A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Monday All. It was good to see the sun today!
Must-read on what the U.S. is doing to Europe:
… It would be fair to say that the monthly take-home pay of 70% of Belgians after the 50% income tax is withheld comes to about 1,500 euros. Just for comparison, if this figure seems unduly low, the state pensions of many Belgians come to just a few hundred euros; and you have to have been very successful in your working career to receive a pension equivalent to those same 1,500 euros.
Let us assume that my electricity and heating costs are well above average because of the size of my home and the unimproved state of our insulation. Let us assume that these same 70% of the population have total energy costs now of 900 euros a month, or half of what I will be paying in effect. In a household where there is only one breadwinner, this would leave just 600 euros a month for food, apartment rent or mortgage payments and all other expenses. The arithmetic just doesn’t work. Your household budget will be in sharp deficit each month.
I have taken Belgium as my example, but I assure the reader that the numbers for income and outgo of the majority of the populations in neighboring European countries are not much different. That is true even in Germany despite its seeming prosperity. So what will the people do about it? At what point does public indignation and growing poverty spill over into social and political unrest? …
And so street demonstrations by tens of thousands of irate citizens against untenable increases in cost of living have arisen elsewhere in Europe. Even The Financial Times is today giving extensive coverage to yesterday’s march in downtown Rome which brought together the economic issue of unsustainable rises in energy costs and the political issue of the ongoing war in Ukraine and Europe’s failed policies in that regard. The banners read “End to Violence” and the overriding message was that Italy must work to bring the warring parties to the negotiating table, not feed the conflict by further deliveries of arms to Kiev. This is a movement that is sure to turn up in many other European cities in the coming weeks, and the European governments will be unable to ignore it. …
that blog was a good read.
Thanks JB. I concur – very worthwhile to read (and don’t skip the comments from a number of unfortunates presently on the ground in Europe).
We are on the same path, unless we wake up to ourselves very smartly.
Has the video or audio of “Climate 360 – the Debate” been posted? Is there a link?
[There has, it came through late Sat. And I will post it. Sorry, I haven’t had time to.. – Jo]
The link to the debate has been posted in a previous blog by a commenter. It’s 1 hour 58 mins.
Saturday Open Thread, post by Ian, #20.
Thanks to Ian, Graeme#4 and Fritz.
Another excellent read! A scathing piece on U.S.-occupied Germany and Scholz’s recent trip to China:
… Why this abysmal imbalance? Well, China exports 600 key resources Germany absolutely depends on, such as rare earths, chemicals, and pharmaceutics. But China does not depend on 1 single German resource, none. Sure it can buy electric drills and trains, but it can also buy similar ones from Japan, Canada, England or France. That is why China is Germany‘s biggest trading partner and essential for its survival, while Germany is to China more like a hobby shop. …
Another dependency on another large single supplier. German leadership seems to thinking nothing can go wrong.
Bit like us and that big refinery in Singapore
The last time we relied on Singapore did not go well.
Aye, for sure, but tell the Germans people that. Menschens Kinder!
Phew! that was a “some read, that” moment. Dots the i ‘ s and crosses the t ‘s where I didn’t fully understand the Lingo … no wonder when they go an as they do. Trying to understand their Politics Talk Shows was like taking a Spin in the Tumble Dryer. Begins to make sense: Most of their Farm machinery Manuf’rs have been through the mill and come out shredded or Americanised. Can I agree with the Author ? Time will tell, but am pre-warned. Thnx.
A little too much blame-the-Yanks in that. Also rewriting just how well West Germany did, post WWII. All in all, too bitter, not sufficiently historically accurate.
How Europe is destroying itself through Green, Net Zero policies.
Well worth watchng either here:
or in original article about it:
The very idea of net zero makes no science sense. No scientist came up with this. And I still read about growing trees to reduce CO2? Who said that works? Anyone? Carbon Credits?
Consider that NASA satellites have observed the planet has 14% more trees than in 1988. CO2 in the same period has gone up about 14%. So growing trees does not reduce CO2. Rather more CO2 means more trees. What is the point of growing trees to reduce CO2 when the reverse is true? Why grow trees when they are growing themselves? Is Nett zero a competition with nature?
CO2 is in rapid exchange with the oceans. This yearly exchange as with oxygen is far greater than total human CO2 output and any imbalance increases the speed of exchange and CO2 is 30x more soluble than O2 which we know enters the water rapidly because fish breathe, as do we with our evolution in the ocean. What happens with equilibrium systems is that the greater the imbalance, the faster it corrects itself. CO2 from our bushfires went straight into the Pacific producing a massive bloom (journalists attributed this to ‘nutrients’ which is silly. Plants are made from CO2 not ‘nutrients’. And this article says the bushfires ‘stimulated’ the growth. What does that mean?)
Why do people refuse to believe that all life on earth is made almost entirely from CO2 and water? Forget the ‘nutrients’ and ‘fertilizer’ and ‘stimulation’ and ‘the good earth’. More CO2 means more trees, more algae, more plants, more life.
Net Zero is a fantasy concept, like burning wood chips from the US in the Drax power plant. Like growing trees to ‘offset’ CO2 output.
Humans have no control at all on CO2 levels. CO2 existed in vast quantities before the industrial revolution and the 10x growth in the world population, so who set the level of CO2 prior to 1750?
It’s a childish concept that everything was perfect and we ruined it with Stephenson’s rocket, a sort of modern Garden of Eden story for the gullible. It may be in the bible but it is a fantasy story, allegorical at best.
The science fact is that warming ocean surfaces release more CO2 as you would expect as 98% of all CO2 is dissolved in the oceans. Ocean temperatures hardly change because they are 3.5 km deep and cover 72% of the planet. The thin ice cover in the Arctic is a tiny surface effect, not a measure of ocean temperature.
So how does anyone ignore NASA’s result that there are already 14% more trees and CO2 is up 14%? That’s a new Green area the size of United States or Australia or the Brazilian rain forest. Can I have the Carbon Credits please? In cash.
Nett Zero? It’s what happens when politicians and Greens and Bankers get together and make things up and call it science.
” … growing trees to reduce CO2″
In the early days of this scam, some of us actually supported this because it was at least productive. The problem of course was that “six trees and a photo opportunity” was all they were capable of. Unlike the Landcare and Green Corps teams who could do 400 trees per person per day. “Growing trees” was too hard, like maths, hard sciences, even basic logic. So it soon warped into taking over someone else’s trees, eg the Baka of Cameroon, or locking up the rain forests of NE Australia, now being destroyed for
windsubsidy farms.50
An interesting but not surprising development, Indigenous Australians and Land Councils are very concerned about plans to cover country with wind and solar installations, feeder transmission lines and a second electricity grid system for the renewables, so called.
They have realised how much land will be required, an enormous area of land if Labor’s 82 per cent renewables target is ever achieved, and that is doubtful considering all of the problems, beginning with building and construction skilled and unskilled labour, materials shortages and quickly increasing prices, most builders are unwilling to quote fix ed prices and cannot start projects before 2023 to 2024 now. Then consider development applications and environmental concerns and opposition, and Albanese Labor recently granted activist groups millions of taxpayer’s dollars to fund their activities, like court appeals against developments.
Meanwhile the AEMO is again warning that big problems will be faced if power stations are taken off line before renewables and back up firming etc can replace them, and the answer to that is never will.
Mission Impossible – achieving net zero
What we all already know about climate change.
Well folks,
Cop 27 is now happening…
Agender header:
“UN representatives, government officials, thought leaders, industry experts, and innovative CEOs. Our sessions at COP 27 are where you will get inspired to drive corporate action on climate change.
Dig into the schedule of events now and plan your schedule.”
Ok I did.
On Thursday, November 10, 2022, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, this will be streamed.
“High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate”
It is In-person and livestreamed
“Hosted by the UN Global Compact, together with UNEP and the secretariat of the UNFCCC, the meeting will bring together senior executives of business, industry, finance, civil society, the UN and Government to act decisively to avert a climate catastrophe.”
I repeat their words: “to act decisively to avert a climate catastrophe.”
The link to live view on that date:
My comment:
Ok, so well done then.. 27 years of COP meetings, trying to change the climate, and we are still facing (in their words) a climate catastrophe.
Think about that…. After 27 years they still can’t change the temperature… They have failed for 27 years… Now it seems today in 2022, all will be be good if the UN can just move a load of our money around to whomever..
It seems that this is the answer to solve their so called “climate catastrophe”.
They want to use other peoples money…. Yours and mine.
I wish George Orwell was alive to see this.
I love a good party! 🙂
Preaching to the converted I know , but John Ward at The Slog concludes thus :-
” . . . please think twice, thrice or even a dozen times before deciding to accept the word of people (Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Hillary Clinton, Ed Miliband, Ed Balls, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Charles III, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and Jeremy Hunt) whose sole claim to fame was that they quickly turned out to be Men of Straw selling a Busted Flush.
Think, pay closer attention to the provenance of information – and be prepared to be called Nutjobs by people way below your normal level of discernment.
Wear the insults as a badge of honour. And above all, accept the social price as the cost of being true to yourself. With luck and more awareness, chances are you won’t pay for this with your life.”
Be prepared to …..
I just love going against the trend.
Those airheads in the shopping malls who have set up a thing in the middle of one of the aisles.
Even after I assiduously look the other way to specifically ignore them ….. “Tell me Sir, do you know anything about Solar Power?”
(Me) “Why yes I do. I have a minor electrical engineering qualification, so what would you like to know?”
The looks on their faces are just priceless.
They are taken aback enough to be put off their spiel, so in that moment of silence with them thinking what to say next, I smile and say ….. “goodbye!” and walk off.
The phone ones are the same, not wanting to continue very much after I tell them I’m in an Apartment with one floor above me, and do I need to tell the rental agency.
Reminds me of a friend in USA who started life as a southern Baptist but had progressed a long way by then. Every summer the campus played host to the (IIREC) College Crusade for Christ, so you were likely to be assailed by the opening line
“I’d like to talk to you about Jesus”.
Her response was
“OK! What would you like to know?”
with similar effects.
A thought for when you view a photo of a wind farm –
John Cadogan (motoring video producer) refers to Mercedes as “Three Prong”
One could borrow the term and adapt “Three coins in a fountain” to that scene, starting with (e.g.)
“Three prongs on a mountain”
So that’s what I’ve been missing all along. It always nagged away at me, you know ….. “what am I missing here?”
Wind power.
It’s got nothing to do with generating power
It’s all just a subliminal advertisement for ….. Mercedes Benz!!
Cue Curly
Hi Tony
Brilliant! I’ve quoted that!
Now can we organise something similar for solar panels?
You might like this image. I was starting to write an article on the horrible effects of climate propaganda on children when Judith Curry posted her own essay.
Here is the header image I was going to use.
Geoff S
From a Mercedes owner –
“I’ll never look at my hood ornament the same way again…”
“Myocarditis NOT caused by Covid. So what IS causing it?…”
“In this video, Dr. John Campbell does a great job of “staying inside the YouTube Thought Jail” while doing the “nudge nudge wink wink” pointing you at the real cause of the rising carditis problems.”
About 06:50 notice the containers that his cat is supervising
FWIW on this
I found something useful the BOM does apart from hosting weather radar. I know, I was surprised too.
They have river level data online in close real time and expose raw data with plots and data tables. I guess river levels cant be part of “the narrative” that needs adjusting.
Just trying to work out what level the river has to be at before our little block starts draining properly.
Thanks Yarpos. Parts of our place are still pretty soggy and our daughter is surrounded by swirling Goulburn River!
Unfortunately when they were needed most, on our local river, for the 24 hours during the build up and peak of big flood in the Northern Rivers, the readings stopped.
Development electric delivery truck fire.
Top gear tested a development model of this little city electric car, had to stop at one point because of burning small, stopped short of a full on fire.
This was a coverup, no if’s and no but’s.
From the Comments
That’s not how a T-bone looks. That’s a front on collision.
Knuckle Draggersays:
November 8, 2022 at 8:07 am
From the Hun’s reproduced statement of Daniel Andrews:
The first I saw of him was when he smashed into the windscreen on the driver’s side.
The cyclist was traveling at speed and hit our car at a perfect right angle very heavily.
No. No, the cyclist did not hit your car at any sort of right angle, let alone a perfect one.
Top Endersays:
November 8, 2022 at 8:31 am
Secret police file and pictures shed new light on Dan Andrews family crash
Secret police documents on the Daniel Andrews family car crash reveal the extent of the damage to the SUV and raise new issues regarding Victoria Police’s handling.
Michael Warner / Herald-Sun
November 8, 2022 – 6:00AM
Ryan Meuleman spent 10 days in hospital after he was in a crash with a car driven by then State Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews’ wife Catherine at Blairgowrie
Secret police documents on the 2013 collision between Daniel and Catherine Andrews’ Ford Territory and bike rider Ryan Meuleman reveal the extent of the damage to the SUV – but the pictures have never been released to the young man or his family.
The images and other issues regarding Victoria Police’s handling of the crash, which have emerged in the documents obtained by the Herald Sun, have prompted calls from a former Victorian crown prosecutor for a fresh review of the case.
It comes as cyclist Ryan and his family have been told they must wait at least three weeks for further key files they are pursuing.
In his first interview about the crash, Ryan last week claimed he had been denied justice, saying the Andrews’ car was “speeding” and “seemed to come out of nowhere” when he was struck as he rode his bicycle across Ridley St in Blairgowrie on January 7.
But the Premier has always claimed it was Ryan who was travelling too fast, saying in 2017: “He was moving at speed, he absolutely T-boned the car, hit it at such force he was literally inside the car.”
Crash investigation pictures obtained by the Herald Sun show the windscreen on the driver’s side of the SUV was smashed and heavily depressed, which the Meulemans say indicates the car must have hit their son.
Damage to the front right panel and bonnet was also inflicted in the collision with then 15-year-old Ryan but the vehicle was never taken for forensic analysis.
The images, which had not been included in documents released to the Meulemans under Freedom of Information laws, have infuriated the family.
After reviewing the extensive files, Ryan’s father Peter Meuleman said: “This is the first time I’ve seen these photos.
“Why didn’t the police give them to us when we asked for the crash report?
“At the Premier’s press conference (in 2017) he said my son had run into his car. Clearly, these photos show his car hit my son.
“There was no T-bone to the side of the car. We are seriously shocked by the lies that we have been told about the circumstances of the crash.”
The full police incident report, investigation notes, never-before-seen photographs and witness statements relating to the horror smash, which resulted in Ryan losing 90 per cent of his spleen, have been obtained by the Herald Sun.
Pix at the link, but presumably paywalled
Using software I’ve forensically enhanced the police file b&w images released by Herald Sun of Premier Dan Andrews car. You can see the impact zone on the Ford Territory at the initial collision point at the front right side of the car, and also the main impact area on the windscreen.
I’ve also included copies of the Statements given by the Premier and his wife.
Dan Andrews Statement
Catherine Andrews Statement
Stairman Dan
Remember them this November
And nobody was tested for drugs or alcohol apparently, and nobody was charged.
Re that “perfect right angle” –
There’s your calibration for the rest of Dan
I should have said “for the perfect Dan”
T-bone. Right.
From the Comments
– T Bone Dan the rubber bullet man, how long has the Wallace and Gromett look alike had the Stasi in his pocket.
– More news on Foxtel at SKY news this coming Thursday at 6.00 pm. A special program by Peta Credlin on Dan Andrews.
Be sure to watch it when you want to know more about the Andrews saga!
And a female witness has recently explained that while the young man was lying on the road injured Dan left and his wife stayed but offered no assistance or apology to the victim.
What is a DJC?
COP27 Out!
Just on 15 per cent of countries have presented improved climate plans, as called for at COP26 Glasgow last year, 29 countries of 194 countries.
China’s leader is not attending COP27, notably Australia’s leader Albo is not there despite the criticism Labor directed at PM Morrison when he considered not attending COP26.
But remember folks COP27 is the last chance before irreversible tipping warming point is reached, at least until COP28.
Don’t be so pessimistic!
2014: Only 500 days before ‘climate chaos’ French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius May 14, 2014
2015: Prince Charles says only 3 years to save the planet
2017: Only 4 years to save the Planet
2018: Only 12 years to save the Planet
In August 2018, 15 year old Greta Thunberg started a school strike for the climate outside the Swedish Parliament. The movement is now called Fridays For Future (Wonder what happened to that?)
2019: Prince Charles says next 18 months to keep climate change to survivable levels
2020: (February) Prince Charles says humans have just ten years left to save the planet.
2020: (November) Prince Charles says ‘we are literally at the last hour’
Out of consideration to readers (and because I didn’t bother recording them) I haven’t included those made leading up to COP26.
So 8months or more back I was reading reports of tens of thousands of Ukrainian men trying to get over the border to avoid the draft. The Govt banned the border to anyone aged between 18 and 60years old, or similar, and there were videos of Govt snatch squads grabbing young guys off the streets.
This month of course its all Russia’s turn with blown-up stories of tens of thousands of young men trying to get into Georgia and stories of grandfathers being drafted and given a rusty AK47 and no shoes.
Strangely enough, this seems to be a common problem for Govts-
“Eritrean authorities have intensified military mobilisation and are hunting down draft dodgers across the country. The latest round-ups are the worst so far as women have not been spared. Checkpoints have been set up along major roads, and widespread searches are taking pace in cities and villages. In the capital, Asmara, round-ups are being carried out on the streets while in many rural areas, the authorities have sealed homes, confiscated cattle and harassed relatives if a wanted person is not found.
Last month, Information Minister Yemane Gebremeskel said that a “tiny number” of reservists had been called up, denying that the entire population had been mobilised.
Elderly men have also “been forced to be on a war footing in many areas and in most cases, the operation of the conscription is being carried out arbitrarily” “hiding one’s children or husband, or cooperating in desertion is considered as treason”.
I somehow get the feeling that it doesn’t matter a crap who runs the country to the man at the bottom, and swapping one set of rulers for another makes no difference at all. Putin or Zelensky, Albanese or Dutton, Biden or Xi… I just wish people would remember this when they’re talking about going to war with some recently-invented opposition.
Gone are the lovely days of the King on his horse at the front of the battle, these so-called leaders just want you to die for their riches! No longer is it ‘follow the man in front leading you forward’ its become ‘follow the man at the back pushing you forwards!’
“Gone are the lovely days of the King on his horse at the front of the battle”
Now Duke of Plaza-Toro rules mostly
“IN enterprise of martial kind,
When there was any fighting,
He led his regiment from behind,
He found it less exciting.
But when away his regiment ran,
His place was at the fore, O—
That celebrated,
The Duke of Plaza-Toro!”
What does a Deadhead say when the buzz wears off?
“this band sucks”
I’m so grapefruit that auto correct fixes my spelling mistake.
Spill chick might help.
Energy crisis looming in WA, who knew?
The state premier wouldn’t have dared shut down Collie coal, a key Labor stronghold, if his govt had not obtained a substantial majority in parliament.
The person who really runs Australia speaks out against the Musk takeover of Twitter.
Includes a photo so you can know what our new Dictator looks like.
“It’s said that content moderation is not rocket science but in some ways it’s more complex and nuanced than that.”
Uh-huh… You mean people might say things that disagree with you..
” so we need to know that we have people who are looking after Australians’ concerns ”
Uh-huh.. Something just for Australia means politics, not safety. ‘Someone looking after politician’s concerns’
Horrible woman! Its a shame she left twitter before Musk could fire her.
Annual CO2 and CH4 flux strongly correlated to NH Sea Ice
hmmm… ! 😉
WA could banish fast-food outlets from being near schools in radical new plan to fix the state’s growing obesity crisis
In a state where most of the residents are overweight and the capital city is littered with fast-food joints, WA Health have launched a bold plan to try and tackle the ballooning crisis.
Fast-food outlets could see their hours slashed and radical new restrictions imposed on their locations as Western Australia floats ideas on how to tackle the state’s growing obesity epidemic.
WA Health made the bold proposal in their latest attempt to fix the obesity crisis.
One in four children and 71 per cent of adults in the state are overweight or obese and it is the leading risk factor for death, disease, and disability in Western Australia.
Keeping fast-food away from schools was a key aspect of the report, as 86 per cent of schools in the state have at least one fast-food store within a 1km radius.
“Perth schools had an average of 1.8 fast food outlets located within 400m; 5.7 fast food outlets within 800m; and 8.1 fast food outlets within 1km,” the report said.
The report recommended changing planning laws to “limit unhealthy food outlets and to support access to healthy food options including near schools”.
Promoting “Beetle Bars” and “Cricket Chippies” then?
Yes! banning things! that always works
Surely the simple solution would be to have Fast Food joints at least 1 kilometre from schools with NO Vehicle access.
Get the kids to walk or run there.
Yeah, I was figuring petrol at triple the price might help.. Unintended bonuses.
Hey OldOzzie.
Maybe they could get a celebrity like magda to go and do some weight loss ads over there?
Let me get this straight … the dipstick who locked people in their homes is upset that they don’t go out and do any exercise.
Am I confused on this?
Re mis-information and Twitter×765.jpeg
Centre left socialist government takes out the big stick against companies making profit at the expense of ordinary Australians.
You mean that they’re up the tax department?
Australian elections are being bought by Teal backers.
‘Coalition ‘at risk in six seats’ on climate.
‘Seat-by-seat polling suggests the NSW Coalition is in danger of losing several electorates to teal independents at the March election.’ (Oz)
“A Voter’s Primer: The Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People”
And it doesn’t look any different here IMO
What! US Tells Banks To Keep Quietly Working With Russia
Climate Change the magical force
good for so many things of course
causing so equally floods and droughts
and the end of the World there can be doubts
In the next 5 years the Science is clear
Yet 30 have passed and we’re still here
It’s warm up North and cold down South
Still there is no Northwest route
Big Al assured us it would come
And yet still it is not done
We cannot let the children know
that Polar bears still play in snow
We must maintain their bear cub tears
to help them with their COVID fears
Otherwise they may grow wise
And one day to dare to criticize
Consensus and Authority
That strives to keep their minds unfree
For their own good you see
For if it’s hot or if it’s cold
It’s Climate Change they must be told
Of Humanity they must be suspect
With full compliance they must inject
and ingest those yummy sweet insects
And embrace a World where cows are free
And they have learned that they can never be
‘Cause Male and Female can’t be deduced
and they’ve forgotten how to reproduce
Climate Change the magical yang
the mindless bell of knell has rang
a cult of thought without a yin
that Cal Jung warned would do us in
-Honk R Smith
The coffee was a bit strong this AM.
To good effect if I may so say! 🙂
Yes. COP now raving on with its 30000+ delegates. The Ultimate Gravy Train + Pigs (ie; UN Secretary General) in troughs.
Some US election reading –
“Thoughts on today’s midterm elections”
“What Do You Run On…..” “…. when you have nothing to run on?”
And Arizona at antics already by the look of it
The fellow that died in the Alps 5,300 years ago and discovered late last century, was considered to be a time capsule but is nothing of the sort.
Chilly waters off south east Australia.
‘It might be cold now, but professor of oceanography at the University of NSW, Moninya Roughan, says sea temperatures have been increasing over the last 80 years.
“On average, the oceans off south-east Australia are warming at the fastest rate on the planet,” she says. “We had some really strong heatwaves last year, exacerbated by the La Nina that we experienced.” (SMH)
She must mean marine heatwaves.
Love it! The previous giant scam exposed for what it is!!
“Australia’s largest plastic bag recycling program has collapsed amid revelations hundreds of millions of bags and other soft plastic items dropped off by customers at Coles and Woolworths are being secretly stockpiled in warehouses and not recycled.
The company… has for months continued collecting large volumes of soft plastics including shopping bags, pet food bags, ice cream wrappers, bubble wrap and frozen food packaging…”
and basically storing them because of downstream problems as the people doing the actual recycling go broke! I am quite confident the company itself will milk this for all the Govt cash it can get then instantly declare bankruptcy, leaving the taxpayer to clean up the thousands of tons of baled plastics.
Any industry mandated by Govt ends up the same, corrupt and criminal-
“the latest in a series of disasters to hit Australia’s nascent plastic recycling industry, which has been plagued for years with issues of stockpiling, dumping, toxic fires, lax regulation, high costs and the closure of international markets that made it economically challenging.”
That is sad. How was it a scam exactly?
This sort of thing-
“Victorian Circular Economy Recycling Modernisation Fund – Funded projects
Total funding awarded to date: $71,621,081 ”
Some nasty engineer pointed out that the only thing worth recycling was aluminium because of the high energy component in smelting it. For everything else it was cheaper to start with new, iron, paper, plastics…
Our local Council won’t say what percentage of the yellow recycling bins goes into the landfill, I don’t think they want us to know.
“The Royal Navy’s HMS Victorious S29 Vanguard-class nuclear submarine, which was on a secret mission in the North Atlantic, has surfaced and returned to its base after a fire, British sources said. At the time of the incident, the submarine was carrying Trident 2 nuclear missiles.
The submarine surfaced in the North Atlantic to clear toxic fumes. It then returned to its base at HMNB Clyde in Faslane, Scotland.
According to information, as a result of the fire, “an extremely sensitive operation” was aborted. A Navy source was quoted as saying: “The fire destroyed an AC to DC electrical converter.”
Some secret mission as a follow-up to their blowing up NordeStream2…
Where “The Voice” is going in a few years… This is about Maoris appointing their representatives on all local Councils and taking over the water supply in NZ.
“As a reminder of what iwi control looks like, consider the response of Tuku Morgan and the Chair of the Waikato River Authority, Tipa Mahuta (sister of Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahua and Chair of the new water regulator’s Maori Advisory Committee), to an urgent application by Auckland City to increase its water take from the river, following a prolonged drought in 2020.
In an initial response, the River Authority demanded a payment of up to 10 cents a litre, or $20 million a day! This was rejected by then Mayor Phil Goff.
Once Watercare had lodged their resource consent application, Tipa Mahuta opposed it, not because the biophysical effects of an increased water take would have created an adverse impact on the river, but because Watercare’s application wasn’t “respectful” enough.
Tuku Morgan also “vehemently” opposed it based on his “inextricable bond” with the river.
In the end, consent was granted, and even though consultation was not required under the Resource Management Act, it included a condition that Watercare develop stronger relationships with local iwi – and pay the Waikato River Authority $2 million a year for river restoration work.”
I still have Aussies tell me “It’ll never happen here mate..”