How much is a good civilization worth?
January 6 is going to be historic no matter which way it goes. Right now, it will never be easier for the good people of the United States to stop corruption and foreign forces from grabbing one of the last and perhaps greatest institutions of the Land of the Free.
Would you spend a week now to stand up for what’s right, to send a message that it isn’t OK for rampant cheating to go unpunished. Or will people wait until the barbarians are inside the gate?
The Next Question: Will America fight while they can still win without bloodshed?
by NC Scout
Words from Winston Churchill:
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
We could have fought for our rights when we could have easily won without bloodshed, but that time is long past.
We could have fought for our rights when the victory was sure and not too costly, but that time is also past.
We are now at the moment when we must either fight, as Americans, for what is right, or surrender to the Left. The simple fact that the Left is bending every effort to divide us, demoralize us and blind us testifies to our strength. The Left would have us think that the odds are against us. Perhaps they are, but when shall we be stronger? Will it benefit us to give the mechanisms of the modern State, with all their potential for tyranny, fully into the hands of the Left? Will we doom ourselves to having to fight without any hope of victory?
Though it is not given to us to see clear victory ahead, nor can we predict the outcome, I recall over 50,000 enraged Americans descending on the Mall in DC to reopen the monuments spitefully closed by Barry Soetero. When the WW2 veterans were scheduled to come and see their memorial, tens of thousands of patriots and veterans, in violation of the law, and despite regulations forbidding it, opened the monuments and made those visits happen. I saw police cars bounced. I saw hundreds of DC police backing away rather than confront massive grass roots resistance. I saw thousands of people cheering those aged World War 2 survivors, who fought for our country. I saw thousands of people stopping traffic and piling up Barrycades around the entrances to the Spite House. I recall that, for a little while, the spirit of American independence showed itself.
And the Left recall that, too. We are far stronger than we know, stronger than the Left want us to be.
Americans are headed for Washington DC Jan 4 – 6
Car Caravans Forming for ‘Historic’ Protest in Washington
Ivan Pentchoukov. The Epoch Times
…the caravan organizers hope a large presence from Trump supporters will help Pence and Congress make the right choice.
“I think everything lays on Vice President Pence, and I think he will do the right thing and not certify those votes of the swing states in question,” said Eric, 47, of Richmond, Virginia.
“When there’s going to be millions of people descending on our nation’s capital, he will feel that, I believe,” he said. “I think he’s a good, honest man. And I think he’d do what’s right no matter what.”
“If Mike Pence is alone in that fight, that is going to be very hard for Mike,” Garrett, 29, of Oxford, Connecticut, told The Epoch Times.
The four caravan routes start in Boston; Lansing, Michigan; Nashville, Tennessee; and Gadsden, Alabama. The Michigan and Massachusetts caravans plan to converge in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, before heading to Washington via Maryland. The Tennessee and Alabama caravans are to converge in Richmond, Virginia.
“Willing to lose her job”
Harmony, 45, who’s organizing the stop in Gettysburg, said she’d be willing to lose her job in order to go.
“If there was ever a day that patriots needed to be in D.C. in person, it’s on January 6,” she said. “This is the culmination of the fight that we’ve been in for the past four years.”
“It’s so important that I would gladly lose my job or my car.”
A couple of the organizers said they were confident about Congress changing the outcome of the election.
“I’m honestly not worried. I think that if we had to take back this country I think that we could and we would,” Amelia said. “I think that there are a lot of Americans with me. I’m willing to do anything to save this constitution and to save our republic.”
Meanwhile, in Georgia, there are allegations trucks are pulling up to take away ballots to shred them
After Jovan Pulitzer exposed the Georgia election voting system both by hacking into them live and showing that there were misprinted ballots. He claimed he can analyze 500,000 ballots in only a couple of hours and he can show which ballots are fraudulent. After he spoke, the subcommittee passed a motion to audit the absentee ballots. But now on Monica Matthews radio show he claims that within hours of that the trucks were already pulling up to take away the ballots.
It’s worth listening to his interview at the link to the radio show above. He speaks very well. Though the key part about the trucks is at 34 minutes, but there is only one line, and no details. It seems odd to mention this without more detail. Who ordered the trucks? What did they take? Where are they going?
Are these ballots really being destroyed? We need more information.
Gateway Pundit: Georgia called in trucks to get rid of evidence
Then following the hearing the subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots with the process Pulitzer outlined during the hearing.
Pulitzer told Monica Matthews that as soon as he was tasked with auditing the Fulton County ballots trucks pulled up to the facility and the ballots were being loaded into the trucks and were being shredded.

Trucks in Georgia take away the ballots?
Jovan Pulitzer: I’d like your permission of you and your fine audience that as I answer you that I have your permission to piss you off… The very minute that order went through and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence.
Do we live in a civilization where the judicial wing is completely under the control of self-interested and traitors? Where are the FBI and the DOJ?
Democrats will say “We told you there is no evidence”.
And so far no riots no burning no looting just people expressing their opinion without the violence of the left !
The election is over so the riot money must have dried up.
The election is over.
Full stop.
(Not withstanding ‘podcasts’ concerning mysterious trucks that may or may not be doing something).
No the left is still rioting in Portland.
Never Give Up – David Limbaugh
I also choose to see a dim silver lining in the rampant presidential election corruption: that going forward, Republicans could use it to fuel election reform and scrutiny. If nothing else, people’s eyes are now wide open and will remain so.
Heading into the new year, let’s do our best to not be dejected and pessimistic but committed and resolved to redoubling our efforts to reclaim America’s greatness from those who are on a mission to eliminate it. Never give up!
Just updated the post while I listen to the podcast to get the details. Stay wary of the claims of Trucks pulling up to shred the votes. Perhaps it’s true, but there isn’t much evidence except perhaps a photo of a truck. Can anyone find more confirmation that this is the case? Are the votes being destroyed or are they being moved? It seems odd that something as important as this was not mentioned in the first minute of the interview.
Who knows what is going on? We know there has been cheating and we know that the electoral people were in on it. We also know that state Governors and the Secretaries of State have done all they can to prevent checking the ballots. Can they hide the evidence? If they were to take ballots to the tip then the count would be out but there are Federal laws that say the ballots must be kept for 22 months. When the Congress is addressed on these issues next Thursday, our time, disappearing ballots would be a prima facie case of fraud would it not? Indeed where is the FBI, the DOJ and why weren’t the votes secured in the first place? If they were removed who ordered the removal? I think even the most stupid criminal would realise that taking the ballots proves the case and destroying evidence is a crime in itself. The vast dump of illegal votes was an extreme reaction to an extreme victory by Trump, so extreme everybody except the authorities and the MSM saw it. So far so good so why not go the whole hog and who in authority will challenge them?
I listened to Ali Alexandra on NTD a while ago talking about the rally on the 5/6th. He also said his team have been letting the Republican congressmen/women know that if they fail Trump now they will be out next election and many come up in 2022. The promised loss of their seat, and a big rally will drive that idea home, might stiffen a few spines. Of course the state legislatures could decertify the vote beforehand because they are under similar threat. After all they were elected by the people to represent them and them want Trump back and Biden and his supporters in jail.
BTW those governors who certified a dodgy ballot should be impeached and legislators who witness the anger of the voters should gain the courage to do so. The Republicans have the numbers in 4 states.
Ducey and Kemp should be the first to go.
From ‘A Man For All Seasons’
William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”
― Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons
This video purports to indicate ballots being shredded with testimony but does not show actual shredding taking place.
Sorry for the YouTube link, I couldn’t find this video on Bitchute.
Not surprising that you can’t find the video on Bit Chute – they have now taken to shadow banning and censoring conservative content.
I Googled “is bitchute shadow banning” and there seems to be quite a bit of debate whether they do so or not. Most put it down to technical site issues it seems. I guess the question should also be searched on DuckDuckGo.
Bitchute used to display a notice that they were in severe financial difficulty and being threatened with immanent ‘deplatforming’ by their host. This notice disappeared simultaneously with an announcement that they were teaming up with the malignant British activist group, ‘Hope Not Hate.’ Bitchute is now totally pozzed by the left.
Here is a vlogger who reads out (middle of his presentation) a reported English list of Congressmen and women on the 1.9M Chinese list of ‘affiliates’ (suggested) of the CCP – the dump routed via Australian sources (allegedly)
If true about 1/3 of Congress is tainted
This list he reads on is ?120 names perhaps more
The list with preamble starts at around 19:20.
The list itself starts at 22:02 and runs to 28:47.
In case YouTube deletes the video you can listen to the audio at
It is the one entitled “Traitors!”.
Hi Jo. I’m not sure if you’ve seen this link, ‘Unbelievable’: Dozens of Georgia witnesses step forward to expose election irregularities—Pt1 | NTD
The testimony by Susan Knox starts at 51:11 and at 1hr 1min she talks about an A1 shredding truck outside the poling booth and she takes a video of it.
Here they load something.
Patrick Byrne
BIG NEWS: COUNTERFEIT FULTON COUNTY GEORGIA BALLOTS. On a tip, our operative entered the Fulton County (Atlanta) Warehouse and took this series of photos: THESE ARE FAKE BALLOTS (note the quantity):
Is Georgia destroying evidence so it can’t be analyzed?
Pulitzer said (in addition to confirming that China was online in the voting system being used in real time yesterday):
The very minute that order went through, and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence.
When asked about the current status of how, or if, the ballots are being secured, he said he couldn’t disclose details, but alluded to attorneys who charge enormous fees and seem to be defending you, when, in fact, they’ve set you up.
I wish I had good news to share. I wish the feeling of having a shred of hope would not get crushed at every turn. I wish this ceaseless betrayal across every imaginable spectrum would come to an end. But it seems the devil is afoot and having a field day.
Heres the thing…how many times can someone be caught with thier hand in the till before they get officially labelled a thief, and thrown in jail?
If the courts are corrupt and wont enforce the law, get the military to crack heads and do a clean out of rats in the ranks….
What happened to the requirement that ballots be kept for twenty-two months?
It sounds like there are at least 3 ballots.
Miss-aligned ballots, ‘healed’ ballots, and machine printed ballots.
Ballots have to be kept – but which ones?
Given the brazenness to date I wouldn’t be surprised if they a trying to get rid of the miss-aligned originals.
Just a heads up, folks. You should expect similar election fraud in your country in the coming years.
There are growing questions about it playing a role in Canadas election in 2019. There were some irregularities at that time, and since then it has been discovered that Dominion Voting has a HQ in Toronto and ‘Elections Canada’ demonstrated a clear Left bias not long after the 2019 election had passed.
Canadians will be paying attention next time, I hope Australians do too.
Dominion machines with software from a company ultimately owned in PRC was used in recent Qld elections
Source/ reference?
Oh goody ( sarc )…so is pluckachooks “election” now have a cloud over it?
Just askin’…..
Comes the moment, comes the Man
I am sure there all in it togeather, but I looked into this a couple of weeks ago. Konnech does the software for QLD, NSW, VIC elections.
Konnech supplies QLD electoral software, this company is privately owned by Eugene Yu, Democrat donor.
Eugene Yu was educated in China though he fails to mention his degree on internal combustion engines in his company profile, gained in China.
Eugene is the Chairman of Konnech Australia PTY Ltd. He has a masters in business administration from Wake Forest University (North Carolina) and undergraduate degrees in Internal Combustion Engine Design.
Konnech’s programmers are located in Wuhan China
They have a subsidiary company, ABvote,
Need to look into SOE Software, this is a Scytl company also.
I am sure our ballots are scanned, thats why you must put your X inside the box as if you go outside the box its rejected.
But in another first, the commission will use two “hubs” – based in Townsville and Brisbane – to scan ballots into the system as they arrive in the post, before sending them via courier to the returning officer for each electorate.
By Tuesday afternoon almost 120,000 postal votes had already been filled out and returned, Mr Lewis said. With the commission pushing the importance of mailing votes in early, it is hoping the number outstanding by October 31 is closer to normal levels.
We had the Rona scare vote first.
Only the the ballots above the line are manually counted, below the line scanned into China’s software.
Computerised senate scrutiny
The Senate scrutiny treats ballot papers marked above the line separately from ballot papers marked below the line. The Senate ballot papers marked above the line are manually counted in the divisional office and the first preference figures for each party and group are tallied.
The ballot papers marked below the line are forwarded progressively to a central scrutiny centre in each capital city where the computerised scrutiny takes place. The below the line preferences of each ballot paper are entered into a computer. The above the line totals for each party and group are then entered into the computer which has been programmed to distribute the preferences according to the group voting tickets lodged with the AEC. The above the line and below the line votes are then combined by the computer which calculates the quota, transfers surpluses, eliminates unsuccessful candidates and distributes preferences to produce the result of the Senate election.
That is a reference from the AEC who are a CONTRACTOR to the federal Govt. to carry out the election. There is NO reference in the wording of the Electoral Act (The law governing the electoral process)to the actual counting of senate votes below the line.In the section of the ACT,,The scrutiny” there is a clear multiple directions regarding the treatment of the counting the votes ABOVE the line , but at no time is there any clear direction as to the treatment of below the line votes. Remember . any statement regarding the conduction of the vote by the AEC has no authority in law. The AEC reference materials published carry this warning … If in doubt seek legal advice……..
Pretty much how I understand it, that’s the that’s not a One thing I have learnt from the US election is laws don’t matter if you are not going to follow them and no one is enforcing them. The people who count the votes say they scan them and also enter them into a computer program, that the QLD Gov states they bought off a Chinese owned company and is operated out of Wuhan, it was bought by the chook in late 2019 for that state election. I am sure its all above board, if you can’t trust a socialist who can you trust.
The above the line and below the line votes are then combined by the computer which calculates the quota, transfers surpluses, eliminates unsuccessful candidates and distributes preferences to produce the result of the Senate election.
The AEC is a body operated by persons appointed by the government for a fixed term. Their purpose is to conduct elections on behalf of the government in accordance with the applicable laws.Any publications issued by the AEC are for the purpose of guidance ,not direction, they are at all times subordinate to the Electoral Act.which is why the disclaimer is in the preface to their documents. specifically for example, The Scrutineers Handbook, which is the guidance document that tell scrutineers how to carry out the scrutiny.. The act does not detail the method of computerised counting, it simply allows it.
I understand your point, I don’t understand your point!
A guide that directs them how to carry out a scrutiny, sounds a bit Grey.
Are you trying to say its all above board, nothing to see here?
Quite possible too. If a crook gets away with a crime the first time, they’re unlikely to stop at that. Our MSM must be exposed on this issue too.
It’s now 0325 in Arizona…I’m just getting set to watch Jan from Epoch interview a Constitutional lawyer named Rick Green on VP Pence’s possible part on 1/6/2021. Was posted onTooB 7 hours ago.
Rep. Louie Gohmert filed a lawsuit against Pence to make sure he has “exclusive authority and sole discretion” to decide which electoral votes from a given state should be counted.”
Long statement by Rep. Gohmert here (transcript)
Anyway, now on to that vid I mentioned…Happy New Year to All!! or, in “press 2 for Spainish” ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
“Happy New Year to All!! or, in “press 2 for Spainish” ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!” –
As a kid, I remember hearing Jose Feliciano singing Feliz Navidad. I was sure the words were “Fa-leece Mucky Duck.
But happy new year to you in Azizona however I might mangle it in Spanish.
A US federal judge has dismissed the case, on the all-too-familiar grounds that Rep Louie Gohmert and the Arizona alternative electors have no standing to bring the case. The substantive issues listed by the plaintiffs (powers of Mike Pence as Join Session chair) were not discussed.
Bring in the military….when the civilian courts appear to be basically shafting the public by refusing to hear cases, its time to excise the nercrotic flesh….
Military says no. Release the hounds?
Tons of links in this article…
Wow, if even 1/2 of this is accurate this is truly BOMBSHELL stuff!! HUGE!
The big one is what Attorney Lin Wood (look him up…I’m not gonna go into all of that if you don’t know him by now) had to say in a long interview! He is going for a whole lot of people’s huevos! BIG TIME!
Here’s a teaser from that interview…
A sealed document in a federal court in Maryland, sealed under National Security, documents how Nancy Pelosi, Rod Rosenstein, John Podesta, and John Brennan have tapes of John Roberts talking with Podesta about who would best replace Antonin Scalia, and they were recorded before Scalia died, and apparently had foreknowledge of his death. Roberts flew on Epstein’s plane because Epstein helped him acquire his children from Wales.
Barack Obama is worth well over billion dollars, much inherited from his step-father who owned it in Halliburton stock.
Many people in this country will go to jail for treason, and the number that will be just associated with trying to steal this election from our President will be astounding.
He predicts a violent period of civil unrest as the Cabal tries to engage in violence as part of their Color Revolution plan, just like we have seen overseas, after Trump wins the Presidency.
He believes the Governor of Georgia has been taking kickbacks on Georgia purchases of Dominion voting machines and Chinese PPE orders. And the death of Harrison Deal in a car wreck, which produced an explosion that was heard by witnesses a mile away, was a message to him.
And a whole lot more (and that’s not even counting all the links)…
If half of what we are hearing is true, the gaols won’t be big enough. That is, if Trump is not beaten.
But even without the shenanighans with this election, if Trump was not ousted some previously very high ranking people were already set for prison over the attempts to get rid of him before.
This was surely a driving force all the time. As well be shot for a sheep as a lamb, as they say.
I can’t see an explanation for so much of the media trying to bury Trump. I would be investigating the share registers looking for signs that China in particular, but other foreigners too, are in a position to bully or otherwise influence management.
One other thing. If Trump is ousted, they will seek to destroy him totally.
“I can’t see an explanation for so much of the media trying to bury Trump.”
The media was in the tank for Hillary and when there was not enough cheating for her to win, they became apoplectic and never got over it. They didn’t think she could lose given how much they supported her and denigrated her opponent. The billion+ in what amounted to illegal campaign contributions by the MSM should have worked.
While Trump was the only candidate in the field capable of beating crooked Hillary, if any other Republican had won, they would have been subject to the same media abuse. This isn’t new and the MSM always attacks any politician who is not a Democrat.
Political correctness is another factor, which Trump is not and is why he won. This was something the media just couldn’t internalize since the PC cancel culture is such a large and all encompassing component of their ideology that more then half of the country rejected.
The reason the MSM is so irrational is due to their practices of hiring only like minded people. This lack of intellectual diversity leads to accepting that all means to their ends are justified, regardless of legal, moral or ethical constraints.
Spot on. It’s the same with much of the business world. They are all going woke because they mistakenly believe it’s the fashion of the day. It’s a lot like Hollywood actors who believe they can change the word to fit their fake world-view. What they all don’t realise as yet is it’s polarising the people to such an extent there will be a reckoning one day when the whole system breaks apart because there are so many people who refuse to go along with their silly woke attitude and lies.
With all the restrictions and what have you, does anyone know what would be involved for an Australian wishing to travel to Washington DC to support patriots in terms of quarantine, etc?
Hey, Damo!
1) Nobody is gonna put you in quarantine if that’s what you mean, although YMMV state-to-state. I would recommend you fly int a Red State, no question. Plenty of them near DC. Do NOT plan on getting a hotel anywhere near DC. I suggest that you do a search for a group that is going and ask their advice.
2) They would welcome you with open hearts and arms, no question. BUT do your research FIRST! Make some calls to those groups to get a better lay-of-the-land.
Happy Trails! And thank you!!!
There is certainly an element of despiration here. Maybe a lot of desperation. And not just by the Patriots! The democrats are so close now. Just a few more weeks or days and they will have got Jo Biden over the line. Then they will be safe.
A lot of people have committed illegal acts to steal the election. And they continue to commit illegal acts by destroying the evidence of the votes. That speaks of real despiration.
Why should they be worried? Do they think that Donald Trump and his army of supporters might still pull this off? Well he still could because they did steal the election.
What will happen now?
Clearly the clock is running down. The next and possibly the second last chance is Jan 06: if there is not clear winner on that day the two houses are supposed to choose the President with one elector from each State. For that to happen quite a few people have to change their minds about how they are going to vote. Some of the States also have to withdraw their certification of the result.
How can that happen?
Well the caravans going to DC might help, but I don’t think that will be enough on its own,
What else? Firstly Trump has sent a Tweet that the election fraud cannot stand. That is a clear indication of his resolve. That should scare the criminals, just on its own.
Secondly Lin Wood, a Trump attourney, tweeted today that Jeffrey Epstein is still alive! Why should he do that? It seems bizarre. Yet it likely has a purpose. If Jeffrey Epstein really is alive, he can probably do a lot of damage to some critical people. People who have to change their mind before Jan06.
Thirdly Trump has extended the Emergency Act by 12 months,
Stand by over the next few days.
Peter the claim is that DJT has been aware that they would try this and has offerred them many ‘outs’ along the way & military have ‘the dirt’ : he is running it down to the wire if so …
“Thirdly Trump has extended the Emergency Act by 12 months,” This is the 2018 EO.
Of the 3 things you note, this is the most important. This does not sound like the move of a guy who believes he will not be in the WH after Jan 20.
From what Ive seen so far, US citizens still need to be vigilant.
Should Trump win, I am fully expecting the CCP to activate both Antifa and external PLA troops to attack the US externally and intetnally. Some rumours exist suggesting remotely activated missiles in shipping containers may exist, designed to neutralize internal law enforcement and military installations.
Put another way, Trump winning will be the easy bit.
That said, 100 million armed americans acting as organized constitutionally allowed militia , should rout the trouble pretty quickly.
Expect new information / evidence at a quickening pace.
For instance:
Pallet loads of pristine ballots in Fulton Co. GA awaiting mobile shredding machines.
Video of said shredding is promised quite soon.
This isn’t the last bit that will come out in coming days.
At the least, GA has some explaining to do.
Pristine unused Ballot papers still in the printers box. No longer needed now the election is over.
This sort of BS is counter productive at best.
There will always be lots of ballot paper left over after an election.
A LOT more than are needed have to be ordered – Can you imagine the uproar if they ran out of ballot papers during an election.
Don’t allow yourself to be distracted.
This looks a lot like a strawman.
Binny they could show or not show irregularities that indicate improper intent in their creation.
True but so would the used ballots which is what we really want to see.
I’m guessing shredding left over unused ballot papers is standard practice.
If the person taking the photos thought they might have been pre marked why the hell didn’t they open a box and photograph 1.
I’d call that something worth risking your life for. Given you can instantly text that photo.
And really? Leaving a smoking gun like pre marked ballots in an unsecured warehouse.
This looks more like a counter op than anything else.
Whoa! I just thought of something.
If X thousand Trump votes were disposed of and Biden votes substituted. It would show up in the number of unused ballot papers.
Those unused ballots are a vital part of any audit.
Are these “ballots” marked or unmarked? Or are some marked?
Possible that someone could try to slip marked ballots in there.
But if it was me I wouldn’t be risking it – I’d be making damn sure they were ash myself (on Nov 3-4)
@Peter C
“Trump has sent a Tweet that the election fraud cannot stand. That is a clear indication of his resolve. That should scare the criminals, just on its own.”
A tweet?
Yeah….that’ll shake em.
Jan. 6th is a big day…no question. BUT…
The REAL deadline is Jan. 20th.
That is true but if Congress selects Biden as the POTUS then Trump will have to decide if it’s worth the angst to fight it. I suspect he will but we can’t be sure as we can’t read his mind into the future. He and he alone has to make the decision. It also depends if it’s true he will present to the world undeniable proof that the election was stolen from him. If he does then he will have to become the POTUS or else there will very likely be a civil war. If he doesn’t present such proof then he might have to walk away and fight another day.
Peter C you write;
“A lot of people have committed illegal acts to steal the election. And they continue to commit illegal acts by destroying the evidence of the votes. That speaks of real despiration”
Where is the evidence for this statement?
In a comment to me on December 30 at 12.50 pm in the thread “Premature Certification: there were 200,000 more votes than people who voted in Pennsylvania” you wrote:
“You seem to be giving a lot of direct quotes there but you do not provide any references to your source documents.
Therefore I am inclined to discount your arguments.”
As you also have provided no references I too am inclined to discount your arguments. In view of your earlier comment I am surprised you did not supply any references
It comes back to the quality of the information. If there were 200,000 more votes than voters, then surely that would invalidate the election in that state, and cast doubt on others too. No explanations admissible.
But , if true, that should have been noticed immediately, even before counting was completed.
I am away from home at present. I typed that long (for me) comment out on my mobile phone keypad, then spent another 10 mins correcting it.
Then I was tired and I went to bed.
The information about election officials committing illegal acts comes from this (Jo’s) blog..
The information about the Tweets and the presidential order comes from Naturalnews (Mike Adams).
The rest is my own speculation.
UUUuuuuummmm, …. the evidence for the evidence being destroyed is there is no evidence. But the evidence for the evidence not being there is that it is not there.
Pretty hard to loose that argument.
This was supposed to be a reply to Ian at #11
What is the real reason behind wanting to get rid of Trump?
Contrary to popular belief he is not an extremist.
His economics are only moderate in terms of tightening monetary policy and reducing government expenditure and debt. They are good but he could go much further.
His border security policies mostly go no further than enforcing existing laws.
His policies of deregulation are very good but are basically common sense.
His foreign policy on military matters and trade seek to do no more than get a fair and reasonable deal for America.
He is not racist at all as his record of the highest ever levels of minority employment shows.
He wants to enforce existing laws in general.
There is not a single area that he could be regarded as “extreme”.
They are wanting to get rid of him because through a desire to enforce various laws he threatens numerous corrupt officials, politicians and judges.
Trump is unwoke. For example he resisted taking a knee. He gave the BLM marchers a hard time. In his younger days he may have done things that would now be regarded as sexist. His TV persona was as a tough master. He is not a climate worrier. He does not like windmills. He showed some affection for coal miners. He cut funding to WHO. He withdrew from Paris. He puts USA ahead of the global cabal (China). He had the temerity to build a wall to prevent unauthorised entry to the country. The list goes on –
Being unwoke is the most serious crime of our time.
Love it.
Jo, quick, make T-shirts.
“The Great UnWoke Masses.”
David – you’ve nailed it. Demonstrating that good management of USA is possible exposes the lies of those who wanted power for all the wrong reasons and who made endless excuses about why nothing could change/be fixed. He’s like the sexy young thing walking into a room full of middle-aged sourpusses.
And I can’t believe I just compared Donald Trump to a sexy young thing!
The key reason is Trump cannot be controlled by the elite / money people. These people do not care who is President and what party they belong to as long as they can control them by pulling the puppet strings.
They have not been able to do that with Trump because he does not owe any of them anything.
I think corruption is a big part of it but I would also add the fact that Trump hates failure and incompetence. Look how in recent times most world leaders just shrug off failure and incompetence as being part of the new normal. Trump on the other hand calls it out and takes action. No “expert” is safe from his criticism. So without Trump everyone can go back to being corrupt and incompetent. A double whammy.
Q. What is the real reason behind wanting to get rid of Trump?
A. He is a democrat.
The real reason is that Trump wants to drain the swamp.
The swamp, which is both Republican and Democrat, fear that their swamp will be drained, their indulgences curtailed, their scams exposed, and the proceeds from deals with foreign powers such as that which enriched Hunter Biden and Joe Biden disappeared.
To the detriment of the citizens of the USA, the swamp will have its way.
Unless a miracle happens on January 6.
It’s surprising how many have missed the universalist meaning of Trump’s “MAGA” – ie. respect and uphold your country’s own culture, traditions and sovereignty. Don’t subject your country to the miserly tyranny of the EU, the UN, the Paris Accords, WHO, ICJ,or any globalist attempts to usurp any country’s own culture and governance. Trump’s speech in Poland in mid 2017 was this, like a manifesto.
Trump just speaks common sense and wants to drain the swamp…the issue is that the US political scene is so rotten to its core that being normal is seen as “weird”.
Or put another way, the US is effectively a walking political corpse….
The real reason why “they” want to get rid of Trump is that he does not subscribe to Marxist theory.
“the pen is mightier than the sword”
That was when pens were equal.
The Globalists have high caliber, full auto, long range, intercontinental ballistic pens called Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, CNN, NBC, NYT, BBC, NPR, etc.
Friends, we are seriously outgunned.
Fighting happens when the reason and cause collapse, and anger is expressed until exhaustion.
Curiously the elites, to my mind, have have alienated the very folk they traditionally cultivated to protect them.
I don’t think this goes well.
and another thing …
will DJT exercise his last option?
current traditional martial law …
Authorities force you to not travel, close your business, close schools, restrict social interaction.
DJT martial law …
the army shows up and says your free to return to normal life.
hmmm …
“The Globalists have high caliber, full auto, long range, intercontinental ballistic pens called Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, CNN, NBC, NYT, BBC, NPR, etc.”
And Wokipedia.
Frivolous maybe….but fitting also….
To our US partners….
(Language warning)
Biden’s handlers are removing structures built for the inauguration. There will not be a real live inauguration, it will be online according to commentator Salty Cracker.
Watch it on the free speech site if possible.
Thanks David Maddison. A good pep talk for those of us impatient for Trump’s hammer to fall and rid us of the imbecilic fol-de-rol and weak mewling of the spurious victors. Is it my imaginatioin or is Joe starting to make handcuff me gestures…
Will there be Krakens? That would make it worth while
My daughter and her partner, currently residing in Pennsylvania, are saying that we in Australia are getting more coverage than they are.
The say Trump is becoming the incredible shrinking man.
Donald has become almost invisible because he isn’t newsworthy.
It has become fairly obvious that compulsory voting should be adopted universally, by all emerging democracies, otherwise corrupt practice will eventually materialise and disputes arise.
Totally agree, it benefits everyone, and is cheaper to manage
Agree wholeheartedly about compulsory voting in the US. But the Republicans hate the idea. The founding fathers weren’t too keen on ‘one person one vote’ either. Best left to the elites (electoral college).
Its looking more and more that Trump is just hanging out to maximize the grift to be got before the 20th and his slide into obscurity. A last few weeks of demeaning the office, collecting what donations he can, and oh, one last Trump super-spreader event on the 6th for good measure.
Strange that there are people out there, front line health, actually putting themselves in danger and Trump has nothing to say while encouraging people to meet, travel, and spread Covid. Very sad, and the US and the world will be well rid of this dangerous fool
On the scam aspect to this, i just had a look at the donation website. They try and hit you up for US$250/mth as a basic, the box to make it a periodic rather than 1 off contribution comes pre-ticked and is physically separated from the small print about monthly donations. 🙂 Quite different from how groups like Greenpeace of WWF set up their pages. Difference between scammers and charities i suppose.
President Trump is a hero, we watched many of his MAGA rallies in Australia, including our three young kids. The President is an inspiration. Not so the Covid cowards, hiding from life. Give those front line workers Ivermectin. Lead your best life, out of the shadows.
Neo, since when has the Donald been obscure. No reckon Biden will be wishing he lost after a few months of the Donald haranguing him, you can only hide for a little while, then everyone starts questioning.
Hmm…covid is 99% BS….but hey go ahead if you want to run around in a mask forever worrying about a non existent problem…like climate change…and PC….
My response above is to Neo
Did you take the blue pill, Neo? 😊
Interesting in the in “The Matrix” the blue pill ( the Dems? ) is to stay “asleep”…whereas the red pill…
The apple never falls far from the tree
Whether the ballots are destroyed is immaterial because no one can access them regardless.
Daughter and partner should turn off CNN and read the real news here on Jo’s blog.
Patrick Byrne’s Twitter 10 minutes ago confirmed the “military-grade” ballot destruction in Fulton County.
In sport if a person accused of being a drug cheat fails to provide a sample or is suspected of substituting for a real sample is automatically disqualified. In election fraud the same standard should apply . Any evidence of tampering with or destroying evidence should lead to the presumption of fraud and disqualification in the election. The onus is then on the person accused of fraud to prove that those claims of tampering or destroying did not occur.
Excellent point. Given the Democrats have pulled out all stops to block any investigation of the allegations against them, it clearly demonstrates they have something really serious to hide otherwise they would gladly allow the investigations to proceed not only to prove the claims of fraud are false but to place the shoe on the other foot and prove those who made the allegations in the first place can be brought to account for breaking a number of laws. It really all smells so badly it has to be fraud on the part of the Democrats on a massive scale. The volume and strength of the evidence thus far alone clearly demonstrates that is so.
Bring in the military…..
Sincere thanks Jo for all the work you have done on this and Covid, after all the climate revolutionaries were only ever a subset of the greater problem in political malaise. Thank you.
Right Tim,
climate change is entirely about politics and the money flow through the tributaries of our nations elite; no science is involved.
Latest Tweet from President Trump:
So true.
Conservatives must abandon the lying, propagandising platforms and companies used by the Socialist Billionaires and their army of useful idiots and use truthful media instead.
A few news reports state that Pence refutes he has a constitutional right to override the electoral college vote counts next week. If Pence refuses that role, then what’s the next hurdle?
I am starting to worry about Pence.
As I have tried to outline (much too often probably) Mike Pence is correct in his understanding of the role of the Chair of the Joint Session. He opens the envelopes and they are counted (12th Amendment), and asks for objections. If there are valid objections there are procedures set out (mostly) in S15 of the Electoral Count Act 1887.
I think it’s a bit unfair to accuse Mike Pence of cowardice or lack of backbone … he’s been a very solid deputy to Donald Trump, and he is just following the rules that apply to him.
I also think it is not much more than “wishcasting” to believe that Mike Pence will attempt to assert greater authority over the acceptance (or rejection) of electoral votes than he is empowered to.
Plus ca change, plus ca mem chose
New Years Day first celebrated on Jan 01 in 45BC.
“Will Americans fight for freedom while they still can” (?)
Clarification requested.
Are we the last left able to fight?
Are Australians free?
Are you hoping we will fight your fight so that freedom survives at least somewhere?
Krishna said,
“Blessed is the Satriya for whom the battle comes not of his own action.”
So I’m good.
Not an imposition.
This is the most important event in human history. Suddenly the whole world wakes up in one day, because the ‘world’ is told the truth. The truth is mighty, if the US Milt finds it and tells it and uses it to cure covid (on or before Jan 10th). The US state must ‘compete’ with the China state to stop a war and it will. This madness is over.
The Democratic party will be implicated along with the CIA, in direct interference in the 2020 US election. That is a tactic. No voting required.
The Chinese state has been using all out ‘cold’ war tactics to attack the US for 30 years and to convince themselves that the US is so evil… China can go to ‘unrestricted’ warfare. …and to hide a very effective worldwide propaganda campaign, that involved every level of a country, take over of the Democratic party, businesses takeover and control, politician picking, media company controls, universities, state stealing of company info, state takeover of strategic materials, and on and on.
It is a fact that Covid is the deadliest biological threat to humanity…. In the history of humanity. Why?
Except in China. China a country of 1.4 billion people had new 27 daily cases of covid. Air traffic is 80% of pre covid. And China is bragging about how good their ‘system’ is at dealing with covid. What is going on? What is the truth?
And covid from day 1, had super sophisticated biological features, that made it super contagious and deadly to humans. Why?
And suddenly just when the new Western vaccines are released,
….there is a new version of covid that has 14 mutation, 7 of which are on the spike which two 95% effective Western vaccines were designed for. Why?
This new version of covid is even more infectious, this is super contagious covid. It must be super infectious to replace the existing version of covid, in each Western country.
The new super infectious version of Covid is now the dominant strain in the Uk and is spreading to the other Western countries.
I am becoming more convinced that the Left are going to get away with the election fraud, win the Senate runoffs by cheating, and Biden will be the President. The US will obviously go backwards as the extreme policies of the radical left are implemented.
All talk and no action seems to be the way forward, I assume that CCP money is behind it all.
How sad to see a great country go down the tubes, and the resulting effect on civiliisation.
It reminds me of my favourite saying, After all is said and done, a lot more is said than done.
Starting to agree with you but there’s still hope , won’t know for sure until a few more days yet .
One of the problems is the RINO swamp creature among a big list of impediments.
Politicians are cheaper than aircraft carriers.
That’s not saying a lot! 🙁
Anger Over Stimulus???
This same thing applies to the corona lock downs and mandatory vaccination etc. etc. etc.
The world economic forum, the UN, big globalist foundations and their mouthpieces in the mainstream system media and politicians who are manipulated by them need to be overthrown in every western country.
People must band together and resist.
Forgive me Boris. The non-left must pick their targets carefully.
First of all, resist against the election fraud. Don’t get distracted.
To fight Covid, close those borders, and resist the Big Pharma profit making on rushed vaccines and expensive new drugs. Fight for cheap old antivirals. Spread the word. Lives could be saved right now, and the spread reduced. Use Ivermectin, HCQ, Bromhexine, Zn, D. All of these, plus masks, reduce the need for lockdown. (Ponder that literally tens of thousands of ICU Doctors and Nurses would refuse to work if they couldn’t get masks. Are they all crazy/ compromised? )
If you want less lockdown, don’t do things that make lockdowns longer. Copy WA. NT. NZ. We celebrated New Years Eve in big parties as if there was no virus. Blessed! This is Freedom. We have no masks, no need for rushed vaccines, no need to lockdown. And we don’t have 100% phone tracking like Taiwan.
Boris, yes, the UN WHO have blood on their hands. They could have kept this infection in China, but served President Xi instead.
Fight the WHO and UN and EU. Don’t take your eye off the most important targets.
Jo, Tony Heller, in several of his recent posts, has shown graphs of the COVID numbers in every state in the US. All the states show peaking numbers at the start of winter and now all are in decline. In particular he has superimposed graphs of two States, one that had a mask mandate imposed in July, one that has had no mask mandate. The graphs are almost identical, peaking with similar numbers and now dropping, leading to the conclusion that masks, as worn by non-medical persons at least, seem to make no difference to infection rates.
Ivor Cummins/the fatemperor
Links available here
Watched a bit of those and found them useful and real, unlike the politically frantic hyperventilating of our Leaders.
Some of the more interesting bits were related to the need to monitor overall deaths, the “misattribution” of deaths, seasonality effects and the usefulness of lockdown.
One of my greatest concerns is that this disease has evoked responses like shutdowns, which are more political showmanship, and follow on the disastrous Bush fires a year ago.
My disgust at the way politics has usurped reason in Bush management and CV19 is boundless.
The PCR test for CV19 has come under discussion and while I must admit to not being qualified to comment on the biology the method of use illustrates my frustration.
In WA, for example, it’s reported that 500,000 pcr tests have been done so far.
There was no mention of the rate of “positives” found: how many detected out of the half a million tests?
What was stated was that of the positives found only one in seven led to symptomatic state.
A better use for those testing resources may have been to start from the sick patient and test as many known contacts as possible out from the patient.
The money: assuming that each CV19 pcr test cost $50 then in the last nine months W.A. has spent $25 Million on a largely futile exercise. Nevertheless I suspect that Phizer or whoever is very grateful for the business.
Yesterday morning I again drove past and extraordinary number of closed/vacant shops in our town, but it’s O.K. because they can’t be seen from the political headquarters in Sydney and Canberra.
The human toll of this political stuff up is evident now and I suspect that the real toll will begin to show its ugly face soon.
We live in desperate times.
I find Ivors articles interesting and informative, he does not push the fear and has a logical look at the situation.
He is not a Covid denier and shows that it is in the ball park of a seasonal virus following seasonal trends.
“Yesterday morning I again drove past and extraordinary number of closed/vacant shops in our town, but it’s O.K. because they can’t be seen from the political headquarters in Sydney and Canberra”.
That can’t be right, Jo continually states WA is back to normal all businesses are fine. My nearest two pub town has about 20% of the little shops closed and that’s probably about average for the three towns within an hour from me, a lot of those would of been boarder line viable I guess, but the open ones claim they down 20 to 40% in trade, that’s the profit margin on most small businesses.
This ain’t over and will never be over, the whole world must be masked and 6 foot apart. It is not about a virus its about control, divide and conquer, state against state, mate against mate.
I am sure you have seen Australia’s all cause mortality, down. A virus so deadly.
We have to annul all the emergency powers legislation as its abuse is inevitable when shonks (“hyperventilating … Leaders”) can turn it on at will. Victorians had a double dose with bushfires and medieval plague and whilst the commissioner Mister Crisp is gone the whole system of bureaucratic despotism needs removal as well.
Is this our new normal.
Just a giant 25 year conspiracy theory!
Thanks, MP.
Look into that lady, very swampy.
That second one defines our current education system and in particular the university situation.
I’m hoping that this item was a joke but unfortunately it seems to be so real.
They make mistakes, but….”fight the World Health Organisation”?
I think the ‘non left’ really do need to think about which battles they want to fight.
Once you’ve ‘beaten’ the WHO, what then? A victory ball?
What is it with the right and destruction?
No doubt there are some decent sensible medicos working in the WHO; and then the public figure representing that body is Tedros Anhydros.
Doesn’t that immediately destroy their credibility?
Hi Jo,
If I may be permitted to stray a little bit off-topic here(?), I wanted to ask your views on something that’s just come to my attention.
Have you heard about the study of nearly 10 million people in Wuhan, undertaken by 19 scientists, mainly from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, but also from scientific institutions across China as well as in the U.K. and Australia?
The study was done in late May 2020 and the results published in November in the scientific journal “Nature Communications”. [You can read the paper at this site: ]
The published paper stated that out of the nearly 10 million people in the study, “300 asymptomatic cases” were found. Contact tracing was then carried out and of those 300, no cases of COVID-19 were detected in any of them. “A total of 1,174 close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases were traced, and they all tested negative for the COVID-19.”
Both the asymptomatic patients and their contacts were placed in isolation for two weeks, and after the fortnight, the results remained the same. “None of detected positive cases or their close contacts became symptomatic or newly confirmed with COVID-19 during the isolation period.”
Further evidence showed that “virus cultures” in the positive and repositive asymptomatic cases were all negative, “indicating no ‘viable virus’ in positive cases detected in this study.”
(This last part might perhaps reflect the reported inaccuracy of the RT-PCR test used most commonly to determine ‘cases’.)
The message from this study is pretty clear. Asymptomatic spread doesn’t happen. And yet fear of asymptomatic spread is what’s driven all the restrictions.
Asymptomatic transmission has been the underlying justification of lockdowns enforced all across the world. The most recent guidance from the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) still states that the virus “can be spread by people who do not have symptoms.” In fact, the CDC claimed that asymptomatic people “are estimated to account for more than 50 percent of transmissions.”
U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock also promoted this message, explaining that the concept of asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 led to the U.K. advocating masks and referring to the “problem of asymptomatic transmission.”
This new paper refutes that stance.
I understand your points and it seems perfectly reasonable that masks should be worn by symptomatic patients and by the medical staff attending them … yes. But according to this study, locking down millions of asymptomatic people, and/or requiring them to wear masks, is apparently a pointless exercise.
On a purely mundane practical level, it’s also an economic dead-end which simply cannot be sustained.
Do you have any thoughts on this?
Thank you, Interested. I wasn’t aware of that paper.
Setting a precedent for an internal travel document on whatever basis is something I know about from central European communism.
This study was done on Wuhan and it didn’t start til weeks after the first wave was over.
This is what it shows:
“. The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Wuhan was therefore very low five to eight weeks after the end of lockdown.”
I suspect what they detected were 300 people in Wuhan who were still shedding tiny fragments of Sars-Cov2 probably a full month or more after being infected. This is to be expected. They were not infectious particles. They did not infect anyone. That doesn’t tell us anything about asymptomatic people close to week 2 of a major transmissive wave as the virus multiplies within them, and before their body mounts a proper response.
Jo, no need to ask forgiveness. I agree with much of your post with some exceptions.
You’ve forgotten that the lock-downs have made no diffetence to asymptomatic infection numbers. Tony Heller explains it well in a short video.
The death rate data is artificially padded.
Masks make no difference, in fact make wearers more susceptible to immuno-compromise.
PCR testing is not reliable nor useful and not indicative of the real situation at all. Not to mention media misreporting on a test that isn’t reliable as if it is.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi explains
Finally, electoral fraud, the world economic forum agenda, corona, etc are all allied enemies of liberty and justice. Now is the time to resist it all, at the same time. All of it must be resisted.
As I’ve said before…. Just for PCR. One lab or some hospitals might be faking it, but for this test to be junk would mean a giant 35 year worldwide scam. Keep your skeptical hat on. Even if people who have been happy to accept all their past diagnosis’s just fine think the test is just misused for Covid, explain Nextrain? Explain the WA results? A lot of people are quick to junk this test without realizing how many independent labs would have to be in on the hoax.
December 19, 2020 at 12:53 am
PCR Tests have been used for 35 years in millions of cases of illness, thousands of court cases, and come from hundreds of labs on five continents. They’re used in forensic work, paleolithic studies and scientific research.
If the test is a scam it’s the biggest conspiracy in science involving tens of thousands of people, multiple corporations, many lawyers who could have but didn’t uncover the giant worldwide fakery that is PCR. Or just maybe the test works?
It’s hard to explain how the same PCR test was used in Australia and had an uncanny ability to predict who would go to hospital (1 in 7 positive tests).
500,000 tests done in Western Australia and none, zero, nothing detected in the community in the last 200 days. But regular positives from hotel quarantine.
It looks like a useful test, smells like a useful test and performs like a useful test.
Check out Nextstrain. Look at the tree created from results across the world from hundreds of labs. Are all those labs in on the scam?
Faking a diagram like that, from so many independent sources, with so many different tests to identify tiny ongoing changes in the virus would be one hell of a global conspiracy.
“… a giant 35 year worldwide scam.”
A strawman..
That’s precisely the wrong question to ask. Not everyone must be in on the scam. Researchers world wide have assumed the body of knowledge before them is on good scientific ground. Many medical professionals are just operators who do the job they are told to do. The same is true for the media who follow an agenda they know gives them a career with longevity.
Kary Mullis himself said that the PCR test can be useful but not for diagnosis. The results can be wrongly interpreted – amplified to show that virtually any particle can be shown to be within the human patient but it doesn’t make it accurate or measure actual infection or sickness.
Remember, it doesn’t show intact complete viruses only so called ‘virus particles’.
Not a strawman but my point, which you apparently have no answer to.
How can a test with predictive power in so many situations be a failure suddenly and simultaneously in hundreds of laboratories across five continents.
Let’s imagine for a second that the test is useless. Somehow the results of the PCR test have been cross tested by competing interests not just in a few global research labs but into a network spanning medical specialities, archeology, legal, historic, treatments, etcs. How do you explain all the past successes? Just luck? Or maybe it works?
Perhaps something is wrong with the way it’s used in one company in the USA, I could believe that. Perhaps on test manufacturer is doing something bogus? But here in Australia it’s working well. The accusations against the PCR Test fail the sniff test unless they are quite specific.
PS: On Mullins see my answer below. HIV is not Covid.
This might be a good start on the PCR protocol flaws in this paper.
Might even be good material for an investigstive post here.
Might be, but this week Western Civ hangs by a thread. I have to focus on other things, OK?
I know that’s a cop-out, sorry, but PCR is irrelevant compared to the US election.
The link below is to a recent article which is expressing a very different view of the PCR test.
Maybe a dialogue could ensue? . . . . . .
By the way Corey is a Trump supporter . . . . .
Joseph, takes hours to unpack something like that. None of it solves my questions.
It’s not clear they understand what they are discussing? Kerry Mullins made those remarks years ago about HIV, a Retrovirus that inserts itself into our DNA. Nothing like Covid. Isn’t it a little disingenuous of them to bring that in?
I am unable to even guess why anyone would say SARS-Cov2 hasn’t been isolated when it has been coded in full in so many countries including Bangladesh and months ago and isolated not just from humans but from pangolins, mink, and other animals. A quote from Pompeo? really?
See Nextstrain.
Beware many “asymptomatic” studies don’t do two weeks follow up to see if the asymptomatic develop symptoms. The number of documented superspreading events is there for anyone to search for. IF only we could predict who was a superspreader and in what situation.
There is a lot of hype and fake stuff out there. I’m just saying, be skeptical. Pick your targets carefully. Stay focused on the ones that matter.
Jo, I know there is a lot of hype and fake stuff out there. I remain skeptical.
Corey is intelligent, and articulate, and perhaps she would be willing to respond to any critiques you have of her understanding. I know it would be time consuming but maybe it could be focused in such a way as to be somewhat less time consuming. It’s possible she would appreciate being shown material that would lead to a correcting of any of her determinations that are erroneous, and for those of us in the audience . . . . . We could be enjoying the experience of being drenched in a shower of revelations! I know, I dream on a bit . . . . . .
You are absolutely right in spirit. The conversation could be very useful. Most useful if both parties are open to new information.
the problem is time. There is an industry producing studies and possibly another industry “misinterpreting” them. Takes a long time for one person to read through and unpack all the cherry’s, forgotten variables etc. It’s made harder if one party doesn’t have much background in the basic principles of the topic, not because they aren’t smart enough, which they may well be, but because there are a lot of concepts to convey. There’s just a lot of history/information to cover. There must be a blog doing that somewhere. I could do it, but not if I also cover the US election and climate change. Unfortunately some people are trying to analyze medical research without being familiar with how many ways an Exciting Strong Medical Study can be fabricated out of almost nothing. They see One Great Graph pretending to show something but don’t realize that there are 30 variables that made that situation arise, there are lags, demographics, risks, genes, timing, compliance, management and other issues.
There is junk and misuse and abuse of Covid. It is not the pox or ebola, but it is worse than the flu. There are things worth protesting for to save our freedom and our economy. 1. Borders. 2. Antivirals. The Left are hoping we will get distracted. China too.
What she said. That’s like saying all the climate scientists, Meteorological offices, Universities, NASA, NOAA, CSIRO, IPCC, UNFCCC, Governments, Private industry’s are all in on a climate scam.
Like the entire Democrat, Rino’s, FBI, CIA, Judges, voting systems, Goverments, private companies, Universities are all trying to throw the US election.
Silly really.
I totally agree.
No sarcasm was intended in this reply as no sarcasm was was detected in the original comment.
Honest to goodness.
I did a PCR test on your comment, it came out as positive.
If it wasn’t so serious it’d be humorous!
Guys, get a grip. For 35 years the climate models have been wrong. The PCR Test has been useful.
You’ve been happy to accept PCR in forensic studies, medical diagnostics, legal cases, millions of medical tests. Prescriptions. Tracking and tracing. I’m talking about 35 years of a test that produced useful results most of the time in treating people, finding risky genes, genetic disorders, predicting biochemical functions, evolutionary branches, outcomes of cancer cases etc etc. This is nothing like the tin pot tiny industry of climate science that nobody depends upon for anything other than PR.
Explain Nextstrain?
Explain WA?
And all of this is off topic. Please don’t waste time.
I consider us to have a grip.
My poor understanding of the WHO and your gold standard is the PCR detects a fragment of a virus (code) then amplifies it by how many cycles you select, (I am guessing amount of reagent added) like tuning a car, you can run it rich or lean, give you the result you desire. If it detects part of a code and amplifies that part to give you the whole sequence, how can it add code, would you not just end up with lots of the same fragment of code.
Gee Aye (what have you done with her) explained to me, its the length of the code and will indicate a virus based on that length of code and could be any virus of that length.
If that is the gold standard, what’s the silver?
Laboratory tests, what test is that? Would that be the LAMP test?
Goat, Paw Paw and engine oil all have covid based on lab tests. Every fruit, animal and soft drink have covid based on PCR.
That yacht in NQ, the one that was captured by our stasi and was not co-operating with the ATHORITIES, turns out they had been testing themselves throughout their voyage always negative, fully co-operated, but 2 tested positive for the disease so deadly, so contagious they have to be told they are sick. They were bundled off to hospital, cause we got to get those hospital numbers up, we will just use healthy people if need be. Turns out the next two tests days latter were negative.
Both my parents have cancer, one died due to your lockdown, neither of them had a stick shoved up their noses, blood, scans and biopsy. One died because our stockpile of PPE was running low, with 300 people in hospital Australia wide at its peak, all elective surgeries, treatments and tests cancelled. I know of two people who died of cancer due to your lockdowns, I do not know of anybody who caught it let alone died from it.
I ain’t buying what your pushing. I read that millions of social influencers had been put on the books as part of the COVID response to push the narrative. So there is that.
Off topic, you told me it was OK to drift at the end of the thread, there has been a dozen comments since this topic and half on this topic.
I remember a joke from a chemist I worked with, what results do you want.
Good. Now we’re getting into specifics. This is much more productive than the global “PCR is bad” junk arguments.
Get more specific — is one lab cheating? What is their name. How many replications are they doing. Which states or hospitals rely or publish those stats.
PS: My sincere sympathies and commission for your deep losses. I do remember your moving story.
PPS: It was not now or ever “my” lockdown. Queen Jo Nova would have avoided lockdowns. Feb 9 I said “close the flights”. History shows I was right. If you choose to blame me instead of thanking me for trying to protect them, I won’t hold it against you, but it will make it hard to have a rational conversation. Yeah?
PPPS: Unlike the climate debate there are massive vested interests on both sides of the lockdown issue. Both! I choose not to believe either but to pick a path between them point by point. Some here are swallowing all the anti-lockdown propaganda when only some of it is correct.
P-etc-S: Gee Aye remains free and welcome to post. But after putting too many inane #1 off topic comments I asked for some recognition that that was not a helpful conversation style and that I would check and approve comments first. I got none. But I hope GA returns. I got the feeling he or she just is not remotely interested in the US election.
Back from 2 weeks in the wilderness, and I don’t just mean this blog. I see that people still have problems with PCR entirely on the basis that they don’t understand it. I love the resurrection of the Mullis myth and the easy dismissal of hundreds of billions of tests that all confirm it’s reliability.
Also, I am interested in US elections and I look forward to the discussion of the next one in 4 years. In the meantime I’m going to be quiet on this post-election stuff.
Just assume I am somewhere LOLing at it all.
[Glad to see you back Gee Aye. I did miss you, and I do intend to get back to scientific posts. – Jo]
Never said the labs were cheating, but they will be following their procedures. I read that the lab test being preformed is the LAMP, which is a flasher version of the PCR.
The labs are detecting a virus, maybe the common cold, as the only people dying are co-morbidities and people from end of life care, people who would of died from any respiratory illness. We shut down our country on a model that predicted millions of deaths, based on information out of China, we got hundreds and destroyed our economy. This is being pushed by Pharma, if the medical labs are like the mining industry all the labs are run by a couple of companies. (SGS for example) The same Pharmaceutical companies profiting from there being the worlds most deadly disease, that is on trend for a slightly elevated flu season in some countries.
Thank you, for what, nothing you say makes a difference outside this echo-chamber. You called for the lockdown, short sharp, 2 weeks, never happened. You bought all the Propaganda out of China, people just dropping dead in the streets that happened nowhere else, you based your beliefs your views on propaganda from China. Welding them in their buildings, really.
What massive vested interest is there on the anti lock down group side, small companies and individuals want to survive, want their freedom and rights. Like the US election, its not about Trump/Biden anymore its about their rights.
A disease so deadly so contagious that US politicians are continuously caught breaking their own rules, they are not scared of this, wonder why, what do they know.
Its going on 12 months, what I see is Tyranny, the plan to bring in a one world government.
As a social influencer, have you been approached to push the government/WHO directives. (irrespective of your actual belief in the virus)
We are fed BS from all fronts and all sides on all issues, the continual changing of rules and directives is to keep people in a constant state of confusion.
Governments are supposed to serve the people, not the other way around.
As for GA, She is good value, she at the least makes me think about my view. She gets as good as she gives, has great sarcasm (I get a chuckle) and is prepared to die defending her bridge, which I respect. PF does not even know where its bridge is.
Her final comment at #1 was in relation to your post, on topic. I want our leaf back.
You should be calling for our government to bring the vaccine forward, stop stalling, so you can have your shot and be safe so you don’t have to live in fear. You won’t have to worry about anyone else not having it either.
MP: there’s nothing I can say is there? That’s a whole worldview built up on assertions like “The labs are detecting a virus, maybe the common cold,” despite all the evidence to the contrary.
In Victoria 1 in 7 people who tested positive to the “common cold” as you call it, ended up in hospital. Figure that. Were their GPs all wrong? Did all the hospital stuff not notice they were ok, and put some on ventilators for “a cold”? Is the 3% case fatality rate in Australia faked? The PCR test predicts that 1 in 33 who test positive in Australia will die in the following weeks. Looks like a useful test. What are the odds?
You still can’t explain Nextstrain, or the WA test results. Nor most of the success of medical work using PCR in the last 35 years. Nor, the excess deaths in the US, UK, much of Europe which were far above the actual tested Covid tally. Those deaths always spike on almost the exact same week as known covid deaths spike. Coincidence?
On Feb 1 I was the first to warn that the head of the WHO was a puppet of Xi from the Ethiopian Belt and Road plan. China was telling us “it’s just the flu”. Which one of us is now repeating President Xi’s lies, and which one of us never did?
On the anti-lockdown side — who benefits if the West stays open? Most large corporations with factories who are leveraged up the kazoo and can’t afford to close them. (Think “Elon”, stockholders of hospitals, travel, flights etc). Who benefits if the virus spreads faster in the West and Trump fans says things that are easy to mock: The Dems, and all their “networked” backers, including the CCP, President Xi. Who benefits from the dissent, protests, and polarization — Dems and CCP. Who benefits if the virus kills a few more older voters and factory floor workers? They are more likely to be Rep voters, what a bonus? Big Pharma don’t want the situation in Aus and NZ to be replicated around the world. We don’t need those vaccines or drugs! I could go on…
I’m not suggesting all those who have an interest are funding distorted youtubes designed to cherry pick and confuse people with no medical training. Just showing that it’s believeable if one or two were.
As for the role of this blog, who knows? I know it’s read by some MP’s, Senators, and op Ed writers, journalists. They tell me. Sometimes I plant a seed. I do my best. I’ve given up a lot to do this.
I’m sorry you’ve had such a horrible year. To convince me you are right, you’ll need some data.
GeeAye is free to comment any day. I defended their right to comment here many times.
Every single isolate of virus discovered by the ncov specif PCR tests, once sequenced, is shown to not be the common cold. That is 10s of thousands of isolated viruses and not one is anything other than the one that causes covid19. It is hard to wonder what the issue is here.
Excluding where contact tracing is absent or lazy, of the millions of PCR tests for covid19 the vast majority of positive cases link to another case or a case rich region (e.g international travellers in isolation). Hard to see this happening by chance as would be the case if PCR was faulty. Again. What is the problem?
anyway. off topic and all that.
Comments by Gee Aye on the pcr test made here a coupla months ago can be put up on a relevant thread if requested.
Yes, a whole thread on PCR would be useful. Perhps not this week, but I hear you …
So what is the annual death rate associated with the flu including other respiratory illnesses that are now classified as COVID. What is the all cause death rate, you previously stated that will be the tell tail for how terrifying this illness is. ABS says no. You posted an article on a comment of mine from Spain, witch stated the second wave had a test rate of 75% Asymptomatic, 75% of the people had to be told they were sick, terrifying!
What is there to explain about nextstrain, lots of lines and shapes and lots of modelling. Can you explain the thousands of doctors (medical professionals) that are being removed from the web for having an opposing view to yours and the WHO, looks a bit sus. Can you also explain why Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are forbidden for use in the treatment, looks a bit sus.
Big Pharma don’t need a virus to push their snake oil, they have governments for that, virus or no virus your getting stuck anyway, won’t be mandatory, (chuckle chuckle) you will just be prevented from surviving, but defiantly not mandatory.
The access deaths in the US are slightly higher, but this country has incentivised the tally, first by removing their income stream then paying large sums of money for hospitalisations. If you tested positive at any time then died from any cause at anytime after, COVID death. Or do you want to talk about the mass graves on Hart Island again.
On the lockdown side the wealthy have increased their value by a Trillion dollars last year, the not so wealthy lost. The stock markets are being artificially inflated by stimulus, in the US to the tune of 4.5 Trillion.
Judging by the QLD election a lot of elderly who would never vote Labour, voted Labour, so that is not a good metric. Sadly people vote based on how they will benefit, not on what’s best for the country.
Those people who fund YT vids, also fund the studies you read, or do you think corruption stops at the MD level, though we have a constant stream of MD’s filing into our prison system. Climate papers are a prime example of this.
Propaganda is pushing both sides of the narrative, good on you for thinking you can sort the wheat from the chaff.
I do not understand medical jargon, I am an IQ point above idiot. I do not consider your medical advice the gold standard and I won’t be taking your advice, I have a very good doctor for that.
As for WA, your turn is coming, the whole world will be masked and 6 feet apart, our governments will assure that, baby steps. Either that or your not a very social mob.
I do not regard you as the all seeing all knowing expert on everything, sorry
Ivor cummings does many good studies all backed up with data, he’s a covid believer.
Answer my question please.
Greetings GA, you can get stuck into me again 🙂
I have no idea what questions you want answering but, in any case, I’ll stick to what I know.
MP: I’m surprised to have to restate this for the 400th time.
1. Censorship of docs is bad, even when they are hopelessly misinformed, wrong, and don’t reason well (which a few youtube-desktop-jockey-docs do). They should be allowed to speak their cherry-picked nonsense and the paid medical experts should be explaining why they are wrong.
2. I’m the one fighting for HCQ and Ivermectin and telling you to fight for them. Do you even read my posts?
3. Increasing the money supply always enriches the wealthy at the expense of the worker. My plan, which Western Australia is living proof of, prevents the need to print a lot of money for nothing, due to Covid. It also stops the need for lockdowns preventatively, rather than waiting until they are already happening then complaining when the inevitable happens and it’s too late to stop them.
4. Nextstrain — every single dot on that map was sequenced in a lab somewhere in many countries all over the world. Are all those different lab monkeys faking the test? Are all their computers infiltrated to give the “right” result which makes the pattern of forks work in a certain way.
5. I have never said I was “gold standard”. I just made predictions that worked weeks ahead of time. Better than Brendan
NelsonMurphy, Fauci or Tedros. What’s your record of prediction?6. Have not said anything about IQ. Much more important is an open brain.
Will you read my posts on Covid?
Remember when Brendan Nelson was opposition leader? Those were the days.
I was referring to myself as an idiot. I have read all your posts for years, except if I had work to do, I would not go back on catch up as sometimes I don’t have access to Wifi, but I have not worked since Feb, so I think I read them all, maybe not the links as I took your revision as solid.
I lost all faith in you by may, I have had a shit year, this year I think my mother will be joining my father, so shit year number 2 coming right up. People die, we start doing that from the minute we are conceived. Life to me is not measured by a pulse. I watched my father die the most painful and belittling death, he asked to die months before he passed, they could of filled him with tubes and gadgets and kept him going for months, that’s not living.
My parents told me, life is not about quantity its about quality, they should know. Who are we trying to save again.
The WHO is the advice our governments are following, Tedros is the main man.
Thousands of doctors are wrong, OK, but your right?
Nextstrain means nothing to me, just more experts say, studies show.
In my industry we use labs, the assays then go into a model, if things don’t balance we go back and start manipulating the data (assays) to get what we are trying to simulate, based on experience. Lots of dodgy sampling, contamination potential at every stage, errors in the lab are common, these campaigns take many hours and require a steady circuit, days to get the data.
Still missed the question, 4th time??
I predicted rain and guess what.
[Will leave this for the host MP but yeah that’s a shitty year.]AD
“Thousands of doctors are wrong, OK, but your right?” Who am I? Irrelevant. Consensus means nothing. There may well be thousands of Docs saying things about lockdown and masks who didn’t do that well at Microbiology. There are hundreds of thousands of doctors who say the same as me. Doesn’t make me right. Counting bodies will get us nowhere. I stand with the hands on scientists in Climate change, the engineers, and geos. I stand with the frontline doctors on Covid, but in both cases, I only stand with them because of the data, not because they outnumber the political junk bureaucrat medico’s and modellers.
PS: The point about Nextstrain is only that faking a branched chain map like that requires a five continent conspiracy of employees. Everything in medicine has 1000 times the staff of anything in Climate Science.
PS: Really hoping your crap year gets a lot better.
PPS: Gee Aye. Point Taken. Brendan Murphy.
MP: Thanks for still reading.
Well you answered my question, I know where you stand.
Today’s Conspiracy Theory – Hmmm
Please note that the following story is unconfirmed speculation at this stage. I have no idea if it is true and if anyone else but Howell had sent it to me, I wouldn’t be publishing it. However, given Howell’s history of proving me wrong, I am going to just put it out there.
Yes, OldOzzie, U.S. attorney Lin Wood was the one who first tweeted that Epstein is still alive … “and talking”!!
To the best of my knowledge, and after two months of following this election fraud issue, I’ve no reason to doubt Mr Wood’s word on this. It seems highly unlikely to me that he’d make up such a story.
So, until proven otherwise, I think we can assume Epstein really is alive and that his imminent(?) legal testimony regarding human trafficking and pedophilia in ‘high places’ (or should that be ‘low places’?) could be really quite explosive.
As I understand it, a great many high-ranking members of the U.S. legislature and judiciary – not to mention a certain British prince – are probably feeling more than a little nervous about now.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility that Epstein’s death was staged. That would explain why the CCTV wasn’t working and why the guards weren’t “guarding”. In fact it is quite possible. 🙂
Is he bringing Elvis….and singing!! 🙂
Elvis is bringing the Kraken, on drums.
Kraken?? Probably as deep fried squid rings.
No, a Kraken is a dish best served cold, with a nice white!
In Journalism 101 you learn not to publish until you have confirmed the story, and independently verified rumour and hearsay. And then you still have to assess whether the publication of the story is in the public interest, and does no unintended harm.
And you should safeguard your own (or your employer’s) reputation.
Personally I think the approach of these purportedly pro-Trump forces has in fact done Donald Trump a huge disservice – too many submission to courts and politicians have repeated arm-waving and unproven claims, to the cost of the less sexy, but arguably more robust and focused, election questions.
Otherwise everything gets lost in the fog of political and conspiratorial scuttlebutt, and judges have no difficulty throwing such cases out, as we have seen many times.
Is Epstein still alive? I doubt it very much, but I can’t prove he is not. But regardless, it has no place in a political tussle over the presidential election. Much of the country laughs at such stuff, as they did with the Four Seasons Total Landscaping gig, and the wilder claims of Powell, Lin Wood, and Ellis.
If Mr Epstein does not turn up to expose Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday, will we hear genuine apologies from these commentators and lawyers and PR types?
Journalism 101 was burried with the Typewriter !
And “ genuine apologies” Is a mythical concept…..offered only by Politicians !
One thing is for sure with the next few days , will Pence step up out of the swamp and come forward to scuttle the dem and rino cheating or is he part of massive system only there to get rich and make laws that only apply to others ?
I have posted a link on the 2017 joint sitting below. Mike Pence will have little influence. The ones who need to stand up are the senators presenting any objection to the senate. They have to be convincing enough to sway democrats in the senate to support any objection; a tough assignment.
What are the chances of any GOP senator convincing Democrat senators that they should support the objection. What are the chances of any Democrat senator actually supporting an objection.
I would consider it impossible for any objection to be carried in BOTH houses.
It might be a stretch for any objections to be carried in EITHER chamber, and yes – it does require both for an electoral slate to be rejected.
There is in fact a third option: Mike Pence presides over the Joint Session in accordance with the laws and rules that govern and constrain what he can do from the chair. Inconvenient perhaps, but likely!
As I have suggested previously, to thwart the Democrats Team Trump had to win 2-3 major court cases, or convince three states to re-visit their certification of electoral slates.
The site is incredibly fast at the moment. Thanks Jo!
Casey Jones you better watch your speed!
Delighted to help David. Just wishing I had figured out how to do it months ago, but very happy with the new engine.
Bill McGinley has given a very clear picture of what is likely to happen on 6th January when interviewed on the Warroom.
The two houses assemble with Pence presiding. The state votes are read in alphabetic order to give their presidential vote. Any objection has to be provided beforehand in writing and must be supported by a congressman AND senator. The houses separate to preside on any valid objection. Each objection gets a maximum of 2 hours and any speaker has 5 minutes maximum. There can be no external speaker bought in. For an objection to be sustained it must be supported by both houses. That means for any objection to carry would require Democrats in the Senate to support the objection – I think that implausible.
If there are 6 or 7 objections, it will be a very long day. The sessions are televised so it provides an opportunity for objectors to get their information in front of the public but not sure what that achieves other than the election fraud may get wider coverage.
This video covers the Jan 6th 2017 joint session. It gives some idea how long it will take if there are 6 or 7 supported objections that could each debated for 2 hours in the separate houses.
It appears there is great reluctance for any senator to support an objection! And remember an objection must be carried in BOTH houses.
Those presenting an objection will need to be coherent and well targeted. The senators presenting the objection in the senate will need to be convincing. They will need to gain support from a number of democrats.
Arizona is probably the most important as it comes first of the likely disputed states. If it has the objection sustained then that would bode well for other disputed states.
For the two-hour break-out session in the Senate (and indeed in the House) each speaker gets five minutes – that’s in the existing rules anyway (that can be changed by Congressional agreement on 3 January).
It might be the case that they need to gain the support of all Republican senators first … there are a number that have recognised Joe Biden as the president-elect, and presumably will not vote to reject his certified electoral votes.
And I agree – what happens with Arizona will determine the course of the rest of the day fairly quickly.
Even if the Senate voted 100-0 to support the objection, the House will not do so, therefore the objection fails, and the certified slate prevails.
From RickWill above:
What I still don’t understand (and I have read a lot!) is what will be the force of the “safe harbour” guarantee? From the Congressional Research Service (which is about as authoritative as it gets) there is this:
December 8, 2020: The “Safe Harbor” Deadline
The U.S. Code (3 U.S.C. §5) provides that if election results are contested in any state, and if the state, prior to election day, has enacted procedures to settle controversies or contests over electors and electoral votes, and if these procedures have been applied, and the results have been determined six days before the electors’ meetings, then these results are considered to be conclusive, and will apply in the counting of the electoral votes. This date, known as the “Safe Harbor” deadline, falls on December 8 in 2020.
If this is accurate – and it seems to be – where is the room for objections to be raised against swing-state electoral votes that are certified, conclusive, and guaranteed?
Note that every state except Wisconsin, plus DC, met the safe harbour deadline. That is where the puzzlement lies; are Republican Reps and Senators going to object anyway? And is Chairman Mike Pence going to accept them?
If objections and debate are allowed against guaranteed safe-harbour electoral slates, what is the point of having the safe-harbour provisions?
Now Trump supporters (both inside and outside Congress) might argue that the 12th Amendment, the Electoral Count Act 1887, and the Congressional rules, were not written for the case where a lot of claims of systemic election fraud are circulating.
This might well be so, however it seems you need to fix this for the future – revisit the Electoral Count Act, review the Congressional rules, even seek a Constitutional Amendment to revise the 12th – but none of these can apply for 6 January this year.
Claiming that Chairman Mike Pence should have extraordinary powers to rule on electoral votes, because of the fraud, obviously isn’t going to wash with the Democrats, and not with the courts either, so far.
Plus no state has sought to de-certify their “conclusive” electoral slates – they remain of the view that their elections were freely and fairly conducted.
I don’t have a crystal ball, but I expect it will be about as riveting as watching paint dry.
SEven states sent alternative electors as well as the ones they certified. Therefore they still have the option to change that.
But like you and RickWill, I see no way Houses members (or a few RINOs) will do the right thing no matter what evidence is presented. The only thing that would change that is if there are potentially personal legal charges against said Congressmen that might put them in jail. Is that what’s coming?
Or can anyone else think of another mechanism that would force their hand? It would have to be a career ending threat of some sort.
Gina Haspel’s confession video might do it!
Pristine unused Ballot papers still in the printers box. No longer needed now the election is over.
When I work on elections (usually as 2IC) every single ballot must be accounted for – formally cast, informally cast, spoiled, scribbled on, thrown into the bin, dropped on the floor, etc – and all the unused ones.
You’re usually a couple out because people obtain their ballot paper(s), pocket them and walk out. Voting is compulsory only in the sense that you have to turn up and have your name marked off on the roll … it’s not actually a requirement that you put the ballot in the box.
Interesting you have to account for unused ballots.
How would they do that with mailout?
I don’t specifically know – but I don’t think there is sufficient reason to leap to fraud allegations straight away. Presumably Georgia (or every state) has a good traceable record of every ballot they send out, and can track whether that voter has in fact used the mail-in ballot.
I am agnostic about whether there was widespread fraud by the Democrats, but the best arguments against widespread fraud are (a) election officials take their job seriously and are not crazy leftists, and (b) every ballot can be traced by the system.
Some of those claiming widespread (result-changing) fraud or state malpractice seem to have little understanding how audit-heavy the whole vote-tracking process is.
how audit-heavy the whole vote-tracking process is
‘is’ or ‘should be’
That’s what gets me. There ‘should’ be an audit paper trail that they can rub in Trumps face.
Why aren’t they doing that?
Of cause you can’t cheat AND have an audit paper trail.
Nicely put.
I agree it’s odd, but they more-or-less haven’t had to yet. The onus is on those claiming fraud or state malpractice to make their case – in a major court or with a state legislature. Why has this not occurred?
Remember A: This is politics, the court is public opinion.
B: This is a party who’s bread and butter is the manipulation of public opinion.(See the ‘Trump won’t leave office’ campaign over the last 6 month)
Either the whole thing got out of hand and their only hope is to stare it down.
Or they reckon getting rid of Trump is worth the cost in politic capital.
The dems won’t allow a forensic audit of paper ballots. Obviously they can’t track each ballot. Obviously there is something to hide.
I should add that “postal votes” as they are called in Australia are not mixed in or counted with election day votes. In fact those of us who work at polling booths, or even at the higher up electoral offices, never handle the counting of postal votes.
This is the man that Trump’s future as POTUS is likely to depend on:
As far as I know he is the only Senator willing to support objections to college votes during the joint session.
I believe he will have more than a challenging task to convince 51 of the swamp rats in the Senate to object to Biden Votes.
Tommy will need to educate himself on the events that occurred in Arizona or find support amongst another senator to help him argue the case.
Senators with an eye to their personal futures might prefer not to die in a ditch over this issue – given that the House will over-rule any objections, and if the chambers are in disagreement, then the electoral slates certified by state governors prevail.
Who remembers the mighty caravan that was to descend upon Canberra and it’s Parliament house? Surely, it was a mighty topic of these pages, and even had Allan (“the police stopped them at the Border!”) Jones. Go back into the archives around the time that Julia Gillard was PM.
Betting Jan 6 is proportionally similar
Were you as nonchalant about the election in 2016 when you thought Trump cheated?
Do I care? America has this broken system, it could not even get a corona test developed for 45 days, it is killing over 3 thousand of its citizens every day, it practices racism at all levels, it got massively hacked by Russia (and if you use Chrome, or Google, check your security, particularly passwords, it was compromised). Yet it is happy to spend more on defense than the next 10 countries.
This rally is just a distraction, for the well, the housed, and the ideologue who would rather rage about an unproven and unprovable 3rd order assertion by a sore loser.
Ah yes, gloating at how the Elite foiled the farmers and truck drivers who spent thousands of dollars and weeks of time to drive from Broome and all corners of Australia to Canberra.
Good one Peter.
The police and ACT Government thwarted them because the workers acted honestly and legally. They got all the right permissions, told authorities what they would do and the authorities blocked them on the morning anyway. If they had just arrived a few hours earlier, they could have got the photo op they wanted with Rigs surrounding Parliament.
The ABC was as usual, disgusting. We hope the Washington protestors are more politically savvy and by now, utterly cynical.
Who cares what you think or say as you’re a waste of time . Vindictive and petty accompanied with an intellectual ignorance typical of the left. You may well be a decent type Peter but you show a dissonance that bo4ders on the intolerant.
Media and Big Tech Would Like You to NOT Believe What You Can Clearly See
changing all the supposed standards in America
Progressives were also pushing for the rules package to eliminate a longstanding pay-as-you-go, or PAYGO, provision that requires legislation that would increase the deficit to be offset.
While the rules package does not get rid of PAYGO, it would provide the Budget Committee chairperson the authority to declare legislation providing economic and heath responses to the pandemic, as well as measures designed to combat climate change, as having no cost — effectively a PAYGO exemption.
May 2, 2013 (CIDRAP News) – Chinese scientists report that lab-generated hybrid viruses combining genes from avian H5N1 and pandemic 2009 H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza viruses can achieve airborne spread between guinea pigs, a finding that seems likely to renew the debate about the risks of creating novel viruses that might be able to spark a human pandemic.
Writing in Science, the researchers say that 5 of 127 hybrids they generated by shuffling genes from the two subtypes showed “highly efficient” transmission in guinea pigs. None of the guinea pigs died, but some mice that were infected with the reassortant strains did succumb….
In another study on H5N1 transmissibility, also published today in Science, another team of Chinese researchers examined how hemagglutinin (HA) from H5N1 attaches to human cell receptors. They identified a mutation, Q226L, that enables a mutant form of H5N1 HA to bind to both avian and human receptors….The authors used genetically modified mice to test the virulence of the hybrid viruses. …
Dr. Andrew Pekosz, virologist of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health said he thinks the findings justify any risks involved in the experiments: “As far as I could tell from reading this and being familiar with the group and how they do their research, everything falls under the guidelines that apply to labs in the US regarding biocontainment, respiratory protection, and monitoring….
David Relman, MD, a microbiologist and infectious disease expert at Stanford University, expressed concern over the biosecurity implications of the study. “It clearly has biosecurity concerns. I would have liked to see these experiments discussed by a wider community of scientists and nonscientists before they were undertaken….I would have some grave questions about doing these without having a clearer idea of how exactly the results would lead to tangible real-time benefits.” Dr. Wain-Hobson said: “Which evolutionary trajectory will nature take? We don’t know because there are simply too many. So what is the use [of the findings] for surveillance?”
Caught in the act destroying fake ballots
A Tweet from passionate pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood:
If Pence is arrested, Mike Pompeo will save the election. Pence will be in jail awaiting trial for treason. He will face execution by firing squad. He is a coward & will sing like a bird & confess ALL.
Ah…threats of arrest and execution against the sitting VP? Shark Jumping anyone?? 🙂
Channelling Robespierre. Another brief candle showbiz type in the Scaramucci vein. Has there ever been such a turnover of spivs as Trump has achieved?
No. Trump…spiv magnet. But in the nicest possible way though. 🙂
From MPs earlier comment:
Sorry to have it confirmed by MP that there are real social and humanitarian consequences of the lockdowns besides the very obvious street front images of closed shops and small businesses that have been abandoned.
I must take this opportunity to apologise to Jo.
Here in NovoCastria, approximately four hours flight from sunny Perth, we have been the home of a virulent political strain of lifestyle where offspring of the union-leftoid activists can inherit a sinecure to drain.
Our current Lady Mayor is one such and has demonstrated her attachment to the city by disappearing overseas to a high powered United Bloody Nations conference at great expense to local ratepayers and returning with the wonderful news that our city was now part of the U.N. cities of interest programme, or some such.
The money spent on this jaunt would have been better spent fixing potholes and removing the tons of noxious growth, Lantana and Bitou bush, from the local long suffering environment.
The point, I apologise for having sent one of our activists, trained in NovoCastria, to become president of WA, although he does seem to be a classier version of what Vic has.
Further, I suspect that any wonderful performance by the Leader may have had more to do with the fact that Australia performed so CV19 well because, it’s an island, and WA did so well because it’s neatly tucked away on an isolated corner of that island.
I don’t believe that politicians have done very well at all in managing this unprecedented Pandemic.
Two thousand years ago it was understood that the removal of leprosy victims to an island for isolation was a help.
Now the diseased are stuck in a high rise incubator with air conditioning to ensure the even spread of the virus.
Go figure.
The Democrats have already broken too many laws in the process of the 2020 election for them to have any credibility.
Also, they are the ones obstructing any investigation.
And, as we know, those investigations that have been performed have shown what a farce this election has been.