By Jo Nova
The TGA in Australia* have handed Clive Palmer a dynamite story to use against them and Big Pharma
Palmer is in fine form below — shining a light on the pathological success of health regulation. Early use of HCQ could have saved thousands of people, but as readers here know, if there was a cheap useful treatment for Covid available, other expensive, barely tested, risky new drugs would not be given an Emergency Use Authorization, thus threatening to kill a $200 billion dollar cash cow.
Getting rid of safe competing drugs is just a part of the business plan for Big Pharma and they would be letting down their shareholders if they didn’t lobby like hell to make it happen.
Clive Palmer paid for 37 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and donated it to the Australian public.
But it arrived in Australia, it was all destroyed by the Morrison regime.
Clive Palmer also donated $1 million to fund a trial into HCQ – but the TGA shut it down and…
— Craig Kelly (@CKellyUAP) March 17, 2023
HCQ reduced death rates by 72% in 15 early treatment trials
The short video above could use one more slide so people know there are at least 466 studies of hydroxychloroquine with Covid-19 involving as many as a half a million people. Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine was adopted for early treatment in all or part of 41 countries.
Claims were made that the doses of HCQ required in lab studies were too high to be useful in vivo, but Ruiz et al found that the drug concentrated 38 fold higher in lung tissue than in blood plasma.

Click to enlarge. | See all the papers listed at:
The C19 team add the caveats:
Late treatment and high dosages may be harmful, while early treatment consistently shows positive results. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment delay. Some In Vitro evidence suggested therapeutic levels would not be reached, however that was incorrect [Ruiz]. Recent: Spivak Mathew Llanos-Cuentas Delgado Alshamrani Nasri Viglione.
If the short video doesn’t show above watch from 2.30 here, and also hear how he was treated with ivermectin.
*The TGA — Therapeautic Goods Association, is equivalent to the FDA in the US.
Artificial Intelligence is alive & well in Canberra! One does not need to say more!
The question now is whether Defence is any more competent at its job than institutions of public health have been at theirs? The Australian yesterday reported a Liberal candidate in NSW pushing a “horse cure” as one reason for his election. And they go off their heads at Paul Keating calling people names. Good grief.
Real stupidity?
If we had a media, politicians, senior public serpents, senior members of the medical community and senior members of the scientific community who actually bothered to do their job and not “follow the narrative” this would not have happened and numerous lives would have been saved. (There were a very few honourable exceptions who were treated horribly snd/or cancelled.)
And remember that the “Health” Minister under which HCQ was banned was a one-time WEF employee and graduate. Reference below.
He could have changed this.
Nice to know that our masters would not allow a shadow of doubt. Their superior science can never be questioned. Who cares if serfs die?
David. Clive Palmer claims Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt destroyed 37 million doses of free HCQ. IIRC Greg Hunt was also involved when Turnbull cancelled an Abbott inquiry into something to do with climate change. It seems that In both cases Greg Hunt had a major influence on the results which, IMHO, have been disastrous for Australia. Interesting that the end result in both cases would seem to correspond with WEF preferred outcomes. Greg Hunt is a graduate of the WEF. Makes you wonder ………..?
Hunt cancelled the enquiry into the BOM and their temperature shenanigans, can’t have the plebs finding out about their dodgy ‘science’.
At least four times, perhaps more, I posted a comment to The Australian regarding the success that health authorities in Uttar Pradesh and some other Indian states were having with “health packages” that included Ivermectin, I think, and Vit D and a couple of other items. These packages were given to all occupants of dwellings in which one person had contracted Covid, with great success in reducing the severity and spread of the infection.
Not one comment got past the comments editors, and even as recently as last week I had a comment that was critical of Greg Hunt in relation to this rejected.
This morning I posted a comment regarding Tucker Carlton’s exposé of the Jan 6 tapes. So far it is still “pending”.
I have some of those Ziverdo kits in my medicine drawer. They contained zinc(z), ivermectin (iver) and doxycycline (do). Hence Z-iver-do. All contained in ready to use blister packs, with simple directions. During the surge of covid in India in 2020 in UP, they were given out to most infected families along with finger oximeters. An incredible public health program in a state of 300m. Probably better than the follow up vaccine program with leaky products.
After catching Covid last Easter, I used a zinc, vitamin c and quercetin combination, bit of home made bone broth probably didn’t hurt. I also used beads of liquorice root, sucking on them is my go to for a sore throat. Glycyrrhizic acid, empirically speaking, is great for upper respiratory health issues (and it kills Covid in vitro with sufficient dosage). My infection was almost 6 months after the 2nd Moderna vaccination being applied (a necessity to continue working). So I most likely caught an early form of Omicron, I don’t think the vaccine I received was relevant to the variant l caught, therefore I think that the fact l recovered within a few days, without a persistent cough that so many people experienced during that period suggests the vitamins and supplements l took offset serious disease.
The Australian is becoming just as useless as the rest of the MSM. It obeys the dictates of the blob. We only have to see how Tucker was told to cease and desist with the Jan 6 tapes. Hopefully Gateway pundit will get them at some point but at least the J6 defendants must be allowed to find and use any exculpatory evidence contained in them. Withholding the tapes from a defendant is not justice, it is criminal.
So less DoJ and more DoC (Criminals).
As I suspected my Tucker Carson comment was REJECTED. Here it is ……The first para is the quote I pasted in.
“The platforms benched Trump days after the January 6, 2021 insurrection, when a mob of his supporters seeking to halt the certification of his election defeat to Joe Biden stormed the US Capitol in Washington.”
It is interesting how the 4,000 hours of previously restricted video, some of which is now being broadcast by Tucker Carlson, is showing a somewhat different perspective. Particularly that of demonstrators wandering harmlessly around the Capitol and others being escorted around by Capitol police.
I came to the conclusion that the Oz had blackballed the word Ivermectin.
Perhaps they added Tucker to the list.
It’s a whacky country if Palmer, Hansen, a little known black girl Jacinta Price, Barnaby and Latham are our intellectuals.
Yor’re right. it’s wacky.
That’s because so many of your so-called intellectuals are bought and paid for.
But not all the intellectuals have gone that way. Take yourself as an example Hanrahan. Clearly you’re not bought and paid for are you?
The Left-dominated social(ist) media is also hugely responsible for deaths from the banning of HCQ because they censored any and all positive information about HCQ and silenced (including permanent cancellation of accounts) anyone who promoted or even attempted to discuss such views.
The Left are terrified of alternative opinions hence every lthing they do involves Censor ship or cancellation.
Even today, the only social media that allows free speech and alternative opinions is Twitter under Musk’s ownership, who didn’t own Twitter at the time HCW was being discussed.
The left are mostly the gullible tools of the big corporations they think they oppose.
And Scott Morrison, his parliamentary supposedly right wing colleagues, all the supposedly right wing local electorates, and right wingers in general – are any of these people anything other than gullible tools as well?
I will except those who frequent here for the most part. But what have we managed to achieve other than red pill the occasional person?
You have told the visitors here that they are not alone. There are many more visitors who read without writing so you cannot tell how far a comment here might travel. Then there are those like me who keep their local parliamentarian fully appraised of the latest real science. According to polls at least half of the population know that climate change is BS and more realise that Chris Bowen is going to make their electricity dearer and prone to blackouts. They did not get that information from the Sydney Morning Herald or the ABC so the news does get out. You should have read the comments to the piece in the Oz today about the current “heat wave” that had not happened for 165 years. What? When CO2 was less than 300 ppm? And how did the BoM know that when they destroyed the data before 1910? And so on. They sounded to me like readers of Jo’s blog.
I would love to know the details and history of the conversations held by who and with whom at the highest levels of government. Matters that all citizens have the right to know have been totally censored out.
Hunt vetoed Tony Abbott’s demand to investigate the way the BOM firstly, was handling climate associated weather data and secondly how it has consistently presented its pro AGW weather reports with no room for AGW doubt apparent in those presentations. As a supposedly science based organisation, it seems totally unwilling to apply scientific rigour to its data, remembering it always has the control of that data after ‘homogenising’ it. The homogenisation process itself is evidently secret, often questioned, and that process is the basis for Australia destroying its fossil fuel based energy system nad hence it’s economy. Who was Hunt in contact with which resulted in his refusal to act on his PM’s orders?
It seems as Minister for Health he has acted in similar fashion, obeying the orders of whomever had his ear at the time. He did it, still without a blush. Who is/was directing Australia on what it has to do in both the most debilitating national crises of modern times? Was it Pharma twisting the arms of the leaders of our Health Departments who passed it all on to the Ministers for Health in all jurisdictions? That’s how the politicians will play it. Our citizens should be getting very nervous now about whom our governments are being compelled to follow orders from. This is basic information expected to be transparently available in a Democracy and the frequency of such censorship is increasing. How many Dr Fauci’s are there in the West?
The resulting exposure of the objectives for the Voice, as against the government’s public utterings, is only due to leaks and information in those leaks being investigated by people like Albrechtsen or some retired High Court Justices being concerned enough to make comment. It is like pulling teeth to get those discussions validated by a government being exposed and trying to alter what it wanted to bulldoze through the Parliament. The government is still incapable of putting together a verifiable and valid description of the Voice and its legislation. It’s a great pity for the nation that such leaks never escaped from the cores of the AGW movement and the COVID management teams. We wouldn’t be in the predicament we are in now for paying our way for future massive expenditures on NDIS, Defence, Debt interest, Inflation and problems coming with a further 30% electricity charge coming in July!
(Apologies for length Jo. Chop it if you want. Much is repetition with a bit of depth)
Don’t forget, whether it worked or not (although it did), HCQ has among the safest safety profiles of any drug in use and is or used to be available over the counter in many countries, including Western ones such as France until Jan 13, 2020*.
It was banned even before there was any alternative treatment or any vaccine and people were basically sent to hospital to die and doctors were not allowed to exercise professional judgement which used to include being allowed to do anything necessary to save lives.
*Reference for France.
The term “doctor” has until now been a name we’d automatically trust and respect.
Thanks to Covid and other agendas like Trans, we now see how little that trust was earned.
In fact now it’s probably a case of “tell me your political beliefs and then I’ll decide if I can trust you”.
Doctors are a subset of science. That whole industry has lost trust and no one seems to care.
Fully agree.
The extent to which the profession does what it’s told, and fails to analyse data, is truly shocking.
The MSM as well as medical bodies seem to start with “fat man (and Orange man, and Pauline Hanson) bad; any public servant with the title “Professor” good.
And “science” is whatever the public service “professor” says it is.
How much we need a class action by families who have lost loved ones because they were denied the use of HCQ and/or Ivermectin. A class action would mean full disclosure, all scientific papers on the matter would be available to the court. Members of our ruling class, both past and present would at the very least be publicly shamed. Possibly, and justly, receive a custodial sentence.
There is not much more to say. The MSM and the Canberra swamp effectively destroyed Craig Kelly and treated Clive as a joke. The joke was on us and the clowns were Greg Hunt and Morrison.
Palmer didn’t need any help from the MSM or Canberra.
He effectively destroyed himself and the UAP when he and Kelly jumped on the “sack them all” campaign that grew out of the vaxxine mandate protest rallies, then preferenced Liberal HoR members and candidates over minor party and independent candidates.
We were actively involved with UAP in our electorate and their preferences put labor and liberal last!
Crap, Brenda, you cannot put two candidates “last”.
With our rigged compulsory referential system all that is relevant is which one was the actual sitting member, Liberal or Labor, and which of the two was numbered “last”.
I’d be prepared to bet money that if sitting member was Labor, then they were numbered last. However, if the sitting member was Liberal, then they would have been numbered second last or higher above Labor, meaning in most cases the UAP preferences would flow to the Liberals.
As I have said before, don’t let the Left and their agents rewrite history as they always do.
They and their useful idiots were entirely responsible for lies told about HCQ, and also Ivermectin, the approval of dangerous, untested “vaccines” and who censored any and all voices of people who didn’t “follow the narrative” and even sacked (fired) dissenters and deregistered doctors.
It is inexcusable and unprecedented.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
The Left think they can get away with this. They are already starting to beg not to be prosecuted such as asking for a “pandemic amnesty”. E.g. DONT LET TJEM HAVE IT!
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Another example of doctor-client relationship being interfered with bogus roadblocks for personal health decisions.
Eventually the truth will win out.
Bravo to Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer.
Big Pharma certainly did not waste their opportunity.
We need a Royal Commission into the Covid response ASAP.
Australians have a rather bloated opinion of themselves, they want to be world leaders in ruinables for example. Well our Royal Commission system is tailored for this type of event, so let’s lead the world and have the daddy of all commissions.
We could not subpoena O/S witnesses but I’d bet there would be plenty who would volunteer their time. Be the spark to light the fire worldwide.
At the time I wrote to the “Health” Minister Hunt and this is the response I got from one of his staff, dated 20th August 2020. I included numerous references from scientific literature as to the efficacy and safety of HCQ when taken according to published protocols such as Zelenko which it didn’t specifically address.
Notice they emphasise the supposed dangers of HCQ, even though these relate to extreme long term use and/or extremely high doses, not a short course of a week or so.
And what of the “adverse effects” of not using it…like death?
“I trust this information is of assistance to you, my arse is firmly covered & I hope you just go away..
Yours sincerely,
Unfortunately, proper clinical trials for any treatment for COVID-19 infection was discouraged.
As you say: Don’t forgive. Don’t forget.
Well done DM, at least you tried. Once I observed what had happened in the US with HCQ and the virtual banning of the substance in Australia, I knew there was no hope in such actions. As soon as I saw Prof Robert Clancy and other early- anti-viral supporters being sidelined and ignored, almost shunned, there was no hope with the politicians. Hell, just in the last week Scott Morrison told Sharri M that there were no intentions for vaccine mandates at federal level- how’s that for re-write of history?
A critical care specialist resigned over COVID issues. He wanted to use HCQ or Ivermectin or anything else he deemed appropriate for the patient but was told he’d be fined $5k. I asked what the problem was and he replied grimly that the Regulator (APHRA) had been corrupted.
First do no harm – to Big Pharma’s revenue stream
Primum non nocere: Non-maleficence, which is derived from the maxim, is one of the principal precepts of bioethics that all students in healthcare are taught in school and is a fundamental principle throughout the world. (Wiki)
Except when said bioethics is overridden by millions of corporate dollars and an opportunity to exercise the pent up urge for totalitarian control by fascistically inclined corporates, politicians, academics, medicians…
No HCQ for you, plebian.
The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine
Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”
This is the announcement (video below) by President Trump in which he stated he was taking HCQ and also an interview of Dr Zelenko and Fauci.
President Trump using it was probably what triggered the war against HCQ which was carried forward by Big Pharma and their agents plus the useful idiots of the Left.
Note also mention of the “clinical trial” showing no success. It is of absolutely no use for late stage infections, it was a trial designed to fail, just like the other one where they gave extremely high lethal doses of HCQ.
These drugs threatened the $200b vaccine industry. They were going to be banned if they “got popular” for any reason. The EUA could not be issued while there was a viable alternative.
In Australia the TGA ignored ivermectin until Sept 2021 when too many people were getting prescriptions for it.
It seems to me that any “clinical trial” which omitted a demonstrated successful use of the medication was flawed, immoral and is, or should be illegal.
Thanks Jo. And thanks Clive. And to the doctor who saved him with IVM.
Dave B
Don’t forget also that lot of “studies” of HCQ were based on flawed data (deliberately flawed or incompetently, who knows?) from Surgisphere.
Note how trials were halted because of the flawed/fake data. Then WHO says “On Wednesday, the WHO announced those trials would now resume.”
But no significant WHO trials ever resumed. Other Dark Forces then came into play to continue the bans on HCQ. Maybe the flawed/fake Surgisphere data was just cover to do what they always intended to do for Big Pharma, permanently ban safe and effective alternatives to their covid “vaccine” products…
I remember to have seen a study on HCQ with negative result, where all executive Meds. had different relations to Gilead.
Gilead was producer and developer of Remdesivir. It was the time as Didier Raoult in Marseille, France promoted HCQ and Azithromycin.
It were leaders of Gilead France pressing Macron to stop Raoult.
I’ve explained to some members of my family and friends, how even in early 2020, there was no need for Australia to lockdown. That maybe some minor/ non disruptive COVID policies could have been implemented, but generally we could have gone on with our lives almost as normal. In the explanation I mention that there was a veritable ocean of early anti-virals that could have been sensibly used to treat newly COVID infected people. That these early anti-virals, like HCQ and IVM, could have been sitting in peoples medicine cabinets much the same as most people have paracetamol, nurofen , aspirin or products like Codral siting there. There should have been no panic, no restrictions on going to your GP, no lockdowns, no school closures. You can guess the reaction from those people. The fact that nearly all the medical fraternity just sat there and said nothing was quite incredible. It’s hard to draw any analogies with any other previous situation-it’s unique. The majority of the public still believe that the only way to combat COVID was via restrictions/ mandates and vaccines.
Just for interest sake, how global Covid-19 deaths progressed.
First 1 million- Sept 2020.
2nd Mil – Jan 2021
3rd Mil – April 2021
4th Mil – June 2021
5th Mil – Oct 2021
6th Mil – Feb 2022
Now 6.8 + million deaths by March 2023.
Now look at the population increase over that time- I recall it’s about 100 million per year. So, in that time 6.8m died with/from COVID and 300m more people populated this earth. It’s a rather morbid statistic, but there it is.
Statistics is morbid. It’s the hidden loses to family, friends, loved ones and society that don’t figure in any statistic.
If the world eventually decides to cap population growth it will be almost impossible due to social differences, especially in third world countries where the young are needed traditionally to protect the old.
A side interest is demanding the reduction in cattle where cattle are sacred in hindu areas and are the ‘banks’ for the poor in traditional 3rd world nations.
The world is in a strange place currently where disasters have reduced and responses to disasters improved so much that the loss of life overall to disasters is relatively minimal, yet the desired move around the world elites seems to be to decrease the population of the planet. Hate to think that this was guiding the management of COVID!
You will tell what ? There is finally a deceleration that could have started much earlier, in the beginning with HCQ later with IVM and the total would have been much lower.
I’m missing something.
No surprise.
It is hard for me to believe that Pharma was able to buy the entirety of the MSM, Public Health establishments, Academia and governments in virtually all the major Western countries to the extent that appears to have transpired.
The messaging around COVID was suspiciously and unbelievably coordinated and assembly lined across the board
with cookie cutter sameness that defies credulity.
(I could have made that last sentence better with more brain space.)
In the real world governments normally have difficulty agreeing on the organization of a two car funeral.
Just seems like there had to have been some greater central nexus somewhere that exerted greater power than simple corruption can account for.
Why would a medical system simply destroy a useful common drug?
It’s really simple Honk, there’s no profit in HCQ/IVM because they’re old and off patent. There’s money to be made in new off patent medications and vaccines. Follow the money.
…” new patented medications and vaccines”
Honk, that’s a fair question. But consider how few people control all of medicine in Australia. AHPRA is a committee that deregisters doctors they don’t like. Just the open threat from them to sack a few doctors for being naughty is enough to make all doctors fearful of speaking their minds.
And the TGA controls the entire market for drugs in Australia. There are 16 people on the sub-committee for medical scheduling.
Those 16 decide which drugs our doctor is allowed to offer us and for what reason.
Within a few hours of the TGA banning ivermectin, pharmacies in Australia stopped supplying the drug even to people who had a legal medical prescription from a doctor.
BlackRock (and co) are some of the largest shareholders of both the MSM and also of Big Pharma. BlackRock is the “third largest country” in the world in terms of financial force. Big Pharma pays for research at uni’s, it runs conventions/junkets for doctors, it buys advertising on the media (for a product that can’t be legal bought by the people watching the TV).
The situation in the US is more complicated but similar. The TGA = the FDA.
All politicians need their corporate donors. Which ones are funding political campaigns to reduce the deep-state regulation of medicine? Answer: probably zero.
Thanks Jo.
The TGA = the FDA.
Get that I think, but does Oz EUA = US EUA?
Everybody just using the same labels like Build Back Better?
Could be simple as BlackRock being the nexus, but somehow I reckon GEC is playing (which I first heard about here, thanks I think, my TFH thanks you at least. 🙂 )
And Hi to my friends in Pine Gap.
“Within a few hours of the TGA banning ivermectin, pharmacies in Australia stopped supplying the drug even to people who had a legal medical prescription from a doctor.”
Seriously crazy.
Sumpin’s up here.
Plus, the Clive Palmer speech was something. My TFH thanks you again.
I barely understand who he is.
The table top pandemic exercise run by Fauci, Gates et al in October 2019 (date ??) was the blueprint. Ran as practiced in the the real (Western) world from early 2020. Refer Robert Kennedy’s book (The Real Anthony Fauci) for details. That exercise , and similar ones preceding it, were to address means and methods of controlling populations, as opposed to shooting for best health outcomes. Absolutely amoral, even criminal.
And then, here in Victoria, the world’s biggest free range lunatic asylum, we endure comments from our dullard in chief along the lines of -‘There was no playbook for this… We were up against the unknown….’etc., etc. What utter drivel and outright lies. Please don’t try to tell me that every single country in the world has no plan for how to tackle a potential epidemic in their country.
That is the very reason you cannot get through an air or sea port anywhere without passing through customs, biosecurity, etc. That has been the case for decades.
Next they will tell us they had no plan to defend our nation from the Eastasian invaders.
Anyone who says that there was no plan to deal with this is showing up their ignorance/incompetence since the WHO in 2005 advised countries that TWO plans were needed. One for an influenza epidemic and one for a SARS pandemic. If there was no plan then the question is why did you fail to draft one? In the UK our idiots failed to have a SARS plan and used the only plan they had which was for influenza – which made things worse. If you look at the health reports over the years, by the last planning draft in 2017 SARS was no longer named specifically and was thought it might kill a handful of people. Influenza would kill tens of thousands they reckoned. That didn’t turn out well did it? And strangely we had a kHunt in charge at that time too – sadly he is chancellor now.
Every one has a price, most people are just happy to keep their job. Did Dr’s receive 10k for a positive c-19 test?
Not one Dr can prescribe Natural non profit alternatives to pharmaceutical’s, other wise they loose their jobs, this has been going on for over 50 years, it’s call Rockefeller medicine.
People think that taking a synthetic pesticide HCQ for mild Flu symptoms is a good thing?, instead of natural alternatives like, take a lemon and get a sun tan.
Get a sun tan or take a pesticide? Umm..
Kevin there are a hundred different biochemical paths that slow viruses. Vitamin C D and sunlight help with a few of them. HCQ and IVM access different paths, and studies show that people benefit. The FLCCC protocols recommend both, along with black seed oil, povidone iodine, and a lot of other things. Melatonin is one of the most effective and useful treatments.
ivermectin fertility
Pesticide for colds?
One of those studies finds a drop in sperm health in sheep and measures up to 260 hours…
Since farmers use kilotons of ivermectin and have for decades, you’d think they’d notice if there was a drop in fertility, or it was just a temporary thing that lasted a week?
The other study was in Nigeria on men with Onchocerciasis. Of the 385 men in the study only 37 were eligible because the rest had very low sperm counts. Maybe the disease itself causes “low sperm counts” since 90% of the men were already affected?
I ran out of time to dig up other studies. Maybe you can find them?
Be aware, if you put in two keywords to pubmed, you’ll find a study on it somewhere. You need to look up the studies to see if they mean something. And be wary of people who make videos with “War on Fertility” and “Genocide” on the front. I mean — maybe there is a problem, but best to seek out more conservative commentators as well.
Looks like it may be bad for mice and rat sperm but not so much for rabbits and dogs?
You would think, given the extreme need to demonize ivermectin that the FDA would have dug out anything it could have to scare people away from trying it.
Ivermectin bad for rat sperm, but allieviated with antioxidant ALA.
Ivermectin is OK for male rabbits.
“IVM at doses of 0.2 and 1.0 mg/kg of SC did not alter any of the semen parameters of rabbits evaluated for up to 60 days after administration. ”
Ivermectin is OK for male beagles
Ivermectin had no adverse effects on spermatogenesis, fertility, or reproductive performance of Beagle dogs when administered orally at 600 micrograms/kg (0.6 mg/kg) of body weight monthly for 8 treatments. Semen
Midazolam Murders – When a Common Sedative Becomes an Execution Drug
Very interesting video, I saw it last weekend. Ive already reached out to an anesthetist friend for his view. He was quite interested but thought it was a bit overdone. said midazolam is used to reduce distress, and in nursing homes — if a patient is acutely distressed and “not for higher levels of care”, nor alternative treatment regimes and therapies, the alleviation of symptoms is a ethical humane intervention. He felt the sad thing was more that we were so unprepared.
Though he said he would like to see more data on why there were such big spikes. He felt the video was a bit misleading on midazolam.
We’re still discussing the use of antibiotics — or lack thereof, and I haven’t got to the bottom of that. He has years experience in ICU, so I would need to resolve these issues before I posted anything. I haven’t written the story off, there is more to said, but I haven’t had time to look into it further.
It would be useful if people could supply me with medical papers on the use of antibiotics against viruses or in pneumonia. Doc friend didn’t think they would have used antibiotics against viruses. I thought they would but didn’t find hte papers I hoped in the time I had.
Azithromycin through the Lens of the COVID-19 Treatment
Azithromycin for mild-to-moderate COVID-19
Antibiotics: their true place in the treatment of viral disease (1978)
Interesting Challenge for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
You have been Challenged. There is no virus. Tom Cowan, Mark and Sam Bailey, Andrew Kaufman is ready and has been for a Long time
Pfizer’s CEO hasn’t gotten his Covid vaccine yet, saying he doesn’t want to cut in line
[Kevin, please learn some basic virology and genetics. Its fascinating, and as I keep explaining in reply to you Cowan, Mark and Sam are making semantic mistakes and there are millions of observations they can’t explain, but virologists can. Please read my past replies. Look up plaque assays. PCR. Antigen testing. RNA sequencing. Electronmicrographs and Nextstrain – Jo]
Jo- a general discussion paper for this subject :-
(You have probably seen this before)
I think there’s no doubt antibiotics have anti-viral effects, but the pathway is mysterious. I would say KISS principle and they might just actually be zinc ionophores. Early on in 2020 all the Zelenko protocols plus the myriad of other pet anti-covid cocktails by doctors right across the US all contained either azithromycin or doxycycline. GP’s in Australia have for decades nearly always prescribed antibiotics even when they knew it was only a virus infection. Sure, there might be 2˚ bacterial infection where the AB could be useful but primarily it was intended to control the virus infection. The FLCC protocols also have antibiotics in their core recos. Maybe try contacting Pierre Kory direct via Twitter etc with your queries. But the problem in terms of research is the same as IVM/HCQ. There’s no profit margin in antibiotic research, so the incentive for research is relatively low.
There’s nothing mysterious about azithromycin or doxycycline … they jam the ribosome and prevent mRNA being interpreted during protein synthesis process. Depending on dose they may obstruct the process a bit more or less, but since all biological reproduction depends on protein synthesis, and the invading organism is the one that needs to reproduce as fast as possible … these drugs are a universal antibiotic against every infectious disease.
The downside being that it’s also a “scortched earth” weapon and taken over a long term will cause damage to the human … but when used occasionally and with careful dosage it’s very handy.
This is a good read ( following on from Tel comment). Doesn’t specifically say antibiotics inhibit virus reproduction, but comes close.
Use of antibiotics in respiratory viral infections
I think we all agree that sun and fresh air are good, Right?
Not so! Here the beaches were closed and somewhere they brought in a helicopter to blow sand and umbrellas around. That brainiac will never be asked WHY.
The complete COV-19 story was the complicity work of big pharma with policy, and of course a money guided desinformation campaign by the media. The question remain, who was leading, pharma or policy.
Not to forget the servant idiots you find everywhere, even for nothing.
“Clive Palmer donated 37m doses of HCQ and $1m for research and the Australian government destroyed both”. The TGA’s deliberate and malicious destruction of Clive Palmer’s gift of 37 million doses of Ivermectin is a wicked act of spite. It stinks because the TGA did it in order to fix the market in favour of Big Pharma mega profits. It’s like a captain deliberately setting fire to the life boats and telling those passengers and crew who choose not to stay with the ship that they can jump overboard and sink or swim. The TGA will forever be tainted by this act of treachery against Australians.
In 1983 Australian agriculture was having a rebound year. 1982 drought decimated broadacre crop production on the eastern seaboard. 1983 bounced back (as it so often does after a major drought) with a significant increase in rainfall right throughout the growing season. But there was a major problem for wheat growers. Somehow (we still don’t know how) a major wheat foliar fungal disease had been imported into Australia called Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis, for those of a scientific mind). Serious stuff because none of the then Wheat cultivars had any genetic resistance because Australia ( up until that point) didnt have the disease. There were major projected yield losses estimated of up to 50%. Normally you would control such a disease via fungicides. However, none were approved ( registered ) in Australia at the time. But, luckily representations were made to federal ministers etc to demand an emergency use approval for a variety of fungicides then registered in Europe. So, all the normal approval processes were waived. A number of agrochemical companies were then permitted to fly in planeloads of European labelled product which were then hurriedly restickered with Australian advice, farmers were allowed to purchase and it helped alleviate some of the potential losses. Long story short – 40 years ago all government approval processes were overturned to allow the judicious use of novel products for disease control in wheat, but somehow that same method was ignored in 2020 when supposedly COVID was going to ravage the Australian population. Once I observed what happened to HCQ/IVM I knew there was some grand plan being implemented and it was bad.
What goes around comes around.
All the scummy politicians, health “experts”, biased media etc will ALL be at the “table of consequences” for a bumper feast. No way out of it or around it.
I hope they all choke.
Only when it all affects them and hurts them will they wake up to the epic stupidity of their compliance albeit far far too late.
And now for next week’s major event.😎
And in Germany, the vaxxine injury numbers are HORRIFIC !!
this was sent to the Aust yesterday. Th chance of it being published is Zero.
MAX MADDISON article (LIB CANDIDATE PRAISED HORSE CURE FOR COVID), and his comments that Bill Burst, used Facebook to purvey fringe conspiracy theories about “Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug given to horses and cows, as a cure for Covid.”
If Max Maddison checked his facts, he would find that Ivermectin was developed in 1970 to fight malaria and other tropical illnesses. It was so successful the developers were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine for saving millions of lives. And like many human medicines it works with other animals. It was also found post-SARS-1 that it safely cured it too. Ditto for Covid-19. In fact, countries, which binned the vaccines and used Ivermectin found their death rates plummeted. (look-up Uttar Pradesh an Indian state of 235 million people, which is an excellent example of its success, particularly when based on deaths/100,000 people). So, voters if you want a candidate, who cross checks their facts, and are prepared to speak up over controversial issues look at those who promoted Ivermectin over the vaccines.
John Ibbotson.
The key point about Ivermectin is that is it licensed for humans. But as we can’t get it other than by expensive import from India, I can confirm that the horse version cleared my Covid in less than a day.
I believe the prime characteristic looked for in our political parties when looking for candidates is ‘COLLEGIALTY’. ie Will one be a good talking doll. To be a good talking doll, one has to have an empty cranium and only spout the ‘wisdom’ implanted on disposable software. A bit like those moving dummies that use sunlight to empower them and don’t work out of hours. No capacity to independently reason nor learn for one’s self is really prime for a good party candidate.
I have a photo stored on my phone, sent to me by a friend working in a hospital. It is an image of the ward drug cabinet with the HCQ bag with a warning note attached indicating that the drug had been “Up-scheduled” to S4D.
I stored that image on 26th of March 2020. This is months before any jabs were available.
Many say the ban on the use of the therapeutics was all about Big Harma profits, but just as with the AGW hoax, the plandemic had many fellow travellers with differing objectives, each determined not to let the crisis go to waste. And all willing to sacrifice the lives of other humans to further their goals.
The use of cheap effective repurposed drugs would have let the crisis go to waste. There would be:
No obscene profits for Big Harma.
No digital passports for power crazed governments.
No biannual jabs only Big Government can afford and only compliant sheeple can receive.
No CBDC to prevent the spread of disease via cash.
HCQ and Ivermectin threatened everyone’s foul plans.
The macabre joke is that they may have gotten away with it, if the jabs had just been saline. But now, as excess mortality and disability climb while birth rates fall, few will accept any “Global Reset” that leaves these murderous fellow travellers with power and control.
Unfortunately this destroys any semblance of a two party system in this country, thank god we don’t have to pretend anymore. Welcome to the uniparty and if you don’t vote for us you will be fined lol
Have wondered for some time,what happened to the dozen (?) pallets of this product. Had thought this could be an outcome. Why am I still somewhat shocked.
The one argument against the sudden, mass take up of HCQ that held water in my mind at the time, was the deprivation of this product from those requiring it for lifetime conditions.
Clive fixed that problem. Throw rotted tomatoes at him for many reasons, but not this.
The Greens and Labor have no hope with coming with high speed train from Parramatta to Victoria. Liberal has more hope with it.