A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Self-Driving Tesla Crashes In Fiery Wreck
Two men killed after Tesla that may have been in autonomous driving or self driving mode didn’t adhere to a curve, slammed into a tree then burst into flames in the Woodlands, officials say. Firefighters say they had to call Tesla to figure out how to oust the blaze.
According to KPRC 2 news, the owner of the car was sitting in the back seat during the crash, with his friend in the front passenger seat. It took 32,000 gallons of water (121,132.8 Litres of water to put out the fire) because the Tesla’s battery kept reigniting it.
Have they been nominated for the Darwin Award yet, worthy contenders.
Tesla 2 , passengers nil.
YAT = Yet Another Tesla …
That’s one battery-set which will be most likely on it’s way to a landfill.
Apparently EV batteries are being sent to landfills rather than being recycled after 7 – 9 years use. Recycling appears to be too hard. Another Green Fail. Imagine the subterranean fires … YAGF (Yet Another Green Failure). Yes, I know none have happened yet but with all EV slated to be before or by 2050, it’s not looking good for pollution from “non-polluting vehicles.” Give me ICE Vehicles anytime.
Two problems with that – firstly, affordable oil will run out in the foreseeable future, and secondly, burning greenhouse gases is not good for the planet.
affordable oil will run out in the foreseeable future
That’s what they said about 40 years ago. And they keep on being wrong.
I was a true believer in “peak oil”. I hope no one remembers. lol
Fracking has dramatically increased available oil.
TT how far can you see into the “foreseeable future “. Are you one of those climate seers that fail continually in their prognostications? Wisdom ? Nope.
Tilba types any old rubbish to waste your time.
Think about this … if CO2 is supposedly a “greenhouse gas” then how does someone burn this greenhouse gas?
If ordinary water vapour H2O is also a greenhouse gas, then how is anyone supposed to burn this greenhouse gas?
He just typed “burning greenhouse gases” without a moment’s thought … like he plugs together any nonsensical glib phrases and then you are supposed to somehow argue against the gobbledygook fire hose. He can generate garbage many times faster than you can puzzle over what the heck he means.
All right – “emitting greenhouse gases” then. Sheesh – such pedantic nit-picking!
Got a date so I can mark my calendar. I will put it on the one with, sea level rise, ice melting, acidic oceans.
I was taught at Primary School that oil would run out in 1997. These predictions of oil running out never seem to pan out. At least a broken clock is right twice a day.
Tilba, in 1980 exploitable global oil reserves were at 640 billion barrels, today it is 1000 billion barrels higher. Exploitable economic viable discoveries have steadfastly matched or exceeded consumption with scarcely a blip in the last 40-50 years. We have enough known reserves for 45+ years, plenty of time for an orderly transition. (EIA data.) Of course in that 45 years more developments would increase reserves further.
The exit from fossil fuels is entirely political, not one of necessity of supply/cost or climate. You insult our intelligence.
My guess on the accident is that they were having fun so kept telling the car to go faster. Definately a Darwin if so.
Sorry Old Ozzie,
That can’t have been a serious battery fire, or the ABC would have mentioned it:
But perhaps they were being subtle, as they do include photo which may suggest you’re right after all.
And there’s no suggestion of anything unusual in what had to be done to extinguish the fire.
Surely they’d have mentioned the nasties??
Dave B
Here’s an update by the ABC. Still no mention of the extent of the fire. I wonder if their Fact Checkers will discover it?
Dave B
We are talking the equivalent in energy of a petrol tank. A huge amount of energy. But you cannot put out a fire which does not need oxygen. You just have to wait. And even the metal would be gone, burned. Both steel and aluminum, both highly combustible to add to the fire.
121,000 litres is 121,000kg or an amazing 121tons of water. That’s a 25 metre swimming pool. The water did not put out the fire. It cooled the area and stopped the fire from spreading or the possibility of explosive combustion of other materials.
It is very surprising that two rubber tires are still there. That was a lot of water.
Good tyres, wonder what make . . .
Tyres are incredibly tough which is why they are such a disposal problem. All recycling methods for dealing with them are incredibly energy intensive.
Burning them as fuel is the only cheap and relatively simple method of disposal but the fumes are highly toxic and there is still considerable toxic ash to deal with (although steel can be recovered from this).
They could be used to fuel power stations, instead of coal. The smoke can be cancelled by smoke-stack precipitators and the steel belts recovered for re-refining.
It would need to run at high incinerator temps as the toxic component of the fumes are gaseous so smoke-stack precipitators would not easily filter them (just as they cannot filter out the MASSIVELY GLOBAL TOXIN, CO2)
Isn’t smoke unburnt fuel. Oxygen starved?
Scrub the change.
I’m waiting for TT to explain how EVs solve the tyre disposal problem, one I’ll admit is a problem.
About 40 years ago a sometimes business associate of mine and I looked into using tires as a fuel source in a tires-to-electricity system built in Sweden. Swedes burn a lot of rubbish and I’ll bet they have worked out most of the problems with temperature control to incinerate the toxic fumes — at least we were told so back then. Despite there being a couple of tire piles locally containing a total of 32 million discarded tire with no idea what to do about them, no one wanted anything to do with burning tires back in 1982.
What sort of fire is it that it doesn’t need oxygen? Is there some sort of oxdiser in the battery components?
Tesla’s Lithium ion batteries use cobalt for internal contacts/electrodes which create oxygen internally. Teslas are inflammable because of it.
Lithium cells, such as Tesla uses , contain No metalic Lithium or cobalt.
The Lithium is in the form of lithium salts disolved in a volatile Organic solvent,.. which is the primary source of fuel for these fires as it turns to flamable gas when heated.
Initial heating is from shorting or damage to one or more cells and then the heat generated causes adjacent cells to ‘off Gas” and burn.
Pack fires can be contained by cooling the cells with immersion in water which prevents the volatile gas being generated.
Water must be pumped INTO the pack (they have fume vents), not just sprayed over it.
I thought all US fire teams wee aware of this ?
..just as they should be aware of how to deal with a 400 volt “live” electrical system in a crashed EV !
Until you have actually seen ‘Thermal Runaway’ in a battery cell, then you will just think of it in the term of ….. heating.
It happened to me when I was in the Battery Room servicing NiCad batteries at Willimatown in 1972.
We were taught about it during our trade training, but 99 out of 100 electrical tradesmen will never get to see it.
Luckily, this was a complete overhaul of the Battery, so I was doing the work in a separate area just for that purpose, on the NiCad side of the Battery room. The other side was the Lead Acid side, a completely separate room, because the two different technologies (Lead Acid Batteries and NiCad batteries) NEVER mixed. I was already ‘tricked out’ in the full length heavy rubber neck to knee wrap around ‘apron’, thick rubber gauntlets and face shield. I had pulled the battery unit out of its metal case (it was a Mirage battery, one of the older 19 cell 38AH batteries, as the larger ones had one extra cell, hence 40AH, both 28 Volt batteries) and was busy undoing all the metal connections on top separating one cell from the next.
My Corporal was standing at the door around eight metres away chatting to me, well, keeping an eye on me, part of the Supervision for this task, in case something like this happens, not that you ‘ever’ expect it. I mentioned that one of the cells in the middle felt warm and was swelling.
My Corporal said “Run Tony, to me.” He reached in and isolated the power to this NiCad side of the battery room, which still left the large overhead lights and extraction fans going, and then turned on the large tall huge floor fans as well.
When I got to him, we watched as it hissed and vented, but did not go bang. He reported up the chain, and Sergeants, WOffs, and Elec Engineering Officers turned up from everywhere over the next half hour, nobody having ever seen one as it was happening so to speak. I got to be (well sort of) the star when my Corporal told me to go in after an hour or so And move the cell structure into the deep lead lined tub we had at the back of the room. The whole thing was still warmish, but the thermal runaway had not proceeded to surrounding cells.
The following day, it had cooled down enough to be safe, so me and the Cpl worked on it because they wanted a full report with photographs etc. The very thick plastic wall of the cell on either side and the thinner (in dimension size as it was still that same very thick hard plastic) front and back of the cell had all expanded outwards and melted a reasonable sized hole in either side of the cell and the melting plastic had ‘welded the cell to the ones on either side, so they had to be pulled apart. That destroyed the surrounding cells on each side and the cells on the back edge where the second row of cells was. It didn’t matter because all the cells were then trashed. It had started to overheat the metal connectors on top joining cell to cell, electrically, as well.
It was a really interesting thing to watch and then assist with the report.
Thermal Runaway, only needs just the one cell to ‘go off’ like this. It’s random, unpredictable, and gives no warning until it happens, happens just so fast, and the best response is to just get out of the way and let it ‘do its thing’.
Tradesmen just detested being attached to the Battery room. I enjoyed my six Month stint there, and learned more about batteries than I did in any classroom situation.
That was the only ….. run Tony, situation I ever had in those six Months. You only need the one.
The main salutary lesson you learn in the battery room is associated with the Lead Acid side, and that is that ….. Hydrogen goes bang, very bigly. I never saw that, or even heard about it happening at any RAAF battery room, but it was the single most important thing we all had to be aware of. So when I hear of how we are all moving towards hydrogen cells for, well, everything, I always have that wry smile to myself.
Interest story indeed.
And a few months ago, my partner’s Samsung phone got incredibly hot – far too hot for me to take the back off to remove the battery. I just grabbed the phone and threw it outside, and it essentially melted. Thank goodness it wasn’t in her bag or car when this runaway heating happened.
Had a large 24 V lead-acid battery explode right next to my research assistant. We managed to get him into a shower close by so he was ok. After that I moved our power sources outside the room.
Cobalt is used in the cathode elements of Tesla batteries. ( ).
Hmm. According to Paul Homewood, “Car makers will face production delays on millions of electric vehicles as mining for lithium fails to keep pace with soaring demand” quoting from Rystad Energy.
The shortage is predicted to make itself felt by 2027 unless new Lithium mines can be opened in time. What a laugh. Wonder if the Greens will try to block new mines? That will be even funnier. I’ll stay with ICEcars for the meantime …
Like everyone else will be, no matter what they say.
Unless they outlaw ICEs. Maybe then people will finally resist the growing green tyranny.
Not so long ago we had a premier in NSW who never got a driver’s licence. Public transport was his Nirvana. Especially, no doubt, when it got to be a chauffeured limousine.
Ted, that Premier was also famous for his comment about the police on railway security postings.
Thugs on trains were even assaulting the police supplementing the normal transport security.
When questioned on camera about the fact that even police were being beaten up, his response was ; “well that’s their job”.
No wonder we are in the state we’re in with leaders of that stature.
Fluoromethanes don’t work by either cooling or reducing O2, I wonder if they would work? A 5% [7% for a margin] saturation of BCF will do the job in diverse situations such as engine rooms and computer rooms. At that concentration anyone trapped in the room when it is flooded can safely exit. CO2 flooding needs to be far higher and anyone trapped has one lungful of air to get out.
Houston! We have a problem: The ozone layer.
“saturation of BCF”. Boating, camping, fishing going under – Now that is a tragedy.
A lot of water? How was it applied?
You should see the water that runs to waste on the ground when a helicopter “water bombs” a bushfire.
I just had a thought – old EV batteries can be recycled as fuel for thermal power plants. C02 free, right?
The firefighters need to take a leaf out of ‘the dealing with EV fires’ book from one of the EU countries where they ended up putting the burning car in a tank of water to put it out.
Mad Maxine has put the Derik Chauvin trial at risk of becoming a mistrial and her comment SHOULD open her up for impeachment.
I haven’t seen the actual tape yet but it seems she has virtually threatened the jury to convict or be responsible for even worse rioting.
Viva and Barns say that on the evidence he should be acquitted but with a heavy black and minority jury think he will be convicted on a lesser charge.
Judge: Maxine Waters’ Actions ‘May Result in This Whole Trial Being Overturned’
Among their concerns, Chauvin’s defense team pointed to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and her appearance with demonstrators in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, over the weekend.
Even though the judge denied the defense’s motion for mistrial, he highlighted the damage her rhetoric may have done, saying “Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”
The judge is giving clear hints.
Perhaps Shogun Biden will unite the Prefectures making cops jobless and cast upon the waves.
Leave Japan out of it.
If you think Mad Maxine was provocative, try the view from the White House
“White House press secretary Jen Psaki spoke Monday about President Joe Biden’s support for protests, ahead of the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial in Minnesota.
“His view is also that exercising First Amendment rights and protesting injustice is the most American thing that anyone can do,” Psaki said.
She added that Biden wanted the protests to remain peaceful.
Psaki responded with the president’s views during the White House press briefing after she was asked for a response to comments by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) calling for a “more confrontational” approach if the jury found Chauvin not guilty.
She said the White House would not speak about the verdict until after it was released by the jury.
“When the jury makes their deliberations and concludes and a verdict is found, I’m certain the president will speak to that,” Psaki said.
She said Biden understood the black community’s frustrations on the issue of police shootings, and remained committed to “undoing this long-standing systemic problem.”
“He has been very clear that he recognizes the issue of police violence against people of color, communities of color is one of great anguish,” she continued. “And it’s exhausting and quite emotional at times.”
He described the killing of Floyd an “act of brutality” in a campaign speech and called for all Americans to “grapple” with their “complacency” on issues of police shootings.
“Nothing about this will be easy or comfortable, but if we simply allow this wound to scab over once more without treating the underlying injury, we’ll never truly heal,” he said. “The very soul of America is at stake.”
This is so similar to the Border disaster where Biden flung open the doors and then suggested that people do not come.
And as for the long standing ‘systemic problem’, is that the fact that Black Americans who represent only 13% of the population commit 56% of all murders and are responsible for 50% of all robberies? Isn’t that systemic murder and robbery rather than racist policing?
Further “According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. ”
And somehow this is all the fault of the police force?
Moreover, on a per arrest basis more whites are killed than blacks. There is simply no truth to the police racism hype. No evidence whatsoever.
The challenge for Sleepy Joe is that the Black Lives Matter movement gained massive inertia from this specific incident. Not only has the movement locked on to the meme of police shooting African Americans, with no justification, but numerous Democrat Governors took this one step further and actually defunded local police forces.
One thing rarely discussed is that donations to BLM were funnelled directly to the DNC, and then funded Sleepy Joe’s presidential campaign. While political donations direct to a candidate are “carefully” managed, charitable donations are not. Hence, not an eye brow was raised when Facebook founder directed a $400 million donation to a charitable organisation which previously had never received $1 million in donations.
How much money was funnelled through the BLM? I have no idea! But clearly enough to earn one of the BLM founders nearly $20 million in personal “income”. That was enough for this dedicated Marxist spouting communist to go on a shopping spree for three “mansions”, a story which Facebook decided to suppress!
A not guilty verdict might spark riots (at least in Democrat led cities), but will anyone question the financial shenanigans of the DNC, who seemed to be the only ones who benefit from this movement?
It’s all interesting – this clutching pf pearls over the comments of Maxine Waters (which I do think were ultra-stupid btw) – but the same people didn’t clutch their pearls over Donald Trump inciting the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January. Different standards apply it seems.
Maybe because Trump told people to be peaceful. We just use the dictionary. What standard do you use? If marxist, then forgive?
I think Maxine Waters’ comments were terrible – petrol on the fire.
But so were Donald Trump’s … there just appears to be a double standard applied. But realistically, a double standard applies to just about everything we could possibly debate and discuss – depending on your personal politics, point of view, and what you wish to believe.
If Chauvin is not found guilty of murder, I’m not sure I would want to be in Downtown Minneapolis.
Donald said “peacefully and democratically demonstrate” and EVERY CNN commentator claims it is a God given right to demonstrate. Lemon even said “Who said demonstrations have to be peaceful?”
By comparison Mad Maxine made no recommendation to be peaceful, quite the reverse. But she has form: When you see a republican in a restaurant, a gas station … get in their face and tell them ‘You’re not welcome here!’
But you remember this, you just think we are so dumb we don’t.
Even on planet ‘B’, solar panels and windmills fail …
“NASA typically relies on powerful gusts of wind to clear off the solar panels on its Mars landers and rovers.
But there hasn’t been a breeze in Elysium Planitia, InSight’s landing spot, so dangerous quantities of dust have piled up.”
If only they had a carbon (sic) tax on planet ‘B’.
If only they had a carbon (sic) tax … part II:
Submerged Neolithic Stone Circle Discovered in Orkney Scotland
“Seismic images have revealed a large circular feature beneath the waves which would have been submerged as sea levels rose in the Loch around 2000BC).
The marine survey has already revealed the changes in land formation and sea level rises for the region during the Mesolithic period (8000BC), where the Bay of Firth and Damsay was mainly dry land, through to the late Neolithic/Bronze Age (2000BC) where the sea had filled all the low lying areas.
The Neolithic in Scotland lasted from approximately 4000 to 2200 BC and Orkney as a whole has nearly 3,000 identified Neolithic sites all told.”
Alas, as per the usual reporting of “science” these days, vital figures are always missing.
Like how much water covers these stones now. Pretty simple and basic question … yes?
“Submerged” could mean anything. Seems to be diving depth but no measurement provided in the article.
And this tells us how difficult it would have been for the ancients to relocate.
Science reporting must be in an absolute “minimum” of intelligence at the moment.
So,…SoMo is finally showing his colors and bending to the “2050 Net Zero”. Path..
Someone should ask for an explanation as to how in general, and detail,.. this will be attempted.
In the meantime…personally i am now desperately seeking a democratic solution at the next election ..
“One Nation”. Are looking attractive at the moment, but that depends on what preferences are declared.
The preferences system here really mucks things up. We ended up with an Independent (read greenie in many ways) when a first-past-the-post system (as in the UK) would have given us a Liberal in Indi.
G’day Annie,
I still prefer an optional preferential system, as we now have in the Senate federally and in NSW, which allows us exclude all those we think do not deserve our vote at all, but does allow a potential for a good unaligned candidate to get up.
I share Chad’s (above) concerns for the next Federal election.
Dave B
The trouble, as I see it, is that the majority of voters do not bother to check preferences, so allow the party they vote for to preference parties they might never had considered if only they had done some homework. For this reason I am thoroughly opposed to the system.
Added to the compulsion to vote…
that is not true in the lower house and only true in the upper house if you choose above the line.
We won’t let inner cities dictate on emissions: Morrison
Scott Morrison has assured workers in the nation’s regions and industrial heartland they will benefit rather than be penalised by his climate change policies, declaring net zero emissions would not be achieved in the “cafes, dinner parties and wine bars of our inner cities’’.
In an address to the Business Council of Australia’s annual dinner, the Prime Minister said the government would not “tax the life out’’ of industries as he framed the May budget as a blueprint for the “next phase of Australia’s economic recovery’’, with major reforms to skills training and services to get the unemployed into work.
Speaking before some of the nation’s leading chief executives, Mr Morrison on Monday night also announced a mass deregulation program to slash annual compliance costs by $430m.
Mr Morrison said the nation had already “met and exceeded” its climate targets, arguing Australia was on track to reduce emissions by “70 per cent per unit of GDP on 2005 levels, and halve our per capita emissions”.
“Already total emissions are 19 per cent lower at the end of 2020 than they were in 2005. That’s a further improvement on the 13 per cent reduction by 2018, which compares to 0 per cent in Canada, 8 per cent in NZ and 10 per cent in Germany, Japan and the USA over the same period,” he said. “Our domestic emissions have already fallen by 36 per cent from 2005 levels.
“Australia takes our emission reductions targets very seriously. We don’t make them lightly. We prepare our plan to achieve them and we follow through. That is how we are addressing the challenge of the future net zero carbon economy.”
No Mention of Photios, Matt Kean and Green Gladys
Quote – Sky News host Chris Kenny says NSW Environment Minister Matt Keane is a “Green in Liberal clothing” who blamed the bushfires on climate change, is barracking for a green-left win in the US election, and should leave the Liberals and join the Greens.
Oops Link – We won’t let inner cities dictate on emissions: Morrison
Why are so few of us concerned more about the declining numbers of sunspots, and associated declining temperatures, than so many more are concerned about increases in levels of CO2, a plant food, and their alleged warming effect? Aren’t many on the planet looking at the wrong issue? Meanwhile, Australia closes its few coal-fired power stations, while the rest of the world builds hundreds-of-times those we shut, without any anticipated rise in CO2 levels, because we are the sole bad guys? As Joe Biden would say, “C’mon, man!” CO2 levels will rise as these new powerplants are commissioned world-wide. Get used to it! So, if we have to live with CO2 rise, because it is inevitable, please advise, pray tell, exactly how you plan to manage, much less control, the sunspot numbers – up, down or sideways?
Sounds like Scomo is ‘caving in’ to the climate crap . .
He’ll nver get my vote again.
A lot of One Nation preferences go to Labor because ON gets the blue collar type. Unfortunate. I won’t be voting coalition even though Joyce is our federal member- bloke who speaks sense but now sidelined. Better to get an assemblage of Libertarian/ conservatives??
We’ve had a huge apple crop but also a huge number of wasps. We found five different nests and sorted them, using a blue cover over a torch to see where to put the wasp killer. However, there must be many more somewhere as there are thousands of wasps still around…sigh! Autumn is lovely but the wasps are not.
are you referring to hornets/ European wasps?
Glenn Greenwald has just published a piece on the Officer Sicknick media fraud now that the medical examiners report has been released. Worth a read.
in real news, the Sky News channel looks to lose distribution in Regional NSW – this is very bad for diversity of news and opinion
Bruce Gordon joined Nine and was pressured to kick Sky out, its not a good look.
In a ‘seven-year deal to broadcast its metropolitan free-to-air television channels 9, 9GO!, 9GEM and 9Life into the regional markets, displacing Sky because it has no room.’ (Guardian)
A few laughs for all:
Pepsi’s new advert:
EV “range anxiety” solution:
The EV one is a sight to behold. The diesel exhaust suggests the generator is really cranking. I doubt it meets any particulate standards.
On the weekend I recall PF suggesting the Neurath E&F generators were dirty. Those two 1100MW generators would produce lower particulates than the diesel in the image.
Towing the massive trailer would more than triple fuel usage but then I guess there is heaps of room for diesel.
I wonder if an owner got pi$*ed with the range and decided to make a bold statement. Or is it just photoshopped!
I’ve always said that the Tesla pickup would solve range anxiety since a big generator and several jerry cans could be placed in the tray
I will be more careful in future.
… it is Photoshopped ! ,🙄
AOC’s plan for free energy:
Challenge met – not hard at all! And here I was thinking that a renewable source of electricity would not be available in time to avoid skyrocket fossil fuel prices.
Has she tried to patent it?
It’s called Keynesian economics.
Mike Lindell’s Free speech platform: Frank, is so fun! Real people, real opinions and General Flynn beside Mike Lindell.
Canceling the cancellers.
Will be interesting to see whether it sustains and prospers. People tend to get tired of an echo chamber after a short while, and especially if big names don’t move to the new upstart platform. A lot of Parler early adopters realised they had to move back to Facebook-Twitter in order to have a significant audience. We’ll see,
There is some dispute over the veracity of the hockey stick, pick a graph.
And yet our ABC had the original hockey stick creator, Micheal Mann, sprouting about sea level rise due to Climate Change on The 7:30 Report last night.
And they have 3 more nights of this stuff this week
Another new study showing the chaotic Greenland swings in temp during the last full glaciation. Our Holocene looks very stable and serene compared to that very long period of time.
Here’s a couple of interesting comments from two of the most informed people at WUWT. See the link to study below.
Rud Istvan
April 19, 2021 2:24 pm
“BUT Mann’s latest paper just said there is no internal climate variability. Those rascally Greenland ice cores. How dare they show Mann wrong again”.
Mike Jonas
April 19, 2021 4:44 pm
“Our results hint that during these abrupt events, it may not be possible to infer statistically-robust leads and lags between the different components of the climate system because of their tight coupling.”.
That statement goes nicely with the IPCC’s “The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible”.
Meanwhile in Australia – ABC publishes this, today:
Our ABC had to apologise for their twerking hit piece on the Navy the other day. Talk about selective editing for subliminal messaging.
I knew two or three “old-school” ABC types very well, who were TV and Radio producers once, and then became mentors, ethics teachers, trainers, and even pronunciation experts. They were really excellent professional guys. But on their retirement those positions have essentially vanished. Now the younger echelon of ABC staffers – while still talented and professionally trained – could really be working for any commercial broadcast or pay-tv station.
The ABC ethos of very strict objectivity and non-partisanship has been dwindling for a long time – and not just making it lefty, but also swinging it to the commercial right on some issues too.
Really TT, don’t you get bored doing this?
But the biggest worry is that it doesn’t bother you that we aren’t ABCCCC drones.
Doesn’t it bother you or make you feel uncomfortable that we can see right through you?
Still, I guess, this Is 2021.
Your position on the ABC doesn’t interest me much – no.
It is still by far the best media network in the country (along with the SBS), and far better than any “News” website as well.
Tilba in the old days the ABC staff were north shore types and generally fair and balanced, but the rot set in when they moved to the south side of the harbour and the inner city milieu were absorbed.
That is too simplistic, the green/left persuasion came from journalism schools.
I suggest that what they did went further than ‘editing’.
In a commercial setting the threat of lawsuit and consequent fines would be some restriction but with the ABC it is Other People’s Money.
The Prime Minister’s Science Award, worth $NZ 1 million, went to the mad professor, Shaun Hendy, he of the “80,000 New Zealanders will die of Covid” unless draconian laws were enacted: the self-same eedjit who refused to fly by plane a few years back because, y’know, climate.
The ’emerging scientist’ was awarded to some woke bloke with a beard who’s scared of the oceans turning ‘acidic’. Do these educated fools ever step outside [of their laboratories] to smell the roses, or have a swim in the sea?
But what do we know, those of us who live in reality. Righto, smoko’s over, back to work…
when he said that, with the evidence available, what did you think was the correct estimate? How did you calculate it?
Its called common sense…you look at govt figures, realize most of them are complete nonsense, dilute by 95% to closer to relaity – and go from there.
I downloaded some UK gummint figures late last year and they have a caveat included i=n the excel spreadsheet that basically says “best effort on the day” and “yeah, well dying with covid may not actually be dying from covid”…..
I became suspicious when Dangerous Dan would never release the alleged “covid deaths” autopsies, and since then it apepars my suspicious have been well founded.
Lets not forget that the whole “vaccinate!!” hysteria is based on the alleged “risk” by covid, which is basically not much worse than a bad flu.
Ergo, no real risk, no need for a vaccine. But these vaccines only lower symptoms, and dont actually protect.
So again, why bother?
Its appears to be just a massive media driven Social Engineering / Mass Hysteria event.
the non scientific cop out.
Despite all the writing you gone and did, I’m still wondering how Greg cam to his conclusion.
Smelling roses is perfectly okay, but from personal experience I can advise against swimming in the seas of New Zealand … it is so cold it shocks you to the core! Give me the Gold Coast any day … and in fact it’s where all sensible Kiwis end up anyway.
“Yep, another one.
And the paper, the conclusion says it all. ”
A comment at Chiefio
“You have two cows” – updated
In 2006 Mr. Putin signed a law legalizing targeted killings abroad
150,000 Russ military on Ukraine borders
But Ukraine is a criminal, military enterprise. They should not elicit much sympathy.
yeah, like you, dude
Government Policy Block supply of EV’s
Do they? Is is this the same as Trump and Morrison not going to be elected? People only tell the pollsters what they think they want you to tell them.
Government Policy Block supply – really?
If people want them, they would be buying them, (and they are) nothing stopping them is there? Well yes the ABC says the Government is blocking supply. Isn’t that something akin to being anti competitive?
So it all boils down to subsidies.
Labor did badly in Qld last election because of their anti coal stance. Whoever forces EVs down own throats will be destroyed outside the Gold Coast.
It would be a hard sell to sell EVs to Germans without subsidies or threats. The cost of powering them is going up by the day. The more their grid relies on external sources for reliable supply, the more they are at the mercy of neighbours with regard electricity price.
The BMW iX BEV would cost EUR6/100km to power even now. A Honda hybrid requires EUR5.60/100km.
The BMW can fast charge at 150kW still takes just under 1 hour. Imagine how many solar panels that will require in winter.
Not many Germans are going to be able to power BEVs.
I noticed Mercededs are moving up market into bicycles:
Germans might be doing dumb things with their power grid but the energy scarcity will transform the population to well muscled, fit cyclists. Autobarns will be for the truly wealthy and those swilling in the government trough.
As did Liberal in WA!!!
FFS! Why is this in moderation?
Dennis Jensen, former Liberal Party member put the Greens last, the Liberals second last and then the rest. Zac did very badly in his electorate. Now the Liberal Party State Council has introduced reforms so that committees develop policy and no more Left Captain’s picks
We spend about half the year on the Gold Coast – you don’t need a vehicle at all. Public transport meets all our needs. 🙂
What BS, you must live in a small bubble. The GC is a big area crappily served by public transport
Your clearly have spent little time there, or are just being an egregious troll for the sake of it.
Our apartment is a short walk from the Broadbeach South Light Rail Station, which is also the Gold Coast’s major bus hub. We can catch a bus to everywhere on the Gold Coast that we want, and with a seniors card it is all free.
We arrive at OOL Airport, and catch the 777 Express Bus to Broadbeach – and it is cheap. A short bur-ride to Robina or Nerang, or the light rail to Helensvale, and we can get the train to Brisbane.
You can get to Noosa or Byron by bus if you want to.
And if you live in Broadbeach, all the things you generally want are within walking distance – dining, pubs, beach, shopping, medical, library, movies. There isn’t a need for a car, unless you want to head to the hinterland.
In Victoria, the Labor government proposed an EV tax at purchase. Which is an extraordinary move considering they love their Green vote preferences to get into government. Wonder what VW would do if they knew sensible state governments were taxing EV’s to regain lost fuel taxes which ICE vehicles pay. My Triton just passed 145k on the odometer. So, in 5 years I’ve paid for about 14500 L of diesel. Price of diesel In Victoria is about $1.30/L. So that’s approx. $19000. I can claim back up to $0.42/L on tax for off road use if I was a farmer or miner etc. So, that’s about $6k in rebate. Hence, a sensible EV tax should be about $5k per Tesla etc.
More fake news from our ABC. In a radio discussion on climate history, Nadia M. on ABC Perth dismissed cyclone Alby 1978 and banged on how cyclone Seroja was more momentous as a southerly tracking cyclone since it crossed the coast and Alby did not. Simply researching Alby shows that, while the centre may not have crossed the coast, it nevertheless caused “unprecendented” damage to southwest WA and caused fatalities. Alby doesn’t fit the narrative so they just make it up!
She is totally wrong. Cyclone Alby did a lot of damage as it rampaged right down the WA coast. A heck of a lot more damage than Seroja did recently.
4-18-21 India 275/1655= 16.6% increase/day
Turkey 62.6/482= 13% increase/day
Brazil 73/1103= 6.6% increase/day (average last 2 days)
Germany 22/273= 8% increase/day (average last 3 days)
Canada 7.6/80= 9.5% increase/day
otherwise, everything is marvelous
Cases, cases, cases and worldometer.
Last time you were counting bodies, now you’ve switched to cases, as did the world.
Perhaps see the body count in Brazil
I will, straight after I start believing in honest government and media.
Must be strange living in a would of deep cynicism, distrust, and disbelief. Why bother?
Must be strange living in a would of deep cynicism, distrust, and disbelief. Why bother? (you probably meant world)
The governments of the world have killed more of their citizens in the name of socialism then in all wars ever fought throughout history combined. But you know this.
It is very obvious you believe all the same people and you pretend to care about your fellow PLEBs.
You are morally barren, bankrupt.
I would love to have a beer with you, I can guarantee I will have to finish yours for you.
Before you all rush out and get your Gene modification, watch this. All the patents they talk about are indeed true.
I pause at the documents they talk about and DDG, I have not done this for all, but the ones I did do it for check out, soooo.
Make of it what you will.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise.
Moderation in 3-2-1
Well that was self fulfilling.
I dont think you can vaccinate trees against falling over, but you could make them GMOs so they cant…..?
As Ive said a few times, it seems the population has been for 40+ years socially conditioned to accept vaccines.
We know the globalists do stuff as a test first, before they go the big event.
So, I suspect the covid vaccine is bad.
But as Bhamphomet Bill has saod, the “next panemic” will be bad.
So if people have been conditioned to take an experimental medical therapy ( “vaccine” ) this time which may or may not produce auto immune issues, and possible deaths via blood clots, if they crank the hysteria to 11, who knows what the dopey population will accept without thinking.
My concern is the next eugenics-loving globalist “gift” may indeed be much much worth than what its alleged to fight.
You’ve been warned. My conscience is now clear.
“You’ve been warned. My conscience is now clear.”
This is a warning to all readers, not MP specifically……
I’d encourage people to sit back and really seriously look at whats going on , turn the media off an do solid analysis.
The power structure seems to be Globalists ( command ) –> govts –> the people.
Its not about vaccines, it appearsd to be about power and population reduction.
Now…how would the globalists, appear to want a global 500 million population, lower the population, such that people would willingly go along with it?
Someone the other day asked me why in Victoria we haven’t built any dams since the 1960’s but the population growth and building seems to be never ending, I replied that either the powers to be are very confident in water saving measures and have no fear of future droughts or they anticipate a cease or reduction in population.
This was met with a mouth open shocked look, yes people should be having a really serious look at whats going on.
Plenty of water in Victoriastan Yonnie, the desalination plant runs unabated, regardless of catchment levels. I don’t know but I would have thought that rainwater falling over catchment areas would contain some dissolved CO2, ergo removing some of this gas from the atmosphere, versus the fossil fuelled desal plant both adding CO2 by direct consumption of fossil fuel and by driving any dissolved gases out of the salt water and, well, back into the atmosphere. Also, the desalt plant only supplies water to the areas that really need it i.e. Melbourne, you know where the votes are. The regions that produce food and fibre etc are just left to make the best of what ever rain falls. Doesn’t matter, many country areas don’t vote Labour!
Warn me?
Have you read what I write?
The tree statement is referring to the media and info in general. “If news happens and the media does not report it, did it even happen?”
It has everything to do with the, not a vaccine.
They will be sticking nothing in my arm or up my nose
No – for the last century or more – every rational person has seen the value of vaccines, unless you’re keen to contract smallpox, polio, rubella, yellow fever, malaria, tuberculosis, or measles. Up to you.
Tilba, here’s some news for you, smallpox and covid are different diseases. Vaccines against them are different too.
A smallpox infection gives lifelong immunity. Most coronavirus infections do not.
One vaccine took years to develop. The other is still experimental.
I know these topics are complex and difficult for anyone under 8 years old. But if you persist with banal oversimplifications and trite inanities, we might get bored of publishing your comments and tutoring you. Please lift your game. The other Tilba may be sharper.
His point stands on its own. OSs timeframe was wrong and the “socially conditioned” is unsupported garbage. There is high quality research and high quality outcomes to innoculations over a long period of time which is the reason why people accept them.
OS was wrong and TT was right. I think you are being sensitive. No?
As for this
I’m guessing this means the vaccine type? The word “experimental” is a bit odd in this case. Every clinically targeted vaccine, whatever the type, goes through a process of testing safety and efficacy. mRNA vaccines might be new but the experiments have been done over a long period of time. It wasn’t just invented for Covid.
mRNA vaccines may have been experimented for years but the Pfizer and Moderna CoVid vaccines are the first to be used in a mass program and were only trialled for a few months.
Only a few mRNA vaccines have been previously trialled with a subset if these having had the trials completed
As for adenovirus vaccines, these were only ever in the trialliing stage prior to the Astra Zenica and J&J CoViD vaccines
Have your shot GA, your choice, everyone has that choice, without prejudice.
I am not anti Vaxx (getting, there though) I have had every Vaccine and I have a little yellow book to prove it.
This is experimental, a trial.
Health Minister Greg Hunt, (go to 12:50 mark) states the world is conducting the largest trial of a vaccine ever. It is a trial, he has stated this in many interviews. The vaccine is approved for use in Australia and NZ, in every other country it is authorised for emergency use, big difference.
Leaf, I challenge you to go get 5 lots of experimental vaccine, then come back and tell us how good it us.
Assuming you will be able to walk or type afterward, that is…
As to Social Conditioning – vaccination is a prima facie case of it. The globalists think in terms if decades – if it takes decades to condition the public to roll up thier sleeves in a Pavlovian response to any old bit of bio flotsam decreed by the govt, then thats what is desired.
Even if this vaccine doesnt do the desired ultimate damage, the next one will likely have a 100% effective 48 hour terminal knockdown result. All it takes is another deliberate release of a new nastier bug to drive people to the new mass vaccination centres…P*l Pot would be proud….
I understand the agenda perfectly, which is why Im now loudly sounding the alarm.
They know their viruses, a vaccine that kills its host or just makes you that ill that you will spend the rest of your life giving the pharmaceutical companies every cent you have until your broke, then they let you die!
I have doubts about the Covid-19 vaccine myself, and haven’t taken it yet.
I was responding to the assertion that somehow “it seems the population has been for 40+ years socially conditioned to accept vaccines”. And I was stating the obvious – that over my lifetime (69 years) vaccines have been a very good thing. So it isn’t a question of “conditioning” in the sense that we have been conned. Would anyone question the value of the MMR vaccine?
I actually share some concerns that there is a lot of happy-talk about the various Covid-19 vaccines – which is why my partner and I are waiting.
I contracted polio as a young teenager – it was a very good thing that I had been vaccinated in the year or two prior.
Plus all those vaccines TT listed were developed and tested with proper clinical trials over years before approval rather than rushed out in under a year under emergency approval
I can only repeat – I was just responding to the (fairly ridiculous) notion that we have been “conditioned” over 40 years to accept vaccines. It has been much longer than that, and guess what – they worked, and no “conditioning” was required.
If OS is saying that because vaccines last century worked really well (they did) therefore we are being conned into accepting that Covid-19 vaccines will work equally well, then he should have said that, but he didn’t.
I think you will find many other public health actions like sewers and nutrition have a marked effect on disease reduction.
Yes, it appears to be significant social conditioning. Scoff if you want, jokes on you…..
Wisdom preserves its owner alive.
Of course they did – and continue to do so – but these factors don’t take away from the efficacy of vaccines for almost all the major infectious diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries.
I still don’t agree that the population deriving enormous benefit against disease is “social conditioning” in relation to the Covid-19 vaccines.
Seems to fit
“Up to you” exactly, its all we ask!
I understand this is beyond your control.
Way of the world nowadays.
I have already had two shots of the Moderna vaccine so I am not anti-vax for certain, but when we try to compare vaccines like MMR to the covid lot, there are notable differences.We have a long association with the MMR which helps build public trust, they went through far more rigorous testing, and we have a long history of making killed or weakened virus vaccines. Then the rather limited trial of Pfizer and Moderna was done on a population that appears to be far healthier than any representative group of similar population distribution should be. This has led many people to wonder how it will work on a more representative group. We will see how it works out, won’t we?
There were vaccine botches in the past that people seem unaware of. The 1976 flu scare in the USA damaged the CDC reputation for a long time. The flu never showed up but the rushed and huge roll-out of the vaccine was a problem. I was working for the USGS at the time and was told to go to the Veterans Administration for a Rocky Mountain Spotted fever vaccination for summer field work … made me sick as the dog for about four days. When I got back to work I was told they had no idea what I had been vaccinated with, but I had to return to the VA and get the RMSF vaccination again. I figure it was an odd/misplaced dose of the stupid “flu” vaccine that made me ill.
Yep vaccines are good.
You would not let a Plumber do Brain Surgery but you would get the IT guy to run the UN WHO Vaccination program.
Bill Gates (Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation) because Billionares care.
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and member of the Club of Rome, (CoR), Bilderberg group, head of the UN WHO Vaccination program.
How is he doing in India.
Bill and the WHO are vary proud of their work in India they believe they have eradicated Native Polio virus………..and replaced it with Synthectic Poliovirus, which is more contagious then the Native Polio.
This strain was designed by Gates who manufactured a synthetic strain of the Polio Virus for the WHO vaccination program. Yup he now makes viruses.
In India alone 47000 children have been paralysed, but they did not stop in India and moved throughout the third world like the plauge they are. (to date, 500,000 children have been infected with the Gates
The new Gates strain of Polio is known as Non Polio, Polio (NPP). There is now a higher rate of infection of NPP then there was for the Native Polio.
Job well done Bill. The cure is now worse then the disease.
Researchers reported:
…while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.
Tens of Thousands of Cases of Vaccine-Induced Polio Being Reported
As expected, this has caused mass devastation throughout India and, in 2012, Dr. Mercola reported that:
A paper published earlier this year in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics should have made headlines around the globe, as it estimated there were 47,500 cases of a polio-like condition linked to children in India receiving repeated doses of oral polio vaccine in 2011 alone. The incidence of non-polio Accute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in India is now 12 times higher than expected and coincides with huge increases in OPV doses being given to children in the quest to ‘eradicate’ wild type polio infection and paralysis.
Researchers reported:
…while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere [First, do no harm] was violated.
He continued by stating:
Another way the public is being misled about India’s claims to be polio-free is that live virus polio vaccine is causing vaccine strain polio in an unknown number of children and adults. The problem is that, while the oral vaccine has reined in wild polio, persons recently vaccinated with the live attenuated oral polio vaccine can shed vaccine strain virus in their body fluids for weeks and, in some cases, both the recently vaccinated and close contacts of the recently vaccinated can come down with vaccine strain polio. Poor sanitation, including open sewage in underdeveloped countries, where drinking water is too often also used for bathing and disposal of human waste, can make it easy for vaccine strain polio virus to be transmitted.
These were the facts and figures being reported by Dr. Mercola in 2012. However, since his report was written, even more cases have been reported.
In 2014, Health Impact News reported that vaccine induced polio was on the rise. We stated that:
There is a dirty secret in the vaccine business that is very well documented: the live oral polio vaccine can actually spread polio and causes ‘non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).’
We also stated that:
Government surveillance data show that while India is set to be tagged as polio-free, it has actually become the nation with the world’s highest rate of NPAFP incidence. In the past 13 months, India has reported 53,563 cases of NPAFP at a national rate of 12 per 100,000 children—way above the global benchmark set by WHO of 2 per 100,000.
Coral reef bleaching – a new twist!
Climate change activists (including many reef scientists) have been long claiming that global warming leading to higher ocean temperatures is an existential threat to coral reefs, most pointedly to the Great Barrier Reef.
This recent scientific post from Israeli reef scientists working in the Gulf of Aqaba and northern Red Sea have published a report claiming that coral bleaching can be the result of a DROP in sea temperatures.
It would seem then that coral bleaching is a periodic natural event that has occurred for millennia and is followed by reef regeneration.
This link is to an article in the current issue of the Jerusalem Post.
I read a quote the other day. Went something like this- ” … if politicians can be bought off, why cant the same apply to scientists?”. Or in other words. Scientist – give me the right amount of money and I will prove you anything. I suspect in this case the reefs in Gulf of Aqaba and northern Red Sea are perhaps tourist attractions for Israelis? The same may apply to the GBR in Australia some time in the near future. Tourists will stop going to the reef because, you know, it’s all dead apparently. Someone in Qld government will provide funds to a bunch of scientists to investigate the health of the GBR. Then surprise, surprise-the GBR is not so bad after all. In fact degradation and regeneration is all part of the natural cycle of the GBR. Much like the rest of nature.
If this news spreads, scientists will discover/realize that CO2 causes global temperatures to cool. Cooling being that much worse than warming, the emissions hysteria will ratchet-up.
Solar panel recycling
Last paragraph:
Now that is approximately 2,762 panels at 18 to 20Kg each in total.
Are there that many dead panels on the market already that warrant several factories to process them?
So the AZ vaccine in Australia is now looking a bit ordinary. Lots of media coverage etc. Also lots of commentary and input from “experts”. They are giving the odds of AZ vaccine causing blood clots vs COVID alone causing blood clots. People comparing long range jet travel and the % possibility of getting blood clots. All in the effort to persuade Aussies to get jabbed with the AZ vaccine. So, basically these proponents are now using “Risk Management”. So where was all the Risk Management when COVID public policies were applied initially. Why are we shutting down a whole city for just one case of variant COVID (Brisbane). Why are we locking down whole populations when only a minority of people are truly affected by COVID? Why are there face mask mandates when it has been shown that asymptomatic COVID people are not significant spreaders. Why face masks at all, when all the science shows they either have nil effect or lower single digit efficacy vs COVID? Where was the Risk Management then?
There has been no community rona spread within 1,000 miles of me and I’m healthy so feel no urgency to have the jab, but if I felt at risk I would take an aspirin a day for a fortnight after the jab. It is recommended before long flights after all. Nattokinase may be better.
A full aspirin a day is not generally recommended long term so ask your doctor. I give my lady a Cartia™ 100mg aspirin for other reasons. They are OK for long term use.
An answer I saw the other day as to getting jabbed – “I’ll do my assessment when the testing is done”
Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after all, strokes [plural]. Nice of them to inform the public 4 months later, after all the acrimony and false accusations.
Too little too late.
I’m sure his family and friends are grateful for a thorough examination that gives high confidence.
How do you reckon they felt after the “bashed with a fire extinguisher” lies?
The ABC wrote an entire article on the many complaints about the word “jab” instead of Covid “vaccination” or “injection”, due, one supposes, to the many needlephobes. This use of the word “jab” is as nothing compared with the criminality of the government and health “experts” for NOT allowing hydroxychloroquine to be freely available as it is a proven “cure” for Covid. The word genocide has been thrown around regarding these decisions too. Priorities people, priorities.
I’m no medical expert, but I have read a fair bit that says HCQ is essentially ineffective, and can actually be deleterious to Covid-19 outcomes. So it is far from “proven”, let alone a “cure”.
Could have left it at that
Funny sort of comment. Have you read any other comments on this blog?
Oscars nominations read like a social justice warriors’ handbook
Melanie Phillips
As the American TV host Bill Maher savagely noted: “The 2021 Oscars, brought to you by razor blades, Kleenex and rope. Please welcome our host, the sad emoji.” Hollywood, he reminded us, once knew how to make a movie that was about something. “Academy nominations used to say, ‘What great movies we make.’ Now they say, ‘Look what good people we are.’ ”
In 1998, a record 57.2 million people watched Titanic win the Oscar for best picture. This and other blockbusters had massive popular appeal. They gripped the imagination and the heart; they induced hope and sympathy rather than negativity and depression; they united people rather than divided them.
Why would millions want instead to tune into an agenda remote from or actively hostile to their own lives, promoted by an unrepresentative elite effectively talking to itself and hectoring everyone else?
It seems the show will seek to present stories about the film-makers themselves – in the words of another producer, “pulling the curtain back” and letting the public “into our community”.
Yet the real problem is surely what Soderbergh coyly refers to as “one of the most auteur-driven set of films” to be nominated for best picture. In other words, few punters are interested in them.
While the viewing public are increasingly reaching for the TV remote, there are other signs that people have had enough of the victimhood agenda.
Parents are beginning to withdraw co-operation, children and money from some of America’s most prestigious high schools in protest at the increasingly anti-western, anti-white agenda of their politically correct head teachers.
The bigoted agenda of victim culture is being enforced, in Britain as in America, because the public, private companies and state institutions have all gone along with it. It will only be ended if entertainment ratings and funding for such schools suffer serious cuts.
Perhaps these cinematic and educational straws in the wind herald a much-overdue cultural correction in the cause of common sense.
Victorian Auditor General report scores state’s delivery of key transport projects ‘a fail’
The Andrews government has a “tendency to underestimate costs and over-estimate benefits” when conceptualising and approving major projects, Victoria’s Auditor-General has found.
In an analysis of publicly available information on projects costed at $100m or more, Auditor-General Andrew Greaves warned on Monday the government’s tendency to underquote “can have consequences for Victorians, such as delays in obtaining needed infrastructure or increased costs”.
Intended to provide an overview of major projects in Victoria that were reported as new or existing from 2014-15, when Labor came to power, until 2019-20, the dashboard analysis is part of the Auditor-General’s major projects performance audit, due to be tabled in parliament later this year.
It comes as the government’s budget is expected to confirm huge cost blowouts and delays in the delivery of its signature infrastructure projects when it is handed down next month.
The first 50 level crossings were initially expected to cost $5bn to $6bn to remove, but a 2017 Auditor-General’s report found it had blown out to $8.3bn.
In 2016, Premier Daniel Andrews announced a $10bn price tag for North East Link, but this was revised up to $15.8bn just a year later due to the inclusion of a longer tunnel to minimise disruption to homes.
Bitcoin is outperforming gold.
A chartist looking at the bitcoin chart would speak of triple tops and resistance at 60,000. I’m not a chartist.
We all wish we bought it at $1 but I wish I’d bought CSL or CBA at their float. I didn’t. So be it.
But wait there is more ….
‘Britain’s announcement that it has established a taskforce to explore the potential of a central bank-issued digital currency underscores the extent to which China’s piloting of a digital yuan and the explosion of interest in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is accelerating the efforts of the major central banks to consider whether they need to issue their own digital money.’ (SMH)
many things outperform gold; in the short run
Germany feels a chill.
… and this is why, a negative NAO.
Up at Steve McIntyre’s site
“Milankovitch Forcing and Tree Ring Proxies”
SAs wonderous RE based electricity generation is having hiccups !
Yesterday the electricity supply in SA went from 500MW “ curtailment”, and export, to requireing the emergency back up portable Diesel Generators, all within a few hours……
……and then repeated that chaos again within 12 hrs !
.. all thanks to the unreliability of Wind and Solar .
Wot a rediculous situation !
if the lights stay on, nobody cares
Re covid testing
“That one is about Red Bull testing positive for Covid in a fast test, and >97% false positives for PCR tests when cycles cranked up near 40.”
Via comments at Chiefio
“Here’s a good one. Boris has created an “Antivirals Taskforce [which] will seek to develop innovative treatments you can take at home to stop COVID-19 in its tracks.” That’s good.
Do you think they will “discover” Ivermectin?”
Its a casedemic. Based on positive tests from a rigged PCR.
The Verdict in the George Floyd case has been delivered; Derek Chauvin is guilty.
What he did was not good. It seemed excessive and deliberate.
On the other side of the coin, how much of the policeman’s mental state at the time been a direct result of fear and apprehension induced by the ongoing “peaceful” riots and also by Floyd’s immediate behaviour and past record.
Action and interaction,
Culpability works both ways.
I thought the coroner had it as a drug overdose?
Here is an article that compares the two reports
google george floyd coroner, and you will get the actual reports.
The coroner also said his lungs weighed 2 – 3 times normal. If they were full of fluid he would die of asphyxiation, no external force necessary.
Not that I give a toss about the death of a crim.
1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL This is considered a lethal dose
2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL Do we add this to the above as well?
3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
6. Cotinine positive
Fentanyl Overdose Symptoms
The signs and symptoms that occur in individuals who have overdosed on fentanyl can consist of:
Extreme drowsiness, lethargy, lightheadedness, or dizziness
Marked difficulty with balance, difficulty with walking, and decreased motor coordination
Complaints of nausea and vomiting
Significant mental status changes that often include slurred speech, decreased speed of thought (that can be observed by extremely slow rates of speech), confusion, irrational actions, and/or aggressiveness
Pinpoint eye pupils and/or bluish or purplish lips, hands, feet, fingernails, and/or toenails
Noticeably slowed or shallow breathing (In some cases, people may stop breathing or produce gurgling noises.)
A marked reduction in blood pressure and heart rate
Becoming unconscious or comatose
The lethal effects that occur as a result of fentanyl overdose are most often due to significant respiratory suppression or the complete halting of breathing as a result of the central nervous system depressant effects of the drug.
I draw you attention to this CDC paper from 2016. Multiple drug overdoses.
Medical Examiner’s Office performed postmortem toxicology
screens on specimens obtained from two patients who died en
route to the hospital (patients E and I).
Serum samples from the hospitalized patients analyzed
at UCSF demonstrated fentanyl levels of 0.5–9.5 ng/mL
(Table 2) (therapeutic range for analgesia = 0.6–3.0 ng/mL)
(4); postmortem levels in the first two patients who died were
11 ng/mL (patient E) and 13 ng/mL (patient I). Norfentanyl, a
major metabolite of fentanyl, was detected in the serum of nine
patients; norfentanyl was not detected in postmortem testing
of patients E and I, presumably because death occurred before
metabolism of fentanyl to norfentanyl.
He died of the Rona, The decedent was known to be positive for 2019-nCoV RNA on 4/3/2020.
Since PCR positivity for 2019-nCoV RNA can persist for weeks after
the onset and resolution of clinical disease, the autopsy result most
likely reflects asymptomatic but persistent PCR positivity from
previous infection.
I declare a mistrial.
Still looking,
Dr. Baker, the chief medical examiner, had to concede that at 11 ng/mL, Floyd had “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” He also conceded that the fentanyl overdose “can cause pulmonary edema,” a frothy fluid build-up in the lungs that was evidenced by the finding at autopsy that Floyd’s lungs weighed two to three times normal weight.
The memorandum ends with Dr. Baker’s devastating conclusion that “if Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he [Dr. Baker] would conclude that it was an overdose death.”
Not Guilty your Honor!
That cop was always going to be found guilty MP , if he was found guilty no riots but if he was found not guilty a war would have broke out .
I realise this. I would rather a crim walk free then an innocent man spend a day in jail.
On another note, I also feel the whole thing was a set up to cause the mayhem it has, all part of the script, the theatre behind this is not organic, it is well organised well planned, like the Rona and climate change.
We are being lead to our own demise willingly.
I know how to look up the actual stats for shootings in the US, we are being lied to by our governments, scientists, experts, education system and social influencers.
Floyd died prior to the riots remember?
Recently on Sky News presenter Cory Bernardi and a guest talked about BLM USA and the “black” American woman leader who has gone from rags to riches, now owns properties in various prestigious areas/states and has become a very wealthy person.
The modern history, noting that the movement began as the Black Panthers in the 1960s, looks much like a cult and leaders involved in a wealth creation scheme.
As compared to;
What of it?
I think his point is, A trained Marxist, jobless sh1t stirrer has bought millions of capitalist dollars worth of property, on behalf of black socialists everywhere in white neighbourhoods.
House warming party is going to be a doozie.
The central problem with the greenhouse gas theory, and the reason all the models fail is a very simple one. The earth is NOT a greenhouse. It does not have a transparent shed around it.
A general societal comment: We have the issue with the warmists dumping the scientific method, even trying to reinvent / rewrite / reimagine it. But we also have a general dumbing down and deskilling in a lot of areas. I’m seeing that occurring with a lot of technological products, hardware, software and websites. This, of course, has a big effect on business operation. I’m guessing it’s part of the “Thirdworldization“.
It’s raining in the North:
That link worked when I posted it. 🙁
Qld is generating 119 mW of hydro, that’s Koombooloomba tail race, Barron Falls’ 44 mW and Kareeya’s 66 mW all open taps. That will be 100% CF for the next couple of months, take it to the bank.
‘Let’s get real’ about net zero 2050 commitments: Littleproud
Minister for Agriculture, Drought, and Emergency Management David Littleproud says much of the talk around net zero emissions is “a lot of platitudes” since only 16 of the 130 countries signed up can say how they will meet the 2050 target. “You’ve got to put this in perspective, of the 130 nations that have signed up to net zero emissions by 2050 only 16 of them can tell us how they can get there, so at the moment it’s a lot of platitudes,” he said. “When you get countries like the EU wanting to impose tariffs on us, let me put this in perspective, of the 27 EU states, 21 of them won’t meet their 2030 commitments. “Yet they’re imposing a moral tariff on us about a 2050 commitment and saying, well just trust us, we’re going to meet 2050 but most of us aren’t going to meet 2030. “Let’s get real about this, and I think there needs to be some honesty, and that’s what the Australian government is doing”. Mr Littleproud told Sky News, “if we’re going to commit to it, we’re going to look the people [in] the eye and tell them how we’re going to get there and who pays for it”.
Littleproud is not so bad after all.
It’ll be fun to see what the Guardian makes of it.
The Pointman is reporting an extraordinary cyber attack on a new website called FRANK – the voice of free speech.
FRANK is reporting on the Health and Freedom conference in Tulsa Oklahoma. Some people or organisations are trying to shut it down, possibly even government organisations.
FRANK may only have been going a few days. Pointman says 85 million people have accessed the site, despite the opposition.
Isn’t that Lindell, the pillow man’s baby?
Lindell has counter-sued Dominion Election Machines for $1.6 bn – on some grounds relating to free speech. Trouble is, Dominion is a private company … free speech rights under the First Amendment only apply to government bodies.
As someone clever punned today, Mike Lindell will lose my pillow case!
What was Dominion suing for?
I just checked back.
Pointman is right. All the links he put up no longer operate. Re open Pointman for new links.
For Hanrahan; Yes it was Lindell the Pillow Man.
America is deeply fractured, most will be saying this an affront to free speech but will stay quiet. Others will say “You can’t yell FIRE in a crowded theatre so free speech is not absolute” meaning that you can only use approved free speech.
I’m half a world away but it seems to me that radicals who may be a minority in blue states and cities are waging war on a much greater number of hard working citizens who are NOT political and can be bullied.
This can’t end well.
Thanks for putting this up.
Pointman’s links are working again.
FRANK now has a Wikipaedia page and my brouser brought it up. The site launched on 19 April. They are claiming 2B requests so far. Do they mean 2 billion?
Well we have had the announcement here in South Australia by ScoMo and the SA Premier (temporary, acting, probabionary) Marshall about 4 or 5 hydrogen generation sites to bring on a renaissance of industry and jobs, jobs etc.
Moderation prevents my commenting on the mental state of these 2 (and their advisors) so I am reduced to asking 3 questions:
1. How are we going to make hydrogen in SA (the driest State in the driest inhabited continent) ? If by electrolysis of water, that water have to come from interstate, and that will cause a huge battle. It takes 9 tonnes of water to make a tonne of hydrogen and States upstream begrudge any extra for SA.
2. How are we going to make hydrogen? By electrolysis of water using “cheap” electricity from renewables? Assuming that the supply is actually cheap** it will be intermittent so only intermittent hydrolysis can be used, and that is theoretically 38% efficient. In other words it would take 3 units of electrical energy to make 1 unit of energy in hydrogen (and obviously at 3 times the “cheap price”).
And for those who claim that we can use sea water
3. What are you going to do with the chlorine gas which results? It is no good saying it is OK as it is green, but it is also a potent ozone destroyer.
** SA has the highest percentage of “cheap” renewable electricity and the highest retail price in Australia. See also Denmark, Spain, Germany, the UK and places like California where similar “cheap” supply has increased the cost to users.
SA rarely has any “surplus” RE electricity.
Most of the time it is running on mainly its Gas fuelled generators, and/or imported electricity from Victorials Coal generators.
Bulk “Green” Hydrogen production is still just a dreamn the fantasy world of future energy.
ATM SA wind is generating 20% of demand, and this is in a deindustrialised state.
Qld, as usual, is exporting. It’s a win for the government, they get the royalties on the coal burnt and we consumers get a small discount from the profit on interstate sales. My standard rate is 21.75c/kWh. How does that compare to SA?
It has come DOWN to 37¢
What happened to my comment? I carefully avoided commenting on the mental state of those politicians announcing subsidies for the hydrogen ecomomy?
The system disappears comments inexplicably and then they reappear, patients is required.
The system is sick!
The covid statistics bug strikes again?
You, and others, need to buy more chocolates. Jo runs this privately, needs help.
The moderation algorithm read what you were really thinking?
“China tells John Kerry, Biden and their climate-change true-believers to go and get stuffed”
The Liverpool Plains have been saved by the agrarian socialists.
Willis Debunks Climate Emergency.
Indonesian submarine with 53 sailors goes missing off Bali.