Naomi Klein runs amok, calls skeptics white supremacists

Naomi Klein is still throwing rocks, and these rocks are hairier than ever. Try this: if you disagree about climate sensitivity you are not just an unconvinced mind, but a white supremacist. It’s racism, racism all the way down, I tell you!

Lucky Naomi is here to unpack the sinister World Order of evil white men who control the climate.  Who knew? In her world, man-made climate change will kill more non-whites than whites, but the white guys who run everything just don’t care. So there! (Is she saying that white men can control the weather but black men can’t?)

The namecalling reaches a new level of absurdity in “Why #BlackLivesMatter Should Transform the Climate Debate“.  Forget money, power and sex, the world is run on racism:

“What would governments do if black and brown lives counted as much as white lives?”

Taken together, the picture is clear. Thinly veiled notions of racial superiority have informed every aspect of the non-response to climate change so far. Racism is what has made it possible to systematically look away from the climate threat for more than two decades. It is also what has allowed the worst health impacts of digging up, processing and burning fossil fuels—from cancer clusters to asthma—to be systematically dumped on indigenous communities and on the neighborhoods where people of colour live, work and play.

Hmmm. The IPCC warned that the biggest temperature rises would be at the poles. If this was about the “intersection of climate and race”, as she calls it, the worst hit nations would be those dark skinned nations like  Canada, Finland and Norway, eh?!

The truth is that the temperatures will always be most stable in the tropics — where the evaporation rates and humidity keep things from heating or cooling too rapidly.

She whips out every red flag she can find – it’s not just superstorms and rising seas, but police killing blacks, and asthma, and healthcare.

She mentions “Ferguson” but not “poverty”.

What Klein has spotted, spun and turned into fairy floss, is that any bad weather hurts the poor more than the wealthy. This is the unfortunate, banal truth. Some of us evil people think the answer is to solve the poverty, not to change the global climate.  Those who care about the poor want to improve their economies, reduce corruption, and create more wealth. With wealth comes more freedom from the ravages of storms and floods.

Klein is seeing very big monsters under the bed:

The grossly unequal distribution of climate impacts is not some little-understood consequence of the failure to control carbon emissions. It is the result of a series of policy decisions the governments of wealthy countries have made—and continue to make—with full knowledge of the facts and in the face of strenuous objections.

I vividly remember the moment when the racism barely under the surface of international climate talks burst onto the world stage. It was exactly five years ago this week, on the second day of the now-infamous United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen. Up until that point, the conference had been a stultifying affair, with the fates of nations discussed in the bloodless jargon of climate “adaptation and mitigation.” All of that changed when a document was leaked showing that governments were on the verge of setting a target that would cap the global temperature rise at 2 degrees Celsius

Naomi thinks it’s policy-by-racism, as if old white men sit in dark smoky rooms putting racism before profit and power. There are some greedy psycho bastards at the top of some corporates and in politics, I don’t think they care as much about the color of their victims as they do about the size of the pay-off.

If she paid attention to the numbers she’d know the big profits are in carbon exchanges, not pie-in-the-sky planetary tinkering. I’ve written about her crippling problem with numbers before. Only someone who can’t add up would predict that the old white men are hankering to do geoengineering, rather than broker carbon credit deals and derivatives and cream off the fee.

And in the not too distant future, the firm if unstated belief that not all lives matter could well push our governments to deploy high-risk “geoengineering” technologies like spraying sulfur into the stratosphere in order to reduce global temperatures. Never mind that several studies project that a side effect could be suppressing the summer monsoons in India and Africa, with the water and food security of billions of people hanging in the balance.

Indeed, it is distinctly more likely that our governments will favor these terrifying techno-fixes over approaches to emission reduction that are far more likely to succeed, in no small part because those solutions are being offered by poor people with darker skin.

The financial houses must be happy with gullible Klein — who thinks that the poor want “emissions reductions” (rather than the bankers). Study after study shows the poor don’t want either carbon credits or techno fixes; they want food, health, and education.

h/t to Climate Depot

9.3 out of 10 based on 128 ratings

168 comments to Naomi Klein runs amok, calls skeptics white supremacists

  • #

    She was on the local public radio station here in Boston, MA yesterday. I couldn’t tell if it was a re-run or not, she was pushing her latest anti-capitalism book. Unfortunately, the normally keen interviewers were playing softball for this interview.


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      Klein has lost the plot and I don’t mean the Hockey Stick graph.

      She’s small by name and small by mind size.


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        Rereke Whakaaro

        I find her comments to be tremendously useful.

        When put forward as a comparison, she makes the rest of us loonies look quite sane.


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          Olaf Koenders

          Leftism is a simple concept:

          If you have it, I want it.
          If you do it, I’ll control it.
          If I don’t get my way about everything, I’ll b**** like a five year-old.


          • #

            As Ayn Rand foresaw in her towering philosophical novel, “Atlas Shrugged,”the “looters,” as she so aptly described the rapacious left, would strive and strive until they had robbed almost all of us of our ability to think.

            Independent thought would be banned. Adherence to the party line would be mandatory. Anyone who thought for himself would become an outcast and would eventually be punished and, if possible, killed.



            • #

              While the article makes a point, it clearly and definatively adds ammunition to the “denier” name. The sight quoted is based on very little science and costs people their lives with the unscientific belefs. I’m not sure this helps. The article was originally in WND:
              That might have been a better reference. Using an anti-science publication to push the cause of “skeptics” lands skeptics clearly in the denial camp, as far as “mainstream” skeptic societies are concerned. This gives Skeptic Societies more ammo to demand climate change non-believers be called “deniers”.
              You may believe the anti-vaccine, anti-pharmaceutical literature, but understand that by quoting it, you are adding fuel to the fire of those who would call skeptics “deniers”. You cannot will the battle to get people to understand that beliefs in one area are not indicative of the truth of your beliefs in another area and win the battle against denier labels—or it is extremely unlikely.
              You are free to quote whomever you wish and stand up for what you believe. I would note that the British lost the Revolutionary War by standing out in the open in red coats. It wasn’t and isn’t a good battle strategy.


      • #

        Funnily enough, I was talking to a relative this morning about the Red Menace ( Communism ) rising in Australia. My relatve ( who is 55 and fairly down to earth ) commented that we have had the last 3 govts being very poor in Australia, and the prospect of Bill Shorten as PM made her almost faint in fright…..

        I did try to explain that all govts are working th eglobalist agenda of implementing global communism through the Communists working blatantly through the green parties, and labor masquerading as “soft left” when in fact its a driven by a bunch of Fabians.

        I also said its time for people to start talking about and educating people what Communism actually is, and to try an stop it ( peacefully ).

        I give australia 20 yeas max if Communism isnt stopped before we become Reds ( by force and executions ), with all the horror that goes with it. My uncle escaped from communist Hungary and can tell some stories….

        The Climate thing is just noise – we need to be as bold as they are, but pull back the covers and expose the Pinkos for what they are.


        • #

          Its also a great irony about Klien calling sceptics white supremacists.

          Let it be known that one of the main reasons the NWO keeps africans poor and sick, is that the demented sickos who run the NWO ARE white supremacists ( Arayan supremacists / Nazis ) so in effect, Klien is using reverse psychology to defelct attention away from the globalists.

          This is typical of Socialists – they hijack words and twist them to suit their cause.


          • #

            Naomi deplorable behaviour is enough to give Feminazi’s a bad name.


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            It’s really just a syndrome involving vocabulary and dyslexia. For example, when she uses the phrase “white supremmacists” the normal world term would be “barking mad, raving loons, baying at the moon liberals”. This problem is moderately common and is usually associated with Dunning-Kruger(see and appears to be only associated with socialists. Other symptoms include factophobia, logiophobia and matheophobia.

            It’s difficult and time consuming but I can provide translations.


        • #

          educating people what Communism actually is

          Dead easy – “I’m going to force you to share your one dollar with my five cents.”


        • #

          I call Marxist Humanism, which is what you are calling Communism, little c communism because it has a clearly laid out model coming in now through K-12 education globally.

          It’s actually not about who owns what as who controls the use of it and behaviors generally.

          The OECD and UNESCO are pushing the MH vision via the Great Transition initiative. Interestingly enough it is touting an interview with Naomi Klein as well.

          The links to Boston have to do with the New Economics Institute taking over the Schumacher (Small is Beautiful) Institute to become an affilaite of the UK new economics foundation. Neva Goodwin has created that template for a new kind of economics. It’s no accident that textbook has been translated into Russian.


          • #

            Pay attention folks.

            Robin (Invisible Serfs Collar) really knows his stuff when it comes to the United Nations Common Core educational monstrosity.

            Robin, At your site how about an index please? It is a great site with lots of info but very frustrating to navigate.



        • #

          If the West’s education wasn’t being driven by people pushing the Marxist doctrine we might stand a chance. As it is, the UK, Australia, USA, and others are all heading off in that general direction. This site has interesting information regarding the background of current educational thrusts:


      • #

        That’s very unkind, saying she is small by name. She (and Gnoam Chomski) give us little folk a bad gname.

        (Sorry- couldn’t resist- I do have a working knowledge of German but bad puns overrule good taste.)


      • #

        Is it about “give the dog a bad name and let it hang”?
        I mean isn’t she trying to label “deniers” also as racists?


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          Greg Cavanagh

          yea, denier isn’t enough. She has to dig deeper.

          So Naomi, tell us what you really think.


          • #

            Denier wasn’t working. In the US, racist seems to work really well, even if it has NO truth value. It’s the equivalent of “communist” under McCarthey, but this time it’s the communists using the technique. Turn-about, I guess.


      • #

        Naomi Klein, Naomi Oreskes…

        What is it with all these Naomis?


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      Paul in Sweden

      This time of year, especially in the Lima COP shadow, we should expect the radio and TV studios to lower the outside gates so that they can cattle-prod the most vocal Global Warming Mongers towards the microphones & cameras.


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    Peter Miller

    Let her rant, she doesn’t do the cause of climate alarmism one jot of good by invoking racism as a reason for not caring about supposed climate change.

    There will be a small bunch of loony lefties – these sad individuals will always be with us supporting lost or wrong causes – who will applaud her ranting.

    As for racism, the one point Jo missed was that the people shouting the loudest for humongous handouts from the Developed World, are those of darker hues living near, or adjacent to, the equator, where the impact of any global warming will be very subdued, or almost non-existent.

    I suppose it is racist to point this out in our politically correct world. Likewise to query how much of the new UN green fund will eventually end up in Swiss or Panamanian bank accounts.


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      Swiss bank accounts? Things might have been different in the past but now, unlike other countries, Swiss bankers are obligated to know their clients and to reject anything dodgy. The Swiss blew the whistle on dodgy funds from some African dictator that wanted to transfer them from a bank account in the UK.

      Oddly enough its the UK and its colonies that seem to not just launder money but neatly iron it and wrap it. I’m taking of the Channel Islands, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.


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      “There will be a small bunch of loony lefties – these sad individuals will always be with us supporting lost or wrong causes – who will applaud her ranting.”
      Indeed, but the sad thing is that these loons have the ear of journos, politicians, councillors, community leaders, and even academics (perhaps most especially so!). What’s that saying from ancient Greece, “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make them mad”? A madness has indeed descended on our civilisation: there are fools and morons who make these kinds of claims (and many others just as stupid), but there are many more who give them a hearing and take them seriously.


    • #

      Sorry but I am a bit confused.

      Nearly half the worlds population live in China and India, I do not believe you would call them white. China and India are increasing their carbon dioxide output.

      Europe, North America (probably classified as white) are reducing their outputs. Unfortunately, due to the mismatch in populations the white folk can never reduce their emissions enough to offset the increases from half the worlds population.

      So not sure as to her racist arguments are targeted at the right colour. It appears that the evil whiteys are reducing their outputs whereas the saintly non whiteys are increasing theirs?

      So shouldn’t she be targeting these rogue carbon states to save the planet. Tell them to stop their increasing output.


      • #

        Clearly PM12, – pointing out that Chinese and Indian Co2 outputs are rapidly rising makes you a Rayciiiist!!!

        Off to the naughty corner.

        Everyone knows it’s only Whiteys that do anything wrong.


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        It’s projection, the psychological process of viewing others through the lens of ones own Shadow. The darker the Shadow, the more evil others appear. She’s gone beyond seeing them as mere Holocaust infidels and has moved on to seeing them as actual racists. Quite revelatory. I don’t think she’s quite done; there’s no telling what her unconscious will project on anyone who dares to disagree with her. She may soon advocate killing all of them, like a true Leninist-Marxist.


    • #

      Yeah but paid Socialist attack dogs need to be exposed for twhat they are – tackling them head on wont work – they have little or no morals, but publically and relentlessly questioning their motivations is a stick in the spokes of their bikes, and will unseat them every time, as its a flanking attack they arent expecting….


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    As far as i know skeptics would love for 3rd world countries to increase there use of fossil fuels to catch up with the 1st world and have a better life.


    • #

      their not there.


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      the Griss

      Excellent comment. 🙂


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      Peter Miller

      Your sentiment is perfectly correct, but unfortunately we live in a world where our political ‘elite’ is gung-ho about supporting policies leading us inevitably into energy poverty.

      These same people want the Third World – is that a racist term these days? – to be a showcase for green renewable energy, which obviously means extreme energy poverty for all the people living there.

      Let them burn coal or gas to massively improve their lifestyles in modern power plants – what the hell is wrong with that you stupid greenies and trolls?


    • #

      The left just don’t get it,haven’t they been looking at what has been happening in India and China.
      Poverty can only be erased by the poor themselves getting paid employment,and this can only come about by trade not by taking the money from the rich and giving to the poor,this is the way the world has operated for at least five millenia.
      The old adage give a man a fish and he has a meal but teach him to fish and he will always eat( or as some wives would say, he will come home smelling of beer and telling lies,you be the judge)


  • #

    More Naomi Klein doomsayer spleen,
    based on a crooked schtick of a
    crooked mann.


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    Naomi who?, I don’t know all those warmists look the same to me……


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      She’s the one that got hit with the ugly stick, numerous times.

      Unfortunately for her the ugly is on the inside as well.


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      Roy Hogue

      So those big African countries are just about the same as big countries everywhere?

      What a surprise.


      • #

        Yes they are humans like you and me, with the difference,they are poor and we are rich. We have electricity, clean water, jobs, schools and housing. Many of the people in SS Africa have not.

        OECD has recently showed that inequality in the word is increasing. It is also known, Joseph E. Stiglitz, that inequality lowers the GDP per capita.

        I call people like Naomi Klein, Informal Imperialist!


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    mike restin

    I thought the same thing when I first saw Mikie Mann and Gavin Schmidt.
    Later I saw Naomi and that’s when realized I was mistaken.


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    the Griss

    Jo, you missed a word.

    “Only someone who can’t add up would predict that the old white men are… ”

    Thanks – Fixed! – Jo


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    WhaleHunt Fun

    Ms Hide the deKline treats white racists differently to other racists. Racists-of-color are entitled to equal prominence in her rantings. Her meta-racism needs to be called out at every opportunity.


  • #

    Do you think these racially oppressed people would rather have abundant cheap energy or the (remote) possibility of a cooler future with the same advancement opportunities they now live with? Maybe we should give them a say in the choice.It seems to me that denying them the choice is blatantly racial.


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      Educated white leftists telling blacks what they can or can’t have,as opposed to white conservatives telling blacks what they can or can’t have.

      Conservatives tell the blacks that they can have cheap energy if they permit the white conservatives to make some money(it’s called investment and trade),the White leftists tell the blacks that they can’t have ANY energy and that living in abject poverty was preferable to trading with white conservatives.


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    the Griss

    Poor Naomi, she really does have a thing for ‘old white men”, doesn’t she. ! 🙂

    Would be interesting to start a list of “old white men” behind the climate change scam, and send it to her.

    Al Gore, James Hansen, Maurice Strong, Mann, Jones, Trenberth, … just a start.

    Also someone needs to explain to this ditz, that the African countries are being HELD BACK and forced into deeper poverty by the waste of money on unsustainable, unreliable alternative non-energy. Think of what could have been done with even a fraction of that waste.

    What people in these countries need is solid, CLEAN, reliable electricity from gas, coal or nuclear to allow them to develop and to get away from cooking with highly polluting local energy sources.


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    This is staggering considering that the AGW funders & spruikers comprise a role call of CFR/TC & their progenitor the Round Table. ( who share the same City of London midwife & wet nurse as the Fabians)


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    Kon Dealer

    What a raving jizzweasel.


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    Sadly, far too many people will eagerly agree with her.


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    Can hardly wait for warm weather to invade Canada, even if i’m white….


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    Can the Naomi pantomime actually still walk with all the holes in her feet?……oh yes she can!…..oh no see can’t!……reprise ad nauseam.


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    What’s next? The Space Race is racist? Klein appears to be the climate equivalent of Miley Cyrus. Climate twerking.


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      John F. Hultquist

      Ms. Miley seems to know what is what and how to have fun, make a boat load of money, and ignore climate ‘whatever’. The other person seems unbalanced, out of touch with reality, and wouldn’t know fun if it knocked her over.


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        It is making money through fame. Simple really. The question facing everyone is how to be famous, how to get comment, how to sell books, sell themselves. In this they are identical.


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          Rereke Whakaaro

          It’s all about the meme. Gotta have a meme. Gotta have a publicist, who will get you noticed. Gotta have a YouTube channel, with a cute doggie (Jenna Marbles), or an errant hampster (Emma Blackery). Gotta give product endorsements so you can give stuff away. Gotta get a Channel – better than a meme.

          Content is optional.


  • #

    I’d never heard of her until I read this story. A quick Bing found this article, in which this paragraph immediately caught my attention:

    “Hi,” she says, sounding perky for someone who has spent the past three and a bit weeks promoting a new book in three countries and 11 cities, including Los Angeles, New York and her home of Toronto.

    It’s the same old story, isn’t it! Do as I say, not as I do.


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      Roy Hogue

      It’s the same old story, isn’t it! Do as I say, not as I do.

      It’s that but it’s also,

      Look at me. See how great I am. Look upon my face and weep, for I am your mistress and you shall do my bidding.

      That’s what I see in such people. She isn’t peddling information, she’s peddling herself as a power figure to be feared. And naughty old me, I won’t give her that power.


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    Klein is a high school grad, married to a Al Jazeera reporter Avi Lewis (who was humiliated by Ayaan Hirsi Ali) who is the son of socialist newspaper scribbler Michelle Landsberg and global dogooding bolshevik Stephen Lewis, the son of bolshie David Lewis.

    A whole family getting rich off the public purse and guilt.


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      Reading her article I became quite nostalgic for the defunct Marxist mantras and rhetoric cut & pasted from chairman Mao’s Little Red Book. Its almost touching that there still exists a few unreconstructed communists, still unaware that Karl Marx lost, trying to redefine the Global Warming Ideology in terms of the Hegelian Dialectic.
      Note that, to her, the Historic Event at Lima was the “symbolic” joining of two obscure pressure groups in a minor, almost unnoticed, demonstration. Mind you, there was little else at Lima to divert attention.
      How refreshing to observe a mind so bereft of the analytical skills which derive from even a moderate scepticism of received wisdom. Such simplicity and certainty. Only problem is – there isn’t any of either on this planet and I fear for her mind if she gets a glimpse of the cruel reality, such as we have just seen in Peshawar.
      “global warming will make Haiti more like Hades” – no change there then.


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      Leonard Lane

      Right Brian. Getting rich from the hard work of honest people who are neither racist nor “celebrities”. It is hard to imagine how such people get by with all they do.


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    People in 3rd world countries use these same false arguments to steal state resources. It’s an old trick. And in almost all cases, the corrupt who steal them make things worse than before.


  • #

    What colour is Al Gore?

    “A report released this summer by University of Michigan professor Dorceta Taylor found that people of color only make up 12 percent of the staff of environmental NGOs and 16 percent of relevant government agencies.

    The Green 2.0 report quotes Parker Henderson, a 15-year veteran of conservation organizations, as saying that an “old guard” of “50-, 60-something White males … continue to set the agenda …”


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      Horse dung colored on the outside, red on the inside with a large green blob in the middle composed of other peoples money.


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      Roy Hogue

      The Green 2.0 report quotes Parker Henderson, a 15-year veteran of conservation organizations, as saying that an “old guard” of “50-, 60-something White males … continue to set the agenda …”

      Thank God!


      • #

        But Al Gore and Bill McKibben are sorry they are white and beg forgiveness.


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          Roy Hogue

          Then we should ask those august gentlemen if they had a choice between being white or something else. I’ll bet they say they had no choice in the matter. Therefore, the nitwits have no cause to be asking for forgiveness, do they?

          So again, thank God that the 50-60-something white males with some sense continue to set the agenda. We white males haven’t done so bad in fact.

          Maybe we should turn everything over to the demonstrators in Ferguson. That might set a few people straight.

          By the way, I’m sorry they’re white too. They are a disgrace.


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      I just don’t see how the people of the Green NGO’s, enc., can achieve much in the way of their desired diversity when their IQ’s seem to vary around 80 +/- 5 points.


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    She is Canada’s answer to the curly lightbulb (dimbulb?)


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    Ursus Augustus

    Naomi Klein reassures me no end that being a skeptic about CAGW is the only reasonable position to adopt. Forget the science for a minute and consider that if the likes of Naomi Klein are in support of it then there is something very, very weird going on and best to stay well away.


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      Whenever someone demonstrates they have no sense of morality through their actions and behavior yet they try to claim the moral high ground you know you’re about to be fleeced.


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        Roy Hogue

        …no sense of morality…

        No visible sense of any kind, moral, common or scientific in Naomi Klein as far as I can see.


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    Do you think that the UKMO’s Betts and Edwards will have the integrity to likewise ‘shirtfront’ Klein as they did Dr Ball?


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    It was evident to me at the time of Climategate that as the widening gap between reality and AGW theory was exposed, Warmist behavior would become increasingly bizarre. This latest caper represents a new level of outlandishness, and we haven’t seen the end, yet. Tighten your seatbelts.


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    Chris F

    I wonder how she feels about fellow leftist Rachel Carson getting the ball rolling to ban DDT, thus condemning black people to millions of premature deaths?


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      Rachel Carson was clearly a racist, what a monumental genocidal attack she helped launch.

      Malaria kills 600K people per year according to the WHO.

      90% are children under 5.


      • #

        Can women be racists?


        • #

          Interesting question. In a psychology course once upon a time as we were discussing fetishes, with things like flashing being considered “abnormal” behavior I noticed a pattern that all of these classifications only seemed to consider when men exhibited said behavior. Which led me to ask my instructor at the time, “Can women have fetishes too?” Because it seems like all the “old” psychiatrists and psychologists only considered male behavior.

          The main line of thought I had at the time was that traditionally those in the psychiatric profession had been men, which led me to wonder was flashing only considered “abnormal” or “deviant” behavior in men because, as men, they didn’t mind it if a woman was doing it they just didn’t want to see a man’s items hanging out.

          As to racism, I expect it is very much like “abnormal behavior” where the layman or societal view of what is abnormal and normal often differ dramatically from what the clinical definition of abnormal and normal would be. In this case, let us call the “clinical” definition of racism the one that has no agenda other than to recognize it in which case women can most definitely be racists.

          Now if we view racism as a tool with which to put your opponents on the defensive or to anger and rile up the gullible so they blindly follow your agenda, then you have to be a white male, preferably Christian and straight in order to be a racist. If you also happen to be old and have some money that helps too.


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            Greg Cavanagh

            So let me see if I have this straight.

            If you’re an elderly successful God fearing white male, you are the worst kind of person, and you’re to be found guilty of every evil thought I have about you and your kind.

            Not you Robert of course. It’s difficult to phrase any other way.


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              Roy Hogue

              I think maybe you’ve both got it wrong. You’re a racist if you haven’t waved your magic wand and cured all the problems of some group that differs from you in appearance, socio economic status or some other way. It’s the failure to fix the problems and not anything else about you that makes you a racist.

              Never mind that you never had a responsibility to fix said problems in the fist place. They can put that obligation on your shoulders retroactively at any time without warning and there you are, suddenly a racist.

              The word has become devoid of useful meaning and should be stricken from the human lexicon. Then maybe, just maybe, we can discuss things rationally and solve the real problems. But don’t hold your breath.


            • #

              If you’re an elderly successful God fearing white male, you are the worst kind of person, and you’re to be found guilty of every evil thought I have about you and your kind.

              That’s pretty much it exactly. That’s the message being drilled into our kids, that they should feel guilty for being white, and hate their parents for being white, because all the worlds troubles are their fault.

              It has it’s roots with the KGB as part of their efforts to dismantle Western culture. I’ll try and find the link to a site that has more information about the things they started in order to achieve this end. Can’t recall right off if I came across it here or where but I think the link is on the computer at home.


              • #

                This is the link I was referring to. For some reason I think it was in one of the comments here a few threads back.

                Gramscian damage

                The link deals with ideological warfare and the Stalinist roots of concepts and memes that, once one has read through the piece, one can easily see in material coming out of Hollywood, books such as those written by Klein, attitudes in the news media, etc.

                Apparently it didn’t work on me since, unlike a number of my “peers,” I don’t consider myself a part of the “we” that “did it” to “them.” A classic example would be the “what we did to the American Indians” meme. What our nations leaders and some of our citizens did in the 1800’s was done, but I was not part of the “we” that did it. I wasn’t even born yet. I can’t help those who are so easily led and emotionally weak that they can be convinced they must pay for the sins of their ancestors and who will then find some way to flagellate themselves over it as though it will change the past. It won’t.

                But those like Klein realize those people are out there and prey upon them.


              • #
                Roy Hogue


                I didn’t have to read that article completely to get the point. It’s also a favorite tactic of the dishonest everywhere.

                Like you, I somehow learned to think for myself (I think that’s the right term) and for a long time I’ve been able to distinguish real problems from the phony ones.

                You mention the American Indians. The first steps in that whole matter is to recognize 2 things. First, we can’t go back and undo the mistakes that were made. And second, we need to acknowledge that there are real problems to this very day. Then we can get to work to improve the situation and I don’t mean by simply providing a handout from now to eternity to assuage our “guilt” over the mistreatment. I mean finding ways to move those people into the mainstream of the world all around them that is succeeding while allowing them to retain their cultural heritage, as much or as little of it as they want to.

                These are the basic steps to solving any problem. But when someone, anyone, government or otherwise simply wants to manipulate others for personal or national advantage it doesn’t work.

                I don’t believe those first settlers who came to North America intended to harm anyone. But if we’re honest about it, the culture clash was inevitable. If it hadn’t happened then it would have happened later. But it would have happened. And in a clash of two cultures I think it’s inevitable that the more technological culture will overwhelm the lesser.

                And so it’s going right now between western culture and Islam, between Russian autocracy and U.S. free society. And so goes the world. And there’s no use in taking on a guilt trip about any of it or blaming anyone because that paralyzes you and then the problem is never resolved.

                In the opinion of some, Glenn Beck among them, ISIS’ grievance with the world is over the partition of Palestine after WW I. They may be right. But as long as Islam wants to carry a grudge about it and murder anyone on sight who disagrees with them instead of finding a way to live in today’s world there’ll never be any solution but all out war.

                As long as blacks want to carry grudge about past mistreatment the same problem exists.

                And here we are with 2014 nearly over and nothing has improved very much from 20 or 30 years ago. In fact it’s almost all gotten worse in this year alone. It’s tragedy on a grand scale.


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    michael hart

    She’s running out of track, and suffering from insult-inflation. It’ll just get harder and harder for her to find new insults worse than the last one.


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    Klein, delusional as she is, is clearly in breach of Section 18c of the racial discrimination act which makes it unlawful for someone to do or say something that is reasonably likely to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” someone because of their race or ethnicity. If she ever sets foot in Australia I’ll be offended at being called a white supremacist and I will demand a retraction ….


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    don’t worry too much about the #blacklivesmatter hashtag as Klein’s rants won’t be noticed by those posting about police shooting blacks and Ferguson etc.


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    Gary in Erko

    But suntan from global warming will turn us all into darker suntanned creatures.
    It’s a third world plot to rid the earth of white people.


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    Forgive my ignorance – what colour is the skin of Ms Klein? It seems to be important now.


    • #
      the Griss

      Anti.. Its not the skin colour that matters..

      Its how you “identify” !


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        Roy Hogue

        Or how you are identified… Remember, Bill Clinton ended up being our first black president for that very reason. It’s a bit convoluted but that’s the way it ended up — Bill the ersatz black man.


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      A small item that can impact on a lot of people’s thinking, attitudes and approaches to any subject where debate and discussion of race are involved.
      It is close to a million years or more that humanoid species of which quite a number have been classified, first moved out of Africa across the land bridge of what is now the Sinai Desert and on into the Levant.

      It is generally believed that modern humans or our immediate predecessors migrated out of Africa across that same land bridge around 130,000 to 100,000 years ago and then went on to populate Europe, Asia and the entire planet.

      This theory has now been thrown in serious doubt by the discovery at Dmanisi in Georgia near the Caucus mountains of five fossil skulls of a humanoid species, dating back 1.8 million years.

      Dmanisi near the Georgian capital Tbilisi, is a heck of a long way from the Africa those two million years ago if you had to walk.

      However there seems to be little doubt that our species or a very closely related species from which our species, Homo sapiens evolved, walked out of Africa about a 100,000 years ago and just kept right on walking until they couldn’t walk any further. And there they stopped right down at the southern tip of South America in Patagonia which is one hell of a walk from East Africa where we probably originated.

      Now what Naomi Klein and all those other ranting racist promoters of racial dissension seem to be utterly ignorant of as do most people, is that when our species started on that Great Migration out of Africa some 100,000 years ago we were all BLACK skinned.

      White skin is merely an adaption to the absolute need for sufficient Vitamin D which is naturally created in humans by sufficient solar UV exposure.
      Black skinned races are found in the tropical regions where the black skin acts a barrier to very high levels of solar UV and the solar infrared spectrum.
      But black skin because of it’s pigmentation does not absorb enough solar UV from the lower Sun angles in the more Northern and Southern latitudes hence the evolving of white skinned humans right across those more Northern latitudes that can absorb enough of the much lower levels of solar UV in the northern [ and southern ] latitudes and so create enough Vitamin D to maintain health quite naturally.

      Conversely Black skinned individuals today in the northern [ and southern ] latitudes often suffer from Vitamin D deficiency and need supplementary Vitamin D to maintain their health.

      And when I hear and see the indigenous mob claiming they were the first settlers and therefore own Australia I ask the question ; Can you actually prove you were the first settlers?
      Or are you just another bunch of “Johnny come Latelies” like the rest of us

      The first south east indian origin negroid peoples came across the land bridges roughly 50,000 to 60,000 years ago with some very poor evidence that it might have been closer to a 75,000 years ago as humanity recovered from the human bottleneck of about 80,000 years ago when for reasons still completely unknown our species breeding pairs collapsed to only a few thousand breeding pairs.
      We damn near became another extinct species.
      We don’t know.
      BUT there were other migrations from out of southern Asia down the Island chains into Australia. The last such major influx of indian negroid related peoples , our aboriginal mob turned up about 22,000 years ago or about 30,000 years AFTER the original settlement by aboriginal peoples of the Australian continent.
      The Tasmanian Aborigines were the remnants of these early peoples having been driven south by the superior weapons and tactics of the 30,000 year later arrivals who are genetically different to the now extinct Tasmanian aboriginal remnants.

      So WHO were the actual real first inhabitants and settlers of the Australian continent?
      And if the present mob weren’t the first then why give them that distinction and all the advantages that will be claimed with that designation to the disadvantage of everybody else who came after but who have built modern Australia and given our legacy to future generations.

      And remember, we were ALL black skinned when we walked out of Africa those 100,000 odd years ago

      And if I am one of Naomi Kleins Old White Men, one of those who helped build Australia and the rest of the world for the last two centuries that she so derides while taking advantage of everything it offers then I’m proud of being one of those Old White Men.

      What i think of the hypocrisy of the Naomi Kleins of this wold is not printable here.


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        Allen Ford

        Great! I get to do a Red Thumb. I was beginning to get worried about the paucity of RTs in this post.

        Naomi, you are a legend!


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    john karajas

    Sorry Naomi, I may be of Caucasian origin but the reason that I am a Climate Sceptic is because I love pursuit of the truth, especially by application of patient analysis of scientific data untrammelled by any political ideology. This message also goes out to all the other Warmists who may be reading this blog (not that I expect there will be many).


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      John that’s the clincher that the left vehemently refuse to accept, ‘pursuit of the truth’ and the very normal humane actions of CAGW skeptics despite all the racist clichés thrown at us by people who wouldn’t have a clue about our personalities, it must be their old Eugenics driven bias still lingering I suppose.

      I have a small scar on my upper right chest where a small knife almost went in during a fight with some unpleasant kids who thought it was ok to beat up my primary school friend who happened to be an Australian Aboriginal (half cast, his description), I was always taught ‘treat as you find’ and have practiced this my entire life, so unless I had some amazing psychic ability to engage in non-racist behavior to help cover my future skeptical CAGW evil denier existence complete with latent white-supremist intentions, I’d say most warmists are not only full of it but nucking futs to boot.


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    yet Naomi would no doubt approve of this lot…and the abuse of pension funds!

    16 Dec: LA Times: California leaders vow to continue climate change action
    By Chris Megerian
    “We’re just at the beginning,” Gov. Jerry Brown said. “There’s still lots of skeptics and lots of deniers.”
    Brown and top lawmakers spoke at a conference hosted by Tom Steyer, a major Democratic donor who has wielded his financial clout to urge action on climate change, and the event was a mix of wonky policy discussions and pep rally speeches.
    At one point, Steyer unspooled a long “Star Wars” metaphor comparing oil companies to Darth Vader and environmental activists to noble Jedi warriors…
    They also want to see more jurisdictions link with California’s cap-and-trade program, which requires polluters to buy credits in order to emit greenhouse gases…
    He (Kevin de Leon D-Los Angeles) announced legislation requiring the state’s public pension funds, which include the two largest in the country, to divest from coal.
    “Divestment is about matching your values with your investment strategy,” he said. De Leon said he believes the goal could be reached without jeopardizing investment returns.
    Brad Pacheco, a spokesman for California’s primary public pension fund, said $167 million out of the system’s total $293 billion in assets are invested in coal mining and producing companies. He expressed skepticism about De Leon’s proposal…
    Monday’s event came as California prepares to apply its cap-and-trade program to transportation fuels next month…


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      Roy Hogue

      Brown is called Moonbeam for a reason.


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        Roy Hogue

        Steyer is much more of a problem than Brown or the legislature because it looks like both Brown and the legislature pay very close attention to Steyer’s money.


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          Steyer was an American hedge fund manager. Al Gore has already divested himself of all Green Energy companies and invested in natural gass. Warren Buffet, another billionaire greenie has not. However Buffet is busy buying up energy companies (including natural gas)

          Now wouldn’t it be nice to swap all that ‘worthless’ coal mining stock for all of Warren Buffett’s California green energy stock…. No one loses except the pensioners(who have no say) some time down the road when the green energy bubble finally flops like a rock.
          When Warren Buffet dumps all that greenie stock you know the con game is over.

          About Steyer (and Buffett) from wiki:

          Steyer is the founder and former Co-Senior Managing Partner of Farallon Capital Management, LLC and the co-founder of the OneCalifornia Bank, an Oakland-based community development bank.[2] Steyer is responsible for funding the creation of the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy at Stanford University, part of the Precourt Institute of Energy.[3] Since 1986, he has been a partner and member of the Executive Committee at Hellman & Friedman, a San Francisco-based $8 billion private equity firm. Farallon Capital Management, LLC, manages $20 billion in capital for institutions and high-net-worth individuals. The firm’s institutional investors are primarily college endowments and foundations.[2][4]

          In 2010, Steyer and Kathryn Ann Taylor, his wife, along with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, signed the Giving Pledge to donate half their fortune to charity.[5] Steyer is on the board of Next Generation, a non-profit that intends to tackle children’s issues and the environment.[6][7] He serves on the Board of Trustees at Stanford University[8] and is active in political campaign fundraising.

          Dr. L.S. of solar physics fame who is ‘adjusting sunspot numbers’ teaches at Stanford.


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    Barry posted a link to this:

    12 Dec: UK Financial Times: Pilita Clark: Women of 2014: Naomi Klein
    The author and anti-globalisation firebrand has targeted billionaires such as Branson and Bloomberg to expose how capitalism has failed to fight global warming.
    “She is a uniquely smart person,” says Bill McKibben, the American writer who founded the environmental campaign group, of which Klein is a board member…

    funny that Klein doesn’t find it suspicious that the FinTimes should be so interested in her! following is a rightwing expose, but am posting it as are members:

    12 Aug: TheNewAmerican: Alex Newman: Big Media “Journalists” Exposed in Secret Progressive Network
    The watchdog group Media Trackers recently announced that it had discovered a secret network of more than 1,000 radical Big Government activists that includes more than a few prominent individuals masquerading as objective news reporters at major press outlets. Lobbyists, fringe political activists, climate alarmists, Democrat Party operatives, and Big Labor are also all represented in the group, which has as its declared mission to create a “more coordinated” movement for leftists to take over America…
    (members include), Sierra Club, Greenpeace, etc…
    Some analysts are even referring to the new revelations as “JournoList 2.0.” The reference, of course, is to another scandal in recent years that exposed hundreds of far-left activists posing as non-biased “journalists” across the establishment press…
    Americans are led to believe that these supposed journalists are merely non-biased observers reporting the facts. In truth, they are radical activists promoting their wild beliefs while pretending to be reporters…
    At the very least, readers deserve full disclosure.


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      Roy Hogue

      The author and anti-globalisation firebrand has targeted billionaires such as Branson and Bloomberg to expose how capitalism has failed to fight global warming.

      What she hasn’t done is show that there’s anything to fight. Sort of out in the cold on the part that counts the most, don’t you think?


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      Allen Ford

      “She is a uniquely smart person,” says Bill McKibben

      He’d know!


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    ***Klein attacks Bloomberg in the FT article, but surely this proves how serious Mr. Bloomberg & Co are! lol.

    17 Dec: Bloomberg/Businessweek: Ben Elgin: No More Faking It: Companies Ditch Green Credits, Clean Up Instead
    It has been a near-magical tool allowing corporations to claim massive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions for very little cost.
    For years, thousands of companies have purchased renewable energy credits, known as RECs, to say they use green power and to shrink their carbon footprints. Now, as skepticism mounts about whether RECs achieve their claimed environmental benefits, the market for these credits is slowing—and a number of companies, from Whole Foods Market (WFM) to McDonald’s (MCD), are quietly scaling back their involvement.
    “These voluntary green power markets have no significant effect on how much renewable energy is generated,” says Michael Gillenwater, executive director of the nonprofit Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, which trains companies on how to accurately measure their emissions…
    Most businesses purchase their power from the grid, where it’s impossible to distinguish between electrons created by windmills and electrons created by coal plants…
    A single REC represents the environmental benefit associated with one megawatt-hour of renewable electricity placed on the power grid. By purchasing RECs, companies can claim credit for using the green electrons. The money they pay usually flows through a network of brokers, who then pass along some of the funds to the company that generated the clean energy. This represents a new revenue stream for clean energy developers, which, in theory, results in the construction of wind turbines and solar installations that otherwise wouldn’t be built.
    Companies who purchase the RECs can claim (PDF) a reduction in their own carbon emissions, according to several green-minded organizations and the Environmental Protection Agency. …
    ***(Bloomberg LP, which owns Bloomberg Businessweek, used RECs to lower its carbon footprint by 43 percent last year.)…
    A growing number of doubters are calling this vanishing carbon an illusion…


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    how to get Australian MSM to inform the public about the real costs of CAGW policies?

    14 Dec: UK Telegraph: Green policies to add up to 40pc to cost of household electricity
    Official figures – initially withheld by ministers – show steep rises in the price of electricity by the end of the decade to pay for the Government’s policies to tackle climate change
    By Robert Mendick
    And by 2030, when thousands of planned offshore wind turbines are finally operating, the burden will be even greater, the numbers show. The average household could be paying an extra 60 per cent for electricity – equivalent to £350 more a year…
    The figures were made public last week by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) following a Freedom of Information request by campaigners…

    17 Dec: WUWT: Paul Homewood: DECC Forced To Release Data Showing Impact Of Climate Policies On Energy Prices
    Earlier I posted on the news that Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) tried to cover up official data showing how electricity prices are expected to skyrocket, as a direct result of climate policies. (See above Telegraph article).
    I’ve now had a chance to dissect this data….
    DECC have been a bit crafty in the way they have presented their figures, as the “Bill impact of price effects” is calculated against the anticipated lower consumption figures…
    As the Renewable Energy Foundation correctly points out, it is domestic households which will end up paying for these extra costs to business, through higher prices, lower wages and lost jobs. That is, of course, assuming we have any businesses left.
    Following the non agreement that appears to have emerged from Lima, there can be no possible justification left to continue with the flawed and huge expensive Climate Change Act. It is not difficult to see why DECC attempted to hide this data from the public.


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    Let’s call it the Naomi Inklein, the long slippery slope from rationality to utter and complete madness as the facts crowd in oin her spiteful little mind.

    Typical lefty; babies in their emotional development.


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    Pat Frank

    Naomi Klein may be an intellectual lightweight, a mindless opinion-monger, and an object of some fun, but she has a following. She’s using rhetoric that has justified mass murder throughout modern history. It’s not funny, and neither is she.

    Look at the vile racist commentary of Tessa Kum, noted recently by James Delingpole. She is an Australian, clearly a Klein fellow-traveler, with a bent for vitriolizing about Caucasians as an undifferentiated group.

    For Klein’s “skeptic” substitute ‘unbeliever’ and you have the entire rationale of the Muslim nutcase responsible for the recent hostage-taking and deaths at the Lindt Cafe.

    Likewise, Tessa Kum’s “white person.” Substitute “bourgeois wrecker” and you’ve got the rhetoric of Stalinist terror and the context for the death and ruination of millions.

    The Lindt Cafe killer wasn’t crazy. He was following the rhetoric of demonization almost ubiquitous in Middle Eastern mosques and Islamist websites. Call him convinced. Once convinced, the logic of murder is clear and unavoidable.

    How long will it be before someone is convinced by Naomi Klein’s ever more violent accusatory rhetoric, or by some demagogue with Tessa Kum’s globally racist outlook, and decides to rid the world a few of those horrible earth-defiling “white persons”?

    These people are not funny. They deserve to be called out as instigators of race murder.


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      Roy Hogue

      These people are not funny. They deserve to be called out as instigators of race murder.

      OK! I agree. But so far that hasn’t helped us to deal with them at all. So what’s next to do? The number of such people in the world has been growing, not shrinking, even as we call them for what they are. In the meantime Jo’s ridicule gives the more thoughtful among us a chance to see them for what they are and understand them instead of falling for their line of nonsense.


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        Rereke Whakaaro

        The real question is, who radicalised them and how?

        People do not get into the mental state exhibited by the likes of Kline or Kum (or the Lindt Cafe killer), without outside influence or assistance. Having been radicalised, they are a lost cause.

        One is unfortunate, two is coincidence, three becomes a conspiracy.


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    Section 18C should be amended to make it criminal slander to call a person or group of people a racist, bigot and supremacist when their not.


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    Klein should be included on Tim Blair’s list of fright bats. Tim should have an award for fright bat of the year.


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    john karajas

    People like Naomi Klein are the precursors of monsters such as Stalin and Pol Pot.


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      Yes they are. It would be a mistake to dismiss them as harmless nutters.


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      Roy Hogue

      People like Naomi Klein are the precursors of monsters such as Stalin and Pol Pot.

      Possibly true. This racism business could easily turn into a witch hunt for real. But right now she looks more like the joke of the year award recipient. And that’s how I’m going to treat her outrageous assertions.


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        When you consider the racial tension that has increased dramatically in the USA in the last 6 years. The military equipment and ammo stock piled by DHS and our local police and add in the fact that the EPA is shuttering more than 72 gigawatts (GW) of electrical generating capacity you are looking at a powder keg. (The EPA impact statement said only “9.5 GW of electrical generating capacity would close. )

        Coal was generating 82% of the US electricity. The EPA is shutting down one fifth of that. Last winter the generating capacity was already stretched.

        This night time satellite image shows where US cities are:

        This is where the coal plants are going off line:

        In 25 hours of power outage in New York City in 1977 there was looting and arson throughout the city. There were 1,037 fires, 550 police officers were injured and 4,500 looters were arrested.

        Up date that to power outages now in US cities with military trained police in armored vehicles and other rehabbed military equipment. Add in the internet and you will have riots throughout the black communities.

        Naomi Klein is not dumb she has an agenda and that agenda is the complet destruction of the west. The easiest way to get that is ‘Lets You and He Fight’ and that is exactly what is being set-up.

        That is why the Department of Homeland Security is buying 1.6 million rounds of ammo, enough ammo for a 20 year war IN the USA and that Ammo includes bullets outlawed in war and sniper bullets.


        • #
          Roy Hogue

          In 25 hours of power outage in New York City in 1977 there was looting and arson throughout the city. There were 1,037 fires, 550 police officers were injured and 4,500 looters were arrested.

          But at least a whole lot of people had a night of fun between the sheets that they wouldn’t have had otherwise. There was a veritable baby boom 9 months later.

          This time not even those with the sense to stay home are going to come out unscathed. But what the heck, uncle Obama will save the day as always. Just a few dozen trillion more in debt and the renewable energy will come through, just like he says.

          Me, I know which side my bread is (not) buttered on and frankly, when the time comes all I can hope to do is take a few of them with me as I go down fighting.

          In the meantime I won’t give an inch and I won’t quit hoping for and working for a better outcome than that. Klein is still the joke of the year winner at the moment.


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            Roy Hogue

            I’m actually doubtful that the shutting down of coal fired plants will go very far. Americans are not afraid of raising a ruckus and the EPA may have it’s wings clipped a bit. So as I said, don’t give an inch but work anyway you can for a better outcome. Obama never figured he’d lose the whole Congress last month along with the lion’s share of statehouses, he’s running scared and making lots of mistakes.

            So it ain’t over quite yet.


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    Phillip Bratby

    The woman should be put in a straight-jacket in a padded cell for her own good.


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    18 Dec: SMH: Lisa Cox: Climate Change Authority launches inquiry into emissions trading scheme
    The Abbott government will appoint four new board members to the Climate Change Authority, an agency it had tried to scrap but has been forced retain by the Senate.
    It comes as the authority prepares to undertake an 18-month inquiry into the effectiveness of emissions trading.
    Environment Minister Greg Hunt said the government would appoint the new board members to replace John Marlay, Heather Ridout, Elana Rubin and Lynne Williams, who resigned from the authority earlier this year.
    Mr Hunt refused to speculate on the likely replacements, but in a statement said the government was looking at all possibilities…
    There are fears within the authority, the government could choose replacements who are hostile to climate policy…
    Mr Hunt said the review would proceed in exactly the terms agreed to with PUP Leader Clive Palmer and on Monday wrote to the authority’s chair Bernie Fraser requesting he launch the review.
    The authority has been asked to publish three reports: a draft report on what Australia’s future emissions reduction goals should be by June 30, 2015, a draft report on emissions trading schemes by November 30 2015, and a final report by June 2016 recommending what actions Australia should take to meet its obligations under a global climate deal expected to be reached in Paris next year…
    Under the review’s terms of reference, the authority will investigate if and when Australia should implement an emissions trading scheme, and what Australia’s emissions reduction targets should be after 2020.
    When he made the deal with Mr Palmer in October, Mr Hunt said the review was just a necessary “gesture” to pass direct action and would not result in any policy change from the government.
    However sources in the Palmer camp believe the authority review could trouble the government as it prepares to undertake its own review of Australia’s emissions reduction targets in the lead up to the global climate summit in Paris in December 2015…

    the following is so crazy, i doubt anyone could actually read it all, much less understand it:

    18 Dec: ABC: Fact check: Do Australia, US ‘compare favourably’ on emissions targets?
    Fact Check contacted the Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions, to obtain updated figures since 2011.
    Senior Energy Fellow Doug Vine says that Australia’s target now “appears to be less stringent than the US target for 2020 on a percentage basis, using the 2005 baseline year”…
    Deputy chief executive of The Climate Institute, Erwin Jackson, told Fact Check that a range of indicators and normative judgements are needed if making a full comparison of national actions…
    Mr Hunt is cherrypicking.


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    at right of abc’s Fact Check:

    – The verdict: Mr Hunt’s figures are supported by research, but do not represent all factors or methods that experts say are needed to measure and compare nations’ emissions targets. –

    of course, ABC cherry-picks the so-called “experts.


  • #

    17 Dec: RenewEconomy: Nathan Lim: Did anyone notice that Australia now has a carbon trading scheme?
    (Nathan Lim is Portfolio Manager at Australian Ethical Investment)
    Senator Nick Xenophon has brought back a carbon trading scheme to Australia and nobody seems to have noticed. Quietly tucked behind the headlines from the Palmer United Party and the government was the mention of Senator Xenophon inserting a ‘Safeguard Mechanism’ into the Direct Action legislation.
    The mechanism creates the framework for a baseline and credit system which is similar to a cap-and-trade system in that both are market based methods to arrive at a price for carbon. While the specific details of the Safeguard Mechanism have yet to be determined, conceptually any company who currently emits more than 100,000 tonnes of CO2 annually will be required from 1 July 2016 to keep their emissions below a predetermined baseline level or face penalties…
    Putting the cynical view aside, we ask whether on balance the ERF is worth it? The coal example above is indicative of what the ERF will achieve. Shutting down both Loy Yang A and Bayswater would cause an immediate 6% reduction in our national emissions, a good start…
    We thank Senator Xenophon for keeping Australia relevant in the fight against climate change but we suspect the real battle is still to come.

    18 Dec: Business Standard India: IANS: Global CO2 emissions at all-time high
    Driven by a steady increase in energy use in emerging economies over the past 10 years, last year saw global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reach a new high, says a study.
    Global CO2 emissions last year grew to the new record of 35.3 billion tonnes (Gt), the annual report released Wednesday by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of European Commission noted.
    Sharp risers include Brazil (+ 6.2 percent), India (+ 4.4 percent), China (+ 4.2 percent) and Indonesia (+2.3 percent).
    China, the US and the EU remain the top-three emitters of CO2, accounting for respectively 29 percent, 15 percent and 11 percent of the world’s total, the report highlighted.
    The CO2 emissions of the US grew by 2.5 percent in 2013, whereas in the EU emissions continued to decrease, by 1.4 percent in 2013.


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    don’t trust any politician!

    17 Dec: Bloomberg: Chris Fournier: Harper Says Alberta Carbon Levy Model May be Worth Broadening
    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Alberta’s model for regulating greenhouse gas emissions may be worth broadening as the country seeks a “continental response”to energy rules.
    Harper, speaking in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, said Alberta’s model, which imposes a carbon levy of C$15 ($13.25) a metric ton on large emitters, is among the possible options to consider. He reiterated thatCanada would like to reach an agreement with the U.S. and Mexico on a comprehensive set of industry-wide regulations…

    read all. i particularly like the buyer who admits he has never had client requests for green bonds specifically but he bought them anyway. watch your SuperFunds:

    18 Dec: Reuters: Green bonds sell big in 2014 as finance bids to help climate
    By Ross Kerber and Hilary Russ
    A “green” bond market has taken root this year, with municipalities and corporations issuing new environmentally-focused bonds and money managers jumping in to buy them.
    But it’s too soon to tell whether all the new activity – less than a sliver of the $91 trillion worldwide bond market – will send much new money to projects like efficient buildings and better water systems.
    Instead, the new bonds reflect the complexities of using finance to address issues like climate change. While the sale of notes termed green bonds tripled to $35 billion worldwide in 2014, many are bonds that might have been sold anyway without the label, and which trade at terms comparable to non-green bonds.
    Nor is it clear the new bonds are “green” in the environmental sense that investors may expect, and issuers face only voluntary standards so far…
    “If people think this is just to raise the flag, it’s not going to last long,” said Christopher Flensborg, Head of Sustainable Products and Product Development for Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, the Swedish bank that’s the world’s largest underwriter of green bonds…
    Green bonds used to come exclusively from AAA-rated organizations like the World Bank; the last year has seen rising issues of green bonds from municipal issuers as well as some from corporations that are rated junk…
    Corporate and municipal issuers started issuing bonds they labeled as “green” in earnest last year, when they realized that they could pull in some new buyers who wanted to invest environmentally.
    “We thought the worst thing that happens is we get more people interested in our bonds” said Alan Westenskow, a Zions Bank vice president who works with municipal issuers…
    In August 2014, the first wave of corporate junk green bonds entered the mix, when an affiliate of Princeton, New Jersey, power producer NRG Energy Inc sold $500 million of senior notes to pay for the purchase of the Alta Wind Energy Center, a wind farm in California. Abengoa followed suit, bringing the green high yield market to $1 billion…
    The Climate Bonds Initiative, a London nonprofit that promotes investments to reduce carbon emissions, estimates 39 percent of green bonds sold since 2013 were issued without an independent review of how green they are…
    Catherine Roy, Calvert Investments’ chief investment officer for fixed income, said she expects no slowdown. “There are still trillions of dollars of capital needed to address a wide range of global environmental challenges,” Roy said.


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    the Griss

    well, just noticed that there are very few red thumbs in this thread..

    …and NO posts from the brain-washed alarmista defenders.

    Seems that even they can’t bring themselves to back this person’s doofuss’s rantings.


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    Roy Hogue

    To Naomi Klein,

    I’ve already been a racist responsible for every evil thing under the sun for so long that you can hardly expect me to even notice this additional insult to my intelligence, much less care about it.

    Woman, like the proverbial emperor you have no clothes on. Shame on you.


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      Roy Hogue

      There is a name for such as you, Naomi. But I’ll not stoop to name calling.

      You should get a real job and stop this racism stuff because the word racist has been thrown around so casually for so long that it’s lost all useful meaning and you look ridiculous for even mentioning it. You’re even late to the game. The racism card was first thrown onto the table about 50 years ago by so-called civil rights activists trying to make a big name for themselves. It helped their cause not one bit and it won’t help your cause either.


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        Roy Hogue

        Now, if you really want my attention to what you say is my fault, then provide me with some honest empirical evidence that CO2 can actually do what you say it’s doing. That’s something I’ll take notice of. But I’m betting you can’t show me that evidence.

        Put up or shut up.


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    Ted O'Brien.

    Before the Whitlam government was elected in 1972, Australia had a remarkably egalitarian society. The Whitlam government then pursued policies which created high inflation and a much higher rate of unemployment.

    The Hawke/Keating government on election changed the taxation laws to greatly increase the advantage of people who were already wealthy. This caused and still causes the “gap between rich and poor” to widen dramatically.

    The Howard government was hindered for most of its term by a hostile senate. However I do not believe that they would have sufficiently changed those tax laws anyway even if they had the power, because they were all trained at the same universities. This was the current conventional wisdom in economics.

    The underlying plan was and is that this gap will eventually create a society in which a majority in the electorate will cheer to see the “tall poppies” get lopped.

    Naomi Klein seems to believe that that time is near, and that racism will be her trigger..


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    Jo, off topic, the link to the skeptic shop is broken.


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    An outspoken person called Klein,
    Thought skeptics of climate malign,
    To doubt the veracity,
    Of the U.N.’s capacity,
    To make all the world’s weather benign.


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    William Astley

    Clearly Klein and other warmists must resort to name calling as what they propose is madness not sensible problem. Is there a warmist in the blog universe that can defend the warmist position?

    Klein’s name calling (Klein used the term ‘racist’, other name calling labels have been used, for example child molester or the warmists’ favorite ‘denier’) is an example of one of a thousand different warmist tactics that have distracted countries working through the process that separates madness from sensible policy.
    What is or is not ‘sensible policy’?

    Sensible policy requires there to be a problem to address, the course of action proposed will address the problem, the course of action proposed is the best of all alternatives to address the problem, and the amount of money required to take the course of action proposed is justifiable based on the problem in question and competing problems which countries must address.

    An example of sensible policy is highly effective investment in education or health care. Spending more money is not necessary sensible, saving money by being more effective is sensible as it frees up money to be spent to address other problems or the problem in question. Attempting to build a staircase to the moon is madness: It does not address a problem, it will not work for engineering reasons, and the cost is not reasonable based on competing problems.

    Building a hospital in every small town is madness, as the entire health care budget will be used for construction of hospitals with no thought concerning staffing and other operation costs and need. The point there is more than one problem countries must address and there is limited money to spend on each problem. Spending money without thought can lead to extraordinary waste.

    The first step in the process of defining what is or is not sensible policy would be providing an executive summary of the logical and reason to support why the entire world should or should not spend trillions of dollars on green scams that do not work to address a problem that is not a problem. i.e. Does the problem exist?

    Step 1: Confirmation the problem exists. Is there or is there not an extreme AGW problem to solve?(Note lukewarm AGW is not a problem that needs to be addressed).
    Extreme AGW fails step 1. The planet resists forcing changes (negative feedback) rather than amplifies forcing changes (positive feedback) which explains why there has been no warming for 17 years and why there is suddenly an increase in sea ice both poles. Lindzen and Cho’s analysis shows that that cloud cover in the tropics increases and decreases to resist warming, negative feedback. If the planet resists rather than amplifies CO2 forcing then the planet will warm roughly 1C in response to a doubling of CO2. The objective is to limit warming to less than 2C. Mission accomplished there is no extreme AGW problem to solve.

    Possible Twist: Not only is there no extreme AGW problem to solve, there is observational evidence and logic to support the assertion that there will significant global cooling. There is no observed tropospheric warming at 8km which is the signature of AGW warming. The planet has in the past cyclically warmed and cooled (dansgaard oeschger cycles). The past cyclical warming and cooling cycles correlate with solar magnetic cycle changes. The sun has suddenly entered into a deep magnetic cycle minimum. If the past is a guide to the future the planet will now cool. Past deep solar Maunder like minimums have lasted for 100 to 150 years.

    Step 2: Course of action proposed is the best of all alternatives. Green scams fail step 2 for engineering and economic reasons. Green scams are extraordinary expensive and do not significantly reduce CO2 emissions. If there is an extreme AGW problem to solve nuclear power and draconian policies such as banning vacation air travel, forced movement to high density housing, forced conversion to vegan diet, and so on are the only possible alternatives to reduce CO2 emissions by let say 60%.


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    Alan Watt, Climate Denialist Level 7

    What Klein has spotted, spun and turned into fairy floss, is that any bad weather hurts the poor more than the wealthy.

    Actually, what Klein has just discovered is that given a choice most people would rather be rich than poor, a preference which holds true for all racial, ethnic, linguistic, national, religious, sexual preference and gender identity groups. Basically anyone with a functioning brain and more than 5 years experience using it in this life has figured out that money can soften or eliminate many of life’s hard edges, including bad weather or “harsh climate” if you prefer that term.

    I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor — and believe me, rich is better

    I’ve seen this quote attributed to at least 4 different women, which is hardly suprising because regardless who uttered those exact words, uncounted thousands have had essessentially the same thought.

    Apparently Klein has grasped this underlying truth, but just can’t give up her compulsion to blame everything on the rich anyway.


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    Tom O

    When I read the “If white men cared” or “if black people mattered,” I am reminded a fundamental belief of mine – There are those that are called racist by name callers, and then there are the name callers that are racist. I won’t pretend that there aren’t white people that may well be racist, but I know that those who are always looking for racism undoubtedly only need to look in a mirror to see a racist.


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      Mark D.

      I’m a racist and bigot and I challenge anyone to prove that they themselves are not. It’s among the many human character flaws we deal with and suppress to various degrees.

      I’m quite sure, however, that I do not imagine nor have I ever imagined harming any specific race when I fill my automobile with gas or turn the house thermostat to 74F degrees when it’s -30 outside.

      Klein is particularly ugly when she uses grotesque name calling. It is the only thing she has left though, since evidence has not gone her way.


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        Naomi Klein has one interest and one interest only. Having achieved notoriety, she peddles crap that will never germinate anything but money for a lifestyle few will achieve. She will keep peddling this crap until she has amassed sufficient resources to finish living out her life and then will slowly fade away. She knows what is real and what is not, but has no morals to come out and say what common sense would have someone else come out and say. It’s all about the money and nothing else. I personally don’t believe that she believes in her own nonsense. That’s her schtick!


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        Yes Mark, we all have ugly thoughts, every single one of us. Though it seems you are one of those who has realized we do not have to act on them. We can recognize where we learned or acquired them, understand why they are not beneficial to either ourselves or others, and deal with them like adults. Unfortunately there are many who cannot, and it is much easier to get up on a soap box an preach hatred as Klein is doing. Especially since it is a very lucrative trade and always has been. One can always find an audience to sell hatred to as she discovered and has been using to her advantage ever since.

        How many of us have at some point in our live had a friend or acquaintance look all shocked at something someone said or did, with the response “I find that offensive, I have friends who are black” or “I have friends who are ________.”

        Isn’t that in itself a form a racism? I mean after all I find those things offensive as well but it is not because I think of my friends, who happen to be black or ___________, as “friends who are black” or “friends who are ____________” I just think of them as friends.

        There seems to be a trend to “have friends who are black” or “friends who are Muslim” or “friends who are gay” as though by defining them by their difference or “uniqueness” and claiming them as friends one has established that they are not racist, or suffering from some form of phobia.

        But doesn’t the simple fact that a person feels it necessary to point out whatever it is that makes their friend “different” as they claim them as a friend as though it is something to hold up for audience approval racist in itself? Wouldn’t it be better just to say they are your friend and whatever their religion, job, sexual preferences, skin color, whatever isn’t even considered?

        I don’t want to have friends who are _________, I just want friends who share common interests with me, I can stand being around, and who can stand being around me. Filling in that blank isn’t needed in my opinion. I think the people who do feel the need to fill in that blank aren’t really as “enlightened” as they would like to think they are or convince others that they are.


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    Damn! Now I am going to have to resign my skeptiship. I do not fit in!

    Or maybe I can just ignore the racists who keep throwing the term around and call myself a simple skeptic. My race, color, creed and national origin do not play a part in my ability to understand science. Apparently that is her beef.


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    Svend Ferdinandsen

    What Klein has spotted, spun and turned into fairy floss, is that any bad weather hurts the poor more than the wealthy.

    What if bad weather was at decline who would be most hurt or gain most.
    According to IPCC we should keep things like they are. Any change may be bad especially to the wealthy part of the population.


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    Keith Willshaw

    The claim that “Racism is what has made it possible to systematically look away from the climate threat for more than two decades. ” is especially interesting given that its the white elites in Europe, Australasia and North America who impose critical costs on their industries and communities in a vain attempt to appease the climate change gods while the non white regimes in India and China have made it quite clear that they will do no such thing.


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    Geoffrey Williams

    Naomi Klein clearly knows nothing about the subject of AGW (and probably doesn’t care either so long as she has an audience)
    Nor does it seem that the people who support her know any more on the topic. But thanks to their schooling/education and the media brainwashing the subject has been pumped into heads like concrete and allowed to set! So that in their ignorance they are prepared to vote for anyone who shouts ‘climate change’
    Indeed the more that she confuses the topic with the racism tag the greater the misunderstand gets!.
    Geoff Williams


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    Wayne Job

    When a wild animal is cornered it is the most dangerous, they have no capacity to think of other ways from their situation. Thus, we have unthinkers like this Klein person snarling and barking like a cornered animal. Many like her are seeing the demise of their belief system crash around their ears, and, with fingers inserted in ears going La La la , terribly sad that Nutti, Mann et el are slowly fading into history as Gaia refuses to conform to their much cherished ideals. Witness all the dying days of climate hysteria as it is history in the making of yet another giant scientific fraud in the mould of all others before it.

    We are now at the start of a scientific revolution, not just in climate but the much vaunted standard models of everything are falling apart, real science and free thought were once controlled by a few the internet has changed everything. The next battle will be over control of the internet and who can say what. This frightbat Klein is only a hiccup, she knows not what she does.


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    Ms. Klein would have been a great addition to the Monty Python troupe. I’m not sure whether I’m pleased or discomfited that she joined the AGW circus instead.


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    “Overwhelmingly, climate deniers are not only conservative but also white and male, a group with higher than average incomes.”

    Klein wrote this in the Nation in 2011 –

    Imagine if you wrote that there is a correlation between being climate-alarmist, liberal, Jewish and female. No, it’s not always acceptable to use race and gender essentialism to predict political views. Klein is racist to the core, and she’s not even very good at it. I’d advise the p.c left to ditch her as soon as possible, and adopt a less air-headed race-baiting leftist hack. It will be more challenging to demolish their arguments.


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      It possibly has not occurred to Ms Klein that these males are conservative, and have a higher than average income, because they listen to their wives, and take the “advice” they offer, including opinions on climate change.


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      You miss the big picture. Who are the higher wage earners? Not the sheep. But the smart ones.

      What the clown is trying to say is the smarter you are, the more you question unsubstantiated tomfoolery.


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    Col Mosby

    I for one am quite proud to be a White Supremist, that being an archaic term. Naomi must have been reading some mid-20th century MLK stuff. Us “White Supremists” have been largely responsible for the civilization as we now know it. Practically all of the scientific and economic advances on our planet have been the work of us White Supremists. Without us, Naomi
    would be living in a mud hut, unable to read or write. So sing the praises of those other White Supremists, like Isaac Newton, et al. We obviously need more White Supremists, since
    non-White Supremists like Naomi have such obviously inferior scientific abilities, making
    arguments on the basis of skin color, displaying themselves as a thoroughgoing racist.
