The South Australian Health department must have known about the surge of young people with heart problems, but they did nothing. The only reason we have this data now is because Senator Antic filed an FOIA to get it and that’s a scandal in itself.
The pattern is very similar to the pattern of excess deaths in the UK, in Germany and in the US — yet the media (or worse, some doctors) can’t seem to figure it out. In the US in almost the same three month period of 2021 there was a a 200% increase in excess deaths in 35 to 45 year olds. In South Australia the number of cardiac presentations (not deaths) — rose from around 1200 a month to 2172 — a rise of 180%.
These cardiac events in 2021 were not caused by Covid.
South Australia makes a tidy control case. Unlike most other nations there were virtually no cases of Covid at all until after New Years Eve 2022. So the entire first and highest peak in cardiac problems occurred months before the virus even started circulating.

There were virtually no cases of Covid in South Australia until after New Year 2021. | Covid19data
Senator Alex Antic*:
Cardiac Presentations for 15 – 44 year olds in South Australia …almost doubled as the vaccines were rolled out.
They are harming and killing young people.
This injection campaign is going to go down as the greatest scandal in medical history and none of you said a thing.
*Posted by Senator Gerard Rennick
So many questions arise from this — when did the TGA, ATAGI and Federal Minister of Health become aware if this? Why didn’t they stop the vaccine rollout? The Premier and SA Minister of Health were forcing vaccine mandates on many people in this age group — isn’t data like this urgent and important so people have informed consent? If this data was available but withheld does that mean no one in South Australia (or anywhere else) could have given consent…?
Past posts on excess deaths:
- The strange pattern of deaths in the UK — where “unvaccinated” age-groups are more likely to die a few weeks after vaccinations peak in their age group. (Dec 2021)
- Mysterious excess deaths 40% above historical norms in 18 – 64 year olds: Life insurance companies paying out 160% more in 2021 (Jan 2021)
- The new killer called “Unknown Causes”in Alberta Canada
- Excess deaths rise in Germany too, peaking in the same months medical experiments peak
“yet the media (or worse, some doctors) can’t seem to figure it out.”
I would posit “most doctors”.
I was aware of this anecdotally as a medical practitioner, and also saw high numbers of musculoskeletal adverse events over that period, frequently easy to link to the jab, but with no obvious relationship to recent Covid infection.
There are none so blind as those that cannot see.
Even cardiologists are blind (and dead after a jab).
The Canadian doctor deaths is now at 90. See attached with a short interview.
Canadian doctors who live in Left wing provinces, are being forced RNA vaccinated over and over to keep their jobs. Those multi forced RNA vaccinators are dying from the side effects of the Wuhan-1 covid spike that are replicated and distributed in their bodies thanks to RNA bioweapon. The spike also cause infertility. The spike is ‘mandated’ to be distributed in young innocent children.
Omicron is roughly 40 times less deadly than the Wuhan-1 first release virus. There is no logical reason the vaccine now needs to produce Wuhan-1 spikes in any person’s body. The so called bivalent boosters provides negative protection against Omicron and causes deadly long term side effects. There is no medical reason to take the poison.
….Ninety Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout out of the dangerous and ineffective Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines,” according to the research of Dr. William Makis, MD.
…without any investigation by the organization saddled with protecting its physician members, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). Shockingly and to the contrary, the CMA has instead publicly stated on social media that Dr. Makis’ work is dangerous “disinformation” and ignored 2 open letters of concern with research findings from Dr. Makis. …. (William: Basic evidence that )
Where is their “Precautionary Principle”.
Seems it is selectively applied.
Fortunately my doctor, who is well awake here, actually gave informed consent to all who approached him wanting the vaxx. After he had done his session none took it (from him), but he lost a lot of patients as a result.
Then we have the practitioner who jabbed my uncle, severe adverse reaction to the first, and acknowledged it but would not report it. Then the booster killed my uncle. And this low life had a whole day from 8am to 6pm each week pushing them through at 5-6 an hour – a great earner for him, but catastrophic for his patients. He was aware of the issues, I made him very aware of it, but still pushed on, greed overwhelmed him instead of care for his patients.
He might be a good candidate to sue.
He can’t claim “he didn’t know”.
Small semantic point – your Dr doesn’t give consent, you do! The default position is they can’t perform any medical procedure without your consent. Their job is to INFORM you .. then its up to you whether you accept it.
Agree totally except for this.
It should be: “Will not see”. Not: “cannot see”. Indoctrination does not make you blind, it warps your perception so that contradictory (to your indoctrination) sensory data appears more difficult to notice and heed as it has an uncomfortable effect upon the indoctrinated. It seems almost Pavlovian, as I guess, it is meant to be.
Those who have endured yet failed to succumb to mass indoctrination are still very aware of its overhead black cloud and the barriers. Just ask any muslim apostate.
“Dr Baffled” sure is ubiquitous at the moment
This is Senator Antic not Rennick.
Senator Antic has been a shining light in Federal Parliament as, to my knowledge, the only politician who has called out the travesty of practically forcing people to be injected with a drug that is dangerous. He has been asking questions which no one wants to answer ever since the original over reaction to the Wuflu. Of course he has been ridiculed by the oh-so-wise infesting the parliament and the press. Like Canavan with energy, Joyce with dams Antic with vaccines the Coalition provide little support and the left are patently hostile in their rejection of what he has to say. The Chief Health Officer, The head of Health (that’s the guy who does not know what a woman is and took a month to find out when he could have just watched his wife taking a shower) ATAGI all decided that the CDC and Fauci must have known what they were talking about and followed their lead. Big mistake but now they cannot admit it. We now have the situation where we have millions of doses of a dangerous and proven useless vaccine and the government want people to have five doses. These people are criminally insane.
[Thank you! Fixed. Rennick posted all this material. They are both excellent men. – Jo]
Senator Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson have and they even held an enquiry that can be found an Malcolm’s web site.
Senators Hanson and Roberts both voted in favour of the Online Safety Act 2021 which will soon see sites like this one effectively banned, and your emails monitored for “compliance”.
Whether they gave their support because of foolishness or malice is irrelevant. The end result is still the same.
Just transfer to an Onion site
Brave browser has an automatic Tor function
A very good article.
It turns out the issue of “informed consent”, especially with regards to this very ironically-termed “injection campaign” by the Senator, is proving to be a very difficult beast to pin down and prosecute at law.
I highlight this recent paper:
Tracey Carver (9 Sep 2020), ‘Informed consent, Montgomery and the duty to discuss alternative treatments in England and Australia’, Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, vol 25(5), p.187-193.
“Irish boy, 14, dying three weeks after Covid-19 vaccine ‘of significant public concern’, inquest hears.”
“Fully Jabbed Pilot Dies Suddenly Shortly After Takeoff From Chicago Airport” just days ago.
“Our source and her colleagues at work had discretely discussed the total numbers of un-scheduled, emergency landings due to medical issues that involved un-consciousness as having been ~25-30+ per month since the beginning of 2022 vs. a total normal figure of ~1-2 per YEAR across all Spanish airports during pre-vax roll-out years.”
How long before we see a plane or bus crash, from a SADS incident?
No, that’s a rise of 80%, making it 180% of the previous tally.
Same problem, compounded by the fact that the expected value of excess deaths is zero. The denominator for the quoted percentage is really usual number of deaths.
It’s better to avoid percentages. They sound sciency, but often muddy the waters. The raw numbers tell the story.
Robert, Since the actuaries in the US used “200%”, it was only equivalent to use “180%” to show how similar the patterns are, though like you I wish people would say it in an unambiguous way which is why I included the numbers first.
You made the numbers consistent, but your wording made them wrong.
The actuaries were saying that it was 200% of normal, twice the normal level. That’s 100% above normal, but you called it “a 200% increase” which is quite wrong. If you have bother seeing that then you really should steer clear of percentages and go for the raw figures.
As I have mentioned before, be aware of the “pandemic amnesty” many of the guilty parties are starting to suggest should be granted to them.
They are subtly planting the seed of this amnesty, like all good propagandists. You will hear more and more of it as the truth becomes increasingly impossible to maintain, especially as the Leftists have been kicked out of Twitter ownership and it is now a free speech platform – for both sides.
The guilty don’t want to be prosecuted for their incompetence and/or greed and maliciousness. A lot of unworthy people made a lot of money, or enhanced their careers and political powers from the anti-science of the “vaccine”.
The guilty will say things like:
1) -“We didn’t know (about the dangers of the vaccine)”.
2) -“We were using the best available information at the time.”
3) -“It was an emergency.”
4) -“There were no alternatives.”
5) -“The vaccines were well tested, safe and effective.”
6) -Doctors and scientists who didn’t follow the official narrative about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines were either reprimanded, sacked/fired or in the case of doctors had their license to practice revoked.
7) -Despite early evidence for the efficacy of HCQ to treat covid if taken early and according to published protocols, and despite its known safety profile it was described as dangerous and ineffective. As per point 6) above proponents were cancelled. All this even BEFORE “vaccines” were available.
8) -Similarly for (7) but for IVM which also had an outstanding safety profile and was effective when administered according to published protocols but was said to be dangerous, and a “horse dewormer” etc.. Staggering ignorance by its opponents.
9) -In Australia the PM lied and said vaccine was not compulsory. In practice it was and everyone knew that.
10) -Lives, careers and businesses were destroyed.
11) -There were massive violations of human rights, and probably the worst examples were in the “glorious socialist banana republic” of Victoria, Australia. The frightening examples of police brutality are used in stock footage all over the world. It proved Australia wasn’t the free country most assumed it to be. The willingness of Australian police to “just follow orders” was terrifying.
None of the above were not true, unknown, and nor did they not apply at any time during the entire pandemic.
There can be no excuse for what was forced onto and into an innocent population. There must be consequences.
I am glad the guilty parties will have plenty of time to sweat and worry before prosecutions begin. We should constantly remind them of the harm that they caused and the likelihood of future prosecutions, at least assuming we ever get a rational, non-globalist government.
Example of request for amnesty, see:
“9) -In Australia the PM lied and said vaccine was not compulsory. In practice it was and everyone knew that.” — Absolutely!
This was highlighed recently by Senator Malcolm Roberts, but I would argue the States were all just as equally responsible:
[10 Nov 2022] Malcolm Roberts: The Federal Government was responsible for mandates, not the States
The response to Malcolm Roberts is pathetic and clueless. Thanks for posting.
For others, the video is only about 2 mins. Worth watching.
The question that Malcolm Roberts put to Dr Paul Kelly in the end was; “What was your role in the process which ended with vaccine mandates imposed by the States?”
Dr Kelly answered that he is the head of the AHPPC (Australian Health Protection Principle Committee)and that the AHPPC advised the National Cabinet on the Covid Pandemic response.
To determine any culpability it is necessary to know what that advice actually was and how the National Cabinet responded to that advice. It may take a Royal Commission to actually find out the answers to those questions.
It would be interesting to know if Dr Paul Kelly attended the “Event 201” conference in October 2019. It was hosted by the WEF and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Just to align my comment with what I said in response to Mike Jonas below, it will be almost impossible to prosecute public serpents, politicians and the drug companies.
But there will be other guilty parties, including those in the media who mocked anyone who questioned the narrative or refused to discuss or publish the scientific evidence of the dangers.
Lawyers need to find prosecutable guilty parties and “go for it”!
Why should it be impossible for the next-of-kin and other loved ones of the murdered , to initiate “attitude adjustment”?
Governments and their public serpent “agencies” do “extra-legal” things as a matter of procedure, ALL the time.
“Level playing fields”?, a “fair go”?, “gooses and ganders”?
BTW, has anybody tried tracking any marked changes in the occurrence of rapidly-developing “vision” issues” across Australia, or elsewhere?
What are the vision issues?
This is, thus far, “second-hand news”, stuff like rapid onset cataracts, macula “issues”, partially-detached retinas.
I am NOT an optometrist or opthamologist. Just “anecdotal whispers” at the moment.
Teenagers dropping dead at sports events seems like a more important problem, right now.
My wife’s uncle suffered a detached retina shortly after the vax but refused to believe tnere was a connection even after I sent him a list of academic papers suggesting a strong link.
Indemnity does not cover impropriety.
I see no way that the prohibition on early treatment can be found proper. No way! None!
And it wasn’t just governments issuing mandates. Many employers did, too.
They will be the first to find themselves “in the gun”. Private sector employers are the most vulnerable.
Video, 6.5 minutes, just released about 11 hrs ago:
“Comparison of Excess Deaths in Australia and Other OECD Countries”
No one in positions of authority and no Lamestream “journalists” have any clue or interest in investigating this “mystery”.
Which is strange, because much fewer numbers of deaths from any other non-natural causes are always investigated, even just a few people dead, let alone thousands.
Rowan Dean broke the news last night of Albanese signing up to an “agreement” at the G20 meeting, whereby a large part of Australia’s health system will become subject to WHO governance, particularly in relation to pandemic type viruses, vaccinations , digital vaccine passports & probably a lot more!
This sounds very similar to the attempt by PM Turnbull & Foreign Minister Julie Bishop wanting to hand Australia’s immigration policy & processes over to the UN.
In both cases I do not remember voting for any United Nations agency, nor considering handing my county’s sovereignty to the UN or any agency of the UN.!!!
Who the hell does this moron identifying as a Prime Minister think he is!!
When you only gain 32% of the vote and rely on a bunch of communists (Greens) to govern and the populace allow it then you feel you can do anything. That includes scrapping pre-election promises and adopting policies that were not announced pre-election. It also helps when the lamestream media think you are god incarnate.
PM Julia Gillard in the 2010 election campaign, prior to winning the election and introducing a carbon tax.
Mainstream politicians lie.
All the time. About everything.
Get used to it. It isn’t going to change.
Just this week I was told by a woman of her recent trip to the ER. She began having severe chest pains so she was taken to the ER. She said it was all okay, though, because the ER team diagnosed it was just a side effect to her recent covid shot, so she believed it wasn’t a real heart attack. Really? So what was it I was thinking? And why did the ER team make the link to covid shots? I doubt it was the first case they had seen.
BTW Dave, did you know that the Biden Maladministration is still prohibiting entry into the US of the unvaxxed, unless you are a US citizen or an illegal border crosser.
US President Joe Biden has signed a G20 Leaders’ Declaration pledging that America will introduce vaccine passports to “facilitate” international travel for its (jabbed) citizens
Paragraph 23 of the declaration explains that: “facilitating seamless international travel” in the future will require “trusted global digital health networks that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standard and digital COVID-19 certificates.”
Biden signed this tyrannical and unconstitutional declaration 19 months after White House COVID-19 Response Team leader Jeff Zients promised that no such policy will ever be implemented in America.
“Let me be clear that the government is not now, nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential. There’ll be no federal vaccination database, no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential,” he said.
That’s interesting.. S¢hωab jets into the G20 talk-fest, and next thing, one of his pet projects becomes U.S. policy.
I wonder on what grounds he was given a speaking slot?
Unfortunately, using the term ‘democracy’ for any Western country, at this point, shows the term is totally debased.
Kleptocracy is almost the right term. How about ‘Nomismocracy’ — ruled by money.
Actually, I’d like a term for ‘ruled by liars’ or ‘ruled by cheats’ or ‘ruled by sell-outs’.
Any Greek scholars out there?
I approached a legal firm that appeared to want to get involved in this vaccine disaster, but all they wanted to do was sue individual nurses and doctors for negligence. Not nice. I want a class action against the Australian government and Pfizer/Moderna, and the sooner the better.
I agree in most cases, doctors themselves were lied to.
But it’s a bit more complicated and will one day be taught in medical ethics classes if they ever bother to teach genuine traditional medical ethics in future.
Some doctors failed to apply the principles of evidence-based medicine and negligently or deliberately failed to investigate the evidence correctly or do their own research.
Plus doctors were threatened with deregistration if they did follow the actual science.
Some wiser doctors just didn’t administer the substance and referred patients to someone else like a government injecting centre. That’s the best they could legally do. They couldn’t even recommend against it, that would get them deregistered.
And except for a couple of very short windows of time, they couldn’t prescribe HCQ or IVM according to published protocols as the government criminalised that.
It’s an ethical and legal minefield, but one thing is certain. It is the politicians and health bureaucrats which are 100% guilty but such people are effectively immune from prosecution, and they know it. Plus, the purveyors of the deadly substance were granted immunity from prosecution for any harm they may cause, and did in fact cause.
When I expressed doubts about the “vaccine” and said I would wait some months for further information my doctor became quite agitated about the dangers of the virus. However he did indicate where I could get ivermectin paste (which he assured me was quite safe on the skin) but there were no stocks there and G.Hunt banned use.
Since then I’ve never thought of getting any of the possible “vaccines”, started using Vitamin D3 etc. and never had any symptoms of Covid at all. He has calmed down very much since.
Fortunately I am retired so couldn’t get “pressured” into being a lab rat.
Retired. And retiring.
Professor Robert Clancy had some excellent “in your face” essays published on Quadrant, including a headline “Black Day for Australian Medicine” when Ivermectin was banned.
He recently had another published, addressed “To the Class of ’65”.
Exquisite stuff.
God bless Professor Clancy.
As I understand things, medicine across Australia is now run by bureaucrats, not by medical people. These bureaucrats are making medical decisions that affect the citizens but which are for the benefit of the bureaucracy not of the citizens. They are even making those decisions mandatory and preventing anyone – including doctors – from even discussing them let alone opposing or appealing against them. Something has to change, or we all go under.
PS. Not just medicine.
My doctor asked me if I wanted the Jab. I asked him if he had it. He said he & his mother had, then volunteered that his wife, also a doctor, & his kids hadn’t. He also said he thought I should have the flu shot, but would leave the jab up to me.
He has risen a long way in my opinion.
Surely the immunity for the purveyors should only cover reasonably unforeseen adverse eventualities. These dangerous side effects were well known before the roll out, and the granting of immunity. This would mean that they knowingly inflicted injury and death, which should be treated as criminal behaviour, and have voided the immunities.
That’s my opinion also Muzza.
As I said elsewhere indemnity does not cover impropriety.
e.g. Lying, or concealing information.
“teach in medical ethics classes”
At the moment the Medical Schools are teaching medical students that humans with XX/XY/YY/YX chromosomes that they can be anything, and that men can get pregnant and women can grow sperm.
Years ago they used to teach the Real Medical Truth, but they are no longer teaching the Real Medical Truth, and once an institution slides away from Real Truth it never goes back to teaching the Real Truth.
Optional genders?
I keep hearing this, but I don’t believe it.
Who said it? The former health official confused by it didn’t say it. He didn’t say anything, and that’s where it gets its legs.
The primary blame rests with the journalists. They are the leaders of the push.
But the supposedly professional people I have seen promoting it were in my view trying to institutionalise paedophilia.
It was interesting that only after Ollie Wines (AFL player for Port Power) had some major heart problems that this subject actually broached in mainstream media. There was actually a discussion about this, not in a televised health debate, but on a footy show panel. This was also after Matthew Lloyd ( past player for Essendon and football commentator ) developed Bells Palsy. One commentator on that panel then went on to say how he had heard reports of very similar heart problems in a lot of people and that the ” wards were full of them”. COVID vaccines were definitely mentioned as possible causal agents.
This morning on 2GB Ben Fordam interviewed an 18 year old work experience girl who had severe post jab affects, pericarditis. She was ill for 6 months and here’s the kicker. She had to have the jab to sit her HSC (for those unfamiliar; the final high school exam the result of which can determine acceptance to university) but having succumbed to the experimental drug was unable to do so. She was given a mark based on her class work. Her treating heart specialist said he had had about 68 similar presentations this year.
Damning evidence. The good news is that after the peak the graph returns to close to previous levels. Perhaps that means that the effects of the injections wear off if you survive long enough. Or something.
The alternative hypothesis is that there are additional consequences that don’t become apparent until years later.
The safety trials are still in progress.
The jabbed are the guinea pigs.
One good thing is that most sensible people did the bare minimum by taking only two shots or none at all. That means most of the quadruple jabbed are ALP voters or support the left generally. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the greatest casualties were among those the elites wish to control and the “survivors” were the elite’s worst nightmare, conservatives who did not succumb to the politicians lies.
Apparently the mRNA jabs lose their “quality” if the vial is left out of the deep freeze quite quickly so the lucky ones are those who had came later in the administration of that particular vial. That might account for some discrepancy .
From the film ” Died Suddenly”
An amnesty? For the people who caused/cause all that misery? I am so angry at the evil being inflicted on so many and the f00ls who went along with it and those who demonised we who did do our homework.
Very good video Brenda. Thanks for posting.
Of all the state CHO’s in Australia the SA one (Nicola Spurrier) was probably the nuttiest. I think she was even nuttier than Chant in NSW and that’s saying something! Remember the pizza box and football infection saga and comments? I saw just recently she was re-instated, so has not suffered any consequences. Even if this CHO had been aware of these adverse vaccine stats, I’m sure she would have done nothing about it.
I did not know that Spurrier was stood down or whatever. Could you elaborate on that please Ross?
Sorry , reinstated was the wrong word. She was never stood down. I think the position was up for renewal, she applied and her tenure was renewed.
Thanks for clearing that up Ross. I tend to agree with you even though I’ve known her for a long time as an acquaintance through sport. Who knew she’d ever become notorious enough to be on a freedom rally “wanted” poster?
Brett Sutton in Vicdanistan was fairly clueless but like psychophath Dictator Dan Andrews, established a personality cult. You could even buy sheets, towels and other household wares with his image on them. See link below and many other sites.
I was prepared to buy Brett Sutton toilet paper but they never made that
Of the Ancient Romans with their own cults I would liken Sutton to Antinous and Andrews to Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus (Hadrian).
According to today’s HeraldSun on my dining table exit polls are indicating Cook will take the seat of Mulgrave from Andrews.
You mean ol’ Sluggo?
Cross reference
“Excess Deaths – About 15% but Varies By Country”
His financial muse concludes –
“So long funeral parlors, short life (and medical?) insurance companies… Got it….”
As alarming as this is, it is not even the whole story. To this problem of cardiac deaths among young fit people we should add the other ‘side effects’ such as cancers that were in remission suddenly sparking into life again, the emergence of a whole new category of ‘turbo cancers’ and thrombosis leading to strokes, seizures and pulmonary embolism.
But wait, there’s more. These deaths and disabling injuries, though staggeringly common (when one keeps in mind how low the threshold USED to be for vaccines to be declared unsafe) are only those we know about, added to which I have no doubt there are thousands more that go unreported.
But wait, there’s even more. Who here believes that the medical profession, recently revealed to be politicised and corrupted, are diligent and honest when reporting potential vaccine injuries? My belief is that many aren’t, which means even more go uninvestigated and unreported.
No serious inquiries will be conducted however, because the people who forced all of this on us are still in power and will not allow it, and their allies in the media will studiously look away. I fear the best we can hope for is for a South Africa-style Truth & Reconciliation Commission to be convened twenty or thirty years from now.
Informed consent cannot exist when this sort of thing keeps going on. The alleged vaccines (jabs) should have been pulled off the market ages ago. We the People have been consistently lied to on a massive scale.
They lie
We know that they are lying.
They know that we know that they are lying, but
They continue to lie
Sorry, but the level of cowardice slays me.
My father was a soldier, I grew up with a lot of soldier ethos.
Everyone can be afraid.
Not the issue.
It’s cowardice.
Especially sickening when displayed by privileged leadership.
I suppose they think their Reset will save them from the Reckoning.
They might be right.
Their smugness would seem to indicate such.
For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.
Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
It’s a continuation of a troubling trend that has emerged over the past year. As vaccination rates have increased and new variants appeared, the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been steadily rising. In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent, per our colleagues Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Cox told The Health 202.
Naturally, instead of admitting that they overstepped, the White House’s grand plan to combat the trend of vaccinated people dying is to, you guessed it, promote more boosters. Just get boosted again and again and again, they say, and you’ll be completely immune from the virus. To reiterate, that’s Jha’s words, not mine. Never mind that the fact that so many vaxxed and boosted people have already died completely disproves Jha’s assertion that the vaccines represent a perfect solution to COVID-19 deaths.
It would have been so simple to present the vaccines as a worthy preventative measure, highly recommended for specific, high-risk demographics. That would have preserved trust in our institutions instead of seeing that trust burned to the ground with false information meant to manipulate the public.
Instead, Fauci and his cohorts chose to tell the nation that infants needed the vaccines despite them being at no statistical risk. They ignored natural immunity for years without even a hint of humility once they were proven wrong. They have also continued to gloss over the fact that age and pre-existing conditions continue to drive COVID-19 deaths, vaccinated or not, in an effort to get multiple jabs into every arm, regardless of risk factors.
Moving back to the big picture, has anyone bothered to stop and ask why those who are boosted are dying at higher rates than those who only got the primary regime?
It is simply about high-risk demographics having a higher propensity to be boosted in the first place? I’m sure that’s part of it, but it should also be asked whether these continued boosting regimes are actually diminishing immunity in the long run. To actually study that, though, would violate the religious tenants of COVID-19, and we can’t have that.
Re Vaccines
– earlier this week, yet another fully vaccinated Grandson with heart palpitations – ECG, Bloods all worked out fine, but same occurred with his elder fully vaccinated brother, who also had heart palpitations earlier in the year.
Here is the official response from the CDC about the death safety signal being triggered in VAERS
I can’t believe it. The CDC actually replied when asked about the DEATH safety signal being triggered in VAERS. This just came in.
Steve Kirsch
The CDC blocks all my emails, so a doctor friend of mine sent in the question.
The question
This question was submitted to the CDC on October 11, 2022 1:54 PM (Pacific Time):
Is this true that the death safety signal in VAERS triggered and nobody at the CDC noticed as pointed out in this article.
If not, can you supply the correct calculation?
The CDC’s response (6 weeks later)
As you might expect, they side-stepped the question.
They said that since the calculation was done by a third party, they couldn’t comment on it.
But you can rest assured that the CDC is monitoring VAERS for safety signals!
Here is the official response that was received
The CDC says “trust us, if there was a safety problem, we’d let you know about it.”
It takes only minutes to do the calculation that the safety signal was triggered. Now we have a public record that they were notified it was triggered and chose not to look.
Similarly, so-called “truth tellers” including UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris and famous anti-vax debunker David Gorski both refuse to validate the calculation as well. I even offered monetary incentives to both of them and they turned it down. They didn’t want to look either.
My doctor friend who sent that note is now being investigated by the Medical Board of California (they are seeking to take away his license to practice medicine).
Similarly, no fact checker in the world is going to fact check this since it would destroy all remaining confidence in the CDC and the US government that they are protecting us. If you are a fact checker and you think I made a mistake, call me and let’s have a RECORDED chat about it instead of saying that you asked someone else and they thought it was false so you rated it false.
I’ve had multiple independent statisticians validate the calculation. The signal was triggered and we have an organization which is ignoring the safety signals, even when it is clearly pointed out to them.
When drugs had 50 deaths associated with their use , they were once “ black boxed” under FDA guidelines. But, the trouble is the FDA themselves will never do the initial investigations. They approved the drugs( vaccines) , so are not going to recall them. The applicant ( pharma company) either self reports or an independent group has to challenge safety and force the drug company into compliance. Same in Oz, no use thinking the TGA will action any enquiry, it’s not going to happen. There has to be some serious political coercion or legal challenge. So far, I can’t see that happening yet.
I’Ll be judge,
I’ll be jury,
Says cunning
Old Fury.
“The signal was triggered and we have an organization which is ignoring the safety signals, even when it is clearly pointed out to them.”
Not just ignoring the signals but also hiding and changing the data.
“Houston, The CDC Has a Problem (Part 2 of 3)”
They are relocating the cancer & heart problems in “the wrong or different Bins”.
Ie putting them in different groups so they don’t get counted for what they really are.
Meanwhile the only premier to approve the shooting of protesters appears to be about to be re-elected.
What does that say about some Australians?
Brainwashed or selfish (public serpents) I would say.
“New Years Eve 2022” in the text or “New Year 2021” on the x axis of the graph. I’m confused!
Queensland senator demands to know why WEF penetration of cabinets around the world hasn’t triggered a national security alert.
It’s clear to see the coordination of nations as they roll out The Great Reset.
You know the italian saying about a fish rotting from the head down.
Study finds number of Athletes who have ‘Died Suddenly’ has increased by 1700% since COVID Vaccination began
DIED SUDDENLY: Official figures show at least Three-Quarters of a Million People have “Died Suddenly” across just 20% of all Countries throughout 2022 & Official Government Reports prove COVID Vaccination is to blame
Dr Mike Yeadon On Depopulation, Ventilator/ Sedative Murders & SARS-CoV-2 Theory Being Wrong
It seems there is an updated lefty narrative. Apparently, correlation isn’t causation, unless it’s climate change. Their next step is toa survey a few left leaning doctors and come up with 97% that say the spike is not related to the untested vax, but just a strange unexplained random coincidence. Anyone that dares challenge the narrative is cancelled. We know how this works !!!
Vaccinated people now make up a “majority of covid deaths.” It is “no longer” a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.
Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
It’s a continuation of a troubling trend that has emerged over the past year. As vaccination rates have increased and new variants appeared, the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been steadily rising. In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent, per our colleagues Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating.
“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Cox told The Health 202.
MSM finally coming clean!?
Paywalled article, unless you turn off JS…
It never was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The vaxxes made no difference to if one could contract or spread the virus.
Hamlet act1 sc5.. Ghost– “Murder most foul” is an appropriate comment.
As far as I can see all this has been a test of, taking responsibility and doing due diligence + research, ability to hold the line saying no and general intelligence. A lot of people (the number of which we will never know) have not fared well in this test.
I know one person who has ongoing heart problems post injection, which was officially the vaxx, and another teen who had some heart problem to start with bit they wacked him up anyway and his heart went bonkers immediately. His cardiologist wasn’t too concerned, from the story I got anyway.
Extraordinary stuff.
I’m in my 70’s, I’ve had seven major ICU level strokes, five major ICU level heart attacks, two lots of major open heart surgery, my lungs are down to 37% capacity and under the prevailing guidelines at the time I wouldn’t have qualified for a vaxx exemption. The chances of anyone reasonably healthy getting one were absolutely zero.
Fortunately I have a GP more concerned about my survival than government dictates.
The medical community know there’s a problem and they have known so for a long time. My older brother had to have heart surgry about a year ago. His heart surgeon told him to not ever take a covid vaxx. And his heart surgeon said that these vaxxes are not safe for young, healthy, people either. The doc cautioned my brother’s daughter, in her 20’s and an RN, to not take the jabbs. She lost her job over sticking to that doctor’s advice.
Another brother’s son just entered med school last year. The school was requiring proof of vaxx for about a month, but then there was a quiet change of policy. They know there’s a problem.
Curiosity took me to search on thalidomide to see what raised the alarm then. I found this:
The thalidomide scandal stands as one of the worst ever medical disasters. The sedative, created in Germany in 1953 and marketed as a powerful antiemetic to pregnant women, led to 2000 deaths and to 10 000 children with birth defects, principally in Europe, Australasia, and Canada. In the United Kingdom alone 2000 “thalidomide babies” were born limbless, and many had other effects such as deafness and blindness, in the three years after the drugs was licensed for use in 1958. There were no cases in the United States because of stricter drug safety laws.
So why haven’t far more deaths this time raised official concerns?
For exactly the same reasons that thalidomide was such a disaster here, Hanrahan.
Australian politicians and the medical profession were still peddling the stuff here long after the problems had been recognised elsewhere – it was still being recommended and prescribed here well after it had been banned in the UK, the USA, and several other countries.
It is much the same story for thimerosol which is STILL used as preservative in our annual ‘flu shots despite being discontinued elsewhere for years now.
Australia, with its compliant politicians, medical profession and media, has long been the dumping ground for Big Pharma to peddle its profits. Just remember that our government had purchased 160 million doses of Covid “vax” before a single vial had arrived for any form of testing or evaluation.
Das gubermint is fully bought and paid for by the WEF, and das gubermint controlled and/or funded organisations like the TGA, police, Medical Board of Australia and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency just do as they’re ordered.
(The AMA is a private group so can be told where to go.)
[snip — check your email]
Let’s blame the Russians.
“rose from around 1200 a month to 2172 — a rise of 180%.”
Not trying to be picky here Jo but this is an increase of 972 so isn’t this an increase or rise of 81% not 180%.
The dangers of crossing the medical monopoly!
“You may recall the judgement against Alex Jones recently for almost a BILLION dollars. Ha! Chump change!
“A St. Louis chiropractor could face more than $500 billion in civil penalties through a federal lawsuit that alleges that he profited from selling vitamin D and zinc products in violation of the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act.” ”
Via Chiefio
Heaven help anyone who gets in the way of pfizers billions in extra profit for the faux vaxx rollout…
‘Pfizer has reported a 92% operational growth in revenue to $81.3bn for the full year 2021, compared with $41.7bn for the full year 2020’
I suspect there’s more to this than appears in the press reports.
As I read it he’s a chiropractor who was effictively prescibing medications (thet he sold).
Do chiropactors in the USA have authority to prescibe medications? And if so, where’s the line between them and the role of registered medical doctors?
Vitamin D and Zinc are not “prescribed medications”. They are common supplements sold at your local Coles and Woolies. The same applies in the United States.
OK. I accept that.
It seems that the chiropractor signed a consent agreement to not do what he subsequently did.
“In May, without admitting any of the FTC’s allegations, Nepute signed a consent order agreeing not to claim that his vitamin products would treat or cure COVID-19, that they had been proven to do so in studies or were equal to or better than vaccines.”
The winter boosters are being rolled out in the UK.
I asked myself if they had to mandate shots for a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate, what was it in those injections making it so critical? Why were State premiers so hysterical about getting the jab in every arm? The shots certainly didn’t stop the transmission. What ever it is, is the answer.
They are implementing the Dalek solution.
Looking at Australia as a whole, data from the Federal Government’s Covid web site revealed that there were 907 Covid deaths up to 28 October 2020. The reporting period commenced on 5th April 2020 with 34 death by that date. The main deaths took place during July, August, September 2020 with a peak of 59 deaths on 4th September 2020. No vaccine was available until about 21 February 2021.
From 28 October 2020 through until 11 July 2021, there were only 4 more Covid deaths throughout the whole of the Nation. Clearly there was no Covid pandemic at that time.
Data for the National vaccination numbers appeared on the Health Department web site on 07 April 2021 with a total to that date of 996,214 injections. Due to the marked differences in weekday and weekend numbers, the figures that follow are daily 7 day moving averages. On 11 April 2021 the vaccination rate was 51,870 per day. This climbed steadily to a maximum of 296,607 vaccinations on 20 September 2021 with the application of first and second vaccinations. Concurrently the Covid death rate rose from a 7 day average of 2 deaths per day on 6th August 2021 to a maximum of 15 deaths per day on 20th October.
Then followed a decline in vaccination rates to a minimum of 75,118 per day on 9th December 2021. Concurrently with this, the Covid death rate fell to a 7 day moving average of 5 deaths per day on 28 November 2021.
With the introduction of the 3rd, booster, vaccination, the rate rapidly rose to a 7 day moving average of 285,083 injections per day on 14th January 2022 and a Covid death rate of 88 deaths per day on 27 January 2022.
Thereafter the average vaccination rate fell to a minimum of 27,874 on 15th April 2022 before rising to a maximum of 92,626 injections on 15 July2022 after the advent of the 4th, booster, vaccination. Concurrently, the death rate fell to a minimum of 20 deaths per day on 13 March 2022 before rising continuously to a maximum of 95 deaths per day on 29 July 2022.
Conclusion, the vaccinations caused the Covid deaths as the later followed after the rise and fall of the injection rate. If not, it can be certain that the vaccinations did not stop the deaths as the greatest death rate occurred after the series of 4 vaccinations had been applied to the general population.
One of the things that drove the pandemic was pulse oximeters! They’ve been around for a very long time. Turns out, the medical world only recently discovered that they don’t work well in a lot of instances. Remember all the “happy hypoxics”? The people with horribly low blood-oxygen numbers who were talking and smiling and very conscious. Doctors were completely perplexed by them.
How many, I wonder, were rushed onto ventilators and didn’t survive the vents? What a crime! There should be a gigantic investigation of that, as well as what doctors are being taught in Med school these days.
… Many panelists and presenters were concerned that validation of the devices requires only small studies using a handful of healthy patients, few with dark skin, in carefully controlled lab studies that don’t correlate well to how the devices actually work in sick patients. …
Current FDA guidelines require studies of JUST 10 PATIENTS, of which two, or at least 15%, must be darkly pigmented. Such studies, many panel members said, may be too small to determine how well the devices work in people with darker skin.
“The sample size seems concerningly small for devices that affect the health of millions of patients,” said David Sterken, a hospitalist at the University of Wisconsin who spoke before the panel, which met virtually for eight hours.
The panel reviewed the MANY reasons pulse oximeters may not work as well in sick patients, including poor circulation caused by many medical conditions. …
Dr Mike Yeadon On Depopulation, Ventilator/ Sedative Murders & SARS-CoV-2 Theory Being Wrong