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World to burn by 6pm, but only 3% of young voters say Climate Change is the top issue

Dystopia, doom.

By Jo Nova

Politicians are supposed to care about the voters, but trillions are being spent on a issue that voters don’t give a toss about. Who are politicians serving exactly, because it isn’t the voters. There is no grassroots clamoring demand for “climate action” and there never was.  Could it be that politicians are more worried about what the banker cartel think, and the media moguls, or President Xi, or are they just carving out a post-political job for themselves at the UNEP or the WEF?

The Wall Street Journal reports on a survey that shows even young voters know almost anything is more important than climate change.

Biden Is Spending $1 Trillion to Fight Climate Change. Voters Don’t Care.

By Amrith Ramkumar and Andrew Restuccia,Wall Street Journal

A Journal poll, which surveyed voters in seven swing states in March, found that just 3% of 18-to-34-year-old voters named climate change as their top issue, with most citing the economy, inflation or immigration. That is roughly in line with voters of all ages, 2% of whom cited climate change as their top issue.

Voters are not worried about climate change. Poll.

This has been this way for years. In 2015 only 3% of US voters thought climate was the most important issue.

And let’s not forget all these surveys are done on people who never see a skeptical expert on TV or a real documentary (like Climate: The Movie). They don’t hear that carbon dioxide was higher for most of the last half billion years, or that “climate change” causes record grain yields, and saves 166,000 lives a year. Most of the 18 to 35 year olds have been fed the climate diatribe from school  — but even they don’t believe it. If they thought the Antarctic icecap was really about to collapse, they’d rate climate change up there with inflation.

Given the vapor thin faith of the young and impressionable, the whole climate charade is a house of cards. One good opposition leader just has to point out the costs and start the debate and it’s over. Everyone wants to change the climate until the moment they have to pay for it.

A survey from the Climate Communications unit at Yale suggests the climate gravy-train isn’t buying votes either. 55% of US voters don’t think the trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act will improve their health. Two thirds don’t think it will help their family. 54% of voters don’t think it will help their children or grandchildren.

If you were a politician trying to win votes, this is not how you’d spend a trillion dollars.

Fewer than half of registered voters think the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will help them or the country.

And therein lies the grand mystery of democracy. We basically have a giant government industry spending a trillion dollars on an issue people don’t care about and in ways that most voters don’t think will help them, their children, the poor, the economy, jobs or national security. And yet the money flows. Why is that?

Just ask “Who Benefits?”

So the good news that the young can see through this, despite the wall of propaganda.

The bad, awful and terrible news is that the government doesn’t care what the voters think.

h/t Peter

Image by Meranda D from Pixabay

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