A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Trump says he is determined to stamp out climate hoax
Which beggars the question that when climate becomes a non subject what will be the main purpose of this blpg?
Discussions on kittens? How to dispose of electric vehicles? Hobbies and past times?
Still, as gates renews his plans to block the sun I suspect the end of the hoax is still some years away
I reckon there are still some energy security, food security and improving housing and transport gnarly problems out there that it would be good to see some of the great minds on here set to.
What a republic might look like (Andrew and Harry are sitting a little too close to the throne these days for my liking)….
Wishful thinking. The European Union and the UN will go on its merry way of spruiking this nonsense for many years to come. And, it will be hard for the current LNP coalition to backtrack, unless they fire the public servants who run our BoM and CSIRO.
As Upton Sinclair wrote,
During his first four year term as President Donald Trump addressed the United Nations in New York and part of his address called on them to get back to the basics the UN was established to deal with, he told them that too many outside attached organisations had been created and they need to be reviewed, and to stop interfering in the national affairs of member nations.
It’s the don of a New Age.
The weather has been the top subject in human history. What is a hoax is man made weather. Controlled by governments and requiring massive taxation and destruction of the quality of life in Western democracies. Communist governments have never believed a word of it.
According to Trumps inauguration will be forced indoors. This event, traditionally held outside with a crowd of about a million people in Washington will be forced in side as temperatures plummet to between minus 3 and minus 5 degrees. ( assume F ).
Curse this global warming!
This story confirms that:
Plenty of scope for this blog to host Making Science Great Again and getting the right material into the polluted education systems.
Enormous harm has been done by some climate change researchers to the ways the public view science. Science is hard, but rewarding. Bring back a proper reputation. Geoff S
Tony, I wish we will’ve had that problem on our hands…
As a small token gesture to humanity also hope for the Nuremberg-style trial which will expose all those persons, parties and governments who knowingly spread the global warming fraud and actively enforced it.
At least we know Beijing didn’t invent this hoax. Trump is going to clean up the AGW mess with a united team.
‘Senate committee rooms on Capitol Hill were buzzing with activity this week as many of President Trump’s picks for cabinet posts were underway. Three of the key hearings on climate and energy policy were Lee Zeldin for EPA, Doug Burgum for Interior, and Chris Wright for Energy.’ (wuwt)
Have you searched youtube for ‘Climate” lately. There is a new wave of propaganda.
One the interesting things for me in the possible collapse of the CAGW narrative, is the political/psych effect that the end of the theme will have on the believers.
We can see this a little bit in the Trump victory, and the narrative pretzel constructions the Progs are being forced to bake.
What happens when the legitimacy of primary Science/Reality Construct authority collapses in a culture?
This collapse of fundamental structural legitimacy is the true unintended, most historically significant aspect of the ‘Pandemic’ (a stupid political Trojan Horse label made up to sell global political coup, as was ‘Climate Change’).
Oddly, their machinations might have gone unnoticed and been more successful if not for ‘mandates’.
Anyways, Reformation 2.0 is just getting started.
Don’t throw away that variety pack of surgical face masks quite yet.
You might need them again to buy groceries.
If there are groceries in Round 2.
The Internet may enslave us or set us free.
I don’t think we’ve decided yet.
Seasonal influenza and those perpetually mutating strains used to make sense to me as a greenhorn postgrad neurobiologist attempting to gain a PhD; but then I started asking very simple questions and answers were not forthcoming. Questions such as: how does a virus that is reliant on human-to-human transmission survive when humans are not transmitting? Or: where do all those strains live when they are not partying? Or: how come only one strain expresses itself at a time when this animal loves to mutate like there’s no tomorrow?
These are not questions you ask in polite company; such as the common room of your department when greenhorns and laureates alike are fighting for control of the kettle and grumbling over what biscuits have been left by biscuit-munching undergrads that came out of the first lecture early. Ask those sorts of questions at the wrong time in the wrong place and you’ll get snorted at… or someone will peer over their glasses down at the end of their long nose.
Home owners in the UK are being heavily bribed to switch from gas boilers to heat pumps
There may be a case for them in very well insulated modern houses but most property in the UK is of older stock and would require huge sums to upgrade in order to use a heat pump.
Are they becoming more polar in oz as I understand they also have an air conditioning function,more useful there than here.
Called air conditioners in Australia and used more to pump heat outdoors.
We have air conditioners in Brisbane and haven’t used much of either cooling or heating (reverse cycle/heat pump) over the last 12 months. So much for extreme weather.
Central west Qld, and we’ve had a proper summer with one or two 43 degree days and 35 degree nights, so our various cooling systems have had a good workout. My favourite is the old fashioned ‘swampy’ cooler (we have two, one at either end of the house) and on hot but dry days they are fantastic. Have doors and windows open where the wind isn’t coming from, great for humans and for wooden furniture. For some reason, the simple window/wall units are being phased out (you can still get the ducted rooftop ones) – it’s even getting difficult to source the basic parts like motors to fix them. Does anyone know why?
Reverse cycle means shutting everything, but good for humid days, and probably essential for the coast and Brisbane.
I am more than pleased by the energy saving of our heat pump hot water system in Melbourne. It was installed when we were still getting winter temperature, which is just above 0C in the morning and rising to low double figures through the day. It consumed 2.5kWh on the coldest of days.
On 2n January I switched it to start at midday from the previous setting of 8pm, it was not cold enough to turn on at midday or before the end time set at 4pm – but it was a warm day up around 30C. This indicates how well insulated it is.
Before I changed the time to run through the day, its lowest day was 1kWh. It runs directly from rooftop solar now so I cannot see its consumption because it is not separately metered.
The heat pump water heater is about TEN times more energy efficient than a gas heater based on metered energy. It would reduce to 3 to 4 times if you looked at the energy in the coal to produce the electricity.
Given that much of the UK population lives near water that never gets much below double digits, it is likely heat pumps also do well in the UK. Someone living away from the ocean and/or on elevated ground where it gets well below 0C, would not do as well as slightly warmer locations.
I am in the process of replacing the gas central heating and evaporative cooler with reverse cycle heat pump. But current heating is mostly wood burner. The word is still available for free from Victorian State forests with the bonus of zero cost exercise doing something that is enjoyable..
Overall, there is economic merit in reducing the number of connected services to premises. It would be difficult for me to replace the water service but I maintain 1000l of water for emergency use. Melbourne does not work particularly well with transpiration sewage disposal in winter unless you have large block so sewer connection is required. Electricity is a more flexible energy source than gas so is better to keep than gas. At this point in time, batteries are not economic for me to disconnect from electricity network.
UK could well be facing high costs in upgrading its ageing gas network. A recent example of a pipe problem:
Fragile gas networks can lead to serious problems when the gas leaks to where it should not.
In vicdanistan, if the district you live in has sewer running past the premise, then by law you must connect any sewer flows to the sewer main.
Potable water connection is optional but you’ll be charged a fee whether it is connected or not.
It’s not socialism. Well that’s what they’ll tell you if you ask.
In Logan you are not allowed to connect rainwater tanks to any inside plumbing other than toilet flushes. The argument is that the council is responsible for the quality of your water and they cannot control the quality inside your water tank. We used to fill water bottles from the outside tap for drinking inside. Don’t know if other places also restrict you catching water from the sky for drinking or washing?
Logan council are probably concerned about back flow to the potable main.
If you have the appropriate separation between supplies, then you can pump anything you like around the house. You just can’t share a pipe, no matter how many valves you put in place to prevent back flow, (unless approved, and it sounds like Logan aren’t approving).
There should be nothing to stop you having a third tap above your sink for raw water supplies. Check with the council for clarification.
Best of luck. Each of these air conditioner/heat pumps has an expensive control board. Three Mitsubishi boards have failed for me. I’m told Fujitsu are dearer still.
I’ve just replaced an old water heater with another old fashioned one which has no electronics.
Mmmmmm bad run. Weve used Fujitsu ans Daikin ACs for 4 decades + and have had an electronic issue.
I seem to remember that in Obama’s inaugural speech he was very concerned about climate change and said he would stop the oceans rising.
This article shows his four properties, two of which appear to be at around sea level so Obama must have succeeded in holding back the rising waters
Trumps inauguration to be moved inside due to intense cold
Just imagine how cold it would have been for the event if we had not had decades of global warming
Remember it’s called “climate change” now so cold weather is also mankind’s fault.
Here in Sydney this is the third day of low 20’s, cloudy wet and windy weather… in the middle of January. That’s really really cold for this time of year and feels more like late autumn.
On the left/right in politics, the most abused word in politics is Liberal. It has been stolen by the communists. DEI, BLM, ESG are all Liberal disasters inflicted on us by people who mean us ill. Even the major party in Australia is called the Liberal party, which is an utterly useless name today as Liberals are often as interested in taxing and restricting people as much as the Greens and Labor.
Labor is another word which no longer means Labor, apart from the unions in the vanishing trades. The waterside workers for example have nearly vanished. Transport strikes too. There are just fewer and fewer people and electricians are making great money working for themselves. Shopkeepers unions when so many retail goods are sold over the internet and service is nearly impossible to find in shops. Labor parties are shrinking. In the US and Australia, the Democrats and Labor have abandoned the workers. Unions are vanishing.
And no party represents the bulk of the people, the ignored Conservatives who do not want The Voice or more billions and land concessions to aborigines who get nothing. Nor do they want socialist posturing on the politics of Israel and the Middle East which has nothing to do with most Australians. Or the division of Australians on race, gender, origin. We are Australians. That’s the deal.
So as true Conservatives rise again in the Nederlands, Hungary, Italy, Germany, France, Canada, the UK and US, our very own Liberal party needs to recast itself as the party of the people. Nigel Farage’s Reform party appeals to the bulk of the UK.
We may need the same, to rename the Liberals for the 21st century to represent the middle class who want problems fixed. And not the weather. And ask who gets the $42Billion which does not go to aborigines. And the $100Billion of hidden off budget scams like Clean Energy and NBN and the other funds. We now have the vision of Albanese ‘tipping’ billions into the NBN to fight off Spacelink. Why? It’s a solution for this vast country. The NBN isn’t.
We need a new platform for the 21st century to reflect the Conservatives at the heart of Australia. And destroy the wedge issue of politician controlled weather. It’s nonsense, the most costly scam in world history. And stop our governments spending our money on fake science and fake aborigines and fake technology and a bit more on actual defence.
Sorry. Clumsy red. Hard to press green on a mobile.
We have seen this in the UK. The party of Jeremy Corbyn was totally unacceptable. Then Boris Johnson was the new broom who swept in BREXIT, only to turn greener than green. Now in a lifetime I have never seen such buyers remorse as the election of Sir Keir Starmer who is as incompetent and dishonest as he is extreme. Everyone wants him gone as the Rotherham scandal is up for its fourth attempt to bury the story completely with an ‘inquiry’. They could just read the previous three.
In Australia Tony Abbott was elected in a landslide as a traditional conservative. And defenestrated by the leftists and greens in his own party, led by smarmy Malcolm Turnbull who made off with $444million on his last day. While making sure protege Scott Morrison and not Peter Dutton replaced him. Now the entire country regrets Anthony Albanese and few think Dutton can defeat the Greens in his own party. Voting Liberal is about as attractive as Tory in the UK or Democrat in the US. None represent the people as none are conservative.
Australia, like most fundamentally conservative non left, non right countries needs a conservative party. Not Howard’s Broad Church with massive hidden climate theft, never presented as Liberal party policy.
And a Conservative party would make sure aborigines were better off, stop the theft of Ayers Rock, Mt Arapiles and 53% of all of Australia and kill off the fake aboriginal industry, fake climate industry and the massive growth of the public service, which is an oxymoron as they just want more and more money. State debt in Victoria is $38,000 per human. Federal debt is also $38,000 per human.
It cannot continue, because we are going broke if not already. We need an actual politically and fiscally Conservative party which rejects all the scams of DEI,BLM,ESG,Aboriginal handouts and land grabs and the very idea that a dreamtime blue banded bee could stop a gold mine.
An excellent summary of our history and situation, thank you! One Nation has the policies that I believe in, and they address your needs too. It’s just a matter of getting them enough leverage to do stuff. No easy task.
I’m in the State just west of you and I wonder what we should rename the local Liberals? I think the Stark Raving Looney Party has already been taken. How about the Weird Party although perhaps the Weird Disunited Party would be more truthful. Perhaps the Nearly Extinct lot (would that get any support from the public?). How about Just Like the Vic Libs but Worse?
The Suicidal Nutcases?
I really think there is no real reason to try and resurrect them, just leave them alone and they will fade away.
Of course The Disintegrate Party.
Problem there G3, is the rise of micro parties that only represent a tiny percentage of the population then uniting to claim a “majority”. The current federal state of play is the prime example. Labours rather pathetic primary vote of ( from memory) only 32% while Liberals primary vote was 38%. Then of course because it’s only about power, align with the greens that only got 10% of the vote. Heh presto, clearly the people wanted what we’ve got.
The current lower house is 28 Labor, 13 Liberal and 6 Independents (2 of whom under the State Constitution are serving in the Labor Cabinet).
At the last election the seats (from memory) were Labor 26. Liberals 16 and Independents (all former Liberals) 3, so the Liberals have lost 2 seats (both held by former Leaders) and have another 3 walk out since losing that first term in power.
At the last election my local member wanted to resign after 2 years infighting but was persuaded by the public to stay on (as Independent). At the election he won a majority on the first count and after preferences 75+% as against the surviving Liberal at 25-%. This used to be the staunchest Liberal seat in the State (and our Federal Member is also (severaly times reelected) Independent also).
No-one can see any reason to vote Liberal although Dutton may change minds. The Greens vote was boosted by people looking for something other than the 2 majors and will drop (along with the Teals).
I think it would be great to not be able to resolve an election. Belgium ran fine for 22 months with no government when no coalition could be reached to take power. Give us all a rest for a while….
But it is mad that if you are in a Labour seat and want Liberals in you would be best off directing your efforts campaigning for the Greens….
Cybertruck in the UK? Forget it.
A new political prediction methodology
“The Banana Index”
“Ladies and gentlemen, by the one index that has proven reliable over my lifetime, socialism in the United States is receding. Not on the way out, precisely, but promising to go down instead of up. The index is a little forward-looking, you see.”
More at
Like Brown’s Milk of old – “Good as any, better than some”?
Australian Bananas
Is it just me? paying for POUNDS of bananas with CENTS. They still do miles in the US too.
They also have surveyors tape measures that are marked at 10 units per foot.
5 bananas are 78 p
1 banana is 76 c:
It is mad to see things grown in Australia much cheaper in UK supermarkets – pineapples too!
The Foreign Gentleman is an Australian – one ‘Twiggy’ Forrest.
Interesting article – it may even be true.
Would Twiggy have lost some cred if they correctly called him a miner?
“SaskPower now looking to rebuild coal plants instead of shutting them”
Politicians benefit from real jobs
In economic hard times it is difficult to beat the experience that comes from having to make decisions with big consequences in the commercial world.
It is a longstanding lament that many of today’s politicians have followed a career path through political party networks and, as a result, lack experience in the commercial or broader world.
There is no doubting that community contact is the best education a prospective minister can get. But in economic hard times it is difficult to beat the experience that comes from having to make decisions with big consequences in the commercial world.
With the federal election race starting to form, Peter Dutton has put a spotlight on his working experience, which includes small business and time in the police force. It is difficult not to contrast this with the working background of Anthony Albanese, who spent one year working outside the ALP family as a bank officer when aged 17 to 18. The difference in business experience is not confined to the party leaders.
The Prime Minister’s cabinet team is stacked with former union, party and political apparatchiks. Jim Chalmers was an Australian National University tutor in politics and public policy for one year in 2001. Analysis by political editor Geoff Chambers shows that of the Albanese government’s 23-person cabinet, 10 ministers worked for unions, 16 worked as political staff for state and federal Labor ministers, and three worked as party officials.
PM’s union-dominated cabinet grapples with real world problems
Anthony Albanese’s cabinet team is stacked with former union officials, party apparatchiks and political staffers who believe they have the real world experience and business know-how to reboot Australia’s flatlining economy.
As business owners and households buckle under pressure from high interest rates and an inflation-fuelled cost-of-living crisis, the Prime Minister is pitting his election pitch to “build Australia’s future” against Peter Dutton’s promise to “get Australia back on track”.
Stripping away the politics and slogans, there is a striking gap between Labor and Coalition cabinet line-ups in terms of work experience and running businesses.
Analysis of Albanese’s 23-person cabinet shows 10 ministers worked for unions, 17 worked as political staffers for state and federal Labor ministers, seven worked as lawyers including at union-linked firms, and three worked as party officials.
Like Albanese, Conroy and Farrell, Chris Bowen, Jason Clare, Julie Collins, Ed Husic, Tony Burke, Richard Marles, Jim Chalmers, Katy Gallagher, Penny Wong, Mark Butler and Tanya Plibersek have spent the bulk of their careers working across politics and the union movement.
The Coalition shadow cabinet includes a former police officer in Dutton, a military officer, media executive, diplomat, pilot, farmers, teachers, solicitors, bankers and consultants.
Seven of Dutton’s team, including Birmingham and Fletcher, previously worked as staffers in state and federal parliaments but most also boast professional careers outside politics.
Dutton often contrasts the “real world” experience of Coalition MPs versus Labor. Speaking this week in the Ipswich-based, ALP-held target seat of Blair, he said “this modern Labor Party is not the party of the worker … they’re the party of the union boss, not the union member”.
“The Coalition in its modern form is the party for the Australian worker and for small business,” Dutton said.
““The Coalition in its modern form is the party for the Australian worker and for small business,” Dutton said…. of the Party that undid exactly nothing that the previous Labor party did, and introduced exactly nothing that the Labor party wouldn’t have, and in fact was completely indistinguishable from the other half of the Uniparty.
..and that is normal, no matter which country you go to! The parties are there for the politicians, not for the people. Still, voted in, democracy blah blah best form of Govt… One can only hope the voters get what they deserve, and get it good and hard!
The only party worth voting for would be one that promised to pass no new laws, and to spend 4years deleting laws.
Knew a pro liberal piece would get your dander up. lol
Yous fellas are copping a bit of weather on both coasts – the NSW low is still sucking up cool southerlies while WA is in for some air-conditioning thanks to TC Sean – while our extremities (north & south) have a little frontal activity, otherwise, fine: stock standard January climate, if somewhat a little on the cool side.
Has the devil gas carbon [sic] taken a holiday? Is it hungover? Perhaps it’s on strike, demanding more pay and more TV/screen-time attention? Is it all the planets (seemingly) lining up in the evening sky? Or the sun-grazing comet Atlas?
Last night’s temps around the planet exhibited perfect equilibrium: both poles were on -27C, and even though some claim otherwise, both were solid frozen ice. With a little altitude, those numbers plummeted, with Greenland’s Summit on -56 and Antarctica’s Dome on -39. Can you feeeeeel the boiling?
Even though Aus should be the ‘hottest’ land on Earth this time of year, couldn’t find one spot above the mythical 42C – lots of high 30s outback yet no real scorchers, unless BoM’s changed game-plans and they’re hiding today’s heat (?) – because as we know, ™️Settled Science™️ has passed its tipping point and is in a (freefall?) crisis. Good riddance.
B’Cold here in Sydney – Youngsters plus Friends went to Big Bash Cricket At SCG last night – Rain Soaked Cold & Miserable and a lot of Money down the Drain for something that should have been called off and Money Refunded – Cricket Australia had looked at rather than, I assume, being guided by BOM
Big Basket Ball Hoop with large Water Filled base was being pushed, like a sail bfore the wind, last night towards Carport – Huge Winds
What Summer! – BOM hang your head in Shame!
BOM: Back-to-front Or Munted.
Sydney had our climate today, maxing out on 24C as we did, except we had sun and a warm nor’easter, as opposed to wet windy southerlies, ugh! Maybe they’ll get tomorrow’s prediction right – or not.
If climate reanalyzer is to be trusted, the 2m temperature globally is highest for the day of the year in their recent records.
If it’s colder than average somewhere, it’s warmer than average somewhere else, and t’other way around.
“Nine years ago WHO said red meat causes cancer, but insiders say the process was flawed and biased”
” but insiders say the process was flawed and biased””
…the very definition of science! The moment you pay a scientist, you’re buying the results you want.
Thanks a i,
These two paragraphs from your link reinforce my view of the scaremongering:
” The figures from IARC that caught the world’s attention came from its press release accompanying the Lancet article, which asserted that eating just 1.75 ounces of processed meat daily (about the size of a matchbox) increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18pc. These claims relied on a single paper, a meta-analysis from 2011. And the only significant finding in this study was a link between cancer and fried sausage and pork meat–not beef, mutton, or lamb. That the working group employed weak findings on pork and fried sausage to generalize to all red and processed meats suggests a biased interpretation of the evidence, an important theme to which I’ll return below.
Beyond this, the 18pc claim was highly tenuous, as the Lancet paper reported only tiny associations, known as “relative risks,” between meat and cancer—1.17 for fresh meat and 1.18 for processed meat. The number 1 indicates zero relationship. Increases of 0.17 and 0.18 are minuscule. In the field of epidemiology generally (outside of nutrition), these numbers would be considered far too small to be meaningful.1 ”
The mixing of whole red meat with “processed meats” always sounded suss to me, and I kept up eating steak, chops and even beef sausages in volume, and bacon and ham until I got lazy with my lower food in take as I’ve become less active.
1937 drop.
Dave B
“Joe Biden: An Assessment”
His closing paragraph is a classic.
Not a fan by the sound of it.
Harsh on Biden, but somehow not nearly harsh enough.
“They’re Freaking Out (GOOD!)”
“The cancer industry, that is.
Yes, its an industry.”
More at
” The New York Times dribbled out yet another turbo-cancer story yesterday, this one under the headline, “Cancer’s New Face: Younger and Female.” The sub-headline explained, “Although long considered a disease of aging, certain cancers are turning up more often in younger women, according to a new report.” It never mentioned the jabs, so you can stop wondering right now.”
More at
Top Oncologist Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer
A world-renowned oncologist has confirmed that ivermectin can be used to cure cancer after the top doctor used the wonder drug to treat over 1,000 terminally ill patients.
The announcement was made by Dr. William Makis, a leading Canadian physician with expertise in radiology, oncology, and immunology.
Dr. Makis treated one of Gibson’s friends who made a complete recovery after being told there was nothing more doctors could do to treat the cancer.
“Nothing more they can do”?
Learn to code! 😁
Medicine’s obviously not for you.
Any Idea what brands of ivermectin on the local market are suitable for you know ,nudge nudge , wink wink deworming horses
30 ?
For all your horse ivermectin paste needs. 😉
“”Learn to code?”
We’ve just been told that AI is going to make coding redundant.
But looks like a promising future emerging in the coal industry!
(See #10)
Global debt for 2024 has hit $315 Trillion USD.
Debt as a percentage of GDP is now 333%
Can’t imagine why they want a big reset.😎
..and interest rates?? Shall we take the time-honoured 10%/yr, and if the world GDP was $100, and debt at 3 times that, how much are they willing to give up of that GDP to pay it off in a certain time??
You give up $30 for interest payments, and another $30 to pay the loan back in 10years, so there’s 60% of GDP gone to the banks.
Do you pay it off in thirty years, 30% of GDP in interest plus only another 10% to pay it off… Which country can afford to give away nearly half its GDP?
Why do I get the feeling nothing will happen until the interest payments are crushing the GDP, and by then it is too late to do anything at all.
Still, the voters voted for it…
… and that’s where periodic bouts of inflation come in.
Step 1: print money with no value
Step 2: wait a while
Savvy investors always prefer appreciating assets.
Who wants the reset? It certainly isn’t whoever is holding the paper.
There is a popular myth that China holds “all” the US paper having collected a little with every TV or washing machine they ship across the pacific. But they are deep in debt themselves, maybe to the Arabs.
So the Saudis have amassed this untold wealth. Funny, they tried to float Aramco in the west because they wanted to “diversify” or something. Sounded more like they wanted the cash.
If you think about it JC II’s $315 Trillion USD might be right, but if EVERY nation is in debt,”who holds the paper, who can call in the debt?”
That can only be private banks such as the Rothschilds. I’m not singling out any group, they are just the best known.
If private bankers own the world, why would they upset the applecart?
Stragglers with assets and too much debt, such as Greece, will have their pockets picked but life will go on. Both sides of wars will be financed so they can’t lose. The winners repay their debt, the loser loses a pound of flesh.
I write a post that no one will ever read. Why is it so?
A Lesson for Peter Dutton & the Liberal/National Party re Ending ABC
End the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
With conservatives back in power, public media is getting back to what it really excels at. No, not objective, impartial reporting. If NPR and PBS focused on that, they wouldn’t need to be so good at their side hustle: desperately lobbying Congress not to defund them.
Now that they’re good at. The lobbying efforts have worked every time conservatives have had power, going back to when President Lyndon Johnson created the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in the late 1960s.
Every Republican president after Johnson has tried to defund, dissolve, or reform public broadcasting. Yet the CPB is still standing, and NPR and PBS remain unreformed.
Weak Republican members of Congress always sweep in at the last second to save public media’s bacon. That is true even for some congressmen who sit in +30 and +40 GOP districts in states as red as Oklahoma and West Virginia, but who nonetheless act as if they’re afraid of their own shadow.
Sources tell me that NPR’s biggest member stations are taking the threat so seriously this year that they have produced an internal document that foresees four outcomes — and strategizes for each: 1. Congress claws back all funding immediately; 2. All funding is clawed back after two years; 3. Congress only cuts back half the funding; 4. Congress maintains the status quo.
This time it must not work.
The only shadow congressmen should see is that of a White House operative knocking on their door. NPR and PBS covered themselves in infamy with their leftist bias while reporting on the 2020 and 2024 elections.
According to a study the Media Research Center published last month, “PBS staff used 162 variations of ‘far right’ labels and only six ‘far left’ labels, an astounding ratio of 27 to 1.”
I believe this job is more important than destroying AGW cult.
Properly redefine ABC function, budget, etc,.. and everything else will fall into right places.
End of story.
PS. Minor detail – do it, not just say it.
Dutton’s top priority to reduce the government burden is to fully privatise their ABC, their BoM and their CSIRO. Sell off what can be sold and defund the rest.
All these organisations are working against the national interest. They are obsolete and useless. Most of their news/advice is damaging.
If you want news in brief, the best places are WUWT and JoNova. If you want a weather forecast, look at Nullschool. If you want scientific research, don’t go anywhere near CSIRO.
Who in Australia knew the 3GWh battery at Moss Landing in California was on fire before it appeared on WUWT.
Why taxpayer funded tourism promotion? Why do we even have a Scotty from Marketing?
FWIW – some interesting numbers –
“LAT: People Fleeing Dem-Controlled States May Be a Problem For Progs”
One of those husband/wife discussions about the old chest freezer in the internal garage, the one that she hates to go to… Emptied it today and found more frozen tomatoes from last season, even as tomatoes are now fresh in the garden..
That freezer came from a house we rented, fully furnished, when we arrived in NZ in 1985. The fridge didn’t last, nor the washing machine, but that freezer has only been turned off for a couple of weeks while it took a cruise across the Tasman. I have no wish to replace it with a fancy upright one with drawers, computers, intelligent doors, AI and a life span of 5years! That was 40years ago, the guy that owned the house was sent to America to supervise the building & commissioning of the first Fisher & Paykel factory over there and they never returned. Maybe it was a staff ‘special’..
I do not recall when we bought the upright freezer, but it has been at least 5 years. The mechanicals are working with no issues. The plastic drawers on the other hand…. with cold comes brittleness?
Anybody else having problems with NBN in Victoria? It’s been off all day and we’ve tried the usual suggestions and now husband is hanging on the phone trying to talk to someone sensible.
Ha ha!
No worries, now. NBN back on after being off for 10 hrs. Finally had a call returned, after a long wait, just as it came back on. Was just wondering if anyone else knew of trouble in Vic.
Referring to #21, in moderation.
Who is your NBN Broad band Supplier? – I have been with Aussie Broadband since Dec 2017 – their Techo support is amazing – Currently on Aussie Broadband Unlimited HFC Connection of 1000 Mbps Down 50 Mbps UP – after a number of weeks working with Aussie Broadband & NBN (who changed out NBN Modem to new Arris NBN Modem and smoothed out delivery signal), having identifed through lots of liason with Aussie Broadband testing NBN link that the problem was my initial Netgear R8000 Nighthawk Router, that due to lousy Netgear site (including reset back to original settings) unable to get in and change QOS Settings, bought new TP Link Router
replacing Netgear 30 R8000 Nighthawk with TP-Link AXE5400 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 6E Gaming Router, up 5.4Gbps, 2.5G Port, 6 GHz Band
Has fixed the Problem – Seeing 926.1 Mbps Down 46.7 Mbps Up – From NBN Arris Modem Cat 6a Cable into TP Link WiFi Router 2.5 Gbps WAN Port, then Cat 6a Cable from the 4 x 1 Gbps LAN ports to Cat 6a Patch Panel on wall behind TP Link Router – then Cat 6a Cable through Roof to Front Room Wall Cat 6a Patch outlet, then Cat 6a Cable from Wall connect to 8 port DLink Ethernet Switch, and Cat 6a cable from there into the back of my 2019 iMac
Speed Test from my Front Room iMac over cat 6a back to TP Link then NBN Modem showed as follows below – equal to Direct Connect from my Wife’s (soon to be set up) 2020 iMac to NBN Arris Modem in my Grandson’s Bedroom, which were the speeds I provided from the direct test.
Thank you Rachel, Kate & all the AussieBroadband technicians that I have dealt with in trying to identify and solve this Problem.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Australia experienced the ‘tainted’ blood scandal, where thousands of Australians were infected with HIV and Hepatitis C through contaminated blood transfusions.
In 2004, a submission to the Senate review reported that about 80% of those infected were never contacted by the Australian Red Cross about receiving tainted blood, nor were they offered any medical support.
10 – would love to see their client list – any jab pushers?
Watch out Perth / WA – bushfire season coming@
The artist has also addressed anti-Asian violence because of the ‘China virus’ in her work….
00 – ‘in our groups there are numerous doctors’ – hang on there, what percentage of the population are doctors? (2.9 per 1000) What are the odds that even 1 doctor would be among the people with ‘extremely rare’ serious adverse reactions, never-the-less ‘numerous’?
We don’t have capital punishment because the ‘risk’ that the State executes an innocent person is considered too great. Yet we accept that there are ‘vaccine bereaved’ without batting an eyelid – that in this case there is somehow an acceptable risk
We heard fewer stories and experiences from people who said they had taken the vaccine and were happy with their decision, presumably because they were less motivated to share their vaccine stories.
Smoking prevents vaccine injuries. If they can find any other reason for what killed you, you are never going to be recorded as dying from a vaccine injury.
The thought one ought not to have to think –
“President Trump Promised to Halt Offshore Wind Turbine Projects Once in Office! We See Right Through this DEADLY LEFTIST HOAX! Please Join Protest Groups Near You Tomorrow To FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT the “Terror Turbines”! DETAILS IN ARTICLE!”
00[email protected]/113846765922777961 You, you, you ….Men!
Real Men don’t sequester carbon. You got a lot to learn son. Or whatever you prefer.
LOL! Is that what passes for a “scientist” these days? Set off nuclear bombs on the seabed to absorb more Co2 and have minimal collateral damage?
Do the 5-eyed fish count as no environmental contamination? How about the new undersea volcano that just erupted? ..or the earthquake that just hit California..? No, wait, they wouldn’t set them off anywhere near the USA, that is for sure!
When the relationship between Russia and the USA started to collapse-
” It was, however, the grisly rape-murder of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011 that did more than most to poison Putin’s view of Washington and the way it does business. Briefly, then: The Obama administration was able, under false pretenses, to obtain a promise from the Russian government not to veto UN Security Council resolution 1973 “to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack” in Libya. The deal was that the Russians would abstain from using their veto as long as the establishment of a “no-fly zone” didn’t morph into a regime change operation.
Yet after Gaddafi’s very public execution and the American secretary of state’s tasteless celebration of it, Moscow felt that Washington welched on the deal. For Putin, then waiting in the wings as prime minister, this was the likely point of no return. ”
10 Starlink is not as invulnerable as previously thought, according to a team of award-winning scientists in China who recently simulated a space operation targeting the giant constellation.
Results from the computer simulation showed that China could effectively approach nearly 1,400 Starlink satellites within 12 hours using just 99 Chinese satellites. These could be equipped with lasers, microwaves and other devices to conduct reconnaissance, tracking or other operations.
00 In the podcast, we discussed the graph below showing the total generation and demand in Australia’s electricity network (link here). Notice the enormous increase in nameplate generation capacity in the past decade while grid-electricity demand has remained flat. This shows that there has been very little extra energy generated for all that extra investment in capacity, as most of that new capacity is highly variable.