A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Interesting 13 min video about recent findings in the FTX failure.
Okay explanation as far as it goes, David. But still somewhat a whitewash of the truth. Here’s Excitable Michael with an explanation much closer to the bone, including input from Elon Musk. Seven minutes.
Elon Musk discovers entire closet full of “#StayWoke” t-shirts at Twitter HQ. (3min10sec)
The whole operation was like a holiday farm for Leftists with free food, wine, meditation rooms and sleep pods and you only had to work when you felt like it.
As a user who is conservative, it always felt that the deck was stacked against us, but we had no proof. I suspect the evidence will start coming out in drips and drabs.
I have been noticing an alarming amount of missing BoM data. The Instruments being stolen bring to light the high quality and excellent effort behind a long long record or two kept in Toowoomba Queensland. The Brisbane Courier from Wednesday August 20 1924 on Page 11 explains the rare situation in Toowoomba.” The Curator of the Gardens (Mr. J. J. Leadbetter) could not take the readings at the station this morning, and thus the continuous record of températures in Toowoomba for the past 20 years has been broken.”
I call it the AWOL dataset. Toowoomba here is just one of many many shortened records. Darling Downs Gazette Fri 3 Sep 1909 Page 5. “Mr H. A.Hunt, Commonwealth Meteorologist, has now completed arrangements, for”…”a Stevenson screen!”.
There is evidence of a Stevenson screen in Toowoomba a long long time before that and evidence of a record going back a lot further. The Brisbane Courier Mon 11 Jan 1932 Page 9 “The hottest day for 64 years was recorded at Toowoomba” The BoM online temperature record for Toowoomba only goes back to January 1931 but says “Opened: 1869”
The well known Stevenson screen fanatic, Clement Wragge did not consider a meteorological site to have been established until it had a Stevenson screen. He gives the establishment date for Toowoomba as March 1890.
Yes Siliggy, I’ve noticed the same thing in a variety of locations that had data available previously but now seem to have “holes” all over the shop.
I spent a great deal of time yesterday trying to get continuos Perth data. And Tamworth data, along with quite a few others.
It may be that my skill in accessing what I once had no trouble accessing, has deteriorated. However, I don’t think that is the case.
Something is going on with the BoM’s IT system it seems. Somtimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down. Sometimes it’s there; sometimes not.
I doubt that you will ever obtain continuous Perth data, because the BOM moved the measurement site three times, each move to a warmer location. It’s now in the suburbs, close to a busy road. Ok, there was an earlier measurement site in Supreme Court Gardens, but I believe that site didn’t have a Stevenson Screen.
The original site, on the top of Mt Eliza, was so unrepresentative of Perth CBD temperature, being much cooler, that the TV stations used to provide two max temp readings every evening news – the official one and a warmer one, recorded in the middle of Perth.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but for both site moves, the BOM never maintained two-year overlapping site records as I believe they were supposed to.
I note that using the Perth Airport site as a comparison, you could say that the readings, not the temperatures, have increased by as much as two degrees.
Congratulations you have discovered the ‘Memory Hole’.
The practice of measuring temperatures and calibrating thermometers to create a standard record of daily temperatures based on strict criteria is broken to protect the narrative.
Most obvious is what went mising decades ago while the cult was still small. Up until very recently, the BoM’s IT system has been very good. Perhaps too good? Have a look here as an alternative.
The Perth Gardens site used a Round house design identical to one used in Adelaide. The Adelaide one was between two Stevensons for decades. It’s behavior is well deleted but also well documented in old S.A. govt Books. good advice re overlaps, if they are not shortened. Check this Perth thermometer out.
In an age of so much data being recorded by many it is too hard to hide. Bit of an IQ test. The missing data actually highlights not just itself but what was being deleted and by who.
Dear Siliggy,
The point is the animals knew there was less food in their stomachs yet at the barn yard meetings Squealer announced increases in production. Facts do not matter.
Stephen McIntyre, Anthony Watts, Jo, etc have carefully exposed the announcements by whoever it is deciding the science on climate.
Windshuttle, Bolt etc have completely destroyed the re-writing of History and the credibility of the experts in the History wars.
Malone, Bhakdi, Wolf, Rennick, Antic, Kennedy, Roberts etc have completely destroyed the narrative of an effective and safe vaccine with facts.
The only real fact that matters is the Uniparty continues to pass legislation based on being carbon neutral by 2030, micro-chipped for our safety and to be lead by the decrees of a shadowy Globalist group of First Nations Leaders Past Present and Future.
It befuddles me why there has not been a whistle blower from the BOM
Not even a ‘devils advocate’ gets any publicity
If Greg Hunt, the hopeless ex Minister for Science in a long-gone government, had no difficulty in covering up the BoM’s malfeasance and ineptitude by countering the Prime Minister’s wish to audit the joint back in the day, what chance has a mere disgruntled whistle-blower got?
They’ve taken his pea out of his whistle and hidden it under one of their many thimbles. An old trick perfected a little while back by Mike – commonly referred to as “Mike’s Nature Trick”.
The Abbott Cabinet included Minister for Communications Turnbull and the other LINO left faction MPs of influence in Cabinet at that time, with significant influence even inside the Morrison Cabinet and in NSW State Government and others.
The Minister responsible for the BoM did ask BoM management to explain the information Dr Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues had provided and apparently received amn acknowledgment claiming “omissions and errors” that would be rectified.
They did nothing but cover their tracks.
Pea and thimble. Now you see it, now you don’t. The pea’ll never be uncovered without an audit.
that is it !the truncated record (all records previous 1910) and the unsubstantiated shift from ACORN 1 annd 2. Corruption of the scientific method, supported by contaminated politicians.
There was talk on the previous open thread that CO2 had stopped rising and has plateaued, but Cape Grim doesn’t show it.
Of course it doesn’t.
The mystical, magical, mysterious, and completely imaginary ozone layer is preventing all the CO2 from escaping. Or is the CO2 holding up the mystical, magical, mysterious, and completely imaginary ozone layer?
I get it confused sometimes. Must be old age.
Keep spruiking the Hole in the Ozone Layer. That was the precursor scam before this AGW scam. The one that gave them the confidence that no scam was too big to pull off.
90% of then world’s population resides in the Northern Hemisphere. So why was this “hole” in the south?
Who discovered it? Three young guns in the mid 1980s, using a satellite that has been up less than ten years? How did they know what was up there 20 years ago or 50?
Or was it Gordon Dobson in 1957?
Did the banning of HFC refrigerants give somebody a monopoly on the trade in refrigerants? I have read that it did. So there is the explanation.
Thats Grim
The Cape Grim chart suggests the annualised rate of increase of atmospheric CO2 does not closely follow an exponential curve, but has a piecewise linear path, with a sharp inflections at 15 year intervals. I wonder how accurately it was plotted.
It is almost a dead straight line, with annual variations in ocean surface temperature producing increases and decreases in CO2 and no sign at all of any human activity or volcanic or forest fires. It’s as if they don’t matter because they are so small.
Yes, except that the line is continuously deflected upwards, as in asymptotic.
It is almost enough to make me think that human emissions are affecting the CO2 levels a bit (does not include Climate).
So we don’t have a chart to counter Cape Grim?
“that CO2 had stopped rising…. “
Yet global CO2 emissions continue to climb globally.. 😉
Would not surprise me if this is just another “adjustment” ploy, with the intent of using the data to say that their “net zero” efforts are having an effect.
Can’t see it here, there’s usually a break point in the seasonal rise, was a bit more pronounced than recent years, but otherwise business as usual.
Trust us! allied with BoM, we , the CSIRO will give creedence to the political agenda we are entrusted with. Gruel for the ignorant, huddled masses who supinely lap up the presentations.
Apparently the mainstream media is starting to acknowledge the clotshots are dangerous and ineffective. Today I read that 2GB has featured segments discussing serious adverse reactions and diminishing protection.
Hopefully the tide is finally turning.
I heard Ben Fordham on radio today on that. It sounded a bit like he was walking between “defined lines” but with some “rhetorical questions”. Also it had been brought to his attention that a work experience student of theirs had been “force clot shotted” to sit the HSC, rapidly came down with pericarditis after the first shot and didn’t sit for it. He interviewed her on the show.
He also went into the origin of this “Voice” push.
The Voice item starts 48:00 in, the work experience interview 1:26:00
Last year Ray Hadley was calling anyone who did not get the vax an imbecile and a danger to society. He went on about every day.
I remember that well – being impressed with Vitamin I at the time!
Unlikely to be on Ray Hadley’s segment.
State of the Climate is a joke.
They got 1 thing right: ‘fewer tropical cyclones’. The rest is a dog’s breakfast of cult beliefs and voodoo mumbo-jumbo. Your taxes pay for this nonsense?
In short an insult to the intelligence of the community that pays taxes that fund the authors employment.
Fund, yes. Control or hold responsible, no.
Once upon a time, a long time ago now, individual public servants could be held civilly, and if deliberate, sometimes criminally responsible for their actions by members of the public who suffered loss or damage as a result of those actions.
But that was long ago. These days the individual bureaucrat enjoys blanket protection for his errant ways by his department. And the department couldn’t give a stiff shyte as to the outcome. The defence against any claim is paid for by the taxpayer. Win, lose or draw, the result is paid for by the taxpayer.
No. I think the intelligence of the community is about right to lap it up.
Temps are one of those “dog’s breakfasts” that you refer to.
UAH shows a down trend since 2016. Courtesy of b.nice:
With the last five months needing to be added as follows:
June: 0.11C°
July: 0.65C°
August: minus 0.01C°
September: minus 0.2C°
October: 0.04C°
What you see is not what is really happening on the ground. A fiction.
Correction: September should read minus 0.29C°
graph updated 🙂
Thanks for your chart updated b.nice –
a great thread all round
A new tactic has come to my notice, they say that SST are warmer now with La Nina than back in the 1980s under El Nino. Can’t argue with that.
Modern SSTs are definitely higher than all those Victorian sailor readings meticulously taken from randomly dredged buckets of sea water.
Steve McIntyre (Climateaudit) enjoyed discussing the transition to sampling at the intake manifold of more recent types of ships.
How the heck would they know.!!
Reliable ocean measurements with meaningful coverage of most of the southern ocean only started in around 2005 with ARGO.
And even the northern oceans were only measured along narrow trade shipping routes, using grossly error prone methods.
Phil Jones of CRU once commented that basically ALL the numbers for the southern oceans were “just made up”
I recently read Senator Malcolm Roberts submission to the Environment and Communications Committee enquiry into climate change Bill 2022 and the amendments Bill. In his covering letter and Appendix, he points out that under questioning, both the CSIRO and the BoM admitted that ” there is no danger from carbon dioxide from human activity and that there is nothing unprecedented about our planets temperature ” and that the CSIRO ” never quantified any specific impact of carbon dioxide from human activity on any climate or weather vraiable such as tmeperature, rainfall, droughts, etc, etc…”
Reading the recently released State of the Climate 2022 joint report by the CSIRO and the BoM, you could be forgiven for thinking it was written by another CSIRO and BoM, as it is in contradiction to what these two bodies gave as evidence to Sen Roberts.
I have written to both the CSIRO and the BoM pointing out the contradictions, and asked for clarification. I think I may be waiting a while, but both organisations have near zero credibility regarding climate change in my humble opinion. The State of the Climate 2022 could have been written by Chris Bowen…we are all going to fry/freeze/drown ( pick one ).
All these bodies have real scientists who do not speak out for fear for their jobs. But the PR is written by teenagers. And you don’t need to read it, you already know what they are going to say. Runaway, tipping point, Global Warming, Armageddon, hell in a handbasket, everything but fire and brimstone which was what they used in the Middle Ages to scare people into buying indulgences. Some things stay the same. No one is afraid of freezing. They should be.
The latest future climate report from CSIRO and BoM contains references back to 1910!!!
Too bad about the very hot weather in the years before that that would change their warming trend.
Umm, this may sound a little weird really.
Has anyone else noticed the almost total lack of political news on the ABC news site, and it’s not recent either.
It’s been a slow build up.
You don’t even notice it ….. until you actually do, looking for an article which ordinarily would be posted at their site, and not finding anything.
It’s almost like it’s a concerted effort to ….. NOT write anything about the current Labor Government, unless it’s a good article, and praising them.
I mean, previously, under the former Government, there was one, usually more articles about the Liberals or The Nationals, and in the main, and I mean in the main, it was usually derogatory, complaining about anything at all that was said, done, hinted at, legislated ….. in either House or anywhere at all, private lives included.
And now, nary a word about any of them.
And if there is anything untoward, the ABC media people find a way to excuse it, play it down, or not even mention it at all.
There’s still derogatory articles about the Liberals, and if the Liberals had have done anything similar to what the Government are doing now, they would have been merciless in their writing.
Now, there’s not a word. It’s like they are filling their News site with ….. ‘Filler’.
Just today, 28 articles down the main left side of their site. One Labor, making an apology, and one Liberal making an accusation.
Nothing to see here.
I wouldn’t even mention it, because it’s ….. well maybe, the politics I follow, but this has now become glaringly obvious. (And now I’ve said it, others might also agree with me, unwilling to publicly mention something like this for fear of the ‘left’ pouncing on them.)
Well, Their ABC is little more than a taxpayer funded propaganda arm of Labor, the Greens, the Teals, the alphabet people, the climatariat, the solar, wind and hydrogen subsidy harvesters, the covid profiteers and the Left in general.
Spot on, David.
But you left out women’s AFL, NRL, and cricket, which collectively get far more coverage on the ABC than the men’s equivalent sports, despite the fact that nobody actually watches them or really cares much who wins and loses.
Memorvault, I have little interest in those sports but occasionally I have had no choice to watch them when they are playing on multiple big screens in the pub.
In comparing womens AFL and the mens, I found the womens embarrassingly boring while the mens was moderately exciting due to its fast pace. And that’s coming from me who has no interest in either code.
It’s nothing to do with the women per se. AFL was originally a mens sport that was designed to take advantage of mens fundamental biological differences with women, mainly strength, stamina, greater muscle mass etc.. – incidentally, the same advantages that allow biological males to win womens sporting events.
And now we have the controversy of trannies that identify as female (actually biological men) participating in women’s sports. So blokes that are crap athletes against men whack some lipstick on and win things against women.
One thing about this disgrace that never seems to get a mention: How many biological women decide to identify as men and compete in men’s sports against biological men? Would “zero” be close to the answer? Even if it’s not zero, it’s all a bit one sided don’t ya think?
WAFL not watchable, yet I’m fascinated seeing women playing NRL, just as ferociously. The women’s 20-20 gets a pass.
Going back a couple of decades the women’s hockey team was playing a hard game, winning Olympic gold. Rick Charlesworth, a renowned sportsman in his own right was coach. Asked why he coached the women, not the men, he answered something like “The women play harder”.
They were good to watch, absolutely no hit ‘n giggle.
Rick Charlesworth did some assistant coaching at the Dockers AFL Club several years ago. That is when the Dockers had an attitude problem.
“The dog which did not bark.”
From Virginia Piedmont: giving hearty Thanks, to each.
It’s quite pathetic what Australia’s become.
It’s a land of numerous petty and not-so-petty rules, regulations and after covid, police state laws.
And their are bureaucrats and police that just love “following orders” and administer “the rules” with ruthless obedience and a complete lack of compassion, common sense or basic human decency.
An example I just witnessed was a council parking inspector issue a ticket for someone parked in what was designated a 8am-6pm “loading zone” (for commercial delivery vehicles to deliver goods to shops etc.) just 15 mins before the zone finished and anyone could park there. There was ample parking all around.
Other typical examples are police booking people for going just 3kph over the speed limit, a low tolerance that doesn’t happen in nearly any other country. And yet police do little to stop actual crime and criminals. The police focus on easy to identify offences for which revenue-raising fines can be issued. Crime is of little concern.
And the list is endless.
Some people love this. Most thinking, freedom-living people hate it.
I guess you realize that there are quite a few types of police and policing eg the highway patrol dont do much in the way of murder or fraud investigations.
Murder and fraud investigations are difficult, sometimes dangerous, require training, experience, and a lot of resources … but they bring in no revenue.
Parking and speeding tickets are safe, easy, require almost no training (if you get a few wrong people often pay anyhow) … and they bring in heaps of revenue.
Try to figure out which of these gets the highest priority.
As for police investigating a break in or burglary or other minor property related crimes … I don’t believe those have ever been taken seriously in Australia.
” And yet police do little to stop actual crime and criminals. ”
Of course not. They clean up after crimes, collect evidence, and turn the results in to authorities. Most (not all) criminals are smart enough to do their thing out of sight of police.
yarpos adds more context.
Yup. A UN run worldwide police-state enforced technocracy is the ultimate goal. COVID appears to be just a well orchestrated deception to aid in achieving that end.
Like Climate Disruption and The War On Terror, the COVID Pandemic and the response to it are a combination of distraction from the goal as well as the vehicles for advancing its implementation.
The Wallopers seem reluctant to pull cyclists up who ride around without helmets. It was the Royal Australian College of Surgeons who lobbied to have these laws imposed.
The propaganda of the BOM et al. – re the climate report they released in recent days – is in full flight.
As AH stated in his book My Struggle, propaganda is extremely effective and should give little weight to objectivity. He blamed Germany’s loss in The Great War on ineffective propaganda of the Germans but excellent propaganda of the British. He is correct, and western institutions have learned this too and have implemented excellent propaganda on climate change.
Our side is doing what the Great War Germans did, using objectivity and reason. The opposition is not slightly interested in such matters. You could unequivocally prove they are wrong, and it wouldn’t make the slightest dent. They don’t care. Some would say you already do prove them wrong which I would say I rest my case.
We should be doing propaganda, and I suggest based on greens one weakness, that they are hypocrites. They should be made to fear what living without the energy they all consume would be like, really fear it, and I believe they would turn. Takes a long time and persistence and skillful propaganda but it has more chance of working than winning the science debate.
That needs a reference.
It sounds like some sort of revisionist history.
And you think the allies didn’t do the same?
Every history I’ve seen is that Hitler (🤮) blamed the loss of the war on its leadership, and Jews and Communists.
in reference to their propaganda, is H’s claim. I have no idea what the propaganda was to know if true or not.
Objectivity always wins every war … people are either objectively killed or else they survive, aeroplanes objectively fly or they crash, buildings objectively stand or don’t stand.
Indeed, war is the ultimate test of objectivity … expensive but accurate.
Throughout most of my life I could never understand how people could descend to the depths of evil required to execute socialism in either of its principal forms, either Fascism conceived by Giovani Gentile and its derivative National Socialism or in Marxian International Socialism.
Thanks to the covid lockups in Australia, especially in Vicdanistan and the willingness of police to follow with enthusiasm the brutal decrees of pyschopathic Dictator Daniel Andrews (with his personality cult), and with an unquestioning willingness to blindly “Just follow orders”, I now have no question how it could happen.
Australia was once considered one of the most egalitarian, freedom loving, authority questioning nations on earth. It no longer is, of course.
Footage of Victoria Police brutalising pregnant women and little old ladies and shooting peaceful fleeing people in the back with rubber bullets is now used in stock footage for police and government brutality worldwide.
In Australia FFS!
If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.
That’s why the Left should never be allowed to take control, but of course they have, and this is what you get.
Australia is unlikely to be free ever again.
Once again you are right, David. But you are missing the forest for the trees.
You are as aware as I am that our planet is now cooling, and cooling rapidly. Outright hunger is already causing major civil unrest and riots around the world, not that anybody here would know from reading our MSM. That situation is only going to get worse, and spread.
Behind the facade of normality we are quietly being conditioned to accept a very rigid form of civil martial law. Most of the legislation and regulations for this have quietly been passed since 2018, with the full cooperation of all three major parties, Liberal, Labor and National.
But you miss the point of just how sophisticated useful idiots can sound when looking down their collective noses at us peons who think that the only way to get a conservative government is to vote 1 – Conservative.
Both parties are the same you know. /S
For days Lefitsts have been blaming conservatives / the right, for the Colorado gay nightclub shooting
It turns out the killer identified as “non-binary”, used they/them pronouns and uses the honorific of Mx. rather than Ms/Mr.
Hardly someone that would normally be considered of the right.
Matt Walsh discusses:
Surprise! Surprise!
Vaccinated now make up majority of COVID deaths.
WHO needs to get to work redefining death.
Vid discusses WP article.
I thought your link would be to:
I didn’t want to a be a scientist for the WHO.
I wanted to be a lumberjack.
Could we have a Melbourne Christmas Drinks GaTHERING.
Good idea! I’ll go!
Is it 3 years already….?
Computer predicts the end of civilisation, ABC news 1973
One from the JC2 “vaults of antiquity”, presented without comment. 😎
Bank Of Japan To Run Digital Currency Experiment With Country’s Megabanks
On Wednesday Nikkei reported that the Bank of Japan had teamed up with three megabanks and regional financial institutionsto start a digital yen trial in spring 2023
If all goes according to plan the BOJ may go ahead and release a CBDC in 2026.
2026? That’s cutting it fine.
Oh, if only I could say… 😎😎
Trust me, I’m a scientist.
I sense he may soon be begging for “pandemic amnesty”.
Don’t forgive.
Don’t forget.
Some sort of compromise on the question of Amnesty might be in order … we are all grownups here, with a sense of decency. For those who admit what they have done wrong, there must be some token punishment … enough to get the message across.
We should jail them for “two weeks”.
“Two weeks”? No one will even lose two weeks of retirement benefits.
And now for something completely different . . .
A (relative) lot has happened in the social(ist) media since Elon Musk booted the censorious Left from Twitter to make it into a free speech platform for all.
1) Farcebook has decided to stop adding their fake “fact checker” (sic) comments to reports of what Donald Trump says, even though he is still banned on the platform.
2) I’ve noticed slightly less censorship on YouTube (owned by Goolag). I have even heard Ivermectin being discussed in a positive manner and hints that the covid “vaccine” might not be so safe and effective after all.
Both platforms are probably worried about the competition.
Meanwhile Chinese Communist Party controlled TicTok continues to ban people for being critical of the CCP. Australian comedian Isaac Butterfield was just banned. He had 600,000 followers. TicTok continues to harvest vast amounts of personal data from your phone. I refuse to use it.
Isaac Butterfield video, warning, language and risque:
Also see:
Troops’ use of TikTok may be national security threat, FCC commissioner says
Troops and family members could be jeopardizing national security with their use of the TikTok video-sharing app, a U.S. regulator told lawmakers.
While the military services have banned the use of TikTok from government devices, troops and family members do use the app on personal devices.
“Column: Wealthy Californians “Just Stop Oil” campaign – popular in Europe; has anyone asked, say, Bangladesh?”
If you check the official BoM annual reports on Aust annual mean temps against theTime Series graph you’ll find that all temps from at least 2000 to 2017 have been adjusted up by 0.1 – 0.2C (ACORN2). Technically the data should have been reduced by that amount due to one-second response time for ethermometers. Senator Rennick seems to have the right idea.
“You’re Going To Get Robbed”
On ESG and retirement.
“Today, we issued a final rule that allows retirement plan investors to take climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into consideration when making investment decisions:”
“You will get screwed out of trillions of dollars over the coming years as a result of this and you are responsible for that screwing because you have and continue to permit this sort of rank corruption to take place without demanding it stop and backing up that demand with whatever is necessary to eliminate it.”
This goes with that as a lesson (IMO)
“The Truth About Thanksgiving ”
More on that
You could add to your map Brisbane 43.2 January 1940, Cairns 43C in 1923, Darwin 41C in 1892, Alice Springs 47C 1891 and Cape Leeuwin 42.8C in February 1933, the last site being one of the best measuring sites in Australia to not be affected by surrounding change. Temperature can never be accurately compared for meangingful analysis unless you adjust each site for area pressure, wind direction, surface the wind has moved over, humidity and the elevation of the site. This would also apply to temperatures recorded at altitude. Going back to your map of Australia, every high temperature recorded would have been caused by a hot wind from the inland on that day and it would mostly have been in summer when the sun was near it’s maximum point of travel south which is about 60 miles north of Alice Springs.
Some time ago there were reports of BOM changes to records around Bourke in 1910 or thereabouts and I checked and found that the wind was from the north west at Bourke and all the towns nearby when those high temperatures occurred. When the 42.8C was recorded at Cape Leeuwin on the 8th of February 1933 the day before the maximum was 26C and the day after it was 25C. We can be certain the wind was from the N.E. on the 8th of February blowing down from the great deserts in the W.A. inland. CO2 of course having nothing to do with it.
Bourke, Jan 39. Originally a 40.4C max mean now reduced to 39.8C mean. Had 17 days in a row of+40C – not any more. Every daily temp was changed.
This cartoon tickled me.
Who you gonna call?
Ghost Busters– well no looks more like a job for Mr Ed.Apparently Kendall Jenner (Khardashian “fame”) has “…revealed her horse is expecting a baby via surrogate.” Seems they have taken an embryo from her horse and plan to emplant it in a surrogate and artificially inseminate it with sperm from an olympic standard stud. Going to be very interesting when/if they then put the newborn with its biological mother (BM) who wont be able to suckle since it didn’t actually go throw the birth cycle.
This would be where Mr Ed comes in so he can explain to the BM that the foals is “hers”. Longer term I hope if the foal is a male they don’t paddock it with the mother just in case…
But then inc est IS a game the whole family can play and given how she cuts a cucumber absolutely everything makes sense as well as “great” television – not.
More Beyond Meat
“Beyond Meat factory riddled with mold, other dirty conditions: leaked documents”
“Cleaving Beginning? – Climate Change Policy Makes Europe Too Expensive for Low-Cost EV Manufacturing
November 24, 2022 | sundance | 108 Comments”
But Elbow knows that Oz is going to do it (/s)