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Coronavirus pushed climate change off the NZ budget

How times change. Last November Jacinda Ardern announced a zero carbon plan for New Zealand.

Six months later, after Coronavirus, saving the planet barely gets a mention.

Once the luxury money is gone, the golden gravy train will dry up. Crazy ideas about changing the global weather are a boom time activity.

NZ Budget 2020: trading coronavirus for the climate crisis

Analysis: In responding to the Covid-19 crisis, the Government appears to have completely forgotten about the climate crisis.

In announcing the 2020 Budget, which creates a $50 billion Covid-19 recovery and relief fund and pumps billions into health, infrastructure and wage subsidy extensions, Jacinda Ardern said.

The climate is hardly mentioned in the Budget – the word itself is used just four times in the entire document and not at all in Ardern’s speech to Parliament.

h/t  RicDre,  Eric Worrall at WUWT who found the gentlest spin:



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