China sure has some explaining to do.
Samples of lung fluid were taken from five of the earliest people to get Covid. One team of researchers has just fished through the genetic entrails and discovered not just Covid, but a surprising “menagerie” of spare parts from other deadly viruses too. It almost looks like a grab bag sample of work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is especially significant since all 20 of those viruses were under study by the Wuhan Institute of Virology at the time.
Before anyone leaps to the obvious, the researchers point out that it might be contamination OR vaccine research. But no matter what it was, it seems to me that the WIV was working on a bunch of very deadly diseases and being Far Too Sloppy. Even if they were only trying to honorably create vaccines to this deadly array, a lab that leaky is no place for the highest risk bio-nightmare bugs to live.
That’s the nicest possible interpretation I can make. There are nastier ones…
Some body parts of an influenza virus known as H7N9 (Avian flu) were in the mix, as well as parts of Nipah virus. Avian flu has a mortality rate of about 40% , and Nipah virus is deadlier than Ebola, killing of nearly 9 out of ten. There were as many as 20 different parts-of-viruses present including HIV, Hepatitis, as well as monkey and mouse viruses, and leukemia viruses. Seriously?
Another clue that this is not very natural, is that the Bird flu Influenza body part comes packaged with a gene vector too, called PVax1, which, you guessed it, is normally used to create vaccines. As far as anyone knows, bird flu doesn’t spread from human to human. The CDC tells us that since 2017 the total global caseload of known human H7N9 victims is all of three people. So odds are “pretty good” that all five of the earliest victims of SARS 2 in late 2019 were not also suffering a natural H7N9 infection too.
So these genetic fingerprints glow like plutonium, but the only thing we can say for sure is that we need full and transparent investigation, and we probably shouldn’t be posting BSL Level 4 pathogens to Wuhan.
Early Coronavirus Samples Uploaded From China Had ‘Genetic Manipulation of the Nipah Virus’: Expert
Neil Campbell, VisionTimes.
A recent study by a U.S. scientist found early samples taken from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in mainland China were contaminated with Nipah Virus, an H7N9 influenza vaccine, and 19 other virological elements.

On July 3, Dr. Steven Quay and three other researchers published a paper examining sequencing data found in five early COVID-19 patients in China. In a press release for the preprint publication of the study, the researchers said their findings, “Reveal[s] that the laboratory at the Wuhan ERInstitute of Virology (WIV) was contaminated with a wide range of viruses, including Nipah virus genes in a cloning vector.”
The data examined was originally sequenced by the WIV itself in 2019 and were part of a study published by coronavirus gain of function research champion Shi “Batwoman” Zhengli.
In the press release for Quay’s paper, he states, “It was surprising to find a menagerie of deadly viruses, strange pathogens, and even honeysuckle, plant genes in patient specimens sequenced at the WIV in December 2019, especially since this patient sequencing data has been publicly available to the entire scientific community inside of the US NIH GenBank database since February 2020.”
The Epoch Times points out that some Henipah viruses were sent from a Canadian lab in mid 2019 by naughty researchers who got fired. Perhaps they weren’t the same viruses, but then, perhaps they were?
Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadia
Henipah was one of the two types of viruses sent to China by Chinese-born scientists from a Canadian laboratory at the center of a controversy over the firing of the scientists and collaboration with Chinese military researchers. It’s not clear whether the virus found in the Chinese samples is related to the virus samples sent by the Canadian lab, which were shipped in late March 2019.
The firing of Chinese-born scientist Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, from the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg has been the subject of much controversy in Canada…
Qiu and Cheng along with several Chinese students were escorted out of the NML, Canada’s only lab designated at containment level 4—or P4, the highest level of biosafety—amid a police investigation in July 2019. The two scientists were formally fired in January.
During her time at the NML, Qiu traveled several times to the WIV in an official capacity, helping train personnel on level 4 safety. The Globe and Mail later reported that scientists at the NML have been collaborating with Chinese military researchers on deadly pathogens, and that one of the Chinese military researchers worked at the high-security Winnipeg lab for a period of time.
In so many ways this may be just another disaster, brought to you, in part, by The West.
Steven C. Quay#1, Monali C. Rahalkar#2, Adrian Jones#3 and Rahul Bahulikar4 (2021) CONTAMINATION OR VACCINE RESEARCH? RNA Sequencing data of early COVID-19 patient samples show abnormal presence of
vectorized H7N9 hemagglutinin segment. PDF available at Zenodo.
Consider the labs that reported finding HIV1 in the strain and the MSN that activity spread fake news to refute and cover that up.
There is another virus threatening our lives and it was created over decades in the UN laboratory of Marx.
We need an Arizona level forensic audit of the lab , and those who funded the research.
“Gladys has just made the most despicable, contemptible and divisive statement of any Australian political leader in our nations history.
By seeking to divide us in such a way, she is betraying everything that Australia stands for and what the ANZACS fought for.
Shame Gladys, shame …”
This shows the voodoo medicine doesn’t work.
If you’re “fully vaccinated” why would you be afraid of being with some one not vaccinated?
Unless the vaccine doesn’t work.
It is almost incomprehensible that a person in a position of power like Berejiklian could make such a patently moronic comment and get away with it. If her injection works likes she says it does, why does it matter if she is on close contact with an uninjected person? If it offers her no protection, why have it? In one sentence she has unwittingly pulled to threads the whole argument in favour of injections – she is just too stupid to know it and the press are too brain-dead (or well-trained) to call her on it.
“and the press are too brain-dead (or well-trained) to call her on it.”
Perhaps the press is well trained in being brain dead SM.
The “press” are the rabid tail wagging the mangy dogs.
Remember what sort of “people” make up the LSM.
In summary: Mostly; over grown and overpaid school-yard tattle-tales.
It is also in the spirit of William Randolph Hearst and the Spanish-American war: “…You provide the stories, I’ll provide the war”.
The single greatest psycho-sexual jolly for a “churnalist” is to hear or read the “standard true view” being parroted back to them by a dumbed-down peasantry.
“Churnalists”: A dodgy breed that openly and proudly calls its members; “Opinion Shapers”.
Then. there are the battalions of unelected, unaccountable “Public Serpents”.
Meanwhile – Kerry Chant: For NSW, Obesity Isn’t an Underlying Condition
Yet again, NSW CMO Kerry Chant misrepresents and obfuscates when asked for real data. This time, it’s about what she identifies as underlying conditions for NSW Covid deaths. Worse, obesity has long been known as one of the biggest risk cofactors for serious disease or death, and Chant just waved it away. (transcript)
Obesity isn’t a reported underlying condition for NSW Covid deaths? This is administrative malfeasance.
Question: So is that an underlying health condition, when you say someone’s died and they’re obese, is that an underlying…
Chant: No, no, we’re not counting obesity…
Instead, she segued into a vaccine-promotion spiel that didn’t address the question. The reason for the segue? Because formally recognising obesity is an underlying condition may just let healthy, slim people under 60 make an informed risk-benefit decision about vaccination.
We can’t have that. Oh no.
Any serious person recognises that the calculation of risk-benefit for Covid vaccines is entirely different for people with known high risk factors. No vaccine-hesitant person opposes Covid vaccines for every individual, because people’s risks are different.
Nothing could be clearer – Chant is not a doctor. She is a spin-doctor. And no sugar-coating of calling it noble corruption applies. Paternalistic public health liars are evil people, and as C.S Lewis knows, they are the worst of the dictators.
With Kerry Chant completely ignoring The Zelenko Protocol
I mentioned a while back that Donald Trump while President – and thus before any of the vaxxines had been developed – had had Covid himself and was over it within a couple of days. I speculated that he might have used Ivermectin or HCQ but did not know. Apparently, he had followed what is known as The Zelenko Protocol which includes the following for “Moderate/High Risk Patients”.
Elemental Zinc 50-100mg once a day for 7 days
Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
Vitamin D3 10000iu once a day for 7 days or 50000iu once a day for 1-2 days
Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or
Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days and/or
Ivermectin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day for 5-7 days Either or both HCQ and IVM can be used, and if one only, the second agent may be added after about 2 days of treatment if obvious recovery has not yet been observed etc.
Please do note that HCQ and Ivermectin had been part of the protocol.
This is what was reported at the time by our ABC: Donald Trump has finished his COVID-19 treatment, but has he recovered? He certainly has recovered, which is precisely why the ABC never again examined the story. They would rather that people should die than Donald Trump be proven right. These people are very sick puppies not to mention how evil they are.
I flagged that the globalists wanted vaccine-only , months before this started.
Standard communist process is to create a reign of terror.
Oh, the shame.
Joe Biden is about to learn this ain’t Australia
The kicker is when the vaccine passports are introduced and enforced. We shall see if the public welcome it with open arms or not. So far it appears they will. If so it proves the MSM, politicians and others involved have done a really good job to convince enough people there is nothing to see here, and they will do everything they can to paint most of us here including myself are just conspiracy theorists gone nuts. Mark my words, if the current course of events continue then most of us here will be targeted, perhaps even threatened with fines and arrests for inciting opposition to the new “norm”. If anyone thinks this is not even remotely possible then all I can say is I hope that person is right!
Before too long expect “anti-science” sites such as this to be shut down, for the sake of community health of course.
A lot of fed-up business owners have vowed to defy vaccine passports by allowing un-vaccinated customers through their doors amid fears they will never reopen if patrons have to be turned away. They are willing to run the risk of substantial fines if they are nabbed.
A since-deleted Facebook page titled ‘Businesses ALL Welcome Jabbed or NOT Jabbed Australia-Wide’ boasted nearly 100,000 members before it disappeared.
Business owners promoted their brand on the page to assure potential customers they would be welcome regardless of their vaccination status.
Matthew Guy’s on board with vaccine passports and will go along with “whatever national cabinet decides”; now I’m confused, who elected this national cabinet that has such overarching authority that the new Victorian opposition leader is already prostating himself before it?
Some FDA-approved drugs could be repurposed to treat people infected with COVID-19
Despite the development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, effective therapeutics are needed until worldwide immunity has been achieved. A study published in PLOS Pathogens by Adam Pickard and Karl Kadler at University of Manchester, United Kingdom, and colleagues suggests that some FDA-approved drugs could be safely repurposed to treat COVID-19 infections.
According to the authors, “Our study has identified compounds that are safe in humans and show effectiveness in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication in human cells. As these drugs are FDA-approved and with safe dosimetry already established for use in patients, clinical trials could be initiated for these drugs within a relatively short time frame.”
Kadler adds, “We identify drugs that stop replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (which is the cause of COVID-19) in human cells in culture. The drugs include ebastine, which is approved by the FDA for the treatment of Pneumocystis jirovecii (Pneumocystis carinii) pneumonia, and vitamin D3, which is available over the counter, and could prove powerful additions to the treatment of COVID-19. These drugs have not been evaluated in patients with COVID-19 and are not alternatives to existing treatments or vaccination programs.”
Vitamin D and lumisterol emerge as cheap and easily accessible potential treatments for COVID-19
Promising new data from a recent study indicates that active forms of vitamin D can inhibit the replication and expansion of COVID-19. The study’s findings also suggest lumisterol, produced by a chemical reaction in the body using light, works to block COVID-19. Vitamin D and lumisterol metabolites were able to block two specific enzymes (RdRP and Mrpo) required for the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle, according to the team of researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham; the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences in New Delhi, India; and the University of Western Australia. The study is published in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism and has been chosen as an APSselect article for September.
Researchers on this study say their findings help explain a possible mechanism for why low vitamin D levels seem to promote COVID-19 infection and poor outcome in certain individuals. This correlates to other studies showing a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and poor disease outcomes
The way none of them can talk a straight story tells me they are all lying.
It depends on which definition you use
“As if we needed another reason to distrust the CDC…”
“In a tweet yesterday, he pointed out how the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of “vaccination” has evolved over time.”
More at
I just heard a “radioite” mention the current “vaccines which you have to have” in the context of vaccines over the last 100 years.
IMO that means he has bought the “bait and switch” of the current definition
Immunisation > Vaccination > Jab.
Gladys Calls 57% of NSW Population Unclean
At the 9 September media nonsense, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian revealed just how twisted and unprincipled this policy disaster has become.
I predicted something like this as a result of exploding breakthrough cases. But it’s now. It’s just to coerce vaccination…and vindictively penalise people who don’t comply. You know, Deplorables.
This, despite the clear knowledge that the double-vaccinated can catch and transmit SARS-Cov-2. That for controlling the pandemic, there is only a short term and limited difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Just look at Israel, Hawaii, Iceland and Singapore. And that shops have been serving the unvaccinated for the past 18 months, apparently with no problems.
This is straight demonisation based on misrespresentation. Scapegoating of the worst kind. And she had the gall to talk about personal choice several times in the conference.
…I myself would not want to be anywhere, hehe, with someone who’s not vaccinated…[10secs]
We can’t afford to have unvaccinated people mixing with vaccinated people. [57secs]
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Media Conference, 9 September, 2021 (Concerned about context? Video below)
It is a call to a caste system based on clean-unclean.
Breakthrough infections will come. And there is less reason for a vaccinated person to fear the unvaccinated than there is for the unvaxxed to fear the vaccinated. Why? Because the unvaccinated do have a higher likelihood of severe illness if they get sick. Even if vaccine protection declines quickly over time. The unvaxxed are taking on the risk voluntarily, in an informed way.
And Berejiklian even said if there were a breakout of cases in specific regions it would be because people were unvaccinated. Like Israel doesn’t exist. Again, just to demonise the unvaccinated.
So blatantly clear that these premiers are going to use the unvaxed as the scapegoats for the lack of success with the vaccines.Dan Andrews is using the same language.
Old Ozzie. It’s been pointed out on many many occasions that a year ago all those “front-line staff” were heroes and were feted as the best of the best. NOW we learn that since there were no vaccines back then = no-one could be vaxed= they were actually the “dirtiest plague-carriers” imaginable “unvaxed”.
Gladys certainly would not want to be with such dangerous “low-life” these days. Not even doing the horizontal polka with her fancy man from Wagga, even?
Leaving aside the admission by these idiots that vaxes provide no protection for the vaxed, why do the masses not feel cheated by these admissions? Anyone get this wilful stupidity?
It’s like, say, an insurance company announcing that despite you having taken out a policy with them…you are not covered, and you will suffer loss, if the theft or fire etc takes place. it’s all fraud…and obvious…but to what end.
is this extra assistance for Gladys’ mates in the funeral industry?
Gladys Flees Media Conferences
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian will stop the 11am media conferences from next Monday.
As you would, if at every conference either the Chief Medical Officer, Kerry Chant, or Gladys herself, outright lies, reveals contempt for citizens, or spouts obvious misinformation and spin.
Consider a few of the gaffe-a-rama:
. Chant’s New World Order comment
. Chant’s obesity blunder
. Chant’s natural immunity blunder
. Gladys’ vaccinated are unclean mistaken revelation
. Gladys’ snarky responses to questions about the ICAC investigation into Daryl Maguire
. Gladys’ continuing mixmaster of confused rules and “freedoms”.
I doubt that these are the real reasons. With no evidence whatsoever, I suspect the powers that be recognise that they may be about to get some very hard questions. That overseas experience is finally breaking through the Australian wall of ignorance. I’m guessing they fear case, breakthrough infection and vaccination numbers aren’t going to go as well as they hope.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they also found that neither are still credible and that Gladys’ approval rating is tanking. But that’s me making stuff up.
I’m punting that she’ll join the damnably extensive conga line of resigned NSW premiers this weekend.
Matt Kean, the anointed one, would love that chance. Hard to say if he’d be worse than Gladdy. Still if they disposed of Glad they could change course to something approaching rationality without losing so much face. Depends on what Photios prefers I suppose.
Not with Chant pulling the strings.
First thing for a new premier to do is order every MP and senior copper to give a blood sample for antibody testing. Then we’ll all be able to see that NOT ONE OF THEM has allowed the sewer-mix into their bodies.
This whole mRNA fiasco is rather like those double suicides you read about where after one of the couple has urged the other to down the poison, the other one announces “Tough. I’m not going through with it”. The victims here are the gullible dupes giving one another high fives for getting jabbed: the latter are the urgers almost certainly faking it who are watching their overseas bank accounts fatten.
Transparency now!
Well spotted, well said, I totally agree.
I played golf with me best mate last week he is not jabbed, I am, I know I can get WuFlu-D from him but I have a better chance of not getting or not getting sick, but I am still taking lots of Vitamin D, C, & Zinc and drinking lots of green tea (blaarough! not my favorite drink) cause my Dr. won’t discuss Ivermectin or HCQ and Quercetin seems to be out of stock everywhere in Australia!
No matter what anyone says we all know WuFlu-D is coming, they can’t stop it only slow it down, so make all provisions possible and get ready for a bumpy ride. I think no matter what else it is most important to push Ivermectin (and HCQ) tell as many as you can what you know and support Craig Kelly and Malcolm Roberts who are the only voices of sanity in the WHO sell out bunch. I’ve been surprised how many of my friends never heard of it or didn’t look into it when they did. There’s obviously extra benefits to being a sceptic, THANKS JO
I remember Gates saying his most lucrative move was into medicine/vaccines !!
Quercetin seems to be out of stock everywhere in Australia!
Now Foods, Quercetin with Bromelain, 120 Veg Capsules – In Stock
Tried 3 local pharmacies. None in stock and last said there had been a run on it and didn’t seem to be any stock at Warehouse.
I have some in the mail but the larger, best value pack is unavailable and on the US site there was one, just one, available but with international postage.
This page is in A$ and free AusPost for orders over $50. I hope this “advertising” is OK Jo.
You will notice a number of products are on back order.
I’m taking 1/day now but will double that if the rona gets loose here.
That’s the one I mention being out of stock below. It is 800mg while most of the rest are 500.
Your mate has an equal or probably higher chance of contracting batflu from you than you do from him, looking at Israel for example.
I know of a nurse who got infected – She was in a house with 4 other people before, during and after the test result. Some over 50yrs old. NO ONE ELSE GOT INFECTED. Highly contagious pandemic that requires everyone to be jabbed or be excluded from society, including hospital care? This new world order that the nsw hierarchy keep going on about is nothing but insanity on a grand scale. I can’t believe so many are going along with this…
Welcome to the harrowing world of hysteria; who can say when this will peak or when the pigs doing it to us will move on to another pursuit?
Not saying you are an older person ColA; however older people can get a very sore liver from drinking too much green tea.
unfortunately you are finding hard way like me that we are not living in free country (I was born in SFRY) — how you can be free if you are paying taxes around 40%???
people in Australia before 1914 were paying around 6% in taxes ( no income tax at that time ).
if you are not economically free, you can not be political free.
SFRY sent me to the lookup machine for Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. You’re thinking of Socialist Commonwealth of Australia, yes?
That might be so. But so what?
Australia didn’t have a national currency until 1910, when the Australian Pound was introduced. Australia didn’t have a postage stamp until 1913.
And who pays taxes at around 40%? Clearly you don’t, or you’d know that is incorrect.
Here, give yourself an education.
Income tax rates 2021-22:
“Unless the vaccine doesn’t work.”
There can be no doubt that they DO NOT work, as Israel is clearly proving: 85% vaxxed and yet numbers rising daily.
Dr John Wallman also gives a time frame for vaxx reactions:
So we know it doesn’t PROTECT, but that’s not the aim in the first place , is it, nor was it?
It’s similar with every scam. The Nigerian prince is not trying his hardest to get his $25 million out of Nigeria. The Russian beauty is
not looking for a caring Aussie bloke to get her to Oz where they can live happily together. The sure-fired gambling system seller is not anxious to make you into a millionaire overnight. nope…And this one is very similar…except that the end result is to get EVERYThING you own…not just fifty grand.
The video from Sucharit Bhakdi in April laid it all out. Injection = programming / transformation of human cells into Spike-Protein factories. This process leaves the body armed with antibodies AND leaves waste materials which do not get produced when a “traditional” vax is injected. If you get through the first vax….you face a renewed danger with the second…and the third and the fourth and the fifth….until it finally does you in. Your hyper-activated immune system (“killer cells”) will eventually attack not only the spike proteins but also your waste-product-producing cells themselves.
You will be dead…and you will be happy!
Where are you getting this misinformation?
Israel has 63% of the population fully vaccinated. If they had 85% then they would have an infection rate well under 1.
And Israel numbers are not rising daily:
Portugal is the most vaccinated country of significant size. They now have 79% fully vaccinated and have achieved herd immunity with delta and mobility 10% down on pre-covid level:
Countries in the Southern Hemisphere with a high level of vaccination are Chile and Uruguay in spring conditions like Australia:
Both have reached herd immunity. Both have greater than 70% vaccinated and, more importantly, the proportion of the population with Covid anti-bodies will exceed 80%.
RickWill is now back to talking points from 7 months ago?
After everybody else has left the party, there it is, still bleating about herd immunity….which cannot exist when every “vaxed” individual is a continuing reservoir for the virus (which used to be called “a cold” but which is now called the Ooga Booga variation). sad indeed!
Get this clear. every thinking person is onto the scam…including the highly contagious delta-strain which is neither highly contagious nor even a strain.
I’d like to write, just once, that RickWill has finally awakened but …RickWon’t!
Please get over it Rick.
There is no path to herd immunity via the Quackzines.
Only those who survive infection without being jabbed can gain broad long lasting natural immunity.
Those who get jabbed can get infected again and again and again. But less than 0.1% of the pure unjabbed with prior exposure are getting reinfected.
I’m sorry you got jabbed Rick. But that’s your lot, not mine.
How do you know that?
Can you link the evidence of this.
So I’ll save the stamp and NOT invite her to my party.
Seems obvious – the bigger the number of vaccinated, the bigger the number of covid cases – (graphs of Sydney would probably show the correlation) that’s the real reason cases will no longer be announced daily.. the vax vax vax strategy has officially failed – thank goodness WA is still waiting.. mind you covid will appear when we get our “fair share”
The only saving grace for NSW is you don’t have Dictator Dan Andrews, if you did you would really know what it’s like to be nose deep in sewerage.
TRAVIS: “We Can’t Build Trains” is THICK.
Like the rest of our puppets, she is at the end of Party Strings.
Why would a Party put into a position of leadership – a LEADER?
The whole point of politics (we call that “democracy”) is for party domination by unseen and unaccountable puppeteers.
Short of an armed revolutiion (yes – a real one) – NOTHING can change.
People asked after WW2 and have been asking since “How Did We Let It Happen” ………. The answer should be clear to even the most brain dead citizen ………. We are there now – repeating absurdigy and there’s SFA we can do about the very real totalitarian regimes we elect – neither who could now run a pissup in a brewery.
Oh and did I mention Climate Change and related matters? – NUP – We can’t challenge decrees there. Ask JO – of all people she knows how things really work ….. Dont forget Peter Ridd!.
Oh bugger, and another: Clean modern Nuclear Cycle? – NUP – We can’t challenge decrees there.
Oh and of course Guns – They are evil also by decree? – NUP – We can’t challenge decrees there either that we will be “safe” by persecuting the good, ie: those who comply with systems. Again, reality is the opposite.
SO now the State has the power to do what they want – and they are doing it.
The Police are not your friend – they are the muscle of out of control government and they are eagerly flexing that muscle.
Methinks people should have listened long ago to gun owners – they were and always are and continue to be the litmus test for where society will end up.
The Covid vaccines affect periods. Are we allowed to talk about this?
>> We are almost two years into this plandemic, we have some data now, and the Doherty modelling is useless and wrong.
Yes we are allowed to talk about this until they arrest you for insisting opposition to the views of our health officials. You think I’m joking? Look at what happened to Monica Smit for her views even though most if not all of us here don’t agree with them. She has the right to say them like anyone else. Anyone now who insights opposition to the view of heath officials is liable to be arrested. Of course it’s unlikely such a draconian enforcement will be applied to anyone here but that’s no guarantee given our law enforcement agencies are monitoring the internet under new laws that allow them to edit or delete messages on social media sites. I suppose Jo’s blog is a good one after all since they can’t delete our comments as it doesn’t have such a feature.
“Monica Smit for her views even though most if not all of us here don’t agree with them” …. sanctimonious crap!!
So you are against free speech?
Hey, thanks for the support where given, I had best buy into it also. There is NO! implication in my use of the 2 words used that suggest that I have any opinion re free speech. Speaking of suggestions, I do suggest that you spend so much time commenting on all and sundry, that your brain can’t keep up with your hand motions.
Again- what are her views “we” don’t agree with.
I understand she is an anti-vaxxer. I am not. I have taken vaccines in the past and will continue to do so when I feel it’s relatively safe to do so and there is a need for them. At the moment COVID-19 vaccines currently available here in Australia fail both of my criteria.
Views, plural!
Our Values
Honesty – we aim to ensure the information we publish is accurate and truthful.
Integrity – We stand for what is right and just. We believe in being honest, open and fair with everyone. We hold ourselves to the highest of ethical standards.
Impartiality – we advocate for the rights of all people irrespective of their political beliefs.
Inclusiveness – we welcome a wide range of views and opinions. Promoting a culture of support and mutual respect for everyone.
Passion – We are driven by the desire to create positive change to improve the lives of real people.
Commitment – we are 100% dedicated to our mission and are here for the long haul.
We are not anti or pro-vax. We are pro-choice. That means we don’t accept any mandatory medical procedures or services. Bodily freedom means we should all have the choice what we put into or take out of our bodies. We believe this is a fundamental democratic right.
There’s your problem, you don’t understand. You are not we, as we can do five seconds of research.
Your or my values are worth zero in the coming collapse to tyranny. It matters not where you or I stand. The train wreck that’s coming is not going to stop and discuss let alone consider our concerns. People are being arrested for speaking out and here you are criticising me for speaking out defending Monica Smit for her rights to speak out her views. Get a grip. This is how society collapses into itself – people fighting each other over side issues yet missing the real enemy.
What, you twisted that up in your head.
She is pro-choice, not anti vax, those lines are from her site, Reignite Democracy Australia, those are her views and values. Not what you imagine them to be.
Unlike you, she will not throw in the towel and will continue to fight for her rights and all Australians, as we all must do.
You belittled her, because you could not be bothered to looking.
Get a grip!
MP, what is your problem? The MSM recognised here as anti-vaxx. Whether that’s true or not is not the point as I don’t care what she believes. Her arrest was wrong. The point is she is free to speak her mind whatever the case. I also protect the choice of the left and the far right to speak their mind. That’s what I’m talking about. You appear to have a problem with that. Get a grip!
I agree with you on most things but I disagree with you on calling people Anti-vaxers, when they are obviously not. Calling people Jelly backs and the like when you yourself state you will follow all directives blindly.
Do not belittle people who are blinded by the propaganda.
What have you done?
Banging away on a keyboard is helping to a degree, but the fight needs to be in the face of the tyrants, visual.
You think you can vote your way out of this in a couple of years. Do you think we have that long.
Following the MSM narrative is a poor logic, that makes you an anti-vaxer also.
Pretty clear-cut indeed MP. I’ve had almost every other vax imaginable over the years, but can STILL handle someone else declining to have them. That’s THEIR choice and risk.
Meanwhile, I’m not so sure when it comes to parents not allowing their kids to be vaxed.
On the other hand, the current Covid19-vaxed crowds get no sympathy whatsoever. It’s as if someone decided nowadays that asbestos fibro cement would be good to build with because they were getting it for free.
A parents job is to do what they believe is right. No children should be lab rats.
Look at the media push to target the kids, non stop propaganda.
A parents job is to do what they believe is right. No children should be lab rats.
exactly 😉
“The Covid vaccines affect periods. Are we allowed to talk about this?”
You’ll probably get a “full stop” on that
Worse, first trimester miscarriages increase from 10% to 80%. I think I am quoting Zalenko.
If we can use supercomputers to process quintillions of calculations per second to advance our understanding of astrophysics and climate change, we can do it for vaccine development without the risk of accidentally (or intentionally) unleashing a pandemic infinitely more deadly than Covid-19.
And Fauci needs to be called out for his role in all this. At the very least he should be forced to resign; at the worst, be tried for treason.
I would like to see a fully armed SWAT team decend on Fauci’s house in the early morning, arrest him and make him do the perp-walk in his pajamas, like they did to Roger Stone.
That would only ever be possible if Trump were POTUS. No other leader would even contemplate that sort of “corrective” action.
Fauci looking for the true origins of the virus reminds me of OJ looking for the real killers.
Direct words from Dr. Chant
“”We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New Wold Order” – Dr. Chant”
and click on view in the first sensitive content clink.
typo….. should of course be New World Order
Yes and conspiracy nuts are going crazy over it. It’s not the first time some official or politician occasionally blurted out those words. It’s been happening for decades. People make mistakes and it just shows they are immature and have very little knowledge or understanding of what they are talking about in an environment where there are people who hold to any number of conspiracy theories. However, when the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki blurted out the word “plandemic” the situation has changed. It’s a sign that the pandemic has indeed been planned all along, which shouldn’t be a surprise given a lot of things we do now know. Join the dots and there can only be one conclusion, the current restrictions and push to 70/80/90/100% vaccination rates with ongoing booster shots is not an accident and has nothing to do about the virus, which by all standards is a mild one, yet our officialdom are treating it as though it’s a super virus. I was privy to a telephone town hall meeting where PM Morrison openly admitted to saying they have already ordered enough doses of a variety of vaccines to cover booster shots for at least into 2023. He also openly admitted that vaccine certificates (read passports) will be issued under state jurisdictions. Also, once we get to 80% vaccination rates rapid antigen testing will be common place so that people can check for themselves. He admitted such tests are not as accurate as the PCR test, not realising the PCR test isn’t accurate anyway. Goes to show who ignorant or liars they are.
This is unsupported (and unsupportable) conspiracy theory – there is no evidence at all that the pandemic was planned (as if anyone could do such a thing anyway).
No-one benefits from the pandemic, except perhaps those who provide PPE and vaccines – but they do not rule the world, and in fact they don’t even rule the pharmaceutical / medical world.
Your claims are fanciful. And show a lack of understanding of how pandemics can play out. Certainly it’s not a super-virus killing 40% of those infected, but it is spread human-to-human via aerosol means, is extremely infectious, and is a serious respiratory disease. Without strong intervention, one case becomes 100 becomes 1,000 becomes 10,000 – and health services become overwhelmed, and lockdowns inevitable.
It is a public health emergency that we all wish were not occurring – it’s costing people a couple of years of normal life – so far.
No need to make it worse by piling conspiracy voodoo on top of it – it serves no purpose and just distracts hard-working and professional people from their jobs. So does anti-vax and pro-IVM hyper-ventilating.
[Quit adding your own hyperbole while criticising people for their hyperbole. -Jo]
“He admitted such tests are not as accurate as the PCR test, not realising the PCR test isn’t accurate anyway. Goes to show who ignorant or liars they are.”
What do you mean by inaccurate? Are you referring to the specificity or to the sensitivity of PCR?
In a previous comment you used the phrase “PCR is a fraud” but didn’t say why it was a fraud. Would you explain?
I and others did explain on numerous occasions why it’s a fraud using supporting evidence. For starters the test is not calibrated to anything and so is not a real diagnostic tool but just a research tool. The Ct count is taken well beyond the threshold that increases the number of false positives too much and thus making the test almost worthless. The test doesn’t detect the COVID-19 virus itself but a dead fragment of any COVID virus of which there are many thus even if the test is true positive it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s due to the COVID-19 virus. There are other reasons but that ought to be sufficient to classify the test as a fraud.
Questions Not Asked: NSW Still Using RT-PCR Cycle Thresholds of 40-45
There may be good reasons for NSW Health to specify RT-PCR cycle thresholds (CT) of 40-45 for Covid-19 testing. Even despite evidence since mid 2020 that thresholds above 25-35 can create false positives for disease and infectivity. But we don’t know if those reasons even exist, or what they are if they do.
We don’t know because our media are too dumb to ask questions, and our bureaucrats are spin-doctoring drones who obscure all relevant data.
You can find a simple explanation of RT-PCR cycle thresholds here. You’ll need it to understand what follows. The basic idea is that the threshold represents how many times you have to use RT-PCR techniques to double the viral fragment you’ve found before it becomes detectable. Each number represents a doubling, so the difference between 35 cycles and 45 cycles is 2^10, or 1024 times larger.
As the WHO states, “the cycle threshold (CT) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load.” That is, the more cycles you need to get a positive, the less virus is present.
The Issue
Mr Batflu himself Fauci is on tape (podcast) talking about PCR tests and how a positive test using a cycle threshold of greater than 35 is essentially worthless.
when the starting point is one, the sample size is 5,368,709,120 times larger at CT 30. To arrive at the size for CT 45.. double this number X2 a further 15 times. The progression of doubling is 1×2=2,2×2=4.4×2=8.8×2=16 and on we go for 45 doublings, to arrive at the size of the final sample. This doubling is repeated, as I understand untill the “Cycle Threshold”OR a Positive result is achieved.
“I and others did explain on numerous occasions why it’s a fraud using supporting evidence. For starters the test is not calibrated to anything and so is not a real diagnostic tool but just a research tool. The Ct count is taken well beyond the threshold that increases the number of false positives too much and thus making the test almost worthless. The test doesn’t detect the COVID-19 virus itself but a dead fragment of any COVID virus of which there are many thus even if the test is true positive it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s due to the COVID-19 virus. There are other reasons but that ought to be sufficient to classify the test as a fraud.”
Have you any experience with PCR? Judging from your comments I suspect you and possibly the others to whom you refer, have not. I have. Lots. You write:
“For starters the test is not calibrated to anything and so is not a real diagnostic tool but just a research tool. l”
“For starters the test is not calibrated to anything.”
That is incorrect. Have you never heard of quantitative PCR (qPCR). Calibration is made by using a solution of known viral concentration, available commercially, and running a series of dilutions and measuring the resultant Ct. This produces a standard curve which can be used to quantitate results from patients’ samples.
”not a real diagnostic tool just a research tool”?
Again, incorrect. Have you never heard of the world wide use of PCR in forensic investigations to determine if someone suspected of a crime is innocent or guilty? Have you never heard of the use of PCR in paternity cases to establish who is/who is not a child’s father? Have you never heard of the use of PCR in medicine to determine if a patient has or has not inherited a gene that is known to predispose to diseases such as cystic fibrosis or breast cancer? All of these instances and many more are using PCR as a diagnostic tool.
“The Ct count is taken well beyond the threshold that increases the number of false positives too much and thus making the test almost worthless.
Again totally incorrect. The cut-off (highest Ct value) for positivity is usually placed at a Ct value similar to that generated by the lowest copies of target that can be reliably detected in the assay (e.g. Ct ≤ 38). This Ct cut-off value is determined by manufacturers of commercial assays, or by laboratories during the validation of laboratory developed tests,
The cut off for negativity assigned to the Ct value at which target is no longer expected to be detected e.g. Ct ≥40. Again this is determined by manufacturer of commercial assays or by laboratories during the validation of laboratory developed tests,
“The test doesn’t detect the COVID-19 virus itself but a dead fragment of any COVID virus of which there are many thus even if the test is true positive it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s due to the COVID-19 virus. There are other reasons but that ought to be sufficient to classify the test as a fraud
‘The test doesn’t detect the COVID-19 virus itself but a dead fragment of any COVID virus.”
Yet again incorrect. I suspect you are not too familiar with primers and how they are used in PCR. you might like to read a little about the selection and use of unique sequences. Suffice to say that there are now innumerable commerceiasl assays most of which are both highly sensetive and specific
References please.
The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, dates back to 1985 for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993. In 1996, John Lauritsen wrote about HIV and AIDS. Lauritsen at that time said that the PCR test identifies substances qualitatively not quantitatively, detecting the genetic sequences of viruses rather than the viruses themselves:
“PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”
As I and others keep saying the test does not detect the virus in question, it detects only fragments (genetic sequences) of a virus, which can be a virus other than the one intended to check for its existence.
Professor Dr. Thomas Aigner described in a letter the crisis in medicine surrounding this virus which has become so political. He is referring to a report that points out there are ten fatal problems with the Corman-Drosten paper that discusses how the PCR test was is used to allegdely detect SARS-CoV-2.
The letter is here
and the report is here:
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
The conclusion of all this is the PCR test is in effect a fraud because it’s used to exaggerate the case numbers and claim they are all attributed to the COVID-19 virus when in fact they are not, and to justify an overreach by governments to deal with what is actually a mild pandemic not much different from previous mild flu pandemics.
Thank you for your comment o Kary Mullis who I met at a conference in Perth WA where he was the main speaker
You write “The conclusion of all this is the PCR test is in effect a fraud because it’s used to exaggerate the case numbers and claim they are all attributed to the COVID-19 virus when in fact they are not, and to justify an overreach by governments to deal with what is actually a mild pandemic not much different from previous mild flu pandemics.”
This is conspiracy theory stuff and bears no relation to reality. Yes there are false positives and false negatives but the numbers of each are not high and they are not used to exaggerate anything. As for detecting the virus you clearly do not understand how PCR works. I suggest you first of all learn how DNA replicates, the meaning of the terms 3 prime and 5 prime and the selection and use of primers
And as I keep saying, in WA alone we’ve done 1.5 million PCR tests for Covid and found only 30 cases in the community. But we’ve found many in hotel quarantine with the same testing system.
Doesn’t matter how many times I point this out…
Australian COVID Restrictions Get More Draconian as Health Officer Mentions ‘New World Order’
Government facing legal action over mandatory jab orders
One of the people challenging a NSW vaccination rule in court has made a bizarre request, as thousands tuned in to watch the hearing.
Australian Health Minister Brad Hazzard: This is the New World Order.
NSW Health Hazzard, “We’ve gotta accept that this is the New World Order”.
Thursday, 09 September 2021
You have to realise that the only reason they are using the term is because it’s true but not in the sense most of us think. They are too naive to know what they are talking about. They are just the puppets. Yes we are now in a “new world order” as a result of two scaremongering issues; CAGW and COVID-19 pandemic, the latter clearly not being a super virus even though it is being treated as such. However, that “new world order” is not the real one that will be a result of a new world government. The current one is simply a characterisation of the situation we are now being coerced and forced to adopt, such as the up and coming vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations and the like. The real “new world order” is yet to come. When that happens we will know about it. One way of telling is that the monetary system will collapse and be replaced with a new one controlled by a one world government. We are not there yet and when it happens it will be obvious.
Hey Ozzians …
Speaking of NWO …
National Resilience Centers
Good euph!
Perhaps “Work Makes One Free” can be changed to “Negative Test Makes One Free”.
I hear hi temps ovens kill the V.
Might be a challenge to your sustainable grid during the approaching summer.
I’m wrong …
that should be ‘Injection Macht Frei’.
Unfortunate Freudian slip.
Not necessarily. I prefer to think they just that naive and stupid as they don’t know what they are talking about. As I keep stating they are just the puppets with not much more intelligence and critical thinking skills so they are just following orders. They could put up a robot there much like this fake robot here, just need to put in a speaker to make it appear it can talk:
To see how it was made see:
George Bush used the words ‘ New World Order’ on the deck of that aircraftcarrier.
Hi Jo,
I think you were caught up with some of the craziness with Covid for a while.
However, I have solid, entirely reputable, evidence that the pandemic is a hysteria. In particular, the Office for National Statistics in the UK. It shows that the demographically adjusted mortality rate in the UK is the same as in 2008.
This should be headline news, but it is ignored. Please take a look here:
I am assuming, I hope correctly given your record, that you are able to change your view with reliable data.
Again it’s just another confirmation it’s not about the virus, which by all standards is a mild one, yet our officialdom are treating it as though it’s a super virus.
Its the excuse to force clot shot/ widow maker vaxes on the entire popn.
As Ive said numerous times, a report I saw predicted 40% popn decrease in Oz, 60% in UK and 80% in USA by 2025.
This is just Na*ism resurfacing and reactivating. The “wellness camps” and the new Arbit Macht Frie camps. Demonization of a section of the population has begun, what do you think comes next with a disarmed population presided over by tyrants?
Wellcamp was a real location before the virus was even heard of. The owners put in an airstrip before the virus was even heard of.
Anybody who morphs the wellcamp quarantine station into a wellness camp does so at great risk to their reputation.
Centres for national resilience.
Luckily they all have a railway system nice and close, be able to catch a train when you
re_educationholiday is complete. Maybe you come by train?They are now going for 3000 person capacity per state, for all the tourists.
MP. You might know….
When the tourists arriving at the Resilience Camps, are sorted into male and female (yeah I know there are another 55 genders but none of them will be on the camp-trains, now will they?), will they get refreshing showers like at Auschwitz and Treblinka etc…or will it be straight to the “Work Sets Ya Free” barracks?
Gladys and dam have not clarified this issue as yet…
Wonder if they have a fire pit, if I can call them that?
I don’t have enough information to answer why they are going to extraordinary lengths to vaccinate virtually everyone for a virus that isn’t much different to any of the serious breakouts of other respiratory diseases nations everywhere have experienced over the decades. It’s as though they think the current virus is some extreme case of a super virus that could lead to billions of deaths, which clearly it isn’t. I can come up with several views but it’s no point speculating given we don’t have all the necessary information. Perhaps in time we will. All we can know for sure now is the draconian measures are way over the top yet people in general don’t mind and in some cases are loving it. Perhaps that’s why unions are very quiet on this as they like this sort of draconian actions – typical communist tactics. I bet even China is learning a lesson or two from us. Because there isn’t much resistance towards even the vaccine passports (I know of one “friend” who love to get one) I suspect officialdom will go as far as they can to implement as many draconian measures as possible before the resist, if they resist at all. It will be a good barometer of the level of acceptance to authoritative measures. Compare today with the time when the Australia Card was muted. It was rejected by the public outright. Now it’s the opposite with a system that’s far more onerous and heavy handed as it will require people to be vaccinated as well. Such is the power of the MSM when too many people are so gullible, asleep or simply don’t give a damn about their fellow human beings.
Look no further than China’s United Front Work Department which would have drawers packed with similar schemes to this in quest of Xi’s determination to rule the world; who else is as well organised to create global mayhem?
OS, the thought that’s crossed my mind often is that if the purpose of all this is depopulation and we know that big Pharma is a major player, then how will they make their pots of money with fewer people around? ToM
I doubt they have thought that far ahead..
Money now please. !
Tides. You may have heard that “You will own nothing, and you will be happy”.
Instead of getting a daily fee, Big Pharma is hoping to get a cut of what you used to own when you were NOT happy. But will they?
Old news. We were posting about that six months ago. At present it also seems the last full 12 months will not look that out of the ordinary in the UK
Does not matter, keep putting it up.
So the dimwits in the UK spent all that time locked up for no good. Mobility was as low as 60% down on normal at the beginning of 2021. They could have been partying like Sweden where mobility was only down by 50% at the beginning of 2021.
Now the 75% of the UK population who have taken the jab have simply exposed themselves to a dangerous vaccine rather than accepting the inevitable and just taking their dose of harmless Covid.
The death toll in places like Brazil, Peru and India are aberrations. The people are simply weak. The shortage of oxygen to intubate in India was simply a beat up.
How silly do you have to be to take data after the strictest imposition on personal freedom in living memory and conclude Covid-19 was harmless. There are some silly people but those who cannot link cause and effect are as silly as they get!!!
Probably not as silly as those that buy the propaganda and government supplied numbers from third world countries.
For a lot of reasons if the UK behaved like sweden the death toll would have been far higher.
1. Much higher pop density than Sweden where 50% live alone.
2. High deficiencies of Vit D because it is not fortified in food in the Uk.
3. More flights, more travel. More mutants.
Covid is not harmless. What evidence do you have that India was a beat up?
We can stop chasing the rabbit down holes.
We have the arsonist, we have evidence of an accelerant, we know who was funding the arsonist and we know who has gained benefit.
Turn on the media and all we hear is that you will catch the rabbit if you get the ‘jab’.
The arsonist roams free.
Actually, they are gradually turning things around to make those who don’t take the shots the arsonists. I will not be surprised to see the day that anyone who doesn’t have a valid medical reason for not being vaccinated, will be fined and perhaps even arrested. At least that’s the general direction we might be heading to given by how our leaders and health officials are talking on a daily basis. Time will tell if we get that far. I sincerely hope not but if we do then we can all relax in the thought we have nothing to fear any more as our governments become our true masters instead of our public servants. Guess who we can thank for all that? Voters of course.
“Voters of course.”
In a society run by bureaucrats, who needs voters !
Now you are one step ahead of me. First things first.
We are at war. Why did Chinese spies steal viruses from a Canadian Level 4 lab, sending the deadly viruses the Wuhan lab? We need a country to appoint a commander to investigate and take charge. The first task would be solving the covid problem and setting up a new multi country ‘intelligence’ group.
Canada, UK, and Australia need an independent ‘military’ like organization that is well funded, staffed and independent of our leaky, corrupt, childish/political governments. And independent of the US military who have been infiltrated during a time of war.
We are bleeding economically because there is no solution to covid. Covid is an advanced weapon (which we do not understand how it is hurting us) that is as contagious as small pox and that attacks our nervous system (to cause MS, optical nerve problems, and so on, for example) and our lungs using advanced biotechnology that has been taken from civil and military medical research that was added to the covid design for tactical reasons (create a virus that cannot be defeated using only a vaccine).
It is a fact. That there is zero ‘evidence’ that covid is natural. The nature comment ‘paper’ which stated with no evidence. That stating that covid could only be natural, is full of lies/false logic/sciency mumbo jumbo… and is absolutely false.
The CCP is stealing technical secrets and interfering in our governments and our news agency to hide what they are doing. To stop a defence. The CCP attack escalated with the release of the Covid advanced bioweapon.
CCP spies (who bragged to their Canadian neighbours about the size of their Chinese mansion) infiltrated a Canadian Level 4 biolab and sent deadly virus samples to the Wuhan laboratory.
The Wuhan lab need viral samples from the Canadian level 4 lab to create a cover story for the release of the super high technology (software designed and the system predicts how covid will change/mutate and will predicted organ damage, deaths and so on.) covid virus.
“In May of 2019, months before the earliest dates COVID-19 was reported, Canada’s federal law enforcement, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), quietly escorted two Chinese researchers from the country’s own BSL4 laboratory, the National Institute of Microbiology (NML) in Winnipeg.
The dismissal of the duo, a married couple, Qiu Xiangguo and Cheng Keding, was referred to only as a “possibly policy breach,” was quickly buried in Canadian media, and flew under the radar until August when the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) finally disclosed to the public with the reason for Qiu and Cheng’s dismissal: they had shipped samples of Ebola and Henipavirus to the WIV.
Henipavirus is a class of viruses that contains Nipah Virus and causes the disease known as Marburg, which the NML’s own researchers reported in a 2018 study had a 75 to 100 percent fatality rate.
Despite the scandal, PHAC nonetheless kept Qiu and Cheng employed at the NML until January of this year. In June of 2020, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) found the couple had actually shipped samples of 15 different viruses to the WIV.
CBC also found through Access to Information requests that Qiu had flown to China at least five times to train WIV scientists. Her trips were funded by an entity whose identity was redacted.
The broadcaster also found Qiu had added 32 publications to her name after the time she was removed from the NML, mostly involving Ebola and Marburg. Qiu also has at least eight studies published with Yan Feihu, a Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher, which is an arm of the People’s Liberation Army’s Military-Civil Fusion initiative.
CBC also noted sources at the NML, who wished to remain anonymous, saw Yan at the NML, which requires a secret-level security clearance to work at and an additional level of clearance for researchers working on fatal diseases.
Qiu and Cheng have not been seen since their 2019 removal, according to CBC. The couple were reported to own $1.7 million in homes in Winnipeg, which were said to be unoccupied for several months when the CBC interviewed neighbours. The broadcaster also said Qiu bragged to co-workers about owning a mansion in China.”
We are at war with ourselves. Look around. Police harassing and arresting people for not wearing a mask. In once indient at least the guy almost died: Sydney Mother begs, “Remove the handcuffs from dying son!”
Share that far and wide. E mail it to every Aussie MP. Make these idiots accountable.
Sorry but we can’t make them accountable unless we vote in such a way the two party system is dead. It’s up to the people of Australia. Stop giving either major party majority rule in government. Otherwise, forget it and enjoy the ride on the train while it lasts before the crash.
In the Senate you can make a difference – Put Liberals/Labor/Greens last – and by voting for an alternate you deny funding on each vote – not much $2.75 per vote, but every bit will count
Liberals are a Disaster
Agree with you there Old Ozzie. I place a tick in every square, don’t care how many ( 160 at last election ) dont care how long it takes. I make sure that “preferences” are mine, not what some political party think make good bed fellows. The Andrews government supported by greens, animal rights and what ever the sex party is called these days, does indeed lead to all sorts of trade offs to keep a “state of emergency ” running in Victoria.
I am forever amazed that what would normally pass for inteligent people just rush in and vote above the line then wonder why some very minor parties win seats!
I do the same Sambar. Had some funny looks from people around when I took so long in the booth!
Yes that’s one way but as I keep trying to say that’s not going to happen because most voters are asleep and don’t have a clue as to what is happening to them. The elephant in the room is so good at being cloaked even so many people here don’t see it. Have you got it yet?
Greenlabor are multiples worse.
A nice idea William, how about we use a nice catchy name for this new “independent ‘military’ like organization that is well funded, staffed and independent”
Thunderbirds” has a nice catchy ring to it don’t you think?? 🙂 🙂
Sorry, I couldn’t resist! There are probably several such secret groups, just ask the people with all the money! (but don’t expect them to answer a deplorable)
Yes there is a certain proportion of people who truly believe some political party eventually will be voted in to put a stop to the gradual walk towards a totalitarian system, be it communism, fascism or whatever. They are of course dreaming as no such party will ever be elected. The reason is obvious. Most people are asleep, don’t have a clue or don’t even give a damn. By the time enough to wake up it will be too late. There are some who even like to end up that way – we call them leftists but it extends to other groups, such as neo-Naz1s who even have their own political party here in Australia, at least they used to as I haven’t checked lately to see if they still have a branch here. It’s called the Golden Dawn Party and has its origin in Greece:
“ Canada, UK, and Australia need an independent ‘military’ like organization that is well funded, staffed and independent of our leaky, corrupt, childish/political governments.” – Wm. Astley
Serious? And who would head this farce? Who would appoint him/her/it? Who would fund them? To whom would they pledge their allegiance? Who would hold them accountable if they betrayed that allegiance?
How old are you, again?
Yep. Some people did some really stupid things. Others are evil. Some are both.
Bureacracies are breeding grounds for both stupidity and evil.
For fun, ‘oogle the old saying “put a man on the moon but can’t cure the common cold” to read why the vaccination push will fail.
Read the mainstream articles explaining why coronas have no cure before ‘oogle shoves the pages down the memory hole.
Most people can’t put 2 and 2 together to make 4, so to speak. Booster shots will be required yet when I mention it to most people they look at me as though I’m talking nonsense. How many booster shots will be required no one really knows. Some countries are already talking about an indefinite number of booster shots. Also, why are some 140 vaccine candidates currently being tested in over 400 trials in 60 countries? It’s proof that the current vaccines in use are not good enough and so we will need to receive shots later.
“Booster shots will be required yet when I mention it to most people they look at me as though I’m talking nonsense.”
That’s surprising. Surely most people are aware that yearly vaccination against influenza has been carried out for nearly 10 years. Similarly most modern parents know that their children get booster shots for diphtheria and tetanus whooping cough and mumps and measles and Rubella (German measles) so getting booster shots is hardly unusual
Though booster shots are needed for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, mumps, measles, Rubella, none promised you are “fully vaccinated” with
123 shots, plus boosters every 4-6 months, and mandated mask wearing, whilst outlawing/demonising any alternative noble award winning/FDA approved medicines like ivermectin.Otherwise, nothing unusual going on here, to be sure.
Wearing masks and outlawing Ivermectin isn’t really all that relevant to giving vaccine booster shots. But you avoided any mention of yearly vaccination for influenza which is very relevant.
I’m protected by my tin foil hat.
But declining an annual booster shot for influenza did not see you locked out of society did it? That’s the ‘creeping assumption’ from good comrade Dan.
Has The Media Been Fair In Its Coverage Of Ivermectin?
My blog post, which lays out several stunning examples of mainstream media idiocy, has stirred up a significant amount of discussion among my friends and people whom I respect. I’m interested in the thoughts of my readers, as well.
What I want to know from my readers and e-mail list subscribers is:
Have you done any research on ivermectin?
If so, what did it entail and what did you find out?
If you have looked into ivermectin, do you think the media is covering the story accurately?
If you don’t think the media is covering it accurately, are they just taking their cues from the “mainstream” narrative or is there something else at play?
Is there an active cover up regarding ivermectin or am I just being paranoid in the face of lackluster evidence?
From the Comments
5 hours ago (Edited)
#01: Yes, I’ve done a lot of research.
#02: Yes, ivermectin is extremely effective at preventing COVID19 symptoms.
#03: Yes, ivermectin is extremely effective at reducing COVID19 symptoms.
#04: Yes, ivermectin is extremely effective at preventing COVID19 deaths.
#05: Yes, the predators-that-be and mega-pharma subverted ivermectin in order to PRETEND administration of their fake, health-harming and sometimes death-causing non-vaccines is legal (which it most definitely is not because ivermectin is effective).
#06: Yes, ivermectin saved the life of people I know.
#07: Yes, for doctors and hospitals to not prescribe and administer ivermectin is INTENTIONAL MASS MURDER on a scale never witnessed before on planet earth (as far as I can tell).
#08: Yes, to prevent humans from ordering or getting ivermectin is INTENTIONAL MASS MURDER on a scale never witnessed before on planet earth (as far as I can tell).
#09: Yes, mainstream media lies about everything, not just COVID19 and ivermectin.
#10: Yes, I have read and watched many dozen articles and studies about the risks, effectiveness and consequences of humans taking ivermectin for COVID19 symptoms.
#11: Yes, ivermectin is an extremely safe medication (should not require prescription).
#12: Yes, a huge number of extremely knowledgeable experts, doctors and scientists claim ivermectin is very safe, very effective against COVID19 symptoms (or SARS-COV-2 … whichever you prefer to call it) … including the former Vice President and chief scientist of Pfizer, the co-developer of mRNA technology (that the fake non-vaccines are based upon), and many, many, many other prominent doctors and scientists who have the most advanced and extensive knowledge to understand and assess ivermectin and the fake non-vaccines that are in the process of destroying the immune systems of hundreds of millions or billions of humans.
#13: Yes, I have been a scientist, engineer, inventor and product developer for many decades. But I am not expert in chemistry or biology. Nonetheless, I am (and always have been) quite good at recognizing inconsistencies, contradictions and bogus claims in pretty much any scientific or technical field. And I am quite good at recognizing bias and gross conflicts of interests in the presentations of supposed experts in pretty much any scientific or technical field.
Shall I continue?
Meta Anslysis, the real “gold std,” says Ivermectin is safe and effective.
The only reason to ban it was so big pharma could push its unsafe ineffective inoculation on us, for fun and profit.
Yes. And here is the kicker. The studies indicate that Ivermectin is 38% effective in stopping covid, are based on the patients taking the drug Ivermectin as a tablet. The maximum biological action of Ivermectin, is limited/physically constrained due to the chemical properties of Ivermectin. Ivermectin is not water soluble.
Ivermectin the chemical is not water soluble. So Ivermectin must be taken with a meal that has fats in it. This helps Ivermectin get into the blood stream. Taking Ivermectin with a fatty meal does not ‘solve’ the issue that Ivermectin is not water soluble. What it does it create a great variance of the in blood level of Ivermectin. Those that do not eat a fatty meal will find that Ivermectin does not work to stop covid.
There is a ‘technology’ that has been around for a decade to solve the bio-engineering problem that Ivermectin is not water soluble. The old technology, applied, makes Ivermectin super effective. Perhaps the covid gold bullet.
See my link below for an explanation of the simple technology which makes it possible to achieve an in blood stream bio-active Ivermectin that is (strip that is dissolved under the tongue) 5 times higher than a tablet or that is (injectable version of Ivermectin that has a chemical solution to reach close to theoretical best) 8 times better than a tablet.
A couple of points.
1 – How many people are able to inject themselves correctly? Too impractical.
2 – But it still works better than the junk they tell us to take. Overly complicating the dosing would likely cause more harm than not.
I wonder how much difference in effectiveness one would see in a study comparing those on a low fat diet with those who eat real food?
P.S. – apologies for the “how old are you” comment above. You are obviously thinking about the problem, and even if some of your ideas are, uh, unworkablel, that’s still better than having no ideas at all.
Ivermectin it appears works. So if the immersion technology works, that technology would enable the Ivermectin to be 8 times bio-effective. Able to interact with all the tiny covid viruses in the patient.
That is the point. A drug that stops 38% of the covid cases could if it is 8 times more effective… Stop almost all covid damage. And be very effective as a prophylactic.
The injection would be by a professional. The under the tongue strip could be dispensed at drug stores with an explanation how to use.
The most practical covid stopper could be the Canadian developed non-invasive covid nasal spray. It stops covid from binding to cells in the nose is where it is believed covid starts its infection into the human body.
Key nose cells identified as likely COVID-19 virus entry points
It could be used on children. This is very important as the vaccines may not be safe to use on children. The company that developed and tested the covid nasal spray have sold the production rights to a large Indian pharmaceutical company whose web site states that they will be producing the covid nasal spray to Asian countries 4 quarter this year.
In UK tests, Israel tests, Canadian tests, and so …
“…can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours, a press release said on Sunday.”
There were also no adverse health events recorded in the UK trial, or in over 7,000 self-administered treatments given in the Canadian clinical trials, SaNOtize indicated.
An anti-viral nasal spray called Enovid that was developed in Canada and tested in the UK can reduce the viral loads in confirmed COVID-19 cases by 95% in 24 hours and 99% in 72 hours, a press release said on Sunday.
The Israeli-manufactured spray can be used up to five times a day after coming in contact with viruses, according to the release. It’s suitable for children as young as 12 years old, and the Ministry of Health approved it in January this year. It will go on sale in the coming week.
Re nasal spray; perhaps another option
The CDD in Australia has not responded to my request for the name of a GP in my area that prescribes the Borody Covid protocol.
There is no mention of Covid on the CDD web site.
Has Borody been cancelled?
Has anyone wanting an Ivermectin prescription telephoned the CDD?
yes, same I sent off details asking for referral to GP for Borody Covid Protocol – no response – I have HCQ as back up but as my GP is cynical re Borody Protocol, would like an alternative GP.
Must be true if the ‘epic times’ reports it
Must be true if Peter Fitzroy reports it
Must be true if PF plays the man not the ball.
As far as the ball goes, the 1918 Spanish Flu bits are strangely missing from this ‘Franken Virus’ soup and yet it appears to have had the same symptoms the experts quote as the symptoms of Covid19.
So where is the ball in this instance? The post is an opinion on an opinion published somewhere else. There is not a skerrick of traceable evidence to your ‘ball’
No problem PF.
A little bit of clicking an Voilà
I haven’t applied for a sample and attempted to sequence the lung tissue myself, though I feel this small amount of clicking is superior science to most of the ‘Experts using the science’ that you quote.
Interesting you should mention the Spanish Flu. Despite its name, historical and epidemiological data did not identify the geographic origin of the disease. and several theories have been proposed. One of them proposes it wasn’t even a flu virus but a bacterial infection gone wild, and the lack of basic sanitation cause it to be as such. We may never know the true story.
It appears you missed this link posted here some time back –wartime censorship except in Spain has to do with the name.
A key difference between the “Spanish’ flu and Covid is the SF mainly affected fit young people 20-30/35 and not so much people 65+.
This video gives a presentation by a researcher who has looked into it in detail, quite recently
Oops I didn’t switch on the lookahead function so posted the same link answering PeterS.
First correct statement that you’ve made in a while PF.
What? Are you ‘relaunching in 2020’ … oh gods no.
zero-evidence PF…. steering well clear of any evidence !
[small snip. LVA]
They were being caviller about biosecurity and now we have a diabolical mess, I blame the Americans.
‘Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
‘The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing the work of EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory.
‘The trove of documents includes two previously unpublished grant proposals that were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as project updates relating to EcoHealth Alliance’s research, which has been scrutinized amid increased interest in the origins of the pandemic.’ (Intercept)
Peter has to be from a troll farm.
This was reported a while ago in AP news, July 26 from a press release by the researchers.
Quay, Steven, C., Rahalkar, Monali, C., Jones, Adrian, & Bahulikar, Rahul, A. (2021). CONTAMINATION OR VACCINE RESEARCH? RNA Sequencing data of early COVID-19 patient samples show abnormal presence of vectorized H7N9 hemagglutinin segment.
I’d say PF is a reject from a troll farm except that every piece of misinformation he posts gets a great yield of replies.
Don’t feed the trolls.
Mr Fitzroy is not a troll, he offers an alternative view of reality and I applaud him for having the courage to venture here.
an alternative view.. well away from reality !
He has to be on a payroll. Just cut paste comments with little thought. Pretty obvious that he is not here to debate but to denigrate.
With just a useless anti-American pro-Chicomm US “president”, the Chicomms can now do as they please.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if their first target for their next bioweapon will be Tawain.
And a bioweapon doesn’t have to be extremely deadly as they learned with COVID. The disruption it caused and continues to cause in the economic and social destruction of the West for the benefit of the Chicomms is proof of that.
Not sure about the logic of this. China produces a huge percentage of the world’s consumer goods, from teaspoons to t-shirts, to TVs. How does China benefit from chaos and declining economic activity in the West (or anywhere else it sells large volumes of stuff to)?
Is the West more powerful now in 2021 than it was two years ago. There’s your answer…
Yes. The West is woken (up)
Oh, I wouldn’t say Biden is useless. He is in fact “fit for purpose” to complete the agenda of his masters. He’s as close to a real puppet as a human could be.
‘Leading epidemiologist Larry Brilliant calls mass vaccination to achieve herd immunity ‘just a dream’, saying it didn’t work against smallpox, Ebola or polio.
‘The former Google vice-president says technology is key, with various means of surveillance the most effective way to identify and isolate asymptomatic cases.’ (SCMP)
I’m not sure what he means.
1) Smallpox is eradicated except for one specimen in Russia and one in the US. It us regarded by WHO (If they can be trusted) as eliminated.
2) The Ebola vaccine is 95% to 100% effective.
3) Polio would have been eradicated had it not been for the Taliban murdering the polio vaccine workers in Pakistan.
The above vaccines all work properly and people should take them.
The presently available covid vaccines are poorly effective and don’t stop people being infected or giving the infection.
We’ve been through all this before. Natural immunity is the only thing has kept mankind alive for this long in the face of many deadly viruses in the past far worse than COVID-19. If animal reservoirs are not part of the situation it is possible to get rid of a virus by herd immunity but vaccines can and do accelerate the achievement of that goal. Given COVID-19 can reside in animals then the only way we can eradicate the virus is through herd immunity or a vaccine that stops the spread dead in its tracks. No such vaccine as yet exists, and possibly never will. So for the moment we can only rely on herd immunity to get rid of it.
Yes. Non-sterilizing inoculations only make matters worse.
Over-“vaccination” makes the pandemic worse, and it is the “vaccinated” who are the source of the resistant variants.
Further down the comments on your article Yonason, This from an infected IM doctor.
Sorry Jo I have to post the comment in full,
[very small snip. LVA]
This was the link for the IM Doctors observations
Thanks. Yet what we so desperately need is a reliable news source that rings up this doc, checks they are real, follows the strings and reports them. But that isn’t happening.
How can we be sure of anything.?
Surveillance tracing technology is the key to elimination, dunno.
The vaccine is meant to reduce the chance of people ending up in hospital, so eradication is best if we want to get our lives back.
The big concern is that an Oz bat man was working at the Wuhan lab in 2019, probably Hendra, but you can easily imagine that it became a game of mix and match. Now we may have something that is artificial, sophisticated and unnatural. Which is precisely why governments panicked.
smallpox, Ebola or polio.
As far as I know, none of these diseases exist in Australia.
There are already a few countries living the dream. Any country with more than 80% of the population carrying Covid anti-bodies have declining infection rates with pre-Covid mobility or close to it. Uruguay is the best example so far but others are there already and more getting close:
Even California appears to have achieved an infection rate under 1:
It appears the Google VP is pushing his own ideas without any knowledge of public health.
Antibodies are a moving target. Bodies that don’t face serious illness make antibodies but don’t prioritize them. They fade. Protection wanes.
The T cells are still there, but slower to activate, the virus gets a head start.
Vaccination is trying to mimic a deadly virus without being deadly.
The price is that our immune systems aren’t easily fooled.
If one looks at the role that Fauci also played the attempt to put all the blame on to China will backfire in the sense that the US , Canada and other countries perhaps even Australia have tentacle that connect back to WIV. The naive assumption that the study of gain of function research is necessary to help understand how to manage such viruses if there is an outbreak is pretty dumb especially if the research leads back to China.
The cover up is not just a China thing but has been assisted by key figures in a number of countries. It’s not just China that has been actively trying to prevent the truth from getting out.
Spot on. Hard to believe the boffins from all the countries with connections to WIV (France, US, Canada ,Oz et al) were too short sighted to realise that this sort of research was very risky. Too gutless to speak up? At least Fauci is on record as saying he did not want the research done in US. Pity no one took his remarks to a logical conclusion and introduced some ethics into this type of research.
This sample raises the question of what type of accident happened at the Wuhan Institute of virology, to cause so many pathogens to get into this individual. Was there a fire that caused a gas cylinder to explode and shatter multiple stored samples? Or a gas boiler explosion?
There’s this:
Genie; bottle: Some reassembly required.
Fauxi’s involvement with previous viral capers is also interesting.
A couple of entrances to the rabbit-hole:
Biden’s vaccine mandate is a legal mess and a logistical disaster
Yep. What a kick at the hornet’s nest from Biden. Afghanistan 2.0
I wonder how many vaccinated Americans realize that they will be unvaccinated by December?
This is scarier than the virous.
Biden through Health standards is going to force all US companies that employee 100 or more people to vaccine for covid or due weekly tests on all unvaccinated employees. That new regulation would effect 100 million Americans some of which are not vaccinated.
We need an alternative to vaccinating forever and fast.
What we need is a warp speed program that speeds up the ‘advanced’ Ivermectin research, that is now being pushed by a private Canada start-up company. If Ivermectin works to treat and prevent covid this technology would make it 5 times more effective in a strip that is melted under the tongue or eight times more effective in an injectable form.
There is a Canadian company that has been working for about 5 years on a not so new technology that makes certain drugs (curiously Ivermectin is one of the drugs that can be super charged) more bioactive. This enables the new form of the drug to achieve an in body, biochemical action, which would be impossible if the drug was delivered in a tablet… ….. because Ivermectin does not dissolve effectively in the blood and hence it would have required a toxic dosage of Invermectin to attain the microbiological action (ability to interact and stop all covid viruses) that would have required a toxic dosage if the Ivermectin was taken as tablet.
The company (which is under attack by weird ‘investors’ who are buying the shares of the Canadian company (MVMD) at high prices and then selling the same shares at low prices when the company issues good news about their process) has two Super Bioactive options of Ivermectin to treat covid.
A tablet is dissolved under the tongue which is five times more bioactive and a liquid injectable version of Ivermectin that is 8 times more bioactive.
This is a link to their explanation of the technology.
“We have a technique that is applied to the macrocyclic lactone drug class – one of which is ivermectin and another is selamectin – there are 12 or 13 of them in this class.
So now we’ve taken ivermectin and made it 5000 times more soluble using two excipients that are already approved by the FDA as safe for human consumption.
So it’s the only leading candidate in the world that’s safe for human injection”, says Mr Hancock. “It’s also the same solubilised form that we’ve used in a rapid-dissolve sublingual application – take something the size of a little piece of gum that dissolves under your tongue”, he adds.
Compared to existing oral forms, the sublingual presentation offers a number of advantages. “We’ve done preclinical trials – we’ve been able to use one fifth of the ivermectin, the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) in this case, and achieve a sublingual [dosage form] – so again it does not go through digestive enzymes – it crosses directly across the [oral] mucosa
,,,and we’ve achieved a one-hour onset, with 5% variability”, explains Mr Hancock. The injectable form uses one eighth of the API and has a 15-minute onset of action.”
We don’t need more research on Ivermectin or HCQ/Zinc. We have tons of data. The protocols involving those drugs have been proven to save lives. More studies just prevent at risk patients from receiving life saving treatment.
Great reporting there WA. Its probably the sort of research that would have been done by Merck if the active was still under patent protection. Maybe that’s where it originated? The macrocyclic lactone drug class is really interesting chemistry. Members of chemistry group also include some insecticides used in crop protection. Imagine if the FDA/TGA and media got hold of that? Not only would people be taking cattle back line treatment/ horse dewormer they could also be swallowing an insecticide that controls Two spotted mite in Tomatoes.
If the companies mandate, Work place health and safety require MSD Sheets.
You could not do a JSA on these.
But even more baffling is how Biden believes this can be enforced. Two and a half seconds ago, Democrats and the media went apoplectic at the prospect of Texas deputizing citizens to enforce their fetal heartbeat abortion ban, and now what? Employers are supposed to narc on each other to the federal government should a company fail to comply? And none of that is to mention that the economic implications will be given our already artificially tight labor market.
This Didn’t Age Well… CDC Chief Says There Will Be No Forced Federal Vaccine Mandates
Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.
Just 41 days ago CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky promised there would be no forced COVID vaccine mandates.
That was back on July 30.
Masks are here to stay as long as libs need to shame their political enemies
I expect President Biden is acting on professional health advice, and the changing scenario – there are 158,000 new cases being reported each day, and around 1,800 deaths per day. This is genuine surge-wave, and winter is coming.
Political leaders do not do these things for fun – and in fact it’s good to see them change direction if circumstances warrant or demand it.
Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate
The United States Postal Service (USPS) workers will be exempt from the mandatory vaccine requirements of all federal workers. The most logical reason for the Biden carve-out is the blackmail and leverage carried by the USPS for their role in the 2020 mail-in ballot fraud. Quid pro Joe.
On a positive note, this unilateral exemption provides massive support for any lawsuit against the Biden administration over the forced vaccination order. The DOJ cannot claim ‘public health’ as a reason for the mandate and simultaneously claim the USPS carve-out is unrelated.
Yet our government, led entirely by President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress, refuses to confront China over its involvement in killing so many Americans. Democrats remain shockingly uncurious about the origin of the virus.
Instead, they direct all their rage at American citizens.
“Anti-vaxxers!” they cry. Government bureaucrats, power-drunk doctors, and the screaming weenies in the American press wring their hands over so-called “vaccine-hesitancy.”
A person today can take every vaccine known to man and inoculate their children against every disease ever feared — yet they suddenly become some kind of crazed “anti-vaxxer” because they have a few questions about this new miracle drug that does not work exactly as we have been promised.
Obviously, this “hesitancy” has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with vaccines in general or even this vaccine in particular. Rather, it has everything to do with the people who are peddling it most furiously.
If the local crack dealer in your neighborhood comes by the house offering to sell you some homegrown oregano for your spice cabinet, you are probably not going to buy it. No matter how badly you might need some oregano at that very moment.
Democrats today — the official party of crack dealers everywhere — would attack you for “anti-Italian bigotry” if you declined to buy the homegrown oregano from the local crack dealer.
The vaccination hypothesis was one I read about back in March of 2020, here…
It’s also discussed by JJCouey in his recent podcasts, where he mentions that it’s been a worldwide goal for decades, specifically using the Coronavirus. He also mentions what others also say, that aside from the medical (vaccines) there is also the military aspect (bio weapons).
And all concerned have been working on this for 2 decades.
There is much toing and froing over vaccine ‘problems’. Ignoring data, hiding data, attacking the messenger, saying vaccines have saved way more lives, (there might have been a little collateral damage?) But there is one big number that is not being mentioned in relation to the vaccines. That is the virus death toll from about July/August 2020, until second dose vaccines began having an effect, maybe in March 2021. Probably 75% of those deaths could have been prevented by known therapeutics that were banned, because at best, Big Pharma blackmailed the regulators with the demand that they would not invest in treatments, unless there was a clear playing field, and they might come up with something better? Worse it could have been just the old revolving-door corruption. That is millions of deaths. Now anything goes, to avoid this fact. “There are no clear indications?” The score was 7 zip, and you’re saying the game was too close to call!!
Nearly 89% of Brits have had at least one jab, 80% double-vaxxed.
So, as we are told, the more vaxxing the lower the hospitalisations and death, right?
But have a peek at the stats at this link:
However the meaningful stat would be how many of the hospitalisations, ICU patients, and deaths are among the unvaccinated. It is also the case that certain vulnerable people – with or without vaccination – if they are a breakthrough case, might be more likely to get severe Covid-19 or die from it.
No they don’t. You need to find a better source for information. UK has 64% of the population fully vaccinated:
There is growing evidence that >80% need to be carrying anti-bodies to achieve herd immunity while enjoying pre-Covid mobility. UK is getting close but still short of that.
And daily deaths of 110 is a tiny fraction of what was occurring earlier in the year when daily deaths peaked at 1728:
No doubt the reduction in deaths is a result of delta morphing to something less deadly less deadly rather than anything to do with vaccines – but then you could ask India about the deadliness of the delta strain!
Nothing to worry about.
Australia’s TGA (equivalent of the FDA and equally incompetent and believing of Big Pharma) has provided emergency approval for the antiviral Molnupiravir.
The one catch is it might be mutagenic in the cells of the host.
It might kill the ‘rona but then it might kill you.
Because cancer takes so long to develop, no cancer deaths will be attributed to this drug.
There’s a whole new chapter for Sharri Markson’s book right there!! How is it that Jo can write a piece on this based on information that is 2 months old? Yet, I have seen nothing in the MSM. Additionally, we must have some fairly highly performing virologists working for CSIRO etc (eg. ANAHL Lab Geelong) and again I have not heard a peep. Talk about Wuhan Lab reminds me of that ANAHLab at Geelong. When it first opened (1980’s?) CSIRO needed to use their new toy. Some scientists proposed researching foot and mouth virus disease of cattle. Just in case the virus ever entered Australia. Luckily and quite rightly other scientists and more importantly the cattle producers said no. The risk of it escaping from the lab and decimating our large cattle industry was too great even at low % chance.
Expecting the MSM to provide accurate and truthful information is beyond a joke, especially if it’s from the ABC. That’s why sites like Jo’s blog is so useful. It allows us to disseminate the truth as best we can, warts and all. At least then the readers can decide for themselves what is true and what is not. Relying totally on the MSM is a big mistake. Only lazy, gullible, ignorant and/or foolish people would do that.
Quote of the day:
John Lydon aka. Johnny Rotten, The S€x Pistols
Some excellent observations on the vaxxed/unvaxxed divide:
The paper is interesting on several levels but I think it is contamination – ie messy lab practices. It would be resolved by getting access to previous sequencing runs and machine logs. I suspect it is as mundane as poor cleaning protocols. These machines are closed systems which can retain material from previous sequencing runs.
Contamination? I think not. But it should be easy to prove.
You have said on many occasions that the the virus has been fully sequenced. It should be no problem to compare the the virus samples in patients here in the ACT with the viral fragments of the Influenza, Nipah, Leukemia, HIV viruses identified by the researchers.
Lab contaminants are unlikely to make their way from Wuhan to the ACT
Apologies, I don’t think I was clear about what I meant.
I meant that the early samples have a bunch of sequences in them that indicate poor laboratory practice.
I actually don’t understand the rest of what you wrote.
All those viruses have been sequenced, in full, many thousands of times by groups all over the world. In the headline paper they did what everyone does is they identified those viruses in their research by comparing with the data base.
The covid virus has been sequenced now 100s of thousands of times. It is easy to distinguish between it and all other viruses. I don’t understand why you mentioned the ACT.
Early samples from Wuhan might have had contamination.
But the virus must be much the same now as it was then , except for some minor mutations; identified as alpha, delta, lambda etc.
So the virus as it exists in the ACT, where you live, must be very similar to the Wuhan Institute virus.
Therefore it should be easy to identify the fragments of inserted genetic fragments, that Jo refers to, in the virus as it exists now (not just in the ACT but every where in the world).
However evolutionary biology is your field so I will await your reply.
I still don’t know what you mean. Where are these fragments inserted?
Of course the covid genomic sequences in ACT and everywhere else it is found are related, with, as you wrote, a few mutations difference, to the virus found early in the outbreak.
If the gene sequences of the foreign virus are not in the Covid genone, then the results must be due to contamination (as you insist).
Ah I see. The methods used by WIV are shotgun sequencing. They did not target a virus. The method captures anything that is present in the sample (plus contaminants if present) including the person and a myriad of commensals.
So the various viruses mentioned above are just in the final output and are not doing inserted anywhere. The vast majority of the routine clinical sequencing for strain ID uses a more targeted approach as shotgun methods are very wasteful if you don’t need them.
Thank You,
I assumed, probably incorrectly, that the WIV had inserted genome sequences from the Influenza, Nipah, Leukemia, HIV viruses into the Covid 19 virus to create a bio weapon.
Your explanation is most helpful.
Yes, perhaps I could have explained that better. Sorry. It’s lung fluid — I assumed people would realize that lung fluid can contain a lot mroe than just one virus, but I should have spelled that out.
Whole viruses would be weird, scary, but we don’t ever expect to see parts of viruses and parts of viruses with codes for sequences used in Vaccine generation.
This was my summary — all we can say for sure is the WIV is very sloppy.
That they probably contaminated all the samples is terrible. If they were contaminating lungs, that’s –wow — oh my gosh, bizarre, on a whole nother level and I must say “out there” unlikely.
The AP report says “In the paper, a forensic examination of the sequencing data from five COVID-19 bronchial lavage patient specimens reveals that the laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was contaminated with a wide range of viruses, including Nipah virus genes in a cloning vector.”. I take that to mean that the contamination is in the gene sequence itself, which surely rules out ‘poor laboratory practice’?
Contamination resulted from poor practice somewhere between collection and running on the next gen machine. Contamination is absolutely poor practice.
The obvious solution is decontamination.
Gladys is full on it now.
Farce remix of many soundbites, but quite funny.
Great 1 MIn 44 Secs – sums up Gladys perfectly
Resentful and bitter after being criticised over her leadership during the latest lockdown, Gladys decides it’s time to take things to the next level and declare herself the eternal leader of NSW.
Oops reply to Lance in 25
As most of us are aware she recently has told us she doesn’t want to be anywhere near a person who is not vaccinated. That’s fine by me, I never want to be near to her either. I suppose she will eventually have to say “show me your papers” before coming too close to anyone.
Scapegoating the unvaxxed. That’s incitement! It could lead to violent persecution, perhaps pogroms of the unvaxxed. Yet it goes unpunished. Ironically, Monica Smit, founder of a much needed alternative political party, the Reignite Democracy Party, was arrested and imprisoned on the charge (unspecified) of incitement.
I heard about that, what did she actually do?
I do not support calls to violence, but nor do I automatically believe accusations. It’s become very difficult to get trusted information.
If you enjoy Garibaldi Biscuits, Chicken vin de loo and take the advice of Heros, watch this video. It avoids Youtube censorship and has nothing to do with biscuits, chickens or super heroes…
Being banned on YT is becoming a badge of honour. It’s not unexpected that more and more people are watching presentations on alternatives. That and the use of DuckDuckDo and other alternatives to Google search is becoming the only way to get around the increasing censorship being undertaken by the likes of Google. It will be interesting to see where it all leads to. Will they start controlling the internet like they already do in China and NK? I suspect they will. Even then there will be ways around it but of course eventually it might be deemed a crime doing so. Oh well, let’s enjoy what freedoms we have left as best we can.
Just been reading about the crazy stuff going on at the NSW / Queensland border, specifically at Tweet Heads and Coolangatta.
Why can’t they temporally “move” the border, say 10km (which ever is the best way) while these lockdowns are on and then back to where they should be once things get back to normal? Or is that too much commonsense. I am only referring to the people movement aspects.
That’s too much common sense and logic. It won’t be done.
Just been reading about the crazy stuff going on at the NSW / Queensland border, specifically at Tweet Heads and Coolangatta.
Queensland announced today that the “border bubble” with far-north NSW has been re-instated.
Great idea,
But do you really expect either mob of politicians to be able to decide on the “best way”?
Dave B
Now they are talking about denying Australians medical care if the don’t take two of The Injections.
Does that mean they no longer have to pay the Medicare tax?
Will it also apply to smokers, heavy drinkers, the obese, people who do high risk sports or other activities etc?
I’ve heard a couple of politicians dropping hints to that effect. I don’t believe it’s going to happen that quickly. They might try it if they get vaccination rates around 80%. Then such tactics will work to coerce enough to get the vaccination rate well into the 90’s. Then they can “clean” up the rest by what means they wish, such as relocating them to new “detention centres” they are already building. We shall see. It comes down to what the people do about it, including those who are vaccinated and are dead against such draconian measures as they would have friends and relatives who will keep refusing to be vaccinated. Interesting times for sure.
10% of the Australian population is around 3M isn’t it?
They are gunna need a bigger detention center.
It’s called Australia; the only people not detained are pollies, journos, sports types and their hangers-on, air-head celebs and the filthy rich.
Yes but I stated it won’t possibly happen until the vaccination rate is well into the 90’s. I was thinking say 98 to 99%, which is well in their means to round up and collect, especially if it got to over 99%. Let’s wait and see how far Australians have lost it.
Evil researchers and their handlers use lies and deception. They get money and lots of it on false pretences.
Plot thickens and governments get dragged in and then the governments lie.
Vaccines for covid are just a false sense of security build on a hype that made the government lie. They have gone too deep and they keep going. Like all governments, have to be seen to be doing something on a back foot in front of the panic infused population.
Why do I say this?
1. Aunt died after receiving second vaccine. Bad case of osteoarthritis and aged 81.
2. Uncle died after getting second vaccine. Healthy and aged 84 (both within three months).
3. A very good mate lost his vision and unable to work again after the first vaccine. It has been 4 months since and unable to
drive. Healthy and aged 62.
4. A daughter of a close family friend is unable to work in her field of industrial chemistry after receiving first vaccine. After all the
hard work and education. Healthy and aged 24.
5. My brother’s business associate received two doses of vaccine, contracted Covid, and spent two months on deathbed. A
healthy man aged 54.
6. Brother’s next door neighbour, received first vaccine and said his vision returned to perfect. Did not require glasses any more,
he was stoked. He got the second vaccine and died a week after. Healthy and aged 69.
There is no such thing as a conspiracy, there are only concerns that require in depth investigations. When sources of these conspiracies are implanted within the government ranks, naturally it requires diversions and cover-ups for which the media is employed.
First footage’s of men dropping dead on the streets in China have not been seen since anywhere in the world. Those footages were used to spread the fear and panic.
Something that is naturally occurring cannot be patented and yet there are patents for AIDS, H1N1, Ebola, Swine flu, Zika, SARS, and Coronavirus. David E. Marlin PhD stated that the only legal patented virus is manufactured. If it is manufactured then that becomes a violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties. Players within this process need to be exposed and arrested and put away for life.
It almost feels like the patent office should act as the biological border control.
The swamp is deep.
I’m sorry to hear about your losses, but did any of their death certificates state “Covid-19” as the cause of death? The plural of anecdote is not data. No-one in my my extended family circle has had an adverse reaction to vaccination, like millions of others have not.
At my age – 69 – I took the view that the vaccination was the preferred path to contracting the virus.
A lot of good stuff in that.
Flok, please clarify: Are these writings first or third person?
Hanrahan, first person POV.
Facts under 1,2,3,4,5,6 and forgot to mention a mate in Germany and his family who are not vaccinated. My mate, his wife and their older son got tested for Covid but their younger daughter tested negative. All three had very mild symptoms for 4 days as he described, no different to any flu they had before. They live in a two bedroom apartment in Berlin.
I am scratching my head at ironies, disjointed leaders and their distancing away from what medical profession stands for.
What are the protocols followed in NSW Hospitals when admitting Covid Patients?
Any medications? Any Vitamin D Injections? Steroids? (yes) or is it only Oxygen then Ventilators?
I think they do basically nothing except oxygen if necessary followed by ventilation and death. Maybe steroids.
As far as I can determine Vit D status is considered unimportant and Ivermectin is considered verboten because that’s considered a veterinary drug despite the fact that even the World Homicide Organisation considers it one of humanity’s most important drugs.
It seems Australian hospitals and doctors are too ignorant, uneducated and too terrified of our UN/WHO loving government to do any independent learning or following of the science.
The fact that they are unprepared to use Ivermectin (according to published protocols), even if they think it won’t help is a disgrace because it is one of the safest of all drugs and it might even help a dying patient. What is there to lose? It used to be considered the sacred duty of the medical profession to try everything to save someone.
I personally know a GP in Australia whose patient recently went to hospital with covid. The patient was doing poorly but the doctors did nothing as described above, just following the UN/WHO/TGA approved “treatment”. The GP had family members smuggle in and administer to Ivermectin protocol and now the patient is doing very well and will live. (GPs generally lose control of the patient once they are admitted to hospital.)
You are very correct. If you go to hospital you will be treated by process workers following a generic treatment plan from which they will not deviate. The only benefit would be in the case where you require a ventilator in ICU and the chances are greater that you will need one if you go to hospital. In the case of COVID, the treatment plans are very basic and involve giving oxygen and dexamethasone, which is a long lived corticosteroid aimed at reducing an auto-immune type response in the lungs, which is the main killer of COVID patients. In terms of GP’s role, remember they cannot admit a person to hospital with treatment instructions, and therefore even if you do have an obvious case of COVID, then you will need to go to hospital and hang around for a few hours whilst they do a COVID test and blood test and xrays, etc. During that time they will measure your oxygen levels periodically and only start dexamethasone treatment once the bloods and COVID test have come back positive to COVID as well as the cytokine storm, so there is a high chance of lung damage occurring during the wait period, as the cytokine storm syndrome escalates very fast in some people. If people are having a suspected cytokine storm starting up they need to start treatment of corticosteroids immediately, followed by monoclonal antibodies and gamma globulin. However in our hospital system you are unlikely to get the last two of those treatments which are really the ones that save you. If you do smuggle in ivermectin and doxycyclin into hospital then you need to make sure that you don’t mix the doxy with another antibiotic that might be administered during your stay (eg:penicillin) if there is a suspected secondary infection. The doxy and Ivermectin are ok with dexamethosone, but it would be better to take Ivermectin/doxy/zinc at home as soon as COVID symptoms started to occur and hope you don’t need to get admittted in the first place, because our hospital system is s..t beyond belief.
If you have access to the Ivermectin protocol it seems you’ll be safer at home than in hospital.
I have just received two boxes of the Ziverdo kits (12) from India. The web address is and the kits took 3 weeks to get to Australia. They contain the Borody triple therapy of Ivermectin, Doxycycline and zinc. You can pay by paypal and they seem to be genuine – I had no problem.
that is 12 kits – is it 1 tablet each of Ziverdo kit is a set of three types of medication -zinc acetate 50 mg, Doxycycline 100mg, Ivermectin 12mg. -Features Of Ziverdo kit?
so 12 kits. 12 tablets of each?
Each kit contains 3 x 12 mg tabs Ivermectin, 10 x 100 mg tabs of Doxycycline and 14 x 50 mg tabs of Zinc Acetate. The website is
ntgeo – thanks
It appears that the TGF has now banned GPs from prescribing Ivermectin for anything other than parasites, but any good GP will just write that you have symptoms of parasitic infection and write a script anyway as the medicine is very safe at the prescribed dosage levels.
Which is why when you listen to Dr Zelenko he came up with his HCQ/Zinc/azithromycin/ vitamin D protocol. In the early days of COVID in New York he would send his patients off to hospital, they would be put on a ventilator then die. He thought this is crazy and instead devised that protocol for outpatient/ home use. In other words being sent to hospital was a last resort. Cant believe 18 months later this is still being discussed. Its almost like time stood still.
The Left shut down the Zelenko/HCQ protocol because President Trump recommended it and they didn’t want him to be credited with possibly saving people’s lives.
Today, people continue to die because the protocol is banned in extreme Nanny States like Australia or highly discouraged elsewhere.
Ivermectin protocols are somewhat less restricted but only brave, innovative and well read doctors dare prescribe them.
My understanding is that Australian hospitals have started using monoclonal antibodies, at least in some cases.
It’s a sufficiently expensive treatment that it just might work.
“First do no harm” doesn’t mean “do nothing not carved in stone”.
““First do no harm” doesn’t mean “do nothing not carved in stone”. ”
If it did medicos wouldn’t have got to leaches yet
The TGA has today banned outright the prescription of Ivermectin off-label for anything other than parasitic infestations, so it’s horse paste or nothing, until that gets banned too.
The TGA detected a tenfold increase in people seeking to import the drug from overseas in August, while pharmacists had reported a rise in people presenting prescriptions for the drug and refusing to say what it was being sought for.
On Friday, the regulator said there had been a three-to-four-fold increase in ivermectin prescriptions in recent months, leading to national and local shortages for its intended use.
The TGA has its sights on doctors in the Covid Medical Network who have been prescribing the drug. The Guardian and the ABC jointly reported a clinic in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs which had a dedicated page on its website for people seeking a prescription for ivermectin at $85 per consultation.
Says can still be prescribed for off label use but only by a few specialists, from what I’ve seen if I catch COVID I will take my chances getting a script .
Please note that Leftist YouTube is currently undergoing a huge purge of conservatives and related rational thinkers.
You need to watch or set up channels on free speech video platforms, including if you want uncensored information about covid or the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
We all know Leftists are TERRIFIED of alternative opinions, hence their obsession with censorship.
See video at although that too is likely to be soon deleted.
We all know Leftists are TERRIFIED of alternative opinions, hence their obsession with censorship.
No – centrists and responsible people are concerned that huge amounts of unverified rumour, Facebook and youtube conspiracy voodoo, and other misinformation is being broadcast on these platforms. It also occurred for the 2020 US election. The right has Fox News if they want to follow the main source of conspiracy and nutty stuff.
In other words, exactly what David said. You don’t want open debate because you don’t have answers.
TT, hit me but don’t chit me.
Are you seriously pretending to be a “responsible centrist”? 👎 👎 👎
Funny isn’t it.. leftists (yes you, TT) always want to censor realists/conservatives, because they are scared what reality they might hear.
Conservatives want leftist (yes you, TT) to comment, because we have a sense of humour and find the comments mostly highly laughable.
Funny you should mentioned it. I noticed that too. A couple of other Christian YT channels that I follow are experiencing “difficulties” too. The trend is so obvious. Oh well, that’s not really surprising is it?
Gladys Berejiklian says she will not run daily media conferences from next week. I think this is a good move, and should be followed by Daniel Andrews and all other premiers and chief ministers.
Daniel Andrews won a lot of admirers (and voters) for his daily press conferences for months before his accident. But I expect the political capital accrued from that has definitely levelled off. I think premiers and health ministers have a busy workload, and should get on with governing and the legislative agenda.
Covid-19 is important, but it’s not the only thing that is important in the governance of all states and territories.
West Australian premier McGowan announces no NSW citizens will be allowed into WA for Christmas because even if you are “fully vaccinated” you can still spread the virus.
Just like the days of our lives, so the hamster wheel still turns.
West Australian premier McGowan announces no NSW citizens will be allowed into WA for Christmas because even if you are “fully vaccinated” you can still spread the virus.
“Vaccination Passport – Don’t Leave Home Without It”
Does that include the PM himself given his official residence is in Sydney?
Brilliant. At least one politician is observing the facts and acting upon it.
I would like to see confirmation of Steven Quay’s findings of bits of Nipah etc in the gene sequencing. My (very limited) understanding of gene sequencing is that even though some bits of gene sequence from species A may match some bits of gene sequence from species B, it doesn’t necessarily mean that species B has been involved at all. That’s because there are so many similarities between small bits of gene sequence. I wouldn’t trust the Wuhan lab one iota, but I’m not convinced that this finding is the ‘smoking gun’. Like I said, I would like to see independent confirmation.
If they are not aware of this then they are not qualified to do this work.
if the journal is reputable with proper peer review, the data will be submitted to a publically accessible database
What’s the body count today?
wrong thread MP.
Late in the Thread is OK, or so I have been told.
I try not to and I’ve covered it elsewhere
Mike, I’m confident the Nipah sequence was there. Epoch Times had an independent reviewer go through it too.
But remember this is a lung “lavage” — so either there was a strange segment of Nipah virus deep in patients lungs which is beyond wierd, or it was added to the sample “contaminated” when the sample was brought back to the WIV.
As I said in the post I’m not sure we can be confident of anything except that the WIV is horribly leaky, incompetent and should not be handling or experimenting with dangerous viruses.
Jo, human error is a strong candidate for this and it fits with the “WIV is disfunctional” narrative. If they did not put this through a clean lab process then these bits and pieces could be carryover.
20 watch this. It’s the naughty drug…
Earlier this week we saw Dictator Dan Andrews throwing a tantrum over Sydney getting vaccine priority due to their outbreak claiming everyone should be treated equally. Today my 2nd shot had to be put back a week because Andrews diverted Pfizer from the South East to the Northern suburbs due to an outbreak there.
What a hypocrite.
What a joke – I would love to see you do a better job. Governments are not perfect, but the Andrews team is doing a good job in a very difficult environment, in my view. Go do better, comrade.
I’m sure I could do better, probably even a sheep like you could do better. The man is an incompetent buffoon who is directly responsible the deaths of 700 victorians by personally approving private security, the collapse of countless businesses and bankrupting the state even before covid.
Dan Andrews has made a monumental stuff-up of the whole farce from start to finish…
.. Totalitarian dictatorship and all.
“…a surprising “menagerie” of spare parts from other deadly viruses too.”
With this assorted collection of spare parts, is it possible that as the virus mutates, firstly as expcted, and also mutating to get around the vaxx, that nasty mutants will appear and that one or more of these mutants will become a binary bioweapon.
Good old Nipah virus starting to get traction in India. Will it be “the big one” predicted for 2022 making Covid look like the common cold?
Not long to wait to find out. Might be a good time to buy that private island you’ve always wanted…
I wonder just how much each variant reduces in mortality rate vs the original or even the predecessor. 5-10% maybe.
Anyone have data ?
A couple of cases … let’s not get too hysterical quite yet.
Vaccines Have NEGATIVE Effectiveness in the Over-40s, as Low as MINUS 38%, Shows New PHE Report
This has to be taken with a great deal of scepticism. The stats that matter are about serious cases, ICU entry, and deaths – and how many are vaccinated.
These funny obscure websites can spin it all they like (and they certainly do) – but I want to know – out of every 100 deaths – how many of those had full vaccination, and how many of those had serious comorbidities. Without that, all the stats are just apple sauce.
Rolling around in my head is a tsunami, the second wave is the biggest. Denmark has an open day.
The concern is not so much the 50-75% death rate as it’s very hard for it to spread but the worry a strain from it could adapt and spread far more easily and still have an extremely high death rate. Now that would be a real pandemic, not the current one which is well low down the scale. My guess is they are already working on vaccines for it and possible other strains. If such a new virus did come about then we won’t just have lockdowns re-instated, we will very likely have martial law to contain the panic. However, the concern is not so much that Nipah might turn out new more contagious strands, but the same gain of function research is conducted on it as was done for the COVID-19 virus. If another “accident” happens and another more deadly virus manages to “escape” the lab then things will turn really nasty. Billions of people could die. That’s the reason why such research should be banned in the first place.
Maybe, but if Covid had been Ebola we would have stopped it, because it was easy to stop by just stopping the flights.
Covid would never have spread so far if it was more deadly.
Better to maim the enemy soldier than kill.
What pandemic?
Might get your worry beads aspinnin’
“Israel – Vax Holocaust Or Nothingburger?”
“So tell me again why it makes sense to take ALL the risks of a known killer “vaccine” injection for no net gain?”
What we learned from the Cold War should have told us that whilst leaders of political regimes can be especially odious or even evil the people in the main are very much human beings. Indeed the middleclass membership of China’s public bureaucracies have probably never had it better or easier – the dumber you are the easier It gets for you as long as you follow instruction … The American Communist Party has already sussed election fraud by playing an amazing sleight of hand (act the suspicious fool while being CCTV recorded) when a real fraud was deceptively easier to do out of the sights and minds of those who should have been looking (criminals know how to do this via experience and calculate the odds of being caught). Likewise the 1/6/21 Actor Taunt on Capitol Hill with really disturbed politicians playing really disturbed politicians on social media and didn’t ‘we’ just suck it all up.
Do SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 fit this same bill? A killer virus let loose which ends up in the deaths of about 10% of those it recognisably infects which roughly correlates to the way influenza viruses annually help to take out the most vulnerable of those it infects. We have no true idea of how many people have been exposed and infected, exposed but uninfected, or even any idea how many times a day we actually encounter SARS-CoV-2 (or A.N.Other ‘flu) totally unaware. It’s been the most written about health event in my lifetime and yet we seem to know nothing about its background or its real threat to us – economic disaster and loss of hard won freedoms because we have been scared witless by the dumb idiots who rule most everything where there is easy money on offer.
When are we going to stop falling for the trickster claims and start calling for adult calmness and perspective? Coronaviruses will not go away and cannot be zeroed out. Get vaccinated if the thought of catching the virus bothers you either because it may kill you or someone else you love who is in a vulnerable group. But please stop dancing the dance the left wing want us to dance.
“Sweden to Scrap All COVID Restrictions This Month, Has the Country’s Pro-Freedom Approach Worked?”
This is very worrying.
Australian GPs banned from prescribing Ivermectin to Covid-19 patients
Australian doctors have been banned from prescribing a controversial drug for Covid after a significant spike in scripts in recent months.
So what happens if it can be proven that lives will be lost as a result? Will anyone go to prison?
Morrison’s outrageous attack on our liberty.
This announcement today from One Nation about what is going on out of our sight in Federal Parliament:
Morrison Announces Nationwide “Certificates of Vaccination” Scheme to Limit Unvaccinated Aussies’ Freedoms
Under the new Liberal/National scheme outlined by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Australians without “certificates of vaccination” will have their freedom to travel, shop, and attend events greatly restricted.
When asked point-blank if this scheme is effectively a vaccine passport system the PM responded weakly with, “that’s not how I refer to them… people have certificates of vaccination”.
However, the PM can rebrand vaccine passports all he wants, the intent is clear. Under the PM’s plan, in his own words, “any venue, any venue, any pub, any café, any restaurant, any shop” will have the right to deny entry to Australians who are unvaccinated.
Morrison has also announced he wants to expand the power of QR code readers used by the states so they can show whether you’re vaccinated to make enforcing the limitation of freedoms easier.
This Liberal/National vaccine passport plan is an unprecedented move to restrict freedoms of healthy Australians and has huge privacy implications—every Australian should have concerns.
The Liberals and Nationals can spin the roll-out of vaccine passports all they want. The government might be claiming that it’s not making these vaccines mandatory, but One Nation trusts the people of Australia to see the truth. Shutting people out of society is an abuse of fundamental human rights and this might as well be the mandate the PM denied would ever be introduced.
One Nation will keep working to oppose vaccine passports and expose the Government’s lies, and with your support we will soon have the chance to send the Government a strong message at the next election and take our freedoms back.
You can see a transcript of the Prime Minister’s full interview by clicking the link below.
When I was listening in on the telephone town hall meeting with PM Morrison making a speech to our local district and answering questions, he did mention there will be vaccination certificates. He also stated he didn’t like to use the term vaccination passports. Goes to show he is shallow and a hypocrite. The naming makes no difference. We all call them passports. I didn’t get a chance to ask him about the passports and whether he considered it’s a form of segregation that was outlawed some time ago when applied to race discrimination. Now we will have state sanctioned segregation based on vaccination status. How nice of them. Sadly, as I stated before it appears the general public are welcoming all this, with the eyes wide shut. Oh well, I did expect something like this was going to happen but I didn’t except it to happen so quickly. I suppose it always does.
This is not being done to help us in a medical sense.
The lockdowns have caused immense damage to our nation which is far greater than any benefit that might have been obtained from limiting the rate of spread of this “disease”.
Society has shut down and there’s nowhere to go.
Banning Ivermectin was the last straw. I think Australia is the only country that has banned it on a national basis.
I really no longer wish to live in the dictatorship that Australia has become.
I was waiting for the first enforcement of the vaccination passports before declaring Australia has fallen. Perhaps you are right, it now has fallen with the banning of Ivermectin. The jigsaw pieces are gradually falling into place. The picture is becoming clearer by the day. We are heading for tyranny and most people are welcoming it with open arms, whether they realise it or not. Still it will be interesting to see the response b everyone to the vaccination passports once they are finally issued. Will those with the passports start denigrating and then segregate those who are not? Didn’t we as a nation refute apartheid?
The momentum from the draconian governments is so strong. Still there is a chance the whole situation could reach a flash point and a lot of people suddenly wake up all at the same time leading to something big. Of course the danger in that is the governments could then call in the troops. Let them try it as that might wake up the rest of the population. The alternative is the governments give up their draconian approaches and the people win; passports are disbanded and all restrictions become a thing of the past. Interesting times dead ahead.
Sign of the times ? I’ve never seen ads for medical indemnity insurance so widely advertised .
I’m increasingly bemused by several “issues” at the core of the Kovid Kaper”.
The last time i looked, Australia was an ISLAND Nation. There are NO national land borders.
We allegedly have a quarantine service, backed up by a small flotilla of tiny patrol boats and, if the fuel and maintenance budget allows, maritime surveillance aircraft.
How “leaky” is this protective screen if “new” variants can pop up whenever they feel like it?
Of course, a virus can “mutate”, but in all of modern medical study, how often is the “mutation” towards a more “lethal” and /or “infectious / mobile” strain?
As for “distancing”: How far can a virus “jump”? A note about that: Yesterday I went to visit someone in a hospital. Masked up and with hands sanitized, I entered the lift to take me to the appropriate ward. Inside the lift were a couple of “medical staff”. The kicker was on the floor. There were FOUR large blur “social distance” warning decals stuck to the floor of the lift car; one in each corner. The catch was that the floor of the lift car was under three metres long and barely 1.5 metres wide. By the “rules”, it is physically impossible to put more than TWO people in that lift at any one time. This was a PUBLIC / “general-purpose” lift, not a specialized “surgical-only” one. Our “ruling class” at work, again. Well may Murphy have been an optimists, But Franz Kafka was a dead-set prophet.
And, while we are talking “mandates”: I see a LOT of masks being worn. I also see a LOT that are clearly being worn just for th esake of being seen to be worn.
Gaping holes at the sides where the soggy paper does NOT conform to the shape of the face, masks pulled down to expose the nostrils. Masks made from interesting materials; hot-pink Lame, for instance.
The word of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spring to mind:
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
See also:
“The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.” – Albert Camus
The new variants don’t sneak in. They come in via people on commercial flights. The leakiness of the system handling these arrivals has been discussed ad nauseum for 18 months. Did you only just hear about it?
“Jump” is a figure of speech. The virus floats about in the air you breathe.
is an ignorant statement. There are millions of variants (mutants if you want) out there now and natural selection will select for those that perform the best by whatever metric is in action.
OMG people don’t always wear masks well. So what?
Come in, spinner!