Extraordinary evidence from Jovan Pulitzer
Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election.
Stanford Researcher and Inventor with thousands of U.S. Patents, Jovan Pulitzer, claims, real-time hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station.
Maybe this is why they won’t let us look at the physical ballots?
Ballots were misprinted in an area more likely to have Republican voters. There are tiny changes in the calibration marks of printed ballots that would cause the machines to misread some votes.

The ballots are not the same. In a predominantly Republican area the calibration marks are misaligned.
Does the misaligning of the calibration marks mean a shocking 93% of ballots in Fulton county required adjudication?
So 93% of votes in Fulton County were cast by the adjudicators, not the voters.
Where are those logs?

An incredible 93% of votes in Fulton County had to be adjudicated — manually entered by a person. The machines kept failing.
Watch Jovan Pulitzer discuss the need for paper ballots to be examined properly and just how much data they could get if they could see the actual ballots.
h/t PeterC, Serp, Another Ian, PeterS, OldAussie.
All of those credentials yet I calculate a 7800% (78X) increase from 2016 and a 4460% (44.6X) increase from 2018. A little more astronomic and unlikely.
“A little more astronomic and unlikely.”
Agreed. But it is the voting officials’ comment and conclusion.
Another reason for having no confidence in this stinking election.
So hacking into a Dominion machine is now proven.
The problem is no longer a sovereign or elitist group who want to alter the vote. A teenager could alter the vote for any ballot where Dominion machines are used.
There will be thousands of hackers now interested in making Mickey Mouse the first rodent President.
Voting machines CANNOT be used in ANY elections in ANY democracy.
Australia only uses paper ballots, Sure, our population is a lot less, but the safe procedures used here can be scaled up.
And not only do we use paper ballots, there is only one contest on each piece of paper (House representative, Senate slate, etc). We do not have a whole list of ballots on the one page – from president all the way down to county dog-catcher.
If it’s too hard to have individual ballots for all these races, then a first step would at least be to separate out federal elections from strictly state/county ones.
There is also the need to distinguish between voting machines, where you vote via touchscreen (with or without a paper record), and scanners, which read and tally votes that have been marked by the voter by hand.
Anyway, it all seems messy and vulnerable. The Biden administration should set up a genuinely bipartisan outfit that can really go after electoral reform. It won’t be easy – a lot of politicians and stakeholders have entrenched special interests in the way things are done now.
Which is why Biden wont do it. He and his cronies are the biggest beneficiaries of voting fraud.
If Biden gets in, his first test is whether he puts in a truely independant voting investigation. If he doesn’t, it’s just more evidence of his collusion in the fraud.
USA makes Russian elections look honest.
The Biden administration should (must) support a commission on electoral reform going forward … but it would be very unlikely that he would support an investigation into his own win. The Senate might do that however.
Nevertheless, a bipartisan reform agenda should be tried … here is the world’s most powerful democracy that can’t seem to successfully run an election for 5th Grade class captain.
I think the Dems would have to support voter ID (so long as they are easy to get), regularly updated rolls, and 100% secure voting systems (whether all paper, machine, or some other combination).
OTOH, Republicans would need to recognise the 2020 election as over, and Biden is president, drop all voter suppression, and allow district redrawing reforms to massively reduce gerrymanders. The Dems likewise would have to agree to redrawing all of their worst gerrymanders too.
And Republicans have to support voting, not fight it – so plenty of registration drives, public education, polling booths, drop-boxes, opening hours, mail-in methods, and so on.
With a bit of goodwill it could work … but both sides will only focus on one thing: “What is the impact of this reform on me?”.
Just to add – drop all that ridiculous process for “checking signatures”, either with AI machines or manually. Picture ID and accurate rolls can almost “guarantee” illegal or duplicate voting.
Tilba, I think you are perhaps just a bit naive based upon your comments. The Democrats do not want any type of voting reform, and they have been fighting anything associated with common sense voting reform for years. They like to cheat!
Internet search Judicial Watch lawsuits against states to clean up their voter rolls. They have won several where voter rolls are well over 100% of population, and these Democrat controlled states fight the cleanup. Why, because it makes it easier to cheat.
Conservatives aren’t against getting more people to vote, they are against people illegally voting. Democrats think voter ID is suppressing the vote. You’re racists if you want voter ID. So they partially get around this by giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.
But honestly, what difference does it make, because Poll Workers in Democrat controlled areas don’t follow the law anyway. I’ve watched testimony from Poll Watchers in 5 states decree the corruption, but most people and politicians just don’t care. Why, because the Sheeple listen to the media and not their fellow citizens testimony. I’d honestly take you more seriously if you would stop with the media talking points.
G’day T T,
You are more optimistic than I am about the good intentions of a Biden Administration:
” The Biden administration should set up a genuinely bipartisan outfit that can really go after electoral reform. ”
In my view, based on the results of this last election, he/they are more likely to ensure that any future adjustments to voters’ intentions will be made much more difficult to identify, let alone prove.
Dave B
PS Preview is working again. Thanks. D
Possibly – but I’m certainly not being a naïve hippie about all this – I think the Democrats have more to gain from “electoral reform” that the GOP does. The GOP is confronting an electorate that is increasing non-white, and increasingly liable to vote Democrat.
But they can only do so much with voter suppression, and sooner or later they will need to open the floodgates to universal adult suffrage, and bite the bullet – they will need to have policies (and politicians) who appeal to a broad mass of diverse people.
If they can’t or won’t do that … then really, they might as well get out of the politics business altogether.
“– they will need to have policies (and politicians) who appeal to a broad mass of diverse people.”
Like Trump?
Well … to be honest, I wasn’t thinking of a Trump-like figure 🙂
Donald Trump (and the GOP generally) have been pretty successful in recruiting some of the blue-collar and middle-class vote, but not enough. Adding to their problems, women (“suburban housewives” … cringe), and then also Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American – who vote mostly Democrat. There is a lot of work to do, beyond just consolidating the already-solid base.
Biden will be the first Rodent President. He spent 6 months hiding in a basement, eating cheese and avoiding the sunlight.
Flash as a rat with a gold tooth.
As usual the left will say nothing to see here but if only 1% of the allegations made so far are true America have a huge problem to fix and fast .
“As usual the left will say nothing to see here”
They’re not just ignoring it, they literally can’t see it.
We’ve been split into separate realities.
I experience it every day.
The ‘Emperor’s Clothes’ childhood story in real life.
It’s not just here in the US is it?
How dated does Al Gore’s ‘documentary'(there’s a naked Emperor for ‘ya) have to get?
How high does beach front property have to go?
How much snow do children born in the 21st century have to see?
How many times does Socialism have to fail?
Nice comment
There is your problem right there.
So many wild and fantastic allegations.
So many wild and fantastic conspiracies.
Many of each being obvious constructs and fantasies.
Indeed, something very important could actually be true …. and 90% of the population has already switched off because it all just keeps getting churned out there; the good, the bad and the fantasized.
You have indeed flooded your own zone with sh*t. (to quote Steve Bannon)
Indeed … Donald Trump did himself no favours relying on Giuliani, Powell, Lin Wood, and Ellis to press his case.
I think he needed a couple of cool, unemotional, steely-eyed types in Brooks Brothers suits.
Jo ,i admire your perseverance . America voted in enormous large numbers for Trump only to be cheated in even larger numbers though a total corrupt voting-system in the hands of the new world order aka the great rest aka the globalists aka the billionaires actively supported by rogue nations like venezuela ,china and iran . There is zero democratic about the democratic party and this whole election stinks like desintegrating corpses into high heaven . Choose Joe Biden and all of your death-wishes will be fulfilled. Pray to god that Donald Trump will make it another time .
“If voting mattered they wouldn’t let us do it”
Mark Twain
There is perhaps no greater testament to Twain’s lasting reputation than the habitual misattribution of miscellaneous wit and wisdom to his name. The circulation of such apocryphal aphorisms has increased with the popularization of digital media. The most common question addressed to the Center for Mark Twain Studies is some variety of “Did he really say that?” Whenever possible, we track down the original source, as well as attempt to trace how their words came to be imagined in Twain’s mouth.
“In America we have a privilege other countries don’t have.When a thing gets unbearable people can get rid of if at the ballot box”
10 Quotes That Explain American Politics by Mark Twain and Others
This comment makes no sense, Pulitzer is saying the alignment marks on the ballots were incorrect thus causing the machine to reject 93% of votes cast. Leading to human the intervention to adjudicate the vote.
Adjudication was conducted without oversight, the question is why were the ballots printed incorrectly?
We will never know because whilst some poor buggar sitting in an RV was getting vaporised by a missile (probably a hypersonic) the factory which prints the ballots mysteriously blew up.
Response to comment #1, sorry
why were the ballots printed incorrectly?
The misprinted ballots were from known Republican voting areas and thereby Trump votes were deliberately targeted for “adjudication” where they could be manually flipped without scrutiny to Biden votes as required.
The Dominion machine prints out the new adjudicated ballot for future audit which finds no error.
“the question is why were the ballots printed incorrectly?”
When a photocopy is made, the copy is reduced slightly in size, by maybe 1%. This might have misaligned the alignment marks.
You can now see why Election Officials are fighting tooth and nail to avoid a proper audit. It’s not just that Trump would win, it’s because it will uncover their treasonous role in the fraud. The breadth of the evidence and the type of fraud committed suggests to me this was not something that occurred organically. This was planned. The fact that so many of these officials thought they could get away with this (and maybe they still will) suggests the Democrats and the RINOs were planning this together.
I’m starting to agree with the planned thing (and on a national scale).
It could even explain the Republican’s doing ‘OK’
Spit them off from Trump. ‘What are you guys complaining about. You did Ok, you still have your jobs’
This really is a political thing (at least to start with)
The courts don’t want to be dragged into what they see as a political issue.
So they won’t move until there is a clear cut political direction.
They will heard criminal cases and pass sentence, but only if they’re brought forward by who ever forms Government.
The drum beat is getting louder and more insistent, harder and harder to ignore.
I expect Gitmo has already been extended for many new guests very soon and the Left are filling thier kimbies over it.
That Gitmo functions as a military facility for terrorists and those who hate America tells you a bit….
The Left could also try to riot on Jan 6 or the Elite try yet another BS covid lockdown to stop a vote occurring. I think even if they need to transport the Congress to the Capitol in APCs then they need to do it….
As they say, justice delayed is justice denied…Trump needs to cut the head off the planned and coordinated communist insurgency asap in the USA.
I don’t understand where this is coming from – the Biden team wants the Congressional Joint Session on 6 January to proceed as normal, as that will confirm him as president.
Even if 140 Republicans in the House want to object to the certified electoral slates from the key swing states, the Democrat majority will obviously just vote all objections down.
Mitch McConnell would really prefer that the Senate not be pushed into a number of pointless votes … he sees no upside for the GOP in doing so.
Depends….if they move for one vote per state ( as constitutionally makes sense ) Trump wins. If they push for one vote per house/senate member Biden wins.
That said, with the recent info about Georgia machines hack, the whole thing should be thrown out….
As discussed previously, the only situation where the House moves to one vote per state is in a Contingent Election, however that would require the rejection of at least 37 electoral votes currently held by Biden. And that can’t happen, because of the House Democrat majority, and a vote to reject Electoral votes is done by all House members, not just one vote per state.
The plot was simple.
• Millions of illegal ballots were pre-printed and shipped directly to counting centers in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona (also happened in Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada).
• These ballots were presented as “mail in ballots” but were never actually mailed and never handled by living voter.
• These fraudulent ballots were fed into the Dominion voting machines and recorded votes for Joe Biden. Most of the pre-printed ballots excluded down ballot candidates, which is why the Republicans won more than 12 additional seats in the U.S. Congress.
Proving the fraud is simple using the artifact detection software.
We only need to compare the physical ballots with the images that are recorded on the Dominion machines. For example, if a mailed in ballot had actually been mailed, it would have been folded and unfolded several times. Those fold marks show up on the digital image that the Dominion machine made in recording the ballot.
If you have a mailed in ballot that has no fold marks then you have clear, empirical evidence of fraud. A mail in ballot will have fold marks. But there also are other markings embedded in the ballots that will reveal whether or not a person or a machine filled out the ballot.
Did the Ga legislature approve the motion to give Pulitzer access to the physical ballots?
Would these misaligned calibration marks also influence a recount by hand? (A recount by hand was done.)
Was it actually a hand recount? Or just a ‘recount’
Even in a hand recount was it the original ‘flawed’ ballot paper, the ‘healed’ ballot paper, or the machine print off?
Without having a view as to whether there was systemic voting fraud or not, I find this theory implausible. It would require the cooperation and collusion of a large number of election workers and volunteers, not all of whom would have been so pro-Biden as to commit fraud and risk serious penalties.
Many of them could have also been pro-Trump.
But overall, the culture of election work is that it is strictly non-partisan (having worked a quite a few elections myself). Plus there is an audit trail and a tracking mechanism with ballots – from my reading it’s close to impossible to add illegal ballots without detection.
Ever worked a election where 4 people could send everyone else home, then pull ballot boxes out from under a table and keep counting?
I have worked on elections where the bulk of the staff are released late in the night, after a long day, yes. All the votes have been counted and packed by then however (Australian voting booths have far fewer voters on the day than in the US).
I am agnostic about whether there was fraud or state malpractice, however the incident you cite has been explained by the Georgia officials. A lot of people were sent home because it was very late, and the cases of votes were cases of votes.
But anyway, I have no personal interest in getting too far into the weeds, mostly because I don’t think it’s going to affect the final outcome … 6 January is the next key milestone.
It is utterly ridiculous that they are still talking about machines and cannot get access to the paper. That alone is so incredible after all this time.
However there will still need to be someone come clean before it is widely accepted that there was fraud.
All these experts are unconvincing. They are like inexperienced hunters using a scatter gun taking a potshot. They need to be like a a sniper with sharp focus on a clear target. A single clear target with a direct hit right at the beginning would have been far more convincing.
A good expert witness should be unemotional. This guy is appealing at an emotional level making more of detail than he should.
Anyone who cast a legal vote has a right to ask why an illegally-cast vote should be allowed to negate the one that she/he cast.
Now consider the sources of illegally-cast votes: the deceased; non-residents; temporally-imported citizens, etc.
Was I asleep when the real world took its leave? I don’t think so! Wake up America! This is serious!
Rick Will : in an ideal situation yes, you are correct, an unemotional scientific answer is ‘best’, but we are never in that ideal situation, are we?
the climate alarmists don’t say we have a 13 percent chance of an average change of +0.15 degrees increase over the next 30 years, with a range from -0.35 to + 0.65 – do they
they have photoshops of baby koalas on fire so that people get the message
this guy kept the idiots, useful or otherwise, from derailing the claims, (by making things very clear and simple and dramatic)
which are that there has been ballot tampering and giving him access to ballots will answer that question
If he’s smart he will realise they will be pulling out some proper ballots from nearby polls
he however is smarter than he appears today and will I think catch them out – and I’m assuming they will certify they are the correct ballots and he will have them lying
I agree with your first sentence Rick. But after that, naah.
They are ‘politically’ inexperienced hunters. What you’re seeing is a citizen revolt.
Many witnesses signed declarations.
All eyes on my state. How embarassing.
Moved to Georgia 3 years ago and my first election here goes like this …
You can do your bit by voting for Republicans in the Senate race and voting out any Republican who did not stand up for truth and democracy now when it was most needed. Keep in mind that Democrat is a synonym for deception. After this election every Democrat will be known as a cheater with justification.
Should have moved to Texas.
I would love to move to America and Texas would be the pick of the states .
I think I would choose Wyoming … huntin’, shootin’, fishin’ and skiin’ … would suit me in my dotage. Get a log cabin in the snow somewhere. Texas would be too hot – I’ve had hot for most of my life and I think I’m over it 🙂
Texas for the same reason .
Anyone who now disputes there is any evidence of serious election fraud must now be considered a traitor of the US Constitution if a US citizen or a dumb fool if not. It’s now that simple. Time for Congress to step up to the plate and announce Trump as the POTUS on Jan 6.
The guy was emotional it is true but why wouldn’t he be? You see fraud, you have the wherewithal to prove it and you are told you cannot. What is worse, to my mind at least, is the inaction on the part of the legislators who appear to be in some sort of torpor. They should be outraged that their constituents have been denied their voice. Their own governor and Secretary of State are complicit in the fraud. (If they were not they would be doing everything in their power to facilitate a forensic audit to prove the election was clean.) This is the biggest thing that has ever happened on their watch. They know that democracy depends on one man one vote, they know that votes have been negated by fraud and they know they have the power to decertify the election but they also know they will be lambasted by the elitists if they do. What they need to know, but seemingly do not, is that the people who they have disenfranchised are greasing the tumbrel’s wheels and will be disenfranchising them in 2022. They need to know that doing the right thing also has an upside and that they would be seen as heroes by more than half the electorate. They need courage and encouragement.
This is the biggest thing that has ever happened on their watch.
Yep they are so far out of their depth, they don’t even know which way is up.
The ‘system’ rewards ‘Do as you’re told’ puppets.
Right up to office of President – Read the teleprompter and collect your pay and perks.
They will lead. Only if ‘the people’ are close behind with fixed bayonets 🙂
whom they have disenfranchised.
Is there one mastermind behind this massive fraud or is it likely to be multiple independent fraudsters? What was the organisational model for this coup?
This is a very good question that has occurred to me more than once as well. If there were a mastermind behind a masterplan in the six target states, they seem to have earned their fee.
I think it has Obama’s paw prints all over it.
I doubt it’s one person. More likely a small group of people including at least one as past POTUS, who have worked together to remove Trump by various means, legal and illegal, and failed up to now. Time will tell if they will fail again. Let’s hope so since they clearly have a mental disorder to hate Trump so much it must be bordering if not actually being of an evil nature. The desire to circumvent the people’s power to choose the POTUS by various fraudulent voting schemes makes it worse since that would be treason in any language.
How about the UN.
I’m thinking a loose confederation with national oversight.
There has to be A LOT of people involved. People are just too brazen and sure of their support.
I don’t think there is command and control, more a case of local ‘cut out’ cells operating semi-autonomously.
Which is why things got out of hand. Better oversight and control would have seen things getting too big to hide.
But with each group operation on their own and determined to win ‘their’ county and not let the side down it just too big.
Remember these people actually believe they are saving their country and democracy.
Bob Menzies referred to the faceless men who run the ALP. Nothing has changed. If I was a Liberal I would publish the ALP membership appliction form at election time. It explains how they are against democracy and may have to vote against their electrate’s interests. Unity is communism not strength. It shows how ALP gain control and explains why the ABC and similar are committed to select employees. Democrats can break ranks in USA but it seems Globalists have common beliefs. I grew up at 25 organising debates it became obvious that my teenage idealistic socialism benefitted Socialist leaders but destroyed incentive. Further employee’s smaller proportion gave them far more than an unequal share of other people’s money. Freedom is what works.
Seems like there’s some big movements in my State…
to either bypass or force the hand of our tool and fool Governor Doug Ducey or that handmaiden of election fraud and evil, Sec of State Katie Hobbs, an outspoken Trump hater to get down to business or step away;
And here’s the Vox F/U on that story:
I live in North Phoenix which is in Maricopa County (having escaped KommieFornia about five years ago) and damnit, my vote (in person on Election Day, BTW) should count!!!
But, as it stands now, I may have well stayed home and cleaned my firearms and then gone to the range…
(Oh, and parenthetically, my adopted State also produced one of THE most corrupt politicians ever, Senator Songbird John McStain. The one who, among other evil machinations buried info about POWs in ‘Nam who were never returned home (including remains) for DECADES .)
Did AG Brnovich win?
From your Link
One might not unreasonably ask where the AZ Attorney General has been for the last eight weeks. But then, President Trump’s unprecedented exhibition of spinal steel has been causing the sudden discovery of backbones in some of the most unexpected individuals around the country.
It’s becoming clear to me that the Dems and the various committees looking into this are playing for time: they are hoping that Biden will be inaugurated before the brown stuff really hits the fan.
That being the case it raises a serious question: once Biden is sworn in and takes office, what options are left to re-evaluate the election and, if possible, remove the Dems from office? Does it all just die a death?
A sitting president can’t be indicted, as we have seen over the past four years. So the only two ways to remove Joe Biden would be:
1. For the VP and a majority of the cabinet to use the 25th Amendment to declare that the president is unable to do the job (highly unlikely)
2, For the Republican Party to win the House of Representatives in 2022, while retaining the Senate, and implementing impeachment of Joe Biden (more likely than No 1)
In either case, Kamala Harris becomes president.
Meanwhile, with Republican control of the Senate (still subject to the outcome in Georgia), the GOP can set up a range of powerful committees to investigate the 2020 election, and basically pressure the Biden administration four four years.
Team Trump might still seek redress in the courts after 20- January, but you get the sense the Supreme Court has said just about all it’s going to say about this election.
In any case, no court can overturn the Inauguration of the new president, even if fraud or malpractice are proven.
Just ran across this essay:
It’s fairly long but it needs to be as it’s quite accurate and draws appropriate (in my, and millions of others) conclusions. I urge all here to read it carefully because that’s where we are now in America.
A few excerpts;
“There are various estimates of the magnitude of the fraud committed, which are not factual but informed speculation, ranging from Trump winning both the Electoral College with 290 votes to as much as 400 Electoral College votes, and that the popular vote was his nationwide by anywhere from 3 million to as much as 14 million. The actual magnitude of the fraud and theft committed in this election will likely never be known, but it is beyond objective dispute that the facts that have come to light to date prove that this election is being stolen by the Left.”
and this:
“If we surrender without fighting, as the Left is desperately urging us to do, then history tells us what happens next. Just as in Russia after the Revolution, or Germany when the National Socialists took power, or Venezuela, or in every other country where the Left has stolen the power of government, without exception, Liberty loving folks will be progressively and relentlessly hounded. Using the full force of the Federal government, initially in the ‘blue’ states, but increasingly everywhere, the Left will attack anyone they view as their enemy. Trump voters will be targeted, small businesses will be obliterated, the middle class will be but a memory, and any attempt at resistance will be crushed by the Left using the mechanisms of the Federal government. If you thought that the FBI, the IRS and the EPA under Barry Soetero were bad, then just wait and do nothing, and see what happens next.”
and lastly, these two quotes and a bit of reflection on them by the author;
“The gentlemen cry ‘Peace, Peace’ when there is no peace! Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! As for me, give me Liberty, or give me Death!” -Patrick Henry”
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” -Winston Churchill”
“We could have fought for our rights when we could have easily won without bloodshed, but that time is long past.
We could have fought for our rights when the victory was sure and not too costly, but that time is also past.”
As per, RTWT
It still remains puzzling to me that, if there is compelling evidence of fraud or malpractice, the Trump team has not been able to secure any victories in the courts. Why this is the case is hard to fathom … it is as if they are waiting for “something else” to happen. It is peculiar.
This is where I do part company from such writing. Virtually every poll, plus averages of polls, for many months showed Joe Biden with a significant lead over Donald Trump in the six swing states that are the focus.
In fact the Biden results are somewhat down on what the polls predicted, but overall the polls weren’t too far off for the presidential race. It is therefore a considerable leap to say without evidence that Trump actually polled up to 14 million more votes than the official tallies show, and up to 400 Electoral College votes.
Polls aren’t perfect, and there might be some Trump voters who do not tell the polling companies the whole truth, but these percentages are very small, and are accounted for in the margin of error.
As I have mentioned previously, it looks from this distance that Donald Trump’s biggest tactical mistake was to attack and discourage voting by mail in a pandemic, whereas the Democrats used it to their clear advantage.
Tilba Tilba
The polling companies (except for a few independent ones) were in on the scam. Many of them do their polls for the MSM, their paymasters. The on ground support and the polls never matched up in any way. One example –AZ. Remember the citizen organised 90 mile long car rally in support of Trump ! We are now expected to believe AZ went to Biden.
Even Obama said a few years back mail-in-ballots were open to fraud, so that is how “the Democrats used it to their clear advantage”
Assuming an average of two people per car, that’s about 75,000 people in the long rally. However that’s only about 1% of the Arizona population. Biden’s supporters were at home, voting by mail 🙂
Because it appears the courts are also corrupt….
America has a cancer of leftism…..
The 3 letter agencies are corrupt
The courts are corrupt
Govt is corrupt
The US appears to be a failed state.
….whuch is why the most likely outcome will be invoking the Insurrection Act.
It is possible Trump has allowed all the bad actors at all levels of society to expose thier true selves, which is then noted and thier names added to the likely extensive Arrest Warrant list.
I think Trump knew the court cases would fail, and in the courts failure to provide due process, in what appears to be the deliberate subversion of Constitutionally guaranteed due process.
In subverting that due process at a Constitutional level, the bad actors in effect have attacked the Constitution and the country…which appears to make them subverting the rule of law…ergo… could these be considered legally as traitorous and or seditious acts against the USA?
Then add in what appears to be corrupted voting…..if you’re trying to, through an illegal act, illegally take over a country and effectively illegally change a govt, what would you call that?
Lets see what happens next…
Assuming Joe Biden is confirmed on 6 January as the next president (almost certainly the outcome of the Joint Session), when and how would President Trump invoke the Insurrection Act?
He would only have 14 days left, and there would almost certainly be lawsuits filed to have the decision declared unlawful (unlike under Martial Law, the Insurrection Act does not close the civil courts).
Who would Donald Trump use the Insurrection Act against? If he wished to arrest the entire Democratic Party structure, plus state officials in the key swing states, plus parts of the deep state, etc, who would do this?
I think the military has made it clear it won’t participate in election issues, and I assume the states would refuse to have their National Guard units federalised. Who else – DHS armed personnel?
It’s hard to see how any of this would work out, and on 20 January President Biden takes over, even if the Insurrection Act has been invoked.
“Who would Donald Trump use the Insurrection Act against? If he wished to arrest the entire Democratic Party structure, plus state officials in the key swing states, plus parts of the deep state, etc, who would do this?
The courts are a good starting point…and go from there. Refusing to even consider a case effectively is dereliction of duty.
“waiting for “something else” to happen.”
I wondered about that. Maybe some development still coming will bring all those “lost” cases back to life.
FF Excellent Article
So, what are the facts?
The facts are that a very large number of persons, many affiliated with the Democratic Party, and some unknown, have engaged in election fraud. From registering illegal aliens, to manufactured ballots, to discarding and failing to count Republican absentee ballots, to blocking Republican poll watchers, to tampering with electronic voting machines apparently with the aid of foreign actors, to wholesale ballot stuffing on an unprecedented scale, among other acts. These are the FACTS. Not speculation, but fact. It is also a fact that the mass media refuse to report these facts, and that Twitter and Google and Youtube among many others are not only refusing to report these facts, but actively blocking individuals who attempt to speak out about these crimes.
These are some of the facts relating to the recent election. The scope and scale of these fraudulent and felonious acts strongly suggest an ongoing organized conspiracy to subvert the lawful electoral process and deny the apparent rightful winner of the 2020 US Presidential election his office.
One thing we know for sure. Even if all these allegations turn out to be unfounded.
IF the coin was flipped and these allegations where made against Trump (after he won).
Americas cities would be on fire and the entire western media would be screaming blue murder.
Indeed … I’ve mentioned previously that the lack of public demonstration and mayhem by Trump supporters has been a source of great puzzlement for some weeks. Perhaps they have been waiting for the “legal system” to deliver a fatal blow to Biden’s apparent victory – they have certainly had an avalanche of proof and evidence showered upon them. But who knows?
Meanwhile Donald Trump has returned to Washington – against all predictions – and he is calling for a MAGA march on Wednesday … something must be going to happen. It’s hard to imagine him sitting around calmly, watching the electoral votes go against him on C-Span.
We have eighteen days of drama ahead of us, I expect.
These voting machines – honestly! Why not use a ‘Laughing Clown’ system as seen at your local fare where you put a ping-pong ball in the mouth of a swiveling clown head and aim to get the right combination of numbers to win a giant teddy bear made in China stuffed with old used bandages. It would be about as reliable.
Proofs of the fraud keep accumulating, yet nothing is happening.
In view of all this, what might Trump’s plan be for January 6 and afterwards?
A few days ago, I posted that I thought he would be going for the Contingent Election procedure in the Senate. But now, we can see that this move is being telegraphed a week in advance, leaving time for Democrats and RINOs to counter it.
Even if he wanted to address the nation on national TV networks, he would be cut-off after 15 seconds.
Assuming that President Trump can’t use extreme measures (martial law, military seizures) without being branded a Nazi by the US media and the rest of the world, could he have something unexpected up his sleeve?
Just a technical point: there is no Contingent Election for president in the Senate. If it is the case that no candidate has a majority of the electoral votes counted, then there is a Contingent Election for president in the House, with each state delegation having just one vote.
There is a vote for the vice president in the Senate, with each senator having a vote, as per normal. So it would be possible that the president and vice president to be from opposing parties.
For there to be a Contingent Election would require there to be more than two candidates, with no-one getting 50% (ie, 270 votes), or for a sufficient number of electoral votes to be rejected and deducted from Joe Biden’s total of 306, so that he had less than 50%, while Donald Trump also had less than 50%.
This would require a majority vote in both chambers (and not a vote by state, but a vote for every Representative), and the chances of this happening are zero.
In any case, it is very unlikely that any duly certified electoral slates that have safe-harbor status will be rejected (even if Republicans raise objections), especially as no court cases have been won proving fraud or malpractice, and no state governor has changed their mind on certification.
As I have said previously, the events in Congress on 6 January are largely formal and ceremonial, and there are no factors in play here for a contested election to be expected, since Joe Biden has 306 certified and confirmed electoral votes in the bank, and 296 of those have safe harbor status.
what if the state legislators grow a spine and decertify the vote?
There are a lot of complicated reasons why that won’t happen before 6 January, but the short answer is, of the six key swing states, only Georgia and Arizona have Republican governors, and even if those two states tried to de-certify, that does not change the election outcome.
So it’s hard to see those two GOP governors burning up political capital over a lost cause. And anyway, President Trump and Governor Kemp from Georgia aren’t getting on so well these days.
Tilba, Thanks for your comments. What do you make of the procedure described on this link?
Hi – I have read that piece before, and commented on the errors I believe it contains.
Very briefly, there are two points that mesh together:
1. VP Pence definitely does not have a “tie-breaking” vote (how could he – he has a lot of skin in the game), and his role is as formal chair. The tie-breaker is the electoral slate that is certified by the relevant state governor – and there is no indication at all that Arizona governor Doug Ducey is going to decertify the Biden slate.
2. The “alternate electoral votes” that some Republicans have submitted (and note not the legislature, governor, or secretary of state) are not certified, and will have no standing, and you would expect VP Mike Pence to not include them in the process.
As some commentator quipped, you might as well send in the team-list for the Milwaukee Under-18s hockey side … it would have about the same status legally on 6 January.
So that’s my reading of the process .. personally I think 6 January will go pretty smoothly.
The whole vote is based on the assumption the vote was conducted soundly, this is clearly not the case.
As such, any votes from an “unsound” state should be thrown out as sufficient doubt exists as to the integrity of the result in those states.
The political issue of course is that there is hot debate about the “unsound” part, and as it stands Team Trump has not been able to persuade the courts (state or federal), and nor have they been able to sway state officials – even Republican ones – to revisit their electoral processes, beyond formal recounts and audits.
As it stands, Congress has a ceremonial box with 51 envelopes in it, and they contain the duly certified and final votes for president. The only way for that to change in the next four days would be for one or more states to call a special session, and a de-certification process to occur.
But as noted previously, four of the six swing states have Democrat governors, so it’s not going to happen.
Tilba –I would ask you to read this article
Thanks – and yet again I believe it contains a lot of errors, in both the facts, and the interpretation of various laws … in the ways that I have written about several times already.
But to summarise the critical point: since the Electoral Count Act 1887 came into force, and by subsequent rules of Congress that have stood for decades, VP Mike Pence has no powers to declare electoral votes valid or invalid, and has no powers to reject electoral votes as improperly obtained.
It is not up to Mike Pence to make a “chairman’s call” and say that the elections in the key swing states were fraudulent or improperly held. He simply doesn’t have the powers to do that, and it seems he holds that view too.
The Trump Team had to convince a powerful court, or the critical state governments, well before 6 January (and in reality, before the Electoral College met on 14 December).
From my reading, Joe Biden has 306 certified Electoral College votes in the bank, and they can’t be taken from him – especially with a Democrat majority in the House, but even without that.
It seems I am always the bearer of bad tidings, but really I’m just following the overwhelming majority legal view.
And I refer to the post at 21.1.1 – where the Mike Pence legal representatives are arguing in the Supreme Court that the Vice President does NOT have the powers that some Republicans are trying to “force” upon him.
Mike Pence is a cautious conservative man who follows the rules – as he needs to if he has any further political ambitions in 2022 or 2024.
The case is legally an outlier, and one expects it will be treated as such, unless I am wildly mistaken.
As expected by legal experts, a Trump-appointed judge has just dismissed the case “against” Mike Pence – stating that the Congressman and the “alternative electors” from Arizona did not have standing as plaintiffs to bring the case.
In a familiar refrain – the case was dismissed without going into the substantive issues that the case was trying to obtain judgement upon (in this case, giving Pence powers to reject Biden slates). The law is a hard task-master!
Who cares what the media says?
They appear mostly to be part of the communist apparatus anyway…
The Guarantee Clause, The Electoral Count Act of 1887, The DNI Ratcliffe Report on Foreign Interference and VP Mike Pence
Posted on December 28, 2020 by Sundance
The federal government, not the state government, ultimately holds the responsibility to protect the entire United States from foreign interference within the Guarantee Clause. This would seem to apply to foreign election interference. “[B]ecause protection against invasion or domestic violence is normally available only from Congress and the President, the structure of this section suggests that the political branches have at least the primary duty to carry out its obligations.”
If DNI Ratcliffe produces a report (prior to January 6th) that outlines foreign interference in the election; and if the argument can be made the states with the contested (dual sets) of electors were subjects/targets of that interference; then a foundation to nullify the electors from the contested states is laid in congress.
In this approach the electoral nullification argument would appear to rest on The Guarantee Clause; where the state election outcome was not valid – as it is not representative of a republican form of government, and the majority vote requirement was manipulated.
Again, this is all uncharted territory. However, there are people claiming this process could work to keep President Trump in office. The disqualification of the contested state electors under this argument would ultimately fall upon Vice President Mike Pence who is also President of the Senate and in charge of the January 6th electoral vote certification.
There is a lot of “if-this-then” etc within this framework, and all of it ultimately is predicated on congress challenging the election (still unknown); and VP Mike Pence then deciding which electors would be certified or nullified (long-shot); but that seems to be the argument some are making.
I wonder why DNI John Ratcliffe is taking so long to produce his report?
Last thought… I have absolutely no idea if this can work, I am just summarizing a set of theoretical arguments that appear to be surfacing.
Oops Link – The Guarantee Clause, The Electoral Count Act of 1887, The DNI Ratcliffe Report on Foreign Interference and VP Mike Pence
G’day OO,
” I wonder why DNI John Ratcliffe is taking so long to produce his report? ”
Could it be that he already has, but it’s been kept secret from the press? After all Trump hasn’t had much support from that area in the last 4 years. So why would he give them advance notice of what’s available? If you were fighting a war, would you send the plans for your next attack to the enemy? I wouldn’t.
Dave B
The DNI report is the glittering ignis fatuus which has bedevilled this post election period; just wait forty-five days was said and at day forty-three it was further said that the report was to be delayed and that was the end of it so far as can be judged. Epoch Times has a video https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/dni-john-ratcliffe-confirms-there-was-foreign-interference-in-november-elections-report_3623035.html published at day forty-three.
Not since Bush-Gore and hanging chads has there been such contention over vote counting and I can recall being shocked when the Supreme Court ordered the Florida counting cease and have wondered ever since about that exercise of judicial authority.
The Preview button is functional.
Now if only the Recent Comments link could be fixed; each attempt digs further back –I was getting comments from 2016 on my last foray into that adventure.
Talk, talk, talk…after years of observing politicians in their natural habitat, it is evident that anything they say is subject to change forthwith. For this reason, I turn the sound down and watch what they do, what they vote for, who they take money from… They all (OK, won’t generalize) most have one common attribute, every issue is first filtered through, “How will this affect my political career?”
(I now generalize) Does anyone think Republican politicians care if they’re in the majority or the minority? Pay, benefits, perks…all the same. What they care about are their donors, people that make them wealthy and their media coverage. They give impassioned speeches about how much they care and then lobby backstage for the opposite.
IMO there are only three possible outcomes to this election, and two involve the people of the United States rising up. One, we (and the world) submissively go into socialist bondage. The People peaceably force our elected leaders to do their lawful duties by making it clear their political careers are over if they fail to act. And the other is making it clear their political careers are over.
But to what avail? There are no consequences. No Consequences, no change in behavior. They will just be replaced by the next generation of hard-working politicians, enlighten journalist and well-meaning donors. Without a Convention of States (Article 5) and the resolve of good men to act, amend our Constitution to add additional safeguards to further thwart the greed of man, we are merely urinating in the wind. But first things first, correct the injustice of this election (to use the words of our foes, “By any means necessary”), hold the leaders of big tech accountable and remove those in the media that have enabled this mockery.
Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else
Most people think when they vote for a federal politician -a House or Senate representative- they are voting for a person who will go to Washington DC and write or enact legislation. This is the old-fashioned “schoolhouse rock” perspective based on decades past. There is not a single person in congress writing legislation or laws.
In modern politics not a single member of the House of Representatives or Senator writes a law, or puts pen to paper to write out a legislative construct. This simply doesn’t happen.
Over the past several decades a system of constructing legislation has taken over Washington DC that more resembles a business operation than a legislative body. Understand this dynamic and you understand how politicians become multi-millionaires on much lesser salaries; and why ‘We The People’ are insignificant and annoying gnats to their business model. Here’s how it works right now.
Outside groups, often called “special interest groups”, are entities that represent their interests in legislative constructs. These groups are often representing foreign governments, Wall Street multinational corporations, banks, financial groups or businesses; or smaller groups of people with a similar connection who come together and form a larger group under an umbrella of interest specific to their affiliation.
Sometimes the groups are social interest groups; activists, climate groups, environmental interests etc. The social interest groups are usually non-profit constructs who depend on the expenditures of government to sustain their cause or need.
A Familiar Play – Mitch McConnell Blocks Attempt to Pass $2,000 COVID Relief Bill, Deflects Accountability to POTUS
At first blush you might ask yourself why Mitch McConnell would block this bill and put the Georgia special election senate races in question. He just handed Georgia democrats an atomic sledgehammer. However, what most people do not understand is how McConnell works; being in the minority position is not adverse to his interests. McConnell operates with a Machiavellian strategy, so we will explain.
‘why would McConnell take an action that would put him in the minority?’
On its face the question seems absurd; however, it only seems absurd because people don’t understand the schemes in the upper chamber, the Senate, under Leader McConnell and Leader Harry Reid before him. The institution of the Senate requires a voter to understand the shell game. The pea is never where you think it is.
Defenders of the Decepticon schemes rely on our inability to understand a hidden agenda; a secret agenda… However, with more eyes now open this outline will start to make sense.
First, McConnell doesn’t care about holding a majority position in the Senate. Whether he is a majority leader or a minority leader doesn’t matter to McConnell. In fact McConnell’s political skill-set does better in the minority than the majority.
The preferred political position for Mitch McConnell is where he has between 45 and 49 republican Senators, and the Democrats hold the Majority with around 55. Of course with Senator Harry Reid’s retirement, this would now imply Majority leader Chuck Schumer holding office.
Why does McConnell prefer the minority position?
The answer is where you have had to actually follow Mitch McConnell closely to see how he works. When the Majority has around 52 to 55 seats, they need McConnell to give them 8 to 9 votes to overcome the three-fifths (60 vote) threshold for their legislative needs. It is in the process of trade and payment for those 8 to 9 votes where McConnell makes more money, and holds more power, than as a sitting Majority Leader.
The 60 vote threshold, and McConnell’s incredible skillset in the minority, is where he shines. Each of the needed votes to achieve sixty is worth buckets of indulgence to the minority leader and those on K-Street who need the Senate to support their legislative constructs. The votes to get to sixty are worth a lot of money.
So you are saying the filibuster is safe!
This institutional dynamic is the currency of affluence and influence in the Senate; this is why Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell never changed the Senate rules for legislative passage. This is why the filibuster was retained and why the 60 vote threshold was always beneficial to both parties. The color of the flag atop the spire matters not.
Except for budget passage (reconciliation); and McConnell being forced by intransigence in the era of Trump resistance to change the judicial vote threshold to 51; McConnell would never consider changing the legislative threshold (60 votes) to a simple majority (51 votes) because it would be removing his favored position.
A simple majority vote is adverse to the institutional interests. That is why McConnell retained it during his reign as majority leader; as did Harry Reid before him.
The process of selling votes to the 60-vote threshold in the Senate is where the UniParty operates; and where the status of maximum financial benefit for the minority exists.
The issue of fraud being proven after Biden is inaugurated is a bit complex.
On administrative issues, it is likely that states could simply assert that the administration has invalid standing,
and ignore regulations. The precedent is a recent labor department case, where a bunch of regulations made by invalidly
appointed officials were simply thrown out, and the consequences reversed if possible. Especially if the agencies are
staffed by interim officials because the senate won’t confirm appointments, the regulatory state is likely to be quite hamstrung.
Commander in chief activities are another story.
Removing the fraudulently elected slate leaves us with the Speaker of the House, duly elected and exceedingly unattractive.
We are segregating geographically a an increasing rate. Post COVID, or local tax structure is likely to become far more disparate–
The Blue shutdowns have been bleeding cash and accruing liabilities (and bleeding businesses) at a far faster rate than Red states and cities.
The Taxes needed to backfill, and to provide services at elevated pay levels, are likely to drive people away. As entrapeneurs wish to rebuild, they will be looking for promising prospects and regulatory relief. That won’t be blue states and cities.
The first focus of the left will be to preserve power by any means necessary. The second will be to avoid bankruptcy. If Red states fully open at partial vaccination levels and blue states maintain pretty hard lockdowns (because they love the control) the difficulties for some will turn into a graveyard spiral which can be arrested only by a federal infusion (For those with Long memories, New York City has been there before).
I hope we reaffirm that we have a constitutional confederation.
Yes, you have the Constitutional Confederation (aka Philadelphia Convention) where the United States Constitution was originally written with the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, later to be amended a number of times. This is not to be confused with the Constitutional Convention.
In any case it can be argued the POTUS overrides the Constitutional Convention where the Constitution allows, unless the Constitutional Convention amends the Constitution to override the POTUS. It can get messy. It’s one of the failings of the Constitutional Federal Republic. Nothing is perfect. The power of the people (Republic) can be thwarted by the politicians in a number of ways. It’s up to the people to fight back under the current Constitution to prevent such a move, if they so desire and recognise how the change can impact their liberty. Let’s face it, if the people are not interested, don’t give a damn or are asleep then one day they might wake up and find themselves with a totally different form of national government that they will end up regretting with very little they can do legally. That’s why it’s very important the people recognise how good is their current form of national government under the present Constitution in spite of its failings, and take all necessary actions to protect it under Constitutional Law.
The moral high ground has long since become a pile of dung. Refusal to co-operate is the most damning evidence of all.
Leigh Dundas – The Power of Pence
Detailed explanation of how it works on Jan 6. Let’s see if Pence steps up to the plate and does what is right and proper under the Constitution.
BTW, as far as I know she does not have a YT channel of her own. You can find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/leigh.dundas.9 )
Here’s a more accurate explanation of the various scenarios that can play out. Bottom line is it could end up at the SCOTUS. Oh no, most of us know what that could mean – absolute chaos.
Pence: “Exclusive Authority” to Open Electoral Votes; Dueling Electors on January 6th | Facts Matter
I am not a lawyer, however I have read a lot on this, and would disagree fairly strongly with Ms Dundas on her interpretation of the 12th Amendment powers of the Vice President – and I think the overwhelming majority of legal opinion would as well.
But just two points:
1. While there have been a lot of claims about either voting fraud or state-based election malpractice, no court has agreed, so by 6 January they remain unproven claims only
2. All states but Wisconsin made the safe harbour deadline, and the relevant laws (rules) state that those vote shall be treated as “conclusive”, and she doesn’t address this.
Overall, my understanding is that the VP has a fairly minor role to play, and certainly no unilateral powers, and it is the two chambers that meet separately to deal with any objections or disputed electoral slates.
All we can do is wait and see, but I for one would not be pinning too much hope on Mike Pence rejecting certified electoral slates for the swing states.
She seems to make a lot of sense. I’m curious to see if Tilba has something say. There is a world between a ceremonial V-P and her
all-powerful-VP interpretation.
I certainly don’t have anything like the fire-power of Ms Dundas, but I’ll stick to my position that he “opens” the envelopes but does not decide which ones are valid, and which ones he can reject.
As one commentator said (I paraphrase), “If this view of the 12th Amendment were legal and possible, don’t you think at least one other VP might have jumped on it in the last 133 years?”.
For example, Al Gore (as incumbent VP) could have rejected Florida’s slate in 2000 … Joe Biden (as incumbent VP) could have rejected Trump electoral votes in 2016, on the grounds of Russian interference, and there are several other examples.
Just to hit this fly with a sheet of plywood, this is the submission from the DOJ regarding the lawsuit from Rep Louis Gohmert:
It would seem there isn’t a lot here to argue against … I don’t think Donald Trump is saved by either the 12th Amendment or the Supreme Court.
Check out Jerome Corsi’s latest 5 hours ago and his allegation about Hunter and Malia at 27:36.
Here is the link I should have added in the last comment. Its sure to be a big grenade.
Well worth a look – excellent detail on the ballot flaws.
The detail on the ballots is very good and explains a lot. Much clearer than the information given in the video Jo posted. The other aspect mentioned in passing is that Pulitzer invented the bar code. He does not look old enough for that but, assuming it is accurate, he speaks with great authority. On the other hand he makes a lousy expert witness.
I think this could be done without the knowledge of the Governor or SOS. Just a motivated individual in the group that run elections.
With the greatest respect to the man, he did not invent the barcode – a grocery guy named Norman Joseph Woodland in Ohio did, in 1975. Perhaps the article means he thought about using barcodes to audit-trace election ballots.
This has to be a doozy of a conspiracy theory, or is it? Only time will tell: News is spreading Jeffrey Epstein is still alive and under protection to spill the beans on various top people. If only…
Well, since you embrace the voter fraud and climate science fraud theories, all without evidence, why not start the year with a new one?.
Without evidence? You must either be a complete imbecile or totally clueless. There has been an orgy of evidence presented here by Jo and others.
The evidence that’s been long debunked and derided by the courts?.
So Jo and the others know more than the US electoral and legal system?, needs a Kraken load of evidence don’t you think?.
Maybe Epstein and Elvis can help.
Indeed there has been an “orgy of evidence” all of which has been dismissed as being unproven by judges up and down the US.
Look at the latest idiocy in Pennsylvania where 17 Republican lawmakers claimed there were 200,000+ votes more than the number of voters. However there are still some counties to upload voter numbers. As the Pennsylvania Department of State accurately said the claim was based on incomplete evidence
“The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 7 – The Gang Discovers Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein”
has an answer which you may find amusing.
Lets test the theory of cheating. Simply re-run the election in the 7 suspect states. No machines, registered voters only and full transparency. This will send a clear message to the 10,315 dead people that voted in Georgia, to stay at home.
Would be nice but their is no allowance for that under the Constitution. They do have the 12th Amendment to fall back to another way of electing the POTUS. It’s up to Pence to go down that path.
Just to repeat ad nauseum – the vast majority high-hat legal view is that the 12th Amendment does not give VP Mike Pence powers to reject certified electoral slates.
Views to the contrary – that the Joint Session of Congress on 6 January can overturn the election in Donald Trump’s favour – need to be treated with extreme caution (or at least healthy scepticism).
I actually agree with that, and it would be a great dress rehearsal for the whole country. I would include the following conditions and caveats:
• a solid 3-4 week period of public education, getting people registered
• meanwhile, check the rolls to ensure they are up to date (no purges)
• require a picture ID, but make sure one is easily available to each registered voter
• make voting easier, with plenty of polling booths, drop-boxes, etc
• have extended hours to allow extensive early voting
• retain mail-in voting for those who really need it
• being disabled, aged or having Covid-19 fears should be sufficient
Whether it is paper or machine, have good voting – counting scrutiny from both parties. Then re-run the election in those six key states. It will never happen of course, but it’s fun to think about.
O/T but remember, it’s President Reject Biden LoL.
They knew these machined could be hacked back i. 2005 and 2015, but did nothing about it.
See this HBO film “KiII Chain” . (advert).
Unfortunately the film is not available in the UK and Oz
But I found this semi-bootleg copy on Vimeo.
Note they try to blame Russia, because most of this film was made prior to the Robert Mueller Report. But the film was only released in 2020, as a part of an anti-Trump campaign.
But it was the Democrats playing with election fraud, not the Repubs.
Trump campaign wants to air evidence to Americans before Congress certifies election
Trump campaign senior advisor Jason Miller during an interview on Newsmax TV expressed the hope that evidence pertaining to election-related issues will be shared directly with the American people next week.
From the story in the link:
I may be an old-fashioned sceptic, but doesn’t that mean that all of the proposed objections are pointless? The Democrat-majority House will reject all objections to the Biden electoral slates.
So it makes you wonder why Team Trump is going to all this effort. It’s also fairly clear that Mitch McConnell isn’t happy about the position in which GOP senators would find themselves.
Option 1: Vote against Trump and suffer retribution in their next primary in 2022 or beyond
Option 2: Vote for Trump and annoy every moderate person who might vote for them in 2022
As far as McConnell is concerned, there is no GOP upside to this – especially when it’s pointless.
Most Admired Man’ Trump a force for 2024
Boston Herald editorial staff
In what must surely be vexing news for the anti-Trump crowd, the president was named the most admired man in America in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday.
Among Republicans surveyed, 48% of respondents named Trump as their most admired man. No other public figure got more than 2% Republican support, according to Gallup. There may be members of the GOP who knock Trump for his fast-and-loose approach to leading the country, but they are also cognizant that despite, or perhaps because of, the past tumultuous four years, the president has retained the admiration of his sizable group of supporters.
They aren’t going anywhere as Biden takes office, and will be watching how Trump’s economy-fueling actions will fare under the new administration.
Why America needs President Trump to be there for them!
The family gap
Beneath the mask of American discontent
In a speech to the Federalist Society in November, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito reiterated his concern that ‘in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right’
So why did Philadelphia stop referring foster children to CSS, thus prompting the suit that has put this case before the Court? As Justice Alito observed sharply, ‘If we are honest about what’s really going on here, it’s not about ensuring that same-sex couples in Philadelphia have the opportunity to be foster parents. It’s the fact [that] the city can’t stand the message that Catholic Social Services and the archdiocese are sending by continuing to adhere to the old-fashioned view about marriage.’ Justice Brett Kavanaugh, too, remarked upon the aggression of CSS’s adversaries. Philadelphia, he observed, was ‘looking for a fight’ in ceasing its referrals.
Welcome to 2020, and one more woke effort to put a Christian charity out of business.
The American family has also shrunk: children today are considerably less likely to have siblings — and by extension, cousins, aunts and uncles — than they were 60 years ago. Almost 30 percent of all households consist of just one person. Some 40 percent of all children lack a biological father in the home.
Here’s How You Can Tell the 2020 Election Was Stolen
Lies, Damned Lies, And Insane Statistics
By the same standard of statistical analysis that the left applies to everything, it is easy to prove that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.
The woke media—a media too corrupt to print, during the presidential campaign, stories of the Biden family’s years of corruption—was oh, so uninterested in the statistical disparities in voting that clearly indicated election fraud. They were willing to bear any burden, pay any price, including the traducing of democracy, to get rid of Donald Trump.
Let’s face it: everyone who pays attention to politics knows the election was stolen. Here’s how you can tell.
Ah, yes, the wokies say, but those are just statistics. We didn’t see any actual evidence of fraud, and man can’t live by statistics alone. But in fact, wokies have been living by statistics for decades. Look at their claims of racial profiling by police and by housing lenders.
‘At Least 140’ House Republicans Plan To Object To Biden Electoral Votes
Graphic designer’s take on the ballot misprints
Her twitter thread on ballots in Georgia.
1. As a Graphic Designer with a degree, I didn’t understand why so many ballots were spit out as unreadable by the voting machines on November 3rd. But after watching Jovan Pulitzers testimony today in Georgia I now completely understand. Let me explain..
2. As a graphic designer all elements/layers of my design must line up in order to print on the paper properly. Otherwise it can put out blurred images on the final product at the printing shop. The printing machines follow something put on my art/documents
3. called “Registration Marks”. Every student in Graphic Designer in college is stressed that these are never to be off or you are wasting the printers time and the clients time. Which is very bad, graphic designers get fired for this.
4. Back in the old days when we did this work by hand it was easy to make these mistakes, before the computers…I’m dating myself here because that’s when I started…before computers. Now I design everything on computers that go to a printer.
5. On computer software, say photoshop for example, we no longer make these mistakes because the software sets all registration marks electronically every time in every layer of our art/document. In Mr. Pulitzers testimony he points out that
6. the Registration Marks (he called bullseye/target) are not lined up in the predominantly Republican areas voters voting papers. And he shows you that the Democratic areas voters voting papers are perfectly accurate Registration Marks. See below
7. You can see the Republican areas voter documents were off on the Registration Marks. Very off. Because these are documents meant to be scanned by a counter, those bad Registration Marks will toss the document out as uncountable.
8. Why was this print run allowed to proceed? Any print manager would have seen this in the printers proof and rejected the print run. How did the Registration Marks get misaligned?
9. Who printed these ballots? I have more that a few questions for them, like who designed these Republican areas ballots? Why weren’t they corrected? Why are the missing barcodes on the Democrat ballots? I can think of many more questions. I bet you can too.
10. I bet I’m not the only Graphic Designer out there today to make this connection finally to the tabulation machines rejection rates now.
11. Jovan Pulitzer’s testimony today if you want to watch.
Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments of 2020
By Steve Cortes December 31, 2020
This year has been dominated by the pain and suffering thrust upon the globe by the criminal acts of the Chinese Communist Party. Even amid these harsh challenges, President Trump persevered to reach historic achievements. Therefore, as the year draws to its conclusion, it is worth detailing his 2020 accomplishments, as I have previously catalogued for each of the last three years.
1. The Vaccine.
2. Broadening the Nationalist Movement.
3. Abraham Accords.
4. Economic Recovery.
5. The Wall.
6. Trade Agreements.
7. Afghan Peace Deal.
8. Striking Down Terrorists.
9. Space Force.
10. March for Life.
At home and abroad, President Trump proved that there is, indeed, method to his madness. Though his unorthodox and sometimes frenetic approach confounds his critics, Trump’s disruptive leadership remained highly effective in 2020, even as our country and his administration faced many unwelcome challenges. Whatever the future holds for him, the 45th U.S. president compiled a record of achievement over these last four years that is impressive and historic.
G’day again OO,
One that I reckon should be high in your list, maybe at the top:
!!! He initiated the withdrawal from Paris !!!
Dave B
“Nothing to see here. Move along”.
Not wasting any time!
“BREAKING BIG: Jovan Pulitzer says Georgia Called in Trucks to Get Rid of the Evidence in Fulton County He is Supposed to be Scanning! (VIDEO)”
Why is it a surprise? It was inevitable the Democrats would scurry away the evidence and either hide it or destroy it. I just hope Trump has his clandestine staff keeping tabs on what they are doing so they can catch them in the act, or at least have recorded evidence to have them arrested and charged later.
So have they deleted the ballot images as well? My understanding is his process can do just the same job with the electronic images as it can with the paper ballots.
But shredding the ballots is illegal. Each ballot belongs, legally, to the voter who used the ballot to vote for 22 months and they have to be kept for 22 months by law.
No Recusal But Now A Reversal? Federal Judge and Sister Of Leslie Abrams Changes Order On Georgia Ballots
U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner attracted considerable criticism when she declined to recuse herself from a challenge over voter eligibility. Gardner is the sister of Stacey Abrams who has led the effort to register voters in the state. Many felt it was inappropriate for Gardner to rule on the case, a concern that was magnified by her quick rejection of a purging of the rolls of roughly 4000 inactive voters. Now, it appears that Gardner has not recused herself but did reverse herself. A new order has issued upholding the purge in the face of an appeal.
Judge Gardner may have been concerned that a recusal would encourage endless such challenges over tangential links to her sister’s work. Yet, she could have recused while stressing that this is a unique time and a unique set of circumstances. A recusal could have been simply a recognition of the court that her familial tie could undermine confidence in the review.
Pulitzer told Monica Matthews that as soon as he was tasked with auditing the Fulton County ballots trucks pulled up to the facility and the ballots were being loaded into the trucks and were being shredded.
Jovan Pulitzer: I’d like your permission of you and your fine audience that as I answer you that I have your permission to p@ss you off… The very minute that order went through and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence.
Where the hell is the FBI and DOJ?
Do we have law enforcement anymore in this country?
Or is their only purpose to harass conservatives?
Forget the FBI and CIA. Trump has his own people. I just hope he is using them to follow those traitors.
All allegations. No proof yet found.
Even Trump inadvertently acknowledges that:
“..Just allow us to find the crime..”
Donald J. Trump
I love the Great State of Georgia, but the people who run it, from the Governor, @BrianKempGA, to the Secretary of State, are a complete disaster and don’t have a clue, or worse. Nobody can be this stupid. Just allow us to find the crime, and turn the state Republican….
Ironic to have this post, another in the series- no proof, no evidence,etc.
just after the report of removal and burning of evidence.
Both the Republicans and the Democrats go to great lengths to sell ideas, subvert the press, fool people, adjust electorates, offer cash giveaways, remove polling places, restrict voters, disrupt postal services, verbally devalue postal votes, stack courts, make accusations, provided deceptive information etc etc etc ….
All to gain any advantage they can in every election.
The fact that Republicans claim they knew exactly what the Democrats were going to do, and claim it all happened as predicted, is a sad indictment on Republican organizational and operational abilities. It is in fact incredible that Republicans claim they did not have observers available in all sites at all times in spite of the huge electoral cash coffers they had available.
And it therefore be very well justified in stating that they deserved to lose.
This means- one side deserves to win by cheating as the other side did not put in observers to stop it.
I don’t know if anyone has posted this yet, but here’s more from Jovan Pulitzer,
Towards the end of this video JP hints at the possibility of further tampering/shredding of ballots, presumably to prevent due diligence, during the first week of 2021.
This is the petition to inspect the ballots in Georgia dated 23rd Dec:
The respondents are the election officials in Fulton county.
The hearing is scheduled for Monday 4th January:
If Pulitzer has nailed it then this will be an interesting hearing. This is where there might be some squealing. If this case is unresolved by the 6th then Georgia is out of the college. If it shows fraud then the other states being challenged might also get very worried about their election integrity.
The election director in Fulton County, Richard Barron, is refusing access to the ballots without a court order.
Something has to give soon!
John Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the FBI. He remained in office from 1924 until 1972. Hoover achieved the rank of Master Mason at age 25. He was appointed the Director of the FBI in 1924 when he was 29 years old. Hoover reached the rank of 33rd degree in Masonry. Many observers consider this to be on the far dark side. Most of the FBI culture could be attributed to Masonic influence. Going after certain people whilst ignoring cases that should have be investigated and prosecuted. Barrack Hussein Obama is reported to be a Prince Hall Freemason. Hence his rapid elevation from obscurity.Scotland Yard is said to be a masonic stronghold and the Judges in Great Britain are also the same. Are the RINOs in on it as well?
Hollywood loves you!
What Lodge do you belong to?
Len, I’ve seen on Breitbart that Epstein was / is a Mason too.
Prince Andrew as well, I would believe.
And the Queen
She is the Patron of them as far as I know
This is Pulitzer’s twitter page:
Note that Twitter has been doing its job:
There are better videos around where he twigged to the election fraud when one of the election officials reported 113k ballots had gone to adjudication – clearly that official he was not in on the fraud. But that got Pulitzer wondering why that was happening.
The pieces of the fraud jigsaw are now coming together.
Will be interesting to see someone come clean.
Interesting that this bloke is described as “Stanford researcher”.
Seems he is actually a Stanford Undergraduate student??
His main claim to fame appears to be the “invention” something called the CueCat, an early barcode reader that failed as it was actually very little use and lost $185 of investors $.
Have seem some claims that he “invented” the QR code. Actually it was a Japanese dude in 1994.
Ok…just suggesting that his claims may need to treated with some skepticism.
Not sure i’d hang the future of the republic on this guys ideas, but hey, Trump does have his mate Rudi working for him which of course speaks volumes as to his judgement.
So sad that there seems to be not one single Democrat capable of putting principle before Party in the election fraud!
The Democratic Party introduced a far left agenda around 2010. This got rid of what was callede the Blue Dog Democrats. Now what is left is pure evil
Not true really, there are many Democrat whistleblowers but they are branded enemies and discredited much like the climate change believers do to anyone that expresses any scepticism.
This could be the failing of the whole scheme, many democrats believe the party cheated, what will be their vote in 2022? Especially given the left eat their own.
Bobl, they may believe that the party cheated, but they are doing zilch about it. They should voice their concerns to their elected representatives NOW, not in two years’ time after Barris/Hiden have inflicted their worst!
I wonder how many American service personnel, when going ashore on D-Day, would be happy that their efforts merely enabled massive electoral fraud a mere 75 years later!
Senator Josh Hawley has stepped up, along with other Republicans. Where, oh where, is even one Democrat prepared to support his action? My bad! That would require that Democrats have ethics, and are capable of honest self-scrutiny!!! We are close to another date that will live in infamy!! The damage done at Pearl Harbor is miniscule compared with what the Democrats are prepared to do, and are doing, to the US today!
No. The west will go the way of the Byzantines. Still there, different people. 300 years, max.