Senator Alex Antic is on fire asking why no one seems interested in the 14,062 people who died unexpectedly from January to November last year. In a full year, that’s 15,300 families who lost a loved one. 15,000 lives cut short. It’s nearly twice the size of the covid toll.
Where is The Department of Health, the CSIRO, the ABC, TGA, SBS, APRHA, our universities, most newspapers and free to air TV? Do Australian lives matter?
@SenatorAntic: Something catastrophic is happening and the government and media are unconcerned.
The previous four Australian ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics data releases reveal 15.1%, 16.0%, 17.0%, and 17.3% increases in excess deaths above the baseline average. Similar, if not worse, trends, are happening all over the western world. Clearly, something serious, I would say catastrophic, is occurring, yet strangely politicians and the censorship industrial complex are almost entirely unconcerned about investigating it. They don’t want you to know what is driving this, but we all know what is causing it.
h/t Kevin a
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data (ABS) shows that mysterious deaths were far higher than Covid deaths in the last months of 2021.
ABS: Provisional Excess Deaths.
Meanwhile the largest vaccine and long covid study in Australia is being prematurely shut down…
A year ago it was trumpeted as a five year study of 10,000 people, presumably making people feel safer about how safety conscious the government was. Queenslanders were told they were “perfect” for this landmark study.
We know if these results showed the vaccines were safe and long covid was a problem the funding would be doubled. Apparently the results are already too toxic to allow it to continue, and the results must be aborted forthwith. This will bury them, indeed, and possibly destroy rare and valuable data of the effect of vaccines on a population that didn’t have covid. Some of this data couldn’t even be recaptured if the project was started from scratch again.
The Australian government has spent $17 billion on Australia’s vaccine and treatment of Covid 19, yet they won’t spend 0.5% of that finding out if the vaccines were safe. Priorities, right?! [Update: For some reason the Australian Government has lost that page bragging about their spending. Luckily the WayBack Machine has a copy and it’s now $18b. ]
Don’t axe QoVax
A priceless biobank with the answers to long Covid is threatened with destruction
The QoVax team didn’t just collect the standard data. Participants provided information on environmental and social determinants of health and biospecimens of blood and saliva that have been used to derive genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic datasets that will shed light on how the novel vaccines impact the immune system.
The secure digitally integrated biobank has 120,000 biospecimens: serum, saliva and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, in three -80 degrees Celsius freezers and three liquid nitrogen dewars. The linked data repository has four million linked data points and more than 500 whole genomes.
In addition, the biobank has access to real-time electronic medical records. With 70 per cent of hospitals in Queensland storing medical records electronically, the study was intended to allow long-term digital surveillance of health outcomes related to Covid-19 vaccinations, and intersections between vaccine responses and Sars-CoV-2 infection.
Worse still, the biobank, which should be a resource for the world, is threatened with destruction. Its precious resources will be destroyed in twelve months to save a trivial sum of money. The whole project has cost only $20 million.
It’s obvious that most cases of Covid only started to occur after December 15th, 2021.

Source: John Hopkins
In an update, the Australian has asked what will happen to the data, and a QoVax spokesman says the data will be stored and archived. But then, six months ago, they said it would be a five year program playing “a fundamental role in future health and biomedical research”. So, how much is that worth?
I will believe nothing until all the anonymized data is publicly available. “Follow the science” they say, right up until they destroy it.
Queensland Health withdraws QoVAX Covid-19 study funding
The Australia, March 29th, 2023
The QoVAX study, the largest of its type in Australia, is examining how people’s immune systems respond to vaccines and to the virus itself and is seen as important real-world research to help manage future Covid variants.
In response to questions, a QoVAX spokesperson said that in the absence of funding after June 30, the QoVAX research data and samples would be archived and stored securely until sufficient resourcing is available to continue the research.
At the moment at least, they promise to release a report before it shuts down. Will that happen?
The QoVAX website says that the research team is still working to “integrate and analyse the large body of data.” The results will be communicated to participants, the public and via peer reviewed research and a summary will be completed prior to June 30, when the funding stops.
Australians need to fight for this data and for the study to continue. Where is Anthony Albanese, the Federal government could take this over…
Primary reason starts with L.
Facts are that anyone getting the jabs was totally uninterested in their own health….nor that of their family members. Getting jabbed was / is no different to taking weird tabs at a music festival, or driving like a maniac, or indulging in risky pursuits of any kind.
The jabbed MIGHT claim they were pressured, cajoled, harrassed etc etc into submitting, but so what? They got the choice between living a (probably) longer healthier life by not being a guinea pig, but decided on self-harm so’s the weekly income would continue. Stiff cheddar.
BTW: Look up “Faustian Bargain” to understand how easily the jabees were turned to the dark side.I have no sympathy whatsoever!
The FACT is the government, the health industry and the media actively suppressed information that might have given you pause to get jabbed with a clotshot!
What kind of civilization do we want to live in Mantaray — one where good people who’s biggest fault was to be too trusting, get poisoned? That they suffer because they were not cynical and suspicious enough, or felt unwilling to give up their career, their house, their marriage just in case the medicine on offer had side effects they couldn’t even imagine and which was hidden from them?
At one point unvaccinated parents were told they were not allowed into hospital to visit their own children. It was coercion of the darkest order.
We are a gregarious species. Not everyone and their family was in strong health or wealth or at a time of life when the choice was easy. Not everyone was born with brain chemistry to go against the flow.
So some people made a different choice to you and it may or may not not have worked out well. Ponder that if the virus spike is a bioweapon with long-term effects then the difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed may not be as black and white as you imagine. We are all victims. We’ve all lost something we valued.
To win the culture war, let’s keep our cannons pointed at the criminals, not the victims. Use these horrible statistics to open eyes, to bring good people together, not to drive people away and divide us.
Faustian bargains are tests, but sympathy and forgiveness is Christian and will unite a force against the psychopaths.
Your last line Jo, is what we must all remember regardless of our religious persuasion, if any.
Beautifully said Jo. Let us always be sympathetic to the victims but relentless in our pursuit of the criminals. In this case our own government and it’s minions in the MSM. Let us not forget that the only reason that the climate scare began and continues is because it is perpetuated by a corrupt and complicit media.
Not that cut and dry. I pleaded with my wife not to get the faux vaxx but she loved her job, has several good friends at work and would have been the only one in whole organisation (large govt org) to get sacked for refusing – not easy for everyone to be shamed as a ‘filthy anti-vaxxer’! Not only that, we were being locked out of school ceremonies for our kids.
Wasn’t about the money for her.
Her union rep was absolutely useless and offered zero support.
It was coercion pure and simple.
Well MY, perhaps. But those of us over 70 are used to getting out flu injections every year and, like most, trusted our government to do the right thing. However, that trust no longer exists and neither my wife nor I will get anywhere near a mRNA injection again, or any other vaccine that has not gone through a full testing protocol. We are both lucky as, at this stage, we seem to have suffered no ill effects, but who knows what the future will bring.
Mantaray –
“Facts are that anyone getting the jabs was totally uninterested in their own health….nor that of their family members.”
The opposite is true:
My instinct was not to get jabbed. UK media was a torrent of coercive material, especially with respect to “jab to protect vulnerable by eliminating transmission risk”
Several family members have health conditions which put them in the vulnerable category.
Decided to accept two AZ jabs for the greater good. Read HM Gov surveillance reports which showed that the immunity response was actually going negative after 4 – 6 months and looked further. Saw and checked the early work of Prof Fenton on all cause mortality and it all made sense. Booster program promotion in the UK switched seamlessly to Pfizer after AZ clotting problems became undeniable.
The booster language for a different base product made me decide not to have any more jabs.
Very difficult family fall outs as a result.
I’m a numbers/tech type, not biosciences. Many people are neither.
Seen other similar stories.
As per the other responses to you – your “no sympathy” response should be directed to those who intentionally deceived a trusting population.
This Australian accepted GP advice and other and has had three vaccinations for COVID-19, he has medication for high blood pressure prescribed since early 2000s and BP is under control however a while after the second vaccination he checked his BP on his home monitor and for the first time noticed the irregular heartbeat symbol, and BP was much higher than his average normal.
After monitoring for two weeks approximately he consulted a GP at the same medical practise he has used for many years, but his usual GP was away. She prescribed an extra tablet a day for one of three prescribed. Slowly over the next few weeks BP returned to average normal.
Irregular heartbeat, was later confirmed after tests to be atrial fibrillation and a blood thinner was prescribed to deal with potential for a clot and stroke resulting. The AF remains today.
This Australian used to live an hour out of town. Self employed. From about age 50 used to get “laziness events”. Consulting doctor nothing to see.
After about ten years I had one of these events while visiting down the coast, and was able to dive into a medical centre for immediate attention. There I wrote something rude on their ECG machine, and they shot me up to emergency at the hospital, diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation and put me on Warfarin. That was 17 years ago this week.
A couple of years later I wrote something VERY rude on a stress test machine. They then put a “loop recorder”, about half the size of a thumb drive, in my left boob, and scanned the record once a year.
Now the interesting bit. One time the technician said “What happened here?” I dunno. But when I got home I remembered something. I got bitten by an electric fence, just one pulse, but a strong one. After which I had no more AF events till they took the gadget out after its battery went flat, and I was not conscious of any AF events for years after.
Dennis, really sorry to hear.
Ted1. Wow. That’s an interesting story.
Hi Ted. I have had many a boot from my miles of electric fencing and once had 415 volts down at the river pump. I don’t have AF either. But my mother did and she was proscribed Lanoxin. Lanoxin contains a chemical that can accumulate to a toxic level if the kidneys start to fail and as a result she should have had a blood test every three months to check that the lanoxin was being cleansed from her body. The tests were not done and in her early nineties her kidneys started to get lazy and the result was she died from Lanoxin poisoning. The young Registrar told me that ( maybe he was not supposed to) but her death certificate shows she died of heart failure. We studied Lanoxin after her death and from then on looked up any medicines being proscribed in the drug book Judy bought. I thought the hospital should have recorded her death as Lanoxin poisoning to provide a warning for the future administration of the drug. I contacted John Hunter Hospital but received no reply. The medical profession does not like to be reminded of it’s mistakes and inadequacies.
Professionals certainly can be touchy. Just this week was talking to a brother in law GP who insisted that the banned drugs do not work. He is too good a bloke to run an argument against, so I’ll leave it for another day.
This resident is and was retired at the time of this virus and could not be coerced into taking the Jabs. No need for the Jabs anyway as I have a very good immune system and rarely get sick. And there are many other reasons for me not having taken the Jabs.
However, I am well aware of the issue of these excess deaths and find it disgraceful that this study/investigation is being stopped part way through its term with all data obtained to date supposedly to be destroyed.
Maybe an Australian Billionaire could ride to the rescue and keep funding the Study. If the QLD Guv’ment would allow that at all.
Why would a leftist government like Queensland Labor Government want any further analysis of the adverse effects of a drug that they forced people to take?
It’s not a hard question.
This imported Australian (and wife) refused to be vaccinated and has had Covid just once AFAIK (never tested positive).
All my family are, to some degree, vaccinated with the experimental, untested, unsafe and ineffective mRNA poison. Likewise my wife’s family. Whilst she and I (touch wood) seem at least as healthy as we were pre-pandemic, an alarming number of relatives, friends and acquaintances here and in the UK are succumbing to cancers and/or heart problems. Because my son and daughter are also vaccinated (two doses each) also my new (7months) granddaughter was born to a vaccinated mother, I can’t feel smug or safe, but worry every time this topic is raised.
Regarding my granddaughter, my wife and I are currently fearful and hyper-vigilant, having read about something called ‘Covid baby syndrome’. If Covid doesn’t get me, the anxiety will.
Steve – My immediate family are all vaccinated. I’m not. So far one brother had a massive unheralded heart attack. Fortunately a neighbouring paramedic had him flown to a medical centre. I spend a lot of time I worrying about them and what awaits them especially my daughter and only child.
My late uncle was bombarded by letters from our govts about how he needed to vaxx. His GP had Thursday set aside for vaxxes all day (at one every 10 mins it was no doubt a great earner) and unsurprisingly also told him to vaxx. My wife and I told him not to take it.
Against our advice he got his first jab and two weeks later collapsed after having complained of constant balance issues within a day or so of the jab. He took over 6 weeks to rehabilitate.
Against our advice he got his 2nd jab and I had very terse words with his doctor over why somebody who had already been injured would risk injury again.
I told him never to take any booster. After continual bombardment with letters about needing to boost he got boosted without letting me know. Within two weeks he had a heart attack (never had heart issues before and this was virtually unknown in his family) and it was down hill from there. From hospital to rehab to nursing home and then more heart attacks and he passed.
The common element here was the endless pressure to vaxx against my advice, which was based on reality, whereas the govts was based on politics and lies.
My uncle was murdered by reckless health professionals and incompetent bureaucrats. I hope someday to front an enquiry and ask for these people to be held accountable.
I had the same problems. Atrial fibrillation and cardioversion after AZ first dose. Hypertension after second which took ~5 months to come down, but not completely to the pre vaccination level.
Seems that is what happened to my wife. She was taken to emergency after fainting and low blood and fluctuating blood pressure measured at the GP. She was admitted to hospital when tests in emergency showed periods of no blood pressure. A cardiologist proscribed more of some tablets which brought blood pressure to more normal and allowed her to come home. She has not had Covid but like myself has had 4 vaccinations for covid on advice from the GP and specialist. There is no way I will allow a 5th vaccination.
These are all sobering stories. Thanks for sharing.
One aspect of Covid 19 is that a lot of medical treatments and investigative procedures were cancelled or postponed such that people may have gotten worse or were oblivious to their health conditions and simply dropped of their Perch due to neglect. And if they did manage to get to an emergency department they were not able to be emitted into hospital immediately and were parked on the ramps of hospitals due to a lack of beds at times. No wonder the death toll suddenly rose it may not have really been about Covid 19 Vaccines at all but 2 years of modern health system partial shut-down. You had better luck if you were an acute accident trauma victim than someone with a chronic condition which suddenly turned life threatening with a deadly outcome.
I don’t know why you accumulated so many down ticks.
Ambulance ramping has been on-going here in South Australia (despite a change to a Government that was going to fix the problem).
One of the reasons for that was the dictatorial attitude about compulsory “vaccination” and the lose of medical staff.
Does this ramping actually exist? Or is it just more BS?
the local news here in NQ reckoned / reckons similar i8s happening in Mackay / Proserpine / Bowen / Townsville…and then when a bloke i know tumbled off a ladder at Sarina (35ks south of Mackay) he was immediately in the hospital.
Possibly invented tales to scrape up a few more millions for staff parties and the like!
It was regularly on the TV News and in the Advertiser and both the past and present Premiers made several statements about this problem over the past 2 years. It was a major talking point for the Opposition (Labour) (along with a campaign by the ambulance drivers) and helped them win office (along with a generally inept performance by the Libs). But the problem is now biting Labour on the bum.
The previous government (Lib) re-openned the Repat Hospital as a place for extra beds and planned other additions. That didn’t really make up for the closure (and sell off to developers) of the spacious NE suburbs recuperation** hospital by the Labor government before them. The new Labour Govt. is trying to add more beds onto existing hospitals, but not enough.
**For long term patients.
There were quite a few health professionals around the world saying that the ‘overcrowded hospital syndrome’ was rubbish and the wards were empty while they waited for thousands of Covid sufferers to come and die. Generally they were fired..
Maybe people go to hospitals for more minor ailments than they did in the ’60s…
Damian Francis Ousley #3.
The increase in deaths of 20 year olds has nothing to do with them cancelling cancer and heart screening tests that they were never going to take in the first place.
The increase in excess deaths occurred in the healthier working population in the US — not the sicker, disabled and unemployed.
The increase in deaths in the UK occurred in each age group in the weeks following peak vaccinations in that age group.
In WA there was no virus, and virtually no lockdowns in 2021, and yet more people died. No one was afraid to go to their doctor here.
I’ve had 3 heart attacks. After each one I have been transferred from my local hospital to PA, once by chopper, but twice by road ambulance. This transfer was to a pre-aranged bed.
On each occasion when I arrived at the ambulance parking area I was taken straight in, past at least 8 ambulances sitting with engines running with patients waiting for admission. The smell of diesel fumes was overwhelming as I was wheeled past.
Yes ambulance ramping is very much alive & well in Queensland.
A non-medical explanation, maybe most Australians are unaware that successive Federal Governments have been approving large numbers of immigrants additional to the annual refugee intake of about 20,000, I heard on Sky last night that since May 2022 close to 400,000 immigrants have arrived, Andrew Bolt compared that to the population of Canberra. At the present rate the 26 million population will reach 30 million within ten years.
The point being that the State Governments have primary responsibility for services including public health and hospitals, ambulance services and all the public service employees all of the public service employs, front line qualified employees over worked and not enough to fill vacancies.
Add the need for more public works to build new infrastructure or add to existing, and of course private sector, notably housing that is also falling well being, demand well exceeding supply of existing let alone adding more, including public housing for those refugees as required by the UN Convention on Refugees, they receive priority treatment over Australian citizens.
I am not complaining about immigration, Australia is a multicultural nation, but also remember that new Australians can apply for family reunion which adds to the Federal Government Immigration planning of numbers.
We must complain to our Members of Parliament, immigration ok but not at the expense of poor government services and generally what is needed for a growing population, roads and public transport and much more.
Also, consider elections and the campaigns blaming governments (political parties) for not doing enough, a union campaigning speciality, yet in NSW being that last State Election the Coalition was one of the leading State Governments for pushing public works and all the other areas needing upgrading and additions for the fastest growing migrant population.
The political class, (elected and selected), basically want to import a new, more “dependent” electorate.
The Dopey Pomd did this back in the late 1950’s / early 1960’s, and again a couple of decades later.
“Democide”? It certainly seems to be the “logical’ extension of the general sociopathy of the anointed.
I believe Enoch Powell had something to say about that. While well & truly pilloried for what he said, he has, or course, been shown to be correct.
Perhaps we could stop and have a cup of tea for a decade, no immigration/refugees at all, and just see what effects it has.
And yet the excess deaths didn’t start until the vaccine rollout.
Some more around that from WA
“Here’s a link to the story, since Google seems to have embargoed the search: ”
Via this morning’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter
“There is no mention of the possibility that an increased reporting rate (i.e., not raw numbers, but rate) could partly be because the Covid vaccines cause more AEFIs than traditional vaccines.”
Move along folks, nothing to see here… Sure, hospitals overcrowded with people having heart attacks, many times the usual amount of vaccine side-effect reports, but they’re not connected a all..
The elephant in the room is quite invisible.
Nor did all the myocarditis cases, which in alot of cases is a death sentence.
That is of course one of the excuses the pro-vaccine lobby wants you to swallow. However, if that’s the case, why wouldn’t they want this trial to continue and provide the proof they need?
Damian – I suppose at some stage we might get a breakdown of what kind of diseases have killed all these people and hopefully someone starts doing autopsies and actually looks for vaccine spike in the tissues. This would give us a better idea. For some unfathomable reason the US authorities, and subsequently the rest of the Western world, have recommended against them. They would never want hide anything from us, would they?
No, Germany has done autopsies which show photos of immune cells attacking heart cells which contain the spike protein. These immune cells should not be in the heart tissue. I don’t have the link anymore but Dr John Campbell has done a segment on this and he gives a good explanation of what can be seen on the microscopic slides . He called this definitive proof of the vaccines causing heart problems.
Firstly, l didn’t down tick you DFO. You raise some valid points. One phrase that often gets uttered by those who deny any adverse events have been induced by covid vaccines is “its correlation, not causation”. Personally, if you apply Occam’s Razor, I’m inclined to accept the conclusion that covid vaccines are largely responsible for the widespread increases of excess mortality in many countries worldwide. If the increased excess mortality was related to the fact that people were unable to access diagnostic appointments, I think the deaths resulting from said delayed appointments would be more gradual and occurring in the long term- not suddenly as the statistics indicate. On the other hand, when you alluded to the stories about people being ramped up at hospitals seeking treatment, it reminded me of a story closer to the start of the pandemic. The story was proven to be false but it ran in the media for months in the US. Wouldn’t it be a cruel irony if the drug intentionally vilified in the press could have alleviated covid patient’s symptoms and relieved stress on hospitals and their staff, thereby allowing them to aid people with other ailments. Two days ago, the Science Writer for The Age, wrote an article describing ivermectin in the title as a “horse drug” and in the second paragraph as a “horse dewormer” whilst citing studies that unequivocally prove IVM isn’t an effective covid treatment. Given that this writer has relentlessly advocated Pfizer vaccines and antivirals throughout the pandemic, I would say caveat emptor. Anyhow, look at the link to see an example of a fabricated story wherein supposedly overloaded hospitals were actually open to admissions. It was designed to influence how the public perceive their health system and a drug that’s readily available for humans (as well as horses in a totally different formulation).
mRNA vaccines supposedly exonerated, with a twist – non mRNA vaccine targets women!
The article seems to be well white washed…..
No reason to research it, it’s well known, only not published, and of course no conclusions, else it has to be admitted, vacces are not safe at all – and that can’t be…
The cause of these deaths is a new infection that popped out of nowhere and is called “Vaccinitis”.
I am so glad that he mentioned climate change as a potential cause for all those excess deaths! Finally, climate change is actually killing people and it’s about time! Frankly, we have been scammed and are now being jammed because the CAGW meme did not generate enough fear for total obedience, docility and compliance so the game was stepped up a notch… 🙁
Since it’s stylish to pretend that science is about science nowadays … I’ll join in.
How ’bout that data?!
Apologies for being flippant.
” ‘Follow the science’ they say, right up until they destroy it.”
The murderous intent was obvious to all of us that have followed AGW, at least 97% of us.
The ‘Pandemic’ was not a ‘public health’ event.
The aftermath will be … or is.
The Midazolam Murders,
Was it their “end of life treatment”
Did not watch your video ‘M’.
Your question did provoke an answer, ‘Yes’.
This ‘Yes’ is based on the John Hopkins graph for Australian Covid infections and for deaths in Jo’s post.
You will note there are few Covid infections in 2020 yet a peak for deaths, predominately in Victorian nursing homes from my recollection. Here is a claim by a Nurse/ Crisis Actor? about what end of life therapy was administered to patients in a New York Hospital during the same period.
14063 deaths becomes 15000 affected families? I take that as a yardstick to measure the veracity of the rest of the post
Read the story again, just from the beginning, word per word, don’t forget to swich your brain “on”, take your pocket calculator and post apologies !
This’ll shock you PF, but if you divide 14,063 deaths from Jan-Nov by 11 and multiply by 12 you get an annual rate of 15,300.
I guess maths is not your strong point?
And since one death could affect more than one family, I’m being conservative as usual while you are being irrational (as usual).
Reflect about for what your comment is the yardstick 😀
Basic comprehension and mathematics issues, still ?
But I suspect you mean that 15,300 extra deaths per year, will be at least 50,000 families affected…
Parents, children and their families, grandchildren, other friends and relatives… etc…
Truly horrendous, isn’t it. !!
And all almost certainly from an untested vaxxine.
Funniest post to date PF.
Looks like you reached into the ‘Rules for Radicals’ quiver and drew out the ‘all rubbish due to one rounded number arrow’.
Please read the quote again paying attention to the highlighted date range.
So, yes these claims have a degree of uncertainty and I am sure you will be penning a request to Queensland Health to preserve the Data obtained from 10000 people who submitted themselves to this emergency use authorized treatment for the purposes of this study.
Was there anything in your comment that could be construed as intelligent debate, or was it the use of the word ‘family’ that caused the rush of blood? Maybe if you think of Families in the Pol Pot context as inhabitants of Work Camp B, Shelter 36 and then call this collection of individuals ‘Flamingo B 36’
There, now you can read the article without the haze of red and come up with a rebuttal that may have something Krishna can get his teeth into.
Funny that own goal. Read more carefully and rely on a decent “model” would you?
In reply to Peter F.
The whole reason why SADS is being “swept under the mat” is because the medical world already know the cause. Australia and the USA are playing ignorant because of they are complicit in the Great Vaccine Scandal. The deep dark history of many vaccines are well hidden but Covid 19 vaccines are deadliest of the lot. Media will not cover because they must obey the group think but there are many conservative websites that carry true stories. I regularly see current death rates from the killer vax in Britain and it is criminally ugly. It s no conspiracy theory this was and is part of Agenda 21 to cull the world’s population.
I saw this on Farcebook, hasn’t yet been censored.
A denier response would be something like “well at my place of work we all got jabbed without incident” and that might be true.
It appears that individual responses to the juice are:
1) Highly variable between people. Age and sex related and individual physiology/genetics.
2) As Dr John Campbell has discussed, the issue of intramuscular vs accidental intravenous administration therefore aspiration should be done which is virtually never done.
3) Variability between batches of the “vaccine”, some batches are more harmful or deadly than others as has been demonstrated by correlating batch numbers with injuries and deaths.
Australian Governments of the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty persuasion are utterly unconcerned and unrestrained in spending valuable taxpayer money and yet they pretend to be concerned about a small amount of money to keep the biobank refrigerators going?
It is obviously not about saving money but a cover-up.
Cancer, especially rapidly developing ones colloquially called “turbo cancers” plus return of past cancers from long remission appear to be a significant side-effect of the experiment.
Do these cancers show up in official statistics so far? I’m guessing they don’t show up in statistics until the person passes away.
The ABS noted the excess deaths and did some breakdown.
Excess deaths mainly due to heart attacks and alzheimers. The rate of cancer deaths seemed steady up to Nov 2022.
Note to covid “vaccine” pushers.
You must be about due for your 7th or 8th jabs by now. Run along now and get them. You can have mine as well.
In an effort to get the covid “vaccine” into you, the Australian Government wants to piggyback it with legitimate, tested, safe and somewhat effective vaccines such as for influenza.
At least I think Novavax as in the trial described below is less harmful than the others, and possibly safe as it is a traditional protein-based vaccine.
But the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty Government seems to prefer mRNA “vaccines” as “the way of the future” because of supposed rapid development time. And “not much testing needed”, only need to inject it into eight lab mice and your testing is done! (See )
They may start doing this “piggybacking” with mRNA substances in future.
I was asked by someone who was considering Novavax as a safer alternative as he needed a vaccination to work in the prison system.
I told him same principle applies as to Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines, you do not take experimental medications unless it is ‘Right to Try’ as in a terminal diagnosis or you are fully aware and willing to participate in an experiment.
As one Laboratory Rat said to the other Lab Rat, ” Let’s see what it does to the humans first before we try it.”
Yeah, well, I am not having any more (‘somewhat effective’!) flu vaccines either. I used to be quite the pusher for them, but I no longer trust the pharmaceutical companies or the health system to have this old lady’s best interests at heart. I’ll stick to the Vit D harvesting, thanks.
I’ve never had a flu jab, never had a flu 10 years before they were introduced or 10 years after they were introduced in Australia. I’ve always taken in Vit C and zinc whenever getting a sore throat or sniffle. I’ve added quercetin to this basic protocol with good effects during the pandemic.
Take a look at this chart(s). Flu vaccines have made no discernible difference in the age group of 0-5 and very little in the 5-64 age groups. Given the publication date of these pages (read the fineprint at the end), I think data has been omitted because it was trending badly.
I ducked the usual influenza jab last year due to fear of what else they may have been loading into it, & will avoid it this year for sure, for the same reason.
What ultimate goal does longer longevity for others promote?
Big Pharma can sell them more drugs? Dead people don’t need medication.
It’s hard to see a business model where Big Pharma actually benefits from killing people. Their sales of other products and vaccines may be starting to decline from the loss of trust too.
Isn’t the theoretical ideal situation for Big Pharma to keep people alive but not healed, and dependent on multiple ongoing drugs?
Covid business model ? –
===> loop
secure unsafe gov approval,
secure massive gov supply contracts with indemnity clauses,
pass promotion obligation to government,
supply dangerous product at inflated cost, (NB. AZ in UK did offer a no profit price as I recall which was one reason I was trusting of them despite speed of approval concern)
distort and undermine any critique of product,
slowly back track to position “best we could do in the circumstances”,
oblige gov to continue purchase of unfit and unnecessary product at profitable price,
step back as gov pick up tab for multiple levels of damage,
work with globalist cabal to prepare for the repeat cycle…
===> INTERRUPT loop
ethical scientists and citizens expose the deceit of pharma,
politicians deny,
ethical scientists and citizens expose the deceit of politicians,
===> Y/N
politicians accept responsibility?
N> back to loop
Y> ?? jail sentences and reforms… ??
It’s time for politicians to step up.
Australia vs US on Wuhan Flu vaccinations:
97.6% One dose
96.2% two doses
United States – one dose
96% Democrats
60% Republicans (RINO’s plus Trump Voters)
40% Trump Voters
I live in MAGA country Montana. Only vaccinated people I know are Democrats. My daughter has a medical degree and she rana COVID floor of her hospital when on duty. She refused to be vaccinated along with 200 other medical staff. They couldn’t fire them all without shutting down the hospital so they let them have religious exemptions but tested them every week.
Once again it illustrates the fundamental difference between Leftists and conservatives (and fellow rational thinkers such as Libertarians), Sheeple vs independent thinkers.
United States – one dose
96% Democrats
60% Republicans (RINO’s plus Trump Voters)
40% Trump Voters
That augurs well for the future, if the vax-jab is causing an increased number of deaths.
Many more Republicans left, than Demons.
Bad batches were 95% republican states.
Yes, that was a most interesting study. ..and the list of Pfizer batches imported into Australia that had a code number ‘For Staff Only’..
I’d love to see the data/ study for this! Do you have a link?
The TGA either didn’t know how to run batch analysis or noticed aberrations in batches of vaccine and approved them anyhow. Scroll down and you will see batches provided to Pfizer employees all turned out to be “good ones”
I’m overdue for the latest Moderna jab and I’m still thinking about it. I’ll get the flu jab soon and think some more about Moderna, but I know now that I’ll never be sure about the result.
This is not medical advice but why not consider Novavax which is a traditional protein vaccine and, at least in principle, should be safer? But do your own research…
Novavax is said to have questionable adjuvans, saponin based. And is not really protein based:
A non critical source.
There may be others.
To scare about:
U.S. FDA flags risk of heart inflammation after Novavax COVID vaccine
If even the FDA is warning, what they didn’t in relation to mRNA vacces….
“An adjuvant is an ingredient added to boost a person’s immune response, creating higher levels of antibodies.”
..aaand the use of intravenous aluminium and mercury has nothing at all to do with the loss of IQ in each new generation I’m sure!
Actually, the whole Covid scam has made me realise how stupid people have become! That and global warming, just how gullible the West is these days!
Novavax is not without its issues. My wife and I were looking at that as a possible route, but after watching its rollout, and the large number of reactions we were reading about on a Facebook page set up about it, we saw that it wasn’t much better than the others. And like the other varieties, people were still catching c19 afterwards. Maybe the long term adverse reactions are better than the mRNA technology in other jabs, but we will only know that with time. To date, me and family remain jab free, and have no intention of getting any c19 jab. The only jab I might have trusted was being developed here in Australia by Prof. Petrovsky, but thus far, it has not made it to market here in Australia (ironically, its approved in Iran where they did the initial trials, because Australian Govt. wouldn’t fund a trial…wonder why….!) I’ve had covid, as has my family, we survived fine with no need of the jab, and now we all have natural immunity which is better than anything the jab provides.
Same for us DB. We did consider Novavax too but decided against it. We were volunteers for Prof. Petrovsky’s vaccine but copped a dose of the dreaded lurg a year ago anyway. It was far less bad than the ‘flu I had in 2017. On both occasions we had become very chilled for one reason or another and in the case of last year my husband can only have caught ‘c19’ from ‘vaccinated’ people (and then passed it on to me 🙁 )
Neville, the biggest disincentive for me to take any further COVID jabs is the fact they simply don’t work very well. So, it’s a risk/ benefit situation for me.
And the risk from covid is no longer that great. In our little outback town – many of us elderly – most of us have had covid, and even the people particularly frail survived it. Nobody died.
G’day Neville,
I didn’t have a flu shot last year, and will not risk one again. Nor have I had the flu.
I’ve not had the vaxx in any form, being lucky enough to work alone and avoided the mandates.
I have been taking vitamin D3, quercetin and zinc the virus killer, and expect to survive our coming winter.
Have you had your vitamin D and zinc blood levels checked recently?
Dave B
G’day mods,
I had to re-key my name and left the “l” off “Cooyal”, so I guess I looked funny to the mod checker. Sorry.
Dave B
There are now a few “supplements” on the market with quercetin, zinc, vit C and vit D in the one capsule.
Jo, Alan Jones discussed this issue with Queensland Sen. Gerard Rennick last night on ADH TV from about the 30min mark. Prior to this they discussed ‘the voice’ and ‘Net Zero’ (20min mark).
It seems logical that the causes of the excess deaths are multifactorial, though all directly relate to official Covid policy, therefore investigation and discussion is verboten.
With diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease showing the highest trends, causes for both may be lockdown-induced, lifestyle-related (less exercise and Vitamin D, more alcohol and poorer diet) as well as inflammatory states mediated by the jabs.
The stories of heart issues triggered by the jabs is common in my experience, though weight gain is another common finding, again related to “work from home”, lockdowns, and anxiety/ depression.
Despite a score of variables, the data is clear and has been so since December 2021.
See Neil and Fenton:
Note the timing of the peaks in each age group. There will be effects from all those other variables, but there is no doubt about the most important variable.
Remember the Queensland chief medical officer (CMO) who very actively promoted Covid vaccination and insisted daily how important this was. When it was revealed that her husband had close connections with a pharmaceutical company the Palace Chook found that there was a vacancy in Queensland Government House. The CMO was promptly installed as Governor, effectively silencing her. But, from behind the wall of silence, is it possible that there is a connection between the research into excess deaths and such research suddenly being stopped.
Victoria, Australia death statistics by year via Births, Deaths and Marriages website (
2019 – 41 387
2020 – 41 143
2021 – 42 507
2022 – 47 996
Previous to 2019 a slow increase in deaths in line with population increase.(not shown) 2020, about the same. 2021, a more than average increase. Then 2022, OMG, a big increase which is hugely significant. If that increase is all due to COVID, which a nice lady from the Actuarial Institute claimed last week, then anti COVID measures were a failure, including the vaccination program. But the data can be interpreted any way you like, cant it? All that for an Infection survival rate greater than 99.9%, which is a statistic we knew from early on.
The Jan/Feb death figures for 2023 can also be accessed and they show a similar number to Jan/Feb 2022. (7439 vs 7589 vs 6307 (2021)) Hence, 2023 also shaping up to be an abnormal year.
I remember back in the day when the Left were against “Big Pharma” and all for “simple and natural remedies”.
And yet here we are in the 21st century.
The Left are the biggest advocates and protectors (as well as financial beneficiaries in many cases) for Big Pharma, and it is the conservatives and fellow rational thinkers who are critical of Big Pharma and in favour of the simple safe effective remedies for covid such as Ivermectin (a natural product from the bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis), Vitamin D (a natural hormone), zinc (natural substance) etc. for treatment of covid.
And as Dr Pierre Kory said on his recent Australian visit, the war against Ivermectin was really a war against the use of off-label, off-patent drugs which represent no profit to Big Pharma. His talk can be seen at
The big companies realised they needed to bribe the Left, and the Left realised where there was money to be made.. Suddenly every multinational is fine, except the dreaded oil industry!
Did you see Dr Suneel Dhand’s recent video?
He has Moderna documents showing how mRNA vaccines were considered unsafe due to proper testing and were not released and then, just like magic, they were suddenly considered safe and were released.
(10 mins)
Finally a Liberal Senator who represents Australians rather than the UN one world, one government manifesto.
Vocal on “welcome to country”
On Liberty:
An articulate lawyer with opinions worthy of support. No expressed views that I can find on the realities of climate change and NetZero.
Good stuff.
I wonder how long before his pro-science, pro-freedom stance will see him removed from the Liberal Party (pretend conservative wing of the Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty)?
For Good measure, Senator Rennick should have researched the “Excess mortality” in countries with little or low (<10%) JabJab uptake. This is basic scientific method. The JabJab satisfies the Bradford-Hill criteria for causation as a "Russian Roulette" procedure.
I recall the mind numbing micromanagement of Dandrews and Slugger crapping on about contact tracing like they were dealing with an Ebola outbreak. Yet in the first 6 months of 2021 (pre JabJab) there was one recorded covid death in all of Australia. Now there are 10's of thousands of excess deaths and …. crickets.
Instead of being in the Kontrol group, I am in the Control group.
Don’t axe QoVax
A priceless biobank with the answers to long Covid is threatened with destruction
Rebecca Weisser, The Spectator My response—“Quick. Destroy the evidence from this study before it reveals any embarrassing truths”
“QoVax … provided … datasets that will shed light on how the novel vaccines impact the immune system”
so of course they want to destroy it.
can’t have any pesky evidence around.
In regard to the QoVax biobank records, Orwell got it right yet again. Tragically the Left are using his warning as a procedure manual.
Slightly off topic but noticeable to myself, a lot of people I know who have recently contracted covid. All have one thing in common; they have been to the airport in Sydney . .
Sort of makes sense – all the workers have been vaxxed to “required standards”. All, from the time one enters the departure hall until you exit the airport at the other end. All potential silent carriers.
Covid weakens your blood vessels making you more suseptable to stroke and heart failure potentially years after you had the virus. Being vaxed does not stop you catching Covid it only reduces how sick you get, the long term damage caused will still be there and could still be the underlying cause of heart failure years later.
30% of the population have had Covid already and eventually like the Flu most people will catch it one day. Covid will be causing deaths for decades to come whether you are vaccinated or not but there is little evidence that the vaccines alone cause these long term problems as many vaxed people have already had Covid but never knew it.
Neil, Neil- “Reduces how sick you get” is a completely DUD endpoint- How do you know how sick you would get? Especially when the protocols include Remdesivir- which would be kill 1/3 of HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS. I am tired of people parroting obvious propaganda. My Null hypothesis is that the mRNA Fauxinnes DO NOTHING THERAPEUTIC EVER. They are a biological weapon- a “Countermeasure “. If the Fauxinnes had any efficacy it would be clearly laid out in proper independent studies. The converse is true- information is hidden and statistics proving the “Cure is worse than the disease” by two and three orders of magnitude.
I’ve had covid both before and after vaccination and I can assure you Covid when you are unvaccinated is TEN times worst than the vaccine or post vax Covid. You still looking for that guy on the grassy knoll? I’ve heard he’s hiding in the fake moon studio.
Neil, you stated you had covid before vax. Which is a much more robust protection than the vaccines provide. Hence, any following COVId infection (irrelevant of vaccine) would always have less problems. It’s called natural immunity.
So you were sicker when you caught the earlier, more virulent strain. Also, having already had Covid once, your own natural immunity was primed and ready to go, helping fight subsequent infections.
As for your claim of weakened blood vessels, please cite the research supporting that claim.
Trouble is, the MSM, medical authorities and other big pharma vested interests seem to have lost any sensory perception of this growing and obvious problem. Afterall it’s only people who have become collateral damage in a medical experiment that went wrong. Now if it was cuddly wuddly koalas there would be a huge outcry with WWF, UNESCO, RSPCA, Save the Koalas fund raisers on TV all keen to relieve the plight of Kev Koala and family.
Where is Anthony Albanese ….. ??
The person we need now is Mr FOIA, the person who released the Climategate files. If he could only access and release all the QoVax data, we could get the same reaction from the authorities that we got for Climategate – SFA. My goodness we live in corrupt times. This nightmare needs to end, and soon.
It could not be more obvious what caused the “died of something” mystery.
If you use your eyes, ears and brain you will know the experimental injections that innocent citizens were “coerced” to take are the cause.
I know a number of people that didn’t succumb, which includes myself and the better half, a few other family members and friends. Funnily enough, we’re all still alive and well.
I also know a number of people that felt they had no choice (threat of losing job etc) and would otherwise not have chosen to be a lab rat. I feel very angry at the government for this, some very close family were coerced.
Unfortunately, I also know quite a few people that get their “news and advice” from the MSM and think the government and health bureaucracy is there to “help” them. These ones got multiple jabs and are gleefully lining up for more.
Just remember, if doctors started healing everybody, they wouldn’t have a job – and the massive health bureaucracy wouldn’t exist.
But killing off your patients isn’t exactly good for business either.
If I cast my mind back to the early days of coved, before anyone was vexed, I remember the dreadfull stories of people dying in emergency wards and in the most horrific manner unable to be helped other than with respirators. Have you all forgotten this . .
You mean the respirators that were used on frail, elderly people whose lungs were so full of fluid that forced respiration made things worse? It is becoming clear that a huge proportion of those early deaths were in fact due to improper care and treatment, not least of which was a criminal failure to administer proven antivirals.
As for the “dreadful stories of people dying”, you mean the stories of Covid deaths including the guy who fell off a ladder and those who were killed in car accidents? THOSE deaths?
The whole thing was a crock, a beat-up and a con. Sure Covid was real and deadly to some people, but it was never as bad as claimed and presented very little risk to otherwise healthy people. And that was the first, much more severe variant. Subsequent variants degraded to little more than the ‘flu.
But never mind, millions of people fell for it so you’re not alone.
My niece (a covid ward nurse) in the early days caught the first ‘severe’ strain of covid to hit our shores. Barely a sniffle and didnt pass it on to any of the 5 members of her household (some over 50 yrs old), even her boyfriend didnt catch it. She has now had at least 4 shots – why when her reaction was so mild? It was at that point that I realised the whole thing was a crock and have not been tested or infected, despite my multi jabbed work colleagues spreading it amongst themselves like wildfire.
So one eyed; ‘respiration made things worse’. These people could not have gotten worse ‘whose lungs were so full of fluid’.
You have to be joking or blind to reality. All those those doctors and nurses were desperate to help dying people and you call them criminals. Shame on you ! !
The TGA didn’t even apparently read the rat study Pfizer submitted as evidence their vaccines were safe as there are numerous inconsistencies between the data in the charts and the descriptions in the text, including clear evidence that the spike protein RNA / lipid nanoparticle combination doesn’t stay at the injection site but goes to ovaries, spleen, stomach etc
Coercing an experimental medication breached the Nuremberg code anyhow – the issue was very simple really. Though it didn’t seem so at the time
Norman Fenton worked out that counting people as unvaccinated in the first fourteen days after vaccination was how they made it appear that unvaccinated people were dying – in fact people who had just had the jab were more likely to catch Covid as their immune system was severely weakened by the vax. Most supposed unvaccinated Covid deaths were likely in fact to be recently vaccinated people.
Being of an age (Over 3 score & 10) when Covid 19 arrived in Oz, I was told that I was in the vulnerable age category for the disease. Being of such an age I trusted the Government and the medical fraternity to provide the correct advice and so I had two AZ shots back in 2021. A bit of research soon showed that my decision to be jabbed was not a good one and so I have not had any further jabs and, so far, have survived, perhaps partly because I have concentrated on fortifying my immune system per the FLCCC protocols. I have recently had the Omicron strain of the disease but it was not much worse than a bad cold.
Unfortunately, the excess death statistics, though disturbing, tell only a part of the story. This week’s FLCCC (Front Line Covid Critical Care) weekly update at features two experienced Neurologists who relate some of their horrifying experiences in treating people who have been brain injured as a result of the spike protein they received from being injected with an mRNA ‘vaccine’. In some cases, the ongoing disability of some of their patients appears to be worse even than death.
Another out of the park vid by J J Couey.
Yeah, it’s long, but there’s some gold in there.