A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Where would we be without them?
They have a big job ….keeping Saturdays and ,Mondays apart.
On Mother’s Day we can give a little thought to the mothers who have made the world.
They exemplify what’s meant by ” the cycle of life ” and show hope, strength and love.
Aahhh…..Mothers……I thought you were talking about Sundays…… silly me………when mothers nurture, care, support and guide they are wonderful ……for some people they are the only ones in their life who will do that…..prescious people.
Behind the times – now called “Chestfeeder’s Day”
Say it again and you will be reported to the e-Safety Commissar.
“In six troubles” with no delivery ”in seven”.
I write a little on Quora, but some of the questions are puzzles in themselves. Leading questions in that you have to question the explicit presumption of the question.
“What are experts warning about the need for more drastic action to combat catastrophic climate change, and how could a Trump win in November impact those efforts?”
What puzzles me is that someone could ask about ‘catastrophic climate change’ as if it is a real thing. Where?
It shows that some people believe we have such a situation. I put this down to the incessant news reporting of every weather event on the planet as a symptom of a man made calamity. Anything which is stable is the weather. And any unusual weather is Climate Change. And it is caused by the use of fossil fuels.
It’s hard to know how to combat this long term educational misinformation spread by the UN/WMO/EU, echoed by the media and supported by all scientific bodies at the top, the political level. Individual scientists almost never say anything. There is always a spokesman.
So what exactly is catastrophic? How is this question seen as factual?
Our local council has a climate change officer, (no, seriously), and declared a State Of Emergency some years back which AFAIK is still in force. They’ve issued no stockpiling instructions or anything else though. I guess we’re just supposed to remain in a state of sub-panic.
A fad sweeping most woke local councils
In Europe the 2 degrees C limit set by the Climate Cultists has already been surpassed
What’s ironic, is that both The Guardian and those “climate experts” have missed the fact that in Europe, both the 1.5° and 2°C “limits” have already been surpassed, with no deleterious effects.
These temperature thresholds are meaningless since the temperature scales are a human construct. I much prefer to measure temperature in the Kelvin scale where absolute zero is -273.15 Celsius. A 1 to 2 degree Celsius change is barely “ noise “ in the Kelvin scale.
Also because except at the extremes they are also meaningless. It’s an average. Summer to winter, day to night.
Consider that at the bottom temperature 2C would be always very welcome. Humans, animals and plants do not thrive in the cold.
At middle temperatures it is slightly warmer, but no warmer than ever, just a bit earlier or later. And enjoyable and with higher crop production and perhaps more rain.
Only on some of the very hottest days in summer is there possibly a problem and who said the average affects those? Certainly not in the tropics where the peaks are water moderated. Or in the Arctic where the peaks are still cold.
You can increase the average by making the coldest days warmer without touching the hottest days.
Or just warmer nights would do it. Which is precisely what you would expect from a greenhouse gas, not hotter at midday.
So who said there was an actual problem? And where? And on how many actual days of the year is the temperature beyond the normal range? And who is not coping with a few hot days on average 2C hotter than normal? Where are the hospitalizations, the problems.
I do not understand why anyone expects a problem, let alone a literal emergency?
Yes, a Climate Emergency needs a definition. We need to know what is wrong practically. I mean the Blitz was self evident. You hid in shelters or in the Metro. Dug bomb shelters in your backyard. Stocked up on food. What are we supposed to do?
Perhaps ask your Climate Emergency Action team over for some action?
Emergency Action is not prevention. Or maybe they are a debating team? What about rappelling down cliffs or from helicopters? Or a synchronized Climate Action swimming team for the Olympics?
And unless we can individually or collectively alter the world’s CO2 levels, something the world has not managed in 36 year, what is an Emergency Action team to do? Or is it just part of the Fire Brigade? And they work out in the gym all day and rescue cats?
Most of all we need firm directions. At what point does a Climate Emergency become a Climate Disaster and then what do they do? Counselling services? Portable airconditioning powered by ferrets? Concentration camps where we all think about the problem?
Given it is all temperature based, we could have Climate Risk signs where we currently have Bushfire Risk signs. I mean they’re the same thing really. For most of the year they would be at low risk, at least until we get the next tropical hurricane in Victoria.
Then in mid summer, we could all go up to the Dandenong ranges or the Otways or the Great Dividing Range where it is cooler but the fire risk is higher. It’s all about balancing Climate Fire Risk and supplies of fresh water. And we need expert Council Climate Emergency officers to advise us and help with the evacuation. Especially when the air conditioners and refrigerators stop. Which is the same time the windmills stop.
Climate Action Officer – Torquay
Surf Coast Shire Council
Job description
Permanent Full Time
$94,012 pa (plus 11% super and annual pay increases)
Flexible working arrangements available including flexitime & WFH
Council’s Climate Action Team are a passionate group of change makers dedicated to responding to the climate emergency
..Govt, soaking up the unemployables, keeping the rest of us poor..
We could have manned Climate Watching stations all around the coast. After all the weather and 98% of the CO2 comes from overseas. Possibly New Zealand?
I wonder what ‘action’ the Torquay Climate Action officer will take in regards to climate, do they erect warning signs to advise the public or what.
Your taxes not at work. I cannot imagine what a Climate Action Officer does. I would love to see the job description? Their specific responsibilities and daily tasks. Are you sure this is not a garbo or traffic flag waving job? The pay’s a bit low though.
The Climate Action Officer job is here..
We are looking for a Climate Action Officer to lead the delivery of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and energy transition activities across the Surf Coast. To be successful in the role you will have:
A passion for driving climate action and finding emissions reduction opportunities
A good working knowledge of carbon accounting and renewable energy solutions, and
An ability to work in a dynamic environment and positively engage with key stakeholders.
Mandatory Qualifications and Experience:
A tertiary qualification in environmental sustainability/science, or related field, or demonstrated equivalent competencies gained through experience in these areas or related fields.
Clearly you need a degree in “the sky is falling’. And to visit local householders and spend time with steak holders at BBQs. I think either wind driven bbqs or better still, sun fried carrots.
A driver’s Licence is also a requirement.
I have sent an email to the Council asking if a Tesla is also provided for the job!
No point in driving around in a polluting ICE if you are a “Climate Action Officer!
Awww, shucks: –
“Flexible working arrangements including working from home and flexi time options, RDOs”
RDOs – is that Australian for Regular Days Off – like, I dunno – Saturdays?
“This job ad has now expired, and applications are no longer being accepted.”
And I almost started putting a form of words together ….
I could work from home in South London – wouldn’t need a Tesla – we have Southern Railways [cough, if they’re not on strike, suffering from the wrong sort of snow, or sunshine; jumpers; early Victorian infrastructure … you get the drift!]!
Measuring sea level rise, its a tough job but somebody has to do it.
“Measuring sea level rise”- a job for bottom-up management.
How about fixing pot holes in the roads, keeping the place clean/tidy, Beach patrols, free wine and cheese/bickies at weekends for………errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
“What puzzles me is that someone could ask about ‘catastrophic climate change’ as if it is a real thing. Where?”
Pondering your comment, I thought of Donald Trump.
Trump charged up to the press pointing a finger and saying “fake news”.
He didn’t bother to explain why because they are not unworthy of the effort.
Of course, they assembled an army of lies against him.
Which is a clue.
We act like the Climate Political Revolution Profiteers care about facts or precise language.
‘Catastrophic’ climate change is fake.
Why do them favor of explaining why?
They are childish, dishonest, neurotic, and boring.
Tell them to go glue themselves to highway.
You and I are tired of them and I don’t think we’re alone.
That should read … ‘they are unworthy of the effort’.
$94K to be an action hero ‘change maker’ in Torquay – where do I sign up? Oh hang on, it gets COLD down there in winter: maybe not.
Change change change: these nongs want to change EVERYTHING – except ‘the climate’ – which must remain static (a belief David Maddison & others regularly poke fun at).
Heard an educated fool on the radio talk of ‘improving the climate’ otherwise we may have to ‘colonise Mars’ (?) while author Adam Welz (SA) referred to ‘climate breakdown’ in his book, The End Of Eden. EVERYTHING he postulated was back-to-front upside-down wrong-way-round inverted mirror-world nonsense.
If only these disciples of doom enjoyed a night observing aurora dancing around the skies they may realise the sun’s effect on Earth is greater than simply day/night. Praise be the Sun!
And I think it is now 12% savings in superannuation funded, so $105,000 pa.
even on this blog we have attempts to counter the false CAGW “science ” where people wrongly concede that CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas and can therefore “heat the atmosphere ” before continuing to demolish the UNIPCCC fairy stories.
True, in a laboratory it can be demonstrated that the atomic orbital mechanics of the CO2 molecule has very specific switch points at clearly defined temperatures and that’s wonderful.
It is scientifically ludicrous to then say that CO2 can pick up scraps of PWIR energy as it leaves earth’s surface and somehow overheat the atmosphere in a dangerous manner.
Above about 30 metres AGL the atmosphere has tamed any highly excited gases and forced them to equilibrate and behave.
Co2 as an atmospheric gas vibrates and collides with all the other gases and cannot store surplus energy.
We need to stop avoiding the scientific truth and identify the troublemakers, conformity and punish them.
Auto correct again, should be confront.
With this 30 year charade, and the global corruption of gov/med/academia laid bare by Pandemic, there’s an awful lot of confronting to do.
The Blob is organizing to silence resistance as we speak.
I’m given to understand, this assault is particularly ramping up in Oz.
Enabled by widespread public ignorance and apathy coupled with a tightly controlled mass-media propagating the narrative and focussing on entertainment. A local professional genius, Barry Jones, wrote a book about Australia called, ‘Sleepers, wake’. The title sums up the general Australian unconcerned nonchalance.
Do you have a view on the relationship between the environmental lapse rate and radiative gases?
It seems to me that the radiative gases tend to reduce the environmental lapse rate whereas convection increases it up to the dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) which is the maximum and equals “g” ie 9.8C/km. The DALR only exists when there is strong surface heating and then only up to the height that the thermals get to.
Radiative gases spread heat energy between atmospheric levels. When convection (mixing) stops ie at the tropopause the atmosphere is isothermal.
When I understand that better I can refine my theory that radiative gases cool the earth, not warm it.
Hello Peter,
An interesting question.
Maybe rephrase it to;
“the relationship between the environmental lapse rate and all gases?”
The reason I suggest that is because the atmosphere needs to be thought of as a coherent/interactive mass of molecules rather than as a host for something exotic like CO2.
Above about 30 meters altitude the atmosphere has equilibrated so that no one gas component is more energetic than it’s neighbours.
Equilibrium is achieved by conduction, bumping into each other, and vibration.
There is no way that CO2 can acquire and accumulate extra energy as implied by the IPCCC theory of Co2 being a rogue gas.
The main trigger point for CO2 is at high altitude, about 11 km, where the temperature gets very low.
At about 243 K the atomic physics of CO2 may be activated with an electron dropping to a lower orbital and excreting a specific parcel of energy.
Jo has forbidden my usage of that word, but it starts with ph.
The lower energy level of the local parcel of air means that it becomes colder and denser and falls to a lower altitude.
The important drivers of the atmospheric churn are the surface temperature, say 288 K and the surrounding temperature of space at around 2.7 K.
One of the big confusing factors is that the earth has day and night conditions. Obviously more energy would be lost to space at night than during the day.
It’s complicated but when it’s all said and done CO2 is just another gas until it gets up there with the passenger jets at minus 38°C.
“What puzzles me is that someone could ask about ‘catastrophic climate change’ as if it is a real thing. Where?”
Well they’ve been told the oceans are boiling, as though it’s true.
I’ve noticed most respondents and answers on Quora have a strong Leftist slant.
Yes, I get some very aggressive comments. Usually people on an ego trip using Dr. Google. More like hecklers or frustrated people as is said attempting to punch down on others. I prefer to punch up. More leverage.
Not puzzling really. Its not a real question just the narrative pushers spreading their net widely.
The big ticket catastrophes right now are the Russian and Isreali wars. You then need to connect these wars to climate change. Could it be Russia needs Ukraine land because Russia is getting too hot? Maybe too cold? Have Isreali’s gone mad because it is so hot in in Isreal?
Once you make a connection, you write a paper with “Climate Change Catastrophe” in the title and certain publication anywhere.
I have answered the same or similar question on Quora 73,486 times (well, give or take a few ‘00,000). I don’t think many people actually read the answers other than the ones that ask, and I’m not all that sure about them. But hey, I have to do something while the coffee’s brewing in the morning.
An often cited technical definition for the term catastrophe is “when the climate system is forced to cross some threshold, triggering a transition to a new state at a rate determined by the climate system itself and faster than the cause” (NRC 2002).
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency .gov)
The Younger Dryas came about through natural forcing. is that a negative feedback?
“What puzzles me is that someone could ask about ‘catastrophic climate change’ as if it is a real thing. Where?”
Many people, perhaps even the majority of people, believe catastrophic climate change is a real thing.
A recent study out of Griffith University is accurate.
Catastrophe is usually regarded as a “reversal of what is expected”, a “sudden end”.
Darwin’s “bulldog” Thomas Huxley described catastrophism in geology as a “form of geological speculation which, in order to account for the phenomena of geology, supposes the operation of forces different in their nature, or immeasurably different in power, from those which we at present see in action in the universe.”
Climate catastrophists see geological catastrophe in the natural variations of geologic processes that are evidenced in studies of the geological history of the Earth, even during recent geological history.
They are schizo-uniformitarian in their catastrophism, seeing sudden disaster in gradual precedented changes in weather and sea-level.
Perhaps, they are the catastrophe.
I am in Switzerland at present and an EV wasn’t even mentioned as a possibility for a hire car.
I note that hertz have had to get rid of another ten thousand tesla hire cars due to public resistance. Their share price is still bumping along the bottom
You might consider a quick trip to the Tesla factory in Germany Tesla – Straße 1, 15537 Grünheide (Mark)
The protest there looks like a lot of fun.
Most of the protesters are masked, which makes me think nitwit stop oil or thuggish antifa. I know they are anti Elon Musk anyway.
Who, Hertz or Tesla.
Or, a bank?
The Eurovision song contest has descended into chaos due to Palestinian protests and threats to the Israel singer.
I find this annual song test completely idiotic but this year it has taken on a more sinister aspect.
For Aussies wondering why the protests should be so vociferous we have two factors in play.
Firstly the ultra liberal Swedes like to support such causrs. Secondly Sweden has a very large Muslim population at around 8.5% but in Malmo more like 14% mostly from Iraq and mostly young.
It has a long history of street violence carjacking and bombs and has several no go zones.
One thing we have learnt is that Terrorism is rewarded – so expect more of it.
In Australia it is OK to publically shout “G*s the Jews” but you can be imprisoned for giving the Bellamy salute.
he Bellamy salute is a palm-out salute created by James B. Upham as the gesture that was to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, whose text had been written by Francis Bellamy. It was also known as the “flag salute” during the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Further details:
The Bellamy salute was introduced to the United States in 1892 as part of the Pledge of Allegiance and was an independent invention of James B. Upham to accompany the the text written by Francis Bellamy.
Independently of that the National Socialists and Italian Fascists had adopted what they thought was the Roman salute although no Roman text or artwork depicts such a salute.
The two salutes are similiar but based on different origins but due to the Socialists having adopted it and it’s similarity to the Bellamy Salute, the US dropped it in 1942 and replaced it with the hand over heart gesture for non-military personnel.
The instructions given to school students in the US in 1892 to mark Columbus Day were as follows:
Switzerland was neutral in WW2 yet more evidence that the wrong side “won” this war.
Neutral when it came to fighting, but only too happy to take hundreds of millions of dollars from Nazis stolen from the jews and transferred illegally, against Nazi party rules.
Even today the Swiss banks only grudgingly disbursed Jewish inheritance funds, circa $1.2 billion.
As for privacy, forget Switzerland these days.😉
Historically such mountainous places are impossible to conquer. So there’s no point trying.
Northern Italy. Caucasus. Norway, away from the coast. Scotland. Yugoslavia. Morrocco. Sweden. Himalayas. Besides all the bankers are there and both sides need bankers. Often the same bankers. And the Lucy Spy ring operated out of Switzerland.
And obviously they want more.
It’s remarkable that due to all that “diversity” Sweden has imported and continues to do so, that Sweden has gone from one of the safest countries in the world for women to one of its most dangerous.
And the Left and “feminists” who pretend to care about the rights of women are utterly silent.
When I heard the contest was to be held in Malmo, I thought they did that on purpose.
The European Song Contest, still producing songs Of the calibre of Father Ted and Dougal’s, ‘My Lovely Horse.’
Greta thunberg arrested in Malmo palestine protest
She is now 21 does anyone know what she does for a living?
Professional Vegan
Thunberg has confirmed a number of times that she is vegan. According to reports, she went vegan at the age of 10, which was in 2013.
In Sweden, where Thunberg has lived her entire life, the age to get a driver license is 18 — and in January 2023, Thunberg turned 20 years old. That said, there is no evidence that the activist owns her own car.
So Greta is a Vegan Bicycle Rider.
According to Wikipedia she is an “environmental activist”.
I am sure there’s no shortage of subsidy harvesting interests prepared to pay her large amounts of money to parrot meaningless drivel.
Obviously, she’s now branched out into supporting and rewarding extreme Gazan terrorist atrocities.
I wonder if she could even find Israel on a map or know which river and which sea she and her comrades refer to when they shout the genocidal “from the river to the sea” slogan?
She’s on a Mission from Some Higher Order.
That would be the New World Order, the plebs road to serfdom.
‘Professional Protester’ for hire.
How do other sponges get by?
May 11 (Reuters) – Starlink, the satellite arm of Elon Musk’s SpaceX, warned on Saturday of a “degraded service” as the Earth is battered by the biggest geomagnetic storm due to solar activity in two decades.
Starlink owns around 60% of the roughly 7,500 satellites orbiting Earth and is a dominant player in satellite internet.
Musk said earlier in a post on X that Starlink satellites were under a lot of pressure due to the geomagnetic storm, but were holding up so far.
“but were holding up so far.”
Right , so when they are “off” for political/financial reasons, we will all know why.
Nothing to see hear right?
When the Australian Government Uniparty imposes its censorship legislation (originally written by Liberals before they were voted out) the only uncensored Internet access free thinking Aussies might have will be Musk’s Starlink.
I suppose the stormtroopers will then conduct house-to-house searches looking for Starlink equipment and evidence of thought crimes.
The submission I wrote against the proposed censorship legislation is at:
Don’t forget uncle Elon’s close Pentagon ties.
Those satellites aren’t just for the masses.😎
This week in covid reveals – can next week keep up the pace?
” Liberal minds collapsed faster than the Francis Scott Key bridge this week as no less than liberal luminary Chris Cuomo admitted to influencer Patrick Bet David that he is now taking ivermectin. “We didn’t know what we didn’t know,” the former CNN anchor lamely explained.”
More at
So, now we know he didn’t know that he didn’t know what he said he knew.
“‘The Look on Nancy Pelosi’s Face Is Worth the Time’ to Watch Her Get Dismantled at the Oxford Union”
“Our Democracy’ is just another trade name for The Swamp or the Uniparty. In American, after the 2012 election cycle proved that the system was rigged, the people were done with the Uniparty. Done. It was not going be business as usual anymore and never again.
That’s really what the current litigation taking place in NYC is all about. It’s about the Dems still not accepting that Trump won in 2016. They are still trying to put Trump back into the bottle and return to “normalcy.”
I can’t look at her face.
Reports on the death of coal have been highly exaggerated.
The Indonesian government has approved 922.14 million mt of coal production quota, popularly known as RKAB, for 2024, up nearly 30% from the targeted volume, the Energy and Mineral Resources ministry said in a statement March 20.
Apparently Snowy Hydro does cloud seeding in the Snowy Mountains which they claim increases precipitation by 14%.
Ben Fordham was shocked.
Is rain a zero sum thing? If rain is ‘forced’ in one place, does that mean there will be less rain somewhere else?
Surely, as the evaporation area is separate to the raining area, once you remove the water from the column of air it won’t rain again at the temperature/altitude.
Is rain a zero sum thing? If rain is ‘forced’ in one place, does that mean there will be less rain somewhere else?
No. Rain begets rain over land.
Over tropical oceans, the evaporation rate is around 7.5mm per day. The warm [pools where it rains the most gets between 12 tp 15mm p[er day. They are drawing atmiospheric water from slightly cooler regions.
If you can seed convection over land that is not too far from the ocean, it will draw moisture in from the ocean.
We have seen in the past summer how the ITCZ moved down over northern Australia and kept the country moist. Even have tropical depression spin up over land Southeast of Darmin although it did not build to the intensity of a cyclelone over water it was sustained for more than a week and travelled a long way southwest.
The added moisture in the atmosphere over the past few decades has generally increased precipitation. Keeping land moist helps drag in more water from the oceans.
The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin
Meanwhile, at the Eurovision Song Contest, in Sweden:
The barbarians are inside the gate and have been for some time.
This should get the Australian Greens fired up.
– As I have said before, a nuclear power reactor won’t happen in Australia given that it took 50 years just to decide on a second Sydney Airport. We are the “can’t do” country.
– Also, how would pricing work? A nuclear reactor can produce plentiful, on-demand, inexpensive power just like coal, gas or real hydro (not SH2) but they wouldn’t be allowed to undercut the price of expensive solar, wind and Big Battery plantations. How would the subsidy harvesters get paid?
– The Liberal faction of the Uniparty pretending to support nuclear but not coal or gas means they still fully support and endorse the anthropogenic global warming fraud and all the deindustrialisation and other problems associated with that.
A nuclear reactor is never “on demand” … the startup and shutdown processes are long and complicated … once it’s up and running, you can’t economically do anything other than leave it running.
However, it is at least a steady, reliable source of power … if that’s what you meant. This is quite different to “on demand” which means something can be switched off and on at short notice (e.g. diesel or petrol generator).
Indeed I did.
Nuclear pots are not meant to work in start/stop regime but they do respond to controls, emergency shutdown must be included.
How it is not a problem within a very limited submarine installation, for example with urgent 100% demand ?
Cape Town use excess nuclear to pump the water uphill on the Palmiet River scheme. Well, when they had excess power that was.. Now they’re running Koeberg nuclear past its use-by date and I doubt there will be any electricity for Palmiet now.
But it was a good idea at the time.
It’s a baseload generator- but it can use load-following techniques to adapt to significant changes in demand, subject to stability constraints.
A nuclear reactor doesn’t have the flexibility of a natural gas plant.
Try Raising the Height of Warragamba Dam let alone build a new Dam in NSW or explore & extract for Gas
AFR – Santos, NSW government point fingers over Narrabri go-slow
Nov 7, 2022 – 3.55pm
“Santos has been involved in the development of the Narrabri Gas Project in New South Wales (NSW) since around 2008.
Since 2012, Santos has spent more than $1.5 billion trying to get our Narrabri Gas Project approved and developed – a project that is 100 per cent committed to the domestic gas market,” a company spokesperson said
After extensive assessment, the NSW Independent Planning Commission conditionally approved the Narrabri Gas Project in September 2020.
The approval included 134 consent conditions
Plans by Santos to begin drilling at its $3.5 billion Narrabri Gas Project next month are in limbo until the NSW government signs off on 13 separate risk management plans submitted almost a year ago.
As NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean urges the federal government to implement a national coal and gas reserve to shore up supply for the local market, the state’s biggest gas project remains mired in planning hurdles.
Welp, too bad if they’re wrong about the non-existent effects on farming! It would knock a sizeable hole in NSW agriculture if they sterilized the soil.
It took 50 years and should have taken longer – ie: never. There remains no commercial justification for this extravagant waste of Australian taxpayer dollars which was demonstrated by the lack of any private sector interest in underwriting this white elephant. It is just another Sydney vanity project.
? What are you refering to ??
The Nuclear sites ?
Or gas projects ?
You’re asking for a list of Sydney vanity projects? Bloody hell, it’s Mother’s Day, takes too long.
As always:
Where did all that taxpayer loot GO????
This is a cosmic-scale CRIME, unfolding before our eyes.
Yet, as they say in the classics:
“None dare call it TREASON”.
Note well the various State and Feral Govt. moves to clamp down on individual freedom: of speech, movement and ,well, pretty much everything.
Somebody’s timetable id running out, FAST.
Note, this article was written seven years ago.
It’s all part of the PLAN.
Aussie kids can barely count but they will be able to tell you all the names of the 137 (or whatever) supposed genders…
They have calculators and spreadsheets these days … time is better spent teaching them how to use those.
There will always be some students who simply cannot deal with math … almost like their minds are allergic to numbers and arithmetic … there’s still good opportunities for such people working in Canberra at the Treasury department.
Fear not DM, we can ask the indigenous for advanced maths skills education.
If walkabout Johny has a six pack of Fosters and identifies as aboriginal, how much land can he claim back from the white fellas for reparations and to appease the river serpent?
You solve that with western maths.
They don’t have a problem with it.😆
/primed for downvotes
“the top 40 to 50 per cent of students in Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.”
Meh, we’ll just import the maths brains we need for our cutting-edge weaponry.. What else do we use maths for, computers can draw up buildings, boats, planes etc?
“A Note to The Guardian – Opinion Is NOT Science”
“This Guardian article is not news, but rather simply gives voice to so-called “experts,” whose past claims about the future are one long train of failed predictions. The Guardian has proven time and again that when it comes to “reporting” on climate change, it and its writers are shameless promoters of the climate crisis narrative which has no basis in evidence or data.”
You know we’re broke. I know we’re broke. But we’re not too broke to still fund the arts, which will be on ABC Compass this evening
There’s a 30 second video where you can hear what the grant was. $14,000,000.
And from her bio –
I think we can all agree that’s money well spent.
Metal sculptures don’t come cheap, I like her sentiment.
The upcoming scam, already underway, after wind, solar and Big Batteries, is “Green Hydrogen”.
Its only possible storage as a transport fuel along with deficiencies is as follows:
– Metal hydrides – extremely heavy
– Liquid hydrogen – extremely difficult to store and transfer, temperature 20K (-273C), dangerous if leaks or in an accident. Energy density of liquid hydrogen 8.5 MJ/l.
– Ammonia – extremely toxic and corrosive, liquid stored at -33C, one third the energy density of gasoline, dangerous in accident. Energy density 12.7 MJ/l.
Gasoline is around 34.8 MJ/l.
The people promoting this nonsense have no science, engineering or practical knowledge or even historical knowledge concerning traditional problems with liquid hydrogen (rocketry) or ammonia (refrigeration), not to mention what used to be called “common sense”.
Do they seriously want Proles driving these vehicles? Of course not, they don’t want Proles driving at all.
Oops, -273C should be -253C. At cryogenic tempera6I usually only think in degrees K.
I know we’re broke. you know we’re broke. But we’re not too broke to keep funding the Yartz, ABC Compass this evening –
There’s a 30 second video where you can hear the grant – $14,000,000.
From her bio –
When I see the words:
I already know it’s going to be garbage and a huge waste of money and metal.
I would like to see a full accounting made of how the $14 million of our taxes was spent.
I also want to know the scrap metal salvage value.
13 tonnes of scrap, maybe $1300.
For Rick, regarding Scope purchase: Owon SDS1102. I bought mine for around $200, but I see the cheapest now is $305 frolm AliExpress. A great scope – I also purchased two for my training classes.
Another attempt at utilising ocean wave energy to “power the planet”…
I am confident it will fail like all hundreds of previous attempts. Its only possible purpose is to harvest grant money or subsidies.
At least the WA govt eventually woke up and stopped subsidising Carnegie after their last attempt at making a wave energy generator off Albany failed. Seems it was no match for the Southern Ocean weather.
Australia’s visually barren, structurally crap apartment industry is a depressing product of our over-migration and cost-of-living crises
Australia’s urban beauty has been severely compromised by the rush to build “cheap junk” apartments to cater to the Aussies who refuse to leave the city and the hundreds and thousands of migrants we continue to import,
writes Caleb Bond. Columnist
And that is where we find ourselves – holed up in cookie-cutter dog boxes, designed not for a happy life but to plug a hole out of which we cannot climb.
They look rubbish and they are rubbish, barely fit for purpose.
We are corralled into living in cheap junk just to survive.
But in 50 years time all those buildings will be ripped down for the next iteration of utilitarian architecture.
Meanwhile, the truly beautiful structures built 200-odd years earlier will still stand.
We haven’t progressed – we’ve regressed.
And while it may seem cheap today, we’ll all pay for it in the long run.
Architecture is without much doubt the most visible proof of our rapid decline. Ugly, shoddy and strictly utilitarian structures demonstrate no connection to anything aspirational, nothing cosmic or supernatural.
“Meanwhile, the truly beautiful structures built 200-odd years earlier will still stand.”
Ah, those endless rows of double-storyed continuous brick houses in Newcastle, where my Gran grew up on the Tyne. England is full of old abysmal depressing buildings.
The beautiful structures were for the rich and they were well-built, these apartments are for the poor, who can’t afford anything better. Usually housing for the poor wouldn’t last long, I suppose the industrial revolution had to change that.
PS- don’t encourage them to leave the cities!
Are humpies preferable?
would not meet current insulation requirements?
Sunday entertainment: like a rat up a drainpipe
Bet he feels the burn! 😁
“Spinning Wheel” in Thailand rockets up into the sky.
Seems to be for real, and apparently they do this often, as the actual video may have been taken back in 2015.The central tube is filled with gunpowder.
Sunday all day sucker: World’s Largest Vacuum to Suck Carbon From Atmosphere Turns On for First Time
A new carbon capture facility that claims to be the biggest of its kind in the began quite literally sucking the carbon from the atmosphere this week.
The plant, called “Mammoth” by Swiss company Climeworks, kicked off operations in Iceland on Wednesday, CNN reports, grabbing the available carbon from the air and injecting it deep below the surface to lock it up permanently.
Best of all, the operation is entirely powered by the island nation’s geothermal energy, allowing it to put a dent in the abundance of carbon dioxide polluting our planet’s atmosphere without adding to the problem.
What are they using as a supply of money to run that thing?
Carbon credits, I assume.
“without adding to the problem.”
LoL! It would be the first time mankind has ever done something that hasn’t added to the problem further along! I’d say its a scam to pull cash from Govts, no-one will care if the Co2 stays below ground or doesn’t. They make a lot of money & politicians look holy, everyone is happy.
haven’t they heard of a limnic eruption?
Absolutely bizarre.
Even the much quoted “founder” of the CO2 myth, Arrhenius, later conceded that he was wrong, but the science, the thermodynamics, the quantitative aspects of the proposal all counter any threat from atmospheric CO2 even if it was true; and it’s not!
Place it right next to a Volcano. That should fix it.
“a deputy pulled over a U.S. Postal Service mail van for speeding at over 100 mph in a 60 mph zone….28-year-old Drew Brown, who told officials she worked for the Fremont post office…. waived the case, paid a $50 fine for the traffic violation, and received a verbal warning for racing.”
If only Aussie followed America in that!!
1920s – A Trip Through Australia in Color [60fps, Remastered] w/sound design added
Geez he went close to that little black doggie on Mt Dandenong Rd!
Just from a comment from a leftist friend, it’s very possible that soon anything bought up as evidence to refute their views, will be labeled AI.
Why I don’t buy newspapers
Seems to this non ESC watcher that it has plumbed new depths of stupidity. I thought that Australia’s 2016 entry of a female on a flexible pogo stick was ridiculous and ceased watching or caring. It’s no longer a contest of singing and song but a special effects team tragedy. A demonstration of crap at it’s crappiest.
“A demonstration of crap at it’s crappiest.”
Media entertainment does that to everything! Once something hits TV its a race to the bottom.
Is the Sun’s Magnetic Field about to flip?–WkTdPQ
Jo was Right first
Exposing the Dark Side of Amazon
Jordan Peterson: “This Decision By Justin Trudeau Will Result In Mass Hunger”
America under Joe Biden – Not a man you would want in the Trenches with You!
US said offering intel on Hamas leaders’ whereabouts if Israel drops major Rafah op
Biden administration reportedly also says it can give information on locations of secret tunnels in Gaza used by terror group as incentive not to enter Gaza’s southernmost city
The Biden administration has reportedly offered to give Israel “sensitive intelligence” on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders if it agrees to hold off on a long-promised major military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah.
The Washington Post quoted four unnamed sources as saying that the United States “is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels.”
The report added the administration has also offered to help put up large tent encampments for Palestinians evacuated from Rafah, and to assist in building infrastructure to provide humanitarian aid.
A senior administration official familiar with the discussions, also unnamed, was quoted as saying that Israel had provided assurances that Israel Defense Forces troops would not enter Rafah before evacuating about 800,000 of an estimated one million Palestinians sheltering in Rafah amid the ongoing war in Gaza.
Trust America? – Sure Can’t
Ezra A. Cohen
Why was this intelligence previously withheld? Did the Biden Administration intentionally withhold intel that could have led to the rescue of American hostages?
The Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at the NSC is largely responsible for making this policy determination.
Open Source Intel
WASHINGTON POST: The Biden administration is reportedly offering Israel sensitive intelligence to assist the IDF in targeting Hxmas leaders and locating the terrorist organization’s hidden tunnels. This offer is made in exchange for Israel refraining from launching a full-scale operation.
What did i just read?
Though that is an insult to “Morons”
From the Comments
Trump is not one of my 25 favorite politicians
He is in the top 3 of my favorite living leaders. I like that he is not a politician, that he stampedes through the fragile china shop of Washington like a bull.
We desperately need an outsider who cares nothing for the destructive traditions of our feckless ruling class.
We have strayed far from the kind of government envisioned by our Founders, and are watching the demise of the most glorious, free, and prosperous country in history.
The fix is easy. Go back to the government described in our Constitution.
I hope Trump will help move us there, but in reality, it’s not the President who can do much to fix this.
We need Congress to be principled, sober, and serious and take back its legislative responsibilities that it has abdicated to the President and the agencies he oversees.
If true, that’s very alarming. America having that intel but not sharing it previously, even when Israel was trying to just target those responsible for the Oct. 7th atrocities, is appalling. Using it now to get Biden out of a sticky pre-election bind – where he needs to buy the votes of American Muslims – is disgustingly cynical.
But worst of all is the leaking of this offer to the media, suggesting incompetence of the worst kind. This means that America has a very dangerous government, combining corruption with low intelligence.
The Other Side Australia
Hydrogen Bombed
In the Saturday discussion on Snowy 2, Rick will replied…
You seem to have changed your numbers again Rick ?
In the Saturday discussion there was a llink to a review of the SN2 project Business Case.
Within that was the project parameters including round trip efficiency of between 67 % minimum, and 76% max
So you are saying they have a 19 hr window to replace the 6 GWH ( if that is all they will use ?)
@ 70% rte that would require 8.6GWh, which could be done in 4 hours !
(The SN2 spec actually quotes its turbine capacity as 2200 MWh !)
So what is the issue here ?
They will aim to maximise price arbitrage so they will pump when the wholesale price is negative. Basically it will be pumped using rooftops because the grid scale generators are be offloading for economic reasons.
The efficiency does not matter. In fact the lower the efficiency, the more they can make on the price arbitrage. They are an energy sink to soak up excess solar to keep the system stable. Then they can get high prices during evening and morning peaks.
The recharge window will widen as more intermittent generation gets connected. There is currently 20GW of rooftop PV in Australia. It produced at an average of 3.27GW in Q1 2024. It is increasing around 10% YoY so in 6 years there will be around 25GW of rooftop solar. That is going to produce a lot of lunchtime power most days. Without Snowy 2 all the potential output has nowhere to go. Street voltage will limit output. Snowy 2 will be able to absorb an extra 2.5GW solar from the system.
Rooftop CF to the grid was 16% in Q1 2024. So an extra 2.5GW of lunchtime demand has potential to suck up output from another 15.6GW of rooftop. Without more storage, lunchtime power has nowhere to go. My system output is down 10% since my neighbour installed a 6kW system. The same is happening all over Australia. That is why household batteries are getting so much attention.
It would not make economic sense to pump at Snowy 2 using dispatchable power. The remaining coal will be operating at minimum output like they do now and accept the negative price because they know they will make money during evening peaks.
Err ?..i thought we all agreed that RT solar doesnt get beyond the local distribution network, and its effect is simply to reduce the grid demand in that network ?..
…So you cannot consider SN2 to be pumped from RT solar… will be using surplus grid generation mix of utility solar, wind, or coal .
But with poor effiency, SN2 would need to buy MORE GWh (more $$$s) for the same amount of power to resell !…so they make less on arbitrage !
Yes, “street voltage will limit output”.. and because none of it is actually getting back onto the grid transmission system, SN2 will still only be consuming from main grid generation sources as before…wind, solar, coal etc.
Rooftop solar is certainly the CAUSE of the midday surplus of grid generation, but it is NOT the SOURCE of the surplus that SN2 is intended to adsorb…..most of that will likely be from the grid scale solar farms, wich also peak just when demand is at its lowest.
Shell’s Fake Carbon Credit Scandal Explained!
Despite Tremendous Danger of World War, ‘There Is Goodness in the Universe, and That Will Prevail’
“Climate Change: “An APPALLING Scam!” w/ Jordan Peterson”
But you are supposed to “panic, Panic, PANIC”
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Incoming likely