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No need to investigate, FBI and Dept of Justice know there was no fraud


Lou Dobbs Tonight was scathing on the Attorney General William Barr and the Department of Justice

So many resources, yet so little results. How are the FBI or the DOJ serving the American people? Weeks after the most contentious election ever in the United States and there is no sign these major institutions are even checking the incidents being reported of voting irregularities.

Like the climate debate, why is it left mainly to volunteers to research and investigate something so important to the people?

Why aren’t the legacy media investigating and interviewing witnesses?


 Congressman Jim Jordan (Rep): The American people deserve the truth.

I have never seen an election where there were so many Why are we still counting votes a month after the election.
If we sent observers to foreign countries and they were still counting votes four weeks after

Voting machines are being impounded

No other president has ever lost after increasing their vote for relection.

Dobbs: Should the President say “this is a national crisis”, and we just don’t have time to investigate the number of problems with this election.

Jordan: One third of the electorate think this was rigged. When you have over 50 million people, a third of the electorate, think that this election was rigged, we owe it to them to investigate.

In other news, Kamala’s personal cameraman went on to  work at a software tech at Dominion. He was in charge in Floyd County elections in June which mysteriously included unexplained glitches, pauses in counting and unexplained voter dumps. A strange coincidence…

h/t Bill C, RossP


PS: For anyone who read the 780% of voter turnout yesterday from one precinct in Michigan, the huge number was very likely a decimal point error. See the update. Many questions remain about the other precincts showing 100% voter turnout.

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