Paths to Victory — Contingent election or State Legislators picking Electors

Mark Landsbaum argues that Trump’s main game was always a Contingent election — held in the House but with one representative from each state. And the legal cases involved were always about the Court of Public Opinion, not about getting rushed judgments on legal cases that have almost no time to play out.

Cases usually need months or years to do full discovery and disclosure.


Trump’s End Game

By Mark Landsbaum, American Thinker

The only hope now — and it is as good, if not better, than any hope since voting ended — lies in the alternate electors for Trump sent Monday by seven states. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is sure to ignore the Trump alternate electors, so Trump can’t win at this stage. But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump’s over Biden’s, it’s a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump.

The rules for choosing between competing electors are vague. Congress may choose not to count states with two sets of electors, which automatically means neither candidate reaches the necessary 270 electoral votes. This is never-before-traveled terrain.

The resulting deadlock would make Congress unable to announce a winner.

Then the matter will go, per the Constitution, exclusively to the House of Representatives, where each state will get only one vote and where Republican states outnumber Democratic states. Voila! Trump is reelected.

This is where the multiple lawsuits and their voluminous affidavits and experts’ declarations pay off.

The performances in courts gave them a chance to get evidence and accusations put forward in a legally protected manner.

The alternate pro-Trump electors in seven swing states are the fruit of all the lawsuits. The lawsuits allowed all the charges of fraud to be aired and the public — and elected officials — to learn just how badly Democrats behaved.

Anything filed in court is privileged, which protects the plaintiffs. Without lawsuits, accusing anyone of fraud would have been very risky, and probably gotten Trump’s people sued for libel. What his campaign would be shy to say outside of court became protected speech when said in lawsuits.

The catch in this plan is that it needs RINO’s to do the right thing in the Senate. What are the odds of that?

States can still de-certify the Electors

The Epoch Times

Jenna Ellis is arguing the State Legislators can still save the day by holding special sessions, declaring the election results are compromised and choosing different Electors. They have the right to do this still.

“One of the great things that came out of that case is that the Pennsylvania State Legislature, their leadership in both the House and the Senate, filed an amicus brief admitting to the Supreme Court and telling the Supreme Court that they agreed with Texas that their state’s laws in the administration of the 2020 election were not followed,” Ellis told The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders on Dec. 16.

“That gives them the basis through their investigations, their findings, all of the testimony and evidence presented by the mayor and myself at that hearing, for Pennsylvania to reclaim under Article II Section 1.2 of the U.S. Constitution, they can reclaim their authority to select the slate of delegates,” Ellis continued.

“And so they have every opportunity to call themselves back into an electoral session for the purpose of voting on which slate of delegates they’re going to send. So that is what should happen in each of these six states prior to Jan. 6.”

Once one state does this many others may follow. Will any state be brave enough, or are there just enough compromised RINO’s who are in the grip of China or the FBI to stop this working? It may only take a few to thwart this approach.

If Republicans were storming their state legislators with indignant and angry messages that would help. But with the mainstream media running a Biden advertising campaign and silencing reports of fraud, the messages may never be sent.

That’s why the best thing concerned citizens can do now is get around the Cyber Iron Curtain.

h/t Kat H

8.7 out of 10 based on 84 ratings

182 comments to Paths to Victory — Contingent election or State Legislators picking Electors

  • #

    Every night I kneel by my bed and pray that a miracle will happen overnight. Every morning I wake up and realise that no miracle has occurred. However, at last there seems to be some official recognition that malfeasance has occurred and there is some movement. Hope springs eternal.


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      Roger Knights

      From Michael Prescott’s blog:

      For the few diehards still following this epic thread (now threatening to rival The Iliad in both length and repetition), here’s a good Twitter rollout from someone named John Henry:

      /It’s impossible to get away with rigging an election. If this election was rigged by way of rigging 3-4 key swing state cities, as Republicans claim, then this election would’ve produced a ton of data anomalies and irregularities. We would expect to see things like:

      • bellwether counties would suddenly stop being bellwether counties despite decades of near 100% consistency

      • the rigged cities would produce implausibly high urban turnout but demographically identical cities in neighboring battleground states would have normal urban turnout

      • you would have an implausibly high number of Biden-only ballots (no down ballot selections) but the same phenomenon would not be seen with Trump ballots

      • a forensic audit of the voting machines used in these rigged cities would produce unexplainably high error rates and the edit logs would be nowhere to be found. They would be wiped.

      • You would expect to see weird things like Trump winning key bellwether battleground states like Ohio and Florida and win them easily but would lose just enough battleground states (where the rigged cities are located) to put him under 270

      • you would expect to see suspicious activity going on in these “rigged” cities… such as: blocking poll watchers… stopping the count late on election night with Trump in the lead but then resume counting hours later with huge statistically impossible spikes for Biden

      • If Trump really did win in a landslide but due to vote flipping & corrupted machines ended up losing, you would expect to see a red wave, such as Rs flipping 12 seats & winning all 27 toss ups, while Ds have a dismal election night performance despite Biden shattering records

      So obviously, since none of the above was observed in this election, there is no reason to suspect fraud. No reason to suspect that Biden isn’t the legitimate winner of 80 million votes and thus the most inspiring politician of our time. A once in a century politician.//

      I think someone asked if I found the witnesses credible. (Sorry, I can’t remember who; it’s hard to keep up with all the comments.) Answer: for the most part, yes. There are the inevitable flakes seeking attention. But most are normal people like the ones in this ten-minute video compilation:

      Finally, this is the question that’s been literally keeping me up at night:

      //When citizens no longer feel as though they have a say in their government, when they feel as though their government has been stolen right out from in front of them, they no longer feel an obligation to live their lives by the framework laid out in the Constitution. There have always been Americans who have felt wronged or disenfranchised or powerless and decide to act in ways that are…anti-social, but they’ve largely been extreme outliers. What happens when fully half of the population feel as though they have been disenfranchised and were forced to watch the theft play out right in front of them while politicians told them, “Nothing to see here”?//

      Posted by: Michael Prescott | December 16, 2020 at 02:19 Philip Morris [on his blog at


      • #

        A comment on the American Thinker Article you referenced sums it all it all up!

        Name Redacted for Security Purposes

        Add to the author’s excellent analysis here the ludicrous notion the Joe Biden* – Joe Freaking Biden* – won the White House. This is nothing but the fraudsters spitting in our faces. A man who was incapable of garnering a single primary win for himself in multiple campaigns when he was younger, laughed out of the race as being a serial plagiarizer, a man so quintessentially ridiculous that Barack Obama chose him, not for his sage advice, but for his incompetence. Impeach Obama and you’ll suffer Biden*, and no one wants that. And now, in his late 70’s, with a brain that is decomposing faster than a vegetable that you’ve forgotten about in your refrigerator, we’re supposed to believe he finally won. The fraud would have been more believable if they had selected Tulsi Gabbard. This is bull-you-know-what. Funny thing – I never liked Donald Trump. I would change the station when he appeared on Don Imus’s radio show, never watched The Apprentice. Now, like many Americans – 70 million or more of us – I’m ready to crawl over broken glass to follow him in repairing our Republic. Let’s see how the next few weeks turns out but it’s looking like 1776 & 1860 around here.


      • #

        Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump

        Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro published a lengthy report Thursday –


        Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities outlining several examples of voting irregularities that are “more than sufficient” to swing the outcome of the election in President Trump’s favor.

        The 36-page report “assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states” and concludes that “patterns of election irregularities … are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to … unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”

        All six of those voting issues were present in at least two key states, according to the report, and a total of six battleground states experienced multiple examples of the other dimensions.


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        Dave in the States

        The Democrats just don’t know how badly they have out numbered themselves in this thing. They are no where near 80 million real Biden voters. But there are at least that number of real Trump voters and most them are armed. Moreover, they live in the counties with the food and resources, instead of in the big cities with no more than 3 days groceries.


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        I think something (several somethings in fact) are missed from the Prescott post:

        • Donald Trump spent months saying that “his” voters should not use mail-in voting
        • the Democrats were much stronger in encouraging their voters to use mail-in voting in the Covid-19 world
        • is there any mystery therefore that mail-in ballots were overwhelmingly Democrat?
        • the fact that votes for Joe Biden increased dramatically after 3 November is no mystery either – Republican states prevented the counting of mail-in and early voting prior to 3 November
        • so the “red mirage” becoming the “blue tide” can be easily explained, it seems to me

        It also seems to me that there were a lot of voters out there who voted against Donald Trump – compared to what happened in 2016. Therefore statistical comparisons need to be seen in this light.

        Personally I think Joe Biden is a pretty ordinary candidate and president – but I am not surprised that he won, and that he won by a lot.

        I don’t think you need complicated theories of fraud to understand what happened. There were a lot of people who voted against Trump, and the Biden Team took greater advantage of the Covid situation.


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      Richard Jenkins

      Pray for Hunter’s laptop to be Released before Christmas. Even Democrats will demand explanations and Rinos would be compromised dramatically if they did not pfevent a Biden/ Harris government.


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        Dave in the States

        They are already at work trying to sacrifice Hunter but absolve Joe.


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          Richard Jenkins

          The laptop clearly and definatively proves Joe knew and was involved. I would even suggest references show The Biden family mastermind is Joe. Together with the vidoed evidence of Ukraine quid pro Joe he cannot be president.


          • #

            Do you entertain the possibility that the Hunter Biden laptop theory (and the laptop itself) might be false … a plant by someone (foreign or domestic)?


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              Hunter signed for the laptop. It contained emails from him verified by the other party. It had compromising photos of him. Over to you as to how this elaborate fake evidence might have been created, then in the FBI’s possession for 1 year and they haven’t told us who faked it , or why, nor that it was fake. It still has FBI failure to serve all over it, and it’s implausible to boot.


            • #

              Yes. –
              All the other recipients and senders of emails are also Russian agents.
              Hard drive data made in a Russian lab.
              The women in the vid had Russian accents.
              Biden family lawyers asked for it back, those lawyers are Russian agents.
              The owner of the pc shop has a cousin who has in-laws who came from Russia.


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          Richard Jenkins

          It seems the MSM are urgently seeking a Harris government.


      • #

        Pray for Hunter’s laptop to be Released before Christmas.

        Is there any definitive proof that it is “Hunter’s laptop”? Could just as easily be a Russian.

        I think keeping an open, sceptical mind is a good thing.


    • #

      Here’s a site you might post for everyone to chew on over the weekend (semi open thread?)! I was most stunned about how many people voted and how many voted for Biden – 14 MILLION more than Dillary! Trump certianly increased his vote 10 MILLIOM + the charts in the link show where and what and who and I would like to read others interpretations!

      The 2020 US election broke lots of norms, but election fraud was/is common in US elections. I’ve not heard many Dems crying Repub. fraud in 2020 but they don’t really need to did they – I think they did lots of that in 2016?
      The real question is, was the fraud on a scale large enough to change the results and can they PROVE that in a Court of law? Answers – YES in those battle ground counties that effected the outcome and NO they have not proved it in court – to date!
      1 thing the charts above show is what happened in the whole USA and you gotta ask yourself did the Dumbocraps do the same fraud things in the whole of the country to get 14 million extra votes?? I just can’t convince myself that they were that organised – so are you left with 14 million extra people who didn’t want Trump, didn’t want Republicans, blamed Trump for Covid, actually wanted a Leftard leader or had no other viable option (although there were a couple of other candidates). All that being said I still can not understand how Biden got an extra 14 million out to vote? how did he actually motivate that many extra people?? HOW??

      Has Trump backed himself into a corner yelling fraud without enough outstanding evidence to get traction in the laim stream media and leftisocial FB & Twatter? If he tries to do something by force without significant acceptance and public support it will not end well for anyone!


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      The fate of Western Civilisation, some three thousand years in the making, now hangs by a slender thread.

      That thread is Executive Order 13848. So what is in that Executive Order? The background to this is that the US President can make law.

      As Obama said, he had a “pen and a phone” and that was all he needed to remake the United States.

      Legal contracts in the United States tend to be mercifully short but there is also wide latitude in legislation in that country which allows new meanings to be construed by activist judges.

      Thus Conrad Black was persecuted and his fortune taken from him because he was a conservative in charge of a media empire.

      Perhaps we have caught up here because the persecution of Cardinal Pell was a joint private/state enterprise based on loose interpretation of the law.

      In the beginning


    • #

      Jenna Ellis: ‘Take Heart, This Is Not Over Yet’

      Convinced that there was rampant voter fraud, but disheartened by the recent failures of legal challenges and the recent Electoral College vote? Don’t fret, says Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis.

      “I would just say to the American people: Take heart. This is not over yet,” she told The Epoch Times. “And we absolutely have every intention of continuing to fight for election integrity.”


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    Jan 6 looks like being an explosive day or a whimper. Let’s wait and see which way it goes.

    7 State Legislatures Must Now Choose Which Set Of Electors To Send To Washington D.C. On January 6


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    Peter C

    The only hope now — and it is as good, if not better, than any hope since voting ended — lies in the alternate electors for Trump sent Monday by seven states.

    Well of course, that is what Mark Landsbaum thinks.

    Is there still something which is being held back? The Frankfurt server raid was confirmed by Generals McInerny and Flynn and by Sidney Powell. What actually happened and what did they get? Gina Haspel still has not been seen.

    I hope like Mark Landsbaum that this one works. It does require a lot of good men and women to do the right thing. But it might not be the only way.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    “But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump’s over Biden’s, it’s a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump.”

    But of course they won’t. There aren’t enough brave people in the GOP these days, even among the dwindling faction that truly is conservative. Most of them, like the SCOTUS, are scared of the riots and unrest that would ensue.


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      Totally agree. The chances of RINOs supporting Trump is equal to the chances of the Democrats supporting Trump. A big fat ZERO. Supporting Trump would mean further postponing their return to the lucrative racketeering they are known for. Trump could try bribing them but he would also lose in a bidding war against the CCP.


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        It all depends on public opinion. If there is a great revelation of proven interference, that would bring everyone in behind Trump. If not, McConnell will lead them in the direction of recognizing Biden. And they keep their jobs. It’s all about their careers and like the lawyers they are, right and wrong are obsolete concepts not relevant to them. Being on the right side is important though and Trump is very popular and they know it. Hard to pick. Many never liked Trump, neither a lawyer nor politician and man of principle, something very rare and dangerous in government.


        • #

          Given the number of what appear to be both cowardly and corrupt traitorous rats on both sides ofvthe fence, I fear the only option will be temporary martial law….unless of course that was always the plan?


          • #

            And I think its also possible Trump has been manipulated into the martial law option…Im wary of martial law and dont like it, it woukd be possible for the NWO operatives to convonce Trump to make it like Victoria and always under review and bingo…..banana republic.

            If Trump “folds” under the pressure, we have to assume it was the plan all along.

            This is a spritual fight… Gods plan may be judgement of America by it going into captivity.


            • #

              No Steve, it won’t be captivity, it will be “natural disasters “. Nashville is predicted to get fireballs because of the pagan temple and the large idol inside.


          • #

            Can you see a way back from the imposition of martial law OriginalSteve?

            Isn’t it akin to the loathsome covid lockdowns, a cure worse than the ailment it purports to remedy?

            Surely a president who has managed a full term without initiating a single external war won’t opt for continuing his administration by chancing a domestic conflict and ultimately being beset by a Biden government in exile which would quickly gain support from the EU and the UN and lord alone knows even our own state of Victoria.

            Mind you I’m still tickled by the prospect of Biden holding court on Epstein’s Little St James island, but no, such amusement would be too hard bought.


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            Hot under the collar

            The Trump card hasn’t been played yet. Declaring martial law and the insurrection act may be unnecessary if Trump has clear evidence of election fraud with foreign interference (the public wouldn’t allow a fraudulent result to stand). Perhaps he’s waiting until the last minute so he can cast a bigger net to catch RINO’s, Judges, 3 letter agencies, tech leaders, media leaders …
            Anyone who has seen the vast evidence on Hunters own laptop and some of the compromising video of Hunter available on dissident Chinese sites such as GTV would know the Biden’s are completely compromised to the CCP (some of it is surveillance footage obviously taken to compromise him). I’m sure when Trump found his whole team and family were illegally spied on by the Democrats that he would certainly have taken any opportunity to legally spy on suspects with just cause.
            He certainly doesn’t act like he’s beaten yet and there’s lots of disinformation from all sides. Let’s hope, otherwise democracy is dead.


            • #

              Yes but I still disagree.

              “if Trump has clear evidence” He does. We do. But so what? The court system is scared to have it presented so they do not take the case.

              “the public wouldn’t allow” They would. They do. A generous view is that they do not know, considering the stringent censorship by the mass media.


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          Not all public opinion but among Republican voters who seem to be really switched on to the alternate media. Their opinion might see many RINOs out of office next time around. What the McConnells and Romneys do not seem to realise is that Trump has galvanised at least 75 million people behind himself, if not the Republican Party, and they will follow his lead come the next mid terms when a third of the incumbents come up for re-election. The big donors still only have one vote (although some might say otherwise following this election) but team Trump will be looking for those who supported him and punishing those who did not regardless of a Biden presidency. (Nearly gagged on that). Mitch and Mitt will be out on their ear while some of the youngsters take control.


        • #
          Fuel Filter


          Since when did ANY member of the U.S. Senate give a good damn about public opinion?

          Most certainly not the RINOS.


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      Dave in the States

      Yes, and Romney is the most spineless of them all.


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    Before he made the presidency, Trump was already regarded as the Rocky Balboa of US politics. He just kept getting up despite all the nay sayers. Bill Barr paid him huge respect by acknowledging this aspect of his character. Just stay in the fight and land the last blow. Its like tennis its not over until the last ball over the net. Pointless making predictions based on how a match unfolds. The last serve or return is all that matters.

    I may yet be surprised but I think there is a long way to go and I have my own doubts Biden will form an administration.

    The fact that there are alternate state electors means the states are not certain of how it will end up.

    There are successful court proceedings with regard to cases of fraud.


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    Binny Pegler

    The next step is the senate runoff, until that’s decided any further speculation is pointless.
    One thing is certain Trump is extremely good at establishing a narrative, and the narrative of election fraud is now well established.
    Not so much a ‘punch back’ for the Russian Jeddie mind trick BS, as a round house kick to the gonads.


  • #

    I know the opera’s not over till the fat lady sings, but increasingly I fear she’s on a diet. All the exposures of fraud, nothing happening, and very little time remaining. If something is going to happen, it needs to start, else it will simply be painted–and most will believe it–as an attempted right-wing coup d’etat.


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      Binny Pegler

      Yes like DV in a niece neighborhood, everyone would be much happier if the victim just put some makeup over the bruises.
      This calling the police and making a scene lowers the tone.


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    Trump is up against the Washington Swamp, the CIA, the FBI, Chinese operatives, the big Tech companies, most of the media and the Supreme Court. All he has on his side are the people of most of the states. He is hugely popular, despite what you are told. And the people have been cheated and everyone knows it. The Democrats because that is how they operate. And the Republicans because so many states are Republicans, especially the big states of Texas and Florida.

    No one has ever won Ohio before and lost. And it is not over. Many Democrats know they lost and those who faked it just hope against hope they escape jail for serious crimes. Forget fat ladies. The Republicans still have the Senate and they can bring down this Biden/Harris fake government. We hope.

    Consider the fiasco about chads in Gore vs Bush. Now 68% of votes are going to adjudicators who decided votes were for Biden. The acceptable and legislated level of disputed ballots for adjudication was 1/250,000, not 2 in 3 in just one county. That is now public knowledge. Michigan of course, where the Governor used the police to stop the alternate electors from voting.

    The race is still on. And a lot of people on both side are rightly scared.


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      Agree TdeF. There has been a positive court case in Wisconsin. It is now a matter of how to sort out the inelligible votes. If they can be sorted there is more than enough to flip the state and if they cannot be sorted for any reason then there is a case to toss them all, giving the same result.
      There is an audit going on in Arizona where they do not need to find many illegal votes to turn the state.
      Ken Starr was extremely damning of the Pensylvania situation at the Senate hearing yesterday saying what happened violated both the state and US constitutions.
      Maria Bartilona on Fox said today a Intel source told her Trump won all battle ground states easily plus a few other states. The only way they could know this is through the Frankfurt server data.

      So the fight is far from over, in my view.


    • #

      I certainly hope so. Trump pulling this one out of the bag would be a great way for Fitzy, Leaf and PeterS to start the new year.


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        Why did you lump me in with those two? In case you are blind I want Trump to win, they don’t.


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          The HyperVentilating, Depraved, and MOST Deplorable (and still asleep) Vlad the Impaler

          I suspect an innocent typo: he probably meant PeterF, serial troller here at JoNova( which is surprising, since he stated a few weeks ago that he was done here … … …).

          Can’t count a leftist to keep their word at all, can we?



        • #

          The die is cast and you’ve become our Dreyfus; try growing into the role and loving your new life.


        • #

          Apologies patriot. I did mean PeterF.


          • #

            Apology accepted. I’m not a US citizen and not in the US so you can’t actually call me a patriot but I am honoured to be called one at least in the spirit of the meaning. I as an Australian envy the US Constitution in the way is was formulated from the beginning. It’s not perfect but it is far better than any other constitution around the world.


            • #
              John R Smith

              No need for envy.
              It’s about to be trashed.
              They’ll have to burn me with it if I get half a chance.


            • #
              The HyperVentilating, Depraved, and MOST Deplorable (and still asleep) Vlad the Impaler

              PeterS: US citizen or not, you still fit the definition of one who is a ‘patriot’, in the sense that you respect the US Constitution, stand for open, free, and fair elections (which this one was NOT), limited government, and a society where one is limited only by one’s God-given talents.

              Proud to stand with you, no matter what side of the Big Pond you might be on. Your posts here speak to your character.




              • #

                Much appreciated. I serve only one master; Christ Jesus, but I would proudly stand by you in the fight against evil, such as that coming from the DemonRats of today.


        • #

          I don’t care who wins but Trump lost and it is funny watching how people can’t cope with it.


          • #

            You still don’t get it. It’s not about Trump. It’s about the Constitution.


            • #

              which is affected in what way by having a president who won the most electoral college votes?


            • #

              Clearly you have no clue what the Constitution entails. It goes far beyond that.

              The Constitution gives the states the powers to determine the manner in which its electors are chosen, and Congress has powers in terms of accounting for and finally certifying those votes.

              All 50 states plus DC have duly undertaken their responsibilities, in terms of counting votes, certifying the results, notifying them before “safe harbor” day (except WI), and then conducting the Electoral College Meeting on 14 December.

              And the six swing states have done this as well – electoral results certified just like they have been in the 40 or so states where the election is very much one-way traffic.

              I’m not clear as to where the Constitution has been offended. And multiply federal court judges and justices would seem to agree with that. Same with the equal protection clause – that argument hasn’t got very far either.


              • #

                PA legislators certified the votes then wrote to Congress asking them to decertify them. Obviously many PA legislators are unhappy with certifying fraud, and so they should be. Now they need to courage to stand up to bullies.


          • #

            Was it funny watching how the left ‘coped’ for 4 years when Trump won Clintons unlosable election? Haven’t seen any rioting, burning, looting or killing from Trump supporters…
            Do you honestly believe that a senile, do nothing career politician, who could barely muster 6 folks in a car park during his election ‘campaign’, got more votes than Trump who was getting 50k at stadiums or Obama at the height of his popularity? If so, I have a bridge you may be interested in.


            • #

              you don’t see when you don’t look. Obama handed over to Trump in the normal manner. The election was conceded well before the college had voted.

              Biden didn’t spread any diseases as a result of his campaign – did you know about that?

              Trump has sold you and many others that bridge over and over again.


              • #

                You still don’t get it. The 2016 election was fraudulent too but the Democrats (actually DmeonRats) were caught surprised as they didn’t commit enough fraud against the unexpected landslide support for Trump. This time around the DemonRats tried much harder. We shall see if they will get away with it.


              • #
                John R Smith

                yeah …
                Obama handed over to Trump after arranging a clandestine overthrow operation via Flynn.
                Illegally using the FISA court to spy on the incoming administration.
                Not to mention paying a foreign operative, Steele, for bogus information and foisting it on the American public as fact through a seditious press.
                Of course you are right, only gatherings of Conservatives spread disease … ’cause Science.


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      Roger Knights

      “The Republicans still have the Senate and they can bring down this Biden/Harris fake government. We hope.”

      GOP congresspersons could pledge to boycott presidential addresses to Congress (e.g., the State of the Union address). That would be one way to register a protest.


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        Dave in the States

        Or turn their back to him while he is speaking. That actually happened to Obama at the USAF Academy.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    Lawyer love this, and they will be the only ones to profit.


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      John in Oz

      Don’t forget the haul the looters will obtain should Trump remain president.

      The gnashing of teeth, wailing and hair-tearing would ramp up to worse than the last four years by Aintifa, BLM et al.

      I wonder what shenanigans the Dems would plot should they have another four years to stare into their witches brews.


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        Peter Fitzroy

        John, the thrust of this post is that the States should go against the will of the people and appoint republican electors. This in a democracy! So much for the will of the people. And since no court in the USA has found that there was fraud, the vote stands. Are you saying that you want to insert an illegitimate president into the White House?


        • #

          PF “John, the thrust of this post is that the States should go against the will of the people and appoint republican electors.” is exactly the antithesis of this post, and I’m sure that you know it. That would mena that your are ….y.


        • #

          No the US is not a Democracy you fool. It’s a Constitutional Federal Republic. If you don’t know the difference then study it up as there is plenty of material available.


        • #

          Peter Fitz:

          How can there be a “will of the people” if the vote count was fraudulent?

          The “People” did not agree to have their “Will” stolen from them by Dead People, Ineligible voters, multiple counting of ballots, Illegal Aliens, computer algorithms, switching of votes, erased tabulation log files, fractional voting counts, and server links to Iran, China, Serbia, Spain, and Germany.

          Live inside your bubble. Denying evidence is not the same as refuting evidence.

          Who are you to substitute your judgement of evidence or votes insofar as the Will of the People is concerned?

          It must be nice to live in an alternate reality where facts don’t matter and your perception becomes the basis of reality.

          Seriously. You actually believe a dementia ridden geriatric who cannot muster 20 people at an advertised rally truly represents the “Will of the People” ? That is utterly delusional.


          • #
            Peter Fitzroy

            What evidence? There have been over 50 cases lost, if there was fraud, if there was voting by dead people etc, the evidence has not been presented. As to my judgement, I’m using the published twitter feeds of the main players.

            replacing electors is anti democratic and you must know that


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    The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is sure to ignore the Trump alternate electors, so Trump can’t win at this stage.

    But the Republican-controlled Senate also will consider electors, and if they choose Trump’s over Biden’s, it’s a standoff: the House for electing Biden, the Senate for electing Trump.

    The rules for choosing between competing electors are vague.

    The first difficulty for the Trump forces is that 49 of 50 states certified and submitted their electoral votes before the safe harbor date of 8 Dec.

    Wisconsin missed because of a court case, but they still certified and submitted shortly after 8 Dec.

    What does “safe harbor” mean? It means that states that resolve and certify their results by 8 Dec are guaranteed to have their electoral votes counted without question or objection – they are conclusive.

    And even if a Republican Rep goes rogue and defies this legal reality, and can find a Republican senator to support him or her, the House will definitely vote it down, and given Mitch McConnell’s comments today, it’s highly likely the Senate will vote it down too.

    But even if the Senate did support the objection – it matters not. If there is a dispute between the two houses, then those supported by the various state governors prevail.

    In the circumstances surrounding the current situation, the rules for choosing between “competing” slates of electors aren’t actually vague at all.

    And all the governors in the six swing states have certified the Biden electors. Biden gets to 306.

    If there is some part of this you disagree with, please feel free to discuss.


  • #

    Some caution I note but generally upbeat. It really comes down to the at least 75 million people who voted for Trump as we can never be certain how many really voted for the caveman. The majority of those 75 million believe Biden cheated so he will be seen as illegitimate by many. Kumbaya? I think not.


  • #

    The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society (a national constitutional litigation organisation) is now going after Zuckerberg for his $500million donation to Dem operatives before the election which it alleges was “used to violate election laws” and it also challenges the constitutional validity of the “safe harbour” provisions.

    “In a white paper released Friday, The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society is arguing that the current Electoral College deadlines are both arbitrary and a direct impediment to states’ obligations to investigate disputed elections.”

    “ . . . the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, today announced that it will file federal and state lawsuits challenging the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona.

    The Amistad Project has uncovered an organized effort involving multiple private organizations and partners working with government officials to design, fund, and implement an improper and illegal scheme to create an unconstitutional two-tiered election system to deliver the presidency to Joseph R. Biden.

    The suits allege violations of the equal protection clause, as some voters, specifically those in large Democratic strongholds, were treated more favorably than others. The suits also allege violation of due process, various state laws, and violations of numerous state court orders. A common thread of the election dynamics in these states is that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, through a progressive organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), provided enormous amounts of money to Democratic-controlled cities in these states for elections. The grants that Zuckerberg funded literally paid the salaries of election officials, and came with significant strings attached, such as mandating the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places – a fact revealed by documents released by court order thanks to Amistad’s efforts.”

    More cases with no standing? Hope not.


    • #

      I don’t see why the cruel and unusual punishment of flaying should not be practised against Zuckerberg, it would definitely be condign.

      And please, no trial, just do it. Half a billion dollars, all earnt from the mugs who subscribe to Facebook, to suborn the electoral process, enough to cancel all his human rights say I.


      • #

        While its tempting to get cranky, at times like these its conservatives that hold the line in terms of standards….


    • #

      […] and it also challenges the constitutional validity of the “safe harbour” provisions.

      I think this is bound to fail … and the Armistad Project has recent experience of losing in court.

      It is interesting how (usually conservative) groups try to use the constitution to bolster an argument … if it’s not the text then it can’t be legal.

      But Congress HAS THE AUTHORITY to pass laws and regulations in order to enable many things in the constitution … the document is not 10,000 pages long.

      So setting Election Day, Safe Harbour Day, Electoral College Day, Certification Day, etc, are all perfectly reasonable and lawful. In fact Congress would be derelict if they did not.

      In my view any federal court will just throw out the complaint.

      A system which allowed states to fight and carry on right up to 20 January would be unworkable – and certainly not what the writers of the constitution would have wanted.


  • #

    And so they have every opportunity to call themselves back into an electoral session for the purpose of voting on which slate of delegates they’re going to send. So that is what should happen in each of these six states prior to Jan. 6.

    Is there any authority or reference that confirms this can occur, after meeting the safe harbor date (8 Dec) and the Electoral College Meeting (14 Dec)?

    Anyway – I think the question is moot – even if various state legislatures did try to vote a new pro-Trump slate, it would be vetoed by the Democrat Governors in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada …

    If they tried to argue that under the Constitution the “legislatures” are veto-proof when dealing with federal elections, then they are still stuck – because the law governing Congress on electoral counts says that in the case of two “competing” slates, the one certified by the state governor prevails.

    Biden gets to 306 – or near enough – certainly more than the 270 he needs.


    • #

      I understand that you really are oblivious to the proposition that cheating on a gargantuan scale was practised in precisely the states where it was needed.

      You must be exhausted by your days of rowing against the current on this blog studiously ignoring all the statistical anomalies which have been thrown up since day one; nobody disputes your reading of the rule book, your knowledge is admirable but it is your disinclination to acknowledge the big picture that has become a little tiresome.

      When something as outrageously criminal as the simultaneous cessation of operations in multiple states to await the printing and delivery of sufficient Biden ballots to overturn a manifestly unexpected trend to Trump has been ignored you need to expect a serious push back to gather momentum as more and more people become apprised of the shenanigans.

      Secretly you must know Biden’s amassing the highest count ever is preposterous and surely you are a little embarrassed by his effrontery in assuming that cloak of deception and maybe losing your appetite for continuing this campaign on behalf of somebody who is so clearly a reprobate scoundrel, even less worthy of office than his opponent is considered to be by the right thinking gang you advocate for. You’ve yet to produce a reason for voting Biden beyond people being sick of Trump, that is lame.


      • #

        When something as outrageously criminal as the simultaneous cessation of operations in multiple states to await the printing and delivery of sufficient Biden ballots to overturn a manifestly unexpected trend to Trump has been ignored you need to expect a serious push back to gather momentum as more and more people become apprised of the shenanigans.

        As the various states have clearly and patiently explained, the conspiracy theory about fraudulent Biden ballots being printed and delivered in the middle of the night, are untrue.

        Those who believe such theories want them to be true (for reasons that I don’t understand), but these people also have a profound misunderstanding about how ballots work, and how their veracity and integrity are checked and maintained.

        If the fraud claims were true, why have they not been the basis of a successful investigation or court challenge? And it would take huge numbers of people to be in on it.

        It’s not credible in my view – and nobody in a position of power or influence is taking “massive fraud” seriously.

        I don’t think much of Biden – he’s too old, too conservative, and has a dodgy family. But these qualities are shared by Trump too – in much more exaggerated form.

        So I don’t think you have to look for fraud to explain the Biden victory … millions of people were motivated enough by their desire to get rid of Trump and his chaotic administration.

        It’s kind of tiresome that those pushing the “fraudulent election” theories don’t acknowledge that Trump was hugely unpopular outside his 40% base – and a lot of people voted against him (rather than positively for Joe Biden).

        Anyway – we’ll see what happens on 6 January.


        • #
          Binny Pegler

          and a lot of people voted against him (rather than positively for Joe Biden).

          Yes that would have been a very plausible story…. Until Trump got 10 million more votes than expected.
          Which caused a panic and mistakes.

          I live between 2 small country towns 60km apart. Most of the people in the smaller town work and shop in the larger one.
          These a good hard working, responsible, law abiding people, with young families, crime is pretty much non existent.

          The road between the towns is good quality mostly straight and clearly sign posted with a 100km hr speed limit.
          The local cop conducts regular speed checks.
          In fact every Wednesday between 1 and 2 PM he parks his patrol car on a ridge with a clear view of more than 2km in both directions, and checks the speed of everyone who passes.
          So any suggestion that people are exceeding the speed limit on their regular 30 minute commute between these towns is a outrageous lie.


          • #
            • #
              Kalm Keith

              Gee Aye,
              Binny’s well written analogy of policing seems to be saying something about Cargill’s claim that no frawd was detected in the counting of votes that put OBiden ahead.
              The analogy seems to ridicule the idea that scrutiny of voting procedures was so well done that no frawd could have occurred.

              You agree with that?



              • #

                The analogy seems to ridicule the idea that scrutiny of voting procedures was so well done that no frawd could have occurred.

                This is only just slightly less ludicrous than the claim from Trump-Rudy-Sidney that the absence of fraud is proof that fraud occurred … they rigged the system so well that fraud was not detectable.

                It’s a stretch …


              • #

                Cargill #
                “absence of fraud”

                The “absence” refers to the destruction of evidence of fraud, the lack of locks and seals that would be in place as anti-fraud indicators, stopping observers getting close enough to see if procedures were followed, and etc.


            • #

              So you now agree that the election fraud is due to a lack of transparency at key states? That’s what we’ve been saying all along!


          • #

            Yes that would have been a very plausible story…. Until Trump got 10 million more votes than expected. Which caused a panic and mistakes.

            Biden received a lot more votes than possibly “expected” too – not sure what the point is.

            In fact, given the polls from all those polling companies, Biden was expected to win in the key states, and he did. Trump got a lot – but Biden got more.

            So any suggestion that people are exceeding the speed limit on their regular 30 minute commute between these towns is a outrageous lie.

            I’m not clear on what this analogy is trying to say – so as Pauline Hanson famously said, “Please Explain?”.


        • #

          No. We’ll see what happens on 20 Jan 2021.

          Everything else is irrelevant.


          • #

            No. We’ll see what happens on 20 Jan 2021.

            No – what happens on 6 Jan is the key … 20 Jan is just the handover date – unless people are hanging out for the Sedition Act or Martial Law to come into play.

            I think this is highly unlikely – the Republican Party led by Mitch McConnell in particular has already recognised Joe Boden as the next president.

            But I guess we will see!


      • #

        I understand that you really are oblivious to the proposition that cheating on a gargantuan scale was practised in precisely the states where it was needed.

        If you mean by “oblivious” that I don’t accept as proof allegations made by the losing side in an election, especially when no court so far (including the very highest Republican-loaded court) has agreed that the Democrats have a fraud case to answer … then yes I must be “oblivious”.

        But sceptical and wanting to see solid evidence before rushing to judgement – that would be a better fit, in my (non-partisan) view.

        Of course, some might think that my non-partisan and fact-based view on fraud is itself a partisan (pro-Biden) position. I can’t help that however.


        • #

          What’s not solid about videos of people being blocked from watching vote counting?
          …About graphs of vote dumps.
          …About the CCTV in Georgia.
          …about twenty years of Democrats turning down every chance to make elections more secure?

          Cargill, there is no evidence you would accept which is why there is little point in having a conversation with you.


          • #

            I’m happy to have the conversation – but the topic isn’t whether I personally believe there was fraud, and there is evidence of fraud – the question is why hasn’t a single court in the land agreed there was, and no state governor (even Republican ones), no secretaries of state has agreed there was … no-one.

            That to me is the key issue it seems to me – not so much the alleged evidence itself.


  • #
    Harry Passfield

    Moving on…when it comes to electing those Senate seats up for election come Spring (whenever) will the voters be using Dominion machines? And will the corrupt code be removed from them?


    • #

      Software update was illegitimately downloaded on the day and has since been rolled back is the claim that I spotted somewhere today. So yes, the machines are clean and awaiting their election day patch. Nefarious eh. That’s politics.


      • #

        Using forensic software, it is possible for every block of disk ir memory in a computer, to extract the last 20 reads and writes.

        So even if files have been deleted, you can go back back a far way in time….

        This is possibly why election machines are being destroyed.


  • #
    wes george

    If I were in the United States, I would be stockpiling the pantry based solely on these two articles. I’d also stockpile petrol for the ute and cases of whisky to use as currency should the US dollar crash.

    Here in Australia, it would probably be a good idea to get some cash out of the bank too and be prepared for the Internet to go down. If you have business interests overseas you might want to tidy loose ends up in case things go pair shaped.

    If the conspiracy theory promoted by the Epoch Times is true, it’s possible China put the fix in the election hoping that Trump’s people would find it in time to cause a collapse in the American chain of command so that they could engage in some act of military adventurism, such as invading Taiwan.

    Ya’ll ever think this might be the grand plan all along? Perturb a civil war in the states? The Dominion caper sure was uncovered mighty quickly, in time for Trump to scrap a peaceful transfer of power to Biden. Either the Chinese are incompetent or they scheduled discovery by planting clues all over the place.

    If you’ll recall, the Democrats back in October ran their own little election scenario game in which several Democrat stronghold states seceded from the union simply because Trump really did win the election, but Biden refused to concede. You actually can’t secede from the union as a state (unless you’re Texas) so Trump would have to send in the Marines to California and Washington. Of course, the marines would already be bogged down in urban guerrilla warfare all over the country, so good luck with that.

    You can imagine the chaos of American troops being ordered to fire on fellow Americans. Some would mutiny and shoot their commanding officers. Other generals, being from Washington or New York might take their troops, transport and guns and turn them on the loyalist union forces. What a frickin’ mess that’d be.

    Meanwhile every city in the nation would be burning as Antifa and Proud Boys battled in the street mixing it up with local militias forming up spontaneously to defend neighbourhoods and loot supplies for their families. Interstate commerce will break down as highway pirating by militias groups makes trucking and trains impossible. Grocery store shelves are bare. People are gonna get hungry and crazy now. It would look like Syria.

    Not that I think any of the above will come to pass. I agree with Landsbaum that it’s a very long shot because the Senate is split 48 to 50 in favor of the Republicans, so if only a few cowardly traitorous pro-communist Chinese RINOs decide a civil war is probably not the best way to kick off 2021, then the whole shebang is off.

    Other senators up for re-election in 2022, even not so RINO-y ones, might also worry about their chances of being re-elected in the steaming ruins of their respective states by what’s left of their starving constituents. Imagine the townhall meetings. The senator would have to arrive in a tank column after his platoon of marines clear the block of assorted Antifa-like terrorists and militias lobbing RPGs. I think you use to be able to buy those at Walmart til they ran out of stock.

    Heck, if I was a senator and it came down to four years of Biden/Harris versus military occupation and scenes from Road Warrior come real life, I’d vote to keep America very boring while we worked out some other way to combat election fraud that doesn’t get lots of people kill violently and shut down the economy for who knows how long. Even if it does means giving up Trump to our Chinese Overlords. Small price to pay really.

    If things get really out of hand and this is all a Chinese copycat version of Pearl Harbor, we’re so stuffed here in Australia. The US could become a basket case of feuding blue and red states militias and still survive as a couple of heavily armed nuclear powers, but that would end American hegemony in the Pacific.

    While the Americans kill each other like flies, and after the Taiwan falls, we’re next. China will arrive to claim Australia as a slave colony for our iron, coal, wheat, cotton. Just like Japan had to take Southeast Asia for its rubber and oil. Take away American hegemony and 25 million Aussies plus our mates in NZ are just useless round-eye squatters on stolen mineral assets as far as Chinese imperial ambitions are concerned. How do you say ‘harmonious genocide with Chinese aspects’ in Mandarin?

    Let’s run some scenarios. Senate votes to keep Trump. Civil war erupts. America’s armies are too busy at home to bother with China overrunning Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

    With the US divided into warring factions, Australia is a Chinese vassal state before 2024 is out. Obviously, Jo Nova’s blog is banned and she is arrested by the AFP under pressure from the Harris confederate administration (the only American government the Chinese recognize and assist) and held without charge in a Western Desert gulag.

    Back in the flyover states it perfectly resemble the Hunger Games. As the battle lines fluctuate captured union states are brutally and ruthless crushed by President Harris’ Home Guard troops, an elite corps of genetically modified soldiers immune to Chinese biowarfare chemicals and loyal personally to the president herself.

    Party and militia leaders and citizens not hanging from lamp posts are rounded up and imprisoned in a massive new re-education development zone in Canada where people whose social credit rating becomes too low to recharge are sent for rehabilitation and work. Rumours of mass graves abound as people vanish without a trace.

    In 2034, after a bloody coup d’etat deposing Harris, President Shasha Obama signs a peace accord with Imperial China dividing up Southeast Asia and Australia along the geostrategic “equality & restitution” justice theory. Australia is carved up with Indonesia getting a depopulated Queensland to colonize as Javanese while China gazumps Western Australia and the Northern territories as mining colonies with NSW and Victoria as vassal states modeled along the old Hong Kong system of “one state, two systems.” Mandarin is the official state language. Banking and other big corporations in Melbourne and Sydney are allowed to flourish under the new regime as respectable business front, as long as they support the CCP.

    The water at Bondi Beach is still full of very ordinary surfers.

    Hey, things could be worse! Trump could have peacefully ceded the presidency to Biden in January of 2020.


    • #
      Fuel Filter

      Wes said:

      “The US could become a basket case of feuding blue and red states militias and still survive as a couple of heavily armed nuclear powers, but that would end American hegemony in the Pacific.”

      It will never come to that. I’m guessing you’ve never read my two lengthy (for me, anyway) posts on CW 2. The picture you paint is one “worst case scenario” if I’ve ever read one. Those “forces” on the Blue side will be wiped out within a week, if that long. Food ALL comes from Red States. Armies have used food as a weapon since mankind began. Bye, bye 1/2 of Blue cities due to food riots and the usual fallout within two weeks, easily. And just wait until we cut utilities as well. Especially H20.

      And if they tried to go to the countryside? Pure suicide. Deer hunters who have millions of hi-powered rifles with scopes to match would have a field day with no bag limit. Shoot, shovel and shut up? Nahhhhh. No prob any longer. And that’s a feature, not a bug.

      And then you go on from that massive faulty premise to the worst Hollywood movie script imaginable.

      Sorry, Wes. No dice. Australia is safe. But it is too bad you’ve given up your guns. From what I’ve read, you guys have really needed them at some pivotal times. Look at what has happened to England. The only reason you aren’t there (yet), and this is just my opinion, is your land mass is = to ours, yet your population is 25,625,000+ while ours is 350,000,000+.

      So, there ya go.


      • #
        Binny Pegler

        Two weeks?!! Any sort of natural disaster shops are stripped bare in two days. Just in time delivery.


      • #
        Binny Pegler

        Also you have to think about motivation. A hell of a lot of the actual legal votes for Biden where the result of heavy duty ‘handholding’
        There’s a big gap between going alone with the current local fashionable narrative.
        And making a full on commitment.


      • #

        Australians in 2020 have many privately owned guns, subject to a licence and registration of every weapon.

        Automatic military-style rifles and machine guns are banned from civilian ownership, but semi-automatic SLR former Vietnam rifles can be licensed if there is a valid reason for owning one, like protecting farm animals on our vast pastoral land holdings, hunting and gun club membership activities.

        WW2 rifles, Lee Enfield .303 are popular farm/ranch weapons, for example.

        As for defence, Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations (former British Empire then British Commonwealth) and therefore has many member nation allies including India, Great Britain, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand and others. The US Military already has a significant number of personnel using Australian Defence Force bases and assets.

        There are new ports being constructed, one in Darwin Harbour (Port of Darwin leased to a China shipping company is a small area within Darwin Harbour), the WW2 Base on Manus Island Papua New Guinea is being reconstructed and a new base being constructed in East Timor. Indonesia is a defence partner and their elite military officers are trained at the Australian Military College in Canberra. Singapore keeps aircraft and other military assets in Australia and train their people here.

        If for no other reasons, and there are many reasons, our allies would not want the natural resources of minerals and energy, farmland and food supplies, to fall into the hands of unfriendly foreign countries, Australia will remain a sovereign nation with many supporting allies.


        • #

          December 2020, Australia is ranked 19 of 138 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* rating of 0.3225 (0.0000 considered ‘perfect’).

          There is not much point in owning the best airforce fighter jets and having poorly trained and inexperienced pilots.


    • #

      Don’t panic, not yet anyway. I’m guessing that if Trump does use the Insurrection Act, EO, etc. he will not necessarily shut down the internet. He will just take control of those who use the Internet to push their propaganda, such Google. He will also take over the free to air TV broadcasters. I can’t imagine him shutting down the whole internet. That would be like using a sledge hammer to crack a nut.


  • #
    • #
      • #
        • #

          “It is up to the Supreme Court to hear suits from other cases across the country?”

          But they have to be framed so that the Supreme Court must hear them. The Constitution seems very clear that responsibility for elections in any State are the responsibility of that State alone. States such as Texas complaining about the performance of other States like Michigan does not fit with the Constituion. With a Democrat Governor Whitmer using the police even to stop alternate electors, unless the Congress of Michigan meets and files a complaint about their own election, the Supreme Court argues it can do nothing. And even hearing such cases would be explosive, so this was a logical escape for the Supreme Court and they ducked, or at least the senior judges ducked. It is not for judges to decide what part of the Constitution is applicable, but for the appellants.

          You would think these cases can be brought again with a stronger argument about the transgression of the constitutional rights of the individual states being trampled by fraudulent elections. I am surprised these cases have not been reframed and brought again.

          And the business about the military, odd servers overseas in Germany and Serbia have not been mentioned. I would suspect that even having the votes processed in any way outside the USA would be a way around the Supreme Court as the fraudulent election could be deemed to have happened outside those states, even outside the United States and the exemption quoted by the Supreme Court would not apply.


          • #

            They were reframed by Sidney Powell or Sidney Powell’s 4 cases, as I understand them, were basically similar to the Texas one but for each individual state presented for people who had standing in each state.

            SCOTUS has accept 2 of the 4 but gave no reason for not hearing those 2 not being docketed. But they are slow walking the cases by allowing the opposing party until January 14 to respond.

            SCOTUS is a waste of time, in my view. Their prime role should be to defend the Constitution but they just seem to want to avoid it, in this case. So far they are condoning states breaching the Constitution –eg. The PA situation seems very clear cut. The PA legislature by the US Constitution has the sole right to set election rules. The Governor and the AG supported later by the State SC over rode what the legislature set in place. SCOTUS should back the legislature –seems really simple to me.


        • #

          Does not open on my PC.


  • #
    Fuel Filter

    Even if none of these court challenges win or work, PDJT still as a monstrous Ace in the hole.The EO and then the implementation of the Insurrection Act.

    Now, you guys want to read something flat-out evil that Soetoro did during his mal-“administration”? Read carefully. All of it. (It’s a short post.)

    And that’s just one thing that was under the radar that we know of. This bastard was, and is, pure evil personified. And he is still pulling the strings. Do not doubt that for one second.

    If the EO and the IA don’t work there WILL be a CW II. If, for no other reason, those things will trigger BLM and AntiFa, the John Brown Club and any and all Leftists even close to violence to rally to the streets. And their friends in high places, like Omar and her gang, Maxine Waters, Chuckie Schumer and their ilk will encourage them. They will go all in to try to make all of my country look like Portland or Seattle.

    Count on it.

    And, after reading the link above, is there ANYONE here that does NOT think that a CW II is not justified by the Patriots in America? There will be blood in the streets. The armed Patriots will answer the call. First they will put down the useful idiots in the streets listed above. Then they will come for the local politicians and appointees who assisted in the oppression of everyday folk. From there, well, you get the picture.

    Count on it.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Obama / Soetoro was and still is the most truly evil of all Presidents.


    • #

      If my understanding of Trump’s character is correct and assuming the claims of the election fraud are true, Trump will do whatever it takes to remain POTUS after Jan 20. If that means using the Insurrection Act and the more recent additions to his Executive Powers and Authority then so be it. It would be his duty under the Constitution to takes those steps in order to restore order and arrest all those involved in the fraudulent election and “process” them via military trials. If he doesn’t do that as a last resort then he will be remembered as a fake, and possibly would be one too.


    • #

      What will happen as most of the demented Left, is they wint be able to help thselves and will expise themselves by encouraging the unrest.

      Then its a matter of locate and arrest and process via proper legal means.

      What is critical is we have the high moral ground, or you stoop to the cesspool of the Left


  • #
    Captain Katzenjammer

    One possibility not canvassed – Trump wins by the coningent election, but in the meantime Georgia electes two Democrat senators making Democrat majorities in both houses. The next mid-terms would then be a real battle to get Republican house majories for Trump’s final two years.


  • #
    David Maddison

    No taxation without representation. No elections without honest vote counting.


  • #

    The rules for choosing between competing electors are vague. Congress may choose not to count states with two sets of electors, which automatically means neither candidate reaches the necessary 270 electoral votes. This is never-before-traveled terrain.

    The author (one Mark Landsbaum) is doing his readers a disservice by leaving out two critical matters:

    (a) they are not “competing electors” in the sense of having equal status; at this time the Biden slates have been certified by the states, and they met the safe-harbor deadline – so they are guaranteed.

    (b) in the event the two houses disagree, the slate used is that certified by the governor(s) – and they are all Biden slates.

    But Mitch McConnell has already signalled that he isn’t going to use the Senate to challenge the electoral votes, so there mightn’t be much drama on 6 January.

    I can’t see states de-certifying the electors that met the safe harbour date and then voted in the Electoral College … the wrath of the voters would be furious.


  • #

    Congress may choose not to count states with two sets of electors, which automatically means neither candidate reaches the necessary 270 electoral votes.

    This will never happen since the Democrats have the House majority, and it’s unlikely the Senate will vote against the official slate either. Biden will reach his 306.


    • #

      Biden will reach his 306.

      He still might but that might not be sufficient for Biden to become POTUS. See my comment #17.2.


    • #


      In a Contingent Election, each state has One vote.
      Numerical majority by party in the House does not matter.

      Votes are proffered by each State Legislature.

      Republicans control the majority of Legislatures by State.

      26 votes wins. There are 30 Republican, 18 Democrat, and 2 split party, state legislatures.



      • #

        In a Contingent Election, each state has One vote.

        I understand that – and have noted it a few times on here. However it will never reach a Contingent Election … the Democrats with a House majority will not allow that, and given McConnell’s statements – and that of a few other senators – it won’t happen in the Senate either.

        Biden safely has his 270+ it seems – there is no role for a Contingent Election.


  • #

    Lin Wood has put on the after burners. He has accused Chief Justice Roberts of being corrupt and said he should resign. As I understand it Wood specialises in defamation law therfore he knows what he is opening himself up to and so he must have the “goods”

    Here is one of his tweets ( they must have a copy of the phone call)


    • #

      Theres a photo doing the rounds of Roberts frolicking in the sea with Epstein, Clinton, etc probably at Epsteins infamous island, so nothing would surprise with these swamp creatures.


      • #

        No there isn’t. Also it was a different John Roberts on the flight logs. Who would have thought that anyone would share a name like that?


        • #

          Got proof of that gee aye ? I’m not suggesting it is Justice Roberts but you seem to be very certain of your statement.


      • #

        Some believe that Obama had the wood on Roberts regarding his adoptive children. The adopted children were born in Ireland. One of the conditions for one of the relinguishing mother was that her child was to remain in Ireland. This did not happen.Hence the child could be returned to Ireland for a breach of the conditions of the adoption agreement.This would be devastating to Roberts and his wife. Hence Roberts now of the Left.


  • #

    They are doing an audit in Arizona. I hope they talk to these data scientists, it will save them a lot of time. They have identified over 700,000 laundered votes.


  • #
    David Maddison

    It has been suggested that President Trump invoke the Insurrection Act to deal with the election fraud. A relevant part may be:

    10 U.S. Code § 253 – Interference with State and Federal law

    The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—


    so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or


    opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

    In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

    (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 15, § 333; Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, § 1076(a)(1), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2404; Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title X, § 1068(a)(1), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 325; renumbered § 253, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)


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    So you want the state electors to ignore the fact that more votes went to one person and to vote in the other candidate. For all the talk of corruption and fraud, there is no evidence that the other candidate would have received more votes anyway.


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      There might be evidence if any of the states could have been bothered to do an actual audit and recount.
      Go ahead and throw out all the votes that are illegal, no matter who they are for.

      And there’s all kinds of statistical analysis that one candidate should have more votes than he does.

      I won’t tell you which one it is, I bet if you look around a bit you can find out.


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        any of the states could have been bothered to do an actual audit and recount.

        you must be kidding? Get onto your favourite search engine but I seriously wonder if you know how to use one.


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          “audit and recount”

          Counting the same fraudulent votes again and expecting to get a different number seems kinda foolish, don’t it?

          Georgia performed a machine recount. Didn’t verify any signatures or check for double-votes.
          Wisconsin performed a recount in 2 (two) counties.
          Pennsylvania and Arizona and Michigan haven’t done a recount that I can find.

          But no, sorry- I’m just kidding.


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        M Seward

        So not one of 50 States did not do so, neither Democrat or Republican run States. Not only that but all 50 States have gone ahead with the usual Electoral College process and confirmed the ‘informal’ count used in the msm.

        Q What does that suggest?

        A 1 The ‘fraud’ claims have no substance as also evidenced by their treatment by the courts where the result is an eerily similar 50 to zip.
        2 Perhaps the ‘fraud’ claims are themselves the fraud.
        3 Perhaps this is actually all about factional argy bargy within the GOP post the Trump Presidency in order to maintain a presence for as many pro-Trumpers.

        We shall see what the Congress delivers in due course but I would not hold my breath folks.


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      Peter Fitzroy

      This post thas the Title “Paths to Victory”, which might be a great title for a Hollywood film, but in reality snowflakes in hades have a better chance. The chain of if this improbable thing, followed by this unlikely other thing, resulting in 2 sets of electors, one of which is recognised as legit by the House and the Senate, and then have either the house or the senate flip. The turnpikes connecting gee ayes bridges are also for sale, and I’ll only take 10%


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      Nothing really new. This is how the hearing is reported elsewhere:

      “The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said at one point.

      Those claims are false. The Trump campaign has failed to provide evidence in a number of lawsuits that Republican observers were barred from witnessing vote tabulating.

      Please believe what you are told and not what you see. Your eyes are lying to you. All those GOP observers corralled in little rooms in the far distant background were all made up movie sets so Trump could claim election fraud, which everyone knows did not happen.

      Those spikes in the vote count where Biden got 100% of the votes were just corrections to accumulated errors. Any vote for Trump was an error and needed correction. Trump is an error and needs correction and all good swamp people will see to that.


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    Did Communist Spy Know That Rep. Swalwell Was Being Appointed to Intel Committee?

    The first question we should be asking is how a backbench Democrat not only managed to wrangle a plum assignment to the intelligence committee but what possessed Speaker Pelosi to name him the ranking Democrat on the CIA oversight subcommittee.

    At the time he was appointed to those prestigious posts, Swalwell had been in Congress for one term. It must have raised some eyebrows in the Democratic caucus at the time when this rookie got such choice postings.

    Who whispered in Pelosi’s ear to appoint someone with no experience in oversight much less with the CIA?

    Just a few weeks or months after being told by the FBI that he’d been duped into conducting some sort of relationship with a communist spy, a young backbencher in Congress was given a significant role overseeing the CIA?

    Both Mr. Swalwell and the speaker need to explain who knew what and when about the Chinese infiltration of his political network and why many intelligence committee colleagues were not told, among other issues.

    They must also address the process that led to Rep. Swalwell’s lead role among Democrats in overseeing the CIA. Who were the people who weighed in on the young congressman’s behalf when Mrs. Pelosi was preparing to hand out committee assignments? And don’t tell us it’s classified.


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      For NY Times, no news is fit to print about Rep. Swalwell and a spy

      So, the first obvious question is this: Given how easily Swalwell was duped, why did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) shortly thereafter place him on the House Intelligence Committee, which oversees the CIA and therefore has access to the highest level of sensitive, classified information?

      The New York Times doesn’t seem to care about getting an answer to that question.

      Of the biases we see in major media, the sin of omission is one that seems to occur only when the protagonist of a major story has a (D) next to his or her name. So, when the New York Times, which has a whopping 7 million subscribers and is considered the country’s most influential publication, doesn’t see the Swalwell story as a story at all, it tells you just as much about its moral compass as it does its editorial decisions.

      Swalwell isn’t just a random lawmaker. He’s arguably the most ubiquitous D.C. figure on cable news – and particularly CNN and MSNBC – this side of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) in conducting hundreds of interviews over the past four years, primarily to charge without evidence that President Trump is an agent of Russia. The 40-year-old also somehow sits on the House Intelligence Committee, meaning he has access to the nation’s top classified information.

      New York Times associate managing editor Cliff Levy recently declared the following after the 2020 presidential election: “Core to the @nytimes mission: We will scrutinize the incoming administration just as thoroughly as we did the outgoing one.”

      Given the Swalwell blackout, does anyone actually believe this?


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      ‘I hack you LONG time, Eric’: Eric Swalwell wagging his finger at Republicans over Russian ‘hacking’ BACKFIRES spectacularly

      Ancient Chinese secret, eh Eric?

      Sorry, that joke will never get old.

      Pretty sure Rep. Eric Swalwell, who has relatively credible allegations against him about banging a Chinese spy, should avoid commenting on Russia or hacking or any sort of questionable international dealings.

      Just sayin’.

      Rep. Eric Swalwell

      While Republicans are losing their minds on Trump Island, the United States Government is being hacked. Anyone want to tell the President? Maybe, I don’t know, protect our country and the businesses affected?

      Replying to @RepSwalwell

      Spy f*cker says what????


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    How China Has Infiltrated the U.S.

    And how we should fight back.

    Defense apparatus.

    The CCP has infiltrated our defenses. CCP members are working in our defense supply chains in China, according to the above-mentioned database. These include 516 CCP members who either work in Qualcomm or Boeing, and “dozens” of CCP members in Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Thales.

    Additionally, the Department of Justice has been prosecuting several CCP-aligned Chinese nationals undermining our defenses on our own soil. In November, a naturalized Chinese national and former Raytheon engineer was sentenced to 38 months in prison for exporting defense-related technology to China. In September, a Chinese national pled guilty and faces up to 15 years imprisonment for trying to export “maritime raiding craft and engines” to China. In August, a former CIA officer was arrested and charged with spying for China.


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    We Need a Special Counsel

    George Kent, a diplomat stationed at the U.S. embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, noted in 2015 that Hunter Biden’s presence on the board of Ukrainian company Burisma undermined U.S. interests and made it “very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine.”

    “Awkward” is one word for Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine. “Corrupt” would be another.

    While his father was vice president, Hunter Biden made millions of dollars trading on his father’s name with officials and businesses in Ukraine, Russia, China, Kazakhstan and other corrupt countries. Our diplomats at the State Department were working hard to strengthen the rule of law and fight corruption in these countries, but the then-vice president allowed his son to enrich himself, even at the expense of U.S. national security interests.


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    David Maddison

    Notice how Leftists display no guilt or concern whatsoever for this attempted or actual coup of the United States?


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    Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities
    The Navarro Report

    Executive Summary

    This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states. Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations,1 testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage.
    The matrix below indicates that significant irregularities occurred across all six battleground states and across all six dimensions of election irregularities. This finding lends credence to the claim that the election may well have been stolen from President Donald J. Trump.

    From the findings of this report, it is possible to infer what may well have been a coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket. Indeed, the observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to “stuff the ballot box” and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket. Topline findings of this report include:


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    Twitter reverts to old retweet function after U.S. election

    Twitter Inc is reversing changes made to its retweet function intended to curb the spread of misinformation during the U.S. presidential election, the company said.


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    The Supreme Court Has Set A Ridiculously Dangerous Precedent

    It is a dangerous precedent to set, as it neuters the Court in being the standard-bearers of Constitutionality for future interstate challenges to election laws. In this particular case, Texas was seeking to have states enforce their own laws and Constitutional restrictions. The Supreme Court decided, in part, to allow States to ignore any law or Constitutional mandate. Even worse, 7 justices decided that Pennsylvania’s ignoring of a Supreme Court order was permissible. Essentially, the United States Supreme Court has abdicated its Constitutional power to the executive. For instance, what is stopping any state from introducing discriminatory laws? Should the Supreme Court issue an order to prevent the enforcement of that law, what motivation, if any at all, does any state or county have to follow that order? Josh Shapiro, who likely belongs behind bars for Contempt, now has less-than-zero motivation for ever following a Supreme Court order in the future.

    In 2 to 4 short years, we will be conducting another election. What, at this point, stops red states from instituting sweeping reforms that provide an unfair advantage to the right? If a state is free to decide their own election and electoral laws and they are free from out-of-state challenges to those laws, why wouldn’t they choose to institute every advantage they want for their House and Senate races? If ignoring the Court carries with it no punishment, has the Supreme Court essentially made themselves completely irrelevant? Do States have any recourse against other States that engage in unconstitutional acts and will they ever be able to challenge them again?

    It is a dangerous precedent; One that could mean the end of the Constitution as we know it and the end to the federal system detailed in the Constitution.


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    Text Messages Show Former Hunter Biden Associate Asked to ‘Get Joe Involved’ In ‘Family Business’

    Recent revelations show that things aren’t looking too good for Hunter Biden. But report released on Thursday shows that it might be looking worse for his father, former Vice President Joe Biden.

    Fox News reported that “Hunter Biden’s former business associates were looking to ‘get Joe involved’ in a joint venture with Chinese Energy Company CEFC and make the venture appear as a ‘truly family business’ to the Chinese.”


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      Speaking about “Family Business”

      Jill Biden’s Doctorate Is Garbage Because Her Dissertation Is Garbage

      Her dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge.

      Insisting on being called “Doctor” when you don’t heal people is, among most holders of doctorates, seen as a gauche, silly, cringey ego trip. Consider “Dr.” Jill Biden, who doesn’t even hold a Ph.D. but rather a lesser Ed.D., something of a joke in the academic world. President-elect Joe Biden once explained that his wife sought the degree purely for status reasons: “She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. Biden.’ That’s the real reason she got her doctorate,” Joe Biden has said.

      Mrs. Biden wanted the credential for its own sake. As for its quality, well. She got it from the University of Delaware, whose ties to her husband, its most illustrious alumnus if you don’t count Joe Flacco, run so deep that it has a school of public policy named after him. That the University of Delaware would have rejected her 2006 dissertation as sloppy, poorly written, non-academic, and barely fit for a middle-school Social Studies classroom (all of which it is) when her husband had been representing its state in the U.S. Senate for more than three decades was about as likely as Tom Hagen telling Vito Corleone that his wife is a fat sow on payday. The only risk to the University of Delaware was that it might strain its collective wrist in its rush to rubber-stamp her doctoral paper. Mrs. Biden could have turned in a quarter-a**ed excuse for a magazine article written at the level of Simple English Wikipedia and been heartily congratulated by the university for her towering mastery. Which is exactly what happened.

      Jill Biden’s dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge. It is not a demonstration of expertise in its specific topic or its broad field. It is a gasping, wheezing, frail little Disney forest creature that begs you to notice the effort it makes to be the thing it is imitating while failing so pathetically that any witnesses to its ineptitude must feel compelled, out of manners alone, to drag it to the nearest podium and give it a participation trophy. Which is more or less what an Ed.D. is. It’s a degree that only deeply unimpressive people feel confers the honorific of “Doctor.” People who are actually smart understand that being in possession of a credential is no proof of intelligence.


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    Georgia’s Secretary of State Orders ‘Study’ of Some Signatures From Every County

    From the Comments

    HARP2 • 2 hours ago
    Found out that 3 members of my family voted for Biden.
    I’m so pi$$ed…I’m never visiting their graves again.


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    Hackers via solar wind got into the US nuclear security admin, this is the dept that maintains the US nuclear arsenal.

    This is a declaration of war against the USA, Biden will never be president and will spend the rest of his days sitting in a cell in GitMo.


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    more moderation…………..sigh


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    New Strzok Texts Show FBI Was Investigating Trump Before Crossfire Hurricane Was Opened

    While the FBI claims that investigations into Trump’s campaign began with the opening of Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, communications between Strzok and his alleged mistress, FBI special counsel Lisa Page, show that the agent asked Page to discuss “[o]ur open C[counter-]I[ntelligence] investigations relating to Trump’s Russian connections” with him on July 28, 2016.


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    You’d think the Reps would have shied away from sticking ‘alternative’ in front of any stupid idea by now.
    So undemocratic.


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    “And so they have every opportunity to call themselves back into an electoral session for the purpose of voting on which slate of delegates they’re going to send. So that is what should happen in each of these six states prior to Jan. 6.”

    Once one state does this many others may follow. Will any state be brave enough, or are there just enough compromised RINO’s who are in the grip of China or the FBI to stop this working? It may only take a few to thwart this approach.

    There are a few issues here that Jenna Ellis might need to consider:

    • of the eight states that can be considered “swing”, only Georgia and Arizona have Republican governors – and the governor is the person with power to recall the state legislature for a special session

    • none of the Democrat governors (or indeed, the Republican ones) seem inclined to re-visit their certification of the original electoral slates

    • if GA and AZ did re-visit, those two (R) states (with 27 electoral votes) are far from sufficient to deny Joe Biden the numbers he requires

    • the states only have until 23 December to submitted their certified list of electoral votes

    • almost all the states plus DC have sent in their certified slates by the safe harbor day – only Wisconsin missed 8 Dec, but submitted soon after

    • Safe Harbor means the slates are guaranteed and won’t be challenged in Congress

    Wednesday 23 Dec is coming up soon. And so is 6 January – we’ll see whether any Republican Reps or Senators are keen to ignore the “safe harbor” rules and guarantees.


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    Elections may be the thing of the past. Contingent or not.
