A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Question for Monday: Who owns the Reserve Bank of Australia?
Answer: The Commonwealth Government.
Question for today: Who owns the Commonwealth Government?
Malcolm Roberts
In Australia the Bank Robs You!
They seem to have taken the following song off of YouTube (in case you can find it):
Peter Hicks & Geoff Francis – Them Dirty Robbing Banks
They are socialists who live in Pelverata.
Watched the first three minutes: illuminating and depressing at the same time.
We think that we are in a democracy but as this speech helps to show, that’s not the case and we all need to get off our butts and rise to the challenge.
What I find so concerning is that the “leaders” who become part of the scheme think that they and their families will live in a wef/who/UNIPCCC/ABCCCC heaven now and forever.
Thanks to people like Jo and Malcolm Roberts for showing us the ugly problem: now we have to confront the evil beast.
The single biggest tool of oppression in the hands of our wannabe masters for the coming clampdown is the Online Safety Act 2021. It will be used to silence all dissent while protecting “approved” disinformation. This includes internet sites such as this one, TV, radio, email, phone calls and SMS/text.
Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hanson both voted in favour of this legislation.
When it comes to politicians always remember the Golden Rule –
Ignore what they say, look at what they do.
Hanson and Roberts certainly talk a good talk while they sell us out to tyrants.
Think you need to inform yourself. So if in your view they already have the powers, why are they introducing another, and why is One Nation opposing it.
Simplified outline of this Act
• There is to be an eSafety Commissioner.
• The functions of the Commissioner include:
(a) promoting online safety for Australians; and
(b) administering a complaints system for cyber‑bullying material targeted at an Australian child; and
(c) administering a complaints system for cyber‑abuse material targeted at an Australian adult; and
(d) administering a complaints and objections system for non‑consensual sharing of intimate images; and
(e) administering the online content scheme; and
(f) coordinating activities of Commonwealth Departments, authorities and agencies relating to online safety for Australians.
• The complaints system for cyber‑bullying material targeted at an Australian child includes the following components:
(a) the provider of a social media service, a relevant electronic service or a designated internet service may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the removal from the service of cyber‑bullying material targeted at an Australian child;
(b) a hosting service provider who hosts cyber‑bullying material targeted at an Australian child may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the provider to cease hosting the material;
(c) a person who posts cyber‑bullying material targeted at an Australian child may be given a notice (an end‑user notice) requiring the person to remove the material, refrain from posting cyber‑bullying material or apologise for posting the material.
• The complaints system for cyber‑abuse material targeted at an Australian adult includes the following components:
(a) the provider of a social media service, a relevant electronic service or a designated internet service may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the removal from the service of cyber‑abuse material targeted at an Australian adult;
(b) a person who posts cyber‑abuse material targeted at an Australian adult may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the person to remove the material;
(c) a hosting service provider who hosts cyber‑abuse material targeted at an Australian adult may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the provider to cease hosting the material.
• The complaints and objections system for non‑consensual sharing of intimate images includes the following components:
(a) a person who posts, or threatens to post, an intimate image may be liable to a civil penalty;
(b) the provider of a social media service, relevant electronic service or designated internet service may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the provider to remove an intimate image from the service;
(c) an end‑user of a social media service, relevant electronic service or designated internet service who posts an intimate image on the service may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the end‑user to remove the image from the service;
(d) a hosting service provider who hosts an intimate image may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the provider to cease hosting the image.
• The online content scheme includes the following components:
(a) the provider of a social media service, relevant electronic service or designated internet service may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the provider to remove certain material;
(b) a hosting service provider may be given a notice (a removal notice) requiring the provider to cease hosting certain material;
(c) the provider of an internet search engine service may be given a notice (a link deletion notice) requiring the provider to cease providing a link to certain material;
(d) the provider of an app distribution service may be given a notice (an app removal notice) requiring the provider to cease enabling end‑users to download an app that facilitates the posting of certain material on a social media service, relevant electronic service or designated internet service;
(e) bodies and associations that represent sections of the online industry may develop industry codes;
(f) the Commissioner may make an industry standard;
(g) the Commissioner may make service provider determinations regulating service providers in the online industry.
• The Minister may determine basic online safety expectations for social media services, relevant electronic services and designated internet services.
• An internet service provider may be requested or required to block access to:
(a) material that promotes abhorrent violent conduct; or
(b) material that incites abhorrent violent conduct; or
(c) material that instructs in abhorrent violent conduct; or
(d) material that depicts abhorrent violent conduct.
It’s a furphy, MP. A red herring. A distraction to hide the fact that they already have all the powers and more, in the legislation you have linked to – The Online Safety Act 2021.
To hide the fact that they actually supported the REAL legislation over two years ago.
Ms Julie Inman Grant was appointed as the eSafety Commissioner way back in 2015 by the Abbott Liberal Coalition government.
As I read that, I would vote for it. It’s about holding those that send out pics of their ex’s to degrade them, accountable, and I am fine with that. It does not prevent you expressing an opinion, nor passing on information differing from the experts.
The disinfo bill is about removing every person’s right to express an opinion, giving both elected and unelected self-declared experts sole right to express their opinion on your behalf. (gay marriage was the primer)
My understanding of these matters is it must be written into the act, as passed. Show me were in that bill it states what you are implying?
If the trash already had that power, they would be using it, not going through the motions.
There are half a dozen good people in power that I have faith in, they do not have any power to make change against the single major player/s, but they keep us informed and we can pass on the info.
There is always hope, without it there is no hope.
MP, the Online Safety Act is the second-most complex and comprehensive piece of legislation passed in my adult lifetime. It is 184 pages long, with over 300 Parts and more than 3,000 Sections.
And that is not the end of it. It has a companion Act, the Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021, which is another 84 pages. If you choose to think all that is to stop online bullying of kiddies then good luck to you.
But don’t take my word for it. Go check out the commission’s website – – or any of Ms Inman Grant’s many speeches at Davos and elsewhere, detailing her powers and what she intends doing with it.
Why hasn’t it happened yet? Obviously “they” are waiting for something, but I know not what.
Link to things Peter, I have looked for your 184 pages of whatever and can’t find it.
I know Grant is a WEF plant and can’t stomach listening to her. If you wish to point something out that you have read than link to it, instead of asking others to prove your point, for you
Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments, Workplace relations Your 84 pages that is not relivant to the topic.
As it stands I cannot find anything other than the document I linked too nothing on the Misinformation or Disinformation other than what relates to the link I provided.
If you are trying to make a point then please point to it instead of “go fetch”.
It’s your own bloody link in your own bloody post for chrissakes, MP.
Wrong Act. The transitional provisions are here –
I have posted the links to these bills at least eight or nine times in the last 12 months. It is getting very frustrating.
It’s your own bloody link in your own bloody post for chrissakes, MP.
And as I said, I would vote for that as I read it, nothing like the new proposed bill and nothing like you are promoting. One Nation helped pass this, and so they should. Where is the bad in this? another fair work, nothing about mis/dis and irrelevant.
We are in a time where stupid is the norm, we do need to protect stupid people from the stupid things they do. In my youth there was no digital camera or mobile phone, no worldwide instantly. Things are changing rapidly and people now need to be protected from themselves.
This is what PHON are against, along with every person I talk to. Totally different.
Harm to the health of Australians
“Misinformation that caused people to ingest or inject bleach products to treat a viral infection”. This is the crap they want to protect us against, disinfomation by Government and media. Legislating themselves and media to be allowed to push the Mis/Dis.
You want a free for all world.
Gatty Gee is deep in that sandpit Peter, I’ve requested if she can to help you out with WHY are they stalling.
Thanks, Will, but I’d rather see any exposure in Gatty’s name. I’ve had my fifteen minutes of fame, it’s time for some Young Bloods like Gatty and Monica Smit to take up the torch. But I will help in any way that I can.
My best guess at the moment is some kind of entirely faked, staged cybersecurity scam involving the banks which will close normal business activity for a couple of weeks but I’m just an old man guessing.
The ” neds” are organising a colour revolution in Indonesia atm, along with the capitulation of Australua via f-AUKUS.
Gatty a realised censorship was kicking in about a month ago.
Since the Ned’s have basically concoured Australia our investment in U.S “bombs” needs a pay day, so a slow marched into a reginal war he we come…
“Abhorrent violent content”. As we all know the left call any speech they disagree with “Violence”. Is this wording purposely vague so anything can come under it. Who decides what is violence.
The WEF!, the WEF!😄
Thursday’s teaser: who owns the WEF and Deepstate.
The answer is the big answer.😎
Epstein had a few clues
The same people who own just about everything else.
The Black Nobility. Specifically –
House of Bernadotte, Sweden
House of Bourbon, France
House of Braganza, Portugal
House of Grimaldi, Monaco
House of Guelph, Britain (the Windsors)
House of Habsburg, Austria
House of Hanover, Germany
House of Hohenzollern, Germany
House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)
House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
House of Nassau, Luxembourg
House of Oldenburg, Denmark
House of Orange, Netherlands
House of Savoy, Italy
House of Wettin, Belgium
House of Wittelsbach, Germany
House of Württemberg, Germany
House of Zogu, Albania
Interesting list.
The short book ‘The Great Taking’ by David Rogers Webb points in this direction.
See Maneco64: ‘How the Central Bankers Plan to Come After Your Assets’ at
And for the book itself, see, including free pdf.
Tom Luongo thinks the current interest rate increases in the USA are a strategy to bankrupt old European influences.
And back in the USSA. . .
The House Speaker has formally authorized an impeachment inquiry for The Big Guy. That gives the House all sorts of subpoena power, among other things. . .
“Today, I am directing our House committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe,” McCarthy announced in a statement at the Capitol Tuesday. “This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public.”
What are the chances that the “investigation” continues until at least November next year…?
Uh-oh, we’re gonna need some more Trump indictments pronto.
Yeah, does Jackboot Smith have any more indictments up his sleeve, though?
He might have underestimated how much dirt surrounding the Bidens he would be asked to cover for.
Cupboard getting bare?
Binghamton freshman given feminist climate book meant to ‘rapidly, radically reshape society’
Binghamton provided new students with editions of ‘All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis,’ which promotes feminist, climate activism.
The book is recommended by the school’s Common Read Experience program, which was launched in 2020 for students to ‘dig deeply into issues of racial inequality.’..
‘Too rock heavy,’ too ableist, too white: Geoscience students identify concerns in field
I was quite convinced that this was some of the finest satire penned in quite some time, particularly the link to the article where lesbians complain about the use of the term “dyke” in a geological context.
A cursory look around indicates I was wrong, but I could be wrong about that too.
Distinguishing satire from reality is a challenge these days. Thank god I will soon have a government department to do it for me.
“wrote Willa Rowan of Western Washington University in her August 2023 master’s thesis.”
Desperate for any topic as there are so many masters thesis put out each year.. I haven’t noticed BIPOCS taking to any science or hard maths careers, arty stuff and politics sure but not where things are or aren’t rather than a matter of opinion.
Electric vehicles constitute a tiny fraction of the national fleet, but they do appear to punch above their weight when it comes to catastrophic failures.
Note too, the few sentences taken to stress how unusual this supposedly is. The ABC never misses a chance at a bit of gaslighting.
Electric vehicles are the light at the end of the tunnel; unfortunately that light is from the fierce lithium fires from their batteries…
? Very odd situation at that Sydney airport battery fire..
The inevitable EV implosion
The firies reckon that EVs are less of a problem than e-scooters. That’s because the more risky EVs have self-immolated on the high seas in car cargo container craft.
Here we go again , another chance to blame climate change; Libyan flood disaster.
The real reasons are mentioned for now.
Basket case country, crumbling infrastructure and broken monitoring and management systems.
And according to
Triton (Neptune’s moon)
are all showing warming but the excuses are different. Apparently “Climate Scientists” cannot think of any common factor in the solar system.
Chin up, Graeme. Maybe they will see the light some day.
I asked my freind why the Sun had turned white, “it’s not white” where’s the evidence?
Of course it is always those very naughty SUVs on Earth that cause all this warming in the Solar System. It couldn’t possibly be that star at the heart of it all, dear me, no!
Rick Will pointed out a few days ago that a severe storm had developed in the Med, just south of Italy, which persisted for several days. He related that to increased sea surface temperatures.
Since the storm was adjacent to the coast of Libya it likely caused the flooding.
From yesterdays post, I think the main point is Dams collapsed, because water is the enemy of the Dam.
The convective storm that dumped water over southern Europe made it across the Med to Libya causing extensive flooding:
Ahmed Mismari, the spokesman for the Libyan National Army (LNA) that controls eastern Libya, said in a televised news conference that the disaster came after dams above Derna had collapsed, “sweeping whole neighbourhoods with their residents into the sea”.
Mismari put the number of missing at 5,000-6,000.
The is real climate change that is due to the moving peak sunlight. Nothing to do with CO2.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhlHN4A_kDcuvdIjE?e=hyAU9v
“Mysteriously, warming is happening across the solar system. The one common factor is at the center of it all: the sun. ”
“Europe shows the way to a new energy future– During the 41 days from August 1 to September 10 the European wind fleet had an average hourly output of 39.5 GW. Capacity is 255GW, so European wind had an average 15.5% capacity factor during that period.”
Cumulus Clouds are the Temperature Thermostat
“More Rending of Garments from “Academia” or Why…Why Won’t those Troglodytes Trust Us?”
“In the long tradition of Lewandowsky (who warrants an entire category listing on this site), Cook, Oreskes, and more, we have a new entry into the well-worn genre of trying to understand the uneducated knuckle dragging savages known colloquially as “Climate Deniers.”, and how to “communicate” with them.”
Covid and “The George Carlin Paradox”
Good for a giggle.
Fauci defends the covid shots.
Great to see comedians coming out of hiding to shake like a maraca the stupidity we are subjected to.
The terrible thing is the scenario presented here is so blatantly obvious, yet people are still beholden to the belief the masks and shots are saving them.
Wednesday entertainment: how not to jump start a car
And in true modern style, video the effects, don’t actually do anything to fix the problem. It probably will cost more than a new set of jumper leads. As has often been said “you can’t fix stupid”
You can but you’d be jailed. 😆
When you are dead you don’t know you’re dead. The pain is felt by others.
The same thing happens when you are stupid.
That’s good and now mine.
Posted at #14? Sorry
An awful lot of current flowing? Maybe knock a clamp off before the whole front of the car melts.
I was expecting a battery to explode, a lithium one would have, I suspect.
Once the leads started smoking, removing a clamp barehanded would have been painful.
Energy chief’s failed EV stunt draws mockery. Incident comes after Ford CEO calls EV road trip ‘challenging’
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Sunday drew mockery after her electric vehicle (EV) motorcade ran into charging complications, leading a family to call the police on the energy boss.
Granholm’s four-day road trip was a publicity event designed to promote EVs which she and the Biden administration have been aggressively marketing to the American public. The secretary’s caravan, which included a Cadillac Lyriq, a Ford F-150 and a Chevrolet Bolt, stopped at town halls throughout the trip.
The debacle came just weeks after Ford CEO Jim Farley called his own EV road trip a “reality check.” Farley found charging to be “pretty challenging” during his trip through several western states, Truth Press reported.
“Charging has been pretty challenging,” Farley said, explaining that at one stop it took 40 minutes to charge the truck’s battery to just 40 percent. “It was a really good reality check — the challenges of what our customers go through.”
EV chargers have drawn criticism for operating on the same fossil fuels EVs are crusading against. But even more criticism has been directed at EVs themselves, which are reportedly responsible for so many carbon emissions that they only become environmentally beneficial after driving tens of thousands of miles.
Volkswagen, for instance, revealed that its e-Golf needs to be driven 77,000 miles before it outperforms its fuel-powered counterparts in environmental impact. The number tops Volvo’s estimate in 2021 that EVs only become “climate-friendly” between 30,000 and 68,400 miles — or what typically amounts to between four to nine years overall.
According to Volvo’s figures, EVs are 70% more environmentally harmful than internal combustion engine (ICE) cars, largely due to their batteries. EV batteries require intensive cobalt and lithium mining, which are conducted in Africa and South America and cause significant greenhouse gas emissions.
The fantasy must go on!
An awful lot of current flowing? Maybe knock a clamp off before the whole front of the car melts.
Anyone know why Starlink is down – pretty much worldwide.
Did SpaceX jump start the new satellites launched this week?
Climate Scientist Boasts About Fudging Own Paper
yep – discussed widely and not sympathetically even by the other side and also here
CIA whistleblower alleges senior member bribed colleagues regarding COVID origin
Forensically uncovers the creation of covid19.
A classic.
Will Happer is touring Australia, hosing down alarmist propaganda.
Another book mention –
I’m reading Bill Bryson’s “The Body”.
If you’ve read any of his and liked the read then you’ll likely find it good.
And, on the strength of his wordsmithing on thalidomide and over medicining, I hope he’s exploring and taking detailed notes on the full covid saga on the way to another book.
Blog readers might be aware of the passing of Mick Ahern, among other things a notable on the Queensland political scene. One of his achievements was that he is likely to be the only Minister for Primary Industries with a degree in agricultural science.
So a wake was organised by two of that class and another ten turned up for the occasion. Much quiet discussion and catching up, as gaps in contact were numerous and sometimes long.
Catering was done by one of the university colleges. “The waiter, an engineering student, expressed admiration for the quality of the conversation saying it was of a higher order than anything he had ever heard at the university events he had been involved in. He said he didn’t even know the people in his undergraduate year!
He will never treasure a 60 year old friendship with classmates such as we have had.”
I guess we never imagined that “mere agies” would be notable for erudite conversation!
We all treasure the Bang Tail Muster.
Poorly organised!
Grog came late and was man-handled off the truck!
Rain poured!
Sunny Boys played!
Screen pulled down by the Sheilas to expose the urinal and all those standing there with a drink in one hand!
FFing Funny and good fun.
Well done the Aggies.
Russia’s Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack
In the overnight and morning hours of Wednesday (local time) a major attack has ensued on Russia’s key Black Sea naval port of Sevastopol. Multiple social media videos emerged showing massive blazes at the Sevastopol shipyard, with possible deaths, and at least 24 people being reported injured.
Initial and unconfirmed social media photographs show what appears to be a direct hit on one or more military vessels docked at the naval port.
The aftermath of the attack was captured from multiple angles, appearing to confirm significant damage to ships and port infrastructure.
An assault of this size is indeed likely more than just the work of drones; instead Ukraine probably utilized long-range missiles supplied from Western NATO partners.
The neocons are getting desperate and trying to force Putin to make the first strike on a NATO country.
Time’s running out fast and they’re upping the ante.
“Given the failing counteroffensive, it looks like Kiev is “going big” on attacks against Russian territory, in hopes of sparking a broader conflict that draws NATO in, which Ukraine likely sees as its only hope. ”
Poland is ready and willing, biggest army in NATO, 4% of GDP on war and weapons.
“According to the Russians, the ‘peacekeeping operation’ will be carried out by the armed forces of Romania and Poland in Western Ukraine. The goal is to create a security zone in several regions of the country. Romania, in the event of a “peace operation”, may occupy the territory of the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. Polish forces will expand into many areas of Western Ukraine, Warsaw will bring under its control all areas up to Kiev and Vinnytsia, such as Lviv, Ternopil, Zhytomyr, Volyn, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk and Khmelnytskyi.”…….
“The Russians are waiting for Warsaw after the ultimatums to Belarus regarding the withdrawal of Wagner, to complete the large-scale deployment of troops from the Suwalki Corridor and Lithuania to the border with Ukraine, along the border with Belarus.”
Blinkin largest visit along with Johnson and Bareback is resulted in a narrative that a ” freeze” on the conflict must happen. Hoping to pick it up after the U.S election.
Russia ignores narratives, however as said earlier the neo- cons have no reverse gear and
want a world war.
Millennials on the move.
‘Housing and jobs unlock the door to regional growth.
‘During the last census period regional Australia experienced a surge in net migration from capitals to the country, with Millennials in particular on the march.’ (Oz)
Since we moved to the country a couple of decades ago, I have often wondered why people with transportable skills don’t get out of the city (even though I was golden handcuffed there for a long time , so yeah I am not immune to hypocrisy).
I think Covid/work from home has moved peoples thinking, and also that has spread to the trades which are perpetually snowed under in the regions. Our son who was a city guy, is now happily working from home and buying a home a couple hundred klms out of Melb, which we never imagined we would see.
” I have often wondered why people with transportable skills don’t get out of the city”
Now that they are here in the country, I wish they’d rediscover why they lived in Sydney & move back! ..and take all their damm Teslas & Dodge Rams with them!
Just picking up on a few subtleties in the article here, but maybe this guy thinks EVs are actually not the future; at least with current technology.
Planetary physics 201: Earth’s temperature lecture
This livestream (Sept. 15, 2023, 8pm MDT) will be the first time in history where the entire temperature structure of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere (i.e., the troposphere) is explained all in one place, in one lecture. This has literally never happened before, anywhere, or in any university, although it easily could and should have.
Two day wait…
“Shocking Failures of Climate and Covid Science Highlighted by Critical New Report”
Farage wades into the voice vote.
Has been largely ignored by the UK media so far.
Life explained…
Wealthy Australian property developer Tim Gurner, with a net worth of $912 million, said-
““You know, tradies [Australian slang for tradesmen] have definitely pulled back on productivity,” Gurner said. “They have been paid a lot to do not too much in the last few years. And we need to see that change. I think the problem that we’ve had is that we have people who decided they didn’t really want to work so much anymore through Covid.
“We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around. We need to see unemployment rise, unemployment has to jump 40–50 percent. In my view, we need to see pain in the economy. I mean, there’s been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them as opposed to the other way around.
.. The governments around the world are trying to increase unemployment, to get that to some sort of normality, and we’re seeing it. I think every employer now is seeing it.”
“So much for government “of the people, by the people and for the people”
A few days ago, Tucker Carlson spoke at a rally in Michigan. He didn’t pull his punches. Here’s a five-minute excerpt that’s well worth your time.”
Links to a Rumble video
This is about power and governance.
The Voice changes everything.
It would be the biggest change to our Constitution—our nation’s rule-book—in Australian history.
Our long-held belief in the ‘fair go’ is at stake, as the Voice undermines equality before the law.
There is no detail on how it would work, how members of the Voice would be chosen, or how it would operate.
But the greatest risk posed by the Voice is the way it will permanently divide us as a nation and people.
Our democracy must be fair for all Australians.
But the Voice undermines our equality and our unity.
We will be a people divided.