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Fake News Media: Would you like the hole truth or fake mud with that?

The decrepit legacy media is now so low there are competing stories in the same week discussing which form of decay is the worst.

Is it that the media suppresses the good news, or that it amplifies the bad — throwing fake mud that is never cleaned up? It’s two sides of the same corrupt, self serving coin.  Pass on these links to friends who think the legacy media still has journalists with , a) a backbone or b) ethics.

Suppressing the Good News is the media’s dirtiest tactic

Steve Sheldon

Here are headlines you won’t read in almost any major American newspaper, hear on any of the evening news programs, or see in your Yahoo “news” feed:

Dow Hits 87 Record Closes Since Trump Elected

Texas Hero Was NRA Instructor

Dow Reaches Four 1,000 Point Milestones in One Year for the First Time Ever

ISIS on the Run, Almost Completely Destroyed

New Home Sales Highest in a Decade

Texas Hero Uses AR-15 to Save the Day

Dow Hits Two Streaks Lasting More Than Ten Days, First Time Since 1959

Trump Donates One Million Dollars of His Own Money to Hurricane Victims

U.S. Economy Gains Over Six Trillion in New Capital

U.S. Senator Viciously Attacked by Deranged Socialist Neighbor

U.S. Economy Grows at 3% for First Time Since Bush Administration

Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

 h/t David E.

Smear: Toss enough fake mud and make anything dirty

Sharyl Attkinson describes the abject decay of journalistic ethics as opinions become fake facts, and mistakes are rarely corrected. A Prager video.  Thanks to MichaelSmith news.  “Why no one trusts the mainstream media anymore

h/t Another Ian

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