A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here is some light reading for your weekend entertainment!!
Malcolm Roberts explaining which political party got us here. And the fools want to put the traitors back in.
Both are the same and not just in the video links.
No gas connections from next year.
How can we get rid of this Victorian government.
I’m sitting in my car on the western highway M8 south of Ballarat with a possible blown head gasket waiting for the tow truck. 340km from home and a caravan on the back.
At least the car is fixable, the State, I don’t know.
So that’s two things to be annoyed about.
Sorry to hear your car broke down, Geoff.
Bad luck about the car. That is new gas connections in new dwellings and subdivisions.
And does not apply to commercial premises. So I can build a new restaurant with gas cook-tops!
I am identifying as a restaurant!
Because the emissions from restaurants, food processing factories and huge office block heating systems are somehow harmless?
No deep fried food, though.
So, businesses can produce emissions, just not the regular people.
Hmm …
Question, was Australia the result of emptying British jails or asylums?
Have you quick tested to confirm a head gasket?
Milky oil on dipstick, white smoke from exhaust, bubbling in radiator top tank, coolant leak below exhaust manifold.
Commiserations are all we can offer.😮💨
Wow, 25 green thumbs up.
Jo’s followers are definitely caring people. Read to the end for a chuckle.
JCII Update:
It’s a 2007 Prado diesel 370,000km.
Wife and I had a wonderful break at Mt Gambier, if you have a chance, go and see the sights. Everyone was so friendly.
Then to Ballarat for two nights and we were heading home this morning when poof, black smoke and an unhappy engine about 15 km from Ballarat.
RACV organised a service tech and towing back to Moe.
A 4 hr wait for the tow and a 3 hr ride with the towey. OMG that was an experience, no sense of safe following distance, nearly ran into a number of cars. My right foot was pushing through his truck floor.
I have a fantastic mechanic (Rob) who had a quick look, no oil on dipstick or bubbles in the radiator so we shall see. I suspect some $1000’s to repair. Rob also towed the van home and reversed it into my driveway.
Funny bit:
I picked up the dog to put him out of the way in the back yard, overbalanced and fell flat. I saved from face-planting by throwing the dog and copping minor abrasions to hands and having the spare keys in my pocket dig into my thigh. One of those days;)
Finally, anyone want to buy a used Prado, it’s a great car when not on the back of a tow truck lol.
Oops, meant to say no water on the dipstick, plenty of oil.
“poof, black smoke and an unhappy engine ”
So not head gasket, more likely a diesel pump or injector problem, or maybe a piston has given up.
I don’t know what the ‘model problems’ are with the Prados, like the Patrols being called ‘kettles’ because the #6 cyl always blew the head gasket out and put compression in the water.
So electricity peak demand will increase with cook tops and ovens being electric in new houses, which there are a lot of coming. While the Vic state govt is making it harder to service that demand by committing the state to be 95% renewable energy generation by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2045. With a 75%-80% reduction in emissions by 2035.
The Vic state government’s “expert” panel also recommends ending the sale of C02 emitting vehicles by 2035. Includes hybrid vehicles.
Ms D’Ambrosio, who lives in an all-electric home that relies on a combination of a split system, ducted electric heating and insulation to stay warm, said staying off gas could save Victorians up to $1000 a year, while the addition of solar panels could boost annual energy bill savings to $2200.
She (the Sictorian Minister) stated these dollar figures. No reference to any factual evidence whatsoever.
So, I said –
Q. Is this woman an Energy Expert or just a ‘Pollie’ with NFI.
A. A ‘Pollie’ with NFI.
NFI, eh? on the same level as Mineral deficiencies go, and we know what Farmers do in those cases. When it is rife in Politics, as Scabies is becoming rife in some parts of Inbound New English, ATM, we’re being told, there is only one common safe remedy though drastic for some ailments, dependent on the metal/mineral used. Pen no longer mightier than the sword IMHO. Actions do speak louder than deeds (words ?).
Oh Noes – Port Arthur under Seige from sea level rise…
The ABC with another global warming scare campaign.
Finding the data that show recent sea level rise for Tasmania is quite problematic – it just does not seem available – so I cannot speak to any source for sea level rise at Port Arthur over the last 20 years.
But what I can reference is a paper written for sea level rise between 1840 and 2000 of .8mm per year or 12.8cm.
Suggestions are that sea level rise has increased in recent years to 3mm per annum (by the same author of the Port Arthur paper)
When reviewed against the his claimed total of around 16cm since 1840, would result in current a sea level rise of 1.6 mm per annum over the last 2 decades – a far cry from all this alarmism.
All they need to do is to check the tide mark, called the Ross-Lempriere benchmark, carved into the rock at Point Puer on the “Isle of the dead”. It was carved there in 1841, and I believe that it’s still visible today. It was set at the MSL, not as falsely claimed to be the high tide mark. When last checked about 20 years ago, it was found that the sea level had risen only 2.5 cm since 1841, a rise that matches the SLR at other Australian locations.
That would be why I referenced the paper by Hunter, Pugh and Coleman in the first place.
Which finds a sea change level of 0.8 mm per annum between 1840 ad 2000.
Still … none of that explains Hunter’s more recent claims that sea level rise is now twice that of his demonstrable claim for the last 2 decades …
There is also the matter of relative sea level changes compared to global changes.
Land goes up and down for various geological reasons.
On that point, I seem to recall a fairly official looking site that reported sea level in Darwin and on cape York to be decreasing. I guess that data has met the memory-hole
Along the lines of up and down is this great little read from 1930.
A snippet to bait you.
“There was another ferry at the foot
of Ganon Hill, near Bellarena, and during
farming operations- stone steps were dis
covered in recent years with , a ring for
tying up -boats, and weights of polished
stone marked with Roman numerals.
These things indicate that much land
has arisen from the sea since those days.”
Here ya go! The Isle of the dead by John Daly
How to enjoy being in the presence of greatness ( Like Jo & David) Daly certainly pulled the wings of the CSIRO mosquitoes.
‘Still Waiting for Greenhouse’ is still one of the most interesting books I have read, along with Dava Sobel’s Longitude and the ‘The Sinking of the Lancastria’ by Johnathon Fenby. Back in those days they fought to protect their technological advantages in war, not just hand them to whoever like in Afganistan.
Following on from Geoff:
Dictator Dan is going to ban gas connections to new homes, but don’t worry it’s too save you money (he says).
My calculations is that the $2200 saving could only come from a 6.6kW solar panel with a Feed in Tariff of 38¢ per kWh. Would anyone like to check?
As for getting rid of gas that would be disastrous for the home owner when the State Government is hell bent on distroying the electricity system. At least they could have heating and cooking.
QLD’s electricity grid is usually very reliable but when the unions got hold of it for a battering ram, gas was your saviour, hot water and a stove that works was a luxury, lights are no problem.
We took up the QLD government feed in tariff offer of 44c and with the power company feed in at 7c enjoyed 51c and some great early returns. Of course the first approx 3 years returns effectively just paid off the cost of the installation. Meantime the installation was aging, more houses in our street/suburb were installing and the power company was clawing back its side of the deal – 7c went to 5c.
Most obvious early impact to saving came from being the only installation in the street to being one of 9. Clouds block the sun, systems feed in less, clouds move off the sun, network cant handle sudden rush of power from 9+ systems. Cant give precise figures as the combination of power company reducing their feed in bonus plus more/longer rainy days on top of more cloudy days suggests about a 30% drop in return over all for past 2 years.
Then the maintenance costs need to be factored in. Went through period where safety switch was tripped and system could be offline for 2-3 days before I noticed. Problem fixed when inspection revealed original installation was substandard (although it worked well for first 3years) and the missing isolator boxes were installed. This week these now weather affected boxes have been replaced and while system is still working it is showing its age and should just last to the 10year guarantee period – fingers crossed.
Despite the issues/costs we are still ahead but by hundreds not thousands and that is WITH a 44c feed in tariff.
In the UK they are promoting heat pumps even in old houses but due to our poor levels of insulation and cooler weather they are not that effective at just the time needed. Where will the electric come from, is there enough and are Victorian homes well insulated against the prevailing climatic conditions?
We have gone full retard on renewables and will soon lose coal . A heat pump won’t help when “load shedding” will be occurring when you need it. Wood will become expensive – just ask Europe…how long before we have a war over coal instead of against coal ?
Good article on the downsides of heat pumps in the UK-Victoria MIGHT be different.*1u598pp*_ga*MzY1MzM4MjEwLjE2NzExMzM2ODI.*_ga_XE0XLFFF16*MTY5MDUzMTY1OS4zNzYuMC4xNjkwNTMxNjY2LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.244590412.896923214.1689091123-365338210.1671133682
“The RACGP’s co-deputy chair, Dr Aadhil Aziz, said the reform was a practical way to improve health.”
Yup, he sounds like a real Australian, and not a diversity hire from a country where corruption to hold your position is the norm…. Good thing no-one gets electrocuted by electricity when we have all-electric homes, no risk there at all!
Largest US Power Grid Declares Emergency Alert Amid Scorching Heat
A heat wave continues to blast the Midwest, Northeast, and South through the end of the work week, forcing the largest US grid operator to declare a level one emergency for Thursday as tens of millions of people crank up air conditioners to escape scorching temperatures as summer in the Northern Hemisphere peaks.
On Wednesday evening, PJM Interconnection LLC declared an Energy Emergency Alert Level 1 in 13 states that stretch from Illinois to New Jersey with over 65 million customers. PJM is concerned about maintaining adequate power reserves on Thursday as power demand is set to soar because of air conditioners. It expects demand to reach 153,286 megawatts as of 1700 ET and has about 186,000 megawatts of generating capacity.
…aaand look at the pie chart for solar input. 😆
White clothes and robes have always been worn in hot countries for thousands of years.
And people wear black clothes in winter time to keep warm.
None of this does anything about Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Boiling or any other Hyperbowl (Hyperbole).
Aliens are now asking whether there is any intelligent life on Earth. They like the dolphins and whales and other mammals and birds. But with the Humans, they are yet to be convinced/
White clothes and robes have always been worn in hot countries for thousands of years.
And people wear black clothes in winter time to keep warm.
None of this does anything about Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Boiling or any other Hyperbowl (Hyperbole).
Aliens are now asking whether there is any intelligent life on Earth. They like the dolphins and whales and other mammals and birds. But with the Humans, they are yet to be convinced.
Blundering bozo boofhead Biden strikes again. Paint your roofs white to combat climate change
He makes Babylon Bee look unfunny.
They are already painting roads white in Los Angeles.
But WHITE paint?
Isn’t that RACIST?
From 2018.
The WEF approves:
How ultra-white paint could help fight climate change
Apr 27, 2021
Hopefully no petrochemicals in the paint, David.
But there will be TiO2 which requires a manufacturing process.
I guess that could just go back to white lead
Ssshhh..let them wake up to that one slowly. 😁
Maybe painting roofs black or rainbow colours or the Ukrainian flag would be better?😆
Im sure there is a government funded research paper from a high profile professor that researches and quantifies the global effect of this painting.
It may reduce the surface temperature, by reflecting the UV back into the atmosphere, ..but what does it do there ??
Am wondering how road painting would impact tyre adhesion in wet weather, and whether the road painters could be held liable for vehicle accidents arising from this road painting.
How long will roads stay white with vehicles driving continually over them. They will have to ban the vehicles…not that they would ever dream of doing that, of course.
Bugga, have to start sand mining on Fraser Island again. used to be a great source of Titanium dioxide ( Titanium white). Probably called white fella white in what ever the local dialect is.
Sadly, Fraser Island no longer exists, they renamed it.
‘Sadly, Fraser Island no longer exists, they renamed it.”
Not in my head David, nor Ayres Rock or the Grampians. Like I keep saying to any young people that will listen, “Keep making memories of your good times, governments will relentlessly encroach on personal freedoms but they can’t take your memories:” well not yet anyway,
Yes, what is this “Voice” thing about? It has received little publicity here in the UK so I don’t know the ins outs or purposes.
A people which has all but erased accounts of its origins in cannibalism and sorcery finally has on foot a power grab thought up by those scheming communists of a hundred years ago; it’s a misconceived and tawdry enterprise destined for failure and ensuing recriminations which will blight australian society for ever after.
Good question Tony and many down here have been asking the same thing without getting a substantive answer, unless “trust us, we will flesh it out later” is an answer.
Superficially it is apparently a means to give indigenous people greater input to Government. Without detail for what will be a constitutional change, it could be a pre-cursor for anything.
You have to wonder why a group with 100+ State and Federal bodies dedicated to them; who have $40 Billion per annum spent on them, and who are already over represented in both houses based on population (if you believe all indigenous heritage claims) need more of anything. It has yet to be determined that all of the above delivers much of anything to those in most need.
Sky – The Voice
‘Australia’s original ‘No’ voter’: Malcolm Turnbull criticised for Voice hypocrisy
Fair Australia
‘ … origins in cannibalism …’
They could do the same thing cheaper.
Just find the automated temperature station in the middle of a car park, and then just paint that patch of the car park white … you can reduce the temperature at that station my at least 1C.
Where can I get some of the “ stuff “ these morons are either injecting, imbibing or smoking.
It may help alleviate the contempt I have for them & their followers!
White clothes and robes have always been worn in hot countries for thousands of years.
And people wear black clothes in winter time to keep warm.
None of this does anything about Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Boiling or any other Hyperbowl (Hyperbole).
Aliens are now asking whether there is any intelligent life on Earth. They like the dolphins and whales and other mammals and birds. But with the Humans, they are yet to be convinced.
Back in the days when New Scientist actually did science, they reported on the Black robes vs White robes among Arabs, where some had one colour and others were different.
They found that black robes absorbed more heat (as expected) but also radiated more. Thus both types had equal effect.
They found that loose fitting robes allowed good ventillation and updraughts. Radiation differences from different colors were negligible.
Of course this applied to a hot very dry climate.
Cases Of Severe Tropical Disease Exploding With No End In Sight: WHO
Dengue rates are rising globally, with reported cases since 2000 up eight-fold to 4.2 million in 2022, a WHO official said on July 21.
In January, the WHO claimed that dengue is the world’s fastest-spreading tropical disease and alleged it could be a “pandemic threat.”
The disease was found in Sudan’s capital Khartoum for the first time on record, according to a health ministry report in March, while Europe has reported a surge in cases and Peru declared a state of emergency in most regions.
About half of the world’s population is now at risk, Raman Velayudhan, a specialist at the WHO’s control of neglected tropical diseases department, told journalists in Geneva on Friday.
Cases reported to the WHO hit an all-time high in 2019 with 5.2 million cases in 129 countries, said Mr. Velayudhan via video link.
This year the world is on track for “4 million plus” cases, depending mostly on the Asian monsoon season. Already, close to 3 million cases have been reported in the Americas, he said, adding there was concern about the southern spread to Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru.
Argentina, which has faced one of its worst outbreaks of dengue in recent years, is sterilizing mosquitoes using radiation that alters their DNA before releasing them into the wild.
“The American region certainly shows it is bad and we hope the Asian region may be able to control it,” Mr. Velayudhan said.
Officials in the European Union said that as of June 8, 2023, some 2.1 million cases have been reported around the world, with 974 deaths.
Wow. Now, who was it here that posted about Dengue in the very early stages saying it would go crazy?
Oh, me! 😎
Is dengue caused by a virus?
It’s probably caused by climate change and white privilege.
That too,
But I’ve had time to ask duckducgo and found the answer – Yes.
Perhaps the Zelenko protocol would work against it also.??
Dave B
Dengue is caused by a virus called, would you believe, Dengue Virus. A single stranded RNA Flavivirus about one third of the size of a coronavirus. Spread only by mosquitoes, not person to person.
The notable thing about Dengue is that second infections are usually worse than the first due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). There are four or five major types of Dengue, and so immunity to one type makes the infection with a different type worse.
The bad form is known as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Breakbone fever.
I’m really scared now. Yesterday morning I was walking the dog and it was -6 degrees. Today at the same time it was +9 degrees. That is a 15 degree increase! Global warming is real and the trend is underestimated. In a week we will all be dead.
I hope it was a Wongari, and I hope you are not feeding it?
Wouldn’t want that to get out among your fellow memebots. Wot?
The problems is people like Guterres use such logic to claim it’s time to call it global boiling.
My! I’m so scared Gee Aye. 🙂 My life has been long enough that I’m difficult to scare…
I have two daughters, you cant scare me.
‘Global warming is real and the trend is underestimated.’
Are you suggesting an increase in CO2 is causing anomalous weather?
A room temperature superconductor?
Today might have seen the biggest physics discovery of my lifetime. I don’t think people fully grasp the implications of an ambient temperature / pressure superconductor. Here’s how it could totally change our lives.
1. 100 billion kWh of electricity are wasted on transmission losses each year in the US alone. That’s equivalent to 3 of our largest nuclear reactors running 24/7. Superconductivity enables lossless electricity transmission at high voltages and currents.
According to the authors, the LK-99 material can be prepared in about 34 hrs with extremely basic lab equipment (a mortar & pestle, basic vacuum, and furnace). These results could replicate within days-weeks.
Been promised before, so we’ll see, but if it is real it will be totally revolutionary!
Im not so sure that lead (larnakite) spread over the countryside would be a positive environmental or health issue.
Original pdf
“@AC Osborn: Ohhh! Great link! And that article feeds off to some f the original papers. Looks like production of the material is EASY, nothing peculiar, rare, or too technical. Their original PDF
claims a critical temperature of over 400K. (260F) This means that plain old water can be used as a coolant for a lot of above-room-temperature applications!
This is exciting. Yeah, trust but verify — but this is looking believable, and with the simple productions method should be either verified or disproven quickly.”
Have you noticed how we are now at or past the date when most dystopian movies were set?
Dr Strangelove 1960’s
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer 1970
Andromeda Strain 1971
Clockwork Orange 1980
Mad Max estimated 1983
Nineteen Eighty Four 1984
Colossus: The Forbin Project 1990’s
Cherry 2000 2000
Contagion 2011 ????
The Running Man 2017
Blade Runner 2019
Soylent Green 2022
Still to happen
Logan’s Run 2274
Zardoz 2293
Feel free to add to the list.
Cherry 2000? Oh please! Shame on you. 😁
The Omega Man 1971 – soon.
Farenheit 451 1966 – happening
Doomsday 2008 – soon.
Children of men 2006 – soon.
Demolition man 1993 – a lot already but more to come.
Running man – the equivalent of tv “Hunted”
“Platform” 2019 is an interesting film to watch from a social perspective but disturbing to the unhardened.
There’s a Youtube channel that shows clips of scifi films but doesn’t name them, which is extremely annoying, as they look to be half decent films I haven’t seen (but will be B-grade), but can’t identify.
I need a REAL scifi buff!
Fahrenheit 451 – happening
That is the scary one.
One of the two Rural News articles that Duck Duck go turned up this morning on the overstating of methane warming has now disappeared, but I managed to get one.
Also never mention that all vegetation decays to produce methane whether a cow or sheep eat it — OR NOT.
WW3 “test runs” hotting up
The US has sent the nuclear-powered submarine USS Tennessee with 20 Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles with a launch range of more than 12,000 kilometres to the UK.
The US Navy has been revealing the location of strategic nuclear submarines that carry nuclear weapons with unexpected frequency over the past year. One of the Ohio class submarines has arrived in the UK.
In July, the USS Tennessee, bearing the submarine number (SSBN-734), anchored off the coast of Scotland. The submarine was visited by the head of the British Submarine Force, Commodore Paul Dunn, and the commander of European Command, US Army General Christopher Cavoli.
25,000 Sailors, Marines to Prepare for Global Conflict in Large Scale Exercise 2023
The Navy and Marines are taking a second crack at an exercise that will simulate a massive global conflict and connect the actions from a single sailor at a radar console up through the decisions made by the Secretary of Defense, service officials announced on Monday.
Large Scale Exercise 2023 kicks off next month and will link 25,000 sailors and Marines across 22 time zones, seven fleets, six U.S. combatant commands in a blend of live and virtual training that will test the suppositions of key warfighting concepts for both services.
The Marines and the Navy believe the future of maritime conflict will require units to be spread across thousands of miles and have them strike adversaries simultaneously and then disperse.
“We want to build a more competent and lethal force; we want to be able to demonstrate that we can globally synchronize this exercise. And then finally, we want to be able to show that we can fight and win against our adversaries using the live virtual constructive training environment,” Capt. Chris Narducci, lead exercise planner told reporters on Monday.
Please… Russia would wipe you them out effortlessly.
The combined military efforts of the west in Ukraine are a failure and barely dented Russia’s capacity, as has now been shown even by the bottom feeding MSM.
I’m sure those mentally confused, overweight, low iq Max Clingers in the US military will be a boon! 😆
What concerns me is who has the football ? Does Joe let Hunter play with it ? If it were to do a full launch we all die (20 missiles x 14 warheads) and the “dead hand” will make sure . Playing chicken with annihilation . The twilight zone has arrived .
Old Goat, you are soooh right:
as per my later comment :
You know, there’s soooh many quips n quotes like that which are probably true: yet no one picks up on it to throw BACK at those WAR MONGERING Idiots, and where do the people of other far fetched Lands have a say in all this: the “Natives” of the Amazon, and so on, living blissfully unaware of all this nonsense. WHere’s the UN You-man rights folk again, etc. Simply put: the ARROGANCE of the “west” ie the N Hemisphere peoples and their Southern Diaspora … ! ( Dogg, DUCK! – low flying missiles ! (sarc) )
If it goes missing, the Secret Service will not be able to find it, and announce the official end of the investigation on CNN.
Followed by the announcement that a MAGA grannie, that tweeted about attending the Insurrection but was unable to afford bus fare, has been arrested, thus making ‘Our Democracy’ safe for America and the Ukraine.
🙂 🙂
I posted the nuke scenario recently.
The west desperately wants war to enable a debt reset and eliminate the 2024 elections which no-one’s going to accept the results for anyway, so they REALLY want war well before Nov. 2024, but Putin is refusing to make the 1st strike UNLESS he sees it as essential to ensure the survival of Russia.
Zelensky is the crazy man wildcard, but Ukraine cannot join NATO while at war, and NATO cannot attack Russia, thankfully.
Sleepy Joe has the authority to order a launch but does not directly control the launches.
There needs to be an event or false flag to LEGALLY warrant a 1st strike by the USA and I can’t see one.
Maybe an act of craziness by the neocons…
More non-sense from the ABC echoing the CSIRO: “Convict-era sites like Fremantle Prison and Port Arthur also face an uncertain future. Sea level rise is impacting buildings at both sites, with sea and salt wash deteriorating stone and mortar.”
The most likely source of salt damage at Freo prison is due to rising damp because early Freo buildings were constructed without a damp-proof course. Also there is salt-laden wind coming off the sea. The same rising damp issue occurs in many in-land towns where rising water tables (with salt) affect early buildings. These towns are hundreds of kilometres from the coast so it’s not due to sea-water.
The old Fremantle prison is up on a hill overlooking Fremantle, a long way from the ocean. However, it has tunnels underneath, cut to provide water for Fremantle. An onsite reservoir was filled by convicts working the pumps 24/7. Have been down into these tunnels – quite interesting to float along in a flat-bottomed skiff.
As I haven’t seen the article, it might be referring to the Roundhouse, a convict prison established before the Fremantle prison. This is on a cliff top close to the ocean.
WA sea levels were about +2m higher, 5000 years ago; and +1m higher, 2000 years ago. Lewis, al (2012) Post-glacial sea-level changes around the Australian margin: Quaternary Science Reviews. 1-24. As it was throughout SE Asia and the Pacific. Think the Holocene Climatic Optimum.
Geological evidence of the higher sea levels, locally, may be found locally at Rottnest Island and Point Peron. The Perth coastline is sinking faster than Sydney because of ground water extraction and sediment loading within the Perth Basin.
I was told that the Perth plain is just an old seabed. That’s why the garden sand is so poor quality.
The Tamala limestone is the most extensive upper deposit whose origin was during the last ice age when extensive aeolean calcarenite sands covered the whole coastal plain to beyond the present shoreline. It is poorly cemented and subject to collapse eg the Gracetown tragedy.
Many strand lines have been recognised within the basin and were radiocarbon dated showing a falling sea level from about 5000 years ago. Yes the soil of most of Perth is sandy except for the Swan valley, where they are mostly clayey. Not that I am a top soil expert.
One Nations lattest, The Vibe.
Back from the dead! Ancient roundworm is revived after lying dormant in Siberian permafrost for 46,000 years
Time travel has been mastered by a tiny worm which was reawakened after being frozen for an estimated 46,000 years.
Believed to have lived in the late Pleistocene, the time of the woolly mammoths, a small group of worms removed from Siberian permafrost were thawed out and came ‘back to life’.
The worms, from a long-extinct species called Panagrolaimus kolymaensis, were not in fact dead, but in a dormant state called cryptobiosis, in which they shut down until their bodily processes were undetectable.
Scientists previously only had evidence that roundworms could stay in this state for less than 40 years.
But radiocarbon dating of plants within the icy burrow where the worms were found suggest they are around 46,000 years old.
Still not as old as Keith Richards. 😆
Have they asked for a Treaty, or the Voice yet?
Any truth to the rumours that China has given the Paris
accord the flick?
Must be just a rumour then!
Nothing in China Daily, however the CCP will eventually give the Accord the flick.
‘Under the Paris Agreement, China has pledged to ensure carbon emissions peak by 2030 and reach net zero emissions by 2060. Our analysis suggests China may struggle to reach these ambitious goals.’ (The Conversation)
Oh, FFS!
Doesn’t anyone think anymore?
Sounds like they are planning something big and wicked against non-Elites.
‘Era of global boiling has arrived,’
Climate Change for Dummies – literally.
It’s telling that his audience is The West. Falling on deaf ears in China, the source of most CO2, should you fall for the fraud.
But, Stanley, the ni-i-i-ce Chairman Xi is only burning 22 million tonnes of coal.
Per day.
Every day.
Xi gets a free pass.
The Chinese Just Stop Coal protesters vanished into a gulag a decade ago. With their orange shirts.
very reminiscent of our local bozos during the last big drought, “this is the new normal” “the dams wont refill”
got to get in a histrionic pitch for the narrative before the rain or winter or both arrive
Operation Cue
About 1955 US nuclear tests to test civilian infrastructure.
14 min
I read this the other day.
Trinity Nuclear Fallout Impacted 46 States, Canada, Mexico: Study
A recently released study exposes the “widespread dispersion” of radioactive fallout and devastation caused by the US government’s first detonation of a nuclear weapon. The “Trinity” atomic bomb test which caused “environmental contamination and population exposures” was carried out in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945.
This new research shows within 10 days of the explosion, which saw a mushroom cloud as high as 50,000 – 70,000 feet, radioactive deposits were dispersed across 46 states, and even parts of Canada as well as Mexico.
The study covers the Trinity test as well as dozens more, above-ground, “atmospheric” nuclear tests, conducted as a result of the Manhattan Project. Not included in the study are the myriad underground nuclear weapons tests. Between 1951 and 1998, Washington blew up more than 800 subterranean nuclear weapons.
Utilizing a combination of data previously unavailable during past studies, the researchers used “high-resolution reanalyzed historical weather fields, U.S. government data, and complex atmospheric modeling to try to chart the distribution of radioactive fallout in the days following historical nuclear tests,” reports Gizmodo.
An interesting historical timeline of nuclear tests, which I think I posted before:
Amazing we’re all still here.
They’re coming for your compost heap !!
You know, there’s soooh many quips n quotes like that which are probably true: yet no one picks up on it to throw BACK at those Green Idiots. Common sense/knowledge which is not practised. Hence it’s forgotten about. Taken for granted, etc … Dunno how else to explain without it all being in your face, all the time.
Amazing, eh? People are more pessimistic about AI now than before the boom, a study shows
“If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; … if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle.”
I mentioned on an earlier thread that I was reading “Black Boomerang” by Sefton Delmer about the mostly British “black” broadcasts and other such operations in WW2.
A very interesting read.
One might ask if our modern spate of psycops has done much more than multiply what they were doing then.
And he has a very interesting look from the inside on where West Germany had got to by about 1960’s.
Thus gets a “suggested reading” from me
From the Florida Dept. of Health comes this warning with regard to mRNA covid19 vaccines.,%2C%20Bell's%20palsy%2C%20and%20encephalitis.
The problem with posting comments about a thread on the unthreaded is that the information gets lost when people return to the discussion on vaccines. It would be better if people could post vaccine related comments on a vaccine thread, especially when today’s thread is a vaccination thread…
Done. But is it too late for anyone to read it.
Well, that’s a shame, and maybe the unthreadeds need to be timed differently?
I’ll keep in mind for future comments Jo.
More on the above here.
Again, a few weeks from now no one will be able to find these great links and resources…
Might not have been just a match under that thermometer!
““Houston, we have temperature record.” ”
Not every record gets to have a rocket test in the vicinity of the temperature screen
What makes you think the BBC is right, just by citing the BBC as evidence? It would make more sence to find somethinbelse and compare the BBC claims to various other sources.
Most importantly, a brief heatwave is weather not climate … so if the BBC failed to make that clear then that’s one error. However, now that everyone understands this is merely weather, lets check the BBC claim.
Here’s an easily available temperature graph for Jerzu.
Scroll back to Monday and the high was 44 at about 5PM.
That’s a big difference. I would rate the 48.2 as highly implausible.
I checked that as well.
The high in the graph on Monday was very briefly 45C and then for a longer period at 44C. Not at all consistent with the 48 measurement, but actually it is consistent with the 44 max temp seen in the graph from Jerzu linked above.
This one is at a military airfield, slightly south of Jerzu, and it hits 47C … but airfields often do have significant heat island effects, which are well known.
For once the BBC is right.
The story of ground/air temperature substitution to increase the fear in Europe forecasts/reports was an obvious lie/mistake.
So well done (sarc) skeptics, you’ve done years of damage to your own credibility.
The lesson here is that if you want to be a skeptic, it applies to ALL stories, including the ones that suit your beliefs.
from the UK: Farm Safety Week the NFU has launched the ‘Take 5 to Stay Alive’ campaign to change attitudes towards farm safety and prevent life-changing and fatal accidents.
FWIW – I’d probably fall asleep waiting, or just get frustrated: am already – been waiting 3 hours for my Barrel of Hydraulic OIL to appear to refill the Combine .. and then it’ll be a headlong RUSH ! making up for lost time, n’est pas ?
Ken Phillips: No one knows what ‘The Voice’ actually is 🙄️
One of the comments was this
Company Status: Registered, 2019
ABN: 34 634 076 850
ACN: 634 076 850
Company Class: Limited by Shares
Locality: NSW, 2007
Date of Registration: 06/12/2019
Ive added links to the relivant Gov document.
And the fact checker.
Dr Sunneel Dhand looks at the paper claiming excess deaths in the US are due to more Republicans than Democrats being unvaccinated for covid.
8.5 mins
Kennedy Asks Prof Who Said Schools Shouldn’t Take Fossil Fuel Money If His Own Should Give It Back
The title says it all:
“‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move” ”
Via Chiefio
Will the TGA follow?
NatGas, Coal, Nuclear Power Save Largest US Grid As Emergency Alert Declared For Second Day – Where is the power generation from renewable sources?
UN invents a new fear threat “Global Boiling” whereby they qualify previous high temps with “in recorded history” knowing full well that the Earth has been much hotter before that.
The whole thing is just laughable so that’s what I’ll do!!!
Keep the pressure on!
“Anheuser Busch Announces Hundreds of Layoffs in Effort to Recover from $16 Billion Loss, 25% Sales Drop and Systemic Corporate Cultural Infection
July 28, 2023 | Sundance | 326 Comments”
In Oz
“We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”
And the comments!
Another “Heat-Up”!
“How To Push a Climate Crisis Hoax: Florida’s Record Ocean Temperature”
Exemptions for the New Laws – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 fact sheets, guidelines and exemptions
I guess that means you need a permit to build a sand castle then?
Preparations were under way to salvage a cargo ship packed with electric vehicles that caught fire off the Dutch coast, officials said Friday, in an operation intended to avert an ecological disaster.
An electric car is suspected of having sparked the deadly blaze and officials said earlier that nearly 500 electric vehicles were aboard, far more than initially reported.