Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy League University To Learn New Brainwashing Techniques

When only the best will do:

“I thought I knew all there was to know about communist indoctrination, but I was wrong,” said the ruthless dictator to reporters after sitting through a 2-hour lecture on why fidget spinners are a remnant of Western patriarchal oppression. “Your American college professors have this down to an art!” …

The murderous leader of North Korea plans to go back to his home country and start his own Ivy League school: Kim Jong UNiversity.

Thanks to the Babylon Bee. Click the logo to read the rest.

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40 comments to Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy League University To Learn New Brainwashing Techniques

  • #

    Fidget spinners? That is so last year. The new craze as sold in our beach shop is something equally silly and comes from China and will be thrown away when it breaks in 10 minutes.

    Didn’t the guy go to school in Switzerland so has some concept of the West?


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    KJU already has the most efficient form of brainwashing it’s a 40mm Bofors AA.


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    Kalm Keith

    The photograph is amazing.

    The range of skin colour, hair colour and ethnicity is truly diverse and therefore inclusive.

    Almost everyone has a smile on their face, and that tells you straight away that the group is not in North Korea.

    Over the last few weeks this blog has brought light and understanding to the devastatingly manipulative system of government in the U.S.

    The details of application of law and order breakdown, the power and extent of the “swamp”, the capacity of the media to misdirect and mislead have all been elaborated so it’s no wonder that Kim J U has looked to the U.S. for leadership in his skill development.

    There’s a rumour that he is fascinated by Arkancide and is looking forward to that lecture early next week.

    And the rumour about Kim and Kammy is not true.


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      el gordo

      It might be half true, he is losing weight and not because his people are suffering famine. Inclusivity is not his game.

      ‘In recent state media images, including those published on Wednesday, Kim appeared to have lost a large amount of weight. The strap on his fancy watch is tighter, and his face thinner. Some observers say Kim — who is about 170cm tall and has previously weighed 140 kilograms — may have lost about 10-20 kilograms.’ (9News)


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      John Hultquist

      “The photograph is amazing.”

      The person at the front of the room must be amazing.
      Did she/he/it just say everyone was to get a free car?
      One person, back right, seems to be elsewhere in thought.


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    The top 8 of our Universities are Ivy League so what can we say about most of our own business and political leaders?


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    Vlad Putin sums things up pretty well here. Sadly, it applies to US Universities as well as Media


    • #

      He is very astute
      I cannot believe how quickly western civilisation has self desructed
      I Australia economy is based on exporting iron ore and coal and flipping real estate in Sydney and Melbourne or selling it to overseas “investors”
      All costs to be picked up by our kids and grankids


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    John R Smith

    I live walking distance from a major Uni.
    I pass the automatons on the sidewalk.
    I am not laughing.
    The female appearing ones, when that can be ascertained, are the most dangerous.
    I maintain distance and avoid eye contact.
    (I hope I have not offended by making the antiquated gender reference, I only do it in an attempt to save lives.)


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    David Maddison

    With the installation of President Imposter Biden (plus with the assistance of the socialist billionaires and a slave army of useful idiots), the communists have won without firing a shot.


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      I doubt very much it would have made any difference if Trump was still POTUS. The swamp is too big for him to drain without some serious changes, such as rounding up all dissidents against the West and treating them like terrorists. The problem with that is there aren’t enough prisons to hold all of them and we would have to find other ways to restrict their terrorist-like activities. Enough said.


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    Fear prevents us from thinking.

    The emotional panic that accompanies fear actually shuts down the prefrontal cortex, or the rational thinking part, of our brains.

    A populace that stops thinking for itself is a populace that is easily led, easily manipulated and easily controlled.

    Our leaders –those unseen, which reside high-above the puppets in elected office– rule by fear.

    “Do exactly as we say, or the world could end.”

    NOEL BROWN, 1989

    Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP), said back in 1989 that governments had just a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

    JAMES HANSEN, 2006

    Often described as the father of the global warming, NASA’s James Hansen has made many a catastrophic climate claim over the decades.

    “The greenhouse effect is here,” he confidently pronounced back on June 23, 1988 during his Congressional testimony on man-made global warming.

    During that testimony, Hansen told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee there is only a “1 percent chance” that he is wrong in blaming rising temperatures around the world on the buildup of man-made gases in the atmosphere.

    And when asked in an interview in New York City in 1989, “If what you’re saying about the greenhouse effect is true, is anything going to look different down there in 20 years?” Hansen replied, “The West Side Highway will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change.”

    By 2006, instead of admitting he maybe overegged the catastrophe a little, Hansen actually doubled-down.


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    I meant in the picture.


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    el gordo, given your postings, I hope you like this site




  • #

    Hmm…..the Bee strikes again…..its appears to be a clever rather stinging back-handed slap across the moosh….

    Heres the thing, lest we forget : WW2 N*zism appears to not have originated in Germany…
    International financiers appear to have funded both sides of the fight, and N*zism appears to be the credo of the globalists.
    All the N*zies were doing is refining and proving out thier globalist techniques, and used WW2 as a training run.

    What we see aorund us now, is the evil fruits of their efforts.

    When people say “hey that is quite a N*zi thing to do “its because underneath it appears all the globalist cabal familes have been the consistent cesspool of this unGodly belief system and views.

    The CCP is just the very visible expression of the cabal belief system.

    I recall seeing a political cartoon from 1912 that clearly showed the Elite in the US of the day thanking Marx for writing thier anti-human manifesto. What that appears to say if the whole thing is an orchestrated struggle to steer humanity up into the race for the population control/reduction agenda. Wars in the past have been used, but biological controls now seem the preferred method, even better if you can get the pavlovian-trained punters to roll thier sleeves up, after decades of gummint training and incentives…..

    The globalists have minds that think in terms of 100s of years, if not decades. So anti-Christian, anti-Western agendas have been slowly white-anting society over decades, by design it appears.


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    David Maddison

    The West doesn’t need to engage in military spending. The communist traitors already embedded within our countries have already enabled communism and paved the way for a Chi-comm takeover.

    *Note to said traitors, you might night call yourself communist, you may “identify” as a “democratic” socialist, progressive, social “justice” campaigner etc but it doesn’t change the fact that your core ideology is Marxist and that is your ultimate end point. Let’s not forget the closely related Fascism/Nazism via Giovanni Gentile.

    Gentile’s idealist philosophy denied the existence of individual minds and of any distinction between theory and practice, subject and object, past and present. According to him, all of these categories are merely mental constructs.

    For connection between Marxism/Communism (International Socialism) and Fascism/Nazism (National Socialism) see Dinesh D’Souza:


    • #

      That is true. The real enemies are not afar but very close. The trouble is most people think they are on our side. That’s like having a fox on our side looking after the hens that are being attacked by other foxes from afar. Stupid is as stupid does.


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    David Maddison

    I am wondering if there is any university in the Western World which today allows free speech and a peaceful exchange of ideas, like traditional universities?

    I can think of none.

    I would appreciate it if you could list some or even one.


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    Furiously Curious

    Sorry about way off topic but WTH. I tried to copy just the text, but it doesn’t want to. Anyway a short article saying US will spend 3 billion looking for a therapeutic pill to combat virus’. Even looking at off patent drugs! Merck’ new anti virus gets a starring role. Are we living in a dream or nightmare? Shooting for the moon, to pick up some groceries!
    Also it turns out Merck paid for the very shonky Cali ivermectin trial, you know the one where participants were given X7 the dose, and people in the groups were shuffled; the one that made headlines on the NY times, saying ivermectin was useless..

    WASHINGTON: The United States is taking another medical moon shot..

    Read more at:


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      Some publishers are fighting back against theft of copyright material by stopping people copy the text. I don’t think it’s a good plan, but I understand why they do it.

      I know of at least one skeptic who did the same to protect his work.

      I don’t know if that’s what’s happening in Times of India, just sayin…


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    Kim has an amazing haircut, like a cooling fan system, bald on the temples and ears like radar dishes. Or maybe it is intended to intimidate? Mao had his suit. Un has his unique hair, almost a chiaroscuro inversion of Vladimir Putin.


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    And now that the extreme left and the Washington establishment have their sock puppet Joe Biden (weekend at Bidens) and the outrageous Kamala Harris, the need to deceive is vanishing. So the Wuhan Flu came from the lab after all, which was extremely obvious. And it seems fake aborigine Bruce Pascoe made it all up with sophisticated farming aborigines with big houses, settlements, planting and animal husbandry. (agriculture was only discovered in the rest of the world 10,000 years ago and horses tamed 2500 years ago). A lot of the fake history is vanishing because only the gullible believed it (include Peter Fitsimmons, rugby player and generator of endless fake histories from his words factory).

    But on June 23rd, 5 days from now is the 33rd anniversary (1/3 of a century) of the announcement by James Hansen that we were all going to die, toasted and drowned, from man made (anthropogenic) rapid tipping point Armageddon level Global Warming. Eschewing any idea that the sun or the oceans were involved, it was the start of the massive carbon tax, windmill, solar industries.

    And now, 1/3 of a century later, which predictions have come true? None.

    The polar bears now are at record levels of 50,000, so that is busted.

    It is also worthwhile noting that the people pushing the Global Warming barrow remain the United Nations and China. And the people behind the rapid spread of the most devastating (and manufactured and deliberately spread) viral plague in 100 years are the same, United Nations and China. Nothing to see here folks. And keep sending those billions. And believe everything you are told, until we change the story. Then believe that too.


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    Just a thought…..

    COV19 is basically just a bad flu witha 99.96% survival rate.

    Why does Victoriastan and every other govt shut down whole cities or states for a bad flu?

    Its appears to not be a medical reason for lockdowns, what then?

    Scaring people to take a “vaccine” thats not a vaccine , and doesnt actually protect people? Why?


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      I received a personal letter from the Prime minister of Australia yesterday.

      It was co-signed by two of his accomplices and they were inviting me to “go and get vaccinated”.

      I felt like replying and suggesting that they “go and get £!@ffed” but did resist that urge.

      Dan Morrison, not Van.
      Dan Hunt, and
      Professor Dan Kelly.

      Danned shame, the whole business is suss.


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    Under the communist system, young students are monitored without interference (brainwashed nonetheless) “the young pioneers”.
    It is those students that excel the most that become the target of the party and then are put under pressure to join. This happens after high school and before the university. If you refuse to join the party, your years at the uni will be hell and 95% of the cases will not finish. Those that join the party pretty much print their own diplomas.


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    Indeed. Watch the youtube JB Peterson interview of the North Korean escapee, a very cute young lady who when she went to Columbia University, couldn’t believe that she was in America hearing all this brainwashing Orwellian language, and claimed she would never send her son to University as it was a complete waste of time and money. Goes for about 2 hours and feels like 15 minutes, an excellent interview done just the other day.


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    I know he’s bad, but is he really in the mao/stalin/pol pot league?
