When the unvaccinated die of Covid they get turned into advertising material for Pfizer. But when people died in the weeks after after getting the vaccines, the companies, the institutions and the media did their utmost to hide it.
A group of doctors and researchers wanted the 326,000 pages of FDA data used to approve the Pfizer vaccine, but neither the FDA or Pfizer would give it them. So the doctors put in an FOIA, and again the FDA hid the data, so the doctors sued the FDA for withholding it.

Serving Big-Pharma with all the funds they can get…
But when pressed they said they needed 55 years to redact out all the juicy bits so “people couldn’t cherry pick” or something like that. When pushed, the FDA told the judge they really needed 75 years to provide it. This was the same FDA that supposedly read all those 326,000 pages in detail in just 108 days in order to speedily approve the vaccine “with the utmost of care”.
The intrepid doctors group calls itself the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency or PHMPT. And they are finally getting somewhere. In January a Texas Judge ordered the FDA to produce documents at a blistering speed (compared to the previous 75- year-schedule). It really is an avalanche of information — with something like 50,000 pages a month due out each month.
The first of those secret batches came out last week. So after millions of people have been injected with the Pfizer vax, now we find out that in just the first three months of use (from December 2020 onwards) there were 42,000 reports of adverse effects and 1,223 deaths.
This is justice delayed. People have lost their jobs and some have lost their lives. The data should have been public from the beginning.
But it’s a denominator free zone
As John Campbell points out below, we don’t know how many people were vaccinated in total. Even the number of doses shipped in those three months has been redacted. Were deaths a one-in-one-thousand thing, or a one in a million? Who knows? Pfizer does. So does the FDA, and so possibly do elected representatives. But the punters getting injected don’t.

Pfizer Vaccine data (Document 5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf)
Steve Kirsch points out that the code (b) (4) (in the gray box in the image above) is legal speak for “Trade secrets” telling us the profits are at the start, middle and end of everything about this. It’s not about public health.
Who has informed consent?

Table 1 (Click to enlarge)
Why did it take court orders to get information used to force a medicine on millions of people?
John Campbell has built quite a following and is fully vaccinated himself. He’s conscientiously assessed the risks according to the publicly notified data. He’s a very honest player, just the kind of person we’d want training nurses. But when he describes these documents below, he’s not a happy camper. From about 18.2 minutes, he’s quite flummoxed. There is some soul searching going on.
“I would have thought this was a complete scandal. The mainstream media don’t seem to be interested…”
He’s very troubled, framing this as equivalent to something like Watergate and in the context of the hippocratic oath: It appears we’ve done some harm.
It’s just destroyed trust.
This is just the beginning of the RedPill for the West. Oh boy has trust been lost.
More info: Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
h/t Sharon W, Scott of the Pacific, Brenda, MP, Another ian, Old Ozzie, StJohnof Grafton, Jill J.
PS: There is talk that Pfizer has delisted. But it’s not clear that this is anything other than a technicality. Advice welcome.
Pfizer’s Common Stock, $.05 par value (“PFE”) and Pfizer’s 1.000% Notes due 2027 (“PFE27”) continue to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.” Only some maturing notes were delisted.
Current share price USD$ 50.27, a year ago $34.71, high for the 12 months $61.25.
I heard that Pfizer shares had quadrupled in value but when I checked recently it had risen only 25% or so over the past two years. I was surprised at how little the price had increased, especially for a company that supposedly has saved the world. Investors are obviously not terribly impressed.
pfizer has delisted on the NYSE, the b*stards know the jig is up and are circling the wagons, delisting ensures the share price can’t be sold down.
PFE is still listed.
Someone above indicated that they delisted expiring bonds. They also recently acquired Arena Pharmaceuticals and delisted the acquired company’s stock. Delisting certainly would indicate a problem, but delisting does not stop the value of the underlying equity to fall in price or value. But the main point is that Pfizer stock has not been delisted.
The linked article says the delisting is of Pfizer’s 0.250% Notes due 2022, which have matured. It goes on to say that Pfizer’s Common Stock, $.05 par value (“PFE”) and Pfizer’s 1.000% Notes due 2027 (“PFE27”) continue to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. So nothing unusual has happened, and Pfizer is still listed.
I await with baited breathe seeing this report in the Weekend Australian and on ABC news. Brad Hazzard (NSW Minister for Health) should be making an announcement about the immediate suspension of the Pfizer vaccine pending a thorough assessment of the above information. He will be speaking to the State Solicitor today to ascertain what steps may be required to compensate NSW residents adversely affected by mandated Pfizer injections. The Federal Minister for Health, Greg Hunt, has scheduled a meeting with State health bureaucrats demanding information on any reported deaths and adverse affects. He is concerned that there may well be class actions launched against the Commonwealth in the lead up to the Federal election. Opposition Leader Albanese has called for a full inquiry making the most of the governments discomfort.
Alas crickets.
Any more 52 year old people having heart attacks?
How about 16 year old grandson with Heart Arrhythmia, 2 doses Pfizer
Thanks Devvis – Good Read
put glasses on – B’
How about 19 year old double vaxxed grandson with “angina” pains after distressing accident of father?
Do you mean besides Shane Warne and Senator Kimberly Kitching?
Lawrie: Regarding potential class actions: It appears the Commonwealth has already accepted liability for gene-jab harm….Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs…..https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/deceased-covid-19-vaccine-recipient-payments-and-funeral-costs-you-can-claim-through-covid-19?context=55953…..which lays out several other payments for lost income etc as well.
I was hammering this when the payments first started. It’s the first time in Oz history (maybe world history) a govt has A) accepted liability for a faulty privately-manufactured product when that manufacturer still exists AND B) is ferociously still pushing that faulty product.
Think Asbestos by contrast: A known killer for which the manufacturers made huge payouts, and which has been basically outlawed by govt.
What IS the go, here?
G’day M Y,
My short answer to your question:
Look to the Pfizer contract and to political links to the WEF.
Dave B
Thought the same when Hunt announced this months ago. Was not surprised when he announced that he would not be seeking reelection in May.
If they report it at all they will say the data shows just how SAFE the vaccine are.
Of course they won’t say compared to what, certainly not any previous vaccines.
There is a big study of the VAERs data which they are saying the same about, even though they do not compare that data to anything either.
We know the mantra “these vaccines are Safe and efficient”.
Am I the only one thinking this would make a classic Clark and Dawe skit?
Reporter: Thank you for coming in to talk to us.
Minister for Health and Public Safety: It’s my great pleasure.
R: Now about these vaccine adverse event reports…
M: The ones with all the death reports?
R: Yes.
M: Now I’d just like to make it very clear that these deaths are very unusual.
R: Well how are they unusual?
M: Well, millions of vaccines are administered all over the world, and most of them don’t kill people at all.
R: Well, this one killed people.
M: Yes, but I just want to make the point that that’s very unusual.
R: So would you say that these vaccines are safe and effective?
M: Oh yes, very safe and effective.
R: But how can you say that when this one killed people?
M: Well, obviously it killed people. But I was more referring to the other ones.
R: The ones that don’t kill people.
M: Yes, those ones. They’re very safe and effective.
Well, my case proves nothing but – I just had a minor stroke after 61 years of trouble free health. I had 2 AstraZeneca then a Moderna booster about 2 weeks before the stroke. I have no risk factors. Could easily be a coincidence (and I know the subject here is Pfizer) but I wonder how many coincidences need to happen before it starts looking like causation?
The good Dr John seems to have finally seen the light. I have watched his You Tube talks often and observed that in the early days of 2020 he was very much a man of the moment, happily chanting the official mantra. But in recent times, he seems to be applying a measure of skepticism that should have been in evidence far longer.
He has certainly nailed an important factor in observing that public trust in our institutions has been shattered.
I think Campbell’s current them is that governments have been very slow to react as new data becomes available.
They haven’t responded well to new strains that are more contagious or strains that have symptoms of different severity. They also haven’t reacted well as findings about naturally acquired immunity (acquired by catching covid and recovering) being even better than being vaccinations.
Campbell isn’t perfect. I’ve seen him contradict what he said just days earlier. His emphasis on “covid only” deaths in the UK got him into trouble with BBC Fact Checkers, and rightly so. (He didn’t seem familiar with WHO directives about what appears on a death certificate.) He talks about natural immunity recognising 24 protein chains but some of those 24 are part of the DNA replication system and only come into being inside the cell.
Despite a few small glitches, he’s doing a very good job of keeping people informed.
In this instance I don’t think he’s keeping a good perspective on the deaths following vaccination vis-a-vis the total number of people being vaccinated or the development time of vaccines. (See more in my comment below.)
“… I don’t think he’s keeping a good perspective on the deaths following vaccination vis-a-vis the total number of people being vaccinated …”
That was hard to do for the documents in question as the total number of people vaccinated was redacted in the documents.
I know he did some good work, but I think you’re letting him off too easily, even allowing for the fact that he was trying not to get banned by telling too many truths. He was loath to admit truths that conflicted with his traditional high-minded view of medicine and its establishment players; his measured presentations gave an unwarranted air of respectability to mainstream “facts”.
He refused to smell the roses that were directly under his nose for a very long time until their perfume became suffocating, which finally forced him into his current position. I wouldn’t say he was dragged kicking and screaming, but there were some fingernail marks left along the way.
You are too harsh on him, I think.
We previously had three lines of defense against government propaganda, lies and mis/mal-feasance:
1) a non-partisan “permanent bureaucracy”
2) a non partisan media
3) non-partisan NGOs and industry associations
All three of these have now fallen to partisan politics (and did so in the order listed). As each fell, it became more and more difficult to find and disseminate the true facts of any situation, and COVID/vaxes is no different.
For someone John’s age, it is inconceivable that all three could fail so badly and so quickly, most especially the medical NGOs/associations. It is only through hard work and personal research that he was able to slowly uncover the truth, and getting that truth out to others is not easy – say too much too soon, and you are de-platformed or shadow-banned into oblivion and no-one will hear what you have unearthed anyway. Even highly referenced and indisputably true data is no guarantee you will bot get banned on any and all of the major platforms and ignored by the MSM.
This Data is very old- it was covered by the Canadians- esp the missing denominator. If the Journalists stopped accepting “Safe and effective” as an unimpeacheable creed we may get some where. Unfortunately all the Oz media has gone Tax free for the duration to get them to propagandise.
Dr John has done excellent work in the Covid arena from the beginning. He has, along with our Jo, provided clear, timely, untainted data and evidence, along with advice regarding alternative treatments and prophylactics. He was among the first people to recognise that some adverse reactions could be down to poor injection technique, resulting in the intra-muscular vaccines being delivered intravenously instead. He also collated a lot of information around vitamin D & K, and presented it in clear language, along with helpful guidance on risk vs benefit.
The fact that he chose to be vaccinated himself doesn’t bother me much. He is, after all, in a vulnerable age group and living in a country that was hit with a high number of cases. He never at any time advocated for mandates however and, as far as I know, never agreed with vaccinating children.
I too have noticed his approach shifting recently though. In the past, he has been ultra careful to avoid being ‘cancelled’ for using bogey words. Fair enough, because losing access to his advice would have been a tragedy for many. Nowadays though, perhaps because those speaking ‘the truth’ are becoming more confident (safety in numbers), he has started to let his scepticism show.
And then again he could be a false flag, cultivating a narrative for the existence of an evil pandemic with symptoms indistinguishable from the flu.
There was so much wrong with the narrative he was reinforcing. Remember ‘The Man from Davos’ Tom Hanks escaping in his private jet leaving poor old Richard Wilkins trapped in his apartment testing positive and exercising his heart out.
Where were the autopsies? Why was there only 5 dead in Queensland ‘with other underlying conditions’ in a year and a half and the Chief Health Officer unable to readily produce the ‘Science’ she based her decisions on?
Remember Adriana Midori Takara?
Warnie and Kimberley may well be alive today if Adriana’s death had been investigated. All fit and healthy, then suddenly dead. Where is the expert analysis of these events?
So, caution was warranted, the system had protocols to handle exactly this situation. Vaers, Daen , Yellow ticket etc.
If all that wasn’t enough to have alarm bells ringing surely Dr Campbell would have noticed the Government allowing big tech and professional bodies ban and deregister voices questioning the narrative he was stepping us through. And, not just any voices, Nobel prize winning and experts in the field of vaccinations and viral infections.
We all make mistakes, some of us admit when we were wrong, the snake-oil salesmen and grifters bury the past and morph into their new roles in the latest fear porn being sold by our rulers.
Take your ivermectin, vitamin D from the nice importers, quality and ingredient tested by (place answer in here) certified by the TGA or just unregulated being a food? or do what your genetically successful ancestors did, wash your hands before food and after going to the bathroom, hug, kiss (exception for Ebola etc), exercise and look after those around you. Do not get involved in experimental drugs unless it is a ‘Right to Try’ situation. Remember what one Lab Rat said to the other Lab Rat at the beginning of this. Let us see what it does to the humans first before we take it.
Broadie. What needs clarification is whether Shane or Kimberley or even Rod Marsh, had histories of heart problems….before their gene-jabbings took place.
The medical examiner in Thailand found SW died of natural causes, which is everything except some form of murder or traumatic accident. EVERYTHING. How vague can ya get?
OK, so were major heart arteries and chambers totally choked with giant clots? Masses of micro-clots in the lungs, leading to straining of the heart as it FORCED blood through blocked capillaries etc? WTF was the natural cause,eh?
The Scientists and Doctors I know would have been curious. These people do not show any level of interest. They are like a train, they stick to the tracks even when their relative or compatriot suddenly develops a massive hole in the heart having been running marathons right up to the jab.
If they made results known and studied what has happened to the guinea pigs there might be some good from this suffering. The poor bastards who had latex pumped into there beating blood vessels by the last Cult of the Medics in Germany at least received a diagram or photo in an Anatomy Text.
No interest from our Chief Health Officers except in their perks!
Any camping spots up in the home of the Yunupingu?
Pfizer is in for a whole world of pain. An organisation in US ( Daily Clout) has crowd sourced a group of circa 1000 to examine the 55000 page document dump. Group includes 85 attorneys, doctors, nurses & a medical fraud investigator.
Findings thus far show the trial included the injection of a 2 month old baby & the exposure that the lipid nanoparticles enter the bloodstream & deposit in liver & ovaries. Contrary to Pfizer saying they stay in muscle at site of injection.
An ex Blackrock fund manager is attacking Pfizer via Wall Street. He had an actuarial trained insurance analyst examine CDC data & present this information into excess mortality per age group. Graphed results can be found at link provided.
Wall St is being made aware of the fraud which includes the unblinding of 1000 patients in the 42000 subject clinical trial.
Within the next month the insurance analyst is roadshowing his findings to fund manager executives.
Upshot if you have any exposure to Pfizer stock in your international portfolio dump it. If you want to make money short it.
He is very good, thanks for the link.
Whenever people are vaccinated it is not at all unusual for a small percentage to suffer serious adverse reactions and an even smaller percentage to die. And this is with vaccines that have taken years, even decades, to develop.
We’re told that 1,223 deaths occurred after “millions” of doses had been given. If that was 5 million doses then the death rate is 0.02446%. If the “millions” was 10 million then divide that percentage by 2, if it was 50 million divide it by 10. I don’t know what medical professionals think of these figures but they seem pretty low to me.
I think people lose sight of the fact that in the last 18 months or so a few billion people have been vaccinated, most twice and many three times. That figure is far greater than the number of people who would be vaccinated for a variety of diseases (therefore with a variety of vaccines) in any similar time period in the past. Just 1 in a million deaths from vaccines when 1 million are given would be the same percentage as 1,000 deaths when one BILLION vaccinations are given.
You have to also bear in mind that these vaccines were developed in about six months, not six (or more) years and that without them many, many more people would have suffered more severe symptoms and there would have been more deaths from covid PLUS collateral deaths caused by overloaded hospitals being unable to provide timely medical care to other people.
John…had IVM or Hydroxychloroquine been freely available then the vaccines would have been irrelevant, lock downs non existent and life could have continued as normal.
How do you dare to endanger Pfizer’s (and Dr. Fauci’s) livelihood?
Perhaps more scandalous still is the waste of a perfect opportunity to test the effectiveness of these two drugs as both a prophylactic and an early treatment.
IMO, there would have been a high number of front-line medical professionals who would have voluntarily entered an RCT on prophylaxis, as well as many who were hospitalised who would have given consent to an RCT on treatment as well – if they said to you while you felt you might die “we don’t know what works, but we think this may, would you be willing to enter a trial where you may get this drug or perhaps get a placebo so we can see if it helps?”, many would say “hell yes!” IMO.
But we didn’t do that, even before the vaxes were available. Why not?
Not only were they not tested, but people were banned from even talking about them. So effing suspicious.
but people were banned from even talking about them
And more importantly, banned from even obtaining them and using them in prescribed dosages – so much for informed consent, let alone freedom of choice
“My Body My Choice” – the left are amazingly selective.
Whilst I think your point is valid the real question is why did they redact the number of injections administered if it would reveal a more favourable outcome ( from a PR point of view) . The potential that this information is some sort of commercial secret is rubbish as the number of vaccines administered can be calculated by adding up the vaccine records of each country. What worries me is that even the data that has been released only tells part of the story. The other thing that is of concern is what constitutes death from vaccine because I suspect that there will be deaths attributed to other factors either because the vaccine status wasn’t known or there were other medical conditions involved. I’m not being conspiratorial but the fact they chose to redact what I consider an innocuous number like the number of vaccines actually makes me more suspicious about everything contained in the document. My concern is that the situation is considerably worse than this data indicates.
Here in Australia we compare influenza % from doses delivered vrs covid19 and clearly the signal is that covid19 vaccines are far more dangerous.
Cardiac -16% of 110,000 adverse vaccine events.
Influenza 5%.
You completely miss the most salient point, that the risk/benefit equasion, for people who were NOT in a high risk group, was simply unacceptable and should never have been advocated by honest, credible doctors. The data shows that the vast majority of deaths recorded as ‘Covid deaths’ were among the elderly and/or those with serious comorbidities. On this basis, even an allegedly small vaccine risk isn’t worth it for young, healthy individuals, who faced almost zero risk from Covid, yet we have spent the last year ‘vaccinating’ literally everybody including young children. Outrageous.
In other words, the unspoken choice was 0.01% you will die from the vaccine vs 0.001% you will die from Covid. I made those numbers up, but the principle is real.
Your made up numbers are probably pretty close to correct for under 30 yr olds, at least so far
This is an oft repeated claim, but there is zero empirical evidence to support it. Indeed, Pfizer’s own documents clearly don’t support evidence of “many, many more people…..”.
This was only the frst three months of data. Very few people were getting the shot at that time so numbers of shots given will not be huge, certainly not in the billions
John – lots of responses to your argument here. So all I will add is that anyone who works, or has worked, in virology or vaccinology, will tell you that adverse reactions far, far less than has occurred would normally signal an immediate cessation of the trials & abandonment of the vaccine. This is the accepted protocol.
You are right that the perceived global urgency of the covid situation affected the decision making. There are many distinguished virologists who believe that this decision will prove to be the greatest medical mistakes in our lifetime.
G’day Vicki,
Overall I agree with you, except for your use of “medical mistakes” in your closing sentence. I suggest “global barstardry” would be better usage.
Dave B
John, it’s even worse than you think, because the redacted number is doses SHIPPED (i.e. left the factory, NOT given). Further, if you look at Our World in Data, at Covid-19 vaccines GIVEN by Feb 28 ’21, it’s 6.4 million doses across all countries AND all vaccines (because China, at the least, was NOT giving Pfizer), which pulls the upper limit to Pfizer back to 5.8 million.
Note too that Pfizer and Moderna were given EUA by the FDA before the end of Dec 2020, so we can reasonably reduce Pfizer to a max of 4.8 Million doses potentially given, which lines up with your 0.02446% death rate… a rate WORSE than Covid itself!!
Nigel, thanks for that. AZ was rolled out early too if I recall so would have been included in that 6.4million.
I saw a brief of the Pfizer document on CD Media out of the US a week ago. The list of horrendous “side effects” is far worse than anything anyone could imagine. There is a part list of nearly 1280 KNOWN medical problems. How anyone could continue to push the so called effectiveness is the burning question. Effective for what? Athletes around the world collapsing, some dying on the field. Heart attacks, now being called ‘natural causes’ as a cover up. If I know, our PM, Premiers and so called medical officers know yet even last night the useless booster was still being advertise, why one might ask, not enough dead or maimed yet? I have about 20 other questions no one would answer even if I asked them.
Very soon after the mRNA started getting rolled out, lots of websites appeared where injured people gave account of what happened to them.
It’s been on every video hosting platform, even despite tech-censorship they still keep popping up. Just read the comments on notice boards and every few days another person gives either a first hand experience or a friend they know.
There’s no plausible reason for anyone to be surprised today about information that’s been available more than 12 months and where more information has been turning up constantly over that 12 months. There is perhaps reason to be surprised that so many key people obviously knew exactly what was going wrong, but pretended not to see … but anyone who genuinely wanted to check it out had plenty of opportunity to do so.
Well, Dr Campbell has seen the light?
Jeeze Louise! You didn’t need the FDA docs!
For the first time in history we had “successfully” developed a vaccine for a coronavirus? For the first time in history we had safely mass deployed a novel vaccine without over 5 years of testing? The first time in history mRNA delivery technology was used in humans? For the first time in history violating the “never mass use a non-sterilizing inoculation in the middle of a pandemic” rule didn’t apply?!
1, 2, 3, 4 … wait, stop. Three times is enemy action.
Oh, make that 5, with the Surgisphere scandal. Oh wait, 6 with Sir Jeremy Farrar’s lethal therapeutics “trials”.
It stank. It all stank from the get go. It stank worse than claiming that adding radiative gases to our radiatively cooled atmosphere would reduce it’s radiative cooling ability. It stank to high heaven.
And if Dr John Campbell couldn’t gag at that stench before now, then there is little point in asking him to open his ocular organs and direct his olfactory attention to any nearby caffeinated beverages.
Hello Dr.Campbell? 1 in 5000 jabbed male children under 17 dead within 5 years? Thalidomide 2.0? No, it’s time for Nuremberg 2.0. The WEF players need to be held accountable.
Edit accepted. (The original last line was shamlessly plagiarizing the late Terry Platchet.)
[ No worries. Just erring on the side of 18C. 🙂 – LVA]
7: First time in history that natural immunity was declared not to exist.
8: Senior public figures suddenly forgot about the benefits of Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, exercise, etc.
9: Ivermectin dishonestly claimed to be dangerous horse paste.
10: Constant bait-and-switch over whether the mRNA would stop the spread, even when it never was tested in the first place to stop the spread only tested to reduce symptoms.
11: Nutty health policies like closing beaches and golf courses, invented on the fly with no scientific basis.
12: Full court press and media smear routine against anyone who speaks up, for whatever reason.
I agree mate … this stank so bad from the start, in so many ways. We might never get to the bottom of it, but the people saying that Western society is decadent, and rotting from the head down are looking a lot more convincing in 2022 than they were in 2019.
The stench reached my nostrils from the very beginning when, shortly after the British Health authorities declined to list Covid as “a disease of high consequence, mainly due to its low mortality rate”, virtually every nation on earth agreed to throw out half a century of agreed pandemic response by Western medical authorities, including the W.H.O., and globally instituted useless but highly destructive lockdowns, masks and contact tracing, in line with totalitarian CCP doctrine.
And then the pressure to get as many people vaxxed – ultimately including children of all ages at no real risk from the virus – with entirely novel and untested gene therapies misleading called “vaccines.” This was enough for me to realise that this was a global coup masked as “pandemic response.”
Add to this the absurdity of expecting these new treatments to make those who took them “fully protected”, when, for example, the search for a HIV vaccine has been fruitless for over 50 years, very patchy results from flu vaxxes, no cancer vaxx after nearly 100 years and no progress at all towards a vaxx against the common cold, and it became crystal clear to me that this was the biggest scam in all human history.
And let us not forget no. 13, unlucky indeed for those victims of the private stormtrooper army at the beck and call of our democratically elected ‘leaders’,who were only too willing to attack, pepper spray, trample with horses, beat, arrest and even shoot those citizens merely defending their right to decide whether or not to accept an experimental medical procedure. Many certainly will NOT forget the past two years.
Why was this data hidden? A rhetorical question if I ever heard one! Same answer applies to why it will take 55 years. No longer open governance by the people.
If you are referring to the nine page “APPENDIX 1.LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST” in the Pfizer document dump, my understanding is that is a list of the “side effects” that Pfizer thought might occur, not necessarily a list of the ones that did occur. See the 19:00 minute mark in this video:
Oops, that was meant to be a response to Dave of Reedy Creek, Qld. @ #10
That’s how I read it also; however if those are the possible detrimental effects that Pfizer expected may occur, it’s still damning enough, particularly for a completely novel injection that the people of so many countries have been bamboozled and coerced into accepting.
All too often it seems that those agreeing to accept the injections have not even been aware that this is still an experimental injection, not fully “approved” anywhere in the world as far as I know. Fully informed consent has arguably been missing.
mike reed
Hey John these are not vaccines they are a gene therapy that produces the toxic spike protein throughout the entire body.The so-called double blind placebo
trials were truncated down to 2months by combining the placebo group with the non placebo group about 43000 people all up. So basically this new technique of trial
would cover up Adverse events!! So the next step was to rush them into production -so much for the medical axiom of “do no harm” .At this stage alarm bells should
have been ringing louder than the bells in a cathedral. Well no! what we got was an orchestrated operation /playbook from Chief Medical Officers and our own TGA(really not ours as its owned by big Pharma anyway) to literally mandate this toxic spike protein therapy for every man ,woman, child and their dog.Now we have a situation where
no one knows what the outcomes in future hold for the vaccinated in terms of other adverse events.Just think of the Thalidomide tragedy ??
Cheers Mike Reed
Oi ya forget moi (the Kontrol group) purebloods they villify so strenuously!
“Just think of the Thalidomide tragedy ??”
And there’s a heck of a lot more people “jabbinated” than ever took Thalidomide.
If there are serious long term adverse effects, the world is in for a very tough time.
None of the trial was reliably double-blind.
It was sold as double-blind, but the whistleblower Brook Jackson spoke up to say there was poor quality data collection (some of it potentially even faked) and cases of both staff and patients knowing who got placebo and who did not.
Recently new information has confirmed Brook Jackson was correct, there’s been analysis of the Pfizer data showing surprisingly inconsistent “protocol deviations” between the control group and the treatment group, which is critical in the light that the person responsible for deciding who to kick out of the trial for “protocol deviations” would also know whether this was a control patient or not. In effect this allowed them to keep adverse reactions out of the final statistical results (i.e. to cheat).
Sad … but after I’ve seen the way global warming data has been adjusted, and economic data gets tweaked to hide inflation and make employment look better than it really is … I think we have to accept it’s endemic. Not saying I have a clever answer but yeah first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
I totally agree with your comments.
The governments are now trying to force children to be vaccinated with the RNA vaccines which is pathetic. People who are normally non political are getting involved to stop this evil.
Omicron has defeated covid, not the RNA vaccinations, as shown for example by the Indian covid data. Omicron is roughly as dangerous as getting the flu as shown by the India data.
The RNA vaccine mandates should be unconstitutional in every democratic country. The first ‘duty’ for forced medication is to do no harm. There is now absolutely no scientific reason to force people to be vaccinated with the dangerous first release vaccine as the first release covid RNA vaccines do not provide protection against Omicron. The CDC data which shows Omicron is not causing so called long covid symptoms and is not causing deaths, is being hidden from the public. Omicron has 32 mutations on the covid spike which explains why it not causing complex organ damage.
The first release RNA vaccines force the patients bodies to produce the dangerous first release covid spike.
The US Food and Drug agency (FDA) and the CDC both have a political agenda which is dictated by big Pharma and the Democratic party which explains why the RNA side effects were and are being hidden from the public.
The FDA hid the fact that RNA vaccines do not provide B-cell and T-cell long term immunity to covid. The first release RNA vaccines are dangerous and they provide only provide short term protection.
The Pfizer vaccine testing hide the side effects by not testing the blood samples taken from all RNA vaccine test participants, for biomarker changes. Biomarker changes occur in the blood when there is for example heart inflammation and damage.
Just watched the Dowd interview with Alex Jones off the link below. Yeah; if it’s not conspiracy theory we are in a bit of trouble.
One thing they said was about Ukraine happening as a distraction from the collapsing narrative, and it’s all tying in with the WEF. One thing I saw early on when the WEF young leaders program was being mentioned, was that a certain Vladimir Putin was on the list. I haven’t seen that for a while.
Glad has been banned from WEF meetings at this point.
John Campbell should not have been surprised about the adverse reactions and deaths. At least in the USA there were VAERS reports saying the exact same thing and the various European countries have equivalent reporting systems.
Indeed, I would surmise that most of Pfizer’s data after the Emergency Use Authorization must have come out of VAERS and the other systems around the world … given that these were the only reporting systems available. Quite likely Pfizer did some follow up and quality control on the data, and I think we can say this new Pfizer data is a better version of the same public reporting data … but it’s not genuinely new data. We knew all this a year ago.
The thing is, we have seen 12 months where some people have been jumping up and down pointing at VAERS data, while many other people simply shrugged and came up with excuses. I guess the fact that Pfizer has dumped this data reduces the number of excuses they can come up with.
NSW Health calls for return of mandatory masks, working from home
NSW Health is reportedly pushing for the return of mandatory masks and working from home amid a rise in cases of the new Omicron subvariant.
NSW Health has called for Covid-19 restrictions to be reintroduced due to mounting concerns about the new Omicron subvariant.
Health authorities want masks to be compulsory indoors, capacity limits to be brought back, a blanket ban on singing and dancing and a return to working from home,
On Thursday, Mr Hazzard said “apparent rise in cases” over the past few days was “concerning for us”.
He said it was important for everyone who is eligible to get a booster dose of a coronavirus vaccine.
“If everybody were boosted, I wouldn’t be as concerned,” Mr Hazzard said.
Mr Hazzard can have a Saturn V stage 2 PR for all I care.
Is that the same as a really powerful colonoscopy?
He really is a health hazard.
I was going to say that, but thought it was too obvious. 🙂
True. I wasn’t being at all original.
Brad Hazard is a fear monger and, likely, a shill for drug companies like Pfizer. He is, therefore, a danger to society and should know by now that being boosted makes people more susceptable to Omicron. Data from Israel, Britain and the following from Canada show this. But don’t count on seeing this type of information in the mainstream media.
Government of Canada confirms Fully Vaccinated account for 7 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths over past month despite accounting for just 5 in every 10 Cases
Good old Health Hazzard.
My doctor admonished me for failing to get vaccinated earlier than I did.
I have been researching the potential risks and dangers of the vaccines since early 2020.
My research convinced me early in the pandemic that I would definitely be avoiding the needle.
I think it highly likely I knew far more about the risk/benefit profile of vaccination than my doctor did. For starters, as a busy GP it’s unlikely she would have had the time and inclination to do the research.
Certainly there was no information about possible adverse reactions to the shot, in other words, no informed consent.
No informed consent, but she did make this statement, numerous times;
I just want to see a needle in your arm as soon as possible”
In the context of my misgivings about the vaccine I found this statement obscene.
I told my doctor that being required to take the shot made me feel that I wanted to walk in front of an oncoming train. She responded with “but if you do that then you will be dead”. I thought to myself, I can see how it is you got into this medicine lark, you’re as sharp as a tack.
I was sacked for not getting the second shot in timely fashion even though I had developed a heart problem around the time of the first. I am now in danger of losing my accommodation and may have nowhere to go but the streets.
Legal redress for the obscenities committed in the name of so called public safety cannot come soon enough.
If my workplace starts insisting on jabs, I will tell them to go shunt a train.
I’m sure they will find someone that knows absolutely nothing about the job, to take over 😉
I’m retired but, if I was still working and my employer mandated the jab, I would demand to see a thorough risk assessment. Even if said risk assessment was bogus, at least you would be forcing the employer to actually say, in writing, that the jab is safe. Could be useful in the future …
mc — really sorry to hear of your situation. Just appalling when you cannot even work for a living.
How many deaths by experimental ‘vaccines’ are acceptable before corrupt drug companies like Pfizer will be held accountable?
It is an infuriating injustice that these corrupt drug companies have immunity but you don’t.
Maybe it’s more useful to ask how many deaths can they hide? What’s the point where even the media PR isn’t enough?
Jo, the answer to your good question is we have hit that point. The vax deaths are too many to hide.
It’s all because money.
Health care in the US is rubbish, and Obama Care made it far worse. But here’s the thing: in absence of effective taxpayer funded health care or affordable private insurance, most Americans rely on their employer bulk buying cover, including life insurance.
And that’s where the truth couldn’t be hidden. The insurance industry is screaming. All cause mortality up by 84% in the 18 to 44 year age cohort?! They weren’t dying of the Fauci Flu. (The median age of a true Fauci Flu victim is higher than the average life expectancy.)
This (ongoing) spike in millennial all causes mortality directly correlates with the experimental gene therapy shots. The insurance companies know it. They are frantically reinsuring all high value policies they have issued for the under 50s. And they are accepting crazy rates on that risk diversification.
In just one year, that age group in the US has lost more lives to the clot shots than all the US lives lost in the Vietnam War. It’s a slaughter, and it can’t be hidden.
It can’t be hidden, and it can’t be stopped. From the Hong Kong study, 1 in 2700 male children below 17 who were jabbed got clinically diagnosable myocarditis. 50% of those will be dead within 5 years. And as we see from over 400 top athletes dropping in training or on the field, clinical diagnosis is just the tip of the iceberg of horror.
“Horse paste” as the propagandists called it, could have stopped this crisis in its tracks. But the WEF players thought it was a “good crisis”, suitable for securing their position as parisites on working humanity.
The WEF Davos “elite” and all their “Young global leaders” need to face Nuremberg 2.0, with the same established and effective penalty system.
what disturbs me is my 3 Grandsons 5/8/10 years came through tonight to say Good Night, all saying not feeling well, and sore arms as all had Pfizer Vaccine today
Feel distraught for them – definitely lone man in my Family, but really worry for kids
I hear you. The good news is that most kids will be OK, and growing bodies are very good at regenerating. The sooner we stop, the better. Is this their first or their second?
We need a campaign so that we don’t keep vaccinating children. Enough is enough.
It was their first vaccine = Thanks for the positive, I really do despair for the kids
Jo, that is what I am praying for. Both grandkids double vaccinated & both have had suspicious after effects given that they are extremely fit kids.
However, grandson is refusing to have booster & that is a great consolation. I am praying that, as you say, growing bodies regenerate.
US millenials suffer the worst ever excess mortality rate
Just coincidence like everything else…
They have been taught to obey and believe. That is why they have also swallowed the climate pill.
CDC Lowers Expectations for Child Development, Raising New Questions for Parents
The CDC has changed its list of children’s developmental milestones for infants and young children, marking the first update of its kind since 2004.
However, the update essentially moves the milestones later and later – following a similar trend in academic standards across the nation.
Is this something to be celebrated, or is it one more example of lowering standards?
The supposed reasoning behind the update is that the earlier milestones used only 50th percentile data, which means that only half of the children were expected to reach them at a specific age.
What the article doesn’t highlight, however, is that the changes effectively move developmental milestones to older ages.
An article from the American Academy of Pediatrics details the changes. In short, one-third of the original milestones were moved to different ages, and of those moved, just over two-thirds were moved to an older age.
In other words, the CDC is shifting developmental goalposts later and later for infants and young children.
One reason for moving the developmental goalposts may be the learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Theek says the widespread use of face masks could be affecting children’s speech development, as babies start learning how to read lips as young as 8 months old.
“There’s no research out there yet saying that this could be causing speech and language delays. But, most definitely, I’m sure it’s a factor,” she said. “It’s very important that kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth.”
Other detrimental effects on children have included a decrease in academic performance after widespread remote and virtual learning options, which tend to hurt minority and low-income students hardest.
Oops Link – https://www.realcleareducation.com/articles/2022/03/09/cdc_lowers_expectations_for_child_development_raising_new_questions_for_parents_110709.html
Important information query – Did the Australian Therapeutics Good Administration have the Pfizer documentation when the Federal Government approved the Covid-19 vaccine and banned Ivermectin and HCQ?
Of course not. They just followed Fauci and maybe should follow him to Old Sparky as well. That would shorten a few of them up.
From an early tip off from this Jo Nova site, I have been able to watch almost all of the John Campbell podcasts, usually 20-25 minutes most days.
These days I am elderly, but that means that I have a fair deal of experience with Science, my career underpin.
I say in strong terms that John Campbell is the outstanding example of a scientist who tells it as it is. He builds his talk on referenced papers, shows some highlights, shows the deductions of the authors and compares them to his own, again based on long and wide experience.
In short, over all those years (apart from a few colleagues) he is the one scientist whose approach resonates most strongly with mine. I have scarcely found a comment from him that I would question.
On the other hand, as we go from medical science to climate change studies, the contrast is very wide. I have yet to find one climate change ‘scientis’ who seems to have much of a clue about how good, hard science is done. Geoff S
100% Geoff – and I found his discussions with international doctors (like Andrew Wefwafwa in Uganda) fascinating too.
To be fair to the man, John Campbell did do several interviews with Dr Tess Lawrie (one here https://tinyurl.com/2p97rzcj). She blew the whistle on this racket very early on – and she has had to bear the consequences of her bravery.
She did an interview with James Wells on Rumble (https://tinyurl.com/mr22dbj9) – nothing new about the scam, but some interesting background on the lady herself. Huge respect . . . I now find her strangely attractive!
“In Victoria, the Andrews government has moved to accelerate production of mRNA drugs by setting up a $50 million agency, mRNA Victoria, to establish a commercial-scale mRNA manufacturing capability within the next 12 months. “
Sydney Morning Herald, August 4, 2021
By what process was there community consultation to show the preferences of the public for ways to treat ailments that might be treated with vaccines?
Was the Victorian Government dictating action with little to no public involvement, or was it recognising the old principle that a Government exists to put the wishes of the people into effect?
Autocracy versus democracy? It is only $50 million for starters.
Geoff S
UK Covid-19 vaccine surveillance report March 10 2022
Deary me…
Page 4 of 57
Effectiveness against symptomatic disease
Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic COVID-19 has been assessed in England based on
community testing data linked to vaccination data from the National Immunisation Management
System (NIMS), cohort studies such as the COVID Infection Survey and GP electronic health
record data. After 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, vaccine effectiveness against the
Omicron variant starts at 45 to 50% then drops to almost no effect from 20 weeks after the
second dose. With 2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna effectiveness dropped from around 65 to 70%
down to around 10% by 25 weeks after the second dose. Two to 4 weeks after a booster dose
of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, effectiveness ranges from around 60 to 75%, dropping
to 25 to 40% from 15+ weeks after the booster. Vaccine effectiveness estimates for the booster
dose are very similar, irrespective of the primary course received (3). Vaccine effectiveness is
generally slightly higher in younger compared to older age group
Death within 60 days of positive COVID-19 test by date of death between week 6 2022
(w/e 13 February 2022) and week 9 2022 (w/e 6 March 2022) – Page 43 of 57
Columns to numbers
1. Total
2. ** Unlinked*
3. Not vaccinated
4. Received one dose (1 to 20 days before specimen date)
5. Received one dose, ≥21 days before specimen date
6. Second dose ≥14 days before specimen date 1
7. Third dose ≥14 days before specimen date 1
[This data should be interpreted with caution. See information below in footnote about the correct
interpretation of these figures]
Column 1-7 below
Under 18 3 0 2 0 1 0 0
18 to 29 16 0 3 0 2 8 3
30 to 39 45 0 18 0 4 13 10
40 to 49 105 2 25 1 9 37 31
50 to 59 282 3 50 0 17 95 117
60 to 69 508 3 75 0 19 132 279
70 to 79 1,205 7 110 0 35 234 819
80 or over 3,536 4 182 1 58 526 2,765
In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective.
This is especially true because vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease. Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of COVID-19.
My age group 70-79- Not Vaccinated Column 3 – 110 to Total Column 1 – 1,205 Third dose Column 7 – 819
the old chestnut of more people vaccinated means more vaccinated deaths only makes sense if the trend is showing an increasing number of unvaccinated deaths and a decreasing number of vaccinated deaths.
90 years is roughly 30000 days
So for a 30,000 population 1 person will die every day
If the average life expectancy is 90 .
In terms of deaths after vaccinations if 30,000 people have a vaccination 1 person a day will die on average.
90 people in 3 months
If we take into consideration the older age of most people having vaccinations and the true life expectancy in the western world of say 75 years we could realistically expect the death rate I in that 30,000 population to be at least 2 people a day.
180 people die in 3 months
12,000 people dying in 3 months after vaccination would be just the normal expected rate of deaths car accidents strokes heart attacks and suicide, cancer, violence if the injected population numbered 2,000,000.
That is in a 2,000,000 population of vaccinable age and life expectancy 133 people die every day
The Pfizer people only have a problem if the number of people vaccinated was less than 2,000,000 in that 3 months.
Could you please put up a figure for the number of people vaccinated in that 3 months to show the degree of alarm we need to be worried about..
I note that the information is claimed to be missing but when I read number of deaths, number of adverse effects
42,000 I am curious to how this can be so detailed yet the number of injections given is either not known, hidden , or your sources are refusing to reveal it.
Adverse reactions is a very loose term . Serious adverse (life threatening reactions ) would be less than 2% meaning a population of 2,000,000 or more so no alarm
Any adverse reaction worth noting, say 10% might indicate a population basis of 420,000 injections which would be both interesting and of concern to me
While Pfizer might be hiding things your story is over emphasise things by grabbing 2 bits of data and using lots of conjecture at the moment.
You could run your concerns in a more balanced approach by describing the statistics appropriately.
Yeah fine, nerd out.
The real issue is government enforced chemical injections.
Decrees locking you in your house or somewhere else.
Not seeing elderly parents in their last hours.
It was clear pretty early that this wasn’t the Black Death.
It was a money/power grab from the get go.
Clear to those not insulated by wool.
Get your digital right to exist chip, citizen.
Look war!
Knock yourself out making excuses for the b_____ds.
Most importantly in Australia, banning Doctors of being allowed to prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ
Your summary of death rate has one obvious error.
If you grabbed 1000 people off the street, who are suitably robust and old enough to undertake a medical trial, and followed them till their death bed, you’d find that the average life expectancy of the sample would be higher than the life expectancy of the entire population.
Why…..? Because your sample has already excluded all the babies/young who have already died and all the sick who are in hospital waiting to die.
So in reality, the life expectancy for a fit adult, suitable for experiencing a medical test SHOULD be higher than the whole of population mean value.
In summary, the denominator would be higher than 2M, (following your sums).
Thirty thousand days is closer to eighty than ninety, eighty-two years and seven weeks in fact, an inaccuracy which makes it too hard for me to follow your argument in depth; sorry.
‘A letter written from 81 scientists and sent to the Bundestag (federal parliamentarians) argues compulsory vaccination is “not necessary, not appropriate and therefore unconstitutional”.
‘The scientists and scholars not only cited inalienable fundamental rights of citizens, but stated that mandatory vaccination is “not appropriate because of a high potential for risk” and that “side effects reported relative to other vaccines are enormous.” (Notrickszone)
As I’ve written before on this site I was “forced” to have 2 Pfizer shots to enable me to visit a very sick 94yo relative.
Since my 2nd shot last Nov I have been unusually tired for a healthy and fit 75yo. I did realize this vaccine had the potential to have significant adverse effects as I considered it was still experimental.
Fortunately, with my constant nagging, I was able to stop my 3 grandchildren, aged 2 to 6 from receiving any Covid vaccine shots.
A full investigation must occur.
My father and three others in his nursing home died of a lung infection, a month after getting their second Pfizer shot. While not Covid, I have no doubt their immune systems were weakened by the jabs and they couldn’t fight the infection.
Whilst I admit I was waiting for the Novavax (funny typing that, considering where we are lol), I ended up getting Covid at the end of January. Apart from a bad headache on the second day, it was the weakest flu I’ve ever had. I normally don’t get flus but every 10-15 years get the “big one” that puts you in bed for a week. Omicron on the other hand pfffffftttt. I had been using Vit D and Zinc since 2020 as well as the old trusty Berocca. It’s funny too, that the day before I came down with symptoms, I switched to a Vit C & D, Zinc and Quercetin twice daily tablet called Immune Defence made by Imuni. An Aussie made and manufactured product. It’s a similar brew to Dr Zelenko’s Z-Stack that he made up after they stopped him using HCQ. One of my office staff swears she felt better every time she took one. I didn’t notice admittedly but like I said, I’d been using extra Vit D & Zinc for two years already.
Any math gurus out there?
How would you merge multiple Vaccinated groups (one-dose within 21 days, two-dose after 21 days , boosted etc) … into one group, to get a single ASMR (age-standardised mortality rate), for all the people who received one or more injections against COVID?
Here’s the ONS data for 2021 (Jan-Dec).
Table 3 (all-cause mortality) shows the ASMR for the Unjabbed, and Vaccinated groups, by month.
I use this formula to merge all the Vaccinated, into one group, for each month:
Merged ASMR == ( population1 x asmr1 PLUS population2 x asmr2 PLUS etc ) DIVIDED BY ( population1 + population2 + etc )
But I get different results than the ONS: e.g. in December, why is my number higher than the rate in the ‘Ever Vaccinated’ column?
The ONS say the ASMR is 1037 deaths per 100k person-years (that’s the group of people who EVER had a dose of vaccine).
My merged ASMR for December, is: 2150.
For comparison the Unjabbed are: 1633 deaths per 100k.
Is there any flaw in my methodology, I need to be aware of?
If I don’t get shot down in flames, I’ll post some more results… 🙂
Just to clarify: the population numbers in the formula, are from the columns labelled ‘Person-years’.
So ‘population1’ is the number of person-years within 21 days of first dose i.e. 21,359 — and asmr1 is 1426.
Your method seems fair. Your numbers should show the same as the report, unless they have other data or another weighting system not based on the percentage of that age group in the CURRENT population.
Thanks for the feedback.
Their weighting system is based on what they call the 2013 European Standard Population which has a known percentage of people in each age group.
(They explain the details somewhere on their website).
If everyone uses that standard, then it doesn’t matter how unbalanced (age-wise) your sample group is: you end up with an ASMR that can be compared with other groups, across time periods, or even other European countries.
So the solution is simple. IF your data shows that you have a different age distribution in your sample compared to the European Standard, then you need to adjust your data weighting if you want to compare. For example in the 5-9 year old data block, the European Standard has 5,500 people per 100,000 in the general population. If your data has 6,700 5-9 year olds from a 100,000 total sample population. So you would need to modify your sample by multiplying the 5-9 year old ‘score’ in your data by multiplying by 5500/6700. Repeat for ALL age groups in your country’s data, you’ll end up with a ratio for ALL 19 data points, 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, etc. Make sure your total sample adds to 100,000 and then you can compare the ‘score’ on any age group or for the total.
After adjustment to align to the standard population you’ll be able to tell if it is better or worse than say England or Wales.
Hope that helps.
But in truth, to calculate risk properly we need the dates of injection and dates of death. No more of this 14 or 21-days-after-vaccination nonsense. When trying to calculate efficacy against Covid that might be fair, but when calculating the risk from the injection it will put the first shot vaccine deaths into the unvaccinated group.
We want to know all-cause-mortality for at least six months following the last injection (and probably for the “five years after”).
Obviously it needs to be age/sex/co morbidity adjusted because the two groups are not the same.
Jo, I agree with you on the limitations of the data. It’s designed to make the case for EFFICACY rather than SAFETY.
There should be two sets of data available. Let those of us looking at the safety question, have data unencumbered by ’14 days after’ or ‘within 21 days’ … we just want to know the fate of people from the first moment of receiving their injection.
We also need solid data on the Health Condition of fatalities, including Cause of Death. Just having their “age” and “number of doses” is not enough. There’s evidence that morbidly ill people accumulate in some groups: they don’t progress to later stages of vaccination. I know one youngish person who had a bad experience with their second dose — he’s sworn off having any ‘boosters’. He’s not morbidly ill, thankfully, but he’s an example of how the data can get skewed.
The ONS has the fine-grained data based on age.
I have to trust that they fed the right values into the ASMR calculations.
100% Geoff – and I found his discussions with international doctors (like Andrew Wefwafwa in Uganda) fascinating too.
At the insistence of my woman I had the Astra shots, spent nearly a week in hospital.Then I was told to have the Phyzier Fizzer shot. I broke out in a rash all over like large swollen flea bites as itchy as.
Taking orders or advice from her is now a no no.
I hear the spirit of Rodney Dangerfield turning this into a bit …
“I tell ya’ I don’t get no respect, my wife, she made me go see my doctor … Vinny Boombatz …”
Watching him get Red-Pilled like that was not really pleasant.
40 years of trust destroyed.
“Breaking news is Moderna and Pfizer stock prices falling, not because of VAERS, or DMED, or even the overturned FOI 75 moratorium – but due to Insurance data – money talks – people are selling out………….”
This is just a Twitter comment BTW with no factual evidence right now.
It is the insurance data that will show the true extent of the number of deaths. This is likely to be the ruination of the Life Insurance Industry as they will fast be running out of insurance reserves………………………Insurance premiums will become unaffordable to many.
Why was the data hidden?
Well, duuuh! We gotta sell a few jabs before the pandemic is over. Can’t do that if we let people know the truth about them.
No, selling jabs wasn’t the primary reason. Digital vaxx passports was the game. Digital vaxx passports that expired without constant “boosters” so expensive that only big government could provide them to suitably compliant sheeple.
But for the WEF Davos “elite” it’s all gone so horribly wrong. Even their WWIII cover up isn’t working. Poland called Blinkin’s bluff, and the world wants answers on the US DTRA funded bio-labs that Vlad the Defenistrater is using thermobaric weapons on.
Just copying and pasting other numbers from the same scan you can at least get a feel for how many digits the number would be to take up that amount of space. By my eye there is too much space left for it to be an 8 digit number in that typeface, but the ninth digit would have to be rather slim, implying a ‘1’.
So I’d guess it is 100 million at least.
At two doses per person that is 1200 deaths / 50M people = 0.0024%
or about 1/125 of the USA CDC’s first estimated infection fatality rate.
If I’m mistaken about that leading digit, it is still a factor of 12 at least.
Just trying to keep things in perspective.
On the other hand
In the framework that we have one could punt that the number would be in lights if it was favourable
We would be better off searching news stories of Dec 2020/ Jan / Feb 2021 to see announcements on how many doses of Pfizer were shipped. But that still won’t tell us how many doses were actually used or how old/fat/sick the injectees were.
And don’t forget — we also need to know how long they collected data for. If someone was injected in February but had a stroke in July, was that included?
EG see this search: Google on 1 dec 2020 – 28 Feb 2021 “Pfizer doses shipped to Israel”
Israel got 110,000 doses in early Dec
Pfizer has committed to sending 10 million doses to Israel by the end of March 2021. Israel was one of the first nations to get serious about Pfizer injections. But those doses that arrived in March were already too late to be included in this study.
However on March 4th 2021 the reporting of early dose numbers was small. Better dial down those expectations.
AND, remember the worst effect of Pfizer were usually found on the second dose. So the first three months of the rollout would include a lot of single dose people, skewing the data to underestimate the risk.
Jan 28th Wash Post:
One third of Israel was already vaccinated (but is that double dosed or single?)
So thats about 2.7 million people by end of Jan in Israel.
On the closing remark of trust being lost
Quite a rant
Totally OT but FYI: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1500175827161554946.html
“Illusion Warfare Report:
The Road to Ukraine.
-Join me as i LARP my way onto the Hollywood movie set we know as Ukraine.
Will the matrix allow me to peak behind the curtains of a manufactured and manipulated world staged event?”
I said many weeks ago, on this blog, there was no way any of the COVID-19 vaccines could have been given with informed consent. That applies not only to Pfizer who has hidden the development details. It applies to the US CDC that wanted to do the same hiding away of those development papers but hide it away until 2095 instead of 2075 that Pfizer wanted. It applies to all doctors prescribing this stuff uninformed of those details, and it applies to all those that have been used to administer it. I believe our own Federal government recognised this problem months ago when, if my memory doesn’t fail me, it came out on one (almost unnoticed) occasion and said it offered some (minimal) recompense to those that suffered death from the vaccination program.
Did it offer to pay for funerals, I seem to remember something along those lines.
And the point of those funeral payments? Perhaps says cynical Jo, to get people to sign a formal non-disclosure agreement. That way none of the stories of lost vaccine patients makes it into the newspaper.
280% increase in deaths in the 25 year olds working group?
I thought your readers could be interested in this later interview of Edward Dowd by Naomi Wolf. He raises the question:
Is This Just Good Old-Fashioned Greed? OR Is This the Greatest Crime in Modern History?
Dowd goes into detail, from an investor’s perspective, that we would all benefit to learn from. Explaining why he uses the bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data.
The headlines read:
‘Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Investor Edward Dowd, Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data; Many Media Outlets are ‘Accomplices to Murder’. Historic.’
He says the proof of the fraud is showing up in real life results and that is becoming undeniable and impossible to hide. There’s other players involved now – Insurance companies as an example, and their stocks aren’t doing well of late.
The reader learns “More than two-thirds of the US Congress cashed a pharma campaign check (cheque) in 2020, new STAT analysis shows.”
His explanation of ‘The Davos Index’ did my heart good. I must say he has given me much hope for the future – of mankind! But, the hope will not come from governments, MSM, ‘Big Tech’, and certainly not ‘Big Pharma’. It will come from the people themselves as they awaken more and more from their ‘Great Sleep’.
Do take the time to watch: Daily Clout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5jW-qH-mxo
Paying money to bury the mistakes.
Great interview “EDWARD DOWD” He was in charge of a 13 billion super fund.
This is the 28th of the round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the 27th one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm
Here’s something to consider if trying to work out the number of doses given, important data that was censored in the documents.
The more gullible and incompetent governments of the world such as Australia or Canada committed to purchase ten or more doses per person but have only (so far) delivered around three .
If these “committed” doses are used as a basis to calculate the number of adverse events per capita rather than the real smaller number injected, it may lower the adverse event numbers.
Be wary of any and all tricks!
Fits here IMO
Courier Main headline behind the Murdoch wall
“‘The evil you can’t see’: Terrifying reason rich lister Twiggy Forrest on a quest to save the planet”
So, IIRC, is Bill Gates
[…] Not informed, no consent: 1,200 people died in the first 3 months of Pfizer vax. Why was that data h… […]
When we own nothing, and it turns out we’re not happy, will we be able to get a refund?
(Sorry, WEF, Climate, Trump, Pandemic, energy, wokeness, mass formation, media, and the Pfizer/Government Health fraud, seems to have morphed into one overriding topic.)
Totechnotarianism …
that is what is upon us.
We’re only seeing the short term effect which initial trials should have revealed. The incapacitation through cardiac, neurological and reproductive issues will be taking several more years to manifest fully.
State-sponsored and mandated genocide would be no different in effect.
Yes, the statistics are essential in establishing levels of vax efficacy or danger.
But when a reliable person tells you that 20 people in his social circle (admittedly large & probable in the older category) has died after vaccination, it does shock you.
ATAGI’s latest report:
“We are carefully monitoring and reviewing reports of: myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA vaccines, particularly in younger age groups”
“Myocarditis is reported in 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Spikevax (Moderna). However, it is more common after the second dose in 12-17 year-old boys (11 cases per 100,000 Comirnaty doses and 16 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses) and men under 30 (7 cases per 100,000 Comirnaty doses and 16 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses).”
“Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 6 March 2022, about 54.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given. The TGA has identified 11 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 792 reports received and reviewed.”
The Death Lottery; https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/the-moral-calculus-of-a-death-lottery
And more. Democide in progress, millenials suffer most: https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/edward-dowd-former-blackrock-analyst
H/T – Val – Michael Smith News – https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2022/03/commercial-tv-raises-25m-for-floods-at-least-theyre-trying-abc-nil.html#comment-6a0177444b0c2e970d02942f9e2d29200c
Open Letter To Atagi, TGA and Federal Health Department
Open letter addressed to A/Prof Crawford, Dr Murphy, Prof Kelly, Prof Skerritt, Hon Minister Hunt, members of ATAGI and ACV
Withdraw the experimental gene-based treatment to the general public and especially children
Tuesday 8th March 2022
We, the Covid Medical Network and co-signatories, are writing to you to follow up on prior correspondence to ATAGI, the TGA and the Health Minister, and FOIA requests to the TGA, where answers have either been not forthcoming or have indicated the TGA has lacked critical information for making its provisional approval of the gene-based vaccines, namely Pfizer’s BNT162b2 & Comirnaty, AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1-S and Moderna’s Spikevax/mRNA-1273.
This letter pertains to:
. Correspondence you and the TGA received that the Pfizer (and AstraZeneca and Moderna) data via the companies themselves or via the FDA was likely too limited in scope to make a proper determination of safety and efficacy.
. FOIA requests to the TGA with respect to reproductive toxicology issues that have been responded to late and with heavily redacted documents.
. FOIA request with respect to micro-RNA sequences and related molecular genetic issues as to whether the TGA had assessed these.
. Peer-reviewed published in vitro research that gene-based vaccine generated spike proteins can migrate into human cell nuclei to disrupt DNA repair mechanisms, and vaccine-derived RNA can be reverse transcribed with evidence pointing to possible integration of this sequence into human genome.
. That a release of some Pfizer data from a FOIA request to the FDA in the US indicated high adverse events reporting by 28 February 2021.
. Analysis of the TGA’s own Database of Adverse Events Notifications (DAEN) data and what Australian clinicians are increasingly witnessing as a high rate of injuries from these gene-based vaccines.
Read The Full Letter – 52 Page PDF
This preprint paper analyzes RNA vaccine adverse events (deaths) from multiple countries and finds that the CDC has been under reporting the incidences of deaths caused by the RNA vaccines by a factor of 20.
“Our estimated US national average VFR of 0.04% is 20-fold greater than the CDC reported VFR of 0.002%, suggesting vaccine-associated deaths are underreported by at least a factor of 20 in VAERS. The estimate is based only on significant effects detected in our analysis, and hence likely represents a lower bound on the actual underreporting factor.”
“In June, 2021 the US FDA added a warning to Fact Sheets for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccines, noting that “reports of adverse events suggest increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly following the second dose and with onset of symptoms within a few days after vaccination (1).”
Subclinical myocarditis may be a partial explanation for vaccine-induced deaths in men up to age 50 (2,3).
A leading cause of immediate death following COVID vaccination may be thromboembolic events as all the vaccines have been associated with forms of venous and arterial thrombosis (4–9). Data-driven estimates of severe vaccine adverse event rates as well as all-cause mortality risk are critical for cost-benefit ratio analyses of COVID vaccination in various age groups”
More on Campbell’s youtube: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/first-pfizer-document-release
Worrisome info presented in easy to understand format: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-embryogenesis-and
It’s like DES on steroids. No one should be subjected to these injections.
Actually, I was horrified when they recommended them for pregnant women. But anyone who hopes to have kids, grandkids, or great-grandkids should be up in arms against any mRNA injections. I am not as sanguine as Jo is about the risks down the road.
Image of America’s most infamous anti-vaxxer exposes ridiculous Covid rules
Stunned fans believe the plight of NBA star Kyrie Irving proves Covid rules have finally gone too far in a ridiculous scenario.
Kyrie Irving has made a mockery of New York’s vaccine mandate, turning up to his team’s NBA clash on Monday (AEST) despite not being able to play.
The Brooklyn Nets star refuses to get the jab and is barred from playing in his home stadium because of a mandate for employees in the Big Apple, requiring them to be vaccinated in certain industries
The bizarre situation was too much for NBA fans, who couldn’t understand the double standards. While there was an acceptance at the start of the season Irving had cost himself the chance to play with his anti-vax stance, many believe the latest development has turned the scenario into a complete farce and if he is allowed to enter the Barclays Centre to watch, then they suggest he should be allowed to play.
The Athletic’s Shams Charania reported Irving was even mingling with teammates and coaches in the locker room at halftime.
“Irving is able to move freely inside Barclays Centre as a spectator — a special one, at that — but is not able to play,” Charania tweeted.
NBA reporter Marc Stein wrote: “Is there a reasonable/sane/choose your adjective explanation to account for the Nets’ Kyrie Irving being allowed to attend games Saturday and Sunday at Barclays Centre as an unmasked courtside spectator but not be allowed to play at Barclays Centre?
“Smarter colleague than me notes that the rule was enacted because threatening one’s job led to more vaccine compliance than merely barring citizens from social stuff.
Four Corners investigation will reveal the stories of Australians who say they’ve been virtually abducted by the state, stripped of their assets and stopped from speaking out, until now. Some 50,000 Australians are currently under the control of Public Guardian and Trustee agencies around the country. By law, these ‘clients’ are banned from speaking out about what happens to them, and journalists can be fined or jailed for reporting on them. Four Corners went to court to fight for the right to have their voices heard.