Mark Zuckerberg shows exactly how worried he is about climate change on his new diesel 5,000 ton Mega-yacht

By Jo Nova

They’re not even pretending anymore

Hands up who thinks Mark Zuckerberg lies awake at night worrying that climate change will destroy Pacific islands? This is a man who fights “climate misinformation online” but destroys ecosystems on weekends…

Hypocrisy is thy name: He hopes you will use his virtual reality glasses so you can visit friends online without using a car, a boat or a plane, but he’ll visit his own friends in his $300 million mega-yacht.

In the world we thought we lived in, this would have made him a laughing stock on MSN et al, and pretty much rule him out from grandstanding on climate change, or ever being invited to the UN struggle sessions again, but we know the prostitutes for climate grants will smile and fawn, and so will the politicians, and so will the media.

But all over the internet, people are mocking him: Don’t you love it when they lecture us about our CO2 emissions from the private jet or their super yacht?

Mark Zuckerberg’s $300 Million Superyacht visuals slammed as ‘climate hypocrite’s hideaway’

Hindustan Times

Mark Zuckerberg’s latest status update screams real-world billionaire choice: a $300 million superyacht. With an estimated net worth of US$180 billion per Forbes, one of the world’s richest men and founder of Meta dropped a whopping sum on a superyacht he calls Launchpad.

With a gross tonnage of 5,000 gross tons, the yacht can cruise at speeds of up to 24 knots, providing an epic cruising experience for the billionaire owner. It currently holds the 45th position as being one of the world’s largest yachts. The beast also has a helipad designed in case the Meta owner changes his mind and wants to catch a sudden flight.

Still, this is hardly out of character.  Zuckerberg was caught burning $158,000 in fuel in his private jet in just two months in 2021. But the usual suspects (who say they care about CO2 emissions) seem more concerned with silencing people than with his emissions:

In March 2021, 13 environmental groups, including the Union of Concerned Scientists and Greenpeace, sent Zuckerberg a letter calling on him to commit to monitoring climate disinformation and provide more transparency about the scale of the problem.

Will Greenpeace protest the yacht? The words of an old geologist on twitter surely can’t misinform more people than a billionaire who buys a maxi-yacht. And if Zuckerberg doesn’t give a damn about climate change, why was he so happy to silence people?

Don’t just use this to squeeze Zuckerberg, any serious greenie journalist or climate charity group needs to explain why they haven’t protested, written him a letter, and turned down his party invitations. Make them pay…


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74 comments to Mark Zuckerberg shows exactly how worried he is about climate change on his new diesel 5,000 ton Mega-yacht

  • #
    David Maddison

    If it weren’t for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.


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      “With an estimated net worth of US$180 billion “?

      That should be: “With an estimated net cost of US$180 billion “.


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        sinking in, …… NOT – with most folk. Has he PRODUCED any goods to be WORTH anything, or provided SERVICES at COST to someone or something. Yes, what have we been sleepwalking into. Our Professors never taught us THAT !


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    David Maddison

    It’s tragic that the slave army of useful idiots of the Left have no clue how they are being used by Elites to destroy Western Civilisation. Furthermore, when the job is done, the Elites won’t spare them either.


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      Those whom the elites will destroy they first employ as useful idiots.


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      Gatone Rowine

      David Maddison, isn’t it time to stop calling them “Elites”? They are not superior or the best at anything, they are just a scum on the surface. They are used, played and rewarded as long, as they are useful. Their puppet masters do not flaunt their super yachts or trophy wives or their wealth and power and they don’t gather for mutual appreciation lovefests in Davos or Bilderberg. They ruthlessly exploit human greed and stupidity. What we get to see is only a show of depravity and degradation.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        The term “Elites” and Elitesses has always been used here in the context of sarchasm with no admiration or envy being implied.

        Klaus and his sister Analise, for example, would be classed as elites.


        • #
          David Maddison

          Agreed Kalm Keith. And that is the context in which I use it…


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          Kalm Keith

          It’s been reported that Klaus was very angry on one occasion when someone used a shortened version of his sister’s name.
          Maybe their parents were careless.


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          I always think of the term in quotes and said in a voice of deep disdain.


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          Gatone Rowine

          Kalm Keith, I have been a lurker here for some years now, I rarely comment. I did not detect any sarcasm in the comment to which I replied (David, your original comment isn’t there anymore, it was deleted).
          As to the word itself. It’s a common noun, it has a certain definition. It vexes me how easily words become meaningless. Amongst millions of mentions of the word “elites” in application to a certain part of the society, one tiny group uses the same word with a sarcastic meaning in their discussions. How (unless it’s in brackets) any sarcasm is to be detected if the word is used casually all the time here to define a certain group of the society i.e. for its prime purpose?
          Besides, my comment wasn’t aimed at David personally at all. It was about puppets and their masters, sinking deeper and deeper in the quagmire of their own making.
          I agree with Chad, some other casual definition is more appropriate, especially when you have a closely knit group, like this forum. Something that will make you chuckle when you read it. Any philologists here? Or at least readers for whom English is their first language willing to give it a go?


      • #

        isn’t it time to stop calling them “Elites”? They are not superior or the best at anything, they are just a scum on the surface. ….

        Yes !.. the best analogy to use,… the Scum / flotsum/ garbage, that has floated to the top of our society !


    • #
      Radical Rodent

      Useful Idiots
      ― Yuri Bezmenov “[T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. […] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.”


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    David Maddison

    The hypocrisy starts with rich urban Leftists driving what are essentially coal powered electric cars made with products mined by child slaves in Africa and/or with Uyghur slaves in China along with huge environmental destruction.


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    Frederick Pegler

    Paying off greenpeace, ect. Is just part of the lifestyle cost. Like indulgences, or paying for the construction of a new Cathedral.


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    Hypocrisy is not only for the uber wealthy. It extends all the way down to the modern hippy. I live in a town full of cars with bumper stickers, and not one of those cars is an EV. Though I must confess, their Palestine protests of waving flags by the roadside all day, are all wind powered.


  • #

    Zuckerberg will be like Bill Gates – when he gets questioned on his private jet etc and all his climate kilometres, he just says “ I bought all these carbon credits to compensate”. It’s what I told my kids ( now men ) years ago. They can burn as much carbon as they like because I’ve got a back paddock planted with Blue gums 28 years ago.


    • #

      A paddock planted with Gums? Why? About the only use for Blue Gums is they make reasonable firewood, light, straight grain, ignites quite well and lasts reasonably.


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        Wind break – I live in SW Vic on an exposed site. Plus, they grow very quickly.


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          Given the price of olive oil, windbreaks of olive trees might make more $$ sense. Though need access on at least one side to harvest…. (takes about 4 years from planting till first fruits).
          And sheep will remove lower branches (at least the leaves)
          50 trees likely enough for an extended family…


        • #

          May 7, 2024 at 10:54 am · Reply
          Wind break

          Poplars grow faster and straighter, whilst Conifers are evergreen and make a better wind break…but both are non native !


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        Mike Jonas

        They ignite “quite well”. True. But not a positive.


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        John PAK

        Blue Gum building posts and flooring are good too. I market it as locally grown and selectively logged from native forests.


    • #

      You’ve got a lot of blue gums planted 28 years ago? Lucky you!

      A lot of good people lost their life savings planting blue gums about that time at the instigation of the same bunch of parasites as are promoting Net Zero today. They grabbed the money and ran with it.

      Those who own those blue gums today, whether by being tough enough to go 28 years without an income or by having purchased those blue gums at very low prices, should now be preparing for a very lucrative harvest.

      Should is the key word there, because under the present regulatory regime the various levels of governments will ensure that those blue gums are not harvested, but saved for a big bushfire in another ten or twenty years.


      • #

        Fairly big plantation ( on private property ) near me was harvested a couple of years ago. Like everything, the devil is always in the detail. So while potentially making a profit from the trees, the real costs continue to mount. So, about a 40 year return on investment for a one off harvest that left thousands of stumps cut about 300mm above the ground. Stumps all sprouted and created an inpeneterable mass of vegetation up to 10 metres high. This once very productive grazing land is not capable of producing anything other than a haven for wild dogs, deer, european wasps and various other types of undesirable inhabitants. Looks like the “one off “ profit may not have been so great. Still one mans profit (or loss ) is another mans opportunity. Enter my mate with the “D” 5 dozer, he reckons a year of constant work to pull the stumps rack em up in windrows and repair the ground. Someone made a profit but I suspect its not the plantation owner


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          Local contract person modified an excavator with a “hook”. Quite easily pulls out the root balls. Tractor with a blade can pile up without the extensive ground damage that a bulldozer would cause.


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      I have a paddock of Pawlonias (the other balsa wood). Grown by a previous owner – large leaves – very shady in summer – and the wood is much prized for model aircraft. Not good firewood though


  • #
    David Maddison

    And where do you think reliable inexpensive electrical power comes from to run to run the huge Big Tech data centres of Goolag and Farcebook which are used to trace, track, manipulate your opinion and interfere with democratic elections?

    The power comes from traditional real hydro power or coal, gas or nuclear.

    Expensive, intermittent, weather-dependent solar and wind electricity is only for the Proles.


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    David Maddison

    When it’s claimed by some Elites like Gates that it’s OK to fly private jets because they buy “carbon credits”, it’s similar to the dishonest accounting trick Canberrastanis do when they claim that their city of public serpents and politicians runs on 100% “renewables”.


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      Frederick Pegler

      Like them paying taxes. They take $100 out of the pot, then throw $30 back in and say ‘look I’m paying tax same as eveyone else’


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    Honk R Smith

    If he sails it into New York, maybe the governor will ask him to house migrants on it.


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    YYY Guy

    They don’t last forever but if you’re really old you may remember a comedy/drama called Boys from the Black Stuff with several iconic characters, one being Yosser Hughes, known for being short on words and long on Liverpool kisses

    Vale Bernard Hughes, died the other day. Went on to great fame after this classic, as did several of the other actors


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    Diesel eh? Where are the sails to harness ‘free’ windpower?


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      And I guess all the solar panels – for the ‘free’ solar power, natch – are on the other side, away from the camera.



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    David Maddison

    I wonder if the boat has enough range to get from either the East or West Coast USA to his End-of-the-World bunker in Hawaii?


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    David Maddison

    Isn’t amazing how “feminists” and the Left in general never complain about the original purpose for Farcebook and what it was used for?


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      Stefan L

      Most simply don’t know about the “Hot or Not” origin of Facebook– and Zuk has been very careful to keep it hidden.


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    Sean McHugh

    At 5,000 tons, it’s much bigger than, what used to be called, ships. The Endeavour, for instance, weighed about 500 tons or one tenth of the climate prostitute’s yacht.


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    John Galt III

    “Dear Lord, for Christmas please give me a submarine, crew and 12 torpedoes.”

    First Zuckerberg’s battleship then Bezos’ two ships – his 400 foot “sailing” vessel and the 265 foot diesel powered supply ship that follows right behind with the helicopter.

    “Oh, and let me know if they will be aboard too, Thanks – in Jesus name. Amen.”


  • #

    It’s not just hyprocrisy on the extreme left. The group called Queers for Palestine must take the cake. They do not live in the real world.


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      And the last time ultra rich socialists backed extremist left groups was in Germany in the 1930s. It was a very new form of rich socialism called fascism which makes the rich richer by milking the workers. The workers were promised everything and received devastation while the people at the top prospered and the politicians looted. A sort of socialist capitalism, like the communist profiteering of China today.

      What I find amazing is that fascists are now said to have been extreme right militant racists, not socialists at all? And Trump is Hitler? As is pretty obvious once again, it is the left who are the militant racists in partnership with the opportunistic and hypocritical ultra rich who lack any morals. With ignorant extremists like Queers for Palestine, words fail. The Middle East is still in the dark ages.


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    John Connor II

    Only $300M? A cheapie then.

    Here’s what he’ll have, soon enough:



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    Some aspiring Hindustani Times readers will, no doubt, be dreaming of becoming Slumberg Millionaires and owning a diesel yacht like Sugarmountain’s. In the meantime making a few Rupees profit as the owner-operator of a CNG autorickshaw could help them eventually realize their dreams.


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    What I find staggering is that people who think globull warming is a problem, look at this and other climate carpetbaggers (gore, gates, kerry, etc) with co2 footprints the size of small cities and still don’t question the narrative. The amount of indoctrination is unbelievable – a cult if ever I’ve seen one.


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    Compared to the $600MM 390′ monstrosity Bill Gates was having built, it’s a dingy. It’s so big that Gates had a second yacht built (a tiny little 224′ catamaran) to act as his shuttle service so he wouldn’t have to bring the big boy into port.


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    CO2 Lover

    Only 287-foot!

    The billionaire Meta Platforms CEO reportedly purchased the 287-foot vessel with the name Launchpad, according to The Sun and New York Post.22 Mar 2024

    Azzam at 579 foot (feet) holds the title of largest privately owned superyacht, a position it has maintained since it was completed at a cost of $600 million by Lürssen Yachts in Lemwerder, Germany, ten years ago.

    Azzam was commissioned by Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, president of the United Arab Emirates (until his death in 2022).

    What dirty old fossil fuel money can buy!


  • #

    Should they have the next Davos Fiesta at one of those sinking south sea islands, he
    will be able to visit it in style. Other Davos denizens will no doubt exchange their
    former jet mode of travel for similar environment costly voyaging. I doubt it would occur
    to any of them that given their love of wind energy, they might, at least, choose travel by
    sailing galleon. ( Like those 18th century pirates.)


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    Medieval aristocrats!


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    Art Betke

    I have nothing against the uber-wealthy living lavishly. By all means, enjoy your wealth to the fullest. Cruise in your mega-yachts, fly in your private Gulfstream jets, maintain multiple mansions, use limos for running errands.

    But if you do, do not claim to be concerned about climate change, you clearly aren’t. Why is the media not making a big deal of this?


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      Maybe like his fallout bunkers on Maui, Zuckerberg is worried about rapidly rising sea levels too? This is his new daily commuter. To where is the only question.


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    I suppose that makes us the suckerbergs


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    They probably don’t actually sail these mega yachts all that much. Just moor them in fashionable places and move them to other fashionable places when the requirement arises. A couple of years I watched an episode of the series “Mighty Ships.” In one episode, one of the mighty ships was a transport that ferried yachts from one place to another as the need arose, and seasons required. The example was a yacht normally moored on the US east coast was transported to the Mediterranean, when it was fashionable and seasonal.


    • #

      I remember in the America’s cup in Perth where the super rich Aga Khan brought two yachts. Each on a transport ship which sank and allowed the yachts to float away. Each yacht had Exocet missiles which had to be removed so they could moor in Perth.

      Why TWO superyachts? To confuse his enemies, the ones for whom he needed missiles.

      He enjoyed Perth as no one knew who he was. And walked into the Pub at Freemantle and bought drinks for everyone, as a muslim leader. It was a more relaxed time and Perth was equidistant from everyone and oblivious.


  • #

    Well the designed and built in German solar catamaran for long ocean voyages was a failure, sailing into the wind getting nowhere fast like a sailing ship, heavy seas and high discharge of solar powered batteries, overcast and/or raining and zero solar, best result with sun overhead between 10 am and 2 pm.

    As I remember the voyage was called off in Hawaii or other Pacific island and crew decided it would would be faster to swim.


  • #

    Please transition to Electric Vehicles people, to save the planet.


  • #

    Story Tip:
    ICYMI: World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Wrecked by Storm Just Before Grand Launch (VIDEO)


    • #
      David Maddison

      Hopefully India will learn from this woke mistake and stick to coal, gas, nuclear (they are working on thorium) and real hydro.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Why would India even indulge in such madness?

      Like China, they don’t have any Year Zero emissions targets.


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    How’s it powered?


  • #

    Some elites in their super-sized yachts,
    That can cruise at twenty four knots,
    Can easily be seen,
    To be hypocritically green,
    By anyone joining the dots.


  • #
    Curious George

    Is this a super-villain’s yacht from a James Bond movie Never say never again?


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    cruise at twenty four knots
