This is what the terrorists have caused.#GigaBerlinBrandenburg#StandbyTesla
— Gigafactory Berlin News (@Gf4Tesla) March 5, 2024
The Vulkangruppe (Volcano Group) activists have claimed responsibility for sabotaging a pylon that supplied power to the Tesla Gigafactory in Germany. The factory that makes half a million EVs a year had to close Tuesday and send 12,000 workers home. About 2,000 local homes also lost power.
Electricity may not be restored until March 17th and Pierre Goslin at NoTricksZone reports the bill is now estimated to be “over half a billion euro”.
Apparently the radical-conservationists thought setting fire to a pile of tyres at the base of a high voltage tower was a way to free the forest and the workers from a capitalist tyranny.
Tesla sabotage in Germany
Shortly after, an organization known as the Volcano Group (Vulkangruppe) claimed responsibility for the fire online. “We sabotaged Tesla today,” the far-left environmental group stated in an open letter that also accused Tesla CEO Elon Musk of being a “techno-fascist.”
The letter went on to criticize Tesla’s implications in driving predatory capitalism, worker exploitation, environmental degradation and modern surveillance technology, which is why. The stated goal was to “bring Tesla to its knees.”
For some reason media groups have not made much of a fuss about this. If right wing petrol-heads burnt down critical infrastructure instead this would be the lead story on 1,000 channels.
The arson was very much a premediated terrorist act. The Vulkangruppe wrote a 2,500 word essay about how awful Tesla was because it “consumed both natural resources and labour and was neither ecological or sustainable.”
Indeed The Guardian claims EVs are under attack because they might not be very green:
Electric cars have come under increasing attack by environmental activists, in particular over concerns that their production leads to higher emissions than the manufacture of internal combustion engine cars and that the production and recharging of electric car batteries constitute environmental burden. In targeted attacks around Europe, including in Germany, electric cars have had their tyres slashed or deflated.
It’s an interesting admission by the Guardian editors, about ten years too late. And they don’t exactly have a lot of evidence. They include a link to the tyre slashers who specifically targeted SUVs for “climate action”, but in those incidents the only electric car tyres that were slashed were cut by accident.

Tesla Gigafactory Brandenberg, Germany. | Photo by Michael Wolf (Webseite)
Locals in Brandenberg have been protesting about the plans to expand the Tesla factory which would require cutting down 100 hectares of forest. But according to one Tesla fan, the forests the terrorists want to save are plantation trees anyway not native forest.
These are either the dumbest eco-terrorists on Earth or they’re puppets of those who don’t have good environmental goals. Stopping production of electric vehicles, rather than fossil fuel vehicles, ist extrem dumm.
This is what you get when the media promote one-sided crazy political lies and suppress sensible voices for 20 years. So these might well be home-grown hippy crazies. But let’s not forget that there are foreign actors which sell competing EVs and speak the language of Marxism. They might benefit from winding up the local Antifa crowd.
These are either the dumbest eco-terrorists on Earth or they’re puppets of those who don’t have good environmental goals.
Show me one eco-terrorist not beeing dumb 😀
What they are doing here is demonstrate to us how the next world war will start.
A large number of people on tourist visas each armed with a box of matches and a plan
I wonder if they would have targeted Tesla if Elon Musk had not bought Twitter and talked positively of free speech and other topics deemed too “dangerous for democracy”?
And Musk basically purchased Twitter as a service to humanity.
He has said something to the effect that he would have bought it, even if he doesn’t make money on it.
He did it for free speech.
Or, as these people are wont to say, free speech is dangerous to “our democracy”. Not real democracy, just the special one where these people are in complete control and any other view is silenced.
I’m not sure I trust Elon. He may have done it for “free speech” but I think it’s all one big game to him.
Money is a tool to get the job done and he’s smart enough to know he can always get more.
Read the Musk biography by Ashlee Vance. It might change your opinion. (It did, mine.)
Environment has nothing to do with it. These people are stooges, using the mask of “eco warrior” for political purposes.
It demonstrates that these “environmentalists”, rebranded communists/fascists, are fundamentally against people having personal mobility via the use of cars.
Their objective is not to just get rid of ICE cars but ALL cars. Of course, the thinking community have known this all along.
Then we (non-Elites) can all go and live in the free-range prisons known as “15 Minute Cities” or in ultra-woke, fanatically WEF compliant Australia, “20 Minute Neigbourhoods”.
I bet these eco-idiots don’t traverse the Earth on foot between protests
I wonder how they got the tyres to the pylon? A bicycle?
Elon Musk is fair game now for the left. From darling to dunce in a few months after transforming Twitter. Hope his visit to Mar-a-lago was fruitful for both he and Trump.
Yes, the Left hated it when Musk allowed freedom of speech on X/Twitter.
Nothing offends a Leftist more than an alternative independent thought or opinion that is not in conformity with the Official Narrative.
That’s why everywhere and every time the Left gain power they work to restrict and ultimately eliminate free speech.
And if it wasn’t for Musk, we wouldn’t have known about social(ist) media manipulation of the last US presidential election and other areas such as covid mismanagement.
Here is a photo and article on the forest Tesla is cutting down
It is a very large area and will become completely urbanised. It will displace animals although the wood will be used.
A bit ironic that a so called green factory will cause such damage but the activists should surely be well aware that many of their desired projects to create EV’s, Batteries, Lithium mines etc also cause huge environmental damage. However as those are thousands of miles away I suppose its out of sight, out of mind.
Remember the extreme left film producer, Michael Moore, started making a film about how good green energy was but then found out that green energy was destroying the forests and environment. The environmental movement is very destructive of the environment which convinced me that they are neither environment warriors nor people wanting a better future but are agents of communism whose aim is to destroy the West. I don’t hear of roads in Russia or China being blocked by Extinction Rebellion nor do they operate in countries where politicians put the majority first and the idiots in jail.
Yes. “Planet of The Humans,” I think. FREE viewing on YouTube, still, I think.
170 acres of what looks like plantation, not old-growth, forest is nothing compared to the environmental and related destruction of other “green” projects such as:
-Clear felling around windmill sites and burning the former-forest on site.
-Harm to marine life by offshore windmills.
-Environmental destruction due to clearance for interconnecting power lines for wind and solar subsidy farms.
-Removal of farm land from production due to solar subsidy farms.
-Risk of fires and toxic fumes from fires at lithium Big Batteries.
-Risk from EV car and other devices like scooters and E-bikes from fires and fire fumes.
-Child labour used in some cases to mine cobalt in Congo.
-Huge environmental destruction mining and chemically separating rare earth elements for magnets and batteries.
-Lithium mines.
-Chopping down old growth USA forests and shipping them across the Atlantic to burn in Drax power station (UK). Bizarre!
-Deaths due to cold due to energy poverty.
-Economic destruction and greatly decreased standard of living.
-Higher density living leading to fewer parks and nature reserves
-Shadow flicker and infrasound from windmills.
-Destruction of insect, bird and bat life by windmills
There is virtually no “green” project that doesn’t have a huge environmental impact.
It would seem Michael Crichton’s book “State of Fear” is presicent:
“State of Fear is a 2004 techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton, his fourteenth under his own name and twenty-fourth overall, in which eco-terrorists plot mass murder to publicize the danger of global warming.”
Everyone have a great day!
Yes Glen, I use my copy as an encyclopaedia of the uncorrupted “science” of Climate thermodynamics cited from NASA and GISS.
All woven through the narrative that Crichton put together.
It was also rather prescient in that in Crightons story the eco-terrorists were plotting to cause a tectonic plate shift in the Indian Ocean and a tsunami that would devastate Java/Sumatra. An event that happened naturally several years later.
Another great (and prescient) read is “Fallen Angels” by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn published by Jim Baen. Even when North America is covered in a gigantic glacier, the greens in power are still restricting the public’s use of energy.
I’ve read a lot by Niven, and Pournelle, but not this, strangely.
I shall have to rectify this situation.
We need the techno-thriller film version — stat!
Squirrels. ECO nut jobs? Can’t see the forest for the EVs?
Not really.
Germany was the land of tree worship, tree gods.
Green used to be all about trees. Germans love forest. They have
parks with endless shades of green and no flowers. Every worker wants to see a tree,
even in a car factory. It’s buried deep in their psyche.
100 acres of trees is 100 acres of trees.
Real green emotions are about forests and real ecology, animals, birds, fish, ecosystems.
And windmills and solar farms are far, far worse than coal.
All of Australia’s coal plants only cover a few hundred acres and require only one transmission line each.
We don’t see the incredible devastation in Australia. Snowy II is not ecologically sound. It’a a National Park.
Greens destroying the forests to save the planet? The real Greens have had enough.
It’s not about carbon dioxide and global warming but a fundamental betrayal.
The real eco-terrorists are in the UN/EU and Progressive politicians and their friends in the power game sucking the
cash out of everyone.
Does anyone in politics really believe they are saving the planet? I doubt it. Opportunists, main chancers, insincere,
liars. Climatebaggers all.
Coal, gas, oil are perfectly natural and free. Replaceables are wrecking the place. Now even the oceans covered
in dangerous ugly giants regardless of the impact. And no one is better off, except those in the Green trough.
And being Germans, engineers, their protest has shut down a major factory, put thousands out of work and caused half a billion dollars in damage.
A far cry from some people on top of a van on Melbourne’s Westgate bridge.
The Romans had the same problem with the Northern Tribes.
Along with the farmers, it may be a turning of the tide for those who think Green Energy, Green policies are truthful let alone benign.
And if people who currently vote Green start looking for real solutions, everything will change.
Which is why I wish the Liberal/Conservative/Tory parties would take the Greens head on and demand the return of ultra Green, minimal ecological impact coal, oil and gas. And cheap adequate efficient energy generation and use. Plus what we were promised, cheaper power.
Save the trees. Vote for natural energy.
There needs to be a way to split the really concerned environmentalists from their minders. The Teals in Australia are a prime example of misguided voters. Bandt and Albanese are lifelong committed communists who care nothing for the environment, more of the Labor Party ‘whatever it takes’ chasing absolute power. The Greens party is no more about the environment than the Voice was about helping real aboriginals. Take them on. And watch the organizations change sides.
We are starting to see it with Earing power station, where they will not shut down as expected. People are starting to ask if equivalent reliable adequate and commandable power is in place. Snowy II will do nothing. It will likely remain unused. And the energy companies like AGL are recalibrating their own futures if wind is becalmed and solar is blackened. And the free money stops. Which is why they are already squealing about nuclear.
If the Coalition promised to build high efficiency coal and gas and dams to prevent predictable drought disasters, they would romp home in elections. But they have to get rid of the LINOS, Persutto in Victoria in particular, another ratbag further left than Mao.
Save the trees. Vote for natural energy.
A dilemma. Is firewood a source of natural energy? Or do I just let the fallen trees in my bush rot naturally for the next 100 years. Yes, jarrah is like that……
The wrong bit of alleged science is that human/animal/plant/insect CO2 emissions are ‘toxic’ All living things output CO2 (except some bacteria) and they are all relatives. CO2 is where they all get their energy/mass/cells, hydrated CO2, carbohydrate from photosyntehsis. We are all carbon life forms from fungi to whales to lobsters and we all output CO2.
But somehow firewood is special? Trees are special? We can control CO2? Of course not.
The entire electric car industry is funded on the proposition that electric cars generate less CO2 both in production and operation. It’s not true. Firstly most run on coal. Secondly, the efficiency of distribution is such that they would output less CO2 burning their own fuel.
Anyway CO2 emissions do not and cannot increase world CO2 which is remarkably constant from the North Pole to the South pole because it is in constant equilibrium as a dissolved gas. Something in the laboratory known as Henry’s Law. Otherwise how can CO2 be a constant from China to Tasmania (within 1%)?
And back on electric cars, I think the millions of people in Germany who see their jobs, their skills, their life’s work for generations in BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Mercedes, Porsche might be a little threatened by Mr Musk’s electric cars.
So firewood? I cannot believe we are not allowed burn sticks found on the ground. As for rotting, fungi and termites, that is more methane which we are now told is a worse greenhouse gas, even though methane concentration in the atmosphere is a miniscule 0.00017%. Run for the hills! Death to the trillions of termites.
But an actual law about burning firewood? Not shooting the King’s deer made some sort of totalitarian sense, but I would never have thought politicians and lawyers and parliament would control the weather!
At least most sane bloggers at Jo Nova’s site know that so called Green energy is very dirty and TOXIC and EVs are far too expensive and don’t reduce co2 emissions anyway.
But I’d really enjoy watching these feral, fascist extremists try their bonfires in China or Russia etc and watch for the reaction. I’d guess that it would be very swift and very deadly.
The Russians are more in tune with nature than most countries. In winter you have to live in big communities or you die from the cold. Cities have free hot water for about 5km say. Then nothing. It works.
But in the long days in summer, Russians dream of a Dacha, a house in the wild country with few facilities where they can live a simple life in the fields, near a river and commune with nature. In that way they are much in common with other peoples.
Despite their general poverty, a lot of their electrical power is nuclear. The trans Siberian express for example, 9,300 km, the world’s longest train line is all electric!
I took that train to Moscow and then down to Crimea and on to Odessa. 12,000km of mainly electric trains. They are far more eco friendly than other people. And their idea of a holiday is less luxury, Bali or Cancun and more communing with nature. (Of course there are many other Russians who crowd the beaches of Crete and Nice. Often a quite different set of people for whom nature is something in a museum, like a lot of Americans and Australians.)
And in Russia, the idea of blowing up public infrastructure would be treated as extreme terrorism, an assault on everyone. They would not be understanding of Green motives.
Here Mark Mills explains why their so called Green energy is a disaster and wastes TRILLIONS of $ for ZIP return or benefit.
Yet our BO Bowen loony hasn’t got a clue and ditto for silly Albo the rest of Labor and the Greens.
At least many in the Coalition want to build BASE-LOAD energy for our future energy needs and that’s why I’ll always preference Labor and the Greens last on my ballot paper.
This only takes a few minutes of your time, but Mark covers a lot of ground and a transcript is available to read.
And lesser production of these pestiferous, useless EV’s – caused by eco fanatics – should upset us WHY ?
It’s also noted that Brussels is introducing regulations to prevent people from repairing their petrol-driven vehicles when they break down. How to enforce ? The car manufacturers are simply forbidden to supply spares to repair garages.
Such an awful world in the making.
Ianl, you may recall those videos from Pakistan I post from time to time of the most amazing car and usually truck repairs.
They repair what would be considered not economically viable to repair in the West and would be either replaced with a spare part or the entire vehicle written off.
They do this outdoor areas, sitting on dirt ground with the most primitive non-mechanised tools.
All it requires is a large amount of cheap, skilled labour and no spare parts and no alternatives.
All it requires is a large amount of cheap, skilled labour and no spare parts and no alternatives.
perhaps why there are no discarded AK-47s in Pakistan and Afghanistan?
And the EU never heard of knock-off non-genuine spares?
They never visited a wrecker to buy used parts?
“But let’s not forget that there are foreign actors which sell competing EVs and speak the language of Marxism. They might benefit from winding up the local Antifa crowd.”
Much of the craziness happening in the West could ultimately benefit those “foreign actors”. Something to ponder.
Similar destabilising motives to the old USSR winding up the anti-nuclear protests in the 70s n 80s. Nothing to do with environmentalism, just another attack on the West.
I think the current interference being financed by China goes beyond the environmental movement. I reckon they exploit every spark of division and whip it up, whether it’s American politics generally, Trump in particular, the trans movement, illegal immigration – the lot. They are probably putting a huge amount of resources and effort into destabilising us from within, aided by corrupt politicians and the usual army of anti-capitalist ‘useful idiots’.
And when the purpose of CND ended they all moved on to join GreenPiss and FoE.
I’m somewhat surprised the Tesla factory of that size has only one source of power, the usual thing is to have more than one supply because they all need maintenance done at some point.
You do not have a second source of mains equivalent energy for use one or two times a year.
Backup is generally used to keep critical equipment in motion, in a Tesla factory that would be safe spaces and video game rooms.
Surely they have battery backup?
While Elon is of late saying much of the right stuff and many view him as our saviour from the loons running the asylum, I really can’t bring myself to trust the guy. There has to be an ulterior motive?
EV’s are not environmentally friendly (In fact the opposite) with many articles posted on this blog supporting this. There’s a reason the Dutch canned windmills hundreds of years ago, why electric vehicles failed at the beginning of the 1900’s in favour of combustion engines.
Can anyone convince me / explain to me, how I can feel comfortable accepting Elon Musk is on the “right side”. I have become very unforgiving of anyone who believes in “man made climate change”. I know some high “IQ” individuals who are fully behind this scam which leads me to a conversation for another day – why high IQ individuals often exhibit extreme levels of low “common sense”?
High IQ = low logic.
Bjorn Lomborg believes in man-made climate change, but he is very rational and reasonable about it. Rational and reasonable are fine with me. Hands over ears and la la la la la are not. Elon Musk appears to be in the rational and reasonable camp.
….but musk believes he can and will colonise Mars !😱🤔🤡
He’s trying to outdo D. D. Harriman
Won’t Elon be able to ensure it’s given plenty of coverage in Twitter?
Only if you are foolish enough to use “X” as your primary news source
Better than the ABC or BBC as primary news source.
Both of which are better than CNN.
Of course all that acrid smoke from the burning tyres is low carbon-footprint, eco-friendly smoke. Good one, eco-numpties.
I wonder which part of EVs (or any “renewable energy” for that matter ) is “sustainable” when it all has to be replaced every twenty years (optimistic estimate) and most ends up in landfill? It requires a torturous redefinition of “sustainable”!
The main point here though is – that Elon Musk IS a “techno-facist”, but one who is positioning himself to be Numero Uno after the “Great Reset” – and the other techno-fascists dont like it.
So why do Labor and the Greens and their supporters want to wreck our environments using dirty, TOXIC, UNRELIABLE W & S energy?
They’re happy to kill the wildlife inland and offshore and replace the entire TOXIC mess every 15 to 20 years and of course no change for climate , temp or extreme weather events or floods or droughts etc?
So what’s their motives or do they really love Marxism so much and hate our individual freedoms and liberties? Does anyone really understand these stupid donkeys?
The environment will just be collateral damage, something the Greens never really cared about. Their real target has always been western society. They want it crushed.
Maybe these eco-terrorists saw the following movie about Tesla self-driving EV’s and want to warn us.
nonsensical subterfuge.
Your nonsensical subterfuge, is it’s self a nonsensical subterfuge.
All of this could have been prevented if the left wing terrorists had been properly dealt with by the law 20 years ago. Instead, they were given a free pass by socialist supporting judges, to destroy critical infrastructure and disrupt society. To see them turning on their own side is not surprising. These people have been hard wired into terrorists ever since they enrolled into kindergarten, by deliberate state education run Marxist propaganda and they are now running amok, intent on crippling society and unleashing a living hell. Watching AOC being harassed by the angry antisemitic mob last week was another example of the loony left attacking their own side. It seems we’ve reached a tipping point where the leaders of the loony left freak show can no longer control their programmed zombies. This was never going to end well 🙁
Speaking of plantation forest clearing, or drop bear training.
This tragedy was first reported by the bowel movement we call “7 News”.
This is a story of irony, stacked atop of irony.
In 1920 18 in training drop bears (Koala’s) were introduced to Kangaroo Island to save them from a nonexistent problem of being shot into extinction. In the 100 years since, there population has increased to 48,000, so the solution to the government’s non problem was to sterilize 12,500 koalas. In the meantime, the native population in third world South Australia grew at the same rate and were literally eating themselves out of house and home, the expert solution was to deport 3,800 blank shooting koala’s from the island, in the brilliant plan to reduce the population by increasing the population with transgender koala’s.
This of course failed as with all government solutions and there was going to be the great Australian Koala shoot to control the stoners, this did not go ahead because of “feelings”.
Koalas are an introduced species on Kangaroo Island, a logging company is harvesting their Blue Gum plantation, the trees are full of these little stoners, too off their faces to get out of the trees. Blue gums are a nonnative species to Kangaroo Island and were introduced as a timber resource. The great koala BBQ of 2017 took the population from 48,000 to 8,500.
A plane load of Koala experts have been flown to Kangaroo Island to review the problem they created, all forest reclamation has been suspended and I would be guessing the downtime goes on the taxpayer’s bill.
The Irony continues, the harvesting of 100’s of hectares of introduced trees has been stopped to save dozens of introduced animals, while the clear felling of hundreds of thousands of hectares of native trees and native Koala’s goes on without a mention.
Lesson not learnt.
Kangaroo Island, if you import the third world you become the third world.
Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) were introduced to
Kangaroo Island in the 1920s. Eighteen animals from
Victoria were released in Flinders Chase National Park as
part of a national attempt to protect the species after it
was in danger of becoming extinct due to extensive
Numbers expanded rapidly on Kangaroo Island and by
the 1940s there was significant over-browsing impacts
on native vegetation.
The population expansion seen on Kangaroo Island has
also occurred elsewhere in South Australia. Koala
densities are now sufficiently high in some areas of the
Mount Lofty Ranges, where koala browsing is similarly
impacting native vegetation.
In 1997, the South Australian Government initiated the
Kangaroo Island Koala Management Program to reduce
the island’s introduced koala population to a sustainable
level to prevent over-browsing of native vegetation.
The program has involved relocating koalas, managing
koala habitat, monitoring koala density and tree
condition, and sterilising koalas.
There is an upside. The reason buffalo still exist in North America was a single individual who bought land and stocked it. Kangaroo island has really worked well to preserve koalas. Possibly zero imported predators. And while the money is in logging there is also money in tourism and koalas and kangaroos are a big draw, like the vanishing big 5 in Africa. An island is a great solution.
But it is a real ecology story I did not know. Thanks.
The point is, there was never a problem to solve, it was imagined by experts. They created the problem by introducing the animals. They were going to shoot the problem they introduced to prevent them from being shot.
The plantation growth must also be a big issue as plantation timber is based on the trunk being long and straight, these furry junkies looking for their next fix would chew the new tips, thus causing them to resprout/branch.
The introduction of blue gums has created another problem, they are out of control and have been declared an invasive species and must be controlled by the farmers on their land, at their expense.
The upside was never needed, the downside was created from the upside.
This is one of the most pathetic stories I have ever looked into, 100 years of continual government failure, with no end in sight.
The photo of burning transmission towers?
We have found the culprits behind 911, they can burn steel.
Another point with the photo, that is telecommunication gear up there, these are not slung off High voltage anything.
Any work on the antenna would require the pylon be de energised. Shielding from electrical interference?
Steel is quite easy to burn. That’s how most steel cutting is done, holes at least. Which is why steel was covered with vermiculite to shield it from flame. Unfortunately the weight of the aircraft stripped the steel and the fuel load started a fire hot enough to start the steel burning. Then it provides its own heat.
WTC7 was not hit by a plane, yet it suffered the same fate. 3 towers fell that day, only two had aluminum plane’s wings cut through 4″ steel beams
To burn steel you require an oxygen rich environment, the towers were belching black smoke, an oxygen deficient environment, and the smoke is unburnt fuel.
Your hole is melted steel done with oxygen and a flammable gas.
All exothermic reactions require oxygen enrichment.
I was on a plane in Dubai, we had just pushed back and a catering truck hit the wing, the wing did not slice the top of the truck off, the truck sliced the end of the wing off.
I hate to say this, but it is possible that it may well be an insurance rort to halt production, as the product is not selling, (dealers awash with stocks), also no room to store finished product at factory.
Now that’s wonderfully devious. Not the right country though. Germany is the giant of car manufacture. I would look to their any rivals. Pipelines blow up too. Without explanation.
Why has Elon built a factory in the place in europe with the most expensive power ? This is at a time when Teslas sales are falling along with their prices .By the way you can be shadow banned on X by “misgendering” someone . Free speech ? As skeptics we need to be skeptical .
It’s probably due to EU regulations, something about X% has to be ‘made locally’. As for the timing, planning for this factory, which is complete and functioning, would have commenced years ago, long before the EV market collided head-on with the financial reality that most of us have to live in.
Im going with the terrorists. They’re right, ev’s are bad for the environment. At least they’re fair dinkum, committed to their words. Not accepting the hypocrisy of, um, Elon Musk for example.
I loathe green hypocrisy, but at least these ones aren’t that.
Vulkangruppe are clearly covert agents of Big Fossil Fuel-EV Complex. Exxon knows!