“Climate Emergency” is this years new Black in FearSpeak

Hard-nosed journalists have all agreed that “Climate Emergency” is this year’s hottest, not-so-new trend. All the coolest, uninvestigative reporters have signed a pledge to parrot the same term. They all want to join the same club, and this is the new “token for entry”. How sweet. It’s a pledge to use hyperbole, destroy English and bore the public by repeating the same approved propaganda measure.

It won’t work for more than five minutes. The public learnt to ignore global warming and then climate change. Now they will get to ignore the emergency that isn’t an emergency.

But it will make it harder for actual ecological emergencies to get any air time at all. “Congrats” o environmental ones.

It’s a cheap trick. Journalists are milking the “shock” value out of the word “emergency” til it becomes an empty, nihilist cliche. Like  borrowing money from the future, there are only so many rounds of “Exploiting-the-language” one team can play before they run out of Reader Capital, and then run out of readers.

Fewer people are dying from climate than ever, it’s an emergency!

Deaths due to Natural disasters,.

Deaths due to Natural disasters,.

All 400 media outlets are cheerleading in synch:

  • Scientific American,
  • Columbia Journalism Review,
  • The Nation,
  • The Guardian,
  • Noticias Telemundo,
  • Al Jazeera,
  • Asahi Shimbun, and
  • La Repubblica, etc etc etc

Making us all wonder how many different media corporations ultimately control them?

“We Are Living in a Climate Emergency, and We’re Going to Say So,” declares the headline of a Scientific American commentary. [pompously]

“The media’s response to Covid-19 provides a useful model,” the statement advises, noting how media were able to control the narrative and compel Americans to comply with safety mandates by referring to the pandemic as an “emergency.”

The Gods are back! The media think they “controlled people” to get them to stay home. It’s almost like they think just using the word “emergency” is what did it. If only they thought of that before?

Marc Morano warned us the climate dictators were going to try to recover after Covid stole all their news airspace away from them.

 “A must-read book that shows how the Green New Deal is dangerous, impractical, misguided, and guaranteed to fail with disastrous results for the American people.”—Sean Hannity


Some bright spark in  media marketing thinks that the only difference between Covid and Climate Change is that we just didn’t sell the climate problem the same way. Most journalists apparently only see the world as verbal word games.

A must-read book that shows how the Green New Deal is dangerous, impractical, misguided, and guaranteed to fail with disastrous results for the American people.”—Sean Hannity



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183 comments to “Climate Emergency” is this years new Black in FearSpeak

  • #
    David Wojick

    But there is a 30 year upward trend in deaths (they will report). Don’t look before that. DON’T LOOK BEFORE THAT I SAY. (Sarc off )

    We looked before that, goofs.


    • #
      Glen Livingston

      Speaking of trends……..where are the ~230,000 folks killed by the 2004 earthquake (tsunami) in the chart data???


    • #

      There the old story of the boy who cried ‘wolf’.
      Whatever happened to him?


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        I think he got eaten in a very grisly way …


      • #

        The ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ is still around – it’s just that the villagers now are so daft they never wise up no matter how many times he yells “Wolf”.


      • #
        Bill In Oz

        Australians with facebook might like to take a gander at BOM Weather Watch.
        It’s a facebook group page which I established in 2019.
        And it presents real information about the BOM and about how the climate in Australia is just doing what it’s always done.
        Flood & Drought !
        Boom & Bust !


  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    It is a good thing that the world’s ability to deal with natural disasters has not changed, otherwise this story would be just so much hot air


    • #

      You mean ability with better techniques, equipment, machinery, communications, satellite imagery and portable power all created using *GASP* fossil fuels!


    • #

      The planetary magnetic disaster will probably strike sometime over this century. Good bye grids.
      Hello cold. No country — except those without electricity, have enough hardware to repair the damage.
      It could be the Younger Dryas all over again. We don’t know. We won’t know until it happens.

      This is what it looked like over the Christmas New Year period:

      May you live in Interesting Times.


      • #

        No amount of banning fossil fuels, coal and oil, will save anything but the cold will kill.

        A 400 year to maybe a 1000 year deep freeze.

        This is the coming disaster.

        The UN’s propaganda hasn’t even considered it.


        • #
          Tilba Tilba

          A 400 year to maybe a 1000 year deep freeze. This is the coming disaster. The UN’s propaganda hasn’t even considered it.

          Oh good grief – let’s play the “deep-freeze card”, to divert from the very real global warming realities that are upon us.


          • #

            What realities are those?
            – A greening world (thanks to more CO2)
            – Increasing food production (thanks to more CO2)
            – longer life spans and better health (thanks to fossil fuels)
            – nicer weather (thanks to the GAT warming up since the end of the little ice age)

            They are the kind of realities we’re enjoying.


            • #
              Tilba Tilba

              What realities are those?

              Two degrees of warming will not be pleasant.


              • #

                The silliness of your position is evident by your presumption that a warming climate would be unpleasant. I get that this is what the corrupt media claims, but perhaps you should apply a little logic and reason rather than faithfully accept a hypothetical catastrophe that emphasizes magic over physics.

                A km thick glacier bearing down on Manhattan would be far more unpleasant and this is something that’s happened before, we know with absolute certainty will happen again and no amount of CO2 will stop it.


      • #
        el gordo

        Do you have any anything definite on the geomagnetic excursion happening this century?


        • #

          No. Just extending the rate of change.

          Two decades ago there were only two poles and the South Atlantic Anomaly which was just a dip in magnetic field strength.

          Now: the recent changes are scary.

          One who is paying it close attention if Ben Davidson but he’s as indefinite as I am although he’s game enough to say a bit more than “soon.”
          20 – 30 years he’s said. Right when we’re supposed to be fossil fuel free…

          We’ll need fossil fuels — urgently — then.


        • #
          William Astley

          The past is a guide to the future, if the sun has changed and the sun is the cause of past abrupt climate change, including the Younger Dryas. The timing (of an abrupt change of the geomagnetic field) based on the paleo record, could be this decade.

          The past Heinrich events, in the paleo record, have immediately followed, the short 20 to 30 year, Dansgaard-Oeschger warming periods.

          The abrupt cooling periods (Heinrich Events), appear with a periodicity of 6000 and 8000 years.

          Geology has evidence of super-fast geomagnetic field changes. Excepting that evidence as physical proof that there is something that can and does abrupt change the geomagnetic field.


          “New evidence for extraordinarily rapid change of the geomagnetic field during a reversal
          Palaeomagnetic results from lava flows recording a geomagnetic polarity reversal at Steens Mountain, Oregon suggest the occurrence of brief episodes of astonishingly rapid field change of six degrees per day.

          The evidence is large, systematic variations in the direction of remanent magnetization as a function of the temperature of thermal demagnetization and of vertical position within a single flow, which are most simply explained by the hypothesis that the field was changing direction as the flow cooled.”

          The last abrupt cooling period occurred at 12,900 years ago and there was the 8,200 year abrupt cooling period.

          The 12,900 year Younger Dryas abrupt cooling period, at which time the Northern Hemisphere went from Interglacial warm to back to glacial cold, at a time when summer solar insolation at 65N, was maximum. 70% of the cooling occurred in less than a decade and the cooling lasted for 1200 years at which time the geomagnetic field strength recovered and the interglacial resumed.


          There is the largest change in the C14 in Holocene period, during the Younger Dryas as noted in this paper that discusses the failed theory which have been developed to explain the YD.

          “Reduced solar activity as a trigger for the start of the Younger Dryas?

          Estimates for the increase in *14C at the start of the YD all demonstrate a strong and rapid rise: 40}70& within 300 years (Goslar et al., 1995), 30}60& in 70 years (BjoKrck et al., 1996), 50} 80& in 200 years (Hughen et al., 1998) and 70& in 200 years (Hajdas et al., 1998).


    • #

      But apparently we don’t have the ability to cope with a 1.5 degree change in temperature over a hundred years? They did apparently have this ability back in mediaeval times when it was warmer than now. Go figure …


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        Are you saying that a local, temporary problem is the same as a global ongoing problem? Sheesh


        • #

          Peter: your Ignorance is showing again.

          The medieval warming was Global. It wasn’t just in the Archbishop of Canterbury’s back garden.


          • #

            Peter: your Ignorance is showing again

            Actually, what he is doing in denying climate change


          • #

            If it’s not on CNN Peter doesn’t want to know….


          • #
            Peter Fitzroy

            0.5 of a degree above the mean vs 1.5-2 (or more). Little ice age was 0.5 below the mean. Is that all you have? Anyway if 0.5 can cause such changes what is 1.5 going to do. Thanks for proving my point


            • #

              Oh, I thought your point was that a degree or two was an emergency? Rather than a weather event that mediaeval civilisations easily managed to survive.
              How do you personally survive both summer and winter. Each coming seasonal change must scare the begeezus out of you.


          • #
            Tilba Tilba

            The medieval warming was Global. It wasn’t just in the Archbishop of Canterbury’s back garden.

            It was in fact extremely topical, and far from universal in both hemispheres, and around all the tropics.


            • #
              el gordo

              Because the oceanic oscillations are not necessarily in sync at the same time, so yes you are correct in thinking the hemispheres were not in phase.


              Not sure if the MWP in Europe was tropical, I’ll take a closer look.


              • #
                Martin Wood

                In the UK we have the BBC, ITN & Sky News UK each running a series of Climate Change propaganda programmes.


            • #

              it was in fact extremely tropical

              Pretty sure that it’s fact that tropical Pacific waters were thought to have cooled.

              From Lamb’s original paper

              Changes of prevailing temperature and rainfall in England between periods of 50–150 years duration around 1200 and around 1600 are found which, on all the evidence at present available, probably amounted to 1.2–1.4°C and 10% respectively.

              It’s been estimated downwards after looking at proxies where the results, other than qualitative trends* are dependent on subjective opinion.

              * except if you are Mann who used one upside down to what the original researcher intended.


          • #

            There are records kept in China for centuries that confirm that the little ice age was detected there.
            The same sources provide as well some support to the medieval warm period being present in China.

            The ref was given in a comment on this site if I recall correctly.


        • #
    • #

      Look how well the world dealt with the 1918 Spanish flu, they had no clue.
      How far do you want to go back.


      • #

        They all wore Fauci masks. Autopsies showed that many people died from bacterial infections in their lungs, the result from wearing masks. Fauci was the person who studied and published this several years ago. He knew exactly what masks could do when he mandated them for all Americans.


    • #

      Mr, Fitzroy
      I realize your comments are not popular here, but this comment was reasonable.

      Changing the name of the imaginary coming climate crisis from global warming to climate change, and now to climate emergency, is leftist propaganda.

      I predict the next name with be “Climate Armageddon.”

      We should have a contest here for a new and really scary name.

      I personally like “The Green Climate Delusion”, but leftists won’t buy that — too accurate!

      The chart used in this article was not appropriate. While there are mild long term downtrends of many dangerous weather events, such as hurricanes and typhoons, they would not explain more than a small percentage of the large decline of deaths shown on the chart.

      The article is very important, but use of that chart is an editing error.

      How about “Climate Holocaust” for the next new name?

      Does anyone else have a better name?

      “Planet Meltdown”?


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        The two biggies in the 20’s and thirties relate to Stalin (drought) and China (floods)


      • #

        “How about “Climate Holocaust” for the next new name?”

        ‘holocaust’ is a very commercially valuable mark. I can see the holocaust industry sharing it with the climate scam.


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        Changing the name of the imaginary coming climate crisis from global warming to climate change, and now to climate emergency, is leftist propaganda.

        If you set aside the ideological blinkers for a moment, does it occur to you that it has gone from Global Warming > Global Emergency for very good reason? The vast majority of very serious scientists know that the CO2 levels we are now seeing are causing an emergency-level global warming. Do you have a problem with that?


        • #

          Methinks thee doth protest too much, Tilba Tilba!
          “Choose yer target, polarise it, nevah let up!”
          Ht/ Rules or Radicals


        • #


          We have two choices in predicting the future climate:

          (1) Actual experience with global warming since the mid-1970s, and

          (2) Predictions of future global warming at a much faster rate than in the past — dangerous warming, unlike harmless warming in the past.

          (1) Seven billion people have experience with some, or all, 45 years of the past global warming.

          That warming was harmless, at worst, if you consider the locations with the most warming — colder areas in the upper half of the Northern Hemisphere, with most warming in the six coldest months of the year, and most warming at night — the warmer winter nights in Siberia are good news.

          Add the greening of our planet from more CO2 in the atmosphere, and that is additional good news.

          In summary ACTUAL global warming has been beneficial.

          No one was harmed.

          (2) Predictions of a coming climate crisis started with Roger Revelle in 1957, according to my research.

          We have heard these “coming climate crisis” predictions for the past 64 years.

          But there is no crisis.

          The current climate on our planet is the best climate for humans, animals and plants in over 300 years, since the cold 1600s.

          It does not make sense to continue to believe in “coming climate crisis prediction after that prediction has been wrong for 64 years in a row.

          It is extremely difficult to predict the future,

          And so far, the record of climate predictions is near zero.

          In the past 45 years we had rising CO2 and harmless warming.

          There is no proof CO2 caused all of the warming, but let’s assume it did.

          In the future, we are told the same rate of rising CO2 will cause much faster global warming — dangerous warming, not harmless warming.

          So, in summary, we are being told that the same CO2 inputs will cause completely different temperature outputs.

          Expecting different outputs with the same inputs meets the definition of insanity.


      • #

        How about “Climate Pant Wetting”


  • #

    Nobody will take any notice! Water off a duck’s back! The MSM trashed any credibility over the “get Trump” campaign. The era of “Tale wagging Dog” is over.


  • #

    Green New Deal is feasible and affordable


    Just read Tilba Tilba asserting that these news organisations are only slightly left. Thought I would get in early.


    • #

      I think you can safely assume anything from both those leftist sources are propaganda and nothing more.


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        I think you can safely assume anything from both those leftist sources are propaganda and nothing more.

        LOL Your objectivity is so inspirational !


    • #
      glen Michel

      When m3dia outlets are so tendentious as to display complete one-sided bias it becomes propaganda. This also includes the so-called ” lies by omission ” which is practised by our? ABC very well. It has gone beyond despair and resignation now. It is NEWSSPEAK.


      • #
        glen Michel

        I would point out that contrary to the frothing from some the Murdoch press – whilst being centre to right in its content and opinion does give some balance like promoting climate-change alarmism and indigenous affairs and other progressive points. There is a detectable shift in the past few years to accepting a more left position. I seem to read the Australian only when Ergas contributes anyway.


        • #

          I would disagree that indigenous affairs is a lefty thing.

          White guilt and throwing money away are leftwing.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      “Just read Tilba Tilba asserting that these news organisations are only slightly left.”

      LOL It was a comparison – I suggest that Fox News is far further right of centre than CNN is to the left. Fox employs true crazies – picked up from the tinfoil section at Woollies. I remain agnostic – but still cautious optimistic – that the Green New Deal is a good initiative.

      But it takes looking at these things objectively, and not ideologically. Global Warming deniers will likely be very critical.

      For the record, I think “Climate Emergency” is kind of silly too, and will become a cliché with little clout. A bit like “Marxist”, “Socialist”, “Fascist” get thrown around.


      • #

        “…“Climate Emergency” … will become a cliché with little clout. A bit like “Marxist”, “Socialist”, “Fascist” get thrown around.”

        The difference is that Fascists actually existed and Marxists & Socialists still exist but the “Climate Emergency” doesn’t existed.


        • #
          Tilba Tilba

          “The difference is that Fascists actually existed and Marxists & Socialists still exist but the “Climate Emergency” doesn’t exist.”

          Google Earth seems to think so …



          • #

            Tilba reacts to a week of evidence of CNN being shown to be nothing more than a socialists propaganda tool by thinking a CNN link will convince someone of something.
            I truly do admire your commitment to the cause Tilba.


            • #
              Tilba Tilba

              Tilba reacts to a week of evidence of CNN being shown to be nothing more than a socialists propaganda tool by thinking a CNN link will convince someone of something.

              Our Harves knows nothing about anything … there is breathtaking and profound ignorance – and then there is Harves. 🙂


            • #
              Tilba Tilba

              Why do you not address the Google Earth reality I posted – presumably it’s too hard to cope with, digger.


              • #

                What climate change do they show? Cities growing? Aral sea shrinking due to irrigation?

                Maybe a glacier shrinking. CO2 levels were perfect, with very little climate change (supposedly) when the massive glacier of glacier bay melted away.

                It’s propaganda.


          • #

            Google earth doesn’t prove there is a Climate Emergency™, only that the Climate is changing and it certainly doesn’t prove that man’s CO2 emission have anything to do with changes in the climate so I’d say your proof is pretty lame.


          • #

            From your little article:
            “agriculture growth in the middle of a desert in Al Jowf, Saudi Arabia, and the development of Songdo beach, a man-made beach in Busan, South Korea.”
            – Agricultural growth? Great!
            – A man made beach? Absolutely nothing to with global temperatures.
            Is that your proof of “climate chaos”?


      • #
        glen Michel

        Peter van Onselen, Troy Bramston? Seriously? I can’t explain your darkness, can you?


      • #

        “I remain agnostic – but still cautious optimistic – that the Green New Deal is a good initiative.”

        The Green New Deal has nothing to do with being “Green” or with the Climate Emergency™ as its creators have admitted, it is simply their vehicle for implementing their version of socialism. And why would you pattern anything after the “New Deal” as it was a failure as FDR’s Treasury Secretary Morgenthau said in May of 1939, “We have tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just none interest, and if I am wrong . . . somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job, I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. . . . I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started . . . . And an enormous debt to boot!


      • #

        “I suggest that Fox News is far further right of centre than CNN is to the left.”
        Despite the fact that CNN has admitted to an objective of removing a sitting President, the cult’s hold remains strong.


      • #

        “I suggest that Fox News is far further right of centre than CNN is to the left.”

        Well I suppose if you are as far left as CNN and consider that a centrist position then everything else would seem far right to you.


      • #

        Fox has Chris Wallace, who is truly willing to criticize the right. There is absolutely no equivalent on CNN or any other corporate media.


      • #

        From your little article:
        “agriculture growth in the middle of a desert in Al Jowf, Saudi Arabia, and the development of Songdo beach, a man-made beach in Busan, South Korea.”
        – Agricultural growth? Great!
        – A man made beach? Absolutely nothing to with global temperatures.
        Is that your proof of “climate chaos”?


      • #

        Project Veritas exposed CNN for being an organisation that is radically left-wing. A member of CNN has admitted that they pump out left wing propaganda. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/part-1-cnn-director-admits-network-engaged-in-propaganda-to-remove-trump/


      • #
        Simon B

        Seriously, look at CNN director Chester in his own words laying out the template, Tilba. You certainly can say you agree with him and commend their activism, that’s your prerogative, but can’t seriously say they aren’t biased. THEY are admitting it!


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    Society has gone off the rails; and a big Congratulations to this site for the recent series of threads.

    So much to look at and fear in the way Verbalism has been used to send us into the silly society corner.

    A quick glance at the cover of Marc Morano’s book should make people uncomfortable and if you don’t feel that perhaps some futher digging is needed.

    World “leadership” is at an all-time low: spooky.

    Look at the U.S. as an example, what a mess.



    • #

      Here, help go after Bill Gates for his genocide of Seniors as well as profiting the most from driving the world crazy.
      Remember, he also owns the most property in the world as well.


      • #

        He did have decades of dealing with viruses relevant to his software. And failed. One might call that, on job training.

        This should teach him that real life is not a computer simulation.


    • #

      Society is in the progress of going off the rails. When it does the West will crash and burn like all other empires. History keeps repeating, no one of influence cares and we the people keep voting for the same old expecting a different outcome. Not everyone of course is that insane, aloof, etc. but more and more are becoming that way thanks to the unflinching efforts of the MSM, the education system and the spineless politicians to perpetrate their lies. The only way to break that feedback looping that’s heading our society over the cliff is to wake up enough people to the real world.


    • #

      “…a big Congratulations to this site for the recent series of threads.”

      I agree. I think its time to buy some more Chocolates Support.


  • #

    Any connection with science vanished long ago. Just as Climate Change has been trivialized into a fact of life, the hope is a Climate Emergency will galvanize people into handing over the cash, the power, the governments. Today. No explanation needed or being given. Any event is a Climate Emergency. It’s a now or never move. After all Joe Biden is running America by edict, Presidential Decree. And Pelosi and Schumer are changing the courts, the states, the Constitution to lock in their power before the next half election where they could lose absolute unfettered power.

    The real problem now is that there isn’t one, except that Texas froze and the power went off. And France just froze in spring. And the mass invasion of America has started, as planned and despite denials. And it is not Climate driving this overwhelming invasion and crisis but Democrats in government.

    No one believes this Climate Emergency, run for the hills, take cover, dig a hole in your backyard, buy a boat panic. Especially on top of a real emergency like a manufactured bioweapon distributed deliberately to maximum effect once it escaped. I mean, if you had a country crippling bioweapon and did not want to declare war and invite retaliation, isn’t it exactly what you would do? Release and deny.

    And it has likely knocked the stuffing out of any other emergency, short of an invasion of Taiwan or the Spratlys.

    After all an emergency is “a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.” Really? I would have thought grounding the entire world’s air fleet, stopping all international travel, stopping domestic travel, building vast hospitals and cemeteries, emptying the streets completely, locking people in their homes, clearing city offices, shops and stopping cars world wide might have been all we could do anyway. And as much as happened in the last World War.

    So what do they want? What else is there to do? What would the Guardian have us do urgently in this emergency? Panic? Blow up power stations? Even buying and installing useless Chinese/German windmills takes time.


    • #

      Yes for followers of reality the real emergency is what’s not seen or being spelt out, the slow dismantling of freedoms everywhere.

      Oh and I do recall a ‘Climate Disruption’ being used not long ago, not as sexy as Emergency but probably more scientifically accurate which is why it was dropped as nothing scientific or accurate has eventuated from this failed hypothesis for ~30 years.

      As Arrhenius probably lamented after dragging the world from Weather Cooking to the Hot House theory nobody outside science took notice and still the world turned.


    • #

      “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad” — Euripides.

      I’ll sit back and wait.

      I don’t subscribe to any print organs any more. The only problem with that, is they seem to think the reason they keep losing money is because they aren’t printing more climate panic. Does anyone see a self-perpetuating downward spiral?


      • #

        The reason they do not make money is that all their income came from Advertising. Certainly in a world without and in reverse order, the internet, television, radio.

        Advertising revenue is what fuels all internet platforms. And they steal the news from the unfunded news organizations. Now everything is run by teenagers.


        • #
          Peter C

          That is true.

          But the advertising dollars follow the circulation. When sophocles cancels his subscription the advertising revenue goes down as well.


      • #

        G’day s,
        There’s a lovely article in last weekend’s Australian, April10-11, 2021, on page 3, entitled “Questions over Q+A’s timeslot as ratings sink”. I’m glad they’re investigating that as it indicates I’m not the only one turning off for it, and other ABC programs, but was a bit surprised at the conclusion they reached – the timeslot is wrong!!
        “ABC’s director of entertainment and specialist division, Michael Carrington, has previously said the program moved because “we’ve discovered that audiences now look for content elsewhere around 9pm”. ”
        Wow!!! I wonder why!
        (For overseas visitors, Q+A is hosted panel show with questions from audience members. My view is that is a biased propaganda show, and although I did watch it, I stopped completely after the then host, Tony Jones, completely gagged Senator Malcolm Roberts while allowing offensive behaviour by other members of the panel.)
        However, I guess that displays their competence as investigative journalists if they can’t adequately solve a specific problem in their special area of expertise (properly “expertise”).
        Dave Bj


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      Kalm Keith

      That second last paragraph is a show stopper.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    I’m old enough to remember when it was time to call it a “climate crisis” …

    31st July, 2019: Our planet is in crisis. But until we call it a crisis, no one will listen

    “When Senator Kamala Harris was asked about [global warming] during the Democratic debate in June, she did not mince words.
    “I don’t even call it [global warming],” she said. “It’s a climate crisis.

    … for a while the term “global warming” was the most common.
    But in the decades following, politicians and members of the media began to use the softer, more euphemistic term “climate change” to describe changing weather and atmospheric conditions.”


    The same people using the same methods over and over expecting a different result: The very definition of insanity.

    Expect “climate emergency” to go the same way. Down.


    • #
      another ian```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

      “Expect “climate emergency” to go the same way. Down.”

      And practice runs usually make things go faster


    • #

      True. But what’s left. After all an emergency is an immediate call to arms of very short duration. It’s a stupid strategy.

      If no gigantic climate crisis appears in the next few months, apart from the regular bushfires, spring tornadoes and hurricanes and the odd unpredictable volcano or tsunami, this is the very last time they can call wolf. After a third of a century of crying wolf, it’s over.

      Even the proverbial man in the street will start to doubt there is any wolf and ask why he is paying so much for inadequate and unreliable electricity. And Scientific American, Lancet and more like the UN, IPCC, Universities and crowds of self appointed unqualified Climate Scientists will look like the opportunistic agenda driven mob they are. And Institutions gone bad, rotted from the top. Communists and climatebaggers.


      • #
        David Wojick

        I agree this is the big push, which will not succeed if we keep pushing back. But I do not expect the movement to suddenly disappear. What is most likely is that it will become perennial and relatively harmless, like gun control. A constant low level threat to freedom.


      • #

        “But what’s left. After all an emergency is an immediate call to arms of very short duration.“
        Perhaps we’ll have Climate Lockdowns when the government believes it’s too hot, cold, wet, dark, or windy to go outside?


      • #
        Russ Wood

        “After all an emergency is an immediate call to arms of very short duration”. Short? In South Africa? We’ve been in a “state of DISASTER” since March 2020, because ‘Covid’. This allows a junta to make regulations without Parliamentary oversight, including a regulation that extends the ‘disaster’ another month, every month. The ANC government just LOVES to rule by decree – and if you don’t wear a mask – huge fines! Disaster – thy name is ANC!


        • #

          …and this is only the beginning of the rest of our lives if the totalitarian instinct is not suppressed. We Victorians narrowly escaped the imposition of a full police state complete with unlicensed thugs and procedures to enable “disappearing” of persons; it’s anybody’s guess what further mischief our temporarily paralysed premier has been conjuring up during his convalescence.


          • #
            Simon B

            Don’t forgot Serp, he had his ’emergency powers’ extended. So even though there are no active cases in Victoria we are still under emergency powers! Why? Just in case his bureaucracy stuffs up the 3rd attempt at quarantine? In his totalitarian view a single case is enough, because these state demigods believe they will create a covid free utopia! Meanwhile realists know the country has just reverted to a closed penal colony! Australian voting citizens are STILL being stopped from entering their own country because of state quarantine bureaucratic quotas, after 14 months! THAT’S what calling something an emergency does. CNN’s Chester believes they’ll get years of mileage out of demonizing the weather. YEARS! All the while calling it an emergency.time
            Sure the public will glaze over in no time, but these trashmedia activists are in politicians faces every day and draconian decisions are made by gullible knee jerkers who think they have to act or a vote will go somewhere else.
            Look at the idiot Christopher Pine, now saying he’s worried about the timeframe to have our Navy ready, in light of the CCP declaration of intent. While in power he kept reacting to ABC and SBS activist media and NOW he has no control, HE’S worried!
            Australia has a swamp every bit as dangerous to the voting public as the US and we sit idly by following rules designed to suppress the many for the benefit of the few.
            Stop tolerating the tolerance movement!


          • #
            Kalm Keith

            Yes; the last year has been an extraordinary time in the life of Australia and some of the excitement has been generated by watching the appalling behaviour of the Victorian “management” going full bore, crushing and controlling the people.

            The other states and federal mob have been only slightly less dominating and intrusive.

            the ultimate political solution to a medical problem.

            Some of the police activity in Victoria was what you might expect in Russia or China and more recently, Washington D.C.



  • #
    another ian


    “It might be nothing”

    The site seemed very slow at posting that comment


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    I’ll see your ’emergency’ and raise it to ‘catastrophe’ …

    Kerry: The world has nine years to avoid climate catastrophe

    ‘There is no room for B.S. anymore. There’s no faking it on this one’ the climate czar said

    “Kerry pointed to this week’s deadly snowstorms across much of the U.S.

    “Obviously we want to prevent this from becoming the new normal to the degree that we can,” he continued. ”


    >> Unlike with President Trump, you couldn’t make this up.


    • #

      Kerry may well be right in terms of effects, but most certainly not in causes.

      9 years time is the next Solar minimum.

      Some expect it to be minimum of a minimum. Some don’t.

      It sure won’t be a warming problem but a great shortage of warming. Heh.
      Unexpected consequences.


  • #

    Demand a definition. What is a climate emergency? I think it is an oxymoron. Climate data points are averages of 30 years of data. How can it be an emergency if it takes 30 years to get the next data point to compare to the last one. I have only experienced 2.4 climate normals and I certainly don’t think the next one will be a big change. Every time someone tells you “we are experiencing a climate emergency” demand their definition.


  • #
    glen Michel

    The threads are unraveling and we’re headed for the inevitable entropic state. Not unexpected in my mind given the meteoric ascent that man has engaged, particularly since the European enlightenment and the industrial/ technological advent. The rubber band has stretched to its utmost.


    • #

      Actually everything is vastly improved. Nothing is melting down to chaos, not yet at least. Even the Climate Emergency is an obviously silly thing of no consequence, the last gasp in 33 years of dire warnings of immediate armageddon. It has run its course.

      There is no rubber band. And attempts to disrupt a peaceful world continue, especially from China but apart from Wu Flu, nothing has worked. And with continuing mutually assured destruction the only option, peace continues while Russia keeps announcing even more deadly weapons, submarines and missiles and North Korean President admits publicly his government has failed his people.

      The only fear I have is a rogue state like Iran or North Korea. China works through proxies, like Vietnam and Korea but as the quality of life in China keeps improving quickly, there is too much to lose. It was Kissinger/Nixon’s original strategy to contain China after three wars.


      • #
        glen Michel

        Maybe a bit on the pessimistic side but not necessarily untrue. Life will go on and find a way.


        • #
          glen Michel

          You mentioned Russia and dangerous weapons, what about the US?. Russia needs to keep up its strategic position to counter western aggression. We now have games being played with further support for the kleptocracy in Ukraine. Russia will consolidate its ethnic areas as it did justifiably in Crimea.Hypersonic weapons are a deterrent for an economically weakened state.


          • #

            Russia’s great enemy is China along a very long border. While no one wanted to live in Siberia, it has endless wealth in diamonds, gold, resources and closer to Beijing than Moscow. So I think the End of Days weapons announcements are really meant for China.

            The Russians are scared of everyone, having been at war with France, England, Germany, Japan and America in Vietnam and Korea in the last two hundred years and multiple times. And NATO is all about Russia and no one else.

            Russians would far rather be allied with America, but Americans will not accept that Russia is no longer their enemy and the Democrats use Russia as the Bogeyman to distract attention from their rich communist friends and donors in China. McConnell and the Bidens in particular.


            • #

              China is a wonderful neighbour: it has border disputes with all its neighbours.

              Shooting along the Himalayan border (Tibet) is a matter of course (China vs India).

              On the other side, China is trying to claim Vladivostok.

              Then there is the South China Sea. China has fortified and militarized many islands therein. Some are now sinking under the weight of munitions …

              The American Navy sank 300 Chinese fishing boats sometime last year, I think. Or the year before. For trespassing.

              A Great and Nice neighbour.


              • #
                el gordo

                You mean 300 Chinese fishing boats were illegally stealing Humboldt squid and now the South Americans are aware of the problem.

                There is an environmental disaster looming because the fleet takes endangered species too. I think one of these boats was chased by the authorities and they sank it.


              • #
                Richard Owen No.3

                The fighting along the Amur river with USSR. The battles with Vietnam.


  • #

    I claim Surigae is a weather emergency for Philippines right now. Central pressure 960hPa and windspeed up to 130kph.

    It should make the news reports within a day or two.

    With regard the impending Climate Emergency, the Atlantic has managed 30.2C west of Africa again so no start of glaciation in 2021 but certainly later than last year:

    Same data a year ago the warm pool was considerably bigger and had been around for more than a month:

    Same data In 2019 and pools bigger and warmer:


  • #

    Emergency it is all right,
    But it’s not about climate-change fright,
    It’s the journalist hacks,
    Who twist to the max,
    The truth we expect them to write.


  • #

    Don’t forget the world pop was only about 1.6 bn in 1900 and 2bn in 1927 and about 3.7 bn in 1970.
    So those deaths are even more remarkable because today there are about 7.8 bn and for the last couple of decades earthquakes make up more than 50% of above deaths.
    But deaths from extreme weather events today are tiny. Little wonder that Shellenberger, Lomborg, Koonin etc highlight the fact that extreme weather deaths have dropped by about 95+% over the last 120 years.
    But our lying media will always close ranks and refuse to mention this good news.


    • #

      I believe the bar graph is supposed to be per 100,000 people going by the link, is this correct Jo?


      • #

        Yonniestone here’s the quote from OWI Data site. Trust me that only a few people understand this good news and of course our clueless L W media liars and con merchants couldn’t care less.

        Natural disasters kill on average 60,000 people per year, globally.
        Globally, disasters were responsible for 0.1% of deaths over the past decade. This was highly variable, ranging from 0.01% to 0.4%.
        Deaths from natural disasters have seen a large decline over the past century – from, in some years, millions of deaths per year to an average of 60,000 over the past decade.
        Historically, droughts and floods were the most fatal disaster events. Deaths from these events are now very low – the most deadly events today tend to be earthquakes.
        Disasters affect those in poverty most heavily: high death tolls tend to be centered in low-to-middle income countries without the infrastructure to protect and respond to events.


      • #

        The words below the graph’s title are: “Absolute number of global deaths…”, which is fairly explicit.
        Dave B


        • #

          Fair enough, just checking as the link had a different ratio format and wanted to be sure, as Neville quotes 60k per year is small compared to past decades and is indeed good news.


  • #

    Our ABC are about to up the ante as well.
    Lara Tingle, through her habitual pursed lips of seriousness, announced that there will be 4 programs next week focusing on the climate emergency. Presumably, this is because australians aren’t seeing the emergency after the mild summer and cool, wet autumn


  • #

    It’s taken the MSM 60 years, coupled latterly with big tech, to bring us to this ultimate state of confusion whereby kids don’t know that 2+2=4 or whether they are male or female. To convince them otherwise is now illegal. They now think illegal is a sick bird so disregard our best advice. To paraphrase a great Charles Dickens-ism, If the 60’s and 70’s were the best of times, now is definitely the worst of times. Self-preservation can only take us so far. Only Great Leaders can show us the way out of this click bate wilderness.


    • #

      It’s just not clear where we will get our news? News used to be funded by advertising.

      Radio augmented the newspapers, but television replaced them, certainly in America.

      And the internet is now replacing television while social media and the mobile phone is replacing them all.

      Certainly ‘Their’ ABC is just a total waste of our money and like all other old pointless media, trying to compete by parroting social media.

      As if murdering current affairs is not bad enough, there is an assault on history, statues, reality. I love history but I was given an alleged history of Captain Cook by Rugby journalist Peter Fitzsimons team of paid pulp fiction writers. It was filed immediately in the circular filing cabinet. They churn out fake histories, a Woke version of everything good as evil.

      And as James Delingpole wrote, if you think Churchill was a racist, you should check out the man he beat. Fake news, fake history and fake science. It’s an emergency all right. Apart from Jo’s site, where can you get the truth? And why is the truth always conservative?


  • #

    Last Sunday the Outsiders held up the letter from Prince Phillip to Prof Ian Plimer where he spelt out his wind farm concerns.
    Oh and according to our clueless, lying L W media we must change to toxic Ruinables to fight their EXISTENTIAL threat and emergency.

    Here’s the latest data from the latest Wind energy report from the GWPF. Here’s the quotes from Lord Lawson and Dr Benny Peiser. See graphs etc at the link.


    Lord Lawson, GWPF director, said:

    We are in the middle of an economic crisis and consumers are hit with astronomical costs for unreliable wind energy. These multi-billion subsidies are not only a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, but are damaging the UK economy as a whole. This madness has to stop.”

    Dr Benny Peiser said:

    The level of handouts is an obscenity. Every time a new windfarm comes on stream, the consumer is hit with a double whammy – a relentless increase in annual subsidy payments to windfarm operators and an annual bill for fixing the damage that is done to grid stability. This can’t be kept hidden for much longer. The chickens are coming home to roost very soon, and there will be a big political price to pay”.


  • #
    glen Michel

    There the truth lies. Point made , it can sometimes be found under a flat rock – hiding from the onslaught of lies.


  • #
    another ian


    Mods there are a couple of comments “hibernating” around #7.1 and #8.3


  • #
    David Maddison

    Marketing 101. When people get sick of one product or concept, rebrand the same or similar product or concept as something “new and improved”.


  • #
    David Maddison

    I think we need to stop using the term “journalist”. This profession almost no longer exists. A journalist is meant to research the facts and present an impartial analysis of a situation. People who “identify” as journalists today don’t do that. They are merely propagandists of the Left. Identifying as a journalist no more makes one a journalist than a man identifying as a woman or even a goat makes him a woman or goat. A paid propagandist of the Left (or anyone else) identifying as a journalist does not make them one.


    • #

      The defamation suit against Louise Milligan and her ABC cronies will show that. Having received a journalists’ award for putting an innocent man through hell and then in jail for a year without any evidence at all, she trained her sights on the Attorney General. And another sick now dead witness who would not press charges for an allegation thirty years old on a high profile enemy of the ABC cabal. Sound familiar?

      Unexpectedly Porter has fought back and wants to see her evidence and wants to know why she did not check her facts with him before she publicly played the devastating guess the rapist game, a (male) government minister no less. When is the book coming out? During the trial again? What’s a little contempt of court?

      I cannot imagine what the ABC will say in their defence. Except that they really don’t care because we the public pay the monstrous legal bills anyway and the Attorney General had to abandon his position and beggar himself to act. Damage done. Job done.

      Journalism? No, political hit by the professional character assassins of the ABC. No care, no responsibility and another award for journalism. Where are the public apology and reparations for Pell? Their ABC. No remorse and more money please.


  • #
    Peter Gilray

    Hi Jo

    Long admirer…and have the guardian et al just plagarised Ross Clarke novel The Denial???


  • #

    Bigger population, better communications systems equals to more media and they all want to be heard. It appears that there are more hot air journalists than there is CO2.

    Carbon footprint of media reporting is catastrophic and should be dealt with urgency. Here is another helicopter traffic update for ya. Such ironic display follows with a story of climate doom.

    All polls suggest that climate change is not a priority when it comes to what matters in life. This also suggests that majority of people prevail in common sense.

    All media is a parrot that keeps changing cages. All media is hyper energised propaganda. For the lack of a better story, climate change is served with a topping of their steroidal powder.

    In amongst them all, it appears they don’t mind repeating themselves. Zero depth, Zero character, Zero inspiration, Zero credibility.

    It is because of media that woke tend to run to the PM with issues that have no place there.

    How much is attributed to media for inflating price of living through alarmist stories?

    MSM requires a serious detox through deep column-oscopy.

    Yeah, I am speechless.


  • #

    If anyone is paying attention to the doomsayers it’ll be a “catastrophic cyberattack” that’ll require tech companies, governments, food and pharma corps to pool cooperation and resources to save humanity from this economic pain.

    Paraphrasing Klaus Schwab… World economic tyranny.


  • #
    Michael Cunningham

    My letter in response to today’s Australian:

    I have been engaged since the 1980s with what was called Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming until the lack of such warming and catastrophes led to adoption of the more friendly and irrefutable term Climate Change – climate has always changed and always will.  The advert by the Climate Study Group (17/4) gives a brief but clear indication of the complexity and long-range rhythm of climate changes and of the failure by warmist scientists to demonstrate that we are endangered by human-related emissions.  The pro-warming case owes far more to opportunism, self-promotion and politics than it does to any proven scientific evidence, and is ignored in the policies of non-western nations.  The dire warnings have all failed to eventuate, and as one engaged with large-scale computer modelling since 1967, I know that no faith can be placed in long-term projections of the chaotic climate system.

    As President Biden urges us to move faster with self-damaging emissions policies, it is time for a serious review of the false warming case.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      This is a great summary;

      “The pro-warming case owes far more to opportunism, self-promotion and politics than it does to any proven scientific evidence, and is ignored in the policies of non-western nations. The dire warnings have all failed to eventuate”

      The truth of the matter is that neither natural origin CO2 nor human origin CO2 do the atmospheric “heating” claimed for them.

      That supposedly intelligent nations have been induced to build so much environmentally damaging compensatory infrastructure like solar and wind renewables, is almost beyond belief.

      The only appropriate word to describe what has been done in the name of CAGW is EVIL.



  • #
  • #
    Peter C

    Advertisement in the Weekend Australian

    Having first read this post I was startled to find a half page advertisement in the weekend Australian (today) with the title
    GLOBAL CLIMATE CATASTROPHES, paid form by The Climate Study Group.

    My first thought was Oh NO, the climate botherers are ramping it up again. But then I started to read it through.

    The advert actually deconstructs the Climate Catastophe arguments making the following points:
    1. Failure of Climate Model predicitions,
    2. Ice Age cycles show no correlation with CO2
    3. Sunspot cycles do correlate with the little ice age and current cooling
    4. Livestock and methane not causing warming
    5. CO2 effect is almost saturated. Further CO2 can have little effect
    6. Energy Policy is based on false assumptions. China realises this but we do not

    Three Cheers for the Climate Research Group!


    • #
      Peter C

      Jo has covered the Climate Study Group before.

      As far as I know the Climate Study Group is privately funded and does not seek donations.


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        As far as I know the Climate Study Group is privately funded and does not seek donations.

        By the fossil fuel industry?


        • #
          Peter C


          What do you mean? An attempt to divert attention?


          • #
            Tilba Tilba

            What do you mean? An attempt to divert attention?

            Not at all. But if an outfit calling itself the “Climate Study Group” is described as “self-funded”, one’s first reaction is to think it’s a fossil-fuel front, until proven otherwise. Is that not reasonable?


      • #

        The statement, that the Climate Study Group gets fossil fuel money, uses the same evidence that this site, its owner and manager, its supporters- being most of us, are supported, and owned by the fossil fuel industry.

        On the other hand, some data on the contributions to big green by these companies and big oil, such as Royal Dutch Shell, would be amusing.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      Failure of Climate Model predictions

      The ten hottest years have been since 2005 – sure doesn’t look like a failure.


  • #

    Jo, could you start an Unthreaded, please?

    Prince Phillip’s funeral is noteworthy and I have a link on US election rigging I’d like to post.


  • #
    UK-Weather Lass

    They keep numbing us with superlatives but just as with the little guy who kept shouting ‘Wolf!’ when real problems hit us head on, no one is going to know whether to believe it or not, and even if it manages to make it to social media it’ll be immediately removed … what a world the woke may have created for us if only they could see it.


  • #
    Serge Wright

    Anyone with half a brain knows that there is no climate emergency and this is a scam aimed at targeting the brainwashed youth to vote one last time to end the capitalist-democratic system, and replace it with a brutal Marxist dictatorship.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    TT’s comments have a certain sameness about them: very formulaic and disturbing.

    There’s very obviously no interest in examining and learning, or meaningful discussion, just the eventual counter to any reasonable observation on the politics of global warming.

    It’s extremely repetitious, almost machine like in format and presence.

    How could any human gain benefit from countering and blocking constantly?

    Very weird, strange, spooky. What is this?



    • #

      A certain sameness,
      authority is blameless.


    • #

      If someone is being paid to write disruptive, dishonest and demeaning comments, it is not me nor is it you.


    • #

      Wasn’t it only yesterday that Tilba Tilba expressed gratitude for what can be learned on this blog Kalm Keith? maybe you missed that comment.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        And you believe that was sincere, open and well intentioned.

        Look at the format of his comments, they pretty much all have an initial concession, a sidling up to the audience, then the counter.


  • #

    TT has, as usual, been sucked in by the ” data” provided by the BOM and other lying agencies about CC. Since 2000, average global temps have been in a hiatus (ie: no warming OR cooling). Why? Because, since 2000, the Northern Hemisphere has been slightly cooling, and the Southern Hemisphere has been slightly warming; they cancel each other out. I’ll leave it to TT to try and explain this phenonemon in some sort of scientific logic (which I doubt TT would be able to). (Hint: H20).


  • #

    Aloha! Simply put … KAKISTOCRACY DEFINED!!


  • #

    They are getting desperate. Kyoto, Copenhagen, Paris all abject failures and now Glasgow is destined to be the next in the Conga line of window dressing. The bottom line is renewable energy and batteries are no substitute for base-load power. Nuclear can do the job can but now the previously smart and pragmatic Germany is worried about Tsunamis? The UN can throw as many climate talk fests and billions or trillions in subsidies to make energy companies wealthy as they want but until these people find a way to deliver 24 x 7 power cheaply all these overpaid and under productive navel gazers can’t be taken seriously. Which if course exposes the whole hoax as a political movement not science or any existential threat to humanity.


  • #
    John Raat

    Tilba Tilba
    you believe in computer models really
    How braindead


  • #
    John Raat

    Tilba Tilba
    you believe in computer models.
    How beraindeAD


  • #

    repeat the lie often enough and it becomes the truth .
    Sadly it has become suicidal for politicians or others to doubt the lie .
    Self preservation at work , no ethics considered .


  • #

    Very interesting to note that the decades from 1920 to 1960 showed drought and flood as the alternate major cause of mortality. Who would have thought it in this wide brown land of ours! And in the last three decades on Jo’s graph the increase in mortality has been from earthquakes, not climate related issues. Again, who would have thought it!
