Give this man a medal. Prof Norman Fenton explains this so well. If this technique is widely used, then it is a scandal. It is so utterly dishonest, so obviously wrong. If groups really are using this to report “efficacy” where were all the Professors and medical agencies we pay to protect us? Perhaps there were other efficacy studies which didn’t do this? Shouldn’t our universities, the FDA, the CDC, the TGA, and the Chief Medical Officers be the ones to point out this problem, and in real time, not 18 months later…
As a piece of science communication this short video is excellent. The only thing lacking is the list of where exactly this technique is used.
In the first two weeks after vaccination researchers call people “unvaccinated” which leaves room for all kinds of naughty statistical games. By switching infected people from the vaccinated group to the unvaccinated group, or reclassifying them, they introduce a selective bias which will “show” that the vaccinated are less likely to catch Covid, even if they are exactly as likely to catch it.
UPDATE: How many studies misclassify the vaccinated in the first two weeks? On his site Fenton explains that “In assessing the efficacy of Covid vaccines in observational studies (such as in the large Israel study which claimed 95% efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine) it is now standard to assume that the vaccine takes 14 days to ‘work’ and hence to classify a person as ‘unvaccinated’ within 14 days of vaccination.“
Yossi Shaul replied: this is exactly what happened in Israel. And that’s also why whenever we requested “raw data” without any classification, we were turned down.
Hiding raw data is never a good sign.
This is the same Prof Norman Fenton who wrote the paper about mis-categorisation of vaccinated people. That paper is still the most scientifically robust example of excess deaths rising in the weeks after vaccination programs were carried out in each age group in the UK.
I’ll just keep repeating this graph from December last year — the one with the spooky quantum entanglement effect where more unvaccinated people die in the weeks after other people in their age cohort get vaccinated.
Ponder how many people we have vaccinated since this damning study was published?

Strangely, the unvaccinated are more likely to die in the week after the first dose peaks in their age group.
A year ago a large Swedish study of efficacy showed how the vaccines held up well from 2 weeks to 4 months, but declined to zero protection by nine months. The graphs don’t include any data from the first two weeks which is a shame. It would have been better to see it, whatever it was, just to know that those who were vaccinated (but didn’t yet have a mature antibody response) were kept in the same data set.
*Edited after a few hours to reflect that we are not certain which studies this applies too.
UPDATED to a corrected video.
Neil, and Fenton et al (2021) Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination
Prof Fenton should win a Nobel Prize. Instead he suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
My long medical career has taught me to commence with simple observations/ empirical evidence, then confirm or disprove the thesis with robust research.
Covid has taught us to start with the money, ignore observations, common sense, and quality research, then use media and politicians to slander any objectors.
The past 3 years have truly been a revelation.
And a revolution too.
To what, remains to be seen.
A question Doctor T,
The vid speaks of infections as opposed to illness.
My previous uneducated perception was that we are constantly exposed to airborne and surface viral and bacterial critters.
These critters are both the adversary and developers of our immune system.
I also thought that vaccines prevented illness if exposure occurs.
With luck the population of said critters is reduced.
I guess I’m confuses about the difference between exposure and ‘infection’.
Or illness and a ‘case’.
Particularly with respiratory viral bugs which we are ‘infected’ by all the time.
Gazzilions will be ‘infected by gazzilions.
Isn’t the mass testing of the asymptomatic blurring the picture?
The new phenom is …
“I got COVID”
“Did you get sick?”
My take on this is that, just as with the WHO changing the definition of “vaccine”, the concept of clinical infection has also been eviscerated. I can only assume that these changes are for the benefit of Big Pharma, as well as authoritarian politicians.
The concept of “illness” being a clinical condition is no more.
It ties in well with the new breed of doctors who have minimal clinical skills, but love ordering tests.
Sorry to barge in here, but if no-one else has linked to today’s John Campbell video, here it is….
Norman Fenton is the interviewee.
Perhaps the biggest story in the vaccination games happened several days ago but we heard not a peep from the ABC (other than a lame fact check which missed the main point). The story was that the European Parliament were advised by Pfizer that their product wasn’t tested for transmission reduction. Vaccine passport policies and all the other ugly restrictions placed on those who chose not to participate in the games, therefore, were never about protecting grandma or society. So what were they for? This is massive and people should be up in arms and making life hell for politicians the world over, but the media was largely silent on it. And I’m surprised Jo has been as well.
I saw that at the start before it did the rounds, but honestly wasn’t that surprised. All along I assumed that Pfizer was mostly involved in safety testing and antibody levels, and thought the scandal to end all scandals was that they wouldn’t release that data. Why were government organizations not given that data and why did they not release it?
Perhaps I missed the significance, I didn’t dig into it, but I know other groups/academics/agencies etc did tests on transmission. There were papers assessing it. Pfizer weren’t the only ones. I assumed that if pressed government officials would find some other transmission data to justify something.
“I assumed that if pressed government officials would find some other … data.”
I am sure that we wished so, but who were these government officials? What qualifications did they have? And how did they apply those qualifications? And what was the result?
The “government officials” who suspended Dr Paul Oosterhuis were the NSW Medical Council. They had qualifications to burn, but threw a wet blanket over their qualifications and mysteriously took another track, blindly exercising their new found power on an extreme virtue signalling exercise. Which, it just so happens, greatly increases the cash flow for pharmaceutical companies.
The end result? All physicians in the jurisdiction of these charlatans experience the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads as they go about their daily work.
Retired Dr Russell Blaylock called it mass murder of 80% of the people who died with early treatment prohibited. There is evidence to support that call.
Professor Clancy very cleverly sidelined those officials by addressing an open essay to “The Class of 1965”. A parting shot par excellence. And not, we hope, the last.
Dr Phillip Altman is not taking this lying down. We must not miss any opportunity to support his cause.
The NSW Medical Council should be calculating the compensation that will be due to Dr Oosterhuis when the truth gets out.
It’s almost as if nobody wanted to know, including governments. It seems to have been a matter of being seen to be doing something by governments while COVID-19 was running and deaths occuring. I don’t understand either why the Health Department doctors, supposedly experts in managing epidemics, fell in behind government OR did they have no idea at all what to do themselves, having never faced an epidemic in this society in their careers. Hence they also needed something to save face.
There is a basic principle in medicine these days which demands full disclosure to the patient before consent can be given. Litigation often succeeds based on that principle. That principle seems to have been totally ignored at all levels of the profession and by government which is always the first to demand full disclosure by the profession. Did the Health Department doctors fight to have this principle enforced?
I hope for the sake of those administering all those injections they have immunity from prosecution from people injured by those medications (which don’t seem to fit any traditional definition of what is a vaccine). We know the pharmaceutical companies were granted immunity from the legal process by governments anxious to get what they understood to be ‘vaccines’ (in the old sense of the word, I would suggest), out to the public asap. There is also the matter of holding a complete investigation into whether the truth was told when the use of early therapies were not only forbidden on the basis of inactivity, and that was enforced by the full power of the law.
“Perhaps the biggest ” might have occurred at the same time and during the same event but not be the question that went viral.
Many other questions mentioned here after being asked.
Pfizer representitive’s full hearing in the special COVID committee of the European Parliament. One hour and 48.
Some interesting moments in English. 26:00, 49:00, 52:35, 55:48, 101:30, 1:31:20, 134:20, 146:15.
Goes with that IMO
Norman Fenton is fantastic. His mathematical stats here have never been proven wrong.
Here in Australia meanwhile we have public officials just lying and quoting manipulated statistics. It brings new meaning to “lies, damn lies and statistics”.
A recent clanger was from Susan Pearce of NSW Health where she claimed (falsely) that there was clear proof that the vaxxes worked.
But when the figures she was insisting proved her case were properly examined the truth comes out – see below. And the result were instead a disaster for the vaxxes.
You simply cannot believe any Health Officials in this country as this is now just standard fare. [snip]
Be careful. The great thing about Fenton’s paper from last December is that his data is collected into ten year cohorts. Most data on “4 doses” or “3 doses” is nearly meaningless because high risk and older people are more likely to take 3 or 4 doses and young healthy people are more likely to take 0 or 1 dose. Unless the data is age adjusted or carefully strained into cohorts we can’t draw many conclusions.
Jo – you may be correct, but you may not. Regardless, the official was caught lying as blanket statements on the supposed positive impacts were, when the data was correctly analysed, found to be false. Hospitals are full of 3 and 4 jabbed with virtually no unjabbed (of which my wife and two sons are extremely proud to be) found anywhere.
The judicial system and our basic systems of complaint have been utterly corrupted over the vaxxes. After constant complaints about covid and vaxx policy to my State and Federal Members I finally received a response the other day over the awful new changes to QLD Health Dept regulations, whereby the Health Depts main aim is now to maintain the credibility of the Dept. My State member was obviously embarassed and angry that the LNP had failed to stop this disasterous legislation going through the other day. But no responses on a host of other issues, where time has proven my concerns completely valid on all issues.
We need a no holds barred Royal Commission to allow myself and others to give evidence of utter incompetence and malevolence from our health bureaucrats and elected officials at all levels of govt. We now see similar staggering levels of mismanagement and imbecility over climate change – as all of us know here. The same Leftist ethos is at work and needs to be rooted out and destroyed.
I heard Norman Fenton interviewed by James Delingpole.
The podcast is here:
Great listening if you have an hours car drive to fill in.
GB News’ summary of the situation in Britain.
The Covid industry is ramping up for another season of mandates, distancing, and vaccine tyranny.
8.5 min video. Informative and well worth watching.
I am no longer surprised. The arrogant WEF aligned news services and govt are now of the mode where they just ignore such evidence and continue the “we love the vaxx” propaganda.
Dr Geert Vanden Bossche has been pretty right on many things here. Maybe a lot of these vaxx-a-holics will get a very nasty surprise shortly due to their reckless anti-scientific policies if he is correct (see below). I actually hope that Geert is incorrect as many of my friends ignored my advice and vaxxed. If it does turn out the way Geert says the only good to come out would be a complete removal of the current crop of Health Bureaucrats and politicians…and hopefully a generations long distrust of govt.
I have thought all along that the only efficacy that the vaccines have is a placebo effect, in terms of reducing serious illness. If you believe in vaccines and you get jabbed, you’re likely to relax and shed a lot of your anxiety, should you experience symptoms. Fear and anxiety contribute greatly to illness. That’s called the nocebo effect. And it’s a very powerful effect.
In fact, I read a story from a respiratory therapist early on in the pandemic, who said that if you reside in a place of fear and anxiety for any length of time, you’re actually prone to respiratory illness—you stop breathing properly and it results in a tightness in the chest that is very frightening, but is entirely muscular and has nothing to do with the lungs. However, the muscular tightness makes it so that you continue to not breathe properly and it becomes a vicious circle.
“but now, suppose those 10 infected people in the vaccinated group are moved over into the unvaccinated group”. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine clinical trials never moved people – infected or uninfected – from the vaccinated group to the un-vaccinated group. Sorry folks this is fake garbage of the worst kind.
Bingo, and for many studies it is two weeks post the SECOND dose!
As for not checking for transmission of the disease, that is highly significant. Virology 101, never initiate a leaky vaccine in a pandemic.
You are making a straw man BCJohnson.
Fenton did not mention Pfizer or Moderna trials, you did.
Fenton gives a “highly contrived and simplified example which illustrates a real problem with the way that claims of efficacy are made in the real world”.
Since Governments do in fact regard people who have been injected with the vaccine as unvaccinated for two weeks following the injection, his example is relevant to Government Claims about vaccine efficacy.
As I have just added to the post see comment below, Fenton does day in a separate blog post that this video is in response to the Pfizer trial in Israel.
This should be easy to confirm, but another commenter on the Twitter thread claims that they have requested the Israeli data and keep getting turned down.
Peter – its actually a 3 week delay here….
The presentation had nothing to do with the phizer trials mr bc johnson. Do you actually know anything.
In aditton to that, Phizer did vaccinate all those in the placebo group BC Johnson. That prevented any long term study. I wonder why?
20 has finally posted a new post!
[LONG. A couple of the last paragraphs:]
… Exhibit 6 – Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality as a metric, serves to filter out the distractions of Covid-19 as well as mortality from accidents, overdoses, and assault – all of which serve to cloud one’s ability to observe the entailed alarming signal. As of MMWR Week 40 2022, the US has experienced an additional 385,000 natural cause deaths above and beyond what we should have seen for this period of time. Couple this with 80,000 non-natural deaths during the same timeframe, and one finds an excess of 465,000 deaths which have occurred since MMWR Week 14 of 2021. A pandemic all unto itself. …
We choose to stand in the gap for those who cannot defend themselves. Such unequivocal inference regarding the cause of these 385,000 excess natural cause deaths will be the subject of our third article in this series, ‘Houston, We Realize the Problem (Part 3 of 3)’. A problem which is rising at 7,340 deaths per week right now – and more importantly, is not abating any time soon.
Added to the post:
Hiding raw data is never a good sign.
“Hiding raw data is never a good sign.” Am I permitted top go so far as to call it deceit.
Because the jab was mandated by government and employer in concert!
No because the food really was bad….
Though it still shocks me to contemplate, I have concluded that one of the worst things to happen during the pandemic was the politicisation of the issue. Quite early on, media and (especially) left-leaning politicians sought to cast those who were vaccine hesitant as ‘far right’ actors. This might have been true to some extant, possibly because it is in the nature of conservatives to be more independent thinkers, wary of ‘big government’.
But the effect of this was to drive many on the left to view vaccination as a badge of allegiance, setting them apart from those horrible, anti-science conservatives. Not only did they seek vaccination as a display of virtue but many of them became obnoxious, intolerant and extremist enforcers.
This has certainly been my personal experience, with family, friends and strangers. Coming out as unvaccinated is a sure-fire way of killing conversations, even if I was asked about my status. In this way it reminds me of climate change, another party stopper, with believers/supporters ALWAYS the ones to step back in horror.
So I do believe that a significant number of people got vaccinated because, at least in part, of their political persuasion – and they will thus immediately join the queue for the next booster. That’s how virtuous and committed they are!
The same can be said of masking. I attended an LNP State Council meeting during the masking epidemic, and not one mask to be seen. (cynically one may suggest these are not conservatives any more…) yet dozens in the streets outside.
I saw posts from the US during 2020-21 where people of Democrat persuasion confirmed that they masked so they could not be mistaken as a Republican….
Vaxxing, masking etc are all totems now of the far Left who are quick to line up behind issues and call fatwas on any who will not comply. The huge issue for the Left is that nearly every single cause where they do this they only cause misery and huge problems. Masking never did anything at all except harm people at a level many still do not comprehend, and we all know how bad vaxxing has turned out.
Sorry but the Left impulse to jump aboard causes when there is no evidence of benefit and demonise any who ask questions or even put up valid arguments against them, and the huge lurch Left nowadays can only spell disaster for all of us as we move forward.
Yes, that is how it is. But, I want to tell this story.
A professional lady, a nodding acquaintance, actually likes masks. She has somewhat of a public profile and welcomes the extra measure of anonymity that a mask provides.
My own opinion is unchanged but it must be recognized that others have their own opinions sometimes for a good reason. Honesty is a virtue, so is tolerance.
I have never seen, not heard of, a single example of a person been harangued or attacked for wearing a mask, but many examples of mask enthusiasts attacking the maskless. This, in my experience, is how things are generally whenever something is adopted by the left. From that point on, disagreement and alternative opinions become crimes against humanity.
Occasionally I see someone in their car (solo) wearing their mask and I just shake my head and sigh . Sheeple….
For whatever reasons, and there are many, folks in the USA are not rushing to get the latest booster shots. Nation-wide, a recent report came in at just 5.3%. In King County (Seattle Washington State) it is approximately 10%. This was the center of the Covid-Panic in March of 2020.
Flu shots appear to be doing better.
I wonder why? 🙂
Recall the classic 1954 book “How to Lie with Statistics” by Darrell Huff.
As far as I know, this technique wasn’t mentioned in that. Does anyone know for sure?
Prof. Fenton has posted the video three times on his YouTube channel. I assume it’s something to do with getting around the YouTube algorithm which denotes truthful videos like this that don’t follow the agenda (for the cases when they are not censored outright).
Fake Efficacy! Like (mainly) Labor pollies pretending to be always “for the workers” by putting on the hi-viz and hard hats for the cameras, while in fact having policies that are not in the interest of the nation, which destroy energy and then industries.
Devious Dictator Dan of Vicdanistan puts on a hard hat and “worker” clothes in his election ads to demonstrate empathy for the workers even though he is a psychopath and has no feelings and has never done a single hard day’s work in his life.
Sounds remarkably like Dan Andrews, Victorian Premier.
Isn’t the job of CSIRO and Chief Scientist to warn Government when fake statistics such as this are used, especially when there are vast amounts of money involved, huge social disruption, and deaths and injuries from the vax, plus deaths from the banning of effective antivirals like HCQ and IVM taken according to appropriate protocols?
Just chess pieces in the great experiment?
It would be good to have a name for the fakery technique Prof. Fenton has uncovered.
Any ideas?
Beysian Barstadry?
Vaccination Games: One way to create the medical stats you need (if you’re attempting to fool the people is just sleight of hand and maths trickery!
As disturbing as this suggestion is It may also explain why only some top athletes are succumbing. But who decides on the placebo? Or is it a random thing as part of the “great experiment?
Mike Reed
Hey B C (c for Charlatan) I will spell it out for you -do you realise that after 5 months (27th July to Dec 31 2020) Pfizer effectively moved 21,000 of the placebo group to the inoculated 21,000 group ? And now from this point on any talk of” efficacy” statistics was was definitely obliterated- let alone short and long term gathering
of data about possible adverse events from the mRNA experimental medical procedure.However the all of the people who were forced and mandated into this sinister
experiment are the ones (now in Phase 2/3 of the so called Trials) that have “collected” the safety data for jabs by proxy ie pericarditis,myocarditis,thrombocytopenia,SADS and so forth and so on (the list is so long to type out here or research yourself at our very own TGA website)
Remember Fauci did this trial “trick” on many previous occasions .So please Mr Johnson educate yourself by taking the time to read -The Real Anthony Fauci by
Robert F Kennedy Jr .
Cheers Mike Reed
So, basically we are back to the beginning with no effective vaccine.
But we do have effective (but banned in Australia and elsewhere) treatments such as with HCQ and IVM antivirals taken according to appropriate protocols.
We also know that deficiencies such as Vitamin D, which are common even in sunny places like Australia and especially in nursing homes, make people especially susceptible to severe covid disease (and others).
Time to return to science and evidence based medicine?
Note that in Australia, apart from the war against IVM and HCQ, there is also a war against Vitamin D. It is variously claimed to be ineffective (1), doctors are warned not to test for it (2), testing is claimed to contribute to global warming and it is claimed to be toxic (in ridiculous doses) (4).
I think we all know that if there was a focus on Vitamin D as a preventative measure by government etc, visits to doctors would plummet. Gotta keep those medical dollars rolling in.
G’day D M,
I just love the ABC’s precision in their advice on how to avoid overdosing in your link (4):
” Studies have shown that taking between 40,000 to 100,000 IU (1,000-2,500 micrograms) each day for several months can cause vitamin D toxicity. ”
I guess that means that anything up to 39,999 IU per day is absolutely safe.
(I’ve reduced my intake from 12,000 IU per day for about the last 6 months, over winter,
to 8,000 IU per after finding my blood level had gone up to285 nmol/L, rather surpassing my target of 200.)
Dave B
Overdosing on anything is dangerous and the “medical (mafia?) media” have repeatedly “warned” that massive overdoses will have bad outcomes . The HCQ and Ivermectin “studies” were just that – too much too late. Not designed to test efficacy but to herd the sheeple toward the vaccine .
G’day O G,
I agree, especially with your words about HCQ and IVM.
But my reading about vitamin D is that no clear upper limit has been established, and even when a significantly high dose has been taken simply stopping any intake removes the symptoms.
The ABC story, and the words I quoted above, were strong indicators that their expert advisors had no firmer, or more up to date data than mine. That their dangerous amount had a range of 60,000 IUs per day is outrageous.
My reduction from 12,000 to 8,000 IUs per day was because I’ve over-reached my blood level target by more than I expected, not because of any adverse reactions.
Dave B
The attack against Vitamin D is strong because Vit D is required by every cell in our body to produce bioactive chemicals which compete with mRNA vaccines and the cancer drugs that do not work. Vit D deficiency and the sugar problem causes the chronic kidney disease. Genetic analysis has found more than 2000 of our genes are turned on by Vit D. The cells active parent Vit D by themselves to activate the genes in question. Cells require daily parent Vit D. The half life of parent Vit D is 24 hours.
As noted we are profoundly deficient in Vitamin K2 Vit K2 is required to remove the calcium that builds-up in skin, kidneys, brain, liver, blood vessels, eyes, and so on). The supplement Vit K2 to reach saturation is around 1300 cgm = 1.3 mg. The Vit K2 is also required to transport calcium. The Vit K2 recommended supplement is MK-7 which has a half-life of 3 days. MK-7 crosses the brain blood barrier and activates biochemicals in the brain. Test of MK-7 on rats found the Vit K2 (MK-7) reverse brain aging in the mice. The treated mice were smarter, had reversed cellular damage, and socialized better.
Vitamin D found to influence over 200 genes, highlighting links to disease
The extent to which vitamin D deficiency may increase susceptibility to a wide range of diseases is dramatically highlighted in newly published research. Scientists have mapped the points at which vitamin D interacts with our DNA — and identified over two hundred genes that it directly influences.
The proportion with breast cancer was 78% lower for >60 ng/ml vs <20 ng/ml (P = 0.02). Third, multivariate Cox regression revealed that women with 25(OH)D concentrations 60 ng/ml had an 80% lower risk of breast cancer than women with concentrations <20 ng/ml (HR = 0.20, P = 0.03), adjusting for age, BMI, smoking status, calcium supplement intake, and study of origin.
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Finally: Missing link between vitamin D, prostate cancer
A new study offers compelling evidence that inflammation may be the link between vitamin D and prostate cancer. Specifically, the study shows that the gene GDF-15, known to be upregulated by vitamin D, is notably absent in samples of human prostate cancer driven by inflammation.
This Vit D study gave women 4000 IU/day and found the 4000 IU/day supplement reduced the incidence of preterm births by 50%. The health of the mother and baby, in the supplement cohort, has better in all categories. Less infections in the mothers, and so on. The children were found, in a follow-up study, to have 30% less language difficulties. The Vit D supplements enables changes in the fetus brain that helps the child learn languages. This explains why most Blacks in the US have language difficulties. 80% of the Blacks in the US are profoundly Vit D deficient.
Vitamin D Supplementation During Pregnancy: Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial of Safety and Effectiveness
This is a video by the above study author, Dr Carol Wagner, Vitamin D & Pregnancy Video
This video explains how Vit D deficiency enables cancer to start. It is interesting that the damage is reversible.
Youtube How Vitamin D Reduces Incidence of Cancer DINOMIT Model
This ia a link to the Vit K2 study I mentioned in the above comment.
Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) Reverses Age-Related Structural and Cognitive Deterioration in Naturally Aging Rats
Thanks William. I had not seen the K2 connection with cognitive outcomes. Good stuff.
Jo – It looks like there’s a case for a full article on Vit D, spelling out the info from William Astley.
With regard to Africa Americans, the Left blamed “racism” for poorer covid outcomes than others but one of several issues was that people who have skin colours evolved for a tropical environment produce inadequate Vitamin D in a temperate environment.
The real racism was in not advocating Vitamin D supplementation. The refusal of Fauci and others to advocate for Vitamin D supplementation is mentioned in the Kennedy book.
Another fact in a similar vein. With puppies, it is now proven that high levels of EPA/DHA for puppies will improve their ability to learn. DSM have a product called DHA Gold which they have done the research on and stand behind, but you can achieve the same supplementation using fish oil.
I would not be surprised to find that pregnant mothers and young children would similarly benefit here.
Interestingly, in a recent blood test request, my GP specified Vitamin D3 levels. She was not surprised that I had high level of this excellent vitamin as I not only live most of my life on a farm, but also take Vit D3 supplements.
“Fenton is brilliant. The analysis at the link is very revealing– for anyone who cares about how the reality of vax stats is being distorted to hide problems and serve an agenda.
Link below is also good, but long and a bit academic. Critical though in flagging the deliberate manipulation of stats to hide vaccine dangers, concealing sudden adult deaths and other serious problems: ”
And another piano item via
“Everything Woke Turns to Sh* – ORIGINAL SONG”
How much faith can you have in any Big Pharma medicine these days?
I was on a clinical trial until about 6 months ago and it was suggested that I leave the trial because I wasn’t responding as well as hoped.
That means the remaining cohort will score a better effectiveness score thus making the drug look better than it really is when it comes to getting approval.
Which is the biggest fraud?
1) The claim of anthropogenic global warming?
2) The claim of covid “vaccine” safety and efficacy?
aren’t they one in the same?
Part of the cultural/political psychological phenomenon that those paying attention to the climate debate, have been forebodingly watching unfold for years.
Ignoring our gut intuition for fear of being ‘conspiracy’ minded.
‘Settled Science’ reeks of marketing.
‘Pandemic’ is also marketing.
Neither originated in the serious science sector of the society as far as I can tell.
“Hate Speech’ and “Non-Binary” are also political brands, void of intellectual foundation.
You and I both know that the Modern Age of Enlightenment is in great peril, if not mortally wounded.
For Fenton’s hypothesis to be wrong, there is only one other possibility that can explain the rising age-standardised mortality rate of the Unjabbed as their population was shrinking, which is:
there was a ‘tendency’ for people on the brink of dying, to remain behind in the Unjabbed group.
And IF that was true, it’s NOT GOOD for the vaxxine pushers EITHER .. because it means the data (i.e. Office for National Stats UK data) is corrupted by Selection Bias .. in other words, the data unfairly portrays the Vaccinated group as ‘enjoying a lower mortality rate’ .. whereas really, they were just a healthier group of people.
This COULD be resolved if the ONS lived up to their promise to compare the Health Status between differently DOSED groups.
But they still haven’t made ANY progress .. despite promising they would do this, back in December 2021.
I mean, here we are in October — what’s the holdup?
Unfortunately, I think they adopted as their mission statement, “Make the Vaccines look good; Present the data that helps that, and suppress any data that doesn’t”.
PS. I literally know nothing about how the vaccine was rolled out to the elderly population. How were people on the brink of dying treated? Were they coerced into taking the jab, or by-passed? I have no idea.
Does anyone have any ‘anecdotal testimony’?
Authorities at all levels indirectly advertise they are fraudulent. International, National, State, and Municipal bodies advertise for tenders to study a concept to prove that (some often absurd concept) is happening.
How could any researcher with integrity be prepared to conduct an investigation to discover a predetermined result?
It is not new.For example Judy Kule was employed by NT to prove Lindy Chamberlain killed Azaria.
When Victorian forensics reviewed her work they said privately they would sack her.
NT promoted her. Many Terrortrians still believe Lindy killed Azaria.
The matinee jacket was found because police were sweeping up the remains of a body in a dingo lair. Police needed to confirm that it was a suicide that made the victim jump off the rock. The jacket proved categorically that Lindy’s account was accurate.
Dingo teeth marks in the jacket were confrmed in Victoria. The jacket was found by coincidence.
So many things are the results of adjusted studies. The Earth didn’t revolve around the sun but hiding the evidence saved lives.
Sorry, her name is Joy Kuhl!
Compared to my area of technology, can I say that in general, the running of medical trials per se is a joke. I’ve have read technical appraisals of some of the early COVID vaccine trials and the abuse of scientific method, methodology, statistics and just plain mathematics is just jaw dropping. Then more recently we had 8 mice…..
Here’s an example. In one of the early COVID vaccine trials in the US, the vaccinated group received paracetamol post jab, the placebo group didn’t. That’s incredible bias into a supposedly blinded trial. A lot of the volunteer subjects for those trials were recruited from the medical industry. A lot were doctors and nurses. It wouldn’t take a lot of conversation around the morning coffee to ascertain who had the real vaccine, who had the placebo, because we know how much doctors and nurses love gossip!!
A closer look at the Covid mortality rates
One of the most consistent efforts made by “experts” during the early stages of the pandemic was to attempt to impress on the public that COVID was an extremely deadly disease.
While it’s clear that for the extremely elderly and severely immunocompromised, COVID does present significant and serious health concerns, the “experts” did their best to convince people of all age groups that they were in danger.
In March 2020, with precious little data, the WHO made the alarming claim that 3.4% of people who got COVID had died.
But a new paper out from one of the world’s leading experts confirms that they were off even more than we previously realized.
John Ioannidis is one of the nation’s leading public health experts, employed at Stanford University as Professor of Medicine in Stanford Prevention Research, of Epidemiology and Population Health,” as well as “of Statistics and Biomedical Data Science.”
You’d think that those impeccable qualifications and a track record of being one of the most published and cited scientists in the modern world would insulate him from criticism, but unfortunately that’s no longer how The Science™ works.
Ages 60-69, fatality rate 0.501%, survival rate 99.499%
Ages 50-59, fatality rate 0.129%, survival rate 99.871%
Ages 40-49, fatality rate 0.035% survival rate 99.965%
Ages 30-39, fatality rate 0.011%, survival rate 99.989%
Ages 20-29, fatality rate 0.003%, survival rate 99.997%
Ages 0-19, fatality rate 0.0003%, survival rate 99.9997%
These numbers are astounding and reassuringly low, across the board.
But they’re almost nonexistent for children.
Yet as late as fall 2021, Fauci was still fear-mongering about the risks of COVID to children in order to increase vaccination uptake, saying in an interview that it was not a “benign situation:”
“We certainly want to get as many children vaccinated within this age group as we possibly can because as you heard and reported, that this is not, you know, a benign situation.”
Vaxx the kids. We must reduce the population by 50%, stop human reproductive capacity and end the control group at any cost.
Schwab will fail, WEF = WE‘ll Fail.
If Alex Jones can be sued for $1B for lying over Sandy Hook then we can justifiably start suing “celebrities” and others without legal immunity for lying to us about the vaxxes. (Doctors take note)
How long before someone does just that I wonder…
Does “legal immunity” cover lying?
I don’t think so.
The awesome thing about this stat trick is that the worse the jab is in the first two weeks, the more efficacy it appears to have!
First you get to count those people as unvaxxed (makes that group look worse), AND you now have a bunch of people who just had covid and now have the actually effective natural immunity.
So the worse your immediate immune suppression is the better your efficacy stats look.
BREAKING Agrawal et al.: “Severe COVID-19 outcomes after full vaccination of primary schedule and initial boosters
Pooled analysis of national prospective cohort studies of 30 million individuals
in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales”; found an increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes beginning 10 weeks after completing the primary vaccination schedule.
This UK-wide population-based investigation of millions of people in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has found that, after the first vaccine booster, older people, those with high multimorbidity, and those with certain underlying health conditions remain at highest risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization and death. These findings are very problematic for the vaccine advocates for these are the very people the gene injection is supposed to help. The COVID gene injection vaccine has failed, is non-sterilizing, non-neutralizing, does not protect the upper airways (does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission) and does not effectively or properly protect the lower lungs from severe disease.
All in the name of “climate change”…
But I’m pretty sure the relevant low cost protocols with IVM and HCQ do work!
Just like members of the thinking community have always advocated.
I have always suspected that the clinical trials were rigged. I saw an interview with someone who was employed at a Pzifer trial site to oversee the clinical trial procedures. When she reported significant irregularities in which the way trials were being conducted, she was immediately sacked and Pzifer even denied hiring her in the first place! Absolutely nothing is what it seems with these so-called vaccines!
Geoff, Problems with medical science are widespread.
The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine (BMJ)
h/t MP
Also try “Bad pharma” by Ben Goldacre. Not only does he discuss clinical trials but also the marketing of drugs etc. Then also “Dopesick”, drama series which you can view on Disney or maybe via other subscriber outlets. Terrible story of oxycontin in the US which although drams is actually almost completely true to life. Michael Keaton as the main character.
“where were all the Professors and medical agencies we pay to protect us?”
At the estate agents, finding out what they could buy with the consultation fees they received from Pfizer.
I have been reading Norman Fenton’s posts for some time. It amazed me that a mathematician of his status had little effect in changing the early Covid vaccine debate.
But then they also figuratively crucified the wonderful and brilliant John Ionniides when he questioned the early mortality rates for Covid.
These guys are heroes and we are very indebted to them.
For those who imposed the covid vaccine disaster upon us, there must be no excuses accepted and no forgiveness.
All the information to make appropriate medical, scientific, economic and social decisions was always available and was ignored.
Never let a politician or senior public serpent get away with saying they were following “the best available advice”.
That was NEVER the case.
And never let them get away with saying “I was just following orders” either.
“It’s all worth it, but if nothing else, be sure go to the 41:30 minute mark to hear a Belgian virologist explain and brag about how he fooled the Belgian public into falling for the swine flu in 2018, as a warmup to the wuflu. Sickening, but people gotta know. “
And for after you watch that –
Does anyone know of –
A preferably short summation of what the generation below about 40 should be aware of for potential side/serious effects of being “vaccinated”?
It would be handy for me to have such without going into the heavy nuts and bolts.
Latest video from Dr John Campbell.
Excess deaths of the young in UK and US.
Nothing to see here!
Safest and best tested “vaccine” EEEEVVVEEEERRRR!!!
That must be why the Enemedia haven’t picked up on this, LoL.
As a big thank you for governments (taxpayers) making huge purchases of their covid “vaccine” products and giving them emergency use authorisation and exemption from product liability Pfizer plan to quadruple the price. No doubt others will follow.
They thank all of the anti-science propagandists of the world who implemented the covid vaccine mass administration on their behalf.
The worrying thing is that in future, this “vaccine” will be made compulsory and/or piggy-backed with legitimate vaccines, especially in the more fanatical followers of the UN/WHO like Australia.
Pfizer expects to hike U.S. COVID vaccine price to $110-$130 per dose
NEW YORK, Oct 20 (Reuters) – Pfizer Inc expects to roughly quadruple the price of its COVID-19 vaccine to about $110 to $130 per dose after the United States government’s current purchase program expires, Pfizer executive Angela Lukin said on Thursday.
How Many Lives Were Saved, and Lost, Due to the COVID Vaccines?
Here is an explanation (analogy from the financial crisis) for what we see here with vaccines and why things like this aren’t really picked up by the people who should.
“They weren’t really doing as much work as people perceived them to be doing”
From 1min05 to 3m15s.