A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Number on spot is empty and all I can think of to say is that the number one spot is still empty.
Reminds me of the case for global warming — empty. I wonder sometimes if it would die for lack of substance if we just ignored it and never gave it anther word of publicity by challenging it.
Probably not. 🙁
If we just ignored global warming it would get louder and stronger. It has to be exposed for what it really is about – the biggest scam of all time.
The only quick solution is for a dramatic change in the weather to our advantage.
In the depths of the LIA the people of Britain were so distraught by the unseasonably warm weather a ‘fast day’ was held, but it didn’t help. The scam cannot end until the masses wake up to the fact that the scientific evidence for AGW is badly flawed and global cooling has begun. The MSM can bring about this revolution.
The ruling communist party in Victoriastan could shoot itself in the foot when the grid collspses and people are out of work when businesses shut down.
The anger of the population at that point could see Dangerous Dan booted from office. Even a consumate spin doctor cant spin away huge levels of suffering….
Except that when the huge levels of suffering occur, it’s never to the dangerous Dans of this world, so they just don’t actually care. They’ve made sure it isn’t going to apply to them.
Dan plans to morph from being premier to satrap on the Belt and Road.
I hadn’t realized it had been completely flushed out into the open now, for which thanks el gordo.
The insufferable Andrews effrontery informs the statement that “The MOU is not legally binding and this is specified in the MOU”; let’s ask the people of Hong Kong how far the Xi Jinping dictatorship can be trusted in fulfilling its written agreements.
The “report” has much on the merits of Chinese culture, none of what we shall call Australian, let alone anything emanating from the British enlightenment. Cultural exchange, in this view, is entirely a one-way street, relating only to “arts, design and sport” (p. 14).
“Satrap”is right. The general point—of betrayal—holds true for South Australia also, if not more so.
Reading David Hazony, The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture (Cambridge, 2012), a truly great book, is all the more exacting in such a time as this.
Yeah and how long before the chinese style social credit total surveillance system is rolled out in Victoriastan? After all, being obedient to what appears to thier political spiritual home would be important to them….
The Revolution will only happen when Centrelink shuts down.
Half a million beggars in the streets, pensioners and unemployed homeless people would then need to be rounded up and put into concentration camps.
Its the law of unintended consequences, but don’t worry Morrison is listening, he was the architect of Robo Debt. The church he attends believes rich and fatuous people are blessed and the poor are a godless lot to be punished.
He may get away with the card, but drug testing is draconian and could potentially spark a revolution.
‘Understanding Morton’s life experience goes some way to explaining why the Morrison government is determined to push ahead with a contentious trial to drug test new welfare recipients.
‘And despite twice being rejected by Parliament, failed trials abroad and a chorus of criticism from medical and welfare groups, Labor and the Greens, Prime Minister Scott Morrison believes in it too.’
Were the MSM to don the mantle of disinterested integrity, the teetering edifice of globalism and its three Trojan horses, healtism, climatism and safeism would be vanquished within weeks. Following from this, the Green Death Cult would implode into its own dark orifice, and the rational World could finally turn (after a suitable purge of deranged globalist Leftist eco-neo Marxist sycophants) to dealing with more pressing challenges, problems and visions like getting to Mars, resolving the ongoing rumination and fermented crises in the Middle East, seeing whether ITER fusion is a goer, and working to reorientate the displaced millions of migrants to their countries of origin, which would be supported and guided toward prosperity, the rule of law and a future bereft of fanatical religious zealotry.
Such stuff of which dreams made.
‘ … deranged globalist Leftist eco-neo Marxist sycophants …’
Beijing hates them as much as you and all the other things on your wish list are feasible under the new world order.
Most of us in the Eastern states had already gone to bed or were watching the cricket!
Also, my tablet needed recharging…
For me cricket took a back seat to F1 qualifying. I find it as interesting as most races. Last night was laughable though, if I didn’t see it I wouldn’t believe it.
A sporting victory for Oz and honourable defeat for England in the battle for the Ashes. Sadly England looks like a further defeat on Brexit, this time less honourable, in fact a b*trayal by a savvy globalist elite within the nation against the cits who expected that a majority referendum would prevail. Here’s an excellent post at Science Matters that spells it out and some images that match.
It’s a mystery to me…I can understand some green thumbs for my second comment, not that it was a masterpiece of science or writing or anything. But it actually said something.
The first comment though, can’t figure that. It says nothing and takes 22 words to say it. I was surprised to find no comments and with a mind full of nothing I preserved that spot. I guess I get some credit for being quick on my keyboard even for something with a typo in it because I was in a hurry. 😉
And I’ll guess that you can tell that it’s Saturday and Roy is AWOL for the weekend. Sanity is worth protecting in this insane world.
Have a great day and weekend everyone.
It’ll be a Leftie wot done it, Roy. Green on the outside and red on the inside. They’re really attracted to the red thumb and can’t resist it.
Roy I think a lot people ticked this comment because it was the truth and in 2019 that’s often hard to find.
Truth, I’ll agree because 0 == 0 is true. Empty == empty.
Now tell me please, what have you done with the Kinky Keith we all love and adore. 😉
I think he’s experimenting with new monickers. Why? — only he can say.
As you can see, he’s playing with Kalm Keith à ce moment, Roy. He’s staying with the KK set of initials so we know who he is still 🙂
I gotta admit I rather liked `Kinky Keith’ as it more explicitly states different thinking as in a having a mental twist or quirk; a clever idea for or method of doing something..
But it’s his choice.
Don’t, you’re making me homesick.
KK you were and remain an icon, at a time when remoaning is really a most unfashionable and unworthy activity.
Thanks LD.
I remain concerned about the progress of the world which currently seems on the verge of wholesale insanity.
I give thanks for the fantastic education that I was given here in Australia post WW2.
I feel cheated by the lesser education given my children and absolutely ropeable about the lack of concern that modern politicians and government have for citizens.
Good! 🙂
KK – Here in Colorado, USA: I completely agree with your deep concerns and alarm: “I feel cheated by the lesser education given my children and absolutely ropeable about the lack of concern that modern politicians and government have for citizens.” Outrage and revolt is called for.
In the local press before August ended I read that it was ‘unusual’ because it was colder then average.
So a day or so after the month of August ended I went & looked at the temperature readings for Mt Barker
As recorded by the BOM weather station in a neighbours front yard, 150 meters away.
Yes the first one in Ken’s series of posts on non compliant BOM Weather stations !
Ummmm ?
So was August colder than average at Mt Barker, SA ?
BOM doesn’t know. There is an empty space there where this information is usually given.
Maybe BOM are doubting heir own Stations at last ?
Or maybe they don’t want to publish anything which undermines their global warming nonsense !
Start to September in the UK has been unseasonably cold. Leaves on a few of our trees have begun turning and falling which doesn’t normally start until October.
Had the heating on the last 2 evenings – about a month early …… and now at 2.00 am, having taken the dogs out it feels like we may get a frost! Some weather forecasters are predicting an unusually cold September.
Maybe the solar minimum is beginning to bite – I was certain it was going to get COLDER when the IPCC kicked off their Climate Emergency propaganda last Autumn – trying to beat the earth Cooling.
But I haven’t got time to worry about that right now, I’m putting together my campaign team and strategy to fight a general election as the Brexit Party PPC (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate) for Oxford East. It’ll be a tough fight against a Labour (Left wing socialist) MP who had a huge majority, but the Brexit Party has some great policies and over 20,000 people in Oxford voted to Leave the EU.
I, like most of the 630 Brexit Party PPC, have never had ambitions to be an MP – BUT WE ALL HAVE A PASSIONATE BELIEF that we MUST Fight for Democracy, Sovereignty and to DELIVER the BREXIT that 17.4 million people voted for.
And what a great bunch they are, only a tiny handful have been involved in politics before. We include highly successful business people across all industries and services, farmers, fishermen, self employed, Health professionals including nurses and social workers, ex-Services (including a Rear Admiral), lorry drivers, students and far far more. A true cross section of Britain’s community with, unlike the career politicians that fill Westminster today, a wealth of real world and real life experience.
If you believe in Democracy and in politicians delivering what the public want then feel free to Wish us luck!
Well done and all strength to your arm Roger and also all the best to your fellow BP candidates.
Go for it Roger.
One thing you could remind your public:
A No Deal is not a bad thing: the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly the British Commonwealth) still exists and once the UK escapes the EU clutches, Commonwealth leaders will be queuing up outside No. 10 to sign trade deals. A No Deal will turn out to be a better deal than any trap set by the EU. Australia’s and New Zealand’s leaders have publicly said so.
And, yes, I wish you all the Best of Luck, indeed.
Win it by a huge margin!!!
… then clean out that treasonous Parliament …
Oxford might be a steep climb with all those academics & students there. Nor could most of the Academics be able to claim that Brexit would disadvantage them financially (not that it would stop them). Still, if they were to change away from Labour it would be to the Lib.Dems. or yourself, as the Conservatives are doing their best to wreck their chances.
And Annaliese Dodds has only been there for 2 years so won’t have much of a personal following. How do you think you will go around Cowley? If you get those who voted Labour & Leave transferring their votes to you, then her vote will be trimmed back quite considerably, and you will have a chance.
Good Luck Roger.
Just for your information, my data for August 2018 and 2019 here in the top of the South Island, NZ:
Year MMax Mmin Mean Min Max
2018 13.5° 1.4° 7.1° -1.6° 16.7°
2019 12.9° -0.5° 5.7° -4.7° 17.5°
Definitely cooler. Probably weather….
(Man, this system doesn’t like tables)
You can, sort of. Use the non-breaking space character to space things out for alignment (copy and paste is handy)
& nbsp ; (<- copy and delete the two inner spaces:
the one immediately after the & and the one immediately in front of the semi-colon.)
Duplicate `non-breaking spaces' are not removed during page rendering whereas multiple `standard' spaces are. Having some alignment is better than none. The above line has six nbsp's at the start of it to space it out.
Bula Dave,
so your mean max’s dropped from 13.5 to 12.9˚C and your mean min’s dropped below zero, uh-oh,
and you’ll be having a fresh dusting on the tops around Mt Arthur, yes?
Don’t tell Drs Salinger / Renwick otherwise they might call you silly names.
Still, you’re in the best place to be in a roaring southerly gale, and
good luck with those ‘catastrophic runaway existential temperatures’…
Report on my ongoing research:
In July President Trump held a Summit on new media bias against conservatives. The immediate left wing response was that there was no empirical evidence for such bias. They say it is all speculation. As Politico put it: “Republicans have not offered evidence of systemic discrimination against conservatives.”
However, I have developed a way to measure anti-conservative bias in Google News search results. My preliminary findings provide striking empirical evidence of extreme and systematic bias, a virtual smoking gun.
Simply put, links to conservative articles almost never appear in Google News search results. In some cases a token one or two show up, but in many cases there are none at all. At this point in my research the fraction of conservative links is less than 6%, or almost nothing.
Moreover, those few links that do appear are mostly to a few token sources, such as Fox News and the Washington Examiner. The vast majority of conservative news sources never appear in Google News search results. It is as though they do not exist. This is clear systematic bias.
I am now trying to get these results to the President’s people.
Conservatives don’t appear to care. Look at our situation. Here the case for bias against conservatives is loud and clear. As we all know the ABC is a perfect example. Yet the government not only does nothing it keeps funding the ABC. That would be a lot like a commercial enterprise funding another commercial enterprise that’s in direct competition. Is the LNP stupid or is it stupid?
Craig Kelly has to convince Ita to step up.
‘Outspoken Liberal MP Craig Kelly told a monarchist dinner the Commonwealth nation of Tuvalu is floating, not sinking, in comments that could reignite tensions with Australia’s Pacific neighbours just weeks after a major diplomatic incident.
‘Mr Kelly made the comments at an Australian Monarchist League function in Sydney on Friday night during a wide-ranging after-dinner speech in which he accused the ABC of covering up crucial information about climate change to suit its “green left agenda”. SMH
Yes and the ABC did a fact check and admitted that what he said about Tuvalu was correct.
well, maybe not the floating bit
Is Guam the only island in danger of tipping over? Surely not!
Good work, David.
Good work indeed.
check out Mark Levin’s Sunday night interview guest, psychologist Robert Epstein – an expert on search engine bias. Normally, the transcript of this Fox News program appears online at FNC by Monday.
Despite leaning left, Epstein’s research shows that Google is uniquely hard biased Left. Bing and Yahoo do not bias results in the way Google does. Therefore the power of Google – because so dominant by 90% – to steer undecided vote is profound
China and world news, the big picture:
Some people are tipping a hot war between china and the US by 2025 as a way to remove US debt to China.
Population in the US though expected to be reduced by 2/3 as a result. Russia could also weigh in with premptive first strike on the US via emp devices.
Or will China implode on itself and once again snatch failure from the jaws of real progress?
There are many Chinas, I’m not so convinced they get along, whatever Pooh says
Apparently Tim Ball’s web site is no longer accessible. It would be a shame that the articles he has written are not archived and accessible via the web.
It looks like someone has forgotten to renew the domain name.
Can someone contact him to remind him to renew it?
On the extraordinary chess game in UK politics.
In treacherous fashion, remainer Tories now with no party are reputedly negotiating directly with the EU, undercutting Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This is despite the fact that they were elected as Conservatives by the voters. Clearly they have their own opinions and the referendum is irrelevant to them. We had the same in Australia with Christoper Pyne’s Black Hand involving senior ministers including Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull openly conspiring against their own Prime Minister and party. They all resigned when they thought Labor was a certainty to win, largely thanks to their action.
Boris has said clearly he would refuse to obey parliament’s law to be ordered in an opposition bill supported by members of his own party to ask for an extension from Brussels and so challenging the opposition to remove him with an election or create a constitutional crisis.
Incredibly Labor, the SNP, the turncoat Tories do not want an election until November as the law could be overturned quickly by an incoming popular Tory parliament. And unless Boris resigns, there can be no caretaker government to stall until the deadline on October 31st. So what are they going to do, as they are already planning to ask a Law Court for an order binding on the Prime Minister? Challenge the separation of powers which is fundamental to Westminster democracy? Arrest the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street and bring him before a judge? Make him wait in a jail cell for contempt? Apparently they are serious.
What is a wild card is that Boris can and probably will advise the Queen not to sign an order of parliament, to do nothing at all. In leaving Boris in place, he is still her anointed Prime minister and he and the Queen’s ministers will advise her not to sign, she could simply do nothing as the law will not happen. Fascinating and unprecedented.
The Prime Minister who advises the Queen on such matters say truthfully that her government did not write the bill, her government does not support the bill and that the people of England in a referendum voted against the bill which would continue French and German control of English laws. Over 60% of English laws are now written by unelected officials in Brussels against the explicit challenges of her people. There were 300 formal objections to EU laws in one year, none of them accepted. Her parliament is surrendering their right to rule. After two world wars and the threats of Napoleon and the Kaiser and Hitler that would be unthinkable.
In leaving Boris as Prime Minister and in the exclusive position to advise the Queen, there is great peril for the scheming remainers who are refusing two offers to have an election when they clearly control parliament, not her government. This is absurd. Again, the Queen could make a statement that she does not want Brussels writing most English laws, bypassing her government at all levels and her parliament and her people. All by doing absolutely nothing.
So perhaps for the first time, expecting the Queen to give Royal Assent and sign may not be a formality. Not signing would reasonably force an election to rectify an absurdity in democracy, that the opposition has written a bill, approved a bill through both houses and submitted the bill against the explicit stated wishes of her government and her people for her assent. Wow! This is a coup.
And if the Queen simply refuses to give Royal Assent, there is nothing in law anyone can do. Clearly the bill does not represent the wish of her people. Nothing but an election will solve this, an election which the opposition twice refused to accept, demonstrating that they know the bill is unpopular and they could not win an election. Her simple refusal to sign as advised by Boris Johnson would be confirmation that the checks and balances from 1689 are working and that Royal Assent is not a mere formality if against the explicit wishes of the people and her government. I suspect the Queen may be up for it.
Boris has said he will disobey parliament, again goading his opposition to agree to an election. His own men want him arrested. They have seized power from her government without an election. This cannot stand. What’s next? Imprisonment in the tower of London?
Of course Queen Elizabeth could just sign, but it is an amazing situation that her Prime Minister and Ministers would ever advise her not to sign a bill from the parliament. Possibly checkmate for Boris. We will see.
It is not dissimilar to the politics in the US, where the attacks on President Trump and his family are vitriolic, interminable and extremely personal. Congress is at war with the President and Hollywood and the media are leading the charge, even arguing that the Federation of states should be ignored, that small states should be disenfranchised and only the large states, stuffed intentionally with illegal migrants should run America. This is a war by the elites of the US against the people and specifically against the people in the counties and smaller states.
Subjects like gun control are used to discredit Trump. This is after 16 years of Clinton and Obama doing absolutely nothing. Border control too where the detention system was put in place by Obama, not Trump. Here in Australia, mandatory detention was a Labor invention. Still they blame trump for kids in cages and want free health care, free education, free abortion and anchor babies and voting rights to illegal migrants and no borders.
And the most urgent, the biggest threat to the US is apparently Climate Change. And if Trump wants to bring Russia in from the cold, the other nuclear superpower, he is abused by Hollywood in the most insulting manner. Unbelievable.
It’s elites vs the people, in Australia with the Green Bankers Turnbull, the UK with openly anti Israel communist Corbyn and the US with Hollywood and the media trying to dictate socialism against the explicit wishes of the people. This by Hollywood actors who make a fortune pretending to be people they are not.
A successful BREXIT in seven weeks would be a breath of fresh air in world politics. And the capitalist elites and extreme socialist Greens will be furious. Good.
These two pieces are excellent. Who wrote them. Is it you TdF?
Thanks. I am amazed at possibly the greatest political conflict in the UK since Churchill or even Charles I. History is being made in so many ways, all the revolt of the people against the ruling classes from the Gilet Jaunes to the people in the thousands of little towns in the US and the people of Queensland in Australia. Rule by the bankers and for the bankers, once again in league with the power hungry communists who call themselves socialists.
Well Marx and his grubby manifesto apparently were paid for by the elite..nice way to have a global managed “conflict” if you can control both sides…..
There was a political dustup in 1910. The 1910-1911 Constitutional Crisis resulted in the House of Lords “reform” wherein it lost a lot of its power.
Thanks again TdeF, great perspective.
Where do you reside? Are you, perhaps in the UK? Could you pop around to No. 10 and give Boris your sound advice? Your tactics would be a winner for the best solution — a No-Deal Brexit!
TdeF’s in Melbourne. Please TdeF, send what you wrote above to Boris. Those Tory remoaners are traitors; they are the ones who should be in the Tower of London, along with that appalling pipsqueak of a speaker.
I am sick at heart at what is going on in my native country.
Same with mine Annie, except I call it my Naive country.
And here I am trapped with the two countries that have been my Raison d’etra in total turmoil. Born in the old country with proud, undefeatable British Bulldog forebears, migrating to the new world to improve the lives of their offspring! Australia, once the richest country with the highest standard of living in the world going down the gurgler. Sadly the only difference is the direction of rotation!
Same here Sambar. I’ve thought that I was very fortunate to be a native of England and a citizen of my adopted country Australia. They are both going down the plughole at the moment and it is very distressing.
I suspect Boris, if he hasn’t thought of it already, will be in a position to realise the opportunity and the sense of it. He is a very clever man who was educated at the European school Brussels and won a King’s Scholarship to Eton and later President of the Oxford union while he studied at Balliol College. He was also editor of the Spectator, a must read magazine in Australia too.
So how can he really present such a bill for routine signature when he is against it, his cabinet is against it and the people are against it, but he will present it and he does advise the Queen and she takes his advice. It is an extraordinary situation for a Prime Minister to present such a document.
The Queen always has had the option of not giving assent and I expect very familiar with history and her constitutional role and power. In nearly seventy years as Queen of England, I suspect she has never been put in this position and it may be a unique time to assert the power given to her by the parliament. With good reason.
Or the pen may just run out of ink and supplies of Royal ink may have also run out and a Bic Biro simply will not do because it is French.
I am just highlighting one of the many paths to stopping the bill itself intended to stop Boris by forcing him to do something he does not want to do.
As he said, he would rather be dead in a ditch than ask for an extension from Macron and Merkel. And Queen Elizabeth does take the advice of her ministers, not the leader of the Opposition and a few Conservative turncoats in a coup. There is no constitutional crisis. It is her right and duty to say no to this British surrender bill written to please the French and Germans.
I think something is definitely going behind the scenes ( Dominic Cummings is no fool). I found it fascinating that when the Benn bill went to the House of Lords where the Govt. supporting Lords had already prepared 100+ amendments ready for debate –so in effect ready to filibusters the bill the message can in from No 10 to not worry about it and let it go through. Plan B was obviously in play.
This guy proposes a possible solution for Boris :
I came across this article earlier which gives interesting research data on the young voters and Brexit. In general(ie not just related to Brexit) I am sure similar findings would be found in Australia and NZ
As my main comment at 6.3 has been in prorogation for over 6 hours now I will try again here and see if this gets through.
We keep hearing that Cummings is no fool and that he and Moggy have considered every possibility, but when the aim is to stop enemy goals, what kind of master-tactician deliberately lets a goal through that he could have entirely avoided for another 5 weeks? — make that 6 weeks because it would take them another week to resurrect it after prorogation. That would leave Boris & Co roughly 1 sitting week to parry any further assaults from the Rebels before the 31st.
You’re also assuming that Cummings is in charge of tactics and that Boris is doing as he is told. I think that’s a large leap. Only Boris knows what Boris is doing. I know he likes to play the fool as a tactic, but when is he going to start acting rationally? You don’t play to lose if you want to win.
What rabbit do they have in their hat that nobody else can imagine or are they trying to manufacture a situation where they can demonstrate their ability to withhold Royal Assent to block anything? Whatever Plan B is it’ll want to be a ripper.
I was suggesting one specific rabbit. After all, they instructed the House of Lords to let the bill pass, after much discussion of a filibuster to stop it. There is obviously a plan. There are just too many smart people on Boris’ side gaming this thing. And the other side is very scared of an election, so they are very restricted in what they can do, which leaves Boris with the power of Prime Minister, a formidable position. The Tory remainers have lost their seats, a disaster. Both Tories and Labor are scared of the BREXIT party with Farage. A Johnson/Farage party would be unstoppable and Labor would be devastated and Tories and Labor who voted against BREXIT will be in strife.
So I noted some Labor who voted against the bill to stop BREXIT on 31st October. They might hold their seats.
You see Labor comes from the poorer classes, the ones most hurt by the loss of manufacturing, shipbuilding, laboring, country jobs, the very ones who are solid Labor voters for generations, the Unions, the Scots and in Northern Ireland. The fake European Elections showed the devastation wrought in the country by the Anti Brexit stance of both Corbyn and Teresa May and her male twin, former Chancellor Phillip Hammond who has been exposed as a hardline anti BREXIT politician.
I believe BREXIT also kicks the stumps out from under Climate Change dictated by the EU. And the struggling Germans cannot afford to hurt their biggest export market for BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Skoda. Not so much the French cars though. The English seem to hate weird French cars.
In the Express one journalist argues “In the British Government, the monarch has no real decision-making power whatsoever and her role is entirely symbolic.”
Royal Assent Act 1967
1967 CHAPTER 23
Signification of Royal Assent.
(1)An Act of Parliament is duly enacted if Her Majesty’s Assent thereto, being signified by Letters Patent under the Great Seal signed with Her Majesty’s own hand
So despite the opinion of some commentators that the Queen must sign the Letters Patent. In choosing she is, as always, advised by her Prime Minister and he retains the confidence of the House as they refused to have a vote of No Confidence. The Queen will do as she is advised, as she did in proroguing parliament.
If the house had a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson or agreed to an election, the bill would be dead but they are sending him as their emissary with their authority and of course he is free to advise the Queen not to sign, no matter how extraordinary that advice would seem. He is not obliged by the bill to advise the Queen to sign. That is simply assumed and perhaps wrongly.
You wonder if anyone has thought this through. I suspect that like her father in the case of Winston Churchill, the Queen will be on the side of what she judges is good for the country, as long as it does not bring her into conflict with parliament and as the representative of parliament is not Jeremy Corbyn but her Prime Minister Boris Johnson, she will take his advice.
And what I like about it is that she does not have to do anything at all. The situation will sort itself out, as long as she does not sign.
It’s the onerous bill which strips her Prime Minister of his prerogative and forces him to do something his government has not decided to do and even orders him to agree to the EU extension
and sets times on that agreement. The bill removes all Boris Johnson’s freedom of action as her Prime Minister. If the Queen does not agree, the plotters have a clear course of action.
A vote of no confidence or an immediate election. Not signing, doing nothing seems quite attractive and effective.
Thanks TdeF,
There is one more thing and perhaps you have a view.
The Prime Minister in Britain is not elected by his party MPs, not anymore.
The PM was elected by the ordinary members of the Conservative party.
Does that mean that the parliament cannot remove the PM, even if they vote a no confidence motion?
It may be that the stalemate in parliament persists until the due date of Brexit rolls around.
For what little it’s worth, this is not an unprecedented situation in government. We have similar issues in the US,
where a bill held but not signed for ten days is vetoed (pocket veto). There are also interesting issues around the end of a legislative term, and when the legislature is in recess. One thinks this may be one of those times when it is good to have a queen – especially with an unwritten constitution.
There are three conflicting values here, and as always, disputes among them are difficult; the will of the majority, the wishes of the elite (the majority of wealth and informal power), and the ‘good of the country’. The Queen can claim to act “for the good of the country”, and most probably have a final word where a constitutional system would have to resolve itself based on the willingness of a govenrment in power to accept the ‘final’ word of a constitutional supreme court. The personal gravitas of the Queen and reverence for the institution could carry the day here. Great post Tdef.
If Her Majesty doesn’t sign a law into legality, she has the option to return it to the Commons, with reasons, and demand amendments. I don’t know how often the Sovereign can do it.
I don’t think Boris needs this advice, having already planned his strategy. He intends stalling until a no-deal Brexit is an inevitability.
So the EU will offer an extension, so what? Boris just ‘agrees’ with certain conditions. The EU splutters insults & can’t do anything.
So the Remainers force a bill through Parliament? Boris is within his rights (as P.M.) not to submit the Bill to the Queen for approval, and such unapproved Bill would lapse when the Prorogation comes into force (next Tuesday?).
So parliament votes No Confidence for Boris? He can fiddle around for 14 days then call an election.
All these frantic efforts to suspend leaving are playing right into Boris’s hands. An election will happen, and Boris has a say when it is held. Can you guess who is going to win?
If it is before the end of October then Labour will undoubtedly lose lots of seats to the Brexit Party in the North & Midlands, so they won’t be able to form a government. The Liberal Democrats & the Scottish Nationals will pick up a few seats each, but nowhere near as many as Labour will lose.
The public outside London will see Boris as their champion, trying to serve “the will of the people”, and battling against the odds instead of caving in. That leaves the Conservatives as the largest Party, possibly with a majority. No majority? Then a coalition with the Brexit Party delivers him government.
If the election is held AFTER Oct.31 then the Labour, Lib. Dems and the ex-Tory Remainers will have no case at all, and will lose heavily. The Brexit Party won’t have a case (except to claim that they are needed ‘just in case’) but would almost certainly still pickup seats from Labour as those who voted for Leave desert the Party for fighting the very thing they claimed to be in favour of in the previous election.
Yes, what’s extraordinary about the situation is that on a constituency basis Leave carried 63% and one could suppose that the elected members, being “honourable”, would vote in accordance with the wishes of their respective electoral majorities (whom they represent irrespective of personal views) and that this would have all been over very quickly.
It’s a lamentable contemporary commonplace that representative democracy speaks only for vested interests.
You could be right. He may have another plan. His public pronouncements are probably intended to provoke a reaction. However refusing to go to an election and refusing to have a vote of no confidence has shown that the opposition are calculating too and expect the frustrate his plans while they clearly control parliament from opposition. Technically though, they are not her Majesty’s government and do not advise the Queen.
My point was simply that by refusing to sign under advice from her Prime Minister, as she did in proroguing parliament, Boris Johnson kills the bill dead. At 93, the Queen might be more than prepared to accept the advice of her Prime Minister and make a difference, confirming that she is not a pushover for the EU and unlike the EU, Britain is still a constitutional monarchy and this is of real value. Not signing is so simple and so easy, it may not be anticipated in this Byzantine intrigue.
And if HRH doesn’t sign, and the press and the “remainers” go after her, and try to ridicule her.
… Imagine the reaction from the British public !!
It’s very hard to criticize the Queen for taking advice from her parliament, represented entirely by her Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The press would not dare. No tea party for them, no knighthoods or awards or invitations. The Royals sell a lot of press.
After all the Queen was not criticized for agreeing to proroguing parliament as advised by her Prime Minister. His advice is trusted.
It’s also hard to criticize anyone for taking the advice of the legal representative of the Parliament and doing nothing means doing nothing wrong either. There is no sin of omission. Parliament’s simple and immediate options remain a vote of no confidence or an election. The choice is still theirs if they want a signature. Win the election and get the new Prime Minister to advise.
Andy, she is HM, not HRH.
Her Royal Highness.. not correct ?
Apologies !
Megan is HRL – Her Royal Lowness.
But her husband is HRH as a Prince of the Realm.
Dont know why people have it in for Meegs, someone they can only “know” via the msm
Just to give some legal background to what TdeF has posted.
Boris has had 2 initial victories in the courts — including the prominent Gina Miller/John Major case — with the judges ruling that this prorogation is legal. Both those cases are now on appeal, in Miller’s case to the Full Supreme Court with 9 judges presiding, the Lords Justice returning early from their annual holiday break just for Gina. It’s nice to have mates in the legal establishment who push your case through all the way to the Supreme Court in a few days, while Brexiteers have to wait months for an initial hearing. One other similar case is still in progress in Belfast.
The Remainers moved an emergency motion to take control of business in the House of Commons, so naturally Speaker Bercow obliged. The anti-No-Deal bill that passed this week in the Commons derived from the emergency motion and as such by convention could not be amended by the House to give it more teeth, but Bercow trashed that convention.
That bill should have also been stopped at the 3rd reading by the Speaker as it is in conflict with the Royal Prerogative of the government to engage in treaties (tying Boris’s hands in EU negotiations), but Bercow waved it through in total contravention of parliamentary convention and constitutional rules. In simplistic terms, he by-passed the Queen. Naughty.
That’s 2 major parliamentary conventions trashed by the Commons Speaker in one day (in addition to Bercow’s previous convention trashing). Not bad for the Mother of Parliaments.
The bill still had to go through the Lords, and Brexiteer lords were going to filibuster it with over 100 amendments (the HOL has different rules to the Commons), each of which has to be debated and voted on twice by normal convention. That should have wasted enough time for prorogation to kick in, after which the bill — as unfinished business — would automatically fall at prorogation.
After 10 hours of boring monologues the Tories did a deal which allowed the bill to pass!!! Nobody seems to know exactly what went on there. I think that’s fish you can smell. I’m not sure why you would throw away a perfect opportunity to win the battle now, just as I am not sure why Boris has thrown away several opportunities to knobble the opposition.
One amendment to have an election before the anti-Brexit Bill came into force was voted down 283 to 28 — that’s what democracy is up against in the Lords. These are folks who don’t need to fear an election to retain their jobs like the Commons MPs, yet are still virulently opposed to a vote by the people.
The new revelation that rebel Tory and Opposition MPs have been secretly negotiating an international treaty with 27 foreign powers without sanction by the government or the Head of State is completely outrageous. Engaging in foreign affairs is the exclusive realm of the executive — ministers of the government. The Rebels’ actions are unlawful and unconstitutional.
In their secret negotiations the Rebels apparently had assurances from the EU Council that an extension to the Article 50 Brexit date was a given and drafted their anti-Brexit Bill specifically to be in line with the EU tactics. It is also suspected that other as yet unknown international agreements were entered into by the same Rebels.
John Bercow is the HOC Speaker from hell: blatantly biased against Brexit; abusing his powers; trashing parliamentary conventions left and right.
Two can play the convention-breaking game however as TdeF alluded to. This was the hot topic in legal circles even before the latest revelations. When the bill passes, Boris could withhold it from Her Maj rather than passing it on as per usual for royal assent, or recommend assent not be given on various grounds, including unconstitutionality, or other permutations of blocking assent, thus stopping it from becoming law.
Unconstitutionality would normally have to be tested in the courts and any court case arising from this would be rushed through by a compliant judiciary like the Miller cases, probably before the Oct 31st Brexit deadline, so you couldn’t rely on the case dragging on and causing a default WTO Brexit.
However, the new revelations have given Boris some serious ammunition to refuse assent on the basis of the illegality of the Bill’s perpetrators. This Bill was framed and based on the illegal negotiations of the Rebels, and as I said above, it is in conflict with the Royal Prerogative of the government to engage in treaties. Royal Consent was also not sought. On face value it would appear to be a no-brainer to withhold assent.
It comes down to whether Boris recommends withholding of assent or the Queen herself refuses assent. The Rebels can’t take the Queen to court. Withholding assent was already being urged by a number of legal commentators as the tactic to break the deadlock with a rogue parliament that won’t enact the express will of the people and also refuses to submit to an election.
Due to tactical abstentions by Labour, Boris didn’t come within a bull’s roar of getting the vote of 2/3 of sitting members required to trigger an election, and is due to move a second motion for an election on Monday. He has since directly called for the people to pressure their MPs to vote for an election.
Withholding assent would seem to be the main shot in Boris’s locker, followed by an election, extending prorogation, and the ever-diminishing time to the Oct 31st deadline. Thus far Boris has been extremely disappointing, fumbling about, squandering vital opportunities and losing at every turn, but you never know what Boris is up to.
Boris has stated that he “would rather be dead in a ditch” than seek another Brexit extension. He was still intent on some sort of deal but the actions of the Rebels must have made him think twice.
In related news, leaked documents show that Soros is funding the anti-Brexit group Best for Britain to the tune of about £5.6 million to stop Brexit. It is thought to have bankrolled the 2 main anti-Brexit court cases and is currently trying to infiltrate the unions with propaganda and its political commissars. Its action plan has been splashed across the Daily Mail.
On a lighter note: In the UK the viewership of Netflix and free to air TV has dropped because Brexit on YouTube is unaccountably more entertaining than BBC fake-news or Police Academy VIII re-runs or suicidal walrus docos by aged global warming propagandists.
Good stuff. Many thanks. Clear and better detailed factually, in time order and in legal argument. Bercow is a villain. The convention of no one standing against him will be ended but he joins the throng who care more about stopping BREXIT than their jobs. After ten years as speaker, he could not care less. He has his pension and his place in history and has thrown mandatory impartiality out the window.
The sudden change in view to allow the bill through the House of Lords is suspicious and indicates clearly that Boris has a far better plan than just stalling.
The trap for the remainers is of their own making. The only way to stop Boris is to remove him as PM and the only way to remove him is an immediate election, which is exactly what Boris wants. Refusing an election and refusing to have a vote of confidence means Labor cares more about stopping BREXIT than about the people. They are trapped in their contradiction, both for and anti BREXIT.
Besides, stalling an election until November sends the clear message that they know they cannot win an election until they stop BREXIT and then hang it around Boris’ neck. It just won’t work. Not with Farage ready to move.
Many things can change. Once snookered, I believe a very frustrated Corbyn will assert his real authority and call an election because he has his own conspirators who care more about stopping BREXIT than getting Corbyn elected, which is what he cares about. It would be high farce for both sides to be crossing the floor, one to prevent an election and the other also to stop BREXIT.
Where Boris Johnson is 55, consider Jeremy is now 70 years old and has already waited for four years for the job. He can’t afford to hang on for another five years. He wants his chance now. Otherwise he is history.
(Very similar to Bernie Sanders in the US at 78. And Joe Biden at 76. They manage to make President Trump look young and fit for a second term at a low 73. Fauxcohontas Elizabeth Warren is 70. Ronald Reagan was 69 and Trump at 70 when elected, the oldest President in US history where JFK was only 43 and Bill Clinton 46 and Barack Obama 47. The oldest PM as first elected in the UK was Palmerston at 70.)
I have been watching the yet channel, “the Duran.” From watching this my understanding is the the PM can decide not to present the legislation to the Queen for Royal Ascent, during the Parliamentary Session. The session soon finishes, and the the legislation would lapse.
Yt (YouTube) channel. Damn autocorrect!
🙂 I remember when Edmund Hillary ascended Everest.
Me too! I was a little kid in primary shool.
Ugh! “school”.
You have my assent to make that correction.
I surprised you can type assent and not go into moderation here.
Some more on the question of “Do these blocking highs need a continent to anchor to?”
“Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections, Mark II”
“Readers of Watts Up With That will know from Mark I that for six years I have been trying to publish a manuscript with the post title. Well, it has passed peer review and is now published at Frontiers in Earth Science: Atmospheric Science.
The paper demonstrates that climate models have no predictive value.”
This may well turn out to be one of the most important posts EVER !
Huge ramifications ! Dr Evans …. please give us your opinion ! And everyone else also , of course .
Looked here to see if anyone else picked this up. I agree with Bob completely. This may well turn out to be one of the most important posts EVER! The fact that Pat Frank persisted for six years against the climate establishment and now has independent peer reviewers is worth noting. I’ve emailed the link widely, including a warmest professor and his Club Of Rome comrades!
“The analysis upsets the entire IPCC applecart. It eviscerates the EPA’s endangerment finding, and removes climate alarm from the US 2020 election. There is no evidence whatever that CO₂ emissions have increased, are increasing, will increase, or even can increase, global average surface air temperature”
In the same vein.. i suspect may of you missed this late night post which is well eorth reviewing for its revealing content…..
…and its incredibly bad video presentation !!
The authors of the papers (Dr Ronan & Michael Connolly).
In summary they Show
1) the distortion of Heat Iland effect on the IPCC data source.
2) the clear correlation between actual temperatures and Sun Cycles.
3). New analysis that completely debunks the entire claimed “Greenhous Gas” effect
The Models.
The claim is that CO2 variation can cause a linked variation in atmospheric temperature and since too many interactive factors are present there is justification in using models.
This is wrong. The first step is to state the claim clearly so that the scientific basis is visible.
As previously outlined:
A view of the process might be;
“The high energy Radiation from the Sun has only ONE ENERGY PATHWAY.
It must always be degraded in it’s INTENSITY and capacity to heat an object or do work.
Inbound solar is high energy short wave.
From there it degrades and eventually leaves Earth’s holding bays, ground, ocean and Atmosphere, as low intensity IR – Long Waves.
The Warmer theme that you can store up low energy radiation (Ground Origin IR ) and convert it to high energy – shorter wave radiation and beam it back to ground is Scientifically NUTSO.
That is the only way to describe it.
Totally Impossible.
All of this “Climate Science” has been done on PAPER or inside the bounds of a COMPUTER and there has never been any associated physical measurement or experimentation”.
That analysis on its own should confirm that the concept of “heat trapping or back_radiation” is flawed on the basis of it being contrary to the basic laws of science and thermodynamics.
The only graphed data linking temperatures to CO2 levels comes out of the last half a million years where repeated glaciation at approximate intervals of one hundred thousand years suggests that CO2 levels are in fact “pushed” by temperature; the reverse of the IPCCCCC claims.
No, the back radiation is also long wavelength, just like the outgoing radiation that is absorbed. However, since all of the absorbed radiation is converted to heat and lost to the surrounding air, the molecule that eventually radiates it up or down will not be the molecule that originately absorbed it, so it is merged with a lot of other absorbed radiation energy and loses its identity. Most CO2 absorbed radiation energy is probably later radiated (up and down) by water vapor.
But there is no thermo dynamics problem here. However, none of this entails that increasing CO2 will increase temperature. That is the huge confusion. Many, probably most, alarmist probably believe that because CO2 is a GHG, increasing it must increase temperature. This is fundamentally false.
Going a bit pedantic aren’t we?. If the atmosphere warms, and this is in part due to the actions of GHG’s, then CO2 must have a role in that increase.
WRONG again, PF
There is NO EVIDENCE that atmospheric CO2 has any role in the slight but highly beneficial warming.
You are still making empty meaningless comments.
Despite the fact that the CO2 increase is not man made, it also blocks only a tiny part of the spectrum and is otherwise invisible (except to Greta Thunburg) unlike water in mists, fog, clouds, rain, steam. And that part of the spectrum affected is already blocked by existing CO2. Increase CO2 further and the blocking is no worse. So the maximum greenhouse gas effect of CO2 was reached long ago. Further increases are and have been inconsequential.
The discussion about the Greenhouse Gas Effect (or Theory as I call it) goes around and around.
One point of variation is this;
1. IR from the warm ground heats the AIR. This proposition was porportedly demonstrated by Bill Nye in his Climate 101 video and also Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock on a BBC video and also the Mythbusters.
2. IR from the ground is absorbed by greenhouse gases and is rerediated in all directions (immediately). Because half the radiation goes down it is ABSORBED by the ground and helps to insulate the ground from radiative heat loss.
Neither proposition has been demonstrated convincingly to occur in the real atmosphere.
I incline to proposition 1. despite the poor quality experiments which did not prove anything. If IR from the ground heats the AIR, then the ground is cooled. The hot air goes away by convection or advection and the process repeats over and over.
The effect of low clouds does inhibit IR cooling of the ground, but a cloud is not gas.
Peter Fitzroy,
“If the atmosphere warms, and this is in part due to the actions of GHG’s, then CO2 must have a role in that increase.”
Without verified observational data you have nothing.
You’ re just blathering on with more terminological inexactitude designed to confuse but unfortunately it doesn’t. Your argument are as usual dull, unscientific, and illogical.
No Peter, without evidence you have nothing.
For your education — Connollys clearly stated their findings: “The data from the weather balloons has shown quite categorically there is no greenhouse effect.” See:
And, as to Peter C point 1., the demonstrations are faulty due to a failure to control for pressure.
As the gas in a fixed volume is irradiated it is unable to expand, thus the pressure increases and the temperature rises.
This cannot occur in the atmosphere as the average surface pressure is always the mass of the atmosphere divided by the surface area of the earth.
In the atmosphere, as a parcel of air warms it expands; becomes less dense than the air around it, thus rises/convects.
How the air is heated (whether conduction or radiative absorption from the surface) is of no consequence.
I’ve pondered for decades about radiation and suggest it’s not as simple as ingoing and outgoing, absorbed or reflected. Most of the diagrams and discussions I’ve seen assume radiation is perpendicular to the ground whether absorbed or reflected. This is clearly untrue.
Surely a great deal of incoming radiation is refracted, perhaps as much as 60%. I first observed this when managing commercial greenhouses. Aligned north/south both sides of the greenhouse absorbed the same amount of radiation and overnight bench temperatures were almost identical. From very early days my view was that only fools would align a greenhouse east west!
One role I was given involved several insulated 75M long tunnel houses growing vegetable and tea tree seedlings by the millions in speeding cells. It was set up with in ground hot water heating, double skinned and inflated roof sections and the latest fertigation systems but the owners had aligned the greenhouses east/west. This meant most of the radiation from the sun was refracted away from the south side of the greenhouses, particularly in winter.
I first twigged to the problem when tomato seedlings on the south side of the heated tunnels failed to perform. The owners did not believe me until we set up bench temperature monitoring probes. Even with the in ground heating, there was 8 degrees C difference in overnight temperatures at the bench between the south and north sides of the greenhouse.
Water was pumped through a network of poly pipes in the greenhouse sand floor at night but because there was no natural heating of the south side of the east west aligned tunnels the floor temps were always lower than the floor temps of the north side. They started off lower when the heating was switched on and never caught up during the night. Even during the day there was a difference at the benches unless the vents were all closed, a recipe for fungal and other issues.
I’ve long believed that CO2 is a gas of life and that the climate catastrophists are missing something. Perhaps what the models are missing is an allowance for refraction?
David, is there some kind of clue you can provide as to why CO2 is a poor choice in double glazed windows? It would seem intuitive to use CO2 instead of Argon. I suspect i am not looking at the big picture with respect to phenomena like conduction, or radiative absorption/other.
There were some actual experiments done using different gasses in between double glazing
CO2 provided worst insulation, ie MORE transfer of heat than did normal air.
You may be able to find the link via…
More transfer by conduction maybe…i will find out one day…Thanks AndyG55
I have actually performed a similar experiment. Read Coray helped me with the data analysis.
My experimental apparatus consisted of a glass thermos flask with the vacuum and the silvering removed. Air and CO2 were tested in the flask gap. The flask was then filled with hot water and the rate of cooling was measured by using a thermometer in the water with a stopper in the top of the flask. As I recall the CO2 performed worse than air as an insulator.
It was suggested that the higher density of CO2 caused increased conduction.
I might repeat the experiment, also testing CH4 (natural gas, also a greenhouse gas) as compared to air and CO2.
Just think of raising atmospheric CO2 from 0.03% to 0.04% as adding a few strands of copper to a copper wire.
CO2 is a “conductor” for radiation because of its radiative properties.
KK… can you refer to any scientific publication that claims that CO2 absorbs in IR and emits in shorter wavelengths.
This could result in the complete removal of thousand of analytical papers and the dumping of quite a lot of expensive equipment.
If you re read the comment it should be clear that I was attributing that claim to the warmers.
and where have they claimed this?
Scientific logic.
A gas at elevation is briefly excited by specific absorption.
The back radiation claim is that energy from CO2 can then move back to ground level.
e.g. CO2 at 5000 metres is at a temperature of about minus 10C.
The warmers say that the energy absorbed can be radiated back to ground at say 15C.
It can only do this IF the emitted energy is at a higher energy level than ground, i.e. Shorter wavelength e.g. UV.
We know this can’t happen.
They don’t.
So nothing but Slayer branded physics.
Which you are TOTALLY INCAPABLE of countering !
If you had even the most basic knowledge of radiation physics, GA, you would know that KK is correct
Again, it is your base-level ignorance that is leading you down the PF sludge-for-brains path.
The mean free path of radiation in the CO2 band is some 10m at 1 atm.
Even the widest bands are totally absorbed within 100m
Radiation from 5000m cannot warm anything anywhere near ground level.. neither can it slow natural cooling.
The net flux of the CO2 band of radiation remains OUTWARD from the planets surface.
Radiation from a body at -10ºC cannot warm a body at 15ºC
Also the re-emission time of CO2 is a couple of magnitudes slower than the collisional time, so CO2 doesn’t get much of a chance to emit below about 11km.
Any tiny amount of intercepted out-going long-wave radiation is IMMEDIATELY thermalised to the remaining 99.96% of the atmosphere where any infinitesimal warming is dealt with by natural gravity controlled convection.
There is NO WARMING by increased atmospheric CO2
That is why there is no empirical evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2
… no matter how much PF and his boot-licker try to pretend there is.
Keith is claiming that CO2 can’t emit towards Earth. This claim is not that it makes no difference, not that it is tiny, not that it is irrelevant, not that it is flux. His claim is it can’t. His claim is that the packet of energy that the molecule absorbed has to re-emit away from a higher source of energy. ie not towards Earth but towards space but avoiding the sun and any stars or other cosmic energy sources, even if that photon will not reach them for billions of years. It must predict where those sources will be located far into the future.
He will have some sort of convoluted theory that allows tiny amounts of low energy radio to be transmitted directly to a high energy earth by deep space probes.
Mods. Something to please consider is assumption laden passive abuse-
when it seems to fill every second sentence comment. I know that the most common users of such a tactic are venting personal frustration, but they are not doing it in retaliation.
Read some really weird stuff here:
Is that you Peter?
Poor GA, crying at being called out for his obvious lack of scientific knowledge and comprehension.
Do something about it rather than whining and carrying on like a child.
ie go and LEARN something !!
Stop showing everyone that you just don’t have a clue.
CO2 DOES NOT and CAN NOT “trap” heat
The net outward IR flux does not and HAS NOT changed as CO2 has increased.
It is still totally in line with solar forced global atmospheric temperatures.
Keep sprouting your anti-science fantasies, GA.
Its all you have left.
Another Ian,
You may wish to view this paper Predictability of Weather and Climate by V. Krishnamurthy at where he points out that due to lack of understanding and knowledge, predictions of weather and climate are fraught. Beyond 10 day the predictive value of either types of modeling is just too inaccurate.
Also here shows how the modelers of CMIP Phase 6 (CMIP6) flounder around trying to get their oversized triangular peg into a round hole.
The default position is, ‘if in doubt ‘parameterize’ and retune the model to the required output.’
My argument, correct me if Im wrong, is that NO model can accurately include the most significant (only in reality) driving force (energy input) is the Sun, and with that isnt just the IR flux its the solar magnetic storms and spot numbers etc, which are impossible to predict, with known physics and measurement. These event greatly, and theres been papers published, affect the weather and climate. The spot numbers are statistical although the cycle is roughly known but not exact.
Im sure the ‘models’ just work on constant solar input, known circulation theory and (non existent) CO2 warming.
Site problem very slow and unreliable today ((
it is publications like this which make visiting this site worthwhile. Interestingly Nature also is saying roughly the same thing
ie… climate computer models are TOTALLY USELESS for any purpose except propaganda.
Even the climate priest admit as such, but STILL keep up the FARCE. So funny.
BUT FINALLY … PF understands and realises what a load of JUNK NON-SCIENCE they really are.
Since the Met wasted $120 million on a Cray supercomputer, they need to justify it by running endless climate models which have been preprogrammed to supply the desired result of warming. It keeps a lot of science and computer types on good salaries occupied, which means higher budgets can be asked for. And that is the reason for existence of most bureaucracies.
The High Priests of Climate hath spoken.
The models are useful though, for they inform the logical and more informed citizens (both scientist and lay people alike) that they are highly inaccurate and most probably not the best method of trying to predict this planet’s climate’s evolution. Of note is these models’ error bars multiply faster than the predictive value of their outputs over time have confidence levels for their climate evolution that render them useless …
Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections
Patrick Frank*
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA, United States
ps.. no-one can “distil credible information” from JUNK science which has ZERO credibility.
They are fooling themselves.. and their brain-washed toadies.
A hint to the writers of the Nature babble.
Look at the Russian model…
basically zero CO2 sensitivity,
and the only one that comes within cooee of actual real temperatures.
I am awaiting the arrival of “climate” (temperature) models at the first step.
Because, as sure as sh*t, they haven’t made it yet.
Why do people think mathematical models are the “bees knees”? They have a very high strike rate of failure in most fields of endeavour
The modelers have taken over the field, forcing the empiricist so out, in part because modeling is much cheaper per result than observation. More articles per dollar, which the funders love. That is how they measure success for their bosses.
I did a study awhile back and found that something like 94% of all journal articles that mention global warming also mention models.
There is a tacit assumption that models are right most of the time. Computers do not make things right. Garbage in, Garbage out is more the expectation. Still we are told that models predict things and the presumption is that they are right. So what has been predicted by the Climate Models which has turned out to be spot on? Consider also that they are starting from a huge base of existing data and shouldn’t be too far wrong in the short term.
The other test of models is to start them at some time in the past and predict the known future. How did the models go in predicting the 20th century accurately? You cannot predict the future if you cannot duplicate past data using the same models. In Melbourne I called off my bike ride because the winds were predicted to be 30-45km/hr with rain, hail, cloud cover and instead it was a warm morning with a bright blue sky, no wind, no cloud and no rain and no hail but I am to believe that climate models are much more accurate? There’s a strange pulling on my leg.
Silly you, using a climate model for your ride.
What you suggest (running forward to a known end state) has been done, and the results are used as a feedback to the original model
WOW, yet another load of mindless garbage gobblegoop from PF.
Again showing he has absolutely zero comprehension of anything even remotely connected to real science.
But that is only true if the precursor of the anticipated end state is accurately predicted prior to the enactment of the process under assessment.
Should that mid process data not be available then the initial baseline would be eliminated from the assessment resulting in substantial disconfirmation of the proposed analytical pathway.
I hope that helps.
Kinky Kalm Keith. KKK.
David, true modelling requires observation, and the truth is that models are only justified when data confirms a linkage but the process is clouded by the presence of too many factors to allow a simple analysis.
Fitz just read the comments in Pat Frank’s post at wuwt to grasp the excitement of a paradigm shift.
I did read the paper, and although I’m a fan of the reductio ad absurdum, and all its variants, there is a kernel in there which is taken up in the Nature paper. Reading WUWT comments, why would that enlighten anything?
(please note: we are talking about models, they are not reality, although we do think they can come close. Models which come close to our view of reality, are called laws, but they are still falsifiable)
You might have read it, but comprehend, you did not.
You are certainly a fan of the absurd, its all you babble about.
Climate models DO NOT come anywhere near close to reality.
Your scientific and engineering illiteracy is leading down some very junk-science paths… and you don’t seem to be able to find your way out.
“Models which come close to our view of reality, are called laws”
No, models which have perfect predictability are called laws and usually enshrined in mathematical formula which allow computation.
If one prediction is wrong, the model is wrong. After all the predictions over the last 31 years since Man Made Global Warming was invented, all the climate models have proven to be quite wrong.
There are constraints though in modeling. Newtons’s three laws were not broken by Einstein’s proposition that on a galactic scale at near the speed of light things are different or Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle at a tiny nuclear level with which even Einstein disagreed. For our slow human world of kinematics though, Newton is right to so many decimal places you would lose count.
Amazingly in science, there are very few laws.
There are no laws which have perfect predictability.
Such as?
Let me give you a few
From Sir Isaac Newton
Conservation of energy
Conservation of mass (without nuclear conversion)
Conservation of momentum
CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O and all of Stoichometric Chemistry, which is really conservation of mass.
and all of the wonders of mathematics, the basis of Rational Science, thanks to Rene Descartes and friends down the centuries.
Not sure what this argument means. Predictability?
Take F=ma – first of all it is not a law, it is a definition. Force is defined as mass times acceleration. But getting past that, predicting any one of the components using that equation is very difficult in most circumstances and estimates are required. Take the force of a car accelerating. You have to measure mass and the acceleration. So immediately errors in the prediction due to measurement . Then we compare the estimate with measured force (ie predict). But the measured force is an estimate with errors since the force might not all propagate into the measuring device which has its own precision and accuracy.
Again, PF shows his deep and DELIBERATE ignorance of all things physics, maths, and science in general.
Some models have predictable and CONTINUOUSLY VALIDATED outcomes.
Check after check after check.. almost continuously.
Climate models, on the other hand have FAILED at the very first hurdle.
There are so many of them, covering such a wide range of erroneous outcomes, that there is no possible way they could EVER be validated.
They are JUNK SCIENCE at best.
Thanks GA, for showing the predictability of the single F = M x A model.
All minor errors can be accounted for by correct measurement.
Utterly predictable.
Pat Frank has shown that the climate models have ZERO prediction capability and a MASSIVE ERROR MARGIN… all 100+ of them !!
“Not sure what this argument means”
We know comprehension is not one of your strong features, GA.
No need to tell us.
These laws are only accurate in a given frame of reference. They will not apply in a black hole, as an example
They will not apply in a black hole
Which explains why they are meaningless to you, PF !
stop waffling with ignorant inanities.
Funny, I always thought f=ma was the mathematical embodiment of Newton’s second Law of motion. It is also an absolute. No idea what ‘frame of reference’ means. And it is not a ‘definition’.
That PF is stupid. What you may mean is that in MEASURING the quantities there always is finite measurement error. That doesnt mean the law isnt correct.
‘They will not apply in a black hole, as an example’ You do understand that physics ‘inside’ the Schwarzschild radius (GM/rc^2) is undefined dont you? Black holes dont exist they defy neutron degeneracy, what is described are probably ‘brown hole’ object meaning large neutron stars with near event horizons. (long topic dont start a big discussion)
Close to objective i have ever heard uttered….“Amazingly in science, there are very few laws.”
Laws governing human existence continue to grow exponentially across the globe. The cosmos and science have got it easy.
‘ … why would that enlighten anything?’
It helps comprehension.
The upshot is that water vapour is poorly modelled and being the largest greenhouse gas, falsifies AGW.
it is a model, and unless you have a better one, we need to use it
We do not need to use models that are PROVEN GARBAGE.
Why use models that are PROVABLE UNSUITABLE for anything, unless to use the results to propagate a FALLACY.
Certainly we should not be putting one single bit of credence into its GARBAGE output.
Because they are so WRONG, they are WORSE THAN USING NOTHING.
Finally an explanation. !
PF wanted to hammer in a nail, but all he had was his head. !
We need to NOT use models except for the simplest of functions, and then as mere handy tools.
It’s not that models are wrong, were wrong, might be wrong or will be wrong.
Models HAVE to be wrong.
Peter Fitzroy,
As one of the top climate scientists in the world, Kevin Trenberth said in journal Nature (“Predictions of Climate”) about climate models back in 2007:
And this still hold for today and the CMIP Phase 6 (CMIP6) nonsense models.
Oh, I see, (and I’ve read your quote before in an ancient history text), no one has done anything to address that. That quote is from a section on where things could be improved.
Everything in climate modeling has moved on since then. The models themselves have changed in multitudinal ways. The data sets have become more complete, and validation is showing that we are on the right track.
We? Right track? You are driving on the wrong side of the road, if indeed you are not on a dead end road leading to the Grand Canyon.
You are ASSUMING that CO2 causes warming, as do a lot of Climate ‘scientists’. You would think after the failure of their predictions 31-37 years ago, it would cause a re-think.
And if you were to consider the events of the last, say, 310 years it would surely make any sane person wonder about the models, which is why they avoid even mentioning those events.
And if you were to examine the last 450 million years of geological ‘models’ you are left wondering who would ever think that there was anything in the AGW hypothesis.
Proof, you have none
Still waiting for that empirical evidence of warming by atmospheric CO2, PF
You remain EMPTY of anything but garbled anti-science nonsense.
And what would you consider proof?
Have you ever examined the history of the Earth’s climate for the last few years (say 11,000)? A useful time for some idea of change.
How do you explain higher sea levels and warmer temperature before the present?
How do you explain fossils of giraffes, elephants and hippos from the Thames Valley about 125,000 years ago, while ocean levels were 6 metres above present?
(Fairy Godmother? Tooth fairy? Easter Bunny? Especially as you must do so using the assumed CO2 level of 285 ppm.
Please continue driving into the Grand Canyon on the wrong side of the road.
Well, you’re getting high again, Peter. Obviously your kicks in life come from generating responses, & you’ve hit the jackpot on this thread. Good for you. While I have deep sympathy for one whose life is so small, I enjoy seeing anyone succeed in his chosen profession. Getting itty bitty dopamine doses from red thumbs & bigger ones from replies, you’re probably close to ecstasy now. So out of consideration for those least among my fellow men, I’ve decided to make a small contribution here to our group designated intellectual charity.
“and validation is showing that we are on the right track.”
Total and absolute BALDERDASH !!
The climate models have NEVER been validated against REALITY.
Yo are living in a FOOL’S dream, PF
You poor ass, PF.
The models are STILL built from the ground up with erroneous assumptions.
They ARE NOT based on any scientific reality.
They STILL cover such a wide range as to be totally useless for anything at all.
They STILL cannot model any of the major REAL climate drivers.
They STILL attempt to hindcast to erroneous, faked temperature data, like GISS et al.
They STILL have so many “variables”, ie “fudge factors” that are pure guesses, that they could give any result the modellers want them to give.
Their projections are woefully inaccurate and meaningless.
The error propagation is horrendous and so large that it and makes them totally unfit for any purpose whatsoever.
You wouldn’t even use them as lining for the base of the parrot cage you appear to live in
Why then, Drongo, if the data sets are so wizz bang, did they have to alter them in the first place AND THEN further alter them several times subsequently – only to suit a “””Model”””.
You sure are a drongo.
Peter Fitzroy,
“Everything in climate modeling has moved on since then. ”
You version of the truth is sadly in error, probably you say these things to give you comments the air of respectability, however you are wrong. If you (or anyone) bother to look at the CMIP Phase 6 (CMIP6) link I give above then anyone can see how wrong you are.
“……… obtaining sufficiently reliable observations of all aspects of the climate system”. When they keep changing the past temperature record, I cannot see how that is possible. Is any global temperature computation reliable before 1979?
Predictive flare explained with Pat Frank’s predictable flair.
Thank you Pat you are a model virtuoso !
Looks like the mmcc paradigm buster we have all been waiting for.
Not up for eating bugs or bleeding soy patties?
Hey, the gunk is meant to look just like meat and be shoved over the counter at your fave fast food outlet just like meat, so Ronald and the Colonel and the hedge funds and the money-juggling philanthropic foundations shouldn’t mind a bit. And there is rather a lot of unsold soy at the moment. But maybe you need more of a challenge. You know, a challenge. Like in all those TV shows where sweaty people with gym-bodies do and eat all kinds of odd things while making you feel like a total couch potato.
Good news! Behavioral “scientist” Magnus Soderlund has got lots of attention for his way to combat climate change, save the planet etc etc. He thinks people should eat people. Mmmm. People.
Like Greta, Magnus is a Swede, so he’s got a head start in the self-loathing and self-destruction stakes. Pity he’s also a white bloke…but maybe his endorsement of cannibalism makes up for that failing.
Much of the groundwork for cannibalism has been laid by Hollywood and the networks but it’s understandable that to reach the desired level of mass conditioning will take a little time and some extra effort.
It really doesn’t matter what. The most absurd, repellent and degrading practices can be normalised by carefully graduated media conditioning. And because all media is now for the purpose of carefully graduated conditioning…
Is that a salt shaker in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?
Thurday is soilent green day! Come and get your soilent green!
…..state sanctioned euthanasia is an abomination on humanity!
It’s really only one small step from there, isn’t it.
When these climate armageddonists start volunteering themselves up as the main course, ahead of the rest of us, I might think they’re actually serious. You know, showing a bit of leadership.
It’s worth noting that a swede is also a type of turnip…
The Americans call it a mangel-wurzel (or Fitzroy for short).
‘Alarmism enforcement’ on hurricanes and global warming
by Judith Curry
I used to be concerned about ‘consensus enforcement’ on the topic of climate change. Now I am concerned about ‘alarmism enforcement.’
“The Dirty Extractive Underbelly of Clean Energy”
Another Ian,
thanks for this.
Perhaps the most important part of that Post is where it says this: (my bolding here)
Perhaps the only thing people ….. ‘may’ actually be aware of is that occasionally, the maximum power consumption here in Australia gets up beyond 30000MW, and I suspect that very few people even know that.
Ask them what the average hourly power consumption might be (23800MWH) and no one could answer correctly, not even close would be my guess.
Similarly, ask them what the minimum power consumption on a daily basis might be (18000MW) and again, no one would answer correctly.
Until these things become common knowledge, or even mentioned at all by anyone, then this fallacy that we can go 100% renewables, or even 50% renewable ….. by ANY time will gain traction.
People NEED to be told how much electricity is NORMALLY consumed on a daily basis, and from that, what actually delivers those huge amounts of power.
Tony, i suspect the general population would sit up and take notice if they couldnt charge thier phones…..
Most people think electricity comes from walls. In the early days of the war on coal I asked people how much coal they burn? Per capita U.S. consumption was 4 tons per person per year. No one had a clue that this was happening. The industry did a great job of not being seen, which is now a curse.
People also think that technology can do anything we ask, whenever we ask.
Further to what David mentions here about 4 tons of coal per person per annum at the start of the ‘war on coal’.
While U.S. data is not all that important to Australians, it is interesting to look at.
In just the last ten years alone, the total power generation in the US has risen by almost 6%, and now stands at 4180TWH a year. That’s Australia multiplied by 16.7.
The total coal fired power generation in 2009 delivered 44.5% of all that total generated power.
Now, at the end of 2018, the total coal fired power generation is only 27.5% of that total generated power. Virtually all of that huge drop in coal fired power is now being delivered by natural gas fired power. Old coal fired plants, nearly all of them between 45 and 60 years old (and older) have closed, replaced almost in totality by natural gas fired plants, more often than not constructed on the same site as the coal fired Units they replaced.
In 2009, just from the generation of coal fired power, an amount of 3 tons of coal was burned for every person in the U.S. The total at the end of 2018 from coal fired power was down to 1.9 tons of coal per person.
Incidentally, the total power being delivered from nuclear power plants has risen 8.225TWH from the 2009 total to the 2018 total, and that’s a rise of a little more than one percent. Now as a percentage figure that may not sound like much, but consider this. Nuclear power is delivering 19.3% of all generated power in the U.S. from power plants that make up only 8.8% of total Nameplate for every source of electrical power generation in the U.S. That total generated power comes from the same number of nuclear plants as existed back in 2009. That delivered power is at a yearly Capacity Factor of 88%.
Sometimes, just quoting numbers gives no real sense of how much it actually might be.
So, let’s look at one Tonne of coal.
Stand to your full height. (and I’m just short of 6 foot, so this is for that height of six feet)
Extend your arms so that they make a right angle, so each arm out at 45 degrees from your body, with your palm open and fingers extended
Now, imagine someone your same height standing opposite to you, with his arms also extended, and you are touching fingertips.
Fill that space between you with coal, all the way to the top of your head.
That is (really close to) one tonne of coal.
You know, the amount of coal (crushed to talcum powder consistency) and burned in an average coal fired Unit ….. in, umm, SIX SECONDS, and then a further tonne every six seconds.
Post Script – I was six foot when I got my original driver’s license in 1969. Now, fifty years later, I am only 5 foot eight. Those four inches have been lost across the years from the slow compression of the spine associated with aging. Back in 2015, when my GP measured me, I told him flat out his measuring mechanism in his ‘rooms’ was wrong. He took me next door to the treatment room, and measured me there, same result, and then told me why I had ‘shrunk’. I knew it happened, but I had no idea that it would be by so much over the years.
Tony don’t feel bad, all the great quick’s shrink eventually. 🙂
That’s a tough bit of compression of your spine over the years.
I got my license some 10 years before you when my height was 6ft 1.5 in.
At a medical check up the other day I’ve had to concede a loss of an inch in height for that same old-age reason.
yeah I am sure I have lost an inch since my 20s, and I’m not as tall anymore either.
What I might have lost in height, I have gained in girth ! 🙂
What would happen if the energy consumed for transportation was added to the grid?
The present grid (generation, transmission and distribution) can barely handle what we use now. Staggering upgrades would be required for all three.
Have you heard of the complaints coming in that there are problems with renewable power, not the plants themselves, but that there is no infrastructure on place to be able to ‘carry’ all the new power if they add new renewable plants in those areas. It seems that renewable power needs to be where the best wind is or where the best solar conditions might be, and it looks like those areas are already built out with transmission lines enough to carry what there already is but they will need to be hugely upgraded if they are to add more plants in those areas.
The complaints I have heard are along the lines that it’s just so unfair that those transmission lines are enough to transmit all that coal fired power, but they are in the wrong place for any new renewable power.
Another case of renewable power ‘piggy backing’ off the existing transmission, and then complaining when they have to construct new infrastructure to support their wind or solar plant.
Read the proposal for any new renewable power plant, and part of it is the proximity to existing transmission lines.
Looks like they want all the benefits but don’t want to build any new transmission lines.
And therein lies the rub.
Those existing coal fired plants have all the transmission lines already in place if you, umm, decide to construct a new coal fired plant at an existing site to replace an older existing coal fired plant.
Close down those coal fired plants, and it’s not like you can say hey presto, there’s the lines for a new renewable plant That renewable plant might not be suited to that area, and it’s not like you put those transmission lines on the back of a truck and take them to where the new renewable plant is going to be.
It also looks like that if they do ramp up to the desired 50% renewables, then they will have to spend a shirtload of extra money on transmission lines to get their power to the grid.
See now how renewables are not really all that cheap after all. That money still needs to be recouped ….. from the consumer, in higher prices for power
Renewables, the lose lose of electrical power generation problem resolution.
Love your work!
This is for me a great resource to give clarity to the great ignorant group who believe that we can survive on unreliables alone …
Care for some human flesh? Look how insane Leftists are becoming. I’m not the least bit surprised.
I love the Euro/UK penchant for calling things “Gastro” especially Gastro Pubs. The words dont quite work so well in Asutralia where gastro is something you contract from third world toilet habits and food handling (a speciality on cruise ships it seems)
I read that yesterday and concluded Magnus Söderlund is either a run of the mill lefty loon or a serial killer.
It had to happen I guess considering they hail a ‘children of the corn’ poster child as the next climate Joan of Arc of our times.
That “I’m gonna boil your pet” stare is a real winner for publicity.
Our world is seeing the resurfacing of occult paganism again…or just plain evil.
We have IMHO a global spiritual sickness, that promotes and allows this sort of stuff. As Christianity is further sidelined, expect to see more uninaginable stuff like this as many check and balances are jettisoned in favour of hedonism and nhilism.
This is the classic six step attitudinal change process in play.
I think the most important aspect of this is that none of the alarmists have called this guy out for going to far.( at least I have not seen anything reported). Shows desperation, in my view, that they just let slide through.
Another ‘Ship of Fools’ – Sept 4, 2019
Oh dear, how many times do they have to go around that loop? I dont understand how they even get in the situation. It has a certain King Canute flavour to it, I believe the ice is melting so it is. You have to wonder about the captains given all the aids that are available now.
At least they had those new long range electric helicopters to lift then off without too much damage to the delicate Arctic environment.
Much like the King, Captain Canute seems to just go with the flo…..,.
Groan! 🙂
Not only hilarious but also annoying. How much in resources did their rescue cost? That’s not to mention putting their rescuers in a hazardous situation.
The Canadian Coast Guard can now charge the costs to those rescued if they were stupid. The Norwegians (or their Government) are rabid Greens but have lots of money, so would probably not charge for rescuing people in their territorial waters (or close). After all Australia gets the “privilege” of rescueing participators in the single hand Roud the Would sailing race.
I may be strange, but I don’t care about that. The Navy is being paid for sitting dockside. The Tony Bullimore incident, for example, is an extraordinarily valuable training exercise. What’s the point of having the ships if we don’t use them?
The ship of fools scenario is considerably different; or, in Greta’s case ‘yacht of despicably manipulated fool’.
Maybe they should have used the Russia ice charts
I was surprised how far they didnt get from Svalbard.
It is interesting how skeptical the comments are at a maritime and Crimean shipping bulletin. Not a believer comment to be seen.
The sea can be a cruel mistress, John,
most folk I’ve met who make their living from/on/underneath her are far too practical to be be-LIE-vers.
Then again, maybe the Ship of Foolers were lucky they didn’t get any further –
32˚ below zero Celsius up on Greenland’s summit today: not exactly sunbathing weather in the Arctic…
The NBN.
I usually dont beat up on the NBN. I have an adequate service from them that is far more reliable than the ADSL service it replaced. However;
This week we got an outage advice from our ISP for some NBN maintenance work coming up. It was for 5 outages with windows from 480 minutes to 600 minutes, occuring in a window of 8 days at unspecified times.
To me this is one or more of stupid, thoughtless and arrogant. This is exactly the type of take or leave it attitude Telecom Australia/Telstra used to pull in the old days when they thought they had a monopoly.
The ISP just throws up their hands in despair, as they have exactly the opposite culture and are great communicators even if they stuff up. I worked in comms and IT for decades and I know, at least with my last employer, if I had taken this attitude with our users I wouldnt have been around long.
Thank you, I feel much better now.
My gripe with the NBN is with the VOIP phone. Quite often we find that the phone has lost ring tone meaning no one can contact us via the land line phone. It is a Telstra branded modem.
How can you possibly complain about NBN?
It was Kevin Rudd’s idea. You know, the same bloke who said everyone would drive a Prius by 20165 and he would put a great big new tax on mining.
AND so far it has only cost every man, woman and child in Australia $4,000 (and counting).
The NBN is just a renationalisation of telecoms.
It also makes the spooks life easier by forcing all comms into one channel…..for a proper dictatorship, full surveillamce of all people at at all times is required….
More likely the phone. Try borrowing one and testing.
Two separate phones; one Telstra supplied, using the DECT connectivity of the modem; the other a DECT phone with its base hardwired to the modem. Both lose connection when the the data connection is lost.
The problem is common enough that Telstra offers troubleshooting advice:
Removing the power supply from the modem and reconnecting after the modem is off for long enough to reset has always restored the service.
I was happy with the NBN up to the point of this problem occurring frequently about 6 months after I connected to the NBN. I think it may be associated with changes in the local data centre as more connections are made. I am not alone with the dropout issue:
Where I live we have bushfires. Not everyday, but serious when they occur. One of the first things we lose on a bad day is power. Power gone, internet gone. Mobiles are useless, even when I do get service, which is rare. Strangely, the old copper pair seems to keep on keeping on, but I won’t be allowed to keep that. So, no coms in a very stressful situation.
I don’t JUST blame Rudd and Conroy. A fair bit of blame should be sheeted home to Turncoat. The NBN is a debacle to make the Wonthaggi White Elephant look like a local council run fête.
On the subject of the WWE, mum had a missive from SE Water, saying that we were now getting the benefit of xxxxxxxx gigalitres of desal water to combat Climate Change…. WOW. It’s pi$$ing down here, has been for a week. Cliché time: you couldn’t make this $hi* up.
Remember the failed tax policies (wealth distribution) Labor took to the last federal election ?
That far left economist snake pit the Grattan institute are now trying to shame older Australians into embracing the socialist reform .
Jo’s blog on Peter Ridd appeared for only a brief period. The actual ruling from Judge Vasta on the Peter Ridd case provides interesting reading:
JCU administrators prove to be first class dingbats. This in section on penalties:
Then this unusual outcome on penalties:
There is great detail on how he determined the quantum.
Judge Vasta is scathing of the fact that the university maintains a web page that condemns his original findings and denigrates Peter Ridd; thereby harming his prospects for future employment:
In the section on mitigation of loss of earnings there is this interesting approach of suggesting that JCU should be active in finding suitable alternative employment for Peter Riddances:
I can imagine the JCU administrators sputtering at this suggestion.
Anyone reviewing this case should take note of the Judge’s view of Peter Ridd:
It will be interesting to see if the JCU dingbats become further mired by appealing this compensation ruling.
Peter Ridd better not be counting his chickens; I was disappointed to discover that Judge Vasta’s decisions are very often overturned on appeal.
Want to chuck a sickie but run out of excuses ? Try Climate anxiety .
The AMA is a disgrace.
el gordo,
A disgraceful joke.
So much angst, distress and misdirected effort in climate awareness activism all based on complete nonsense.
That supposedly democratic governments can endorse incorrect paradigms to control the climate is appalling, that it continues unchecked is frightening.
We are controlled by the United Bloody Nations.
In a true democracy the CO2_Climate Change claims would be deconstructed and scientifically examined to show that CO2 doesn’t do anything dangerous to our atmosphere.
The logical development would be that the government has forced hardship on Australian taxpayers for nothing more than to achieve political virtue in the eyes of the CC cult and also to be part of a lucrative renewables industry based on that incorrect concept.
Surely, this is not accidental. Our democracy has been manipulated to provide distinct electoral advantage to the elite and business profits to persons and countries unknown.
One thing is for sure, the average Australian has been enslaved illegally and this whole matter should be exposed as unlawful and dealt with by the courts of our land.
No one can force any one to hand over money to the UN. The UN is a private body with no rule of law here in Australia.
Except that our governments are wholly on board with the UN, and obligingly hand over whatever the UN demands of us, the taxpayers of the country.
The “government” never actually suffers anything, only those of us who have no choice but to hand over our money to them to be wasted.
The UN is not a govt or ruling body over Australia. Period. As such if someone wearing a blue UN beret tried to give orders to our population we should rightly ignore them….
Steve, the problem isn’t the U.N. it’s the Australian politicians who have made us slaves and subjects of the U.N. without our consent.
Steve, I’m not sure what you’re saying here.
Obviously Australian money is sent to the U.N.
I would agree that we are not legally bound to send, but why is Australian money going there?
If you sign treaties you are “obliged” to adhere to them. Is that the same as being “forced”?
The US is scrapping a ban on energy-inefficient light bulbs which was due to come in at the beginning of 2020.
Specifically, the law stipulated that restrictions on bulbs could only be implemented when it was economically justified.
But the US energy department said banning incandescent bulbs would be bad for consumers because of the higher cost of more efficient bulbs.
>> LEDs are junk … and not saving the planet either …
Detroit’s LED streetlights going dark after a few years
The authority behind the state-of-the-art overhaul of Detroit’s streetlight system filed a federal lawsuit Monday against the manufacturer of nearly a third of the city’s 65,000 streetlights, saying a fix is expected to cost millions.
It’s About Laws, Not Light Bulbs
Mr. Gore’s ambition is not just to change individual behavior by getting people to buy energy-saving light bulbs: it is to change policy.
No matter what technology does that’s beneficial, politics sticks in its dirty hand to muck up whatever it can.
I have a house full of LEDs. But…
— I don’t fool myself that they represent a big energy savings, they don’t
— I don’t fool myself that they are saving the planet either, they aren’t
What I do get from them is a long lasting light bulb that means I don’t have to change several incandescent bulbs a month. I think them worth the extra price because of that one thing alone. If they also save me something on my Edison bill that’s good too.
Don’t miss the $1,000,000,000,000
rollover of Australian total government debt (fed, state, local), now $999,883,000,000.
Don’t miss the $1,000,000,000,000
rollover of Australian total government debt (fed, state, local), now $999,883,000,000.
67 million over now.
Yesterday was a good wind day in SA. Solar not so good but enough to keep prices depressed while export to Victoria was maxed out.
An interesting observation was Victorian generation becoming the price setter once the interconnector dropped below maximum capacity. So SA was fully served with wind and minimum gas (under direction) between 4pm and 6pm and still exporting more than 400MW but price was being set by Victorian generation. So Victoria is now able to force higher prices in SA through the interconnector despite SA having excess generation.
On another topic, it must be reasonably apparent to solar farm investors in Queensland that they are in a losing battle with rooftop. This week, the solar farms were curtailed throughout periods of maximum potential output:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNgz2zTg2v4NIdc060
Rooftops have a natural advantage because they export all available excess unless the local voltage is above allowable maximum. As more rooftops are connected, they will eat away at the market for grid scale solar.
I do not think that actual rooftop solar “exports” make any significant impact on the grid , as i believe the vast majority of power generated by RT solar is consumed on site, with only a small % ever making it back as Feed In power.
However, more rooftop solar does REDUCE DEMAND on the grid, which has the same effect on grid generators.
Unless i am mistaken , there is very little actual “real data” for either the total amount of Rooftop solar generated, or the amount of that fed back to the grid.
There are only “estimates” based on data extrapolated from small sample areas ?
Chad, have a look at generation for Qld on Saturday.
Large solar 1.0 GW, rooftop solar 1.7 GW, total Qld generation around midday 7.4 GW.
AEMO report for same period shows generation at just 4.5 GW which it describes as scheduled demand, so presume it excludes “intermittents” as it has no control over their output.
Yes, i understand the data, and i accept that feed back to grid, or used on site,..the effect is the same. but you have to understand that the RT solar data is nothing more than an estimate based on ..
Quantity of panels sold/installed..
Average sun insolation data..
Sample data from a very small selection of monitored installations..
The above is compiled for most Postal areas., then collated for each state.
So it is not “ hard data” only an estimation, with no allowance for local cloud effects, shading, broken or disused panels, etc etc.
Theoretically, there could be real data for power fed back to the grid, but i have never seen that anywhere.
If you look at the link I provided it shows that rooftop was producing 1.6GW at its peak (actually 1657MW for QLD on the APVI site). I am not sure if the Queensland solar is being metered separately or if it is an estimate based on measured data from some of the installations. I know in Victoria, the solar is not metered separately. However if you look at the reduction in demand due to solar it is a good estimate. Whether it is exported or consumed behind the meter it is still reducing demand and having a huge influence on price, thereby causing grid scale solar to curtail as evidenced by the large dip in output during the middle of the day as the rooftop output peaked.
Reverse power flow from rooftop has become a major concern for distributors as the network was not designed to have large reverse flow from the low voltage distribution side to the high voltage transmission network.
In QLD, the lunchtime demand is now the minimum daily demand. It has been that way in SA for some years now.
Sadly for many Australians, bushfires are further evidence of the hoax & failure of SA renewables to prevent any global warming. Anywhere:
NSW bushfires still out of control as residents face the devastation
Excuse my foreign rain-soaked ignorance,
but in the photos in the above article, the houses were damaged/gone while the surrounding bush/trees were green/leafy/unscathed. Am I missing something or do CCC
bushhouse fires only seek out man-made structures and leave nature standing? What’s up with that?40
Arson via Another Bloody Con:
“Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Superintendent Wayne Halverson said they suspected the fire at Geebung was deliberately lit. ‘We don’t know the exact cause but… there has been a bit of human intervention there somewhere for it to have initially kicked off’… Police will investigate in a bid to track down whoever might have lit the blaze“.
It’s man-made, Jim, but not as we know it.
In some of those shots it looks like the fire hasn’t “crowned” — made it up into the trees — but stayed low and left the higher foliage undamaged. That probably indicates that the ground fuel load wasn’t high even though it is a very dense stand of trees.
The buildings may have succumbed to ember attack. Quite often buildings left undefended will burn AFTER the fire front has passed by, due to embers blowing onto window sills or onto leaves in roof gutters etc. or radiant heat through windows causing curtains to smoulder, all for want of someone being there with a bucket of water at the right time. In the old days we were taught to stay and defend for that reason. These days they tell everyone to evacuate early.
If you look at the concrete water tank in that last foto you will see an unburnt bush right next to it, but heavy blackening on the tank side closest to the building. Without the benefit of actually seeing the place, I suspect a bushfire front didn’t come anywhere near it. Burning embers in eucalypt fires can drift for miles on updrafts and fall on buildings where they take hold (and on other bush where they start spot-fires). It may have been a long-distance victim.
Watching the damage to houses in Stanthorp area last night on TV I too noticed that the trees surrounding them werent badly burned. Was it due to mainly low level grass setting the buildings ablase? In fact alot of trees seemd to be still very leafy.
Cheers fellas,
your bush is way different to our bush – in a bushy kind of way – and I didn’t want to sound all Agenda 21-ish but, as in California last year, all the houses burned down (they got fried!) while whole stands of trees surrounding them were OK – including eucalyptus.
We all know the
elitepond scum want us peasants herded into their suss-stainable eco-shitties so they can have Nature’s wild places for themselves… then again, the power/utility companies in California were being charged with “reckless operation” causing man-made bushfires in 2018 :
“Pacific Gas & Electric Co. could be prosecuted for murder, manslaughter or lesser criminal charges if investigators determine that ‘reckless operation’ of its power equipment caused any of Northern California’s deadly wildfires in the past two years, California’s attorney general says”.
being broadcast at least 3 times by theirABC:
AUDIO: 13min08sec: 7 Sept: ABC Blueprint for Living: Climate change and turbulence
Presenter: Jonathan Green
Climate change is transforming our world; its effects are many and varied and often unpredictable. And air travel, studies have shown, is likely to become a much more hair raising prospect. Recently an Air Canada flight bound for Sydney encountered sudden, severe and unpredicted turbulence; passengers hit the ceiling, the plane dropped suddenly and dozens were injured. This, according to new studies, is likely to rise 149% in some of the world’s busiest flight corridors.
Paul Williams, Professor of Atmospheric Science, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading
7 Aug: Reading University: Jet stream study confirms aircraft turbulence risk
The study, carried out by senior scientists and a student at the University of Reading, found that the jet stream has become 15% more sheared in the upper atmosphere over the North Atlantic since satellites began observing it in 1979…
Lead author Simon Lee carried out the research for the new study during his MMet studies in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading. Simon, now a PhD student in Meteorology, said…
Reading University: Simon Lee
never mind this is just a re-hash:
8 Apr 2013: BBC: Transatlantic flights ‘to get more turbulent’
By Jonathan Amos
Planes are already encountering stronger winds, and could now face more turbulence, according to research led from Reading University, UK.
The study, published in Nature Climate Change (LINK), suggests that by mid-century passengers will be bounced around more frequently and more strongly…
Reading’s Dr Paul Williams said comfort was not the only consideration; there were financial consequences of bumpier airspace as well.
“It’s certainly plausible that if flights get diverted more to fly around turbulence rather than through it then the amount of fuel that needs to be burnt will increase,” he told BBC News…
Dr Williams was presenting his research here in Vienna at the European Union Geosciences (EGU) General Assembly.
It was undertaken with Dr Manoj Joshi from the University of East Anglia…
They used a supercomputer to simulate likely changes to air currents above 10km in altitude, such as the fast-moving jet stream…
There is evidence to suggest this has been blowing more strongly, and under some scenarios could be prone to more of the instabilities associated with turbulence as the Earth’s climate warms…
8 Apr 2013: Nature: Intensification of winter transatlantic aviation turbulence in response to climate change
Paul D. Williams & Manoj M. Joshi
and never mind another re-hash – second link works!
4 Oct 2017: YaleEnvironment360: Climate Change Will Make For More Turbulent Flights
Climate change will significantly increase the incidence of severe turbulence worldwide — as much as tripling it in some spots — by mid-century, resulting in much bumpier flights and a rise in costly in-flight injuries, according to a new study (DEAD LINK) published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters….
“Air turbulence is increasing across the globe, in all seasons, and at multiple cruising altitudes,” Paul Williams, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Reading in the U.K. and lead author of the new study, said in a statement (LINK). “This problem is only going to worsen as the climate continues to change.”…
“The study is another example of how the impacts of climate change can be felt through the circulation of the atmosphere, not just through increases in surface temperature itself,” said Manoj Joshi, a climate scientist at the University of East Anglia in the U.K. and co-author of the new study.
round and around this stuff goes with the MSM happily reporting it every time as something new.
Williams’ main twitter page is revealing, check it out – just one example:
TWEET: Paul Williams, Professor of Atmospheric Science. Studies turbulence, jet streams, waves, climate, aviation. Frequent guest on BBC, CNN, NPR.
Here’s a brilliant poem about mansplaining, which I saw on display in one of the Cambridge colleges last week.
The topic is flat Earth, but it reminds me a lot of arguments about climate change.
2 Sept 2019
I can tell you as a pilot that winds aloft forecasts are notoriously inaccurate. The data probably reflects that planes now have gps which gives the accurate ground speed data. Combine this with air speed and heading indication you can now accurately track winds aloft and know a lot more about where wind shear exists than you ever could sending up a few weather balloons.
So if you have much more winds aloft data it seems logical that you will find a lot more wind shear.
Does this mean that frequent flyers are in danger of meeting turbulence? All those usual attendees at Climate Conferences should stay at home and use Skype or other tele-conferencing programs.
‘The study, carried out by senior scientists and a student at the University of Reading, found that the jet stream has become 15% more sheared in the upper atmosphere over the North Atlantic since satellites began observing it in 1979…’ due to the GSM! Quiet Sun = unstable jetstreams.
It just gets worse….
See link for full article.
Oh No.. The world is going to end. !!!
Should this get a thumbs up or thumbs down!!! It is not something I need to know. It is just more proof the world is awash with dingbats. Not only for producing this rubbish but someone actually providing public funds for it – makes me sad.
And there are more male dingbats on display than female.
on his twitter page, Reading Uni’s Paul Williams is excited about Cher & Cindy Lauper (wow!) tweeting about his air turbulence study. but that can’t match –
7 Sept: Fox News: Mick Jagger, Donald Sutherland blast Donald Trump at film festival
By Jessica Napoli
While presenting their new film, “The Burnt Orange Heresy,” at the Venice Film Festival on Saturday, Mick Jagger and Donald Sutherland spoke extensively about their dislike for President Donald Trump.
The Rolling Stones frontman, 76, blasted Trump for “tearing apart” America and not working hard enough to combat climate change.
“The U.S. should be the world leader in environmental control but now it has decided to go the other way,” he said, per (LINK HOLLYWOOD REPORTER).
Jagger went on to slam Trump for dropping out of the Paris Agreement. “We are in a very difficult situation at the moment, especially in the U.S., where all the environmental controls that were put in place — that were just about adequate — have been rolled back by the current administration so much that they are being wiped out,” he said…
7 Sept: Hollywood Reporter: Venice: Mick Jagger, Donald Sutherland Condemn Trump, Boris Johnson for “Ruining the World”
by Ariston Anderson
The two stars quickly turned political when they were asked to comment on a peaceful demonstration that overtook the red carpet in front of Venice’s main venue, the Palazzo del Cinema, earlier in the day. Hundreds of activists took to the festival to protest climate change, anti-immigration policies and Venice’s cruise ship problem.
“I’m absolutely behind that,” said Jagger unequivocally of the protest. “I’m glad they’re doing that because they’re the ones who are going to inherit the planet.”…
Sutherland concurred. “Mick is right when he said the reforms that were instituted during the Obama administration were barely adequate, and now they’re being torn about.”
“It’s the same in Brazil and they will be torn apart in England,” said Sutherland of administrations under Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson.
“They have to fight harder,” said Sutherland of his support of the red carpet protestors. “And they have to get as much support as they can among all of you.”
“When you’re my age, when you’re 85 years old and you have children and grandchildren, you will leave them nothing if we don’t vote those people out of office in Brazil in London in Washington,” continued Sutherland. “They are ruining the world. We have contributed to the ruination of it, but they are ensuring it.”…
Jagger added, “We are going through a very strange time at the minute. And when you live at a strange time you know it’s a strange time but you don’t know what’s going to happen. Values are different.There’s more polarization and less civility.”
On “civility,” a loaded term in the U.S., he said, “I’m not sure I was always against civility, but when you see it now the incivility of political life which we see in so many countries including my own, especially this last week— and in other countries, particularly the U.S.— when you see this, it’s a bit of a sea change from what you were used to,” referencing Johnson and Trump’s continued public attacks against critics. “I don’t mean that manners are everything. But the combination of all these things, where it’s going to lead us,” he added, is “polarization, rudeness and lying.”…
and Jagger & Sutherland can’t match Seth’s lineup!
top of HuffPo in capitals:
7 Sept: HuffPo: NOAA Slammed For Backing Trump Over Scientists In Dorian-Alabama Feud
NOAA attacked its own scientists over their correction of President Trump’s false claims about Hurricane Dorian’s path.
by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press; Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report
They say NOAA’s action risks the credibility of the nation’s weather and science agency and may even risk lives…
“This rewriting history to satisfy an ego diminishes NOAA,” Elbert “Joe” Friday, former Republican-appointed director of the National Weather Service, said on Facebook. He told The Associated Press on Saturday: “We don’t want to get the point where science is determined by politics rather than science and facts. And I’m afraid this is an example where this is beginning to occur.”…
In the tempestuous aftermath, some meteorologists spoke on social media of protesting when the acting NOAA chief, Neil Jacobs , is scheduled to speak at a National Weather Association meeting Tuesday — in Huntsville, Alabama…
“This falls into such uncharted territory,” said W. Craig Fugate, who was Florida emergency management chief under Republican Gov. Jeb Bush and director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency under Democratic President Barack Obama. “You have science organizations putting out statements against their own offices. For the life of me I don’t think I would have ever faced this under President Obama or Governor Bush.”
Jane Lubchenco, NOAA administrator during the Obama administration said: “It is truly sad to see political appointees undermining the superb, life-saving work of NOAA’s talented and dedicated career servants. Scientific integrity at a science agency matters.”…
Retired Adm. David Titley, former NOAA operations chief during the Obama administration and a former meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University said NOAA’s leadership is showing “moral cowardice” and officials should have resigned instead of issuing the statement chastising the Birmingham office. Joe Friday said he would have quit had he been in top officials’ shoes.
Titley said the episode might feed distrust of forecasts that help people make life-or-death decisions whether to evacuate…
Former NOAA deputy administration Monica Medina, who served in the Obama and Clinton administrations, said “it will make us less safe as a country.”
And Justin Kenney, who headed the agency’s communications in the Obama administration, said “by politicizing weather forecasts, the president … puts more people — including first responders — in harm’s way.”
Bill Read, who became director of the National Hurricane Center director during the Republican George W. Bush administration, said on Facebook the NOAA statement showed either an embarrassing lack of understanding of forecasting or “a lack of courage on their part by not supporting the people in the field who are actually doing the work. Heartbreaking.”
A retired chief of the center’s hurricane forecasting desk, James Franklin, said on Twitter that the NOAA statement had thrown the Birmingham office “under the bus” — a phrase several ex-officials used. He said the Birmingham office’s tweet was “spot-on and an appropriate response to the President’s misleading tweet that morning.”…
The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
How can NOAA be any more diminished than zero credibility. This is from a now retired NOAA project director:
There is no middle ground here. This fellow worked for an organisation he claims corrupted the science. Believe him or not, the fact he worked for NOAA is proof enough of its corruption of science.
Sutherland gets a mention here in the last bit
“No warming in Australia since 1876? And Tony Thomas exposes the love romantic relationship of the ABC and Al Gore”
5 Sept: BBC: US lifts ban on old-style light bulbs
The Department of Energy said it had withdrawn the ban because it was a misinterpretation of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act.
Specifically, the law stipulated that restrictions on bulbs could only be implemented when it was economically justified , Shaylyn Hynes, a spokeswoman for the Department of Energy, told the New York Times.
Activists say the government has come under pressure from manufacturers.
” It makes zero sense to eliminate energy-saving light bulb standardsthat will save households money on electricity bills and cut climate change emissions,” Appliance Standards Awareness Project executive director Andrew deLaski told the Washington Post…
The use of energy-efficient products reduces demand for energy, which in turn reduces carbon emissions which are contributing to the overheating of the planet.
As the planet heats up, ice is melting – including Greenland’s Sermilik glacier, which has thinned by 100m (329ft) in 15 years.
US President Donald Trump has questioned the scientific consensus that climate change is caused by human activity and requires urgent action.
More Brexit
“Brexit is a Gordian Knot – Who Is The World’s Premier Gordian Knot Cutter?….”
The UK doesn’t have a US style constitution, mainly convention. But all convention has been thrown out recently so I’m wondering if ERII will do the unthinkable and intervene. She is not supposed to, but will she?
Is she merely Queen of England or does she rule over the whole UK? She has worn kilts and has an estate in Scotland so I guess it is the UK as a whole.
Was good enough for us at one stage. HRH should just turf the lot and have an election. But then of course you would get the “not my PM” idiots who dont quite get democracy.
Remember that cartoon whose caption was
“The whole of parliament, madam?”
“Yes 007, the whole bloody lot”
“But make it look like an accident”.
Call the Clintons, they may have people
No. Why should she? Especially as she can rely on Boris (as P.M.) too advise her, and anybody who thinks differently from Boris has to explain why the conventions of the last 330 years have to be overturned to deny the public what they voted for?
It’s not unthinkable. One legal source I read stated that in relatively recent times Royal Assent has been withheld once in Oz and once in Canada, although not by the Queen herself obviously, but by her appointed Governors General. If you could go back through the books you would find more historic UK examples.
She is not supposed to show political favour, but she is most definitely active in government. In fact you would be surprised how many Acts the Queen and Charlie have interfered in directly at the time the Bills were being drafted. She is not just a figure head and she made a Coronation vow to defend the rights of her people. If the Queen won’t step up and defend her people when they are being downtrodden by a rogue parliament that refuses to submit to an election, then what is the point of her? A tourist attraction? A design for stamps and pound notes?
The Queen can’t turf the lot unfortunately. She can’t turf anyone since Blair brought in fixed term parliaments which did away with prerogative dissolution by the monarch. Blair has a lot to answer for in this current fiasco, both back then and with his meddling now.
behind paywall:
8 Sept: UK Times: Power grid ‘needs faster upgrades’ as solar and wind generation rises
by Rachel Millard
The energy industry has been criticised for moving too slowly on upgrades to the power grid that could help it cope with an increase in solar panels and wind turbines.
Ofgem, National Grid and smaller network operators have been overhauling the frequency settings of power generators to make them less likely to “trip” and fall off the system in the event of sudden dips in generation supply.
Such drops are becoming more difficult to manage as additional renewable sources come online. The industry has just agreed to make £100m of changes to smaller generators, but critics say this has come too late.
Smaller generators shut down following the loss of two larger generators during last month’s power cut — though National Grid claims that the blackouts…
7 Sept: UK Times: Future of National Grid in spotlight
by Emily Gosden
National Grid faces a new battle over its future after the government said that it would look again at whether the utility giant should be broken up.
The FTSE 100 group is under scrutiny after Britain had its worst blackouts in a decade on August 9. National Grid is the UK’s electricity “system operator”, running the control room that is responsible for keeping the lights on.
The government threatened in 2015 to strip National Grid of the system operator role and make it independent amid concerns over potential conflicts of interest with the rest of the business. A review by Ofgem, the regulator, spared it from a break-up, instead making the Electricity System Operator (ESO) a legally separate business within the group from April…
UK energy minister questions future of National Grid
Financial Times – 7 Sept 2019
UK energy minister Kwasi Kwarteng has questioned whether National Grid should retain its flagship role operating the country’s electricity system…
The FTSE 100 company avoided a break-up in 2017 when Ofgem, the energy regulator, ruled it should be allowed to keep the electricity system operator role but it should be hived off into a legally separate business…
Africa & Asia & Indian Ocean:
Australia & NZ & western Pacific Ocean:
Americas (North & South) & Pacific/Atlantic oceans:
Sometimes too many words is just too much
and I simply like to look, gaze, and ponder
at the beautiful planet from afar…
Yep then you can see the real circulation, not the fake IPCC imagined CO2 based model.
and then after that–
5 Sept: CarbonBrief: Guest post: Why China’s CO2 emissions grew 4% during first half of 2019
by ***Lauri Myllyvirta
(Lauri Myllyvirta is an analyst covering air quality and energy trends in China)
Power-sector emissions, which had driven the rebound in overall emissions since 2017, flattened off. However, there was a surge in real estate and infrastructure construction that saw emissions from steel and cement expand rapidly…
***don’t know why CB didn’t declare Lauri Myllyvirta is a Greenpeace veteran:
5 Sept: Swissinfo: China CO2 emissions to peak in 2022, ahead of schedule – government researcher
By David Stanway, Reuters
FUXIAN LAKE, China: After slowing from 2014 to 2016, China’s total carbon emissions are believed to have rebounded starting from 2017.
According to estimates published on Thursday by ***Lauri Myllyvirta, senior energy analyst with environmental group Greenpeace, emissions rose by as much as 4% in the first half of this year, driven by rising coal, steel and cement consumption.
One major concern has been the rebound in coal consumption and the possible approval of new coal-fired power projects, with officials now debating whether more capacity is required to meet future electricity shortages, said Yang Fuqiang, senior adviser with the Natural Resources Defense Council, a U.S.-based environmental group.
An industry group has forecast China’s coal-fired capacity to peak at 1,300 gigawatts (GW), an increase of nearly 300 GW compared to the end of last year…–ahead-of-schedule—government-researcher/45208396
Nudge nudge, wink wink: (my bolding here)
Say anything to appease those people in the West, who will jump at the chance to believe whatever it is they want to believe.
And then just go on doing what we want to do.
Sounds so bland when expressed as a small number like this, just a measly 1300 whatevers.
That’s 650 Liddells….. and we can’t even get one replacement Liddell even mentioned, let alone constructed and delivering power.
That doesnt surprise me at all. They are ramping up. CO2 or no CO2 (not that it matters) .Its totally logical to use coal for base power. Just because the UN doesnt want you to.
China is between a rock and the proverbial. They want to punish Australia for joining the US in freedom of navigation exercises by not unloading our coal ships. Trouble is most of their domestic coal is of poor quality and improving their air quality should be of paramount importance. The choice isn’t really hard, citizens’ health will always take a back seat to politics.
‘China CO2 emissions to peak in 2022, ahead of schedule – government researcher’ , good for food production. Actually Im not sure that even that makes 1 iota of difference to the CO2 levels as its all determined by the ocean and henry’s law.
Hi all,
Say, I’m hoping to get a little homework help, please.
I’m taking an introductory data analysis class and we have to find a dataset to analyse (in R).
As a long-time reader and lurker here, I saw a link to the AEMO reports posted some time ago:
I’m initially wanting to look at the ARCHIVE/Dispatch_SCADA/ set, as I believe it has the information about how much electricity is generated on a 5min average. Like most here, I’m curious about wind generation output, particularly in my local area. I have a couple of questions that I can’t seem to find answers for on my own.
In the individual CSV files, I believe the “DUID” column is the name of the generator. Is there a key/legend somewhere that explains who is who?
I also believe that the “SCADAVALUE” column is the 5min output at that time. Is this correct, and are the units MW?
And as a last question, are there other reports there that a budding data scientist might find intersting, either on their own or to combine? I’m thinking I’d like to look at price vs dispatch vs demand, or some such.
P.S. Thanks for everything you do, Jo.
[Jo has extensive archives going back to the beginning of this blog and I’m sure she can point you to the right place. I’ll alert her to your request.] AZ
Thanks Matt, someone here may be able to help, though I don’t download data like that myself. If you don’t get lucky, try run by Andrew Miskelly. He probably knows all that. He graphs the output of all wind generators and usually you can click on each farm to see the output graphed, live. If you get no luck and you can’t reach him let me know if you I could pass on a message.
Thanks very much Jo and AZ!
Andrew’s site looks like just the ticket. I’ll reach out to him. 🙂
Huge new signage next to the main highway outside the Surf Coast Shire’s huge new council offices, telling the world how many local households have installed solar panels, like it’s a good thing.
The green brainwashing runs deep, and has infected most local governments. It would not surprise me if solar soon becomes mandatory on new builds.
As of at 15.00 AEST can see the smoke clearly from the bushfires in upper NSW and QLD.
Oi, don’t export your CCC®ap smoke/haze/pollution over our way –
Comrade Jacinda will have another ™conversation™ with ScoMoMan about this!
Meanwhile, colourful sunsets are in the offing all week… unprecedented!!!
Can confirm the bush haze gave a lovely sepia/suntan tinge to everything today,
until the thunder ‘n’ lightning ‘n’ rain flushed everything away.
No sunset – it simply went dark – maybe tomorrow.
Is the science-based explanation for why cloudy nights are warmer than cloudless nights the same as those who believe in anthropogenic global warming?
? Broadly speaking, I imagine that cloudcover delays the removal of ground origin energy.
Clear skies, mean escaping IR heads straight out unhindered to give rapid cooling.
With cloud providing a half way station the water vapour may take in energy and cool slower. This would reduce the rate of energy movement from the ground and give the effect known as “warmer nights”.
Slower cooling = warm night.
interesting site, especially some of the sources behind the numbers
The Mirabelas bought property which backed onto a proposed feedlot knowing that the property would be unsuitable for a house , they subsequently built a house and then objected to the feedlot and won .
The property they bought was dirt cheap because of the impending feedlot , now you would have thought this would attract attention but no and the jobs lost to the region meant nothing with Greg later going on to a role championing the cause of what he just destroyed .
Can’t remember exactly what the role was but something like meat and livestock Australia .
Not surprised he lost preselection because the last name is mud in this electorate.
I am pretty sure that the people of Victoria will get better representation with that choice.
Idso puts the boot into all the Democratic Candidates.
I swear I’ve never turned on the radio on a Sunday afternoon but, for some reason, I switched on ABC News Radio just after 4pm. think ABC is CAGW-zealous? well, they were broadcasting the following Deutsche Welle program, which is decidedly creepy.
I thought it was fiction, but it is real. two guys – who say they have 3 children each – pushing the save the planet by not having children meme. even includes them talking to a 16-year-old student “climate” striker and pushing her on this idea.
AUDIO: 58min51sec: 6 Sept: Deutsche Welle: WorldLink: The ‘Greta effect’ (PIC: “climate” protest)
Neil King, WorldLink’s main host, is of Anglo-Irish stock, but was born and raised in Germany. After completing his studies in journalism and history, he started out as print journalist, working for several regional and international outlets….
Gabriel Borrud, an American from the Midwest, studied German and philosophy at Yale and relishes the opportunity to work on a show about personal stories.
DW reporters Gabriel and Neil go green, taking an open-minded, relevant and entertaining approach to various environmental issues.
more CAGW at the bottom of above, and more at this link, and undoubtedly this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to DW & CAGW:
AUDIO: 29min59sec: 29 Aug: Deutsche Welle Made for minds: Living Planet: Jumping in the green end
DW’s Neil King, Gabriel Borrud and Vanessa Fischer drop by the studio to talk about the new DW podcast On the Green Fence. They discuss how making this 5-part series that explores issues like climate change, water pollution, biodiversity loss and food sustainability has affected their outlooks on the world. And we hear what chaos ensued when Neil and Gabe shared a tent with a few mosquitoes.
that must be the Deutsche Welle program I started to hear on ABC radio yesterday. Automatically I switched the car radio off (the only time I hear thee ABC).
Sounds like my instinct still works.
A lesson in security
“Want The Key To The City? No, The REAL Key!”
In comments
“Larry Ledwick says:
7 September 2019 at 12:56 am
Every solution, creates a new problem (TM LL)”
30 forecast for Perth tomorrow. 10 above the monthly average
32.7 off an average of 20, and a similar event last month. Exactly where was I wrong?
So they measure earth’s temperature by one day in Perth. How easy is that!
So what! Sounds like a glorious day.
Seems you can’t even distinguish between WEATHER and climate.
So far this month, Perth has been BELOW average maximum temperatures
And the minimums have been nearly 2ºC BELOW average.
Perth dropped to 2.5ºC a few nights ago.. brrrrr. !!
that 7ºC BELOW normal
The Perth Metro site only started in 1993, even so, 30ºC would not be a record.
You are just garbling again, PF.
…. meant… 30ºC would not be a September record.
Brisbane, 24 today 16 this morning on my guessometer. 34 the other day, Itls all due to 1 molecule in 100000000 CO2. Yep of course cold southerly Antarctic air couldnt possibly be blamed or any other atmospheric heat transfer mechanism.
The monthly average at this time is rather meaningless. The incident radiation from the Sun is dependent on the Sun angle which a a sine function of season. Around the approaching equinox it is at its steepest part of the curve, i.e. changing more rapidly than say in December or June. Therefore the incident radiation is markedly different from beginning of Sept to say mid October. To average it doesnt make allot of sense as the total energy input is changing rapidly. Evident in the seasonal changes experienced by observation at this time of year.
Your BoM‘s calling 35˚C for Darwin tomorrow – gobble woamink!
It’s also calling -1˚C for Can’tberra – meh, that’s just weather, eh Fitz.
Frosts in Victoria, ‘cold’ temps for NSW hills and big surf warnings for the coast –
sounds like a good ole southerly to me – same as it ever was, or is it ‘change’, eh Fitz?
Lucky bugga’s, didn’t get above 17C here in Newy today.
ungrammatical, and almost entirely without context or full details, these excerpts are the final lines in this lengthy piece:
8 Sept: ABC: Gold Coast hinterland bushfire out of control, fires expected to increase this afternoon across Queensland
Area commander Inspector Shane Jarvis said crews were concerned about the way some fires were starting.
While an investigation is underway into a deliberately lit grassfire at Pimpama on the northern Gold Coast.
State Disaster Coordinator Steve Gollschewski said police would be “relentless” in their search for the offender.
“That’s extremely disappointing — people’s lives, including emergency services workers, [are] put at risk,” he said.
“The people who do these sorts of acts tie up police resources for the investigations, for offences which I might add are very serious can include life imprisonment.”
this is almost as unintelligible:
8 Sept: BrisbaneTimes: ‘We will be relentless’: Queensland police hunt arsonist amid bushfires
By Jocelyn Garcia
Police have vowed to be relentless in finding the arsonist who deliberately lit a fire on the Gold Coast, pulling resources away from dozens of bushfires firefighters were battling over the weekend.
A driver was passing bushland off Rifle Range Road near the M1 at Pimpama when they saw smoke coming from a stormwater drain about 3.30pm on Saturday.
“The man found a small fire and went home, coming back with buckets of water and extinguishing the fire, which had not spread,” police said.
At 4.45pm, police on nearby Yawalpah Road, on the opposite side of the highway, saw smoke coming from the western side of the road and drove across to Rifle Range Road to investigate.
The Ormeau rural fire unit, which was also aware of the blaze, arrived quickly and extinguished it…READ ON
behind paywall:
Gold Coast fires: residents ignore ban as BOM forecasts no rain for next eight days
Gold Coast Bulletin – 8 Sept 2019
… flying from a lawnmower caused an accidental fire. He said other rural fire brigades separately attended two deliberately-lit fires at Clagiraba and Willowvale. The former was a bonfire in a…
28 Aug: ArmidaleExpress: Armidale has had a spike in deliberately lit grass fires
by Jann Karp
There has been a spate of deliberatly lit grassfires in the city in recent weeks.
The Armidale NSW Fire & Rescue brigade have been attending one to to two grass fires per week in our area.
Fire brigades have been over the last 12 months putting out grass fires. However there has been an increase in deliberately lit grass fires in the Armidale creekland area.
Recently two separate incidents in one week had six fire brigade units attend, one fire took four fire trucks to stop the fire. The other also deliberately lit, fire took another two trucks to put out.
This meant that the Armidale rural fire crews had to assist. The dry long grass travels quickly and are hard to contain and the local firefighters are attending at least two of these grass fires a week…
“It is a very serious criminal offence to deliberately light a fire, with severe penalties,” Mr Tanner concluded. We are encouraging parents to speak about the damage a fire can cause with the children.
The map above shows the locations of deliberately lit grass fires. Please contact police if you see anyone lighting a fire.
8 Sept: ABC: Arson suspected in Geebung bushfire that damaged 70 cars at Pickles Auctions in Brisbane
About 70 cars have been set on fire in northern Brisbane as a minor bushfire fanned by strong winds jumped a fence into an auction yard.
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Superintendent Wayne Halverson said they suspected the fire at Geebung was deliberately lit.
“The damage is fairly extensive. It started in the bushland adjacent to Pickles Auctions and that fire in the bushland then jumped over the fence and spread to the cars, which were parked in this yard,” Superintendent Halverson said.
“There were about 70 cars involved — that does sound quite serious but there are 1,750 cars actually parked inside the premises.
“The wind has pushed it from the bushland over the fence and into the car park.
“We don’t know the exact cause but there’s obviously no dry lightning strikes at the moment so there has been a bit of human intervention there somewhere for it to have initially kicked off … probably [with] consequences far more severe than what the people originally would have thought.”
He said two firefighters just managed to scramble out of the way when a tree branch fell where they were standing…
Police will investigate in a bid to track down whoever might have lit the blaze…
behind paywall:
5 Sept: Qld Times: ‘Scary, disgraceful’ move as fire risk looms
In the past year alone there have been 1,055 reported incidences of arson in Queensland, and fire experts warn up to half of all bushfires could…
Arson blamed for starting one of CQ’s major bushfires
Rockhampton Morning Bulletin – 4 Sep 2019
FIRE crews gallantly battled to contain bushfires burning around CQ but there are fears that their hard work is being sabotaged by an arsonist…
Rolling bushfire coverage: Byfield remains on fire alert
Rockhampton Morning Bulletin – 6 Sep 2019
With 51 fires burning throughout Queensland police are reminding …. “As part of Operation Cool Burn, QFES continues to target arson and…
Man in custody after suspected arson attack
Courier Mail – 10 hours ago
A MAN is in custody after a suspected arson attack on a house in Brisbane’s…
Police investigating a suspected arson in Darra on Sunday…
Campbell Newman gave a swipe at the deputy premier and the fire chief who called these fires unprecedented sighting the 1953 fires in the same area .
I’m a bit pithed at the company that owns the scrubby hill over my back fence. A few months ago they sprayed and there isn’t a blade of grass left. There would never have been enough to pose a threat to anything but our roos and wallabies have decamped. I enjoy having them around. The flock of nutmegs we feed and water is growing though. Must be over 50 of them.
Hi Jo,
This is for “noisemarine”, at #31 above.
Dear “noisemarine”,
I’m Andrew Miskelly’s dad. I’m another frequent “lurker” at these pages!
The Dispatch_SCADA output values are, as far as I can determine from my reading of the information
provided by the AEMO, instantaneous values at each of the 5-minute timepoints.
That is, they are NOT averages, or something of the sort, over the preceding 5-minute period.
As Jo says, Andrew provides a table under each of his generator graphs, (fossil energy, hydro energy, wind energy), which provides the reader with a list of the generators reported on in the chart,
with each generator name listed against its corresponding DUID code.
As for the acronym DUID: it means Dispatchable Unit ID. You can check that in the AEMO document
at, e.g.:, Section 3.3.6 page 18.
(Incidentally, in the case of the solar PV and wind farm generators, this name is a misnomer;
these generators are not dispatchable, that is, unlike real generators,
their output cannot be dialed up by the grid manager.)
If you want to obtain rather more detail from AEMO documents about the different generators,
download the latest from: Open it with your spreadsheet program, and go to the
“Generators and Scheduled Loads” sheet. You will find that the DUID for each of the generators/loads
there are listed in column “N”, while there is plenty of information in the other columns such as
the owner, the real generator name, its location, fuel type, power output, etc.
There is a vast amount of relevant data at the many other links at the site,
presented in the AEMO’s usual inscrutable fashion. Price, demand, network flows, etc., etc. data
are all there, and lots more besides. Other contributors here are more familiar with and have done
more work on these data categories than I, so hopefully some of them might respond to your questions
on those aspects.
I trust that this helps.
Best regards,
Paul Miskelly
As always Jo, I really do appreciate all your work here.
DC to be shut down by climate maniacs beginning Sept 21!
I don’t see the downside to this. If they glue themselves to things we can just put up orange cones and yellow caution tape around them and let them stay there.
Is there a “how to” on the glue? Do they glue their skin or clothes? If skin, which part and how do they unglue themselves? Sounds unpleasant. The mark of madness.
I can hardly wait for this circus. Not that I will drive in to see it.
The Climate Crisis in Melbourne was supposed to disrupt the finals football. The organizers expected 10,000 protesters. 100 turned up. What Climate Crisis?
Much Ado about Nothing.
The Australian government explains
“These changes are caused by extra heat in the climate system due to the addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere”.
Once again, no one bothers to prove any of this. It is not questioned and assumed to be self evident. Humans rule the planet and the planet cannot cope with our massive output, except it isn’t true, any of it. Our total output is perhaps 1% of the CO2 yearly exchange, so unless it stays in the air forever, unlike any other carbon dioxide, it is of no consequence. Now that’s the self evident truth.
If CO2 does go up, that’s caused by warming. Our temperatures and our CO2 levels are controlled by the sun and water. 97% of the ecosystem we call earth is in the vast heavy oceans from which we carbon lifeforms crawled, swapping gills for lungs and carrying our water and salt with us.
Would be good to find one of those trucks that used to pump out septic tanks,
And put the flow in reverse and give them a proper spray. !
Maybe someone pointed out that get between an angry footy fan and a finals game might not be the safest thing to do .
Mate of mine used to be a logger in NZ. Greenies smeared the logging equipment with excrement then chained themselves up in the trees. The logging contractor had had enough. He arranged for a chopper with a cyclone (fire- fighting) bucket to pick up a load from the local sewerage works.
At a given signal all the loggers moved away from the trees and warned the police present to do the same. The chopper hove into sight and showered the greenies. They were outraged. The police said “you can’t do that”. The contractor’s response: “Well I just did”.
A good Celtic response
Amusing as ever, James Delingpole on the shenninigans in the UK..
“I’m enjoying all of this. I believe that Special Advisor Dominic Cummings has a plan. (He has urged aides to be ‘cool like Fonzies’ in the face of the Remainer meltdown.) And I’m not remotely worried we’re going to lose this one — not least because God, like the Queen, is most certainly a Brexiteer and a proper, old school conservative.“
robert rosicka – – mentioned Campbell Newman re the Qld fires. see the following accounts:
Twitter: Campbell Newman, former Premier of Qld
12h ago – And then in August 1953
14h ago – Very sad to see the destruction of these fires, but so appreciative of the efforts of the firefighters and the QPS. It isn’t unprecedented though. October 1951
Thanks for informing me of your reason for not publishing my comment.
I had written a reply to your stated position, which I was going to post this morning, but I see you’ve added a few words and now it looks a little more like I am getting an invitation. 🙂 So now I have to ask: Have you watched footage of the collapse of building 7?
oh no. noooooo
The results are out. Indisputable, whether one likes it or not. Laws of physics apply again! Govts apply laws of fantasy.
Western politics are in self-destruct mode. Each Western nation has a strong major party, either in government or in opposition that’s hell bent on destroying its own nation. We are leapfrogging each other heading for the cliff. Who goes over first is not yet known. The only reason such parties even exists is because there are enough stupid voters. Yet it’s far worse than that. The alternative party is often not much better.
Its always as the major (most often 2 opposing somewhat) parties manage to upset some portion of the populace then emerges a ‘better alternative’ party that might upset some election at some time. But that alternative isnt really alternative at all, usually made up of disgruntled hacks from the other 2, or trendy alt this and that newbies that always know better than their predecessors on everything. Digging deeper exposes the lies and the great con game.
I restrict myself to reliable testimony like that of Barry Jennings, Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York City Housing Authority, who was caught in the building, and to expertise like that of Danny Jowenko, owner of Jowenko Explosieve Demolitie, one of Europe’s biggest demolition firms.
Unfortunately, both these gentlemen have passed away.
More propaganda from the ABC , and I love the loaded fake multiple choice question block only they left the obvious question out .
Thanks robert rosicka for confirming the correctness of my aversion to reading anything purporting to be information emanating from Our ABC, Fairfax, BBC, Grauniad, NYT, WaPo, and the legion of other self-styled impartial news organs which daily drown their readership in seas of untruth. It would be tiresome and fatuous to critique the article so I have desisted.
Speaking of “tiresome and fatuous” I take this opportunity to mention that whenever Peter Fitzroy and his hangers on post their mischief whilst it can be amusing to read some of the highly original invective provoked the appropriate response is to ignore it and move on to the next comment for I have conclusively determined that of the hundreds of yawpings from this gang of twerps not a single one has contributed anything meaningful or humorous to the extent that I sometimes wonder whether these entities are in fact some sort of bot whose development was aborted because of its inability to reference real world data.
Another ship of climate crazies believe their own propaganda and get stuck in the ice which according to them has all supposedly melted.
‘Delingpole: Ship of Fools VI – Arctic ‘Global Warming’ Mission Scuppered By Mysterious Hard White Substance”
He gives the full list
Back in the days of the “Christmas Turkey” one someone posted a rewrite of a Robert Service poem on the theme of “The Ice That Wasn’t There” (IIRC on Jo’s blog) which could be recycled – but it will have to be by someone else as I can’t find it.
Can anyone comment on why this site takes so much longer to load (and sometimes fails to load) compared to any other site…blog, or forum ?
Using Ipad, Safari, and several different WiFi points.
It’s shocking this morning and yes using the same device it takes a few minutes to load if not more
I have also gotten a Server error message a few times when trying to access this site today so I would guess there may be intermittent network and/or dns server problems happening.
Same here..test 12345
Same here..test 12345 blocked by Google perchance 😀
You’d need to speak to this mob:
I think this is a WordPress hosted site. Their oerformance varies a lot depending on your level of subscription. I doubt Jo can afford a top shelf version even with all the oil/gas/coal/nukalar money she is allegedly showered with.
Yes, guys, sorry, it is very slow. Sometimes Internal Server Errors. Then OK. I’ve got to different people looking at it, and it may be temporarily better. Needs more work. Apologies for the patchy service today. Hope it’s a bit better now.
A big improvement over an hour ago.
Accessing is much better, sending a post is still slow but a noticeable improvement.
See if this helps now. I’ve deactivated one plugin, and it might be the culprit.
Much better.
“Omen” talk from Manager of the QFES predictive services unit, Andrew Sturgess, has made the headlines. Sturgess says homes lost this time have risen to double figures, but doesn’t say how many:
VIDEO: 1min16sec: ABC Facebook: 18h ago: QFES Inspector issues 2019 bushfire season warning
“This is an omen, a warning of the fire season we’re likely to see in the south-eastern parts of the state.” Queensland Fire and Emergency Services – QFES Inspector Andrew Sturgess has issued a warning to the public about this year’s fire danger…
This is an omen: fire chief warns Qld
Courier Mail – 15h ago
some MSM try to suggest, or actually claim, 20 homes have been lost. that is not the case:
9 Sept: TheNewDaily: with AAP: Firefighters face another day of hell in east coast crisis
More than 20 homes and structures have been destroyed in Queensland since Thursday, while the fires in NSW have claimed one house and damaged four others as well as three facilities, including two car yards…
Manager of the QFES predictive services unit, Andrew Sturgess, told the ABC the fire conditions were unprecedented in Queensland.
“It is an historic event. [We’ve] never seen this before in recorded history — fire weather has never been as severe, this early in Spring,” Inspector Sturgess said…
Inspector Sturgess said in 130 years of records, 40 houses had been lost compared with the more than 20 structures – including 15 houses – that have been destroyed since Thursday.
And that number was expected to rise as dozens of fires burned along the east coast, from far north Queensland to the Gold Coast hinterland.
“So this is an omen, if you will, a warning of the fire season that we are likely to see in south-eastern parts of the state where most of the population is,” Mr Sturgess said on Sunday…
Bushfires: more than 20 homes lost as more than 70 blazes rage in Queensland and NSW
Eighteen homes have been lost in Queensland with four residences and a shooting range destroyed in NSW
Guardian/AAP – 7 Sept 2019
Fires fanned by wind gusts of up to 90km/h have destroyed 10 homes in the Sarabah area, inland from the Gold Coast. Seven more have been lost at Stanthorpe, where fires forced hundreds of evacuations overnight. At least one other home was razed on Thursday, near Mareeba in north Queensland…
9 Sept: 7News: with AAP: Queensland bushfires: Binna Burra lodge destroyed as dozens of blazes rage
There are dozens of fires still burning across Queensland, with at least 20 buildings, including 15 homes lost.
9 Sept: ABC: Queensland bushfires see 11 schools close as battle to contain blazes continues
At least 20 structures have been destroyed by fire over three days, ***mostly in the Gold Coast hinterland, where a large out-of-control bushfire has been raging for several days…
Southern Downs Mayor Tracey Dobie said damage assessments were now underway…
“There’s certainly been a lot of assets destroyed in the form of infrastructure, sheds, tanks — that sort of thing.”…
example of a shed “structure”, which would be typical in the rural Gold Coast hinterland regions as well:
PIC: 8 Sept: ABC: Damage to a shed at Applethorpe
(from google result: A shed on a rural property near Applethorpe lays in ruins)
Emergency services called to rural shed fire
Mackay Daily Mercury – 20 hours ago
Rolling coverage: Fast moving wildfire in Lakes Creek area
Rockhampton Morning Bulletin – 12h ago
Around 11.50am today, fire crews raced to the scene of a shed fire at Cawarral…
Beautiful one day, on fire the next it seems.
One thing about bushfires in Australia, sooner or later everyone gets a turn.
Even if the world was warming (it isn’t) when has there ever been a time in human history when natural warming has been a bad thing? Cooling, on the other hand has devastating consequences such as famine, war and disease, just how Leftists like it.
It must be fascinating to be the Queen.
She is the Queen because her uncle Edward VIII abdicated to marry an American divorcee, as her grandson Harry has now done. Half the family is German on both sides, including her grandmother, Mary of Tech, a German princess from Wurtemburg. The family only changed their name from Battenburg of the house of Gotha Saxe Coburg to Mountbatten-Windsor in 1917. They named themselves after the castle. A lot of Germans in Australia did the same. So Mr Ruehl became Mr Rule. As in the UK but not in the US where so many of the US generals had German names, like Eisenhower and Schwarzkopf. In WWII a lot of US soldiers spoke fluent German as at home.
However Queen Elizabeth was only 14 when the Germans bombed London from France in the Blitz, so she might harbor some odd feelings about the Germans and the French and not be particularly happy that the parliament has surrendered most their ability to write laws to Brussells, a proxy for the French and Germans. 60% of all new laws are written overseas by unelected strangers. Even British farming and fishing is under the control of Brussels.
So this bill might have some resistance and Queen Elizabeth might be quite happy to take her Prime Minister’s advice. Officially that is her obligation, but it is given for a reason. Clearly she has the prerogative not to sign.
At the same time Boris is letting everyone know that he and his friends are have “drawn up plans to “sabotage” any Brexit extension without breaking the law, It means Monday’s vote on a general election is the “last chance” for MPs to block a no-deal Brexit”
Now why would he (literally) Telegraph this move? It clearly encourages Jeremy Corbyn to seize control of his party and demand the election he wants, as Boris says the Labor and ex Tory schemers will fail anyway and obviously the voting public is aghast at the sight of a parliament which cannot function now that the power to write and pass bills is with the opposition which refuses to have an election or even a vote of no confidence.
It’s all tied together. BREXIT, Trump, Bolsanaro, Salvini, the EU, the UN and Climate Change. All attempts by world governments to control every democratic country by convincing people to surrender their rights to pan national money makers run by socialists/communists. This has been going on since WWII under the guise of making the world a better, safer place run by billionaires and their communist friends, who call themselves socialists. And Germany has made itself totally dependent on Russian gas not the ample supplies of brown coal, because of “Climate Change”.
Good luck to Boris. In just six weeks there could be a complete realignment of the UK and the Germans and French will have to build their own European army without Britain, an army to fight their nominated enemies, Russia and the US and now perhaps the UK. Again.
The Political Climate is changing much faster than the weather.
If we could choose a CO2 level what would it be? I used to get excited and say 1500ppm, because I liked the idea of greening the desert. But you could not have such a goal driving policy. Its way too high for real world considerations. And if you were in a small or crowded room, CO2 levels might quickly climb to 4000ppm. Plus there is the general idea of prudence. I remember seeing graphs where the growth of plants that were under water stress …. the benefit of extra CO2 for water stressed plants didn’t start flattening until about 1500ppm. But if the plants had enough water, the benefits of extra CO2 started flattening after about 600 ppm.
I think we might want to say that our preferred level would be about 700ppm. Because we are going through decades of energy stress, and there is the possibility of a precipitous drop in CO2 levels. So we would want an extra 100 ppm up our sleeves just as insurance against a drop. If we get about saying that we want 700 ppm, then if the anti-science crowd says they would want 300 ppm, the difference could be a couple of billion people dying off during this next likely little ice age. This may be a way of pushing a shift in the mindset on the situation.
first re Chad’s comment – #48. yes, almost impossible to open Jo’s website today. have had problems previously, but nothing like today.
anyway, here’s the most shameful propaganda at theirABC exploiting the fires. it’s a must listen:
AUDIO: 10min05sec: 9 Sept: ABC Breakfast: Early bushfires ‘an omen of things to come’: Richard di Natale
Presenter: Hamish Macdonald
What’s been dubbed the worst start to the bushfire season on record has refocused attention on climate change and the possible link to extreme weather events.
Natural Disaster Minister David Littleproud has played down any causal link between climate change and the bushfires, which have arrived just days after the end of winter.
But the Greens are blaming the fires on global warming, and they want Parliament to declare a national “climate emergency”.
Guest: Richard Di Natale, Greens leader
Di Natale is asked to respond to earlier interview with Littleproud – fires segment segues into Murray-Darling water etc:
AUDIO: 10min46sec: 9 Sept: ABC Breakfast: Bushfires blaze through NSW and Qld, destroying more than 20 homes
Presenter: Hamish Macdonald
With more than 20 homes destroyed, it could be a harbinger of things to come, with the entire east coast facing an above-average risk of bushfires when summer itself rolls around.
Guest: David Littleproud, Federal Minister for Natural Disaster and Emergency Services,-destroying-more-than-20-homes/11491042
today on ABC The World Today (plus the inevitable anti-Bresit segment)!
Residents in QLD bracing for more bushfire devastation
by George Roberts
Queenslanders are being warned the State faces its worst bushfire threat in recorded history. More than 50 are raging across the state, in what’s the worst known start to the bushfire season.
“No reprieve in sight”: NSW Fire Incident Controller
by Eleanor Hall
Craig Busby is a Fire Incident Controller for Forestry New South Wales based in Coffs Harbour. He’s been battling bushfires for 30 years, d he’s told our reporter Liz Keen he’s never seen fire conditions as bad as this.
Over 60 fires burning across New South Wales
by Bronwyn Herbert
“Just absolutely enormous fires”; that’s how a senior firefighter is describing bushfires threatening lives and property in northern New South Wales this lunchtime. The Bees Nest fire has a perimeter of more than 100 kilometres.
Mass fish rescue gets underway in Darling River
by Gavin Coote
A major fish rescue mission will begin in far western New South Wales, ahead of what’s been labelled a looming ‘fish Armageddon’ in the Darling River this summer. Communities along the river hope it will prevent an ecological disaster.
will no-one else publish this?
8 Sept: CounterCurrents: Inferno: From climate denial to planetary arson
by Dr Andrew Glikson, Earth and climate scientist, ANU Climate Change Institute, ANU Planetary Science Institute
The Arctic Circle is suffering from an unprecedented number of wildfires in the latest sign of a climate crisis. With some blazes the size of 100,000 football pitches, vast areas in Siberia, Alaska and Greenland are engulfed in flames. The World Meteorological Organisation has said these fires emitted as much carbon dioxide in a month as the whole of Sweden does in a year. The world is literally on fire – so why is it business as usual for politicians?
The recent spate of regional to continent-scale fires, in Brazil, Siberia, California,southern Europe, Queenslandand elsewhere, represents temperature rises over tinder-dry regions of Earth where forests, originally developed under Mediterranean to sub-polar climate conditions, are overtaken by heat waves associated with the polar-ward migration of tropical and subtropical climate zones…
Turning the Earth into a gas chamber…READ ON
So climate denial is a gateway crime leading to planetary arson.
You’ve got to wonder what bad drugs imbibed by Dr Andrew Glikson of Our ANU (follow the link to see teasers to more of his opus) chained up his logical faculties and led to the penning of this flight of fancy.
Almost Controlled Flight Into Terrain. or, for us non pilots, almost a crash but on video.
another bit of pufferey promoted by our beloved Peter Hannam. Apparently extreme heat kills more Australians than extreme cold
how many Australians have ever been exposed to extreme cold while in Australia? It would be a small number. Not the cold we whine about but extreme cold. I recall us coming into work one day on a particularly bleak winter morning in Melbourne all bitching about the cold. Our ex pat Canadian boss just sniffed at us as said “at least if you go out dressed wrong you arent going to die!!”
Hey thanks to JoNova for her excellent presentations on how to ruin the grid. I wasn’t schooled up on the grid and I haven’t been paying attention to the news and all that. So when I first looked at the problem I thought it must have been a spin-off of John Howards “energy diplomacy” forcing so much of our gas overseas. Well you know. Everything these people do helps destroy the grid but I am now far more schooled on the problem.
This bidding system cannot be right. It sounds like some sort of system the bankers must have negotiated. Its a catastrophe and the way it dovetails with the renewables makes grown men want to weep like babies. From now on we must keep the bankers outside. Let some sensible leftists in the room but bankers must stay out in the cold. Look how they constantly screw everything up. I hated Malcolm from the start. I couldn’t understand why anyone would support him. And look what a skunk he turned out to be? If he wanted to damage Australia that badly could he not have gotten one of our own girls to help him? Why a Clinton agent from New York? How far is that from a Netanyahu agent from Tel Aviv? Not that far on some level. What next? When we get nuclear stations are we going to invite Chinese communists to run them? Its just unbelievable what Turnbull has done to us. He’s pulled a similar stunt with our submarines. Even light-weights like Rudd and that Welsh gay chick, couldn’t have done so much damage that quickly.
So a few well-meaning commies but no bankers. The bankers you have to keep them away from meetings, discussions, committee votes. That sort of thing. Other Prime Ministers have made a wrong turn here and there. Or been unduly influenced by this or that. But Malcolm is our first real traitor I think.
Anyway I’ve heard that these new “ultra-super-critical” coal fired plants can accelerate a lot better than the old stuff. We need to get serious people in to mend the situation. Patriots. It must be fun for these people to be charging around fire-fighting every day and raking in all this loot. But the slipper has to come down on this party sooner or later because its a national security threat.