A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Very interesting Chapter from a book about Covid (primarily the UK experience) . This is Chapter 2. Chapter 1 can be accessed from the link
What makes it interesting are the data and graphs. I mentioned about 3 years ago that it appeared that UK deaths were worse than the covid year for every year from 2008 to 1947. Taking into account the ageing population and the growth in population it is very difficult to see the effects of the pandemic. The average age of those who died was actually older than the average age of normal deaths.
The current UK covid enquiry, and I dare say the one in Oz, will not mention these facts as they are mostly concerned with trying to excuse the measures the govt needlessly imposed.
I think Victoria in particular went way over the top and the police exhibited disturbing violence.
Yes about COvid, it’s amazing what we Agri Engineers get involved in! In my Mail today…maybe for the cowshed or henshed – not re-charging my new phone…Electromagnetic waves neutralise airborne viruses
“There is no need for the environment to be evacuated, because it is harmless to humans and animals.”
Yeah riight….-I’m sure that was tested by the ol’ “if it doesn’t cook you like a microwave its safe mate!” There’s a lot to be researched about EMF yet, it can do funny things to charged enzymes trying to make proteins.
Will we breed thick-skinned viruses that are resistant?
Will we, or will it? Behind closed doors, who knows!
UVC certainly does kill coronavirus but it’s not real good for humans either.
The trick is to pull the air down some duct, and blast it back to basic particles out of line of sight of the general public. That’s the idea of how an air purifier works.
I’ve been pondering over the concept of combining an ultrasonic humidifier, with a negative ion generator and throw in a UV sterilizer to finish the job. So crazy, it just might work.
You might guess, I’m not too happy about the recent pollen, with the gum trees flowering all over the place.
Hmmm, have you a large supply of sweeties on the table when you go looking for funding or Guys to manufacture this equipment ?
The Great Pandemic Walkback
The pattern is now clearly established.
Major figures in and around the pandemic response are slowly walking back all the major claims surrounding the global compulsory regime that ruled life for 2 1/2 years.
And each statement is pointing to the same reality: The critics were correct all along. Yes, the very people whose social media accounts were throttled and banned for spreading supposed disinformation.
Consider the statement by Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His tenure there overlapped with the beginning of the lockdowns but he always seemed out of his element, outrun and overwhelmed by the bureaucratic miasma that washed through the agency at the time.
Now he has come out and said what many people said from the beginning. He says that healthy people under the age of 60 never really needed the shots, and, further, that the injuries from the shots are high and must be recognized and acknowledged. True, this is information that everyone who has kept up already knows. What’s significant is the source.
In addition, in compelling testimony, former head of the National Institutes for Health Francis Collins has admitted that there never was any science behind social distancing.
There was never any science to it. We knew that from the very outset.
Still, they went ahead with devastating results.
In addition, we are seeing the Cuomo brothers (former N.Y. Governor Andrew and former CNN commentator Chris) attempting to walk back everything they did and said.
If all the evidence was clear that none of this could control a virus, and if even the vaccine trials were revealing high injury and a lack of effectiveness of the shots, why did they go ahead with the crazy experiment in the first place?
All about test running a control regime. Perhaps they pushed it too far, and the plebs are now awake to their diabolical plans, we can only hope!
The powers that be already had the template of how to work any excessive controls over the citizens that they liked. That template f course is the very one that has been hacked, smoothed, rounded and applied for 40years ie the Anthropogenic Global Warming antiscience.
It has every base covered regarding the imposition of extreme measures that are for politics rather than safety. The basic element is establishing widespread, unfounded fear in enough of the uneducated citizens so the pests that are educated can be overwhelmed by whatever measures the political class wanted to try out to get compulsion and obedience. The introduction of riot policing on old people with COVID was just an extension of the trial to see what the political classes could get away with. The fact our police forces were so compliant with violent tactics is something we all need to be aware of. All those young coppers never missed a beat. Does that mean they’d bash their own grandparents and enjoy the action?
Quite an amusing article about the pointlessness of EV’s
Article about the passing of laws in Australia to allow Digital id’s
Perhaps someone can tell me the practical implications of the new law in the short term and also further down the line.
Just watch this from around a month ago –
Big eSister is Watching and Taking Names
Sean Masters
The article you are about to read is comprised almost entirely of tweets, like the one above, posted by Australians concerned about free speech.
As you continue, be aware each quoted tweet was monitored, recorded and filed in submissions to the Federal Court by the Office of eSafety on the basis of “a very large increase in the number of daily mentions” of Commissioner Julie Inman Grant.
The outfit doing the monitoring under contract to the eSafety Commissioner is called Meltwater, which opened for business in Norway in 2001 and now has six offices around the world. The cost to taxpayers underwriting Ms Inman Grant’s desire to know what people are saying about her has not been divulged.
Collated, the tweets submitted to the court represent an entirely reasonable narrative against the legitimacy of the eSafety Commission. Many of the posts below can no longer be found , and all posters are identified by either their X handles or names.
““Perhaps it’s worth asking Elon Musk if he would consider blocking the Australian government and the eSafety Commissioner from accessing Twitter so they cannot harass citizens?””
I’d say ALL Govts should be blocked from social media! I’m sure we could write this into the digital ID nonsense so we know who is a private citizen and who is a Govt puppet.
British government preparing the British people for net zero blackouts.
Russia might cut the UK electricity interconnectors to Europe as payback for supplying missiles to the Ukraine Nazis.
The UK has eight interconnectors with France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland and Norway, with a total capacity of 8.4 GW, which is roughly double the peak capacity of the UK’s largest power station Drax (which burns wood sourced from American forests!).
Russia might also take out the Drax Power Station to help the Poms meet their Net Zero goals!
First, burning trees results in more carbon dioxide emission for a unit of energy output (e.g., BTUs). In fact, some smokestack emission tests show burning wood results in carbon emissions 2.5 times higher than natural gas and 30 percent higher than coal.
Ahhh, but..!
You seem to confuse CO2 from burning American wood, with CO2 from North sea gas !
How silly !… CO2 from wood is obviously “good”. Whilst CO2 from gas is naturally “bad”
You must have skipped that page of the IPCC guide book.. “Net Zero for Dummies”
Well can you really blame them? Maybe our best Ally in the struggle against oppression by the elites! Be careful as to who you chose as friends…
They should just blow up a couple and say the UK blew up its own cables… That seemed to work for Nordestream.
Just saw a professor type on our/their (American) ABC blame the air turbulence incident on ….wait for it…Climate Change. LOL. He was going on about how “CC is pushing more ‘energy’ into the atmosphere.” (face palm)
A pilot’s view
The beeb is also behaving in a despicable manner.
Aunty scrapes the bottom of the barrel.
Those injured in this incident were obviously not buckled up in their seatbelts.
It seems to be optional on passenger aircraft except when the captain instructs them.
All modern cars have seatbelt sensors that force you to buckle up or get beeped at constantly.
Surely the airlines could introduce a system along those lines.
Last thing I’d want is a plane full of beeps. Sorry. Sounds like a nightmare.
It would make it even harder to sleep on a jet plane. It would probably kill more people than it saves due to sleep deprivation. If the shift to daylight savings kills people I think this rule would too.
Think of all those who arrive in a strange land and get behind a wheel who lost one more hour of sleep.
Living in a Fantasy Land
Did you know in South Australia there is a “Office of Hydrogen Power”?
Just because something is physically possible does not mean that it is economically viable – no matter how many taxpayer dollars you throw at it.
Those cartoon future advertisements I just cannot tolerate. The stupidity abounds. More accuracy in a Jetsons cartoon.
I wonder what the numbers are in Australia with all those future Labor voters Albo the Commie is bringing in?
And what about putting all those “First Nations” people to work?
Clearly these Jobseeker (Jobless Benefits) requirements do not apply to all Australians:
Supposedly, Ronald Reagan said: If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.
{RR might not have been the first.}
You might be thinking of a popular Reagan quote:
The Joys of Weather-Dependent Electical Power Generation
A video of the genuius idea of floating solar panels – after the storm
A video of wind turbines – after the storm
The Queensalnd goverment is siting both wind turbines and solar farms in areas subject to cyclones!
Over on the “Nuclear versus Renewables: The only cost that matters is the one the customers pay” JoNova article, I asked Lance a question concerning reactive power and if it was technically possible to supply reactive power from wind & solar backed by batteries.
Mr. Kalm Keith, questioning my motives for asking this question, said on May 23, 2024 at 3:37 pm: “Could you please explain the purpose of this ongoing “discussion”? My response to Kalm Keith is on the “Nuclear versus Renewables” article thread at this URL:
I will note that Lance’s response to my original question was completely satisfactory as far as I was concerned.
B,B,..You may have missed my reply on that thread.
This may be of use to you..
…”Reactive power control in renewable rich power grids: A literature review“
Chad, thanks to you and to Lance for the links. I’m reading through them now, along with Lance’s further explanations.
BBC Headline –
“Atlantic to get ‘extraordinary’ hurricane season”
“”All the ingredients are in place” for an intense hurricane season, said Ken Graham, director of the US National Weather Service.”
“Meanwhile, storm surges – the short-term increases to sea level from hurricanes – are now happening on top of a higher base. That is because sea levels are now higher, principally due to melting glaciers and warmer seas. “Sea-level rise increases the total flood depth, making today’s hurricanes more damaging than prior year’s storms,” says Andrew Dessler, a professor of atmospheric science at Texas A&M University.”
And Sea Level may be 100 mm – should I say 100,000 microns!! – the width of my hand – higher since 1950. Really makes a BIG difference to a 3 [or 6] meter storm surge.
Yup, even the Category 6 suggestion rears its head.
And if we’re STILL not scared back to the 18th Century, they’ll devise ‘Category 7’ [and prove it by adjusting wind-speeds?].
Just before the 2028 US Presidential Election [I assume they’ll have one ….]!
Fearmongering. ‘Unprecedented’ as ever!
Bookmark the site and check back on Dec. 1st.
I wonder how much more electricity would be needed as it replaces fossil fuels. The reports forecasting electricity consumption that I’ve seen, do not look like they factor this in.
Even hydrogen, the latest universal panacea will need electricity from somewhere, no matter how it’s generated.
It seems like the first law of thermodynamics is not something overly familiar to the powers that be, or maybe I just don’t look at the right reports. I should look at the gencost report but I’ve already had my fill of badly written fantasy novels for this year.
As Willis E put it a while ago –
“The problem eith hydrogen is that it is pre-burnt – you can’t just go and open up a hydrogen mine”
Boiling Planet news from the USA:
“Independence Pass, Trail Ridge will remain closed over Memorial Day weekend due to heavy snow”
“Independence Pass, the popular highway that connects Aspen to Twin Lakes and passes beneath four fourteeners, will remain closed through Memorial Day weekend. Its anticipated opening date has been pushed back to June 1.
“The pass typically closes on Nov. 7 and “almost always” opens the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation’s website. The highway closed a week early this past winter in anticipation of a storm. The last time Colorado 82 wasn’t open by Memorial Day was in 2020, after several counties requested it stay closed to limit travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Washington State’s northern-most pass – The North Cascades Highway was opened in 2024 on April 19th. In 1978 it was opened on April 21st. This proves CO2 is an evil molecule. 🙂
[Reports began in 1972. ]
I still believe UN President Antonio Gutteres announced ‘boiling oceans’ because he heard the climate porn that the water in a shallow area off Florida had reached 100 degrees. (except it was 100F, not 100C)
Amazingly he has not been laughed out of the job? The press have not ridiculed him. And so he has repeated it. Which proves to me that no one really cares about little details like the truth. Or science. I suppose it’s not something you can retract either without looking a complete fool.
So now the oceans boiling at 100F, a slight fever for humans. It must be true. The UN would not lie to me. It’s so like the picture of HAMAS and the people of Gaza as innocent victims of oppression.
Gotthard-Pass closed in the Alpes:
Up to 8 meters of snow
Some pictures
Germany says they will arrest the Israeli Prime minister. For war crimes in defending themseles? Beyond ironic, absurd.
But our own Albanese dodges questions of the implications of Australia’s real support for the arrest and trial of Israeli President Netanyahu. Albanese does not answer ‘hypotheticals’. What question is not a hypothetical?
I have never understood why the extreme left including both communists and fascists are so anti Jewish, anti Semitic? Why?
Karl Marx was Jewish. Jesus was Jewish. And Israel is a real country created by the UN itself while Palestine never has been a country. And even the Arabs don’t want Palestine. They want Israel, with the only modern cities in the Middle East with the exception of oil rich UAE and QATAR.
It applies to everything from Global Warming to China and the Wuhan Flu. Who is deciding how left extreme people think? Why are politicians like Albanese and Wong so anti Jewish people? What do they gain? Is it just chasing votes? Or is it something else? Who makes these decisions and why?
And why do people grab onto these causes and chant when they have no idea what they are talking about, have never been to these places and have no idea of the history. The same with Climate Change/Global Warming. Or is this all media driven?
I keep going back to Life of Brian for an explanation.
If it weren’t for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.
It’s also extraordinary that their are groups such as “queers for Palestine” where in “Palestine” they would be killed in the most horrible way. No wonder Penny Wong didn’t take her “wife” to visit Gaza.
And the Left also pretend to support women’s rights, yet they support the plight of women under observant Islam and were silent at the savage rapes, murders; and kidnapping of Israeli women as sex slaves on Oct 7, not to mention the murders of babies and men.
For the time being, their is a useful alliance between Political Islam and the Left, because both sides want to destroy existing Western Society and reconstruct it in their utopian image but ultimately political Islamists won’t accept the homosexual and women’s rights the Left pretend to support. It won’t end well for the Left.
In general, I think it’s just old fashioned Leftist anti-Semitism in the manner of the Soviets or the National Socialists. The Left are no friends of Jews, or any thinking, freedom-loving person of any persuasion more generally.
Also, things are becoming very dangerous in Australia, for Jews, including Jewish university students and Jews in any endeavour, or even walking on the street, but none of it’s reported by the Leftist Lamestream media.
Some books have been written about the antisemitism of the Left:
Fine, Robert and Philip Spencer, Antisemitism and the Left: On the Return of the Jewish Question (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Hirsh, David, Contemporary Left Antisemitism (London: Routledge, 2018).
Norwood, Stephen H., Antisemitism and the American Far Left (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Rich, Dave, The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism (London: Biteback Publishing, 2016).
Bakery made ‘shocking’ Hamas terrorist cake for four-year-old
Australian police are investigating a bakery in Sydney which made a cake featuring a Hamas terrorist and Palestinian flags for a four-year-old boy.
The cake, which featured an image of Abu Ubaida, a propagandist for the armed wing of Hamas, was made by a company called Oven Bakery by Fufu.
Four-year-old Omar posing with the offending cake while dressed in similar clothing
The bakery uploaded photos of its creation to social media but then removed them in the face of a furious backlash, shutting down its Facebook and Instagram pages.
Chris Minns, the premier of New South Wales state, called the images that adorned the cake “horrifying”.
The politician described Hamas as “an evil terrorist organisation” and said that “kids’ parties should be innocent and fun, not hateful”.
Mark Speakman, the leader of the opposition in New South Wales, described the cake as “truly shocking”.
“Instead of baked goods celebrating terrorists, we should be celebrating people in our community who are promoting a more cohesive society,” he said.
cakes adorned with the face of Abu Ubaida
From the Comments
– As Hamas says…It’s amazing how fast the kids blow up these days.
Comments on Daily Mail on same topic not kind to Labor PM and the Australian? Labor Party
Meanwhile in Perth!
A woman who forced her daughter to marry a violent older man who later killed her with a kitchen knife told her: ‘I can make decisions for you.’
Sakina Muhammad Jan was found guilty in Victoria’s County Court on Thursday of coercing her daughter Ruqia Haidari, 20, into marrying M@hammad Ali Halimi, who was 25 in November 2019.
Just six weeks after the wedding ceremony in January 2020, when Ms Haidari turned 21, Halimi slashed Ms Haidari’s throat twice and left her on the floor of their Perth home to die.
He was sentenced to life in prison.
A Federal Police investigation into the horror domestic violence murder eventually uncovered the disturbing trail of events which led to the tragedy – and the role of Muhammad Jan.
Comments on Daily Mail on same topic again not kind to Labor PM and the Australian? Labor Party
Quadrant Australia Online
The Coming Islamic Apocalypse
23rd May 2024
How should we assess such prospects in Australia? To begin with, the world is not a civilised place, and this is the basic fact that should guide any comprehensive understanding of the present crisis.
Vast demographic, political, technological and religious forces are moving humanity ever closer to the edge of a civilisational abyss, out of which it may never emerge.
And while this is an apocalyptic vision — albeit a secular version — it is one shared at the level of religious extremism by Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Houthis, Iran, and the other radical Islamist forces leading the onslaught against the West, beginning with the current campaign to obliterate Israel and exterminate the Jewish race.
The Islamist world is an apocalyptic place of suicide bombers, mass-death martyrdom operations (e.g., 9/11), assassinations, beheadings, torture, mutilations, honour killings, r@pes, large-scale sacrifices of civilian populations, and the purification of infidels from the earth, all in the cause of holy war and the advent of the End Times, according to the millennium-old Islamic Apocalyptic tradition.
This is a very powerful religious and ideological force that elevates the politics of carnage to the level of the supernatural, and it has moved to centre-stage in the context of the global jihad that has been launched over the past half-century, general ignorance of which is crippling our capacity properly to confront the crisis that is overwhelming us.
I am guilty of believing Israel is able and will look after itself, not necessarily in the ICC.
What about Australia ?
Will our current Prime Minister fight for Australians arrested by the same organisation for alleged crimes overseas?
How about himself being charged for that?
BTW – please correct me if necessary: was the only policy assassination here committed by a young Afgani “saved” from horrible Taliban regime?
Correction – political, not policy !
Much – though not all – of the lunacy we’re dealing with today is actually being created and/or amplified by China and Russia. It starts on blogs and Facebook. That guy called ‘NorthernBob’ from Bolton or ‘Conservative Chick’ from Florida are actually Zhang Wei from Beijing and Katerina Abdulov from Novosibirsk. From there, we have foot soldiers living amongst us who quietly whip up feverish protests by useful idiots on campus or fund subversive, antagonistic political groups. Even more sophisticated is the broad-daylight corruption in business, governments and the media driven by bribery. Did anybody say Net Zero?
Remember, there could be literally millions of such people working hard to destroy western democracy without firing a shot, from keyboard warriors to actual spies.
All of this is openly stated strategy by China. Nothing else makes sense out of what I’m seeing all around me.
China’s Dream, America’s Nightmare
Daryl McCann Frequent contributor – Quadrant Australia Online
Talk of a future war between Beijing and Washington is obsolete.
Communist China is already at war with the United States even if, to quote Churchill, “all the great responsible authorities” have stood “gazing” at this disturbing truth “with vacant eyes”.
So writes Peter Schweizer in Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye while China Kills Americans. Supported by an extensive research team, Schweizer chronicles the key methods the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) employs to pursue “disintegration warfare” against the United States, from fuelling the fentanyl crisis and arming criminal gangs to commandeering Hollywood and maximising the deleterious effects of COVID-19 on the American population: “It is often said that China is in a cold war with America.
The reality is far worse: the war is hot, and the body count is one-sided.”
Disintegration warfare, writes Schweizer, is a modern-day adaptation of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, holy writ for every leader of the People’s Republic of China from Mao to Xi, and since 2006 required reading for members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese strategist, suggested that “all warfare is based on deception” and “the supreme act of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”. The strength of Blood Money is that it comprehensively outlines how Xi Jinping and his coterie are going about the business of stealthily disintegrating the one power standing in the way of the Middle Kingdom resuming its place as the dominant force in the world. The mighty United States must, too, become a tributary state of China, but for that to occur America must be broken and defeated, preferably “without fighting” back or in any way defending itself.
Covid was an accident of history and it has put the CCP in great peril because in the aftermath China is spiralling into economic depression.
So at the moment it is a cold war, as the West watches the CCP self destruct.
I doubt Germans arresting Jews is going to be as easy this time around.
(BTW excellent citation of the Python Prophecies.)
Where is support for the “First Nations Peoples” of the Middle East by the Left?
As always the Left are complete hypocrites.
“Or is it something else? Who makes these decisions and why?” when you’re moving the donkey forward you don’t have arguments over the carrot.
Since the dawn of the 1st Reformation we have made massive progress as a society in all respects. The structure for that has been the Center Ground – the interplay point between discussing the advantages and disadvantages of proposals and evolving and advancing them. The framework being Common Law, Democratic Capitalism and The Enlightenment.
The feudalists (the Globalists \ Socialists \ Wokists) are fighting a 500 year war trying to force the world into a new dark age – trying to take it back to Medieval times, even back to the dying days of the Roman Empire.
After they saw the massive effects of the 1st Reformation – their displacement – the feudalists fought back. They reinvented themselves as socialists (academised feudalism) and tried various forms – Communism, Fascism, Ethno Fascism and now Wokism (Ethno Fascism on top of Communism). They spent the last century fighting back massively. They lie, cheat, steal, destroy and kill massively. Always pushing towards that one end – total domination irrespective.
Shalom Goyim
It was referred to as the state of Palestine as it is now referred to as the State of Israel. The UN did not exist until 1945, in 1917 the British crown signed some of the land to Lord Rothschild in what was called the Balfour declaration prior to (and including) the First World War the land was ruled by the Ottomans.
I am just guessing that the state of Palestine was occupied by Palestinians and not a vacant lot when Britain handed the land of Palestine to Israel (Rothschild)?
Remember the UN was built on Jewish land, (NY) Rockefeller.
Your UN and ICC declared the land of Palestine as occupied and the Jews as the occupiers.
They are fulfilling the prophecies of their Talmud/Tora, they are presently exterminating the Amalek, every man, woman, child and suckling infant, every animal and Donkey
You talk of the Globalists, yet who are these globalists. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Benzos, Gates, Soros, Fink, Kissinger and the thousands of others that you could safely put into one state (your country).
You are being deceived, and “by deception thou shall make war.”
Netanyahu’s mother, Tzila Segal, was an Israeli-born Jew and his father Benzion Netanyahu was a secular Jew from Poland. His father, born Benzion Mileikowsky, changed his name to Benzion Netanyahu after he settled in Palestine. He traces some of his roots to Spain.
The way of Palestine will be the way of the world, the way of the Palestinians will be your way, for you are the Amalek.
Does anyone know how the Liberal Party’s (pretend conservatives) plan for nuclear power will work with electricity pricing?
Obviously nuclear is inexpensive and reliable like coal, gas or real hydro (not SH2) but the subsidy harvesters who own wind and solar plantations will not allow the high price of their useless product to be undercut.
No one has explained how the connection of an inexpensive, reliable producer like a nuclear power station will work.
Obviously it is unnecessary anyway, Australia has plenty of coal and would also have plenty of gas if it wasn’t either being given away to the Chinese or exploration for more wasn’t prohibited in most places.
And besides, Dutton knows that there would never be approval for a nuclear reactor in under 50 years (If ever) in modern day Australia, the “can’t do nation”, it’s just not going to happen.
Also, yesterday, I had the displeasure of hearing Their ABC (Australia) radio. They raised ridiculous arguments against nuclear power such as the lie from Their CSIRO that it’s “incredibly expensive” and 1970’s anti-nuclear arguments such as “what will we do with the waste” and “no one will want it in their backyard”. The technological ignorance of the drones of Their ABC was profound.
I find it amazing that we have reached a point in the discourse about CO2 where the nuclear industry can boast that there are no emissions. The mind boggles. Nuclear power is all about, only about deadly emissions. That’s how it works.
But when the great scare, the great Satan is the molecule Carbon dioxide, the gift of life, truth flies out the window.
Without CO2 the world would be just rocks and water.
Surely you know that a normally operating coal power plant has *far* higher radioactive emissions than a normally operating nuclear plant.
Follow a few links from this Google search, say.
“Generally, these wastes are only slightly more radioactive than the average soil in the United States. “
Oh yes, in quantities of thousands of tons per day per power station.
The good news is that this gives us a solution for your concern about nuclear power. Take each day’s nuclear waste and mix it with sufficient soil that the mixture ends up “only slightly more radioactive than the average soil in the United States”. Then dispose of it all in the same way as fly ash. Since the total radioactivity is less, there will still be less “ash” to get rid of than from a coal-fired station.
Personally, I prefer they way they deal with it now, but it seems you’d favour the above.
You get more expose to Uraninium going to the beach that living bear a nuclear reactor.
Seawater contains 3 ppb of Uranium
Exactly like Putin’s argument for promoting Taliban legally banned there, but the “enemy of my enemy, etc,..
About the only thing you can say about our/their ABC – they’re consistent.
Oh dear, who would have foreseen this /sarc
Too late. The Climate Changed.
Climate Scientists say Climate Change is not the weather. But all weather events are Climate Change.
It’s all about averages. Weather is average. Hot or cold. Wet or dry. Averages must be obeyed.
When the weather is not average, this means fossil fuel has corrupted the average weather.
This is called the law of averages.
The Climate Change industry is full of non sequiturs.
Take Professor Tim Flannery’s prediction. Longer and more frequent droughts.
But if you get more droughts in a given time and they last longer, they join up and become fewer and far less frequent? Until you get one big drought and even the rains which fall will not fill the dams.
Victoria’s dams are completely full. The huge Thomson dam is at 94.7%. And slow filling it was built to drought proof Victoria. When such things were legal.
NSW dams are completely full. 99.0%
No real suprise to those who believe in “The Law of Unintended Consequences” – or even Murphy’s
FFS !…. Why dont posters do a quick read of posts befor repeating articles that have been posted MULTIPLE times previously…….both today, as well as earlier in the week.
well, first time I’ve seen it, so…. A little bit of repetition isnt too bad.
Actually the solar plant on the dam in India was reported on April 12th.
I looked at it but wanted to know if it was impacted for long. It wasn’t clear. I couldn’t find meaningful numbers, but perhaps there are some now six weeks later?
“‘Experts’ Fail to Argue That Mandates Worked”
“They claim that behavioral modifications were responsible for “delaying deaths,” but there’s no evidence that that’s true since different areas with different responses often had similar results.
Somehow, they also then claim that people “would have gotten infected without protection of vaccines,” a nonsensical fantasy given we know that the vaccines provide zero protection against infection.
So they both credit behavior with reducing infections and delaying deaths, based on nothing, but also credit vaccines with reducing infections, and thus deaths. Also based on nothing.”
More at
FWIW – more covid experts
“I Did Delete All Of Peter’s Emails Relating To Origin’: COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests”
“Had Enough Yet?”
“The below report provides extensive evidence, including firsthand testimony and primary source documents. It is clear that EcoHealth and its President, Dr. Peter Daszak, acted with contempt for the American people. Further, EcoHealth’s actions were often enabled by the incompetency of the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It is this contempt and incompetence that necessitates both Congressional and Administrative action.”
And more on that –
FWIW – medical practise in the very best of hands –
“SCOOP: Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants.
As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence. ”
And links there
A new term for the day –
“Illinois just passed a bill to change the word “offender” to “justice-impacted individual” ”
Just as paedophiles are now referred to as a “minor-attracted person”, lest their feelings are hurt by the correct term!
Why people are moving to Russia
MOSCOW, January 28. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on life sentence for previously sentenced child molesters and for first-time violence against two or more minors. The law has been published on the official legal information website.
Previously, life sentence was only applicable for rape, carried out against minors under the age of 14 by criminals, already sentenced to similar crimes.
and ‘victim’ to ‘wallet impacted individual’.
From a different subject
“Now pardon me; I must go perform some more heavy-exertion level physical labor as I have to complete some work on my deck.”
Im a justice impacted individual.
Tits Up Gents: Techno-Cows Bioengineered to Squirt Insulin From Teets
‘Strengthen our backbone’: Google unveils plans for ‘first ever’ Africa to Aus fibre optic cable
Plans for a lengthy fibre optic cable from Kenya to the west coast of Australia have been unveiled.
Google has announced a mammoth fibre optic cable to run from Kenya, through the spine of Africa and across the Indian Ocean to Australia.
Google announced the roughly 13,000km subsea cable late on Thursday.
“Diversifying Australia’s connectivity and supporting digital inclusion across the globe are both incredibly important objectives, and Google’s Umoja cable will help to do just that,” Australian Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said.
Google’s private sector partner in the project says the major and capital cities on the cable’s route will no longer be hard-to-reach endpoints away from the coast, but stations on a data superhighway.
Specific waypoints and details are scarce, but the Umoja cable is slated to run from Kenya on the east coast, through Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, into Zambia, through the Google cloud region, and depart the South African coast for Western Australia.
To Quote Manuel re Ecomonics –“Que?”
Will increase the speed they can clean out Australian bank accounts.
yes, I’ve been eternally frustrated by the speed of internet to Africa, not. Anyway, private money so someone must see some financial reason for it. It is amazing however that many non-isolated places in Australia still only have adsl internet.
Further to my comments yeasterday about the need for greater environmental standards for “Big Battery” facilities – there is currently one of these fires every month worldwide.
“And How Was Your Day?”×600.jpg
FWIW – an Australian trifecta
“Uh-oh! Doctors are baffled again. Down under in heavily-jabbed Australia, ”
Links to Daily Mail article
“I’ll save you some time. Of course, the article never actually explained “why everyone in Australia is getting sick at the moment.”
Despite widespread availability of safe and effective vaccines (never mind that little AstraZeneca-clotting speed bump), the numbers of flu, rsv, and covid are rising in the world’s Kangaroo capital. And flu season is getting fatter. According to the Mail, and I am not making this up, not getting the flu is what is making everyone get the flu:”
More at
And other things like
“It is, perhaps, a sign of the times that the Epoch Times published a wildly conspiratorial op-ed by intellectual, prolific writer, and Brownstone Institute director Jeffrey Tucker, headlined “The Great Pandemic Walkback”
Reality blows up Biden’s EV mandate
Automakers are abandoning electric vehicles as financial losses mount
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Thursday, May 23, 2024
President Biden wants to decide what kind of car you can drive — despite his attempts to claim otherwise. In prepared remarks last week, he insisted he’s never going to take away your ability to choose.
“Americans — I want to make this clear, notwithstanding what the other guy is saying — can buy any kind of car they want, whether it’s gas, electric or hybrid,” Mr. Biden said from the White House Rose Garden.
Perhaps he forgot that his zealots at the Environmental Protection Agency established their “tailpipe emissions rule” rule last month. This dictate will slowly constrict the supply of gasoline-powered vehicles over the next eight years by setting standards for automobile exhaust emissions at impossibly low levels. As a result, cars and trucks with an internal-combustion engine, or ICE, won’t be able to meet the new criteria.
Current engines are already so clean that such a drastic change to the standard serves no legitimate purpose. If you compare what came out of tailpipes in the 1960s with what’s emitted now, pollutants like carbon monoxide are down over 99%, according to the EPA’s own figures.
“Pollution control” today is merely cover for forcing behavioral modification on a disobedient public that doesn’t want to buy the plug-in cars that Democratic policymakers want them to drive.
Auto manufacturers are finally pushing back.
Tired of losing $100,000 every time it sells an electric car, Ford last week announced it was slashing orders for EV batteries. CEO Jim Farley called electric cars “a huge drag not just on Ford but on our whole industry.”
Re “Current engines are already so clean that such a drastic change to the standard serves no legitimate purpose. If you compare what came out of tailpipes in the 1960s with what’s emitted now, pollutants like carbon monoxide are down over 99%, according to the EPA’s own figures.”
I saw some figures for diesels a while back that sugested the best bang for the buck was between Tier 2 and Tier 3. In that time there were two reductions of around 90%.
Since then costs have skyrocketed and emissions reductions have been minimal
Labor Therapeutic Albo & Labor Tiny Blackout Bowen power talk
‘Save Australia, sack Chris Bowen’: Bolt slams Labor over energy debacle
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Labor government “can’t deny” their plan to “destroy” coal-fired power and replace it with wind and solar came to a halt in bid to keep Eraring Power Station open another two years.
“For heaven’s sake sack Chris Bowen while there is still hope of saving Australia,” Mr Bolt said.
“Even Labor now can’t deny … its plan to destroy an electricity system that has worked with wind and solar that won’t, came to a screaming halt today … where the government there signed a desperate deal to keep open the giant Eraring coal-fired plant.”
Australia’s economy running on windmills is ‘loopy lunacy’: Barnaby Joyce
‘They have a lot to answer for’: Former resources minister Keith Pitt highlights energy bind to hit taxpayers’ pockets
Former resources minister Keith Pitt has warned taxpayers the NSW government’s deal to extend the operations of the Eraring Power Station has left other generators “rubbing their hands”.
Nationals MP Keith Pitt has highlighted how Labor’s “poorly managed” energy plan could cost taxpayers across the country even more, as the NSW government signed a deal with Origin to keep the Eraring Power Station operational for two more years.
Premier Chris Minns announced the agreement on Thursday amid the state government’s attempt to exit coal-fired power, to buy time to fully develop renewable energy infrastructure.
NSW Energy Minister Penny Sharpe told a press conference the agreement “will ensure the lights stay on”, but Mr Pitt argued that was what the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) was for.
Speaking to Sky News host Chris Kenny on Thursday, the former resources minister said the deal could cost up to half a billion dollars as the state government is expected to pay Origin Energy about $225 million a year to keep the coal-fired power station open.
“Never forget that this was sold for $50 million back in 2013, it also got propped up by coal subsidies by the Albanese government and now you’re going to invest another $500 million, potentially, to keep it open for two years,” Mr Pitt said.
“Chris Bowen and Labor, they have a lot to answer for, and the state ministers. The Capacity Investment (Scheme) mechanism was designed for coal and gas to stay in the system, to have a contribution towards them staying online to help with reliability, and keep the lights on and what did Mr Bowen and the state ministers do?
“They threw it out and only allowed it to go to intermittent wind and solar, which is causing the problem.”
Mr Pitt said it would not just be the Eraring Power Station benefitting in the long term from Labor’s push for renewables, highlighting intermittent energy was exactly that.
“It won’t just be Eraring, every generator out there that I know, they’re all sitting there rubbing their hands together saying, ‘well we know they need us, how much are they going to pay?’” Mr Pitt said.
Labor has no “Plan B”
To make unreliable wind and solar reliable you need energy storage.
Pumped Hydro has failed – Snowy 2.0
All the “Big Batteries” installed to date only provide 4 minutes of back-up of national demand and they cannot be used for that since they have been installed to provide grid stability.
We have now hit the “Green Wall”
May we live in interesting times.
Sydney Moaning Herald EDITORIAL
Power station’s reprieve a wake-up call for renewables
Premier Chris Minns made a stunning admission when announcing he would save Eraring, Australia’s largest coal-fired power station, by extending its operating life until August 2027.
“The best way to undermine the renewable energy transition is to have the lights go out in 2025,” he said on Thursday. “I’m not letting that happen.”
Frankly, we had not realised such a doomsday scenario was so close.
With Eraring slated to close next year, seven years sooner than expected, due to the supposed impact of renewable energy on its bottom line, governments have lulled the people of NSW into a false sense of security about renewable’s vaunted ability to keep the lights on.
The government will not make any initial payments to the privately owned power plant on the shores of Lake Macquarie, but Origin Energy will instead decide by March 31, 2025, and 2026 whether it opts in to a risk-sharing arrangement for the following financial year. Should Origin opt in to an underwriting agreement, taxpayers would share up to $40 million a year of any profits Eraring makes. However, if Origin makes a loss, the government would support the company for a share of those losses, that could end up costing $450 million over the two years. The deal has been structured cleverly so that the government avoids paying huge sums up front in the event of a downturn.
Under the two-year reprieve, Eraring must generate enough power to resolve the forecast reliability gap and maintain the power station’s current 220 workforce and adhere to licence conditions, which include environmental protections.
We do not like the idea of extending the life of the Eraring coal-fired power station, but the possibility of future power shortages would not only keep us in the dark, but undermine public confidence in renewables.
Bayswater Power station is the next cab off the rank. It has just slighly smaller capacity than Eraring and was commissioned a few years later
I have a personal interest in Bayswater as I was part of the design team back in the 1980s and was born in the Hunter Valley and a grandfather worked in the underground coal mines.
The Death of Coal has been highly exaggerated!
Gas shortfalls could force businesses offshore
Business leaders are warning that companies may leave Victoria as gas bills rise and the state government admits a looming energy shortfall may not be avoided even if new supplies come online by 2027.
The state’s Energy Minister, Lily D’Ambrosio, criticised her federal counterpart, Madeleine King, on Thursday over her Future Gas Strategy, which says gas had a key role to play in Australia’s energy mix beyond 2050.
But D’Ambrosio also admitted gas would be necessary in Victoria for “many years to come” after The Age revealed Victoria’s own energy department warned her that the state’s electrification efforts would not be enough to cover annual gas shortages in the state as soon as 2026.
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra said reliable and affordable energy was currently the biggest concern for the private sector, while asking the government to find new sources of gas.
“The supply issues around gas need to be solved before we lose the ability to drive the manufacturing sector, and ongoing electricity generation and transmission needs a clear solution before the lights go out,” Guerra said.
“Business will make decisions around their future locations. Money has choices and Victoria must be the destination for business investment, and reliability around energy provides that certainty.”
Kagome Australia chief executive Jason Fritsch, whose Echuca-based company is Australia’s largest tomato processor, said governments needed to act before businesses had no choice but to move overseas.
“It will happen and it is happening. We are losing businesses in manufacturing now,” he said.
Federal Greens leader Adam Bandt said no new coal or gas projects should be built in Australia, in order to save the economy from climate change.
Australian Pipelines and Gas Association chief executive Steve Davies said there was a narrow window to “save Victoria from this looming gas crisis”.
“If we don’t work together and fast, Victorians will pay the price – through increasing energy bills, less reliable electricity, and job losses,” he said.
From the Comments
– State Labor is lost. We need more gas. There is gas out there. They have prevented it’s exploration and production. State Labor is to blame. D’Ambrosio is dangerously lacking in competence.
State Labor is convinced we can run the state on Pixie Dust. They’re wrong.
If only we could mine the gas coming out of this government. Sure, the energy would be dirty, but you could power Victoria forever with it…
How is it that we the population of this poor State have to wait until 2026 to try and get rid of these lefty blowhards. Everywhere else including at a Federal level says gas is a clean alternative – but not here.
Good grief we’re stuffed.
Hitting the “Green Wall” – Victoria will be the first State to do so
FWIW – “Unattainable Sustainability”
“Last month, the always perspicacious Mark Mills penned an excellent piece in City Journal titled “When Politics and Physics Collide.” (1) It is a comprehensive indictment of the magical thinking that permeates the lemming-like rush to EVs, Net Zero and the bulk of “green” technologies.
Here is a sprinkling of the points he makes in his damning analysis:”
US elections approaching. Another pandemic planned? Bird Flu perhaps? If so will it ramp up in Australia from the few cases already and take over the world?
Redacted: America’s Electric Grid is Facing Summer Catastrophe
Funny how we never hear ” Russia’s Electric Grid Facing Summer Catastrope”.
Herr Hitler’s greatest mistake was underestimating the the Russian people – just as Napoleon did.
“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.
Does Russia have a summer? Do they have air conditioning? Are they as addicted to the 2-3 degF indoor temperature range that Americans demand these days? Enquiring minds want to know…..
“How can we help?” – What the Chinese said when the American elites mentioned to them, that they had to crash the US economy, to stop Trump being re elected in 2020.
The irony burns, China has entered a deep malaise.
Signature of CO2 in the glacial Alps proves conclusively that this trace gas doesn’t cause global warming.
Global CO2 emissions from energy have increase by more than 50% since 1996 – yet Antarctica has been cooling since 1996.
No threat of ocean levels rising due to Antarctica ice melt
Please explain?
Ask your doctor if a head transplant is right for you.
The molecular biologist who made headlines for his highly controversial “artificial womb” concept is once again turning heads with another eye-popping design: the world’s first head transplant system. Hashem Al-Ghaili, a Dubai-based scientist and filmmaker, now aims to help push forward the idea of transplanting a head onto a donor body for individuals suffering from cancer or paralysis. As farfetched as it looks and sounds, his recently released video explaining the tech, which he dubs “BrainBridge,” is already getting plenty of attention.
BrainBridge’s proposed head transplantation process involves attaching a patient’s head onto a brain-dead donor body, with the goal of preserving the patient’s consciousness, memories, and cognitive abilities. Al-Ghaili boldly asserts that the procedure could be available within eight years, thanks to the integration of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence.
Head transplants have been performed since the early 1900’s, stitching donor heads onto the necks of living animals.
Not a great success, and ludicrously simple in comparison.
Maybe cross species transplants?
Lessee now…Klaus Schwab’s head on a buzzard, Fauci’s head on a Beagle (what else!), and Biden’s head onto a blunt market vegetable. Hours of fun! 😆
“What Happened To The First Human Head Transplant?”
Friday near miss
He needs to buy a lottery ticket!
Climate change getting the level of attention it deserves in the US as they move toward elections
Charging a phone with a Stirling engine
Might come to that soon…
What kept the electricity grid working this morning?
Across the entire AEMO grid at 6am, solar zero, wind 6%, coal 74%, hydro 10%, gas 10%.
Quick Minister Bowen, blow harder.
I am taking bets – Eraring will still be operational in 2040
Unit 1 commissioned in 1981. Unit 4 commissioned in 1984
Should be good for 60 years operational life.
Coal’s not dead yet.
Weekend Australian 6-7 April, 2024
Rolls Royce UK Small Modular Reactor based electricity generator plan available early 2030s, build time from factory supplied kit 4 years.
Price $5 billion for 470MW installed capacity.
Operating life minimum 60 years.
Rolls Royce UK have manufactured SMRs for over 60 years and supplied the Royal Navy fleet of nuclear submarines.
Rolls Royce is not a Chinese Company – So the Australian Labor Party politicians will have no interest.
Clear view of an artificial island.
Australia will soon have a tunnel boring machine up for sale if it can be dug out.
Multiple sources have told the ABC the situation is more serious than has been publicly acknowledged by Snowy Hydro and could take weeks or even months before normal drilling resumes.
Snowy Hydro boss doubles down timeline
The CEO says Snowy 2.0 is on track despite one of the three tunnel boring machines moving slower than expected.
“Wedged the thing in good and proper” one source said, with another simply saying, “It’s f****d.”
The World’s Factory Is Done: Dongguan Is a Wasteland, Foreign Exits Dealt the Fatal Blow
Bing outage shows just how little competition Google search really has
Bing, Microsoft’s search engine platform, went down in the very early morning today. That meant that searches from Microsoft’s Edge browsers that had yet to change their default providers didn’t work. It also meant that services relying on Bing’s search API—Microsoft’s own Copilot, ChatGPT search, Yahoo, Ecosia, and DuckDuckGo—similarly failed.
Services were largely restored by the morning Eastern work hours, but the timing feels apt, concerning, or some combination of the two.
I noticed yesterday that Duckduckgo, Yahoo and Bing couldn’t process queries. Google was ok but who cares.
Yandex of course was fine. 😉
When DDG acted up yesterday I switched to Brave search which seemed OK
Man spends 100 days underwater and emerges 10 years younger
“Coal’s Importance For Solar Panel Manufacturing”
“So why are coal and solar so closely interlinked? Why is it that solar panel manufacturing is impossible without coal? ”
More at
Please exercise caution accepting cooking advice from Google AI
“Electric” Fire Trucks hide a dirty little secret…