A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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COVID-19, lies and statistics: Corruption and the pandemic
Chutzpah: Tedros scolds world for not listening to WHO on COVID-19
But our Australian Health Department
Reply from Federal Government
Dear Sir,
I refer to your correspondence of September 2021 to the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, concerning Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program. Your letter has been referred to the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, and the Minister has asked me to reply on his behalf.
There has been heightened interest in the potential role of ivermectin in prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is used to treat human and animal diseases caused by parasites but has not been proven to treat COVID-19 in humans and is not approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for this purpose.
There are a number of clinical trials being conducted around the world investigating the potential role of ivermectin, either alone or in combination with other medications, to prevent or treat COVID-19. To date, there is a lack of high-quality evidence with sufficient certainty to support the safe and efficacious use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce brings together the peak health professional bodies across Australia whose members are providing clinical care to people with COVID-19. The Taskforce undertakes continuous evidence surveillance to identify and rapidly synthesise emerging research to provide national, evidence-based guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19.
The Taskforce’s current advice on ivermectin is “Not recommended; Do not use ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval.” The certainty of evidence to support the use of ivermectin in relation to all-cause mortality, invasive mechanical ventilation, ICU admission, adverse events (including serious adverse events) and clinical improvement is low, due to risk of bias and imprecision in the clinical trials.
Evidence to support viral clearance, time to clinical recovery and duration of hospital stay is also very limited. This is a result of study sample sizes being small and in select populations, a lack of peer-reviewed data, and insufficient evidence to support claims, including studies that have drawn incorrect conclusions, or have incorrectly extrapolated information based on laboratory studies. This means that the standard of evidence for the use of ivermectin as a therapeutic for COVID-19 is insufficient.
Research evidence comparing ivermectin to standard care, as published by the Taskforce, has shown some effectiveness against COVID-19 disease. However, problems with the clinical data mean there remains significant uncertainty over whether ivermectin is more effective and safer than standard care in treating patients with COVID-19. For there to be certainty in the evidence from clinical trial data, trials need to be conducted with large numbers of participants across different demographics, with varying comorbidities. The trials should be randomised, and papers should be peer reviewed before final publication. This ensures that the treatment will work for the intended audience and will lead to better outcomes than standard care.
Ivermectin has common side effects and associated harms, including diarrhoea, nausea and dizziness. For any therapeutic to be considered for use in clinical practice, the benefits must out way the negative side effects in the intended audience. The recommendations and their rationale are available at:
On 31 March 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) advised that the current evidence on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients is inconclusive, and until more data is available, the WHO recommends that the drug only be used within clinical trials. This advice is also consistent with that of the European Medicines Agency and the United States Food & Drug Administration.
The Taskforce continues to monitor evidence and consider the effectiveness of therapeutics for both the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection, including for ivermectin. If ivermectin was found to be a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19, the relevant guidelines will be updated accordingly.
It is important for Australians to have access to credible and timely information about COVID-19 vaccines. It is a large and complex project, and the information you are seeking may change over time—that is why we strongly encourage you to stay up-to-date on all news and announcements, by regularly checking the Department of Health’s website at:
If you need to speak with someone, the National Coronavirus Helpline is available on 1800 020 080. It operates 24- hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.
Thank you for writing on this matter.
Yours sincerely
Australian Government Department of Health
I have had a look at the drug treatment options for hospitalised Covid patients in NSW. The list is as follows:
Much has been written about Remdesivir, but can someone out there explain in layperson’s terms how the other drugs in the list work on Covid?
from another ian’s post below –
Quercetin 67% 4 studies 754 patients cost $5
Sotrivimab 67% 1 study 583 patients cost $2,100
HCQ 64% 32 Studies 54,621 patients cost $1
With the companies planning to file for a full approval in the second half of the year, GSK and Vir will be turning to its already established “existing commercial channels” in the U.S., Victoria Williams, vice president and medicines commercialization leader for sotrovimab at GSK, said. At a wholesale acquisition cost of $2,100 in the U.S., the drug is in the reported price range of other antibodies, she said.
Let’s see – so at a Wholesale Cost USD $2,100.00, NSW Health is using this rather than trialling HCQ, Quercetin, Vit D, Zinc
– see results comparison
Check this OO:
“Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan – two months before China notified the world about virus
“A whistleblower has sensationally claimed China deliberately spread Covid at a military tournament two months before the rest of the world knew about the deadly virus.
“Ex-Chinese Communist Party insider Wei Jingsheng said The World Military Games in October 2019 could have acted as the virus’ first superspreader event.
“The international tournament for military athletes was held in Wuhan – the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic – two months before China notified the World Health Organisation about its first cases.
Ive been warning about this:
“Warning that Australia could face food shortages due to Covid-19
If rules aren’t changed on isolation for staff that have been fully vaccinated, there could be serious gaps on supermarket shelves, an industry group warned.
Not trying to be sarcastic but COVID-19 vaccines: patient cost ZERO
Umm, and the cost to the taxpayer is …… and isn’t that us patients?
I was replying to #1.1.1
Of course your are right about cost to taxpayers via government and taxes however the same applies to all listed “patients cost”.
And also via Medicare taxpayer’s pay for the hospitalisation of patients.
Take a careful look at the real cost.
Christ are people really this stupid?
G’day h,
I wonder also, but don’t you just love the last two words of the quote:
” More than 83 per cent of people in NSW who are over age 16 have had one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 55.5 per cent are fully protected. ” ?
Do you reckon it’s supreme optimism, stupidity or obfuscation? Whatever, it’s not precise, unless they mean ‘protected from politicians and health bureaucrats’.
Dave B
“‘protected from politicians and health bureaucrats’.”
Is that possible?
There are 10 people who didn’t read between the lines.
“COVID-19 vaccines: patient cost ZERO”
What price do you put on the little side effects, like days off work, blood clots, heart problems and death?
Depends on your age.
The drugs ending in -mab appear to be monoclonal antibodies.
Baricitinib is said to stimulate the production of haemopoiesis (red blood cells and immune system white cells)
Anyone know nurses and/ortradies and/or teachers in Victoriastan?
Send them Ivermectin info….or info on Indias success with Ivermectin crushing covid.
They work in an industry over run by COVID, they do not appear afraid of catching the most terrifying disease ever, wonder why?
Cops don’t appear to be afraid of catching the most contagious disease in history, wonder why.
G’day MP,
I think they are scared, and some catch it:
” The latest COVID-19 outbreak at Liverpool Hospital in Sydney’s west is still under investigation after 24 patients and five staff, including an intensive care unit nurse, contracted the virus over a week. ”
Dave B
Great source, gotta be true. ABC
Cases, cases, cases and more cases. when all you got is a PCR, everything looks like a case.
2019 ranking for flu, 12th place for deaths.
2019 ranking for trips and falls 14th. You Better sit down, for my safety.
2020/21 your Rona ain’t gunna make the top 20. (h/t Casey Kasem)
Remember the good old days, 2020 bc (before COVID), you where sick when you had symptoms, those were the days eh. Asymptomatic was not heard of since Typhoid Mary.
Now every player wins a prize!
Just in case you can’t tell, I doubt your claims.
P.S. I think you got the wrong state, better check your on the right planet.
I have not heard any police station labelled as a covid hot spot.
But have heard a coffee shops closed where police buy their coffee from and number of police members required 14 day supposed isolation.
yes Flok
l have been saying the same thing for ages that considering the amount of police who are tackling the public (you see what l did there LOL)
l have not heard once about a spread in a police station, not one at all,
and l have looked, l would appreciate anyone’s info proving me wrong
“an industry over run by COVID”
I understand what you’re actually saying, although we need to realize that nobody’s industry is being crushed by COVID-1984. They are all being crushed by the obscene socialist government fear of a disease that is so fantastically dangerous that you need an advanced scientific test to know that you have it.
I also doubt the advanced claim.
However, according to the TGA, the covid jab is apparently fine with known side effects such as: blood clots, stroke, seizures, Myocarditus, autoimmune disease, and a small side effect known as death (just to name a few).
Our so-called leaders have lost the plot.
After 40 years, the IVM side affects are well known, minor and not statistically significant @ 3,4 BILLION doses and counting!!
Now didn’t I read just there that there were no visible problems when upping the dose five times?
“To date, there is a lack of high-quality evidence with sufficient certainty to support the safe and efficacious use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.”
Don’t expect my Depart of Health to support any such research, or even – God forbid – to do it ourselves. Our only duty is paper shuffling.
Supporting data: Normal human dosage is 0.2 mg/kg body weight. Giving a relative comparison:
LD50 data is lethal toxicity for 50% of tests. Most are 75 times or more of the normal dosage for a human. Human data is extrapolated from animal data with large safety factors. Dog LD50 is some 400 times max dose for humans, Mouse LD50 is some 125 times max human dosage, Rat is 250 times, and monkey is 120 times normal dosage.
LD50 data: Oral >15 mg/kg (adult human) LD50 ~80 mg/kg (dog) 25 mg/kg (mouse) 50 mg/kg (rat) >24 mg/kg (Rhesus monkey)
Dr. Robert Malone, I used it myself: “In order for a 170 pound man to receive an LD50 dose of ivermectin (that is, the dose which is estimated to kill 50% of those who receive said dose of a substance), he would have to ingest 10 full tubes of Durvet Ivermectin Paste 1.87% for horses, in one sitting.”
OldOzzie well done, but I suspect you got the standard Ivermectin reply recommended by big pharma early last year when they realized the Ivermectin was their next threat to Vaccines after they so successfully dismissed Hydroxychloroquine!
the war against IVM has been going on for a long time, I found this really interesting very detailed, fairly unbias, technical history with 450 references well worth reading
Now follow that on with Uttar Pradesh—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html
and finally a dose of
OldOzzie what really makes me sick to my stomach is the utter gaul of these bast*rds to say there is insufficient evidence – are they willfully negligent, criminally delinquent or bribed/blackmailed (I suspect a bit of all three!) when they say there is insufficient data.
Oops posted instead of previewed!
and but they are such a bunch of hypocrites
Let’s look at the new drug Sotrovimab made by GlaxoSmithKline, it has had 1 trail, yes ONE TRIAL done by guess who? Yep GlaxoSmithKline 583 patients, 291 got the goop, 292 missed out, 66% improvement gee 2 points better than HCQ meta analysis from 32 early trials with 55,000 patients and a dollar a day keeps the Covid away just as well!!
Not quite as good as IVM, 28 early trials 68% improvement, 5,000+ patients another $1 a day wonder!!
Glaxos’ trail was NOT peer-reviewed but approved by TGA on the preprint information!! US$2100 per injection
See if you can work out who has created these almost scientifically plausible web sites and then ask yourself what their motivations are.
Yet another critique of
Learn to be sceptical.
I’ll repeat the first part of that bold quote…
“The majority of its revenue comes from pharmaceutical company “
oops !!
What’s the Simone, facts got your tongue.
How is it that Ivermectin has to meet all of these stringent conditions when the mRNA gene therapy was approved by the Therapeutics Goods Administration with no such requirements?
Herewith some results from using the fake COvid19 vaccine:
1. During the first six months of 2021, the Office for National Statistics revealed that 30,305 people died within twenty-one days of having the Covid-19 fake vaccine in England,
2. Between December 8th 2020 and June 11th 2021, Public Health Scotland reported that 5,522 Scots had died within 28 days of having the Covid-19 fake vaccine,
3. Through to September 11, 2021, the 27 nations comprising the European Union reported via the EudraVigilance database, that there had been 24,526 fatalities and 2,317, 495 injuries following Covid-19 injections,
4. A major promoter of the Covid-19 fake vaccine, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US National Institutes of Health, is reported as boasting on February 15, 2021 to a group of about 9 NIH laboratory workers that he has not taken and will not take the Covid jab.
oh god not this again
Post the refutation then. Don’t leave us linger in ignorance.
That would be work and lack the tone of overweening superiority
Yes GA, more facts. Do you have a problem with that?
This sort of sums up a lot of things related to your question.
very good read Lance, well done
Thanks OldOzzie,
The reply is surprisingly comprehensive. It is in fact quite revealing.
Firstly they have to ignore a lot of new information which has come to light and has been presented here by Jo. The errors by omission are quite obvious and startling.
The director quotes the WHO from 31 March 2021, which is a long time ago now. He advises the need for clinical trials but there is has been no attempt to start one yet. I would say that the time for clinical trials has passed, since it would any trial which included a non treatment control arm now would be ethically indefensible.
Please keep the letter and share it with Jo,
People don’t need drugs any more than they need vaccines (which are unending, not to mention harmful to many).
As I have said many times, Echinacea with Goldenseal, taken in large continuing doses at the first sign of sickness in the body, is enough to stop the covid virus, and any flu virus, in days, without ever getting seriously sick. you just have to take the herbs as your body needs them, to stop the advance of the sickness and defeat it. Two 450 mg capsules every 20 minutes, for as long as it takes until the viral infection gives up. The next time you feel yourself “coming down with a cold”, just commit to taking such a continuing dose, and within hours you will find you are not “coming down” further.
I got the covid virus twice, in early 2020, the first time it hung on for a week, the second time for just 2 days. Of course I went through a 75-capsule bottle of echinacea with goldenseal every 24 hours, at the rate of 2 every 20 minutes (that’s 72 in 24 hours), but the beauty of herbs is there are no ill effects and they are perfectly harmless. Basically, your body tells you how much to take — whenever the cold or flu symptoms make you feel worse, just take another dose.
I write to inform people that drugs are not the way to beat viral infections, any more than are vaccines. Herbs are, to put it in a nutshell, cleansing foods for the body. I am pretty sure, after 25 years of experience with both sickness and echinacea, that these particular herbs, no doubt among others, were designed to heal these common infections, quickly and easily. And the quickness with which covid19 infects the body, in the digestive tract, is its main threat; I expect that is its man-made threat, deliberately made to get in and do bad quickly, otherwise it is weak, in the first week or so.
this blog is based in Australia. Echinacea and Goldenseal are both native to North America, which, unless they can swim to the southern Pacific on the other side of the globe, makes your well-meaning advice useful mainly to only North Americans.
Vitamin D 3 is not a cure for covid but can enhance our immune systems to make it unlikely to contract it or to ease us through an infection. It is a natural product of our bodies — just add mid-day sunshine to as much bare skin as you can decently expose on sunny days. Covid attacks through the lungs which have large quantities of Vit-D receptors. Jo has written about this several times. (Note: vitamin D is not a vitamin but an important hormone.). If you maintain your vit-D blood levels about 50ng/mil or better, you won’t catch colds or flu’s to need to consume echinacea and goldenrod to get better.
With all due respect, many more people have access to that than have access to North American flora.
Maybe I’ve misremembered but somewhere read tbat echinacea should not be used with certain hbp medications.
Nurses, teachers vow to join anti-vaccine protesters on Melbourne streets
Protesters have been urged to “look sophisticated” at today’s demonstrations, with nurses and teachers claiming they will join construction workers on the streets. Vaccination centres are on high alert after being named as a target for the anti-vax mob.
Members of the Melbourne Freedom Rally Telegram group — including people claiming to be tradies, nurses and teachers — vowed to wreak more havoc on the streets of Melbourne CBD.
“So they can see how many different industries are standing up,” one group member wrote on the encrypted messaging app.
“Some of the nurses are going to turn up in scrubs,” another said.
One user wrote that high vis had been “vilified”.
“Everyone start turning up in suits, shirts/ties, dress shoes. Look smart, look sophisticated,” they said.
One user wrote: “What if at 10am nurses start at the ANMF in Melb, tradies at CMFEU, teachers at the Uni of Melb education building. Then join together in the middle of the cbd at 12. Show the unity of all Victorians.”
Another wrote: “My wifes a teacher, she’s devastated, most teachers in her school have been double jabbed. I think the unvaxxed are a minority in that industry.”
It comes the day after authorities announced mandatory vacciantions for teachers and early-childhood educators.
It is not yet known whether Melbourne Freedom Rally demonstrators plan to return to the Shrine of Remembrance but have again marked their starting point as CFMEU headquarters, where the protests first exploded on Monday.
n response to police’s request that media aerial footage be delayed by one hour, one member suggested they find “someone with a drone with a streamable camera”.
“We need our own aerial intel and recon,” they said.
How long before the army is called in to put a stop to these highly disruptive demonstrations by “misinformed anti-vaxxers”?
We can’t have these “thugs” like nurses and teachers threatening the roll-out.
It could be the day the population turns on the army…..that would be grim.
Good thing ( sarc ) that they passed laws allowing foreign troops in for “peacekeeping”.
FYI – Stalin learnt that local troops wont shoot the locals, but foreign troops have no such problem.
Its coming….the N W O is stressing the population to see how much they can take.
“Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it.”
—H.G. Wells, The New World Order (1939)
No need for the Army….that would require agreement with Federal authorities.
Dan has recruited and armed his own personal force to deal with any resistance
‘Dan’s Army’
Dan claims he is guided by he science.
Tradesmen object to dictatorial mandates and are punished with a 14 day lockdown.
Revenge is not science.
When that became obvious the yesmen came out and said construction sites were spreaders and that is untrue.
To invent figures they, for example, used a site in Box Hill that was badly managed. Tradies on the ground floor tested negative. 20 positive tests came from tradies sharing lifts.
20 grew to 116 for the site. That number is impossible and must include victims whose contacts could be traced back to at least include a tradesman from the site.
Who was covid positive No 1 on the Box Hill site?
The hunch back of Notre Dan.
Stairman Dan
“Stairman Dan”
best laugh l have had in a while LOL thankyou
Perish the thought.
As we all realise Victoria has treated citizens harshly and is now the worst state to live in, thousands are leaving and reports are that many more are planning to leave when they can finalise arrangements.
State Emergency Powers are approved by State Parliaments and in Victoria the State Government effectively controls the Parliament lower and upper houses.
The Federal Government has no say in this, no control over it whatsoever, and the border closures are another example of state constitutional law powers, upheld by a Western Australian court of law and the High Court rejected an appeal against that decision.
I never expected to experience or observe any State Government behaving so badly and having effectively absolute power and supported by left leaning media to filter the news cycle to favour VicGov.
There are three cross benchers in the upper house of the Victorian parliament who voted with the government mid year to extend the State of Emergency by six months.
It is due to expire in December, unless another extension is approved.
The three cross benchers who rolled over with Dan are Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Stuart Grimley (Justice Party) and Samantha Ratnam (Greens).
Victorians stranded in NSW can return home if they are double vaccinated from September 30. Daniel Andrews made the announcement as his state recorded 766 new local Covid-19 cases, its highest ever daily total, surpassing the 2020 peak. NSW added 1063 new cases and six deaths. TV networks are challenging a ban on media livestreaming aerial footage of the Melbourne protests.
Since courts in other states have no jurisdiction in Victoria where will these involuntarily exiled Victorian residents go to redress their grievances?
This is beyond oppressive bad law and indistinguishable from rank totalitarianism.
Governor Dessau needs to call a stop to this travesty of a parliament before the premier’s next outrage.
A Governor of an Australian state is nominated by the Premier and sackable by the Premier. In effect, an employee.
It still stuns me that citizens are forbidden to return to their HOMES in Australia.
Does the Governor General have any power to intervene or is that limited to the Federal level only?
l dont know but Rod Culleton has a petition to the Queen to get her to intervene
the petition is on the RH side
I have only lived a few years on the fringes of the big cities and have never understood their attraction.
Sure there are broader employment opportunities but it takes a lot more after tax $s to live there. I remember walking around central Sydney looking at all the imported car dealerships and thought to myself: “Who fixes them?” Some poor schmuck commuting from the west probably. Another time I was doing a course at Remington in the city and a young lad from Para was doing it too but he worked there. The daily commute was the highlight of his day. He obviously met up a bunch of other singles, but that would lose it’s appeal once older.
Meanwhile I live in the tropics. This winter I switched on my rev. cycle aircon for two mornings, just too lazy to find a doona. We don’t run the aircons much in summer either. I haven’t owned a suit for 50 years so no drycleaning and only some of those in the northern beaches have a real commute so you save a heap on cars.
What I’m saying is that many leaving the cities now will never go back when they discover my secret.
I agree fully. I’ve spent most of my working life in reasonably small places – I left Sydney in 1980 and have never had a desire to live there again.
Even the bigger cities I’ve had stints in were not that big – Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane. But I much preferred Darwin, Alice, Canberra, Cairns (Yorkeys Knob), Gold Coast, Newcastle, and a few others.
MsT has about ten nieces and nephews hereabouts in Melbourne (which BTW is a perfectly pleasant place to be retired in, with no commute).
I have suggested to them – before you “settle down” and get strapped with a big mortgage and a long commute – go see Australia. Have a stint in Darwin or Cairns or Townsville or Alice or Karratha … anywhere. It could change your life.
But nope – they are all bogged down here with huge debt and lots of driving.
I’d live in non-Brisbane Queensland tomorrow if I could talk MsT into it!
for once i agree TT
TT you have spent time in the tropics and we prolly agree that it would be a big step for southerners to come this far north but I have great admiration for the Italians who came here after the war. They came from a temperate Mediterranean climate to the tropical cane fields and cut cane by hand.
Hand cutting cane was hot, dirty [they burnt the cane before cutting] and as back breaking as shearing but then they had to load their wagons, that was physically tough. Pooling their funds they bought the farms, the farm owners financed their neighbour’s sons and eventually whole districts were “Little Italys”. Ingham, a classic little town more so than any.
I spent a year at Fairymead Plantation, Bundaberg, at the end of the hand cutting era working beside the plantation’s developing mechanical cutting and loading program. Fairymead was at the cutting edge so it was no accident that Bundaberg was the birth place of the harvester.
These men proved that we can not only survive the heat but thrive.
“No need for the Army….that would require agreement with Federal authorities.”
The federal authorities would have NO problem. They are part of the DEEP STATE.
1-6-2017 Governments are “full of incompetent people,” Assange told Hannity. “And the more secretive the area is, the more incompetent it becomes because there’s no proper oversight.”
These days the thugs seem to be in the black shirts
Melbourne protestors are fighting for freedom and against dictatorship. The very thing our forces fought and died for. The most appropriate place is at the shrine.
The protestors did not damage anything but leaving rubbish is disappointing but easily cleaned up.
There is no better place to stand for freedom.
Those who died would be shamed by the comments being made supposedly on their behalf.
The freedom they fought for is being acknowledged. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and service people died to prevent regimes like Daniel Andrews.
Why comments made by RSL should represent the lives of dead soldiers!
Those who are commemorated by the shrine and died under fire from soldiers acting on orders from foreign governments, would be horrified to now see their descendants under fire from police acting on orders from their own government.
The real disrespect came from Andrews last ANZAC day limiting the crowd to 1500 and fencing it off , while allowing an AFL game with 10s of thousands the same day. A Grade Hypocrite.
Yes – I thought the same. The Shrine represents the sacrifices made for freedom.
“The protestors did not damage anything but leaving rubbish is disappointing but easily cleaned up.”
Richard + Jenkins
l watched the live feed from Rukshan and a couple others there and l could see many people going around keeping the crowd in line and picking up the rubbish, l could see 4 large rubbish bags of drink bottles ect.. left at one spot after they left, like really they could not take it with them when they left while dodging bullets could they? watch from 1:22:52 in link below
what l could see from the footage the protesters were respectful but the MSM had to have a story so thats what they came up with as well as the protesters were an angry mob who were violent,
that must have been the part l missed LOL
one thing l did see that nobody has reported is when a protester gave a Soggy a bottle of drink and the soggy after taking the drink gave him a knuckle bump, link below @ 1:17:10
anyway it is in the link below if you want to see all for yourself
also there has been some people who have shown disgust at the protesters going to the shrine,
one MSM celebrity l heard saying that the servicemen and women gave up so much so that the protesters could protest
but think about it, its illegal to protest
“One of the things about Geert Vanden Bossche is that, unlike the bureaucratic “experts” running the show, his predictions have been quite accurate.
At the end of this piece he talks about early treatment. There’s a lot of good studies on a lot of products that are being ignored. ”
Links at
In comments there
“I think that those who don’t have sunscreen, we need to insist put on sunscreen, to protect those that have sunscreen! “
very funny LOL
and also from the comments
“There’s a new bar in town, our only bar.
I don’t know what the chicks are like but I’m going to need you all to wear condoms with me, Friday night, in case I get lucky.
You’re onto something there.
Maybe better phrasing would be to ask those who insist others be vaccinated is this: “Will your girlfriend get pregnant if I don’t wear a condom?”
Interesting Graph referred to
Quercetin 76% 4 studies, Ivermectin 67% 64 studies
“Quercetin 76% 4 studies, Ivermectin 67% 64 studies”
Yeah but it is considered many of the Ivermectin studies have inadequacies and thus the results are thought questionable.
For example
The one in India on 240 million people 99.99 percent effective because it broke the RO
You can’t tell the difference between propaganda and science.
Testing has gone well beyond the test tube, despite efforts to stop this even though very safe to even use as a placebo. It’s bonkers even if barely effective in the real world, yet it looks worth while to many governments listening to their experts.
Yes they were done without zinc. With zinc much closer to 100%
Boy, has it been hard to get Quercetrin! But, finally, with some help from a friend I have a good supply in case I need it.
Meantime, I take my regular Vit C with other flavonoids. And, of course, Vit D and Zinc.
… add vitamin K2 to that mixture.
Also check out Sucharit Bhakdi 5 months ago telling us all that boosters would be needed again and again..until death was achieved…’after the second shot be sure to have a will”
I was both frightened and unconvinced by his talk.
Yes Serp,
I feel the same.
His immunology lessons are excellent. His warnings are most concerning.
The high point is that the worst of his warnings have not happened yet.
All natural sweet wormwood plant
The researchers soaked dried leaves of A. annua, obtained from four continents in hot water and tested the solutions against SARS-CoV-2 and two variants originating from the United Kingdom and South Africa. Some leaf samples were 12 years old but still potent against the virus. Researchers also tested artemisinin alone against the viruses, but the plant extracts were more potent. Artemisinin is a compound naturally produced by the plant, but is usually extracted, chemically modified, and developed in combination with other drugs to treat malaria.
Results showed that the extracts of A. annua did not block the virus from entering cells but interfered with the virus’ ability to replicate, thus killing it. In addition, the anti-replication activity did not appear linked to artemisinin or flavonoids, which are natural substances in the plants.
I bet that India, Mexico & several other countries are very happy they don’t have a deaf, dumb & blind TGA to contend with nor a health administration with less imagination & innovation than a brick! Thinking outside the squares is not permitted. Action outside the big Pharma companies financial interests is heresy!!!
There again how long did it take for similar scientific world to acknowledge Albert Einstein????
How long did it take before helicobacter was acknowledged as a cause of stomach ulcers.
IIRC it was an Australian doctor using himself as a guinea pig who established the proof.
I doubt it’s about the TGA being blockheads. I would suggest there is something in the contracting to get the companies to develop the vaccines at great initial cost in the face of therapeutics that were at least reputed to be effective against COVID-19. One would imagine that as the vaccines lose potency in protecting against new mutants, therapeutics will suddenly resume their position and possibly become the primary defence against the virus.
The TGA experts aren’t dickheads and IMO there is a real official block in place against finding them (therapeutics) acceptable. Those trials taking place as stated in the government letter to OldOzzie must have every ‘i’ dotted and every ‘t’ crossed because, at the end of the day, there must be no chance of permitting any further official block to stand in their way. If proven effective, therapeutics will be the key to the health, economic and education problems of the world, not just for Australia especially as the reliance on the vaccines appears to be getting more shaky as the virus mutates.
Maybe the answer will be a combination of vaccine and therapy. To clean up the current mess over playing with mRNA and foetal tissues and getting maximum protection, we need new vaccines if possible not based on those elements which are presenting philosophical barriers for some people. These in turn are giving business and government the ability to play with our freedoms and movements.
It’s not just the antivaxers that have problems; there is the matter of those that have had COVID19 infection, that have the stronger immunity to the disease but never-the-less are expected to complete a vaccine course. Perhaps somebody can give me the logic for that demand which must be obeyed before they can get the vaccine pass card! The only logic I can see is that eventually the immunity fades with viral mutations, but surely there must be a right to prove that that has occured. Then there are those that don’t want to be forced to have a vaccine that enrols the basic biochemical control mechanisms of the body to get involved in the process.
The only antivirals that will get TGA approval will be ones which are patented.
180,000 responses to a media request for persons unvaccinated who got the covid after the vaccine was available.
See if you can find that Wally.
Ozzie, You must feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall.
Chris – Yes but I will keep trying last message sent to PM
When Melbourne Tradies can see a Solution to Covid staring Australia in the face – how incompetent does that show Australia’s CHOs to be.
Again what are the Vitamin D Levels of Covid Hospitalisations in NSW.
And if Tradies understand there are alternatives to Vaccines – “I think this is the first time I have seen the bleeding obvious prophylactic to Covid – in addition to the “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.” mentioned in a Major Australian Newspaper – in this case the Herald Sun”
– why can’t DR Kerry Chant advise why they are not being used in NSW Hospitals as a treatment approach – current treatment is basically Zero
Professor Borody Talks about Early Treatment of COVID-19 – Part 1 – September 2020
UK and Ameican experience with Covid showed that BAME People were more suspectible to Covid as has been seen in the Covid Outbreaks in South West Sydney and West Sydney
Question to NSW CHO Dr Kerry Chant – “What are the Vitamin D levels of Patients admitted to Hospital with Covid in NSW?”
India and Africa have shown that ivermectin works against Covid – ivermectin has been safely and succesfully used to treat parasitic diseases earning the Japanese Discoverer the Nobel Prize – it is safe for use with Humans – they even use it on multi-million dollar racehorses, who are obviously more valuable than Humans.
Bluntly Professor John Skerritt Head of TGA, should be taken to the The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, for Crimes against Australians for banning Doctors from prescribing ivermectin for their patients for Covid
Again to repeat – “When Melbourne Tradies can see a Solution to Covid staring Australia in the face – how incompetent does that show Australia’s CHOs to be. – “mass distribution of ivermectin, vitamins C, D and zinc.”
” … how incompetent …”
It might have all the hallmarks of incompetence, but I’m afraid it’s ideology running the show.
Being blinded by ideology is a particularly nasty type of incompetence. The kind that kills.
There’s always more options Greg = willfully negligent, criminally delinquent or bribed/blackmailed (I suspect a bit of the first three with a heavy dose of four!)
Why do you think Gates said that investing in medicine was his best decision ever!?
“ideology” — democratic ideology in this case
Liberty or Equality by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Thus any liberal accepting Plato’s evaluation of democracy would reject this form of government because, according to this philosopher, it is fatally doomed to develop into tyranny.
The respect of minorities, moreover, the freedom of speech, the limitations imposed upon the rule of majorities have nothing to do with democracy as such.
A democracy can be highly illiberal: the Volstead Act, quite democratically voted for, interfered with the dinner menus of millions of citizens.
If we accept St. Thomas’ definition of democracy we will find that the “dictatorship of the proletariat” (provided the proletariat forms a majority) is more democratic than the American Constitution.
Fifty-one per cent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic;
There is little doubt that the American Congress or the French Chambers have a power over their nations which would rouse the envy of a Louis XIV or a George III, were they alive today. Not only prohibition, but also the income tax declaration, selective service, obligatory schooling, the finger-printing of blameless citizens, premarital blood tests—none of these totalitarian measures would even the royal absolutism of the seventeenth century have dared to introduce.
It should be self-evident that the principle of majority rule is a decisive step in the direction of totalitarianism. By the sheer weight of numbers and by its ubiquity the rule of 99 per cent is more ” hermetic ” and more oppressive than the rule of 1 per cent.
Democracy is rule not “of the people,” but of a majority over a minority, earning Voltaire’s comment that he preferred to live under the paw of a lion rather than under the teeth of a thousand rats. Democracy has not the slightest rational or scientific foundation, which is why the late Crane Brinton argued that it could only become in the long run a purely fideistic secular religion.
Jacob Burckhardt:
“But I know only too well the modern state, whose irresponsible omnipotence is going to manifest itself in a very crude and practical manner. It will simply take the approximate majority of the popular mind as a measuring-rod and regulate the rest according to it in a strictly disciplinary way.”
“Democracy, indeed, has no enthusiasm for the exceptional, and where she cannot deny or remove it, she hates it from the bottom of her heart. Herself a monstrous product of mediocre brains and their envy, democracy can use as tools only mediocre men,”
totalitarianism and tyranny has its roots in the democratic (plebiscitarian, majoritarian, egalitarian), and not in the liberal-libertarian, principle.
Macaulay, who wrote:
I have long been convinced that institutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty, or civilization, or both.
democracy cannot relinquish its egalitarian heritage, the jealousy, envy and insecurity of the voting masses tend to give new impetus to the egalitarian mania as well as to ever increasing demands for ” social security ” and other forms of” economic democracy.” These cravings and desires result in specific measures, and thus we see finally a bureaucratic totalitarianism restricting personal liberties.
As Winston Churchill once said : Democracy isn’t perfect , but it’s better that the alternatives. Democracy is suffering a plague of lies , misinformation and corruption from the media and big tech . We “the people ” have been manipulated and coerced by hidden forces for some time now and our educators are part of it . We have the best standard of living in the history of humans , but are currently being herded toward towards a cliff that will probably destroy that. Critical thinking is the only way out and it’s in short supply.Socialism and facism – thats tyranny…
Thanks for replay, I am not big fan of Winston Churchill.
Churchill devoted his life to three causes: preserving the Empire, keeping socialism at bay at home and preventing Eu- rope’s domination by any foreign power. By 1955, all three were but memories. Not merely because he achieved exactly the opposite of what he intended, but mostly because his ac- tions triggered the deaths of scores of millions, it’s reasonable to regard Churchill’s career as a major catastrophe of global magnitude. He acknowledged that he strove in vain. He re- flected not long before he died: “I have achieved so much, to have achieved nothing in the end.”
Leftism From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
It is precisely the unwarranted identification of democracy with liberty which has caused a great many of the recurrent tragedies…
…equality on one side and freedom on the other are mutually hostile. Since equality is the dynamic element in democracy, while liberty lies at the base of true liberalism, these two political concepts do not really mix.
Freedom, however, has nothing to do with democracy as such-nor has the republic. The repression of 49 percent by 51 percent or of 1 percent by 99 percent is most regrettable, but it is not “undemocratic.”
Thus we see in the democratic order that the phrase “rule of the people” is misleading. The majority rules over the minority, which reminds one of George Orwell’s famous phrase from Animal Farm: ,’All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” This notion of one part lording it over another displeases the “democratist,” i.e., the supporter of democrat ism which is democracy erected into an ideology.
In an existential sense democracy is not self-government at all, and self-government (unless we stand for unanimity in a democratic procedure) is and remains an illusion. Herman Melville expressed this view when he said, “Better to be secure under one king, than exposed to violence from twenty millions of monarchs, though oneself be one of them.”
There are certain totalitarian and monolithic tendencies inherent in democracy that are not even present in the “absolute” monarchy, and even less so in mixed government which, without exaggeration, can be called the great Western political tradition.
…democracy and totalitarianism are not mutually exclusive terms. Professor J. L. Talmon has rightly entitled one of his books (on the French Revolution) The Origins of
Totalitarian Democracy, and it is no accident that the isms which menaced liberty from the eighteenth century to our days called themselves “democratic.”
De Tocqueville saw only too clearly that while democracy could founder into chaos, the greater danger was its gradual evolution into oppressive totalitarianism, a type of tyranny the world had never seen before and for which it was partly conditioned by modern administrative methods and technological inventions.
In the final prophecy of Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America the possibility, nay, the probability of the democratic state’s totalitarian evolution toward the Provident State has been foretold with great accuracy. Here again two wishes of the leftist find their fulfillment, the extension of government and the dependence of the person upon the state which controls his destiny from the cradle to the grave. Every movement of the citizen, his birth and his death, his marriage and his income, his illness and his education, his military training and his transportation, his real estate and his travels abroad-everything is to be a matter of knowledge to the state.
One could continue this list ad nauseam.
You may say that Churchill achieved nothing but the fact is that he stood and struggled against na.ism and com.nism.
Both now gone, perhaps re-surging in Victoria, our problem not Churchill’s.
Sign the petition to save our sustainable forestry industry
Is there any point in someone not living in WA signing the petition?
My view is that managed forests should be a growing industry not reducing. I have not seen any studies on forest productivity in Australia but my own observations indicate that trees are growing like weeds now compared to what I recall 60 years ago.
The fuel burnt in the 2019/20 bush fires across Australia could have fuelled the entire Australian economy for two years. It is shameful that this fuel is building up to burn explosively rather than being managed for economic purposes.
Sawn timber is a wonderful, beautiful material and the jobs created, though not suitable for the clumsy, accident prone folk, are real jobs not “green” ones.
UN Agenda 21, now Agenda 30: Sustainability, signed circa 1990 by the Keating Labor Federal Government resulted in creation of State Crown Land or State Forests into UN registered National Parks, no logging permitted, no new dams, no exploitation of minerals and energy deposits, restrictions on camping and hiking, etc. And Marine National Parks banning commercial fishing and more resulting in a decline in local seafoods supply and related increased importation of seafoods.
The last Labor and Green State Government of Tasmania were last to convert State Forests set aside for sustainable logging for the timber industry which resulted in many timber mills, trucking firms and other related businesses being shut down. The Abbott Coalition Government tried to assist the then Liberal State Government of Tasmania to have the National Parks revert to State Forests but were unsuccessful, the UN would not agree to it.
Here is a map of the Coral Sea Marine Park. It’s BIG!
Reasonable force Victoria Police?
Police aren’t there to punish.
Nor are they sworn to “send a message” through aggressive, violent policing.
Victoria Police have lost their way.
And they are losing the people too – check these scenes of police cars being attacked:
Police do not create the laws, they enforce the laws and each matter can be taken to a court of law if the person or persons fined want to challenge the police decision and law.
Of course I am appalled by the heavy handed approach we are shown via media from Melbourne and Victoria generally, but there is a need to check facts. For example I have never experienced harsh treatment by police, they have been as polite to me as I have been to them. I have known a few police officers and in my early working years I shared a house with a few of them. They are after all Australians too doing a job they have been trained to do and without them our society would not be as it has been, the thin blue line looks after us, but they also have to deal with not nice people and horrible situations most of us have never experienced.
The Emergency Powers VicGov now has were granted by both Houses of Parliament and the laws.
“The Emergency Powers VicGov now has were granted by both Houses of Parliament and the laws.”
oh really, dont think so Dennis,
Dandemic did under the table deals with the greens, sex party and animal welfare party to get the emergency powers extended not even considering the liberals, he even tried to get the powers extended for ever
the over reach of the police will not be forgotten
you do not get shot in the back of the head by running at the police
and heres the police shooting unarmed protesters
It matters not what deals were done that fact remains that the emergency powers VicGov now have were granted by both Houses of Parliament and the laws”.
Yes I get it, deals were done but that is not unusual in politics.
Read my other posts, I do not support the “over reach of the police” but they are enforcing the laws which is their role in our society, Parliament creates the laws.
Parliament in Victoria is shut down – too dangerous.
Those laws are illegal, that’s the point. Your Parliament creates the laws, but it is an outlaw Parliament, destructive of peoples’ rights to take care of themselves.
Everything governments do is legal, if they declare it so.
You have government approved protests, which are legal.
And unapproved protests, which are illegal.
Then you have enforcers that follow legal orders.
(Which is much easier when they are one of the few allowed to work and get paid, as recently succinctly
articulated by one your Melbourne Stormt … I mean policeman. Black attire … stylish since the Night of Long Knives.)
I seem to recall there was a name for this kind of thing way back in the mid 20th century.
And there were some ‘legal’ precedents.
Unlike classic black attire, completely out of fashion.
“It matters not what deals were done that fact remains that the emergency powers VicGov now have were granted by both Houses of Parliament and the laws”.
no Dennis deals were done to keep the emergency powers,
Dandemic would not have them now if he did not buy the votes, all three judases were very public in saying they would not support the extension of the emergency powers before they got there 30 pieces of gold
these were not deals to improve the quality of life of the people
this was not democracy
Who trusts the WHO?
See the documentary TrustWHO.
Rod thanks bookmarked
Just to break the plandemic monotony.
Must be due to AGW. Time to raise our taxes again to stop this volcanic activity.
The CCP is now interested in helping the Taliban terrorists develop their trillion $ rare earth deposits.
What a scary, EVIL combination of non believers and religious extremists, what could possibly go wrong?
And who could care less about the persecuted Muslim slaves working for the CCP and supplying the stupid OECD countries with so called GREEN energy?
Chinese dont rate as Infidels
Were not earthquakes a sure sign of a soon-to-be fallen leader in ancient Chinese times?
We pure bloods in NZ wish all Vicdanistanians best wishes during this Level 5.8 Quake shake-up shake-down.
May Chairman Dan fall on his sword a.s.a.p. [whether accidentally or metaphorically, I don’t mind].
As a NZ Pure Blood ( please in future capitalise this noble concept) I concur completely. This is interesting reading and good data to strengthen our concern.
May JizzCinda Hardon suffer the same fate as Dick Tator Andrews.
August 1, 2021, the director of Israel’s Public Health Services, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, announced half of all COVID-19 infections were among the fully vaccinated.15
The vaccinated are not only susceptible to testing positive, though: They’re also increasingly likely to experience serious disease when infected. Double-jabbed Israelis started making up the bulk of serious COVID-19 infections in July 2021, and by mid-August, 59% of serious cases were among those who had received two COVID injections.16
Others have cited even higher numbers. August 5, 2021, Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, appeared on Channel 13 News, reporting that 95% of severely ill COVID-19 patients were fully vaccinated, and that they made up 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations overall.17
August 20, 2021, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky admitted that the Israeli data “suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early,”18 and just like the Israeli Ministry of Health, the CDC’s answer to this dilemma is simply more shots, as if that’s going to solve anything.
‘May JizzCinda Hardon suffer the same fate as Dick Tator Andrews.”
thats belly laugh #2 for today, thankyou
Victorian earthquake: Ancient fault lines 10km underground
How can it be that a severe 5.9 magnitude earthquake – the largest ever recorded in Victoria – occurred on Australia’s old, stable continent which, as we learn from childhood, is one of the least geologically active parts of the planet?
The answer is that it didn’t.
Wednesday’s quake happened in an area of our continent which is right on the boundary of the ancient, billions-of-years-old landmass at a weak point where it joins a newer region that “accreted” to the eastern seaboard.
Starting about 400 million years ago, what is now eastern Victoria was in geological turmoil as the Australian landmass, then part of the Gondwana super continent, pushed against a neighbouring ocean plate, creating the Great Dividing Range.
Most of the plate went underneath but parts of it scraped off and joined the Australian continent.
When Gondwana broke up about 100 million years ago, Australia started moving north and the activity ceased.
But left behind are the deep cracks, or fault lines, remnants of the collision which are now weaknesses in the continental plate.
“They are the scars from past deformations,” said Australian National University geophysicist Louis Moresi.
And in one of these scars, more than 10km underground, there was movement at 9.15 on Wednesday morning and the jarring was sufficient to shake Melbourne and be felt as far away as Sydney. It was followed by several aftershocks as the scraping in one part of the fault led to nearby parts shifting too.
Adam Pascale, chief scientist of the Melbourne-based Seismology Research Centre, said the fault may have shifted by several tens of centimetres, and even up to a metre. But because it is so deep underground, there is no way to measure the distance directly.
So, why did the fault lines give way?
Professor Moresi confirms that, just as we learned at school, the Australian continent is stable, but is still under enormous stress.
We are actually part of the Indo-Australian plate, he said, which he likens to a big banana stretching 10,000km from New Zealand to the Himalayas.
And because the banana shape is inherently weak, that stress regularly finds release in the old Gondwana fault lines such as the major Governor fault that runs from Gippsland up through Shepparton to Echuca, right near the epicentre of Wednesday’s earthquake.
It’s not the first time the fault lines have moved in this area. In 2012, a weaker 5.2 magnitude earthquake shook the Gippsland town of Moe.
“It’s an area where there is increased seismic activity relative to the rest of Australia,” said Caroline Eakin, another ANU geophysicist.
Although the quake caused alarm in Melbourne, Mr Pascale said it could have been so much worse.
If the epicentre had been nearer the city there would have been much more damage, more like the 1989 5.6 magnitude Newcastle earthquake which destroyed buildings, killed 13 people and caused damage worth $8.3bn in today’s dollars.
Nevertheless, one reason why the quake was felt all over southeastern Australia is the hard rock which is characteristic of the region. “Energy waves travel a lot further (in hard rock) which is why it was felt at such distances,” he said.
Although the stresses on our banana-shaped continental plate regularly cause earthquakes, we are never expected to experience quakes as strong as New Zealand, Japan or the west coast of North and South America which sit on plate boundaries.
Earthquakes will be more powerful on the edges of tectonic plates, said University of Sydney geophysicist Ben Mather.
For example the 2011 Japan earthquake, which caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster, was of a magnitude of 9.
Each magnitude increase on the scale corresponds to an energy release over 30 times larger, meaning that the Fukushima earthquake was at least 30,000 times more powerful than the Melbourne quake.
“We are never going to experience the same frequency of earthquakes nor the intensity of earthquakes as those places,” Dr Eakin said.
Australia’s most powerful recorded earthquake was in 1988 in Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. It was a magnitude 6.6.
Although the cause of earthquakes is well understood, we don’t know when they will occur. We have no way to predict when a fault line will give way.
The stresses that we would like to measure are usually many kilometres underground, Mr Pascale said.
Scientists expect earthquakes to have aftershocks, and Wednesday’s quake had several of diminishing strength in the hour after the initial shake.
But Mr Pascale can’t rule out that the quake might be a foreshock to a larger event. “It will happen within a few weeks if it’s going to happen,” he said.
Excellent diagrams in the article that can’t be shown but one new reference site for me
My take from a Christian perspective – It may have been God serving notice on Victoria.
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.
If you look at how deep Victoria has dropped into darkness in recent months, its up to the people to stop it.
The thing is, and this may make me unpopular – in the Bible, many times the outright wickedness of the people meant God abandoned them into the clutches of an army or invading force so the land would be defiled by the invader and the people taken into slavery.
Has Australia’s unrepentant sin become so bad, that we are now abandoned by God into slavery and a strong delusion sent by God so that those who love sin and wickedness and refuse to turn from it, will love it even more and drop into an abyss and be literally taken captive by it?
I hope not, but the signs arent good.
Falling on his holiday let stairs only gave the electorate three months respite so yes bring on the sword although bear in mind it is a gesture reserved for honourable persons which is a different usage than that indiscriminately applied to our parliamentary representatives.
We can but hope.
In tbe meantime; something sent on to me yesterday evening:
Coronavirus: Everybody Stay Inside
Earthquake: Everybody Run Outside
God: “You put the scared people in,
you put the scared people out,
you put the scared people in
and you shake them all about”
How about this – medical slides showing what appears to be impsct of the vaccines on human tissue
“Today there was a press conference from the pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany. The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter presented the results of the autopsies of eight people who died after COVID19 vaccination.
“(in German)
Here is a summary of the highlights.
(3/n) 10 autopsies, 8 evaluations.
(Slide text translated into English)
(13/n) Suspected side effects:
especially autoimmune phenomena (“self-to-self attack”)
Israel’s ministry of health mortality data exposed!
Who’d be vaxxed. Not me !
Taking a break as of now to move house a bit further north.
Far north Qld here I come!
Mods can breathe a sigh of relief for a few weeks.
One would need to see the comparison. Out of 1000 vaccinated people who contract Covid-19, how many die, compared to 1000 cases of those unvaccinated?
There are 1900 Americans dying each day from Covid-19 – almost all of them are unvaccinated – seems pretty clear.
I checked your link and it does not support your claim.
Having three definitions of “vaccinated” is permitting gross misrepresentation of the data. Another thing I have found suspicious about the Israeli data is that hospitalization numbers for vaxed and unvaxed are released (about 60% vaccinated most recently), there is no gloating mention of there being fewer unvaxed in ICU.
All governments, however, are doubling down on “Vax prevents severe disease”.
Hypothetical discussion:
Suppose a politician hid a deal from federal govt for a number of years, appeared to be a keen proponent of an initiative of an aggressive Communist nation that has a global plan to become the next superpower, locks populations down until they riot, forces medical procedure on a population or else they cant work or eat….
would you call it Communism?
I’d call it deranged or corrupt or both.
Forrest – I’d call it Dictator Dan? – Hmmm
The message about Indias success with Ivermectin needs to get to every tradie in Victoria……
There is an alternative that doesnt involve crushing a population for the sake of crushing peoples resilience until they submit to evil.
Why – they will be out of a job unless vaccinated?
Hope you do not need a tradie in the near future.
“The message about India’s success with Ivermectin needs to get to every tradie in Victoria……”
one of the things the tradies asked for in the demands was that Ivermectin to start being handed out as a treatment, they were mocked in the MSM for asking for horse worm medication
Brings Trudeau to my mind. He has been more successful than most in insuring the media do not cover demonstrations but they are occurring all over Canada.
Its got a son, think his name is shingles, should be good at roofing.
The people love the premier … his approval rating is in the high 60s.
Just one of the benefits of spending a million dollars on social media accounts. The link is from March this year
And talk about the miscalculation by the police hierarchy. All they had to do was to wave the protesters through like every other protest in living memory. I cannot remember ever being on the side of protesters before but I am this time. I’m even mildly sympathetic to the rabble rousers in the crowds.
So what’s the plan Dan? Stage a few rent a crowd protests for the mutual benefit of government and CFMEU hierarchy? Take the police down a peg or two by using them as political operatives like the rest of the public service? Create chaos so you can play Bob Hawke and be the hero?
I can’t decide whether my thoughts are too machievellian or not machievellian enough.
As someone who did military training and attained the rank of Full Lieutenant, I have generally been very anti protestor. These protests, however, I fully support, as the ones in Europe against Green Passes. Never been so keen to see a bunch of coopers get the bash as the thugs in Melbourne.
coppers not coopers!!!!
The Australian Federation of Barrel Makers have just sighed in relief. 😉
I will drink to that.
What on earth does your job/career have to do with an opinion on protestors?
ASIO – like the FBI in the US – has been warning us for years now about the most dangerous form of terrorism: white nationalist terrorists.
And they have been searching for such groups for years too.
Now they have them in their sights, thronging the streets of Melbourne and endangering police.
Before long, anyone caught with an Ozzie flag in their home will be off to a “Quarantine Facility.”
“white nationalist terrorists”
Oh, you mean Australian politicians and bureaucrats??
Dave B
Quarantine Facility.”
Centre for national resilience.
Resilience, rolls off the tongue better than Zyklon_B
From Friends of Science
An open letter to the Bank of Canada challenges the ability of banks and insurance companies to evaluate climate risk or reach NetZero COP26 targets, referring to a new report “Fighting Climate Change: Can We Humans Regulate Earth’s Climate?” issued by Friends of Science Society. The report is sponsored by Canadians for Sensible Climate Policy.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Sept. 20, 2021, Britain’s current energy and looming food production crisis serves as a warning that COP26 Net Zero goals will destroy modern society.
Media reports about the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 climate report were rife with the “Code Red” claims that came from UN Sec-Gen Guterres’ press release. “Fighting Climate Change…” report shows the actual science of the IPCC report offers good news. The most catastrophic scenario (RCP 8.5) is no longer seen as humanity’s likely future, as explained by US climate policy analyst, Roger Pielke, Jr., meaning the climate emergency is over. Thus, NetZero targets are no longer necessary as “we do have time” for a thoughtful, rational energy transition.
“Politicians Can’t Stop Climate Change” is the theme of Friends of Science Society’s 18th Annual Event which will feature Dr. Guus Berkhout, president of CLINTEL, on October 2, 2021 at 10am MDT and Marc Morano, author of “Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think” on October 6, 2021 at 7pm MDT.
However our Politicians here in Australia are too dumb to understand “Politicians Can’t Stop Climate Change”
And … Scientists can’t stop climate change…!
..and…. Mankind cant stop climate change ..!
…..its like Time,.. you cannot stop it, so learn to adapt and go with it ..!
If you accept that global warming over the past 150 years has been caused by industrial-scale agriculture, vast forest clearing, and the burning of fossil fuels in transport and industry – then you might well hold the view that political action can ameliorate it, and even reverse it.
My concern is that the phrase is actually correct “Politicians Can’t Stop Climate Change” because Western capitalism, State capitalism (China), and those driving industrialisation across the developing world, aren’t going to change their ways.
We’ll keep doing all the things that damage the planet until we can’t.
But … but … CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
Should of left it at that.
All Hail the Woke!
We are the Woke who deign to kneel
To show the un-woke world we feel
Superior to their red-necked ways
And old traditions they still praise.
We kneel upon the neck of culture
And plan its end as would a vulture;
We are the woke enlightened few
Who sneer at those who say “true blue”.
And in this way we stoop to conquer
The racist, sexist, Ozzie plonker
Who thinks we should treat all the same,
But that would leave us none to blame.
And none could rise lest some go down,
So up we rise with black and brown.
How proud we are to be so woke,
Unlike you lesser red-necked folk.
Bravo, M Alison! Excellent poem!
Hope you don’t mind, I just shared it in a MeWe group of fellow freedom-lovers here in the U.S.. With attribution, of course, via a link to your post.
Riveting interview.
Attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews Vera Sharav Nazi holocaust child survivor Global Genocide
Apr 7, 2021
Lengthy (1hour15) explanation by a Belgian clinical psychology professor on why some in the population are so in fear of the virus and others arent.
Why do so many buy into the virus?
It’s called “mass formation” and what we can do to help.
From Pandemic Podcasts.
Worth a watch if you have the time.
There is a big difference between being “in fear” of the virus, and accepting that it’s a serious respiratory disease in some cases for some cohorts, and that public health measures (especially limiting mobility and crowds) are necessary.
Not sure what “buying into the virus” actually means. Are you (or the good professor) implying that it is a ruse, hoax, or beat-up – a harmless little virus like a cold or the flu?
some who deal real work beyond the commentariat seem to think so
I read somewhere a comment on the banning of IVM in Australia, where it was pointed out that authorities sanction the use of dangerous, illegally imported drugs, through the use of ‘safe injecting rooms’. I’d say those drugs are rather more dangerous than IVM! Could we have safe injecting rooms for IVM??
Is IVM addictive?
You can get IVM injectable, goes in the fleshy bit where the ear attaches to the head, and we have stables for that sort of thing.
Or safe ingesting rooms?
2018 – 58,861 cases of flu
2019 – 313,085
2020 – 21,356
2021 – 436 to August.
Where-o-where has the flu gone?
Closed borders? Hand washing? Social distancing? Its not working for covid in Victoria or NSW.
The flu vanished when covid came in. Is anyone else suspicious?
Maybe the PCR test is not that accurate.
“Click on the icon above for a graph of statistics.
This report provides a summary of influenza surveillance data collected from around Australia and New Zealand. Regional reporting in some areas ceases when influenza activity is low (out of season). Please note that many people do not get tested for influenza and that there may also be some delays in reporting confirmed influenza cases.”
The alpha strain of Covid vanished when the delta strain took over.
The most infectious wins the survival race. The R0 of flu is about half the R0 of the alpha variant and one third the R0 of the delta variant.
So action taken to slow the rate of infection of either the alpha or delta Covid variants would mean the flu virus never starts building.
Australia has eliminated flu deaths in Australia, simply because new strains didn’t turn up when we closed the borders.
One problem with you flawed logic. We didn’t close our borders! Thousands still came ever week. In the month of July this year alone there were 103,500 arrivals according to ABS. Can’t you at least check the facts before making stupid statements?
The elimination of flu deaths in the land of Oz is commendable. People have been coming home, but they go through quarantine to minimise contagion.
Thanks goodness we have avoided thousands of flu deaths and thousands more hospitalisations. You would think with all that capacity not used we would have some space in the system, but we remain ever on the precipice.
Oh god not this again. Ah well someone bothered replying. Stay tuned for it to be repeated again. Soon.
Here you go then….straight from the manufacturer…
“SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT) This product is for research use only and is not intended for diagnostic use.
Specificity – non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.”
“This product is intended for the detection of 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The detection result of this product is only for clinical reference, and it should not be used as the only evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment.”
why have you sent me to a link for a bio-kit?
I see. You don’t know what it is so you’ve leapt to some grand conclusion.
Maybe stick to spreading disinformation and leave the tech to others.
btw I run a 7500, solid and reliable.
Why do you not address the non-specific interference?
You can search the site if you like, I just made it easy for you.
I’d like to know what you think interference is, in this context. Also, while you are at it see if you can find anyone anywhere who is using or has ever used this discontinued research only PCR kit, made by an antibody manufacturer.
I’ll wait.
Must be being thorough. When there is nothing to find it can take some time.
They would not make them if no one was buying them.
Those who believe and quote the 4 million death toll ascribed to Covid need to explain what part of that figure actually belongs to influenza.
No use saying that the Covid measures have stopped the flu when the Covid virus has not been stopped by these same measures.
Influenza regularly has a world total of 2 to 3 million deaths – and the reports of biased counting in hospitals etc probably account for another million.
So maybe a million deaths to Covid – hardly a “pandemic.”
Brenda, Fauci announced about a month ago that the PCR test is going to be de-authorised by the Americans on the 1/1/22 because it cannot distinguish between Covid and the Flu. There will be a more sensitive test taking its place in January.
Says it all!
Just a reminder about Human Resources. HR is the party cell, put into every organisation these days, to get/keep them pure, and in line. I remember reading about Soviet units in WW11, all having to have a political officer, who was able to use rather severe measures, to keep them on the straight and narrow. Now China has a party cell in every organisation. We’re doing exactly the same. HR. Brainwashed, straight out of university, put in charge of appointments and culture. It’s seldom mentioned, but there is their Trojan horse. I’m scratching my head at this not being obvious.
Also the big change in voting patterns in the last 10 yrs – the solid group vote by the ‘educated’, hugely to the left. It’s been a massively successful re education program, now strongly evident, down into pre school! We rail about where society is going, and that it should be changed, but unless you are able to counter maybe 3 generations of re education camps, you’re whistling in the wind.
As it just broke, I’ll post this before I go.
Project Veritas whistleblower Part 2.
Inside the FDA.
National registry for the unvaccinated.
Sounds like a certain period in Germany’s past we can’t mention any more.
Welcome to the Freedom Cafe!
We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.
We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.
We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.
Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook’s right to do so.
Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.
Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.
Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do – and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.
Libby Jones
Love, Sally-Jane
And in the spirit of individual freedom, Sally-Jane allows the staff to rifle through the cash register and help them selves.
Sadly, silly old Sally-Jane and her stupid Freedom Cafe went out of business not following basic commonsense rules.
I interpret the Cafe Freedom concept as a dig at those who object to compulsory mask wearing, compulsory vaccination, and/or object to excluding those who are not vaccinated from shops or events etc.
It seems most of the points or examples in the post relate to people objecting to being told what to do. But being told what to do is not the majority objection to compulsory vaccination or excluding the non-vaccinated. It’s about people choosing what goes into their body and particularly a vaccine that is still somewhat experimental and the short and long term effects largely unknown.
In the cafe example most of it relates to customers ultimately putting a cafe product into their body. So the requirement on the cafe to meet basic health stipulations and particularly the desires of the customer are not for the whims of the staff or the staff’s right to choose.
Cafe Freedom is really quite a bad attempt to make a point.
Yes, I’m fully vaccinated.
Sorry, I didn’t directly address the mask aspect.
Masks are impractical to wear eating or drinking in a cafe, and are uncomfortable and inhibit breathing and vision. It’s not just a “don’t tell me what to do” objection.
Plus, the effectiveness of masks are dubious. The effectiveness of cafe hygiene processes is well proven.
I think that is daft…
Is WIND generation being curtailed ?
Looking at the NEM log graphics..
..for NSW and QLD there are signs of significant “Curtailment” during the midday period.
Up to 1 GW in the case of QLD.
I assume by looking at the traces, this is Wind being cut back, but the odd thing is that in NSW this is being done at the same time as importing power from QLD ?
Can anyone understand this logic ?
I doubt NSW has to cut back.,153.022,5,i:pressure
And NSW almost always imports from Qld. We make some profit and I occasionally get a dividend payment off my bill.
The current price of LGCs is around $35/MWh. So when the wholesale price falls more negative than this, the WDGs pull out of the market. The coal plants bid a slab of energy near the floor price (say -$1000/MWh) to ensure they remain scheduled in the knowledge they can usually recover the losses during the evening peak and the price will not go under the LGC price for very long. The WDGs have limited opportunity to recover losses so simply pull out of the market once they are paying to export power.
At 11:30am 23 Sept, both Qld and NSW were at -$33/MWh. WDGs will voluntarily curtail in these circumstances.
The generation information on this site actually gives an estimate of the curtailed output:
It is the faint orange dotted line. Both NSW and Qld have curtailed WDGs from 8am on the 23 Sept.
This is the Noon wholesale price across the NEM. All four states listed have negative wholesale price.
23 September 2021 – 12:00
How does the AEMO tell the difference between a wind generator “self curtailing”. and that same generator just not able to supply due to low wind, maintenance, broken equipment restrictions, etc ?
My understanding was that Curtailment was a restriction imposed on the generator and dictated by the Market Operator. .?…..hence how the AEMO know the amount.
Your understanding of curtailment is only partly correct and not the most common cause of curtailment. The WDGs can voluntarily curtail by setting a price that takes them out of the scheduled generators. They will be bidding at around -$35/MWh. So will not be in the scheduled stack if the price falls below this. Remember that rooftops are not in the scheduled stack and produce irrespective of the wholesale price. Rooftops currently supply 30% of the total demand around midday. Right now, metered rooftops are producing 8.3GW of the 24.3GW total demand.
The WDGs are not told to pull out of the market, they simply have a higher offer then the top price for the scheduled interval. That means they do not get scheduled. They voluntarily curtail through the wholesale market price that they bid in at. I have looked at the bid blocks for the coal generators but not at the WDGs lately. Before the WDGs became significant they bid at the floor price so they were always scheduled but coal generators are now much smarter in the bidding so they will stay connected but operating at reduced output. Bidding is nothing like merit order these days. It is just bidding to maximise profit (or to stay in business)
The curtailment value is only an estimate based on wind strength because it is not power being diverted to waste or any nonsense like that.
The estimate for solar curtailment is quite accurate because it is easy to see how rooftops are performing. This time of year, the grid scale solar in Qld will be curtailing almost every day.
Rick, i admit i have no way of checking what or how is being curtailed.
But if you look at the QLD chart it is apparent that the wind contribution drops just as curtailment starts ,..and picks up again as the curtailment finishes .?
..Coincidence ?
There doesnt seem to be any similar effect on the Solar generation.
And we know that RT solar is only an estimate ..+-20% at best, as no one has any way of compiling a accurate total from all installations
RT solar generation would be much more messy and unpredictable than the already chaotic Utility solar. Nothing like the smooth curve assumed on their graphics….there is a fair bit of “artistic licience” at play there. ,
But my question remains… if a Wind generator doesnt supply for any reason , ..including bidding too high, do the AEMO know how much is being curtailed , at any specific time,..from a source as variable as wind..or solar ?.
Infact , how can even the wind generators know how much they are NOT producing,..since as you say they dont generate it and then just waste it in big energy dumps !… ??
It is based on an estimate. The scheduling software that each generator uses has to take rooftop into account because rooftop is a significant generator. It will alter the price of FCAS and that is something other WDGs need to be sensitive to because they pay about 50% of the cost of FCAS.
I just looked up the AEMO 12:30 forecast for rooftop for today. It totalled 8501MW across the 5 regions. Close to actual that I noted above.
AEMO and other generators have a good handle on solar production because there are quite a few rooftops monitored. They also know how the demand changes when the rooftops suddenly go missing.
Wind energy forecasting is not quite as reliable but it is done on a daily basis and provided in the STPASA file. You can find that file for each day in the NEM public data. This link takes you to the AEMO explanation on how the data is determined:
All market bidders need to have a good handle on the demand and supply and how price is set on a 5 minute basis for every day. That includes the energy and services markets. Unless each bidder understands the market and what is going on minute by minute, they can get badly burnt. Sending a lot of energy out at high negative price can really hurt.
Rick… think of what you are saying there..
….that the actual RT solar total ..( which is itself an estimate !).. is close to the forecast total…( also an estimate !)
At no stage is there any possibility of an accurate total MEASUREMENT.
…so i am not surprised their declared result is close to their forecast .
We know how those estimate are compiled from sampling meters in each post code, and panel sales data, etc etc, …..but to believe that is any more than the loosest of estimates, is not convincing me !
Obviously, utility Solar is much better monitored and reportable.
This details how the WDGs have needed to get smarter and more nimble in the way they bid to remain profitable:
They cannot just curtail if the price goes negative. They have to participate in the pre-dispatch so they get scheduled or not. Solar forecast is about 90% accurate. Wind I believe around 80%. So semi-scheduled is no longer a free pass to go off and on based on price. The WDGs have to be involved in the price setting because they can be a good slice of the generation.
It is not easy to make money in the current market and the best price gamer can make more than those not playing the game.
“Gentlemen, if you’ve had the jab you might want to keep an eye on your onions. Reports indicate some potential problems.”
More and links at
The Dread Covid Theatre drags on,only reason the audience are still in the seats is because we are chained to them.
What is behind the fear of the “helpers”?
I could assume malice,but that would presuppose a plan,from some of the most clueless and useless people to ever slither across this planet..
Maybe they are sincere.
They really do fear this Dread Covid and are working all hours to save us from ourselves..
Fear could be a real explanation for the power tripping stupidity..
For fear does blind people,the old;”We have nothing to fear but fear itself” is very true.
Now if you are extremely gullible and more than a little stupid,a clever tale-spinner can scare you right out of your mind..
Which looks to be the condition of our expert help and professional parasites.
Maybe the current level of panic ,hysteria and draconian reactions is good old fashioned fear turned to terror..
The presumption from our protectors is that the State is more important than the individual.
Thus in a crisis,it is quite acceptable to crush a few individuals,to save the collective..
Yet the very first problem arises right there.
The State,in fact any “Collective” is an act of fiction.
Each individual is real.
But any group ethic is almost pure fraud,for (To quote the Shadow)”Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man.
So a fiction is more important than you, an imaginary consensus,which changes depending on who has the power, overrules your natural rights and freedoms.
The fiction of the State and its ethical superiority over individuals is further imploded by the caliber of persons who perform the functions of The State.
So in this strange theatre of the absurd,persons of a natural incompetence, who fear hard work and want to take no responsibility for their own decisions..form these bureaucracies who have declared a crisis..It is a Pandemic ! An emergency!..
Followed by a brutal demonstration of their real ability ..
18 months ago you could not have convinced most of us,of what has just occurred..
Useless Clueless and Utterly destructive of civil society and our real economy..
Help so awesome that we must reward them.
Such a reward that their fellow travellers will shun any position of authority for the next hundred years.
Well who knew “Good Enough For Government” was such a low standard?
Are they really so stupid that they believe no one shall die?
Did they miss Primary School Biology?
On most species of Earth ,life is a sexually transmitted terminal dis-ease.
Fear of life’s end,also known as death,is irrational madness.
Using extremes of State force and Magic Potions to fight a Virus of the Common Cold Family with a 98% survival rate (when untreated) is beyond insane..
So are these “helpers” who have already inflicted more pain and economic ruin,than a real pandemic,insane with terror?
For their “cure” is beginning to look more lethal than the illness.
You certainly know how to write a lot.
…..or,..cut & paste?
If so it should be attributed. On the other hand no one would read that and think of passing it off as their own, even if they understood it.
It is hard to be humble when you are perfect. Right GI?
MCC goes gender neutral in rewrite of cricket laws
“Batsman” goes out as Cricket goes Gender Neutral
Marylebone Cricket Club on Wednesday announced an amendment to the laws of the game meaning the gender-neutral term “batter” will be used from now on instead of “batsman”.
The club, the sole authority on the laws of the game, said the use of the terminology would “help reinforce cricket’s status as an inclusive game for all”.
Cricket commentators have increasingly used the term “batter” to refer to male players, in an acknowledgment that the universal term “batsman” has become dated as more women take the game.
The profile of women’s cricket has rocketed in recent years, with England’s victory over India in the 2017 World Cup final taking place in front of a capacity crowd at Lord’s, which is owned by the MCC.
A crowd of 86,174 saw Australia defeat India in the T20 World Cup final in Melbourne in 2020 and in August Lord’s broke the record for a domestic women’s match as more than 17,000 fans watched the final of the inaugural Hundred competition.
“MCC believes in cricket being a game for all and this move recognises the changing landscape of the game in modern times,” said Jamie Cox, assistant secretary with responsibility for cricket and operations.
“Use of the term ‘batter’ is a natural evolution in our shared cricketing language and the terminology has already been adopted by many of those involved in the sport.
“It is the right time for this adjustment to be recognised formally and we are delighted, as the guardians of the laws, to announce these changes today.”
Its great on fish ! 🙂
Old Ozzie,
Batter is what I coat fish with….
I always wonder how they get on in French where everything is either la or le.
All-boys netball team who were allowed to enter a girls competition before winning the state grand final HITS BACK – after they copped abuse from outraged parents about WHY they were ever allowed to compete
. The Queensland under-18 netball title saw an all-boys team beat a girls’ team
. Queensland Suns men’s team trounced Bond University Bull Sharks 46-12
. Members of the crowd directed abuse at the boys for playing in the match
. Parents and fans were divided online about whether the match was wise
. Queensland Suns released statement hitting back at the hostile reception
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has confirmed an investigation is underway into the source of at least 29 Covid-19 infections at Liverpool hospital, pictured above.
“They’re doing some investigations trying to work out what actually caused the intrusion of the virus in the hospital,” he said.
“I mean, almost every hospital in the world of the pandemic has had intrusions, it’s just too much.
“They’re doing everything to try to work out what is causing the issue. And when they do, that will be interesting.”
When pressed, Mr Hazzard said he was “concerned” about the rate of infection at the hospital.
South Western Sydney Local Health District confirmed that there had been six exposure events at the hospital in the past week.
The 29 cases include 13 patients and two staff in the orthopaedics ward, two patients and one staff member in the renal ward, three patients and one staff member in the neurology ward, five patients in the geriatrics ward and one patient in the cardiothoracic ward.
A nurse in Liverpool’s ICU has also tested positive.
I was about to write “yeah but are they symptomatic” until I remembered covid’s catch-22.
We’ll never get out of this mess until we find better diagnostic tools, dump the ever escalating injection regime and develop treatments, which is to say we’ve wasted the last eighteen months unless the destruction of civil community can be seen as desirable; hands up all those who see a need to continue down this path.
Rapid antigen testing may help but there seems to be no interest among the powers that be.
if l am remembering correctly a while ago the Australian public asked the powers that be if they could use rapid antigen tests for home use but the powers that be said at that time that they were just rubbish and do not work, kids in the UK love that test LOL
Could it be the vaccinated who are shedding the virus?
I’ve lost track. Is it spike protein, virus or both which is shed for a fortnight after injection?
Whatever, it shouldn’t be a concern if one is in general good health and in the 99.xxxx% survivor cohort. It’s important to remember it never was a killer virus no matter what the MSM shrieks at us and that each variant is less so.
More tripe from the Climate Alarmist brigade, this time about our beaches close to Geelong on the Surf Coast. Published in the Victorian HeraldSun as part of regional Geelong news.
Without immediate action, the region’s pristine coastlines and popular tourism destinations will be washed away, according to new findings.
An interactive web page developed by FrontierSI and NGIS Australia has illustrated the severity of rising sea levels based on the latest scientific modelling.
The list of concerns includes Bells Beach, which the modelling shows could vanish beyond the year 2050.
The website is based on a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which indicates that by the year 2050 sea levels will have risen between 15 to 30cm and are likely to have increased by 0.84m in 2100.
“Each of the last four decades has been successively warmer than any decade that preceded it since 1850,” it reads.
Just alarmist claptrap “will have” and “likely’ – certainty factor of too much! The trend at Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour is much less.
The current lockdown on the NSW north coast was sparked by a fully vaccinated crew member from a tv production.
Can ScoMo and Glad the Impaler explain again why everyone must get “fully” vaccinated and what is this freedom they speak of?
The freedom to do as your told.
So much disrespect shown to our political leaders. ScoMo, Glad the Impaler, Taliban Dan, Palace Chook or Plucka Duck (take your pick). All disrespect so richly deserved too.
But it just goes to show that anybody wanting to climb the greasy pole of political power should be immediately disqualified from doing so.
Given povidone-iodine is mentioned in and
and also
1. Iota-Carrageenan Nasal Spray for COVID-19
Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE:MARI), an Austrian science-based biotech company with globally marketed therapeutics derived from innovative proprietary technology platforms, announced today that Carragelose inactivates the new, rapidly spreading variants and SARS-CoV-2 wildtype with similar efficacy in vitro. The Company tested the three variants that currently mostly drive the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the so-called British or B.1.1.7, the South-African or B.1.351, and the Brazilian or P1 variant.[*] The data demonstrate that also with increasing prevalence of virus variants, the marketed OTC Carragelose-based lozenges, nasal and throat sprays will continue to effectively contribute to combatting the COVID-19 pandemic.
. Iodine nasal spray/drops: Use 1% povidone-iodine commercial product
as per instructions 2–3 x daily. If 1%-product not available, must first dilute the more widely available
10%-solution4 and apply 4–5 drops to each nostril every 4 hours. (No more than 5 days in pregnancy.)
FLO TRAVEL nasal spray also contains carrageenum and is described as having similar effectiveness.Have used it for some weeks now and my breathing is undoubtedly easier Available at most Aus pharmacies.
I use Betadine (Iodine based “gargle”) after any encounter I might think is dubious or if I have any sign of sore throat etc.
This may sound a bit much – but I have no intention of submitting to the experimental “vaccines” & will take every precaution against what is, indeed, a nasty virus. This, and the recommended vitamin protocol etc ……
Most definitely Vicki.. It’s been the first line of defence in our home for many years at the first sign of a sore throat.
It is not a good idea to destroy your oral biome. Nor is it good to destroy that on your skin, do so and you will NEED deodorants.
I told about some weeks ago.
7ni Erlangen in Germany researched about and confirmed COV-19 protection.
Some experiences of ordinary people in Israel, after they have had the jab. They thought they were doing the right thing.
I went to the Doc’s Mon and he berated me for not taking my blood pressure pills every day: “Your wife needs you, you would be no good to her if you have a stroke”. Truth is I’ve had a couple of hypotension events so I’m careful with his pills.
The same man wants me to have the jab. Far higher risk of something nasty happening after that but he doesn’t recognise his hypocrisy.
meanwhile – the coercion continues
Billionaire Solomon Lew wants temperature and vaccine checks at shopping centre entrances
Solomon Lew has warned that consumers will stop visiting the nation’s leading shopping malls unless there is certainty around vaccinations and temperature checks, as the billionaire retailer admitted he wouldn’t feel safe sitting in a shopping centre food court without health checks at the door.
The businessman, whose Premier Investments owns a portfolio of retail chains such as Portmans, Just Jeans, Dotti, Peter Alexander and Smiggle, warned shopping malls that they needed to listen to the businesses that paid their bills – the retail tenants.
Mr Lew said shopping centre owners had an “absolute responsibility” to ensure the safety of shoppers and store staff, and this would require health checks at the doors and a requirement that anyone entering be vaccinated.
“First of all we need to protect our customers and you need to make it as safe a place to shop, families are coming, mum, dad, the kids, grandparents coming into a big seasonal shopping time,” Mr Lew said.
“The mall owners have to take more responsibility, they are the ones that are letting people into centres so at the entry point there should be a check, they have to be safe.
“Our strong preference is with the government mandate, is that with all persons entering the (shopping) mall be vaccinated and checked for temperature as well and that should take place at the point of access.
As I said to my wife, who is double vaccinated – I won’t be going anywhere – I will save a fortune on not eating at restaurants or going shopping at Malls, and as Dictator Dan is only letting Double Vaccinated Victorians come home, obviously no flying on Qantas to Melbourne to see Grandkids
What a Crappy Country Australia has become
To Quote American VP Kamala Harris “My Body, My Choice”
From the Australian Government – Australian Building & Construction Commission
What is coercion?
Coercion is the act of organising or taking action, or threatening to organise or take action against someone with the intent to influence that person or another person to do something. Coercion interferes with a person’s freedom of choice.
Certain kinds of coercion are unlawful under the provisions of the BCIIP Act and the general protections provisions in the FW Act.
It’s unlawful for an employer, fellow employee or a union to coerce an employee to exercise, or not exercise, their workplace rights.
Limiting access for the unvaxed to public places will likely breach the Disability Discrimination Act
David Porter
David Porter
23 September 2021
Your correspondent is a retired lawyer who these days prefers gardening to litigating. Spring in the Victorian High Country is glorious and my garden is just coming to life after a winter of heavy frosts and a little bit of snow. The crab-apples are in blossom.
Despite new botanical life in the garden; life is about to become much harder for Victorians unvaccinated against Covid-19.
Two weeks back Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, announced, “I think if you are not vaccinated, and you could be, then the chances of you booking a ticket at a sporting event, going to a pub, going to all manner of different places, will be very, very limited.”
There is uncertainty about how lockout laws will be implemented in Victoria. No legislation, subordinate legislation or legislatively authorised bureaucratic orders have been announced or made available for public comment. Will the lockout laws last only as long as the state of emergency under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic)?
The position in the rest of Australia is even less certain.
John Barilaro, deputy premier of New South Wales, said that “At 70% [vaccination], it’s a level of freedom, maybe some businesses won’t take that up, maybe individuals won’t take it up but the reality is there will be a point in time – at 80 to 85% possibly – that we will then expand on those freedoms even for the unvaccinated.”
Gladys Berekjiklian, premier of NSW, howled down her deputy saying that “We have not yet put out our plans for 80%; we’re still formalising them. Government might say it’s up to business to decide whether or not they accept unvaccinated patrons … but we have not come to those conclusions yet. We all have choices and if it’s your choice not to be vaccinated, well that might mean you cannot participate in things that (the) fully vaccinated do.”
Your correspondent has no idea what the other Australian States and Territories intend to do with their unvaccinated. Throw them to the thylacines, possibly.
But whatever any of the States and Territories intend to do with their unvaccinated; they all face a legal limitation: the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).
Way back in the early 1990s; when the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was a new thing and the HIV-infected toddler Eve van Grafhorst was denied daycare unless she wore a muzzle; the Commonwealth of Australia determined to pass a law that prohibited certain types of discrimination against people infected with, or who might be infected with “organisms capable of causing disease or illness”.
Unfortunately, it is necessary to get down and dirty with some legislative text. Section 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act defines “disability”, relevantly, as follows:
“disability”, in relation to a person, means:
(d) the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness;
and includes a disability that:
(h) presently exists; or
(i) previously existed but no longer exists; or
(j) may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or
(k) is imputed to a person.
If you could be bothered to read the explanatory memorandum to the Act you will see that the definition of “disability” is:
[B]roadly defined and is intended to include physical, sensory, intellectual and psychiatric impairment, mental illness or disorder, and provisions relating to the presence in the body of organisms causing or capable of causing disease. These provisions have broad application, for example, they are intended to ensure that persons with HIV/AIDS come within the definition of disability for the purposes of this Bill.
Odd as it is to write; the statutory definition of “disability” means that, in relation to contagious “organisms capable of causing disease or illness”, everybody is disabled. Everybody falls into the category of people of who have had, do have or may in the future have influenza.
The Act does not discriminate between pathogens. All previous, present, possible future or imputed “organisms capable of causing disease or illness” are treated the same way.
Gay men were the prime target for protection under this part of the definition of disability but it was not just gay men at elevated risk from HIV. Haemophiliacs before HIV-screening of donated blood and intravenous recreational drug users were also at very serious risk of acquiring HIV. Then there were the unlucky: plenty of people who were not in any risk group were infected with HIV. Like Eve van Grafhorst.
The Disability Discrimination Act prohibits some types of discrimination against all of them and everybody else who may in future be infected with HIV.
What discrimination does the Disability Discrimination Act prohibit?
Australian discrimination laws do not prohibit discrimination in the general sense because humans discriminate all the time. Vanilla, strawberry or chocolate? Blonde or brunette? Tall or short? Science, art or humanity? Mac or PC? Human discrimination is endless.
Only some types of discrimination are prohibited by law in some situations.
The Disability Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination against a person with a disability in relation to employment, education, access to public premises, accommodation, the sale of land, membership of clubs and participation in sporting activities. There is also a prohibition on seeking information about a disability in order to discriminate.
For the same legal reason that a publican cannot say, “Gay men are not allowed into my pub because they might be infected with HIV” a publican also cannot say, “Unvaccinated people are not allowed into my pub because they might be infected with measles”.
Nor is it valid for a State or Territory to pass a law to that effect—the Act binds them too.
What about public health?
Section 48 of the Disability Discrimination Act exempts discrimination “reasonably necessary to protect public health” where a person’s disability is an “infectious disease”.
Being unvaccinated against any contagion is not an infectious disease—it’s just being unvaccinated—so the section 48 exemption cannot apply purely on the basis of a person’s vaccination status.
Even if the section 48 exemption did apply there is still the limitation of “reasonably necessary to protect public health”; whatever that might mean in relation to employment, shopping, hospital access, public (including air) transport or a U2 concert.
Why stop at Covid-19?
Some businesses have already announced an intention to refuse access to patrons unvaccinated against Covid-19.
Having recently reread Viruses, Plagues and History (1998) by Michael B. Oldstone of the Scripps Research Institute; your correspondent would be more concerned about patrons unvaccinated against SARS-CoV-1, measles, all of the haemorrhagic fevers, polio, bubonic plague, yellow fever, hantavirus and smallpox—they’re terrifying. There aren’t vaccines for some of them.
Measles is much more contagious than Covid-19, about as deadly and complications can be profound. Before a measles vaccine in 1963 it killed 2,500,000+ million people a year and permanently disabled more; mostly aged under 5. Though off a historically very low base, measles deaths have increased by 50% since 2016. To protect the children only patrons vaccinated against measles should be permitted.
Yellow fever is more deadly for people not of African genetic origin. It is only reasonably necessary to ban Caucasian and Asian people unvaccinated against yellow fever. That follows the science. If the section 48 public health exemption did apply, it would also follow the law..
Smallpox is eradicated, so nobody is vaccinated against that these days, but some bodies buried in thawing permafrost may still harbour the virus. You cannot be too safe when it comes to something that nasty.
Now add the overlay of millions of venues making these decisions. Some will overreact having read Professor Oldstone; others will take their vaccinology from Nicky Minaj.
Then there is the provincialism displayed by the States and Territories during the pandemic. Any vaccination passport scheme must have legislative backing. That might be legislatively-backed bureaucratic orders; which may require a permanent state of public health emergency.
Intra- and inter-jurisdictional day-to-day compliance with State and Territory vaccination passports will be complex. Luckily, there will be an app for that in each jurisdiction. No; I do not know who will access the app database in each jurisdiction now or in the future.
In a federal system the legal problems are mind-boggling.
Somebody will have their day in Court
So far as your correspondent is able to tell—and keep in mind these days I’m more interested in gerberas than germs—no State or Territory has thought through their proposed breaches of the Disability Discrimination Act when it comes to SARS-CoV-2.
No doubt some lawyer more interested in germs than gerberas will fight this out in the courts.
For the moment though, keep in mind that some of the State and Territory laws and some restrictions applied by individual venues which limit access for unvaccinated people to public places will likely breach the Disability Discrimination Act.
I don’t know about their effectiveness but I don’t mind the forehead temperature tests.
I certainly don’t want to be anywhere near some double injected person carrying a big viral load and being clueless about it.
Yeah I think they got that A about.
I will be refusing business.
Given even Pfizer has acknowledged the “vaccines” lose the effectiveness after 3-6 months, those that were double jabbed early on are now effectively unvaccinated.
I can see this all going terribly wrong and a lot of people ending up with egg on their face after pushing these stupid draconian measures.
I think it is going exactly to plan.
Non stop funds straight into a Pharma company’s account, they are now making “vaccines” for potential emerging disease.
This really is the fight for our lives.
Yes – I was questioned by a fully vaccinated friend about this recently. She had absolutely no idea about how long they would last & whether she should have a booster. I told her 3-6 months efficacy & suggested she could also wait for the anti-virals which should be available by the end of the year or early next year.
” …unless there is certainty around vaccinations…”
But he’s already got that certainty – the “vaccines” certainly do not stop you from becoming infected, and certainly do not stop you from spreading the infection. So accepting vaccinated people into shopping malls will just make them hotspots quite quickly.
What more does he want?
It is extraordinary that such an astute trader as Solomon Lew is so deeply misinformed. Wait until we hit the eighty percent fully vaxed and the disasters experienced overseas become ours also.
I am fine with that.
ACT COVID-19 Update – 23 September 2021
23 September 2021
There have been 16 new cases of COVID-19 recorded in the ACT in the 24 hours to 8pm yesterday.
Of these cases, seven (7) are linked to known cases or ongoing clusters. None of these cases were in quarantine during their infectious period, four (4) of these were essential workers who were infectious in the community for a period of time, seven (7) spent varying degrees of time in the community while infectious and five (5) remain under early investigation as to their time spent in the community.
There are now 463 cases who have recovered with 27 in the past 24 hours. This means there are now 211 active cases associated with this outbreak.
As of 9am this morning ACT Health continues to work with over 950 people who have self-identified as close contacts of ACT outbreaks.
There are currently 12 patients in ACT hospitals, including two (2) in intensive care and both require ventilation.
More than 2,600 tests were collected across the ACT yesterday, from both Government and private providers. There were 2,725 negative test results in the 24 hours to 9am today.
Our vaccination efforts continue across the ACT with total vaccine doses administered at ACT Government Clinics now at 286,593.
We have around 450 current exposure locations listed for the ACT. Canberrans are asked to keep up to date on new locations on the ACT COVID-19 website.
Meanwhile – Outbreak emerges at North Sydney’s Mater hospital
A major cluster has emerged at the Mater Hospital at North Sydney, which has grown to include at least 17 Covid-19 cases.
“At the time of this press conference, we have 11 confirmed cases for patients and six staff members, and one person who is a carer,” NSW deputy chief health officer Marianne Gale said.
“It’s our understanding that upon becoming aware of those cases that the Mater Hospital commenced testing for patients and staff who might have been exposed and I understand that, at this stage, no further cases have been identified.”
It comes as case numbers linked to the Liverpool Hospital in the city’s west reach new heights, with 29 cases.
Hmmm…fully vaccinated health workers who are mobile superspreaders?
What could possibly go wrong?
Most Australians don’t realise that their extreme covid restrictions make Australia the laughing stock of the world plus a source of alarm. Here, a US commentator talks about news coverage of Australian pro-freedom demonstrations.
‘ … make Australia the laughing stock of the world …’
Not sure if that is quite accurate, some will praise us and others may throw scorn, history will decide whether Australia took Covid too seriously.
I went to Uni with a guy who looked just like that. In fact I might have been a guy who looked just like that.
But having others use Australia as a laughing stock? Life’s too short to bother with the sneerers.
l read somewhere the other day that the American republicans are going to congress to put sanction’s on Australia for its treatment of its citizens apparently
Does that mean we can’t have their sub technology after all?
The Sheeple who support Dan Andrews are the huge and growing population of public serpents, retired public serpents, trade unionists esp. CFMMEU (well maybe not as of the last few days), a vast army of Leftist lawyers, rent-seekers, “teachers” and the students they indoctrinate, “renewables” investors, the unemployed and unemployable and those that never want to work, Antifa, BLM, Extinction Rebellion, Greens, the uneducated, the stupid and the brainwashed.
After accounting for those, there are very few sound and rational people to oppose Andrews.
The people will decide at the next election and he should win comfortably under the law and order banner.
Law and order?
I would have thought the worst and most economically and socially destructive covid mismanagement on the planet.
Do you see where you went wrong now, united non replyance.
Predictions are hard. Especially predictions about the future.
Of course an opposition in the parliament might help.
That’s been the problem for the last two elections in Victoria, the absence of opposition.
Notwithstanding having brazened out the Red Shirts malfeasance and having been obliged reluctantly to release the Belt and Road MOU Labor increased its majority at the last election.
By now we should be receiving hints from the opposition, letterbox pamphlets and such, but there’s nothing. So it’s to be a third instance of the opposition running dead.
And soon all the borders will have gates installed with scanners to check cargo for concealed citizens and escape will be impossible without paying criminal cartels. Live and learn eh, it’s never too late…
Quite so. You’d think they’d be winning.
Dan could fire on the crowd with real bullets and get reelected in Victoriastan, a state of forelock tugging sheeple.
Victorians are welcome in the north, just leave your politics behind.
When push comes to shove CFMMEU members will still vote for him. They would never vote lib as long as they are on the green side of the grass.
Maybe not a good analogy, they will likely vote labor twice then.
Use of “that that” in Shakespeare:
1) “Pursuing that that flies, and flying what pursues” (Merry Wives of Windsor);
2) “Who is that that spake?” (The Two Gentlemen of Verona);
3) “Who’s that that bears the sceptre?” (King Henry VIII).
Grammatically it is explained (not my words):
And in the above notice the grammatically correct use of:
Is also a grammatically correct sentence.
Or as a professional golfer once commented on the scuff marks on his golf ball. The effing effer is effing effed.
Repairing a cracked tractor transmission case in Pakistan. I have never seen something preheated with burning animal dung prior to brazing before. An amazing repair given the primitive circumstances.
What was he doing there? You can’t weld cast iron so was he building up an alloy around the crack while heating a large area and then slowly cooling to avoid cracking again? I see no reason to doubt the repair.
Me no welder. 🙂
They were brazing, not welding.
Cast iron can be welded but it’s difficult.
I’ve yet to watch the video but cast iron can be welded successfully by welding or brazing and it’s best to preheat first so cow dung is just a heat source and would work , interestingly low H2O mig wire does an amazing job on cast iron .
Always fascinating David – keep them coming!
Delingpole: Rubber Bullets for Public Health — Australia Goes Full Fascist
Police in Melbourne, Australia, have reportedly been firing pepper spray and rubber bullets at men, women and children protesting against compulsory coronavirus vaccine passports.
Some of the injuries they have caused are hideous, with at least one person nearly blinded, and a woman of 70 knocked to the floor with a broken hip and pepper sprayed in her face, as ABC News reported.
But don’t worry, it’s OK: it’s all being done for the good of Australia’s health.
The latest confrontations between police (heavily armed, dressed like Robocop) and demonstrators have taken place at the city’s Shrine of Remembrance, as local outlet Nine News reports.
It’s hard to get an accurate impression from Australia’s notoriously woke TV channels. (ABC, their national broadcaster, makes CNN look like Fox News).
But social media is abundant with footage of protests which have been taking place in cities across Australia in the last few days, including violent confrontations with the police, as Breitbart News reported.
Melbourne police have sought to disguise the extent of the protests by ordering a ban on helicopter flights so the rally cannot be filmed from overhead, under tight new rules that temporarily shut down the city’s airspace.
The restrictions from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, made at the request of Victoria Police, are effective until Sunday, the Melbourne AGE reports.
They have to maim or kill a few people to save them.
That’s how socialism works.
Any killing will be done in the name of community health.
Fancy using pepper spray as an offensive weapon. Or firing on crowds. The police have completely lost the plot.
And no doubt the floggings will continue until morale improves.
But isn’t it interesting to see how the protesters have learned tactics from antifa. No leader. No demands. Just appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly.
One thing as has been demonstrated in the past in Oz, is that once people have had enough, I wouldn’t want to be a plod….
I abhor violence, but I cant speak for the rest of the population.
I also think that Victorias resident China puppet ruler is deliberately pushing the population and society so that it breaks. The aim is to crash society so it can be built back up in a hellscape of communism.
The best thing we can do is smile, take the punishment and not break. If we outlast these evil jackals, we win.
The thing about the Devil and his dupes, is they eventually overplay thier hand…and then they are cactus…
That’s how it usually works but there will come a time when the devil, the antichrist and the false prophet will together have the whole world under their thumbs and the only way to stop them is for Jesus to return and show who’s boss. I wish I could be around to see that day even though I would have to experience a few years of hell here on earth. It will be worth it to see the last two thrown into the lake of fire and the devil chained up in the abyss for a long period before it’s his turn to be thrown into the lake of fire.
If you want unbiased news may I suggest an Australian YouTube channel called “6 News”. It seems to be run by adolescent kids and it is the best reported news you are likely to see.
News as it used to be before the media became the propaganda arm of the Left.
Has Sesame street ended?
They have to maim or kill a few people to save them.
That’s how socialism works.
The best we can hope for is that somebody will ask the police commanders what the hell were you thinking.
Good question to ask, just before the trap door is pulled.
In the spirit of Saddam’s hangman who bellowed the name “Moqtada el Sadr” in the expiring ruler’s ear as he sent him down the drop.
Is this the tip of the iceberg ?
That’s good news and a surprise and it restores a little confidence in the court system in favour of free speech however it appears only to be a temporary stay of the order issued by the Vicstapo.
The matter is still to be referred for a full hearing.
In Vicdanistan it appears that the police are active in suppressing free speech and making their own political decisions when they should be only following lawful and moral instructions.
I say “moral” instructions because I am constantly reminding public serpents that “just following orders” is not acceptable and if they commit atrocities of any kind, whether on Dan Andrews’ or his executives’ direct orders or not, they WILL one day be held accountable just like the war criminals at Nuremberg.
Never forget to remind public serpents of that.
The chairman appears to be a Chinese puppet ruler…..hidden deals for 4 years, chinese anti democratic Tianamen Square style crushing of protests and a population under house arrest….
The China way….Lets call it what it is…
To call it for what it really is, we would say it’s the devil’s way. World leaders are just his puppets.
HUGE rally in Melbourne…FB have banned all video of the rally…watch here.×tamp=1632363242&user_id=6807309329944331270&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAz-DCJYLoYYPbnfpwy29YBC30i9RYKSeQ0D_JQtDkgj6wRtIbHGA9NhXJnRE1UCCq&utm_source=messenger&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_iid=6993873946005489413&share_link_id=92a26c88-aa14-4704-8056-fd39ab09e1e4&share_app_id=1233&_r=1
Whee Ha – that is really a hell of a lot of people protesting.
So much for Mainstream Media reporting the truth
Melbourne protest fizzles as anti-jab ‘freedom fighters’ run out of steam
Anti-vax protesters have failed to gather in Melbourne despite a bold promise they would rally “every day” through a two-week construction lockdown.
When all those people get home tonight and expect to see themselves on the news, and hear NOTHING about it, the beginning of the end of the MSM will commence.
Thank you. Saturday will awesome.
Got any others?
It’s a lot of people but I wish the video wouldn’t keep flicking back and forth; it’ giddy-making , and unecessary to show the numbers protesting. Had to give up looking at it.
Hmmm?? Certainly was a large rally. Noticed that most of the people were dressed in light weight clothes – shorts etc, Haven’t heard it mentioned on radio news, and nor does any written mention of it appear on either the Rebel News or Reignite Dem Aus., websites. The clip appears on TicTok … dunno
Yeah, just read #48
Just imagine how bad Dan Andrews would be if he was not in a country where people still remember what democracy and freedom were once like?
I have no doubt he would be having his private army, the Vicstapo “disappear” people and they would willingly oblige.
l heard he has had his family put into hiding?
As Safe and Effective as the last one.
Have a confession to make. Video I posted above is actually from August rally, but is being promoted as being from today, and I got caught……just goes to show, measure twice cut once… bad and I apologise for the misinformation.
I went looking for others and came upon one showing FA people, ahh that’s how Propaganda works, both sides.
That’s weird, mention propaganda and look who turns up below.
sun cable is scaling up its NT solar plant, while Mt Piper will close early.
Business must be good.
Will they be returning the subsidies they charged to consumers?
yep, just like coal or gas
Coal and gas don’t get subsidies.
And please – let’s not go over the diesel fuel rebate again…
Not quite accurate.
The new gas plant in the Hunter will be underwritten by government.
Coal ports are for profit business ventures, the industry pays to use the facilities. Qld made a motza haulin’ coal until labor sold QRNational because they needed money.
There is just so much wrong with that including saying NOT paying road tax on fuel is a subsidy.
The mines pay the road tax up front and have it reimbursed when, and only when, they can prove it was used in the mining operations.
should be more of it, the sooner the inevitable failure and rethink is triggered the better
Peter you say
“Mt Piper will close early”
It will shut in 2nd half of 2040 (that’s a little bit of time left)
But was scheduled to shut in early 2042!
Early is 13 months over the next 19 years!
China Light and Power Company, Limited of Hong Kong (now China) owns Mt Piper!
China Light & Power have already received $50 Million off taxpayers just to do studies?
Meaning in AUSSIE!
Charge the crappie out of the customers bills
Then tell them to stop their A/C units in summer & winter!
All in the name of PROFITS for the CHINA LIGHT & POWER COMPANY!
To save the planet Peter, you really believe this stuff?
And they have NO net zero by 2050 Peter.
It is this on their TARGET.
Such a loving Greenie Group making $ BILLIONS across the globe!
When you see groups publishing about the next pandemic you know the current one is just a dry run for training purposes.
The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario to Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication
This is a hypothetical scenario designed to illustrate the public health risk communication
challenges that could potentially emerge during a naturally occurring infectious disease outbreak
requiring development and distribution of novel and/or investigational drugs, vaccines,
therapeutics, or other medical countermeasures.
The infectious pathogen, medical countermeasures, characters, news media excerpts, social media
posts, and government agency responses described herein are entirely fictional.
Interesting observation by someone here: Pfizer & the Numbers
Ah but they will have died in an orderly manner and not overwhelmed the medical system which is perpetually on the verge of collapse despite not having much Influenza or Pneumonia to deal with any more.
Not listed is the percentage of “long covid”. Somehow I doubt that is a high percentage but I’m sure those suffering have a gripe.
Also not mentioned is the number of adverse reactions to the jab that do not result in death but in permanent disability. Losing a limb is permanent and the heart does not repair itself either nor can a surgeon do so.
As Eric Bogle said in The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
Then a big Turkish shell
knocked me @rse over tit
And when I awoke in me hospital
And saw what it had done
Christ I wished I was dead
Never knew there was worse
things than dying.
It is a tragedy when these things happen in war, criminal when done in peace.
Detailed contents of the vaxxes:
African sleeping sickness??
Interesting, considering what Judy Mikovits said a week ago re the vaxx antidote.
Two vaccine hubs forced to close in Melbourne, when “Anti-Vax Protesters” spit on and throw water on health workers.
There are no words to describe how despicable this behaviour is. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the perpetrators died of Covid-19 – alone, stressed, and with lungs filled with gunk.
Speaking of despicable perpetrators. There are those that banned ivermectin leaving a state trapped in lockdowns and deaths which probably could be prevented. But I’m not so crass or petty that I would wish it upon them or their loved ones.
Your cup of hate runneth over…
Tilba Tilba, do you know that really did happen or are you just following what the lamestream media told you?
And how do you know it wasn’t a propaganda exercise perpetrated by VicPol operatives embedded into the crowd (which has been observed to happen).
That protesters would do that doesn’t pass the BS test. It seems like orchestrated propaganda to me.
I checked, your link does not support your claim.
I have noticed in Melbdanistan that almost all traffic lights now have a dome camera attached to them. These are not speed and red light cameras, at least not the traditional design. Does anyone know what they’re for?
Good question – I noticed that too. No fanfare or attention drawn to their installation too.
They are to keep us safe?
They are a kind of smart city solution as far as i can see. They are everywhere
A final solution? We have the techonology
A workmate who worked with facial recognition technology said as far back as 2014 , most states have huge numbers of hidden number plate recognition cameras.
Hi Steve.
Since 2020 i have Dahua cameras and some Dark Fighter Hikvision speed domes and are a lot of fun to play with and remarkably inexpensive compared to simple motion detection cameras..
Also testing some Ai Network video recorders (NVR)
Gosh, it can tell if i have a mask on or if i am just sporting a beard 🙂 , clothing colour, whether i have a bag and the colour of the bag, if i am sad, angry, confused or disgusted, car model, number-plate and on and on, and on.
No more having to look at footage for hours of spiderwebs or insects and birds triggering the camera…
And so now cameras can do the whole lot on their own, being number plate recognition, face recognition, and a plethora of other functions all by themselves with a few gig of memory to store all the action for standalone functionality, or cameras with no Ai facial recognition and other can be streamed into a Ai network recorder that does all the Ai for the camera remotely.
For the unitiated, a camera can be set up to record a busy street corner, and then the recorded footage is fed into an Ai capable hardware device so that the entire footage of two or three days is searched for a particular face, or to take snapshots of every face in the recording and then to catalogue them all into mask wearers an non mask wearers for example. This is all very straight forward in the most simple setup.
Or in another example one could take the exact same footage and look for orange orange holdens or fords, or look for a car with the exact number plate being searched for and find it….
And so even if the camera is really old, a simple upgrade would render the footage so that any kind of info could be extracted by an Ai capable device from the footage therof, numberplate, car colour, make and model, female or male driver, faces of pedestrians and any other peripheral information besides the number plate…..and to top all this off, the footage and locations are all shared and integrated so in effect all the cameras are connected and what one sees, the all seeing system sees/is accesible collectively.
Some effective tutorials on what these things do at the most basic home handy man level..
Not climate change, warming or cooling, related. Just a whinge about the media. Murdoch’s News gets vilified and the ABC’s bloated budget justified to fight what has been hijacked by leftwing editors. ABC lite in effect.
I threw my 10c worth in on the ICC changing batsman to batter.
Rejected for what? Comments that were more deriding of the decision without any reasoning get though, to show readers that only idiots object?
Interesting article about how one side of the earth is cooling more than the other side .
Mt Piper to close early.
‘Another Australian coal-fired power plant is set to shut its doors earlier than expected, as the national energy market’s shift away from fossil fuels towards cleaner generation gathers speed.
‘Workers at the 1400-megawatt Mt Piper plant near Lithgow, NSW, were told on Thursday afternoon that the generator’s closure would be brought forward to 2040 at the latest as owner EnergyAustralia steps up its decarbonisation targets and retreats from thermal coal … (SMH)
The excellent Dr John Campbell (UK) has been producing Covid-19 talks on YouTube for many months and his most recent covers India’s deployment of Ivermectin.
Little does he know that his decades of rational, credible and well-informed medical history is about to be destroyed. Actually, he does know how controversial this is, though it shouldn’t be, but it seems he puts providing sound public information above his personal well-being:
I’ve given up on Dr John. AFAIK he has never once ceded any side effects of the jab, I assume to avoid the YT cookie monster.
I’m left wondering if there is anyone in our government with enough brains to look at the India experience and come to any conclusions.
One interesting fact from is that the state of Kerala (pop 36M) is responsible for 19702 cases, almost two thirds of today’s new cases in India. What could they possibly be doing differently from say, Uttar Pradesh (pop 241M) with only 12 new cases today? Oh, that’s right, Kerala went all in on vaccination and ignored that horse dewormer.—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html
How many fewer cases would we have if we’d reduced infectivity using cheap, proven, anti-viral treatments?
With all of the pressure from both abroad and domestically on our government to commit climate economic suicide, it’s worth considering the bigger picture and it’s not pretty. What we are witnessing is a rapid political shift towards global authoritarianism and away from freedom and liberty. This shift is being driven by left wing ideologues within our institutions and in government. In the USA we can see the cleanout well under way, with the military purge of Republicans as noted by Tucker this week, the continued push to divide society by race and the opening of their southern border for everyone and anyone to enter. The final nail will be the 3.5 trillion money printing exercise to create economic hell. This is all on top of COVID which mysteriously appeared as Trump looked to reverse the slide. Tough times will be ahead and those of us that support personal freedom and liberty will need to stick together and work together.
All we have to say to the Elite is to get stuffed, and unless they shoot us all, we win.
They rely on fear to scare you into taking the killer vaccine, thats why there is non stop vaccine propaganda on every tv station every night.
I can prove covid is a huge lue – turn off your tv for a week, and see how the plandemic just disappears……
…a huge lie…
As Hitler said
“Tell a lie big enough and often enough, and people will believe it”
The Australian Energy Regulator
Australian Financial Reveue
And Their ABC
It will be interesting to see if it makes the SA ABC news tonight. No mention of it on Ch7 news.
Well spotted.
Nothing on the ABC news. If you Google, you can find it, but it’s not more important than ranting on about the need to stop the curtailing of ICAC by government, an independent commission against corruption.
For example, a government member declared the wrong address on his electoral enrolment. He got the building address right but typed in the wrong unit number. Yet this is what will be curtailed. The investigation for one off petty mistakes and persecuting innocent people using the process.
like this ABC?
Did I not paste in the headline?
Did I not point out that you can find the article on their site, but it’s not important enough to be in a news bulletin? If you read everything on their site, then yiu will be informed of it, along with “Shiara is legally blind. That gave her a different experience of the earthquake”
You didn’t provide a link; I would have requested it but Gee Aye went the extra units of distance and saved us all the bother.
They Intend to Destroy America
If you’re thinking that Biden’s policies are destroying America, you’re right. And the worst part is that this is exactly what Democrats want.
Richard Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven were both Columbia University professors and long-time members of the Democrat Socialist Party. They were the authors of the Cloward-Piven strategy (paraphrased from Cloward–Piven strategy – Wikipedia):
Overload the American public welfare system and create a crisis that will bankrupt the nation, leaving no choice but to adopt a socialist/communist system of government.
Yes those who are aware of the situation know that Biden is doing an excellent job at heading the destruction of the US. Don’t forget he’s only the figure head, not the driver. He doesn’t even have the intelligence to engineer a rumpus party. Others are doing most of the work. Fauci is just one of many. Also, don’t forget that a lot of Americans are still supporting their policies; for now; and the biggest supporters are big business and their associated social media platforms. At the same time all Western governments are spending like crazy to appease the people. Then there is the extraordinary pace of deploying all sorts of technologies to control the masses, methods that only a few years ago if implemented would have sparked a revolution. I give it another year and we will see whether the people give in to total tyranny, or we win our freedoms back somehow. The current stalemate situation can’t drag on forever.
Well well…it appears the media are now admitting the Bidet laptop story may be true.
This may implicate certain pollies as being worryingly financed by Ch**a, and what Beijing pays for, presumably it controls….
The onion?
shhh don’t confuse him
Biden’s war on the American military continues
There’s a viciousness to Biden’s approach that is completely inconsistent with seeking to protect our troops. This is a man and an administration that revel in power and wants to squash all dissent—especially reasoned dissent.
(Are we describing Dictator Dan?)
Revolver Exclusive: Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination
An officer with the U.S. Navy is warning of a full-blown “national security threat” if the military moves ahead with its planned universal COVID-19 vaccination mandate, in a paper obtained exclusively by Revolver News.
In a memorandum released on Monday, Biden Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced his intention to require a COVID-19 vaccination for all servicemembers by mid-September, or immediately should any COVID vaccines clear FDA approval (the vaccines are currently only authorized for emergency use). Servicemen who refuse to submit to the vaccine will potentially face court martials, prison time, and even less-than-honorable discharge from the service.
If that plan goes ahead, though, CDR J.H. Furman warns the results could conceivably be catastrophic.
“The forced vaccination of all military personnel with the present COVID-19 vaccines may compromise U.S. national security due to the unknown extent of serious vaccine complications,”writes Furman. “Further study is needed before committing the Total Force to one irreversible experimental group. Initial reports leave more concern for the COVID-19 vaccinations than the virus itself for the (at present) exceptionally healthy military population.”
Biden exposes his dementia to the world
Opening of the United Nations General Assembly. President Biden dropped in to show the entire world what we have long known inside the United States — that he is suffering from dementia and diminishing mental capacity.
As Andrea Widburg noted, Biden cannot even so much as say “hello” to Boris Johnson without reading it first from his cheat sheet.
This was likewise evident the day before when Biden met with the U.N. secretary-general. Biden had a televised meet ‘n’ greet session with the secretary-general during which he only spoke for about two minutes on general themes, and couldn’t get through it without his cheat sheets.
It only went downhill from there the following day, when Biden literally addressed the world assembled at the opening meeting of the General Assembly, figuratively pulling down his own pants and exposing his shortcomings to all nations.
This was likewise evident the day before when Biden met with the U.N. secretary-general. Biden had a televised meet ‘n’ greet session with the secretary-general during which he only spoke for about two minutes on general themes, and couldn’t get through it without his cheat sheets.
Bada-bing! Way to go, Brainless One! Make sure you place your dementia on stage literally for the entire world to see!
TDS sufferers still say “Not as bad as Trump”. No! I don’t want some of what they are on.
“Romania shuts down government Vaccine centers…”
What if nothing Romains of Romania?
Incredible shutterstock of Romanian life.
There have been reports of vandalism and people threatening workers at vaccination centres in France. Whatever ones views on wu-flu vaccinations, there’s no excuse for this sort of behaviour. Mind you, it’s also hard to trust the reporting about such events too, given that the media is solidly behind the government on this topic.
One has every right to resist. As Chris Cuomo said: “Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful,”
There can be resistance without violence, though I also know there’s a time and a place for being much less than polite and peaceful.. One could say that staff at vaccination centres are valid targets and deserve what they get, but I am not so sure. perhaps it’s subjective?
“One has every right to resist. As Chris Cuomo said: “Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful,””
Good for you. I hope you applied that attitude to the BLM protests that were taking place over the death of George Floyd.
It was regarding the BLM protests that Cuomo said that. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Thank for the info.
“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”
Indeed . It is good to see right wing rioters, who Barnaby Joyce denounced on the 7.30 report yesterday, getting the same treatment that is handed out to the left.
Funny these centres appear to of been attacked all at the same time, around the world.
it’s interesting that countries like Romania and Russia are leading the pack when it comes to people ignoring the government, and/or the government giving in to the people. ok, so Romania is free and open like anywhere else in Europe, and Bucharest seemed very dynamic and progressive (in the good sense of the word) when I was there in 2019.
the French are usually great at ignoring stupid laws they don’t like, but it seems they’ve fallen down on the job this time.
There is trhat interesting example of the Mayor of Moscoiw’s “vaccination passports” to enter businesses like resteraunts.
So people brought their own and partied outside them and didn’t enter – or spend. So pressure from the businesses and – – .
At the risk of offending someone, I couldn’t resist paraphrasing the old joke: Why do police in Victoria travel in groups of 3?
One can read, one can write, and the 3rd is there to report on the 2 subversives.
“It’s for Public Health”: Melbourne situation
More clips:
“This Expose article was excellent. It was long, developed a bit slow, with a strong convincing finish.”
Via Chiefio
A very disturbing longish read. There were numerous reports also of care home residents becoming confused and agitated when they were confined to room, all social activities stopped and family visits prohibited. It is rumoured here in BC that the use of oral sedative drugs was greatly increased. However, it is a big step up to injected fast acting sedatives like midazolam. Because of a short duration of action, it is usually used in a situation where constant as-needed top ups are given by a constantly present attendant. The huge doses in the doc suggest that midazolam was used to lay out someone who would not be checked for some hours.
“S1 Spike Protein Lung Injury & Long Covid / Long Vaccination Symptoms”
The treatment protocol is remarkably brief – just 4-6 weeks.
First, immune labs are taken and then 3 drugs are given. (The fact that none of these drugs have been used in ME/CFS should remind us how vast the medical drug toolkit is and how many possibilities it holds.)
– CCR5 antagonist – Maraviroc (Selzentry (US), Celsentri (EU)) is in an antiretroviral drug used in combination with other drugs to treat HIV.
– Statins – by inhibiting fracktalkine, it stops the monocyte cells from attaching to endothelial cells on the blood vessels.
– Ivermectin -an immunomodulator and anti-parasitic drug is used because of its persistent antiviral properties. It also affects cell membranes.
“On The Vaccine Issue.”
Mark Levin’s bestseller book, “American Marxism,” has sold one million copies in its first ten weeks of sale, according to Threshold Editions, a division of Simon & Schuster.
Threshold Editions announced on Thursday that Levin’s #1 blockbuster bestseller, American Marxism, has sold one million copies across all formats — print books, ebooks, and e-audiobooks — in only ten weeks of being on sale.
“There’s a massive movement that’s all but ignored galvanizing against the tyranny swirling around us,” Levin told Breitbart News. “Americans love their country, unlike the ruling class and their surrogates, and they’re fed up. There will be push back. It’s already here and growing.”
Additionally, the October 3, 2021 New York Times bestseller list marks the book’s 10th week at #1. “American Marxism” also debuted at #1 on Publishers Weekly, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestseller lists, where it still remains in the top 10, Threshold added.
“We applaud Mark Levin for his compelling scholarship and work,” Threshold deputy publisher Jennifer Long said. “Bookscan reports American Marxism is currently the top-selling nonfiction book of 2021, and we anticipate it staying high on bestseller lists through the rest of the year.”
Threshold also noted that all nine of Levin’s books have been New York Times bestsellers, adding that the nationally syndicated radio host has authored seven consecutive #1 New York Times bestsellers:
The only thing to remember with the ABC is you need to get the story before the revisions are made to fit the narrative.
Initially, they reported all 5 of the health workers were fully vaccinated. Now it is 97% of all staff at the hospital have had at least 1 jab. Sort of changes the narrative!
EXCLUSIVE: New emails reveal Hunter Biden asked for $2 million plus ‘success fees’ to help unfreeze Libyan assets
Two previously unpublished emails sent by business contacts of Hunter Biden indicate that the president’s son requested an annual retainer of $2 million to help recover billions in Libyan assets frozen by the Obama administration.
The emails, obtained by Insider during reporting on an unrelated matter, are not connected to the controversial emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which his supporters have claimed were distributed as part of a disinformation campaign. And while it appears from the new emails that the Libya deal was never consummated, the documents offer a window into the mechanics of Beltway influence peddling, and the stock that was put in Biden’s political connections — particularly his relationship with his father, who was vice president at the time.
Per phone conversation I met with No 2 son. He wants $2 per year retainer + success fees. He wants to hire his own people – it can be close circle of people for confidentiality. His dad is deciding to run or not.
His positives are he is Chairman of UN World Food Program, son of No 2 who has Libya file, access to State, Treasury, business partner SofS Secretary of State J. John Forbes K Kerry son and since he travels with dad he is connected everywhere in Europe and Asia where M. Q. Muammar Qaddafi and LIA Libya Investment Authority had money frozen. He said he has access to highest level in PRC China, he can help there.
His negatives are that he is alcoholic, drug addict – kicked out of U.S. Army for cocaine, chasing low class hookers, constantly needs money-liquidity problems and many more headaches.
We should meet in Gstraad or London to decide next steps.
I like this comment by Voxday and I agree with him. I don’t agree with everything he says but on this one he hits the nail on the head.
ICYMI: Must-See Photo
a picture of Liz Cheney? so what?
I must admit it took me a moment to realise it was President Bush’s Face – Great Troll By President Donald Trump
From the Comments
Yeah, was wondering how he made Lez Cheney look better than she normally does.
WATCH – FDA Worker Recommends Blow Darts for Vaccinating Black People
Project Veritas’ second Covid-19 vaccination video seems like a comedy but ultimately isn’t very funny. In the video, FDA economist Taylor Lee calls for vaccinating black people with “blow darts” so many times you’ll wonder if he is he joking or not. When the Project Veritas undercover reporter suggests that blow darts might remind black folks of slaves being rounded up in Africa, Lee suggests blow-darting white people first so that black folks can’t claim “racism.”
Lee, in what appears to be several meetings with the undercover journalist, also suggests handling non-vaccinated people in Na@i-like ways, including identifying the unvaxxed “like, with a J@wish star” and going door-to-door to force vaccinations.
From the Comments – The Australian –
letters – city-of-plague-and-protest-rubber-bullets-and-vax-darts
What frightens me is that this person is purportedly a Doctor
Can I suggest the police stop shooting rubber bullets and start shooting protesters with Covid vax syringes? Visit the zoo. Get tranquilliser guns.
Dr Craig Mills, Kew, Vic
NSW to ditch coal power by 2040 with final plant to close early
The final NSW coal power plant will be shut by 2040 at the latest after EnergyAustralia’s decision to bring forward the closure date of its Mt Piper facility by at least two years in a bid to hit new green climate targets.
The power giant was due to run Mt Piper until 2042, but will accelerate its retirement after vowing to be out of coal by 2040 and conceded the date could come forward again into the 2030s.
“We will be out of coal by 2040. Could it be earlier? Yes, and if it’s earlier it’s because we’re going to get a better outcome for customers, communities and our workers by being earlier,” EnergyAustralia chief executive Mark Collette told The Australian.
The move underscores an accelerating switch away from coal despite the fossil fuel meeting 70 per cent of national electricity demand. Power companies are under pressure from investors and financiers to dramatically boost their plans to cut pollution even as the pathway for phasing out fossil fuels remains highly contested.
Challenges to the future of coal have piled up this week with AGL Energy stunned by a major shareholder climate backlash, three of Victoria’s coal operators including EnergyAustralia and AGL hit with legal action from Environment Victoria and even China declaring it will no longer build coal projects overseas.
Energy ministers will meet on Friday to thrash out a contentious energy reform dubbed ‘‘Coal-Keeper’’ which critics, including Victoria and the ACT, argue will prop up coal at the expense of cutting emissions.
READ MORE:Coal still has a future: Soul Patts CEO|China coal cull won’t hurt us, says Pitt|AGL feels heat on climate vote|China’s Xi commits to stop building coal plants abroad
“I can see all the state governments saying with one eye that OK coal is on the way out, but what is coming in? It’s bumpy in that the policy is not consistent across the nation and states are taking different actions in different ways,” Mr Collette said.
While NSW coal power will end by 2040, Victoria’s Loy Yang A is set to run until 2048, while Queensland has the most modern plants in the country.
Australia’s energy ministers at the August meeting gave initial backing to a controversial new payment incentive to keep coal power generation in Australia’s electricity system, swatting away renewable investors who demanded they reject the plan.
NSW has given in principle support to federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor but asked for the ability to opt out of the scheme if its plans for major renewable energy zones and building 2 gigawatts of long duration storage by 2030 are met.
The 1400 megawatt Mt Piper plant, 25km from Lithgow in NSW’s central west, can meet the energy needs of 1.2 million homes or 12 per cent of the state’s energy supply.
The facility will be the last coal plant standing, with AGL Energy’s Liddell and Bayswater stations due to close in 2023 and 2035 respectively while Trevor St Baker’s Vales Point and Origin Energy’s Eraring will start shutting units at the end of this decade.
EnergyAustralia earlier this year brought forward the closure date of its Yallourn plant in Victoria by four years to 2028, after a secret deal was hatched with the Victorian government to subsidise its operation.
Still, a mix of pumped hydro, batteries and gas will all form options to replace the lost Mt Piper capacity, according to EnergyAustralia, citing its 350MW Wooreen battery in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, pumped hydro at Mt Piper and Queensland’s Kidston and the Tallawarra gas plant in NSW.
“We fully expect the rise of renewables will continue to be very strong, with lots of solar and lots of wind, but neither of those forms of generation come with controllable capacity. Coal comes with emissions but it comes with reliability. Today, that reliability is what is the bedrock of the system,” Mr Collette said.
“It’s a little bit unknown exactly what will be the bedrock of the system in the future. It could be pumped hydro and batteries, it could be different forms of generation. Coal gives an option until we’ve got those newer forms of generation.”
Coal facilities are increasingly having to switch off during daytime hours when high solar supplies undercut them on price.
NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean has been warning the state’s coal plants will exit early as the fossil fuel struggles to compete.
It’s expected NSW will look to negotiate directly with coal plant owners like Mt Piper on potential underwriting deals to ensure coal remains in the system.
EnergyAustralia plans to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
If NSW is foolish enough to actually implement this plan, then NSW will have an economy on par with Zimbabwe and a social cohesion and stability on par with Somalia.
Would book makers take bets on this situation? Seriously. This is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of.
Yesterday it was 20 degrees in Hobart, extremes in weather are a sign of global cooling.
‘The cold snap is being brought by the high-pressure system in the west and a cold front moving through, dragging up cold air from the south which generates gusty winds.
“It’s quite unusual to see snowfall down to sea level, even during winter for Tasmania,” senior forecaster Simon Louis said. “It will feel like a return to winter for the day.”
‘The BoM says Hobart could see “a few centimetres” of snow on the ground, while the central parts of the state could experience up to 20 centimetres of snow.’ (Weather Zone)
Has anyone managed to get a copy of the book at the site below? People outside of the US and Canada can’t purchase it as yet. Looks like a worthy one to read.
I now find I can’t avoid watching more of RT News in the US in preference to Sky News to get as much of the real news as possible. Sky News is becoming more and more like the ABC, apart from a few programs like Outsiders. I wonder how long they will last. RT News on the other hand at least has some semblance of the real news. Ironic really given it’s Russian roots.
In fact it’s the only mainstream channel defending the rights of US whistle-blowers and doesn’t frequently spew out the lies of emission reductions by way of renewables. At times of course it will have some Russian bias but to be honest it’s better than watching the typical leftist BS on Sky News that appears to be on the increase albeit not as left as the ABC.
Of course I will use discernment as I don’t really trust any mainstream news service. For now though RT News is so refreshing compared to the likes of Sky News, who all they appear to talk about most of the time is COVID-19.
Chiefio has been doing this for quite a while
IIRC his overseas list includes RT, Al Jaz, one in Europe (France 24 IIRC) and a few in US.
He notes that you need to strain out the favourite leanings in anything involving their national interest but that you end up with a better picture of the rest of the world
This significant news has been neglected. Monica Smit is free aster spending 22 days in jail for not reason at all other than to speak her mind.
Is Victoria learning from the Swiss or the other way around?
WATCH: Swiss police use rubber bullets, teargas and water cannons to disperse Bern protest against Covid passports
Fin de siècle, my friend.
I haven’t watched the Keiser Report for years. They were too way out back then. The world has caught up to them and now they sound “normal”. How ironic.
Diplomacy is back! NOT!
Max hasn’t changed much. Still blurts out the occasional stupid comments amongst the good ones. Stacy hasn’t changed much either. Still sounds the more intelligent person of the two.
It talks about a shortage of CO2! Hahaha!
That’s just one example of many why it’s so refreshing to watch RT News compared to Sky News or even Fox News. There is far more happening around the world than we realise. In the past half hour or so I’ve learned more of what’s really happening around the world than watching 12 months of Sky News on and off!
“Another Day, Another Covid Vaccination Lie”
Much like the climate change scams. Governments, MSM, social media platforms appear to be immune from telling lies. A few decades ago such actions would have propelled a small army of real journalists into high paying jobs. Now the exact opposite is the case, fake journalists are being rewarded for telling as many lies as possible.
If you remember the rivers of gold dried up because of the communications revolution and good journalists became surplus to requirement.
Click the link “Wonder what happened since then?”
and get an eye full!
Vaccines have been reported for a long time now to be causing many serious issues including deaths. The least they could do is to allow people to choose which way to go, vaccine, alternative treatment, or both. Just as in the case in India, Indonesia have a very low vaccination rate, use ivermectin and are now winning the battle against COVID-19 better than countries that rely totally on high vaccination rates. Here our health officials placed a ban on prescribing ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. All we need is a whistle-blower to blow the lid of the cover-ups by our own governments who recommend against the use of alternative treatments.
History shows nations flip flop all the time. This is just another example:
Are Former Communist Countries the Only Sensible Places?
Meanwhile our governments keep wanting to raises the bar of the vaccination rate. If they had their way and were honest about it they would enforce 100% vaccination right now. Of course they dare not do it as they are not that stupid. The thing that really concerns me is that a lot of commentators even on Sky News who have the same sentiment; vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate! A couple are already sounding like
Beijing is going to try and get Taiwan without a shot being fired.
‘Separate applications to join the CPTPP have erupted into a war of words and a demand that the 11 member states pick sides. The self-ruled island is proposing to join under the same formulation used for its World Trade Organization membership.’ (SCMP)
Does anyone have any idea of the effects of Ivermectin on the “vaccine”I am wondering if if it could possibly be a defense against the “adverse”(their definition, not mine)events following “vaccination”????
There has been some discussion in comments at Chiefio on this
Serious reading IMO
“COVID and the world balance of power – an unholy relationship?”
And for emphasis if this has already been linked
“Once Upon A Time…*
[Comments enabled]
… in a not-so-tiny nation called Spain, a nursing home had a nasty virus get into it.
It was March of 2020. The nasty virus was called Covid-19. And this nursing home, like so many others all over the world, was full of elderly, morbid people. The mean age of residents was 85 and 48% were over 80 years old. It was a killing field, like so many others…..
Within three months 100% of the residents had caught the virus. Not presumed to have — proved to have.
How do we know this? Because almost every one of them seroconverted. All but three out of 84 of them, to be precise.
Think about that last sentence for a second.
Almost every one of them seroconverted.
How’s that possible? Many of them died, right? You can’t seroconvert if you’re dead.
No. Not only did nearly none die none went to the hospital either because they rapidly figured out how to stop the virus from killing people — and did exactly that.”
More at
dexchlorpheniramine = Polaramine.
Antihistamines brought me back to the land of the living years ago. I took polaramine in high strength while it was available and another for years, still do this time of year.
They are benign. at least they are for me.
l dont drink coke because it tests positive for covid LOL