Coronavirus — borders closing all around the world — no thanks to the WHO

 US and Australia close borders and everyone outside China starts tracking contacts…

The official deaths tally has risen to 259, but for the first time the “total recovered” at 287 now exceeds the total deaths. Evidently it’s quicker to die than to recover.

Australia remains the “leader” of the Western nations with 12 confirmed cases. Thankfully, it and the US have finally got serious and both announced today that they would stop people from China from flying straight in. Citizens can return with a two week isolation or quarantine period, but foreigners cannot. This is very good news (as far as virus control goes). Now all the same nations will be furiously, laboriously tracking and tracing the hundreds of potential contacts. In a few weeks we’ll know how contagious it is, and how deadly. And maybe, with much money and dedication we’ll even stop it.

Though in a few weeks a host of secondary countries may develop their own epidemics and virus-free countries will need to block them too.

What’s really remarkable here is how useless, to the point of negligence, the World Health Organisation is.

US and Australia close borders to Chinese arrivals

BBC News:  The US and Australia said they would deny entry to all foreign visitors who had recently been in China, where the virus first emerged in December.

Earlier, countries including Russia, Japan, Pakistan and Italy announced similar travel restrictions.

All of these countries are going against the World Health Organisation which appears to be using the medical handbook of 1917 — when people had to walk across borders, and no one had a phone. Follow this reasoning:

But global health officials have advised against such measures.

“Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.

It’s like sickness and death, loss of production lines, and mass holiday cancellations don’t hurt the economy at all….?

The WHO seems to think we should allow 1,000 infectious people to cross borders just so one doctor can go the other way.  Haven’t they heard of email? And how much tax did we pay for that advice?

Understandably the medicos in Hong Kong are at the end of their tether:

Hospital workers in Hong Kong have voted to go on strike from Monday unless the territory’s border with mainland China is completely closed. The Hong Kong government has refused to do so citing WHO recommendations.

How many people will the WHO kill with this advice?

It was reckless to allow borders to stay open once we knew it was transmissible without symptoms. With an Ro of 2 and a death rate of 2 – 10%, the spike in cases needing intensive care would have utterly overwhelmed the medical system in weeks as thousands of people turned up to Emergency Departments. Even if the late block doesn’t stop the virus coming eventually, it buys time to find anti-virals or vaccines and spreads the load on the medical system.

In true Big-Government-style the WHO are trying to save economies instead of people, and failing to do either.

This video next is long but candid and well informed — these two men live there, can read Chinese and know doctors on the inside (one is married to a doctor). The doctors don’t even have the right facemasks in China. They can’t speak up.

One of the standouts from this is the message of hygiene at the wet markets. Medieval is the word. This virus may or may not have arisen from the fishy fish market in Wuhan, but all its friends and cousins of the microbial world are incubating there — ready for the next one.

h/t to Steve H

LATE NOTE: I put these videos on 2 x speed, used auto subtitles, and watched “50 minutes”. (Yay, speed control!). Use the little cog symbol at the bottom right.

In China, firstly, this would have been prevented if they had free speech, and it would be minimized if they had the same culture of hygiene and handwashing and not spitting that the West has developed. I was astonished at the shots of crowded wet markets in the most upmarket city of China.

The eating of weird foods is a double edged sword. There is research showing that some Chinese traditional remedies and foods contain rare glyconutrients or other useful molecules. We eat a very sterile diet and miss out. On the other hand, if we were going to create novel diseases there a few “better” ways. It’s not too good for those endangered species either…


9.2 out of 10 based on 58 ratings

104 comments to Coronavirus — borders closing all around the world — no thanks to the WHO

  • #
    a happy little debunker

    Feb 9th seems such a long way away!


    • #
      Deplorable Lord Kek

      9 February is when Qantas is stopping flights to mainland china.

      the Australian government is denying entry entry to anyone who has left or transited mainland China from 1 February, excepting Australian citizens, permanent residents and immediate family members of Australian citizens and permanent residents [spouses, minor dependents, legal guardians].


      • #
        a happy little debunker

        Quite right, but then these potential carriers are being requested to ‘self isolate’ for 14 days, so these controls over the potential spread of the virus through Australia DO NOT take effect until Feb 23.
        (As if any bunch of Aussies are gonna strictly observe such ‘self isolation’)
        So – it would seem that Feb 9th is indeed a long way away.


      • #

        Seems a real shame sending all those aircraft over to China empty.

        Can we call a quick ‘Climate Conference’, or maybe get an XR protest happening over there? ( completely “free”, of course 😉 )

        We need to get these very important planet-savers over to China just before the full quarantine kicks in.


    • #

      I saw that too. I presume now their flights will be Chinese tourists returning home, and picking up Australians in China to come here and do isolation. They surely won’t carry foreigners to Australia because they won’t be able to get in. Excepting of course, if they fly to Bangkok and wait two weeks and are clear? I think the Australian government is only stipulating that they must not have been in China in the last two weeks?


      • #

        It’s only since the 1st of February Jo, the prior weeks of travel apparently do not count toward the ban entry into Australia.


  • #
    James Murphy

    Thanks to the internet, it’s clear that there is a group of people who oppose quarantine and travel bans on the grounds that such actions are “racist”. On one hand I like the idea that such idiocy can be seen and therefore criticised, on the other, it’s a worry just how stupid some people really are…


    • #

      Surely climate change, global warming caused by 410 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, is to blame?



    • #

      WHO …the apparent destroyer of economies…

      Lest we forget..the UN ( and its Agenda 2030 ) and the WHO are in effect, one and the same.

      If local councils who covertly follow UN Agenda 2030 and are happy to allow massive fires and destruction of property and death on a huge scale, logically, why would not another UN body ( WHO) not allow enough movement of infected people to cause chaos and destruction of economies through lock down and martial law?

      Thinking darkly here, but what if this is just a push to condition people to live under permanent martial law eventually? And in the process “suspend” the constitution and lock existing puppet heads of state in place.

      A nation on an emergency footing can do all sorts of heinous things to its citizens under the legal protection of its “emergency” status.

      Be vigilant to such possible scenarios, would be my suggestion.


  • #

    UPDATE: Added this

    It was reckless to allow borders to stay open once we knew it was transmissible without symptoms. With an Ro of 2 and a death rate of 2 – 10%, the spike in cases needing intensive care would have utterly overwhelmed the medical system in weeks as thousands of people turned up to Emergency Departments. Even if the late block doesn’t stop the virus coming eventually, it buys time to find anti-virals or vaccines and spreads the load on the medical system.


  • #

    I’m just waiting for the inevitable …

    Corona virus outbreak caused by climate change. #ClimateCorona

    Remember how they blamed the Syrian civil /proxy/ war on climate change?…as if Sunni’s and Shia fighting for almost 1500 years is now the result of industrialization and the demon gas of plant life.

    Every bad thing that happens can now be blamed on ‘climate change’ using some tenuous daisy-chain reasoning so the media, academia and politicians on the left – and right – can just run with it as if objectivity was never a concern because muh feelz.

    I have no doubt that Corona will soon be spun by Big Green as “just another sign that disease outbreaks are increasing because” ___ some random reasoning relying on the power of everyone’s favorite dog whistle.


    • #

      I guess you missed the last article:

      we’re all doomed


      • #

        JS: Yep missed it … rolling my eyes, as usual … doomed to suffer the slings and arrows of the outrage mob.


    • #

      I don’t see the lunatic climate change alarmists complaining to China for still building hundreds of new coal fired power stations. Instead they take the easy road and demand that the West implement 0% emissions policies, which undoubtedly would wreck our economies. IMHO that puts them in the same class as terrorists, and so should be treated as such.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    Again, for me, these three sentences resonate:

    “As for any politicians who have ever believed in global warming, or supported the carbon (sic) tax, or a carbon-constrained economy, there is no hope for them.

    They are either too stupid or incompetent to be taken seriously.”

    >> And, so, we have the World Health Organisation …

    WHO; Climate Change Global Warming:

    “WHO supports countries in assessing the health gains that would result from the implementation of the existing Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement, and the potential for larger gains from more ambitious climate action.”

    >> Viruses care not about the amount of sunbeam-sea breeze collectors or how high a carbon (sic) tax inside a border.

    Oh, that third sentence?

    Make their lives hell too, just as they wished a diminished life on you.”


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    Watched the two gentlemen in the video presentation for 10 minutes. Did anybody watch the last hour?

    The most important thing to come out of that was the handwashing comment.

    The Chinese government is faced with the problem of educating people in cities and especially rural areas about hygiene.

    I have little doubt that in much of rural China the people will be living in harmony with nature.

    In practical terms what that means is that a passing western tourist might see the family toilet perched above the adjacent small pond and ducks swimming around on the surface awaiting their turn on the dinner table.

    Below the surface a thriving fish population feeds on the “contributions” of the generous humans and water fowl.

    Naturally, the human survivors of this arrangement have an incredible resistance to invisible microscopic life forms but when those life forms start to travel, many other unprepared humans will be in deep doo doo, which is where the problem started.

    The Chinese government needs to start at the ground level and reorganize society so that there’s an awareness of basic hygiene everywhere in the country.

    Until this is addressed facemasks, vaccinations, isolation etc will only be a temporary solution.

    But isn’t that what politics is about; Temporary Solutions?



    • #

      I lasted 5 minutes – sound level appalling, Less engaging duo than two blades of grass.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
        Good summary.

        They obviously have no intention of returning to China to see family or friends; or no urgent need to leave if they’re already there.

        The endangerment to friends on the ground??? Who cares.



      • #

        May I suggest that they weren’t saying what you wanted to hear, or perhaps I’m being a little unfair.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Ted, the basic thing behind this problem, from the two speakers, seems to be the lack of implementation of basic hygiene measures particularly with respect to sewerage disposal / treatment and even in cities where apparently washing of hands isn’t a known health benefit.

          China is a big place, education in such basic issues might be a given in Australia but in many outback areas of China I have little doubt that people live in harmony with nature. See my description of rural life above.



          • #

            I put these videos on 2x speed, use auto subtitles, and watched “50 minutes”. Use the little cog symbol at the bottom right.

            In China, firstly, this would have been prevented if they had free speech, and it would be minimized if they had the same culture of hygiene and handwashing and not spitting that the West has developed.

            I was astonished at the shots of crowded wet markets in the most upmarket city of China.

            The eating of weird foods is a double edged sword. There is research showing that some Chinese traditional remedies and foods contain rare glyconutrients or other useful molecules. We eat a very sterile diet and miss out. On the other hand, if we were going to create novel diseases there a few “better” ways.


    • #

      There has been cynical suggestions that once the Chinese government knew the strength of the virus they allowed it to spread to other countries, the reasoning behind this is that everyone will be in the same boat and will be forced to find a cure or pool resources so the onus isn’t simply on the Chinese authorities.

      I don’t think accusations or theories are useful right now, we will be using masks at work again because of inevitable contact with the public not just recent visitors from china, stay safe people.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Some hundreds of years ago Britain was forced to tackle the issue of human waste.

      It’s now China’s turn to lift it’s population out of the ignorance that has allowed poor hygiene to continue into 2020.



    • #

      Yes I watched the whole thing. Found it interesting and informative.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    It seems that I’ve joined FP in moderation. 🙂


  • #

    Excellent video Jo.


    • #
      Bill In Oz

      Thanks Ko for this post and for drawing my attention to this video !
      I watched it for about 50 minutes out of the 1 hour 11 minutes.
      And then stopped as they are not concise enough for me; too conversational !
      We need to know the key messages these two are presenting
      About the Chinese government response at the start
      And the various non compliant responses by Chinese people since..
      But that 71 minute length is a disincentive !
      The remarkable thing to me is that it dates from January 24th.
      Bugger ! What has happened since the 24th of January ?
      It’s now the 2nd of February. So it’s 9 days old.


      • #
        Mike Jonas

        Good points by Bill in Oz. I too find long videos unappealing. These two guys were VERY longwinded, almost like they wanted to bore people into submitting to their ideas. A transcript with a summary is needed. Also references. It’s very frustrating watching someone make unsubstantiated claims in a video, and knowing that it would take you just as long again to follow them up. I occasionally pass links on to people – but not this one.


      • #
        Bill In Oz

        Jo pardon my typo above !
        I meant Jo not ‘Ko’.


  • #
    • #
      Bill In Oz

      Perhaps someone could start a Go Fund Me page
      So the ABC’s Zoe Kean can go to China & try out her dumbnut theory ?


      • #
        Mike Jonas

        This is not good – I’m agreeing with the same person twice in one day. Disagreement is the somethingorother of life, but at least in this case I am indirectly disagreeing with someone (the person Bill in Oz is disagreeing with) so maybe it’s OK:-

        As so often happens, the presentation of the dumbnut theory starts with a straw man: “a gene [] only spreads if this advantage is to the individual that possesses it.”. As in pride of lions, pack of wolves, mound of termites, ants’ nest, herd of …….??? Evolution went beyond the individual aeons ago.


      • #
        Stuart Jones

        or a go fund me to send all the ABC reporters and presenters to do an “in depth ” special report” I would pay good money for such a worthwhile cause.


  • #

    Travis T. Jones:

    Isn’t it just amazing! WHO say lack of adequate health services is of most concern in developing countries and then sell ‘climate action’ (shutting down industrialization and economic growth potential) as the solution to the problem.

    You’re developing, so your health system is most at risk … so the solution is to not become developed.

    Where are all the poor undeveloped countries which have been able to transform their economies with super-expensive and inefficient bird killing windmills and landfill-loving solar panels (Made in China with fossil fuels)? Only exists in the minds of ideologues dumb enough to work for the Big Green movement.

    I was having this ‘debate’ on social media a while ago – as is more frequent year-by-year – with someone attacking fossil fuels as the single biggest enemy of the worlds poor, and when I threw in obvious counter-points about industrialization having been the single biggest contributor to median standards of living, enabling developed health care and basically the emancipation of the proles from back-breaking levels of manual labour, this guy just went straight for the ad hominem fallacies – ‘denier’, etc. So I just repeatedly answered with “so what do you think about the actual topic we were talking about? What about emancipation by industrialization?” The conversation shut down soon thereafter and he scurried back into whatever dark communist/anarchist corner he’d appeared from. Most conversations go the exact same way I’ve found. Never an argument in good faith where objectivity is the purpose of human conversation. Where really experiencing the entry int a literal Dark Ages because of this new movement.


    • #

      Yes but you need plenty of defensless people to experiment on….

      People need to watch the tell all movie called “The Constant Gardener”

      Globalism needs disposable serfs for its own purposes…..


  • #

    This is an interesting graphic showing the spread through January:

    A Lancet article determines that the number infected is much greater than reported:

    In our baseline scenario, we estimated that the basic reproductive number for 2019-nCoV was 2·68 (95% CrI 2·47–2·86) and that 75 815 individuals (95% CrI 37 304–130 330) have been infected in Wuhan as of Jan 25, 2020. The epidemic doubling time was 6·4 days (95% CrI 5·8–7·1). We estimated that in the baseline scenario, Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen had imported 461 (95% CrI 227–805), 113 (57–193), 98 (49–168), 111 (56–191), and 80 (40–139) infections from Wuhan, respectively. If the transmissibility of 2019-nCoV were similar everywhere domestically and over time, we inferred that epidemics are already growing exponentially in multiple major cities of China with a lag time behind the Wuhan outbreak of about 1–2 weeks.


  • #

    Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study

    Nanshan Chen*, Min Zhou*, Xuan Dong*, Jieming Qu*, Fengyun Gong, Yang Han, Yang Qiu, Jingli Wang, Ying Liu, Yuan Wei, Jia’an Xia, Ting Yu, Xinxin Zhang, Li Zhang


    Background In December, 2019, a pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) emerged in Wuhan, China. We aimed to further clarify the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 2019-nCoV pneumonia.

    Methods In this retrospective, single-centre study, we included all confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital from Jan 1 to Jan 20, 2020. Cases were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and were analysed for epidemiological, demographic, clinical, and radiological features and laboratory data. Outcomes were followed up until Jan 25, 2020.

    Findings Of the 99 patients with 2019-nCoV pneumonia, 49 (49%) had a history of exposure to the Huanan seafood market. The average age of the patients was 55·5 years (SD 13·1), including 67 men and 32 women. 2019-nCoV was detected in all patients by real-time RT-PCR. 50 (51%) patients had chronic diseases. Patients had clinical manifestations of fever (82 [83%] patients) [WX’s note i.e. 17% had light or ambiguous symptoms], cough (81 [82%] patients), shortness of breath (31 [31%] patients), muscle ache (11 [11%] patients), confusion (nine [9%] patients), headache (eight [8%] patients), sore throat (five [5%] patients), rhinorrhoea (four [4%] patients), chest pain (two [2%] patients), diarrhoea (two [2%] patients), and nausea and vomiting (one [1%] patient). According to imaging examination, 74 (75%) patients showed bilateral pneumonia, 14 (14%) patients showed multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity, and one (1%) patient had pneumothorax. 17 (17%) patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and, among them, 11 (11%) patients worsened in a short period of time and died of multiple organ failure.

    Interpretation The 2019-nCoV infection was of clustering onset, is more likely to affect older males with comorbidities, and can result in severe and even fatal respiratory diseases such as acute respiratory distress syndrome. In general, characteristics of patients who died were in line with the MuLBSTA score, an early warning model for predicting mortality in viral pneumonia. Further investigation is needed to explore the applicability of the MuLBSTA score in predicting the risk of mortality in 2019-nCoV infection.


    • #

      multiple organ failure

      Sounds like a bit more than pneumonia, though that may be due to “50 (51%) patients had chronic diseases.”


      • #
        Rob JM

        Multiple organ failure is just a consequence of lack of oxygen. Things start shutting down until the heart gives out.


    • #
      Mike Jonas

      The paper is by Chinese MDs funded by National Key R&D Program of China. How do we know whether to trust it?


      • #
        Peter C

        How do we know whether to trust it?

        The same way as other things in science. Replication.
        This paper is the first, so we do not know whether to trust it yet (however it is just relating observations so I see no reason not to accept the findings), More papers will follow, either replicating the results, or not.


        • #

          Id read there were expeditions to exhume victims of the 1918 flu to extract the virus from the bodies who were living in areas with permafrost

          One of the symptoms of the 1918 flu was cytokine storm that flooded a victims lungs with fluid, which may explain why apparent healthy young people died from it.


      • #

        Don’t then.


  • #
  • #

    Who is the who’s friend of Australia,
    friend of the people,
    from farmer to Senator?
    Who, in the fight for the right,
    always wins them all?
    Not, The World Health Organization,
    That’s WHO.


    • #
      Peter C

      The response by the WHO is very strange.

      You would think that devising strategies for dealing with pandemics would be a first order preoccupation of the WHO. Otherwise, what is their purpose?


      • #

        Maximising infection rates?

        Agenda 2030-following councils seem happy to burn half the country to the ground with huge potential loss of life, but the RFS was too good. Look for crippling of volunteer fire fighting in the future….

        Perhaps they are hoping for more fires but firies who are too sick to work due to the virus?

        I guess also if you could cripple a formidable country ( e.g. the heavily armed US citizenry ) via pathogen, an invasion would be easy….


        • #

          Even if we assume that your ”Heavily Armed U.S. Citizenry” have access to the same Body

          Armor, Weapons, and Ammunition [they don’t] as, say, the BATF or Homeland Security,

          you’re still making the assumption that they’re all on the same side and will

          stick together when the chips are down [they won’t].


          • #
            Kalm Keith

            You definitely, most certainly, absolutely, not eat chips.

            They are loaded with cholesterol.


            • #

              If you’re going to insist on being a clown, at least try to say something funny.


            • #
              Graeme Bird

              Cholesterol is good Keith. Don’t believe what these people tell you. Cholesterol is a big component of your nerves, your brain and your liver. Eat it every day if you can. Cholesterol is the precursor to all your hormones and to vitamin D. And no there is no cholesterol in chips unless they are fried in butter or lard.

              Are you up to your old bad habits Keith?


          • #

            I think OriginalSteve, correct me if I am wrong OS, was referring to an external invasion.
            You HB seem to be talking about ‘Heavily Armed U.S. Citizenry’ vs their Government (BATF or Homeland Security).
            I believe, most Americans (Heavily Armed U.S. Citizenry and Government) would effectively unite (stick together) against a foreign invasion.


            • #

              Yes i was talking about an external invasion. It seems to me logical to cripple the US from the inside , effectively, via a pathogen.

              Another scenario is someone with communist sympathies ( who wasnt asian ) might voluntarily travel to a known corona virus hot spot, get infected then travel back to the US to be a biological “dirty bomb” of sorts. If it were me, Id have everyone with communist tendencies monitored for travel for the last 4 weeks then have them medically checked…..


              • #

                I was in a major supermarket the other day.
                The checkout person had a cough.
                My tongue in cheek jest was “You better not have corona virus”
                But my thoughts later, yes I am weird, was that of:
                (maybe I shouldn’t be posting this ED?)
                If malevolent group wanted spread a virus with a long time between contagion and symptoms, they could go around to the major supermarket chains and contaminate the checkout persons.
                With hundreds of different people interacting with them every day, including handling food stuffs, you would soon have a very suddenly accelerated exponential.


      • #

        When you question the motives of the cryptic actions of ‘Worldly’ institutions, you will be labeled.
        Just wait until there is a knock on the door.
        You open the door.
        Standing there in a person in a white lab coat and 2 brutes dressed in black, nursing armalites.
        The one in the lab coat, holds up a dripping syringe, and with a sinister smile says,
        “We are from WHO, we are are here for your injections”
        “But.. but I’m not sick”
        “You soon will be”
        Now you can say, maybe to late, but with full confidence, “There is something wrong here”.


        • #

          That won’t be necessary.

          I remember the Drive to Eradicate Smallpox in 1964.

          Everybody and their kids lined up like good little Germans at the Town Hall and shuffled past

          Nursie as she stabbed some evil concoction from the bowels of Hell into their arm.

          Next time will be no different.


          • #

            Next time will be no different.

            The difference is it won’t be the NAZI collectivists, but the Marxist collectivist.
            Yes it is semantics, both are evil, but to defend yourself you have to know your enemy and from which direction they are coming.


            • #

              The difference is it won’t be the NAZI collectivists

              Erm,… Jack, Good Little Germans is a figure of speech.

              There weren’t any NAZIs around in Australia in 1964, since the British and Americans

              had hanged the lucky ones back in 1946.


              • #

                Ok hatband
                My actions out run my though process, forgive me.
                But just one point of clarification,
                why do you say it was the lucky ones that had been hanged?


          • #
            Graeme Bird

            Interesting to see how smallpox was this horrific killer. But then when we get flush toilets, sterile water, handwashing habits, and sunlight getting into our houses …. it didn’t turn out to be the mass killer it had always been in the past. This fantastic killer turned out to have short legs. It just died away.


      • #

        We in Australia have a great advantage over most other countries.
        We can shut down our borders in a matter of hours.
        We are, at this point of time, still a sovereign nation so we can do such things.
        In a world of instantaneous information, we don’t need a self severing world organization to tell us what to do.
        We need a competent person, with grey matter that works and an objective knowledge of the danger and spread rate of viral outbreaks, with their finger on the pulse 24/7 at such outbreaks, and the authority to implement the command:
        “We need to close our borders NOW”.


  • #

    serpentza – today’s offering:

    Coronavirus – Doctors Arrested for revealing the truth


    • #
      Bill In Oz

      This is a shorter & more recent video from the same doctor
      And Jo linked above.
      Being just 11 minutes is better !
      Making suggestions about what to do is useful
      For example wearing a face mask when going to the Chinese grocery
      If a lot of visiting Chinese shop at the store.


  • #

    This is a must read article. Wuhan, the centre of the virus has a biomedical research centre where they were studying coronavirus. They were specifically studying how the virus was carried by bats, and were playing with modifications to the virus. What a very suspicious coincidence!? Also interesting is that zerohedge got blocked from twitter for publishing this article. Is twitter in the pay of the Chinese?


    • #
      el gordo

      Good catch, Bob.


    • #

      China has influence over the social media giants:

      Facebook recently stated that it will begin removing “misinformation” relating to the coronavirus after the WHO declared the outbreak in China a global health emergency. The misinformation will be identified not only by “leading global health organizations” but also by China’s “local health authorities.”

      You can bet any comment regarding “coronavirus” will be scrutinised by China and Facebook will comply with Chinese requirements.


    • #

      Deliberate Bio attack, accidental research release, Bat to snake to humans?
      Who knows,
      especially with terms, 6 peptide residues long, gp120, spike protein, pBLAST sequence alignment tool, ACE2 receptor, Gag, Motif Aligment, etc; used by the different camps of view.
      Beyond me, but I do look at the language they use:
      still suggests
      you might expect
      nothing remarkable
      Uncanny similarity
      to give every appearance
      At this point, it seems no one is too certain about anything.


    • #
      Andrew McRae

      Good witch hunt, Bob.

      Really, that article provides no evidence for its inflammatory “summarized” claim #4, which comes from nowhere and cites no evidence in support of it. i.e.

      He was genetically engineering various immune pathways (such as the STING pathway in bats) to make the bats more or less susceptible to infection, in the process potentially creating a highly resistant mutant superbug.

      The abstract of the research paper they link only says they altered the bat, not the virus, to re-enable the bat’s ability to fight the virus. This would have made the bat sick but probably resulted in the bat defeating the virus so that the bat was no longer a carrier of it. It does not say they made the bat less susceptible to infection, the paper’s summary says the opposite:

      We demonstrate that bats have a dampened interferon response due to the replacement of the highly conserved serine residue (S358) in STING, an essential adaptor protein in multiple DNA sensing pathways. Reversing this mutation by introducing S358 restored STING functionality, resulting in interferon activation and virus inhibition.

      As for creating a resistant super bug, none of the other quoted documents they print above say anything about creating or altering any viruses. The “conclusion” is not a conclusion, it is a nasty smear based on no facts nor reasoning, at least none that they’ve provided, meaning we do not have any reason to believe it at this time (which is a statement that remains true no matter what may be discovered in the future).


    • #

      The zerohedge article implies laboratory inexperience. The lab possibly produced the superbug strain – they were recruiting inexperienced scientists at least to November 2019 – there is possibility of accidental release of a bat/s with the superbug.


      • #
        Andrew McRae

        >> “recruiting inexperienced scientists at least to November 2019”

        I strenuously disagree.
        The job posting requires candidates to have completed, or about to complete, a PhD in life sciences.
        Dr Zhou himself only finished his PhD in 2010 according to his biography, but he worked in bat virus research here in CSIRO before he had completed it. So the job posting is asking for more experience in the candidates than Dr Zhou himself had when he first started on bats at CSIRO.

        Dr Chris Cowled was 6 years later a co-author with Dr Zhou on an important paper in interferon expression in bats. [ ]
        Dr Cowled must have worked right beside Dr Zhou at CSIRO Animal Health Lab in Geelong because of the overlapping time range between 2008 and 2010.
        [ ]
        Note that Dr Cowled did not even start his PhD until after he had been hired by AAHL to begin researching bat viruses in 2005. So it is totally normal for inexperienced scientists to work in this type of research on dangerous bat viruses. But nobody is claiming the 4 confirmed cases in Melbourne were leaked out of the lab at Geelong. Why would you claim it for the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Sounds like a double standard to me. When people act under supervision they can do the right thing while learning what the right thing is. There is no reason for it to lead to harm and it has not in Geelong.
        All this attempt to pin the blame on Dr Zhou seems to be so far without any supporting evidence.
        He worked on bat viruses in the same city as a cluster of cases. That’s all they’ve got. By itself it means nothing.


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    William Astley

    This is an interesting comparison of the rate of increase of cases verses time for SARS, Wuhan coronavirus, and MERS.

    The Wuhan virus rise time is much faster. Indicating flu like transmit ability.

    Supporting that is the appearance of hot spot cities where there are spikes in cases.

    Two cities flanking Wuhan (which is believed to be the origin of the disease) have seen large spikes in rates even though there were strict transport restrictions between cities.

    This is a link to the article that had the graph.


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    Andrew McRae

    Congratulations to Mongolia on having no reported Coronavirus cases so far.
    I guess that Great Wall is working in the other direction now?


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      Graeme Bird

      This may be a good sign for hatbands diet advice. Mongolians are notorious carnivores.


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        Graeme No.3

        You mean that they are eating any suspect arrivals?


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        That’s right.

        Historians dither about the source of the Mongols success.

        Was it the Compound Bow?

        How about those fire breathing Horses?

        Harsh upbringing [Nurture over Nature]?

        It’s a mystery.

        The Plains Indians were another one.

        The U.S. Army eventually exterminated them, but they had to exterminate the Buffalo Herds first.


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    Skeptics are now being termed ” climate dismissives “.


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    Chinese city outside coronavirus epicenter shuts down

    The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou restricted the movement of residents and closed roads on Sunday in the most drastic steps taken by authorities outside the epicenter of deadly coronavirus, known by many as corona.

    Only one resident per household is allowed to go out every two days to buy necessities, authorities said in the city of nine million, while 46 highway toll stations have been closed. Zhejiang province has the highest number of confirmed cases outside central Hubei province at 661 confirmed infections, with 265 of those in Wenzhou.

    The city — which is more than 800 kilometers away by road from Wuhan, the epicenter — has also cancelled public events and closed public places like swimming pools, cinemas and museums. Wenzhou’s metro line and public transport have also been suspended as have inter-province buses.

    Schools and universities will not resume classes until after March 1, and authorities said enterprises should not resume work until after February 17 — except government institutions and administrative departments which will start work on February 9. The virus has infected more than 14,000 people across China and caused 304 deaths.

    So they just shut the country’s businesses for 2 weeks, govt’s agencies for 1 week, and schools and uni for 1 month.


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    Maybe Agenda 21 and the Club of Rome just want the WHO to assist in reducing our overpopulated planet back down to 1 billion manageable and controllable people.


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    Phillip Bratby

    I think this just confirms how useless and incompetent all the unaccountable UN bureaucracies are.


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    Can you remember, only a few years back the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa? At the time the WHO was convening a conference on Africa and about the prognosticated perils of global warming, one couldn’t help but wonder at their WHOs skewed priorities.


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    Some points:
    1. If the latest emerging China virus is like a flu virus – really contagious – it’s almost always way to late to “close borders”. Never worked before, wouldn’t have worked today. Except, perhaps, going back to pre-dinosaur days were there was likely very little human travel since humans didn’t likely exist.
    2. No one’s created a reliable, mass market, effective method to screen during incubation when viruses spread “silently”. This would be a great thing to through all the money thats being and going to be spent on chasing the latest contagion around the globe.
    3. Until 2 if developed, it would seem to more effective to isolate groups that are hardest hit by these respiratory viruses when they’re a bit more deadly than the yearly normal. I.E., the elderly and infants. It’s be cheaper and more effective.
    4. Fund respiratory virus treatments specifically those that are associated with killing with companion pathogens (strep and pneumonias).
    5. Stop the hysteria. Get a grip. This has occurred many times in our lifetimes and even those that contract respiratory viruses overwhelmingly don’t die. Even the 1918-1919 novel variant.

    Which reminds me the hysteria that swept through Florida in the early 1990’s during the HIV/AIDS “epidemic” and Dr. Acer (i-net search him) and Kimberly Bergalis. Huge media coverage of contracting HIV and dying of AIDS from a dentist. People in Florida nearly quit going to dentists. There response? The dentists and their assistant began wearing hazmat robes complete with gauze masks and face shields. That stopped only after people finally learned that Acer had over 150 “partners”, practiced in an area rife with the virus, didn’t clean his instruments and became increasingly sloppy in his practice. When I visited my dentist at the time, I wondered whether they were protecting me or themselves.


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    Unfortunately this joke probably doesn’t work on anyone in Oz under about 40 but:
    There’s a new virus for those too posh to have Corona Virus. It’s the Lexus Virus.


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    The WHO/UN are now so obsessed with climate change that they are negligent/incompetent/impotent when faced with pandemics and ethnic cleansing.

    Are we really surprised?


  • #

    Having read this I thought it was extremely informative.I appreciate you finding the time and effort to put this information together.
