By Jo Nova
This week’s UN witchcraft is that a half a degree of global warming will kill babies and pregnant women, give us your money.
The UN COP29 meeting starting Nov 11th, fights for relevance in the shadow of the US Election, like a suckerfish under an aircraft carrier.
The latest confected attempt to get attention is to guilt trip the West — telling us that women and babies will die if we don’t install enough solar panels. This is despite humans being mammals which evolved to cope with the heat and the cold. We live a more closeted, protected existence than any time in the last million years. Not many people give birth in caves these days. Indeed we’re a species that inhabits towns with monthly temperatures that vary by 90 degrees Celsius and we are supposed to panic about another half a degree?
The truth is that being cold, poor and hungry increases stillbirths just as much as any heatwave, and the thing that saves babies on a hot day is an air-conditioner. The answer to all four killers thus, is cheap electricity and fossil fuels.
One day history students will study how the UN uses biblical paraphrasing to demand their tithe and control:
Miscarriages due to climate crisis a ‘blind spot’ in action plans – report
The report follows an ultimatum from the UN secretary general, António Guterres, on the climate emergency: “We’re playing with fire, but there can be no more playing for time. We’re out of time.” He said global heating was supercharging monster hurricanes, bringing biblical floods and turning forests into tinderboxes, and said governments had to rapidly wean the world off its fossil fuel addiction.
Naturally, only babies that die from heat stress are politically marketable, the UN doesn’t care about the ones that die from the cold:
Increasing climate extremes are causing more lost babies, premature births and cognitive damage to newborns, the report said. For example, a study in India found a doubled risk of miscarriage in pregnant women suffering heat stress, while another in California found a significant association between long-term heat exposure and stillbirth and premature birth.
Awkwardly, cold temperatures also cause stillbirths and miscarriages (Ruan et al) so if man-made climate change is warming the world, it must be saving babies too. Shh!
Five minutes of research, which the Guardian team don’t do, turns up a meta-study showing that poverty doubles the risk of death in babies:
Numerous studies confirm that mothers of low socioeconomic status and unemployed parents face a far higher risk of having a stillbirth or a low birthweight child [7–10]. It has been demonstrated that women or families living in adverse socioeconomic conditions have twice the risk of having a stillborn baby compared to their more privileged counterparts [11]. Unemployment and unfavourable economic conditions are usually associated with poor maternal nutrition, elevated psychological stress during pregnancy and limited access to medical supervision and prenatal care. Several studies show that pregnant women with elevated levels of stress have considerably higher risks of a stillbirth, independent of age, parity, education, smoking and alcohol habits or other compromising characteristics…. Moreover, in low income countries or deprived environments, poor maternal nutrition and low body mass index can result in higher stillbirth frequency [15]. — Tsimbos et al (2021)
Thus to save babies, and follow the science — we must burn more fossil fuels
Wealthier nations have higher CO2 emissions, more heaters, more air conditioners, better food, and their babies don’t die as often.
It is a crime the UN is not helping poor African nations build coal plants.

Child Mortality falls as CO2 emissions rise per capita. | OWID
UPDATE#2: TonyfromOz asked where China was, and pointed out that it and many big countries were missing which is a great point. So here below are the top 25 largest in population plus a few other notables.
As expected, the largest countries almost all fall in the centre of the trendline.

Child Mortality, CO2 emissions. OWID
Cleon Tsimbos, Georgia Verropoulou Dimitra Petropoulou (2021) Economic crisis and stillbirth ratios: Evidence from Southern Europe, PLoS One, 2021 Nov 18;16(11):e0259623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259623
Ruan T, Yue Y, Lu W, Zhou R, Xiong T, Jiang Y, Ying J, Tang J, Shi J, Wang H, Xiao G, Li J, Qu Y, Mu D. Association between low ambient temperature during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Chin Med J 2023;136:2307–2315. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000002361
Hmm … concern for the safety of the gestating interval of human life?
I thought the hypocrisy of the global intellectual elite had reached its’ zenith.
Once again I have misunderestimated.
Yes Honk. The same crowd running the climate scare support unrestricted abortion. Hypocrisy of the highest order but then again we are talking about the left.
The obvious solution is to not allow anyone whose country is a member of the UN to cause unborn children.
Simply solving this problem will solve the climate change problem by eliminating its source.
“António Guterres, on the climate emergency: “We’re playing with fire, but there can be no more playing for time. We’re out of time.”
Well, if we are out of time, then not much need to do anything there, Antonio.
Did I hear Prince Guterres say China?
OR … “We’re playing with fire, ..” ie stating obtusely that the UN is playing with fire … time to defund them. ( Oh? Spell checker doesn’t like that word >defend refund…< )
Latest: Harris 48, Trump 47. NB. This is not OT. If the cheating is contained, Donald Trump will be the next president and babies can breathe a sigh of relief – the climate won’t kill them.
Oh please…Kamalah had a 1% approval rating years ago and suddenly she’s the people’s unelected choice and it’s a neck and neck race?
I’m wondering if the Democrats aren’t preparing the ground for a “See? The polls have been close all along. Kamala won fair and square.” And they’ll ignore the overt fraud in vote counting again.
This needs to be a Trump-slide to save the babies.
Never mind the African nations, it’s a crime the UN isn’t helping Australia build new coal power plants. And it’s a crime the Liberal Party has completely ditched the resource as well, as we fill huge trains with the stuff on its way to Newcastle to China. Most insane thing I have ever seen in my life.
1) For comments like this, one needs to differentiate between thermal (steaming) and coking (steelmaking) coals. China imports very little thermal coal – it has sufficient Resource of itself – but imports almost all coking coal as it has very little of those deposits
2) The Hunter Valley mines export both thermal and coking coals, although the thermal subset comprises the vast majority by tonnage. Who buys that ? Most of South-East Asia (Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Pakistan, India …), excluding China. Indonesia also exports large quantities of thermal coal to these countries but the quality of these exports (ie. the proximate characteristics) are way below the Aus coals
3) the insanity isn’t in exporting these products, it’s in destroying the Aus power grid baseload supply without a truly reliable, inexpensive replacement. Broken Hill is a perfect recent example – syncing the “renewabubbles” to the grid’s exact voltage tolerance was done by the La Trobe lignite generators, so when that fell over (a storm, could one believe), the renewabubbles were utterly useless.
4) Fining Transgrid eleventy leven zillion dollars (or even more than I can count) will not resolve this in the slightest. It will simply increase the consumer price of power as it is adjusted upwards to pay the fines.
5) Aus coal-fired generators are now in the graveyard. No one will put up $100 million dollars per generator to re-maintenance them with only a few legislated years left. Examine Broken Hill’s black start experiences very carefully. Why not shut down another area to “conserve” energy (say, Sydney’s eastern suburbs) ? Most people do not understand what a black start means as they have been so protected for so long. So it will take two black starts for the panic to rise. Then look carefully at contemporary Cuba to view the results.
I live about 100m away from the railway line to Sydney and the coast from the coal fields around Lithgow, just over the Blue Mountains. Every day and night 6-10 trains of 80 or more huge hopper wagons full of coal pass by on their way to Wollongong and then off to China, I presume. None is used here.
Does any of it fall off the load? Plenty of people survived by walking the railway tracks picking up good fuel in the old days.
Yeh H P, back in the day of the mighty Steam Locomotives, don’t think you will see it falling off a coal wagon.
At least QLD with the LNP now in charge will be supporting Coal Fired Power Stations. Great stuff.
Planned parenthood must be s#itting themselves. “Climate change took our jobs”.
CCCrap™️ “took our jobs”? No problem, they can slide over to the next seat and become psychologists (an ever-expanding career) as Giblets Wobbling, ie. an extra degree of warmth, causes cases of ‘Climate Denial’ to skyrocket! (no apologies for all the pun fun).
UN Green Nutjob (can I say that?) Dave Hansford, a NZ bush enthusiast, inspired me to almost make an official complaint to the NZBS regarding his M.A.D. aired over our state broadcaster y/day. His anti-carbon doomshyster preaching breached all standards of well-balanced science reporting. NB. My previous complaints have been rebuffed with the (yawn…) 97% consensus settled science cut-and-paste reply.
Ten seconds of interwebbing found a slew of propaganda – oops, I mean articles – penned by this prophet of doom. One, from the far-left extremist Spinoff online magazine dated Aug 18 2017 (easy to find) titled, ‘Climate change is happening – but don’t bother trying to convince a denier’, is a doozy of Loopy Lying Lysenkoism (LLL).
It opens with: ‘Global warming is a fact, it’s caused by humans… Dave Hansford explores the psychology of denial’. He then lists 5 traits these alleged science deniers exhibit which, as I’ve come to realise over the past 36 years, are the exact traits of Climate Believers, ie. cult-like religious fervour for their leader’s sacred pronouncements, no matter what the evidence shows.
Doozy Dave probably thought he was being a comic genius by accompanying the article with a stock photo of Donald Trump, at a rally, pulling one of his classic eye-rolling faces in complete mockery of Carbonistas and their belief in green faeries at the bottom of the garden. My rating? 0/100 or F for FAIL.
Of course, the Guardian promotes itself in the fight against dis/misinformation. Voelkischer Beobachter couldn’t do it any better in the mind-numbing repetition.
The Democrats and their violent thugs AntiFA dressed in black are precisely the 1930 Fascists. The newspaper barons and steel makers aren’t what they were in Hitler’s day. So it’s the new Masters of the Universe in Silicon Valley and Hollywood.
Planned Parenthood weeps for all that lost abortion income. Nobody gets paid for a miscarriage.
You can add all the money from sex change mutilation by sadists. It’s very profitable. And their victims live lives of perpetual pain and medical dysfunction and social hopelessness. Often inflicted on young people who are just confused and lacking direction, like most young people. It’s a crime of opportunity. Taxpayer subsidized and the parents are legally unable to stop the predation and destruction. Torture and maiming of pubescent and little children. Like Elon Musk’s son.
Not to mention their trade in aborted baby body parts.
These are deaths from poverty. They used to be 30%. Plus the same figure for material mortality even in Victorian Britain. And for children up to the first year, an additional 50%. The breakthrough was washing hands with soap discovered in the Crimean war. The second breakthrough was at the D-Day landings with antibiotics where 98% of soldiers who made it back to England recovered. A 10% death rate is actually a huge reduction and has led to a massive population boom worldwide. But it is presented as failure?
This new concern for infants is very odd when the Socialists are demanding universal and unconditional abortion on demand up to and including birth. In Australia the Socialist government in Canberra forcibly and without reason acquired the Catholic Calvary hospital. Now doctors are to perform abortions in what was a Catholic hospital. This is atheistic communism, not democracy. All hospitals were Christian. Health and even education was not the business of governments.
At the other end they are pushing assisted dying/murder. And in the middle you have 100,000 deaths of young people each year in the US alone from Chinese Fentanyl.
These are the policies of the WEF, the Club of Rome and China. And the vile Greens who see human existence as pollution and the entire problem in saving the planet. But for whom? What happened to save the dinosaurs?
Save the children, yes. From the UN and the Greens. As in Gaza where the UN is a major part of the problem and directly supports HAMAS terrorists and has declared the President of Israel a war criminal.
As for Climate Change, it remains a fantasy creation of the UN and Al Gore. The oceans are NOT boiling. That’s an astounding claim from the President of the UN himself. It’s not misinformation. It’s a ridiculous and evil and obvious lie. And not a single person in the media calls it out. Why?
I would also point out that when the British arrived in India the average life expectancy for those who survived childbirth was 24 years. Like most places 50% died in the first year of life. Few made it to 21. These days a 21st birthday party has lost its meaning when everyone survives.
However as most countries now have an average life expectancy around 75 years, there has been a tripling of the world population which means people are having far fewer children. India for a long time had a population of 400 million. Like China. Now both are 1400 million, 3.5x. So most of the gain has come from longer life and family sizes have dropped dramatically. Even in places like Italy and Russia, huge families are gone.
So the world populations is starting to stabilize at 8 billion and will soon start to drop. We do not need the UN/WEF/Club of Rome to recommend killing people or treating life as disposable. That is our worst nightmare, the stuff of science fiction and completely at odds with what most people want and every religion.
I think that this is just an example of a wrong correlation – like CO2 with Temperature – cause and effect can be confused and in this case the correlation is with standard of living and as stated by TdeF, a reduction in poverty levels. That is obvious when you look at the countries plotted at the top left compared to those on the bottom right. You can make all sorts of spurious correlations that simply relate to other factors and go up and down together. For example CO2 could be driving temperature – but Temperature could be driving CO2 – whilst it could be a third factor driving both. Any votes for the Sun?
I guess there may be a confounder with child mortality and GDP per capita?
And just for fun, Progesterone raises a woman’s body temperature enhancing gestation.
So a little half a degree or degree of warming is beneficial to creating life.
Physiology is fascinating!
As Dr Patrick Moore, ecologist and one of the founders of Greenpeace tells it, naked humans in 20C will die of hypothermia. But we now occupy far colder places because of our ability to adapt, but there is nothing fundamentally wrong with 20C. It’s our minimum origin temperature. And our internal temperature is 37C, which the President of the UN thinks is boiling because it is close to 100F. The world is being led by idiots or manipulative liars.
Led by “idiots or manipulative liars”, or, as my Crosstian friends tell me, Servants Of Satan: oddly enough, SOS.
[‘Crosstian’ as they worship the Cross instead of enlightening their souls via the Anointed One… or Three… or the whole Heavenly Host. Whatever, there’s always a lot of blood involved].
“The world is being led by idiots or manipulative liars.”
Both and more besides. Not one with an ounce of common sense.
Populations recolonised the Northern and Southern hemispheres after the ice age because warming climates produced more food. More food meant more mammalians that required more food. A circular exercise that continues but it’s not “Ad infinitum”. As past/extinct civilisations can attest man is not infallible! At some, undetermined, point in the future we will exhaust our pro creative abilities. Preferred genderisation may already have kick-started the change? Manmade catastrophes like war, climate change, medical meddling decarbonisation etc etc will be just “grist to the mill”. Best we enjoy whatever time on earth is allotted for as long as possible.
Isn’t it strange how on the one hand the Left demand to be able to kill pre-born babies on demand, up to and including at birth (and even after it); then complain that “climate change” is killing babies?
It’s the madness of the Left.
Seriously, does anyone actually read The Guardian and more importantly are their readers important? I was listening to a discussion regarding science argument last year. The guest speaker was describing methods to convince the “other side” of your counter argument. That you didn’t use a red pill method, but a pink pill type method was always better. People will generally not like confrontational approaches to debate and tend to be obstinate, particularly regarding long held beliefs. You have to go slowly, not scare the horses. But this speaker also mentioned there is a group of people that you will never convince, even going slowly. They’re the intractables – which are more likely to be readers of The Guardian, I would suppose.
1911 Arrhenius predicted the World would be 3℃ warmer by the end of the century
1935: Scientist reports that the Arctic would soon be ice-free in summer.
1987: NASA’s James Hansen predicts world 3C warmer by 2020.
1988: UN — world will be 4℃ warmer and Antarctica 5.5℃ by 2030
1989: Rising temperatures and seas by 2030
A Commonwealth Expert Group estimated that there was a 90% chance of the planet warming 1-2℃ and sea levels would rise between 1 and 4 metres by 2030.
2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is by 2010.’
Dr. David Viner a senior research scientist at the climate research unit CRU of the University of East Anglia “Within a few years winter snowfall will become a rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is” Source: The Independent, March 20, 2000
2002: Famine in 10 years if we don’t stop eating fish, meat and dairy Why vegans were right all along Source: The Guardian, December 23, 2002 George Monbiot
2004 Antarctica is likely to be the world’s only habitable continent by the end of this century. Prof. Sir David King, Government Chief Scientist
2007 Prof. Wieslaw Maslowski from Dept. Oceanography of
the US Navy predicted an ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer 2013, and
said the prediction was conservative. BBC December 12, 2007
2007 U.N. Scientists say only eight years left to avoid worst effects
2007 Dr. David Viner within twenty years, the Mediterranean would become far too hot for European holiday makers, who would instead flock to Blackpool to take advantage of warmer summers in the UK.
2007 Arctic summers ice free by 2013 BBC Dec.12
2007 IPCC Chairman Pachauri ‘If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late to save the planet.
You forgot the forecasts in 1970’s/ early 1980’s for an upcoming ice age. All the people predicting that, then turned around and said global warming was the problem 10 years later.
China has finally recognised that people need an incentive to have children, nothing to do with global warming.
But the demographics won’t change until the CCP is swept from power.
It’s not people causing climate change that’s killing babies (in or ex utero), it’s people using abortion in lieu of responsible contraception. Abortion practices account for the worlds highest death toll of human life during gestation.
In the modern world, why is appalling abortion preferable to simple contraception, which is not the slightest bit difficult? And education to murder.
And only one of two people has to practice contraception.
Is there anything that climate change can’t do?
This is amazing!
Maybe the “scientists” should try to harness the power of climate change and use it to better the world.
I’m peeved at all the rubbish that is emitted by numbnut “scientists” which is then latched onto by the ever compliant media.
Not so many years ago, I was 183 cm tall, weighed in at 78 kg, had a full head of hair and was the bass player and lead singer in a semi professional rock band. Now, I’m 180 cm tall, weigh 107 kg, bald as a coot and can’t carry a tune in a bucket.
Damned climate change.
The trouble I have is with hair that’s sprouting in all the wrong places.
We all know that warming promotes growth, so I’m blaming that on climate change as well!
Okay then, umm, look on that chart for China.
Hmm! Not there eh!
So Tony, go to the source and then type in the heading, and see the original chart. (Link to original chart is part of the text under Joanne’s image)
And again, China is not shown on the chart.
However, see that ‘legend’ there at the right of the chart. Well, go and tick the button for China. (scroll down – alphabetic order here)
See the Country orange text for Anguilla there. Well just to the left of that is another orange ‘dot’.
Just above and almost between those two orange dots is a ‘bluey green’ dot. Well that dot is China.
Okay, (at the linked original) hover your mouse over that dot for China. It comes up with the text (part of it) which states 7.99t per capita CO2 emissions.
Okay, so now hover over Australia and the same text states 14.99t per capita CO2 emissions. (almost double that Chinese figure)
(At both of them, the t stands for tonnes of CO2 ….. per capita.)
So, actual CO2 emissions are as follows:
China – 13,260 MegaTonnes of CO2 – 34% of the World’s total.
Australia – 373 MegaTonnes of CO2 – 1% of the World’s total.
So, for China, actual emissions are Australia multiplied by 35.55.
Can you see now why that per capita figure is used instead of actual emissions.
Huh, should have hit Click to Edit the comment while I had the time, eh!
I wonder if any of you wonder why such a mega important Country like China was ….. left off that chart with all the names of Countries on it.
No U.S. either or UK. India is there, Russia is there, tiny population Australia is there.
But no China.
No France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc, etc, etc, either…………..
Maybe they and others are not in the UN……lol
Such a great point Tony. I’ve redone the graph with the top 25 nations (population size) plus notable extras like Aust, NZ, South Africa etc. Most of the nations are greater than 55 million. And most of them lie near the centre of the trendline, as we’d expect if this was a real causative connection.
I had a half edited graph visible before, but this one is better now.
AU CO2 emissions are irrelevant for two reasons. 1- Because China emits 35 times more CO2 than AU, and 2- Because there is absolutely Zero actual relationship between CO2 content in the atmosphere and modeled projections of future temperatures.
Fearmongering and Projection based upon fantasies for political control is no way to make economic decisions.
Even the best con games eventually are exposed. And the CO2 Con Game is run up against reality.
Three, because a little bit of warming and extra CO2 in the atmosphere is not necessarily a bad thing. Humanity has tended to flourish during historic warm periods. Cold kills, and we are currently in an ice age (albeit an interglacial period). The earth’s climate moving further away from a return to glaciation is a good thing.
Tony, that per capita BS argument I’ve been hearing since the early 1990’s. That was when I started getting interested in the whole “climate” debate. It was BS then and it’s still BS. But well worth reminding people, because occasionally you still hear it muttered by climate alarmists. In fact, I reckon it’s why Australia has been so active in the whole climate action scenario since the 1990’s. A whole bunch of bureaucrats and politicians were fooled by the statement ” Australia is the worlds’s worst carbon polluter”. Been downhill ever since.
No no no Ross, per capita NZ’s 6 million are the guilty ones, we are literally killing the planet with our 0.17% contribution, o woe is us! And for my next trick…
The elephant in the room – vaccines . Proven cause of miscarriages and infertility . Look over there ! a squirrel…
The sudden apparent concern for babies from the pro-abortionists is touching and oh so very sincere.
All of those ranks demanding population control, if they were honest, ought begin with themselves, eh?
Asking others to do what you will not yourselves do, is kind of hypocritical, on balance.
That memory lapse effect seems to be striking again.
Recall how humans are capable of tolerating and adapting to a wide range of climatic conditions, within weeks or months even?
Or how people have a variable body temperature range so 0.5C is nothing?
Evolutionary adaptations have been observed in recent years in the wild manifesting in 1 or 2 generations so with a “slow boil” climate change, humans are capable of adapting too.
As with all Climate Change throughout the life of this Planet. Just learn to adapt as Mother Nature does. It will be a heck of a lot cheaper than the Madness of spending Trillions of dollars/pounds/Euros, etc, that is now going on.
That money could be much better spent elsewhere improving the life of humans as well as the birth of humans. UN. please take note.
Yes Bjorn!
If you want to be 1C cooler, move up 130metres. That’s all. Fixed. And a lot cheaper. But people want to live next to the ocean and next to the rivers and as low as possible because there is water and its warmer. Bangladesh, Indonesia and many of the deltas around the world.
In California people build mansions on the edge of sand cliffs. That’s called known risk. Plus the people in the Caribbean who have the most devastating storms in the world. Or Florida. Or Palm Beach Nevada. For older people too the extra heat is worth the risk. And they care less about the risk.
Plus Baghdad where it can reach 52C in the shade. We have even had 47C in Melbourne, Victoria. But not daily and barely over 30C for a decade now. Sydney had no days over 32C for three years. How can we possibly be suffering from warming? Where?
What is not recognized is that humans live in appallingly hot and cold and inaccessible places because it’s safer from their main problem, other people. Climate comes last. Or there would be no Eskimos. No Arabs. No Tibetans. No Incas on Machu Pichu, which was the King’s holiday residence at 2400 metres/7400 feet. Because it was cooler.
In fact before universal airconditioning, the rich had holiday homes at altitude or by the water. In the Rockies, the Catskills, Balmoral in Scotland, Switzerland, Estes Park in Colorado.
In Melbourne Australia it was Portsea, Ferny Creek and Macedon. Now even the low income earners fly regularly to Bali for a guaranteed summer beach holiday all year round. Who’s afraid of 1C? Or 2C? All this world is going to die nonsense is ridiculous. Most people go to much hotter places for their holidays. And the governments want to cool the planet? Who said?
As for affecting child mortality. You have to be kidding. The temperature in most places moves 10C or even 20C every day. In the desert 50C.
And the peoples in hot climates built houses and dwellings that protected them from the heat. They even designed buildings that used the natural air flow to cool the inside of the buildings.
In the Australia of old, double brick was used for home building with no air conditioning. Not now, as it is brick veneer as it is cheaper. But then, you need air conditioning with cheap electricity. Whoops.
the planet adjusts. Easily. The big early lie they tell kids is, it will change too fast for nature to adjust. An outrageous statement.
cross posted at
Again the average life expectancy of Singapore, Australia, Canada and NZ are about the same.
Singapore and Australia about 84 years, then NZ about 83 yrs and Canada about 82+ yrs.
But average temp of Canada is just minus -4.3 C, NZ about 10.4 c, Australia 22 c and Singapore about 26.7 c and very high humidity.
IOW as long as you have plenty of reliable BASE-LOAD energy it doesn’t matter where you live.
But having electricity is selfish. Better that babies die and people boil or freeze to death. To prevent them boiling or freezing to death.
Didn’t a recent medical experiment – forced on many people by fascist governments – produce a big increase in still births, miscarriages and pregnancy problems despite it being ‘safe and effective’? And haven’t some Japanese researchers found elements in the shot that can affect pregnancy?
BTW this is the best video I’ve seen about why most Canadians live so close to their southern border.
And 50% live in the tiny V shaped area west of the Great Lakes. In the end result most people always vote with their feet.
Think about it and what would you do if your huge country only had an average temperature of minus -4.3 C?
There’s a big drop in infant deaths since 1949 and since 1990 for the world.
Here’s a few countries and China , India, Indonesia etc have seen a big fall over the decades.
“The Science”, to which we are all “obliged” to grovel without question, gets “benter” every day.
This morning, I heard some muppet on the idiot-box explaining that localized “wild weather” was caused by high-level” cold air causing moisture-laden warm air to RISE. The desperation to link EVERYTHING to “climate Change” is palpable. The ONLY “science” on display is POLITICAL SCIENCE of the most debased kind.
My attitude is to ignore the “face value” of ALL lamestream “news” especially the spoken words of the churnalists / talking heads, and the “standard true view” experts..
The level of “desperation” among such types seems to be steadily rising. Who is setting the “timetable?
Ditto on “war news”,particularly about the current state of play in Israel.
Images of multiple explosions demolishing a building are overlaid with the usual piety and vacuity.
In the real world, multiple detonations immediately AFTER the initial explosion CLEARLY indicate “secondaries”, i.e. the detonation of significant quantities of “something else” triggered by the initial strike. Basically, the now-demolished structure was NOT an innocent “hospital”, day-care centre”, etc..
Similar images of “secondaries” have come out of Ukraine.
You just need to know how this all works.
You lost me at “leading scientists.” I can redefine that for you – Misleading, disinformation enriched, woke wombles with self-loathing Marxist ideologies polluting the science sphere.