A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I heard on the radio in Melbournistan (3MP) that an unspecified government official said that Australia’s death toll was up by 17% for “covid-related reasons”.
I assume “covid-related” is a tacit admission that it may have been the experimental covid vaccine that killed these people.
It’s interesting that the 17% correspondd exactly to the excess death toll for “unknown reasons”.
Watch this space…
Technically correct as everything is a derivative of the plandemic…
I believe that I heard the same news item . .
In todays online Herald Sun headlines “The people most at risk from Covid boosters”,
Not one freedom group advises to sign up into a major party, why not?.
Estimates of crowd sizes peak at 1.2 M during the Canberra freedom rally. Clearly an opportunity exists to make significant changes to political action.
Because Liberals, Labor and Nationals are corrupt servants of big Business, Big Banks, Big Bureaucracy and Big Unions, the Greens are communists, and PHON are naive fools.
Any momentum gained from the freedom rallies was hijacked by Clive Palmer and the UAP to swing preferences to the Liberals.
Our compulsory preferential voting system is deliberately rigged to ensure a Liberal/National coalition government, or a Labor government with Greens support. The people actually running the country don’t care much which side “governs” at any given time, since they control both.
Hundreds of thousand’s, no rather perhaps millions of freedom fighters likely voted for a minor party ended with a major, yet again-
Why has no freedom movements petitioned supporters to FLOOD membership into a major party.
Apathy aside, WHY?
No labor voter will ever switch votes just because his labor gov. stinks. They would rather die on their knees than to stand up.
Only true liberals value freedom so freedom parties just split the liberal vote guaranteeing labor governments forever.
First break the ‘fear factor’ that the two major parties play on all the time.. “Don’t vote for some minor party or else the major party you really don’t like will get it”..
“A vote for that minor party is just a wasted vote, they will never get in!”
Then crack the iron-clad problem that, standing in the booth, a person suddenly votes for the party they always have because their Dad did.
get rid of preferential voting and at least one layer of Govt in Australia so that the average voter can understand what the hell their vote really means in forming a Govt!
‘“A vote for that minor party is just a wasted vote, they will never get in!”’. But they do get another chance.
Our voting system is touted as ‘One person, one vote.’ Yet, while some people get their vote counted only once, others that vote for minor parities actually get more than one vote due to the preferential system
Yes, I agree with you KP – get rid of PV. One person, one vote.
No. The preferential system is the best.
It doesn’t just require the support of 50% + 1 of the electorate. It also ensures that a candidate cannot win if 50% + 1 of the electorate oppose.
Other systems allow well organised minorities to gain control.
Even with the preferential system as we use it theoretically 26% can govern.
The main problem with the Preferential voting system is that people are not educated on how to use it properly. Also, a voluntary preferential system would be better than a full preferential voting system so that the voter can limit how far his/her preferences go to.
BidenHarris speaks
5 worst jobs given to children in history
And today, we have Lithium mines rather than chimneys…
Near infrared light inproves Covid outcomes
Get outside!!!😁
Does that include CO2 back-radiation 😉
I think Will Janoschka had the answer to that.
Blackpool’s forsaken children
Blackpool, one of the most deprived parts of England, is rife with child abuse and home to a higher number of convicted child sex offenders than anywhere else in the country. It is thought that predatory men gravitate there to seek out vulnerable children. They don’t have to look far — there are three times the national average of children in care in Blackpool.
The sex trade – both legal and illegal – is rife. The proliferation of lap dance clubs and bars catering to groups of men on stag weekends has given the town a reputation as a haven for sex tourists. Queen Street, which is a focus for Blackpool’s night life, has also seen an increase in underage prostitution. Last year there were 87 visits by police and local authority inspectors to premises where children were believed to be sexually exploited.
But there is one thing I didn’t know about Blackpool, which I learned from listening to Inside the Gender Clinic, a podcast about the much maligned Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock. The majority of referrals to the clinic are not, as one might assume, from the South, or from Brighton, but from Blackpool. This is surely the last place you’d expect to see so many trans-identified children. After all, the voices we so often hear on this issue in the media tend to belong to upper middle-class kids raised in liberal families.
So why might this be so?
… the majority of girls presenting as gender dysphoric have experienced childhood trauma. What if the availability of breast binders, puberty blockers and instant affirmation as trans is a handy way for traumatised sexual abuse victims to dissociate from the abused body?
Transitioning as a way to distance themselves from the pain of abuse isn’t the solution but will just cause more grief.
I wonder how many transitioners have troubled pasts too or some degree of autism.
Who cares! There’s money to be made eh…
Further evidence that zinc supplementation works for covid cases but the silence from government and medical “authorities” is deafening.
G’day D M,
Thanks for that. Interesting, but not surprising.
The authors seem to have been unaware of Dr Zelenko’s work, or that of Dr Sehault. I don’t detect any recording of vitamin D levels. And there’s no mention of the need for an ionophore.
So no mention (of course) of IVM or HCQ.
Dave B
I think it’s interesting because it talks about zinc alone. Of course, the results would be much better with a zinc ionophore as per Zelenko or similar protocols plus previous correction of any Vitamin D deficiency (it’s mostly too late for D once you get covid). I agree that they should have recorded Vitamin D levels.
G’day D M,
Thanks for that, and I’m glad someone has had a pro-zinc paper published.
The authors don’t appear to have discovered Dr Zelenko’s work, which was more successful, or that of Dr Sehault who explained how zinc operates. Pity.
Nor is their any mention of Vitamin D or of the need for an ionophore.
And of course, no comparison with HCQ or IVM.
Dave B
David. I am thoroughly tired of all these ‘new’ cures / treatments / preventatives for Covid19 being discovered and touted on a daily basis. strong>Almost amything is better than a death-shot FFS!
OK, so I reckon a pack of Ratsak eaten every day for a week will increase your energy levels, while others insist that bananas, veggies, exercise, a good night’s sleep, muesli bars, a morning swim etc etc… fact almost everything which is not just another poison…. will do you more good than Ratsak.
Geez…whoever woulda thunk it? Enough already : we know what the score is; no Ratsak…and no gene-jabs!
German Gov’t Claims Investigating Covid Vaccines Would Be ‘Dangerous For Democracy’
An investigation of the government response to the Covid debacle would be “dangerous to democracy”, claims German Ethics Chairwoman and government advisor Alena Buyx, who supported mandatory lockdowns, mask orders and vaccinations during the pandemic.
Many have noticed that the most outspoken officials responsible for brutal COVID restrictions and mandates suddenly don’t want to talk about the last few years, and are wishing the growing scandal will go away. Leftist news outlets are even asking for “pandemic amnesty,” which would absolve government, Big Pharma and the mainstream media from any legal consequences resulting from their actions.
In an interview with Germany’s leftist newspaper Die Zeit, Buyx told that the need for an investigation “is understandable, but it’s incredibly toxic. It has a profound effect on polarizing society. And it is dangerous to democracy.”
Now that the data are exposing the greatest medical debacle/fraud of all time, leading persons like Buyx are obviously running scared-to-death of investigations and due process.
“but it’s incredibly toxic. ”
Well, at least she got that right…
Only if the crowd rises up and lynches the politicians.
It would threaten herd immunity.
The reverse argument is true. Many governments took emergency powers into their own hands and Democracy was switched off. Didn’t Andrews even extend the time limit on those powers? Australia seemed to outdo most other nations in this response and was internationally vilified for its suppression actions as a supposed Democracy.
Those authoritarians that did this so easily, including the enforcement of their demands on the people by using the most extreme powers available to police and health officialdom against their own people (so often withholding the same actions against demonstrators whose messages they preferred, even in rioting) must be called to account and punished in the Courts if found guilty of subversion or inappropriate use of those enforcement powers. In Australia there has been so little blow back against our politicians, police and Health people that it should be a wakeup call for us all as to how fragile is the people’s hold on our freedoms. We never learned from that Human Rights head that stated ‘It’s a pity ‘we’ can’t control what families talk about over the kitchen table!’ (to paraphrase).
Her sole aim in life appears to be to tell people what to do – good or bad, it doesn’t matter.
Maybe, also to earn enough fighting for socialism not to have to live with the plebs.
Not to investigate is dangerous for the Democracy, at least it should be.
“Would Be ‘Dangerous For Democracy”.
Not if it restores democracy.
Now that the covid vaccine disaster is almost undeniable here’s some FUN you can have.
Whenever you meet a politician, senior public serpent or medical official involved in the forced covid vaccination program in Australia (or elsewhere) or who mocked you for being a “conspiracy theorist”, “anti-vaxxer”, “uneducated” etc., remind them that you will enjoy watching them face trial for their crimes.
Unfortunately, there probably will be no such trials because it’s almost impossible to sue a politician or public serpent and medical authorities will claim the vaccine was deemed to be safe, and Big Pharma will rightly state they were granted immunity from prosecution BUT IT WILL BE FUN TO WATCH THEM SWEAT AND SQUIRM.
They’re not safe effective as we now know from Pfizer documents and countless piles of data from around the world, plus leaked non-disclosure documents.
However, I suspect that deliberate premeditated criminality voids any immunity.
The problem is that there is no independent country able to prosecute, unlike the WW2 Nuremberg trials.
Ivermectin and HCQ are still banned for treatment or prophylaxis for covid (except HCQ is now permitted in Queensland).
The government is no longer trying to push the juice so it’s not as if there’s a competing modality.
And yet people are still being claimed to be dying from covid, although their vitamin D and zinc status and comorbitities are never reported.
Why are these people still being allowed to die without an opportunity for a safe treatment option?
They have their rock-solid previous positions to defend. Thay are not about to let even another loosening of their arbitrary rulings show them up for the destruction they have wrought in lives lost and financial distress caused. That could get very nasty for them in the Courts, and for many years. Have independent, professional trials on those drugs been allowed to be done yet? Why are the development processes for those ‘vaccines’ to be hidden for 75 and maybe 90 years as desired by government. It’s all one story never to be revealed until we are all dead.
And with Vicdanistan investing in a new “state of the art” (art of what?) Moderna plant, the serfs will be required to act in the correct manner to provide a return of some sort on the “investment”. Ivermectin and HCQ will remain verboten for some years yet, I fear. I’ll have to smuggle the “I” drug into home in the false bottom of my shoes or via my farmer friend perhaps.
I bought Ivermectin & Ziverdo kits from India fairly easily. I suggest you don’t use your regular credit card.
Because to support Ivermectin now would be an admission that they were wrong to ban it, as a consequence of which people died.
A few statistics here to digest:
SEE what they’re doing? They’re trying to blame (supposed) reduced migration for reduced population.
so deaths are up 17%, and covid is 7700
this is only 6% – yet this isn’t mentioned, the missing 11% increase is other factors
see what they did there?
Interesting story recently that Australia’s population will take two years longer to reach the 30 million mark. Funny that. Locals not producing enough babies and the foreigners are wary about coming here. There goes that whole grow the economy through population growth plan. Of course it is early days but let’s see. No doubt there are desperate people from the third world that will still want to come here. I’m predicting that there won’t be a requirement to have a skill to qualify.
I’m predicting that skilled immigration will continue and a new influx of overseas students will easily find casual work.
There was a fertility spike after the Covid pandemic, but higher interest rates should put a damper on that.
There can’t have been much requirement for skills recently.
My groceries from a major chain are always delivered by recent migrants, different ones every couple of deliveries. Many of them have trouble finding the place, despite I presume sat nav in their trucks, & the street number being displayed on the gate in large numbers.
European heatwave in midwinter is unsettling the masses.
Like arguing deaths only have a “temporary effect on mortality rates”?
It is still raining in Sydney……………………And where is Summer?
Ahh…. The old weather equals climate fallacy, good luck presenting that as evidence.
Anonymously warm Mediterranean implicated in the mild respite across Europe.
Yer, the Med being 0 to 1.5C above average is sooo incredibly powerful. Who makes this stuff up! Every warm area has a balance, look to the east my son.
Marine heatwaves are appearing all around the world.
‘The Mediterranean has been subject to intense thermal conditions in recent years. This has taken a further severe step this year, with sea temperatures reaching a record 30.7°C off Corsica.
‘A marine heatwave is defined as an extended period of abnormally high sea temperatures, relative to the seasonal average. They have doubled in frequency since the 1980s.’ (The Conversation)
Solar or geothermal or both?
Friday craziness in the UK – what on earth were they thinking!
What are they smoking!? 🤣
Strange Rexona ad on tele. It encourages standing up for what is right even if you give the Boss out LBW in a game of office cricket.
Great, but the lady rolls her fingers down the the seam rather than like a leggy, over the wicket and hits the legside of his pad after he plays on the front foot down the wicket. It’s going down leg! Is it a celebration for standing up for what’s right or encouraging bigotry against old white men?
I brought it up because what is the chance that the ad company is full of people who believe The Science and will belittle anyone who expresses doubt using the scientific method?
We are told sudden deaths of athletes are completely normal….
SEE graph below “Athlete collapses and deaths chart from 1st January 2021 to 27th November 2022.”
IIRC it was Dr Malone who had to go back 38 years pre “covid vaccination” to find about 1100 deaths in similar circumstances
“It is about IgG4 and how your immune system recognizes foreign things to attack, without attacking your own body. Mostly. At least before mRNA jabs.”
“Satire: These Words Are Now Banned”
“These Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist”
Have a good look at the second photo
One might wonder about that very pro “vax” Dr Nadia post too on the strength pf this
Dr Tina Peers tells Nigel Farage: ‘We completely followed the wrong policies’ in dealing with Covid
“Now the current outlook for the rest of this year is that there’s the potential for an El Niño event to develop once we get to June of 2023,” she said.
“If we do get an El Niño coming up after this La Niña – and there’s no guarantee of that – there’s about a, sort of, 65 per cent chance we’re looking like an El Niño event.” (ABC News)
The ABC is desperately hoping for an El Niño, to support their global warming propaganda.
BoM’s forecast has gone viral.
Desperation is the word and they are leading the charge from nowhere to oblivion.
How your phone can kill you.. linked in a discussion over Russia’s problems in Makiivka when HIMARs missiles destroyed a building full of army personnel & the soldiers use of cell phones was blamed.
“Leaked files reveal the Anomaly 6 spy firm is providing intelligence to the British military through a cut-out involved in the Kerch Bridge bombing and other acts of dangerous sabotage in the Ukraine conflict…. Anomaly 6 embeds tracking software in popular smartphone applications, then slices through layers of theoretically anonymous data to uncover a wealth of sensitive information about a device’s owner…. Britain’s Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) has used Anomaly 6’s technology to monitor and track the movements of Russian military and intelligence personnel in real-time, on both a group and individual basis. Through aggressive harvesting of data, the technology has enabled the planning of military offensives and artillery attacks, assassinations, asset recruitment, and other measures.”
“Anomaly 6 sold its technology to Britain as an innovative means for tracking movements of newly-arrived refugees to the country. Without the migrants’ knowledge or consent, they were steered through “passive data collection gates” as soon as they registered at immigration centres. Their phones were then tagged for monitoring in the hope they could lead authorities to criminal gangs and human traffickers. ”
“This connivance is likely to have been completely illegal under data protection laws, and the European Convention on Human Rights.”
So is that what’s behind the Biden Administration’s handout of mobile phones to illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border into US?
Somehow I doubt it, I don’t think the sanctity of being an illegal immigrant would allow such nefarious behaviour but we know the FBI is a law unto itself these days.
A nice story KP, but basically bunkum. You are trackable by your mobile phone, as is every other user. This is not some “secret” technology, but how the things work.
When a mobile phone is switched on the very first time it seeks out the three strongest signals from the surrounding towers. Thereafter the phone sends out a ‘ping’ signal every 30 seconds to verify the signal. It does this even if you turn the phone off, which is why the battery will go flat even when turned off.
If you get in a car and start to move, at least one of the signals will start to get weaker as you move away from it. However, you are also moving towards at least one new tower with a stronger signal and your phone will transfer seamlessly to that new tower as and when required.
Because it constantly involves three points of reference the phone’s actual position can be accurately plotted by simple reverse triangulation. This was first used as a sub-plot in the British detective crime series “Midsomer Murders” in 2012 and featured in nearly every episode since 2014. The Yanks used it to bump off Taliban leaders with drones in the early days of ISIS.
That technology, coupled with voice recognition developed right here in Australia by our very own Digital Transformation Agency ( means “they” know who you are, who you are with, what you are doing, and where you are going, 24/7.
If you ever wondered if there was any truth in the saying “Big Brother is Watching”, now you know.
The above explanation is why Russian troops were ordered NOT to use their mobile phones in the battlezone, and how they were targeted and killed when they did.
I saw one today: Someone driving with window up wearing a mask.
Take off the mask and open the windows if concerned about infecting yourself.
If asked s/he would say s/he believes THE science.
On the Thursday open thread, I mentioned that Dr. John Campbell reported on a new study from the Cleveland Clinic that said that the more doses of the mRNA vaccine you get, the more likely you are to get Covid-19. The next day he removed that entry from YouTube. He said he hated doing it, but didn’t say why it was remove though my guess is that YouTube required him to do so.
How about this:
We have been told that over time everyone will be exposed to the Covid19 virus. Say a person gets a shot every 6 months. Those many months provide more chances of exposure to and showing symptoms of this irritant.
Simple logic (math) to the rescue!🧑🎄
Seriously, be very skeptical of anything related to Covid, Climate Change, or Trump.
Via Chiefio
Might be this one?
“Here is the Rumble link to it: “
Yes, that is the video that Dr. Campbell had to delete from YouTube.
New conversation and interview of Dr. Richard Lindzen by Jordan B. Peterson:
Thanks for the link.
I’m 1/2 way through.
Being a fan of Jo Nova, WUWT, and others,
I’m – so far – familiar with much of this,
but these two are good.
I was at a dinner art friends last night and a seemingly wwll-educated person said that they thought Dan Andrews, Victoriastan Dictator, did a good job during the covid lockups.
It’s amazing that people have such views. That’s why he’s been elected three times and will likely be elected another three or more (or more likely he will be declared Premier for life).
Most people tend to judge others and believe that they have the same values as themselves. The Biblical injunction to not judge others involves judging other to have good motives as well. Claiming someone is good is also making wrong judgments. The judgement of others does not extend to judging their behaviour.
Don’t be fooled by politicians, after the 1967 Referendum passed the Constitution was changed ….
“In a referendum held on 27 May 1967, Australians voted to remove references in the Australian Constitution discriminating against First Australians. The changes to the Constitution included the repeal of 2 sections, Section 51 (xxvi) and Section 127. This enabled the Australian Parliament to: make special laws for First Australians include First Australians in the national census.”
From Section 51 of the constitution the bolded text was deleted which removed the prohibition of the Commonwealth to make special laws for Aboriginals but retained it for members of other races….(in other words, before, special laws could not be made for Aboriginals but after, presumably they could be or for members of “any other race”). The section was originally intended to refer to “alien” races such as imported labourers.
All of Section 127 was removed so Aboriginals would be counted in any census or for any other purpose.
I don’t think most politicians or actividts have ever read the Constitutionm
I wonder if we are nearing peak Harry and Meaghan yet in the media? just came from a news site where the top trending article was “Harry candidly discusses his penis” Seems people are fascinated.
We have a constant “news” feed of the inane, the trivial, the pointless, the prurient…
Important matters are deliberately ignored.
It keeps the Sheeple entertained.
“Friday Funny: Paul Ehrlich Discredits the Peer Review Process”
Was it Erlich that predicted by about now that there would be so many people that the entire surface of the planet would be covered by people and buildings with no open spaces?
“BANNED BY YOUTUBE – Climate Goals vs. Human Well-Being: A LIVE Discussion with Dr. Judith Curry”
Has Rumble link
“Simply put, the global economy is like a Rube Goldberg machine”
Video link to a sample machine included
Did the TGA actually do anything but parrot the FDA on this?
Some interesting rainfall data for NSW from 1900 to about 1946. Note that the moving average line was below average from 1900 to 1946, but 1896 to 1900 would’ve been below average as well. FED drought.
For NSW 1950 was the highest rainfall ever and 2022 just beat 1956 by about 4 mm.
So what caused that super drought period from 1900 to 1946? Of course co2 levels were very low before 1950.
AGAIN, according to the Flannery donkey we should’ve had the perfect climate from 1900 to 1946.
SMH talks about the excess deaths today, up 17% on Australia’s average.. but never mentions a word about the vaccines causing it! 129000 deaths, 18000 are excess, Covid killed about 8000 and the other 10,000 are just from ‘other factors’.
No mention of overseas research looking into this problem and finding it paralleled the vaccine uptake.
Comments of course, are now closed..
That Malthusian loony Paul Ehrlich cops a belting from some of the most well researched people in the field.
What a fraudster and it’s so good to see the most rational people put in the boot for a change.
Lomborg, Pielke jnr, Ridley, Epstein etc opinions are about as good as you can get.