Churning out a million little political activists

Indoctrination starts right in school

One Damon Gameau has a created a kind of fairy fantasyland movie of a cheesy-chirping renewable world called 2040 and it’s being played in our schools.

It taps into the primal longing for a simple pure fantasy world where all recycling is good, there is never any rubbish, nothing is wasted, and everyone wants to help. Sing Ye O Lordy for a Binary world of Good and Evil, (and maths that never uses bigger numbers than 0 and 1). A land of plenty, where children know all the answers, and no one ever has to do a cost-benefit analysis because there are no tradeoffs.

If you can say Carbon sequestration it can happen. Wave your glorious wand!

Our children are being taught to “save the world” by writing letters to politicians and creating their own advertising campaigns to convert even younger children to grow up to be little activists. Not for them the drudgery of earning a living, balancing books, or estimating risks. As Tony Thomas says “The lesson templates would do credit to Soviet-era indoctrination.”

Tony Thomas has watched the whole 90 minute brainwash spin, so you don’t have too. This has been out for two years, quietly winding it’s way through Australian schools. It comes with prepacked lesson plans fit to match a curriculum designed by Ms Julia Gillard (former PM). Perfect for harried teachers who can’t think of ways to weave sustainability into every second lesson.

I knew things were bad at schools, but not this bad…

It seems to work on a certain kind of adult too. Comments under the trailer are adoring. People want what this is selling.

I guess the suggestible minds trained to see disaster coming finally get some relief from the angst.

I see kids using landfill waste to generate more landfill waste. All it needs is tape, board and styrene…!

Get all the details at Quadrant:

Making Kids Shrill, Scared and Stupid

Tony Thomas, Quadrant

The premise of his film fantasy is that he time travels to 2040 and discovers that all his green solutions have been a brilliant success. He helps his real-life four-year-old daughter, Velvet, to navigate through climate perils to 2040’s nirvana. The movie closes with rapturous music and vision of youngsters of all colors and creeds dancing through a forest to celebrate low CO2 levels. One 20-something gal in a white frock grows from her shoulder-blades giant butterfly wings that actually flap. This must be the cheesiest movie clip ever made or even imaginable.[6] He doesn’t actually tell kids, “Vote Green”, but calls for strong new political leadership. “Wouldn’t it be terrific if new leaders emerge who could navigate us to a better 2040,” he says. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.

By time travelling into the future, the film can pretend that every green policy works. Make way for rainbows and unicorn stampedes! Its climate solutions include swapping steaks for seaweed and pulling down levels of evil CO2 to return the atmosphere to 350ppm CO2 (now 412ppm). That’s some feat.

Grow up to be a planet saviour!

Kids obviously will parrot that “the environment” is their future concern (notwithstanding that our air has never been purer and we’re putting out up to five colored bins weekly). Kids must then scrawl on their workpads answers to “What is one possible solution” and “Who is responsible for this solution and why?” Thus kids who have trouble solving 9×13=?, are coached to guide our planetary destinies. The 2040 “Factsheet”, by the way, finishes by telling kids to send letters to politicians and join the school-strike manipulators Youth Climate Coalition. They are also to run around ordering adults to cut their emissions. It’s the strangest “Factsheet” ever compiled by homo sapiens.

Teach the kiddies to hate big oil, big coal and big bankers

Newsreader Angela Pippos is wheeled on to read this fake script: “Big banks continue to take a hit as the public shifts its money away from organisations that support fossil fuels.”

Why don’t banks protest that they are being besmirched in school? Probably because they are so powerful, and this is so ignorant, they don’t care. Indeed, this is probably just part of the profit plan. They can “arbitrage” more power when the future pointless Baby-Occupy-protesters put more pressure on governments to defund coal and force more renewables into the system. A mature energy system with efficient independent players is harder to push around and “buy the dips” so to speak.

Tony Thomas’s new book, Come To Think Of It – essays to tickle the brain, is available here as a book ($34.95) or an e-book ($14.95)

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69 comments to Churning out a million little political activists

  • #

    The media are currently fomenting the collapse of our highly successful civilisation by scaring our children about non existent threats and splitting our populace into ever smaller identity and interest groups in order to set us against one another so that no group can be large enough to oppose the revolutionary anti capitalist zeal from above.
    The march of authoritarianism through our institutions is now pretty much complete.


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      Aided and abetted by our state and federal governments. Why bother worrying about enemies from overseas when we have the likes of our governments who are doing a far better job of destroying a nation?


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      Ted O’Brien.

      Remember that in a democracy “complete” is 50% + 1.


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        The US is not a democracy, but is a federation of states which is why states control their own voting law, why we have a filibuster and why states have any rights at all. The Constitution was designed to avoid the tyranny of a majority and the left wants to remove these protections.

        The left doesn’t want a federation of states but wants to assume tyrannical control in order to transform the country into a border less socialist caliphate. Those who can’t acknowledge how dangerous this is either aren’t paying attention or the wide spread deception reinforced with hate and race baiting has fooled their weak minds to think it’s what they want.


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    ralf ellis

    The kids need to be reminded that until we found coal and oil, we needed sIaves or serfs to produce the goods. People who literally did the daily grind (making flour). Then we found steam power, and suddenly we could use machines instead of sIaves – with every barrel of oil containing 10,000 man-hours of work.

    So if we get rid of fossil fuels, and Greens will not allow nuclear power, we will have to reinstate sIavery. Tell that to the kids – that by 2040 they will all be in sIave-gangs, doing the daily grind so we can have bread.

    And if they think renewabies can make up the difference, they need to read ‘Renewable Energy Without Hot Air’, by McKay, the ex UK science advisor. Despite being a raving Greeney, McKay could not make renewables work for the UK – not enough land area, and too unreliable. Even he was forced to use large helpings of nuclear power, to match supply and demand.

    And do note that McKay largely sidestepped the unmentionable problem of renewable energy storage. The UK needs an absolute minimum of 4,000 gwh of stored energy, to allow for wind and solar outages, and there is nowhere to put this in the UK (and the costs would be astronomic). He suggested flooding all the Scottish glens, but I don’t think the Scots would be too happy about that ‘green’ idea.

    Read his booklet – there is a free PDF here:

    There is lots of good information here – but the booklet needs rewriting using only one unit of measure, instead of three or four.



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    I recently explained to my 12-year-old granddaughter what life was like in New York City BEFORE the advent of automobiles. I suggested to her that she try to imagine the city street in front of her under the following conditions (circa 1880 NYC):

    – 170,000 horses doing all the transportation work, from people to goods
    – approximately 15,000 horse carcasses rotting in the streets, because they were left where they dropped from exhaustion
    – 40,000 gallons of horse urine per day
    – 3-4 tons of horse manure per day

    The stench must have been unbelievable, and it’s no wonder the city had outbreaks of cholera and typhoid.


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      All good points but your Granddaughter would expect a mask and a government vaccine for cholera and typhoid to fix everything so no problems.

      Critical thinking has been replaced by critical theory.


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      Murray Shaw

      Yes Mona, there was an article in the Sydney Morning Herald in 1884 that prophesied that by 1924 the amount of horse manure in Sydney would outwaeigh the capacity of the population to remove it..
      Guest they forgot about the millions of litres of urine and the rotting horse carcasses which would further exacerbate the storm water detritus.
      Just a few of mankind’s problems that were solved by utilising fossil fuels.


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      And the noise, think of steel tyred wheels clattering on cobblestones and the flies, all your windows would have to be kept shut.


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        Ted O’Brien.

        Open the door and the flies swarm in,
        Shut te door and I’m sweating again,
        Then in the process I crack my shin,
        Arr life gets tasteless, don’t it?


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      – 3-4 Thousand tons of horse manure per day


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    David Wojick

    Happily it is hard to imagine showing a 90 minute video in school. This sounds like a lot of advocacy materials that assume classes have nothing else to do. In the US at least there is so much required to be learned that classes are a marathon of sprints, year after year.


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      Tony Thomas

      The worksheets seem to suggest that out of school outings be organised to view the film.
      I didn’t come across anything explicitly urging the film to be viewed in class. As you say, David, schools have to progress through a lot of material in a day. But 70 minute lesson templates are indeed provided, which would intrude into two rather than one normal lesson slots:
      Work through this resource material in the following sequence:

      10 minutes – Part A: Activating Prior Knowledge – OPTIONAL
      20 minutes – Part B: Concerns For The Future – Barometer Activity
      15 minutes – Part C: Thinking About The Solutions
      25 minutes – Reflection

      As for whether the materials are just “advocacy materials”, I have no doubt that teachers put them into vigorous use. About 50,000 lesson plans just on 2040 have been downloaded by teachers in Australia. The 2040 sponsor is Cool Australia which offers the gamut of class materials (all topics) and has a green/Left ethos:
      Cool Australia operates in 8400 primary and secondary schools — 90 per cent of all schools. Nearly half our teachers use the lessons, downloading them 2.1 million of them in 2019.[i]


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    The Green Feat has no feet.


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    Indoctrination is nothing new.
    A few years ago I was invited to give an ANZAC Day address at my old high school. In order to do the job properly, I used the recommended resources for schools including the ANZAC Day’s Commemoration Committee’s website.
    The opening statement on the page about the war in Vietnam was – “Every National Serviceman who went to Vietnam was a volunteer.”
    This was not true in my case, so I spent about a year trying to get to the bottom of the assertion. After unsuccessfully trying to find evidence of Nashos being given an option in what were alleged to have been “opt-out” parades, I went to the original legislation, the National Service Act, 1964. The act made it quite clear that National Servicemen, once enlisted, had to be treated in exactly the same way as regular soldiers. This included postings to corps and units undertaking operational service called ‘special overseas service’. There was an option for young men who were required to register to volunteer for National Service under the terms of the Act, but a only a small minority did so.
    As the AWM appendix on National Service states – Young men who had reached the age of eighteen years and nine months, and men aged twenty who had been granted indefinite deferment or exemption, could volunteer for national service.
    This is a long way from “every”, and the authors of the statement on the website for schools would have known that. Their motives can only be guessed at, but conscripting young Australians to fight during peacetime on foreign soil, is probably not a good fit for the ANZAC myth.
    The statement has now been removed after I drew the committee’s attention to the factual error, but it took them twelve months to do so after I presented them with a great deal of evidence.
    So, indoctrination of school children is no novelty. That statement had been on the website for at least ten years.


    • #

      Wow Bob. That is extraordinary. Someone wrote that statement in the first place with no knowledge at all of history and conscription? Some boss approved it? And it wasn’t fixed the week you reported it? Fail fail fail…

      If all accidents point in the same direction it isn’t an accident.


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        Just like all global average temperature “adjustments” go in the same direction — whatever causes MORE global warming is the “Correct Adjustment”.


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      Tilba Tilba

      The opening statement on the page about the war in Vietnam was – “Every National Serviceman who went to Vietnam was a volunteer.”

      I guess the ANZAC movement was trying to boost the prestige of those conscripted, and also avoid the young-lambs-to-the slaughter stigma associated with a very unpopular war.

      There has never been a time in the last 55 years where the Vietnam War has been rehabilitated as a “just war” or justified war, etc.

      My understanding at the time (and I was both a draft-resister and strong Moratorium activist) is that National Service conscripts could be sent to Vietnam just like regulars – they had no specific exemption on the basis of being a conscript.

      I remember the big issue when the first conscript (Errol Noack from Adelaide was killed – the first of 200). Good post Bob.


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        Richard Jenkins

        There were about 200 conscripts die in Vietnam.
        What was the cause of death?
        How many died from battle injury?
        Our boys were great soldiers. They hated going out with Americans because the Americans were irresponsible,
        The Americans were loud and had radios blasting. Viet Cong suddenly appeared kiled and vanished back into tunnels.


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          Tilba Tilba

          There were about 200 conscripts die in Vietnam. What was the cause of death? How many died from battle injury?

          I don’t know. Is it a rhetorical question? What is the point of the question … it doesn’t matter how they died – they were young men who didn’t come home. My former school captain was one who did not.


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      Hello Bob, Do you remember Mazza Clarke in your Battalion?


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      Richard Jenkins

      Bob you must have cherry picked your evidence. All the conscripts by their birthdate ballot I know where given the choice to go to Vietnam. There was a lot of incetives offered to foster that choice. No doubt plenty of men chose to forget it was their choice. The domino theory was very real. Thailand and Malayasia were saved. The communists took Laos and Cambodia which is not a civil war. Recently in Vietnam some people call it the Chinese invasion and refused to call Ho Chii Min the city.
      At the tunnels they were communists and referred to centuries of cvil war.
      All my friends that went to Vietnam chose to do so.
      Statistically their survival was better than civilians in the under 25 age group. Male stupidity and accidents killed more in Australia.
      Indonesia was close to becoming communist.
      We did not prevent the takeover of S Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia perhaps a loss. We saved SE Asia including Indonesia.
      Our treatment of Vietnam vets was disgraceful. We won the fight to save SE Asia.
      Conscripts who went to Vietnam deserve their rewards and our gratitude.
      Sure I could find men who were spat on deciding they were forced to go. They weren’t.
      Jim Cairns was a liar and communist. Australian involvement was initially bipartisan. When the tunnels made Vietnam unwinable the ALP took political advantage by dismissing the domino theory.
      Communists have now taken over and war is not fought with bombs and ships. They hide the modern weapons.
      Look how USA has been stolen and exposure of the obvious theft ‘banned’. Modern war does not blow things up.


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        Kalm Keith


        Sometimes it’s the big hidden stuff that tells the story.

        After the Vietnam War ended in 1975 there were two situations that don’t get much airspace.

        Russia demanded and received repayment for all of the war materials it gave to Vietnam to help fight the French reinvaders and Southern non communists; and the new Vietnam had to expunge the 100,000 plus Chinese supporters who just wouldn’t go home.

        The Chinese wanted their piece of cake in return for having let Russia use their rail system to send goods across to North Vietnam.

        A vicious post war , war, eventually saw the Chinese leave and go home.

        Communism has its problems.


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        Tilba Tilba

        Conscripts who went to Vietnam deserve their rewards and our gratitude.

        Of course they do, and did then.

        I was very strongly opposed to the whole Vietnam War, the domino theory, and the fairly shameful (and murderously bumbling) behaviour of the US (and their token allies like Australia). But I did not agree with the personal attacks on the Australian servicemen who went there.

        Your interpretation of the whole period is interesting – even though I disagree with a great deal of it. Nearly all of it in fact … but it’s too long a story and all pretty much ancient history now.

        When we visited the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City – t was simply astonishing. So many Americans in our tour group were gob-smacked – this wasn’t the story they had been fed for a whole generation!


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          Richard Jenkins

          The PKI uprising in Indonesia killed 500,000. This was 1965 66. Some estimate that number should be as high as 3 million. Communism was next door to Australia when Menzies commited us to Vietnam. There was bipartisan support.
          Our threat was reduced after 1966.
          I commented on Malaysia because when there and in Singapore guides referred to their fear of the communist invasion.
          Many Vietnamese claim it was a Chinese invasion. Laos and Cambodia are not in Vietnam.
          We saved many neighbours but lost Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
          If Indonesia had not changed in 1966 the ALP would not have withdrawn their support. The enemies vanishing underground made it impossible to defeat the Viet cong. They did notknow friend or foe.
          Our conscripts told me at the time that the Chinese looked different from the North Vietnamese. Pilots in the MIG jets were often Chinese.
          Why were MIGS and Chinese in a supposed civil war?
          Like WW1, WW2, KOREA and Vietnam freedom has lost because we are confused looking at China’s military parades when they use modern weapons everyday. Sadly most of our media. educators and celebrates don’t think.
          It’s 2021 you don’t blow things up when you can steal elections, run education, show business, the MSM and destroy economies. The journalists and other puppets don’t even know who the masterminds manipulating them are.
          Biden knew the fraud was arranged as he said it was. I think he knows he is POTUS and that placates his ego. Now he just does as he is told.


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        Kalm Keith

        After the war, Russia owned Vietnam and China wanted to own it.

        Schools taught Russian as a second language for a long time.

        Vietnam was forced to send several tens of thousands of Vietnamese to Russia to work as slaves to pay off the debt.

        Russian tourism was a big deal for some time but trust of Russian tour operators took a big hit some time back.

        Lots of competing interests.


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    In the 1960’s recycling and reuse far exceeded efforts today.

    Milk was delivered in glass bottles which were reused after thorough cleaning. Glass is also eminently recyclable so breakages were catered for.

    Milk was home delivered and provided a form of superannuation as such businesses were valuable. Paper was extensively recycled.

    Fast forward to the 1980’s/90’s when recycling became a “buzzword” for the legions of people who characterized themselves as green to gain election to local councils and I can tell you that the principal reason to introduce “recycling” schemes was to remove perhaps half of the stream of rubbish destined for land fill as available viable land fill sites were drying up in proximity to major urban areas.

    As we all know now after the SE Asians nations refused to take our “recyclables” any more most of the so called recyclables were shipped to SE Asia to become their problem !

    Fast forward to the 2020’s and The Qld Government’s containers for change program where valuable revenue is wasted on private companies subsidizing a 10 cent refund for certain plastic bottles.

    10,000 of these are likely to be worth 10 cents.

    Government “initiatives” such as this not only waste money they destroyed the once viable recycling efforts the Scouting organisations indulged in.

    These schemes not only destroyed a revenue source for Scouting groups they funnel public funds into probably crony private organisations.

    Today’s generations think they are more environmentally conscious than their grandparents but they aren’t by a long shot.

    They worry about ~420 molecules of CO2 and less than 2 molecules of methane in every million molecules of ordinary air, support stupid schemes which are less environmentally sound and think they are great !

    What gullible idiots !


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      John in Oz

      This reminds me of the 1950’s ‘silver paper’ ball we used to build in order to recycle what I now assume was aluminium foil (when I was a youngster in the UK).


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      How true: don’t use paper: save a tree…. think before you print out this email kinda stuff. Save a tree, plant a tree, Now we are celebrating cutting down trees in Northumberland to save a Peat Bog – campaign & 60 yrs later. Weren’t they now mature anyway.and could have been used as Biofuel and saved a carbon footprint over he oceans from USA ?


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      Tilba Tilba

      In the 1960’s recycling and reuse far exceeded efforts today.

      Indeed it did – and I can recall:

      • milk bottles at home, and at school
      • newspapers collected by charities (as noted)
      • tin cans re-used in the shed-garage
      • soft drinks delivered, and bottles exchanged
      • bread delivered – not sliced or wrapped
      • dry-goods bought in bulk (flour, sugar, rice, sultanas, etc)
      • fruit and vegetables bought loose (we had string bags)
      • meats bought loose from the butcher
      • milk-shakes and cold drinks served in glasses or aluminium cups
      • all tea was leaf-tea (no teabags)
      • vegetable scraps to the chooks or the compost
      • fruit and veg grown in profusion
      • Christmas decs, wrapping, cards, etc – all saved and re-used
      • nappies were cloth and washed daily
      • handkerchiefs and not tissues
      • essentially no plastic or paper in the kitchen
      • Tupperware was introduced – and lasted a lifetime or more

      I could go on, but that’s quite a list. And this is within just one and a half generations.


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      Gary Simpson

      Yes, Rosco, I also remember when we bought biscuits by the pound from a big tin behind the counter and took them home in a paper bag (carried in a basket) and used the paper to light the fire. Meat was from the local butcher, which we walked to – no car – also wrapped in paper. My nanna would save all the envelopes from her mail and we learnt to draw on the back of them.
      When we came to Australia, every suburban house had a stack of beer bottles along the back fence which someone would collect and pay you for when you had accumulated at least twelve dozen.
      The greengrocer packed our supplies in a paper sack (bio-degradable).
      We only had one small dustbin which we never seemed to fill up, so not much went to landfill.
      We also repaired appliances (remember my Dad fitting valves in the television set) and hardly ever replaced furniture, so no need for massive piles of hard rubbish collected by councils. This was unknown. I think we were doing more for the environment then than is required now.


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        Gary Simpson

        Not to mention mending clothes, darning socks, etc.


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          In a previous life I ran a couple of servos. In my town there would have been [very] roughly one servo per thousand people. You couldn’t feed a pet mouse on the profit on petrol sales. Everyone of those servos had a hoist and sold Holden parts. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but we don’t fix cars any more, they are so good little goes wrong. So little goes wrong that no one knows how to fix their own cars, they are ripe for the picking when they go to a garage.


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          Gary Simpson

          Rag and bone man with his horse and cart re-cycling all your scrap metal, etc.
          Sorry, still dreamin’.


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      Fuel Filter

      If you’ve never seen it…

      you should look up Penn & Teller’s series called “Bullsh!t” (yeah. That’s the *real* title of the series, but not with an exclamation point”.

      They absolutely demolished the “recycle” hymnal a couple of decades ago. With a good does of humor to boot. I highly recommend it. (The entire series is a hoot! They slay tons of sacred cows…)


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    Excerpt from

    “The lesson of Canute is this: the forces of nature obey their Creator, not a man who is elevated to rule over other men, but who is still a man. The governed who believe otherwise are simpletons, while the ruler who acts on that belief is destined to be a frustrated tyrant exposed as a fraud.”

    The fallacy of Man personified!


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      Tilba Tilba

      A fairly typical Zero Hedge rant. What is it about a particular type of American and the use of masks? It isn’t servitude. I think they need some time on a couch.

      In Australia, the use of masks and sensible social distancing have been built-in and are quite okay, not a drama. Lockdowns have been a bit more contentious but not overly so … and we have benefitted from very low case numbers.

      Nothing to do with Canute … a very spurious analogy.


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    2040 state approved child indoctrination movie. Yet another brick in the woke education road turning kids into borg worker drones.


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      I recently tackled an intelligent and street smart relative, who became a high level consultant in the education sector. He an advocate for private sector and industry and openly agrees with govts being captured by the “green lunacy” and a deliberate hari kiri approach to industry by the “green death”….

      What he had great trouble with was that govts would deliberately and recklessly push a potentially dangerous vaccine on an innocent population, so noted recently as appearing to cause blood clots.

      Indoctrination isnt just with kids…the current vaccine lunacy is just as big a problem….


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    Social media often has stories and pictures of rubbish on beaches, animals caught in nets or plastic, islands or rubbish floating in the oceans etc and these are used as justification for banning the use of single use plastics, recycling etc. Where I live, 100 kms from the Victorian coast, my rubbish goes into landfill and I don’t see how it gets to the beach or ocean. Perhaps most rubbish is the same and the stories and pictures on social media are propaganda


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    John H of Pelican Waters

    Doesn’t climate science teach us that the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is predominantly driven by human emissions, and that the climate is predominantly driven by that concentration? So, if we reduce human emissions enough, we will take the climate back to that of the “pre-industrial era”. That was the middle of the Little Ice Age, when the climate was terrible, and the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere was barely sufficient to support plant life. Why would we want to do that?


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      Good comment, but there is one error, Mr. H.

      Plant life WAS supported, although unusually cold weather in the 1690s caused a few famines in Europe.

      Plant life (C3 photosynthesis) prefers 800 to 1,200 ppm CO2 — 1,000 ppm is a typical target inside greenhouses that have CO2 enrichment systems.

      The puzzling idea that the pre-industrial climate was “perfect” in some way, as compared with any other time in the past 4.5 billion years, is bizarre, when people living at the time thought their climate was too cold.

      But even more bizarre is that if you ignore the anecdotes about the climate, there is only one real time temperature measurement — the three weather stations combined and called the Central England Temperature.

      That temperature shows it WAS cold in central England in the late 1600s.

      But central England is not the whole world.

      The pre-industrial climate (average temperature and CO2 level) is unknown, EXCEPT for very rough climate proxy reconstructions, such as Antarctica ice cores.

      So not only does “pre-industrial” make no sense as an ideal climate, but no one really knows what the climate was pre-industrial, except for very rough proxy estimates.

      The leftists double down on dumb when picking “pre-industrial” as an ideal climate … of course they never define what “pre-industrial means, as a specific year, or a specific decade, to confuse the issue.

      But they will character attack you if you dare to ask any questions.


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    Tony Dique

    God some people are stupid. I mean, IQ less than 60, can’t live independently stupid. By some people I mean a large number of seemingly functional adults. Doctors, lawyers, business people, pseudoscientists, the list goes on. AGW aka CC is BS. just grow up.


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      Tilba Tilba

      God some people are stupid. I mean, IQ less than 60, can’t live independently stupid.

      I’m not convinced that this is necessarily the best or most productive approach – I was measured with a high IQ (many Chardonnays ago) and I am quite certain that the planet is warming, and that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission from industrial-scale activity is contributing a great deal to it. The data over 200 years is convincing.

      So if you wish to persuade people like me, then angry insults are probably a low-yield strategy. Cheers.


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        Robert Austin

        Tilba Tilba,
        Yes, anger is unlikely to persuade. The two “tenets” of your certainty are that the planet is warming and the warming is man-made. The third unsaid tenet is that the change is not nor will be beneficent and benign. Are you as “certain” about the unsaid tenet as you are of the first two? After all, the first two are merely of academic interest without the third? Those such as Lomberg who accept the first two tenets are pilloried for questioning the third. This is where anger stems from, the claim of an existential threat demanding great social upheaval and sacrifice by common man.


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      Mr. Tony
      You do not help the cause of real science by declaring “AGW … is BS”

      Man made global warming is a theory, not a proven fact.

      But it is a reasonable theory, to assume human activity causes some percentage of climate change.

      CO2 acts like a greenhouse gas in lab experiments, so it can be assumed to act as a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

      No one knows the exact effect of CO2 in the atmosphere, but the lab experiment suggest mild, harmless global warming.

      There HAS been mild harmless global warming since the mid-1970s.

      We should not assume CO2 had no part in that warming.

      The correct answer is “no one knows — but many people assume they know”

      It is the claim of catastrophic man made global warming (CAGW) is the true BS.

      Because even if you assume CO2 caused all the warming since the mid-1970s. the resulting warming was mild and harmless, not even a problem.

      Especially because the areas with the most warming were in the colder, higher latitudes, mainly during the six coldest months of the year, and mainly at night.

      So there are warmer winter nights in Siberia, compared with the 1970s, which is good news, and our planet is ‘greening’ from more CO2 in the atmosphere, which is more good news.

      While the lefties have delusions of a coming climate crisis (CAGW) — a delusion that started in 1957, with oceanographer Roger Revelle — we sensible people have been enjoying the slightly warmer climate on our greening planet.

      We live in climate reality, and enjoy our wonderful climate.

      While the leftists have green visions of climate doom, which I suppose is what makes them happy?


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        Tony Thomas

        Hi Richard, I didn’t say what you said I said. I said, as an example of a child producing an unorthodox thought, and probably being slapped down for it:

        “My parents say zero CO2 by 2050 is total b/s”.

        Like you I gather there’s been some AGW, and like you I think CAGW is total b/s.


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    Global Cooling

    Schools should teach how to think, not what to think. Even the young can understand the scientific method with empirical evidence and systems thinking.


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      Primary school should still be the three “R”s. The basic skills are basic to logical thought.


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      Schools should teach that almost everyone on the planet is misinformed on one or more subjects.

      And that includes really “smart” and rich people, such as Bill Gates, on the subject of climate change.

      Schools should teach that humans love to predict the future, and love to listen to predictions of the future, but those predictions are almost always wrong.

      The coming climate crisis prediction has been wrong for 64 years, so far.

      Schools should teach that getting an advanced college degree does not make you an expert on any subject, nor does working for the government.

      Schools should teach that there are often two or more opinions / interpretations of any subject, and one side is NOT always right.

      And most important:
      Schools should teach that “we don’t know” is the correct answer to many questions, such as “What will the climate be like in 100 years?”


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    Abby Normal

    It’s all fun and games until the toilet paper runs out


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    Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray

    I think it would be possible for all children to learn anything from the Internet, at home, without any need for teachers or schools. Parents might start their kiddies with a program, and let them learn from that, or then branch out as they like. Perhaps each street could have a mobile class, going from house to house, each day, made up of all the children in the street.


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    Sunday lunchtime viewing TV+1 “Extreme E Live” from Saudi Arabia. I am not a fan of Formula E – F1 going that way too – like watching paint dry, but last nigh’t news somewher showed specacular accident, so..

    came in after 1st 1/4hr – correct program? – talking about climate change and PLASTIC in the oceans, etc folk standing around WEARING modern PLASTIC clothes, then back to ADverts, finally seeing folk talking about the race – wearing plastic, using materials derived from slave labour around the world, no doubt.. Mann, how they dress up the program like some futuristic whatever. NO I’m no luddite or Old Phart, but if they want to fill screen video time, give us something useful/ educational at least. Don’t need to see ppl in face masks watching screens. what a waste of electric power. Oh! the commentator is Just Soooh out of touch: “….Display lights show when driver is on the GAS or the Brake, oh -er the Accelerator…..” , aye aye.
    Just had to get a load off my chest. Happy Easter everyone: few seem to think of it now – even disrupting a CHurch Service in England, eh?


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    Curious George

    From C.S.Lewis, circa 1956
    (Professor Lewis considered his prophecy a satire.)

    The basic principle of the new education is to be that dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent and industrious pupils. That would be “undemocratic.” These differences between pupils — for they are obviously and nakedly individual differences — must be disguised. This can be done at various levels. At universities, examinations must be framed so that nearly all the students get good marks. Entrance examinations must be framed so that all, or nearly all, citizens can go to universities, whether they have any power (or wish) to profit by higher education or not. At schools, the children
    who are too stupid or lazy to learn languages and mathematics and elementary science can be set to doing things that children used to do in their spare time. Let, them, for example, make mud pies and call it modelling. But all the time there must be no faintest hint that they are inferior to the children who are at work. Whatever nonsense
    they are engaged in must have — I believe the English already use the phrase — “parity of esteem.”


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      Aye OK then, so it remains for the Industrious employer to weed out the know-alls from the knowledgeable and knowles. and at the end of the day , the employer only wants Can-do’s – but not Canned Do’s Sh*t. and of course it will be the Employer at fault again for being there to employ, to produce and to pay wages. No-can-win, and that is all wrong too.


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    Per H. L. Mencken:

    “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule”.


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    The Co2 curve from Mauna Loa measurements has not changed in slope with the drop in CO2 emissions due to covid. Neither has its slope reflected a significant increase in man made emissions from early 2000s onwards.

    Murry Salby had calculated that mans CO2 emissions were probably around 33ppm of the 130ppm rise we have seen. So we turn off our emissions and hey presto they will keep rising, so this complete fantasy of 2040 is physically impossible to implement.

    I still believe these next 10 years the cooling will be impossible to homogenise and hide.


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      Quite so. It is verification of the hypothesis that the Earth’s oceans control atmospheric CO2, rather than the green view that CO2 in the oceans depends on CO2 in the atmosphere.

      The effect of any human sourced CO2 is negligible compared with natural volume transfers.


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      Anyone care to wonder what level of genius would take the CO2 readings from the top of an active volcano and then tie these to the general atmosphere?

      An EVIL genius, perhaps?

      Last time I was there, a couple of years ago, Mauna Loa was being over-run by a herd of eco-loons and “traditional” owners who wanted to stop the expansion of the atmospheric and astronomical observatory facilities on the mountain. To what end, I will also leave to your powers of deduction.

      The next active volcano in the Hawaiian chain is steadily being pushed up, south-east-ish of the “Big Island”. Another political and anti-scientific fracas in the offing.


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    Michael Spencer

    The little political activists need to be given some good news!

    But “Oh no! We can’t have that! It’s not politically correct!” Especially if it involves nasty facts; someone might be offended!

    Oh no!

    But then, perhaps sneak up on them by trying to ‘Save the Planet‘!


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    Indeed, even the old left are beginning to wake up to this. See this article . . .


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    As an ex-teacher (Science), I would say that the current secondary school science curriculum is totally indoctrinated…not just in climate science, but in EVERY branch. It is amazing what the Education Department gurus think is “correct learning” is actually just another 1984-style brainwash.
