ClimateMadness mocks John Cook’s “escalator”

(Click to go to Climate Madness)

Pop in on Australian Climate Madness and enjoy Simon’s parody “Escalating Hysteria”. John Cook pretends that skeptics “deny” the warming trend, and see the world as a series of flat segments. (Who’s in denial of the “halting”?)

But it’s alarmists who ignore the fact that the long term warming trend started two to three centuries ago, long before most man-made emissions, and the long underlying trend hasn’t changed. It was the IPCC who took the rising part of a regular cycle and falsely claimed acceleration by looking at shorter and shorter segments in a fake mathematical trick.

Only an unscrupulous fan of global warming could explain why the last decade “has warmed” by blending that data from last ten years into graphs from the last hundred.

 Hat tip to Dave!

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42 comments to ClimateMadness mocks John Cook’s “escalator”

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    How rude! It’s not nice to mock the afflicted.


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    The link to the Escalator is:

    I think you’ve got the http: section at the end on the image?

    Fixed and Hat tip to Dave added. Thanks for your comment on the last thread ๐Ÿ™‚ – Jo


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    It looks like our big oil supporters have paid off the sun again. Just one tiny spot they have given a sunspot number of 12. Perhaps we should offer to sell SkS a few sunspots that they can put to further good graphical escalator use. No doubt the claim will be that massive global warming did not happen because it was prevented by equal and opposite natural massive global cooling (until it gets colder). Standby for a sunspot tax as soon as the story can be retwisted for lucrative cooling panic.


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    Brian G Valentine

    When it comes to John Cook, there is a lot to mock. Cook’s knowledge of radiant heat transfer (or anything else except the art of bullying behind a crummy little website) is marginal.

    Cook continues based on the tenacity of a few unpaid flunkies who don’t get tired typing responses to critics.

    Nevertheless, Cook continues to be the go-to guy for the half-educated to respond to “denialists.”

    Cook knows that people with very low self-esteem eat up Cook’s projections of agony like candy.

    Every fake prophet who ever lived has this basic understanding of the human condition.


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    It was the IPCC who took the rising part of a regular cycle and falsely claimed acceleration by looking at shorter and shorter segments in a fake mathematical trick.

    Hmmm…. yeees. But who set up the IPCC and put a railway engineer in charge? Someone who has to have ‘climate’ explained to him. Motive?


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      But who set up the IPCC and put a railway engineer in charge?

      Actually, being a Railway Engineer, as in somebody who designs and builds and operates railway infrastructure, requires quite a broad base of scientific knowledge. It also requires excellent Project Management skills.

      I am not saying that Patchy is any good as an engineer, I am just describing the breath of the degree.

      On the other hand, our American friends often confuse Railway Engineer with their Railroad Engineer, which is their name for a Train Driver.


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    That was one of the most GRAPHic piss-takes I’ve ever seen. ๐Ÿ™‚


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    I wonder what Kooky would do, with his Escalator if the temperature dropped to somewhere like -19oC, stayed there for a couple of days, and then rose to 6oC. Whould he panic because the temperature had gone up 25oC overnight?

    Actually, I believe he might. All he would see is the temperature as going up. And up is bad, bad, I tell you.


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      Rod Stuart

      There is a weather phenomenon that would drive Kooky nuts (sorry, he is already) called a Chinook.
      On the East side of the Rockies, a weird temperature inversion can occur following a period during which cold Arctic air uses the Rocky Mountain Trench as a conduit to pipe frigid air South. Next the inversion occurs, as part of the belt of frigid air is pushed up by a fierce flow of Hawaiian air from the West. The inversion is visible, usually late in the evening and is called a “Chinook Arch”. I have seen the temperature in Ft. St. John go from minus thirty six to plus twenty overnight, accompanied by winds gusting to 100 mph. Four feet of snow will disappear due to sublimation in a few hours.


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    Just wondering, has the Australian Green Party had much to say since your election?. Any wailing and gnashing of teeth?.


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      Well, CeeTee, if your national vote had dropped from around 11.7% to 8.4% then maybe they should just shut the hell up.

      That’s almost a 40% drop in real terms!

      Still, the Grand Exalted Pooh-Bah Plenipotentiary of Mealy-mouthed Environmental Moralising (Christine Milne, if you hadn’t guessed) will no doubt find something to whinge about.


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        Here are the national results for the Senate.

        Even less joy there. They might have gained one seat but are now irrelevant as they have lost the balance of power.

        They are now having a big group hug-and-sulk session.


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        A 40% drop would be regarded as a temporary setback to these loonies. When you rule by divine right such setbacks are a mere test of the faith. I don’t know who Christine Milne is but I’m willing to bet she is a genetic clone of her type the world over.


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          Greens released this statement today:

          Australian Greens spokesperson, Senator Richard Di Natale, said today that Tony Abbott should announce that Maurice Newman will be excluded from the new governmentโ€™s Business Advisory Council.

          โ€œIt would be simply untenable for Tony Abbott to appoint an advisor who dismisses climate change as a myth,โ€ said Senator Di Natale.

          โ€œGiven the enormous challenge climate change represents to the Australian economy and Australian business, somebody who denies it is occurring is hardly qualified to advise the Prime Minister on the challenges ahead.โ€

          โ€œTony Abbott claims to believe the science of climate change. If he really does understand that we are in a climate emergency then he must not go through with appointing Maurice Newman to Chair his Business Advisory Council.

          โ€œTony Abbott has already chosen not to appoint a Minister for science or climate change. Elevating climate change deniers into senior advisory roles will confirm that he is completely turning his back on science and ignoring the major challenges of the 21st century.โ€

          Looking good, if Maurice is appointed, then watch the Greens, ABC & Fairfax go into meltdown.
          P.S. Just sent a link of the Cookie Jar Alarmism Escalator to Christine Milne, that’ll help her sleep well tonight.


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            Love your work Dave.

            Your spot on Tony is swinging the pendulum well and truly back through the arc. If policy direction and consistency of message counts for anything we should see investment ticking up within a quarter or two. As someone recently moved to Tasmania, Im really excited about the prospects for the next decade in Tassie for work opportunities. Tassie with comparative productivity and national average unemployment would be an exciting place to live in. There is so much opportunity here and its just been bogged down in green tape for ever.


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            Roy Hogue

            โ€œIt would be simply untenable for Tony Abbott to appoint an advisor who dismisses climate change as a myth,โ€ said Senator Di Natale.

            Would it now? Really?

            Let’s see, who now has the political power in Australia? Oops, not the Greens.

            Greens disapproval is all the more reason to go ahead and appoint Maurice Newman I would think. Maybe then things could begin to get back into working order all the faster for Mr. Newman’s being in the right position.


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    thanx for the belly laugh, simon.

    u want some more climatemadness? never fear, ABC will always provide:

    17 Sept: ABC Asia Pacific: Bill Birtles: Agriculture conference warned farming changes needed to counter global warming
    Experts attending a major agricultural conference in Sydney say big changes will need to be made to farming practices to help offset global warming.
    Agricultural scientists from more than 60 countries have gathered in Sydney to discuss ways to improve the efficiency of farming.
    They say global warming is expected to create drought hotspots, while more floods would damage agricultural land in Asia.
    Professor Jean-Francois Soussana, who shared a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change in 2007, says parts of Australia and Africa are likely to become drought ‘hotspots’.
    “In some places we get presumably a reduction in rainfall that would cause an increase in drought, and this would strongly affect the ecosystems and the agriculture,” he said.
    “There are many uncertainties still on when exactly and where those droughts would occur, but the understanding is that you would have some drying hotspots in some parts of the world, for instance, in Southern Africa, but also in parts of Australia…

    the good Professor’s workplace!

    CARBO-Extreme Consortium/INRA
    1,826 researchers and 1,634 doctoral students work at INRA…
    Key scientific / technical personnel
    Dr. Jean-Franรงois Soussana, senior scientist, head of the Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit (staff of 30) in Clermont-Ferrand is a lead author of the IPCC for the fourth assessment report on Impacts and Adaptation. He coordinated the EESD FP5 ‘GreenGrass’ project (2002-2004) and leads WP in CarboEurope IP and NitroEurope IP…
    CARBO-Extreme is part of the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
    (Subactivity 6.1.1: Pressures on Environment and Climate), and will run for 4 years from June 2009 until 2013.

    all on its own?

    17 Sept: ABC Rural: Virginia Tapp: Alpha mine ‘could accelerate climate change’
    The Australian Conservation Foundation says a proposed coal mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin could accelerate climate change if it goes ahead.
    Court proceedings started yesterday in the Land Court to stop GVK Hancock’s Alpha Coal Project in the state’s central-west…
    The Conservation Foundation’s Professor Ian Lowe says climate change is a valid argument when opposing mining developments.
    “Well, a mine like this gives an enormous boost to accelerating climate change.
    “I mean, to put it in perspective, the burning of the coal from this proposed mine would contribute as much to global warming as the entire Australian vehicle fleet. It’s equivalent to about 10 percent of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions.”


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      The report on the Agricultural Conference highlights one person, Dr. Jean-Franรงois Soussana (a guest speaker).

      1. He shared a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change in 2007.
      2. A senior scientist, head of the Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit (staff of 30) in Clermont.
      3. A lead author of the IPCC for the fourth assessment report on Impacts and Adaptation.
      4. Plus numerous credentials in other areas of Climate Research etc.

      So this would seem he would give some good details on the agricultural industry for the future:

      Well no – look at these quotes, just fear and if’s:

      1. Parts of Australia and Africa are likely to become drought ‘hotspots’.
      2. In some places we get presumably a reduction in rainfall.
      3. And this rainfall reduction would cause an increase in drought. (really?)
      4. And these droughts would strongly affect the ecosystems and the agriculture. (No!)
      5. There are many uncertainties still on when exactly and where those droughts would occur.
      6. The understanding is that you would have some drying hotspots in some parts of the world.
      7. We can see that this would likely cause some damage to livestock. (Huh!)
      8. Especially to pastoralists. (Good grief, pastoralists raise livestock, great info Jean)
      9. Some of the major risks we are aware of for Asia concerns the delta areas.
      10.Because they will get a lot more flooding, and this would induce large risks for some of the crops. (So deltas flood, more terrific info Jean)
      11.There are some more specific studies for rice, that find rice would be at risk from warming at the flowering stage. (Unbelievable Jean, you’re a genius)

      Quotes from a Nobel prize shareholder.

      “Australia is going to have droughts, Africa is going to have droughts, River deltas are going to flood, pastoralists are rising livestock, lack of rain causes drought, droughts cause trouble to agriculture.”

      This bloke and Tim Flannery have been reading the Cookie Jar Alarm meter.

      The TFool of the week.


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    Andrew McRae

    I was a bit disappointed that the GIF does not loop in the customary manner.
    I’ve added the repeat flag and the the resulting GIF seems to work just fine. I’ve advised Simon of the missing feature and the potential replacement, so it’s up to him if he replaces the original with a looped version.

    Yeah, the escalator has been a bit escargot lately, glad he pointed it out.

    Cook’s not on an escalator, he’s riding a Seahorse on the solar merry-go-round.


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    Marginal slapstick entertainment – just. Escalator humour at best.

    Nevertheless, I’m sure it can’t be lost on viewers that the non-alarmist graph demonstrates a small degree of warming between 2001 -2013, presumably statistically insignificant?

    So, just so there’s no jocular doubt, we have in the real world:

    HadCRUT3 GlobalMonthlyTempSince1979 With37monthRunningAverage shows a decline since 2003.
    HadCRUT3gl/from:1997.33/trend – unadjusted global mean shows a decline since 1997 – 2013. (
    Jo’s recent Monckton/Readfern post highlights a trend of 0.00C r^2=0.000 shown in a combo GISS+HadCRUt4+NCDC+RSS+UAH global mean surface temperature change over 152 months December 2000 – July 2013.

    The joke’s on us. There has been no warming. The damned escalator is a moving walk way.


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    It’s nice to see SkS hauled over the proverbial coals for their abuse of graphs. But they’re not the only ones.
    Look at this gem from NOAA:
    Inspection of these graphs clearly shows a levelling of pH and pCO2 from around 2000. Never mind, let’s put a line of best fit through all the data points anyway.
    There. The oceans are clearly becoming acidic.


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      Any slight reduction in alkalinity is obvious related to atmospheric temperature, NOT atmospheric CO2 concentration.

      The measured alkalinity levels off precisely when temperatures do.


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      Pathetic isn’t it? I read an interesting review of a book on jellyfish a few days ago. All good stuff until the end where the CAGW stuff was rolled out including the oceans have become 30% more acidic in the last 30 years. Really? So I looked at the author of the book review and it was none other than our friend Tim Flannery.

      See here for the original link and my reply:

      Jerry is one of the good guys, great SF author and co -author of “Fallen Angels” along with Larry Niven and the outstanding Michael F Flynn. It was meant to be satire but the greenies appear to be using it as a how to manual. If you like SF and haven’t read any of Michael F Flynn you are in for treat.


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        Graeme No.3

        Well, don’t show him the graph because it shows the ocean didn’t get 30% more acidic.

        Leaving aside the quality of the graph the only way you can get a 30% drop in alkalinity from pH figures is for the pH to drop from 8.0 to 7.9 (or 9.0 to 8.9, or 7.0 to 6.9).

        My question is how can they take a pH measurement in a nearby coastal site and from that deduce to pH of all the world’s oceans?

        I shouldn’t comment on the ‘line of best fit’ without access to the numbers but it looks dodgy.


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        Roy Hogue

        Thanks for the pointer to Michael Flynn. Anyone with a style competitive with Larry Niven for good reading will be worth looking up. I’ve been working on getting more time to do things like reading instead of following politics and my office workload so much. Any titles to suggest beside “Fallen Angels?



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          Roy, Mrs B and I really enjoyed Flynn’s Firestar quadrilogy. Also check Eifelheim, The Wreck of the River of Stars and his short story collections and everything else he’s written.
          In between Flynn read Greg Bear’s Vitals and Quantico.


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            Roy Hogue

            Yesterday I tried a Google search for Michael F Flynn and all I got were the usual useless tens of thousands of hits. Do you know how many MDs there are in this world named Flynn? And then there are all the rest who aren’t authors either. Anyway, looks like I’ll have to look by title so thanks for the reply.

            I’m at the office now but when I get home I’ll have a good search list.



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    Andrew McRae

    shamelessly off-topic: Clive Palmer holding on to Fairfax by the skin of his teeth (64 votes of 41,568) with 91% of the poll counted. That’s despite several alleged counting irregularities.
    The federal court threw out Palmer’s main accusation about mislabelled votes, yet oddly ordered the AEC to recount the affected polling booths. Strange that a judge should order the AEC to do it again properly if they were innocent of the charge. I guess an official guilty verdict would look bad for such a pivotal organisation. Can’t have that.
    Expect Clive to be gypped out of a seat throwing more sour grapes from 2nd place by the end of the week.


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      Let’s hope it’s not ‘money buys power and policy’ for this country. It’s happening in too many countries already with predictable outcomes for their citizenry.


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      Graeme No.3

      I read it that the AEC was told to sort them into the right booth. The AEC is correct in saying that the total hasn’t affected the result.
      I am told that recounts are automatic where there is less than 100 votes difference.

      Just Clive throwing his weight around.


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    Made me smile ๐Ÿ™‚


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    Just idling away and thinking and speculating. Usually not a good idea around here in the present frame of mind..

    Do people really believe that Cook actually believes most of the stuff that gets put up at SkS.

    Or is SkS primarily a John Cook promotion vehicle?
    Cook’s posturings on SkS which his acolytes have swallowed whole so elevating Cook in his own estimation, to ever greater heights in science and society.

    He has got quite astonishingly caught out in some quite amazing attempts at aborted science with Lewendowsky and Gergis for starters both of which turned into major debacles.
    And there have been others of a similar vein.
    Not a sign that he is all that switched on to the nuances of what is scientific reality and real science, in fact what science actually is, and what is an attempt at some psuedo alchemy with rattle waving and bone rattling and stone jiggling to get answers with a bit of pop sociology and scientological type Lewendowsky ravings and survey’s tossed in for good measure,
    All of which went down the that great big black holed chute where all crap non science gets thrown into after a quick look from the real players in the science game, never to be seen again thankfully.
    Cook should but apparently can’t, leave all of that to Lewendowsky who is the expert at bone rattling and rattle waving while he is wearing his boa feather headress and covered all over in a mixture of carpet snake dung and clay, to arrive at his scientific conclusions and results.

    As they say re Cooks attempts at science;
    Once is chance.
    Twice is coincidence
    Three times and “Houston, we have a problem!”

    I suspect that Cook has gone so far out on the climate alarmist limb while chasing fame and fortune and the hell with the ethics and morals of the science, that he can no longer safely dismount without major personal embarrassment and an major loss of what he believes is his own immense prestige and loss of face that his narcissism might find completely unacceptable.

    The obvious answer will be for Cook to quietly cease his own activity on SkS and then later quietly shut it down and steal away into the night and hope nobody will notice.
    Which by then few will, let alone bother about.

    Time line for an SkS shutdown? Lets say around the end of 2016 for by then, if a past media study outcome is relevant in that it takes the media about 7 years to do a major U turn, in this case starting with Climate Gate and Copenhagen in 2009, the media will be in full cry chasing down the desperado’s who heaped this whole immensely costly and totally useless, financially, socially and personally for most and industrially, climate alarmism debacle onto our whole global society.

    [ I’ve learn’t something from the natural climate change deniers and climate alarmists. That “predicted” SkS shutdown date just keeps drifting on into the future!]

    Sounds to me like Cook , Nuccatelli and the whole kit a caboodle of it’s operations at SkS are a fitting line of research for none other than Cook’s great mate, Lewendowsky.
    After all they do deserve one another and just imagine what Lewendowsky could make of all that lot!


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      Good Points, Rom

      Cook is essentially PR wonk. From the evidence I have seen, he either ignores, or isn’t aware of, or actively avoids, the principles involved in producing statistically significant surveys, nor in correctly interpreting their results. Perhaps he has no principles at all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Similar phenomena, where bad science, involving highly dubious statistics, have ended up being defended by a PR machine that took on a life of its own, come to mind. There is the history of Poliomyelitis: a disease where the prevention was badly “sold” to the public; and Thalidomide: a cure that was worse that the condition it was claimed to prevent.

      Few scientists are prepared to stand up in front of a hostile press corps to answer questions that may probe areas they would prefer to avoid.

      So they use publication in “the literature” as a vehicle to lay their ideas (right or wrong) on the table. “The literature” then becomes the vehicle through which all of the practitioners can keep in step with the general conduct of the “science”.

      From the literature, the PR wannabes like Cook make it public, so the attack trolls can pick it up and spread it over the social media and the blogosphere. Once has become imbedded in “the hive mind”, it becomes a “social truth” that then directs what people are allowed to think within their social group.

      No conspiracy theory is required in this process. It is just a natural evolutionary abnormality in one area of science. It is, eventually, a self-correcting mechanism. Unfortunately, like Thalidomide, and the delay in treating Polio, we end up with a couple of generations who have been damaged by the process.


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    John Cook, Doctor, on abc radio, 17 September 2013: Scientists criticise reporting of IPCC ‘leak’


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    Good stuff. They wouldn’t be mocked so much if they would just stop presenting themselves as such rich targets for mockery. I took a whack at Karl et al. (2013) and the Weather Extreme gang the other day. They just make it too easy.


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    Lets lighten up: How about a bit of Patrick Cook on climate change! This humorous presentation is both very funny, a sound clip from the Science show and the ABC as well.
    I don’t think this cook is related somehow…
    But will the ABC leave it online after it becomes too popular?
