We’re throwing billions at Coronavirus but missing cheap wins.
After masks and soap, the next bargain to reduce the impact of coronavirus is Vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin D deficiency is so common it’s an epidemic affecting a billion people around the world. Ponder that half the population of many western nations are clinically deficient by the end of winter. Add that to a novel virus and consider that higher Vitamin D levels reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections like influenza by as much as 40%.
As Grant et al say:
“Low vitamin D status in winter permits viral epidemics.”
Vitamin D levels also correlate with lower rates of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, dental caries, preeclampsia, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Vitamin D influences over 200 genes. It’s so crucial, it was likely the reason northern Europeans evolved whiter skin. The lack of sunlight and the introduction of grains in diets (as opposed to eating liver and whales) meant that Europeans weren’t getting enough D from either food or sun. The selective pressure was so strong that lighter skin rapidly took over all the northern communities. Eskimos didn’t need to go white — they were still getting D from offal and plenty of fish.
Unlike most vitamins, D is also correlated with “that holy grail” — a reduction in all cause mortality. So even if a D supplement doesn’t help against coronavirus, side effects include less cancer and fewer heart attacks. Not too shabby for a five cent supplement.
The cost of one night in intensive care would provide vitamin D supplements for a month for 3,000 people.
Vitamin D or Cholecalciferol, is probably one of the main reasons that coughs and colds and death itself, almost always peak in winter when people have lower vitamin D levels. Of course, winter is also a happy-hour for most viruses because temperatures are cooler and people crowd indoors more.
Researchers Grant et al, put out a call for people to supplement with D during this pandemic, pointing out that this will reduce the incidence of the co-morbidities that are hit hardest by Coronavirus. They also point out that D reduces respiratory tract infections, and is actively involved in our own anti-viral defences in at least three different ways. Vitamin D induces cathelicidin and defensins (polypeptides that our immune system uses like surface-to-air missiles against bacteria or enveloped viruses). D also reduces production of proinflammatory cytokines (the messengers that elict the deadly cascade of inflammation).
Vitamin D inhibits cytokines and reduces lung injury and a deficiency contributes to ARDS:
...more and more evidence indicates that vitamin D is involved in regulating various cells of the innate and adaptive immune system [13]. Vitamin D has a broad role in regulating inflammatory responses in models of inflammations [14], [15], [16]. Vitamin D receptor knockout mice which were treated with LPS, displayed a more distinct inflammatory response than wildtype mice [17]. In addition, we previously demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency (VDD) contributed directly to the ARDS…
— Zheng et al (2020)
People with low levels of vitamin D are more than 2.5 times as much at risk of developing pneumonia than people with high vitamin D levels.
About half the population may be deficient
And that’s before they spend weeks sheltering-indoors.
Using serum 25(OH)D <50 nmol/L in the same surveys would translate to 44.9, 2.1, and 32.6 million individuals in Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom, respectively, having deficiency as defined by this threshold.
In the US 42% were found to be deficient, including 80% of blacks, 70% of hispanics. (Forrest et al 2011)
Deficiencies are more likely in older people which may also contribute to the demographics of Covid-19.
Obviously, deficiencies are much more likely in people with darker skins, especially in high latitude areas. If D were important in Covid cases, we’d expect to see a higher rate in blacks in higher latitude winter climates, and sadly that’s exactly what we see. It’s confounded by a squadron of factors but in Chicago, Blacks have four times the chance of dying from Covid-19 as whites do despite being a similar percentage of the population. Obviously poverty and co-morbidities increase the risk, but low Vitamin D also helps create the co-mobidities. h/t Bill in Oz
If D3 supplements reduced the risk of ARDS by even 10% it would be a bargain.
Lest you think this is just weak correlation, the bane of so many nutritional studies, there is not only a mechanism to explain why D might matter, but three:
Vitamin D Supplementation Could Prevent and Treat Influenza, Coronavirus, and Pneumonia Infections
Grant W.B. et al
Low vitamin D status in winter permits viral epidemics. During winter, people who do not take vitamin D supplements are likely to have low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations. Vitamin D can reduce the risk of viral epidemics and pandemics in several ways. First, higher 25(OH)D concentrations reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory tract infections (RTIs), diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Patients with chronic diseases have significantly higher risk of death from RTIs than otherwise healthy people. Second, vitamin D reduces risk of RTIs through three mechanisms: maintaining tight junctions, killing enveloped viruses through induction of cathelicidin and defensins, and reducing production of proinflammatory cytokines by the innate immune system, thereby reducing the risk of a cytokine storm leading to pneumonia. Observational and supplementation trials have reported higher 25(OH)D concentrations associated with reduced risk of dengue, hepatitis, herpesvirus, hepatitis B and C viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus infections, and pneumonia. Results of a community field trial reported herein indicated that 25(OH)D concentrations above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/l) vs. <20 ng/ml were associated with a 27% reduction in influenza-like illnesses. From the available evidence, we hypothesize that raising serum 25(OH)D concentrations through vitamin D supplementation could reduce the incidence, severity, and risk of death from influenza, pneumonia, and the current COVID-19 epidemic.
Vitamin D levels are also lower in people who have heart attacks, diabetes, pnumonia, and they’re low in China, Italy and South Korea:
More important, people with chronic diseases have lower 25(OH)D concentrations and increased
inflammation. A study in Triese, Italy, reported that patients with a mean age of 67 ± 12 years
who developed acute myocardial infarction had mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations in winter
of 11 ± 2 ng/ml [52]. A study conducted in Wenzhou, China (28°N), on diabetics and control
subjects aged 43 ± 11 years reported that diabetics had mean 25(OH)D concentration of 13 vs.
16 ng/ml for control subjects [53]. An observational study conducted in Qinhuangdao, China,
compared serum 25(OH)D concentrations for hospital patients with pneumonia vs. those without
[54]. Serum 25(OH)D concentrations for those with pneumonia were 9 ± 2 ng/ml, whereas those
for the nonpneumonia group were 14 ± 4 ng/ml, p = 0.000.
People with low Vitamin D levels are twice as likely to die:
Bluntly, blood levels of Vitamin D are associated with all cause mortality. Your odds of dying from just about anything, except maybe car accidents, are almost twice as high if your blood serum levels are in the lowest quantile (0-9ng/ml) compared to the top quantile (above 35ng/ml). Mortality levels off around 36ng/ml and higher (which is 90 nmol/l.)

Vitamin D and all cause mortality Garland et al 2014
In other studies, mortality rises again at the highest levels of D
The same pattern has been found in study after study:
Twenty-five studies identified a significant inverse relationship between 25(OH)D concentration and age-adjusted all-cause mortality hazard rates (Figure 2). In 5 studies,21,34,35,37,47 an inverse trend was present, but was not statistically significant. In 2 studies, 1 in the United States48 and 1 in Linxian, China,50 no association was seen. — Garland, 2014
Dose — 1000IU per day
A target range of 25(OH)D of greater than 30 ng/mL could be achieved in most individuals by intake of approximately 1000 IU per day of vitamin D3,12 which is one quarter the National Academy of Sciences–Institute of Medicine tolerable upper level of intake of 4000 IU per day at ages 9 years and older.69
Vitamin D levels in pregnant women affects a childs lungs six years later, brains ten years later and bones twenty years after they are born:
Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy affects offspring. In a community-based study of 901 mother and offspring pairs, researchers found that maternal vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D < 50 nmol/L) at 18 weeks’ pregnancy was associated with impaired lung development at age 6 in offspring, neurocognitive difficulties at age 10, increased risk of eating disorders in adolescence, and lower peak bone mass at age 20. [12, 13, 14]
Vin Tangpricha, M.D. PhD. Medscape (free but needs registration).
Vitamins mostly help people who are deficient (though as stated above, this is quite common with D). Any sole vitamin will have some downstream effect on other essential molecules which may be depleted.
The form D3 (cholecalciferol) is likely to help more than D2 (ergocalciferol). D3 is associated with a reduction in all cause mortality and a reduction of cancer risk, but D2 is not. High dose, longer term D supplements can cause deficiencies in other vitamins, like, Vitamin A. Ideally take Vitamin K as well (more on that at some other point). If you happen to supplement with boron beware that it may help bodies hang on to D3 levels for longer. There are, no doubt, a lot of other examples of complex interactions.
It is possible to have too much, but there is a big safety margin.
Ideally, we’d get a blood test to see if any supplement was needed, but it probably isn’t worth the risk in the current pandemic. Most of our Vitamin D comes from sun exposure, not from diet, though some people have lower levels due to genetic variations. Are you getting enough (and obviously, in Australia, not too much?) Most sunscreens will stop vitamin D production, and glass windows do too.
TILDA researchers in Ireland have put out a Covid and Vit D report recommending 400IU – 1000IU as a winter supplement or for high risk groups or housebound people. Ireland does not fortify foods with Vitamin D. Nor does China or South Korea.
If you want to eat your Vitamin D, head for Salmon, sardines, tuna, and Cod liver oil. Eggs, too. But it’s difficult to get enough D from your diet. You need something like 9 oz of salmon a day.
PS: Best not drive out to get your vitamin D. People can post it.
Other info: US National Institute of Health: Vitamin D and Covid-19
Abbreiviations: 25(OH)D is the best proxy for Vitamin D levels.
h/t to Sophocles. I’ve been meaning to write about D for ages.
Grant W.B. et al (2020) Vitamin D Supplementation Could Prevent and Treat Influenza, Coronavirus, and Pneumonia Infections, Preprints 2020, 2020030235 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0235.v1).
Holick (2016) The vitamin D deficiency pandemic: Approaches for diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2017 Jun;18(2):153-165. doi: 10.1007/s11154-017-9424-1.
Forrest et al (2011) Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults. Nutr Res. 2011 Jan;31(1):48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2010.12.001.
Martineau, A.R. (2017) Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data, BMJ 2017; 356 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.i6583
Zheng (2020) Vitamin D attenuates lung injury via stimulating epithelial repair, reducing epithelial cell apoptosis and inhibits TGF-β induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Biochem Pharmacol. 2020 Apr 3:113955. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.113955. [Epub ahead of print]
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash
Skimmed Jo’s very convincing post and as soon as the shops open I’ll be getting some.
Incredible detail in so many areas: fascinating.
Try the sun ; it’s cheaper.
(Couldn’t help it :-))
Do they have Sun in New Zealand?
KK asked
I have to admit it KK, that it has been seen on occasion in NZ and even in Auckland. Most of those Auckland occurrences were last year at the start of summer when the drought in NSW moved over the Tasman and settled over the Northern half of the North Island. For the rest of NZ, it was still pretty good but not really dry.
The peak in Cosmic Rays over this last solar minimum has meant more cloud than usual, though, particularly and especially over Auckland. This led to my grumbles about it’s timing and having possibly annoyed The Big Fella Upstairs, somehow, with the cloud being deliberate. Up until recently its appearances had been almost reliable but the timings of the cloud cover were a little too regular.
I now have proof that the cloud is deliberate:
On the 31st of March, (start of last week), it was clear skies over the northern half of the North Island (all the NI north of Lake Taupo) towards Solar Noon. But, at 1pm NZDT, the sky overhead went dark and it rained heavily for about twenty minutes. When I checked Metservice.com’s rain radar, there was not a rain cloud to be seen north of Taupo. I finally spotted a small dark blue (dark blue = heavy rain and it was) hiding under the “Auckland” label … right over my area. Yep, deliberate.
So all ye of little faith
do not do as I have done
Do Not Annoy the Big Fella Upstairs!
Unlike the times long ago when people spent hours on end outside doing farming or other things, modern man spends a lot of the time inside. Hence V-D supplements is a very good idea for a number of reasons, especially if one is deficient as I am going by my blood tests. I’ve been taking V-D supplements for years, and doing so in double doses.
Welcome back farmerbraun!
I’m with farmerbraun, why pay for something that your lifestyle should provide, it’s not like you have to be outside for any real length of time.
Medicalnewstoday – 15 minutes for a person with light skin.
for Vit K
medlineplus.gov Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, parsley, romaine, and green leaf lettuce, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. and Fish, liver, meat, eggs, and cereals (contain smaller amounts)
Do you still want to waste your money?
It depends on our age Peter.
When young we get lots from the sun via our skin changing cholesterol into D3
But with age the skin’s ability to do this well falls away.
And lots of older folk are on statins which means there is not a lot of cholesterol available as an ‘input’.
Then the additional D3 supplement is needed.
PS I’m 72 so this applies to me even though I gardena lot outside and get lots of sunshine.
We eat all those Peter F (except kale, have never managed to like that!) and work outside quite a lot. However, I was still found to have a deficiency and was advised by my GP to take Vit D. They are very cheap tabs/capsules, depending on brand.
Some Vitamin D supplements come with the correct amount of vitamin K2 already added. Look for labels with Bone Health it’s a bit of a giveaway.
Adult females should use 90mcg per day and adult males 120mcg per day.
The secret of maximizing your method of acquisition is to measure, and measure constantly and regularly.
Without measuring, you’re guessing and unless your gut is better calibrated than mine (or anyone else’s) it’s never adequate.
No mentions of the role of intestinal flora in producing Vit-K.
But A,D, E and K are all covered by eggyolks.
So your immune- boost brekky looks like lambs fry, bacon (nitrite-free), poached eggs , and a little steamed baby spinach tossed in garlic butter.And a cup of yoghurt. (acidophilus and bifidus).
It’s Bone Health because a Vit D deficiency often presents as a Calcium deficiency.
fb – the point is we have to extend capitalism into what we can get via healthy eating and lifestyle, that is what this article is all about
Your perspective as to what is good for health
Ii=s clouded by your own anti capitalist ideology.
But if you wish to live long and prosper Peter
You will do what works as you get older.
Or you will not be here.
Bill – don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that there is not a need for supplements, clearly there is. What I’m saying is that it is wrong to prescribe a supplement as a panacea.
You could just as easily say get outside, eat your greens (and I’m sure that there will be a group who can not comply for physical or metabolic reasons)
The fact that a supplement is promoted as a panacea is what I’m against.
Mind you my children swear by protein shakes, which is also an anathema to me
For most with office work dominated lives
Getting in the sun is rare !
Sickness results.
‘ … we have to extend capitalism into what we can get via healthy eating …’
I’ll pay that, unhealthy foods need to be taxed out of existence, along the lines of the tobacco tax. Alcohol should also be taxed in the same way.
This is a direct intrusion of government into the free market, to empty the hospitals and prisons, but few politicians take on this task.
Don’t take anything with K2 if you are on Warfrin.
Is there a way of measuring your Vit D levels at home?
This ones for you farmerbraun 🙂
A scintillatingly interesting interview with the gut bug rock star nerd Kiran Krishnan 🙂
The interviewer is “Peter Daryl Evans is an Australian chef, restaurateur, author and television presenter, who is best known as one of the judges of the competitive cooking show My Kitchen Rules. Wikipedia”
Enjoy 🙂
The downloadable podcast of the two stars, Kiran and Australia’s Peter Daryl evans.
Peter Daryl Evans is a master of picking krishnan’s Brain 🙂
I thought Peter did a super awesome job of interviewing Kiran Krishnan. They covered so much ground and it is so positive.
Peter Fitzroy,
I’m suspicious of
Medicos study disease NOT health. That recommended exposure probably requires 15 min standing stark naked at midday. The solar intensity varies with time of day and of course cloud cover. UV and particularly UV-B (the UV required to generate Vit-D in the skin) tend to be knocked out more than the yellow-red end of the spectrum as the sun gets lower to the horizon. Vit-D supplements are good but you will NOT get anywhere near 100% absorption. Leafy green vegies are a joke. The amount of available Vit-D absorbed would be small. Most people would need to eat a lot of meat food as well, if they’re not spending good time in sunlight. Previous research I’ve seen has concluded that on average (Nth America?) people spend less than 5 hrs/day in natural daylight and no more than 50 minutes of that in direct sunlight/sky exposure (most of that in morning/evening commute to/from work). Most of their daylight exposure is blue-sky scattered light through office or car window glass that would absorb much (but not all) of the scattered UV light.
Most medicos tend to think you’ll have enough D if you have >10 ng/ml Vit-D. A totally inadequate amount.
Horizontal in an E-W direction works far better. If white skin spends more than 10 mins in the sun at noon in N QLD during Summer you end up red as a lobster. At about 15 mins your skin will blister and peal a few days later. Not a good look.
Peter Fitzroy: Why bother with numbers? Have you added up how many kilos of Kale you need to eat daily to get the RDA for Vitamin K1?
And you won’t get K2 from greens in any case.
It all depends on whether you like your arteries hard and bones soft…
What did our parents do?
Do answer your question about Kale – about ½ to a cup (chopped) – https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitaminK-HealthProfessional/ – they also point out other sources.
It’s nice to be rich enough not to think about your diet and lifestyle and just pop pills to fix the imbalance, Statins, Vitamins, blood thinners and so on.
As to K2 yes you are right, but I was not talking about it.
Mind you if I had shares in Blackmores, I might have a different view.
The wonders of Vit C
The wonders of Capitalism.
Keith try online.
Does for dose it’s cheaper & you can buy higher dose pills as well
Consider this folks, with Winter approaching in Southern states,
The intensity of the sunlight
Which generates Vitamin D3 in our skin is dropping.
And the skin of us ‘old farts’
Is less capable of manufacturing D3.
Yes, so I will go with Jo’s article and the research papers. I eat all those things except the kale, but eat plenty of other greens, get plenty of sunlight, am 73 YO so will supplement.
By the way PF I’m not buying supplements because I am rich, but because of the research.
Some additional evidence from Ireland where there is little sun:
Thanks, Jo, for a most timely post.
I have had some discussions about Vitamin D with a number of most helpful people on your blog.
I have a small supply of Vit D, and the chemist and the supermarket have abundant supplies, unlike Vit C.
However, I haven’t been able to find Vit K, which is said to be part of the regime.
Thank you in advance for whatever information you can pass on.
Try Amcal. I found some K2-7 in the “local” chemist. Had to try 3 chemist shops (including another Amcal).
Try super pharmacy online. Plenty of choice for K2.
That’s the one you want.
Vitamin D3 tablets sometimes have K2 in the adult female RDA of 90mcg built in. Look for Sunshine vitamin along with bone strength and see if it has D3 and K2. The supplement I buy is constituted thusly (or thatly).
Or follow Bill’s footsteps.
Most local chemists do not stock K2 or if they do it is very expensive.
Best to source it online.
I buy D3 & K2 via Iherb because of the quick deliveries
But there are other online sources.
Vit K2 is usually available in the discount chemist; not seen in our local town pharmacy.
I personally think it’s the real reason Italy et al and New York are being hammered by this virus: Lombardy is far north Italy and we all should know that NY is northern USA. They’re both badly hit. What are the figures for Florida? Worse or better?
They are going into early spring now, so things should start to improve as people’s Vit D begins to rise.
We’ve got three months to go to reach our low point, so start supplements now. (See Dr John Campbell’s message(s) he explains how it works)
Best value Vitamin K comes from Thorne as a liquid tiny bottle from iherb. Price will look intimidating til you add up how many doses are in there. Drops are tiny (David calls it “homeopathic”, did the drop exist?). But it is designed for people who are doing some high dose therapy who are meant to use 15 drops daily. Focus on the mcg. Do the numbers.
I went looking for my copy of Ian Wishart’s book (Vitamin D Is this the Miracle Vitamin?). Great news: I found it. I had left it open to Chapter 8 Common Infections.
The chapter starts with an apropos quotation:
Whether vitamin D should be implemented as a mandatory vitamin to prevent pandemic influenza if the question”
– Journal of Medical Hypotheses 2010.
Further in, the chapter makes the salient point that to use Vit-D’s powers of protection against common infections such as the common cold and influenzas, and this applies to the Infection du Jour: Covid-19, it can only do so from an installed base. That is: you need to build up your reserves of Vit-D over three months before its protection is fully effective.
Wishart quotes a study ( Antimicrobial implications of vitamin D,” Youssef et al. Dermato Endicrinol 2011;3:1-10; PMID:21519401:DOI:10.4161/derm.3.4.15027. (sourced from a journal, I think it might be this one: “Antimicrobial implications of vitamin D” Dima Youssef et al )
“Evidence exists that vitamin D has a potential antimicrobial activity and its deficiency has deleterious effects on general well-being and longevity. Vitamin D may reduce the risk of infection through multiple mechanisms. Vitamin D boosts innate immunity by modulating production of anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) and cytokine response. ”
[my emphasis] Sounds like Italy and Spain, doesn’t it?
“Vitamin D deficiency is associated with several adverse health outcomes.1 A plethora of health benefits, including a boost in longevity with vitamin D replacement, is evident.2 Vitamin D has an emerging role in regulating inflammation and chemokine production3 as well as an important role in immunomodulation.”
New York needed to know this back in January.
“Vitamin (1,25-D3) acts as an immune system modulator.12 Nearly all cells display a specific vitamin D receptor (VDR), including B and T lymphocytes (both resting and activated), monocytes and dendritic cells.13 Vitamin D exerts its immunomodulatory activity on both mononuclear and polynuclear cell lines through its effects on the VDR.”
But it needs a suitable foundation to start with.
That’s enough. Read the paper! It’s there on line!
However, Vit-D can’t do it’s magic if you wait until you’re sick before starting dosing. Start now with a bolus dose (take four tablets of 1000IU at once) and settle down to 1000IU per day. When the Southern Hemisphere Influenza and Colds season arrives in 3 months time, and you have supplemented with vitamin D daily over that time, your outcome may not be at all “adverse.” Northern Italy, Spain and New York are rather extreme examples of adverse outcomes. (If all those evil side effects all the trolls keep trying to scare you with, do scare you and your Vit D of choice doesn’t include K2 then get some K2-7 to take with it. Women should supplement that at 90mcg per day, the male species at 120mcg per day.)
Forget the cost Peter: what is your life worth to you? $5 per month? Or nothing on principle? Yeah, I’m related to Ebenezer Scrooge too but I paid for some! I had been doing it Free for the previous 4 years but the Big Guy Upstairs convinced me. Make up your mind and start now while you have the opportunity, before the CC&F season arrives and it’s really too late.
To supplement, or not to supplement, that is the question.
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the pains
and indignities of ICU intubation and to die before your time,
or to pay a small impost for a comfortable longer life …
Darn. Can’t find my Shakespeare now my memory has done a bunk! 😀
I’ll take the supplement.
I’ve supplemented with Vit D for many years and agree with most of what Jo has written.
However, while the correlations of Vit D levels with a variety of health outcomes are strong; actual large scale, controlled trials with supplementation have been far less clear cut regarding benefits.
One hypothesis is that Vit D levels are an excellent proxy for sun exposure and other aspects of sun exposure like nitrous oxide production are important mechanisms in disease prevention.
Large scale trials lacking or not, I will be adding both Vitamin C and D to my diet. I think they are still available. And it is neither expensive nor difficult to do.
Vitamin C has been promoted as a prevention and treatment for the common cold for a very long time but I still seem to get those.
Up till now I simply assumed that I had enough Vitamin D.
The history of Scurvy and the discovery of its eventual cause (deficiency of Vitamin C) is most interesting.
That sounds a bit familiar.
The Brits started using limes to solve the problem , hence the nick name “Limeys”…
It was one of the experiments Captain Cook engaged in on his South Seas cruises.
(The Transit of Venus was, I suspect, his fund raiser 😀 )
Nope: it was his Government Grant!
D3 is not a patentable drug.
So no drug company has any interest in controlled large scale trials.
And there is anecdotal observations that D3 is better than some patented
D3 modified drugs.
Jeff Bowles blog online is an excellent source of info.
Yes Terry, I agree, this is the problem that plagues all nutrition research — cause and effect. Some people have genes that keep their D lower than others. The Sun has other benefits, and one tablet isn’t providing the same effect.
D probably has the best research of any vitamin — in terms of being consistent and repeatable, and there are some studies that show supplements of D correlate with higher serum levels and with some of the benefits.
Hi Jo
Excellent article but you need to cover the Vit K2 story also its key to making a very big change.
The fear of animal fat pushed by all sorts of dishonest and misguided folk has a lot to answer for.
The fertility of black people at high latitude is lower and that was the competitive advantage that allowed the skin colour to lighten. Vitamin D???
Yes, the fear of animal fats.
A warm up for the CAGW and CV19 crises.
Steady on Bill. Took me hours to do Vit D.
I am very aware of need for K. I tried to sell New Scientist a story on Vitamin K twenty years ago, but the 30 something female editor could not see why anyone would be interested in strong bones and flexible arteries.
New Scientist !
I used to subscribe to the printed version
That’s how much I respected it.
Then around 2006 It changed.
So I stopped my sub & started buying it at the newsagent each week.
After that I stopped buying it and just looked online.
Now I don’t even do that
Not even book marked.
Now it better called the “New Sciency”
With a target market of university trained young women.
RE: New Scientist…
I recall a few years ago they ran a main spread article that they claimed was going to answer questions and clarify the issues on global warming. After I read it I walked away with even more uncertainty than I had initially.
My brother sent me a link to a shortish “missive”, but an obnoxious one – that’s the best way I can describe her piece (certainly wasn’t science) – by a so called “science journalist”, Angela Saini. Good grief…. a die hard cultural Marxist to the core.
I too binned it for good.
To Jo @ #4.2
Do you think that editor might have a strong personal interest now, Jo?
So not better to be a white blond Scandi for hiding naked from polar bears then?
(asking for a friend)
No, it’s the smell. Polar Bears would never mistake the scent of FOOD!
Unfortunately, here in sunny Queensland, sunbathing is a non-approved activity. How this is consistent with the overall aim of reducing the rate of infection within our community has yet to be revealed to the populace.
The Bondi backpackers were forced off the beach, its a mixed message.
Madness abounds.
The UK’s chief medico.
‘The chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has banned doctors from treating Covid-19 with anything other than paracetamol and in severe cases, oxygen.’
Wonder what Boris is being treated with other than oxygen?
Perhaps they are madly trying to protect the vaccine paradigm….
The sheep have been convinced only vaccines can save them. That and vaccines are a powerful govt advocated social control tool….
Thou shalt not find any alternative…..
People have
Vaccines are a necessary evil due to the gradual decay of our gene pool leading to more and more mutations and hence an increased risk of being adversely affected by some virus or other cause. Natural supplements is safer and better but of course the vast majority do not take them. Hence vaccines is the lazy way out but that’s how the cookie crumbles unfortunately.
I see PeterS, the way of the fakir…
That’s handy for people like me who react badly to paracetamol. It gives me chest pain, not a usual reaction, supposedly.
Up to about 35% of the human male species is immune or non-responsive to paracetamol as an analgesic. I discovered I was one of them after a bad motorcycle accident in April 1976. I had a concussion and a bit of other damage so I was hospitalized. I was given two paracetamol twice a day for my headache.
It. Didn’t. Work.
On day 3, I slipped into the hospital pharmacy and bought myself some soluble aspirin — about 150mg tabs if I recall correctly.
One, just one, of those twice a day was bliss.
I’ve never taken paracetamol again. Aspirin is still magic at about that same strength.
Aspirin works well for me on the rare occasions it’s needed. Ibuprofen I’m wary of but it helped once. Paracetamol is an absolute no-no since I realised the relationship between taking a couple (three different times when recommende by medics) and each time having chest pain; it took me the third time for the penny to drop.
Just had the ‘flu jab. Topping up on Vit C, Vit D, Zn. Waited outside the Medical Centre lapping up the beautiful Autumn sun!
Anyone with an opinion on the efficacy of Olive Leaf Extract?
Ibuprofen worked brilliantly for me for a very persistent mild pneumonia I had in 2005. Soon as I took it I started to get better, and not just temporary pain symptoms, but a respite of the inflammation in the respiratory system allowed repair processes to finally get ahead of whatever was causing the issues in my lungs. It’s surprising that it’s not recommended for use with COVID-19 as it usually does well helping to fight off respiratory inflammation and weaken the hold of infections.
Now I pretty much swear by Olive Leaf extract for colds and flu symptoms. Although I’ve tried herbs for decades for various ailments, I’m usually not easily convinced about their empirical efficacy. But this one is definitely different, but one’s mileage may vary. As soon as I feel the slightest tingle of sinuses or nasopharyngeal membranes, swollen glands or sensitive bronchioles, I take small sips of Olive leaf extract every few hours and usually the symptoms are gone within 24 hours. I also find it useful to supplement with raw garlic (a decently sized clove or two) finely diced and down the hatch via a dessertspoon and a swig of water or juice.
Olive Leaf extract- I am inclined to think you right.
Now as for raw garlic, the best aid for ‘social distancing’.
I love onions, but garlic, that’s another continent entirely.
…i go for the root vegetables that are food for the front line gut bacterial workers…if they are starving i am buggered…Oligosacharides from the king/queen of bacteria nutrition, the jerusalem artichoke, or a juicy sweet potatoe…That way, the cytokine storm is minimised to such an extent that the the immune system can start getting down to making antibodies….The bacteria are the Ni (natural intelligence) and the front line responders and must be supported.
The Nights of “Ni”
*Knights..even those who make shrubberies are having trouble in these times…
Yep – it helps to clear a path in front of you as you walk around the supermarket. 🙂
My mother used to recommend a fine slice or two of raw onion, encased in a slice of well-buttered bread if raw onion too much to cope with alone, helped if taken as soon as a sore throat started to be noticed.
Your Mum was obviously a fan of Tony Abbot’s Mum.
Tried once, absolutely no effect. Then I learned about effect on liver. Never tried again and never will. Aspirin do the work if I need relief from pain. Small doses also have a good reputation and is called wonder medicine in USA . Get
Sunshine…cheap and useful….
Funny how hard the MSM also tries to ignore everything that might be a good alternative treatment…
“How to get more vitamin D from the sun
“Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, DO on “August 28, 2019 — Written by Amanda Barrell
“The sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D for the human body. Several factors affect how much vitamin D a person’s body can make from exposure to the sun, such as time of day, geographical location, skin color, and wearing sunscreen.
“Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the body. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Vitamin D also plays a role in bone growth, bone healing, and immune system function.
“This article looks at how the body gets its vitamin D from the sun, tips for maximizing vitamin D production, and other ways to get vitamin D.
“How do you get vitamin D from the sun?
The sun provides a reliable source of vitamin D.
The body needs a steady source of vitamin D for many different processes.
“The sun is our best natural source of vitamin D. Spending even a short time in the sun can provide the body with all of the vitamin D it needs for the day. According to the Vitamin D Council, this could be:
“15 minutes for a person with light skin
a couple of hours for a person with dark skin
“Very few foods contain significant amounts of vitamin D, so people can ensure they get enough of the vitamin by scheduling regular time outdoors.
“When the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit a person’s skin, processes inside the tissue start making vitamin D for the body to use. It is essential to remember, however, that too much sun exposure can burn the skin and potentially lead to skin cancer.
“Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, which is one of the main building blocks of bone. The body also needs vitamin D to keep the nerves, muscles, and immune system working properly.
“”PS: Best not drive out to get your vitamin D.””
Wouldn’t Walking be better?
Get back in your house……
Be careful, you might wond up with an elrctronic ankle bracelet like they are proposing in WA…we are a penal colony again….
Here’s a survey article on K-2 and osteoporosis.
Here’s another survey article on K-2 effect on Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD)
Disclaimer: I did this research after having a major drug reaction with a statin. I have been on a D3 + K-2 Mk4 and K-2 MK7 regime for 2 years. I had a calcium score test done 8 months ago. After some time on this regime. I score in the top 3% of healthy arteries for my sex and age group. (And I also have a micro/molecular degree, as well.)
Another reason to get rid of the EU…
“Coronavirus row prompts resignation of head of EU’s top science body
“The president of the European Union’s main science organisation has quit the post he took up only in January, the European Commission said, amid controversy over the bloc’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Mauro Ferrari, who became head of the European Research Council for a four-year mandate on January 1, submitted his resignation on Tuesday, which the Commission said was effective immediately.
“He cited institutional resistance and bureaucratic infighting in the EU’s complex structures to his proposal for a big scientific programme to fight the coronavirus, Reuters reports.
“I arrived at the ERC a fervent supporter of the EU… The COVID-19 crisis completely changed my views,” the statement said, referring to the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus.
“EU governments and the bloc’s institutions stand accused of a haphazard response to the pandemic by failing to react quickly enough or work together. The bloc’s finance ministers failed to agree a financial rescue package in recent weeks to soften the economic shock of the pandemic.
Anyone been looking at #FilmMyHospital videos?
Assuming they havent been “adjusted” they appear to show hospitalsvin NY and other places nit being swamped by cov19 patients , diametrically opposed to media reports that report battlefield conditions. Interesting….
It is a beat up. It proves the lockdown has been effective in New York but sadly too late for about 13k citizens. The death toll in NY likely peaked yesterday at 791 on that day. Most of those who will die are already in intensive care. The lack of emergency calls and queues at emergency doors now reflect how well the lockdown has worked.
Cuomo has doubled fines to USD1000 for any breach of distancing rules. He does not want the extremely good trend to reverse. This is a good presentation from Cuomo on exactly where they are and how well social distancing has reduced their forecast loss without controls:
The NY hospital system is essentially dedicated to dealing with Covid19 victims. He states all other hospital requirements are down. For example few car accidents. Violent robberies are way down.
Australian hospitals have very low demands at present because the Covid19 case load has been hammered so effectively while all elective surgery has been on hold.
It could be 2020 ends up being one of the lowest death toll years despite the high loss of life in March and April to Covid19.
The simple question is – if they have so many cases, why arent we seeing a “war zone” with ambulances going flat out across the city all day?
People can’t see this Whuflu for what it is, the means to our end.
I was reading a week old unthreaded and one of the regulars stated some comment and remarked the conspiracy theorists will be out in their tin foil hats. This is on what is generally regarded as a conspiracy web site, made me go Hmmm.
We live in a country built on the back of wool and wheat, yet you can’t buy flour due to packaging issues. In England they are rationing eggs not because there are no eggs (these are rotting in the producers cold rooms) they can’t get the packaging. In the US major beef processors are shutting down due to employee’s testing positive for Whuflu, the meat industry is not considered an essential service there. Dairy farmers are dumping milk yet milk is rationed at the shelves.
the UN announced we are heading for a world wide food shortage, I would heed their advice, since their bosses control everything.
we have isolated each state, Australians from Australians and are told international air travel has been stopped from China yet on flight radar I watch half a dozen coming every day, we have to send Qantas and Virgin planes to pick up our stranded country folk from foreign shores yet I see dozens a day flying in from everywhere.
We are being lied to by the MSM and governments.
We need to pay attention to what is happening Off shore as it will happen here soon. We will have major disruptions to the supply chain.
Event 201 (you tube) spells out their plan, what they need to control to crash the world economy and have everyone believe it is everyone else’s fault. Every time these socialists do this they starve the populations to death, history always repeats itself.
It does not matter if the threat is real or not as long as it is perceived to be real.
End of Rant
MP – what you describe is what we’d expect from incompetent people who network well but can’t think. In the last 30 years, the talker-arts-grads got promoted into positions of power and are now far beyond their ability to redirect and innovate and sort out substitutes for supply lines that hae been fritzed.
Have you watched the videos from the Covid wards in Italy, Iran, China, Spain, France, the UK? Have you talked to ICU staff in Australia. If there is a conspiracy, rather than a cock-up, it involves literally thousands of highly trained specialists. I just don’t believe they are in on it.
The globalists will end up hating Covid-19. It’s the biggest threat to their ideology since WWII.
Those who are going to die are all in hospital. The ambulances hit a peak of about 3 days 2 weeks ago. The average time from symptoms to critical care is 10 days. Then there is up to days in critical care before recover or death.
Daily death toll due to Covid19 in NY state is forecast to be down to 51 per day by 25th April:
Most of that 51 are yet to arrive in hospital but it is a small number compared with 791 dying yesterday who arrived at hospital about 2 weeks ago. Then all other sources of hospital attendance are way down to fewer violent robberies, little seasonal flu, fewer car accidents, no elective surgery and so on due to people mostly staying at home.
I doubt you could find anyone to convince Boris Johnson that Covid19 is no worse than seasonal flu.
I don’t wish to convince anyone, you choose your own path i am just trying to get people to look at the whole picture. I won’t hold it against you for wanting to kill my parents to save yours. That does not read well but its accurate.
You do what you are told to do, watch event201 on the part about censoring the information, this was not a plan to combat the nCOV it is the plan, everything they talk about is happening now. They all got a fluffy Covid virus toy for participating. 6 weeks before the whuflu outbreak. Look at the wording for those who die, died after testing positive for whuflu, not from whuflu.
There are no coincidences happening here.
Get off Facebook
Just spoke to my Neighbour also a farmer, he just went to the local hardware store to get fittings for his water pipe, got fined $1300 for non essential travel , the irony of it is I had the fittings he was after, but farmers keep to themselves and don’t ask for help. But offer free money and up goes the hand 🙂
The local mens wear store has been ordered to shut down as he is non essential, yet the BigW (an hour away)is trading away selling clothing, for now!
Driving in your car is non essential, leaving your suburb for exercise is non essential, our meat industry is not classified as essential, but our Vegie industry is.
You cannot see what is going on because you believe the propaganda you are focused only on the propaganda, you must be kept fearful you must do what you are told.
Hello Venezstralia
Where MP ?
Which state or region ?
Bill no reply tag on your reply
MP, do wider research. How many simulations like Event 201 have been held in different uni’s around the world in the last 20 years. Hundreds — about many different diseases.
Do you think if “the globalists” planned this, they would have run a simulation just like it the month before it started? Hardly…
Instead, there are simulations for influenza and ebola, and plague variants running somewhere in the world every few months.
Your brain is pattern matching to confirm a theory. Instead try disproving your theory. Seek to find why you are wrong. That’s what a true scientist does.
Can I ask why you think the globalists wouldn’t have run a simulation just like it the month before it started?
I can’t think of a good enough reason that convincingly explains why they wouldn’t.
I know where you are coming from Jo, but the Globalists always seem to advertise. If Bill Gates is involved the alarm goes off, I do not trust the IT guy with my families health.
I am a farmer Jo, I am regulated all the way to the market. The government informed me to check for new regulations every 6 months, because you know its my responsibility as a primary producer to keep up to date with their draconian measures.
If my brain is pattern matching at least its doing something. I work in Metallurgy, my job is to look for the cause not attack the result.
My Grandparents fought in two world wars for the freedoms we have (Had), experienced far greater hardships.
We are killing old people to save old people.
I do research, but I have limits to my belief, from the UN in the Bin, from MSM in the Bin.
From the above reply.
I have seen all the MSM video’s, same film shown in Italy as the US. Bodies wheeled out to the Semi trailer just after the camera’s roll, two trolleys and two people to lug the bodies up the stairs of course camera’s stopped rolling before they bounced them up the stairs. The MSM lie, you only lie to cover the truth.
I Know there is a virus, I know nothing gets past the Chinese fire wall unless its state sanctioned, so I believe nothing out of China pure, propaganda.
I have the greatest respect for you and the posters on here, I have observed for many years.
P.S, I will let you know if I get Whuflu as I treated the cattle the other day with Mectin and as always got covered, the wife will be fine as she got 50ml between the eyes. (un-controlled discharge, and she should’nt of been there anyway)
Hi MP,
You work in Metallurgy?
You like looking at data….
MP — You have my sympathies for government regulations pushing you to the edge. They are over the top. And it is soul destroying for farmers in Australia. I’ve tried to help…
I can tell from your answer that you’ve seen the videos that are appearing on sites that agree with your POV.
I’m suggesting you look for the opposite because it’s the only way to get a grip on both sides of the argument.
I can read sites like the ones you are reading, but because I’ve also spent time on (hold your nose) twitter, I’ve already seen all those videos’ and hundreds more. I know that there are many docs, nurses and patients all sayign the same consistent message. I’ve seen mass graves dug. Mass funerals (with almost no mourners). I know, because I have also talked to people on the front line here. The message is always the same, it’s like hell, they are more stressed and scared than they have ever been. This is not the flu. They are running out of protective gear. Running out of medicines. They are afraid for themselves, they are afraid for their family. The Australians are watching overseas channels, and while they are dealing with only a few patients here, they are counting their boxes of masks, and doign the sums. And some are wondering if they will resign when the gear runs out. And they already know they can’t get Chloroquine for themselves because there isn’t even enough to protect the medical staff in Australia.
There are always coincidences in everything, to claim there isn’t is absurd.
In an infinite universe a coincidence is the rare event.
Everything we do is not ‘infinite’, we have a finite and rather small set of actions and interactions each day, a lot of it is predictable and coincidences are routine and commonplace.
Um no, everyday is different, there are no two days exactly the same, we never bump into the same people in the same place and say the same thing. (little bit too ground hog day) The clouds are different, the temperature is different, everyday is different, different challenges it is never the same. If it was well that would be just a coincidence, but it never is and never will be, that would be boring.
If you can view this Facebook video, listen to what she states at 1:20:
I watched the news last night and our government stated we have a 100,000 beds available for victims of whuflu, we have 300 hospitalised, whats that, half a person per hospital.
I don’t do facebook, but it opened and I watched it, if we are so worried about it, why are we flying people in from overseas/China when last week our biggest source of infection was from off shore or so we are told. That looked so staged, but I should believe every reporter on the fire front dressed in all the kit put down their microphone and went back to putting out the fires?
A nameless person in a nameless hospital?
All I am saying is look outside the box for what is really happening, I am not saying whuflu is not real.
Both my parents have cancer, one leukaemia the other prostrate, their Chemo has been stopped,radio therapy ceased due to the need for all hands on the whuflu. We are killing people to save people.300 in hospital Australia wide. Their cancers are unstoppable, they just wanted a little extra time, if they get whuflu their dead, but they are nearly there without it. The government has taken control of the private hospital as well as the state where I live and elective surgery stopped so they are ready for whuflu victims, we have seven cases here, none in hospital.
This is the same script as the Man Made Climate Change one, just a different villain. Though this time the villain is real but over hyped.
This is the long game, in fast forward. I believe the entire economies will crash, gold, stocks everything, they did not bring in bailin laws for nothing. Checked my super fund the other day, lost 10 grand since July last year, wife the same (sunsuper). The US has declared no Stock dividend’s to be paid this year, poor multinationals, a lot of pensioners rely on dividends as well as super funds.
Food will be king, if you have it.
Get off Face Book
That is great news. The social distancing has worked wonders. Keep in mind that if all countries stopped flights from China when Wuhan was locked down then there would be no global pandemic. All countries would now be operating as if nothing happened.
The only food item locally in Melbourne that seems difficult to come by is free range eggs. My wife will not buy eggs from battery hens. She has great faith in food labelling being correct.
Australia should have a good growing season coming out of the drought of the last couple of years. As long as we have pickers and farmers in good health, Australia will not suffer food shortages. Raw materials for some packaging could be an issue because of feedstock shortages associated with reduced oil demand. There should be substitutes already in the pipeline.
The only common denominator between Covid19 and the climate religion is the incompetence of the United Nations. It is a corrupt organisation that seeks every opportunity to increase its authority over sovereign nations. Its active role in allowing China to spread the SARS2 virus was nothing short of a crime against humanity. I hope Trump follows through with his threat to eliminate funding for the WHO.
We don’t have a Trump, we got Slomo. I can’t get flour have not been able to for 4 weeks. Everything else I have, the best eggs money can’t buy
Those tree’s are the forest.
Social distancing takes two people to stay away from each other, you want to go to the beach for a swim, off you go, I will stay away from you……social distancing still working.
You and the wife want to go for a drive and a look at whats going on, I will pass thanks…………social distancing still working.
Social distancing (so UN) the most un-social thing ever. Notice the old social tag being added to everything now.
The WHO is the UN, the UN is the WHO, Slomo is following WHO advice STILL.
The WHO are corrupt, the UN is corrupt, yet you believe them? Everything is connected.
See everything is the same, great news.
We will not come out of this with the same freedoms as we went into it, if we come out of it.
MP. I got 36kg of flour delivered last week. Google, hunt, find alternate suppliers. Where are the flour mills near you? Seek out wholesalers. Phone em… suggest a car park pick up. Pay on the phone and drive by. What state are you?
FNQ Jo I have no idea where the Mill is, never asked but it would be way past a drive by. I was prepared for this back in early Feb, so I have flour, I just like to replenish consumables. I will try the local baker though maybe that’s an alternative. I have cattle to chew through then the dog, can’t eat the wife as she is still within the withholding period. (see above reply)
Maybe Australia will have a good growing season but I heard on the radio that harvesters are not going to be able to be there this year.
If they travel they must self isolate for 2 weeks.
If they get to the site it’s likely that the accommodation, bunkhouses?, won’t be acceptable so crops will rot.
Of course SCOMO is O.K., he’s in Kanberra, far from reality.
Or is he. Is Parliament suspended now?
Maybe he’s in that Big Mac’s, halfway between Sydney and Wollongong?
I wonder, does he ring mal in New York to get instructions weekly or daily now?
Are we being governed or gallooped?
And then a farmer gets fined AUD$1300 for driving to get some plumbing parts to keep his farm going.
KK. Grrrrrr. Not happy.
p.s. Stock up on food, this will get worse and don’t use petrol to fuel your cooking gear when the electricity goes off next week, put in a stock of kerosene, much less volatile. Only problem is it stinks so don’t do your toast over it.
It’s confusing: I assumed he had worked all this out before he shut us down.
Exactly, make a million unemployed in one day and not expect a million unemployed, this is not stupid at work.
Hairdressers essential, dentists not, this is not stupid at work.
We had a ship load of escapees wander off a ship, how many departments must have failed Totally for this to occur.So much stupid?
What we did to these boat people who committed no crime, is morally bankrupt, we showed no respect, gave no dignity to these people, just pushed them out to sea but only after calling them petri dishes and floating coffins. Is there no level we won’t stoop to. I also did nothing, to my eternal shame. Im sorry boaties, forgive us we never used to be this way.
We are going to put tracking bracelets on people in case one wanders from the flock?
You can go for a drive together now, around the block. we are isolating by suburb?
We have gone phase Blade Runner, with drones patrolling the streets. Phase Hunger Games coming right up.
The very people enforcing these laws do not even practice what they force others to do, without question?
This is not stupid, this is a plan. At best this is just a warm up.
I am using the precautionary principle, if I am wrong I lose nothing. If I am right I lose everything.
Hasn’t everyone noticed, there is now a constant stream of terror stories one after/on top of the other, constant distractions, laws changing daily. This is not stupid people doing stupid things, this is brilliant planning.
I would be a billionaire if I was that smart.
You have the BA’s running the counter, being the useful idiots copping the flack, but head office runs the game.
I’ve followed the foundations, charities read there financials, seen the massive accumulation of wealth of these charities, donors. (look at the southern poverty law centre) Looked at who really owns our power via majority share holders, always the same people in the end, followed those people to see what boards they also sit on, foundations they head.
Ever wondered what the 48000 employees of the UN actually do, your living in it.
If you believe there are Globalists influencing the world, what is their goal, bet you think the same as me.
MP — with your parents — yes, I agree — we should have allowed some private hospitals to continue with the most essential work until it was clear that the social distancing either was or wasn’t working.
But sadly, the terrible truth is that people were already afraid the needed to save the pharmaceuticals and the masks and PPE for when the virus hit. They are that short.
The real scandal is that we became so dependent on China. That is what we are paying for now.
That and we became so dependent on Chinese students we didn’t stop the flights…
Hi again, in reply to both the reply’s.
Yes I do watch things that conform with my perspective, that is why I am here and not on SKS, that is why we are all here. Most of the mayhem footage I watch is actually the nightly news, with a close eye on editing and sound bites and staging. I have no idea where the shown hospitals are, could be in Timbuktu and I am told its Saint elms, The media can’t be lying and telling the truth, some of the stuff I read/view go on about the lying media, then back up with articles from the same media, BIN.
Where has the $450 million GBR money gone, fire money, Slomo’s Pool fund, lot of sins covered up in this. We have foundations & Charities that have accumulated massive wealth (I am talking in the billions)….Charities with Billions, foundations with massive amounts of assets.
My Mother has out lived her end date by a bloody decade, My farther has 3 months or 18 with Chemo/Radio, guess its now 3.
We are all fighting the same demons, (globalists) you through Science with facts, but we are always playing off the back foot and trying to prove a negative, this is an unwinnable position to defend from but it must be defended.
Farmers rights have been removed, they now spend a fortune fighting against something that does not exist, while we have major weed invasions (sedge) that is virtually unstoppable, the government give a discount on the poison and nothing else but lip service and photo opps. This weed seeds in the millions, the DPI have done seed research and it is still 100% viable after 15 years, it spreads via the node and seeds, 20% invasion is, 20% less pasture, 20% less stock, this thing is everywhere, our cities and towns are full of it, they no longer fight back, the graziers can’t stop because 20% this year is 40% next year, that is just one front they must battle, while funding goes to a solar powered pump to anchor on the reef ($1.5M) in a cyclone area, and they would need tens of Thousands, (this does not even make sense) but that just went in the pocket along with all the other millions to stop Bleaching, (belching) by increasing water quality monitoring.
We are fighting against each other, race against race, young against old, male against female, believers against realists, we are moving into a society of mayhem as is the plan. We are surrounded by white noise, all our efforts are in fighting the useful idiots, the pipers. You must always pay the piper.
The media present the minority as the majority.
The 97% of all scientists thing is all about the front man and control of the narrative, whom goes in front of the camera’s, which papers are published, when you own the media you control the information. The thousands of doctors and nurses are really just a couple of front men/women that we see and hear, same with AGW, yeah this is happening but!
I believe we all need to have this conversation and have it now.
How are we going to tell the young people, back in the day we used to go into the forest and enjoy nature, go fishing, diving we where free, but when they ask why they can’t do these things and what did you do to stop it, we will answer nothing.
End of rant
Beautiful rant ; you covered it all.
It’s frustrating that I can’t participate in the discussion in any meaningful way , but maybe this blog is in good hands, and I don’t need to.
Hi FB, we need to all participate in the discussion, you have views, maybe from a different perspective, we need to organise and push back.
We are fighting spot fires, these need to be controlled, but the front advances. We are attacking the result, the cause advances.
We have a saying “Every family needs a farmer” it should be every farmer needs the families, now more than ever.
on another note, (not you) red thumb is a badge of honour.
Following the money opened my eyes to the flood of corruption, the absolute trash presented as fact and funded by our labour. Look how much of our money our government give to the Clinton foundation, look what they actually did in Haiti with the Billions handed to them.
Where has the line been drawn at which point we the people stand and deliver?
Hi Joanne & everyone,
2 videos …
Here is a video link to Valley ENT “Vitamin D & the Upper Respiratory Tract” by Ryan Rehl M.D.
A most informative video about vitamin D and it’s protective abilities.
Also there is a UCSD_TV video called Vitamin D, Sunshine, Optimal Health: Putting it all Together Vitamin D for Public Health’ – Integrating Sunshine, Supplements and Measurement for Optimal Health by Robert P. Heaney, MD, Creighton University explores why vitamin D is important, how it works, how we get it and how much we need. Recorded on 12/09/2014.
2 more videos from UCSD and the same conference …
‘Vitamin D Measurement, the Key to Change’ by Alexander Wunsch, MD, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Germany, discusses the importance of measurement when studying vitamin D. Michael F. Holick, PhD MD, Boston University Medical Center, discusses how to treat patients at rick for vitamin D deficiency.
‘Results of a Prostate Cancer/Vitamin D Trial: Effectiveness, Safety, Recommendations’ by Bruce W. Hollis, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina shares the results of a recent trial including identifying the vitamin D level needed to protect the prostate gland. Recorded on 12/09/2014.
More at https://www.ucsd.tv/search-moreresults.aspx?keyword=vitamin+D&x=0&y=0&page=1
for all the medical and public health videos from University California San Diego about vitamin D and vitamin supplements.
Here is another good video. The doctor describes the protocol he is using to help Covid-19 patients and prevent them from having to actually be admitted to hospital.
He is using Hydroxychloroquine, Zpack, vitamins C and D. Something else also, but I don’t recall at this moment.
He also used zinc and copper. If you get too much of either one, things can go bad.
He does a good presentation and has good graphics.
Oh S**te.
83% of Australian Dermatologists are so Vit-D deficient, they were in the rickets zone! Priceless. I wonder where NZ’s Dermatologists are!
Very, very funny!
Thanks for that video, TomOmason. Good info and a great sense of irony.
The attitude in NZ is:
slip slop slap.
(slip on a shirt slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat)
Don’t go out in the sun! You’ll get Cancer!
Well, I got two cancers. Both tumours were where they would have been covered by my habitual hat. That made me much to think.
Oh by the way, have a great holiday.
Our family celebrated the Last Supper of our Lord last night, in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice.
If you follow the lunar calendar, which the jews did, last night was the beginning of Nisan 14. The christian church has simplified things by making it about Good Friday, which is fine, we like to still remember the actual day.
I hope everyone has a joyous time.
Thanks Interesting
As I understand it our modern Easter is fixed by Easter Sunday, which is the first Sunday following the first full moon following the vernal equinox.
This year the vernal equinox was 21 March, as usual. The full moon was last night and hence Easter Sunday is 9 April.
How does that line up against 13 Nisan?
13 Nisan? Fat finger. I meant 14 Nisan.
Sunday 9th April ??
Thanks JoKaH,
It seems that I forgot to reset the date on my watch since February. Hence my calendar has drifted from the official Gregorian calendar by quite a few days. Much as the Metonic lunar calendars are prone to do.
Warning: Do not stop if exercising in a public place and sit on the ground or park bench, do not sit.
Police will move you on or fine you, Vitamin D must not be free.
Long live the Aussie backyard. Why did we have to get “high density” living and 440m blocks?
We like to sit on the roof as well. Why not? Great view.
But Jo ! Those big blocks mean we have to drive to work or shop.
But as the Greenists tell us we MUST now all
Live in high density tiny blocks with no gardens
And pay to do anything anywhere else !.
Utter nonsense !
Mountain biking competitor in Victoria was stopped by VicPol while driving with mountain bike in the tray of his utility truck on the way to a local district forest trail and was fined for having no good reason for travelling.
Did he go for a bike ride after that?
He’d paid for it after all….
My wife says I’m pacing around like a caged tiger today. Something is very very wrong with all this.
Now some may say with a calming hand on your arm “its for our own good”…but I also think that’s a similar stupid mindset to “if you have nothing to hide…” which is fine until I challenge them to make *all* their house walls out of glass, then the tune changes……
This virus may or may not be a deliberate release, but it *is* being exploited by the Elite.
One woman from work was stopped on a freeway ” what are you doing out of your suburb?”
Um…going to a doctors appointment…..
ANPR and drones and ankle bracelets…. we are back to being a penal colony.
Have a good weekend, and don’t forget to salute….
The fine was subsequently rescinded.
RE lord Mockton who I had a high regard for this man before but now he appears to be more no more than a pompous British royalist git who now has become an expert in viral diseases. BTW I am. I now i have serious doubts about his 1.5C warming data analysis it could be minus 2 or 1C or plus five for christ sake this man is a joke. I dont think you should be posting anything except comments from this person anymore but Australia is a police state I understand thats why I left it years ago so predict you will bann my message because you are in fact now a dictatorship prove it
I mean who isn’t a dictatorship in their own head.
Let the voices out Eliza.
Now that Morrison has moved to the centre, its possible from a distance to imagine that the two major parties have become a unified war government. It may look like a dictatorship, but its not.
It seems like a jump to the left to me. Lets do the time Warp again.
Its merely an impression of a move to the centre. After this pandemic and recession things will slowly get back to where we left off, the Westminster system is sound.
I like him because he’s pushing back. Problem is he has simply taken the IPCCCCC models and subjected them to mathematical scrutiny.
Good as far as it goes but he doesn’t examine the process which is totally ridiculous in scientific terms.
I’m glad he’s on our side.
Nice full stop Eliza, especially after that first sentence. 🙂
It deteriorates somewhat after that, unfortunately.
Perhaps a full stop after “analysis” would work better. And, after “sake”.
Sentences are powerful.
Stay safe.
Oh. And BTW, the fact that you’re published on this site (not banned, as you hope?) supports the Null hypothesis for your analysis: “Australia is a police state”.
I think Jo is safely married, Eliza, and has been for quite some time, so she won’t be posting banns anywhere.
Hit us with the truth. We can take it. About the virus I mean.
Valuable information Jo.
Has anyone heard Vitamin D mentioned even once in connection with all the COVID-19 coverage on the ABC? Maybe I missed it . . . .
Do you expect the abc to publish anything about anything which actually works?
Surely that’s not part of the abc’s editorial policy.
This blog is the only place I’ve seen serious discussion of Vit D for tackling Covid 19 (apart from Dr John Campbell – UK). It doesn’t seem to exist for the rest of the world.
Yet the published research over the last 20 years strongly suggests that it should be on every medical radar screen.
Frustratingly, it’s not.
But then, I’m not particularly in the groove for watching Covid-19 destroy the Northern Hemisphere so I may have missed a lot. I’m working my way through geomagnetic anomalies (seen the Earth’s recent one?) and what happened before during and after the Younger Dryas. Much more interesting…
The YD was a geomagnetic reversal, do you have a link? The space rock theory is all the rage at the moment.
The Gothenburg Reversal (YD) was possibly caused or triggered by space rock(s). There may have been more than one. There are several possible craters but none have been dated yet.
You could watch:
https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/jre__725/ [3hrs long ]
Those two videos are about 5 – 6 hours viewing/listening.
The material presented is … highly educational.
Yes Sophocles.
And thanks to you and your comments some time ago, I did my research and got onto it.
Only 1000IU/day, but I augment that with a good deal of outdoor exercise and never apply sunscreen.
It must be working because I haven’t caught the virus yet. 🙂
I’m staking my life on it. From the Vit-D research I’ve read, I’m confident.
Do as much sunbathing (solar noon!) as you can because there are other healthy things going on in the skin
not just manufacture of Vit-d. See the link Drapetomania posted at #18 just below.
In 1935, you had one chance in 1700 of developing melanoma.
Sunscreens were invented in 1935.
Today, you have one chance in 33 of developing melanoma.
Note: sunscreens do not protect you from melanoma, basal cell cancer or squamous cell cancer.
They do block uvb and prevent vitamin D being made.
Do sunscreens cause skin cancer?
Vitamin D is a vital testosterone precursor, not enough testosterone equates to male atrophy, low sperm counts, poor sperm health, shrunken testes, poor blood flow, erectile dysfunction, muscle and tendon weakness, insipidness.
The last thing ABC wants is more strong healthy virile men about the place.
It’s pretty good for the prostate, too.
Works well against prostate cancer …
A doctor on a UK radio phone-in last night had an opportunity to mention it, in connection with a high proportion of US deaths among blacks, but he was an SJW and just went on about how it must be due to poverty.
Loved his description of the ideal experimental animal as medical students. Almost human, feed themselves and no-one campaigns outside the building about “saving them”.
Can’t argue with the expert 😀
If you watch any of the video diaries where doctors in the US are treating COVID-19 patients with HCQ and Azithromycin most also supplement with one or all of the following – Vit D, Vit C and Zinc (Zn). Zn also appears to have some benefits when fighting or preventing virus infections. You will find some commercial products claiming Immune system boost have added Zn.
When Linus Pauling campaigned about the benefits of large amounts of Vitamin C, one scientist was asked about possible toxicity. He said that there was no evidence but with the likely enthusiasm of the gullible** in the population he expected the first cases shortly.
As it turned out the major effect of overdoses of Vitamin C was Diarrhoea.
Toxicity from overdose of Vitamin D has been known for many years. By all means supplement but stick to 1000units per day maximum.
**Recall the bloke who swallowed Pool Cleaner because the name was similar to Chloroquine.
Sorry Graeme
But that is D3 Fake news
It was put about by pharmaceutical companies in the USA in the 1930’s
But it was a lie then & is a lie now.
I’ve been taking 10,000 IU a day for years.
No ill effects whatsoever.
Jeff Bowles writes this about D3 toxicity
” It turns out that Vitamin D toxicity was an d is a very rare occurrance and only occurred from a normal person ingesting super high amounts of vitamin D like in the one million IU’s a day range for months at a time. ..When those over ingesting people stopped the massive doses they were taking, they basically returned to normal….”
Jeff writes a lot more about this issue.
Wife and I have been taking 20,000iu daily of D3 for a few months, up from 10,000iu.
Heard a couple of doctors on YouTube admit to taking 150,000iu a day when under threat of infection.
See the link above about where the limits are. A woman did get there with doses of 180,000IU or something for a couple of months.
” 1000 IU per day of vitamin D3,12 which is one quarter the National Academy of Sciences–Institute of Medicine tolerable upper level of intake of 4000 IU per day at ages 9 years and older.”
Like Bill , been taking 6,000 to 10,000 units per day for decades . Doc tells me toxic amount is 30 times that .1000 units per 25 pounds of body weight . So 150 pounder needs 6000 units .I do not get flu shots .
Have not had the flu in decades , despite working in close proximity to hundreds of factory workers , many whom kept working even while ill due to their finances .
(co-workers who had flu shots DID get the flu .
I have been taking at least 2000iu of vit D for years and have had absolutely no side effects so don’t rabbit on with scaremongering crap.
And pray tell what has fish tank cleaner got to do with vit D? Just more scaremongering.
2,000 IU recommended by my GP. We are not all the same of course.
From: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5986531/
Title: Nutrients. 2018 May; 10(5): 652.
Published online 2018 May 22. doi: 10.3390/nu10050652
PMCID: PMC5986531
PMID: 29786640
Vitamin D in Vascular Calcification: A Double-Edged Sword?
Jeffrey Wang,1 Jimmy J. Zhou,1,2 Graham R. Robertson,3 and Vincent W. Lee1,*
“5.1. Hypervitaminosis D and VC
“Induction of calcification through hypervitaminosis with vitamin D has been demonstrated and well characterised in multiple animal models, including mice, rats, goats and pigs (see Table 1). “Treatment of rats with sublethal doses (7.5 mg/kg) of vitamin D plus nicotine produces a lasting 10–40 fold increase in aortic calcium content, resulting in the calcification and destruction “of medial elastic fibres, subsequently leading to arterial stiffness [84]. In goats and pigs, dietary supplementation of vitamin D promotes the development of aortic and coronary calcified “lesions in association with elevated serum calcium and cholesterol levels [85,86]. Vitamin D induced calcification in mice is currently considered to be one of the more robust models of “calcification, in which single doses of 500,000 IU/kg/day can produce severe aortic medial calcification after just 7 days following 3 consecutive days of initial treatment [87]. “Interestingly, a recent study produced a variant of this model in which mice initially treated with a lower dose (100,000 IU/kg/day) for 7 consecutive days developed moderate aortic “calcification outcomes at 28 days (unpublished). In addition to precursor forms of vitamin D, such as D2 and D3, dosing of its active metabolite, calcitriol, also produces diffuse and “widespread soft tissue calcification that has been demonstrated in a time-dependent manner in rats [88]. Despite the number of in vivo models, evidence to explain the clear mechanisms of “action by which excess exogenous vitamin D promotes calcification is still lacking.
Just the stuff I don’t want to hear about. Good reason to be wary of calcitriol 🙁
If you’re a mouse.
Good video in the link also.
From: https://www.algaecal.com/research/secrets-vitamin-k-for-osteoporosis/
“The biochemistry is pretty complicated, but you don’t have to know all the steps involved to understand that:
” Vitamin K1 is required to activate the proteins better involved in blood clotting,
“And Vitamin K2 is required to activate the proteins that determine where calcium goes in our bodies, making sure that the calcium we absorb goes into our bones where we want it “and not into our arteries or our hearts where we don’t. That’s the job of the proteins activated by K2.
“*There are three forms of vitamin K, the third being vitamin K3 (menadione). It is found preformed in food but in insignificant amounts. There is limited quality research on the role “of these smalls amount of K3 in food on health.
“One of these proteins called osteocalcin pulls calcium into our bones and another called matrix-Gla protein actively prevents calcium from depositing in soft tissues, not only our arterieVitamin K Otseoporosiss and hearts but our kidneys, breasts, and brain where we certainly don’t want calcium deposits. The latest research is actually even showing on its animal studies still, but it’s showing, that Vitamin K2 can even remove calcium that is already deposited in the cardiovascular system. So too little K2 can result in calcium depositing where we don’t want it in soft tissue, like our blood vessels instead of in our bones.”……..
……….”Not only does Vitamin K2 regulate where calcium goes in your body, but Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D work together, they’re a team.”
I will add…as far as i know and from scientific experiments on my own person at the age of 60 :), i try to make sure i get around 500 micrograms a day if i am using a bottle of K2 from a chemist. Making Natto is easy and a lot cheaper than buying K2. I cannot speak highly enough of K2/Natto as a person who has stayed away from vitamin fads my whole life. I have always tried to get my vitamins from foods.
Also, K2 is pretty unstable so it is not certain that the amount claimed on a bottle of K2 in a chemist shop is the same as what is actually inside a K2 pill. In my opinion, DIY batches of Natto is the only way to go in order to guarantee a good dose. The Natto beans can be dried to improve longevity. I will source some dry Natto beans to see if i can use the dried Natto beans to make a fresh batch of Natto. I would be surprised if i could not because the bacteria that make Natto can survive millions of years in their spore form…So far i am using Natto from asian stores to make fresh natto. Dried Natto beans should also be able to inoculate a fresh batch of Natto.
In a way the vitamin K2 manufactured in copious quantities by certain bacteria/bacillus like Bacillus Subtilis resulted in the similar situation life finds itself in now, so that most of the heavy lifting/vitamin/seratonin/drug/protein/etc production continues to be outsourced to bacteria and virus’s etc. :)….
‘Environment Skeptic’ thanks.
Noted- calcification, from 500,000 IU/kg/day.
The usual Vit D supplement capsule is 1,000 IU, and if 100 per bottle,
and you are a skinny 50kg,
my calcs say you are safe at less than about 250 bottles a day.
Health Departments have for some time claimed 4000 IU “is the maximum safe limit. Ha!
It you want to find out more, Ian Wishart (a New Zealand author) wrote a book: Vitamin D: is this the miracle vitamin? some years ago.
I purchased a copy off Trademe New Zealand.. ( Search in books for “Ian Wishart Vitamin D” and you could find a `read once’ copy. Prices are in NZD. As of tonight, there are 5 copies available.) I own a copy and I recommend it. I’ve downloaded and read most of the research he cites and he’s made an honest job of it.
Medical “experts” tell us to stay out of the sun for melanoma reasons and our GPs tell us to get plenty of sunshine for Vitamin D.
Do you go to the rock or do you go to the hard place?
This should really help, as coronavirus tends to hit lungs very hard.
WHO may drag people out of their houses?
Scary stuff….
Indeed. That’s what China did, and they were horrible videos of people screaming and crying and being dragged away. That’s what I was watching in January and one of the reasons I knew that “this was not the flu”.
But if we told people to wear masks — even indoors if there was an infected person in the house, we could manage this so much better. People need to know how to isolate one person at home, and in our Australian larger houses, most of the time it is possible. Tough though in a one bathroom house.
Jo the ABC occasionally gets something right. This report is about doctors & medical staff in hospitals being ordered NOT to wear face masks when attending to Wuhan Flu patients.
Horrifying !
I assume that many staff are calling in sick or even resigning to avoid being infected.
I’d like to see them try in the USA , Jo.
The WHO would need to BYO body bags I think…
The Americans I think by that stage would just refuse, and it would be on…..
Australia’s Recovered cases are 2,813!
29th March = 74 declared recovered on that day.
31st March = 101 declared recovered on that day.
That’s 1.25 times higher recoveries in 2 days.
2nd April = 240 declared recovered on that day.
That’s 2.4 times higher recoveries in 4 days.
6th April – 1,352 declared recovered on that day.
That’s 5.5 times higher recoveries in 4 days.
Our recoveries are dramatically accelerating, and the active cases are now just 3,189, from 6,089 total cases, and 65 new cases.
I don’t believe any other country has shown such a spike in recoveries, so whatever experimental antiviral treatment or regimen has been implemented since late March it’s working. I’m not going to suggest they ran them through the sheep-dip but this is incredibly good news. At this continues we may be clear of community spreading and down to very few active cases by the end of April.
Can that recovery rate be replicated elsewhere to bring down the risk of a second-wave developing?
The UK is a terrible mess, 11.69% died and the daily deaths reached Italy levels overnight with 938 died during the past 24 hours and the new cases increased 10.3% of Active, to 60,733. Little different to Italy now when they were at 60,000 cases level.
UK deaths per day:
Died/Day | Date
260 … 28-Mar-20
209 … 29-Mar-20
180 … 30-Mar-20
381 … 31-Mar-20
563 … 01-Apr-20
569 … 02-Apr-20
684 … 03-Apr-20
708 … 04-Apr-20
621 … 05-Apr-20
439 … 06-Apr-20
786 … 07-Apr-20
938 … 08-Apr-20
They’re currently on track for 14,800 total deaths on the 12th April, fairly close to Italy’s current total of 17,669 deaths. UK will overtake Italy’s deaths some time next week.
All countries with more than 250 cases and higher than 5.0% died of known cases.
(note that the active case totals are shown here)
% Died | Country | Active cases | % New v Act
13.04 … Algeria … 1,130 … 9.2
12.67 … Italy … 95,262 … 4.0
12.19 … San Marino … 205 … 0.0
11.69 … UK … 53,501 … 10.3
10.94 … Netherlands … 18,051 … 5.4
9.98 … Spain … 85,407 … 7.4
9.62 … France … 80,827 … 4.8
9.57 … Belgium … 16,482 … 7.3
8.16 … Sweden … 7,527 … 9.6 (Sweden going bad fast, but case total still low)
8.12 … Indonesia … 2,494 … 8.7
7.29 … Morocco … 1,085 … 8.4
7.05 … Honduras … 284 … 2.5
6.60 … Egypt … 1,152 … 9.5
6.48 … Hungary … 743 … 10.5
6.18 … Iran … 30,781 … 6.5
5.74 … Iraq … 681 … 11.7
5.56 … Burkina Faso … 257 … 11.7
5.50 … Albania … 224 … 7.6
5.44 … Ecuador … 4,068 … 11.2
5.12 … Dominican Rep … 1,953 … 7.9
5.07 … Brazil … 15,241 … 14.1 (running out of time to make isolation work)
5.06 … Mexico … 2,011 … 17.2
Spain, France, Netherlands and Belgium are just as messed-up as the UK but their new-cases percentage of actives are all lower.
Yes the stats for Sweden with it’s ‘herd immunity’ policy show just how crack pot that policy is !
Over 400 people dead in a population of less than 10 million.
Australia with it’s lock down has ~40 deaths in a population of 23.5 million.
I suspect that ‘progressive’ coalition government in Sweden is on the rocks !
It will get a huge kick up the bum when people speak their votes !
Agree that they need massive political changes Bill, but I’m betting they settle for more inept stupor. Germany keeps doing the same election after election. So does QLD. So we have garbage EU small-d democracies with wannabe ‘opposition’ parties, who don’t do their job, which they are still getting paid to do by taxpayers, even when in opposition. Opposition front-bench and back-bench salaries are apparently waaay too high. Same in Canberra, Labor don’t even try to be a credible opposition party with constructive policies, so we’re going the same direction still. The result is dysfunctional democracies in Europe with ineffectual non-competitive opposition benches full non-performing slobs with no incentive to do better. Strip the Opposition MPs and Senators of the luxuries and rewards and they might actually develop the ambition to obtain government via serving the people’s interests. Same of course applies to the bureaucrats and Department heads and senior hierarchy, as they’re not hungry any longer. They’re comfortable, smug, self-satisfied and don’t have to perform, let alone excel at something. They can let sick foreigners off a cruise ship during a National and State emergency when the borders were closed to foreign free entry, sans a 14 day isolation period, and infect all parts of the country with a lethal virus (which may possibly have escaped from a bio-weapons program … maybe) and the relevant minister defends these actions on TV, and they seem to think this is not really incompetence or arrogant willfulness that’s worthy of a conviction and prison time. So they act like it’s really nothing to get excited about, just a few dead people. Focus on the economic imperative. Could it be bribes to allow people ashore were involved. Why else would you do what you know to be incredibly wrong? I hope the police are looking for brown paper bags and anomalous cash increases. But in Sweden the police don’t even show up, perhaps they’re getting brown paper bags do nothing from someone?
Either way, we all have a big problem with our Democracy, public policy processes and law and order if we’re struggling to look unambiguously better than the CHICOM dog ‘n pony show. That is the bigger recovery we have to have.
That’s no way to talk about the wonderful Land of Greta – with its jackboots bodyguards for Greta.
I’ve just been loking at the new revised stats.
The Netherlands with it’s ‘policy’ ( cough, cough ) of killing people via herd immunity program, is working very ‘excellently’ !
In the Netherlands there are 2248 people dead from 20,545 infections !
And that is a ‘wonderful’ 131 persons dead per million.
Now there is a future ‘story’ for the academics to analyse.
But to me it symbolises the triumph of total political stupidity over common sense.
I’ve just been looking at the new revised stats. on World meters.
The Netherlands with it’s ‘policy’ ( cough, cough ) of killing people via ‘herd immunity’ program, is working very, very ‘excellently’ !
In the Netherlands there are 2248 people dead from 20,545 infections !
And that is a ‘wonderful’ 131 persons dead per million.
Now there is a future ‘story’ for the academics to analyse.
But to me it symbolises the triumph of total political ‘progressive’ stupidity over common sense.
The Sweden herd immunity is not as free ranging as led to believe. Page 5 of this link has a table that shows the actions and timing of European governments:
Sweden was early in implementing self-isolation of cases. Sweden banned public events on 12th March then closed schools on 18th March; earlier than UK. The only action they have not ordered is a complete lockdown but evidence of social distancing is not much different to what is occurring in Australia.
I was surprised that Sweden isn’t a lot worse but that is because I believed the government had not implemented any controls, which is clearly wrong.
Rick whatever the Swedish government did it’s definitely ‘working well’
The rate of dead per million is quite high.
It is 68 dead per million !
Australia’s is just 2 persons dead per million !
The let it rip idiots had a field day there as well.
I was expecting to see Sweden lead the pack in death rate. Certainly to exceed the UK. UK is 105deaths/M and rising rapidly. Sweden is 68 but not rising as fast as UK.
The reason for this is that Sweden is not really aiming for herd mentality.
I suppose the question then is will they avoid losing control of Hospital’s capacity and effectiveness this way? Their policy balance was aimed at minimizing disruptions to keep most in paid work and the society more or less functioning as per normal.
The high and rising 8.16% died (so far) strongly suggests the policy has failed their Hospitals, with a relatively low total numbers of cases (but high-ish per million).
The question is how long does it take them to get the hospitals operating normally and effectively once more, and how many more people die and suffer of other disease progressions in the interim which will not be attributed to an active case of COVID-19? It looks like a botched policy from a distance, hop it does not blow up on then from here. Pain is the most compelling teacher, the one you’re least likely to ignore in future.
Hospitals in the large Swedish centres are already struggling. Staff are being paid double to work longer hours. The military have set up a field hospital:
Sweden’s rate of death is 8.16%. Eight other countries are HIGHER than that with 6 European countries higher than they are. They have 700 dead (terrible, but less than a lot of other countries) and Australia 51 but Vietnam (>90 million people)has NONE and Taiwan (23 million?) has 5 deaths. Perhaps Australia, which discourages wearing of face-masks, should make face-masks compulsory as they are in Vietnam and Taiwan? Sweden’s experiment with “herd immunity” is dangerous but useful to compare with “lock-down” nations. So far, their results are looking no where near being a-worst-case scenario are they?
The story on herd immunity in Sweden is incorrect. The government set controls earlier than most other European countries. The only control not implemented is full lockdown but social distancing is as effective there as many other countries in Europe:
With warmer weather in Sweden more people are getting out into the sunshine (for building Vitamin D) but they are not going to workplaces as much or using public transport as much.
But all of Sweden’s Cafes, bars and restaurants are open?
Exactly !
And cinemas etc
Still open but not being frequented as much. Visits to places like restaurants, cafes, shopping centers, theme parks, museums, libraries, and movie theaters are down by 24% in Sweden. Australia with the current severe lockdown for non-essential workers is down by 45% in this category.
If Sweden was aiming for herd immunity and doing nothing then their death toll would be much higher. It would be exceeding UK but it is half of UK not more.
And then there is this…
Too long.
Here is a screen image of the weekly totals for direct comparison, with the total percent of change over a 7-day period:
April 7th, 2020 Data (and the 7-day changes whwn compared to April 1st):
Total Cases | Country | 7 Day Change | Daily Change
1,845 … South Africa … 340 … 49
1,572 … Algeria … 401 … 57
1560 … Egypt … 575 … 82
1275 … Morocco … 484 … 69
730 … Cameroon … 221 … 32
628 … Tunisia … 133 … 19
414 … Burkina Faso … 112 … 16
384 … Ivory Coast … 166 … 24
342 … Niger … 222 … 32
313 … Ghana … 108 … 15
276 … Nigeria … 66 … 9
244 … Senegal … 37 … 5
180 … DRC … 32 … 5
179 … Kenya … 57 … 8
135 … Djibouti … 86 … 12
110 … Rwanda … 21 … 3
93 … Madagascar … 23 … 3
70 … Togo … 30 … 4
59 … Mali … 20 … 3
55 … Ethiopia … 20 … 3
53 … Uganda … 5 … 1
45 … Congo … 23 … 3
39 … Zambia … 0 … 0
34 … Gabon … 13 … 2
33 … Eritrea … 11 … 2
33 … Guinea-Bissau … 18 … 3
31 … Liberia … 24 … 3
26 … Benin … 10 … 1
25 … Tanzania … 5 … 1
21 … Libya … 4 … 1
19 … Angola … 11 … 2
17 … Mozambique … 7 … 1
16 … Namibia … 2 … 0
14 … Sudan … 4 … 1
12 … Somalia … 5 … 1
12 … Eswatini … 3 … 0
11 … Zimbabwe … 2 … 0
10 … Chad … 2 … 0
8 … Malawi … 5 … 1
8 … CAR … 0 … 0
7 … Sierra Leone … 5 … 1
6 … Botswana … 2 … 0
6 … Mauritania … 0 … 0
4 … Gambia … 0 … 0
4 … Western Sahara … 4 … 1
3 … Burundi … 0 … 0
2 … South Sudan … 2 … 0
Weekly increase in cases = 3,321
Daily increase in cases = 474
Fairly small still.
Percent which have died within all African countries which have data (over 7-days):
% Died | Country | Total Cases
27.27 … Zimbabwe … 11
25.00 … Gambia … 4
16.67 … Botswana … 6
16.67 … Mauritania … 6
14.29 … Sudan … 14
13.04 … Algeria … 1,572
12.90 … Liberia … 31
12.50 … Malawi … 8
11.86 … Mali … 59
11.11 … Congo … 45
10.53 … Angola … 19
10.00 … DRC … 180
8.33 … Somalia … 12
7.29 … Morocco … 1,275
6.60 … Egypt … 1,560
5.56 … Burkina Faso … 414
4.76 … Libya … 21
4.29 … Togo … 70
4.00 … Tanzania … 25
3.85 … Benin … 26
3.82 … Tunisia … 628
3.64 … Ethiopia … 55
3.35 … Kenya … 179
3.22 … Niger … 342
2.94 … Gabon … 34
2.56 … Zambia … 39
2.17 … Nigeria … 276
1.92 … Ghana … 313
1.37 … Cameroon … 730
0.98 … South Africa … 1,845
0.82 … Senegal … 244
0.78 … Ivory Coast … 384
Low deaths!
Spreading of new cases in all countries where data is currently available (over 7-days):
% New v Act | Country | Total Cases
70.8 … Liberia … 31
43.8 … Mozambique … 17
40.9 … Djibouti … 135
40.0 … Somalia … 12
40.0 … Eswatini … 12
21.1 … Niger … 342
14.3 … Sierra Leone … 7
13.3 … Angola … 19
12.5 … Gabon … 34
11.7 … Burkina Faso … 414
11.4 … Togo … 70
10.5 … Ivory Coast … 384
9.7 … Nigeria … 276
9.5 … Egypt … 1,560
9.5 … Ghana … 313
9.2 … Algeria … 1,572
8.4 … Morocco … 1,275
8.3 … Mali … 59
8.3 … Libya … 21
6.8 … Cameroon … 730
6.1 … Ethiopia … 55
6.1 … Madagascar … 93
6.1 … Eritrea … 33
5.5 … South Africa … 1,845
5.4 … Senegal … 244
5.3 … Tanzania … 25
4.9 … Rwanda … 110
4.3 … Kenya … 179
1.9 … Uganda … 53
0.9 … Tunisia … 628
When divided by 7 to get a daily spreading percentage, all but 6 countries are no higher than 2% spreading per day, while the highest is 10% on very low numbers.
Are the stats too good to be true, or can anti-malarials and isolation make that much difference to COVID-19 spreading in so many poor countries with poor health standards?
Some people are saying Africa is different, as there is less contact with the rest of the world, but if you’d done any reading, you would know that Africa is riddled with Chinese. A great place to buy UN votes. I guess wait a couple of weeks to see if they do explode, but if they dont it may be the anti malarial?? Last time I looked I think New Guinea had 1 case? Another interesting one was Mianmar.
Don’t forget that the Northern Hemisphere is Vitamin D deficient. It’s their Colds ‘n Flu Season.
The equinox has passed and the sun is back in the Northern Hemisphere. The more people who get out into the sun whenever they can, the better. What we see in the Northern Hemisphere is what we could experience here in 3 months time.
So keep your Vitamin D high.
I despair of Dumb Medical people!
I was just talking to another resident of the Aged Care Facility where I live. I told her of Prof Chris Whitty and his ban on treatments other than paracetamol and oxygen when a nurse joined the conversation.
They were both adamant that the other suggested treatment don’t work and are all fake news!
Even wearing Masks was fake news!
Vitamin C, Vitamin D, anti-Malarial meds, Worm Meds, all rubbish!
The small group got bigger with an RN and young Doctor joining the one sided discussion and all agreed that I was talking up fake news.
They kept on an on about what I was saying would not cure COVID-19!
I pointed out over and over again that these medications were NOT a cure, BUT, that they were efficacious in reducing the severity of the infection.
Perhaps I used too many big words!
Slithers, all professional medical staff are obliged by law to use the “Standard of Treatment’
Approved by the bloody idiots who head up our health departments.
Ignore them !
And in fact tell anybody you are friendly with to ignore them.
And it was those same idiots who allowed this virus into Australia from overseas travellers.
Here’s the link to the scientific paper. Read the paper fully to ensure you understand it (which I think you will)
and if you can, print it out and hand it to them. Don’t say anything except:
“This is the current science.”
I don’t have the paper about masks and their efficacy, someone else here may have the link. Then you can repeat your little surprise.
“More real science …”
Slithers, The WHO now says:
“We can certainly see circumstances on which the use of masks, both home-made and cloth masks, at the community level may help with an overall comprehensive response to this disease,” Dr Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies programme, said on Friday.”
See here :https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3078407/coronavirus-world-health-organisation-reverses-course-now-supports
My take on this is that Ryan is trying to save Tedros” bacon after he arranged for the WHO to become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party
I could give you a small heap of papers about Vit-D but we’ll save those for a little bit later. See how you get on with the hydrochloroquine paper first.
Be careful: keep in mind what Bill says.
Don’t forget the Zn.
Healthy gut, via good bacteria balance, Vit D3, Walnuts or Brazil nuts for Zn & Se. Don’t overdo the nuts for Se which can be toxic, eg, 2-3/day.
But all cheap, redilly available and gives some feeling of control over your greatest asset as you boost & maintain yor immune system
Meanwhile: Some more hope over the horizon?
From WND: “We are amazed’: New treatment for COVID-19 heading for human trials”
There is some good news out of the UK. Boris has improved somewhat and is now able to sit up in bed.
I doubt Boris got a lot of sun over the past 6 months.
I was prescribed Vitamin D when I sat in planes and offices for a period in my working life. No longer required as I have much better exposure to sunlight since I retired.
Probably due to the Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin delivered by special order of President Trump!
If so, its application is a state secret. TS Level II.
Not even pillow talk will elicit its efficacy. And, Boris doesn’t do that anymore.
Unfortunately, once we’re over 70 or thereabouts, our skins lose their youthful efficiency at manufacture of vitamin D and we have to start supplementing.
Be careful. Try and have your levels measured regularly so you aren’t caught with trousers and vitamin D levels embarrassingly low …
Hmph. I tried to follow my own advice and made enquiries about testing. Uh oh. It seems to be expensive!
c. $70 per test. I’ll let the govt do that.
Really helpful Jo, thanks for the advice, will certainly start vitamin D today . . .
I haven’t heard anyone mention vitamin A, vitamin D and A work together, so eat your lamb’s fry and bacon (A from liver and D from the bacon fat).l eat a lot of animal fat,butter (the more yellow the better)lard etc, drink kefir,kombucha and beer while sitting outside enjoying the autumn weather, listening to professor Knut Wittkowski about the virus, and Jo could you explain why you think he has got it so wrong. Heil McGowan
I am mostly covered when outside. I do a lot outside but wear long pants, long sleeved shirts, gloves, and a hat with a wide brim. I supplement with a multi-pill that has 400 IUs of D – claim is that is 50% of a daily need.
The probability of me (and many others) getting a good dose via sunlight is quite close to Zero.
[At the top: “We’re throwing billions at Coronavirus but missing cheap wins.”
Had “wine” on my mind, having just done a month of grape vine pruning. Thus, I was looking forward to a list of good cheap wines. Oops!]
*hic* I know the feeling 😀
Good health from sunshine is free,
Best known as vitamin D,
Which cures many ills,
Without potions or pills,
And is more than delightful to me.
I’d been wondering where you’d got to Ruairi.
Nice one.
Havent read above but ppl need to be very careful about vitamin D
Use calcitropol occasionally. The warning labels on it are severe, more so than anything else I use. Can easily get high levels of calcium in the blood. Be careful!
That’s why you also take Vitamin K2.
But for that problem to occur, you would need to be taking huge dosages of vitamin D for long times.
Unless you have a vitamin D allergy, then cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is pretty safe and is often (Note: under medical supervision) administered in high doses of up to 10,000IU IU as a bolus dose.
Vitamin D3 is very effective and efficient at pulling Calcium out of the gut but you could say that it’s not quite so efficient at parking it safely which is why calcium can build up where it’s not wanted. K2, on the other hand, you could think of as being very fussy and careful about where and how calcium is parked. To use D3 to the level where excess calcium would be causing problems you would have to be consuming very high doses for months.
I’m supplementing with Vitamin D3 at 1000IU per day with Vitamin K2 at 90mcg per tablet. (I should be using 120mcg of K2 per day, the 90mcg dose is for adult female daily usage (supplementing) so I’m relying on diet at present to give me most of the extra K2 I could be using.) Because I use the sun as well (when it’s not blocked out by clouds), I’m getting about the equivalent of about 1500IU each day I sun myself.
28 dead out of 65 beds at pinecrest now
Other nursing homes here are getting infected and the infections and deaths are ramping up that way. 16 dead at seven oaks nursing home and growing (249 beds)
Covid kills old people with a high mortality. If you don’t hear about a lot of corpses, it means the virus attack (infection of the population) remains low.
Release the social distancing constraints and the body count will grow bigly.
You will probably find that Covid kills anyone with a vitamin D deficiency.
NSW Health introduces $5,000 fine for spitting or coughing on frontline workers in coronavirus lockdown. That’s a start. I would rather there be a jail sentence if cough doing it a second time, and a length prison sentence thereafter. It also include anyone, not just frontline workers. The discrimination is not surprising. Our politicians have no clue of fairness. They are a major part of many of the problems we are experiencing today.
Very much disagree Peter, coughing is sometimes convulsive, it can’t be stopped, especially with a pneumonia, you can cough almost incessantly for hours each day so it’s the responsibility of others nearby to ensure they do not approach too close, IMO. I would.
Spitting is another story, and coughing deliberately to sicken or threaten people is another, but how to prove that without a camera capture? “Front-line workers” should fully grasp that coughing can not be turned-off like a light switch by someone with a severe respiratory infection. The idea of fining sick people because they can’t stop coughing is a bit outrageous I think.
Why do the “front-line workers” not have a sufficient level of PPE to negate that predictable event occurring multiple times per day? The fine is over the top, it sounds like something a bureaucrat dreamed-up, it exhibits a very poor grasp of what bilateral pneumonia does to a person. They are going to cough.
Sorry to NSW bureaucrats and Health Minister if that’s inconvenient for front-line worker PPE supplies, but it’s much more inconvenient for the person who’s in severe pain with a potentially fatal fight to get a breath.
What a load of crap. Coughing in someone face is no only serious but rude.
For a couple of decades I’ve been drinking the highest vitamin C syrups i could find, when trying to kick a cold or cough. Cascade ultra C is good (ribena if you have to)(some places Coles had a NZ brand, that was 50% juice) And for some reason I thought I needed some chocolate as a chaser! And it worked a treat for years. No bugs lasted more than a couple of days! Until 2017, when i had a mean cough, that nothing could shift for weeks. Maybe age is catching up??
Anyway 50/50 juice and water, plus a bit of chocolate chaser, before bed, worked for me for years. Vitamin C tabs or powder never seemed to do anything. And I tried the juice without the chocolate, and that didn’t work either! There you go, science at work.
Black currants are much higher C than oranges.
The effect of bio- flavinoids as co-factors for vit -C?
No, 1000 IU a day is insufficient. It should be around 5,000 IU a day and such can be obtained [snip, online] in a single small capsule.
[ Is this an advertisement for your company or meant to be a serious comment? ] AD
[Snip by ED]
So what’s the link? It could be useful.
I agree. 1000IU per day won’t build any vit D reserves — it will barely hold it’s own against daily use.
Half an hour in the sun at solar noon for those well under 70 can make 15,000 to 20,000 IU.
The optimum dose may be around 8,000 to 10,000 IU per day — whatever is necessary to reach and maintain a serum level of about 50ng/ml.
For many, that wouldn’t be a burn time. Keep the time below burn time and don’t use a sunscreen. Sunscreens block the UVB required to make vitamin D.
Vitamin D supplementation for preventing respiratory tract infection is not routinely done. For this intervention to be effective, it should be done continuously, before the respiratory tract infection starts. This could be a major challenge in many under-resourced settings, as programme managers and policy-makers will have to plan for procurement of the preparation, storage, distribution, quality-control, and compliance assurance of vitamin D supplements for children on a routine basis.
Vitamin D is an essential hormone that’s why solariums are banned in Australia. Tasmania has twice the cancer rates of Queensland for a reason.
What is the reason?
Strange how the Gov is pushing for zero sun exposure?
Swedish women who don’t sunbathe at all run double the risk of poor health compared to women who spend lavish amounts of time soaking up the rays, a new study has revealed.
The study followed up on almost 30,000 women over a 20-year period.
“The mortality rate among avoiders of sun exposure was approximately two-fold higher compared to the highest sun exposure group,” the Karolinksa and Lund university researchers concluded in an article published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.
That’s just one side of the governments. They use the principle of separation: the left hand is kept ignorant of the right hand which is kept ignorant of the left hand. Great. Soopa.
Vitamin D 3 is the body’s first line of defence against cancers, esp. skin cancers. It’s been found to be efficacious in prostate cancer and others.
Australia and New Zealand are the skin cancer capitals of the world. But they also have far and away the best survival rates.
I had a basal tumour develop some years ago, and more recently a squamous tumour. I had been following slip-slop-slap advice very carefully. They were both cut out. What interested me was that they both appeared on skin which was always covered by a hat. I’ve noted that.
For the last four years (now in the fifth year) I haven’t used any sunscreen — I’m careful to avoid burning — and I use the sun for building my Vitamin D by sunbathing over winter. I haven’t had a cold at all, and I had one very mild dose of influenza in the late August 2018. Those are my results.
I feel good, better than I did before I started this `nonsense.’ I have my doctor check my skin twice a year for any melanomas.
Moderation may be the key, moderation in everything including moderation. We are not made to ignore solar exposure. Too much is unhealthy
but so is too little.
Try it for yourself but take care about not burning.
You may be surprised.
That paper you link to doesn’t surprise me at all and it applies equally to males as well as females.
There’s something else that helps fighting viruses-sleep.
Numerous studies have shown the immune system is more active and works better during sleep. Maybe that’s one of the reasons babies and children sleep so much-they are inevitably going to get viruses as they enter the world, so they have evolved to sleep a lot to fight them off. I have often wondered why we need to sleep at all, after all, and why it persists in evolution, after all, when you think about it an animal that sleeps compared to one that doesn’t should be easy prey to predators. If it’s just for various body repair, why not just one or two hours, why is it ~1/3 of ones life?
It might just be continually re-inforced by natural selection because of the almost constant need to fight various pathogens, which have been around since time began.
Presented without comment:
[Considered to be bad form. You should always provide some comment on a provided link.]ED
Hi Jo. Inspired by this article, I peeled off my shirt and ran outside for some solar vitamins. Waxing lyrical as one does:
“I love the feel of wind in my hair,
And run around shirtless, with my arms in the air”.
But did you do it at solar noon?
That’s the time which counts.
Did the police turn up and fine you for an ‘unapproved activity’?
…and back to vitamin c…
Hopefully thus doesn’t double post but this blog is as fast as a Datsun 120Y with the handbrake on ☺
Hardly a new idea, it shouldn’t be forgotten that Vit. D3 has been added to milk, especially evaporated milk, since the 1900s as a preventative for childhood ricketts, endemic among the working classes at the time.
Oh joy.. my earlier post didn’t show either due to blog lag, so here it us again.
Should have Jo frothing at the mouth and MP grinning. ☺
Trust official figures, the governments of the world and the MSM (especially in view of what we informed people know of history)?
I think not.
Ohhh. Links fixed. Don’t use the link button. Groan.
Like my 4k tv – turn off image smoothing to smooth images. Groan 2..
[Rod, not “blog Lag”, instead you were caught by the spam filter.] ED
Medcram has a session on Ivermectin:
My comment: “Ivermectin is an ingredient in sheep dip (or drench) which keeps a few different pests at bay. The tragic in me thinks all we need now is for Trump to mention the drug, and someone to skull a pint of sheep dip and succumb. I will probably get brain damage from the resulting double facepalm.”
It seems the French are simply farther along and way less political than morass the US has fallen into with Dr. Fauci and the Freak Outers. France’s chief epidemiologist Professor Jean-François Delfraissy may have identified a major “risk factor” regarding deaths from CV-19 as reported by Reuters:
This even passes the sniff test and could explain why there are 96+, even 100+ elders that recovery from a bout with CV-19 while others just drop. Obesity is a symptom of it’s underlying cause: Metabolic Syndrome. There are lots of vids on obesity and metabolic syndrome such as Aussie doctor Paul Mason here:
And it’s all proven by high quality clinical trials. Obesity (metabolic syndrome) produces a chronic inflammatory state in the body leading directly to type 2 diabetes and other metabolic related diseases. All confirmed by the biochemists studying pathways.
We all should have read, for years now, about our “epidemics” of obesity in the Western nations. Since the damage is cumulative, the effects being presenting when the person begin entering their 6 decade of life. Most studies project that 80%+ of the US population has metabolic syndrome if measured by the Kraft Insulin Test as explained here:
Note: Metabolic Syndrome and insulin resistance are the same, just different terms.
If Prof. Delfraissy is correct, then it’s may be simply too late for an intervention to help those with metabolic syndrome meaning there’s no magic drug to “cure” metabolic syndrome. However, many clinical trials has shown that reversal of metabolic syndrome can be made in a few days of changing the diet which may be helpful for elder, obese populations. Metabolic syndrome, due to the high inflammation, also results in the high level of medications US elders take. For example, from insurance claims filed, the average US 82 year old is on 12 (or more) medications.
Good article on D3. If you’re at the right time of year, go out in the sun with as little clothes as possible later in the AM and after peak time in the PM for about 15 minutes, no sunscreen, the skin (using cholesterol) will produce huge amounts of D3. Tanning booths work in winter (avoid burning). This is part of a healthy lifestyle.
Well whatever you believe about the stats or do about avoiding Covid19 you should at least ensure your household has a reliable body thermometer and an inexpensive fingertip pulse oximeter. At least then you can triage yourself with rhinovirus, coronavirus, laryngitis, pharyngitis and influenza infection symptoms you may possibly be afflicted with amongst Covid19 ones perhaps. That’s because you want to be able to detect fever and falling haemoglobin oxygen levels. Otherwise you’ll be flying blind and and panicking bothering very busy medicos unnecessarily with every sniffle cough and wheeze.
One of my favorite sources for medical advice always reminded his patients that, if they wanted to avoid the flu, they should make sure they got enough vitamin D and probiotics.
And I often tell people my secret weapon is cod liver oil. It has not only vitamin A, but also D and EPA and DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. I have been taking it since 2003.
I also have been taking a 10,000 unit gelcap daily of vitamin D since 2016.
I think the probiotics (and prebiotics) are increasingly important these days. But taking one single strain (or eating one source of probiotics) likely won’t get you where you want to be. Recent research into the microbiome is indicating that it’s a variety of strains that does the most good.
Funnily enough, once I got on my current probiotics, it has made a huge difference in my season allergies. The cod liver oil and vitamin D got me part way there, but the additional probiotics do so much good for my sinuses that I no longer have to spend 15-20 minutes each morning getting where I can breathe.
Of course, avoiding intake of unnecessary antibacterial substances also helps. From what I can tell, it’s the “good bugs” who are easier to kill off if you’re taking antibiotics and eating food that was raised with things like Glyphosate (which was originally patented as an antibiotic and chelator). We need both “good” bugs and “bad” bugs, but they need to be in balance…sort of like a soccer match where neither team is dominating the other.
Do you also take Vitamin K2?
Several doctors and health care workers in the UK have died as the result of Covid-19.
Is it a coincidence they they are all African and Middle-Eastern by birth?
Such ethnicity in the UK is well-recognised as being associated with very low blood levels of Vitamin D, by virtue of skin pigmentation, sun avoidance, and dietary practice.
It is well-established that Vitamin D is a powerful mediator of immunity,
it is on the Lombardy plain in northern Italy that the epidemic has been most serious and with the highest fatality. a pre-epidemic image of Europe identifies the Lombardy plain as the area of Europe with greatest air pollution.
immune suppression caused by lack of sunlight and vitamin D
It is no coincidence that Wuhan, China, also experienced very serious air pollution before the epidemic. Also, it is now the time of the year when immunity and body stores of vitamin D are at their lowest,
MJB asked:
Probably not. It is most likely, given the season in the UK at the moment, that those people had low/insufficient levels of Vitamin D to adequately protect them. However, without measuring those levels, it can’t be said for sure. I point to the news coming out of New York: African Americans seem to be over-represented in their death statistics too.
The Northern Hemisphere is coming out of the season of its low vitamin D levels so things should start looking up a little. Depends on the weather — clouds obscure the sun and New York needs as much sunshine as it can get right now.
You have found the first forced move to address our crisis. What you have found is what we must do as quickly as possible what we are doing now (shutting down the world economy has caused criminal damage that no caring person would accept.) We need to end the world quarantine as quickly as humanly possible.
‘Vitamin D’ is the chemical substance that our body converts to a bioactive molecule that is required by 200 microbiological processes in our body…
… including the human immune system.
Think of this problem as getting the level of the Vitamin D derived molecule in every citizen in our country to its microbiological optimum level. We need that molecule.
Increasing the amount of the Vitamin D derived bioactive molecule in our citizen to optimum has been proven to reduce the number of breast cancer and prostate cancer cases in our citizen by 70% and to reduce the number of flu type illness by a similar amount.
The correction of our citizen’s Vitamin D deficiency correction is a permanent change for as the covid-20/21/22 will still be a treat until we have the US new biological technology.
When we have corrected our country’s Vitamin D deficiency…
… we will add zinc to our cells in a region for a virus kill off.
Those who do not want to break quarantine, do not need to add zinc to their body’s cells.
The objective is to kill off the virus in a region by getting our immune system to optimum and adding zinc to our cell which will stop the virus from reproducing and then breaking quarantine and purposely mingling.
This activity will also give us immunity for the virus and may extinguish any virus in the region.
Some people may keep the zinc in their cells until the US new technology is available in their region.
We need to maintain the world quarantine until this vile bit of RNA chemistry is destroyed.
We are almost there now in Australia.
But dropping the quarantine early will merely give this virus more victims to sicken and kill.
And yes Vitamin D3 is useful ‘preventative’.
But not so useful for those already infected & suffering.
All I know is I’m fat, have lowish vitamin D, and I get a lot of colds.
I think I might lose weight and take those vitamin D pills.
Losing weight while eating plenty is achieved by eliminating most carbs and replacing the energy content with healthy fats.
So sugar goes ; all of them. That’s easy.
Then cut out bread , rice, pasta and potatoes.
It’s that simple.
The graph which matters most to me is the new infections per day. This jumped back up over 100 yesterday after 85 the day before. Let’s hope it goes down suddenly tomorrow.
However the totals are interesting. The cases per day give the slope of this curve. So the guide lines are misleading. They are about the slope, nothing more.
So apart from Taiwan, we are the closest to zero relative to the total number infected. We are performing as well as Taiwan now, although with 10x as many cases. They moved quickly, as Jo said we should. Then they were watching and did not believe a word from the Chinese government. WHO is now calling them racist because their appalling chief now calls himself negro, which has nothing to do with their justified complaints. You call someone out and they say you are a racist. Even calling the Wuhan virus is racist. We should call it the Wuhan Institute of Virology virus.
We are doing well, by world standards. However nothing less than total elimination of this virus will do. We will be close on 1st May 2020. Then I expect the place can go back to work with regional restrictions in place, so that if an outbreak occurs, it is regionally isolated. We don’t want the whole country infected, which is what the Ruby Princess did.