Only two men were central to the Green policy stranglehold that cripples Germany today, and one has just been sacked. But look at how easy it was for foreign interests and activists to influence bizarrely suicidal national policies, and how they used the age old art of nepotism.
A vast foreign-funded climate cabal with a death grip on policy is currently fighting hard to crash the Federal Republic of Germany with no survivors
The international press has maintained near-total silence on the escalating insanity of what is happening in Germany. Media outlets that routinely celebrate German progress towards energy transition don’t want you to know that Europe’s dominant industrial power has entered a deeply destructive political and administrative spiral from which it may never recover. The fault lies with the self-defeating and unworkable energy policies that have a death grip not merely on the Scholz government, but on the entire administrative state.
Germany leads the way in the big green experiment
At one point last winter 12% of the entire Germany GDP was being consumed in the energy crisis. Factories are leaving Germany because energy prices are unbearable, but defying all reason, Germany has just closed its last nuclear power plants and is trying to ban gas and oil heating at home too which will only drive up demand for electricity at a time when electricity is hard to find. Germans burned so much wood last winter at times they ran out, and now their government wants to ban wood stoves too.
Eugyppius explained a couple of weeks ago how a Der Speigel article (surprisingly) revealed that two key political players installed their Green friends in positions of power. And just this week comes the news that one of those men has just been forced to resign due to the same nepotism that was a core part of the climate-cabal plan.
Today, Der Spiegel (of all magazines) published a lengthy piece on the origins, funding and rise to power of the “Eco Network” currently controlling German energy policy, and I want to discuss it in detail, because it is so revealing about so many things.

Patrick Graichen, Germany.
Patrick Graichen was a top state secretary in charge of energy and climate issues until news broke out that he picked his best man to head up the German energy agency and everyone felt that was very suspicious. Especially when it turned out his brother and sister both work for another think-tank that gets money from the Ministry. His sister is also married to another state secretary.
But the trouble in Germany began ten years ago with the Green politician Rainer Baake — who became known as Mr Energiewende himself (the man who created the “Energy Transformation”.) He’s the one who first appointed green technocrats in every corner of the German deep state. By the time German voters picked a centre right party in 2018, the Green momentum wrapped around them and just kept moving.
Baake also founded the most powerful green think-tank in Germany — and appointed his protege Patrick Graichen to head it. See how this works? The think-tank was his springboard into the highest levels of German government, and this think-tank was funded in part by American philanthropists.
As the old-guard industry-friendly civil servants in the German bureaucracy began to retire, Baake filled their posts with Green technocrats wherever possible, such that when control of the Ministry passed to the centre-right CDU in 2018, the damage was done. The institutional momentum had already shifted towards climate change and begun to gather strength under its own power
During his five-year tenure as state secretary, Baake appointed Graichen to head the Agora think-tank, which began churning out policy papers, sponsoring Green scientific research, and gathering an ever-growing crowd of loyal advocates and technocrats. This paid off: [As Der Speigel says, Graichen’s name was used all through the German parliament].
Three easy steps to create a climate fixation in Parliament

Rainer Baake (Staatssekretär für Energie, BMWi, Berlin), Foto
It’s a three-step process. 1) Activists and regime-approved scientists identify and make noise about looming problems, and then 2) think tanks write pages and pages of legislative and regulatory solutions for them. All of this happens largely out of sight, until 3) politicians respond to the demand stirred up the activist arm, and having no real expertise or understanding of anything themselves, they have no choice but to enact the proposals that people like Graichen feed them.
Here, then, is the explanation for Robert Habeck’s stubborn idiocy since last Fall. As soon as the Greens entered government, he made Graichen his state secretary for energy, and it is Graichen and the army of technocrats he commands who have been behind every political disaster since.
The farcical response to the energy crisis, where these people were actually forced to work contrary to their principles and buy enormous quantities of coal (from Russia no less); the botched but nevertheless completed nuclear phase-out; and, finally, the catastrophic changes to the Building Energy Act, which will immiserate millions of Germans and do absolutely nothing to change the temperature of Earth.
The influence of American millionaires:
Their work was financed in the background by two men: Bernhard Lorentz, who as head of the Mercator Foundation helped to bring the Agora think-tank to life. And Hal Harvey, an American lobbyist who has funded environmentalist and climate organisations around the world for almost three decades, helped among other things by the philanthropic billions of families like the Hewletts.
This is not the first time we’ve found unlikely American activists and philanthropists behind European – and specifically German – climate activism. Spiegel explains, ominously, that “Harvey sees Europe as the key to preparing a climate-neutral future” and that this reason “he directs millions … to support the likes of Baake and Graichen.” This man, who hardly appears in Anglophone media and doesn’t even have an English-language Wikipedia page, has been christened by Die Zeit as “the most powerful Green politician in the world.”
Nepotism is important in the climate mafia
Eugippius updates the sacking of Graichen for nepotism and explains why Nepotism is part of the plan:
Energy-transitioner-in-chief Patrick Graichen resigns, in the first serious setback to the climate cabal strangling Germany
First of all, you have to understand that the transition to renewable energy is no joke. If it’s ever fully accomplished, it will mean the immiseration and deindustrialisation of Germany.
The truth is that Graichen’s relatives and personal friends are strewn throughout the think-tanks and the NGOs of the climate cabal.
The problem for Graichen and his associates, is to create the illusion of a single unified Science that requires nothing but their specific desired solutions. They use all of the organisations under their control to outline and propagate this Science, and flood bureaucrats and politicians with white papers dictating what exactly they have to do. Everybody has to be on the same page for this. Personal connection within the climate cabal are therefore highly important; mafias are run the same way.
I would have thought it would be depressing to read the details, but it feels useful to know the enemy.
Though, of course, in this case, even though both key German players may be out of their official major roles, the team they established are still there.
The latest polls show that 40% of Greens voters have abandoned the party leaving it at just 14% of the vote overall. That’s got to hurt.
h/t Climate Depot, David E.
What is amazing is that the big German car manufacturers, electronics manufacturers, chemical manufacturers do not fight back. And the oil and gas companies.
If Mercedes and Audi/Volkswagen and BASF and ThyssenKrupp and so many more sponsored real reports on real science this fake Green fantasy could be destroyed overnight.
How can an American ‘philanthropist’ have such an influence in one of the most energy intensive and energy dependent countries in the world? Why are only anti CO2 activists sponsored? Why is everyone afraid to sponsor pro energy activists or even pro truth. Mr Hitler was funded by Mrs Krupp. Why are the good guys never funded?
I can only think that second after weak career politicians, the weakest people are the gutless heads of established major companies who having fought their way to the top don’t want a few noisy shareholders to threaten their massive unjustified salaries. The greasy pole climbers are too afraid to make a noise because they only have a few years at the top before their generous pensions. In a way they too are not businessmen but just more cowardly politicians.
Activists world wide carry on about ‘truth tellers’. Except no one does. Whistleblowers are usually defenestrated.
And Board members want to look like Woke Greens too. It’s a need to be loved so that you keep your job. After all, the people who run big companies did not build them, don’t know what to do next and are terrified of offending Green shareholders.
Really Big oil and gas could toss a few million right here. Why not? It must be tiresome to deny being in the pay of energy companies. Big oil, big gas, big nuclear are far too cowardly to take a stand against Big Wind. The Greens have no problem being bought and paid for by big Wind and China.
The deceit of activists is astounding. One woman founder of the BLM movement was asked why she bought two expensive houses with the donations. The response was that she might need them for fundraising parties. Presumably to raise more money to buy more houses?
No one is funding real progress in society. Self labelled progressives are out to wreck the joint. And Green Energy is the most outrageous, contradictory example of trillions being spent on an utterly fake cause.
And the total effect on world CO2 levels of 340,000 windmills, billions of solar panels, wholesale destruction of pristine environments from mountain tops to the deserts to the oceans? Absolutely zero.
There is a total disconnect between progressive activism and results. Does anyone expect Albanese’ ‘Voice’ to make a jot of difference to the lives of aborigines? No. It’s all about Albanese pretending to care. After all Kevin Rudd said ‘sorry’ on National television. Very effective. Virtue signalling is a huge industry in itself. And the Germans seem determined to win the World Cup in virtue signalling.
Remember that the American philanthropists are pushing on an open door. In the background is the everpresent supergiant sympathy and lobbying of the largest asset fund managers and banks in the world. If BlackRock, StateStreet, Vanguard, JP Morgan, Deutsch Bank, Goldman Sachs and co wanted free markets instead of Big-government strangleholds they would encourage their media stockholdings to report on the problems with Green policies.
Aloha! So true and you cannot leave out the influence of the WEF. Literally a billionaire cartel designed and issued the campaign slogan for practically every major Western politician. From Biden to Trudeau to Boris … BUILD BACK BETTER! There needs to be a DEFUND WEF! No politician should be allowed to attend a foreign entity that controls their campaign. If it is allowed then why bother with elections any more?
Spot on, Kaimu.
They fight back by leaving. BASF most profitable unit is in China.
At this rate the ‘administrative state,’ in Germany will be running a wasteland that looks like a European version of South Africa. Will that crash the EU, who knows?
BASF have fought back. They are building a $10 billion set of factories in China**. That means than any of the subsiduary customers that take their products for further production are likely to move elsewhere too, or face import duting etc. or go out of business. Mind you, with over 100 firms using BASF materials to supply the Auto industry they might as well expect the German auto industry to go out of business as well.
**Not for cheap labour.
Graeme, one day in any Chinese city you quickly realise how well the German auto industry is thriving in that country
When subsidising Australian car manufacturing was being discussed a few years ago, I was surprised to learn that the German car manufacturers receive the highest amounts of subsidies from the German govt. Thought that they would be able to exist without subsidies by now.
Why so?
AS a retiring Australian farmer i can tell you. And it is the same problem that we faced here from the opposite perspective.
This market intervention by government was probably made necessary by other government intervention in the market.
Our biggest problem was that the world price for our commodities was set by heavily subsidised products in principally Europe. During and after the war the people of Europe had experienced severe famine. So they sought to ensure that this didn’t happen again by subsidising food production. I recall that European farmers were being paid by government six times the world price for sugar. This induced overproduction which kept the price down to that level which shut Australia’s farmers out.
American subsidies did not compete with us. They simply protected American farmers from the European pricing, which the Australian government refused to do.
What is so amazing TdeF and extremely irritating is that, in spite of my efforts, no one seems to want to inform the public that it is all a massive fraud. The fact is that CO2 does not generate any heat energy whatsoever so it cannot raise the temperature of anything.
Bevan keep repeating the line, It might sink in.
The line I have chosen is: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does more good than harm.
It keeps the argument simple.
They did.
Most of these companies moved their major manufacturing enterprises to China over a decade ago.
They are not even leaving Europe in some cases. Ford are building a – probably short-lived – battery car plant in Spain and VW are building a plat in Slovenia. The giant Wolfsburg plant that is so vast that staff use bicycles to get around is apparently only 50% utilised.
All prescient and valid. Your logic applies more widely – for example the current “debate” about gender and The Voice imbroglio. To speak the truth is to be proscribed in polite society.
What has to happen immediately is that Habeck has to resign, or, better, to be disbanded out of office as fast as possible !
Bad, that chancellur Scholz is protecting him, so the second to be displaced.
Morgenthau plan revitalized.
Morgenthau plan?
Good morning Jo,
You are absolutely amazing!
Even though I’ve been following this issue for about 15 years now! … I strongly feel that this piece you’ve written today is virtually an EPIPHANY!
My son has like me gone full 360 degrees, but in much shorter time.
Oh, let me explain..he was a (man-made climate change) sceptic about a decade ago, then a semi-rabid green about 2.5 years ago, now a true sceptic believer again.
I can’t wait to show this to him today.
But, more importantly, I can’t wait to show this to the teachers of his 2 sons, next time I pick them up from school.
These “doomsters” that are brainwashing our kids are in urgent need of an “intervention”!
Keep up the truly great work.
Warm regards, reformed warmist of Logan.
The first step in solving any problem is to clearly define it.
That’s been done in this post.
The more difficult task is to get the general public to be aware of and understand what it means.
And while this is Germany and the EU don’t think Australia is any better; it isn’t.
Over the weekend I talked with a young person who was doing an engineering degree labeled;
The engineering of the recycling of renewable energy plants.
Well done Australia.
Prepare for another deluge –
Associated Press ups their climate ante with a bucket of “new money”
In links
“AP news is not news, it’s paid for marketing”
And around that area
“Regime Climate Censorship Enforcer NewsGuard: The tragic case of Zack Fishman”
“NewsGuard is a Pentagon funded member of the US Government’s Censorship Industrial Complex.
Embedded in the post was a picture of a nearly $750,000 award from the Department of Defense to NewsGuard, an organization the independent journalists characterized as a “government-funded” entity implicated in the Censorship Complex.
They work to strengthen and enhance government approved narratives and work to suppress, starve, and deplatform independent thinkers and publishers.”
More at
Don’t panic until you really have to. Some of those 24+ journalists might be intelligent. Make sure that they get the right information.
Who is Peter Prengaman?
“insanity… transition… spiral… self-defeating… death grip”
Thought this article was about Germany: instead it describes NZ – New Zimbabwe – the country formerly known as New Zealand, RIP.
And now you have Jabcinda to be your sole source of information, because we all know how the Left are terrified of alternative opinions.
Ostensibly it is to “tackle extremist content” but we all know there will be mission creep and the Left already classify any opinions contrary to the Official Narrative as “dangerous” and “extremism” and something to be censored and controlled, hence extensive censorship on all Leftist sites like Farcebook, YouTube etc. and false results provided by Left-controlled search engines like Goolag and the Left-orientation of AI like ChatGPT4.
Also, she will link the following role with her eco-fascism:
We all knew her “retirement” was fake and she was being moved onto bigger and far worse things than just destroying New Zimbabwe.
Ja, she has shown her true colours – to the horror of many female friends (real ones) who fell under Herr spell… twice.
Haven’t heard if Tru’doh! offered her a seat on his private jet to fly to Portugal for today’s opening session of (I have to be careful here) B!ll d’ Berg 2023. Maybe Henry Kiss***** sent her a private invite (‘leave the fisherman boyfriend at home’). The old coot turns 100 this year: what DOES he drink…
Henry’s first name is really Heinz. He was involved in the John Kennedy School of Governance at Harvard University where Klaus Schwab received a Masters degree.
As I have said before, eco-fascism in Germany started with the National Socialists and is continued by the Left today both in Germany and elsewhere.
This is documented in the book:
Also see websites:
2) “Germany’s Fascists March Again With Effort to Crush All Community Opposition to Wind Power”
Also, just like many Leftists today, the National Socialists also promoted veganism/vegetarianism as the ideal diet.
I was going to comment that the greens are the new nazis but you beat me to it with yours. Well said.
The German equivalent of the far-left US Deep State.
A fetid, oozing swamp that desperately needs to be drained.
Their ignorance and arrogance is a dangerous mix.
‘The German Greens like to present themselves as the only ones having all the sophisticated technical and political solutions and competence for solving the world’s complex problems. However, it’s quickly dawning on most Germans, that the SPD coalition partners, The Greens, are in fact run by people who are woefully incompetent and ignorant when it cones to economics, biology and energy.’ (Notrickszone)
Germany is not as bad as the US for corruption and election rigging….so far. An election that had issues with votes in Germany was voided and had to be rerun – imagine that happening in Arizona for example. The judiciary also seem to be independent and as far as I know they don’t have equivalents of the FBI and CIA working against their population. An outsider might wonder what kind of alleged justice system sentences a person for peacefully entering the Capitol on Jan 6 to over double the sentence of a murderer.
Fantastic article again, Jo. I think Germany is a classic case of what goes on around the world. Australia seems like a lamb to the slaughter with the absurd lies and straight out rubbish we are facing with energy, let alone the litany of lies we are told about things like the Great Barrier Reef, net zero etc. Yet it seems most citizens of this country just “go with the flow” believing every bit of garbage pumped out by their AlpBC and other MSM. Thank goodness you and a couple of others shed some much needed light on critical matters.
And the Vicdanistan Dictator, Dan Andrews, has just upped the ante even further by new taxes designed to destroy the middle class and even people who rent properties by special new land taxes on landlords and others.
Australia is subject to a gradual communist revolution and almost no one has a clue what’s going on. And the number of public serpents, welfare recipients and others dependent on the state increases relentlessly whilst there are fewer and fewer net wealth producers and less and less borrowing capacity to pay for it all.
Total national debt already over $1.7 trillion and almost no one cares, and certainly no members of the Uniparty.
It won’t end well.
The Federal Government under Albanese dare not allow migrant boats to start arriving even though he’d dearly love to be that messiah!
So the next best thing is to drop standards & all sense of good governance to simply allow all & sundry, regardless of qualification to fly in. 650,000 of them. Just wondering about health standards here not to mention where these people will be accommodated.
Stand by for another ALP initiated blunder!!
They might start at the Orwellian named camp “Wellcamp” in Queensland, a supposed quarantine facility.
It cost the taxpayer $247.3 to build and lease on behalf of a private corporation, now the government is not renewing the lease and the corporation keeps it.
This means that the corporation got a $247.3 million gift from the taxpayer.
It was only used to house 730 people, well below capacity.
I fully expect it to be repurposed at some point in the near future as a re-education camp for “dissidents” who don’t follow the Official Narrative such as not believing in anthropogenic global warming or that the present covid “vaccines” are safe and effective. Because, you know, the Left would regard such beliefs as “dangerous misinformation”.
And notice how you keep hearing that term more and more? The idea that information, i.e. words, can be “dangerous” is being systematically embedded in the public consciousness. Do a Goolag search for the term “dangerous misinformation” with quote marks to see what I mean. Forget about the plurality of beliefs, right or wrong, that people should be allowed to have in a supposedly free society.
Jo’s site here, and Musk’s Twitter, are now among the few places you can express an honest opinion, even Leftists are welcome, unlike most of us on “their” sites. Because conservatives and fellow rational thinkers are not terrified of alternative opinions like the Left.
David M, I mostly enjoy your comments but I think you are wrong about Wellcamp.
The Wagner Group (not the Russian Group) are a concrete and building group (Wagners is a leading producer of construction materials and services for Australian and international markets. Established in 1989 in Toowoomba, Queensland) in which you can buy shares. They purchased land at the out skirts of Toowoomba and then put in place runways (to international standard) and terminal to became the new airport for Toowoomba and the surrounds. They had the building materials (concrete, aggregate quarry, own cement production, concrete paving equipment, trucks, bullsdozer, trucks etc) to build an airport which I believe they completed in 3 years -faster than any other airport such as the 2nd Sydney airport which is still on going). Most of the planes out of their take agricultural exports to place like Singapore. Being an international equipped airport (with customs and quarantine) it was an opportunity to offer to build a quartine facility on their land during the Covid fuss. As a private company with all the equipment they built it in record time. If the government no longer wants to lease the building they can breach the contract by paying compensation.
I suggest Wagners will modify the buildings to be a) a motel for visitors to the area including Toowoomba, b)short term accommodation for workers in the area including fly-in fly-out, and c) low cost permanent accommodation for people on welfare.
The Wagner family are rich but have put in hard work, risk capital and great private enterprise innovations (eg a private airport)
My expectation would be that the owners will very likely use this gift from the taxpayers of a$247 million to leverage a billion dollars worth of further investment at Wellcamp’. Maybe a lot more. They are off to a flying start with the accommodation.
It brings back memories of Joh and Les Thiess. “If you want a job done get Les Thiess to do it”.
Yesterday afternoon, I heard an industry leader say that Victoria should extract hydrogen from the brown coal, rather than leave it in the ground. Of course, no one mentions the energy required to extract the hydrogen
Or that such a process requires carbon dioxide sequestration. The “industry leader,” doesn’t even have a clue about the chemistry involved.
This is the problem. The people making the decisions are scientifically and engineeringly illiterate.
And if you’re going to sequester CO2 anyway, you might as well just burn the coal directly in power stations.
Well it would be the cheapest way of hydrogen production (if you ignore the ‘carbon’ sequestration). they have a polite plant in Gippsland already, supposedly sending the output to Japan.
The idea was for the CO2 being stored in the spent oil & gas field offshore (I think an idea in the mind of Turnball).
One question – if the Greens are against CARBON why not release the CO2 into the atmosphere by claiming it is NATURAL fertiliser?
David, yes to the so-called industry leader knowing nothing about chemistry (but nothing about chemical engineering which any process requires). If you distill brown coal you will get given off a) large amounts of water vapour in fact about 60-66% of brown coal is water b) CO2- the dry coal has about 50% volatiles as well as I can remember CO2 is 40-50 % of the volatiles c) CO which is if my memory is correct 25-30% of the volatiles d) methane and other organic compounds which make the rest of the volatiles. The char that is left has a tiny amount of hydrogen (maybe 1%) and some CH4 depending on the temperature at which the char is produced. The BBQ briquettes were made from briquetted brown coal with 12-15% water and charred at around 700C leaving volatiles (including CO) which makes for easy lighting. One of my first jobs was to make char in a pilot plant for industrial use and potential exports. The exports got no where because char from coconut shells was much cheaper.
Why is RMIT’s breakthrough in CCC-capture and conversion of CO2 to solid carbon at reasonably low temperature-[ie not too much energyIN required & claimed to be easily deployed in industry]-never mentioned at all in Australian media.
Surely it could be used in conjunction with new HELE coal plants around Australia for reliable electricity..and forget the RE boondoggle…especially with the threat of war with China looming.
With the radio silence on it you’d think it must be a dud-but I don’t think so.
I think it’s probably the opposite…that it offers a chance to use the only energy that will make Australia secure and they can’t have that…that would bring their whole crooked house of cards crashing down.
Why is no one interested in the CO2 to solid carbon breakthrough..or hostile to it..?
Have people here given up on coal even if it can be burnt much more efficiently and cleanly to supply reliable secure power?
Are we not agreed that wind and solar and props can’t power a modern nation and nuclear would be more than a decade away even if it was possible to get the social licence…and years away even if we opted for small modular reactors?
Why would we just be supplying coal to China and elsewhere and not talk about using it cleanly ourselves?
Have I missed something and the CCC breakthrough at RMIT is non-viable?
Could someone please tell me if it’s a non-goer…as far as being workable
🙂 🙂
I’m really puzzled KK.
I thought someone might know more details about it here.
You hit the nail on the head there David. Once Albanese/Bowen finish we will be stuffed. I fear for my grandchildren’s future.
And Australia is particularly susceptible to the anthropogenic global warming fraud and covid vaccine “safety” frauds because the entire population has been extensively and effectively dumbed-down, there is little difference between different factions of the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty, the Left thoroughly dominate all institutions and none of the genuine opposition minor parties have enough members or exposure to make a difference. And Australians continue to prove their stupidity by voting for the Labor/Green faction of the Uniparty and not pro-freedom, pro-science independent minor parties. Most of our politicians and senior public serpents are fanatical followers of the UN and WEF as well (plus they get all those free taxpayer funded holidays going to meetings).
I can only give you 1 green tick for that post but you deserve more.
Thanks wal.
Don’t forget that the next round of the Hole in the Ozone Layer scam is looming.
That was their pilot scam, and they got away with it scot free.
With patents expiring they have a new scam for us now.
Well why don’t people change the anti by voting on mass for one of the smaller parties such as One Nation?
If it worked in Germany what makes one think it is not working here? Who funds our Greens a 10% party that drags the ALP by the short and curly and unfortunately some of supposed Liberals like Matt Kean? We have the rich Cannon Brookes who seems to think destroying the grid is a good idea. A good idea for whom? Communists? Certainly not the average Australian.
Lawrie, how many of the “Teals” are taking a pay cut to represent us in parliament?
Some? Or all? I don’t expect they will hang around long.
Some of them might even discover the truth.
“The international press has maintained near-total silence on the escalating insanity of what is happening in Germany. Media outlets that routinely celebrate German progress towards energy transition don’t want you to know that Europe’s dominant industrial power has entered a deeply destructive political and administrative spiral from which it may never recover. The fault lies”…….
in the fact that the human mind is hackable….
The fact that our minds are being manipulated at mass scale throughout our civilization is the most significant thing happening in the world by far, but hardly anyone talks about it, because hardly anyone knows it’s happening. And a lot of power rides on keeping it that way.
Step 1 is learning that minds are very hackable, and are being hacked constantly at mass scale.
Step 2 is learning that your own mind is included in this.
Step 3 is unpacking the implications of Step 2 (Step 3 never really ends).
Step 4 is helping others get to Steps 1 and 2.
The flow.
Ultra-Wealthy ‘Philanthropists,’ -> Private Thinktanks -> ‘Administrative State Executives’ -> Politicians -> Legislation -> Effect (Define the Law and its application).
Ultra-Wealthy ‘Philanthropists,’ -> Private Thinktanks -> ‘Administrative State Executives’ -> ‘Captured (Corporate, State) Media -> Public (Dis)Information -> Effect (Define Acceptable Public Discourse)
Ultra-Wealthy ‘Philanthropists,’ -> Private Thinktanks -> ‘Administrative State Executives’ -> ‘Captured State Organs (Security, Science. Education, Health) -> Science (Dis)Information and Social Media Censorship -> ‘Captured (Corporate, State) Media -> Public -> Effect (Define Definition of Facts and Fictions, Truth and Falsehood, Trust and Scepticism).
Ultra-Wealthy ‘Philanthropists,’ -> Private Thinktanks -> ‘Captured (Corporate, State) Media -> Public -> Effect (Define Acceptable Public Discourse)
Ultra-Wealthy ‘Philanthropists,’ -> Corporate Boards -> Corporate Policy (ESG) -> Effect (Corporate Actions).
Nepotism = Aristocracy = “It’s a private club and you don’t belong in it.” = “We’ll have wealth and power, and you will not.” = “We want it all for ourselves and our fellow members in the club, and you shall pound sand in perpetuity for our benefit).
Climate protesters got their moment of fame in Melbourne by blocking a freeway exit for several hours.
They claimed this was a scientist rebellion as the end of the world is nigh, and governments must act now.
Yes. And not a care in the world for emergency vehicles that might need to get through or people who die because they are stuck in the back of an ambulance or other losses caused by the blockage.
Plus, appalling sentence construction in the article:
The “journalist” couldn’t see what’s wrong with that? FFS, this stuff used to be taught in primary school, back in the day.
Arrr sentence construction. I still remember being taught how to construct a sentence probably 75 years ago, the go to was “Wanted a piano for a lady with large wooden legs”
The kiddies laughed then and like so many things, a little humour helps a lesson to be well learned.
They would not laugh now because they would take it literally.
“Misplaced epithet”. I remember it well, being taught at my Edinburgh school. One example was “sailing down the Thames the Tower Bridge came into view”. How many kids today would have a lesson on that. We had a whole 40 minute lesson. Clearly not the young journalists we have now.
Nett Zero is well named. It will have nett zero effect on CO2.
Total CO2 not emissions are the alleged cause of the non existent warming. And the story is that we humans control CO2 a gas which has been around for six billion years and has gone up and down without us.
Which is why the pushers of Nett Zero measure ’emissions’ not CO2. Also because emissions are the most direct measure of productivity, the very backbone of a modern industrial society, especially Germany. And China wants everyone else to stop manufacturing.
For many Nett zero is a very convenient lie. And will bolster the economies of all the dictatorships of the world.
So just tell everyone that CO2 is a toxic emission. Even scientists will believe you.
AGAIN I think that Ian Plimer is right that nothing will change until a lot more people start to feel real economic pain.
I’m afraid we have at least a decade before the average, clueless know nothing even starts to wake up.
I sincerely hope I’m wrong but when you talk to young people today, it leaves a lot to be desired.
If you ask what they’re yapping about they just seem surprised and yap about dangerous SLR or polar bears or extreme weather events or poor starving Africans, terrible fires, heatwaves etc,etc.
And some get very hostile if you tell them they should look up the data for themselves.
They’ve been brainwashed at school and at Uni and real scientists would be howled down if they tried to speak to them.
Again I hope I’m wrong but this lunacy still has at least a decade to go, but a Republican win by NOV next year could be a good start to the fight back. Who knows?
I don’t think it will take ten years. It might even come sooner than Nov next year.
What started the war in Sudan? Could it have been the price of bread? Was there famine, real or impending?
The war in Ukraine has disrupted the world trade in wheat. Some countries might already be running short.
Here’s some of the so called scientists who held up traffic in Melbourne yesterday and they’re promising more chaos for the rest of the week.
What a delusional pack of loonies, but so many people will still support them.
Assoc Prof Catherine Strong is NOT a scientist of any sort whatsoever..
Is that what counts as an “Associate Professor” these days?
A small number of publications, and I will leave the reader to decide on their scholarly merit or otherwise.
Back in the day, you would have to have numerous high quality publications in peer reviewed journals (when peer review actually meant something) to qualify as an Ass. Prof..
I suspect she is either a quota placement or that academic standards to qualify as an Ass. Prof. have changed dramatically.
(For US readers, in the Australian academic system an Associate Professor is mid range between an Assistant Professor and a full Professor in the US system.)
Nick Abel studied eco-sociology and is deep into the climate funding trough.
Coralie Boulet is currently working in a Malaria Virulence and Drug Discovery group, at the Burnet Institute
(Burnet institute was responsible for the modelling that allowed the Victorian Covid lockdowns.)
Wouldn’t be this bloke by any chance?
“What’s in a number?
The carrying capacity controversy on the communal rangelands of southern Africa.”
NOJ Abel
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
School of Development Studies
University of East Anglia
July 1992
ANU, and “CON”servation council in a leftist territory
Yep the same climate trougher.
Oh, and he’s a member of “the Stinkies”.
Disruption and vandalism of property etc is his aim.
You wonder how they would explain the problem they think is threatening the world with extinction.
Actually I would love to hear it because unless it is just enthusiasm for what they see as a big issue, I wonder what their understanding is.
These people look to be younger than 40 and runaway man made Global Warming was announced on 30th June 1988 in the US Congress. That was 35 years ago! And there is no warming.
The big lie is that the increase in CO2 since 1750 is man made. And this unstoppable slow increase threatens the world with Global Warming, eventually. And a degree or two in an average makes no difference to anyone or anything.
And we stopped all the aircraft, all the cars, all the cities, all the passenger ships for a year and there was no change in CO2. So what do they want us to do? And why?
This blog can be an echo chamber. And the pro disaster groups have their own like DeSmog.(“DeSmog was founded in January 2006 to clear the PR pollution that is clouding the science and solutions to climate change”)
Are there any opinions or statements from these ‘scientist’ protesters? They are not children but salaried academics. So apart from the usual slogans, they must have a personal belief of some sort and it would be fascinating to know why they believe and what exactly they believe. Though I guess the usual answer is that they have ‘faith’ in the truthfulness of others.
In particular I would love to know how their logic starts. And whether they have any logic. Or is it group therapy?
I just looked up DeSmog. They have a Climate villains page. Joanne and David Evans. A few dead people like Prof Bob Carter and David Bellamy and Cardinal George Pell. Ex Prime Minister Tony Abbot and ex US President Donald Trump, of course. Jordan Petersen, Ian Plimer, Pierre Polievre. The villainous Dr Peter Ridd who was proven 100% right about fake reef science. Australian MP Malcolm Roberts. Rupert Murdoch. Andrew Bolt. Viv Forbes. Gina Rinehart. Jennifre Morohasy. And I’m not on their cancellation list. Great.
I dare them to cancel the world’s greatest bike race.
Now that’s a tour de force.
As in the Indonesian word Belum. Translates “Not yet”
Time for the Jock McLaren approach
When shown the first Japanese “Wanted” poster he laughed loudly and set out to raise the price
TdeF I think I am also not on the list but maybe I do not put enough posts on my web site ( to keep anyone interested. I am thinking of a new post about Microsoft Bing Chat AI which has agreed with me about the second law of thermodynamics (heat only flows from hot to cold)
For Jo I could post it on this site through you if I knew how.
cement a friend — but ask it if any photons ever travel from cooler to warmer or if the second law applies to net systems not individual photons.
Jo – yep, heat is always bidirectional between objects, but in general people only look at the net flows. If it was otherwise, and a photon could only be sent from a hotter object to a cooler one, that would violate causality, and the emitting object would need to know the positions and temperatures of all objects that would be receiving those photons in the future, possibly billions of years in the future. This is obviously absurd, so it’s clear that photons emitted by some object will be absorbed by some other object depending on that objects emissivity, not its current temperature and whether it’s hotter or cooler than the first object.
You can prove the Second Law of Thermodynamics (2LoT) mathematically (statistical mechanics), but there’s a basic assumption involved that the interactions are all random, and that large numbers of interactions are involved, and that kinetic energy (KE) is a pure scalar quantity. In fact, KE cannot exist or be measured unless it is carried by some particle or photon that has a momentum vector. A conservative field can and does affect that momentum vector, so if you choose the particles that carry the KE and the field you are using, you can in fact bias the interactions all in the same direction, which breaks the underlying 2LoT assumption of no net directional bias of the interactions, and thus allows 2LoT to be violated too. An example of this is a photovoltaic panel (PV), where a random-direction input photon produces a random-direction photoelectron in the presence of a strong electric field (produced often by a PN junction), and that field then directs the photoelectron in one direction and the “hole” in the other until they reach the electrodes, delivering its energy as single-direction electricity.
There are other possible exploits of this underlying principle, changing random-direction KE into single-direction energy by using the right particles to carry the KE and the right fields to change the directionality of those particles. Of course, if you regard KE as a pure scalar, then you cannot change its direction because it doesn’t have a direction in the first place, and such things will seem impossible. Thus the first step is to recognise that KE cannot be a pure scalar because otherwise it couldn’t exist – it always has to have a momentum vector associated with it.
Being able to change the direction of heat energy will reduce the need for generation capacity, and make modest heating/cooling very much cheaper. I’m currently working with a friend on a practical application of this, that with a bit of luck should be available in around a year. There should also be a way to produce electricity from ambient heat, using the same principle as a PV but using a semiconductor with a very small band-gap of the order of 25meV. Though that has been done using nantenna arrays tuned to a wavelength of around 10 microns, the available power is expensive because the array is expensive to make and doesn’t last that long before wear-out, so currently it’s not practically useful.
Thus there’s a good chance that new technologies will reduce the damage from the rush towards Net Zero. Just needs some attention to whether our axioms and basic assumptions are indeed logically valid.
Thanks Simon, Indeed, I often point out photons cannot steer. I like my molecules random and my physics symmetrical.
You’ve clearly gone a lot further into the second law, and it’s an interesting exceptions. There must be a cost though to changing directions…
Thanks Jo. It’s a tricky problem because there is an error (something important missed) in the basic definitions and how we thus think about it.
As regards the energy cost in changing direction, a conservative field does not change the total energy of a particle, but only changes the ratio between potential energy and kinetic energy. There is no energy cost to changing direction this way – it’s a momentum transfer only. Chuck a ball into the air, and you know it will end up coming down again – it can start with a totally random direction in x, y, and z, but you can predict that it will end with the z-direction downwards. Gravity supplies no energy here, but the direction changes. Though we can put a number on the work that is done in the process, and the change in kinetic energy, the sum of potential and kinetic energy does not change and so the field does not need to source or sink energy. You can see this happening in a solar panel, which converts random-direction input energy into single-direction electrical energy out, but doesn’t need any power.
Though symmetry is the usual situation, we can engineer an asymmetry (compare with a diode) that can do useful things. The direction of kinetic energy is important, and we can change it with a momentum transfer, which we can do using the right field with maybe an initial transfer of our input energy to a particle that can be affected by that field.
I’m hoping that someone else sees this general principle, and reaches that satori moment of seeing that things that are by definition impossible if KE was a pure scalar are actually practically possible because KE must have a momentum vector. Trouble is that your fingers tell you that heat only goes from hotter to colder, whereas in fact it’s a random walk of the energy and the temperature of the destination of a molecule does not affect whether or not the molecule heads that way. Underlying our ideas of thermodynamics and the way it is taught is Carnot’s idea of Caloric as a liquid that flows one way (hotter to colder), and that’s hard to get over because it mostly works in practice.
Once a thing is seen to be possible, lots of people will think about it and improve it. I’m expecting several “impossible” things to be shown to be both possible and practical in the next year or two. I’m hoping it will be soon enough to avoid wasting our perfectly good civilisation….
One of the protesters interviewed on 3AW said he is an 80 year old retired scientist with the CSIRO and has been warning about the coming catastrophe for 50 years!!
Well 50 years ago he must have been warning about global cooling, which was the “consensus” view of the time.
And don’t the Left think scientific opinion is decided by consensus, not facts?
This is now declared to be a myth! In hindsight. NOAA say the same thing. Their argument is that ‘scientists’ in the 1960s and 1970s were just a few idiots. Not that they didn’t predict Global Cooling. And the history of the 1970s is being rewritten in the Post Modernist way by people who were not alive or just children at the time.
Climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s.
The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists.
Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists’ thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth’s climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate scien
Their defence is in their words that “the majority of scientists” and “consensus”
Of course Global Cooling was front page news. But in hindsight the people who said this were not a group and there was no consensus. So front page news was wrong, apparently.
Where modern Climate Science is about getting large numbers of people who earn their living from Global Warming to agree that it exists.
I can only conclude that they must be very embarrassed by it or would not have gone to such trouble to deny prediction of Global Cooling and in such a devious way by claiming it was only a few very qualified nut jobs. And claim the magazines were fakes or jokes or articles were written by nutters.
And it is amusing that the truth came out the same year as the IPCC was formed, 1988. Actually it looks like a conspiracy of the UN, to create the scare which justified the existence of the IPCC. I mean who really thinks politicians and governments can control the weather which is why the IPCC exists inside the United Nations. It’s in the name, Climate Change. You know it’s real. Consensus science.
1970 New Ice Age coming Kenneth Watt (founder of Earth Day) said that the Earth is cooling and by 1990 the World will be 2.2℃ (4℉) colder and 6℃ (11℉) colder in the year 2000
1971: ‘New Ice Age Coming’ Dr. Paul Ehrlich The oceans will be dead in less than a decade. America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980
1972: New ice age by 2070 Oil will be gone in 10 years Dr. S. I. Rasool NASA & Columbia University & Dr. S. H. Schneider backed up by Dr. Gordon F. MacDonald
1974: ‘New Ice Age Coming Fast’ Letter to the President from George J. Kukla & R.K. Matthews1974:
1975: Another Ice Age – scientists agree that a new Ice Age is inevitable.
( NY Times also mentioned that experts had forecast 1974 winters would be cold, but it was mild in NY, warmest in Boston for 22 years and the second warmest winter in Moscow in 230 years) a pity they didn’t check any future claims).
1978: ‘No End in Sight’ to 30-Year Cooling Trend Source: New York Times, January 5, 1978 Armadillos are moving South. People from northern USA should follow.
1978 Not a scientist but Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock) about the Coming Ice Age. Wikipedia doesn’t list it.
1981: Scientists (including Steven Schneider) warn global warming would see Buckingham Palace 7 feet underwater
So the scare was started, the original Meeting was in 1983 but the UN wasn’t involved.
Notice they are all on the public payroll and don’t lose a cent, unlike the people who they held up. In fact, the protest was probably held on work time. In other words the taxpayer paid them.
French police do a really good job at removing glued hands from the pavement. Local cops who were so good at throwing protestors to the ground should love the French way; just rip the hand away. Yes, some skin may remain on the road but traffic will soon wear it away.
The old Latin phrase:
“Momento Mori”, springs to mind.
It is UNIVERSALLY applicable.
Only the truly deranged believe it does not apply to them.
Damn, now that you have reminded me I better get things in order. Up until now I had planned on living for ever. So far so good, plan appears to be working but a timely reminder non the less!
Now we can see why 1 man, in 1933, could take over a whole country overnight, the Germans are absolute SHEEP!
There used to be a saying that “In Germany, everything is banned unless it has been specifically allowed by the government” . In England, everything is allowed unless it is specifically banned by the government”.
It appears that in Germany free thinking for your self is certainly one of the areas that remain “specifically banned” .
True – try using your own intelligence and awareness to cross a road that is empty of traffic but the red man is showing and see the disapproving looks of the locals.
The following text was spoken by Martin Bosma (member of the Dutch Parliament) on Tuesday, 8 May 2023, at the committee debate of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs, on the subject of Integrity of Public Administration. D66 is momentarily the second biggest party of the Coalition. It shows how in The Netherlands a certain Van Drimmelen places key people on al sorts of influencial positions. It shows that the same mechanisms are at work as in Germany.
‘D66 network corruption has eaten into our public administration like a venereal disease’
The sex scandals at D66 shed light on the manners within that party. But they also gave a brief glimpse into the dark intertwining of that club (the pre-eminent power party) with the lobbying firm Dröge & Van Drimmelen.
In 2002, Pechtold became party leader. He says: ‘I was the face that had to sell the party. But not much more. Frans van Drimmelen did everything else. Frans takes care of the day-to-day management matters’. So Van Drimmelen is running a lobbying company and a political party at the time. The lobbyist is allowed to participate in the Lower House party. He is always present.
Then: spring 2006. D66 is at zero seats in the polls. A dramatic meeting takes place. A new group takes control. Present: Gerard Schouw, Ingrid van Engelshoven, Gerben Gerbrandy, Frans van Drimmelen, Alexander Pechtold. Remarkable: all these people have a relationship with Dröge & Van Drimmelen, for instance because they are or will be partners with it. In fact, it is the lobbying firm taking care of a political party that is dying.
Pechtold is disappearing. Who should succeed him? The boss of the lobby office knows someone. Who lives in Lebanon. A certain Ms Kaag. Who then makes contact with Kaag? Ingrid van Engelshoven, D66 alderman, but before that a partner at Dröge & Van Drimmelen, does. She flies to Lebanon at taxpayers’ expense and polls Kaag.
So the Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands was selected by the director of a lobbying firm. A family member of Ms Kaag works for a subsidiary of Dröge & Van Drimmelen to this day.
De Volkskrant (leftwing Dutch newspaper) writes that it is Van Drimmelen who determines “who stands a chance of getting positions as a member of parliament and member of the European Parliament”. At the D66 party congress, the lobby boss is openly defended by the entire party top: Pechtold, Sophie in ‘t Veld, Thom de Graaff. He has such integrity.
The lobby boss is chairman of the D66 national talent committee. He decides who advances to a position in the municipal council or as an alderman or mayor. The question is: on what basis are these D66 people recruited? Is that knowledge and ability or the extent to which they are lobbied, to what extent they are willing to be tricked. The fact is that they owe their jobs to the boss of the lobbying firm. They are indebted to that company.
This has far-reaching implications for the integrity of public administration in the Netherlands. The paladins of Dröge & Van Drimmelen have been parachuted in everywhere. Under the banner of D66. What does the minister think of this D66 network corruption? How does that work? In The Hague, for example. A FOI act procedure uncovers that Dröge & Van Drimmelen are billing themselves silly to the municipality. And who signs these mega-declarations? Well, the D66 councillors. They even write that the budget has run out. Not right now, Frans.
In the same The Hague, those green rental mopeds swing around everywhere. From the company Felyx. The environmental party D66 must be against them. So how did they end up there anyway?
Ralph Sluijs’ FOI procedure again. We read: ‘Dröge & Van Drimmelen establishes contact between Felyx and especially the alderman.’ Oh, interesting. Who’s that? Well, Robert van Asten. In the magazine De Democraat (2017), we read that he was selected by Frans van Drimmelen. He is a participant in a Drimmel programme in Driebergen for D66 top talent.
OK. So you get selected by the lobbying firm, you get trained by the lobbying firm and once you are an alderman, that lobbying firm calls to arrange something for a client of the same lobbying firm. What goes around comes around.
Just a few of Dröge & Van Drimmelen’s clients:
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Netherlands. Who is the chair? Alexander Rinnooij Kan, D66.
The Consumers’ Association led by Lousewies van der Laan. D66.
Chairman VNO/NCW-west is a partner at Dröge & Van Drimmelen. Who leads VNO? Ingrid Thijssen of D66.
VVVF, the organisation of paint manufacturers – dominated by: AkzoNobel, led for years by Hans Wijers, of D66.
This minister’s predecessor is damsel Ollongren. She was first a civil servant, but thanks to Frans van Drimmelen, she comes very high up the D66 list. Number 5. Now, as defence minister, she is buying extra JSFs. What is JSF’s lobbying firm? Well, Dröge & Van Drimmelen.
The political secretary of D66 in Amsterdam works for Dröge & Van Drimmelen.
We remember the Kaag documentary broadcast by NPO66. The legendary backseat conversation. Ms Kaag is shocked at the rise of parties like mine. Then she asks: ‘Who are these people?’ The answer comes from her spokesman. Who now works for Coca-Cola, a client of Dröge & Van Drimmelen.
We as a Chamber recently discussed voting rights for Dutch nationals living abroad. I was contacted by a Dutchman in New York. Wanted to come and lobby. A D66’er. I googled him. Turns out he works for Dröge & Van Drimmelen.
Google wants to fill the whole of the Netherlands with those hideous data centres. A partner of Dröge & Van Drimmelen works for Google. It is playing out in the provinces of Groningen and North Holland, where (for now) D66 rules. Eighty per cent of the population does not want it, but the D66 deputies want it.
There was someone cluster coordinator in D66’s parliamentary group. He first went to work for Dröge & Van Drimmelen. Now he is a lobbyist for Facebook. When Minister Ollongren comes out with her disinformation story, this man (on behalf of Facebook) has a meeting with Ollongren. He has access. He does. To this D66 minister who again owes her career to the boss of the lobby office.
Everywhere in the Netherlands, institutions are filled with D66 people. the National Railways, Council of State, until recently the Dutch Broadcasting Corporation, House of Commons, until recently the Rabobank, KLM, ANWB, Consumentenbond. Frans van Drimmelen saw it as his job to win positions for his party everywhere. And thus for his lobbying company. Former employees of Dröge & Van Drimmelen work in very many ministries.
Dröge & Van Drimmelen is particularly strong in the green mafia sector. So the industry that can enrich itself with wind turbines, solar panels etc. The current government is spending 108 billion on nitrogen and climate madness. What is this other than creating one big food trough for the clients of Dröge & Van Drimmelen?
D66 calls itself a political party. But isn’t it just the facade of a lobbying office? Where does the minister stand on D66 network corruption, which has eaten into our public administration like an unstoppable venereal disease?
[Normally this would be edited for length, however it is relevant and translated from the original Dutch. – LVA]
More about their so called energy transition in the the US.
We know that TOXIC W & S are an UNRELIABLE, EXPENSIVE disaster and yet they still tell lies.
Yet even Bloomberg admits that the majority of Americans (83%) cannot afford to buy an UNRELIABLE, TOXIC EV and yet RELIABLE, useful ICE cars are about half the price.
German people may soon discover,
Shocking truths the media won’t cover,
Of the future they face,
As a green basket-case,
From which they may never recover.
we are all going to discover that.
Again King Island is powered by king Diesel this morning.
Wind is SFA and no Solar or battery. Those roaring forties winds seem to have the roar of a mouse.
One of the reasons this is happening across the West is incompetence at the highest levels of government.
I saw this problem in research, both within a large government-funded research organisation and at various university research schools/departments. It goes something like this:
The head of a department/research school/flagship/research theme is appointed on the basis of who he/she knows, their political connections, nepotism, favours, having the approved political opinions or because of gender quotas – in other words, everything EXCEPT competence. One of the effects of this is that the new chief hasn’t really got a clue who’s who in the zoo, what the priorities should be, where resources should be directed or even WHY the research is being done in the first place. He/she thus becomes totally reliant on a small cadre of ‘pet’ employees acting as advisors. These advisors thereby gain disproportionate, unofficial authority and power – the ‘power behind the throne’. It is the advisors’ priorities and agenda that is paramount and they can target others who disagree by turning the chief against them.
And this is what has happened in politics. The new breed of politicians is frequently stupid and ill-informed about his/her portfolio. They consequently become totally reliant on those ‘advisors’ to guide them, if only to help make them sound like they understand the issues. This has ever been the case of course, we can’t expect our pollies to be experts in everything, but in the past the most senior positions were awarded to the clever ones, with real intellect, able to understand their portfolios. Not any more.
In this way, the most powerful and influential people are often invisible or appear to be subordinate, maybe not even working in an official government office but in an NGO or similar. The politicians aren’t calling the shots, just drawing the salary.
“….incompetence at the highest levels of government”.
There is an old bit of “folk wisdom” that goes:
Never ascribe to malice, that which probably incompetence”.
HOWEVER, when it comes to the “big end of town”; government, pubic serpents, churnalists, etc. the reverse may well constantly apply.
“NEVER ascribe to incompetence, that which is clearly MALICE”.
Self interest (profiteering) outruns tribalism by a long way.
I’m long cash despite believing that every reaction will (eventually) have an equal and opposite reaction.
Unfortunately the energy transition is a chain reaction.
Hence … I’m long cash.
Is a break evident…hmmmm
Why doesnt google map this blog?
Is the headline a pun of some sort?
the goal of globalism is to collapse the nation state.
What is it with Germans and their radical political minds? They come up with communism, fascism and then radical mainstream greenism? All disastrous. There is something in the water in that country.
Slight OT.
But Carbon offsets… worthless. !
All part of the BIG CON !
And from the gruniad link
“In January, a nine-month investigation by the Guardian, the German weekly Die Zeit and the investigative group SourceMaterial found Verra rainforest credits used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big corporations were largely worthless, often based on stopping the destruction of rainforests that were not threatened,”
I’m ultimately optimistic on energy. The world is at some point not going to accept this stuff. The problem is how much damage they are going to do before we reach that point.
Currently, people alive have never experienced a world with no energy, so they don’t comprehend what energy is and how much it affects their lives.
But at some point it will slap you in the face. This is what happened to me. I faced putting down my own hard earned money on an off grid solar system – I had even actually bought the land – and that reality made you think properly.
Funny thing is I’m one of the few people who could actually live with intermittent and low levels of electric energy, but I still woke up. But you have to be forced to face the reality of it.
The main thing that deterred me was facing buying new batteries in 8 years time, if not before. That’s one hell of a big electricity bill, on top of the first one. And then the maintenance as everything gets old or fails.
People will face this type of reality check at some stage too, somehow, and that will change their minds.
Excellent article Jo. The whole process is sickening.
“…politicians respond to the demand stirred up the activist arm, and having no real expertise or understanding of anything themselves, they have no choice but to enact the proposals that people like Graichen feed them.”
Yeah, that sums it up for most Western “free” societies. Totalitarian societies are the same, except that the “activists” have eliminated the middlemen, by inserting themselves more securely into the leadership roles. No less lacking in expertise, and much more efficient at screwing things up.
It is MUCH worse than you think.
The ignorance is utterly institutionalized. I have even had “manager types tell me that they do not want to know too much about the function and skills of the Hi-Viz and safety-boot fraternity, because it will “muddy the waters”. This is DOCTRINE.
There is accelerating “managerialism”, globally: Has been this way for decades.
This cloud of toxic smug and arrogance declares that “management” is a universally transferable thing. If one can manage a “department”, one cam “manage” any “department”. ZERO actual “knowledge of the “details”, technical or otherwise is requires, let alone desired.
It is usually a constant war of “manipulation” of the “peasants”, dressed up as “best practice” and other crap and corruption. Senior technical staff get sent off to “management training” courses / “attitude adjustment”. This is really to sort the “wheat from ye caff” and promote the chaff to yet more “mamgement” slots.
“Managerialism” is part of the Hydra that is “galloping credentialism”. No “papers”, no “promotion”. The alleged managers deliberately lack the expertise to evaluate their “charges”.
This will continue until the wheels fall off. Then, the very people who loosened the wheel nuts, will demand that the “peasants” put the wagon back on THEIR road, while they give themselves another pay rise.
Cynical? Probably.
Retired? Involuntarily. The Kovid Kaper provided HUGE cover for the “culling of the herd”, especially the older, more experienced (and wary) members.
Retired? Involuntarily. The Kovid Kaper provided HUGE cover for the “culling of the herd”, especially the older, more experienced (and wary) members.
Mainly in provided a means to target conservatives or those on the political right, as they were the most likely to resist the Covid mandates.
[Please use italics or “quote” to quote people. -J]
Be careful with speculative language. It’s more useful to be specific. If there was a desire to cull the herd (by whom, when and in what situation), how would conservatives who resisted mandates be targeted? Not through vaccines. Not through quarantine. By a higher infection rate when they protested?
I thought I had used quotation marks as I normally do but they seem to have gone AWOL when I added the italics. Thanks for letting me know because I see your point.
MY point though is that the heavy-handed treatment of those who were wary of the vaccine, including mandating its acceptance on pain of being sacked, also labeling them as “antivaxxers’, was in part driven by the belief that those resisting were primarily conservatives. It wasn’t mandated for that reason alone, but coercing with threats was made easier for them when they realised that.
Oh dear, the edit thingy got me again. I added:
The point I was making is that many (mostly leftist in reality if not always name) governments realised early on that the majority of those resisting mRNA vaccination were conservatives and so decided that mandates would primarily target their opponents.
Got it there Bruce.
And you are Not being cynical; the switch from real on the job management has been accelerating for a few decades now.
Many public institutions are now “on the brink” after years of the new management style.
Local governments, banks, state governments etc are now a collapsing shambles and our education system is stuffed.
“It is MUCH worse than you think.” – Bruce
I hear ya, Bruce, …and Steve and Keith. I was just emphasizing what I thought was a key point Jo made that resonated with me.
And I think it’s a key point, because if the leadership actually did some effective leading, the problems that you rightly take issue with wouldn’t exist, or would at least be a lot more tractable.
Thx for getting a bit more into the downstream weeds on this than I’m inclined to go at present.
Push Back is Overdue.
Push Back Hard.
Some of the numbers and the main players in the US philanthropy club. Scary stuff!
Nisbett, M C, 2018, “Strategic philanthropy in the post‐Cap‐and‐Trade years: Reviewing U.S. climate and energy foundation funding,” Wires Climate Change, Volume 9 (4) 22 May.
That is written up in The Sting chapter in this book.