- JoNova - https://www.joannenova.com.au -

Hands up who wants to be a serf?

Good people could use classes to stand up to absurdly hypocritical accusations

It doesn’t matter what narcissistic hypocrites say, good team-player-type folk seem to apologize so fast, it’s like a reflex.

Australia needs a Fox. When SkyNews was tested with Ross Cameron’s four word breach of “permitted” lines, they failed. How big would their ratings be if they stood for something that matters, like free speech, instead of being afraid of breaching rules set by people with no principles.

To paraphrase:

The whole conversation is an absurdity…

People who laud Bill Clinton accuse others of supporting sexism.

People who want race based rules accuse those who don’t of racism.

The lefts main goal is controlling what you think. They ban unapproved thoughts.

The left demand total conformity.

…never bow to the mob.

The group-thinking Left mob today,
Would control what we think, do and say,
Deny us debate,
Call opposing views ‘hate’,
Taking all hard won freedoms away.


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