- JoNova - https://www.joannenova.com.au -

I feel sorry for ABC listeners, they have no idea what’s going on

Australia’s politics is boiling at the moment, but you’d barely know if you got all your news from the Love Media ABC.

Yesterday in a long press conference our Prime Minister was finally forced to address “questions” that have been burning across through the net.

I heard our Perth ABC drive time presenter Geoff Hutchison discussing this at length yesterday, and in that time I heard all the ad hominem answers the Prime Minister gave, and how well she gave them, and how powerful she sounded. I’m now full bottle on all the names she calls the malicious misogynist nut jobs and how they will not accept any answer or any evidence. I heard that The Australian has apologized. Apologized! And then I heard that again. Twice? It must be significant. I also now know that Larry Pickering is bankrupt (though I can’t quite see what that has to do with running our country).

I did not hear what The Australian apologized for, which was strange, because the tone of voice conveyed that it was an important and unusual event. (Apparently, it appears The Australian said it was a “Trust” which is, go figure… defamatory. Accurate reporters should have used her term: a slush fund.)

I did not hear what allegations were made online about the Prime Minister, or even what questions she was answering. But I heard that “some sections of the media” were running with these old claims (whatever they were).

Regular ABC listeners would have no idea what’s being discussed by a growing slab of the Australian population. Just like they were baffled when former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was “suddenly rolled”. Didn’t see that coming? Really.

Some ABC listeners wouldn’t have a clue why 65% of the population don’t vote Labor.

The worst thing is I get the feeling that some ABC listeners do “know” — they know that those who don’t agree with them are stupid.

“They’re misinformed by the Hate Media.”

Blind love breeds hate

The Love Media keep their listeners in the dark, and breed more hatred and contempt than the Hate Media could. They breed hatred from the ignorant towards a mythical beast, and they alienate those informed of both sides of the story by suppressing their views and by calling them names.

ABC listeners wouldn’t know there is a house-sized amount of money missing from a union of workers. Julia Gillard strenuously denies she did anything wrong, but once she realized something was wrong, what exactly did she do to right the wrongs, and recover the funds stolen from workers? If she’s the innocent victim — as a naive 30 something legal partner having an affair with a deceptive boyfriend — why won’t she call a Royal Commission, clear her name and track down that misused money? To say nothing of union corruption and the methods by which the money was obtained in the first place…

Let’s try to imagine what the ABC would say if opposition leader Tony Abbott had been involved directly in a situation where workers funds had gone missing, if he’d set up an account for “worker safety” for a union (but didn’t tell the union or the law firm he worked for),  and later described that same account as a “slush fund”.

Pickering is blistering today asking 24 questions you won’t hear on the ABC.

Bolt:  The AWU scandal – Brilliant, except for the bit about the real issue. “It’s a media masterpiece.”

Shane Dowling at Kangaroo Court has been drilling through this for a year.  A reader, Keith, suggests this link: http://www.kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/julia-gillard-bruce-wilson-awu-fraud-page/

Douglas sends in a link to watch Julia Gillard answers (ABC): http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-08-23/gillard-responds-to-false-defamatory-accusations/4218242



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