China has already announced it will dig up another 300m tons of coal next year, and now India is planning to boost its own production by 500m extra tons in the next two years.

Coal mine in Dhanbad, India. | Flikr
Amazing what a strong market signal can do
India increasing domestic coal production, cuts environmental green tape
India needs a billion tons of coal a year, and digs up about 770 million tons. Suddenly the plan is to increase that to 1.2 billion tons “in the next two years” and if that means opening 100 old mines and throwing away the green tape, so be it.
Soaring temperatures have prompted higher energy demand in recent weeks and left India facing a 25-million-tonne shortfall…
The government hopes to woo private mining giants—like Vedanta and Adani—to revive more than 100 dormant coal mines previously deemed too expensive to operate, using new technology and fresh capital. …the Environment Ministry said it has allowed a “special dispensation” to the Ministry of Coal to relax certain requirements—like public consultations—so mines could operate at increased capacities. Coal mining projects previously cleared to operate at 40-percent capacity may now increase capacity to 50 percent without undertaking fresh environment impact studies, the authority said.
At least 18 coal plants are not even operating because they can’t get enough coal
Benjamin Parkin and Chloe Cornish, Financial Times
About two-thirds of 21,500 people recently surveyed by pollster LocalCircles reported they had suffered power outages. One in 10 said the blackouts lasted between four to eight hours.
India is the world’s second-largest coal producer and consumer and depends on the fossil fuel for about 70 per cent of power generation. But the combination of surging demand as economic activity rebounds after Covid restrictions were eased and supply chain bottlenecks, such as a lack of rail cars to transport coal, have left many plants plagued by shortages.
US coal output forecast to rise by 3% this year. But that’s only a 20m ton increase. Small bicci’s. But it’s all going in the same direction.
I’m wondering if they’ll stay on the US Dollar Currency Exchange?
I’m guessing not as many countries are now switching to buy Russian Rubles.
It really it telling in who has won this Civil War and is controlling its resources and exporting infrastructure.
How does Russia spend these roubles?
Some they can spend internally replacing destroyed military equipment but even this is limited because they are not 100% self sufficient, they use western technology in all their modern tanks/planes.
BTW leaf, I don’t red thumb you or anyone else.
Russia isnt spending Roubles so much – its selling them. Europe is forced to hand over Euros for Roubles if it wants the gas. Now Russia has lots of Euros it can spend. So despite the West
stealingfreezing $300B of Russian bank accounts, Russia still has lots of money to spend while Western economies tank, and it is laughing all the way to the bank, as they say.60
Western technology? The Russians and Chinese Communist regimes have been stealing Western technology for years! They also bribe and also just buy it. I cannot see any great problem of giving money to people?
That is more evidence that India is recognising the West is on a self-destructive path and India has chosen not to follow the West. It would be good if Australia did the same thing and dropped the net zero emissions nonsense but of course it’s very unlikely given our governments have lost the ability to think logically or to think at all.
‘ … It would be good if Australia did the same …’
The tide has turned.
Now watch India’s economy take off like A SpaceX heavy lift booster!
SA 5:30am
Interconnects 580
Gas 468
Diesel 110
Wind 79.
And that interconnect is from Victoria Brown coal+ Gas = 91%
Renewable wannabee South Australia, runs on fossil fuels.
It has to be nuclear, coal, and a bit of hydro.
The rest is flim flam for the green fairies down the bottom of the garden.
Meanwhile in Australia the Federal Government proposal for four gas fired generators, subject of course to State Government planning approval, remains to be actioned, one each for VIC and QLD and two for NSW, apart from one now approved for the NSW Hunter Valley.
One HELE coal fired power station proposed for NTH QLD by the Federal Government, including an offer to underwrite the cost, has not been approved by the QLD State Labor Government.
Now that the NEM covers the whole of the Eastern part of the continent, development should not be at the whim of woke state governance.
It’s the State Constitutions and Commonwealth Constitution laws and State Governments have the responsibility for electricity and water supply, and a while lot more power including development application and planning approval, Environmental Protection laws, and many others.
Power stations and transmission lines (and dams) are/were State public assets until electricity assets were mostly sold and privatised or demolished in the SA State example.
During the pandemic public health, Health Departments, Public Hospitals, etc., were primarily State responsibilities, the lockdowns were imposed by State Governments based on State Emergency Powers legislated in State Parliaments. Of course the Labor State Governments, notably in VIC and QLD, blamed the Federal Government for many things and they even agreed to National Leaders Cabinet (Forum for discussion not binding decisions) decisions and then went in different directions.
The areas of responsibility and powers, unfortunately, are misrepresented by politicians State and Federal as it suits them to try and escape from scrutiny and criticism. They know that most voters do not know the areas of responsibility, or constitutional laws.
The logical place for the HELE plant would be Collinsville but they will need to break the unions or it will fail like the old one.
Bowen/Collinsville one voted in a card-carrying communist MP. The unions still “owned” the town 20 years ago.
I listened to National Party Leader and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce speaking about the Federal proposal for a new HELE coal fired power station, Collinsville is the location recommended but the Queensland State Government has not been enthusiastic, to put it politely.
It’s moot anyway. Elbow won’t go ahead with it.
The union control of town took a huge hit when Glencore took over the mine. If you put the HELE plant there you need to have a plan to deal with the excessive sulphur in the coal.
Good luck to India and the data proves they are making the correct choice.
But the dopey western countries continue to suffer because our stupid pollies + MSM haven’t got the brains or guts to face up to the very simple sums of the REAL world.
We are living in the very best of times and yet our clueless morons want to wreck our future by promoting the clueless, TOXIC unreliable S&W disasters.
Also we’re about to elect a Labor/ Greens govt so our future looks very grim indeed. I hope the polls are wrong, but we’ll find out on the 21st May.
“But the dopey western countries continue to suffer because our stupid pollies + MSM haven’t got the brains or guts to face up to the very simple sums of the REAL world.”
I’m not sure what you think the REAL world actually is. The “stupid pollies +MSM” do have the brains and have got the guts to face up to the very simple sums of the real world.
It is not the “stupid pollies + MSM” that are not facing up to the real world but you and others like you who refuse to recognise that your view of climate change is not shared by the majority.
The politicians and MSM in the “dopey western countries” are very well aware that, at the moment, most of their constituents are against burning fossil fuels. However much you may dislike that truth, it does not make it any less true.
The majority view of voters that climate change needs fixing is popular precisely because governments tell voters that it needs a fix.
These voters are doing what just about all shades of government tell them to do about c.c.
The fundamental truths are revealed by scientific inquiry, not by political opinion.
Governments have structures to silence science that disagrees with their opinions.
Look at the USA with its new department of homeland security “disinformation” branch.
Look at Aust Vogt’s refusing investigations like BOM adjustments. Not saying a word about freedom of scientific speech, example Peter Ridd.
Geoff S
“The fundamental truths are revealed by scientific inquiry, not by political opinion”
I totally agree but, judging from the comments, yet again most here think that all climate scientists are self serving liars whose sole scientific aim is to fleece the government and anyone and everyone else to line their pockets and further their careers. Perhaps they, are perhaps they’re not but personally I have neither the expertise or the experience in the area to make an informed judgement. But for what it’s worth, I consider John Cook to be a prime example of all that I detest in scientists.
As a fellow scientist, I can judge them. I judge them based on the work they publish. Not impressed to say the least.
It is simple, follow the scientific method and the results will be unimpeachable. Demand that nobody question your work and get ready to be ridiculed.
If the majority agreed as you claim, the majority would pay the extra and buy carbon offsets on their air tickets. They don’t.
“If the majority agreed as you claim, the majority would pay the extra and buy carbon offsets on their air tickets. They don’t.”
What a very naive comment. Do you really believe that those who consider climate change is real and due to humans are going to buy carbon offsets? Have you never noticed that although people may believe in something they do not want to pay extra for it?
“What a very naive comment”
Only “naive” around here is you, Ian
You just follow what you have been told that the majority say…
… but pay no attention to what they actually do.
You seem to assume science is determined bu popular vote.
I must disagree.
Dave B
“your view of climate change is not shared by the majority”
There you go again.. doing what the “majority” (as defined by ABC etc) tell you what to think.
No thought require on your behalf at all.
Yes, the majority of people are like you, they are incapable of looking at the so-called “science” behind AGW, and realising that it is a load of complete BS.
They have been pummeled and hit over the head with the lies and misinformation for so long by the far-left ABC and MSM.
So, in their gullible ignorance.. just like you.. they just “believe”.
The really idiotic people are those that have been shown that there is no evidence and know there is no real science behind the scam…… yet still “just believe”.
Even some who profess to being educated…. Just so they can be part of the ignorant majority.
First off you criticise my comment and then spend the rest of your comment on showing that the majority do believe in human caused climate change. Can you not see that the significant fact is that it doesn’t matter why the majority believe climate change is caused by human but that the majority do believe it?
As I wrote earlier
“However much you may dislike that truth, it does not make it any less true.”
That sooo applies to you and others like you.
Yawn !
Bend over to the majority will.. There’s a good little follower.
Found any scientific evidence of CO2 warming yet….. or do you “just believe” because everyone else does ?
That’s really sad for someone that like to make out that he is intelligent !
“most of their constituents are against burning fossil fuels”
LOL,, who told you that.?
Given the choice of burning fossil fuel… and not having electricity or petrol at all, at irregular undetermined times.
Which would you really choose.
Be HONEST with yourself, if you are capable of that.
Or just go with what the “majority” say and do…. and just keep hypocritically relying totally on fossil fuels for your very existence.
“most of their constituents are against burning fossil fuels. LOL,, who told you that.?”
Again you indicate that what I wrote is incorrect and then go and substantiate it by writing
“Or just go with what the “majority” say and do…. and just keep hypocritically relying totally on fossil fuels for your very existence’
Sorry , but your post is totally irrational and illogical.
Try again..
Given the choice of burning fossil fuel….. and not having electricity or petrol at all, at irregular undetermined times.
Which would you really choose?
Be HONEST with yourself, if you are capable of that.
When will the penny drop here? The most stupid decision made by Scott Morrison since he has been PM was to go to Glasgow and promise net zero. Imagine the point of difference with the ALP when discussing power prices if he was comparing coal to wind and using the current prices to prove his point. Mind you there are some really dumb bunnies out there and most of them vote left. With the current increases in power prices now would be an excellent time to tell the electorate they have changed their mind and will build some power stations and drop the subsidies.
The fact remains that electricity supply is the responsibility of State Governments, they sold or leased (SA demolished) coal fired power stations because those assets and the transmission lines were/are State owned public assets.
AEMO is a cooperative of governments and private sector members established to regulate the electricity market sector of the economy.
The RET and subsidies was a Federal Labor initiative (a massive increase and the subsidies added to the 3 per cent Howard Government post-Kyoto Agreement “trial basis” renewable energy invitation to potential investors. But required State Government planning approval and development applications approvals. The Labor RET also requires State approvals. In 2019 the Morrison Coalition Federal Government announced that the RET and Federal subsidies will end in 2030.
The Federal Government has made a number of announcements that they do not have a favourite energy source and will leave the decisions to the market place, however they have recently proposed one gas fired generator for VIC and QLD and two for NSW. To date only the NSW Government has approved one for the Hunter Valley. One HELE coal fired power station was proposed for NTH QLD with Federal underwriting the funding but that has not been approved by the QLD State Government yet.
Net zero was not promised, no formal agreement was entered into, the basis stated was “an aspirational goal” based on development of new technology and with no damage to the economy. That was coupled to the refusal to ban coal mining in Australia or to raise the Paris Agreement emissions reduction target, as demanded at COP26.
This must be misinformation. Everyone knows Coal is dead. The Greens and Teals said so…
…and with more than a Trillion dollars in debt, you would think Australia would be falling over itself to sell as much coal as possible as quickly as possible to an Indian market with huge demand before everyone figures out that nuclear, and not wind and solar, is the greatest threat to Coal profitability (but not anytime soon).
That one trillion dollar debt reference is incorrect, that is what certain sections of the media, Labor MPs and others are saying but they are well aware that one trillion dollars is in the Budget Forward Estimate years in future.
The current account Federal Government public debt is below $800 billion, Budgets are current financial year plans and Forward Estimates are estimates of the following years figures. And they also include estimates of tax and other revenue, for example the very high current year iron ore exports are projected to be lower prices so less revenue for Federal and State governments.
Because of the Federal debt based economic stimulus for employers and employees during the State Government legislated State Emergency Powers lockdowns and restrictions generally the economy has recovered from the pandemic recession and is growing at 3.5% of GDP, OECD forecast 4.1% of GDP being reached soon. Forward Estimates if economic growth continues and global demand continues could be better than estimated, future borrowing would be less. It’s all about the economy.
By the way, according to the independent audit of the 2013/14 Labor Budget a number of high expense budgeted items were unfunded, no provision made by Labor to pay for those budget items. They did not raise their debt ceiling for 2012/13 but continued borrowing and spending. By not making provision to pay for Gonski, NDIS and other budget commitments Labor also under-estimated their cumulative budget deficits total. The incoming Abbott Coalition Government in September 2013 after receiving the auditor’s report on Labor’s Budget annnounced that a debt ceiling of $500 billion was needed to cover the unfunded Labor Budget items and plus contingency amount.
Effectively and correctly the debt including the 2013/14 only funding for those unfunded budget items amounted to over $400 billion. The Abbott Government first Budget was for 2014/15 and was called a “budget repair” referring to the 2013/14 Labor Budget audited report.
$800m-$1T-semantics-currently running about $50B deficits now if memory serves?? So in 4 years it will be a trillion. probably quicker now though.
$800B sorry
7pm Adelaide.
Price $3975
Gas 812MW
Interconnect 600MW (80% fossil fuel, plus some hydro..basically no wind)
Diesel 320MW
Wind 133MW
FOSSIL FUELS RULE… yet again ! !
Onya Jo posting the coal price history chart –
[…] below the fold, check out Jo Nova, with a post on India going gangbusters on coal, throwing out “green” […]
[…] India going gangbusters on coal — tosses green rules, and wants to reopen 100 old mines […]