It’s an interesting moment in US history. Most Australians may not know what “Let’s Go Brandon” means. Our major news outlets haven’t yet mentioned this cultural phenomenon. It’s being censored.
In the US, The People are not happy, and they’re finding new ways to protest. Traditional protests by the Unmentionables are being banned, or sabotaged by violent infiltrators and ignored by the media. It’s become dangerous to walk the streets and carry placards. A few fake protestors wearing horns can capture all the media glory — and the media is happy to use them to falsely define a largely Christian middle and working class phenomenon as “domestic terrorists”. So a movement has sprung up spontaneously at stadiums of thousands of people. How many Australians are even aware that mass chants of “F*** Joe Biden” are happening at football games in Utah, Oklahoma, Mississippi and New Jersey? These are crude mass declarations of rebellion. It’s being called “a movement” and it’s spreading. Individuals can’t be punished or silenced, and while it’s a desperately pitiful national conversation, it makes a point. It’s gross disrespect for the Office of the President.
So in front of that incendiary mass rebellion, an NBC TV Interviewer was interviewing a NASCAR Driver called Brandon. Anyone with eyes and ears knew exactly what was happening in the background, but she tried to pass off the “F*** Joe Biden” chant as “Let’s Go Brandon”. It was a form of brazen but desperate media gaslighting, and the non-left have picked it up as a slogan against both Biden and the media. “Let’s go Brandon” is the epitome of fake news.
And as mysterious mentions of “Brandon” appear in social media, onlookers are being Red Pilled. Did 80 million Americans really vote for this most popular President ever, and is the media really telling us what’s going on?
Tucker explains the phenomenon:
Australians might also find it eye opening to know how many people in the US are walking away from their job over vaccine mandates.
Is that a nurse shortage you see? Are those storms over SouthWest Airlines?
T-shirts and Hats for sale already.

Who wants a T-shirt?.
Reap what you sow. Who started the gross disrespect for the Office of the President and using sport for politics? Not conservatives.
[The “F*** Joe Biden chants] seems to be happening all over. It’s amusing to see Democrats respond by demanding respect for the office, and the separation of politics and sport. Too late guys. Enjoy the new rules you made.
When a democracy surrounds the elected representatives with barbed wire, and the media denies the people a voice, they find another way.
People who haven’t seen the F*** chants could watch Russia Today.
let’s go Brandon is hilarious! It shows how much the MSM go to try and maintain a President whi was mentally incapacitated before the election, and post election, there is nowhere for him to hide.
He’s hiding behind the concerted power of the MSM. the country suffering prolonged and very large inflation, the biggest military blunder since… well… a very long time, evidence of “pay-for-play” via his son when Biden was VP, a drug addicted felonious son getting away scott-free, and suspicion over election results. all of it brushed under the carpet.
Had Trump done, or been suspected of doing even close to any of these things, it would have been game over, but no, let’s just ask the President about ice cream, or let his minions answer questions he should be answering. I’m not an American, and I’m disgusted, so I can only imagine how Americans feel (the ones that don’t want to see their country destroyed, that is).
I am a citizen of the United States and I’m beyond disgusted with the man that has been installed in the White House and I can’t help but think the U.S. will not survive four years of a Biden regime. As simple as that. There is a story that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Dr. Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was: “A republic, if you can keep it.” Well, we have failed to keep the Republic. We got lazy. We took the Republic for granted. We thought it would always be there. We naively thought that it would always work for our benefit. We failed. And like all failed experiments it is coming to an end. What that end will be I don’t know. But it is ending.
The Hodge twins do a truly hilarious commentary on “Let’s go Brandon” on their YouTube channel , warning though they don’t bleep anything out .
Apparently the massive supply chain problems in the USA currently is due to truckers refusing the vaccine.
No vaccine, no work, no transport moves
Ah….the rotting stench of vaccine driven communism …
Sleepy Joe is pinko Obamas puppet….
There are anumber of problems here, including mandates, but a complicating factor is that California clear air regulations exclude a large percentage of the semitractors on the road from reaching California ports — engines don’t meet some Cal standard. Again I haven’t verified this, but why would I be surprised to find it true?
It isn’t just the Biden Administration, but rather an epidemic of imcompetence, intellectual blindness, and magical thinking — stupid in a word — infecting everything from school boards, cities, counties, boards of directors, states, and at the top of the heap our Federal government. The common element is that those most behind the mess, not exclusively, are Democrats protected by the establishment media.
Yeah just read an article saying the reason American workers. Truckers, Factory workers, Nurses ect are going on strike is because their bosses are not sharing the huge profits. No mention of vaccines – I wasn’t worried about the vaccine, but the media is starting to give me second thoughts.
William this sums up Current America under DemoCraps and Hiden Biden
As report reveals more US soldiers died from suicide than Covid, US major general complains army won’t allow her French manicure
US Army Major General Jo Clyborne was ridiculed on social media after she protested that the military would not allow her to wear a French manicure to work.
Clyborne posted a photo to Twitter which showed her removing her manicure on Thursday evening.
Why the Army thinks a French Manicure is an “obnoxious” color compared to the civilian world which views it as an understated yet professional look is beyond me. But I have to be in uniform tomorrow, so here we are. It looked nice while it lasted.
The post was soon ridiculed by Americans who questioned why such a high-ranking servicewoman was complaining about her nails online.
I regret to inform my fellow Europeans that if they rely on the United States for their defense, they don’t have a defense.
– We’re going to get absolutely wrecked by China in any military conflict.
– We deserve to get invaded, this is legitimately embarassing
EmptyShelvesJoe trend dominates Twitter as ships back up at ports and Biden administration blames… Trump?
US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed
The deputy secretary at the US Treasury has put Americans on notice that the only way to end the plague of empty shelves around the country is for every resident to be vaccinated. The frank warning came off as a threat to many.
Wally Adeyemo, the Biden administration’s second-highest official in the Treasury Department, appeared to publicly blackmail the still-sizable portion of Americans who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 during a Thursday ABC interview, seemingly blaming them for the ongoing shortages of consumer goods that have led many to mock the president as ‘Empty Shelves Joe’.
Despite viral photos depicting thousands of cargo ships lined up at the Port of Los Angeles ready to unload their goods, Adeyemo claimed that the supply chain issues plaguing so many US retailers are an international issue and will only let up when a sufficient percentage of the country has been vaccinated.
Hitler used to demand stuff, then as soon as he got it, he upped his demands.
Once every is jabbed, it will just get worse.
They are evil. Period
This is what happens when you get a President by mail order.
Off EBay 🤣🤣🤣
From China
Normality is cancelled until vaccination numbers improve! Shore leave… morale… anyone?
Chinese Military Operation Leaves US Officials Dumbfounded
China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an advanced space capability that caught US intelligence by surprise.
Five people familiar with the test said the Chinese military launched a rocket that carried a hypersonic glide vehicle which flew through low-orbit space before cruising down towards its target…
…The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimated China’s military modernisation.
“We have no idea how they did this,” said a fourth person.
When the US has no idea how the Chinese are doing something militarily, that’s probably not a good sign for the former’s long-term dominance. It’s also not a good sign when US generals are obsessed with racial and identity politics instead of readiness. China is taking this new cold war seriously, while US military leaders tweet about gay pride and the power of diversity.
USA owes the world USD15tr. That money and the enviable position of being able to create more at zero cost and use it to buy stuff is granted to the most powerful country on Earth. China is now questioning the value of holding US debt. Russia only holds enough US debt to carry on world trade. EU will also wonder why it needs to hold US debt when the US can longer defend them.
USA is currently living beyond its means to the tune of USD200bn each quarter. That is driving global inflation. My forecast is that the world will stop accepting US debt during the Biden administration.
Who’s holding those notes? Don’t say China because their credit card is overdrawn too. The only thing I can think of is private banks, but they are leveraged to the hilt with derivatives because they know it is no use holding paper denominated in fiat currency while every central bank is in a race to the bottom inflating their currency.
I have no idea what the debt jubilee* will look like but happen it will.
* Debt jubilee
A debt jubilee is a clearance of debt from public records across a wide sector or a nation. Such a jubilee was proposed as a solution to debt incurred or anticipated during the COVID-19 recession. The American economist Michael Hudson was a proponent of a debt jubilee, writing in a Washington Post op-ed that it was an alternative to a depression.
The USD15tr is the net international position. China holds about USD1tr nowand another trillion in other currencies. They spent about USD2bn buying Biden’s win.
This is the list of country NIIP:
Taiwan is the highest per capita. Japan and Germany are in strong position. Japan holds a significant amount of US paper. Norway is solid as well and Netherlands OK.
Australia is a net debtor but is rapidly working its way out of debt by selling what the world needs to build climate monuments.
You need to appreciate the difference between national debt and international debt. USA is the only country that creates the world currency. I expect ALL of US international debt is denominated in US currency, which is unique and privileged position that has been backed by military might. At some point, other countries will stop giving the USA a free ride and their currency will not be accepted internationally. Biden is fuelling that now.
If Saudis want to buy stuff that China makes why do they need USD. If China wants Saudi oil why do they need to pay in USD. It is only a matter of time before they bypass the USD or realise they do not need to hold more than they already have. Why have an investment that is guaranteed to be losing value, which is the situation with US debt.
China’s four-phase military plot to invade Taiwan exposed – with air strikes on US troops
China has developed a ‘four-phase’ military plan to invade and take over Taiwan. Indian broadcaster WION showed a copy of the Chinese “invasion playbook” which details the breakdown of a potential military confrontation. Chinese military planners devised four military campaigns for a potential invasion of Taiwan, including air strikes on US forces.
WION’s Palki Sharma explained: “We have a copy of what the Chinese are planning to do. The invasion will play out in four phases.
“Campaign One involves using Chinese Air Force to disarm the Taiwanese, targeting the army, government and civilians.
“They hope to force Taipei to submit to China’s demands.
“Campaign Two is a blockade operation. China will try to cut off Taiwan from the outside world, blocking key supplies from reaching Taiwan and disabling communication.”
She continued: “Campaign Three is to target US troops.
“The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) would conduct air strikes on US forces deployed near Taiwan, to weaken the Taiwanese defence. That will leave Taiwan open to ground attack.
“And Campaign Four would be an amphibious assault with Chinese forces landing on Taiwanese terrain.
“They could even choose to carpet-bomb Taiwan Army, Navy and the Air Force.
“China’s military planners are looking at invading, they are looking at attacking.”
Earlier this week, China’s state-run newspaper Global Times released a military propaganda video from the PLA.
The drill showed Chinese troops simulating a Taiwanese invasion, including storming a beach, breaking up barb wire and digging ditches.
“Why the Army thinks a French Manicure is an “obnoxious” color compared to the civilian world which views it as an understated yet professional look is beyond me. But I have to be in uniform tomorrow, so here we are. It looked nice while it lasted.”
When you see a major General complaining on twitter about the army not liking their nail polish, you know the end is nigh.
No wonder they ‘have no idea how the CCCP did it’.
US Navy Secretary under Lloyd Austin Threatens to Make Navy SEALs Pay Back the Cost of Their Training if They Don’t Get Vaxxed
Sure enough.
Here is the memo from the US Navy sent out to all Navy SEALs.
Policy. In order to maximize readiness, it is the policy goal of the U.S. Navy to achieve a fully vaccinated force against the persistent and lethal threat of COVID-19.
7.a. and 7.b. The Vice Chief of Naval Operations retains authority for non-judicial punishment and courts-martial. Involuntary extension of enlistments is not authorized on the basis of administrative or disciplinary action for vaccination refusal. The CCDA may seek recoupment of applicable bonuses, special and incentive pays, and the cost of training and education for service members refusing the vaccine.
11. Released by ADM William Lescher, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, and
VADM John B. Nowell, Jr., Chief of Naval Personnel.
Old Ozzie
All the jabs will do is predispose the Navy SEALS to blood clots and a host of health issues down the track from these unknown and toxic jabs. How many SEALs will die or be permanently injured by these jabs? Given that they are young, strong and fit a death from covid is extremely unlikely so these death shots will kill more than they save in the Navy.
We have utter idiocy and evil coming out every day. But like the boiling frog analogy its not registering as the temperature is not suddenly changed, but slowly turned up.
Its just purging the military of patriots
Only the compliant remain.
Everything is part of the grand plan aye OS?
America Today – HORROR: Woman R@ped by Stranger on Train in Suburban Philadelphia as Bystanders Did Nothing
Bernhardt called the victim an “unbelievably strong woman” who provided police with a lot of information. She did not know her attacker, he said.
“She’s on the mend,” Bernhardt said. “Hopefully she will get through this.”
The entire episode was captured on surveillance video that showed other people on the train at the time, Bernhardt said.
“There was a lot of people, in my opinion, that should have intervened; somebody should have done something,” Bernhardt said. “It speaks to where we are in society. I mean, who would allow something like that to take place? So it’s troubling.”
Meanwhile in Australia Dictator Dan of VictoriaStan does not want to be left behind
‘Coffee cup Gestapo’: Australian cop slammed for checking man’s beverage to verify his excuse for not wearing Covid-19 mask
Video footage of Melbourne police checking whether a man’s coffee cup is empty to see if he’s faking his excuse for not wearing a mask is stirring the latest round of online outrage over Australia’s dystopian Covid-19 policies.
While it is unclear when exactly the video was recorded, the clip went viral on social media on Friday and Saturday, showing several police confronting a man on what appears to be a park trail. One of the officers grabs the man’s coffee cup while asking, “Do you mind if I check if there’s actually anything in that?” He shakes the cup, and after apparently proving that there’s liquid inside, he backs away and tells the man, “Enjoy your coffee.”
Australian podcast host Diogo Correa Coelho said the man would have been fined if police had found his cup to be empty. Pointing out the absurdity of the beverage crackdown, he quipped, “Coffee is known to kill Covid.”
Other Twitter users pointed to the incident as an indication of how severely personal freedoms have been crushed in the Covid-19 era. One commenter tweeted: “Two years ago, if anybody had said, in the future, groups of police officers will be checking to see whether you are carrying an empty coffee cup to avoid wearing a mask… we would have laughed in their face.”
It is true that a half full coffee cup keeps the covid away, similar to being on a bicycle. Even while outside! However a half empty coffee cup is known to spread the virus.
The computer modelling from our “institutes” of curve fitting have a garbage input based on research from posed pictures in “The Age” , where they selectively chose to publish only pictures of people in masks to encourage mask usage – as editorial policy – or people posed with them on to avoid fines. The idiocy is that our “researchers” used this source (“The age” pictures) as evidence that mask use helped reduce viral spread when the mandate occurred. Despite similar falls overseas without outdoor mask mandates. And this is the “evidence” that is being relied on. Its truly amazing how flimsy “the science” is.
I remember large numbers of people jogging and cycling and walking around with empty coffee cups or wearing their masks generally as chin straps at the time.
The Republic will carry on haphazardly, but its exceptional qualities maybe up for review.
‘American exceptionalism is the idea that the United States is inherently different from other nations. Its proponents argue that the values, political system, and historical development of the U.S. are unique in human history, often with the implication that the country “is both destined and entitled to play a distinct and positive role on the world stage.” (wiki)
“American exceptionalism is the idea that the United States is inherently different from other nations.”
. .
It may be that America is different from other nations because the other nations do not want to be like America.
“other nations do not want to be like America.”
And yet that is what so many people around the world strive for.
The affluence and freedoms that America once once famous for.
Its why there are so many “immigrants” from Mexico..
They want to be part of America.
once once?? -> “was once”70
“Its why there are so many “immigrants” from Mexico..
They want to be part of America.”
They certainly do because they’ll get more money not because they want to be like American of European descent.
“because they’ll get more money “
Yes, thank you for agreeing
… they want to be part of America.
They are our cousins across the great lake, their culture is pretty much ours and they are not yet a failed state. The Second Amendment is out of date, what do you think?
It may be that most nations are older than the USA and the USA sought to be a little different.
Yeah but they need to be a lot different in certain aspects… A ‘republic’ with a clapped out system of governance quickly drifts away from being a democracy.
You’re referring to being different from what they are. Which in the aspect you’re talking about they are similar to many other nations. Perhaps deliberately by the blue party.
James >”Had Trump done, or been suspected of doing even close to any of these things, it would have been game over”
‘US Coal “Roars Back” Under Biden Unlike Trump’
Biden “digs coal” too apparently.
In NZ I got told tonight that Biden got 5 million more votes than Trump by an ex-but-still-proud American. There is a potential debate that is a no-win contest for everyone. Biden still has substantial support. How long can he keep any of it?
The dems will need 18 wheelers [toys here in Oz] to bring in “mail in” ballots in 2024 for them to win. But will that be too late?
The Founding Fathers did a good job with the constitution but they never wrote in a circuit breaker. We don’t have a Constitution worth a lik a spit but we got rid of Whitlam.
The only thing Whitlam did of note was to dub Edna Everage: Arise Dame Edna! and an Aussie icon was born.
For our overseas friends who have not heard of Barry Humphreys AKA Dame Edna Everage AKA Sir Les Patterson he is a thoroughly cringe-worthy comedian the world loved. The past tense because, although I think he is still on the green side of the grass, his career is past tense.
Interviewers could not get enough of him.
Here’s Parkinson and Dame Edna
Barry is famous in the UK. Few Australians know he is famous in America as well.
“In 2000 Humphries took his Dame Edna: The Royal Tour show to North America winning the inaugural Special Tony Award for a Live Theatrical Event in 2000 and won two National Broadway Theatre Awards for “Best Play” and for “Best Actor” in 2001.
Dame Edna’s new-found success in America led to many media opportunities, including a semi-regular role in the hit TV series Ally McBeal. ”
He was also cancelled, before cancelling was in vogue. “Vanity Fair magazine invited Dame Edna to write a satirical advice column in 2003 although after an outcry following a remark about learning Spanish, the column was discontinued.”
Dame Edna was asked if she was learning Spanish while living in Beverly Hills. Her response was “why would you want to talk to your leaf blower?”. That’s enough to get you cancelled. There is no humour in the Left of American politics. Parody is racism.
Surely a man pretending to be a woman is gender appropriation and any videos or even mention of said activity should be banned.
That’s a lot of comedy wiped out. But then that’s the humorless left. Nothing is funny.
And the really funny part is that it was parody of the smug Hollywood types. So they cancelled a non existent person for making fun of them.
The Left are humorless anyway but the very worst of Leftist humour is “feminist” humour. Even Leftists struggle to laugh at it.
I heard that Barry did a parody of the Welcome to Country Ceremony. He is alleged to have said “I would like to acknowledge the actual owners of the country, the Pratt family”. The Left became so outraged and had his plaque taken down for a comedy award.
Barry Humphreys a “cringe worthy comedian”! Wash your mouth out.
“Barry Humphreys a “cringe worthy comedian”! Wash your mouth out.”
I think you have completely missed the point
Maybe you can explain the point I missed instead of just saying I missed it.
If it’s the characters Humphreys portrayed who are cringe worthy then fine. I wouldn’t disagree. But that’s not what was written even if that was the intention.
The cringe worthy characters were by a far from cringe worthy comedian.
Point taken and agreed.
Hanrahan – AKA Sir Les Patterson he is a thoroughly cringe-worthy comedian the world loved.
A Great Australian Representative only surpassed by Barry McKenzie (full name: Barrington Bradman Bing McKenzie)
‘The only thing Whitlam did of note …’
Free university education was an important circuit breaker, but was later wound back to user pays for those who gained successful careers from their education.
No such thing as a free lunch. That free uni education was paid for by labourers, trades and all tax payers. Many of whom couldn’t have gone to university.
It was generally agreed that ‘user pays’ was a better alternative to free university, it became more inclusive. Then the pandemic hit the bottom line, overseas students were the rivers of gold flowing into university coffers.
Tradies are doing well at the moment and their taxes are being spent wisely, we hope.
“‘The only thing Whitlam did of note …’Free university education was an important circuit breaker, ”
He also introduced free health care for all in the form of Medibank in 1975. It was bitterly opposed by the Fraser Government in 1976 to paying customers only. The Hawke Government reinstated universal health care in 1984 under the name “Medicare”.
There were heaps of scholarships such as the Commonwealth Scholarships for students with the academic ability but without the financial ability to attend uni. I believe that John Howard got into Uni on one.
Whitlam created a free for all which lowered the academic standard.
Not necessarily, the mature age students flooded into universities and maintained a high standard.
A lot of men in their late 60s and early 70s now are probably delighted that Whitlam ended military conscription.
I think it an interesting turn-around in attitude that people now thoroughly deride governments mandating vaccinations but back in the 60s it was accepted practice that young men in both USA and Australia had no choice but to enter the lottery of death. The losers ended up in Vietnam facing a motivated enemy on their own turf. 500 young Australians died and 3,500 were wounded; many more suffered mental disorders and longer term illness.
Most people in America have no respect for Biden and never did. Everybody knows he obtained his office by fraud. Even school teachers. This person who believes that Biden got more votes than Trump and there was ever strong support for Biden is either misinformed or mendacious.
Now the Democrats face the challenge of leading a nation who will not follow. Hence the strong arm of totalitarianism. I think they will find forcing their policy agenda to be much like herding cats. One of the consequences of stolen elections.
The view of the Democrats is that Trump must have stolen the election from Hillary Clinton, so they stole one too. One of the great worries of the Hillary vote was that over 98% of Washington DC voted for Hillary. Which means the same 98% of the most senior Federal bureaucrats were determined to destroy Donald Trump by any means and they have the means. And they already fear his return.
Those same bureaucrats justify their complicity in the fraud because they believe that Trump represents a greater threat that promulgating a lie. (in fact they have resorted to the Goebbels tactic of accusing your opponent of what your doing by calling the steal the “big Lie.”) It’s the same with the enablers such as Liz Cheney. It’s the same as the CAGW alarmists and the models.
Now they find that even controlling the narrative doesn’t control what people think. But it’s a dangerous situation because the swamp will do anything to stop the return of Trump. For them it is existential.
That would make a good movie title, Episode III, The Return of Trump. Roll scrolling narrative.
And the media. Go Brandon.
The real fun will start when they try to label ‘Let’s go Brandon’ as hate speech.
George Orwell really had no chance of predicting that one.
I blame the Hadron super collider.
The should crank it up again and snap us out of Clown World.
If they tried banning the phrase on the basis of ‘hate speech’ all you’d need is for someone to call out “Let’s Go” then a chorus responding with “Brandon” could complete it. Banning both “Let’s go” and “Brandon” would create much fun watching police commissioners announce the new measures to protect society’s vulnerable with stony-faced seriousness.
I seem to remember the last president of the United States being heckled at sports stadiums too ,with chants of USA , USA , USA .
Eventually anything that disagrees with any aspect of Leftist or Democrat doctrine will be labelled either “hate speech” or “dangerous misinformation” which must be suppressed at any and all costs.
We are seeing the beginnings of that now, and it is already happening on social(ist) media, and especially in the Anglo countries with no constitutional right to free speech e.g. Australia, NZ, Canada and Once Great Britain, all of which are now on the way to dictatorship.
Push back!
It’s been a long time coming and maybe it’s unstopable.
They had better hurry up. Every province in Canada is issuing QR codes to vaccinated citizens and like good sheep Canadians are accepting them without question. The QR code informs the government what they’re doing and when they’re doing it. It’s a socialist wet dream and Canadians haven’t a clue.
Australians similarly don’t have a clue. E.g. in Vicdanistan they have so far voted for Dictator Daniel Andrews twice. He may still get elected a third time.
That level of stupidity is hard to beat. But there are strong challenges from other countries
Of the Anglo countries it’s hard to judge who are the more clueless, Australians, Canadians, the British or New Zealanders.
It has been a week or 2, and social media still doesn’t seem to have censored the phrase or hashtag “let’s go Brandon”… I am very surprised. Pleased, but surprised.
I predict Brandon will soon be among the most popular boys names.
Not ‘Dan’?
Lets go Andrews!
Let’s . Go Andrew’s !
Fixed it for you .
Let’s go ScoMo!
Let’s Go Damn Dan!
Over this side of the Tasman it’s
Make Ardern Go Away or MAGA
or more colloquially (warning: language)
Far Cough Cindy!
In Victoria from the 300,000 workers who found themselves without a job. On a whim. It’s far queue Dan.
I remember the far Geoff comments and bumper stickers of the mid 70’s which had a positive result.
I wonder if that female reporter has realised how
famous she has become?
“Let’s go, Brandon.”
My son and I have a “Let’s not go there” agreement on politics but occasionally I will raise a “soft” topic, so I suggested that “Let’s go Brandon” may be the biggest own goal after Hillary”s “Basket of deplorables” comment. He did not know what I was talking about.
Censorship by omission is pervasive now.
Which comment didn’t he know about? “Brandon” or “deplorables”?
I imagine Leftists would be ignorant of both.
I hope you can make him see the truth, eventually.
Or…he pretended to not know what you were talking about.
That’s how they avoid the dissonance.
I wonder if the “workers” coming across the southern border have to be double vaccinated?
Not according to this source:
The DHS directed 8000 illegal immigrants to be released, without any proof of vaccination status or quarantine. The obfuscation from the White House press secretary is as obvious as the Vice President’s absence.
They can, however, be de-parasitized with the life threatening horse de-wormer ivermectin, which of course could have the salutary benefit of knocking out the virus as well, but hush, tell it not in Gath …
See, scroll down:
I’ve been listening to VDH for years. He gives academics a good name.
In his current condition, I wouldn’t surprised if Joe popped on a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ tee shirt and cap, proudly parading around at meet-n-greets after noticing they were popular fashion items among the commoners.
Interesting concept that. Biden choosing his own wardrobe I mean. Surely he has people to do that.
I find that RT (formerly Russia Today but now international including US) News far more informative. Not perfect mind you but it really is a breath of fresh air compared to Sky News and to some extent even Fox News. There are many good shows on Fox News, and Tucker Carlson is one of them. As for Sky News, I’ve stopped watching it weeks ago given the almost wall-to-wall coverage of the COVID pandemic. Now I watch a lot of RT News on the Internet (Russian News on Foxtel). I first saw the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ story there 2 weeks ago: ‘Let’s go Brandon’? NBC reporter ‘mishears’ NASCAR fans chanting
WION is an Indian news site that gives an alternative view on International affairs. Also worth a look is NTD ( part of The Epoch Times group, which is well worth the $100 a year subscription.) Newsmax is a conservative news service – Greg Kelly is one of my favourites, a descent guy who is unashamedly a Trump fan. Mark Levin well respected commentator and a passionate student of the American Constitution. He tears the Biden Administration to shreds.
I watch a lot of NTD and Newsmax but I still find RT News covers a lot more issues in greater depth. They all put Sky News to shame though, with the exception of Outsiders. As for the others like the ABC, 7, 9 and 10, well they are not worth the effort even to push the channel button. They are just a waste of space.
Watching Tucker’s take-down, I wonder if the left now regret destroying O’Reilly. He was a pussy cat by comparison.
I’m amazed at the scale of the “F Joe Biden” chants at the major sporting events. I don’t think I’ve seen this level of disrespect for any leader anywhere and the problem for Biden is that it’s young people chanting, which resonates far more on social media. And now with the hilarious satirical spin-off, the MSM must be secretly tearing their hair out, as it’s a complete ridicule of the President and even left leaning NBC, especially that it can’t be censored on social media. The fact that there is now merchandise for sale is even more hilarious. Trump will get maximum mileage on this and will be showcasing “Let’s Go Brandon” on a huge billboard at his next rally.
You almost feel sad for Biden in his obvious mental decline, and he’s probably constantly asking all his minders “Who is Brandon?”, which would be even more hilarious. Hopefully Putin will now decide to attend COP26 and wear the T shirt :).
I agree. That this is happening in the colleges, the stronghold of progressivism, cannot be overstated.
Not me.
I feel sorry for America.
That anybody could vote for this old fool amazes me. Some even rose from their graves to vote!
The media and the bureaucrats are in charge, not the President and certainly not the people.
The larger question that remains then is this…Who is in charge of the media and the bureaucrats?
Yes, but what might happen if Joe loses his mind…Kamala Harris becomes POTUS…then GOD HELP US ALL!!!
Gotta love it when reality comes up with something fiction cannot imagine! I wonder how Brandon feels being the code name for cursing Biden? He is definately famous.
I wonder how the reporter feels about giving a “code” phrase to the chant, effectively enabling it to be more widely expressed.
Not mention that for years “NASCAR Fans” have been included by the left in the list of right wing terrorists, along with MAGA hat people, Christians, and people who actually work for a living. Just for the heck of it, for you folks on the blog who probably aren’t fans, Brandon Brown is a second generation racer in Xfinity, the second level NASCAR series, just below cup level, and where almost all young drivers spend two to three years before moving to the top series. All of the big teams support cars in this series for their young drivers, with first class equipment and support. There are also family based teams like Brandon’s with half a dozen full time employees working out a family garage, wrenching on their own cars, promoting small businesses and hoping for a break. Last year, racing for a cancer stricken dad, Brandon managed to sneak into the playoffs on points despite not winning a race, finishing “better than his equipment”. Earlier this year, when his sponsorship ran out, he made a video as a ‘used car salesman’ selling space on his car….it went viral and he is sponsored for the rest of the year (and his dad is in remission). He is genuinely popular with the fans, this was his first win, and the crowd stayed to cheer. They love NASCAR. They love the drivers. NBC not so much, as it is NBC whose coverage has done most to politicize the sport. SO after the burnout and the team huddle, when the cheers were definitely for Brandon and his team, it was only during the interview when the crown knew the cameras were on the the F U B chants started. The race was in the American south, the sentiment seemed heartfelt, and as the camera panned the crown before the NBC folks quickly killed the shot, it seemed like everybody! (I was away, so DVR’d the race, and have a copy I can send anyone who wishes to dispute this.)
NASCAR fans are no different in general than NFL, NHL, NBA or MLB fans. But the Left “sophisticates” identify the sport with the south, and their prejudices against that part of the country run deep. Also, before every race, included by contract in the telecast,
they pray, they sing the national anthem, and they have a military flyover. Then they race. Several cars run patriotic livery. There are some this infuriates.
“Let’s go Brandon” (euphamism)…and Brandon races this afternoon too. Let’s go, Brandon!
I remember the bizarre incident when a garage door pull rope was falsely interpreted as a “noose” and a symbol of “hate speech” by Bubba Wallace and directed specifically against him.
Google search finds no US MSM but BBC reported it 5 days ago.
Lots of lesser outlets on the story too.
Let’s Go Brandon!
The BBC repeatedly refers to “the obscenity” the Let’s Go Brandon substitutes for, but never explains it. One can imagine the ensuing speculation with glee, given that the obscenity does not sound like Let’s Go Brandon.
But what does it mean? – the “Obscenity” that can’t be named.
In short, it’s an insult directed at Democratic President Joe Biden – and a way for conservatives to thumb their noses at what they see as liberal bias in the mainstream media.
It all started at the end of a televised Nascar stock car race in Talladega, Alabama, on 2 October. NBC reporter Kelli Stavast was interviewing the winner, driver Brandon Brown, when members of the crowd in the grandstand behind them began chanting an obscenity directed at the president.
The vulgar word directed at Joe Biden was clearly picked up on the broadcast’s audio.
Whether by mistake or as an intentional attempt to deflect from the swearing on live television, Ms Stavast told Mr Brown that the crowd was cheering him on with chants of “Let’s go, Brandon”.
The conservative social media ecosystem quickly latched onto the moment.
Obscene chants directed at the president have been a recurring theme at conservative gatherings and sporting events in recent months, so the “Brandon” line became a tongue-in-cheek way of evading media censorship and public sensibilities – while still getting the point across to those in the know.
It is ironic as that the word ‘Duck’ ….. is used in Left wing Rhetoric as a strong emphasis of how correct and angry they are about their automatic super hot buttons. The Left are encourage to get angry and to stay angry as angry people do not listen.. They have been told the time for listening and thinking is over. It is now time for action. Those leading are not interested in science or anything else but spending as much money as possible. And starting fights in our country.
Where did open borders come from? Poor people in the US are now competing with 1.2 million poor undocumented ‘immigrants’ from the US Southern border. These are masses of single men with no education and limited work experience.
The ‘Duck’/Left point is…. …… The Left’s/media use of the word ‘Duck’ over and over and does not mean the Democratic party of US really does care, about poor people.
The Democratic party of America’s official current policy is Open Southern border policy. The Open US Southern border policy was in the last 6 months, described by Obama as not sustainable. Obama said that open Southern border is not ‘sustainable’ because there are 200 million people that want to immigrate to the US.
They are poor and do not have an education or work experience. It is a fact that there are a limited number of jobs in the US. … Because of the Open US Southern border there are now 200,000 undocumented ‘immigrants’ at coming across the US border per month.
White/Black Liberals use the word ‘Duck’ in normal conversation. It is for this reason, that the word ‘Duck’ is spoken on PBS and is not censored. …. The word “Duck’ is used in normal black community conversation and is used by young white liberals/media for emphasis and to make them seem as if they are one of the common people.
Left wing supporters use the word ‘Duck’ when speaking about a long list of issues … Such as. Climate Change. Governments that do not spend all the available money on ‘climate change’/green/scams. And their hate for Industry in general, coal, ‘fossil’ fuel industry. Trump. And on and on.
The word ‘Duck’ is used in poor and ‘cool’ black community (in an all adult situation) in normal conversation. The word ‘Duck’ is also used in the US in comedy. You will hear the word ‘Duck’ often if you watch Left wing discussions and left wing entertainers on US television. It is cool to be able to say the word ‘Duck’ as well as other words which are not used by White people in normal conversation.
It’s too bad it took this long for others to see what was transparently obvious to so many of us before the election.
That Biden was a hollow shell of his former self that the Marxists in his party will take advantage of to destroy America was unambiguously clear based on his mental state, the policies he promoted and the entourage he selected based on wokeness and identity boxes rather then on merit and ability.
“Global Communist Push Is The Root Cause”
I don’t understand the focus on Joe Biden.
He’s not the only world leader using the Harvey Weinstein method for staying employed.
‘Let’s go Brandon’ just give us a break,
Listen closely for goodness sake,
For what they are hidin’,
Rhymes with ‘ruck’, ‘go’ and ‘widen’,
From the ears of each lefty snowflake.
You noticed. When the clueless, such as the left hear spoken words, they in effect have a universal translator “wired” into their brains and it alters what is said to suit their agenda and narrative.
The link is to RT (Russia Today) – am I surprised, not a bit – splitting the USA into warring tribes is in the interest of Russia
Oh yes , its the vastly influential RT doing the splitting remotely, not the daily on the ground actions of the Democrats. Yes of course, I guess that makes perfect sense in your Universe.
Then why use RT, there are dozens of news sites reporting this, but this post prefers t use the propaganda arm of the Russian Federation.
If it was CGTN?
There is a simple , nonpolitical, reason for using RT . It does not bother you with popups demanding subscriptions
or insisting that you disable your ad blocker. In the UK that happens with many other news media, apart from the BBC (so far).
Sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one.
PF…the dumbocrats are masters at creating division.
Take your blinkers off.
Let’s go Fitzy!
The only people splitting the US are the Democrats.
Everything they do is designed for that specific purpose, to create division.
Thing is, its gradually uniting the non-far-left, ie the majority of the population, against them.
Let’s go ……
It’s funny, but also sad that this is pretty much all the people have. This administration is being run by extremists who find new ways every week to cause disintegration and to punish mainstream Americans.
This will not end well. Those who think the mid-terms will correct things are mistaken.
Why? Because there’s plenty of time remaining for more disintegration, and what the current situations (and the last five years) have shown is the depth of dysfunction on the left. The USA is so severely divided and the admin so intent on wrecking the old order that probably only a real insurrection will succeed.
There might be some evidence of backlash from the deplorables, there might be some armed militia emerge. Even a minor eventuality will be spun into an emergency which means cancellation of elections is achieved. At least we can expect a re run of the 2020 tactics, since nobody seems to be correcting the mechanisms that made it possible.
Do you think Australia should quit the US military alliance?
The Peoples Congress is a better form of democracy says supreme leader.
“If the people are awakened only at the time of voting and go into dormancy afterward; if the people only listen to smashing slogans during election campaigns but have no say afterward; if the people are only favored during canvassing but are left out after the election, such a democracy is not a true democracy,” said Xi.
And now it’s number one on you tube. Too funny.
Oops, that should be iTunes not YouTube.
Biden’s poll numbers are so bad that even CNN has to admit to them.
See video
E.g. 38% of Americans approve of Biden and 53% disapprove of him.
Frankly I’m surprised that his approval is as high as 38%.
There still people that stand with Dan I hear. Never met one in my part of VIC but they say they are out there.
Masochism is a thing.
Is that the reason for Can the Dan! chant?
That there is any apparent support at all for Biden is achieved through selective polling: they literally just ask Democrat voters disproportionately more than they do Republicans. It’s the Poll result which gets the headline, but not the method.
There’s always the 25% who vote for anything, however bizarre, – that leaves another 13% as continuing to support Biden.
Despite Biden fumbling his words at virtually every speech, forgetting the names of associates, shuffling away from the press without answering questions, going into hiding during the Afghanistan crisis, his son magically selling paintings for 10s of thousands of dollars, inflation skyrocketing, 315,000 covid deaths on his watch, illegals pouring over the border etc …. yes, despite all this … even Australian ‘comedy/news’ shows still have more interest in poking fun at Trump than Biden. The media bias runs very deep.
Harves >”Australian ‘comedy/news’ shows still have more interest in poking fun at Trump than Biden. The media bias runs very deep”
After monotonous puke-inducing anti-Trumpism the NZ media have gone very quiet on him. There were NEVER any reports of the massive rallies – cars trucks bikes boats (60 mile long road rally in Utah) before the election. Now post election there’s no coverage of the huge Save America rallies.
But also very quiet now on Biden in NZ media. I think they finally realize he’s a complete failure.
Even US Left wing Salon has twigged:
‘Why is Biden failing? His tightly controlled relationship to the media might be worse than Trump’s’ – Salon
But at least Joe’s got a massive boat rally (see pic):
Also at Breitbart:
PHOTOS: ‘Biden’s Boat Parade’ in Cargo Ship Jam off California Coast
Includes a must-see video from Twitter:
Biden finally got his procession of boats.
Video is an astounding view of San Pedro Bay (I think) from onshore.
Biden is being protected by the Left and media but at some point he’ll do something so shocking that he’ll have to resign or be removed.
E.g. as his dementia gets (rapidly) worse, he’ll forget where he is and decide to relieve himself at a public live-to-air event or wet his pants or similar.
Of course, his removal won’t change anything because he’s just a puppet anyway.
Harris isn’t demented but she’s still evil and possibly more hated than Biden.
It seems that the US has to endure Marxists in the WH for three more years and then hopefully President Trump can be re-elected assuming an honest election is even possible by then.
Of course, there might not be much to save after three years more years. The US may be bankrupt and very weak by then.
If things get significantly worse than they already are, the intervention of General Trump leading The Second American Revolution might happen before then. This is the reason the United States has the Second Amendment- to enable “the people” to remove evil and corrupt governments that are destructive to the objectives of the US as defined in the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.
Unlike in other British derived countries where the government is the ultimate power, in the US, it is the people and it was people power that lead to the establishment of the US. That’s a fundamental difference between the US and Once Great Britain, Australia, NZ and Canada, all now irreversibly descending into dictatorship while the US still has hope.
or wet his pants
“… he’ll do something so shocking …”
He already has by relinquishing our sovereignty to drug lords and human traffickers at the Southern border, by his Afghanistan disaster, by his transparent alignment with Marxists, by his energy policies, by proxy via Hunter, by constantly lying and so much more. Even what Jeffery Toobin did (google him) would not be shocking enough since the MSM is just too ideologically committed to ever admit that their side of the politics fails at everything.
Lets get this straight . . Joe Biden is the sleepy/dozy US President who is talking climate change catastrophe and threatening the end of civilization if we don’t do as he and his Democratic cohorts want viz renwable energy. This is not OK with me.
It is not Putin telling us what we must do;
Russia goes along with the climate change mantra in a low key way still burning coal and selling vast amounts of gas in Europe and Asia. OK with me.
But Tucker is anti Biden and anti Putin so where the f××× does he actually stand ?
I’m seeing reports this morning that his own party are now threatening to derail his climate change green new deal plans just like Scomo has to deal with the Nats .
“But Tucker is anti Biden and anti Putin”
What you are saying is that Tucker is pro-American.
Despite the election being stolen from Trump due to fraud, nevertheless, large numbers of Democrat voters said they would not have voted for Biden or Democraps if they had known about the Hunter Biden laptop. That story which was, even then, provably true, was suppressed by the social(ist) media and lamestream media. Even with millions of fraudulent votes in favour of Biden, if the laptop story was allowed to be published, President Trump may still have been re-elected.
Cooper: One in six Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known the full story
November 26, 2020
by Clint Cooper
Helping keep the movement rolling
“As Expected Containergeddon is Getting Worse – Biden’s Political Solution to Clear The Ships From Los Angeles Ports Only Making Things Worse
October 16, 2021 | Sundance | 179 Comments”
Meanwhile – Buttigieg and 12 Other Biden Cabinet Officials to Attend U.N. Climate Summit as Supply Chain Crisis Continues
Thirteen members of President Joe Biden’s cabinet are heading to Glasgow, Scotland, for the United Nation’s climate summit later this month, while the nation remains in the midst of a migrant crisis at the southern border and a supply chain crisis at U.S. ports. The climate summit attendees will include Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg who has been on parental leave for weeks after adopting two infants.
The other attendees include Secretary of State Tony Blinken, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, EPA Administrator Michael Regan, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Eric Lander, National Economic Council Director Brian Reese, and Biden’s climate advisors Gina McCarthy and John Kerry.
CNN inscribed a glowing report about the U.S. delegation and its “show of vigor at next month’s pivotal UN climate summit in Glasgow.” CNN’s report continues:
CODE RED: Please Find Pete. He’s MIA
What, Joe’s not going, Jacinda’s not going, Jinping won’t be there, who will Scomo have to talk with?
But fear not, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and Prince William along with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge will all be attending, so there should be a noce afternoon tea and scones on offer.
Diesel generators reportedly shipped in to charge UN climate con artists’ Teslas
Large external generators will be transported across Scotland to power electric vehicles carrying dignitaries to a world climate change event in Glasgow.
Electric vehicles carrying international delegates from venues including Gleneagles to events in Glasgow during Cop 26 will be powered by generators due to a lack of charging provision at accommodation sites, it is understood.
The great and the good staying in Glasgow will be offered travel passes to attend events over the 12 -day programme, but those staying further away will be carried in Jaguar Land Rover electric vehicles.
However there is no stipulation that international visitors travelling to Cop 26 as delegates do so by the provided electric vehicles and some may choose to use their own.
Because of the sheer number of journeys expected to be taken, externally powered generators will be used to charge the cars and SUV’s.
These will be fuelled, the UK Government has insisted, with Hydrongenated Vegitable Oils (HVO).
Yes . The real answer to that mess is in the well written article at Conservativetreehouse . Well worth reading .
Problem caused by The People’s democratic socialist republic of California banning 50% of the trucks from their ports because they didn’t meet their latest extreme environmental laws .
So now the port is so clogged with containers that the trucks that are there can’t pick up containers that are now buried under hundreds of other containers .
So almost nothing moves .
What’s happening to the US and the West is the ultimate fulfillment of Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions (der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen)” that started in 1967 and is now complete.
There is little hope for most of the West (including Australia, the rot is just too deep) but the US still has some hope with the right leader such as Trump.
Regarding vaccine mandates, the Wall Street Journal had this little gem on Friday: “Members of the FDA advisory board supported Moderna’s booster dose [19:0] even though the evidence for it was from a small study and had mixed results.”
There is nothing like a scientific consensus. 19:0! Medicine is a modern climatology.
On a positive side, FDA delayed Moderna decision the next day.
Victor Davis-Hanson, a great historian, teacher, and cultural ‘wind-sock’, is the modern-day Herodotus. Fittingly he is now observing at first hand the collapse of Western Civilisation as the likes of Angela Merkel, Joe Biden, General Milley, and Dan Andrews among others, progressively destroy and dismantle everything that is good and pure and sensible, and replace them with anarchy, race baiting white-hatred, and lawless politicians who sick armed public servants onto an unwilling population if they dare to object to it all.
Davis-Hanson quite rightly warns that there will be a reckoning, and the longer it is delayed the more reactionary it is likely to be. Hints and rumours about calls for civil war are gaining momentum, ordinary people are gearing up for an apocalyptic collapse of the economies of the Western world, and thousands (in America, at least) of ordinary citizens are buying weapons in record numbers and joining survivalist-style militias and training in guerrilla warfare to “take back their government.” A sentiment, if not an activity that is shared by millions in Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ, and the UK.
Inflation is ramping up, retail supply chains are collapsing, key personnel are refusing to be bullied in critical essential industries and resigning en mass, and police have become arbitrary enforcers of laws that only exist in their own minds. Societies are being divided into classes that define whether a person can leave their homes, eat in a restaurant, keep a job or even get health care. However not everyone is afraid and intimidated. Many are getting ready to stand and fight as ever-more-fearful politicians encourage police and, now, military units to fire live rounds on protestors and behave like storm troopers.
Oh yes, the day of reckoning is coming. And pity help those responsible for it all.
[wee edit – LVA]
Australians might also find it eye opening to know how many people in the US are walking away from their job over vaccine mandates.
Yes – many Ozzies must think – why are so many doctors, nurses and medical support staff throwing away the life-time careers they loved and worked so hard to get – it’s only a little jab, and the vaccines are very safe and effective.
The only explanation, many Ozzies must think, is that these medics must have fallen for the wicked “anti-vaxxer” lies, and all these medical folk must have been corrupted by “disinformation” about the vaccines.
Who knew, they must think, that so many well-trained and successful professionals could fall for such obvious propaganda – and it must be propaganda because none of our media outlets have said anything negative about the vaxx.
What a mystery, eh.
Religion may have something to do with US worker hesitancy to get the jab, even among the professionals. In China the pandemic has become a game changer, the young are lying down flat and a quiet revolution has begun.
‘In Xi’s China, however, where the Party and the state reign supreme, it has become virtually impossible to stand up for one’s own rights and interests—to assert one’s personal needs and desires over the grandiose ambitions of the national self. “Lying flat” is an answer, passive and desperate, to the dehumanizing nature of the struggle, both national and personal. Why should one stand for self-reliance, only to be cut down and harvested?’ (Bookings)
The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week
Persons who choose not to vaccinate are characterized as unintelligent, selfish, paranoid people who don’t read much and live in a trailer park in Florida (or Alabama, or Texas, or name your state). Never has there been such an effort to cajole, manipulate through fear, and penalize people to take an experimental medical treatment.
First, let’s address the intelligence of the unvaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy is multi-factorial and has little to do with level of education or intelligence. Carnegie Mellon University did a study assessing vaccine hesitancy across educational levels. According to the study, what’s the educational level with the most vaccine hesitancy? Ph.D. level! Those can’t all have been awarded to liberal arts majors. Clearly, scientists who can read the data and assess risk are among the least likely to take the mRNA vaccines.
The claim that there’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated is, therefore, patently untrue. As a retired nurse from California recently asked, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?” If the vaccine works to prevent infection, then the vaccinated have nothing to worry about. If the vaccine does not prevent infection, then the vaccinated remain at some risk, and the unvaccinated would be less likely to choose a vaccine that does not work well.
Several authors have pointed out that vaccinating with a “leaky” vaccine during a pandemic is driving the virus to escape by creating variants. If the booster is just another iteration of the same vaccine, it likely won’t help against the new strain but will, instead, produce evolutionary pressure on the virus to produce even more variants and expose us to more side effects. Why, then, is this booster strategy for everyone being pursued?
This vast Phase 3 clinical trial of mRNA vaccines in which Americans are participating mostly out of fear is not going well. It is abundantly clear for anyone advocating for public health that the vaccination program should be stopped. Iceland has just stopped giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone which is a good step in the right direction. Sweden, Denmark, and Finland have banned the Moderna vaccine for anyone under the age of 30.
VAERS, our vaccine adverse effect reporting system, showed at the beginning of this week 16,000 deaths, 23,000 disabilities, 10,000 MI/myocarditis, 87,000 urgent care visits, 75,000 hospital stays, and 775,000 total adverse events. The VAERS system is widely known to under-report events, with an estimated 90 to 99% of events going unreported there.
Eudravigilance, the European reporting system now associates 26,000 deaths in close proximity to administration of the vaccine. Whistleblower data from the CMS system (Medicare charts) showed close to 50,000 deaths in the Medicare group shortly after the vaccine.
Religion has a lot to answer for.
Indeed Mark. My doctor is one of those extremely angry over the AHPRA silencing. He must also have fallen for the “anti vaxxer” lies too. Funny that he was always totally evidence based and often pulled up papers on the screen to show me the relevant research related to what he was talking about – but no, must be totally deluded and misinformed…Our dear leaders like Anna, Dr Young etc would never ever steer us wrong…
There is nothing funny about doomsday global warming … unless you’re laughing at believers …
Australian comedian puts “funny” video up in Times Square to embarrass
SmokoScoMo …
Apparently it is ‘dark’ humour.
A kangaroo on fire gif?
Fact check for free, Dan: It’s not funny.
100% fail.
China increasing its coal usage.. ahead of Flop26.
That NBC commentator Kelli Stavast who uttered “Lets go Brandon” was clearly thinking quickly on her feet. She knew exactly what the crowd was yelling.
She has an Australian accent but nothing in her bio (grew up in Colorado) explains this.
Puzzle, I was going to compliment her for her Aussie savvy.
Can she copy write it and get a royalty on the merch? No doubt she thought on her feet.
I don’t frequent RT much these days but they have more integrity than the US or Oz media.
No it’s not. It’s public outrage at an individual. One with a multi-decade track record of bias, discrimination, hyprocrisy, criminality and sociopathy.
His actions in Afghanistan were just the final straw.
It’s not covered here in MALS world (special hello to John Cadogan) because the bought & paid for MSM don’t want a FDA equivalent of FJB.
Biden also supported the IRA.
But does he remember doing it?
He might not but we do. My husband lost friends, thanks to IRA bombs.
This is O/T but it is a good discussion about the energy situation and the geopolitics of it all, in Europe in particular.
I am looking for some sort of slogan or image to express resistance to our political regime, especially the emergency powers and Covid.
Lets Go Brandon will not resonate hear.
I think the Eureka flag might be understood.
Not Let’s Go Brandon
Let’s Go Bradman…
Make Australia (and Viktoriastan) Great Again.
LET’S GO SCOMO !!!!!!!
Hesiod’s description of the Greek Iron Age (ancient version)
Nothing new here.
Workers Walking Out Over Vaccines
It saddens me to see Australian workers not willing to do the same and stand up against the ever increasing tyranny. Australians are a bunch of wimps; at least most of them. Either that or most are so gullible and stupid to fall for the scam.
What am I missing? Why would Australian media report this? They have done a little but (look it up – for example mediawatch on the abc) why report it more than that.
It is not news here. So there is no censorship, for which Jo provides no evidence and I can easily dismiss (see above), just plain old fashioned reporting based on relevance.
“PM Trudeau and Canadian Government Ban Phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” From Any Government Correspondence
October 17, 2021 | Sundance | 61 Comments”
Storm in a teacup as that is a standard diplomatic position. There are few world governments that would allow this in their official correspondence.
Some one must have done it (used “Lets Go Brandon”) in official correspondence. Otherwise why make an issue of it.
huh? You write as though government agencies have no one monitoring for stuff like this.
The protest song is back. Thanks to Van Morrison.
They own the media
Also: Why are you on Facebook?
The Let’s Go Brandon Theme Song by Loza Alexander.
WARNING: Strong Language and Rap music.
Reached #1 on iTunes
‘Let’s Go Brandon’
“Ayy, you know what they sayin’, though”
I live in California. What’s going on is a mental disorder has overtaken the Dem-MSM party. We (Normals) are far beyond shock and anger by the soft coup of America.
Personally, in 2008 I literally had tears down my cheeks from emotion watching Obama win the election. Within a few years i cried for my country. I have never been in the military or even owned a gun. I have never even started a physical fight in my long life. I am now willing to give my life to save America. They cant silence all of us, They cant jail all of us, and they cant kill all of us. Once a regime starts killing its citizens, public opinion tends to change
Martin, sorry your comment got stuck for so long in the spam. Especially when it is so apt, so brave, so needed.
You may sleep a little better 2nite with the knowledge that you are not alone.
Out here in what is called ” flyover”, there are no LGB flags flying.
Our flags proudly say F*CK BIDEN.
No one asks if you are vaxxed. I have yet to own a mask.
I’m the gun shy one in my area. Only own 5 of them.
With inflation screaming, my phone still has not quit ringing.
The flight out of liberal cities is amazing.
In 30yrs, we have never been this backlogged.
I could run the excavator 7 days a week, and never catch up.
I see that Gee Aye is raving on about nothing. Forget about Canada and the ROW…Brandon is GOD
Lets go Brandon!
Meanwhile in Australia, we have vaccine mandates from workplaces that Morrison (representing the national cabinet) promised would never happen. And the bikies in WA are being used as a test “hated group” to test new anti freedom of expression laws as the more far left states follow the worldwide movement in crushing freedom of expression from those they disagree with. After all freedom of association was already destroyed, and warrantless searches enabled by other legislation.
And our fake news covers everything so glowingly it induces illness.
It’s becoming clearer that Obama is in effect the POTUS. He in fact some time ago hinted he would like to run for a third term. Well, it appears his wish has been granted. See Judge Jeanine reveals who she thinks is running the White House
oh dear