A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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And today’s touch of warmth in Texas is a mere 43 c (or 110 F) with bright sunshine and low wind.
Turn those wind mills (snicker).
>”touch of warmth in Texas…43 C”
Big fizz over World’s “hottest day” but on July 6 at peak global average of 17.23 NH was 21.93, 4.7 more.
20 days later NH reached peak 22.62, 5.39 more.
Latest Aug 17 is 22.23, still 5.0 more.
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
Austin forecast is 40 / 25 °C, 32.5 average, 15.27 more than global hottest.
WMO is missing a big screeching boiling melting opportunity to make headlines again.
43 C in several places:
Wichita Falls
Fort Worth
Wichita Falls
Weather in Texas
Must be a tipping point.
All them nice places in Texas. Perfect weather for sunbathing!
(I’m being tongue-in-cheek. This a normal heat pattern for Texas. I’ve been here when it’s 45 C – multiple times. . .)
>”WMO is missing a big screeching boiling melting opportunity to make headlines again”
They will never get another chance like 2023 when a large Antarctic spike coincided with the NH summer and global average peak month. It takes a very rare occurrence for that to happen
A larger Antarctic spike occurred Jul 12 2001 but the largest occurred Aug 25 1996. By end of Aug the global average is well past peak so no “hottest day” record.
To see the driver that skews the global average the most, look to the Antarctic. Then to the Tropics.
There was also a spike in 1911.
El G
If it had occurred continent-wide in 2023 that 1911 spike in Austral summer (local only) would not produce a hottest day record.
It has to occur in Boreal summer which coincides with the global average peak.
Paper says:
That was local. The continent-wide Aug 25 1996 anomaly was 10.12 so the although the anomalies are about the same the areas are vastly different.
Here I was thinking that the average world temperature was around 14.2C. What goes?
Glen >”Here I was thinking that the average world temperature was around 14.2C. What goes?”
17.23 was the global average for ONE day in peak NH summer/peak annual global month.
For one decade, 2013 – 2023.42 Global Mean: 14.4 C
>on July 6 at peak global average of 17.23 NH was 21.93, 4.7 more
Same day SH was 12.62, 4.61 less.
No-one in SH actually experienced the “hottest day”.
SH hottest day was Feb 6 2003: 17.08
2023 SH only reached 16.84 on Feb 12, 20 years later.
So much for man-made climate “change”.
I would have to sit on my wood burner to get to 43C here Melbourne, Australia. Outside has climb to 13C from low single digit this morning.
Only 9C here Rick, in Nth Central Vic. It’s been drizzling all morning too, on top of already sodden ground…yuk.
Wind Turbines?
inspired by those who have decided to identify as a cat or a dinosaur to their peers, I have decided to self identify as a wind turbine. With lots of grants available to me this should be a very profitable transition, although I am not looking forward to the annual servicing of my blades. You can buy my book “So you think you want to be a wind turbine-your questions answered” for only $19..99 including post and packing, sent under plain cover.
Frequently asked questions include;
“Does believing you are a wind turbine actually make you a wind turbine?”
“What will I do with all the grants I will get?”
“Is being a wind turbine more socially acceptable than becoming a solar panel?
“Are you completely mad?”
Get rich, get modern, be green-become a wind turbine!
Now why didn’t I think of that?
I will identify as a solar array.
I get to bask in the sun all day, but that’s making light of the situation.
I’ll get bigger and stronger. It won’t happen overnight but it will happen.
I’ll donate some panels. I don’t always install panels for free but this one’s on the house.
I asked my wind turbine friend what his favourite type of music was and he said “heavy metal”.
/GI safe humour
I’ve got the “wind” aspect sorted, now to become a turbine.
Quite rightly our betters believe they can do things that mere plebs shouldn’t be allowed to. If you are a senior Green then the skys the limit for CO2 emissions
Like NZ’s parliamentary plane, always breaking down. I’ll bet Putin’s doesn’t!
Comments are good in there-
“I seem to remember that one of the reasons why Ursula Von der Leyen was moved on by Mutti from her role as defence minister was because she couldn’t keep Mutti’s Luftwaffe operated executive transport in the air long enough for Mutti to go anywhere. But they had very nice crèche facilities.”
..and a random one-
“”Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, England’s former deputy chief medical officer who became one face of the government Covid pandemic response, has taken a job as senior medical consultant at vaccine giant Moderna.
The move is likely to prompt fresh consideration of the “revolving door” for prominent government figures who move into business roles.”
According to our media The Matildas got a record TV audience of 11 million for their recent match with England.
I can’t say I have heard anyone in the public places even mention it here in the UK but presumably there will be many millions watching the Final here on Sunday. Which means it should be nice and quiet for a visit to the beach
According to our media it was The Greatest Event Of All Time. They have forgotten Ian Thorpe twice climbing over the field in the last 15 metres of a relay.
I went to bed early myself and slept through it. Soccer was never my favourite football, although the girls play a much better game than the boys. At least they look like they are trying.
I never had the opportunity to play it myself, but my idea of the best football game is Aussie Rules. A mad scramble, a bit like the backblocks Rugby we used to play except they don’t stop the game for a knock on.
I much prefer cricket and would be unlikely to watch the Mens world cup either. It will be interesting to see if, with fame and fortune, the women become primadonas like the men and start fouling and swearing.
I can tell cricket stories too. In the most exciting game I played in we lost by one run, The grass was long and the ball didn’t roll far. We batted first, I at number 10 and number 9 was a recognised batsman. We were all out for 23 runs. They were last man in for 22. Our wicketkeeper came up to the stumps, missed the ball and it went for 2 byes. Then we got him.
WE declared the match on the first innings and retired early to the Ulan Pub.
I’m not the only one that remembers that match, over 50 years ago.
At the modern international level our captain has gone woke. He will soon discover where his obscene pay cheques came from.
Most Australians are obsessed with sport but happily sit by and watch as their country goes down the gurgler (Aussie expression for drain, not the US meaning of the word).
Play sport in your youth and you can talk about it for the rest of your life.
‘Let’s go Robert L. Peters’
Of course, it hasn’t been verified, like officially or anything … I suppose the NYT might verify it in 3 to 5 years.
Still no smoking gun.
I mean, there’s a gun and and 911 call to Dad … plus photos.
But no smoke … certainly not here …
Smoke is verification.
All the kids got was a big green nothingberger.
Montana climate decision no big deal
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Much ado is being made from the supposed win of a kid’s climate lawsuit in Montana. The alarmists call it a victory, the skeptics a tragedy, but it is neither. What was won is almost funny, while the big ask was in fact denied. The climate kids won a little, but lost a lot.
On the win side the judge merely ruled that the Montana law forbidding consideration of GHG emissions in permitting was unconstitutional. How it is considered is up to the agency or legislature. This need not slow down or stop any project.”
Lots of detail in the article.
Poor, brainwashed kids.
And Montana is a reliably Republican state. How much worse is the brainwashing in blue states?
Maybe the oil and gas companies should just say sorry and stop supplying their products to Montana.
Aa part of the woke decivilisation and deindustrialisation process Australia is starting shutting down the natural gas supply, starting in Vicdanistan with a ban on the gas supply to new residential developments.
So cooking will have to be with electricity which many people who cook regard as inferior for stove tops.
Anticipating the time when Australia bans natural gas for all residences in the country, does anyone know how much electricity would be needed to replace all cooking presently done with gas with electricity?
Similarly, for homes currently heated with gas or that use gas-heated hot water?
With Australia continuing to shut down power stations, where is the electricity going to come from?
On a slight tangent, but a Li-ion induction cooktop designed for camping has been developed with a few hours of runtime. That’s quite interesting and useful but the price will be a few $k.
I think I can live my life without one.
I hope you like your steak well done.
Should be a winner for those that like their steak ‘well done’ when the battery self immolates.
Don’t forget to make a submission concerning the Left’s beloved proposed Australian Government censorship bill.
You have until tomorrow, 20th August.
Even a short few lines of text will do, no harder than a blog post. Or do a more substantial one. I did two, a 20 page one and a supplemental 2 page one.
And remember, when next you vote, this bill was initiated under the previous Morrison Regime (Liberal Party, pretend consetvatives).
Yes, they are indeed a Uniparty with the other faction being socialist/communist Green/Labor.
In future, support United Australia Party, Liberal Democrats and One Nation. Dump the Uniparty
Some people say to me that voting for a small conservative party like United Australia Party, Liberal Democrats or One Nation instead of Liberals (pretend conservatives) is a waste.
The argument is that Liberals are better than Green Labor. Perhaps, but the difference is imperceptable, they are just different factions of the Uniparty and pretty much on the same page with covid and future plandemics and both support the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Indeed, the bad covid policies were initiated under the Morrison Regime and it was John Howard that allowed non-dispatchable generators to pollute the grid.
We need to support the minor conservative parties. It will be a slow process getting more into parliament but they are the only ones that ask the hard questions, and there is now no hope of reforming the Liberals. There is simply no point voting for them.
Remember it was WEF past employee and loyalist, the “Health” Minister Greg Hunt under the Morrison Regime that banned HCQ even before a covid “vaccine” was available and later banned IVM, for example.
Senator Malcolm Roberts, weekly roundup. He does a live stream every Friday this one is from Rockhampton airport.
Bit slow but he explains all the green dreams were first introduced by the Lib/Nats and Labor are just following through with the agenda. These censorship laws were first introduced by the Lib/Nats
It is difficult to assess Australia’s PM’s but I was contemptuous of all of them. The real shockers were Rudd, Gillard and Turnball. Howard introduced gun bans (only drove them underground) which started me and many others to ridicule him as “little johnny”, but we were supporters of JO for PM anyway. Morrison had no balls apologising for this and for that. A complete embarassment all round. Collectively they are a bad smell – except maybe Abbott.
Albanese is catching up fast, he might already have overtaken most of those you mention, Glen
new video from John Campbell:
‘Moderna paid 400 million to NIH’
in the USA:
6 months through 5 years: 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccines are still recommended.
Link at
They really are making Australians freeze in the dark.
The Uniparty are shutting down our electricity and gas energy supply but at the same time calling for a ban (via Their ABC and The Conversation, among others) on wood heaters.
Also see:
Health issues from wood smoke have been talked about for decades with the inevitable bleating from the msm.
I remember 20 years ago a doctor customer of mine who did extensive research into it and published it, but alas I no longer have it.
We have 2 gas bbq’s, a large wood bbq and a big campfire “pit” for around 12 people, way out of town.
There’s nothing like woodfire cooked crispy jacket spuds with yummy toppings!😁
Journals Atmosphere Volume 14 Issue 8 10.3390/atmos14081244
Comparison of Recently Proposed Causes of Climate Change
by Stuart A. Harris
Department of Geography, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
Atmosphere 2023, 14(8), 1244;
Received: 28 June 2023 / Revised: 25 July 2023 / Accepted: 27 July 2023 / Published: 3 August 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Climatology)
From the Abstract:
This paper compares the ideas contained in the main papers published on climate change since World War II to arrive at a suggested consensus of our present knowledge regarding climatic changes and their causes. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is only suggested as a cause in one theory, which, despite its wide acceptance by Politicians, the media, and the Public, ignores the findings in other studies, including the ideas found in the Milankovitch Cycles. It also does not explain the well-known NASA map of the changes between the global 1951–1978 and the 2010–2019 mean annual temperatures. The other theories by Oceanographers, Earth scientists, and Geographers fit together to indicate that the variations in climate are the result of differential solar heating of the Earth, resulting in a series of processes redistributing the heat to produce a more uniform range of climates around the surface of the Earth. Key factors are the shape of the Earth and the Milankovitch Cycles, the distribution of land and water bodies, the differences between heating land and water, ocean currents and gateways, air masses, and hurricanes. Low atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during cold events could result in too little of this gas to support photosynthesis in plants, resulting in the extermination of most life on Earth as we know it. etc…
Good find. I haven’t yet read it in detail but it looks good.
The only minor point I disagree with is their use of the term “consensus”. We hear from the Left all the time about “consensus science” and Leftists think that scientific fact is established by consensus which of course is not true.
However, consensus is how science is accepted in theories and models, the general acceptance of an idea that has no proof.
The only time you can overturn it is when you have a reproducible experiment that refutes it. That doesn’t happen these days when we are ‘sciencing’ such big systems that we can’t experiment with them. The damage was done with that ridiculous ‘97% of scientists agree humans are causing global warming’.
I think the problem was caused by pushing everyone into university and offering easy subjects like politics and communication instead of keeping University for science education. I’ll bet we have relatively fewer physicists compared to arts graduates than we used to.
My feeling is that that paper would benefit from a good proof reading.
A couple of errors I noted, from a quick skim:
In 4. Probable Changes in Landscapes over the Next 11.5 ka
At Population Changes, first para: –
“Neanderthal man had become extinct in Europe by c.1200 B.C., so the population figures for the succeeding centuries refer to Homo sapiens (Figure 7). The striking feature is the enormous growth in numbers since the end of World War II. According to the UN, this is expected to increase to 11–15 million people by the end of this century if nothing interferes too seriously. ”
[My bold]
Neanderthal man was extinct some 30,000 years ago, more or less. Certainly no survival into the Bronze or Iron Age.
Current population is – per – about 8,055 million.
Other estimates are available – but something like eight billion [not million].
And I noted a suggestion that the Sun would become a ‘Red Star’ in c.5 million years.
Surely circa [very circa] 5 Billion – with a ‘B’ – years?
Doesn’t fill me with great confidence – based on a very brief skim – though the science may hold up better than the numbers.
In Scamistan (Victoria) the Victorian Dictator Dan Andrews likes to use tax payer money and borrowed money to give away “free stuff” and there are lots of companies happily involved in doing this for him and no doubt making a lot of money.
One of the free things is offering a service to install stick-on rubber door seals.
I know two people who have partaken of this “service” and the contractors were hopeless. In one case the owner told them to leave half way through the job and he removed whatever they did, in the other case all the seals are falling off.
You don’t need any qualifications to do such work but basic home handyman knowledge would be a start, which clearly the contractors do not have!
Why would anyone want a stick on rubber door seal?
Australians have traditionally had access to relatively cheap energy and also the climate is milder than Europe or North America so houses have tended to be poorly insulated and sealed.
Now, thanks to Government anti-energy policies, energy is expensive and more attention is paid to insulating homes and sealing air gaps around windows and doors. This was never an issue in Europe and North America as houses always tended to be well sealed and insulated.
Thanks, noted.
Beware of sealing the houses too well; condensation can occur, and mould, too.
And there is a risk of ‘sick building syndrome’ – which, IIRC, is related to ‘stale air’ …
Doubtless I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong!
There is no logic to Leftist “thinking” but if there were, I would be wondering why they revere that instrument of female oppression, the burkha.
Welcome to “ElBowen’s” world of “NutZero”
Pity it didn’t catch fire and explode while they were driving it…
“Emperor Murdoch Going Bananas – President Trump Will Interview with Tucker Carlson During GOPe Debate
August 18, 2023 | Sundance | 317 Comments”
One Nations latest video. The box tickers.
Much as I admire her, I’m afraid Pauline’s got the wrong end of the nulla nulla on this particular issue.
The box-tickers are the ones who’ve got the right idea, we should all follow their example.
We can’t right historical wrongs by castigating and punishing the descendants of, or those who resemble the historical purported villains, and splashing cash at those who resemble or claim to be descendants of those believed to be historically wronged.
We don’t punish the children, grandchildren, or distant cousins of murderers rapists or bank robbers.
That would not be justice.
That would not be a fair society.
If some people can claim social advantage by having a minuscule fraction of descent from a particular family then, in an unjust society, we should restore equity by all claiming that same privilege.
If we give a privilege to some impoverished or disadvantaged but not others in the same circumstances purely by virtue of descent that’s heinous. But that’s what we’re doing.
Welfare and other social benefits should be distributed to the poor, remote, and disadvantaged regardless of DNA, race, accident of birth, ethnicity, or family background.
How to get the point across to those who will not see? How to force equality for all?
If we all tick the box then we’ll all be equal before the law.
Either that or we cease being a racist nation, change the laws, and apply our humane sentiments and actions to all who deserve them, not just protected species, so to speak, as it were, ipso facto, ergo sum. Amen.
An interesting read on “free speech”
” “A bad day for a federal government lawyer. “What was pooh-poohed as conspiracy theory even a year ago is now a cat hair away from being addressed, and potentially proscribed, by the country’s highest court.” ”
Re investing in “green”
“No, Its Not JUST Real Estate”
An invitation to help make a list –
“Lower than B-movies – how about Z-movies?”
I’m not sure if The Giant Spider Invasion (1975) qualifies as a B or a Z movie.
After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas.
Some stats on the underrepresented and repressed.
So, bluntly we already give twice as much to any aboriginal as to anyone else, although I’d love to know just how much of that $43k gets straight into the pockets of each and every one of them. The wife & I get along on $25k a year, so they are doing pretty damm well, I can’t see why anyone would complain about them being poor.
I doubt it is evenly spread. As always some are more equal than others.
Here is an independent film called the Jones Plantation. It is $10 US but may open a few eye’s.
Watch the lower link for a idea of the film.
Some slaves don’t wear chains
The origanal animation (15mins)
Comment from a review.
As you will realize after watching it, you have NEVER seen a film like this before. One reason for this is that the film speaks a truth that lies outside the spectrum of acceptability of the ideologically-constrained Hollywood system. This is why a project like this could only come from an independent producer, with total freedom to say what had to be said.
‘Climate child abuse must stop
‘The catastrophism and clickbaits of climate change hysteria is calculated, community child abuse.’ (Chris Kenny/Oz)
This is an excellent article.
Now we can see who has jammed their snouts in the trough-
“Business rejects Coalition fight against ‘reckless’ renewables rollout-
Business leaders and the nation’s three biggest energy companies will not back the Coalition’s push for the Albanese government to abandon its 2030 clean energy target as David Littleproud and Peter Dutton attack the rollout of wind and solar across the country.”
They’ve positioned themselves to make millions from going with unreliables, they don’t want things to go back to being cheap and efficient. Their customers? Oh, who give a shit about them?
De-dollarisation discussions at BRICS meeting.
‘The association of five major emerging national economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – represents 8.3 per cent of the global economy and accounts for 41.9 per cent of people on Earth. Bloc representatives will meet in South Africa from Tuesday to Thursday.’ (SCMP)
‘Big Win’: UK Government Will Force Banks to Keep Cash Available to Public
The government will set unlimited fines for banks that fail to protect access to cash, the Treasury said, in a major move against the march towards a cashless society campaigner Nigel Farage has called a “big win”.
Banks in the United Kingdom will have to provide free-to-access cash withdrawals and deposits within one mile of a person’s home in urban areas and within three miles in rural areas according to new laws and rules being rolled out by the government to protect cash. Yet some pro-cash campaigners point out the change doesn’t go far enough, as retailers are still perfectly entitled to refuse to accept cash as payment.
The announcement comes after months of campaigning against the encroaching cashless society and debanking being led by Brexit’s Nigel Farage, and was announced just hours after Farage and co-signatories delivered a petition to the government demanding cash be protected for decades to come.
Among the new rules are provisions for both people who want to be able to access cash locally to them, and for businesses so they can easily deposit the cash they take from the public with their bank, both intended to keep cash as convenient as possible.
The powers, which are backed up by potentially massive fines to be imposed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) would also prevent banks from closing local branches unless some provision for cash access was arranged for in their place. Bank branch closures have been a major feature of the past decade, moving from a world where most British big banks had a branch in every sizable town to one where long travel to undertake basic banking has become the norm for many, alongside a push towards digital by the banks themselves.
And a big middle finger to the big banks.
An important thought on over reaction (IMO)
“If we anti-establishment folks finally do win, and I think we will, is there a danger of over-reaction? Imagine President Trump winning the 2024 election against all odds, somehow navigating 753 criminal charges from 16 blue states. His first act would be to pardon himself of all the federal charges, but the state charges would survive. Then President Trump might ask an enraged red Congress to indefinitely suspend Habeas Corpus, so that he could deal effectively with the state charges, and lock up all the criminals who orchestrated this heinous coup.
By the time we get to that point, a lot of people — including your author — might be furious enough to think suspending Habeas Corpus is a perfectly wonderful idea. And that, folks, could be the last hill on the greasy plume to ending our Constitutional Republic.
I don’t have any suggestions for you. I don’t want to change anything except winning faster. And don’t get me wrong, we must win this war. It is a civilizational imperative. But the risk of overreaction might be something to think about as we are getting there.”
Other things in that too
‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”
Nine days ago, Oliver Anthony’s gritty coal country ballad “Rich Men North Of Richmond” was published on YouTube. The song has become the blue-collar political anthem for millions of Americans ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.
On Thursday, Anthony revealed his real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. He said the viral response to the song blew him away and only anticipated it would get hundreds of thousands of views, not millions. As of Friday, the song ranks number one on iTunes.
It’s obviously striking a chord with the miserable masses.
There’s nothing special about me. I’m not a good musician, I’m not a very good person. I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it’s in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.
He concludes with:
That being said, I HATE the way the Internet has divided all of us. The Internet is a parasite, that infects the minds of humans and has their way with them. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.
People understand and relate as they’re going through the same sh#t and are damn sick of it and of those making their lives worse.
Yet another wakeup call for the pollies.
It’s almost September…
100% of ‘Died Suddenly’ Autopsy Cases Causally Connected to the COVID Vaccine, According to Review
Doctors Peter McCullough, Roger Hodkinson, Aseem Malhotra, and William Makis co-authored a study titled Autopsy Proven Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis with Nicolas Hulscher from the University of Michigan. “We have now proof-positive in autopsies in cases like this: 100% of the time, it is fatal, vaccine-induced myocarditis,” Dr. McCullough declared. Their research confirmed that in autopsy cases where vaccine-induced myocarditis was included as a possible cause of death, 100% of the time, it was causally related to the vaccine.
TURBO CANCER – Nurses are developing advanced (usually Stage 4) turbo cancers after being forced into taking COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
How will the increasingly sick medical sector be able to treat themselves let alone the tidal waves of vaxxed as it all goes ballistic next year?
Saturday entertainment: Dating? You might want to skip this one
Saturday satire: climate change matches
Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson 1962: ‘He Who Controls the Weather Controls the World’
A satellite doesn’t have the power, but a satellite array…
Armstrong: massive civil unrest coming
Direct video link:
Brace yourselves for the inevitable.
Pollies won’t save us because they caused this.
SDA just posted this
“Inside Gorbachev’s USSR (1990)”
For comparison this is from a couple of days ago
“Stunningly Low Prices – A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket
August 17, 2023 | Sundance | 61 Comments”
The trans-indoctrination of young children
The kids need to be permanently removed from “parents” like that.
How can anyone with a brain believe a child that age has the slightest clue.
Explaing the US hurricane season, Los Angeles is not immune. Some say its unprecedented, but I seriously doubt that.
A lot of news reports mention 1939.
Tony Heller also mentioned a 1978 event. Hurricane headed towards Southern Cali but turned into a rain depression.
“Texans Asked to Cut Electricity Use, As Wind Power Drops Off”
“Re-tribalising Australia”
Thankyou Ian. The Solomon Asch experiments were fascinating- If you put one subject person in a room with seven actors who are all paid to agree that something obviously false is true, the non-actor will agree with the consensus due to unmentioned peer pressure on an average of 60% of the times.
However, if only one other person said the rubbish was rubbish, the subjects that agreed with the consensus fell to 5%.
Turning the herd is why irascible, non-conforming, don’t-give-a-damm old farts are so important, and so hated by those in power.