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Save the planet, get “biggest investment op in history of world”

The anti-carbon industry is in trouble — both Al Gore, and The World Bank are doing the hard-sell on “climate investments”.

The Fin Review used to be able to spot a chain letter…

Climate change offers huge investment opportunity, Al Gore tells World Bank

How did the worlds bankers miss something this big?

“It’s the biggest opportunity in the history of the world – it’s the biggest investment opportunity, but we have to have a clear vision, we have to have policy leadership… to bring the world community together to get the financing that is needed to move the momentum more quickly,” former US Vice President Al Gore told the discussion.

Any day now, this is going to be huge. (Right after they get that “strategy hammered out” yeah.)

World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said financing climate action could offer a more lucrative home for $US8.5 trillion ($11.2 trillion) in negative interest rate bonds, $US24.5 trillion in very low-yielding government-type bonds and a further $US8 trillion in cash, though a clear strategy still needed to be hammered out.

 Try not to think about what it means when the government is borrowing money from people and Good-Friends-of-Government are suggesting we park the bonds in an industry that depends on government help — which is supplied by issuing more bonds.

Welcome to the carbon ponzi scheme

“Quite apart from what you think about climate change, there are opportunities for investments that will give you higher yield than any of those investments in which over $US40 trillion is sitting right now,” Kim said.

Ask yourself why all those trillions of dollars are not already leaping into higher returns.

Could be the unhammered strategy thing maybe…



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