A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Kevin McCarthy loses fourth round of voting for Speaker role. Says everything you need to know about how dysfunctional the right have become
Last I knew democracy was not dysfunctional. Disruptive yes. Thankfully.
Perfet rejoinder! Puts the previous comment in its inane context.
Proper Republicans have had enough of the uni party RINOs.
There is strong push back going on.
Says everything you don’t know about history!
Check the table in
The record number of ballots was 155 in 1855
McCarthy has lost the fifth vote and is trying the sixth now.
As the dissidents aren’t changing their minds it might be that those currently voting for him would start looking for an alternative.
Don’t put it past some of the RINOs to vote for a Democrat speaker !
He has lost the sixth vote now.
If at first you don’t succeed….
“Tucker To McCarthy: “If You Want To Be Speaker, Release The January 6th Files” ”
McCarthy was endorsed by the WEF as USA’s Congress Speaker some time before the election. Loosing the vote for the sixth time indicates how unpopular he really is. He was so confident of winning that he has already moved into the speaker’s office. He’s a bit like Hilliary Clinten’s expectation to become POTUS.
History is against you as always…
There is nothing untoward about this except the noise from the leftists.
Pictures like this don’t help his cause…
Fitzy actually has a point. The right have abandoned conservative values and are behaving like lefties.
How is that?
A recent example is how many Republicans signed on to Bidens trillion dollar spending spree when the country is broke and people are hurting. Now taxpayers have to pay back that borrowed money.
Democrats have the speaker worked out way in advance and it always goes to a swamp creature , the choice of Macarthy who is a republican swamp dweller just means more of the same. At least the republicans are holding an open vote for speaker .
PFs idea of an ideal selection process seems to be the clown car of Democrat presidential candidates and a process that proudly spat out Biden and Harris as the cream of the crop.
Monash Professor: Climate Change Driven Bushfires will Kill 2412 Aussies in the Next Decade
Essay by Eric Worrall – h/t strativarius;
If they don’t start clearing some of the rampant undergrowth caused by the last 3 wet years.. then yes, there will be severe bush-fires.
In Victoria, the Andrews government has failed miserably and repeatedly in it’s duty of bushfire mitigation. The excuses vary, but no doubt the current line will be that the ‘unforeseen’ (even with the world’s best practice modelling/sarc) wet weather patterns due to La Nina has made preventative burning impossible. They then predict the surplus vegetation will dry out and cause the usual ‘catastrophic’ fire conditions. If the bushland dries out enough for that to occur, it follows that it will be dry enough to allow controlled burning.
I believe that Victoria only cool burns around 2% of its forests annually, while WA cool burns around 10%. And even 10% isn’t enough to prevent serious bushfires, as eucalypt litter quickly builds up and doesn’t easily decompose.
And it matters which % gets cool burned. Gang Green will always try to ensure that the only % that gets cool burned is too far away from everyone to make any difference.
G#4, where you say
I looked into this and found a page which supports that opinion on Forestrypedia (!) It claims some negative effects of eucalyptus:
I also found a paper which observed decomposition for 13 weeks and said:
All rather interesting.
Do you have some line of work or hobby in which you have observed this difference in decomposition rates between Eucalyptus and other species’ leaves?
If there was ever a plant that fitted the definition of a weed almost perfectly, it is the Eucalypt.
Peter Andrews described it very well in his book Back from the Brink. It is basically a weed that has taken over. But we call that native here.
Should have read your comment first Philip. Thanks for the reference.
A couple of years ago, the Perth hills lost a lot of houses in what should have been rolling green farmland, and I couldn’t understand why. But looking on Google Earth, all the new property owners had built their houses on the heights, above the cleared areas, and right in the middle of clumps of eucalypt forest. When are we going to learn that “A home among the gumtrees” is the same as surrounding your house with drums of fuel.
No Andrew, but some time ago I found some data on eucalypt litter and decomposition rates, converted the data to metric, then matched that with a very good (for CSIRO) report on burn tests they conducted in WA.
You will recall that WA had a disastrous bushfire in Dwellingup in 1961 and since then, WA has put more effort into cool burns than other states.
Eucalypts drop litter at a rate of 8 tonnes per hectare, which if I have it correct, is only 100 metres square. Since 29% of the litter only decomposes annually, it doesn’t take long for the litter to accumulate to the 15 or higher tonnes, where once a bushfire starts, it’s virtually impossible to extinguish.
As a side issue, I also read that as a eucalypt grows, it inject toxins into the soil to prevent other plants from growing in its root areas. Don’t know if this is true, but it’s a fascinating thought.
I believe some areas regard eucalypts as weeds that take over other tree types.
Yes, and I can tell you with considerable experience that the eucalypt mulch in a paddock mowed with a ride-on or slashed, regularly soaked with rain for 3 years and ‘green as’ will burn in a slow creep due to this layer of leaves and bark. The decomposition to a puff of smoke and ash is complete at this stage.
UAH for December comes in a a hugely warm +0.05C anomaly.
Australia: -0.38C anomaly
Monckton zero trend, now 100 months (to go with zero trends from 1980-1997, and 2001-2015)
(that’s a lot of “zero trend” considering CO2 keeps climbing 😉 )
Dec 2022 was 33rd warmest (out of 43) in UAH Aust data
Here is a graph of December temperatures
Apart from the spike is 2018,19 basically no trend at all.
There was a similar sized down spike in 91-92 which reversed again. I agree, no trend up or down over the entire record.
Hi Peter,
I have downloaded all of Roy Spencer’s temperature data back to December 1978. If I graph this over the entire period and then calculate the overall trend, I get a rise of .57 c over the 43 full years of data. However, I then looked at discrete patterns within the data. For instance 1979 through to 1986 shows an overall downward trend of 0.17 c. From 1987 through to 1997, there is a very slight downward trend, but only around 0.02 c, essentially as flat as Joe Biden’s EEG. Again from 1997 to 2015, no real trend, just slightly down overall by about 0.02c over the 18 years. Now we have 100 months of no upward trend. It seems there has been a rise in temperature, but this rise in not linear as would be expected if it were CO2 driven. The rise appears to happen in random jumps followed by years of stability. It would strongly suggest a very different mechanism, one that needs serious investigation.
Tricky, I think all the rise happened in 1998 when the BOM switched to digital from the Mercury-in-glass thermos.
TD does Roy have anything on the difference between hemispheres?
We know that MWP began in the Northern Hemisphere, as did the following LIA. There is a noticeable lag in the Southern Hemisphere by about 60 years, the LIA concluded in Australia around 1900.
It would be worthwhile knowing if there is any observable trend difference.
Hi el+gordo,
Roy’s data is split into – Global, Land, Ocean, Northern Hemisphere, Land, Ocean, Southern Hemisphere, Land , Ocean Tropics, Land, Ocean, North Ext, Land, Ocean, Southern Ext, Land, Ocean, North Pole, Land, Ocean, South Pole , Land, Ocean, USA48, USA49 and Australia. I haven’t had a look at the hemisphere data. I was just getting to grips with the global data as a starting point when I noticed the discrete patterns and set about finding out what had happened. I will look at the rest of the data in the next few weeks, hopefully, and see what it turns up.
Thanks, it may hold the key to what is happening.
Maybe RickWill was right?
It would require a hindcast back a few thousand years to verify his assumptions.
Hi el+gordo,
From a very quick analysis, it looks like there is actually little variation in overall trend of the southern hemisphere to the northern. They follow each other reasonably closely. What is interesting is that the south pole shows bugger all variation, with winter 2021 being the coldest on record and 2022 looking pretty chilly as well. However, the north pole is a different story. It shows a rise of just over 1 c and an overall trend of +0.25c per decade. Interesting given the latest theory of ozone depletion due to electron donation from galactic and solar particles. These are increasing due to polar wander and the Earth’s decreasing magnetic field strength. This could possibly account for the estimated increase of 6.2 watts per square metre in shortwave radiation at the north pole. Worth some more analysis, but that will be later this year now that work has suddenly ramped up.
Have fun guys.
The North pole also has shipping lane soot that the SH doesn’t have. It changes the albedo of the ice, warming and melting it. It’s just another factor, maybe a minor one.
Hi Jo,
Shipping lane soot is something I had not really considered. I’ll file that one away for later deliberations. I just had a look at a couple of abstracts from papers this morning. One from 2020 and one from 2022 indicating no warming in the Antarctic for the past 70 years. Singh and Polvani, 2020 and Bello et al., 2022. This is in spite of the supposed polar amplification. Not quite sure what is happening at the poles and definitely needs more investigation. One thing is certain, it ain’t carbon dioxide what dun it.
A New Series of Posts on Bomwatch
Bill Johnston
Now Ric that is real man made global warming……
The question is how to stop it.
If only we could change the political climate.
There is an element of mass hysteria in the vaccine space now.
The vaccines largely worked well against the earlier more deadly variants but its need has past. And kids being vaccinated what are they thinking about?!!
The original vaccines failed within five months of being effective for all or any variants. They likely, almost certainly, always failed all cause morbidity mortality.
Why call it a vaccine if you are referring to the SARS-Cov2 mRNA gene therapy? You do not have to adopt the terms of the propagandists.
I have something to say, but I forget what it was.
Oh wait, I remember. No gone. Again.
Oh yeah. The energy transition is physically impossible.
Glad I remembered.
“We who are old, oh so old. Thousands of years, thousands of years if all be told.
Is anything better? Anything better?
Tell us it then.”
Yeats. While still young!
Just having fun. It is nice and warm here in WV USA. For January. He blackouts are behind us, for now.
Australia and renewable energy-and the tens of thousands of transmission lines needed
When I click on your link I get a “This Site Can Not Be Reached” error
Works now
Works for me. But the green site it references indeed cannot be reached. Our civilization is still based on fire.
Interestingly, it still doesn’t work for me on the Dissenter browser, but it does work for me on the Microsoft Edge browser
I used Brave there and it worked
I’m forecasting that Liddell won’t be pulled down anytime soon.
It’s Time to Ask Whether Repeated mRNA Vaccine Shots Weaken the Immune Response to COVID-19
“In the case of the COVID shots, what the German study discovered is that over time and with increased doses it actually trains your body to tolerate rather than fight the virus it was designed to destroy.”
Actually, if you read the Pfizer trial data the VACCINES NEVER WORKED AT ALL. They were simply part 2 of a bioweapon. To be truthful COVID is pretty wimpy. So they had to devise toxic protocols based on a highly dangerous drug remdesivir. Then after pursuing zero covid through KONTROL measures (thanks Klaus), the Vaccines were rolled out as the second part. It remains to be seen how many will be killed b y this overt malfeasance. I must hand it to Pfizer, they certainly know which parts of the media machine to grease with moola and how much to pay!
“…trains your body to tolerate rather than fight the virus…”
And among the list of definitions of the word tolerance:
noun (Immunology) the acquired inability to respond with an immune reaction to an antigen to which the organism normally responds; — called also immunotolerance, immunological tolerance, or immune tolerance. Such tolerance may be induced by exposing an animal to the antigen at a very early stage of life, prior to maturation of the immune system, or, in adults, by exposing the animal to repeated low doses of a weak protein antigen (low-zone tolerance), or to a large amount of an antigen (high-zone tolerance).
Glad this seems to be attributable to “animals” and not humans (sarc).
When reading this noun definition I get flashes of another word – incubator – and cant help but wonder if this is not now an important role for us animals. Seems so immunological.
Apols definition link
Dr. John Campbell reports on a new study (in pre-print) from the Cleveland Clinic that says that the more doses of the MRNA vaccine you get, the more likely you are to get Covid-19.
Cleveland study of over 50ooo people, average age, early forties,
1 dose of vaccine, more than 1.7 x more likely to catch COVID, 2 doses more then 2.6 x likely
and 3 doses, more than 3 x likely to catch it, compared to the non-vaccinated.
The German study, published in the 22 December 2022 edition of Science Immunology suggests that the mRNA vaccines may have surrendered herd immunity to herd capitulation:
Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination
Canada’s Justin Castro is re-educating Jordan B Petersen for wrong-think…
Shades of Mao and Pol Pot. “Re-Education”, eh? AKA Brainwashing.
There is a problem with trying to retrain great intellects. They are often able to control the “trainers” without the trainers knowledge, so successful retraining maybe thought to have occurred yet without success. An example would be Solzhenitsons attempted and unsuccessful re education in the Gulags of Russia. I do not know, but would hope that such a thing may be viewed by Jordan Peterson as a challenge to manipulate the manipulators
It will be interesting to see how he handles it.
It appears mRNA vaccines induce herd capitulation rather than herd immunity
Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination
In another recently completed US study of 51,011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees … the higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.
Given the political hurdles banning cows, ICE’s etc, If anyone knows any Teal members can I suggest a meaningful contribution they could make is to propose an immediate ban on carbonated soft drinks and disco fog machines.
The models can’t predict a La Nina Modoki.
The Japanese weather organisation seems to be a lot better at predicting ENSO changes than our BOM.
To get any credence at all I’d like to see if they predicted this La Nina series 12months before it started back in 2018..
All I remember is everyone saying giant bushfires and endless drought, right up to the first downpour..
Of course another La Nina would be unprecedented, so I’m hedging my bet on a La Nina Modoki, that is where a pool of cold water remains in the central Pacific, but has warm waters in the east and west.
Still no sign of the cool water leaving South America EG.
For a few years, BOM kept saying, about every November, that we going to cop a La Niña, or was it an El Niño? Anyway, every year, nothing happened. They eventually got it right.
Is Rowan Dean being given the Alan Jones treatment on SKY? He appears to have been written out of the free speech promotion despite hosting and participating in the most popular content on SKY.
California to take a battering.
Its a bomb cyclone,
NY Times Op-Ed: ‘Mate With Short People To Stop Climate Change’
Author Mara Altman, claims that “When you mate with shorter people, you’re potentially saving the planet by shrinking the needs of subsequent generations.”
“Lowering the height minimum for prospective partners on your dating profile is a step toward a greener planet,” she adds in the piece.
“He’s even restricted dairy from his sons’ diets and only allows them minimal sugar in an attempt to limit their growth, saving them from the ills of height.”
Anyone else think things are getting pretty weird around here?
Nope. Seems absolutely typical and normal.
Planet of the Tattoo’s.
“Hey boss! The plane” 😁
Jordan Peterson: the Ontario College of Psychologists has demanded that I submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining with their experts for, among other crimes, retweeting Pierre Poilievre and criticizing JustinTrudeau and his political allies.
The dream police:
Wrong thinking will be punished.
Resistance is not futile. They will fail.
“Nothing strengthens authority as much as silence”
– Leonardo da Vinci
“What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind”
– Shakespeare
Virginia school caught hiding academic awards of top-performing students for “equity” purposes, denying them college admissions and scholarship opportunities
In order to meet the local school district’s new “equal outcomes for every student, without exception” strategy, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) in Alexandria, Va., has been withholding National Merit awards from students and their families.
Even though doing this has deprived many students of the opportunities that these achievements bring, including boosted chances of college admission and scholarship opportunities, at least two administrators at TJ hid them away while issuing “equitable grading” to all students.
At TJ, students can no longer receive a grade of 0, for instance – they all receive 50 percent just for showing up. For assignments not turned in, students at TJ receive a cryptic code of “NTI” rather than an actual failing grade.
Meanwhile, top performers at TJ who actually put in the work are being deprived of high scores. And we now know that, thanks to TJ parent and lawyer Shawna Yashar, that principal Ann Bonitatibus and director of student services Brandon Kosatka were hiding away the National Merit awards that would have propelled these top performers even further ahead of other students.
Ahhh…equality through discrimination.
“If you’re equal you’re not free and if you’re free you’re not equal”
– The Gulag Archipelago
Gotta love the unbelievable but predictable loony left hypocrisy.
Pass even if you fail.
Promising careers await in anything NOT involving real science, mathematics, reasoning, understanding & comprehension skillsand the real world. Sorta leaves politics and health experts don’t it. 🤣
How’s it working do far you ask?
What do YOU think 550 divided by two is? Equation goes viral as social media users are left baffled by the real answer
Social media users around the world are shocked that half of 550 is 275
Tweets and Reddit threads express shock that the real answer isn’t actually 225
It comes as UK PM Rishi Sunak plans on making Maths compulsory to age of 18.
Social media users have been left bewildered after discovering that 550 divided by two is 275.
Baffled numerophiles braving mental mathematics have expressed their disdain at the calculation – and that it does not equal 225.
If you multiply 225 by two it equals 450, but for some reason, people seem to have it stuck in their heads that the result of 225 x 2 is 550.
Tweets, memes and Reddit threads around the world are sharing the ‘bad news’ and revealing that some were ‘today years old’ when they realised the actual answer of the division problem.
We don’t need to watch Idiocracy. It’s playing out right now.
The next generation will be more baffled than a car air filter.🤣
People are badly misunderstanding this. The issue is NOT that when you divide 550 by 2 you get a certain answer. The ACTUAL issue is that they don’t know what “divided by” means. They think it’s something to do with upsetting their opponents in parliament, but they can’t for the life of them work out where the ‘550’ and the ‘2’ come from or who owns them, and even whether they should be banned.
Anything but the Vaccine: MSM Blames Sudden Deaths on Gardening, Drinking Water & Feeling Joy
There has been a surge in sudden deaths amongst seemingly healthy young people throughout the last two years. Television hosts have collapsed in the middle of live broadcasts. Professional athletes in optimal physical condition are dropping like flies. The fastest-growing page on Facebook in 2022 was Died Suddenly— a support group for grieving friends and family members who lost loved ones unexpectedly. After quickly gaining nearly 300,000 members, it was removed from the platform. Increasing numbers of concerned citizens are beginning to question what is responsible for the explosion in these ‘inexplicable’ fatalities.
Mainstream news outlets are using a variety of creative excuses to justify the rapidly rising excess mortalities. Spoiler alert: none suggest an experimental mRNA concoction being used on a mass scale for the first time in human history. Perhaps this has something to do with the millions of dollars in funding media conglomerates receive from their pharmaceutical company sponsors. From ‘winter vagina’ to feeling joy, here is a list of unconventional cover stories being used by so-called journalists:
Laughter & Giggling [Mirror]
Falling Asleep with the TV On [New York Post]
Having Sex [Wales Online]
Loud Noise [AARP]
Napping [SciTech Daily]
Playing Video Games [BMC Psychiatry]
Gardening [The Sun]
Holidays [The News Tribune]
Solar Storms [New Scientist]
Feeling Joy [Mirror]
Working Out [Men’s Journal]
Watching Movies [News 18]
Drinking Soda Too Fast [Forbes]
‘Winter Vagina’ [The Sun]
Choking the chicken [Men’s Health]
Cold Showers [Express]
Climate Change [The Guardian]
Planes Flying Overhead [Daily Mail]
Skipping Breakfast [Express]
Drinking Water [The Sun]
Drinking Cold Water [The Sun]
Drinking Coffee [Inside Edition]
Shoveling Snow [Daily Mail]
Living Alone [LA Times]
Singing [NBC News]
Physical Activity [Irish Times]
Eating Meat [Newsroom]
Driving [American Journal of Preventative Medicine]
Playing Basketball [Knoxville News]
Breakups [Yahoo]
Oh FFS! 🤣
Maybe we need more corrupt peer-reviewed studies to tell us the bleeding obvious.
Katie Hopkins (sober) anticipates that the phrase “Died suddenly” will be memory holed by the Ministry of Truth very soon.
Thanks Simon. She does it well, doesn’t she.
And nicely brief at 11 minutes.
Dave B
What the COVID Shots Do to Your Blood…and More
Nuclear cardiologist and physicist, Richard Fleming, MD, Ph.D., JD, reveals his shocking independent analysis of the actual damage to blood and healthy red blood cells from Pfizer’s COVID shots. The mRNA genetic material gets into the red blood cells and alters the structure of the hemoglobin molecule so that it cannot carry oxygen, which is critical to our survival.
The healthy red blood turns gray, and the damage is so severe that it can decrease the oxygen enough to cause heart and brain damage, and lead to death. This loss of oxygen with damage to the red blood cells, along with blood clots that block blood flow to critical organs, are two of several known causes of the “adult sudden death” syndrome affecting unprecedented numbers of adults and children worldwide.
Despite extensive data to show these and other causes of sudden death, the corrupt media and public health officials, along with many doctors, still deny the actual connections with the deadly damage from the experimental COVID shots.
Dr. Fleming’s current studies on the COIVD shots and the types of damage have documented rapid blood clotting after the COVID shots, amyloid infiltration of the heart leading to congestive heart failure, particulate contaminants in the vials of COVID shots that should not be there, as well as sodium chloride crystals, and high concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the blood that cause inflammatory damage to organs throughout the body. What his studies have NOT found in the COVID shots is graphene oxide, “hydras,” “parasites,” or “micro-circuitry.” [JC2: ie debunked the nonsense as I said previously]
Dr. Fleming also discusses that prion damage from the COVID shots has led to skyrocketing acceleration of brain damage and memory loss, often just called “Alzheimer’s.” The CDC has already confirmed 84,000 excess cases of Alzheimer’s deaths in the year and a half since the COVID shots were rolled out. However, doctors still fail to report this connection and continue to push more COVID “boosters” on unsuspecting elderly.
The plandemic and its lies are falling apart faster than Biden’s memory…
Attempting to Force-Vaccinate the Whole World With an Untested, Unsafe Technology Amounts to Criminal Negligence
A study from Oxford University in June showed the infection risk increased by 44% in the double-vaccinated in England. An analysis in July by El Gato Malo showed that U.S. states with higher vaccination rates were experiencing higher Covid hospital admissions. By the end of 2022 the vast majority of Covid deaths in many countries were among the vaccinated and boosted.
This has discredited officials and health experts from President Joe Biden on down who claimed that the vaccines would prevent infection, onward transmission, severe illness and (initially) or (as a fallback justification) death. Hence their early but by now abandoned claims about the pandemic of the unvaccinated.
There is nothing objectionable in principle to harnessing revolutionary new mRNA technology to improve public health. Major medical advances in the past have been made possible by technological breakthroughs. But a revolutionary technology increases the testing burden for ensuring safety, even while a raging pandemic heightens the urgency of accelerated vaccine development and manufacture. If granted emergency use authorisation to cater to the second demand, prudence strengthens the imperative to rigorous monitoring of short, medium and long-term side effects in numbers and severity.
This is where authorities have fallen short and caused significant long-term damage to public confidence in the major institutions. Attempting to force-vaccinate the whole world with a new and untested technology was the height of irresponsibility and ignoring the mounting evidence of serious adverse events amounts to criminal negligence.
Ziva Kunda’s influential 1990 article “The Case for Motivated Reasoning” has nearly 10,000 citations. Her thesis was that motivation shapes reasoning. Reliance on a biased set of cognitive processes means that people are more likely to arrive at conclusions they want to arrive at, by using the strategies for accessing, constructing and evaluating tools and data that are the most likely to yield the conclusions they desire. Very hot/cold/dry/wet this year? Climate science tells us it’s because of climate change and therefore the current weather conditions validate the science. Infected by Covid after the sixth jab? Be grateful for the six doses as otherwise you would most likely have died.
As the saying goes, you cannot reason people out of beliefs that they arrived at without the use of reason.
You can download “The case for motivated reasoning” here:
Katie Hopkins (sober) anticipates that the phrase “Died suddenly” will be memory holed by the Ministry of Truth very soon.
Genetic Impacts Confirmed. Up and Down Regulation of Gene Expression Identified at Autopsy in Persons Who Died Post-Vaccination. Immune Regulation Affected Resulting in Immune System Disarray.
Japanese Researchers Used RNA sequencing techniques for identification of serious vaccine injury (death).
Up and down regulation of genes confirmed in 4 deaths following second dose of Covid-19 vaccines. No cause of death could be identified at autopsy until gene sequencing was conducted. This study also demonstrates that RNA gene sequencing may be necessary to identify vaccine injury and immune dysregulation. Such techniques may be necessary, particularly in deaths following vaccination of apparently healthy persons, as part of identification of cause of death.
Using RNA sequencing, we identified genes that were differentially expressed between our post-vaccination cases and a control group that died of blood loss and strangulation. Three hundred and ninety genes were found to be upregulated and 115 genes were downregulated in post-vaccination cases compared with controls. Importantly, genes involved in neutrophil degranulation and cytokine signaling were upregulated. Our results suggest that immune dysregulation occurred following vaccination. Careful observation and care may be necessary if an abnormally high fever exceeding 40°C occurs after vaccination, even with antipyretic drugs.
The Australian government claim that the vaccines do not change genes. The US CDC makes the same claim, last updated in December 2022. Their list of facts needs updating and checking!
They were wrong! The truth on the harms of the failed pathogenic products is becoming clearer by the day. Multiple mechanisms of devastating harm! What have we done? What have we allowed to be done to ourselves?
The USA just saw an American NFL football player collapse and die, but revived, on the field after what would be viewed as an average hit and tackle in the NFL. Some claim a hit to the chest stopped his heart, but that is very, very rare and typical of a specific blunt force hit to the chest by a baseball or hockey puck. This was Monday night football, so it was a big audience seeing the player given CPR on the field for 9 minutes before return of vital functions then allowing transport to the hospital. He was placed in a coma and is still in critical condition with breathing support now down from 100% to 50% on a ventilator. Not much medical information is forthcoming.
The NFL was big on coercing these young healthy men to take the CoVid Jab, so my first thought was you can’t rule out an injury to the blood vessels/ heart being a contributing factor. Heart damaged or throwing a blood clot was a first thought, and the question is genetics or otherwise. Of course it’s evil to state the possibility of mRNA jab induced injury, but it can’t be ignored as players are dropping dead all over the world in I think what are increasing numbers post jab. That fact is not widely reported in the USA.
The players name is Demar Hamlin with the Buffalo Bills who is hospitalized in Cincinnati, Ohio, so hopefully this young man is resilient enough to overcome this injury. I just hope a reasonable discussion is allowed on all possible causes, and how to minimize it in the future.
One Nation are reporting a wind turbine fire at the wind subsidy farm near Goulburn.
One never has marshmallows and is there when it happens…
The ABC has reported it:
Dave B
A “unique” incident the RFS calls it. Sadly its not unique at all. After 3 La Ninas the countryside is green enough that they can all just shrug and move on. When we move into the next drought cycle there will be thousands of these time bombs littering the landscape.
‘Follow the science,’
What science?
China followed ‘science’ with complete lockdowns. That worked well didn’t it. No eradication and huge destruction of its economy as well. ‘It’s the economy, stupid!’
The same with Victoria, except no science, even that based on opinion suggested placing infectious people in aged care housing. That worked well!
Opinion based AGW science? That’s working well isn’t it, and Bowen, Tanya and Albo are pushing it to its natural conclusion – and ours.
Kelly the national chief health officer says ‘No testing for China!’ Fortunately, wiser voices with a modicum of memory left in the head, know China cannot be trusted, so we TEST.
True science is always debatable. It’s data based. It’s how we progressed so far. Now we are being forced into regression. In energy, data is ignored. Ideology rules until the day the nation is broken and destitute.
Thursday SCARY!
Probably Australia. 🤣
Thursday woke WTF
Today, DC released a comic in which the Joker becomes pregnant and gives birth to a mud monster who transforms into a child-version of himself who he adopts as his son.
Push the button already. Just push it.
New vaccine uses live tumor cells to kill and prevent brain cancer
A new cancer vaccine uses a unique approach to both destroy brain tumors and keep the disease from returning. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital say this “dual-action” vaccine turns live cancer cells into potent, cancer-killing agents. Moreover, the vaccine helps a patient’s immune system remember what these cancer fighters “look like” — leading to long-lasting protection.
In advanced experiments with mice, the team found that their genetically-engineered tumor cells produced promising results while fighting off the deadly brain cancer glioblastoma. The average survival length for patients with glioblastoma is about 18 months. Less than five percent of patients live longer than five years after their diagnosis.
“Our team has pursued a simple idea: to take cancer cells and transform them into cancer killers and vaccines,” explains corresponding author Khalid Shah, MS, PhD, director of the Center for Stem Cell and Translational Immunotherapy (CSTI) and the vice chair of research in the Department of Neurosurgery at the Brigham, in a media release. “Using gene engineering, we are repurposing cancer cells to develop a therapeutic that kills tumor cells and stimulates the immune system to both destroy primary tumors and prevent cancer.”
Cancer vaccines are not a new concept and researchers around the world are currently working on different versions. However, this new study took a very different approach. Instead of using inactive tumor cells, Shah’s team repurposed living cancer cells that had an unusual feature. These particular tumor cells travel long distances across the brain just to return to the site of their fellow cancer cells — just like a homing pigeon.
Shah’s team re-engineered these cells using the gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to release a tumor-killing agent when they returned to the cancer site. Additionally, the team altered these cells to express genetic factors that make them easier for the immune system to identify. Immune cells can then tag and remember the modified cancer fighters — priming the patient’s body for the future and making them less likely to suffer a cancer recurrence.
Hackers could get help from the new AI chatbot ChatGPT
The AI-enabled chatbot that’s been wowing the tech community can also be manipulated to help cybercriminals perfect their attack strategies.
Why it matters: The arrival of OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool last month could allow scammers behind email and text-based phishing attacks, as well as malware groups, to speed up the development of their schemes.
Several cybersecurity researchers have been able to get the AI-enabled text generator to write phishing emails or even malicious code for them in recent weeks.
The big picture: Malicious hackers were already getting scarily good at incorporating more humanlike and difficult-to-detect tactics into their attacks before ChatGPT entered the scene.
How it works: ChatGPT speeds up the process for hackers by giving them a launching pad — though the responses aren’t always perfect.
Researchers at Check Point Research last month said they got a “plausible phishing email” from ChatGPT after directly asking the chatbot to “write a phishing email” that comes from a “fictional web-hosting service.”
Researchers at Abnormal Security took a less direct approach, asking ChatGPT to write an email “that has a high likelihood of getting the recipient to click on a link.”
How the evolution of technology works against you…
Chinese researchers claim to have broken RSA with a quantum computer. Experts aren’t so sure.
Researchers in China claim to have reached a breakthrough in quantum computing, figuring out how they can break the RSA public-key encryption system using a quantum computer of around the power that will soon be publicly available.
Breaking 2048-bit RSA — in other words finding a method to consistently and quickly discover the secret prime numbers underpinning the algorithm — would be extremely significant. Although the RSA algorithm itself has largely been replaced in consumer-facing protocols, such as Transport Layer Security, it is still widely used in older enterprise and operational technology software and in many code-signing certificates.
If a malicious adversary were able to generate these signing keys or decrypt the messages protected by RSA then that adversary would be able to snoop on internet traffic as well as potentially pass off malicious code as if it were a legitimate software update, potentially enabling them to seize control of third-party devices.
These issues are a key part of the threat that quantum computing poses to traditional cryptography. In a white paper published by the U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre in November 2020, experts warned that because almost all of today’s widely-used public-key cryptography systems depend for their security on the difficulty of factoring very large numbers, they would be easy to crack with a large-enough general purpose quantum computer.
The Chinese researchers’ paper, titled “Factoring integers with sublinear resources on a superconducting quantum processor,” features one of the first claims that this can now be practically achieved. They argue that they can break the 2048-bit algorithm using a 372-qubit quantum computer. There are some caveats, however. They only had access to a 10-qubit device to practice on and were unable to demonstrate their hypothesis on anything larger than 48-bits.
Many experts are questioning their findings. The paper itself has been shared through the preprint service arXiv without any meaningful peer-review, something which would generally be considered a necessary minimum standard to weigh the scientific value of a research paper.
A discussion about the paper on Google Groups challenges whether the paper claims that its method for factoring 2048-bit integers is actually any faster than classical methods. Both that discussion, and analysis by cryptography expert Bruce Schneier, warns that the researchers’ algorithm relies on a controversial paper by the German mathematician Peter Schnorr which, while proving an ability to factorize numbers on the scale of the 10-qubit computer used by the researchers, “falls apart at larger sizes.”
Take Chinese claims with a
grainwhole shaker of salt…10
World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’
The World Economic Forum is now calling for the decriminalization of sex with children, arguing that laws against “age gap love,” more commonly known as pedophilia, “violate human rights.”
Rather than being a scourge, the pedophilia epidemic that is sweeping the world is actually “nature’s gift” to humanity, according to Klaus Schwab whose World Economic Forum has declared that pedophiles are being created by nature in increasingly large numbers for a reason.
According to a research paper presented at the WEF in Davos, the pedophile phenomenon represents nature’s attempt to cleanse the earth and “save humanity” from itself. Minor attracted people are far less likely to produce large numbers of offspring, according to academic data, and the so-called “underage people” they have so-called “relationships” with are statistically less likely to go on and become heads of large families themselves.
This appeals to the WEF and their vision of destroying the family unit and depopulating the earth.
The WEF, which has ordered the mainstream media to begin pushing the narrative, wants to introduce an international policy that will require the majority of countries to decriminalize or at the very least relax their laws against pedophilia.
The New York Times, always at the forefront of the globalist agenda, ran an op-ed arguing that pedophilia is not a crime.
President Macron’s government voted against having an age of consent in France in 2018, becoming one of the first nations to give in to pressure from an international cabal determined to decriminalize sex with children across the world.
This means federal law in France has no legal age of consent, and adults who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove “violence, threat, duress, or surprise.”
Which explains an awful lot (to those who haven’t known it for years) doesn’t it.
“adults who have sex with children of any age will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove “violence, threat, duress, or surprise.””
Surprise? WTF! I cannot imagine how that fits into two people deciding to have sex or not…
As for 12yr-olds, or even 16yr-olds, unless they are conferred adult status by the Govt they are minors and in the charge of their parents. If you want to have sex with that 14-yr-old you will need her father’s permission, not hers.
If real this bizzaro world announcement should be ringing alarm bells everywhere. Seriously, who wants to be on board with this? Ardern? Trudeau? Biden would be a yes I guess. Glad my kids are grown up.
Well good old Klaus certainly knows how to dress to impress at the beach.
Received a brochure in the letterbox today from Jab Injuries Australia titled “If There Is A Risk There Must Be A Choice. This is your proof”.
The brochure contains a few personal stories from people who attribute their post covid19 vaccine conditions to the vaccine.
Artificial Intelligence is about to defend a human in court ‘for the first time ever’
ARTIFICIAL Intelligence is breaking a new frontier, with a company teasing that their robot will be playing an important part in a trial in court.
The AI robot will be the first to advise a defendant in a court of law.
The news was shared by the publication New Scientist, which explained that the AI would be in the defendant’s phone.
The robot would listen in on court proceedings and would then advise the defendant through an earpiece.
The AI was developed by a company called DoNotPay, which describes itself as “The World’s First Robot Lawyer.”
Caitlin explaining the revolving door between parliament, media and lobbyists-
“CNN has shattered the speed of light in its haste to recruit former representative Adam Kinzinger to its punditry lineup the millisecond he left congress.
Kinzinger, who prior to being redistricted out of his House seat received handsome campaign contributions from arms manufacturers Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman, was arguably the most egregious warmonger on Capitol Hill.”
Some mothers do have them!
“The Covid Cult”×435.png
Interesting read about the run up to the Ukraine conflict, drivers and likely outcomes. Just one persons view of course. Don’t bother reading if you are invested in the poor victim Ukraine version of events.
That doesn’t differ greatly from this (bumped)
“I’ve just finished reading Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick “The untold history of the United States”.
615 pages of text, pp 619 – 712 of “Notes” – I have not proof read the notes
Ends in 2013 with conclusions coloured by “CAGW” and what “Obama 1” might have done. One could say that their crystal ball was not well polished in the light of things since.
Heavily pictures the “American Empire” unless the “Notes” are extremely slanted.
Leaves one with the feeling that there is a religion taught that might be called “America the Greatest” with about as many jihadis as that other well known religion.
And that, if US gets a blooded nose in Ukraine, it will , like the Treaty of Versailles, be an excuse for another go probably sooner than later.
Views of a heathen looking from outside”
But does a better update to now
Good article! Lays out everything that people who like to be informed have been reading about.
Those who cannot see the American Empire and the petrodollar for what it is need not bother..
2023 will be interesting!
Those who cannot see the American Empire and the petrodollar for what it is need not bother..
Where do those of us who are not US haters go?
“Where do those of us who are not US haters go?”
Some place where there are plenty of windmills to tilt at, I’d suggest.
Is this a binary choice: Poor victim Ukraine or poor victim Russia?
Outside of computers hardly anything is a binary choice, things arent as simple as most would like to frame them. The world is a messy place.
Obviously not , since both nations are suffering at the hands of the U.S. , or whoever is running that clown show.
It’s Russia and Ukraine who can’t coexist. Why do you blame America?
Just watching the Big Bash cricket. It surprising how little you have to do to get a fair proportion of the crowd to turn up wearing cardboard KFC buckets on their heads. Nothing says a big night out like a bucket on your head 🙂
There was a windmill on fire today on the southern highlands. They just had to let it burn they said as they couldn’t reach it. lol. Wouldn’t that be nice on a 45 degree day?
New Covid variant will ‘infect everyone on this planet’
Climate death of European ski season over-hyped. Higher level/more northerly resorts fine, the warm blip causing melt elsewhere will soon be forgotten.
What the MSM hasn’t got to yet –
“2022 Global Wide Hurricane Season Ends with Weakest Storm Levels of the Last 42 Years”
A comment at WUWT worth spreading (IMO)
““Always wrong, never in doubt.”
Pretty much describes the entire Climate Change Hysteria Cult.”
“The Wind Power Mirage”
Surprising result around IgG4 antibodies after booster
Two Weeks of Continuous Freezing and Ukraine is Finished