A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Extraordinary start to Autumn/September in the UK. Central England mean temperature is running more than 6C above average. Close to/matched the daily envelope, Saturday was probably a new record. Seems that will be the peak though. If 91F 32.7C is the hottest day of the year, that in itself is unremarkable, especially for Heathrow.
Some of us see it as a natural variation of the weather.
Warmists now call it by the new term of “climate breakdown”.
The upside of the warm weather is that it will save people money on expensive “green” energy bills and also it will save them going to warm places for their holidays to escape the cold.
They were actually saying, “Climate Shakedown”.
The “climate shakedown” is referring to what’s happening in Australia. The robber barons are shaking down the serfs.
I think I’ve worked out how the UN guy has decided that the world is boiling…
As Mr GM points out, UK has experienced 91 which is pretty hot, and everyone knows sufficient maths to know that 91 is close to 100 when water boils, so we’re in great danger. What’s with those Fs and Cs? Shut up peasants…
And I guess they’d get a consensus of the IPCC delegates quite quickly .
Dave B
Our local Spring/September seems to be having trouble letting go of Winter also. Personally I think think the nominal months for the seasons are wrong in terms of real world experience and need to be slipped back a month. But that’s just me. Might just be a function of age and feeling the weather extremes more 🙂
DR David Evans, Jo’s better half, (tic) has been working on the one eighth shift for years now. Meaning the winter solstice is on the 21st June but the coldest part of winter is about 6 weeks later or 1/8 of the year later. Just as the hottest part of the day should be at noon but is usually more like 3 PM. The same in summer even in England which is experiencing hot weather a few months after the solstice. A theory that seems to be nconfirmed by observation and without the use of models.
Interesting. I’ve been commenting for a couple of years now that it seems the seasons have changed in my short/long life, seemingly moving forward a month (or should that be backward where February seems like the old January, the steady rain (WA) starting up in June instead of May). Not scientific of course; just an observed, right or wrong, apparent change. Of course memory can be tricky as age advances. Times are never so good as…. .
You know that these things have been explained for a long time now, don’t you?
We always called such a period of nice warm late summer/early autumn weather an ‘Indian summer’.
The US press has been making a big deal of Hurricane Lee. Lee, being a male, is unreliable and intends to head north — so it seems. Another disaster diverted because of more people driving electric autos.
Unrelated, there has been a serious earthquake in Morocco. This is an area most of us (well, me) do not think of regarding quakes. More to investigate, I guess.
The BBC has a map showing the location.
This is on the southwest end of the High Atlas Range.
Earthquakes in Morocco are relatively rare but do happen.
The earthquake was relatively shallow and therefore more damaging.
Also, due to a severe earthquake in 1960 building codes were revised but were mostly not followed hence the higher casualty rate than it otherwise would have been.
The earthquake was NOT caused by “climate change” as warmists will no doubt claim.
Why the earthquake in Morocco has caused so much damage
No, the amazing thing is the BBC blamed the sun’s cooling which is introducing the next ice age in 2050. I wondered what the journo was on that night??
Better read it now before the ‘fact checkers’ catch up with it.
I recall reading about the coming cooler times from the solar cycle people at one stage a few years back. The answer by the activist was, the increased [CO2}atm would continue and when the cycle changed again the World would continue to heat and the CO2 effect would be active over the cooling period. You can’t win! Not even the idea that a bit of extra warmth
according to the theory might actually be a welcome phenomenon. Starvation on a grand scale, 8B people now rather than 4B when starvation was considered in the 1970s, doesn’t seem to matter to these people at all, let alone the loss of adequate heating or cooling due to cost and inability to supply. This foetid ideology must be broken! Our political true believers never approach the subject of food shortages, and cold deaths! The world is sicker than when the religious ideologies ruled in the Dark Ages.
As the Holocene grinds down to its inevitable end, there should be a few hundred years of desertification before we slip into the abyss.
The abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere is a godsend.
What a nightmare for the people caught up in it.
US hurricanes are a virtuous circle really
People by EVs to stop hurricanes
Hurricanes douse EVs causing them to burst into flames
People by even more EVs to stop hurricanes
Surely the hurricanes will be self extinguished in due course
You know it makes sense
Hurricane Lee is a male so that means it’s insensitive and inconsiderate at the same time …..the only two things males can do at the same time.
Well Lee is also sometimes a female name. Oh, that’s Leigh… I think. Isn’t a his/her/it who can’t make their mind even more unpredictable? Oh dear, what will they do about naming hurricanes in this day and age? I’ll think all stop there…
“Unrelated, there has been a serious earthquake in Morocco. ”
That’ll be climate change related for sure, just wait.
Techtronic plate movement built the Atlas Mountains.
Politicians always have lots to say about wildfires, except when arson charges laid
This apocalyptic propaganda also fails to mention all the arson arrests.
Referring to the fires in Southern Greece.
Villagers in Evros believe migrants were responsible, perhaps trying to cook or stay warm. It is a claim also made by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
Some suggest an initial spark may have come from lightning.
Many believe that with a better government response the fire did not need to be as devastating.
Villagers in areas like Lefkimi tell me they feel forgotten, while environmentalists say the forest was left to become overgrown – increasing the amount of vegetation that could burn.
Even the enviros know that forest management is necessary to prevent devestating wildfires. Pity our genii don’t take heed. The site of the South Coast 2019 fires are back to a dangerous level with no management. Some of those victims are still living in sheds as the bureaucracy crawls on.
“Climate change” causes arson? LoL…
Journalists told to ‘trust’ climate science, call out the right
An initiative seeking to guide and coordinate climate coverage worldwide is telling journalists to frame the 2024 elections around climate policies.
Covering Climate Now (CCNow), an initiative co-founded in 2019 by the Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation in association with The Guardian and WNYC-FM, now includes more than 460 partners in 57 countries whose total audience is two billion people.
CCNow’s latest email warns “climate change is the biggest news story of our time” and that the 2024 elections in the US, UK, EU, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and elsewhere “will profoundly affect humanity’s chances of preserving a livable planet.”
“Journalists need to start thinking now about how to provide elections coverage that (1) is grounded in science, and (2) gives voters the information they need to cast ballots wisely. CCNow has best practices and other resources that can get you up to speed,” the organization warns.
This ‘best practices’ page includes “foundational facts” such as “Climate change is caused mostly by burning oil, gas and coal, and is driving more extreme heat waves, droughts, storms, and sea-level rise.”
Not mentioning this in a news piece leaves audiences “misinformed,” CCNow insists…
The G20 meeting must be stirring up best intentions
So many people flying in to the G20 summit, then deprecating CO2 emissions…
Check the source – its Canadian and they are in the grip of the dark side . More minions of the empire correcting disinformation . It’s for your own good……
Most certainly- we cant have climate hesitancy. Gotta keep that news cycle spinning.
To add to it, arsonists who are charged in courts of law never seem to have any sentences publicised. Or maybe they’re never sentenced or even found guilty of any offence or maybe they’re not really charged with an offence at all in case they reveal that they’ve been hired by some green fanatics OR ORGANISATIONS to start fires which are blamed on CLIMATE CHANGE / BOILING.
Never put anything to do with “ climate “ down to natural occurrence.
Here is a just-released video from Dr Philip McMillan interviewing an ICU doctor, Dr Fernando Valerio about what they did in Honduras to treat covid at the beginning of the pandemic.
The interview plus discussion of Honduras’ covid treatment protocol was heavily censored on social(ist) media at the time and even this interview has been heavily edited to avoid censorship today.
The doctor interviewed reduced the covid mortality rate in his country from 70% to 14% using “repurposed drugs” which are not allowed to be named on YouTube.
It is not clear why Honduras had such a high delta covid mortality rate.
Also see:
You can see in the above link that the repurposed drugs included (gasp) IVM and HCQ.
Just consider all those pimply-faced barely-literate Marxist “university graduates” in “intersectional feminism”, “queer theory” and similar nonsense employed as social media censors to enforce the Official Narrative who killed people because they undertook censorship of this and similar important medical and scientific information.
Dr Philip McMillan also warns and predicts that the worst of covid is yet to come.
Vaccination Makes Long-COVID Syndrome Worse and Last Longer
Lancet Paper Inadvertently Discloses Data on Vaccination Worsening Long-COVID Symptomatology
The medical literature is loaded with papers on long-COVID ignoring the fact the same patient groups have all been taking COVID-19 vaccines. In essence, there is a global coverup of vaccine injury syndromes as “long-COVID.”
They have to vaxx EVERYONE enough times to achieve their objective…
Are intelligent people more likely to get vaccinated? The association between COVID-19 vaccine adherence and cognitive profiles
Cohort study including vaccination data of 185,061 personnel, collected during 13 months of COVID-19 vaccination campaign, while a wide array of vaccination incentives were offered. The effect of demographic data (age, gender and socioeconomic status), military medical fitness – fit for combat service, administrative service, or unfit (volunteering), general intelligence score (GIS) and military social score (MSS) assessing social abilities, on vaccine adherence (allocating by IMOH guidelines) was examined.
Adherent (vs. nonadherent) personnel presented higher GIS (mean 5.68 ± 1.84 vs. 4.72 ± 1.91) and MSS (median 26 (IQR 23–29) vs. 24 (IQR 19–26)), p < 0.001 for both. Higher intelligence was the strongest predictor for vaccine adherence (OR = 5.38, 95 %CI 5.11–5.67, p < 0.001). The probability for vaccine adherence increased in association with escalating GIS scores, with highest GIS females more likely to adhere to vaccination than same-level males (OR = 5.66, 95 %CI 5.09–6.28 vs. OR = 3.69, 95 %CI 3.45–3.94, respectively, p < 0.001 for both).
The smarter you are, the more likely you are to take the shot. 😆😆😆😆
I’ve never noticed a strong correlation between IQ and sense.
“Safe and Effective”: Severe Hair Loss Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Reaction.
As COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to rise, both common and rare vaccine-related side effects are coming to light. Research indicates a growing number of cases worldwide reporting hair loss following the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.
Not me! A full head of hair when people 20 years younger are balding, and no steenkin’ vax is going to change that. 😁
I actually went bald,as a billiard ball at eighteen. Have never regretted it. All one side of my family enjoyed the same fate. In 1960 we had no coved vaccenes. But that was back when men were men.
Is their objective to destroy the immune system or simply to destroy? Much the same except one takes longer. Interesting the ones most likely to have taken multiple shots are lefties who believe whatever the gummint tells them so maybe there will be fewer sheeple when its all over. The other demographic to escape will be Africans generally plus South American Indians plus much of India. None of these people will be worried about climate.
Excellent Neil Oliver video:
“Fixing the mess we’re in, is going to hurt…”
In the UK, the push is on to make sure everyone has “smart” electricity meter, thus ensuring consumption can be monitored by Big Brother in real time plus supply can be disconnected by remote control.
Also, Net Zero is not based on scientific evidence.
Scientific fact is not established by “consensus”.
Jail and fines being threatened for non-compliance.
Many more topics raised.
Neil Oliver discusses:
Real Reason For SMART Meters Revealed in UK Government Energy Bill
The UK Government’s energy bill, which had its third reading this week, if passed, will give unprecedented powers to the state. The new bill has a raft of totalitarian powers ‘baked-in’ including the right of authorities to enter private dwellings by force to ensure that Net Zero rules aren’t being broken, and powers of arrest and imprisonment if they are.
If that wasn’t bad enough the bill also stipulates that SMART meters will become mandatory, letting slip the real reason they have been pushing them so hard; and it turns out that the conspiracy theorists were right again. Contained within the bill it states:
“Energy smart appliance means an appliance which is capable of adjusting the immediate or future flow of electricity into or out of itself or another application in response to a load control signal; and includes any software or other systems which enable or facilitate the adjustment to be made in response to the signal”.
Every SMART gadget in your home to be directly controlled by the Government.
Even more shockingly, experts reveal that the Government’s energy bill stipulates that any smart functions in your fridge, freezers, washing machine, or heat pump must also be enabled to allow them to be controlled by the national grid.
How many times have I said it’s about CONTROL ..
Haiti is the least covid vaxxed country and also has the least covid deaths.
A lot of Africa leaves experts puzzled also
Africa – the land that embraced the discovery by William Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura of the class of drugs called avermectins.
Here is an interesting pre covid 2015 article that highlights the lateral thinking that used to be part of science.
Of course the fact that “true science” knows Ivermectin is no good against covid contributes greatly to the puzzlement of the “experts”.
This is a reminder of a forensic analysis of the AEMO “Plan” to implement the suicide note that is net zero policy.
How this situation has been allowed to proceed this far is an astounding failure of political leadership and, quite frankly, common sense.
Furthermore, it is a plan to transition our country from a safe, independent, cost effective and reliable NEM to one that exposes us to almost complete dependency on China for equipment supply and the risk of cyber attack. One cannot imagine a worse outcome.
The competency of AEMO and CSIRO’s complicity in this fraud needs urgent investigation. An independent royal commission composed of technical and economic experts is needed to impose accountability. The scale of economic damage already being imposed on all Australians is immense and growing.
Meanwhile we are at the tipping point where the capacity of coal power has sunk to a point where further closures will trigger a power crisis every night when the wind is low.
On the topic of wind, what happened to the wind in WA this morning? 9MW at 7 Eastern time!
Apart from dependency on China for Nut Zero equipment, as part of China’s (and their slave army of useful idiots in the West) war against the West, they have likely put in back doors into equipment to disable it remotely as part of a cyber attack.
That’s why President Trump banned import of grid scale power transformers from China, a ban undone by the White House Resident Biden.
We have been planning to fail for some time . The media (and a lot of people who know better) are trying to polish that excrement . It’s going to get nasty when reality hits.
Tis disappointing to watch this slow motion train wreck reach its inevitable conclusion.
Littleproud of the National Party reiterated how committed he is to nett zero today. Another useful idiot of the right.
He is not of the Right, but an imposter, just like nearly everyone in the LNP these days.
Vote for conservative parties like:
United Australia Party
Liberal Democrats
One Nation
How the muppets can call this junk ‘sustainable’ is a joke when it’s anything but, when they have to replace it every 15 to 20 years for eternity.
When pristine countryside has to be bulldozed to make way for power lines, access roads for windmills, it is the opposite of ‘sustainable’.
‘How this situation has been allowed to proceed this far is an astounding failure of political leadership’.
The whole conglomerate involved so strongly in the enforced, non debatable ideology on Climate ie political, business, science, universities, education, media classes, etc are all in too deep now to try to get out. They have destroyed too much to have to answer for. They all rely on each other to save each other from attempting a reversal. It’s their everything, maybe even life itself in some quarters, at risk. They have no way out, even if they wanted it. Nations and people are being sacrificed in the name of their power chase and greed, let alone escaping culpability for what they have done.
Note. The asteroid was not attracted to earth by “climate change”.
You can watch Dinesh D’Souza’s 2020 film on the integrity, or lack thereof, of the 2020 US Presidential Elections free this weekend.
Sunday Diversion
The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)
The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican
[See video embedded]
“The group, headed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild….”
“Another admission by Rothschild at B20 should be noted as she suggests that Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” is one of the best representations of incentivizing climate controls.”
“A central bank digital currency (CDBC) is a crucial milestone in their progress toward this goal. Just imagine how much easier this will be when the 100 or so largest, most influential corporations in the world are on-board and enthusiastic about such a development…”
# # #
If you haven’t already done so, add that name to the global Pantheon (wannabe “gods of the people”)
What Do Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Pope Francis Have in Common? The Globalist Council for Inclusive Capitalism
We fixate, and rightly so, on organizations like the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization in our fight against globalism. But there’s another group that should be on our radar.
“When it comes to enacting the various evil machinations of these powers and principalities, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism is the tip of the spear. This is where the other group of globalists take the plans and put them into action. Among these globalists who are driving The Great Reset agenda are Pope Francis, the Rockefeller Foundation, and none other than group founder Lynn Forester de Rothschild.”
More woke nonsense and rank stupidity.
Woolworths liquor outlet BWS displays a sign stating that as a response to the Ukraine crisis Russian products are no longer sold.
I asked the staff if US, European and Australian products are also boycotted, seeing as we’re all contributing to the slaughter of Ukrainian men.
He replied that it is the height of idiocy especially considering the boycott doesn’t punish Russia, it only punishes BWS/Woolworths because BWS had already paid for all the Russian goods and he’d been instructed to pour it all down the drain!
Is there no end to the lunacy?
I haven’t gone to BWS for ages.
They’re way overpriced and their profit margins are like Woolies, as a staff member told me the dirt over a year ago.
Seems like they did it in 2022:
More braindead corporate managers with no idea of history or reality catering to wokeness.
How unusual. Not.
Any bottleshops margins are way ahead of a supermarket
Why is Ms Plibbersuk whining about not enough environmental flows for the Murray Darling when there are 48,000 ML a DAY flowing through the mouth, so much in fact that dredging the mouth has ceased because the flow is scouring the sand out of the channels.
To be fair Tanya doesn’t go west of Annandale so she can only go by what she is told.
We still have another 4 hrs before Sunday 7 on the left coast.
I will go to sleep now. Thanks
Dutton states they will stick with Net Zero. The guy gets worse everyday. Turnbull 2.0.
Great opportunity for the Nationals to end the coalition, but half of them are just as bad, so they won’t.
They are career politicians, we shouldn’t expect too much from them.
Dutton knows its a lost cause and only widespread blackouts will shake the electorate into action.
Conrad Black: Steven Guilbeault’s destructive crusade against Canadian prosperity
Canada’s minister of environment and climate change, Steven Guilbeault, has been an activist all of his conscient life.
He co-founded an organization that rejoiced in the name Action for Solidarity, Equity, Environment and Development. In 2001, when he was in his early 30s, he scaled the CN Tower like Spiderman to an altitude of 340 metres and unfurled a banner proclaiming “Canada and Bush — Climate Killers.”
He was the Quebec head of Greenpeace, which started out as an authentic conservationist organization but in its pacifistic militancy, conducted a long campaign of harassment against Western military forces in the Cold War. Greenpeace activists were forever climbing up the anchor chains of visiting American aircraft carriers.
We have the French to thank for finally effectively discouraging that sort of activity when French frogmen sank the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior as it attempted to obstruct French nuclear testing in French Polynesia in 1985. When New Zealand, which had been the base for the vessel, strenuously objected, France put a stop to that by threatening to ban the importation of New Zealand lamb from the European Economic Community…
Well… This didn’t end well.
Car manufacturers recording in-car activities
It is a disturbing fact that smartphones, laptop computers, Amazon’s always-listening “Alexa” devices, and various other “smart” tech creations often contain hidden technology that tracks users’ behavior and speech, but did you know that some automobile manufacturers are incorporating the same spying apparatus in their cars?
Vehicular computers have become so advanced that some car companies are tracking consumers’ “preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities and aptitudes” in order to sell that information to third parties.
In addition to tracking “predispositions,” some “smart” cars also track users’ “genetic information” and even “sexual activity.” If someone gets it on in the back seat, for instance, the peeping Tom car company now knows about all the steamy details.
One particularly creepy offender in this regard is Nissan. Mozilla, an organization that reviews products and services that in some way connect to the internet, took a closer look under the hood of Nissan’s privacy policy, which contains some seriously disturbing elements.
“We’re not going to mince words here: THEY STINK AT PRIVACY!” Mozilla said about Nissan. “They are probably the worst car company we reviewed and that says something because all car companies are really bad at privacy.”
Who knew that many people’s favorite whip for getting to and from work, the grocery store and the gym is a very large spy device, in many cases, that watches and listens to everything that is said and done in and around the vehicle.
According to the Privacy Policy page over at the Nissan website, the company collects user details about pretty much everything, including:
“Sensitive personal information, including driver’s license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geolocation, health diagnosis data and genetic information.”
By and large, the automobile industry is the worst offender when it comes to maintaining user and customer privacy, according to Mozilla. All 25 of the companies reviewed, including Nissan, made it into the dumpster category of the organization’s privacy rankings.
A shocking 84 percent of the brands looked at actively share and sell personal data collected from drivers..
Nissan sucks at making cars anyway.
As the world seems determined to start a major war in the Ukraine, maybe it’s time to sort out the Goodies from the Baddies.
Baddies #1
Baddies #2
Goodies #1
Got that in writing MV? I don’t waste my life watching YouBoobs..
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo warns Americans NOT to take latest COVID booster and claims there are ‘red flags’ over its safety
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ hand-picked surgeon general has warned against getting the new COVID-19 booster vaccine that is expected to receive approval in the coming days.
The state’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo made the claims at a press conference on Thursday, saying there was no evidence to support getting the shot and that there are ‘red flags’ about its safety.
The updated shots, which target an Omicron subvariant named XBB.1.5, are awaiting FDA approval on standards for safety, effectiveness and quality, and must then receive CDC sign-off, which could come as early as Tuesday.
“Take the shot!” 😁
Climate Protester Who Glued His Feet to the Floor Complains About Being Put in Psych Ward
(Well, if the shoe fits!)
Sunday entertainment
The holding capacity of wheelie bins:
Reserved parking for BMW’s:
Flame grilled American Retarde (Burger king, France):
I’ll pass on the food, I think:
John Cleese – stupid people:
Woke Goes Broke: ESG Fund Assets Drop $163 Billion
See ESG rebranding at #13.
Truth Telling?
The truth is the same as for the Maori. Like most of these tribes when someone brings a gun to a stone age implement fight, it is time to ask for the protection brought by the governance developed from similar experience elsewhere. Do you want to be shot and eaten or do you wish to keep your pants?
Authorities Use Water Cannons On Eco-Activists, Detain Nearly 2,400
Authorities in the Netherlands used water cannons to clear thousands of climate protesters blocking a highway in a Saturday act of protest, Reuters reported.
Eco-activists affiliated with Extinction Rebellion’s Netherlands arm, Greenpeace and other organizations took over a highway near The Hague to protest the Dutch government’s subsidies for the oil and gas industries, according to Reuters. In addition to using the water cannons to disperse the protesters, authorities detained around 2,400 protesters…
I like the “spray sewage on them” approach better.
Stops ’em dead in their tracks. 😆😆
Maffs for the future
Math disaster in college: Would-be STEM majors can’t add 1/2 + 1/3.
At Temple, the number of students placed into intermediate algebra, the equivalent of ninth-grade math, has nearly doubled, writes Binkley. It’s the lowest option for STEM majors.
In a softball quiz at the start of last year’s fall semester, students were asked to subtract eight from negative six, recalls Jessica Babcock. “I graded a whole bunch of papers in a row. No two papers had the same answer, and none of them were correct.”
“It’s not just that they’re unprepared, they’re almost damaged,” said Brian Rider, Temple’s math chair. “I hate to use that term, but they’re so behind.”
They can always go into polly-tics, or become a health expert or meteorologist…
I’ve never worked out all the US education terms, but I knew that stuff well before I went to high school.
Is “college entry” the same as “uni entry” here, ie grade 12?
Here ya go Han., common core maths intro:
Or “friendly numbers”:
China: if a ship has 26 sheep and 10 goats onboard, how old is the captain?
How the eff will children in the USA ever hold down any job of significance if this is how they do maths.
“Idiocracy” has now been surpassed.
Rote learning is like landfill: Both frowned upon, but both necessary.
No fair adding fractions! that is almost as hard as telling time with an analogue clock. Nobody is expecting Mensa questions in College.
Russian Elites Moving on Putin
Hey, I’m thinking of winding back my daily data collection for wind power.
I now have that daily data for just two weeks short of five years, 258 weeks now of daily data, so 1806 days.
What is obvious is that the all important Capacity Factor (CF) percentage just has not changed.
I used to go some pro wind sites and tell them that, and the most recent from them was that CF is just not important ….. umm, now that it just has not changed. At the end of year one, it was stuck at 30.4%, and now, almost five years later, that CF percentage after almost five years is 30.33%. During these five years, the highest it got to was just under 31%, and the lowest was just a tick higher than 28%, but that 30% figure just stays at that.
However, perhaps of more importance is the shorter term CF for the most recent 52 week, so just the latest yearly figure. At every one of those pro wind sites I visited and commented, they ALL told me that as newer plants came on line, then that CF would increase, some saying up as high as 40%, and that is actually mathematically impossible.
That HAS NOT happened at all. The current CF for the most recent 52 wees, as new plants have come on line, that CF percentage hasn’t changed much at all, and with the latest 52 week figure is 29.79% ….. LOWER than the five year figure by more than half a percentage point.
To further accentuate this, in those last five year the Nameplate for wind has increased from 5310MW to the Nameplate now of 10,277MW, so it has almost doubled, and that percentage difference has hardly budged at all.
So, after five years now, I, umm, think I might have made my point.
However, I keep thinking that as soon as I stop, I’ll begin hearing (you know, anecdotal) reports that wind has finally turned the corner and is now around that 40% figure.
So, I’m thinking that the time might has just arrived to stop doing it.
A quick thank you Tony for this and all the other valuable info over these past fifteen years here at Jo’s. There aren’t too many of us old timers left from the days of Climategate. A couple of songs from those days for the newbies.
Hide the Decline
I’m a Climate Scientist.
Have they done, I am the very model of a modern climate scientist yet?
Thankfull to Andrew.F – a climate historian who in 2005 after listening to my dismay from viewing ” an inconvenient truth’ – pointed me towards this blog.
OT Peter.S when can we expect the release of your autobiography?
Don’t hold your breath Will. The most significant thing I did in my life was marry an angel, and now that she’s gone I’d prefer to keep those happy memories to myself.
Compared to my 42 years with Marilyn the rest of my story is just a boring page filler.
There used to be a commenter on one blog (WUWT?) who used the moniker ‘Heidi Deklein’ at the time of Climategate. Do you remember?
I thankyou for your hard work and hours you’ve put in Tonyfromoz , South Australia the poster child for the renewable industry proves that this social engineering experiment just does not work in grid scale . I’ve seen that state max out its diesel generation at around 18% of the total supply on days of no wind and no sun . The renewable dream is just that a dream but even worse will become a nightmare.
Tony you have just proved that we have reached max terminal wind power, and every added windmill slows the wind down for all the others so no extra efficiency can ever be generated!
Well done!
Thank you Tony.
Now the multi-billion dollar question is: how many windmills do you need to power the grid 24x7x365?
And supplemental question – what capacity of batteries is required to store surplus wind and then feed power back into the grid when the wind isn’t blowing?
In the last 30 days, the lowest day for wind power was Sept 2 when wind delivered just an average 860 MW from a capacity of 10,280 MW, and the highest day was Sept 8 when wind delivered 6,450 MW. And for 3 consecutive days, average output 1,100 MW.
Average for the month 3,100 MW for a CF of 30.1%.
The idea of increasing productivity from wind turbines was said about the off-shore wind being developed in the North Sea.
Certainly the newer (& larger) turbines showed an increase in CF initially, but the rush into new installations has stalled because there is NO MONEY in them, hence the lack of bidders in the recent AR5 round in the UK (and disinterest in the USA, Germany and Sweden).
Apart from the increase in the capital and installation costs, there is the rapid loss of CF as the turbines age. Thus 1-2MW turbines seem (with proper maintenance) to maintain output at about 30-35CF. 3-4MW turbines are OK (around 40% CF) for around 5 years, then steadily decline
until about 11 years then are below 1-2MW; 5-6MW units start about 45% CF but this drops below 30% CF in 9 years. The very big turbines (7 to 8MW) start around 45% CF but this drops below 40% in 5 years and further as it goes. NETT ZERO Watch.
You will recall that Siemens made a huge loss last year due to problems with turbine blades.
It will be “interesting” to see if Bowen’s Magic off-shore wind is ever installed.
For those who think renewables are “cheap” here are the latest ‘Strike’ Prices in the AR5 round in the UK
Geothermal 160 for 12MW i.e. $A 312
Tidal stream 266 for 53MW i.e. $A 519
Onshore wind 70 for 1,704MW i.e. $A 137
Solar 63 for 1,928MW i.e. $A123
Offshore wind No bidders (160) i.e. $A 312
I have adjusted the Strike price (which is in 2012 terms with inflation increases but recalculated them in 2023 prices along with the Australian equivalent. Meanwhile the poor aged Closed Cycle plants, struggling with intermittent production (up to 68% of total generation at times) costs £114 or $A222.3 but half that is Carbon Tax.
Tony, many thanks for all your informative contributions here, stemming from your amazing efforts to keep track of all the shenanigans relating to ‘ruinables’ and the wreckage of the grid.
I think geography helps.
But I also think that the total amount generated and sent to the grid for each wind farm (WA has some small ones over 30% that evade reporting) should be on a publicly accessible web site. With the heading for each site the installed nominal capacity.
We need access to the raw data to prove the true stories.
Certainly AEMO has the aggregate data so must have the details
Climate zealots like Al Gore, et al, must rely on the bogus concept of the Earth’s average temperature.
Just thinking that Farnham’s song “That’s Freedom” is an almost perfect counterpoint to The Voice.
Australia: Dymocks Booksellers suffers data breach impacting 836k customers
Dymocks Booksellers is warning customers their personal information was exposed in a data breach after the company’s database was shared on hacking forums.
Dymocks is a bookstore chain operating 65 stores in Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, and also an online shop that sells printed books, e-books, stationery supplies, games, and digital media.
The company was informed that its customer data was stolen on September 6th, 2023, by Troy Hunt, the creator of the data breach notification service ‘Have I Been Pwned’ (HIBP), after a threat actor released it on a hacking forum.
In a notice posted to Dymocks’ website, the book retailer explains that they see no evidence of penetration on its computer systems, and they’re currently investigating a potential security breach on third-party partners.
As such, how the data was obtained, the duration of unauthorized access, the extent of malicious activity, and the exact scope of the impact of this incident remain unclear.
Australia started as a free range prison and it looks like it will end that way as well. (Credit G.P.)
It’s alarming that despite his lies, incompetence and dictatorial tendencies, so many of the Sheeple still love Dictator Dan (of Vicdanistan).
One doesn’t have to confine themselves to Vicdanistan to find flocks of sheeple, David. There are a significant number of regulars here who have convinced themselves that everything was wine and roses in Oz until May 2022 when a Labor govt got elected.
The same “conservative” regulars now fervently believe that everything will be alright again if people are just wise enough to re-elect a Dutton led Lib-Nat coalition again.
Sometimes it gets depressing reading the comments here.
Despite the cynicism and apathy,
please everyone help to promote a tsunami of membership into the major political parties change the base change policy and become the machine.
Google with reveal membership number’s.
Take a look folks.
Sorry Will, but are you really so naive you think that hasn’t already been tried, several times.
Join a major party, pay them membership fee, toe party line or get expelled – no refunds.
Ohh, a tsunami hasn’t occurred memberships are minuscule.
So I respect you know it’s been tried I didn’t realise.
Oh well thanks to the fAUKUS deal I could tender a pemimcan supply to
What you mean Will is that it hasn’t happened recently, in the relatively short time you have been interested in the subject.
You also have no idea how the party machines work now. Try your scheme in the Liberals these days and they will simply make the voting membership fee $5,000 a year. The Nats would limit membership to those owning at least 3,000 acres of producing agricultural land. Labor would make it a condition to be a member of an affiliated trade union in fulltime work.
None of the major parties actually need paying memberships to survive financially anymore.
The nationals “front of house” phone receptionist grilled me over my motivation, definitely not welcoming, this disturbed me he eventually hung up. I had the feeling membership was a racket, and your dissection of the real situation seems very prudent.
Gatty Gee in tassie is doing a superhuman job of kicking the premier’s arse.
If Gatty is the young lady I read about the other day exposing pedo coverups and now planning to run as an Independent Senator in Tassie, then yes.
David the dictator Dan has done more damage to Victoria than all the past Premiers combined , trouble is when you look at the alternative in Victoriastan they are further to the left than the dictator.
Just wondering how soon AI is used to rob banks? First in best dressed!
Considering that MasterCard and other phone apps are pushing for facial recognition to access accounts instead of passwords, I suspect it won’t be long.
The bi-monthly Multivariate El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index (MEI.v2) is the time series of the leading combined Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) of five different variables (sea level pressure (SLP), sea surface temperature (SST), zonal and meridional components of the surface wind, and outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)) over the tropical Pacific basin (30°S-30°N and 100°E-70°W).
Unnaturalness in the evolution process of the SARS-CoV-2 variants and the possibility of deliberate natural selection
Preprint only
I have been asked to respond to my “cancellation” on the most recent thread. True at times I can be childish and inappropriate and so this happens.
I didn’t watch the video but as a youngster I accompanied my grandmother fishing at the local harbour and helped her unhook her catches.
Many fish, besides the eels, were slippery and hard to get a grip on but if you could grip them at the gills it helped.
The was in response to Annie at
Reminds me of an old song, You’re Just Too Good to be True.
Was it Frankie?
I can’t remember KK, was never a follower of most pop songs, but the title certainly rings true of VR and I had the same early reaction to Tony Blair and Obama; didn’t trust either of them an inch.
Another comment from Annie,
, and from MP
Seems he’s a reformed manipulator.
But honest, he will be totally trustworthy as a politician.
Was Frankie Valli
Yes 🙂
Well, Frankie did do a famous recording of it , but..
The Original recording 30 years before 1936 by the Benny Goodman Trio featuring Helen Ward on the vocal.
I looked and couldn’t find it. There was one about pulling wool over my eyes ?
Politicians and those in the shadows of political parties… what would we do without them?
“Anti-Zionist” Australian Politician Amanda Fazio Unmasks Herself As An Antisemite