A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The New Virus – Unknown & Mysterious Again –
‘I am aware of this new virus. I went to see my doctor, who, when she asked me if I got vaccinated, I said NO! Her response was GOOD! She is actually from Sarajevo, and oddly, I knew her She looked familiar since I had advised the government there about the breakup of Yugoslavia. She believes COVID was created in a lab, and the whole problem with that is that every virus will mutate since it is a lifeform and will seek to defeat whatever medicine we create to stop it. These people like Dr. Fauci are really dangerous, for they have no idea how such a gain-of-function experiment will evolve into the future. I like her because she grew up under Communism and is not about to take the government’s narrative without question.
She told me a new mysterious virus is now circulating, which is again respiratory and involves a sore throat. She said it is new, and they do not yet understand its nature. All I can say is that we need a lot more journalists to start opening their eyes to the fact that they have been part of this crime against humanity and deserve to go down with the fake news that they have written. Little by little, the truth started to surface. They keep attacking RFK as an anti-vaxer while taking money from Pfizer et al.’
A previous history of tonsillectomy, as a surrogate indicator of immunological dysfunction of the pharyngeal associated lymphoid tissue, could predict a more intense systemic manifestation of COVID-19. – poor medical practice history catching up? Tonsils – better than any vaccine!
Trump has a bit of an idea of Canada joining the USA.
How about California, Oregon, Washington and New England join Canada. Then British Columbia and Alberta can join the USA. Quebec can join France if it wants to………………..
Germany Lets Economy Plunge to Meet Climate Change Goals –
‘Germany is on track to meet its climate change initiatives at the expense of its economy. To look at the overall health of the European Union, we may look directly at Germany – the leading European economy. A climate think tank Agora noted that Germany lowered its emissions by 3% in 2024 on an annual basis due to its declining economy.
Germany shed 656 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions last year, a 48% reduction since 1990. The nation is seeking to reduce emissions by 65% in time for Agenda 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Agora director Simon Mueller admitted that Deutschland’s economic downturn is responsible for the lowered emissions, yet that is STILL not sufficient to meet the cap stipulated under the Climate Protection Act. “If Germany does not take action in these sectors, there is a risk of fines being imposed by Brussels,” Mueller said.
Fined by Brussels. There you have it, folks. The globalists running the EU are comfortable decimating the economy of Europe to achieve their true objectives. Wind and solar energy production in Germany accounted for 55% of consumption in 2024. Brussels and Agora seem to believe this shows that the climate policy is working as intended.
With the economy in depression then any Fines by Brussels will be very hard to get.
And with Germany in depression how will that help the EU (because Germany was the major contributor to the EU budget)?
Far more likely is that the incoming coalition after the election late February (Conservatives + AfD together dominate the Polls) will decide that exiting the EU would be a good idea. That would be the end of the EU, and the end of the cushioned lifestyle of the thousands of bureaucrats in Brussels.
This is the same sort of accounting used in South Australia that hangs off the Victorian Grid.
The 55% is an illusion that depends on other nations consuming wind and solar generated in Germany when there is lots of it and then relying on dispatchable generation from other nations when wind and solar are low.
Germany is exporting its power generation intermittency along with the high costs associated with it. Any nation connected to Germany inevitably enjoys the same high cost of electricity as Germany.
Other nations are threatening to cut connections with Germany to avoid the high cost of electricity that intermittency causes. Those billions spent on wind and solar need to make money, mostly through some imposed theft scheme, and the dispatchable generators need to make money so they put prices up when the wind and solar are low; making money from reduced output.
And there is some problems with cutting connections. Denmark (when the offshore wind blows) exports electricity to Germany and imports electricity from Norway and Sweden (both countries now want to cut the interconnectors) so does Denmark’s export is part of Germany’s wind share?.
And “renewables” in Germany have 113% capacity but in 2013 only contributed 38%.
Germany coal 26 % Oil 11% Natural gas 17% Wind 27% Solar 11%
(these are 2023 figures 1.4% nuclear 3.6% biofuels (as bad as coal)
German emission 483 g/kWh vs France 70 gms Sweden & Norway 20-25
As I said yesterday, don’t trust that Zuck all of a sudden believes in free speech.
The only reason he’s going down that path is because TRUMP previously warned the social media companies and Big Tech in general that if they didn’t stop censoring conservatives and other free and rational thinkers then he’d remove their Section 230 protections.
Leftists should NEVER be trusted. Zuck is doing this as a survival tactic
Also, Farcebook and other Big Tech shouldn’t be forgiven for the tremendous damage they have done to Western Civilisation plus massive election interference in the United States.
They can’t just be allowed to be forgiven or to walk away from what they’ve done.
Also, notice how Zuck has had his hair curled. He’s trying to make himself look like a human. Don’t be fooled! He’s still a Leftist. Leftists can’t be reformed or trusted. If he has a chance he will return to his old ways.
The problem with conservatives and fellow rational thinkers is that they are too forgiving of Leftists and too ready to believe they’ve changed their ways and they now have good intentions. Don’t be fooled.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Even Farage has caved to the rapidly growing “religion of peace” mob.
(Bye bye UK. Those that can leave already have.)
The cycle will continue unabated, new faces and new plans won’t stop it.
Farage has done no such thing. He’s a pragmatic realist who correctly states you cannot alienate the resident population, and he is correct. He stated this to the young naive Avi Yemini while visiting Australia about 7 years ago. No recent caving.
If Farage was PM he would never have brought them in in the first place like Labour and Conservatives have done.
Yesterday, I happened to hear on Their ABC Radio (Australia) commentators saying how concerned they were about the new supposed free speech regime on Farcebook and the firing of the so-called “fact checkers” (sic).
They said that if you allowed ordinary people (i.e. what the Left call Deplorables) to do the fact checking using “community notes” like X the facts couldn’t be trusted.
Presumably only Elite fact checkers of the Left can be trusted, not Deplorables.
They are in horror of the fact they may have to investigate ‘the facts’ … rather than regurgitate some rando’s X (or Meta) post.
Not that they will investigate ‘the facts’ – when there are perfectly ‘good’ narratives to parrot.
Notes on X works quite well actually. I’ve seen a few myths dispelled by it, including right wing ones.
It made the Sydney Morning Hopeless this morning with an article labelled-
“In one fell swoop, Meta enters its ‘post-truth’ era”
From their “Technical Editor”, who is still stuck in the post-truthiness that Russia used Facebook to decide who ruled America…
“What Zuck is promising might sound appealing to some: a return of the internet to its roots, which was designed to allow for free speech and open debate. That’s a naive outlook, however, that doesn’t reflect what the internet is in 2025.”
..and this is what horrifies the dilettante Left-
“Calling women “household objects” will now be permissible under Meta’s new guidelines, as will calling transgender people “freaks”.”
The comments include-
‘Articles like this remind me of how sanitised traditional media has become. I’m perfectly capable of fact checking things for myself thank you very much. ‘
..and this would be the classic of all time, it embodies everything the Left stand for and clearly shows that lovely “I’m superior to you and know what is best for you, and I’m only trying to help!!
‘With many of those obtaining their opinions from social media being less literate and more easily manipulated by such outlets these people must be protected from lies, fake news and bias else our nation be tilted in the wrong direct and for the benefit of these world meglomedia moguls.’
Another “victim” of free speech was Australia’s simpleton anti-Energy Minister Chrissy Bowen who has destroyed the economy in pursuit of the lie that CO2 (what the Left call “carbon” (sic)) is bad.
The reason he Left X was because he was fact checked into oblivion by the ordinary non-Elite participants in X’s “Community Notes”.
Like all Leftists, he simply couldn’t support his claims so ran away to the red skys of Bluesky, the Leftist alternative to free speech X. There, he’ll be safe from the genuine fact checkers of Community Notes.
Some comments on X.
Let’s hope all this good news is the beginning of the end of Leftism and all the evil that goes with it.
When will AI (Google & Apple) be subject to fact checking? Apple AI is adept at outrageous sensationalist lies and clickbait. It uses the logic of all media, that clicks are valuable, even if you have to tell lies to get them.
I would have thought AI was far easier to automatically fact check than normal media! With AI lies are not a mistake, they are intentional.
The fact that AI is not fact checked means the management is happy to lie and get the clicks and then blame the AI. Advertising and income is determined by clicks. Truth is just an impediment to income. As always in the Left press. And what press is not left where the truth is irrelevant? In the US only 3% of ‘journalists’ vote Republican. Or dare admit it.
AI is NOT AI. It is computer software programmed by Left Wingers. True AI has Machine Learning which at the moment is very limited.
I think Bowen will be a major factor in the looming defeat of Federal Labor. The Libs should do everything they can to keep him talking and to distribute his utterances (with appropriate commentary) He is campaign gold.
Very funny 21 sec video.
Trump vs Trudeau.
I think Lunatic Left Trudeau’s resignation is another wonderful consequence of the TRUMP Revolution.
The Left are dropping like flies. And the peoples of the world are seperating into clearly identifiable good and evil factions.
I remember well when he and his EU friends were laughing in public at Trump, in front of him. No one’s laughing now. What a weasel!
Given half a chance he was the Democratic world’s greatest tyrant, a Canadian Prime Minister who even declared himself absolute dictator and removed parliament. Although for absolute terror in a de facto police state where police patrolled the streets, it is a prize shared with Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews. Their victims are counted in the millions.
The UK is not far behind today, arresting people for no more than comments on the internet while race specific organized rape gangs are still free for fear of being called racist. Or worse, total inaction over many years by the then lead prosecutor and current Woke Prime Minster, Sir Keir Starmer. This is not freedom, it is tyranny presented as anti racism.
Very clever. I wonder how much time it took to do that?
Is quantum computing a scam? Or at least, are its capabilities (present and future) vastly over stated?
It must be if the Australian Government “invested” one billion dollars of taxpayer money into it.
Perhaps quantum computing is like “climate change”, just a huge scam to harvest “research” funds?
But you have to admit, whoever came up with the name “quantum computing” was a marketing genius. What pro-science person could resist supporting something with a name like that?
What I cannot understand is that the Prime Minister has the personal right to ‘invest’ $1Billion of our money in his ideas. How is that possible? While Australian businesses are collapsing, including Keppel Prince, our only windmill manufacturer! Or Quenos with 800 jobs, our only plastics recycler? And while electricity costs soar because of his Green policies. All manufacturing is based on converting materials into products using energy (electricity/gas) and so critically dependent on the cost of energy. Which contains billions of costs in fake and illegal Green certificates.
I thoroughly recommend subscribing to Australia’s extraordinary Spectator. This specific article detailing how the Alabanese to Howard governments have hidden their massive expenditure is enough to chill Australians.
As it is behind a paywall, some examples..
The 2024-25 budget included billions of dollars of ‘off-budget financing’ for
Snowy Hydro ($4.5 billion),
housing policies ($7.7 billion),
and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation ($19.3 billion).
It is currently forecast that there will be some $87.1 billion of such ‘off budget’ spending over the next four years.
And these debts are now soaring to $1Trillion federally or $38,000 per person in Australia. Which sits on top of State debt which for Victorians is also $38,000 per Victorian.
The Billion thrown away on a fantasy called Quantum computing is a drop in the ocean. Or Malcolm Turnbull’s gift to himself of $444Million in his retirement, never to be seen again. Allegedly to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef. And no pretence of doing so or reporting to parliament.
The Medici have nothing on Albanese/Chalmers and the Turnbull’s Bonnie and Clyde.
The leaders of Enron went to jail for exactly what our Prime Ministers and Treasurer’s are doing. In the name of saving Australia/the Great Barrier Reef/World temperatures/Climate Change.
Does Albanese believe in Quantum Computing? Of course not. Does he have to justify giving away our money to anyone? Of course not.
And now the ‘future fund’ the repository of Public Service superannuation, has been directed to invest in schemes which are Labor party policies and not for the benefit of members. This is again theft.
And again from the frightening “Spectator” article..
“As with Enron’s debt load, shifting major expenses out of the budget doesn’t eliminate them; it simply masks them. The Housing Australia Future Fund, the National Reconstruction Fund, the Rewiring the Nation Fund and other similar expenditures haven’t disappeared, but have rather been tucked away from proper scrutiny along with the enormous losses and debt run up by the National Broadband Network, the same NBN whose advocates claim that, like communism, it failed because it was never implemented properly.”
Australia has lost control of its own finances as public servants hide their massive expenses off the balance sheet and have decided that the public does not need to know. We are borrowing against future income by gold, wheat, gas, coal and iron ore shipments which they are simultaneously trying to stop. To save the planet of course.
Criminal proceedings are the only hope in stopping this massive theft.
And Snowy 2.0, another White Hefalump……………….
In today’s dollars, the Snowy II useless lossy windmill storage system will cost more than the Panama Canal. Think of what else we could have done with the borrowed money. And all that borrowing is just adding to inflation as the ‘budget’ no longer includes our biggest expenses as a nation. What successive Treasurers are doing would have them in jail under Corporate law.
Heffalump is a creature I haven’t heard of for a long time…
Fact checkers deny the existence of the Heffalump in Winnie the Pooh as Pachydermaphobia.
Pachydermaphobia is often confused with racism.
I’ve done the exercise but have forgotten the result but if you convert the total cost of Snowy to today’s money the cost is absurdly cheap. I knew a couple of guys who used to quote on small civil construction jobs. They would add 25% for WH&S and even more on a government contract. And these guys were friends with their workers so no BLF involved.
And there are many other examples of massive waste of taxpayer money.
What about NBN for example? A major engineering infrastructure project designed by politicians and among the most expensive and slowest broadband internet systems in the world.
The market would have sorted it out with no expenditure of taxpayer money.
And it is mostly obsolete anyway. Most internet companies are offering wireless connections with 4G and 5G.
I think the $31 billion mentioned above is a small amount of the real losses to the taxpayer.
It’s not waste. It’s theft. Or so it was deemed in the case of the CEO and CFO of Enron who also hid their losses as investments, off balance sheet.
Australia needs a TRUMP/Musk style Department of Government Efficiency.
But fixing massive Australian Government waste is not even on the agenda for the fake conservative Liberal Party.
In power, they will just keep spending and adding useless regulations, just like Labor but to a slightly lesser degree.
We just need to apply the rules of the large body of Corporate law and Criminal law to Federal and State officers, especially Treasurers. It would all disappear overnight.
Milei’s Strong Start Has Proved Skeptics Wrong
Argentina’s economy is a long way from mended, but the new president sure hasn’t been idle.
Bloomberg Published 8 Jan 2025
(Bloomberg Opinion) — Javier Milei’s first year as president of Argentina has confounded his critics. Most viewed his promises of radical reform as crazy or unworkable.
His fondness for waving a chainsaw didn’t help. Yet 12 months on, doubters — including some enlightened ones — are having to think again.
Argentina’s economy still has plenty of problems, but there’s no denying Milei’s first reforms have been both bold and surprisingly successful.
He promised war on bureaucrats, brutal cuts in public spending and a purge of excessive regulation — and he delivered. Far from collapsing as a result, the economy is looking stronger.
Although Milei’s program initially deepened a recession, output has since recovered to its pre-December 2023 level. Most forecasters now expect moderate growth this year. Inflation has fallen from more than 20% a month to less than 3% a month — still high, but notable progress even so. He’s shut down ministries, slashed public spending and moved the government’s budget balance from a deficit (excluding interest payments) to a surplus. Investors are impressed: The premium they demand on Argentina’s government debt has fallen dramatically.
The biggest setback was an initial rise in the rate of poverty from about 40% to more than 50%, but according to the government’s latest estimate, the rate has fallen back to its earlier level.
He would say its “Nayshun Bildink”
I have mixed feelings about PBD, he publishes a lot of crap but there are other interviews I like to watch.
How can a man in his position never had a speech therapist or whatever to correct his infuriating habit of replacing every final “G” with a “K”? He could certainly afford it.
Australia should be investing in making computer ships (semi conductors, etc.). We have all the raw materials for the manufacturing.
However, all we can do at the moment is cook fish and chips. Australia, the ‘cleva country’. LOL.
We have never even made a 1950’s transistor. If world chip manufacturing stopped, specifically in Taiwan, we would be back in the dark ages. Which is why Taiwan is so important and our One China policy is so appallingly against our own interests. The seizure of the world chip making industry in one move would cripple the West. Australia makes nothing, the position we were in in WWII. We had AA guns in Darwin, just no ammunition. Our soldiers had wooden rifles. With the Union destruction of our car industry, we make nothing.
But we are still paying luxury car taxes on imported cars to protect our local industry. Governments never repeal taxes. They just increase them. As with Land Tax in Victoria which now apply to a dog kennel.
33% Luxury car tax (LCT) is a tax on cars that have a GST-inclusive value above the LCT threshold. LCT is: imposed at the rate of 33% on the amount above the luxury car threshold. paid by businesses that sell or import luxury cars (dealers), and by individuals who import luxury cars. Why?
Australia did in fact make transistors and silicon chips, back in the day.
When I used to work for Australian company Telectronics in Lane Cove (Sydney) designing world-leading cardiac pacemakers, we also used custom integrated circuits made by AWA in North Ryde (Sydney).
Telectronics ceased to exist soon after Pacific Dunlop bought it and accountants tried to run the company and there were also some inherited problems due to acquisition of another company that made some allegedly faulty leads.
When I was there I wrote some patents:
These are my three US Patents.
Good work! I currently have 20 live US patents. And another 65 internationally. Software, robotics and robotic applications including designs and mathematical control of transformation, spectral analysis of plasma, electronic trading of things which don’t exist yet and may never. Tricky. The latest from Germany was just awarded this week. It is a quite separate battle and this one took seven years to convince the German examiners who examine for all of Europe under the EU, including the UK. The worst took 11 years. The examiners are submerged under thousands of IT/AI/Electronic applications annually each by Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, IBM,..
Small World David..I worked at Telectronics from late 1973 to early 1974 then left to go full time at Tech College.
I remember that time as I did some contract work for the Nucleus Group, the owner of Telectronics I believe. We were advising Cochlear which then you could fit into two large rooms.
Pacific Dunlop bought Nucleus but didn’t really understand the Business. Pacific Dunlop eventually floated Cochlear on the Sharemarket in the 1990s. Pacific Dunlop then went broke and now Cochlear is a World leader in the ‘Bionic Ear’ business and a very valuable Company. The shares floated at $2.50 and are now worth just over $300. I bought 2,000 shares in the float. Had to sell them along the way but made loads of money.
Silly Pacific Dunlop.
They lost their way. But I did earn a Dunlop bursary as a prize. It was much appreciated.
Dunlop was an Irish doctor who wrapped garden hose around the steel wheels of his buggy because he had a bad back. And the presence of mind to realise he had made a valuable discovery.
I recall experimenting with Australian Fairchild silicon transistors back in the mid 60s. Great transistors, stable high gain, not greatly affected by temperature as were the low-gain germanium transistors (OC45, OC70, OC71) of that era. But it apparently Fairchild couldn’t control the batch process, so every batch was different from the last. No problem – just generate a new part number with a new tech specification.
I don’t have any patents but am somewhat of an inventor and entrepreneur.
I’ve invented around 15 things only to find someone else had already invented it.
Great minds think alike!
Back when Covid was a thing, I came up with the fibre-optically coupled hemispherical UV radiator to treat Covid lung infections, only to find a company in the US had the same idea. Meh!
I did design an engine management system add-on which I sold worldwide, and make a packet from a specialised metal treatment.
But I do have a revolutionary mouse trap! 😆
AWA portable short wave radios were widely used by bookmakers at country race meetings back in that era of sketchy rural communications
I believe Bosch up until very recently made the most primitive of semiconductors being Diodes for automotive use in Melbourne.
Top end chip making is a technical science, we have neither the skills nor the expensive precision equipment to manufacture. We most certainly can’t compete with Korea and China at the low end.
Are we such snobs that we refuse to acknowledge that we have some of the best miners in the world? Get them working, if and when we can get power costs down let supply and demand rule where we go from there.
Cold rolled steel is well within our capabilities and the sanctions on Russia have left a niche we could fill.
DM this whole conversation/replies shows perfectly why democracy is a waste of time! Surely we can do better that this? Politicians of both sides are obviously just second-rate parasites, and the snivel service first-rate ones.
We need a LOT less power in Govt hands and a LOT more back in the free market. Make taxes optional and let people pay for what they believe in. Disband most Govt departments completely and make people look after themselves.. That trillion dollars we have borrowed has done NOTHING to improve our lives, yet if our businesses had generated and spent it here we would be far better off. …by $76000 per every retiree, school child and adult in Vic it seems.
Blaming it on democracy is chasing a red herring. The problem goes a *lot* deeper than how we choose our representatives. Sure, picking them like we pick juries would give a better chance of good representatives, but if they were to preside over the same bureaucracy, would they achieve anything more than the current lot?
Meanwhile, Milei *was* democratically elected and seems to be giving Argentina’s deeper rot quite a shake-up.
Of course we can do better. Communism works best every time. Who wouldn’t want to emulate Cuba.
That Zuckerberg is a snake, a slime ball, that makes my skin crawl every time I see an image of him. I don’t believe he has ever uttered a word of truth in his life & never will!
So fully qualified as a politician then? What of that isn’t true of Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?
With his latest ‘look’ I keep waiting for him to say ‘calm down calm down’
It’s been a while (maybe six months) since I last looked at the Australian Debt Clock.
You may be interested to know that total Australian Government debt, Federal, State and Local is over
Two trillion dollars.
It’s increasing at the rate of $6,000 per second.
What could possibly go wrong?
Last time I looked it was around $1.4 trillion.
The fake conservative Liberals say nothing about this unimaginable debt.
I have every confidence in our treasurer, Dr. Jim to handle things, after all I just saw him on the telly advising me how electricity prices had fallen over the last quarter. So if Dr Jim can make prices go down at the same time as they are going up what’s a mere problem like a two trillion dollar dept. Don’t worry about it rising Jim can tell you it’s falling!
Checking up on home schooling parents – what the current furore on Grooming Gangs is really about: What a joke
Yes, they are trying to ban home schooling.
They want all children to attend the state run indoctrination centres once known as “schools”.
Indoctrination centres where 1/0=0?
Why does 0!=1?
So much easier if 2+2 = 5, and there are 200 genders.
“Labor pains”
Somehow out of all this our rate of inflation is supposed to be about 3%?
FWIW – “Why now”
“Oh boy, if you have an in tune spidey sense you will likely see the necessarily angled presentation by GBNews Pundit Neil Oliver, as he discusses the ‘rape gangs’ which have been operating in the U.K for decades.
After putting the context in its correct, horrific and evil place, Mr. Oliver asks the right question, repeatedly, “why now?” Why is this conversation taking place at this specific moment?
“Neil knows that when attention is being focused on such a capacity that it makes those who do not want to pay attention, pay attention; it is at that moment when we need to stand back and look around. Whose interests are being served within the “now” question.”
More at
Somewhat the other side of that –
“The Missing Pieces”
Is it Elon trying to get back some cred with Maga, after the visa squabble?
FWIW – you aren’t alone!
“So Supposedly Zuck Has Found ‘Religion'”
So true!
“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”
“And Then There Were NONE! JPMorgan becomes last of the Big-6 U.S. banks to quit Net-Zero Banking Alliance”
Any of the Oz ones got the message yet?
“A Country With No Wind Turbines?”
“We could shut down every wind farm in the UK tomorrow nd it wouldn’t make the slightest difference” – Paul Homewood
Perth is once again going through a period of very little wind – down to 3.87% of the total, Home solar, along with gas and coal, will again step in and do the heavy lifting.
I think they would notice difference if they shut down wind in the UK. The grid would become more stable and easier to manage and they could also fire all the people running the rorts and subsidies. This of course would put that famous “downward pressure on prices”
Speaking of wind and (once) Great Britain. Because of a current “slump” in wind, which just happens to have become the top source of energy in the UK during 2024, GBP2,000,000 per hour is being spent to fire up gas power stations as of yesterday. So that would make some GPB48,000,000 already waiting to be filtered down to bill payers.
Seems the “she’ll be right we have a back-up” in the form of importing extra power through interconnectors wasn’t an option because “they were already at capacity”.
FWIW – continues the theme of #16 yesterday
“Is the USA ready to fight a war? Probably not…”
“Thanks to the nitwits running this country and the greater darkness that is the West none of the countries in NATO or the EU are capable of taking on the equivalent of Baden Powell’s boy scouts with any chance of success.”
“Do Tell: Fake Farmer Steals $8.75M In Green Energy Scam”
“He understood the rules of a modern ag heist: Nothing so green as a green energy con.”
Bill Gates Pushes to Launch ‘New Global Pandemic’ Using ‘Catastrophic Contagion’
Hotez, who served as a Covid mRNA “vaccine” shill during and after the pandemic, made the suspiciously specific prediction during an appearance on MSNBC.
According to Hotez, new pandemics will be “starting on January 21st” – the day after Trump’s inauguration.
He continued by gloating that multiple deadly virus outbreaks will “come crashing down on the Trump administration” as soon as he’s sworn back into office.
“We have some big-picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st,” Hotez told MSNBC on Wednesday.
Hotez then listed several viruses and pathogens that are on the radar of public health institutions.
He claims that bird flu, “new coronaviruses,” SARS, “mosquito-transmitted viruses” like dengue, Zika, Oropouche virus, and yellow fever, as well as whooping cough, measles, and polio, could all erupt in new pandemics when Trump is sworn into power.
“All that is going to come crashing down on January 21 on the Trump administration,” Hotez claimed.
Let’s destroy the world just to get Trump.
I think both of those gentlemen would present a CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER.
FWIW – looks like there are not enough pineapples with rough ends –
“UK Police call Rotheram rape gang victim and instruct her to delete X posts”
FWIW – re those Los Angeles fires
“Los Angeles Burning & Did It To Themselves”
LA Officials Explain Why Fire Hydrants Ran Out of Water”
“At a minimum, even if there isn’t any immediate scandal here, it’s obviously a failure of planning. California has been dealing with massive wildfires for a decade now. If we don’t have a plan to make sure the fire hydrants in these areas have water in case of a wildfire, what the hell are we even doing?”
“BREAKING: New Fire EXPLODES “Out of Nowhere” in the Hollywood Hills Near the “Hollywood” Sign – Evacuations Underway (VIDEO)”
But DEI was important (/S)
“JUST THREE MONTHS AGO: Trump Talked About California’s Water Problem and Wildfires on the Joe Rogan Podcast (VIDEO)”
“MADDENING: Watch Adam Carolla Explain How He Applied to be a Los Angeles Firefighter But Was Turned Away for Being a White Male (VIDEO)”
“L.A. Officials Complain There Aren’t Enough Firefighters – After Firing Hundreds Who Refused to Take COVID Vaccine”
George W never recovered after Katrina. No one claimed he caused it, or his actions exacerbated the problems, he just flew over the devastation in his jet, how insensitive.
Surely the dems can’t skate on THIS.
A couple of relevant forecasts
FWIW – awakenings!
“Medley report: Israel’s rising threat, Ukraine revelations, and the ‘Age of Anti-Westphalian DarkMaga’ ”
Conclusion from the last item there –
“The era of coasting on borrowed security and ideological rhetoric is over. What lies ahead is a world where historical agency must be reclaimed or forever relinquished, and for many, the question may not be whether they are ready to make that leap, but whether they even remember how. America has now understood this — and is mentally preparing to switch back to the cold logic that comes with actual History. The times, they are a-changin’. ”
That “dewokening” of our military better get a move on!
The overall thrust of that essay is how the mainstream are now touting Ukraine losing completely and Russia taking as much as it wants. That shows how toothless America and NATO have become, and if Trump wants to make America great again by going to war somewhere, his vassals should bend over and drop their trews..
“You know how a colony is rewarded for sending troops to its overlord’s wars? It doesn’t get beaten. That’s the reward for a lackey… It’s not pleasant to have to admit to yourself that your existence was a coddled theme park that is existentially dependent on the relative position of someone else and how he feels about that relative position. America’s vassals WILL have to confront this state of things and make hard decisions about their future. This means reckoning with their geopolitical impotence and either embracing dependency with open eyes or seeking pathways to autonomy that will inevitably involve risk, sacrifice, and a recalibration of their national priorities.”
Well, is Australia going to be burned as fuel for the fire of making America great again, or seek a pathway to autonomy?? Remember, this is Albo we are talking about here!
Simplicious does mention Turkey and Iran taking on Israel, so we could have Gallipoli all over again!
Russia has already lost the war, even if the Ukraine collapses on the front next week.
You are running out of communist successes to tout.