s instinct for freedom, and his example with reluctant interstate counterparts, we’d still be living in a health-policed state where everything is subordinated to the over-riding goal of minimising Covid cases and where everyone is expected to conform to surveillance utterly unprecedented in free countries.

          It’s not just the president of the AMA and sundry learned epidemiologists urging him “better to be safe than sorry” but his own health establishment.

          Even though, on the evidence so far, while Omicron is much more infectious it’s also much less dangerous than all the previous versions.

          If we cannot cope with Covid now, we never will. That’s why it’s vital that the Premier hold his nerve.

          If not, I fear we are doomed to an ongoing cycle of openings and closings dependent on the

          mutations of a virus that can make us quite ill, but at least with vaccination, is very unlikely to kill.

          A country that cannot bring itself to declare victory over a pandemic and get back to normal, once its hospitalisation and death rates resemble those of the standard seasonal flu, is a country where no one will ever again be able to plan anything with confidence; where weddings, funerals, holidays, business expansions, and even visits to elderly relatives become hostage to sudden restrictions based on official anxieties about the slightest pressure on the health system.

          Indeed, thanks to these unpredictable but repeated upheavals, people will be more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, suicide, and sheer loneliness and boredom, just so that governments can reassure voters that they’ve at least saved them from Covid.

          The worst feature of this pandemic has not been its impact on our health or our wealth but what it’s said about our attitudes. A fair case could be made for shuttering things up and for paying people not to go about their normal business until the very vulnerable were reasonably protected from a new contagion.

          But we’ve gone way beyond that. As a culture, what we’ve demonstrated over the past 20 months is not a predilection for safety-first but a near obsession with safety-only. And not just for encouraging anyone frightened of infection to take the best precautions available but a mania for forcing everyone, worried or not, to live as if in fear of a virus.

          Whether it’s mask mandates or school closures, the real message has been that “government is in charge”.

          That’s why Gladys Berejiklian at first; but now Perrottet even more so, has been such a gust of fresh air, with an innate understanding that people must get their lives back.

          As long as the hospitals can cope, and what have health officials been doing these last 20 months if not ensuring that, there really is no need for panic.


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            Will Gray

            The TGA website has ( last I looked)
            2072 covid19 deaths where 87% having one or more serious underlying health issues = 269 since the start.
            That’s not a pandemic
            Also the websites adverse vaccine events near 86,000 with 697 death’s, nine confirmed by the vaccine.
            Pcr test is 95% false labelling ” case’s as asymptomatic..
            Wake up Australia.


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      Lookey here! South Africa are to drop all contact tracing, quarantine etc because the Omicron variant has taken over and it’s no worse than a bad cold

      Yes, the scientists advising the government of South Africa – where Omicron is now the dominant strain – say tracing and quarantining the contacts of infected people is a waste of time.


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    Signed. It can’t be as dangerous as the big three.


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      Mass use will still lead to immune escape. It still carries that danger.


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        Maybe. Maybe not.

        “COVAX-19Ⓡ Vaccine: Completely blocks virus transmission to non-immune individuals”


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          As compared to the other emergency-approved vaccine candidates against SARS-COV-2 infection, the COVAX-19Ⓡ leads to lesser vaccine administration-related side effects due to the anti-inflammatory adjuvant present in the vaccine formulation. The anti-inflammatory adjuvant and synthetic viral spike protein elements in the vaccine formulation also indicate this vaccine candidate’s better safety margin and tolerability. Further, Nikolai Petrovsky expects the vaccine to be effective on new mutant strains of South Africa (Beta Variant), Brazil (Gamma Variant), and India (Delta Variant), with immunity lasting for at least two years.


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          Jo, even though this inoculation is safer because the spike protein it replicates lacks the ability to bind to the ACE2 receptor, it is not training the immune system to recognize the whole virus. Just the spike. The part where a coronavirus preferentially mutates. Immune escape is guaranteed. Mass use will accelerate this, just as it did with the failed mRNA and DNA/AVV products.

          (I have still signed the petition, as the TGA were wrong to stall this inoculation’s development. It can still be very useful if it is not mass used, and not used to prop up the quackzine passport system.)


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            Konrad, there is a big difference between vaccines that leak and ones that sterilize. That’s my point. If it does sterilize, then it’s far less of a selective problem. It’s the leaky vaccines that drive selection and evolution the fastest because the virus spreads readily through them.

            Mareks disease evolved with a leaky vaccine.


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    As always:



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    Simon Derricutt

    A question to ask is whether Covax-19 is a sterilising vaccine. Since it’s injected, I would not expect it to produce antibodies in the mucosal membranes, and thus like the other vaccines available at the moment would allow people to become infected (in the airways) and to infect others. Though Covax-19 looks to be safer than the mRNA vaccines, it thus won’t stop the pandemic – to do that we need a vaccine that produces antibodies in the airways and stops replication of the virus there, and that’s probably going to need a vaccine you sniff rather than inject.

    A non-sterilising vaccine also of course encourages the production of a mutation that evades the vaccine. It seems totally illogical to use such a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, unless of course you want to make things worse. Then again a lot of the actions during this pandemic don’t make sense unless the intention was to make things worse than they already were. For example it’s known that for 10-14 days after the injection people’s immune systems are depressed and they are more likely to catch the disease, and so as Omicron infections became obvious there’s also a drive to inject as many people as possible which will make them more susceptible over the Christmas period when they’ll likely be socialising much more than usual and are thus far more likely to encounter someone who’s infectious. Of course, those people who do catch it within 14 days of their booster shot will be defined as “unvaccinated” in the statistics, too, adding more fear for the general populace and an extra incentive to get that jab before they go out partying.

    I did see which might actually be a sterilising vaccine and thus end the pandemic. Might well have the same barriers to becoming authorised as the Covax-19 vaccine, though.


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    I’m yet to be convinced I need to be vaccinated with any COVID-19 vaccine. Anyone care to try to explain why we need to be vaccinated under the current climate?


  • #

    “The TGA should be abolished if it serves foreign corporate interests.”

    When corporate and government interest are indistinguishable.
    I once heard this as the main feature of fascism.
    The crimes against civil rights being the result of this feature.
    The primary difference between now and the last century is the trans national nature of corporate power.
    ‘Foreign’ may be anachronistic when talking government/corporate interaction.
    This is the the great fault line.
    National versus Global.
    As I’ve said before, very similar to the State vs. Nation conflict in the US Civil War.
    Likely to be as ugly.
    And if the Global identifiers win, they will construct a great moral excuse as did the winners in 1865.
    We can already see this in “the unvaccinated are keeping us from getting our freedoms restored.”
    Carnival politics.

    I just watched an old Sci-Fi … ‘Journey to the Seventh Planet’.
    “The year is 2001, the Earth now has a global government and men no longer engage in destructive conflict”.
    Well, it’s 2021 and no one has traveled in space since the early 70’s.
    And global governance is a dystopian nightmare.
    And Keith still lives (at least the last I heard).
    I wonder what his vax status is?


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      John, “keeping us from getting our freedoms restored” –

      In The Voice Of Jacinda, ie. Radio NZ, yesterday it was claimed the fearful [double whacked] were being “held hostage” by we who won’t participate in the GFC… Gobull Fasc!st Cull.

      I, for one, do NOT welcome our new medikill overlords.


      • #

        This is where the current group think is exposed as lunacy.

        If someone is vaccinated, they are protected from the virus carried by vaccinated or unvaccinated people.

        Therefore, lying by saying the unvaxxed are dangerous to them shows, its about political putative pursuit of vaccine refusers, not reason.

        We need to call this stupidity out


        • #

          Triple-Vaccinated Elizabeth Warren Tests Positive for Coronavirus with Mild Symptoms

          Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has tested positive with a “breakthrough case” of coronavirus after previously receiving two doses of the vaccine and a booster shot.

          In an announcement on Sunday, Warren said that she tests herself for the virus every week and currently only feels mild symptoms.

          “I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case,” Warren tweeted.


        • #

          We have been calling it out but our governments are not listening. There is only one thing left to do – don’t vote for them. A vote for either major party is a vote for more and more tyranny.


      • #

        after frightening and sad, LOL.
        What should should our ransom demands be?
        “Stop being morons” would be beyond their capacity.


  • #

    signed and interested

    count was 10649 at signing


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    Joao Martins

    If I was an Australian citizen I would also sign that petition.

    Toxoid vaccines are used for long (tetanus, diphteria,…) and their mode of action is wel studied. From the information that I got, Covavax principle is rather similar to that of a toxoid vaccine. It does not disrupt the immunity system, it does not introduce ACTIVE alien genetic material in the body cells: so, it is NOT a gene therapy and it conforms to the pre-covid definition of what is a vaccine.

    I have refused to have the mRNA drugs that were dispensed in my country, though I am old age and with several comorbidities. If Covavax was available in Portugal, most of my reasons to refuse would not apply to it, though I would sustain my decision.

    Why? Because given the characteristics of COVID-19 (respiratory viral disease; so, with a mode of transmission that enables its spreading quickly all over the world and becoming endemic everywhere at a low severity level), the proportion of serious clinical cases, and its case fatality rate, I conclude that a (= any) vaccine against this disease is useless.

    (By the way, I am a retired biologist with four decades of work in “field” microbiology (plant pathology) and with training and work in epidemiology; my reasoning about COVID-19 is based exclusivelly on published scientific evidence which was collected from the real population as any credible quantitative epidemiologic study should do: survey and establish the epidemic FACTS; I disregarded ALL PUBLICATIONS presenting data created with models, predictions, etc.).


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    It’s interesting to note that other protein subunit COVID-19 vaccines similar to Covax-19, such as Covovax (Novavax formulation), Razi Cov Pars, Medigen MVC-COV1901, ZF2001, CIGB-66, EpiVacCorona, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus, are approved for use in countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Russian, Turkmenistan, Iran, Taiwan, and Philippines, and have been for some time now. They all have been made available while clinical trials are still being conducted. In other words, although they all have been officially been approved in those countries, they are still undergoing trials at various stages. Interesting to note also that none of these approved vaccines are used in India. Instead they use other types including Covaxin, which is an inactivated whole virus type, which is also considered by some to be safer than Pfizer and AstraZenica.

    The same can be said about the approval of other types of vaccines (whole virus, DNA/RNA based and viral vector). Trials are still being conducted for all of them. Makes me doubt any COVID-19 vaccine is reasonably safe at this stage. I prefer to wait a few more years to see the longer term results of the trials and real-life experiences before I jump in and take my chances, by which time hopefully it will be over. So, I still see no need to take up any of the vaccines given I don’t personally know even one person who has died from the virus itself, yet I do know of one person I knew as a friend who died a week after taking Pfizer. Anecdotal evidence from various sources also are ringing too many alarm bells for my liking. Although too early to tell it’s possible Omicron could provide an effective and safe means of gaining natural immunity. If it turns out to be true then we can forget the vaccines in toto. Each to their own.


  • #

    Yep. Signed. However, I suspect that contractual agreement with Pfizer will make the government fight tooth & nail against approving Petrovsky’s vaccine.

    It is a travesty. A complete indictment of poor government. They panicked at the beginning of the pandemic & signed up to conditions that violate the rights of Australians to freedom of choice in their medical decisions. Greg Hunt may be retiring from politics, but this decision will follow him for the rest of his life.


    • #

      ” but this decision will…give him a WEF sinecure…for the rest of his life.”

      As with the rest of the “leaders” in the Western world, they all sold their country for 100pieces of silver. The international companies have become bigger than national Govts, and the results are to be expected if we persist with this failed experiment called democracy. Politicians will NEVER put voters before themselves, its the nature of the people who want to be elected.


    • #

      I have some sympathy toward Morrison’s decisions. As you know he was threatened with trade sanctions if Australia did not say the “right things” regarding climate action. Who has been pushing the vaccines and creating the fear? The media – the seven or eight people who control what we see or hear on the global scene, and I’m sure they all have shares in pharmaceuticals. They are the face of the those who want complete control , who say their goal is to ‘save’ the planet .

      I believe we are the Petri dish, an island nation situated far from the rest of the world and easily isolated. How far can we be pushed, because we are being pushed. What was Morrison threatened with? I think it was a total ban on trade. The withdrawal of all foreign monies and possibly an occupying army to secure their assets – water, power, farming , dairy processing, mining etc.
      If the ‘vaccinations” are intended to cull the herd then they seem to be succeeding. Every decision from the government is about power – carrots and sticks to wear done the populous. For us this is not about health or viruses, it’s about survival.


      • #

        Agreed, but all the population has to do us say “No”, and the gumint collapses.

        We the people hold the power, lest the gumint forget that……

        They hold power only by agreement of the population. If they throw thier weight around, they go.



  • #

    I understand this inoculation is safer than the existing products, as the spike protein is produced in controlled quantities outside the body, and the ability of the protein to bind to the ACE2 receptor has been eliminated.

    But …

    1. In terms of Original Antigenic Sin (now evident in data from the UK and Denmark), it carries similar risk. Again, this is only training the immune system against a small fragment of the virus. Immune escape is guaranteed.

    2. If immue escape is guaranteed, then these shots play into the constantly expiring jab passport system.

    3. If this product were to be supported it could only be in the context of limited use and the abolishment of the jab passport system.


    • #

      Good points. The other thing to remember as has been stated and explained a number of times before it that this whole pandemic issue is not about our health. It’s about governments acquiring more and more tyrannical power over us. The recent bill in Victoria is proof enough of that.

      Also, on the matter of the vaccines themselves, our government has ordered over 100 million doses of Pfizer. Also 25 million doses of Moderna. All this is on top of over 50 million doses of AstraZenec already acquired. Then over 50 million of Novavax will be acquired once approved. That’s some 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines. That’s enough for a shot every 6 months for the next few years. And we want more?


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    David Maddison

    Just as Australia has one of the world’s most fanatical commitments to the anthropogenic global warming fraud, so too do they have a fanatical commitment to covid management ONLY according to the instructions provided by the WHO and Big Pharma.

    This precludes any treatment or investigation of treatment with off-patent drugs such as certain anti-virals or even correction of basic micrro-nutrient deficiencies such as Vit D and zinc, or in this case alternative vaccines.

    The Australian Government politicians and bureaucrats are nothing but mindless drones, incapable of independent thought or action, ignorant and corrupt fools who don’t have the best interests of the country in their hearts (if they have hearts).


    • #

      Yet there are so many people who will keep voting for them (ALP or LNP depending on whether it’s state or federal) expecting things not get any worse each time. As has been stated a number of times, that one good definition of insanity.


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      “incapable of independent thought or action, ignorant and corrupt fools who don’t have the best interests of the country in their hearts”

      Yes, all governments have drifted too far towards the left, especially the once was Liberal (conservative) party.

      Another facet of life where the people have been denied a choice, because the Liberals offerings are not much different from Labor/Green.


      • #

        We do have a choice but the problem is we in general do not bother to think it all through what the choices are and how we could turn things around. Too much thinking power required for most so it won’t happen. Passive resistance on a grand scale would be nice too but that failed miserable, much for the same reason.


  • #

    The TGA should be abolished and Scott Morrison sacked if they serve foreign corporate interests.

    Just correcting the obvious mistake 😊


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    David Maddison

    I can’t find the reference now but I read that under the contracts, even if alternative treatments or vaccines are developed or even if the pandemic disappears, there is still an obligation to fulfil the contract and make all payments.

    I’m not defending them but that is not entirely unreasonable for any type of contract, otherwise what’s the point of a contract, but there should have been a “get out” clause.


  • #

    Related thoughts for discussion:

    A brand new medRxiv pre-print study entitled: “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses” has graced our world. This paper is so important and it provides evidence to support what many prominent immunologists and vaccinologists have been saying for a long time, including myself. These COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are causing, yes, causing, immune system dysregulation – and not just in the context of the adaptive system, but in the context of the innate system. Not only that, but these findings provide very good reasons as to why we are seeing resurgences of latent viral infections and other adverse events reported in VAERS (and other adverse event reporting systems) and perhaps more importantly, why we should under no circumstances inject this crap into our children.

    – Jessica Rose

    The bully doesn’t want the victim to do X, Y, and Z for their own sake. He wants to establish the principle that the victim will do X, Y, Z, or A, B, or C, on demand. That’s why arbitrary, unreasonable, ever-shifting demands are characteristic of an abusive relationship. The more irrational the demand, the better. The controllers find it satisfying to see everyone dutifully wearing their masks. As with O’Brien, it is power, not actual public safety, that inspires them. That is why they roundly ignore science casting doubt on masks, lockdowns, and social distancing. Effectiveness was never the root motivation for those policies to begin with.

    I learned about this too in school. In the senseless, degrading busy work and the arbitrary rules, I detected a hidden curriculum: a curriculum of submission.3 The principal issued a series of trivial rules under the pretext of “maintaining a positive learning environment.” Neither the students nor the administration actually believed that wearing hats or chewing gum impeded learning, but that didn’t matter. Punishments were not actually for the infraction itself; the real infraction was disobedience. That is the chief crime in a dominance/submission relationship. Thus, when German police patrol the square with meter sticks to enforce social distancing, no one need believe that the enforcement will actually stop anyone from getting sick. The offense they are patrolling against is disobedience. Disobedience is indeed offensive to the abusive party, and to anyone who fully accepts a submissive role in relation to it. When “Karens” report on their neighbors for having more than the permitted number of guests, is it a civic-minded desire to slow the spread that motivates them? Or are they offended that someone is breaking the rules?

    – Charles Eisenstein


    “Or are they offended that someone is breaking the rules?”

    Firstly offence cannot be given; only TAKEN.

    Secondly: This sort of behaviour is NEVER about being “offended” by the “rule breaking”, but the toxic desire to ensure that NOBODY else is trying to live like a free human.

    Or, as H. L. Mencken put it:

    “Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”


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    David Maddison

    The Government is fanatically committed to the Big Pharma vaccines and gives no support to the Aussie vaccines designed with patient safety in mind and yet we have this new Medicare (Australia) item:

    From 1 January 2022, a new item (63399) is being listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assist in diagnosing myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.


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    Mark Allinson

    Sorry, there is no way I will waste one second of my life signing this petition.

    Those who believe the petition could possibly have ANY effect on the authorities are admitting that have not yet grasped what is actually going down all over the world.

    The governments of the various nations of the world will NOT allow HQL nor Ivermectin, nor any of the other viable treatment options, nor do they give ANY advice on how to strengthen one’s immune system through diet, exercise and supplements, and yet signers of this petition believe they can convince the authorities to switch to a safer, home-made vaccine, and yet so many folks still believe this is a health issue.


    And I do not believe the authorities are limiting treatment options MERELY to protect lucrative contracts with Big Pharma – the idea that this is all merely a huge money-making enterprise is shallow and mistakes a surface for the depth.

    The assumption behind the petition is that governments are actually concerned with the health of the people, and if only they could overcome their greed and short-sightedness in favouring Big Pharma they would make the obvious rational choice and approve the Covax vaccine.

    Please remember that this virus has killed less than one third of the people we lost here in Australia just a few years back to a bad flu, and to shut the country down, wreck people’s lives while destroying the travel industry and many other businesses because of this weaker virus means that IT IS NOT ABOUT THE VIRUS.

    This is an utterly pointless exercise with absolutely no chance of attention, let alone success.


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      Yes, Mark agree. I doubt whether anyone of any substance in the Australian government would take any notice of them. They are probably of nuisance value only. For me its about as useful as fronting up to your GP and telling them about Ivermectin. The blindest people are the ones who will not see (or forced not to see).


    • #

      I’m not going to just give in.
      If a good number of us stir up some news then a few more will begin to look. If they look they will see. The alternative is not good.


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        Mark Allinson

        There is absolutely no way I am ever giving up, FarmerDoug2.

        But I am not going to waste my time and energy pretending that the authorities will be swayed by a petition in the name of medicine and sanity when they have proven quite clearly over the past two years that they have absolute no interest in either.


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    David Maddison

    As the Romans would have said, cui bono (to whose benefit?).

    Recently someone on this blog posted some interesting associations between various Australian health officials, politicians and Big Pharma and the UN.


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      I you get a chance, watch the series “Dopesick” which is presently on Disney. Great drama and depressingly all based on fact. There are certain parallels with the development and marketing of Oxycontin by Purdue and the present situation with Pfizer and vaccines. In fact I was amazed the program wasn’t pulled because it shows how useless the FDA in the USA is.


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    Alistair Crooks

    I will, in all probability, sign the petition but – and a big but – I just wonder about whether it really is a good idea. I have just finished reading Robert Kennedy’s Book “The Real Anthony Fauci” (my Quadrant Online book review here … The Real Dr Fauci ) and I am left wondering if Petrovsky isn’t really just another part of the vax lobby that Kennedy puts so eloquently to the sword with disturbing fact after disturbing fact – but maybe just one who is on the outer and not as deep into the vax trough. What has he to say about ivermectin hydrochloroquine and various other non vaccine therapies like vitamin D and Zinc. Its the old story – hang around with thieves, get hung with the thieves.
    I am reminded that our loyal and faithful CSIRO were heavily linked into the actual creation of the Covid virus. Can we really trust a health professional just because he is Australian? He certainly comes across well.


    • #

      Petrovsky is unfortunately compromised because his salary is primarily govt funded. Also, he has to attract research funds and so anyone who goes against the narrative finds very quickly their sources of money quickly evaporate.


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    Kalm Keith



    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Having just read the excellent comments above by Mark and Alistair I’m now reassessing what I’ve done.


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        Peter C

        Can it be undone? I think not.

        “The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
        Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
        Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
        Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

        However, despite the objections raised by others here, I still think the petition is ok.
        I probably won’t take this vaccine, even if it makes it through regulatory approval, but it should be on the list as approved because it is likely less harmful than the others that we have now.


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    Old Goat

    I have signed and kicked in for the fund me campaign . I also agree with the points made above that until the bans on ivermectin and HCQ and other therapeutics and the vaccine mandate are removed we are still in trouble . As David said “Cui Bono”.


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    David Maddison

    As I write this, the petition signatory count is a depressingly low 11373.

    Please sign and encourage everyone you know to do so.


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    David Maddison

    Whether you think this vaccine is good or not and whether you intend to get vaxxed or not, please sign.

    The purpose of signing is that we can have a free choice to get vaxxed or not, and what with.

    It is not about this particular vax, ultimately it is about offering a free choice in what used to be the relatively free society of Australia.


  • #

    Up to August 2021, the US Federal Government’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), defined the terms vaccination and vaccine as follows:

    VACCINE: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.

    VACCINATION: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

    On September 1, this year, the CDC nuanced these definitions:

    VACCINE: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.

    As regards our own Aussie Covax-19, The reprobating response from our Therapeutic Goods Administration, (TGA), to this unique treatment is appalling. I’ll sign the petition in the hope that it ads to the ‘dose of salts’ required to get the TGA’s mean streak flushed away.

    But back to those definitions of vaccine: Does the Aussie Covax-19 qualify to the old or the nuanced definitions? As far as the nuanced definition goes, Vitamin D3, Zinc and Vitamin C would qualify as a vaccine.


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    I wonder if the Australian government will take any notice.

    The scientists advising the government of South Africa – where Omicron is now the dominant strain – say tracing and quarantining the contacts of infected people is a waste of time.


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      Contact tracing was always a waste of time once you got past a certain number of community wide infections. The numbers just get too big. This has been proven over and over again. It’s only viable early in a “pandemic” or a widespread public infection event. This was one of the WHO’s original recommendations from their Dec 2019 discussion paper. Any measure of a non pharmaceutical nature either had either little scientific support, ineffective or was thought too disruptive to public life.


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    David Maddison

    Proponents of the mRNA vaccines, which are compulsory in Australia, say that they are not hang up because “mRNA rapidly degrades in the body”. That is actually true for unaltered mRNA, but the mRNA in the vaxxes is altered and stabilised.

    E.g. See

    Theoretical basis for stabilizing messenger RNA through secondary structure design

    RNA hydrolysis presents problems in manufacturing, long-term storage, world-wide delivery, and in vivo stability of messenger RNA (mRNA)-based vaccines and therapeutics. A largely unexplored strategy to reduce mRNA hydrolysis is to redesign RNAs to form double-stranded regions, which are protected from in-line cleavage and enzymatic degradation, while coding for the same proteins. The amount of stabilization that this strategy can deliver and the most effective algorithmic approach to achieve stabilization remain poorly understood. Here, we present simple calculations for estimating RNA stability against hydrolysis, and a model that links the average unpaired probability of an mRNA, or AUP, to its overall hydrolysis rate. To characterize the stabilization achievable through structure design, we compare AUP optimization by conventional mRNA design methods to results from more computationally sophisticated algorithms and crowdsourcing through the OpenVaccine challenge on the Eterna platform. These computational tests were carried out on both model mRNAs and COVID-19 mRNA vaccine candidates. We find that rational design on Eterna and the more sophisticated algorithms lead to constructs with low AUP, which we term ‘superfolder’ mRNAs. These designs exhibit wide diversity of sequence and structure features that may be desirable for translation, biophysical size, and immunogenicity, and their folding is robust to temperature, choice of flanking untranslated regions, and changes in target protein sequence, as illustrated by rapid redesign of superfolder mRNAs for B.1.351, P.1, and B.1.1.7 variants of the prefusion-stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Increases in in vitro mRNA half-life by at least two-fold appear immediately achievable.


  • #

    Look at this! South Africa are to drop all contact tracing, quarantine etc because the Omicron variant has taken over and it’s no worse than a bad cold. Finally some sense by a government. Now if only the rest of the world would take notice

    The Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) on Covid-19 has written to Health Minister Joe Phaahla, recommending that the quarantining of contacts be stopped as it is no longer viable in the current social and economic climate.

    Furthermore, the committee said contact tracing was no longer necessary and should also be halted with immediate effect.

    “The inability of the current testing strategy to identify the bulk of cases is illustrated by the high SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity rates seen across multiple provinces in serosurveys, implying that only a fraction of cases (perhaps one in 10, or even less) are ever diagnosed.”

    “On an individual level, the consequences of prolonged quarantining include loss of income, loss of employment, and loss of schooling time. We propose that quarantining be discontinued with immediate effect for contacts of cases of Covid-19. This applies equally to vaccinated and non-vaccinated contacts. No testing for Covid-19 is required irrespective of the exposure risk, unless the contact becomes symptomatic. We further propose that contact tracing be stopped,” it said.


  • #

    “Does Scott Morrison and the TGA serve Australians or Pfizer?”

    Silly question.

    Whenever Australian politicians and officials have to choose between serving the Australian people and doing what the Americans want, they always make the same choice. They know what will happen to anyone who tries to make the right choice.


    • #

      I’d substitute Greg Hunt for Scott Morrison in your rhetorical question.

      Morrison always tries to be centrist in his dealings with any topic and is almost certainly following the advice of his health minister and the “experts” from the TGA, ATAGI et al.

      Greg Hunt is the full bore globalist whose portfolio affords him the time and resources to know what is really going on at all levels of the health system and also overseas. He was the no different in acting for globalists rather than Australians when he had the Energy and Environment portfolio. Hunt cannot retire soon enough.


      • #
        Fast Bowler

        Yes Hunt who was previously Head of Strategy at WEF before joining local politics. Meanwhile SLOMO’s brother is Deputy Chair at APHRA the body telling health professionals (doctors, nurses, medivac, medics (ambulances) et al) to not talk about treatments (IVM, HCQ et al) or else they get deregistered. Australia once free, lives in a state of Coercion. Can’t wait to get out but to where?


      • #

        Hunt, Morrison, they are all the same. They obey the US, and care nothing for Australians.


    • #


      Spoken language ( then written language) gave us human a tremendous leap forward over (other) animal species. Unfortunately we must, by our naychur, evolved to view our own survival as number one priority, act in self interest, (as living critters we just can’t help it.) Some admirable humans,(briefly) rise above this, Socrates who died for his principles, and problem oriented types like Dr John Snow, (Cholera) Florence Nightingale ( Germs ) and Norman Borlaug, ( Wheat yield). However, self interest is in our genes so we are fraught.In politicks, checks and balances are the only way to control those who (temporarily) have power over others. History shows bureaucrats, from the Eunuchs in China to Yes Minister in Britain, ( whatever political group in power) put their own interests above that of the cits they (supposedly) represent. Anyone( Utopianists) who suppose otherwise, have got it wr -o -ong.


  • #

    And this time the system worked and accepted my signature.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Here is a video about a Covid vaccine passport implant, i.e. a subcutaneously implanted microchip that indicates your covid vaccine status.

    Leftists would approve as the video is from the South China Morning Post which these days is just about a mouthpiece of the CCP.


  • #
    Fast Bowler

    It’s all pretty simple really. “our” federal government signed up solely for the AZ jab because of the pending new trade agreement with the UK. Then they concentrated on the Pfizer version of morbidity & mortality because of the US demands of the last two years around the establishment of AUKUS which should be renamed to AUSUK, pronounced oh-suck says it all really.


  • #
    Will Gray

    Jo I’ve messenger sent Kim Burgess work on TGA DEAN


  • #

    I never knew that we had a vaccine tradition in Australia.


    1.the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
    “members of different castes have by tradition been associated with specific occupations”
    a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.
    an artistic or literary method or style established by an artist, writer, or movement, and subsequently followed by others.
    “visionary works in the tradition of William Blake”

    a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures.


    • #

      Can someone see if a kindergarten has a child missing?


      • #

        Can someone see if a kindergarten has a child missing?

        That is a Description of Federal Govt Canberra and all Canberra Public Servants – no one is in the Office.


    • #
      Peter C

      I never knew that we had a vaccine tradition in Australia.

      Really Professor?

      I thought you knew a lot about Vaccines and their use in Australia.


  • #

    totally off topic, but very important.

    Manchin sinks Biden’s “Build Back Worse” 🙂 🙂 🙂


  • #

    I have taken a Covid vaccine…. I hope there won’t be any bad consequences in the future for the millions of people who took this.

    I can’t understand why they are pushing these vaccines for children.
    Our children have got all the available vaccines, but I highly doubt that we would sign up for these Pfizer vaccine if we still had young children.

    Study Design

    Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
    Estimated Enrollment : 11422 participants
    Allocation: Non-Randomized
    Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
    Masking: None (Open Label)
    Primary Purpose: Prevention
    Actual Study Start Date : March 24, 2021
    Estimated Primary Completion Date : May 5, 2026
    Estimated Study Completion Date : May 5, 2026

    Experimental: Low/Mid-Dose, ≥5 to <12 Years
    Low/Mid-Dose (10mcg), 2 doses 21 days apart

    Experimental: Mid-Dose, ≥5 to <12 Years
    Mid-Dose, (20mcg), 2 doses 21 days apart

    Experimental: High-Dose, ≥2 to <5 Years
    High-Dose, (30mcg), 2 doses 21 days apart

    – 'Sesame Street video: Granny Bird talks to Big Bird about why the Covid vaccine is important'
    Sanchia Pegley


    'Vaccines can be formulated ‘over and over again’: Moderna ready for new COVID variants' SMH


    When can we expect an official endorsement of a combination of different medecines that doctors can prescribe when someone is first diagnosed with Covid? There have been many suggestions.

    It would be great if the Covax-19 Australian vaccine would have the support of the Australian government.

    Millions of Pfizer booster shots locked in as government plans to continue vaccinations into 2023
    By political reporter Stephanie Borys ABC
    Posted Sun 25 Jul 2021
    "At this stage, our best advice is that mRNA and, in particular as well, protein vaccines would be the ideal candidates for a booster."


  • #
    John Connor II

    Just a quick refresher. Lies, damn lies and politicians.
    Backflip any more and they could replace solar.


  • #

    Supposedly Omicron is sidelining 2 of the 3 mono clonal antibodies used for covid19 treatment.


    • #

      Who cares. While not as damaging as the vaccines, the monoclonal antibody concoctions are another big money earner for pharmaceutical companies. Their adoption has been another excuse for the ban on repurposed drugs for early treatment and prophylaxis.


  • #


    Recently disclosed emails show how political hack Anthony Fauci was enlisted to bully scientific voices on the coronavirus into silence:

    New emails released by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request revealed that last year, outgoing National Institutes of Health Dir. Dr. Francis Collins instructed Dr. Anthony Fauci to carry out a “quick and devastating” takedown of The Great Barrington Declaration, a document authored by experts who advocated for herd immunity to stop the pandemic, and “focused protection” for the most vulnerable populations over universal lockdowns.

    With hindsight, the tens of thousands of medical professionals who signed the Great Barrington Declaration were plainly right, and Fauci and Collins were wrong.

    In an email to Fauci dated Oct. 8, 2020, Collins vilified the Great Barrington Declaration as the work of “three fringe epidemiologists” that “seems to be getting a lot of attention.”

    “There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises,” Collins told Fauci. “I don’t see anything like that online yet – is it underway?”

    This is what the Great Barrington Declaration said:


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    Peter C

    Message to Americans from the White House:

    We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right thing, and we will get through this.

    For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.


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      Peter C

      Who is in charge there?


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      I popped around to see a mate yesterday, and he said his 9-yr-old son has been tested and quarantined at home as the school had a big outbreak. I unthinkingly said “ah, so YOU”RE the one who will give us all Covid..”

      He looked so guilty and upset I immediately regretted saying it, but you can see how making people feel guilty is behind all this Govt propaganda.

      “For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. ”

      As it happened, the kid’s test came back positive, so I’m seeing if my Ivermectin works!


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    Petition now signed………………..


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    No longer called “Covax-19” it is now called Spikogen to sop it being mixed up with a Bill Gates thing.
    Mixing it up could also be a “RoadBlock”
    or watch this.


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    This link Starts that great interview video from the beginning.
    Professor Nikolai Petrovsky’s Breakthrough with the Australian TGA
    “Professor Nikolai Petrovsky invented SPIKOGEN (formerly called Covax-19) which has now rolled out to millions of people with zero deaths, zero cases of myo/pericarditis, and zero cases of thrombosis.”

    And here is what it should not be mixed up with.
